#challenge festival round 15
arwenadreamer · 11 months
There's this challenge going round on tiktok, where children put a pie in their fathers face and film how they react. Dean junior thinks this would be fun. His dad is not one to get angry easily and also, he loves pie, always orders some when they eat out. So where could the harm be? He plans it carefully. Sets the camera up, triple checks that he's got the whole bench behind their house in the frame. He thought this through, he has to get his dad while they are sitting, otherwise he might not be able to reach high enough and aim well at the same time. DJ puts two pieces of pie on paper plates. If he breaks porcelain he will get into trouble. Two plastic forks to go with it. When dad comes home, he tells him he got some pie from the neighbour, Mrs. Muller. Asks if they can eat it out back. Everything goes smooth. Dad sits down next to him, smiles a bit ruefully. For some reason Dad often gets a bit sentimental when he eats pie. In that moment it serves Dean just right, though, because that means Dad doesn't see the pie coming. He laughs as cream and pieces of apple drop from his dad's surprised face. Everything went as planned. Until his dad starts crying. Honest to god tears in his eyes. He thinks he must have hurt him accidentally. Scrabbles to make it right, clean dad off. But dad says it's okay. Forces a smile. Dean can see right through it though. Even though dad's tears try as fast as they came, he knows something is wrong.
That day, DJ learns about uncle Dean’s love for pie and about a pie festival he and dad visited 15 years ago.
He never posts that video, of course. But the next day, he and dad bake a pie together. And dad smiles and laughs and has fun.
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jgroffdaily · 9 days
Ensemble Studio Theatre (EST) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation have revealed their 2024-2025 Science and Technology Project New Play Commissions, as well as the lineup for the Fall 2024 First Light Festival.
Commissioned plays include Mikaela Berry's SuperQuiz!; Jayne Deely's Lavender Dust; Alexa Derman's Beauty; Stefani Kuo's Mercury River; Chris Littler, Kelly Tieger, and Ellen Winter's Animal Magnetism; Jared Mezzocchi's ANY BODY OUT THERE; Sharyn Rothstein's AI Hallucination Love Story; DeAndre Short's Smokeless; Phillip Christian Smith's Bright Light; P.C. Verrone's The Forester; and Emma Watkins' Very rapidly, over a few tens of thousands of years.
Along with this year's readings, EST's mainstage productions, Franklinland by Lloyd Suh and Have You Met Jane Goodall and Her Mother? by Michael Walek, will also be presented by the EST/Sloan Project to round out the season.
Since 1998, the EST/Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Science & Technology Project has developed over 300 plays that challenge and broaden the view of science in the popular imagination. Applications for the next round of commissions will be open September 15-November 15. A virtual panel discussion will be held October 29 for those interested in applying.
Animal Magnetism is the musical conceived by Jonathan which is currently in development.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
from this article released today titled: “Three films in half a year were shortlisted for the Golden Deer Awards, Wang Yibo proved himself with good works!”
On August 21, the nominees for the 18th China Changchun Film Festival, the "Golden Deer Award" that has attracted much attention from the public, were announced. China Changchun Film Festival is an international national-level film festival approved by the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television of the People's Republic of China . It will be held in Changchun from August 28th to September 2nd.
A total of 75 films were submitted for the Golden Deer Award Film Festival. After the jury’s preliminary selection, 15 films were finally shortlisted.
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The three films have very different styles, and Wang Yibo's roles in them are also completely different. In the literary film "Hidden Blade", the underground party undercover Mr. Ye played by Wang Yibo is cold and forbearing, and his thoughts are meticulous. "Even if there are few lines, the audience seems to be able to hear his unfinished words"; ", he played the young test pilot Lei Yu, who was energetic, courageous and wise, "the arc of character growth is convincing"; and in the sports movie "One and Only", he played the dancer who is pure and true, persistent with his love, "simple and pure, but very touching". The three completely different roles not only reflect Wang Yibo's excellent acting skills - he interprets each role very well, but also shows the audience his broad acting path.
If the audience during the period of "Hidden Blade" may also attribute his excellent performance to the careful training of director Cheng Er, then the excellent performance of "Born to Fly" proves that Wang Yibo's professional ability as an actor is stable-he can eat this bowl of rice , and eat very well. He successfully won the honor of the most media-focused actor in the movie channel's media attention unit by virtue of his roles in the two films "Hidden Blade" and "Born to Fly". For Wang Yibo, the talent of his lines helps to set the characters in different languages, and the excellent appearance endows the characters with special charm. Just like the award speech said, "The characters contributed by Wang Yibo often give the audience clear and mysterious contradictions. Feeling, combined with romantic and noble personal characteristics."
The movie "One and Only" further demonstrated his ability to control different roles as an actor. In "One and Only", Wang Yibo starred for the first time to challenge the low-level little people. This character is like him, because they have the same superior dance talent, and the same willingness to sweat and pain. As a top dancer and all-round dancer in domestic entertainment, it is difficult for us to find another star in the entertainment circle who is better than Wang Yibo's street dancer and more suitable for this role. This character is not like him, because Chen Shuo (character name) is the epitome of those hip-hop old OGs who had no money and resources back then, a complete little guy chasing dreams, and Wang Yibo himself is more confident and powerful than Chen Shuo. Chen Shuo's struggle insists on the epitome of his past, but the reality of Chen Shuo's suffering is not Wang Yibo's experience. He is far luckier than Chen Shuo.
This year is the year when Wang Yibo's films started, and it was also a year when his word-of-mouth box office received a harvest. All 3 films were shortlisted for the Golden Deer Award. Wang Yibo proved his status as an excellent actor with his good works, and also laid a solid foundation for further climbing the peak in the future. I hope that the young actor Wang Yibo can bring more excellent movies to the audience in the future and contribute more exciting roles.
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angel-of-the-moons · 12 days
Nothing Is Lost
Khonshu x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Nothing really!
A/N: This chapter will mostly be some exposition from Khonshu's point of view, and a few flashbacks of his. Also, because sources vary depending on what universe of Marvel Khonshu is from, I took some liberties to do whatever with his familial ties. After all, mortals don't ever truly know all the relationships with their gods, do they? And they have many forms.
Taglist: @drinkingwithkhonshu @astrosphereblog @themostegotisticalgirl124 @patchesofwork @lialiwasneverseen
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Chapter 15:
Old Friends
Khonshu gently laid you down in your bed, stripping your wet jacket and shoes off and covering you with your blankets.
Your face was twisted with distress, your voice leaving you in weak groans. The words "please" and "help me" the most consistent he could make out as your face flushed and you began to sweat, the vein in your temple thumping visibly beneath your skin as tears slipped past your lashes and dripped down to your pillow.
What were you dreaming of? It was growing tiresome; you not telling him what he so readily wanted to know. And even more accurately, that Jezebel, one of his more than trusted followers was not telling him the answers.
But... Jezebel knew him very well. Khonshu knew that she knew he had not had such a puzzle presented to him in... Well. Longer than he'd ever care to admit aloud. A simple challenge, as opposed to hunting Ammit and Harrow, and having Jake Lockley taking the both of them out permanently.
A simple puzzle as opposed to the greatest one he's never been able to solve...
He would enjoy unraveling the mystery that surrounded your being so readily.
He was half tempted to get into your head himself; to pull the information out of you and be done with it. But that was no fun, and it was wrong, in this right.
It was different with Marc, Steven, and Jake. Even Yehya and Jezebel; who had let him into his mind willingly.
Learning of Jezebel's memories had filled him with a brief joy he hadn't felt flutter to life within him in thousands of years. It brought a warmth to his weary existence knowing he at least had someone he once knew returned to him; she was one of the only individuals he felt any scrap of true joy or humor in the world with these days. Even if it was miniscule.
"Hmm." He hummed aloud, crouching by your bedside to stare as you twitched and flailed in your sleep, crying out for aid he could not give.
Joy and humor. A puzzle.
If he could, Khonshu would have smiled.
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His eyes traced the stars, drawing the shapes that the mortals had transcribed to make sense of the glowing celestial objects.
"Hm?" He hummed boredly, sighing as he sat up on his elbows to look at her.
Hathor snorted with a smirk, her soft round face creasing as she did; briefly running her hands through his feathers, "You are not paying attention."
"Fah. These festivals are always your source of entertainment. You know I prefer the silence of the night. Not all this... mirth." He said, looking down from where they sat, sweeping his arm in a broad swath; invisible to the mortals below as they danced, sang, drank, and played amongst one another in celebration of the first successful harvest and the fact that the Pharaoh's army had crushed would-be invaders towards Egypt, securing their power yet again.
"Hmph!" She huffed indignantly, her ears clapping in distaste at his remark, the sound of her jewelry tinkling as she turned away from him stubbornly. "Khonshu, you are--I swear it--even less unenthusiastic to be around than your father."
"Amun is only as enthused as he is to be around you is because he wishes to sleep with you." Khonshu laughed, "Which I doubt will ever happen."
Hathor swatted at him, knocking his nemes askew and into his lap. "Oh, hush! Now, make your move. I have been waiting an eternity, you doddering bird."
Khonshu laughed again and sat up straight, fixing the position of his headdress and fixing it back into place, his dark feathers puffing up slightly in offense before smoothing it down as he looked at the game board.
It was a simple game--mehen, the mortals called it--the board carved in the shape of a coiling serpent. This particular set was painted to look like Apep (or Apophis as the mortals also named him). Khonshu's pieces were marbles carved of obsidian, whereas Hathor's were ivory-carved lions.
He plainly moved one of the marbles, skipping ahead of two of her lions, making her groan in defeat as she had to reposition them. "You--youuuu--!" She sputtered.
Khonshu huffed a short laugh, "I like to gamble, you know that, Hathor. And you should know I'm very good at it."
"Well one day that streak of yours will fail, you know." She snorted, resting her chin on her knuckles as the other firmly clasped her knee in her palm, her eyes studying the board.
"But that day is not today, my dear." He says, his tone rather chipper as he carefully sipped his wine.
"Honestly, why don't you walk the streets a little? It will do you some good. Distract you from the dreary task of your Fist performing his duties." She sighed, looking down at the mortals below once again.
"I worry about you."
Khonshu rolled his eyes, "Hathor, I am fine. We all have our duties. Mine lies with justice, yours is all of... this." He opened his hand to gesture to the festivities below.
"You forget how closely our divine powers are linked!" Hathor says, looking at him with a sly expression.
"Am I, now?" He mused.
"Yes," Hathor laughed gleefully, moving her lions piece ahead a few steps, getting ever so close to the head of the snake.
After Khonshu grumbled, staring at the board as he tried to sort out where and how to move next--piecing the puzzle of his next move together carefully--he looked at her as she pointed to the sky, right at his moon.
It was thin, a nice glowing crescent of light.
"You forget what that tends to mean. Your powers flow during this night, and of course link with mine. I bring joy, music, ecstasy and children into the world. Your moon, in its current state, helps their livestock and land become fertile... and as well helps their women conceive children. And this continuously brings joy, mirth," She says the word mockingly and with the same tone he had used before, "And fertility. Yes, you help dispense justice. But you also heal and give life, Khonshu. Enjoy it. Don't wrap yourself in a shroud of stars and leave it at that."
Hathor finished off her goblet of wine and grabbed her harp, beginning to pluck the strings in a wonderful melody that soothed him. He recognized the song well, it was one her priestesses played during prayer sessions, typically when mortal women would pray to her for the gift of a child.
"Embrace the mortals you protect... don't just keep them at an arm's length. Yes, you have your Fists... but you also have your arms. It will not kill you to wrap them around them from time to time."
Khonshu fell silent, turning his gaze to the mortals below as Hathor began to sing, a smile on her plump, plush lips.
Perhaps... she was right. He wouldn't say it out loud, of course. He knew she would simply poke holes in his own ego and toy with him with the facts.
Khonshu then rose to his feet, grabbing his staff.
"Hm? Where are you going?" Hathor asked with a smile, continuing to play her harp.
She formed her statement as a question; yet she already knew the answer to it.
"For a stroll." He merely said, disappearing in a blur.
Hathor grinned to herself, plucking her harp as the ushered prayers of women during moments of intimacy as well as the simple gatherings below whispered in her ears on the wind.
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Khonshu walked, standing in the shadows as he watched the mortals dance and sing. There was something rather... infectious about the joys the humans were showing.
He had even entertained a toddler as they hobbled up to him, babbling nonsense and trying to hang from his robes even though his parents could not see him for their own eyes. He rubbed the child on his head as his mother kissed his cheek and carried him back over to where a roast bull was being portioned out with bread and wine.
Men and woman alike danced with one another; the instrumentalists and singers flowing like silk to match the nearly nude women who danced with Hathor's name painted on their bodies, gold hanging from them and glimmering in the firelight.
He continued to walk through the streets, peeking in to watch the more reserved and family-centric gatherings many held in their homes; feeling the warmth and life and innocence they were all so blissfully existing in. One home he had surveyed was hosting a celebration as a young mother gave birth to twins--a rare and dangerous occurrence for certain--a very, very welcome and celebrated occasion.
Khonshu had taken a moment of his time to reach out and soothe the pains the woman and her son and daughter felt, touching each of them imperceptibly and watching them relax as her husband cried, holding the three of them in his arms as though they would vanish in an instant.
After that, he trailed the streets some more; feeling the exuberant life slowly give way to the silence of night as he approached a funerary temple. It seemed, he realized, that even on a night of such joy and life... death was still ever-present.
"Bakenkhonsu." He greeted civilly, watching respectfully as his priest was tending to and beginning to embalm the body of a woman with tender care.
"Father." He greeted, his voice strained and heavy with emotion, his head hanging low and his usually bright eyes downcast and sad.
Upon closer inspection, he recognized this particular mortal. Bakenkhonsu had been the one to prepare her youngest child for burial not too long ago. It seemed her grief, in the end, took her away to be with her son once again.
"She passed away early in the morning." He explained. "Her husband was still grieving the loss of their son, but stayed strong. His daughter... oh, her daughter."
He looked up at Khonshu, his eyes full of tears, "Why is it that someone as young as she have to see so much death in such a short time? She blames herself for her little brother's death. And in that regard, feels responsible for her mother's death..."
Khonshu laid his hand on his priest's shoulder, his gaze softening in sympathy.
"Death is never an easy thing, nor can it be fair. But it is important that we understand that it is a fact of life. And in the end, they will all be together again."
"I... I understand. But..." Bakenkhonsu turned, carefully beginning to wrap her body up in soft linen; a red-dyed shroud nearby. Her coffin was beautiful and ornately painted, the gold leaf mask that awaited her surprised him. She was nobility, high status.
She tended the Queen, and the inscriptions on her coffin told how her husband was close with the Pharaoh.
Ah. That explains it. The Pharaoh being so close to her family undoubtedly felt grief in his heart as well, maybe even the others in his house. So out of the kindness in his heart, he likely paid to have the finest burial items to be laid on her body before being placed in the coffin.
"I know," Khonshu said to him softly, his palm resting on the young man's head. "But she was a good woman. Anubis and the others will welcome her with open arms, her son will greet her as soon as she passes into the Field of Reeds. She will never need to fear him drowning in the Nile, again."
This seemed to lighten the burnden on the poor man, his body straightening up. "Benerib made offerings to most of the gods. She would go to every temple as she could often get to and leave prayers and offerings to you all. I think this is what drove her daughter to seek knowledge."
"Her daughter? She is a scholar?" Khonshu asked, stepping away so Bakenkhonsu could resume his task.
"Of a sorts." He chuckled, his tone tainted with bittersweet fondness. "She wishes to learn the ways of the gods, to teach them to other mortals even long after she passes on."
Khonshu chuckles softly in turn. A very ambitious goal, if not an unattainable one. Very few of his brethren--save Hathor and a short bundle of others--got past arm's length with the mortals, "That may not happen."
"But even so, it is a noble goal." Khonshu sighed, looking up towards the night sky through one of the high skylights above. "Even if she does not learn what she wants to... She will still learn and pass on things to her descendants."
"Yes... That is what I told her." Bakenkhonsu smiled, looking up at him once more, his hands pausing in their delicate wrapping of the body of this once sweet and loving woman. "But she just smiled at me, and accepted the challenge. She apparently likes puzzles."
Khonshu chuckled. "Ah, I see. It would seem--"
Their heads both snapped upwards, towards the door of the room as the sounds of sobbing reached their ears, carried on the wind as it whistled into the temple.
Khonshu looked at his priest, and once again the atmosphere changed as he heard words--both accusatory and pleading--carry his name on a soft voice.
"The daughter--"
"Yes." Bakenkhonsu replied quickly, his jaw tensing. "She has been... I--I left her to her grief back in the temple. It was like nothing I said would bring her comfort... Sometimes, we need to be left alone to pour our feelings out."
Khonshu heaven a heavy sigh, his grip tightening on his staff for a moment as he took a pace of a breath to think.
His hand extended and he weaved a spell over the body; so that nothing could ravage her in the time Bakenkhonsu would be away.
"Don your armor, my Fist." He orders gently.
"Yes, Father."
And without hesitation, Bakenkhonsu pressed his fist to his chest and bowed his head. The Moon Disc on his chest glowed, his eyes glowing as white as the stars as linen and fine armor began to enshroud him; the holy armor of Khonshu's Fist now in place of his ceremonial robes.
"What... Will you do, Father?" He asked quietly.
"I will speak to her." Khonshu said, vanishing in a blur as Bakenkhonsu's body lurched slightly before stiffening back up again.
And now, with his patron God controlling his body, Bakenkhonsu receded into blissful complacency as his feet softly dragged through the streets as he marched his way to his temple, away from the sad aura of preparing the bodies of the dead.
He approached his temple, regarding the other priests with cordial nods as the bowed in respect to him as they went about their business.
The temple was well-lit, given how thin the moon was it could not shine into the large stone house of worship to illuminate pathways. But he knew. He always knew the way to his altars.
And as he approached the main chamber, he saw... her.
She was laid at the feet of one of his statues, her face buried in her arms as her body was racked with sobs. The sight touched him, made him feel the waves of guilt and pain flowing from her body as she muttered things meant only for the gods to hear.
And they did reach his ears, at least.
He approached her, gently resting his hand on her shoulder, and began to speak.
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"She did all that? On her own?" Yehya gasped softly, setting his cup of tea on his desk.
"Yes." Khonshu replied. "With my guidance, in the beginning. But, she got caught up in the moment and snapped a man's neck."
Yehya frowned thoughtfully, his brows pinching as he linked his fingers together, his elbows resting on the desktop. "And... Jezebel wouldn't tell you anything more about her?"
"About as much as you have, Yehya." Khonshu admonishes with a sigh.
"I'm sorry, father, but..." The god silenced him with a hand in the air.
"I understand, my son. This is a mystery I must--and will--solve myself. I haven't had such a challenge in a long time." He said to him, "I relish the challenge, even if that little whelp is an annoying pest."
Yehya Badr laughed, the corners of his eyes creasing as he looks up at him, "Is she that frustrating?"
"Like a fly that will not stop buzzing in my eye." Khonshu grunted, stamping his staff on the floor, shaking his head.
"You will figure this out. You always tend to." The mortal man replied, adjusting the cuffs on his suit. "From what I have seen from interacting with this woman... She is rather slow to trust. And... Surprisingly ready to throw the first punch. But, given how she has been the victim of so many crimes..."
He shook his head and sighed, his smile faltering, "But it is... good, that she was so responsive to your guidance."
"She complained even more than Marc does." He groused; his voice dripping with irritation.
"Speaking of..." Yehya said, looking up at him. "Has the Ennead called another meeting to discuss what happened with Ammit and Harrow?"
"Yes, however our Avatars were not present for this one." He snorted dismissively, saving his hand. "Though... I do not believe they have replaced them as of yet anyway."
"It's a pity, what happened with Hathor's Avatar. Yatzil was a good woman." Yehya murmured, "From what little I knew of her from our first meeting, she was a kind and gentle soul."
"It is their fault for ignoring Ammit's imminent release," Khonshu reminded him. "Their Avatars did not need to die, yet through their inaction, the gods they worked for signed their death warrants. As well as the souls Ammit devoured prematurely."
"I only wish I had been present. Had I been, maybe Harrow..."
Khonshu walked over to him and placed his hand on his shoulder, "I needed you here, Yehya. There is much evil and injustice here. Marc Spector and the others served me well in other avenues. Your value is here."
He nodded, his lips pressed in a thin line as he thought. What would they all do once Khonshu found out about who you may very well be? Will you remember who killed you? Would that bloody chapter of history and unsolved pain come to a close?
More importantly, how would Khonshu feel about the one person he truly loved with all his being being reborn into somebody entirely new?
What would this mean for the future?
He could only surmise and place bets on hypotheticals with Jezebel; nothing was certain. Yehya was but a man, and he had to admit, the mysteries of reincarnation were still very much alien to him; despite what Jezebel had drip-fed him from what she had experienced. It wasn't something so simple as to be placed in words. Far from it...
"Is she still asleep?" He finally asked after the room fell into a ringing silence.
"Yes. Though she tosses and turns and cries out," Khonshu muttered. "Crying for saving from what, I do not know. She will not tell me what her dreams are, either."
"She will. I know it." Yehya replied resolutely. "I know that one can only keep such things contained inside for so long, before dying to cut the seal and let them all out."
Khonshu walked towards the window, looking out onto the city streets. "Yehya, I want you to patrol tonight. There is a sickness on the prowl, and I want it cured before any others are harmed by it."
Yehya stood, pressing his fist to his chest and bowing his head. And for a moment, Khonshu could see Bakenkhonsu right then. He could see many of his previous Fists with that gesture of loyalty.
"On your will, Father." He swears solemnly.
"And... when I am indisposed, I want you to keep an eye on that little pest for me. Let me know if something changes about her."
He nodded again, his eyes shifting to an eerie white glow as his body was wrapped in his own variation of Khonshu's divine armor. The god rested his hand on his head, bowing his own: "Be swift, my Fist. Strike them down."
Hunter's Moon left, his cloak fluttering behind him as he went out to fulfill his mission. Khonshu looked out the window and up at the sky.
It was a crescent moon.
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Chapter 16: Lmao NGL I might keep pumping these out over the next couple of days.
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someone-took-lost · 11 months
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delphox time tm
i wanna be the very best. but i already am- anyways! tadaaa! foxes. foxes but like in a pokémon font! i love delphox, but i don’t like anthro designs for things that don’t necessarily need to be on two legs. so! i have made it so that delphox is able to be quadrupedal or bipedal. for the whole line in fact~ except fennekin. hes perfect as is.
i think certain designers look over how pokémon are meant to be “evolutions,” and not just bigger-older versions. so i think fennekin evolution is meant to adapt to becoming more “apex predator” of woodland areas. fennekin used to be very common in ancient city areas, but over time moved to more villages with less need to be sneaky little creatures. so now they’re a little better, and becoming smarter. tool based little guys who can stand on back feets for some time in order to use twigs and sticks to conduct a bigger flame.
with this new utilization of their abilities, braixen are medium sized vulpes creatures who hunt prey that are usually just a little smaller than them. i imagine they’re probably just about the size of a german shepherd or a small wolf by now. this body has much easier capability to breath in hot weather and heavy exercise despite the thick coating, but is still able to keep in all the internal flame that they use to survive. they dwell in mostly forested areas, and will occasionally sneak into human towns to steal food. or if they are in a mated duo, they’ll have one distract humans while the other catches food.
delphox is the biggest of the evolutions. he’s the apex of the forest, no one willing hunts ‘em unless for sport or competition. the population of these have become dwindling as delphox hunts have become a common sport for those nearby, even festivals have evolved around them. called the “fire spirits hunt.” they’re known as the fire spirits of the forest, keeping a sort of silent presence despite how big they are. they are about the size of a large buck, or a small elk. and they mostly feed on sawsbuck or bunnelby. their large size is due to their adaptation to being able to use their speed and leaner bodies to their advantage, while also having a larger heat chamber within themselves to create blasts of fire.
mostly solitary, it’s incredibly rare to find wild delphoxes. they live to about 13-15 years in the wild, and 17-19 in captivity. but professors of the galar and kalos regions are working hard to bring them back to their natural habitats.
i hope you guys enjoyed this little spheal, round boi- i like doing these little headcanon creatures thing. i think next i will be doing altaria, but if you guys have any suggestions let me know! i am always up for a challenge <3
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anonymousewrites · 10 months
Portal to My Heart (Book 3) Chapter Six
Loki x Reader
Chapter Six: Into Some Trouble
Summary: Loki interrogates Brad again.
            “Hi,” said Loki simply, gaining Brad’s attention as he stepped back into the holding cell.
            “Hello, Loki. Ready for round two?” said Brad.
            “I felt like I just needed another session, you know?” said Loki with only a little bit of sarcasm. “Get a few things off my chest.”
            “Gonna try hardball tactics this time?” said Brad.
            “Something like that,” remarked Loki.
            “Okay,” said Brad, shrugging. He looked in confusion as Mobius and (Y/N) pushed a machine into the room. He stood up and watched them wheel it into place in his cell. “Where’s B-15?” he said cautiously.
            “She’s not gonna be attending this session,” chirped (Y/N).
            “Oh, I get it,” scoffed Brad. “So, you come in here without B-15, and I’m supposed to believe you’re gonna torture me?”
            “Well, let’s simplify everything,” said Mobius. “You have information that we need.” He plugged in the device. “You don’t want to give it to us. So, how do we find common ground?”
            “You are getting’ desperate,” said Brad.
            “You’re not wrong. He’s not wrong,” remarked Loki casually.
            “Well, you know how I am when I’m pushed into a corner,” said (Y/N), smirking.
            “We’ll be honest with you, we’re down to our last option,” said Mobius.
            “And our last chance,” added Loki.
            “This is cute,” sneered Brad, trying to rile them up again. “Which one of you came up with this script?”
            “Because you’re a tough not to crack, you’ve left us no choice but to kind of ramp—”
            “Mobius, controller,” said Loki.
            “Right, okay.” Mobius grinned at Brad. “We can’t start the festivities without that little baby. Stand by.”
            “I think I put it out here,” said (Y/N), stepping out of the room with Mobius.
            Loki followed and slammed the door shut with a resounding thud. Brad tensed in confusion and turned in his seat to face Loki.
            “Hey, Loki, what are you doing?” questioned (Y/N).
            Loki turned away from the window of the door as (Y/N) and Mobius called for him. He ignored them and focused on Brad. “Turns out, there is actually one other option.” Loki smirked and strolled closer to Brad.
            “No, no. Hey!” shouted Mobius.
            Brad looked at Loki with confusion bordering on worry while Loki continued to speak.
            “You sniffed us out, Brad,” said Loki. “And I knew you would because you’re a clever chap. So guess what? I wrote a little script of my own.”
            “Loki, open up!” snapped (Y/N). “This isn’t the plan!”
            “That thing doesn’t work without the controller, though, so what’re you gonna do?” challenged Brad.
            Loki pulled out the control from where he had hidden it. “This one?” he remarked as Brad paled slightly. “Okay, great. We’re gonna have a little Q and A.” He went to the machine and began fiddling with in while Brad stood and shifted nervously. “Did you find Sylvie? And if you did, where is she? Simple question, really, but doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves as we go along.” He glanced at the device. “This one’s plugged in.”
            “You almost got me,” said Brad, chuckling. “You have no idea how to work that thing.”
            Loki paused and smirked. “I’m not trying to be a hero, Brad. I’m a villain.” His smirk fell, and a darker look entered his gaze. “Remember?”
            “No, Loki!” shouted (Y/N).
            “This isn’t the kind of mischief we were talking about!” said Mobius. “You’re not a villain, Loki!”
            Loki revved the machine, and it turned on. Brad took a step back warily as the truth of the danger started to set in.
            “Look at that!” said Loki.
            “Um, earlier, I said some really hurtful things, and I brought up your mother and (Y/N). And I am really sorry about that,” said Brad cautiously. “Mobius! Hey, get in here! (Y/N), control him!”
            “It’s locked, Brad, it’s locked!” said Mobius.
            Brad watched Loki hold the controller up and paled. “You need to put that down. That’s…you don’t know what you’re doing with that.”
            “What does this one do?” Loki pressed a button, and a golden box appeared around the stool. Loki pressed another button, and the box shrunk and disappeared, leaving the stool compressed and broken. Brad flinched and jumped back at the idea of that happening to him. Loki chuckled. “Sorry. Could’ve hurt yourself there.”
            “Hey, just don’t touch random buttons on that, okay?” snapped Brad, tensed. “Mobius, (Y/N), get in here!”
            “There’s a learning curve on this thing,” remarked Loki.
            “Yeah, there is a learning curve,” repeated Brad in frustration. “You could kill me with that.”
            “Could I?” No smile, no smirk, just an even gaze at Brad, and his eyes widened at Loki’s eyes. Loki pressed a button, and Brad was trapped in a golden box. “This is exciting,” smirked Loki.
            “Turn it off,” said Brad sharply. “Loki, turn it off!”
            “Let me try this, let me try this.” Loki pressed another button, and the sides of the box compressed.
            “Okay, okay, alright!” said Brad, beginning to panic.
            “Sorry, that’s only made it smaller,” “apologized” Loki.
            “Now, look. I don’t know where Dox and the others are. Okay? I don’t know!” shouted Brad, being pushed to the edge.
            “I don’t know if you know this, but I’ve done some terrible, awful things,” said Loki calmly.
            “Yeah, you have! You’re doing one right now!” shouted Brad. “Have some perspective on yourself! Loki grinned and shrunk the height of the box, and Brad crouched in panic. “Okay! Okay. Okay. I swear I don’t know where they are.”
            “Brad,” sighed Loki. “You’re so convincing. I want to believe you, but you’re just—You’re such a good actor.”
            “Look!” Brad was nearly pleading. “I really, I really don’t know. I swear!”
            “You’re so talented!” said Loki, chuckling darkly.
            “They did not tell me the plan!” shouted Brad.
            “Please tell me the truth,” said Loki sharply. “I know you’re lying.”
            “Okay? Okay, okay!” shouted Brad as Loki reached for the button again. “I lied! I lied, okay? I did. I was supposed to go and look for Sylvie, but then, I failed, okay? I bailed.”
            “Right. So, they told you to go after Sylvie and you bailed?” remarked Loki.
            “Yeah!” said Brad.
            “What’s the penalty for a highly-decorated field officer abandoning his mission?” said Loki calmly. “You and Dox? I don’t buy it.” He pressed the controller, and the box shortened on the bottom.
            Brad was trapped in the air within the golden glow. “Okay, look, I swear, okay?!” He saw Loki’s dark look and continued. “I went down there, and I went to get my life, okay?! Because…none of this is real!”
            “Well, if nothing else is real, I guess you aren’t either,” remarked Loki coldly.
            The box shrunk again, and Brad thrashed in alarm. “Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!”
            “Just tell me where Sylvie is, Brad,” said Loki with terrifying calm.
            “Alright!” coughed Brad, fighting for breath. “I’ll tell you where she is! She has a new life!”
            Loki released the box, and Brad fell to the ground in a heap. He groaned.
            “Got there in the end,” said Loki, tsking. “Why do you make it so hard on yourself, Brad?” He placed the controller down and looked down upon Brad. “One thing, you said you bailed on the mission.”
            “Yeah, but I found her first,” said Brad, unwilling to put himself through that fear again. “She’s on a branch.”
            (Y/N) pushed open the door of the holding cell and strolled in with Mobius. “Did you get it?”
            “He knows where Sylvie is,” said Loki, nodding.
            “See? A little bit of mischief,” said (Y/N).
            “Only as good as your plan,” said Mobius.
            “You make a marvelous advisor,” said Loki, smiling.
            “I know,” said (Y/N), winking. She grinned at Brad. “I told you I could control you.”
            Brad looked at her sullenly.
            “Alright, let’s go, Zaniac,” said Mobius, hauling Brad up.
            Brad looked around, bewildered. “Are you telling me that was—”
            “Hell of a performance,” said Mobius cheerfully.
            “If I tell her where she is, you’ll let me go?” asked Brad.
            “No, you’re gonna show us,” said Mobius, pushing him out the door.
            Loki took (Y/N)’s arm and paused before leaving. “Are you ready to see Sylvie?” After everything that happened? After she hurt you?
            “Are you?” said (Y/N).
            “I’m not sure,” said Loki honestly.
            (Y/N) reached up and squeezed his arm. “I know you don’t want us to fight again. But remember, if it does happen, I’m with you. We’re together in all of this.”
            Loki smiled softly and gazed fondly at her. “Yes. We are.”
            “Brad, walk,” said Mobius, pulling him forward when they stepped out onto a parking lot in a branched timeline’s 1982.
            “And if you’re not telling the truth, you’re going back in the Gizmo,” said (Y/N), smiling threateningly.
            “Okay, okay!” said Brad quickly. “Look, she’s in there, alright?” He gestured to the McDonalds. “She’s in there. So why don’t you guys just head on in and remember that I’m the one who brought you here, and a deal’s a deal, alright? So, you go ahead, I’m gonna head on back.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed. He was getting awfully antsy to go back to the TVA. “Why are you so jumpy?”
            “I’m not jumpy,” denied Brad. “I just don’t want to be around a Variant that killed four hundred of my coworkers.”
            “What do you think?” said Mobius.
            “If she’s here, we need to find out what she knows,” said Loki. Even if I don’t want her to be around (Y/N). Not until she proves she is sorry for what she did. Truly sorry.
            “We’ll do the talking, Mobius. Be ready for…I don’t know. Everything. Anything,” said (Y/N). She looked at Loki. “Ready?”
            “As I can be,” said Loki.
            (Y/N) and Loki walked forward, and Mobius watched them. They opened the door of the fast-food restaurant and stepped inside. (Y/N) scanned the room and stopped as her gaze landed on the counter where several people were standing and taking orders.
            And then (E/C)-eyes met green.
            Sylvie’s breath caught in her throat as she looked upon someone she never thought she’d see again. (Y/N) smiled slightly, and Sylvie couldn’t think of anything more horrible. Not when all she could remember was her knife slicing into (Y/N) and her blood staining Sylvie’s hands.
            Sylvie averted her gaze and looked at Loki, Mobius, and Brad. She had been found, and the escape she had found was gone. She swallowed hard and looked away from them all, holding onto the counter.
            That didn’t stop (Y/N) and Loki from stepping up to the register, though. All three remained silent as they stared at each other.
            “…Hi.” (Y/N) broke the silence.
            Sylvie stared at her before replying. “Hi.” She cleared her throat. “Listen, I don’t have all day. You’re gonna order something? Or what?”
            “We need to talk,” said (Y/N).
            Sylvie tensed, and Loki spoke up. “Please, Sylvie. We must.”
            Sylvie sighed. “My break’s in five minutes.” She turned and walked away.
            (Y/N) and Loki looked at each other and nodded before heading outside to wait for Sylvie. Mobius made a smart decision and stayed inside with a snack and Brad.
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lee-bella · 10 months
HP Fest Schedule: December 2023
Below the cut is a list of HP fest dates for the month of December. If you are curious about what's happening in 2024, see the full HP Fest Schedule (Google doc).
December 1
Sirius Black Fest 2023: Posting begins.
H/D Erised 2023 (Tumblr; exchange): Posting starts.
H/D Owlpost 2023: Call for pinch-hitter. Posting begins.
25 Days of Draco & Harry (LJ, Tumblr): Challenge begins.
Deflower December: Challenge begins.
Liquid Luck Roll the Dice Winter Edition: Challenge begins.
HP Chan Fest (AO3, DW): Claiming opens.
Harry Potter Rec Fest: Challenge begins.
HP Yuletide Bliss 2023: Challenge opens.
Snolidays 2023 (Severus): Challenge begins.
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge: Challenge begins.
Rare Pair Shorts Winter Prompt Challenge (Tumblr): December challenge begins.
25 Days of Kinkmas: Challenge begins.
December 2
Marauders Mayhem Voldy's Valentines (exchange): Sign-up opens.
December 3
Blackcest Fest 2024 (Black family; incest): Prompting ends.
December 4
Blackcest Fest 2024 (Black family; incest): Claiming opens.
HP Triad!Fest: Prompting closes.
December 5
HoggyWartyXmas Prompt Fest: Submissions due.
Hoggywartyxmas Book Club: Opening post due.
HoggyWartyXmas Be Creative (non-fic/art medium): Submissions due.
Magical Trans Comfort Fest 2023: Fest & prompts announced.
December 7
HP Triad!Fest: Claiming opens.
HP Trans Fest 2024: Fest announced.
December 8
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2024 (Tumblr): Announced.
December 9
Riddle Fest (AO3): Prompting begins.
December 10
HP Festival of Stars 2023: Claiming ends.
Drarry Fans Discord Server Double Drabble Exchange (discord only): Works due.
December 11
Charlie's Birthday Bash: Claiming ends. Stories due.
Remus Lupin Fest: Claiming closes.
TTB The Twelve Days of Yule Bash (canon compliant): Challenge begins.
December 12
Charlie's Birthday Bash: Stories reveal.
December 14
HP Festival of Stars 2023: Submissions due.
Marauders Mayhem Voldy's Valentines (exchange): Sign-up closes.
December 15
R/S Big Bang 2023: Art due.
Sirius Black Fest 2023: Posting ends.
HP Soulmates Secret Santa: Works due.
HP Festival of Stars 2023: Reveal begins.
Love Is In The Air (Twitter): Claiming opens.
December 17
Yuletide and Mulled Wine Fest (AO3): Stories due.
Drarry Fans Discord Server Double Drabble Exchange (discord only): Reveals.
Wheel of Drarry Secret Santa 2023: Works due.
December 18
Yuletide and Mulled Wine Fest (AO3): Works reveals.
Dark Festivus Gift Exchange: Fics due.
HP Soulmates Secret Santa: Posting begins.
HP Saffics Secret Santa: Works due.
Wheel of Drarry Secret Santa 2023: Posting begins.
December 19
Dark Festivus Gift Exchange: Reveals.
December 20
HP Bard Fest: Claiming closes.
Marauders Christmas Fest: Challenge begins.
Wheel of the Year Fest (Dramione): Works due.
December 21
Wheel of the Year Fest (Dramione): Reveals.
December 22
H/D Owlpost 2023: Last day late gifts will be accepted.
Yuletide and Mulled Wine Fest (AO3): Creators revealed.
HP Soulmates Secret Santa: Posting ends.
TTB The Twelve Days of Yule Bash (canon compliant): Challenge ends.
December 23
H/D Kidfic Fest 2024: Submissions due.
HoggyWartyXmas Prompt Fest: Posting begins (tentative).
Twistmas: Claiming closes; works due.
Magical Trans Comfort Fest 2023: Posting begins.
December 24
Twistmas: Works revealed.
December 25
25 Days of Draco & Harry (LJ, Tumblr): Challenge ends.
HP Saffics Secret Santa: Works & creators revealed.
Magical Trans Comfort Fest 2023: Last day to post.
25 Days of Kinkmas: Challenge ends.
December 26
Wheel of Drarry Secret Santa 2023: Reveals.
December 30
Riddle Fest (AO3): Prompting closes.
December 31
Sugarfest: A Sugar Daddy Harry Fest: Claiming closes. Submission closes.
2023 Harry Potter Crossover Gift Exchange: Submission deadline.
HP Snooze Fest 2023: Last day to self-post.
H/D Owlpost 2023: Posting ends or until all gifts are delivered.
Remadora Fest (Remus/Tonks): Works due.
Deflower December: Challenge ends.
Harry Potter Kink Meme (Tumblr): Round 2 ends.
HP Festival of Stars 2023: Reveal closes.
Marauders Christmas Fest: Last day of challenge.
Harry Potter Rec Fest: Last day of challenge.
HP Yuletide Bliss 2023: Challenge closes.
Snolidays 2023 (Severus): Last day of challenge.
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge: Challenge ends.
Rare Pair Shorts Winter Prompt Challenge (Tumblr): December challenge ends.
Riddle Fest (AO3): Prompts announced.
15 notes · View notes
Bluebellofbakerstreet's 007Fest 2023 Finish Line Masterpost
15 point art:
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GBBO, Q Works Late, James in Jamaica, Kilts!, Aston Martin, Bond on a motorcycle, Commander Bond, Renoir Bond, Location Graphics
10 point art:
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Bond, Max Zorin, Eve, Felix, Three-Color Bond, Renoir Eve and all of the Miss Moneypenny Takes a Holiday pics.
5 point art:
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Cat, Jaws, Blofeld, and all of the others are from the Children's Story/Rebus
5 point writing:
Skyfall for Kids
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Bond Bingo Graphics (2)
Other fan creations:
2048 Game
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Scavenger Hunt Fills:
#6 Create a Bond-themed crossword. #23 Create a portrait of a Bond character using only Skittles, M&Ms, or similar small round colored candy.  #28 Find the Difference - Create an almost identical image and change a few things there (could be an edit or art). Tell us how many things have changed when you post it. #29 Solve someone's Find the Difference challenge (Can earn up to 3 times) Solved 3: by kitten-kin, anyawen and ate-the-bean #33 Complete a Bond themed crossword created by somebody else. (Can earn up to 3 times) Solved 3: 2 by kitten-kin and one by spiritofcamelot. #37 Create at least 5 Bond-themed rebus puzzles. #38 Design 3 outfits for a Bond character to be worn on 3 separate occassions.  #44 It's never too early to introduce James Bond to the next generation, although some of the content is too mature. And too long. Rewrite a Bond book or movie as a children's book. For extra points, record yourself reading it like a bedtime story to a child (Both story and read-aloud included.)
Prompt Sheet fills:
#11 Anything, and I do mean anything, about Max Zorin from A View to a Kill. He deserves more attention. #22 Flowers. Put them in a bouquet or in the park. In the garden or as a garden ornament. Put them in a painting or a china pattern. Boutonniere? Yes. Flowers. Gimme. (2nd picture) #25 ANY excuse to put Q in a kilt (and see James' reaction?) #40 Dance. Flailing arms? Okay. Ballroom waltz? Gimme. Line dancing? Sure. Bump and grind? Ayup. Gliding across the floor or stepping on toes, put it in my veins. #62 Bond in Jamaica and his little harem of stray cats who learn his fishing schedule or recognize his boat. #81 “Please stop rolling your shirt sleeves up, it’s terribly distracting”  #155 Historical AU:  Regency?  Victorian?  Roman Gladiator James and  Emperor Q?  (2nd picture) #159 Something nautical; Bond is a naval Commander after all.  Maybe a navy AU? Pirate captain Bond?  A shipwreck?  A romantic sailing getaway? #179 Q and Bond have to go undercover at the GBBO. And to fully complete the mission…one of them must win. Bonus points if they’re investigating Paul Hollywood. #206 Q working late
Art Table fills:
Use a medium you don’t use often  Draw in a different style Ten-minute challenge  Use only three colors Free Space/Challenge Yourself  Draw in One Continuous Line Black and White Only No Lines Inspired by a Painting
Theme Days:
Festivities Day  Felix Friday Characters of Color Moneypenny Day
1 Hosted:
Bond Bingo Discord 7/30
3 attended:
Productivity Hours Discord 7/15 Productivity Hours Discord 7/16 Ato's Writing Sprints 7/20
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brobonebang · 2 years
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Hello Bro Boners!! We are happy to announce that round 2 of the Bro Bone Bang has concluded with a total of 32 fancies of filial fucking available for your delectation: find our masterlist here and the AO3 page for the collection here, if you want to indulge in this tantalising tantric Turkish delight.
Anyway: you know what that means (and okay yes we had a little two-week hiatus while your neighbourhood mod juggled that festive overwhelm we all know so well) - anyway - round 3 of the Bro Bone Bang is go and our theme for this time around is SONGS. Your prompt should be in the form of a song title and artist: no more, no less. As usual at the Bro Bone Bang we prefer our prompts the way we prefer our drugs - non-prescriptive (this is untrue and also probably ungrammatical but we’re surfing this wave now, no time to get off) (unlike Sam and Dean, who always make time to get off, eyyyy).
Prompts for round 3 will be accepted until the end of February 2023 and fills until midnight UTC on March 5th of the same year (that is to say, next year, obviously we’re not going to run this round for like 15 months). Any song you like! Maybe it’s a classic rock song, maybe - given the season - it’s a Christmas carol, maybe it’s a pop classic of your yoof (whenever that youth may have been, no judgements here). Just pop it in the prompt box and leave it to the lovely fanwork creator to interpret the music and lyrics as they see fit. (A brief reminder: art fills are very welcome! For fics we ask for a 500-word minimum - just a little treatsy taste - so interpret that art-wise however makes sense to you.)
Just one more time for ease of access: you can find the Round 3 AO3 collection here. This is where you can leave and fill prompts. If you wanna post a link to your completed fanwork on your Tumblr once it’s done, please go ahead, and please tag @brobonebang​ so we can see it and reblog it!
(The rules and FAQ for the challenge remain the same as for round 1, so feel free to check them out again if you need a refresher. Any questions? Mods are here for you as always! Just send us an ask.)
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thatsneakymedic · 1 year
October Writing Challenge Day 15 Pumpkin
With permission and the trust from Mother Nonou, Kabuto walks hand to hand with Aina as they head back to Aina's farm to go pick up some crops for dinner. Today it was Kabuto's turn to go with Aina to bring the food back as part of his lessons about running errands and learning basic math when it comes to money.
The other two nuns insisted that Nonou teaches Kabuto these things early as times like these when children need to learn quickly. Since even they might need to learn the value of chores and doing errands for their parents long after they get adopted.
Dragging the empty old utility grocery cart behind him with a handle, Kabuto looks around the trees and the cloudy skies. He's wearing his own warm scarf and his boots since the weather has been getting colder these days and Kabuto had just recovered from his own sore throat two weeks ago. He did however love how the trees and the leaves are falling about and decorating the ground with the red, yellow, and orange colors.
"I didn't know that you live just a bit far from us Aina. I can't believe that you walk from here to our place and then to Konoha. But it must really be tiring and stressful when it gets dark, rains, or snow. Winter is in a few months after all." Kabuto says as he does a little hop on the leaf to crush it under his foot to give it that good satisfactory crunch sound.
"Well, first it helps t' get up at th' crack'a dawn. Get all th' chores done you need done 'fore anythin' else. Which's why it's import'nt to go to bed early. Plus by now, I've done learned all th' shortcuts 'round this place. An' when a place's very far or I got a big load t' carry, I take my tricycle an' wagon." She answered as she leads the way to the farm, which is lucky that the wooden fence is the main clue that they're going the right way. On the same road as them, a couple using a large wagon pulled by a horse that carried quite a lot of vegetables on the back of the cart and they both were heading back to the village.
"Hello you two." The wife of the man greets them in a friendly manner as they pass through. And both Aina and Kabuto step aside to let them pass and they bow as they leave. As soon as they pass, Kabuto then tries to look on ahead when they're at least a mile from the farm.
"That man and his wife. They bought a LOT of vegetables! Like as if they're planning a large dinner or festival! I think we should hurry. What if all of the vegetables are gone by now?" Kabuto said as he is now slightly rushing towards the place, holding Aina's hand while also trying to drag the cart behind him too.
Aina though she's not too worried about the vegetables running out, she does notice that Kabuto was concerned so she decides for his sake to also hurry by walking quickly while helping Kabuto pull the cart.
The view of the small farm is now getting closer and closer as the brown fence is reaching the bend and towards the farm. Kabuto slows down his steps as he now looks around the small farm from the front. From far away, he sees a figure moving about before heading inside. Probably Aina's mom or another customer?
"Is that the place? It's a lot different than what I imagined. I thought that you guys would live surrounded by large fields of hay and stuff. Like in the pictures of story books or magazines. But it still looks pretty and comfortable."
She giggles but she's also glad that the boy isn't dragging her so much anymore and now they're able to walk at a normal pace, "Ahaha, oh, Kabuto. You mus' be thinkin' bout people with manors. Those farmers got much more land than we do. Yep, farms act'lly come in all shapes-n-sizes. But we're happy with ours. Ain't never let us down."
"And considering if that couple that passed us that might've bought the vegetables back there. That means that your crops must be really good, even if your place isn't as big. Different and all shapes and sizes... I like it. Since bigger isn't always better." He looks around the outside of the house as they get more closer till they are right at the doorstep.
Now not so much as in a rush since there's nobody there other than him, Aina, and the woman in the store. He is the first to knock on the wooden pillar to let her know despite that she had already seen them coming.
"Aina, is that your mom in the store? She looks a lot like you." He assumed that she would be as kind and friendly like her too.
"Yes she is." Aina nods, though she did worry about if Kabuto won't be intimidated by her personality since even she knew that her mother isn't as friendly as she is.
He stands in front of the various vegetables and he reads the numbers and the names on them. Though reading the list that he has, he looks around more for the other vegetables that were not on the display. Aina guides him to shed and his eyes widen as he sees the tomatoes and sweet potatoes that he needs to pick up.
But before he could move, he pauses when he feels someone staring at him and he turns to the dark skinned woman with the apron who was counting the money, even though she's already done and is now putting it away in a box, she is giving him a rather serious stare. Her attention however is on the Konohagakure Orphanage symbol on his kimono.
"Keep an eye on that child, Aina. Last thing I need is a troublemaker messing up my store. And leave that cart out since I don't want you hitting anything either." She said sternly while turning to Aina for a moment before looking back at him.
Great. Another child from that place and an unfamiliar one that is not the mature one with the hat and birthmark on his nose. She hopes that Kabuto isn't like the insolent girl from the Orphanage who tried to haggle with her with the prices on the strawberries. The girl called her an "stupid old hag" for not willing to deal with the outrageous cheap price and then kicking a display stand's wooden foot so hard, the foot broke and the fragile plums that she cherished herself all fell onto the ground, bruising and ruining the entire bunch. If it weren't for Aina getting between them, she would've not only beaten the girl, but also refused the money and dragged the snotty brat out of the store by the hair. Even if it has been months ago when it happened and Mother Nonou thankfully paid for the damages, it still left a bitter taste in her mouth.
"Y-yes ma'am! I promise that I won't cause trouble for you or Aina." Kabuto politely bowed to her despite being unnerved by her intimidating stare before turning around and gently putting the right amount of tomatoes in the bag and then with his fingers. Counting on the prices while also keeping his hands to himself. Kabuto was thankful that there was plenty of vegetables left even though it looked like it was just about to run out. While waiting, Airi noticed how Kabuto would casually put the produce in their right places and in order while looking around for the items he need when he didn't need to. Seems that this child knows how to clean up and organize.
8 tomatoes 3 cabbages 6 sweet potatoes 8 regular potatoes 6 carrots 2 cauliflowers 3 eggplants
Kabuto was careful with the costs of the items and even counted quietly on both money and the produce. Or at least he thought he did as he picked the biggest ones he could find and he put them on the cart.
His attention was caught on the perfectly shaped small pumpkin that was on one of the displays along with the other larger ones. He has been curious to know how pumpkin tastes like since Urushi told him that he has been craving for pumpkin pie the other day and how it's always delicious to eat around this time of the year.
Perhaps he could buy it for him and maybe Mother would be happy with it too? A small one of course, since the big ones were way too expensive and too big for him to carry home.
He looks at the cash in his hand and he counts what would he have left if he could buy it.
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Being so sure that he could get it, he picks up the one that catches his eye and he puts it on the cart. "I think I got everything Aina. I think I have enough money for an extra item too."
He smiles as he immediately heads to the counter with the money ready in hand. Aina then follows him and starts to take out the scale in hand, "Oh, oh wait. You gotta let us--ahaha, 'lettuce'--ah, let us weigh it. Our prices're ain't based on how many of a fruit or vegetable ya got. We figure it out based on how many kilos your pick weighs."
Kabuto's happy face slightly frowns, though he did catch the joke but he had no time to laugh at it, "What? I... I didn't know that. Oh no, I picked out the biggest ones I could find..."
"At least you'll know and be aware of that next time boy. And don't hold the money out in your hands like that. You're easy pickings for thieves to steal from you if you're not careful." Airi advised rather strictly while waiting for Aina to finish weighing the produce. Kabuto gulped as he puts the bills of money in his pocket quickly. Not that there was any need to worry since there was no one around other than the three of them.
Fortunately for Kabuto, he had enough money for all of the produce that was on the list, except for the pumpkin.
"You don't have enough for the pumpkin boy." Airi commented as she puts the pumpkin on the table away from the bags.
Kabuto frowned at that. "Oh no, I'm sorry ma'am. I'll go put it back for you once I pay you the money for these items." He sadly looks at it as he hands the money to Airi who slowly counts the money he gave her, just in case. Kabuto thinks about how he could take out at least two of the produce, but then that would mean less food for just one item and Mother did say to not try to buy unnecessary things.
Airi eyes Kabuto for a moment as he's trying to calculate on what to do even if he is willing to accept that he won't have to buy the pumpkin. She hesitantly sighs as she pushes the small pumpkin toward him, it's the least she could do for his good behavior and because she needed to get rid as much of the produce as she can for her and Aina's planned trip outside the village. "You can add this to the cart, boy. It's on the house and nice job putting the items back in their proper places for me."
Kabuto's eyes open and he slightly gasps as she presents the pumpkin he was holding to him, he was smart enough to know that not every kind act would get him free stuff. But he had no idea that she was paying attention to him cleaning up and putting the items back where they belong. Even though she was scary, she does seem nice after all.
"R-really? I can have it? Are you sure? T-thank you, ma'am!" He picks up the pumpkin and he holds it in his hands. Feeling the smoothness of the skin on his fingertips.
"Make it last, boy. Next pumpkin ain't gonna be free." She said while waiting for Aina to be done helping Kabuto put the items on the cart.
"Yes ma'am. I'll remember that. Thank you for the crops. Goodbye now." Kabuto politely bowed to her before adding the small pumpkin to the cart. Neatly right on the spot where it won't crush the other crops or fall off.
Before Aina could leave with Kabuto, Airi then calls for her to wait and she hands her an list of orders from other customers, "Oi. Kame. If you're gon' take that boy back to his place, go on an' take up that basket over there. Here's th' order list. Get these deliv'ries t' ev'rybody on this list, an' get back here 'fore dark. Got it?"
Aina nods, "Yes Mama!"
"Repeat back t' me what I done tol' you t' do." She crosses her arms.
"Take Kabuto home, make these d'liver'ies, get back here 'fore dark." Aina repeats with her eyes closed and with her hand clenched onto a fist while one hand counts the three things to do.
"Good. Now get goin'." She nods as she puts the money that Kabuto gave her into the money box.
"Thank you again, Ma'am. Have a nice day!" Kabuto said kindly as he also bows to her again before leaving with Aina while holding her hand and helping her pull the cart even though she got it covered. As if giving her extra strength to pull it.
"So Aina, I overheard that your mother wants you back home before dark, and I did see that there was some things put away like storage boxes. Are you going somewhere after this and would you guys be okay to travel when the weather changes? I don't think you should travel too much around this time of the year." The boy holds onto her hand a bit tightly as if to show her his concern.
Aina thinks as she helps him pull the heavy wagon for him while he follows her. "Well, ah, I wouldn' say we travel that much. S'only th' sea turtles we really care about in th' world outside Konoha. We go twice a year. Th' first in May, th' second in October." Her feet step over a few leaves on the path as she continued, "Me an' Mama go t'gether, jus' th' two of us. We camp as much' we can--which's actually very fun once ya learn how t' do it well!--an' rain never bothered me. We need th' rain t' live, don't you know! "Snow? Ahahaha! Well now, I ain't never been through a lotta snow! So I can't say how I'd cope if I did get caught in a blizz'rd. Hafta get back t' you on that."
"So this would mean that you won't be out in the winter then? Thank goodness for that! Aina, your mom even though she is scary. She sounds like a nice lady, especially when she gave me this pumpkin for free. I know that she won't give stuff for free, but I'm really happy that I can bring one since I've never eaten pumpkin before."
The walk back to the orphanage was a nice and peaceful one, and one that Kabuto would always remember when Aina's mother is mentioned in their talks.
A planned drabble with my friend @super-kame-love
Also tagging you @lunyraartistry
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⌜ ♥ @musesbymarnie ⌟ ―― Caitlyn & Jayce ► opportunities to feel unwanted = ❝ "This isn't really my area of expertise." from Jayce ❞
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"And your point?" Caitlyn questioned, a hand placed on her hip as if she dared him to back down from the challenge in front of them. It was the Moon Festival of Autumn. sometimes called Midnight Masquerade. The Festival was alive with activities, and excitement beaming from the youngest child to the oldest adult. Multiple different stalls were lifted, some were costumes, and others here to present games or gifts. It was a time when children often would dress up, excitedly running around because of the time of autumn. It was often the day when people would give gifts and celebrate the coming days of the brilliant red moon that provided the harvest and the progress to autumn.
The stall in front of them was a shooting game, the small gun with little plastic balls for bullets, and the metal animals such as rabbits and foxes spun around in front of them. "We all know I'm the excellent shot here, but come on, give it a try," Caitlyn laughed as she reached into her pocket and put down a couple of gold coins to the stall attendant who clicked a button and the animals started to move and twist, bobbing up and down. "All you have to do is knock down 15 in 20 seconds and you get a big prize!" The attendant grinned, encouraging Jayce as Caitlyn was.
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"If you don't do it, I promise I'll take a round and get you a big furry Poro," Caitlyn playfully teased her brother as she tilted her head. "Besides, we're going to that magic show, you owe me," Caitlyn often broke down how the magic was done, she was terrible with shows like that because she could see the misconceptions and the perception of deceit. Where one saw magic, she saw behind the misdirection and the truth of the games.
Still, she loved how much of a nerd Jayce was when it came to magic shows.
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bluejayblueskies · 2 years
ao3 year in review 2022
happy new year!! 🎉 with 2022 done and gone, i wanted to take a quick moment to look back on the fic i wrote last year 💜
Top Fandom: Malevolent (15 works, including anonymous fics and fics on my separate nsfw account)
Date of First Fic Posted: January 2, 2022 (it's my party and i'll cry if i want to, Encanto, 5.6k words)
Top Multi-Chapter Fic: ten thousand flowers in spring, The Magnus Archives, 47.5k words
I finished this one just a few days ago and I had such a good time writing it! It also may very well be my last major TMA work (unless the TMA muse returns to me at some point) and I'm happy with it being the capstone on my multi-chapter TMA experience 💜
Top One-Shot: The Cube Rule of Food Identification, The Magnus Archives, 1.6k words
This fic surpassed 1.5k kudos recently and I never expected it to 😂 it's the silliest fic I think I've ever written, given that I usually trend towards angst and whump, and I'm glad that people enjoyed it!
(more under the cut!)
Fic I’m Most Proud Of: whisky old fashioned sour, Malevolent, 58.5k words
I love whisky 💜 this fic is my baby at the moment, ngl, and I'm so excited to wrap it up in the next month or two (depending on how fast I write). People have made some truly spectacular art for it that continues to blow me away every time I see it, and the community has been so wonderful and encouraging over this AU that I thought nobody would really find interesting other than me 💕
Fic I Wish Had Gotten More Attention: cicatrix, Malevolent, 4.7k words
I get why this one didn't get a lot of attention--it's a niche AU (a daemon AU) that's rather whumpy, and I posted it at a weird time. Still, it was (and still is) a concept that really excited me, and I still wish it had gotten a bit more attention. Oh well! That happens sometimes. I like to think that I've gotten more resilient about writing weird niche things that will get like 5 comments and 20 kudos max XD
Fic That Challenged Me The Most: Fata Morgana, The Magnus Archives, 41.7k words
I wouldn't necessarily say that any of the things I wrote this year were particularly challenging (unless you count the HTML stuff in whisky 😂). However, I did have a super rough time starting this fic. It really did not want to get off the ground for whatever reason, and it fought me hard for the first couple of chapters. It was pretty smooth sailing after that though, and I'm proud of the final product!
Favorite Quote/Passage: I always struggle with this question because I forget what I've written beyond what I wrote like. Yesterday lol. So I think I'll just pick a selection of lines I enjoy!
from whisky old fashioned sour:
This close, John can count every single one of Arthur’s freckles—or he could if he had the time, which he immediately adds to his to-do list. Does Arthur have freckles on his shoulders as well? His back? The inside of his thighs? John has never needed to know something so badly, so desperately.
from pov you're an arkham taxi driver:
The last glimpse you catch of him is in the bright white of a lightning strike, high above in the clouds. He looks … taller, somehow. Like his shadow has peeled away from the ground and now looms ominously above, an unholy specter of darkness that winds around him like it’s trying to consume him utterly.
from merry and bright:
There was a choir somewhere else in the festival, and the faint sound of Christmas carols mingled with the jingling of bells and the crackling of fire and the ever-present crunch of snow underfoot. The sounds, along with John’s descriptions, painted a brightly-colored picture: vendors adorned with reds and greens and silvers, children with one hand clasped in a parent’s and the other clinging to hand-carved wooden toys or big round lollipops, people with handcarts peddling candied orange peel and apple cider and warm roasted chestnuts.
from do the stars gaze back?:
Then, Jon reaches out a hand and traces a finger along the curve of Martin’s cheek. “You have constellations within you as well,” they say softly, mapping out the spaces between Martin’s freckles and leaving a warm, tingling sensation in their wake. Their finger reaches the bow of Martin’s upper lip, and they hesitate before shifting and cupping Martin’s cheek in their palm. “They’re lovely.”
from live wire:
They’re beautiful, Jon thinks. In the same way that poison dart frogs are beautiful and belladonna is beautiful and a knife is beautiful right before it buries itself in your lungs.
Total Words Posted: 253,945 words
I suppose I did write two full multi-chapter works and one almost-full multi-chapter work this year, but wow that's still more words than I expected! I'm super happy with the progress I made last year, and I plan to continue writing and posting in 2023 🎉 Thank you SO much to everyone who has commented, kudosed, reblogged, chatted with me in DMs or discord servers, and otherwise supported my writing--I appreciate all of you 💜
Some things to look forward to from me this coming year 👀
The last few chapters of whisky 🥃
Episode 20 time loop fic with themes of whump and heavy angst
Some assorted oneshots, including a Christmas PWP I really meant to have done last year and an exchange fic!
More selkie AU 🦭
Some assorted oneshots via the bunnies in the archives event that I'm participating in
A oneshot where Tim and Jon quit the Institute together in season 4 that I'm planning on finishing and posting!
A magic AU featuring magician Martin who may or may not have accidentally summoned a Jon by writing sad poetry. Featuring hurt/comfort, sickfic vibes, and a happy ending 💜
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twwpress · 2 years
Weekly Press Briefing #30: January 15th - 21st
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from January 15 - January 21, 2023! Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing!
The following is a roundup of open challenges/prompts. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
@thefinestmuffin and @JessBakesCakes are hosting a casual Josh/Donna Rom Com Fest that will reveal on February 14. Prompts and claims are open; details here. 
Here’s what was posted from January 15 - January 21.
Marlee Matlin posted selfies with her daughter Sarah along with a birthday wish. 
Marlee Matlin posted a photo of herself at Sundance Film Festival as a member of the US Dramatic Competiton jury.
Marlee Matlin posted photos of herself with Hayley Astin at Sundance. 
Rob Lowe posted a screenshot of his new movie Dog Gone being number one on Netflix. 
Rob Lowe posted videos of himself on Jimmy Kimmel Live: 1 | 2
Donna Moss Daily: January 15 | January 16 | January 17 | January 18 | January 19 | January 20 | January 21
Daily Josh Lyman: January 15 | January 16 | January 17 | January 18 | January 19 | January 20 | January 21
No Context BWhit: January 15 | January 16 | January 17 | January 18 | January 19 | January 20 | January 21
@janelmilfoney: January 19 | January 21
Josh Malina celebrated his birthday on January 17. 
 Creator Spotlight:
Each week, we will talk to a fandom creator and interview them about their work and their process. We’ll also give you the opportunity to ask them questions, too! Want to be a featured creator? Find us via one of the methods listed at the end of the briefing!
This week’s creator is @tonysstrk on twitter and hanyolo on ao3. You can find the spotlight on tumblr or on twitter.
 This Week in Canon:
Welcome to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 3, Episode 11: 100,000 Airplanes aired on January 16, 2002
Season 4, Episode 13: The Long Goodbye aired on January 15, 2003.
Season 6, Episode 12: 365 Days aired on January 19, 2005.
Season 7, Episode 11: Internal Displacement aired on January 15, 2006.
Editor’s Choice: 
In the TWW universe, a new presidential term would be beginning this week. We rounded up some of our favorite inauguration-centered fics to mark the occasion! Long Story Short by onelargecoffeepls | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Josh and Donna get together the night of Bartlet’s second inauguration, putting them on a different path for the rest of the series. Canon-divergent AU in four parts spanning from “Inauguration: Over There” all the way through to “Tomorrow.”
Between Every Line by greatestheights | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | On the night of President Bartlet’s second inauguration, Donna and Josh drink bad champagne and say some things they shouldn’t.
Now More Than Ever by Canon_Is_Relative | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn | Complete |  It’s inauguration night and Josh is looking at Sam.
Ever Forward by JessBakesCakes | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Four Inauguration Days for Josh and Donna.
Inauguration Day by ETraytin | Rated T | Gen Fic/No Pairings | Complete | The Santos Inauguration from fifteen different points of view.
They Can't Take That Away by MAHC [archived by westwingfanfictioncentral_archivist] | Rated E | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet | Complete | Jed Bartlet's last inauguration day brings joy for the family and administration, but unexpected complications bring both personal and professional threats.
The Future Belongs by ETraytin | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn | Complete | "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their own dreams."-Eleanor Roosevelt.
President Seaborn's inauguration day.
Presenting your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own. If you are so inclined, please be sure to leave the authors some love in the form of kudos or comments. Be mindful of posted warnings/tags for each story.
Roses and Sacrifice for You by Shinyrosa | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
darling, so it goes (some things are meant to be) by mikaylawrites | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
say my name and everything just stops by flowersinapril | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
departures and arrivals by rearviewmirror for crossingdelancey | Rated T | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | Complete
The House is Over There by tobyneedspie | Rated E | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | Complete
Fallout by onekisstotakewithme for daylight_angel, miabicicletta | Rated G | Danny Concannon/C.J. Cregg | Complete
A Night to Watch by onekisstotakewithme for daylight_angel, miabicicletta, Luppiters | Rated T | Danny Concannon/C.J. Cregg | Complete
 Other Pairings/Gen Fic
it started off with a kiss... now it ended up like this by imawkwardlysoc | Rated G | Sam Seaborn/Original Female Character | In Progress
watching the skies by jazzjo | Rated G | C. J. Cregg & Charlie Young, C. J. Cregg/Andrea Wyatt | Complete
compel me to ask you for more by jazzjo | Rated G | Andrea Wyatt/Toby Ziegler | In Progress
the hands of the statesman by themysterybox | Rated T | Bruno Gianelli/Arnold Vinick | Complete The Language of Tomorrow by silasfinch for justdreaming88 | Rated T | Ellie Bartlet/Original Female Character(s) | In Progress
A Different Life by PreppyPrincess5103 (JAG crossover) | Rated M | Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie/Sam Seaborn | In progress 
Wait For Me by imperfectirises | Rated M | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet | In progress 
Mr. President-Elect by yourlocalrandombisexual | Rated E | Jed Bartlet/Leo McGarry | Complete
my best friend’s hot by fleurfemme for crossingdelancey | Rated E | C. J. Cregg/Andrea Wyatt/Toby Ziegler | Complete
 Multiple Pairings
Unto Us, A Child Is Born by mlea7675 | Rated G | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Helen Santos/Matt Santos | In Progress
Twitter: @TWWPress
Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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lacafe · 25 days
Seasonal Travel Tips: When is the Best Time to Visit Rishikesh?
Rishikesh, with its spiritual charm and adventure opportunities, is a destination that shines in every season. To make your visit even more memorable, start your journey at Little Amsterdam OSCENOX, located on Bypass Road near Laxman Jhula in Tapovan. This premier restaurant and hotel offers a unique blend of comfort and cuisine, providing a perfect base for exploring Rishikesh year-round.
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Best Time to Visit Rishikesh
Winter (October to March): Winter is the prime season to visit Rishikesh. The weather is comfortably cool, with temperatures ranging from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F), making it ideal for outdoor adventures and yoga retreats. Enjoy the perfect climate for exploring the city’s spiritual sites and natural beauty.
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2. Summer (April to June): Summer temperatures in Rishikesh can reach 30°C to 40°C (86°F to 104°F), so it’s important to stay hydrated. This season is great for thrilling activities like white-water rafting and trekking. Early mornings and late afternoons are the best times for outdoor adventures.
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3. Monsoon (July to September): During the monsoon season, Rishikesh experiences heavy rainfall and high humidity. While the lush, green landscapes are stunning, the rains can make outdoor activities challenging. This period is perfect for those seeking tranquility and who enjoy the vibrant greenery.
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4. Festivals and Special Events: Rishikesh’s festivals, such as the Ganga Aarti and the International Yoga Festival, offer unique cultural experiences. These events are a wonderful way to immerse yourself in local traditions and enjoy special celebrations.
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Dining and Stay at Little Amsterdam OSCENOX
For a delightful dining experience and comfortable accommodation, Little Amsterdam OSCENOX is the place to be. Known for its stunning Ganga views, the restaurant offers a diverse menu with delectable non-veg options. Relax with drinks at the bar or enjoy hukkah in a cozy ambiance. The hotel provides free Wi-Fi, ample parking, and a pet-friendly policy. Their friendly staff ensures a pleasant stay, making it an ideal choice regardless of when you visit.
Book Now to start your Rishikesh adventure with the exceptional comfort and dining experience at Little Amsterdam OSCENOX. Enjoy all that Rishikesh has to offer, any time of the year.
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themomsandthecity · 29 days
13 Tried-and-True Birthday Party Ideas For Teens
It can be hard coming up with birthday party ideas for teens. The guest list can be problem enough, but even once you've settled on the right number and the right mix of friends, coming up with teen birthday party ideas that finicky teenagers will actually love is a whole other challenge. Tweens and teens definitely want a party that expresses their new maturity and budding individuality, after all. And parents want birthday ideas for teens that won't cost a fortune, require a year's worth of planning, or end in tears (although that's truthfully sometimes out of our control). That's a tall list, but we're up to the task. Here are a several birthday party ideas for teens, all of which will celebrate your kid's milestone and make sure all their closest friends have fun too. (Plus, we've got great suggestions for the best gifts for tweens here.) Birthday Party Ideas For 13-Year-Olds Night Games and a Bonfire If your tween or teen is looking for a coed party, start with a barbecue and then play some familiar games. (They'll seem more mature when they're being played after the sun goes down.) Think ghost in the graveyard, kick the can, and capture the flag. You can close out the night with a bonfire if you have the space and your kids are old enough to properly practice safety. Who doesn't love roasting marshmallows and making s'mores? Pool Party If you have access to a pool in your own home or neighborhood, have a pool party. The tween birthday party idea is easy - swimming and splashing (although it requires a watchful eye for safety; even better if you have other parents on hand to chaperone). Win cool points by adding some festive floats to the mix, like a unicorn or slice of pizza. And you can always end the party with a barbecue or pizza feast. Take a Field Trip Round up the kids, and go to the beach, the zoo, the ice rink, or a hiking trail or even try catching an outdoor show. Rent a van big enough to schlep everyone to the event, and make a festive playlist for the drive. Movie Night Outside Rather than heading to a theater, create a mini drive-in feel by setting up a cozy space to hang out, providing snacks, and picking out one or two movies to feature. Slime Party If your tween is still loving slime, celebrate their birthday with a party dedicated to this slippery substance. You can make a variety of slimes and even fête your tween with some edible slime . . . although they'll likely still want a cake of some sort. Birthday Party Ideas For 14-Year-Olds The Classic Sleepover Don't knock the standby classic of a slumber party as a birthday idea for teenagers. Since the kids are all older, you likely won't have to deal with separation anxiety in any of your guests. Activities can include making pizzas, decorating cupcakes, an ice cream–sundae bar, and watching a movie. Be ready to create a memorable breakfast, like Funfetti pancakes or a waffle charcuterie board. Gaming Party If you've got a gamer on your hands, embrace it and book a mobile gaming truck for their birthday party. These trucks often feature an iconic gaming theater with stadium-style tiered seating, high-def TVs, and laser and neon lighting that will make all their gaming dreams a reality. Spa Party Hello, sheet masks and pedicures! Step it up a notch and provide cucumber slices for their eyes while they lounge about. You can hand out slippers or nail polishes as party favors. Why not dedicate some time to a DIY and make a sugar scrub? Karaoke Night Rent a karaoke machine, and let the kids go to town belting out their favorite songs. Pull out old costumes and accessories so each number can be sensational and silly. They might think they're all grown up, but playing dress-up is kind of ageless. Birthday Party Ideas For 15-Year-Olds Hotel Sleepover If you don't want to host a classic sleepover, then move the party to a hotel. Having a hotel sleepover will put you at the… https://www.popsugar.com/family/Birthday-Ideas-Teens-Tweens-30863246?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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oscenox-rishikesh · 1 month
Seasonal Travel Tips: When is the Best Time to Visit Rishikesh?
Rishikesh, with its spiritual charm and adventure opportunities, is a destination that shines in every season. To make your visit even more memorable, start your journey at Little Amsterdam OSCENOX, located on Bypass Road near Laxman Jhula in Tapovan. This premier restaurant and hotel offers a unique blend of comfort and cuisine, providing a perfect base for exploring Rishikesh year-round.
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Best Time to Visit Rishikesh
Winter (October to March): Winter is the prime season to visit Rishikesh. The weather is comfortably cool, with temperatures ranging from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F), making it ideal for outdoor adventures and yoga retreats. Enjoy the perfect climate for exploring the city’s spiritual sites and natural beauty.
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2. Summer (April to June): Summer temperatures in Rishikesh can reach 30°C to 40°C (86°F to 104°F), so it’s important to stay hydrated. This season is great for thrilling activities like white-water rafting and trekking. Early mornings and late afternoons are the best times for outdoor adventures.
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3. Monsoon (July to September): During the monsoon season, Rishikesh experiences heavy rainfall and high humidity. While the lush, green landscapes are stunning, the rains can make outdoor activities challenging. This period is perfect for those seeking tranquility and who enjoy the vibrant greenery.
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4. Festivals and Special Events: Rishikesh’s festivals, such as the Ganga Aarti and the International Yoga Festival, offer unique cultural experiences. These events are a wonderful way to immerse yourself in local traditions and enjoy special celebrations.
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Dining and Stay at Little Amsterdam OSCENOX
For a delightful dining experience and comfortable accommodation, Little Amsterdam OSCENOX is the place to be. Known for its stunning Ganga views, the restaurant offers a diverse menu with delectable non-veg options. Relax with drinks at the bar or enjoy hukkah in a cozy ambiance. The hotel provides free Wi-Fi, ample parking, and a pet-friendly policy. Their friendly staff ensures a pleasant stay, making it an ideal choice regardless of when you visit.
Book Now to start your Rishikesh adventure with the exceptional comfort and dining experience at Little Amsterdam OSCENOX. Enjoy all that Rishikesh has to offer, any time of the year.
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