#ch: kora
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rebelmoonsource · 2 years ago
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Sofia Boutella as Kora in Rebel Moon (2023); dir. Zack Snyder.
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melabea · 11 months ago
(pt: Korathioner /end pt)
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(id: a rectangular flag with 11 horizontal lines. sizes in this order from top to bottom: 1 thick, 1 thin, 2 thick, 1 thin, 1 thick, 1 thin, 2 thick, 1 thin, and 1 thick. colors in this order from top to bottom: grey-brown, dark purple, blue, light blue, pale blue, grey-brown, pale blue, light blue, blue, dark purple, grey-brown. /end id)
Korathioner; a species term for being a chioner (link) (antarctic mer), koramer (link) (coral reef mer), & vathmer (link) (deep sea mer). this could be at the same time, fluid between the three, the intensity of each fluctuating, etc.
etymology; kora(mer), (va)th(mer), (ch)ioner
for cam!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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engelkatze · 3 years ago
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Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, inhala. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, exhala. Había dicho que su confesión nacería de la necesidad de liberar todo lo que se le había acumulado en el pecho con los últimos meses, sin importar si todo esto era recíproco o no. Pero si las cosas eran de ese modo, ¿por qué tenía una cajita de chocolates en manos? ¿Qué hacía con aquella rosa envuelta en celofán? ¿No se supone que esos eran los detalles que entregabas cuando deseabas una afirmativa? ¿Acaso no haría sentir a Hwan incómodo? ¿Expuesto? Los ojos de Youngsik se abren de sobremanera. Le había citado en un parque, a las afueras de la academia, con la excusa más tonta que se le ocurrió (que había sido que le acompañara a comprar unos bombones que entregaría a su grupo de amigos). Sin embargo, y ahora que se sentaba a esperarle, quizá-- quizá no ha sido la mejor de las ideas. Está levantándose para ir hasta el cesto de la basura más cercana cuando se encuentra casi de frente con el mayor, quien ve aproximarse por la misma acera sólo que con varios metros de separación. Como ya no tiene para donde correr, se lleva ambos obsequios a la espalda. Para rematar, además, le dedica una sonrisa nerviosa. “¿Hw--Hwan?” La cobardía hacía que todo su cuerpo cosquilleara, que las mejillas le ardieran en rubor. “Has sido... puntual.” ( @ltmein​ )
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cerebroski · 8 years ago
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Linkora (Lincoln x Kora) Manip
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ofsupernovcs · 5 years ago
“Have you been hiding in here for an hour?” - kora & ariel
Ariel poked her head out of the box.There was a look fo shyness and mischief in her eyes. She took out a notepad and began to write down her thoughts. 
“I think a bit more than an hour.” She wrote before sticking out her tongue. “So do I win hide and seek?” She asked with a smile. 
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cydanite · 2 years ago
Swamp Duo Au: Masterpost:
Art, Mini-Comics, and Writings:
CH. 1 Part 1: (Also a good synopsis for this au!) Part 2: Part 3: Part 4 (Fic): Ao3 link: Part 5 (Mini-Fic kinda): Part 6: Part 7: Part 8 (Fic+Art): Ao3 link: Part 9: CH. 2 Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Youtube link:
Brewing Doodle: (2) (3) Rough Sketch of Much-Older Seablings Concepts: Jimmy Swimming MSPaint: Cocoa Season:
Asks: (Green entries contain art, in case you're looking for it!)
"More AU details?" "S1 Jimmy's thought on other characters? (S2 Jimmy & Joel, S1 Lizzie)" (2) "How Swamp duo works as a unit?" "S2 Sausage's vision of the Codfather and S1 Jimmy meeting S2 Lizzie" (2) "S1 Jimmy's thoughts on S1 Scott?" "Is toy Sheriff in this AU?" "Does Pirate Joe know of the Seablings?" "S2 Jimmy's guilt?" "Does S2 Jimmy gain his human form back?" "S2 Jimmy meeting S2 Lizzie pt.2 (feat. S2 Shelby)" "S2 Jimmy meeting S2 Katherine?" "On the Codfather holding a tiny cup" "S1 Jimmy and S2 Scott pt.2" "On writing fanfiction for this AU" "S1 Jimmy and S2 Scott pt.3" "Will S1 Jimmy and S2 Jimmy meet?" "S1 Jimmy meeting S2 Fwhip" "Flower Husbands comparison to Nature Wives" "S2 Pix thoughts on S1 Jimmy?" "Everyone would smooch the Codfather" "S1 Jimmy and S2 False" "S1 Jimmy and S1 Joey feat. Fanart by eyelessfog" "S1 Jimmy and S2 Lizzie:" "S1 Jimmy possibly finding the ruins of S1 world?" "S1 Jimmy and the Church of Saint Pearl" "Swamp duo dynamic" "Regarding the Hermitcraft crossover" "S1 Jimmy and 3rd Life?" "Part 8 (Art History) Exposition" "Ocean Twin Gods Lore" "S1 Jimmy and Hermes" "How old is S1 Jimmy now?" "How would S1 Emperors react to Jimmy now?" "S1 Emperors react to Jimmy now pt.2" "Songs that fit SDAU" "Ideas about the seablings' more-human forms" "Modern-day Mezalea's opinions on The Codfather explored through art-related worldbuilding, as I am known to do on occasion" "Ideas about Jimmy's aging being slowed by sleeping submerged in a bog"
Incredible Works by Others:
Jimmy and Shelby fanart by goldenwitherphoenix13: S1 Jimmy and S1 Joey feat. fanart by eyelessfog: Jimmy and Shelby fanart by kora-corvus: Not-specifically-SDAU-but-inspired-by-it-and-also-very-good Jimmy fanart by kora-corvus: Jimmy and Hermes fanart by goldenwitherphoenix13:
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kafel88 · 2 years ago
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#ilustracja #illustration #drzewo #kora #pieńdrzewa #tree #forest #ipadart #light #green https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch-x2kaq0c7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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loneliestmuffin · 3 years ago
This thing on Ao3!
2.10.2021 Hand holding
On our Way to You
(Bonus pairing Reborn/Lal, All/All)
Colonnello and Skull are super excited today. Which is understandable. Afterall, it's not everyday that Fon invites them all to celebrate the Chinese New Year with him. It's just... Skull and Colonnello are almost too excited.
Skull has been bouncing with every step ever since they left the COMSUBIN base and his excitement slowly infected Colonnello. Now there's two idiots, hopped up on unnecessary adrenaline, making the peaceful streets of Italy unsafe. And because Reborn decided to accompany them, of course they have to pass through the random street market that popped up overnight.
Because Reborn saw the stand selling flowery honey as they passed by and that inevitably attracted him like a starving ant. And when Lal gives him a dirty look for it, he gives her an innocent smile and sweetly sing-songs. "Its either this or getting me unbanned from the farmer's market~ Your choice."
Lal rolls her eyes, sighing faintly, before rubbing the bridge of her nose a tiny bit. This is giving her a headache, because Colonnello is trying to buy the entire jewelry stand, just to have a gift for everyone and... To be honest, Lal has no damn idea where Skull went.
The point is that Skull and Colonnello are like little kids and she can't keep track of them.
Reborn isnt any help either, because he very very caught up in investigating the different flowery tastes this honey allegedly has. This is the third damn jar he wants to taste test and the stand owner is getting fussy and suspicious. Lal has to be obviously annoyed at this point, because when Reborn glances at her, he does this exaggerated, heavy sigh and grumbles. "You're their mom. You do something."
Lal's response is instantaneous and biting. "You are their dad. Why would you do this."
Reborn pulls a bit of a face, before his eyes land on another jar and he becomes adorably excited. "Ch-cherry-honey?"
Aaaand Lal lost him. Again. This is enough to snap the last few strands of her patience. So she whistles loudly, a sharp, high pitched tone. Colonnello instantly perks up from the jewelry stand, grabbing everything he paid for and running over to her as quickly as he can. He's flustered pink and adorable, but Lal doesn't have to acknowledge that. "You're staying with me, starting now. No more running off, soldier."
Colonnello damn near salutes her, but he catches himself at the last moment and pauses instead. He takes a single look at all the stuff he bought, shoves the paper baggies into each other and excitedly grabs Lal's hand. Lal flusters faintly, but... Well... 'Nello is being adorable... So she'll let it slide this time...
Unfortunately, that's exactly when Skull returns, running around a corner at full speed for some reason and screeching to a stop right in front of them. His eyes are positively glowing with his flame. That's just how excited he is. And he can't contain his voice either, apparently. "Are we holding hands-?!"
Lal can't even get a word in edgewise before her other free hand has been claimed by her excitedable little sky. And she still hasn't found the right words, by the time Reborn finally finishes his shopping. He stocked up on about... Four different jars of needlessly expensive honey.
Their sun takes one look at them and he instantly sounds very scandalized and deeply offended. "Heyyy... Since when were you all holding hands? Why wasn't I invited-?"
Lal is dying off an unnecessarily deep blush, but luckily, Skull has the tendency to just spout solutions whenever he has them. He's also very handy, immediately reaching for Reborn free hand and holding it all too happily. He has no right to sound so damn bright and innocent. "Aw, don't worry Senpai! I have two hands!"
Colonnello then looks at his wristwatch and his eyes go comically large, before he waves a hand at Skull and Reborn. "We have to go! NOW! Or we'll be late, kora!"
And that's how Lal ends up running down the winding streets of italy, her hands warmed by the calloused palms of two childish idiots. With Reborn helpfully reminding all of them why they have even gone out today. "Lunar New years... Did we bring those gift envelope thingies for Fon?"
Skull is loud and bright, but nobody minds that anymore. By now they are fully able to crank his volume down in their minds as it happens. "I have everything in my pockets!"
Colonnello huffs laughter and Lal has to resist rolling her eyes yet again. Skull is adorable. He's just... A lot sometimes, when it comes to what he does and doesn't have in his pockets. Colonnello sounds criminally cheerful and it chases heat into Lal's cheeks. "That's good, Sweetie! Cause we've finally reached our destination~"
He's right. The Kaputziner Fon chose for their family dinner today is right ahead of them. And Colonnello isn't slowing down at all, dragging them all along after him. Fortunately some poor civilian just so happens to open the Kaputziner's glass doors right as Colonnello is about to run headfirst into.
Colonnello nearly loses his balance over that, screeching to a stop and waving his free hand for balance. Lal pulls him back upright, sighing sharply, when her other hand is suddenly very lonely. Only for a moment though, because Reborn all too happily takes Skull's place.
Skull instead runs ahead to the table that was reserved for them, making quite the... Ruckus, just before he launches himself onto Verde's slender shoulders. Lal, 'Nello and Reborn are several meters away, but they can still hear Skull's excited exclamation. "Hubby!"
They all come to take their seats by the time Fon gets over his happy incredulity. He gives Skull his best pout, putting his hands on his hips. "Excuse me? That there is my hubby."
Skull pauses in his exaggerated Verde-snuggling, to give Fon an adorable, innocent blink. "We can... Share?"
Fon shoos Skull away, pulling a slightly stunned Verde against his own chest and pressing kisses into his hair. Fon sounds very pouty, even though he's hiding an obvious smile in Verde's fluff. "No. He's mine. I had him first and I'm not sharing."
Skull visibly deflates, before he shrugs mildly. "Aw. Alright. I'll let you keep your scientist I guess."
He sounded dismissive, but they all know better. Even if Verde still pretends to take offense. "Hey!"
But Skull just ruffles his hair, before he turns to wave happily to Luce, Aria and the kids instead. Because of course they would be fashionably late. When they look again, Viper already spawned in, frowning at the menu, before looking at Fon. "Who's gonna be paying-?"
But Aria stumbles into their words, so obviously excited. As kids tend to be. "When do we get to exchange gifts-??"
Luce gently caresses a hand through Aria's hair, motherly love radiating from that action alone. Because of course Luce adores every single one of their girls. "Don't be so hasty."
Fon giggles quietly, still wrapping Verde in his selfish embrace. "I already Video chatted with my family back in China. Then there's decorations, which we did this morning. Next... Comes family dinner. Gifts happen after that."
The kids obviously deflate, but they also obediently climb into the chairs that were reserved for them. Fon's short speech reminded Reborn of a thing, however. And of course their chaotic sun doesn't stay quiet when he wonders things. "Did you family get their gifts on time? What was the little one's reaction?"
Fon gives Reborn a blank stare and his voice has never been that deadpan before. "I did not send Kyoya a gun. I send him a rubber baton. And he loved it."
Reborn is pouting. Verde is cuddling his wife. Fon is cuddling his husband. Viper is still fretting over the menu, but Reborn Jr. is by their side, doing his best to calm them down. Luce is helping the girls figure out their orders. Colonnello has yet to let go of Lal's hand. Lal has yet to speak up about that. Skull happily chats with anyone that wants to listen to him about his day.
They are a family.
Tomorrow's prompt: Under the Rain. Whom shall it be?
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rebelmoonsource · 1 year ago
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Zack Snyder describing scenes from the teaser trailer of Rebel Moon.
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steeleholtingon · 4 years ago
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Chapters: 50/51 Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Skye | Daisy Johnson/Daniel Sousa Characters: Skye | Daisy Johnson, Daniel Sousa, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez, Alya Fitz, Kora (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) Additional Tags: Angst, slow, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Timequake, Do not post to another site Series: Part 1 of Brooklyn Scout Troop 87 Summary:
Daisy touched her earpiece, clicking over one channel to the private one she had to Sousa. That had been her one request for this op: to have him and no one else on the line with her. As much as she liked Z3's new team, she wasn't ready to have her sister in on this. Too many things could go wrong here, and she needed the one person she was sure wouldn’t panic if that happened. "ETA?" she asked, stepping into the boat.
"Seven minutes, Agent Johnson."
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lxna--lxthor-blog · 8 years ago
“Mmm, as great as that feels, babe, you’re not going to get anywhere.” The woman’s eyes fluttered shut. “It’ll just disappear in a few seconds.” Kora informed Lena. “And — I’m also not my sister, she’d never let that happen.” She smirked before throwing Lena down against the mattress. “Now it’s my turn.” Her lips found purchase at the brunette’s neck and her tongue passed over the pulse point that rested just beneath the surface. “I wanna hear you moan.” Arms pinned down, she straddled Lena and nipped at her neck before sucking slowly.  
Pouting, Lena didn’t like the tables being turned on her like this and she struggled meekly against the woman’s hands, not really against the idea of being held down but just for show. Kora gave her show of strength and Lena knew she couldn’t fight her off even if she wanted to but there was still trust there; if Lena really wanted up, Kora would let her. However, this wasn’t a bad position to be in and her her head fell back against the couch, exposing her neck as her hands found the strong shoulders of the hero. Sighing contently, she knew she’d have to wear some form of cover up tomorrow but for now she’d just enjoy it. 
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engelkatze · 3 years ago
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“¿Cómo supiste que los sentimientos por Sungjin eran los correctos?” La pregunta nace de la nada, en medio del almuerzo. Youngsik todavía no había tocado ni uno de los granos de arroz dentro de su comida. “O cuándo,” achica los ojitos. “Porque--” se inclina hacia adelante. No solía preguntar por la vida privada de Kora, mas suponía que ahora era un momento perfecto para hacerlo. Está por abrir la boca y hablarle sobre Hwan cuando su teléfono vibra a un costado. En la pantalla aparecieron varios mensajes de su madre. Madre, si es que podía llamarle así considerando lo que le escuchó hablar por teléfono las últimas vacaciones. Con el ánimo visiblemente desinflado llevó la espalda hacia atrás. Últimamente los sentimientos que creía tener (o estaba seguro de que tenía) por Hwan funcionaban como la distracción perfecta para no tener que afrontar el caos mental que intentaba mantener a raya. ( @ltmein​ )
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danganronpakingscourt · 6 years ago
CH.1+body discovery
We all searched the castle until Monokuma had announced it was ‘nighttime’. “I say we meet up in the morning and search some more.” Michi suggested to the rest of us. “Ya, I agree. There has to be an exit, maybe it’s just hidden.” The spy, kora stated. There were hums and nods of approval from the rest of us as we parted ways for the night.
When the morning announcement went off we all made our way to the dining hall.
“Are we sure this stuff isn’t poisoned?” Asked the small author “I mean it looks fine.” The firefighter inspected some leafy vegetables. “the bear did say we were supposed to live here…” the girl who didn’t have a talent spoke up. “I could perform some tests, but that could take awhile.” The chemist suggested, pushing up his glasses. “I say we just try it, I’m pretty hungry.” The party planner moved toward some ingredients.
After we ate we were called to the gym by monokuma “upupu, this game gettin’ pretty boring so i say we should spice it up!” “you're talking about the...killing game? The poet asked hesitantly. “of course, what other game would it be?” the bear shimmied around a bit before continuing. “This brings us to why i called this assembly~” he paused again. “The motive~”. “M-motive?” “that's right, I've decided to leak some super secret information to you all~.” we were all quiet, waiting for the bear to continue. “I’m not the one in control of this game--” “what do you mean? You're the one who trapped us here.” Kai retorted “oh really? I thought i was just a robot, one of yous is the one in charge~” “w-what?!” “that's right! There's a Mastermind among you, if you kill the mastermind, you all get to leave isn't that great!” “mastermind?!” jiro exclaimed “who is it?!” Michi spun around to face us. “ upupu, i can’t tell you that! It’d ruin all the fun!” paranoia seemingly swept across the gym as the bear left.
Chap.1 event:
It was the third day we’ve been here, the day after monokuma gave us the motive, unease was present in the dining hall, although we tried to keep everything normal. We all decided we would split up and search again, but the hope for finding an exit was dwindling.
After we ate i decided to go to the gym with a few others.
The seven of us looked around for a bit before Misami sat on the floor, “i say we play a game, to get to know each other some more, ya?” Mako laughed a bit “sure! i think that's a good idea! to lighten the mood.” he smiled and sat down next to Misami, eventually, Vinmi, Kai, Maru and i were sitting on the floor as well. “Michi, aren't you gonna play?” Vinmi asked the attorney, who was leaning against a wall. “No, games are not really my thing, but i will observe if you'll allow it.” they responded. “Sure, whatever floats your boat.” Kai chuckled. “So what should we play?” Maru asked tucking some hair behind her ear. “Hmm… how about… two truths and a lie?” Mako suggested “ya, that's a good game to get to know each other!” Misami beamed.
We played for a while but Mako’s was definitely the most interesting, “ okay… i have two birds at home, I've got a younger brother and… I've been to jail a couple of times.” he finished with a nod. “Whoa! What! The jail ones gotta be the lie!” Vinmi laughed “nope! That ones true…” Mako smiled and rubbed his neck. “what really?!” Misami awed. “is the first one the lie?” i guessed. Mako nodded “umhm, I've actually got five birds!” we laughed and continued the game.
“Huh? Michi where you going?” Maru asked “oh, i have to go to my room for a moment, then i might search some more.” Michi answered politely before closing the doors behind them.
The six of us finished our game and decided part ways. Vinmi and i decided to search the floor with our dorms.
Body discovery:
Vinmi sighed “there's nothing here ether…” i nodded “we’ve been up here for a while too, i’m not sure if there's anything here…” Vinmi stretched her arms and gave a silent nod. “Hmm? What’re you guys doing?” we heard a door click from behind us. “oh, Sundi.” Vinmi greeted “we were looking for something that could help us get out.” “on this floor?” Sundi asked “err, it was the only floor we hadn’t checked yet…” Vinmi stated “there’s nothing to do here so searching or an exit makes sense i guess…” the pastel girl flipped her hair behind her and turned towards the stairs “i’m gonna head down, you coming?” “sure we’ve looked at everything up here, right Hinae?” Vinmi smiled and walked toward Sundi “ya.” i followed after the two.
“Eep!” A few steps near the bottom, Sundi tripped. “whoa, you okay?” Vinmi caught her arm. “Ya, i am.” she gazed down then continued walking.
As soon as sundi made it to the bottom of the stairs she fell back and a scream erupted from her throat.
We ran down after her, “Sundi! What's wrong?!” Vinmi asked. She pointed beside the stairwell, fear plastered on her features. When we followed her gaze, we froze.
Ding dong bing bong~ the monitor across the hall turned on. “Upupupu! A body has been discovered! Will all students make their way to the upper staircase, the investigation will begin shortly!
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itsdetachable · 2 years ago
Kora has going back to her cage for seeds pretty down pat - she asks for seeds, I say "Chcesz Nasionka?" (want seeds) "Idz do klatki" and she understands. It takes her a while usually, like up to a minute, not so much because she's not understanding, as because she's watching to see if I am taking the seeds out for her and getting distracted by noises outside or such.
But she reliably will go back to her cage if you do that, and it's not just with me. When those words are said by my mom and dad she will do it, so that means she's inferring the meaning of the words/sounds themselves and not just responding to my presence.
(Hilariously, she has already correlated me going to work (leaving early and coming back after hours of being away) and then giving her seeds and closing her cage for the night when I get back (since I'm getting back after 6pm) and this week I had to come home a few hours early one day and at like 3pm she wanted seeds but didn't want to get locked up, so every time I asked her to go to the cage she sat on the perch outside the door and chirped loud, then flew off, then flew back lol)
Kora was doing a thing where when she wanted out she would hop on her cuttlebone by the door to her cage. My mom would ask her what she wants and she'd hop on there until we opened the door. She kinda stopped doing it because we kinda stopped asking her, but i've wanted to recapture that behavior because I like it when she's able to somewhat communicate what she wants. Anyways, I've been saying "Chcesz Latac? Latac?" (want to fly? fly? latac is pronounced "la-tah-ch") and I've been waiting until she hops on the cuttlebone to let her out. She's catching on quick because she's a smart cookie lol i'm so proud of her!
Anyways, Kora is doing great so far. She's very smart and curious, she's not having her weird breathing thing like last year. I set up her heater and turn it on at night and she sleeps next to it and even cuddles it sometimes lol. She's very energetic, very talkative, loves it when ppl are around, and loves sitting next to the wall mirrors by the couch and chirping to her mirror friend (thankfully she is not obsessed with the mirror, she does all her normal things but sometimes she just hangs out there and chirps softly)
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emma-commonlanguages · 3 years ago
Family in Nepal: 05-28-05.29
“What will you do today?” Mary asked breakfast.
I felt the panic of having no definitive plan or one reliant on contingencies. I told her I thought I’d walk down to the Boudha Stupa. I asked if she’d like to come with me. I was scared to walk the streets alone. I didn’t know it then, but my fear was just that—fear, and not intuition; culture shock, not suspicions of real danger, though I knew to still be cautious, navigating foreign places on my own.
Dawa looked at Mary in a way that suggested agreeing was her duty. “She’s your American sister, you share the same passport” he said in a soft, jovial tone, and in Nepali, which I later asked him to translate, “she’s paying us and we’re paying for you, so… go on.”
I pleaded him not to guilt her into it.
But her outstanding plans for the day were to clean her room and nap, so she seemed content to put these tasks off and come with me to the Bouhda Stupa. Hiumaya gave us each an umbrella in case of rain and we headed out. 
My first memories of the streets of Kathmandu are in Mary’s wake—wearing flowing floral pants and top, carrying a rusty periwinkle umbrella, her silky black hair tied in a low bun, revealing a set of small gold hoop earrings. She’d grab my forearm before crossing the street, which made me feel my situational vulnerability despite being 10 years her senior, but it also made me feel cared for.
The streets narrowed and through an alleyway we caught our first glimpse of the Bouhda Stupa—blue Buddha eyes and a squiggly nose, painted on a golden steeple. Mary touched her head, heart, and head again in reverence. We emptied into the Stupa and Mary led me in three ‘koras’ (ritual circumambulations around the Bouhda Stupa).
“You do either an odd number of koras or 108 koras,” Mary told me. We did three.
Monks anointed smaller temples around the big temple with holy water and people lapped the Bouhda in a series of motions, touching their foreheads, mouths, and hearts with prayer hands, then bowing, and completely splaying their bodies horizontally on the wet, stone ground. “I wish I could tell you about the history of the Bouhda Stupa, but I just don’t know,” Mary said. I’d never witnessed such sheer devotion.
Mary pointed out her favorite restaurant for pizza, ‘The Roadhouse Cafe’ and ‘Himalayan Java,’ infamously loved among Westerners. We peeked into monasteries and spun the large prayer wheels, engraved with the Sanskrit letters representing ‘OM MANI PADME HUM,’ in dizzying circles. 
We wandered into the larger White Monastery off one of the alleyways running north from the Stupa. The white buildings appeared dirty and forgotten. Monks walked swiftly in pairs and groups across our path and classroom chanting dissipated across the courtyard. Mary was fascinated by the squirrels in the trees. When sightseeing felt complete, we returned home, back up the hill. Mary had me lead the way, testing if I knew my way back.
The next morning, I similarly woke up with an idea of a few things I might like to do but timidity about executing them alone. At breakfast Dawa told me one of their neighbors, a fellow Tamang, had died of diabetes, and that today was his death ceremony. He asked if I’d like to come, suggesting that though melancholy, it would be a good way to experience Nepali, and more specifically Buddhist Tamang, culture and rituals.
Dawa, Hiumaya and I walked through the neighborhood to their local monastery where the ceremony was to take place. In the beginning, it was a lot of sitting, while people filtered in and out of a prayer room where the body was wrapped in khatas.
Dawa introduced me to his niece, who was sitting across the table from me: “You know Tom Kelly? Chadani used to work with him, photographing for National Geographic.” I wasn't sure I knew who Tom Kelly was, but we fell into conversation easily. 
Chadani seemed instantly cool to me, wearing a white peasant top, jeans, and white sneakers. She had a tattoo band around her arm and Sanskrit letters on her chest under necklaces. She asked about my plans in Nepal and we spoke about the best places to trek in monsoon season. She shared photographs of snow peaks and children, ravaged of innocence, from her latest trek in Manaslu. She spoke impeccable English. She told me the other Tamang women never spoke to her, that as an unmarried, independent, career woman, they didn’t relate.
Men were hanging garlands of marigolds on a blue pickup truck in the monastery courtyard. I asked Chadani if that’s how the body would be transported. She said yes, to the cremation site. Everyone would follow in buses. We continued on like that for the rest of the ceremony, me whispering questions in her ear, her patiently explaining, monitoring my disturbance, praising perceived bravery. I asked if we would watch the body burn. She said we would, that some gurus believed watching a body burn expedited one's path to enlightenment.
She told me that in the last year she’d held death ceremonies for her mom and sister. Her mom died first, then her sister of depression. Everyone thought her dad was next, but Chadani took him on holidays and kept him occupied. Dawa said whatever she was doing was working. Her boyfriend died last year too, she told me. I looked in her eyes for pain and just saw resilience.
Bustling and reconfiguration suggested people would carry out the body soon. I wasn’t sure where to stand. The man’s daughters stood behind an altar holding up butter lamps as a set of four men emerged with the body, wrapped in khatas, crumpled and limp in a carrier, constructed of plywood. Women started wailing in protest.
The cremation site was on top of a hill, which we climbed to on a winding path behind the funeral procession. A mentally ill girl in a slouching red knit top and blue jeans, roamed between the two cremation platforms, barefoot, picking up bits of trash and putting them in her mouth or throwing them on the piles of logs where bodies would burn, snickering. The same emoting women, who I could only assume were close family members, gathered together on benches, attempting to appease each other’s seeming uncontrollable weeping. Other women passed around cups of Coca Cola, Mountain Dew, butter tea, and water bottles.
A group of ten monks sitting across from each other under an overhang trailed their fingers across prayer sheets, chanting, and occasionally breaking to play various instruments—flutes, trumpets, conch shells, drums, and bells—and drink butter tea. They looked bored with it, I thought, as if numbed to ritual. I tried unsuccessfully to make eye contact with some of them. Maybe their boredom wasn’t boredom, but sheer focus and meditative flow. 
After an hour of puja (prayer), the men lifted the body out of the carrier and set it on the pile of logs. The monks passed plates of rice and dhido and vessels of milk and honey down an assembly line of people to pour on top of the body as blessings and purification modalities. Finally it was time, as indicated by the monks, and they lit the log pile on fire. I turned away, looking behind a few times in fearful curiosity, until Hiumaya motioned at me. “Let’s go home,” she said. Unready to accelerate my path to enlightenment, I agreed.
Nights at dinner with Dawa, Hiumaya, Dhundup, and Mary softened, became more familiar. They began making jokes at my expense as they’d always done to each other. I felt that homey matter undulating, yellow in my chest now. 
I thought about how had I not gone to ecstatic dance that one Sunday morning in San Rafael, California, and met Ford, I wouldn’t have met Jim, and I wouldn’t be here. In wonder, I quietly honored whatever pulled me out of bed that morning, knowing it wasn’t chance, but rather leading me somewhere, on my way. 
One night after dinner Dhundup and I lingered at the table to discuss trekking plans in the Annapurna Region. I had a meditation retreat starting June 3, ending June 8, and he had an expedition with school leaving June 12.
“Unfortunate timing,” he said in a way which made me wonder exactly what he felt like we were missing out on.
But he said he would set me up with a guide. Or, he said, I could go with Dawa, who was leading a group from Singapore on a trek in Solukhombu, his home village, starting June 12. Either way, we agreed to go on a mini excursion somewhere between June 8 and 12 to Shivapuri, Chitwan, or Bandipur on my way west to trek in Annapurna from Pokhara.
I tried to trust whatever was unfolding, but found myself neaurotically trying to understand and control the right place to go—Googling various trekking outfitters and guides, emailing several of them, looking up routes and itineraries—over the next several days.
Earlier that day Dhundup had been listening to ���Gimme Shelter,’ which I felt surprised to hear far away from home, so I made a comment. After speculating about trekking plans, he brought out his clunky laptop and we started sharing music. He played American bands, which were popular in Nepal for some time: Scorpions, Pearl Jam, James Blunt. I asked him to play me his favorite Nepali music. He played Albatross, a Nepali folk band, and Uniq Poet, a Nepali rapper, including ‘Straight Outta Kathmandu’ after ‘Straight Outta Compton.’ He knew more about some American music—when bands formed and broke up, the stories behind records, who they were singing about and for—better than me.
We said goodnight, pregnant with wonder of whether there was more to say or do.
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