#cha eun ho
yllerim · 2 years
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✍🏻 ⊹ ᣞ ᤲ ⵓ ﹫yllerim
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sincerelyoursharu · 2 years
Lee Jongsuk Red Black and Grey themed Wallpaper Lockscreens!
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manawari · 7 months
SL characters as movie stars AU!
Sung Jin-woo
has been acting since he was a teenager. Though, he only gets lesser roles until he grows in the acting industry, thus earning the "glow up" as well the more he takes on roles. By the time he's in his twenties, Jin-woo receives lead roles and has never left ever since due to the impact of his performance that is hard to be seen as a supporting character. His movies range from drama, adventure, and action — though, he spend most of his time in the action genre. Jin-woo does his own stunts as he does martial arts and working out as his hobbies. Whenever he gets partnered up with someone, dating rumors always spark up, so he tends to avoid having a partner for the sake of protecting his zone. He improvises some of his lines and is very professional.
Cha Hae-in
a former athlete to one of the country's biggest stars. Due to her sweetheart persona, she often gets roles in soap operas, dramas, and romance, though she wants to take on the action genre to hone her skills. Her management got her stunt doubles, much to her dismay, until they trusted her enough to do her own stunts. Hae-in's skills are very realistic that every time she cries in her scenes, several of the production cry as well, thus allowing her to earn many awards. She gets along with her co-workers and is even said to be that some of her leading men develop a crush on her. However, she has not dated at least one of them, even outside her career, as she chooses to focus on her job.
Woo Jin-chul
a star who has been featured in international movies, hence becoming a multilingual because of his passion in learning new languages before his departure from South Korea. He is usually stern, but is very friendly to his co-workers, as well as his fans. Jin-chul takes on both protagonist and antagonist roles, although he secretly likes his villain roles more than his hero ones. He does his own stunts and is skillful with holding guns.
Choi Jong-in
most of his roles are those wherein he's the son of a millionaire or just a rich person who owns a big company. He hardly gets main roles, but the impact in his performances even as a supporting character are what made him prominent in the industry. Jong-in also has roles where he's an antagonist, which his fans prefer more; it is also said that some of his castmates or co-workers feel quite intimidated by him.
Baek Yoon-ho
a prominent action star who does his own stunts. Not once he has appeared in movies that are anything but action. Despite being in his twenties, Yoon-ho receive roles where he is a single father who will do anything to protect his family, thus capturing the hearts of the young actors and actresses he works with. He also helps his castmates in training for fighting scenes, thus forming a bond with them as well. Yoon-ho has his own charity that he donates a sufficient amount of money in for helping tigers and other wild animals.
Lee Ju-hee
one of the industry's dearest sweethearts. Her movies are mostly in the slice of life genre, specifically romance. Regardless of what she believes, Ju-hee never fails to create chemistry with the ones she works with, especially to those who have partnered up with her. She receives both main and supporting roles. Lee Ju-hee may have appeared in horror and action films, but she prefers to stay in the slice of life genre despite not minding to step out of her comfort zone.
Lim Tae-gyu
a actor whose roles are primarily supporting, yet has many main roles as well. His skill ranges from drama, comedy, and action. Tae-gyu mostly does his own stunts, always allotting his time in training once he receives the script. He's charismatic, yet isn't necessarily great when it comes to romantic chemistry because of the vibe he frequently gives out. He's friends with many famous stars such as Baek Yoon-ho, Choi Jong-in, Ma Dong-wook, Min Byung-gyu, Sung Jin-woo, and Cha Hae-in, and has revealed of his wish of being able to be in the same film as them together.
Min Byung-gyu
an actor who has shown up in various genres. When it comes to slice of life, Byung-gyu mostly gets leading roles, and sometimes, he gets the "second male lead" roles, which brings more impact to the viewers. But as for other genres like action and horror, Byung-gyu takes on supporting roles; he is one of the actors who has a stunt double and still gets to do certain stunts depending on his capability. And when it comes to the historical genre, that is when Byung-gyu gets most excited and believes he does his roles better in period dramas than the rest, partly because he is a big fan of historical dramas which he views his other roles differently. Byung-gyu is great at improvising his lines that the director only has to tell him the background of the scene and Byung-gyu knows what to do next, which somehow makes some actors feel challenged as they are not sure if they can go along with Byung-gyu's improvised lines. But, Byung-gyu always does his best to help his co-stars and not make them feel pressured.
one of the country's lesser known actors who is known for getting background roles. Eun-seok hardly appears in films, yet is friends with a lot of big stars in the industry. The reason being that he got severely injured in set once, which has scarred him and chose to no longer show up in filming unless he feels like doing so.
Yoo Jin-ho
a supporting actor who is well-known for being Sung Jin-woo's "sidekick" as he had been acting alongside him for years. Yoo Jin-ho specializes in roles that are comedic relief — he doesn't mind it since that means he doesn't have a lot of lines to memorize. Despite being an actor himself, Jin-ho is not afraid to unleash his inner "fanboy" when it comes to expressing his support in actors and actresses he admires.
Park Hee-jin
an actress who is known for her background or supporting roles. Hee-jin excels from soap operas to action movies. Her roles are usually helping the main character and defending them from the antagonist(s).
Ma Dong-wook
a versatile actor in his fifties who has different roles in various genres, whether it be a father or someone the main characters seek help from. He shares his experiences to his fellow stars as his way of helping them in filming and has a lot of actors/actresses wishing to act in the same movie as him; not because of his talent, but also his kind nature that he treats everyone younger than him as his children.
Liu Zhigang
China's rising action star. A likeable and charming actor whose roles are both protagonist and antagonist. Zhigang does his own stunts and likes to go to the extreme where no editing shall be involved. He's one of the faces in the industry whose management cannot simply allow to be part of a film unless the paycheck is immense and does not tarnish Zhigang's talent. In every film he is in, it receives many awards that reach up to internationals. Zhigang has acted in international films, which makes him fluent in English after being casted alongside stars in different countries.
Thomas Andre
a powerful actor in the USA who is popular for his antagonistic roles. Thomas enjoys playing the bad guy. And what makes him likeable is that he donates half of his money to charities and has his own foundation for children with special needs and disabilities. He is funny and tends to joke around in set, along in conventions where he gets to communicate with fans and gives them the best time in their lives.
an actress who excels most in the action genre. She films her scenes effortlessly and smoothly without needing a second take. Laura learns martial arts off-screen and knows how to hold a gun; she is also sassy and has the kind of humor that makes her co-stars adore working with her despite her stern and cold demeanor.
Goto Ryuji
a versatile actor in Japan who appears in dramas and action. His roles are mostly in the villain side, which what makes him intimidating to other actors. Goto prefers to work with those who are professional and hardly messes up more than twice otherwise he thinks they are wasting his time. However, he is usually gently to those who are younger and new to the acting industry, he looks out for them and won't hesitate to scold the production if the first time actors ever get hurt in set.
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adlcrz · 4 months
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First Generation Oppas: Hyun Bin, Lee Dong Wook, Gong Yoo, So Ji Sub
Second Generation Oppas: Lee Jong Suk, Park Seo Joon, Lee Min Ho, Kim Soo Hyun
Third Generation Oppas: Ahn Hyo Seop, Song Kang, Cha Eun Woo, Yeo Jin Goo
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kimgoeun · 1 year
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Island (2022)
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Invisible Chapter 15
Summary: YN YLN has always been third in Class 2-5, right behind Lee Su Ho and Kang Soo Jin but with both of them having left Saebom Highschool, this is her time to shine. That is until Han Seosangnim asks her to tutor Han Seo Jun. A guy who doesn’t even know she existed.
Ship: Han Seo Jun x Female Reader.
Word Count: 2k + words
Sorry, this has been so long but this is the final chapter. Sorry for the wait and I hope the ending is satisfying for everyone.
This has been a journey and I loved writing this story. Thank you to everyone who showed interest in this little story of mine. This was my first written series and it's been the best time writing it. I'm sad it's ended, I probably won't be writing more True Beauty fanfic but I did love writing this very much.
Taglist: @thealexalcala @hayateotaku @tomihoekaeka @goatqueen3 @jeminiepabo @hiraeth-maximoff @yaomomvs @ghostfacefricker6969
True Beauty Masterlist.
Chapter 14.
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Chapter 15.
Han Seo Jun couldn’t believe he was doing this. He had willingly called a class meeting. He was willingly calling these people he begrudgingly liked to discuss something. The things he did for you.
Then again, there were very few things he wouldn’t do for you. You had told him about the text and meeting Hae Sung. There was no way that Seo Jun was going to let you do this alone. You had the support of everyone in your class not just your best friends.
“So, everyone understands the plan, yes?” Seo Jun said looking at everyone in the class. They all nodded, understanding how important this was for YN and Seo Jun. It was well known how much the class hated Hae Sung and well anything they could do to help get him out of your life permanently they would do.
You were nervous going into school. Seo Jun had come all the way to your house, and you had gone to school together. Mi Soo Unnie gushing about how cute the two of you were the least of your worries at the moment.
Today was the day that you were going to confront Hae Sung. It terrified you to even think about it. But you knew it needed to happen. You couldn’t continue your life with Hae Sung in the shadows. Waiting to be let back in, knowing that he was behind so many rejections. Pulling the strings of your academic life without your knowledge. You wanted answers and you were determined to get them.
Walking into Saebom, your class and Hae Sung’s class did what they had been doing for months now. Helping you to avoid Hae Sung. You appreciated it, you knew you would not be able to handle seeing Hae Sung’s face before you needed to. As you walked into your classroom, you were surrounded by the girls giving you hugs and the boys shouting fighting. Confused you looked at Seo Jun who smirked and winked at you. Causing you to blush, making the whole class coo at how adorable you were.
The day was a slow one. For once you wouldn’t wait for the end of the day. It was the day to get answers from Hae Sung and the way the class was acting they were probably going to be around to help. Which you appreciated, then again you didn’t know how much of your personal laundry you wanted your classmates to know. In retrospect, there was too much your classmates already knew anyway, so did they know everything really matter?
That was an internal debate you could have later. You knew if you asked Seo Jun would scare your classmates into staying quiet and not saying anything about the confrontation. That made you feel bad though. Did that count as using your boyfriend? You didn’t know and for now, didn’t want to worry about it.
The end of the day came, and you were led to an empty classroom by Seo Jun, there you could see Si Woo and Hyun Ji with Jae Yi as well which was a surprise. You looked at him in shock, your mouth must’ve been open that you felt someone gently closing your mouth. You turned to look at Seo Jun and he just nodded his head.
“I would’ve told you, but Seo Jun wanted this to be a surprise Ynnie” Jae Yi told you. You looked at Seo Jun but again he wouldn’t give you an answer. You weren’t above begging Seo Jun to get answers from him but before you could, Cho Rong was heard shouting.
“Guys hurry up with the explanations Hae Sung is on his way” Looking around everyone nodded their head.
“I’m here as a witness and with the proof of what he did, plus Hyun Ji and Si Woo went through all the applications you filled in that were rejected as more proof. Our plan is to hit him with as much evidence as we can.” Jae Yi explained. You nodded your head before looking at Seo Jun and smiling at him.
He looked more nervous than you and that was saying something. To reassure him, you hugged Seo Jun tightly, just knowing he was here for you was reassuring. Seo Jun whispered in your ear, telling you that he was here and all you had to do was look out the door and wink at him. That was the sign for him to come in. Any moment you felt uncomfortable, just wink and he’ll be there.
“Well, isn’t this sweet, I didn’t come here to see you two hugging Han Seo Jun,” Hae Sung said as soon as he walked into the room. He had a smug smirk on his face like he knew this would all work out in his favour. Was he going to get the shock of his life then?
Seo Jun let go of you and gave you a peck on the lips. Then left the room, hitting Hae Sung with his shoulder on the way out of the room. That made you want to laugh but you knew that would just rile Hae Sung up and that was the last thing you wanted to do. So, you did a poor job of hiding your giggling behind a cough.
“So, you’ve kept a lot of things from me Hae Sung and I would like answers” You started strong, you were not going to let your fear of Hae Sung’s angry words get to you. That was not happening. You had a support system and sadly for Hae Sung, none of them was going to let him leave without telling you the truth of why he did what he did.
“I’ve kept nothing from you YN, my best friend. If anything, you’ve been distant. Hell, you told me that you couldn’t stand to be near me a few months ago” Hae Sung replied, looking you up and down. There was something different in the way you held yourself and he hated it. He heard Si Woo and Hyun Ji scoff at his words. He glared at them, but the two brats just smiled at him. Making him angrier. Why were the two of them even here, not to mention Jae Yi was here? Wasn’t he supposed to still be abroad? When did he come back and contact you?
“Kept nothing from me, sure I would’ve believed that last year but not anymore,” you said and then gestured for Jae Yi to start playing the video. You all turned towards the screen at the front of the classroom. Si Woo even offered you some popcorn which made you laugh but you took some anyway.
As the video played, you could see Hae Sung grow pale. His expression from a smug smirk to confusion to shock and then to disbelief at what he was watching. By the time the video ended, he was refusing to look you in the eyes. Looking anywhere in the room but at you. That was new, Hae Sung had never been afraid of confrontation but looks like being faced with the knowledge that you knew what he had done, scared him.
“Oh, that’s not all that I know Hae Sung. Jae Yi’s family were nice enough to have a Private Investigator delve into my whole academic history, to see if you and Kang So Hee had done this before and well you have. Practically my whole academic life has been controlled by the two of you” As you were saying this, Si Woo and Hyun Ji were putting papers up of all the applications that you’d filled out that had been rejected because of his mother Kang So Hee.
“I just want to know why Hae Sung, what was the point of doing all this? what did you achieve from any of this? Were my emotional breakdowns after being rejected multiple times funny to you? Did it amuse you that I was distraught over something that you had done” You cried to Hae Sung, you just wanted answers and if you were close to tears then so be it. Hae Sung is just silent. You want to shake him, anything to get answers from him.
“I had to do it YN. Do you realise how smart you are? All the applications, all these schools wanted you. It was a struggle to convince them to reject you. I hated to see the emotional breakdowns, but it was a price I had to pay. I need you close to me, all those schools, and opportunities would take you away from me and I couldn’t have that. I tried to keep you isolated from all our classmates.”
“That worked until you met Si Woo and Hyun Ji. I got used to those brats, but I couldn’t let you leave me. Jae Yi was an issue too and I had to get rid of him. It didn’t help that the summer you started dating, you had already rejected me and were pulling away. I had to do everything to keep you with me. I can’t handle anything without you and the only way I saw to keep you with me was to stop any and all opportunities you had that would mean you leave me” Hae Sung said and it took a lot out of him to admit all this to you. So much so that he just sat down in a chair.
All four of you are gobsmacked you couldn’t believe what you had heard. All of this just so you wouldn’t leave him. It didn’t make sense, nothing you had just heard made sense. You didn’t know how to react. All the things you had gone through with Hae Sung by your side, was any of it rule or just a way to make sure that you didn’t leave Hae Sung?
“All of this to make sure YN doesn’t leave you and it’s your behaviour that makes her leave you anyway. If I were you, Hae Sung, I’d go cry to your mother Kang So Hee and change schools, cause the minute this gets out, you’ll be hated more than you already are” Si Woo said calmly looking at Hae Sung with fire in his eyes.
“Too late, everyone already knows, part of the class plan was for me to call Seo Jun when Hae Sung starts confessing. No one will miss you Lee Hae Sung” Hyun Ji mentioned, pulling up her phone and nodding her head to Seo Jun who was at the door.
“Man, I knew you were messed up before and oddly territorial of YN while we were dating but this explains so much and it just makes you look so much worse” Jae Yi was disgusted, to think when he was dating YN, he did everything he could to get Hae Sung to approve of him. This guy needed help, but it was doubtful that he would get the help he needs considering his mother was already doing his bidding and covering for him.
“I never want to see you again Lee Hae Sung. Our friendship is done and dusted. Your control of my academic career is done. You’re lucky that I am not handing this stuff over to the police. Literally because of the good times but I am serious that if I see you again, I will hand this over to the police” you say peacefully. It had been long enough that you had stopped talking to Hae Sung. In the last few months, you had gotten used to not having Hae Sung in your life. You looked towards the door and winked at Seo Jun with a big smile on your face.
Seo Jun was confused but still came into the classroom, he was followed by the rest of your class and you couldn’t help but laugh at the way they all fell into the classroom. Seo Jun went to go fight with Hae Sung but seeing him in the chair looking very docile was weird. Seo Jun looked to you.
You smiled and motioned for Seo Jun to come over to you and to Seo Jun’s shock, you grabbed his collar, pulled him down to you and kissed him in front of everyone. You pulled away and laughed at the dazed look on Seo Jun’s face. Your friends were taking pictures claiming this was blackmail material.
“Last year, I wouldn’t have dared to confront you, Lee Hae Sung. If it hadn’t been for tutoring Seo Jun, I wouldn’t have grown closer to my classmates, realised just how toxic you are and literally, you’re the worst person, I don’t know how we didn’t fight before to the point of our friendship ending but my point is that I am better without you. I’m happy with my boyfriend, friends and family. I used to think that we were two idiots in a pod, platonic soulmates. I was wrong, were not soulmates, nothing you’ve ever done has been to help me. It was all to keep me with you and that hurts.”
“However, you did all of that to keep me around when just one honest conversation could’ve solved everything. Instead, you decided to go behind my back and pull the strings. I am happier without you and really, I feel sorry for you Lee Hae Sung. This is my goodbye. Were strangers from now on” After you’ve said this. You take Seo Jun’s hand and walk out of the classroom. You can hear your classmates clapping and whopping at your exit and that makes you laugh.
“So does this mean, I’m out of tutoring today,” Seo Jun asks putting his arm around your shoulders. You shake your head, even after all this time, this boy will do anything to get out of tutoring.
You’d think you would feel bad or upset. You’d just ended a friendship you had since your childhood. That’s not how you felt though. You felt free, you had been seen as Hae Sung’s best friend for so long. Now you were able to be yourself, you didn’t need to worry about how Hae Sung would react to something if there would be an argument if you had to deal with Hae Sung’s disappointment. You never thought that tutoring Han Seo Jun would lead to your freedom from the cage that had been your friendship with Hae Sung.
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moonchildicons · 1 year
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sangwuyan · 1 year
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growing-cosmos · 10 months
An excerpt of Writer's Interview from Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha's script book volume 2.
Q: Many readers are curious about when Dusik felt love for Hye-jin and how much he loved Hyejin. It's partly because of Dusik's trauma, but there were also scenes where Dusik's sincerity was blocked by circumstances every time he was about to say something. If it wasn't for the assailant, would Dusik have confessed to Hyejin in episodes 9-10? At the end of episode 10, when Hyejin confessed, Dusik said "Dentist, I..." was it a rejection that was meant to be said afterwards?
A: I would like to leave it to your judgment as to when Dusik has felt love for Hyejin. I didn't write with any specific moment in mind. However, Dusik was concerned about Hye-jin from the epilogue in episode 1, felt a deep sympathy for Hyejin when she talked about her mother in episode 4 (and he accepted the kiss at the same time), and in the epilogue of episode 5, he fell into a deep sleep and felt a sense of relief by Hyejin's presence. It would be correct to say that he was already in love at some point as it seeps in sequentially.
Until the middle of the drama, Dusik's emotional lines are not directly revealed. This is because the narrative is hidden, and Dusik is unable to be honest or outwardly expressive about his feelings. You may have felt that it was unkind or omitted. For this reason, if Dusik's love for Hyejin was expressed in a small way, it is unconditionally my negligence. I couldn't find a better way and kept it hidden in the epilogue.
However, if you watch the second half of the drama, you will be able to feel it if you look at Dusik's actions from the beginning, that every step Dusik took towards Hye-jin was courage.
And in fact, there were moments when Dusik almost mustered up his courage. It happened when he met Taehwa and Myungshin in episode 9. When Sunghyun made an implied comment to Dusik that it seemed like his acting as a boyfriend wasn't over, Dusik responded by saying, "If it looks like that, it looks like that." It is the first time for Dusik to show his feelings to others. And that night, Dusik, who was agonizing, recalled Taehwa's words and went to Hyejin. If an assailant didn't appear, Dusik might have tried to confess. But He didn't think it would have succeeded all at once. Even after going to see her with a resolute mind, Dusik must have been hesitant. In fact, after the assailant broke in, Dusik didn't confess even though he was alone with Hyejin in his house. He read the poem 'The Gatekeeper' to Hyejin and stopped at "Thus it is my job to deny my love." It was his heart that he could neither confess nor deny his love.
Even when he received Hyejin's confession in episode 10, he held on to his string of reasons at first. This is because he loves Hyejin, but he didn't dare to wish for them to be connected. I didn't think of the line after "Dentist, I...", but it's true that he was going to reject her. However, he collapsed at Hyejin's words, "I can't help it anymore.".
— Shin Ha Eun, 2021.
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koreaguides · 1 year
8 Popular Men’s Fashion Styles Seen In K-Dramas
1. Kim Seon Ho 
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In Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Kim Seon ho’s fashion is casual and practical. You will often see him wearing a t-shirt, plaid shirt, and jeans. 
The main point of his style is that he rarely buttons up his shirts. Because the checkered patterns are colorful and diverse, it never gets boring. 
2. Park Seo Joon 
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In Itaewon Class, Park Seo Joon often wears oversized items, especially bomber jackets in deep tones, that show his masculinity. 
He completes this edgy, street look by layering with dark hoodies and wearing combat boots. 
3. Park Seo Joon 
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Unlike the stubborn, hard Park Saeroyi, Park Seo Joon plays a seemingly narcisstic chairman with a luxurious, clean style in What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim. 
He often wears a full suit with a tie and completes the look with a very fancy pocket scarf. 
4. Lee Min Ho 
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Lee Min Ho often plays a chaebol, a word used to describe the super-rich in Korea. 
In The King Eternal Monarch, he completes this look by wearing a long coat or trench coat paired with a turtleneck sweater, creating a classic and luxurious style. 
5. Gong Yoo 
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In Goblin, Gong Yoo also dresses luxuriously in long coats and turtlenecks. 
Unlike Lee Min Ho, Gong Yoo is portrayed more warmly, and you will see many scenes of him wearing sweaters and cardigans to create a sweet, friendly look. 
6. Cha Eun Woo 
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Cha Eun woo’s image in My ID Is Gangnam Beauty is a gentle, sweet, and almost perfect guy. That’s why his fashion style in this drama is quite simple and causal. 
His most worn outfit is usually slacks and a button down shirt. The shirt is neatly tucked in, making him look and professional. 
7. Hwang In Yeop 
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Hwang In Yeop perfectly portrays the bad boy in True Beauty with his big leather jackets, chain necklace, and silver earrings. 
He looks extremely trendy and sets the standard for the bad boy style. 
8. Lee Do Hyun
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The drama Youth of May is set around an extremely important event in Korean history - the democratization of Gwangju in May 1980. Lee Do Hyun recreated the style of the youth at that time. 
The most typical of Lee Do Hyun’s retro outfits is jeans with a button down shirt and belt. 
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suavis-nook · 1 year
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T H E G L O R Y 2022 || directed by Ahn Gil-ho
Dong-eun story is really something! 🔥✨ it is heartbreaking but it shows the strength and will to live. To not give up, and find something to live for.
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Almost 10 years ago this drama aired. And it was my first foray into my new obsession with Asian Dramas. It also lead me into HANA YORI DANGO aka BOYS OVER FLOWERS. Original Air Date was October 9, 2013
So like BOF this drama is about a rich boy with a super complicated family dynamic. His mother is a mistress living with his father who is married to another woman who allows her husband and his mistress to live together. She also claims the mistresses son as her own for the public view.
The story is about Kim Tan (LEE MIN-HO) the second son of a chaebol family who was exiled by his older and jealous half brother to America. HOLLYWOOD.
While there he meets a visiting Korean girl there to see her sister and give her sister money. Her name is Cha Eun Sang (played to perfection by the lovely PARK SHIN-HYE)
Kim Tan becomes so enamored with Eun Sang it makes him break his brother's rules and return to Korea.
There he learns his new lady love lives in his house. But she is the daughter of the mute maid.
How did this lead me to BOF...we all know LEE MIN-HO played a version of DOMYOUJI TSUKUBA known as GU JUN-PYO for the SOUTH KOREAN ADAPTATION of BOYS OVER FLOWERS.
Though this KDRAMA gets mixed reviews I LOVED IT. And I searched LEE MIN-HO and so his version of BOF was the first I watched. Then I went back and watched all the other adaptations.
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misguidedaffection · 1 year
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survivalistghost · 1 year
the inheritors (the heirs)
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i faced my true beauty trauma.
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phant0m-l0rd · 2 years
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"You're my soul"~
Ever since I watched Nobody Knows for the first time a year ago, this scene has stuck with me. Such a precious moment that I shed tears the first time I watched this scene. So, of course, I had to draw it.
This series was filled with touching, beautiful moments like these and to this day (despite watching many more series since) it is still one of the series that has resonated the most with me and has impacted me the most, emotionally.
(rollerball gel pens, alcohol markers, coloured pencils)
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