lonelymentality · 2 years
i have freed up a plethpra of urls- including multiple troll call ones i had been hoarding for years- so if you were waiting for baizlisoleil, mallekadalov, chahutmaenad, diemenxicali, or bronyaursama to open up…well :)
i probably spelled those wrong but yall get the idea
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fruitdogrogue · 6 years
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Chahut Maenad and Amisia Erdehn age swap!
Chahut is a 6eginning torturer and 6adly wants to enter a quadrant 6ut Amisia, the famous and admired artist, tells her that little purple “is still too youung” for things like quadrants.
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beetlebytez · 6 years
Chahut headcanons
Some cute fluff headcanons I have for the clown wife. (Red/Pale)
She’s a big softie once you get to know her
She tends to be protective of you in crowds, especially in highblood-areas.
When alone she’ll try to lay on you, forgetting her size.
Please play with her hair, she loves it. Braid it, or just run your hands through it.
She purrs when she is cuddling you and falling asleep
She lets you wash off the clown makeup sometimes.
She gets shy without her clown makeup on, so you constantly give her words of praise and encouragement.
Her hands are a little rough but almost always warm, perfect for hand- holding. 
She can, and will carry you around, proud to call you her (matesprit/moirail)
She is very forward about things, and if there is something wrong, she’ll want to talk about it.
Probably has murdered someone over you. 
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Hear me out, I just shoved all my favorite cosplay pictures in one space along with my turtle boy cause I love him.
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mewmewmuffin · 7 years
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Chahut Maenad everyone!
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twincentaurs · 7 years
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My scrapbook daughter
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sourischicot · 7 years
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I’ve just finished coloring in all the characters for my 143-page comic! Above are sample pages from throughout. If you’re interested, start reading it here: sourischicot.deviantart.com/art/AW-Page-1-731696385 Note that I won’t update the pages until March 5th, when I’ve got a few backgrounds done as well.
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leo-scarfy · 6 years
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This was supposed to be a training on the pose and style but i got a little too much excited, digital art i used as reference belong to Dagmars, i found it on google while looking for homestuck style art #chahutmaenad #hiveswapfriendsim #hiveswap #lv https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsgrs2egqQ_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n2l2zuhzmrk0
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chahutmaenad Hey baby you want to know who's beautiful? Read the first word again
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usualopuatlo · 6 years
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Troll call now we have #Hiveswap #homestuck #tyziasentykk #zebedetongva #darayajonjet #mallekadalov #barzumsoleil #baizlisoleil #chahutmaenad #nihkeemoolah #diemenxicali #skyllakoriga #folykldarane #kuprummaxlol
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lawrencediane · 6 years
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Finished Chahut- I love her so much , her design is so perfect afsdjhhfff #hiveswap #trollcall #homestuck #chahutmaenad #chahut #tumblr #alternia #juggalo #gamzeemakara
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awcatqueen · 7 years
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I went to #wizardworldstl today, it was a blast! I’ll have more pictures and video of my time there soon (#cosplay #cosplaygirl #homestuckcosplay #homestuckcosplay #hiveswap #hiveswapcosplay #chahut #chahutmaenad #horns )
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anadart · 7 years
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20171207 #sketchlunchbag for my kids. #art #drawing #Anadart #MarioBros #PaperMario #CrystalKing #Hiveswap #ChahutMaenad #Videogame #lunchbagart #sketch #art #doodle #Anad #PC #WiiU #Nintendo
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beetlebytez · 6 years
It was on of those days where you didn't want to move. Why ? You do not know. You rolled over in your bed and grabbed your palmhusk, lazilly scrolling through chitter. Someone tried to grype call you but you just ignored it. Eventually your stomach growls and you have to face the fact that you are indeed a living being that needs sustitance to survive. You sigh as you slither out of bed and put on shoes.
After leaving your makeshift home, you wander the streets. You did have some troll currency that Tagora gave you out of pity. Maybe you'll actually buy your food for once. You roamed the streets, passing trolls of lower and middle castes. You didnt feel too threatened in this area, most of the lower and middle blood castes get that you're just trying to live here same as them.
Higher blood caste areas make you nervous though. Too many of them have tried to hurt you or manipulate you. You do however have friends in higher castes, and you trust them...some of them. You find a food vendor that caught your eye. The alien food didnt seem so differnt from earth's, just...more insects; and your dad always said earth would come down to eating bugs sooner or later. Your eye browsed the menu, and you picked what was called a grub burger with fried tuber sticks. The vender handed you the bag with the hot food in it as you in exchange, handed them the money. You waved goodbye after thanking them.
Off you go again, walking around aimlessly, only with food this time. You end up finding yourself in a field of sorts. It was small, and had a winding trail up to a large tree. Following the trail you reach the tree and finally sit down to eat.
The food was pretty good, not gormet or anything but it was much better then some other things you have eaten here. After finishing you decide to stay here just because of the tranquility. You close your eyes and put your hand into the warm pockets of the hoodie Mallek gave you. You end up falling asleep.
Hours pass and you wake up to find yourself, in a hive you've never been to. You look around to gain your surroundings. The room was filled with deep purple's and accents of black and orange. There was a string of photos hung up over a mantle? Is that a mantle or a shrine, you can't tell. You try to guess who kidnapped you, but just then, the culprit enter the room. "hey liTTle one, you alrighT?" You nodded slowly. "sorry for jusT sTealing ya, buT iT was geTTing to the sun was coming up, didn'T wanT you burnin up, hon." It was your friend Chahut. She must have wandered by and saw you sleeping and didnt want to see you burn up. That was really nice of her. You struggle to find words but you smile and chirp a small thank you to the large troll.
She smiles, "you're welcome liTTle one." She walks back into another room, leaving you alone. You guess she's letting you stay awhile. While she's gone you get a better look around the room you're in. The couches where soft and squshy, with comfy pillows and plush blankets. All with mix-matching patterns and the colors of purple, black, reds and oranges. Candles where placed on the coffee table and many on the floor under the mantle shrine, and on the shrine itself. You get up to look at the stange enter of the room. Cautiously, you look at all the little pieces of the shrine, not touching anything. It was pretty in an odd way. Melted candles, some of which smelled of vanilla. Little animal skulls, two chalices stained with other blood colors. A few photos of her and Amnisa and there was one with her and you. Huh, wonder why that was there, the picture was cute.
 As you were looking at the photo Chahut came out and stood behind you. It was only till some of her hair grazed your face. You turned around nervously, "Oh hey Chahut.." A sheepish grin and a pale pink painted itself to your face. "hey liTTle one, Taking a gander aT The shrine I goT ?" You nodded. "Sorry if you...uh.." Your voice melted into the air. “iT’s alrighT, you didn’T do anyThing wrong hon.” “Really?” your voice squeaked. She simply nodded. “O-ok.” the word just stammered from your lips, something about her made you lose focus, but you were also nervous that she would be upset. But she wasn’t. You looked up to see her face and she was giving you her classic lazy but content smile. Your face flushed red and you quickly looked down.
“i saw That hon, why are you Tryin to hide your face?” her voice was curious, and had undertones of warmth and gruff femininity. You looked at her again and you felt hands on your sides, lifting you up. “you don’T have To be so nervous liTTle one, i ain’T gonna hurT ya.” She looked into your eyes and you felt like you were going to melt in her hands, into a puddle on the floor. Well now you figured out why you always felt nervous and lost focus. In fact you’re losing focus now, you’re just staring at her, with a goofy smile and a bright red face.”hon? are you alrighT, you’re sTarin aT me...(y/n)?” she shook you lightly, that got you out of your love struck daze. “S-sorry Chahut..I didn’t mean to..um...what was I doing?” “well you were sTaring aT me, your face brighT red and a goofy smile.” You wanted to just stop existing. You wanted nothing more than to go into the street and get run over by a car, anything to save you from this embarrassment . “whaT, is someThin wrong?” With a sigh, you look at Chahut. “Kinda, I need to get something off my chest.” She looked at you as if to continue. “Well...I don’t understand your whole quadrent...t-thing..but...I...I got flushed? Yea flushed f-feelings...for you.” Your voice was nearly a whisper by the time you got the last part out. Chahuts face flushed purple, but barely visible under the makeup. “oh, well...hon..acTually, i believe i feel The same.” You couldn’t help but smile, “Really?” she smiled back, “of course liTTle one, you’re really sweeT, and funny, and on of The few around This damn place That isn’T scared To deaTh of me.” With a giggle you responded, “yea, I guess..so...what does that make us now?” “hon, we’re maTespiTs now.” She brought you close and gave you a gentle hug and a kiss on the cheek. Your face became bright red again, but you loved it, you loved her. Who knew you’d fall in love with an alien clown.
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Hey liTTle sis.. how's iT hanging?.. [ask-chahutmaenad]
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hey chahuut!
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i've been fine, doing art, hanging ouut with friends, how abouut youu?
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metroid-fusion · 7 years
@zebedetongva [ blank ] @zebede-tongva [ blank ] @tyziasentykk [ blank ] @tyzias-entykk [ blank ] @mallekadalov [ @karkat-doodle-doo ] @mallek-adalov [ blank ] @darayajonjet [ @theelusivebeetle ] @daraya-jonjet [ ...blank... ] @barzumsoleil [ @maroonmutual ] @barzum-soleil [ @honl, i think? ] @baizlisoleil [ @karkat-doodle-doo ] @baizli-soleil [ @hiveswap-spoilers ] @diemenxicali [ @karkat-doodle-doo​ ]  @diemen-xicali [ blank ] @skyllakoriga [ @september14th ] @skylla-koriga [ blank ] @nihkeemoolah [ blank(?) ] @nihkee-moolah [ @professionaldork ] @chahutmaenad [ @karkat-doodle-doo ] @chahut-maenad @folykldarane [ @karkat-doodle-doo​ ]  @folykl-darane @kuprummaxlol [ @spacevoicee ] @kuprum-maxlol [ @hiveswap-spoilers ]
EDIT: karkat-doodle-doo has a lot more of these blogs than i thought.
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