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eyeless-tea · 26 days ago
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2020 (Batch 3)
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felixcosm · 4 months ago
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gas-stxtion-a · 2 years ago
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@chaieyestea said: Weird question, but are any of your muses ticklish?
//hmmmmm.... alright, y'know, this isn't something i'd thought about before, but i think. some of them?
jack i imagine may be a little ticklish, but not to a super significant degree. probably mainly around his neck, if anything.
jerry isn't ticklish at all but pretends that he is because he thinks it's funny. if you try to tickle him he'll go along with it and then turn the tables on you the second you let your guard down. merciless.
rosa is very ticklish in general, and she giggles very cutely if you manage to catch her off guard and tickle her a bit.
amelia is a little less ticklish than rosa, but she definitely still can be at times.
spencer isn't ticklish--he may have been at some point, but being killed and resurrected has dulled a lot of sensation he experiences, so he isn't anymore.
aaaand tony i feel is a bit ticklish, but not like. *super* ticklish. just a little bit. just enough that if you catch him off guard you can get him to laugh.
sabine wasn't ticklish at all but *would* absolutely elbow you on reflex if you tried to tickle her.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 months ago
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longgg overdue commission for my friend @invaderskoodge!! of his character xanthe, my favorite scene kid cult leader. thank you so much for your patience while i finally finished this piece, and i'm glad that you like how it turned out <3
(as a note, i'm still not accepting new commissions until i'm more caught up on the backlog of ones i still owe people)
art taglist under the cut!
@vacantgodling @corvus-rose @anexor @invaderskoodge @chaieyestea
@skitzo-kero @drawnecromancy @yourlocal-lichen @angsty-prompt-hole @moonflowerrss
@paradoxspir1t @albatris @kk7-rbs @void-botanist @astral-runic
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yewphoric · 8 months ago
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Art Fight attack for @chaieyestea !
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thewoodstock-stock · 2 years ago
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Some variated doodles from @chaieyestea Tftgs VS the World AU
Yes, I did draw Jack as Ramona, but I have a SLIGHT variety of the AU from Chais in which Jack is Scott (with Ramonas fits bc he deserves to SLAY) and Ramona is a mix of Sabine and Tony, Sabine while in slumber to help him move on with Tony through the whole subspace highway
Also Spencer is Envy and Kieffer is Todd and don't you know? Kieffer vegan. :')
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vacantgodling · 2 years ago
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jack flowers for @chaieyestea
thank you so much for this huge commission! i really love how it came out and i’m so glad you do too 🥺
my commission queue is open so i have prices starting as low as $1 (pwyw) so check them out here!
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eyeless-tea · 24 days ago
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2022 (Batch 4)
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gas-stxtion-a · 2 years ago
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@chaieyestea said: Not sure if you've already talked about something like this, but what are your muses' (you pick who) sleeping traits? Ex, do they have the body temp of a radiator? Do they toss and turn in their sleep? Would they press their ice-cold feet to the back of someone's legs to wake them up?
//oooh yes yes!!! first of all. hello chai. second of all. i have talked about some of this in the past, but i'll go ahead and take the opportunity to ramble a little!!! :3
jack: so jack doesn't usually sleep in an actual bed and tends to kinda just... fall asleep wherever he is, occasionally while standing and working. he sleepwalks like a motherfucker.
but, when he does sleep in a bed, he tends to curl up a little bit. imagine a little cat except this cat is trying *not* to take up space. that's him. growing up with like at least eight foster siblings means jack is used to taking up as little space as possible when he sleeps, because that's what he did as a child. he also tends to stay very still when he sleeps, and he's a very light sleeper. it doesn't take much to wake him up in general.
in terms of body temperature, jack naturally runs a bit colder--i actually headcanon he has a lower body temperature than average, which actually makes it a bit dicey when he has fevers because "fever" for him is not the same as many other people.
jerry: jerry sprawls out whenever he sleeps and is a *heavy* fucking sleeper. he sleeps like a rock. i also don't think he tosses and turns that much--essentially the moment he's unconscious, he's dead weight, and that's your problem now.
the only time he doesn't sprawl out is when he's sharing a bed with someone, in which case he cuddles them. he wraps himself around them like a big gangly octopus and refuses to let go. if you need to piss in the morning, god fucking help you.
jerry also snores a lot! and due to the gap in his front teeth, his snores sound a little like. whistle-y. that's not a word but that's what i'm imagining.
jerry runs a bit hot, but when his feet get cold, he *does* put them on people he shares a bed with without warning to wake them up.
rosa: rosa tends to toss and turn a little when she sleeps unless she's sharing the bed with someone. i don't think rosa can sleep comfortably and soundly alone, which is part of why she got a cat! ricky sleeps in her bed and curled up next to her, and that helps her sleep better.
rosa has a bit of a hotter body temperature than normal and she's a goddamn furnace under the covers. at least, to other people. rosa feels cold pretty easily and loves to bundle up when she sleeps--get this girl a pile of blankets STAT.
when sharing a bed with someone, rosa loves to cuddle, and she's perfectly happy as both big and little spoon. just snuggle her, that's what she wants.
tony: tony struggles to sleep quite a bit. he has chronic pain as a result of his back injury that makes it hard to find a comfortable position to sleep in--usually on his side, and even then, usually on his left side (to avoid putting too much pressure on his head injury. he sleeps very stiffly, one hand under his pillow and kinda curled around himself.
(tony keeps a gun under his pillow, just in case. he never feels safe letting his guard down and he needs to be ready to pull it out at a moment's notice.)
when he shares a bed with someone, tony curls around them, usually arranging them so that he's between them and the door (if they're close enough, but if he's sharing a bed with them then i figure they are). he's a bit of a light sleeper, though, so it's not hard to wake him up if you need to move. he also runs very warm, though, and cuddling with him gets hot and sweaty real fast.
spencer: spencer can sleep standing straight up with his eyes open. and he often does that, though he doesn't sleep walk to as significant a degree as jack does. but yeah, spencer doesn't usually sleep in a bed either, and he tends to sleep very stiffly whenever he does. he doesn't toss and turn, and he's a super light sleeper as well. similarly to tony, spencer keeps a weapon on him at all times, and he makes sure to have easy access to it even when resting.
spencer runs very cold. he doesn't heat up easily, and though he'd never admit it, he does like to have a lot of blankets when he sleeps. only when he sleeps alone, of course--he'd never let anyone know he's *vulnerable* and wants *comfort* like a soft blanket. why would he do that? freak.
on the incredibly rare occasions that spencer trusts someone enough to share a bed with them, spencer kinda drapes himself over them. not really curling around them in a protective way, very much putting an arm over them in a possessive way. you can't leave, because spencer doesn't want you to.
amelia: amelia i imagine also tends to sleep pretty stiffly, but she's a muuuuch heavier sleeper than spencer or tony. when she conks out, she's out for the next eight hours minimum. however, when she cuddles with someone, she loosens up and likes to just hold them, often resting her head on their chest.
as someone who tends to be pretty dominant in a lot of situations (by necessity, not by choice), it's hard for amelia to let her walls down most of the time, even just to cuddle up to someone, but when she does she *melts.* absolutely amelia cuddles up to someone and loves to be their little spoon.
i also imagine amelia runs pretty hot sometimes, but not overly so. she's warm, really. a very comfortable body temperature to snuggle with.
sabine: as a bonus, sabine sprawls out when sleeping alone, but when sleeping with someone, she curls up around them, holding them close to her body and burying her face in the back of their neck. sabine isn't super comfortable as a little spoon must of the time, but god does she love being the big spoon.
(though, yes, on the occasions she's comfortable letting someone spoon up behind her, she loves it. just hold her gently and kiss the back of her neck pls <3)
sabine is a very heavy sleeper, though she struggles to fall asleep at time. girl often has to take a melatonin before bed, and that shit knocks her out cold for ten hours at a time.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 months ago
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pretty boy's all dressed up and fancy for the upcoming gala ✨️
art/eden fanclub taglist under the cut
@skitzo-kero @anexor @vacantgodling @chaieyestea @invaderskoodge @drawnecromancy @astral-runic @kk7-rbs @yourlocal-lichen @albatris @moonflowerrss @paradoxspir1t @angsty-prompt-hole @void-botanist @corvus-rose
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years ago
@chaieyestea thought of u
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reconsuming the source material before writing fic to pickle your brain in the characters' voices
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vacantgodling · 2 years ago
Get to Know Me Tag
thanks @forthesanityofstorytellers for tagging me
LAST SONG — 明け星 — LiSA
LAST MOVIE — Demon Slayer: Mugen Train Arc
CURRENTLY WATCHING — nothing rn. finally finished demon slayer season 3 a few days ago and nothing else is really interesting me rn
tagging 9 people: @arigalefantasynovels @mjjune @kingkendrick7 @multi-lefaiye @fictionalbullshitter @void-botanist @outpost51 @valeffelees & @chaieyestea (no pressure!)
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troublewithvampires · 2 years ago
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@chaieyestea said: 💐 (feral about Sal, feral about flower symbolism. puts them together in a blender and shakes it)
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
//YEAHH YEAH YEAHHHH!!!! ok before we start i wanna just call out that a lil bit ago i started writing a short story about salvatore centering around flower symbolism, but i never ended up finishing it. i kinda wanna do that now but we'll see idk it's 2 am
so i am gonna interpret this prompt as just collecting a batch of flowers that have symbolism relating to salvatore and themes around him as a character--i'll only do five, but trust me i can keep going.
but i do also wanna say i just imagined someone actually *giving* him flowers and how flustered and embarrassed but flattered he'd be. he'd call them a dumb bitch and insist he hates them but then he'd hold the flowers close and refuse to let go of them.
now. the flowers. disclaimer: i am not an expert on flower symbolism and my research into these was very brief. once again under the cut <3
Persian Speedwell - travel, kindness, loyalty, protection.
the symbolism here is probably a bit obvious--salvatore is a character for whom loyalty is important above all else. he was taught from a young age to value loyalty and to *be* loyal, never turning his back on those who depend on him. this also extends into him being overprotective of those he cares about, especially post-vampirism.
i also think travel fits in well, because i imagine him and jason travel around for a while before they settle down with their daughter. for many years, it's just them against the world, really, traveling around in jason's shitty van.
and as for the kindness part... well, sal would argue that one doesn't apply to him, but it definitely does. he's not good at being compassionate, but he *can* be very kind.
Wolfsbane - misanthropy
once again, a bit obvious. though i wouldn't classify sal as misanthropic most of the time, it's undeniable that he has a lot of anger in his heart, a lot of deep-seated rage an despair at a world that he views as having abandoned him at best, and actively hurt him at worst. in many ways, sal is deeply angry and hopeless.
another reason i list wolfsbane here, though, is that wolfsbane in particular is a plant associated very strongly with the occult. while it's more heavily associated with werewolves, i think that's a fun connection to make for a supernatural character in general.
aaand lastly. well. wolfsbane is very poisonous, and it's a staple in both historical and modern fiction for that. (not to say that it's only ever been used as a poison in *fictional* settings, of course, but still.) i haven't found a specific correlation in terms of how it's been used throughout history, but i think it's interesting that in fiction, wolfsbane (or aconite in general) is sometimes used for assassinations of powerful figures.
salvatore was never, like, the leader of the gang or even particularly powerful in the mob, but he *did* have some power as one of nickels' most trusted men. arguably, his death was an assassination in that sense. (and it also later led to nickels himself being murdered, so. welp.)
Coltsfoot - justice shall be done
i'm tying this one to salvatore's desire for revenge against those who hurt him, especially victor. while i don't think salvatore is *completely* lacking in self-awareness about his craving for vengeance, i also think he sees it as dishing out justice more than anything. justice shall be done, starting with every person who contributed to salvatore's downfall and eventual murder.
but even for people who didn't hurt him, sal does not have a hard time at all justifying killing people. not to say he thinks he's always in the right for doing so and that he's always ~dishing out justice~ but... ok a big example that comes to mind for me on this front is like. so the vampires who turned sal.... sal fucking murdered them. all of them. and he justified it to himself because he figures... vampirism is a fate worse than death, and these things would've gone on to kill and turn dozens more people if he let them go. so, it's better to kill them all.
Mourningbride - unfortunate attachment, "i have lost all"
i associate this flower with sal in the sense that, like... very few of the people he was close to pre-vampirism actually reciprocated that care and devotion he had for them. salvatore has been exploited and abused throughout his life, and he doesn't really have a good sense of healthy relationships with other people, and he's incredibly easy to manipulate if you know what you're doing. "unfortunate attachment" indeed.
the other symbolism thing is pretty self-explanatory tbh. sal loses everything, and then he dies, and then he's brought back as a vampire and has to pick up the pieces.
Dandelion - overcoming hardship
i wanna end this on a good note, but i think dandelions are a really good flower symbol for salvatore. because i think they embody a lot of who sal is and the person he became post-vampirism. he was put through a horrific traumatic experience and turned into a monster, and yet he persists. he keeps going and he's not going to stop.
i also really love to connect the fact that dandelions are considered weeds in many places to the general lack of regard a lot of people in sal's life pre-vampirism had for him. he was useful, yes, but as a tool rather than a person. the person was a weed, but the tool was useful sometimes.
i'm very tired rn but like. something something the imagery of dandelions growing in cracked concrete vs salvatore emerging from the smoldering remains of the warehouse he was turned in, covered in blood and ash.
and as for a favorite flower of sal's... honestly, one of his faves is forget-me-nots! not for any particular reason tbh, but he likes them a lot. if he received a bouquet of those he would be very touched. they're also his go-to flowers to give those he cares about--even if he doesn't really get flower symbolism, these ones aren't hard to figure out. it's one of many ways sal may try to express love for someone without really knowing how to.
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eyeless-tea · 26 days ago
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2020 (Batch 2)
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eyeless-tea · 26 days ago
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2020 (Batch 1)
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eyeless-tea · 24 days ago
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2023 (Batch 3)
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