#chancellor goth
unrenderedfuture · 5 months
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Rewatching the Deadly Assassin with a buddy
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wintersleep80 · 6 months
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notmoreflippingelves · 11 months
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So in the middle of my rewatch, I suddenly got really distracted by Francisco's black-with-gold-accents "formal" court attire, specifically in regards to the leaf accents on the sleeves. And I could help but think of the *other* black-with-gold-leaf accents look that we see on a Flores family member--Esteban's in "Elena and the Secret of Avalor." Although the designs between the two suits are distinctly different, there is enough of a similarity to make me want to think about them as a set and how the differences actually reflect the differences in the characters/their roles as well.
Although the silhouettes are similar overall, I would go far as to say that Francisco's look creates more of the classic "storybook prince" vibe than his grandson's. His costume is ornate and grand without seeming ostentatious. Think of how Prince Charming is costumed in pretty much any Cinderella adaptation. He must look striking and appropriately heroic--but specifically in a way that enhances our heroine without overshadowing her. And in nearly every adaptation, Prince Charming is more than okay with this, and the same is true of Francisco. He is at some level aware that he is on a show called "Elena of Avalor"--not "Francisco Flores of Avalor" and has no desire to pull the spotlight away from where it rightfully must be. In fact, he is far prouder to be the grandfather of Elena (and of Esteban and Isabel as well) than he would hypothetically be as the protagonist of his own story.
(Esteban meanwhile exudes "main character energy" and I mean that in both the complimentary and derogatory sense. In his mind, he is on a show titled "Chancellor Esteban of Avalor and His 41-Year-Old Guilt Complex That Not Even Tres Leches Cake Can Heal." But like if I had four decades of trauma to process and no one else seemed to notice, I would probably feel uncomfortable when we are not about me as well. And fittingly, his black-and-gold outfit is much more attention-grabbing than Francisco's, but much more on that later).
Two big parts of what leads to the "fairy tale hero" look in Francisco's outfit (and also to his "default" blue version) are: 1) the two medals pinned to his chest and 2) the epaulettes at the shoulder (I believe this is still the correct term even if they lack the tassels we normally associate w/the term, but like fashion historians can feel free to correct me).
Either epaulettes or medals of honor --or both-- are often seen on characters of his type. (Pick any Disney prince and you have a 50% chance of seeing one of these. Heck, King Roland's main outfit in SoA has both as well). A large part of what leads us to associate these particular sartorial touches as "hero-coded" are their association as part of typical military dress uniforms throughout history. (And yes, I recognize the problematic nature of such a trope, but just bear with me and accept it for now).
By including these as part of Francisco's costume (and its original blue equivalent), the animators are implying that he has a long, proud of history of serving his country and that at least some of this service came as a soldier and/or commander on the battlefield. And that he won honor--military and practical alike--in doing so.
Esteban's ensemble, obviously lacks the military touches (the epaulettes and medals) of his grandfather's. Because for all that he too served Avalor for decades, his service was of the bureaucratic rather than the military variety. (Shuriki obviously won't let Esteban wear a sword with his uniform--even he wanted to. Hardly surprising considering the whole "I killed your aunt and uncle. Doesn't that make you want to go apeshit?" thing they've got going.) But I digress.
The arms (esp the shoulders) and trousers of Esteban's ensemble are also much more form-fitted than Francisco's,as befitting a younger, more athletic man who wants to better show off his physique. (The real "secret of Avalor" is how Esteban singlehandedly managed a country for 41 years and somehow did so without skipping "Leg Day"--am I right, folks?")
Compared to Francisco's much plainer jacket, the design of Esteban's coat is also more ornate (the leaf accents are larger and more detailed) and colorful with the red collar, cuffs, and lining. This makes sense given that Esteban is established as much vainer and more flamboyant than his grandfather and that he has as mentioned, a much stronger need to grab attention.
However, the elaborateness of Esteban's jacket makes even more sense we consider it in the context of his role in Shuriki's court. He is a skilled diplomat, yes, and a capable administrator. But like every courtier, his primary function is to be ornamental first and everything else second. His looks, his charm, his attentions are expected to always be in service to the Queen first and foremost--not even in service to his duty or his country but specifically to the Queen herself. Certainly not (!) in service to his own will. (And damn, that must sting extra hard for someone who has only ever wanted to be seen and listened to and valued for himself.)
As such, Esteban is treated as an extension of the Queen--yet another pretty-if-powerful tool in her Almighty hands and fundamentally little different from her pretty crystal wand.
And yet, we see little tiny little hints in Esteban's SoA costume that he remains more than just Shuriki's shiny little Avaloran ornament. Let's go back to the red accents--shall we? Obviously, the show as a whole establishes red as Esteban's "signature color"--an honor he shares with Elena (and Mateo..but like he's less relevant tbh). Moreover, red, along with yellow/gold (and blue but again less relevant here), is one of the official colors of Avalor. Indeed the jaquins on the royal flag are red against a gold backdrop. So we can see an subtle wardrobe-related foreshadowing of where Esteban's loyalties truly lie and of the decision that he will make at the end of the episode.
And finally, as the artists among you will attest, red's complementary opposite on the color wheel is green. As in Shuriki's signature color, and this is reflected in nearly everything about her--from her eyes and eyeshadow to her dress and earrings to her green magical smoke, to her Emerald City-core dressing room to the teal background on her little silhouetted flag redesign. And complementary colors are often paired together so that the unique, striking shade of each is shown off to its full potential--and such is the case here. (Often, the effect is even achieved by using the "opposite" color as a key part of adding "shading" to the object).
A string of red lights wrapped around a Christmas tree may be overshadowed at first by the massive green boughs that it is entangled around. But nevertheless, it is because of the contrasting green that we are fully able to grasp just how bright and red those lights are able to glisten in the light. And so it is with Esteban's red collar shining forth like a beacon through Shuriki's haze of green smoke.
But when it comes down to it, red is still green's perfect, natural opposite. Red is a primary color, a true chromatic original unlike the artificially-created secondary shade of green. Moreover, red is Avalor, red is Esteban. The little dab of invading, interloping Shuriki green that has been added to the red paint only serves to heighten its fiery, crimson hue all the more.
#elena of avalor#chancellor esteban#esteban flores#francisco flores#elena and the secret of avalor#esteban flores: assigned goth at conquest#pity it didn't stick tbh#sorry not sorry#and yes i am aware that francisco's formal court suit is likely just a palette swap of his regular outfit#just like esteban's formal yellow court suit (derogatory) is just a palette swap of his regular s1-2 suit#but like what am i here for if not to extract rich; unintended meanings from tiny little accidental scraps of canon#after all; they didn't HAVE to make francisco's suit black w/ gold#they could've done a different color instead; or did silver accents instead#and yet...#and now i've made it all your problem too#it's hardly the worst crime i am planning to commit in this fandom#of note; Victor and Naomi are the only other major recurring characters (apart from Shuriki)#that predominantly feature green as part of one of their “main” outfits#(there's chatana and joaquin too i guess but we saw so little of them that i don't really have anything to say rn)#and this is also significant as it highlights both victor's and naomi's similarities w/ esteban's as well as their differences#however; it is notable that as victor gets more complex; his main outfit changes from green-and-black to purple-and-black#to better link him with carla instead (though it does change back of course)#and naomi's main dress is teal more so than the unambiguous green of shuriki's#i tried to be vague on specific SoA spoilers cause my friend and mutual is watching the show rn and she hasn't made it that far yet#eoa meta#elena of avalor meta#meta#leave it to me to word vomit over a relatively minor thing#once an english major; always an english major
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No-one else is doing it like Doctor Who and the Pirates
Sixth Doctor, spoken: One can almost say that I am the very model of a Gallifreyan buccaneer.
(jaunty music begins)
Evelyn, spoken: Oh no, you are going to sing!
Sixth Doctor, spoken: Well, yes I am!
Sixth Doctor, singing:
I... am the very model of a Gallifreyan Buccaneer.
I've information on all things a Gallifreyan holds most dear.
I've linked into the Matrix through its exitonic circuitry,
I understand dimensional and relative chronometry.
I'm very well acquainted too with matters of the Capitol,
I'll give you verse and chapter on Panopticonian protocol,
I've been into the Death Zone and I've played the Game of Rassilon--
(Rassilon? Assilon, Bassilon-- ah ha!)
With pestilential monsters that I got a lot of hassle from!
Chorus: With pestilential monsters that he got a lot of hassle from! With pestilential monsters that he got a lot of hassle from! With pestilential monsters that he got a lot of hassle hassle from!
Sixth Doctor:
I understand each language and I speak every vernacular.
I'll conjugate each verb obscure, decline each line irregular.
In short in every matter that a Gallifreyan holds most dear,
I am the very model of a Gallifreyan Buccaneer.
Chorus: In short in every matter that a Gallifreyan holds most dear, he is the very model of a Gallifreyan Buccaneer.
Sixth Doctor:
I've tackled shady Castellans with devious behavior.
I've sparred with Time Lord chancellors like Thalia, Goth, or Flavia.
In fact on some occasions I've held office Presidentally,
'though maybe I won't mention I was ousted out eventually.
I know just how it feels to be a wanted man and on the run,
but wouldn't leave the carefree buccaneering life for anyone.
Though sometimes my adventures seem absurdly operatical--
(Operatical? Hatical... patical-- ah ha!)
With ups and down and twists and turns and incidents piratical.
Chorus: With ups and down and twists and turns and incidents piratical! With ups and down and twists and turns and incidents piratical! With ups and down and twists and turns and incidents piratic-ratical!
Sixth Doctor:
I've sailed the seven seas of Earth and all the oceans of the Moon,
my trusty true Type-40 is my Gallifreyan picaroon.
But is this really what the average Galifreyan holds most dear?
I wonder what they think about this Gallifreyan Buccaneer.
Chorus: But is this really what the average Galifreyan holds most dear? We wonder what they think about this Gallifreyan Buccaneer.
Sixth Doctor:
I've defeated evil robots such as Daleks, Quarks, and Cybermen.
I've overthrown dictators from Tobias Vaughn to Mavic Chen.
I've rescued helpless maidens from the devestating Viking hordes.
Vanquished Autons.... Axons... Daemons... Krotons.... Monoids, Vampires, Voords.
I've liberated planets and delivered them from total war.
Saved Earth, Manussa, Dulkis, Skonnos, Earth, Tigella, Earth once more.
In short I know I am the truest Rassilonian legate
(Legate? Decate...Hecate...Hecate? Mm. Not sure if that's canonical... Ah ha, I have it!)
And so to Time Lords all I say remember me to Gallifrey!
Chorus: A sentiment we all agree, remember him to Gallifrey! A sentiment we all agree, remember him to Gallifrey! A sentiment we all agree, remember him to Galli-Gallifrey!
Sixth Doctor:
I'm not content to just observe, I am a bold adventurer.
Though other Time Lords mock this Gallifreyan interventioner.
I know in every matter that a Time Lord really should hold dear
I am the very model of a Gallifreyan Buccaneer!
Chorus: We know in every matter that a Time Lord really should hold dear, he is the very model of a Gallifreyan Buccaneer!
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hellsw0rth · 5 months
Here it is! Doomsday in the style of 1976.
I was initially going to come up with a story to explain how the Doomsday scenario could happen in Season 14. Maybe Sarah-Jane was whisked away at the end of The Hand of Fear, as part of a backup plan by the Master and Chancellor Goth, and the Doctor found out about this, and talked with her at the end of The Deadly Assassin using Time Lord technology on Gallifrey.
But I thought it would be better to let you come up with your own ideas to explain how Sarah-Jane could get separated from the Doctor in a parallel universe, and how he managed to communicate with her. Feel free to share your thoughts about how this could happen, in the comments. I'd be very keen to hear how you think it could have worked!
I took inspiration from the soundtrack of The Deadly Assassin to come up with the instruments to use for this. There's heavy woodwind (oboes and bassoon's) and one of the backing instruments is an organ which featured prominently in that story. I tried to balance both authenticity with emotion and nostalgia - a balance I try to strike with most of my remixes. So, before anyone comments "this doesn't completely sound like it's from 1976", this is why. Tracks like this would not have featured in Classic Who, and to strip it down and make it as authentic as possible, much of the emotion and nostalgia would have been removed (in my opinion, anyway) that means it deviates massively from what I'm trying to do.
There are some brilliant creators out there who do an incredible job of making 'era authentic' music. @HudsonMedia and @GeorgeCMusic are two examples of creators who do a phenomenal job of this, and deserve infinitely more praise than they get for their efforts. I admire their work immensely, and would encourage you to subscribe to their channels.
My approach is to echo the nostalgia and emotion attached to the original track while making it sound like it *could* have sounded in the era being channeled. This is done by taking the original track and 'plugging in' the instruments or sounds of the era. My work has been described as "bombastic", "fun", and "emotional", which is what I try to prioritise with my mixes. That's a long winded way of saying that if anyone says 'it doesn't sound like the 70's' that I KNOW!
Also, I know someone is going to comment "this, but the 1960's" or something similar. I'm receptive to suggestions for future releases, but lately the suggestions have been more like a demand or insistence than a suggestion for the future. I've been getting a bit uncomfortable with the degree to which people have been saying 'do this', like they have the right to demand something from me. Like I said, I'm very receptive to suggestions, and several of my releases have been the result of a suggestion, but please don't phrase it in a way that shows you have the right to tell me what to do. I don't claim any monetary reward for this work, and I'm very unlikely to ever start some sort of monetary reward platform for these, for ethical reasons (it's copyrighted music, and I use sheet music and/or MIDI files made by other people). So, this work isn't rewarded by money, and it's something I do in my spare time, both as a therapeutic distraction from a tumultuous personal life, and as procrastination from my PhD. So, please phrase your suggestions a little more respectfully.
Lastly, I wondered about releasing this in July, being the 18th anniversary of Doomsday. But it seemed too far away, and as the Majestic Tale (1970s) is taking a lot longer to work on, I thought this would make for a decent release in the meantime.
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s-sputnik-k · 3 months
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leo ⋆ he/him ⋆ 17 ⋆ UK/GMT
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MASTERLISTS (work in progress)
Star Wars:
Bad Things Happen Bingo Masterlist (Clones)
Moisture on Velvet (18+ Codywan oneshot)
Critical Role:
Shadowgast ficlet
Star Wars:
Codywan Week 2024 | Day 1: Rebel Husbands | Day 5: Slut Attire vs Comfy Clothes
Clones | Echo's scars and prosthetics | Crosshair | Eldritch Rex | Fives goth boots meme | Paramedic Kix
My OCs | Clone Pilot Airtime
Requests/others' OCs | Captain Hazard | Squint | Swivel
Star Trek:
DS9 | Bashir sketch
Critical Role:
The Mighty Nein | Essek sketch | A scrappy Caleb | Essek painting
(My fandoms, tropes and tags below the cut)
These aren’t all necessarily fandoms I have written for already, but ones I can see myself writing for: 
➼Star Wars (mainly prequels, TCW and TBB)  ➼Critical Role (mainly Mighty Nein)  ➼Star Trek (mainly TNG and AOS)  ➼The City of Brass/Daevabad (by S.A. Chakraborty)  ➼Hollow Knight  ➼Marvel (Moon Knight, Venom and Agents of Shield)
➼Prison Break ➼The Faithful and the Fallen (by John Gwynne)  ➼Sleep Token 
My favourite tropes and tags: 
➼MLM  ➼Whump (hiding injuries, fever, passing out, etc.)  ➼Fluff  ➼Mild angst/angst with a happy ending  ➼Hurt/comfort ➼Modern AU (including college AU, boarding school AU, coffee shop AU etc.)  ➼Slow burn  ➼Friends to lovers  ➼VERY occasional smut
(As a note, you will also see Don Broco fics on my ao3 account, but that will mainly be talked about on my other blog, @don-blogco. I don’t have a blog for my Blind Channel fics so they may be mentioned on here, and it’s highly unlikely I’ll be writing for any of my old K-pop fandoms again in the future)
Fics: #sputnik writes
Art: #sputnik draws
Song recs: #sputnik recs
Clone incorrect quotes: #79s barstaff AU
Clone oc fic: #schrodinger's chancellor
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banner: @tsuicons ⋆ dividers: @strangergraphics-archive
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r0yalgrimmartz · 11 months
Because I couldn't be ARSED to sketch all of them and I tend to sketch Kore a lot, here's a list of all my yugioh gx ocs (one I have rambled on and on so much about I'm beating a dead horse at this point but hey ho), so you'll see them sketched at some point eventually.
✨️Kore Markos✨️
Height: 5'1" / 154.94 cm
Age: 15 around early seasons then like 18 ofc in last season.
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Info: As previously mentioned, Kore is an enthusiastic, eager and energetic person who aspires to be an amazing pro duelist once she graduates. A bit of a stretch but she is absolutely determined to hopefully reach the pro leagues. She is inspired by her older brother (Riley Markos) to follow that dream goal, and prove that she can be just as much as a great duelist like him. She thinks the world of her brother, and looks up to him majority of the time when she goes to Duel Academy. Granted, hanging around a certain little snobby and arrogant looking goth might just have some influence on her. Is actually quite impulsive at times, even with her emotions as well, gets a bit overwhelmed easily so she may either lash out or get upset on odd occasions if she is extremely overwhelmed(learning to handle her emotions better sorta?). Tries to understand people's emotions depending on the mood in the room but she's not very great at picking up signals but she tries.
Fiercely loyal with her close friends and loved ones, will fight tooth and nail any day for them. I mean, will literally do anything for them. One time her friend Hanae was getting bullied by some obelisk blue students...to which Kore then proceeded to later that night set a komodo dragon loose in the boy's obelisk blue dorm and cause them to run out in fear. That was a long night of evacuating majority of the frantic students out the dorm. And it was an even LONGER discussion in the Chancellor's office the next morning. Where did she even FIND the komodo dragon on the island?? We don't really delve into info like that. Nor do we know why she is expelled. But she does massively adore her loved ones and friends massively and holds them very close to her.
🧋Hanae Taistelija🧋
Height: 4'10" / 147.32 cm
Age: 15 around early seasons then like 18 ofc in last season.
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Info: Seems like the very basic tsundere type of character with being a bit mean, blunt and all, but genuinely she isn't a fan of majority of the people at Duel Academy. She has severe suspicions about everyone she'll meet(most of the time she's VERY distrustful towards guys for personal reasons). Hanae may seem more introverted, but talk about anything that relates to her interests, she becomes a big massive know it all. She certainly ain't the shy type. She will speak her mind no issue, even it she makes a lot of enemies because of it. She sees no point in keeping her opinions to herself - has gotten into arguments with a few students over certain topics. With what she lacks on height and physique, she'll certainly make up with arguing. Also, Hanae is very much a big know it all it can be quite obnoxious at times. She tries competing a lot not only in dueling, but even in school work. She has very high grades that she tries to keep consistent, and certainly doesn't slack with work. It's kinda why she's severely jealous because of Bastion, as she desperately tries competing against him with her smarts and dueling strategies (Bastion isn't even aware of this and doesn't even know she exists till like half way through season 1).
Despite being a big know it all and having severe distrust with most people she meets (yet somehow is very close friends with Kore and Miyu), she does try her best with fitting in with people. She finds it hard at times to even have small basic conversations with people when she barely has much social skills. She'll try and vent her frustrations with Kore and Miyu, but she still feels as if maybe there's something wrong with her. Kore and Miyu have been the only friends she has ever had, and they act more like family than her uncle ever is to her. It isn't clear with what Hanae wants to do once she graduates Duel Academy, but it seems like she desires anything but to wind up back home with her uncle.
Hanae also has a pet opossum in her dorm room she shares with Kore. Do any of the school higher ups know of this? Probably not. Also, massive boba tea obsession.
🍰Miyu Anastas🍰
Height: 5'8" / 172.72 cm
Age: 15/16 around early seasons then like 18 ofc in last season.
Dorm: Slifer Red
Info: Miyu is viewed upon first glance as someone who seems quite ditzy, which nobody assumes much from her. However, Miyu is actually a very social, outgoing and friendly person, almost managing to make a few other friend groups from different dorms. She also aspires to be a dueling teacher once she graduates, and hopes to be a great mentor figure. Miyu is someone who is very nurturing and mother hen like, being extremely protective over her friends (especially Kore and Hanae). She is absolutely hard working, and seems to always be doing something to keep her busy yet she'll always try and make time for othere inbetween. Ofc mom friend of the group, will encourage you to drink more water and make sure you have eaten plenty food, will scold you for staying up stupid o'clock in the morning, even make phone appointments for you if you have very bad anxiety. Definitely is the main person of the group who will order for the entire table and has no fear speaking to any waiter, etc. As a result, Miyu will chat with anyone and talk about anything with someone. She hates complete silence, or not interacting with people after a period of time, so she'll start up conversations a lot.
Despite her kindness and generosity, she sometimes will get that taken advantage of, which has lead to some friendships being cut off entirely. Like Kore, she is fiercely loyal, except she will threaten you if you dare harm or insult her loved ones or friends. Due to her height and slightly strong physique, she might not hesitate to punch if you went too far. But majority of the time she's quite a pacifist, but on the rare occasion she has had a long irritating and frustrating day, it will only take something so small for her to blow up entirely. Someone will end up getting the impact of it. But she will immediately apologise after for losing her temper, even though it might be out of nowhere, but it is very rare she gets extremely angry. Get good handsy with her inappropriately, she will stab you as a warning.
💎Cytherea Megami💎
Height: 5'5" / 165.1 cm
Age: 15/16 around early seasons then like 18 ofc in last season.
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Info: Think of her personality being slightly mixed with early season 1 Chazz and season 2 Zane. Okay, now take that, add childhood neglect and excessive constant need to Duel in order to win and prove her worth. You have Cytherea Megami. Cytherea comes from a wealthy upper class background, having always had everything handed to her from the early age of birth. Cytherea may be spoiled, she she acts massively cold, mean and distant with everyone. She has a few "friends", yet they don't exactly mean anything to her. Cytherea is at Duel Academy to become a great pro duelist - to show off her dueling abilities and to also prove that she is worth something to her parents and that she doesn't need them. It isn't as clear to anyone why she duels so hard and works so much, but it seems to strain deep rooted in regards to her parents being mostly neglectful towards her growing up, pinning her off to Cytherea's personal maid (which Cytherea now funny enough views as family) as they seemed to be too busy with focusing on their work to even focus on Cytherea. This included missing out on almost a lot of her big events in her life, especially her big ice skating tournament. It took a toll on her, resulting in her just giving up on her dream of ice skating and leaning more towards dueling to let out her frustrations. She acts like she doesn't need their opinion, yet it seems like subconsciously she stills wants that deep validation from her parents.
Cytherea is viewed as someone people tend to fear. She will not hesitate to instill fear into anyone or stomp anyone out of her way. That was until a certain Ra yellow student (Kore obviously) was completely unphased by her cold and harsh demeanor, which infuriated Cytherea to no end. No matter what, Kore did not see her as a threat and...seemed to admire her and even stood up to her. Cytherea doesn't exactly know how to feel, but she simply views Kore as a very infuriating rival (much to Kore being somewhat oblivious) and wants to destroy Kore in a duel to show her who's top dog. Cytherea is massively unaware of how she actually feels about Kore, and subconsciously she actually enjoys being around Kore and the others, even though she assumes its a desire to destroy them. Cytherea also enjoys playing the piano alot, mainly thanks to her maid growing up who always acted like a main paternal figure. Doesn't see why Alexis is praised so highly as being top obelisk blue girl, but later in the season comes to terms with herself and somewhat becomes mellowed out.
💥Riley Markos💥
Height: 6'0" / 182.88 cm
Age: 17 in early season, 19 (pushing 20ish??) in last season.
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Info: Riley is the complete 180 to his little sister Kore. While Kore seems more hyperactive and energetic, Riley just constantly has the face of absolutely fucking despising everyone around him and keeps massively to himself. Riley originally before he came to Duel Academy years earlier was a massive trouble maker, constantly getting into gangs and causing massive trouble (had police escort him home when he was like 13 for some slight vandalism - yes he was grounded for an entire year yet still managed to sneak out). Riley began wanting to turn his life around when he wanted to go to Duel acato prove to his friends he could probably end up in the pro leagues. He was of course laughed at that for that thought due to Riley's delinquent behaviour, but since he works on absolute spite he began pushing and pushing to prove he can get into Duel Academy. He started out as a Slifer Red student, till he managed to work his way through and get into obelisk blue in his second year. Since Riley comes from a not so well off background along with his sister, he wants to hopefully make it into the pro leagues primarily just to be able to make sure that his parents will not longer have financial troubles.
Despite being sent to Duel Academy at first to keep Riley out of trouble, Riley was certainly a very scrappy kid and got into many physical fights in his first year. Luckily he's mellowed out in his later years, realising he had to stick in and focus on his school work and dueling. He usually focuses on working out or boxing a lot to let out his frustrations. Due to his height and physique, he is definitely VERY intimidating looking. But, the problem rises when someone dares crossing Riley or mess with his little sister. They have wounded up with several broken ribs and a couple month long recovery. That being said, Riley is massively protective over Kore, mainly due to what happened with Kore in the past but he tries to refrain from intervening in her social life a lot as he doesn't want to come off as some "helicopter sibling", and especially doesn't want to act like their mother in regards to that. However, if you manage to befriend Riley (idk how you'd do it but congrats if you manage), he will become your ride or die brother. I mean it. He will be loyal to you. He is all about loyalty, and takes it very seriously. Have any bullying issues? He will take care of it. They'll be dropping out the next day or they are frightened to go near you. Need somewhere to stay for the holidays because you have trouble with family? You're more than welcomed to his home. His family is your family. However, break his trust and you are completely dead to him. Very much all about grudges.
🥀'Ilya Hadesu'🥀
Height: 5'9" / 175.26 cm
Age: 15/16 in early season (18 in last season??)
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Info: Ilya is...unnerving. He hasn't done anything to warrant this, just...he seems unnatural. Granted, Ilya keeps to himself, has decently good grades, yet he seems like he isn't all there most of the time. He keeps to himself quite a lot. His unnaturally calm and quiet personality makes him come off as stand off-ish.
He does seem polite if he is spoken to, but he tends to come off as quite abrupt and blunt, as if he doesn't wish to talk to anyone. It isn't even clear to anyone what he wants to do once he graduates, granted it seems like he just showed up one day. Nobody seems really close to him, nor does he seem to even care to make connections. Granted, Kore has found some sort of interest in Ilya's mysterious behaviour and wants to try to befriend him(even if Chazz tells Kore to keep away from a "weirdo like him"). Ilya isn't exactly relevant till the end of season 2/beginning of season 3. For now he mostly lingers.
But here's the basic info, tried to keep it as short as possible. Still need to sketch them but there's plenty of sketches so far for Kore. Now imma rest my wee little eyes and have a nap. I know I'll wake up later, re-read these rushed pieces of info and immediately kick myself for forgetting something!!
((EDIT - I apologise for the minor edits on this post, just certain stuff occasionally changing, adding, etc))
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
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Given the numbers of characters who helped me build Meryamun and how I am excited over him, his family, friends and enemies and the lore and universe in which he is, I felt like it would be fun and was needed to be precised through a meme and explain. Source : https://www.deviantart.com/neoduelgx/art/My-Character-Inspiration-Meme-831348312
Zorglub : overall vibes, DILF/GDILF, classy with suits and a similar head and body shape, not evil but can act villainous/chaotic, good dad who means well
Iris : similar nose and head shape, same cold and menacing demeanor he can have with some, Ancient Egyptian, can hypnotize
Akeltonton : similar head shape, Ancient Egyptian, father figure who teaches and means well, not bad but can come out as cold and disdainful, has knowledge about magic and older arts
Gomez : goth aesthetic with morbid tastes and humor and shady morals, billionaire in suits who smokes, not really human, good caring dad to his son and daughter, good boss who's basically friends with his butler(s), kind of a DILF, ABSOLUTELY in love and horny for his wife
The Captain of the Dead : goth and undead background and aesthetic, DILF, great protective father figure, good boss who's protective of those who work for him, adores his wife and is heads of the house with her, reformed morally grey bastard who has blood on his hands
Kingdom of the Sun!Yzma : was nearly turned villainous at some point, hates the sun he blames for his curse and dreams to destroy it, adores a dark deity, a tad loves his looks and feels hot, ambitious and wants the empire, relishes on immortality, son of the royal mortician ; listening to Snuff out the Light and daydreaming AMVs/cinematics with him pre-Yumi/in an AU in which he never met her was what had me decide he grew to hate the sun/Ra for "taunting" him now he would burn under it and was the son of the guy who made mummies in the royal palace lol
Tso Lan : similar body and head shape and hair implantation, same wrinkled and high forehead, cold classy and collected, loves the moon, has knowkedge over older dark arts and wants to rule over his lost empire again with his family, the oldest around ; fun fact Tso Lan's Japanese name means vampire and it accidentally fits lol
Marge : great loving supportive spouse and parent and a great cook who really loves to cook and bake especially for his loved ones
Pinstripe Potoroo : same body shape and similar hair, shady (legal tho) business, tries to be classy and hot with suits
Mr Choc : mysterious to the public eye, billionaire who does shady business, classy cold and collected wearing suits and often seen smoking a cigarette holder, blood on his hands the pragmatic way
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The Vampire King (yes I am aware it's someone in a costume) : vampire, and most importantly my voice claim for him just minus the reverberation
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Wilhamena : vampire of color, supportive loving parent who can be embarrassing, friendly to his kids' friends, very in love with werewolf spouse
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Ratigan : a discrete inspiration that I almost forgot but still was there during the early times ; smokes a cigarette holder, classy with suits, loves and spoils his female cat, tries to hide the murderous beast inside himself to distinguished, does shady business and used to be taunting/toying with his preys and nowadays enemies having a lot of fun terrorizing them, obviously killed and kills
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Chancellor Bernard : similar eyebrows skinny cheeks aand higg cheekbones, same muzzle/nose shape and eye shape, wears kohl and black eyeshadow, not the same eye color but still just as vibrant and almost abnormal, used to be an ambitious éminenge grise manipulating the old senile king planning to take his place, relishes about immortality, knows old languages and magic/dark arts
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Mr Cat : used to be borderline chaotic evil loving to terrorize and toy with people for fun which actually partially hid loneliness and an unability to socialize since he never had friends before all whilr being bitter and sour about life, LOVES big buff anthros in fact his first way to flirt with Yumi was to anger her so she would transform and they first had a tsundere rivalry him being the horny troll in the relationship, little by little became closer to her and her friends by getting more into teamwork/cohabitation rather than solo and better without becoming good either all of sudden
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Cuphead Show!Calamaria : HOW COULD I ALMOST FORGET HER he had the EXACT SAME ANTAGONISTIC VIBES AS HER before meeting Yumi. An anthropophageous monster relishing on his dangerosity and proudly taunting sassily about it who is absolutely unimpressed by mortals coming to his lair to defy him or beg for mercy or these ones he seduced who are still alive and in love with him after he had seduced them with the aim to eat them afterward like he often does with the opposite sex but in the end couldn't but really he don't give a shit about them, but if you do kina amuse him he will give you 10 seconds to run perfectly confident he will get you anyway, morphs to his creepy form just as fluidly either all of sudden or little by little, and is a gourmet who can't say no to good quality food
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gods-sugar-daddy · 2 years
Characters I want to rattle like an angry maraca for an undiscerned amount of time based on how chewy they are, part 2
Sentient bounce balls
Commander Fox
Commander Fox is like, shotguns 16 cups of coffee for breakfast and his Monster Red Bull concoction the rest of the day. No one's ever seen him refill it. He has a venti cup he accidentally stole from 78's and is too ashamed to return it. He is simultaneously 12 and 85. He deserves a little therapeutic manslaughter. He forlornly tells people he is the manager then continues getting yelled at by both civilian and senator alike. He wishes he could enact Order 65, murder the Chancellor. He wears glitter nail polish under his gloves. He has 4 big brothers who will kick your ass. He'll kick your ass then turn around and sleep
Dean Winchester
He's my babygirl baby. A poor little meow meow. He tries so hard to be an alpha male but he just comes off as Rail Me with a side of Daddy Issues. He and Gabriel kin each other despite being told he's michael. He's a father of yes amount of kids. He insists on no chick flick moments despite being on Heaven's longest running soap opera. He's a monster fucker. He's dating Luci's little brother. He's a disaster bi. He's a father figure to Luci's kid. Simultaneously the best and worst babysitter in the world. Might kill you on accident. Might kill you on purpose.
That really tangy part of shirt labels
He is the Autobots hottest dilf 6 million years in a row. Optimus Prime calls him Sir. He will do medical malpractice if it means saving a life. What are they gonna do take his license?? He's the only bitch in the whole system that's keeping the army running. His exes are psychopaths. He speedran friends to enemies to lovers over the span of one civil war. He claims he's 8 billion years old. His hands are permanently stained gray from all the dye he's used to keep up the ruse. He can't remember his original hair color. He's 32.
The walking, talking Cringe Fail compilation. Takes the phrase "kill what you love" literally. All the years he spent training Ahsoka was gathering dad points he never got to redeem. He never learned to properly regulate his emotions. Everyone goes to him if they want to defraud the Jedi Council. Yoda includes him in escape hijinks. He's a chaos demon. He should've been a creche teacher. He's the "just wait until my father hears about this" except worse bc his father is God and you will get smited.
She's the prodigal daughter trying to live up to her dad's high standards. She hates your guts until you help her pass the math quiz then she ropes you in to her plan to instigate the Starbucks/Dutch Bros war. She is ride or die. Her big brother is a mass murderer. She's an orphan. She's a girlboss queen who takes no shit.
235$ chocolate protein shake
I want them to do more with her. I want her to drop her backstory on side show characters and just dip. She's a healthy edgelord compared to Anakin's actual god complex. Make her a goth. Underutilized and overpowered at the same time. Filled with bad ideas bc her upbringing around Anakin and the 501st. A major accomplice to defrauding the Jedi.
He's the idw slender man. He's a cryptid. He's a murderous murderer in a group of murderers. He's dating Kaon. His previous namesake got turned into a feral turbohound. He doesn't have time to learn your language. He's a sniper rifle. Megatron held him once and Tarn has never been more upset.
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best2daynews · 2 years
Keamari deaths: medical board formed | The Express Tribune
KARACHI: The provincial health department has submitted its compliance report to West district magistrate regarding a medical board for autopsy of the remains of victims who allegedly died of poisonous gas emission from factories in Goth Ali Muhammad of Keamari district. Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) vice chancellor, will head the board with members comprising DUHS assistant professor…
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unrenderedfuture · 1 year
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lmao put this on another account by accident. Here it is where it belongs.. some sketches of Timelord bs and Timelord Cats lol.
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Somaliland: Dahabshiil CEO Urges Graduates to utilize their technical and entrepreneurship skills to create jobs and employ others
Somaliland: Dahabshiil CEO Urges Graduates to utilize their technical and entrepreneurship skills to create jobs and employ others
By Goth Mohamed Goth A Well attended graduation ceremony was held on Wednesday for the 14th batch Admas University students at the Mansoor Hotel in Hargeisa. Dr. Mula Sagai, the Vice Chancellor of Admas University’s main campus in Addis Abba, Ethiopia, in his opening remarks during the ceremony began by lauding the graduating students for their hard work in achieving their academicals goals but…
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doccywhomst · 2 years
Please tell us how your gothaparduskerialldrapolatkh jingle goes!
it's basically just the state farm jingle 💀💀💀
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cleowho · 5 years
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“Article Seventeen.”
The Deadly Assassin - season 14 - 1976
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hellsw0rth · 2 months
Doctor Who: The Shepherd's Boy (1976)
Here it is! The Shepherd's Boy in the style of Dudley Simpson's 1976 music. There's two organ's, several woodwinds, and a french horn sound that's more prominent this time, to fit in with the vibe of Dudley Simpson's Hand of Fear and Deadly Assassin soundtracks.
I'll let you come up with your own story about how or why the Doctor might be trapped in a confession dial during the events of these stories, and why he might be determined to break out of it.
But I envisage this taking place during, or at the end of, The Deadly Assassin.
For that reason, it's likely to involve Sarah-Jane. Let's hear your thoughts on how this could happen!
Was the Doctor stuck in the matrix for eternity? Or somewhere else? Did the Master pluck Sarah-Jane away as part of some malevolent scheme then send the Doctor into a confession dial? Was it Chancellor Goth's plan to trap the Doctor instead? Why? Let your imagination run wild!
Music visualiser by musicvid.org MIDI by dkMps
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thal-chandra · 4 years
Can you draw Chancellor Goth from Doctor who ( just look him up if you don't watch Doctor who ) as a Old West Bounty Hunter please? He works for evil.
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I do watch Doctor Who actually! I only watched New Who for now but plan to start Classic Who when I'm done rewatching the show~ I loved drawing him btw, even if old men aren't my thing
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