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celias · 1 year ago
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Carstairs family, The Shadowhunter Chronicles
“You belong where you are loved.”
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axealiin · 2 years ago
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the finches
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grubymotyl-3-k · 8 months ago
Hejcia motylki, ogólnie to miałam robić fasta ale ze względu tego że mam okres i strasznie ciągnie mnie do jedzenia to postanowiłam że przez te 4 dni będę miała limit 1000 kcal jakoś a zaraz jak mi się skończy będę robiła 3/4 dniowego fasta. Ogólnie zjadłam dzisiaj owsiankę z mlekiem, dwiema lyzeczkami cukru i trzeba łyżeczkami nutelli ale pół tej owsianki wyrzuciłam do kosza bo po chwili jakoś odechciało mi się jeś��, a później zjadłam zupkę chińska ostrą, naprawdę mam nadzieję że przez ten okres nie zjebie sobie wagi bo dzisiaj już miałam 58. Jeszcze 3 kg i będzie pierwszy gw!
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likesunsh1ne · 1 year ago
all my muses . basic tag list for now xx
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ap-sadistics · 2 years ago
There's no way to send this anonymously on twitter but you've mentioned this one "horrible" fic a lot and I realized that we are keeping up with the same shitty terrible fanfiction for the exact same reasons. Since you mentioned a "big update" on it and I checked and the same fic had updated. Brothers in arms (suffering through bad fanfiction because it's like watching a train crash)
LMAO.................. HGBJDKJK. i try to be vague about fics i have negative feelings about (and only ever name fics i do like) bc like 1) i dont want the writer to ever Know that im talking shit bc its mean and bad form and 2) i dont want ppl to know what im reading despite the fact its bad lmao. well im glad theres no judgement from the person who pieced it together. BC MAN. IT REALLY IS SOMETHING IS IT. IT SUCKS. SO HARD. AND THE WRITER HAS NO IDEA. its so self indulgent in a barely a self aware way. like. i know what you are writer. and i think you only know half of that. tho lately ive been feeling more: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. DO MORE RESEARCH. PUT MORE EFFORT. MAKE SHIT BELIEVABLE AT LEAST IF YOURE GONNA INCORPORATE IT.
anyways. this is between you and me anon. lets watch the blaze through opera goggles
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celias · 1 year ago
Soooooo BEAUTIFUL! Thank youuu for this lovely edit! 🤍
If you would like to read fanfic, link for fic can find here and on ao3 ''Fire Meets Fate | Simon Lewis'' !
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"𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞" 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬
Based on @celias 's beautiful work, The Mortal Instruments AU:
Céline Rosewain knew her life would be changed soon, when she started having a dreams of small redhead girl. As her life started changing, she along with her twin sister Angelina must explore more mysteries of their past.
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thighzp · 16 days ago
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how far will we take it | rated E | ch 1 of 10 | Henry Fox would never sleep with a professor to get ahead. Good thing he's got his sights set on his professor's husband.
updating every Sunday!
This fic has been a long time coming! I'm still writing the last few chapters, but I figured I'd start releasing chapters weekly as I finish it (as a treat)! This has been a labor of love and I have to thank my muses Alex (@redlipstickandglitter) and Dani (@mossy-fae) for putting up with me in the groupchat throughout the whole process.
This is based on season 2 of the show Tell Me Lies, with many of the same lines used, but also many creative liberties taken. PLEASE keep an eye on the tags, as I will update them with each chapter. (Each chapter will also have its own author's note with any and all appropriate warnings).
If you HAVE seen season 2 of Tell Me Lies, I promise this fic will not have the same ending (because that really sucked).
Each chapter title is a song and starts with the lyric that sets the tone for that section. Fic title is How Far Will We Take It from Orville Peck & Noah Cyrus.
tagging for sunday sentences, but also those who have been supporting this baby for the last couple months!
@henrysfox @firstprincehornyramblings @tailsbeth-writes @onthewaytosomewhere
@judasofsuburbia @sophie1973 @made-by-han @porcelainmortal
@stratocumulusperlucidus @idealuk @eusuntgratie @kiwiana-writes
@sugarycloud1 @bitbybitwrites @catdadacd @valeblue
@basil-bird @shadegarden @mylucayathoughts @anincompletelist
@royal-chandler @caterpills @buddieunite @bitchymagazinefirstprince
@elliss-stuff @potato-jem @barghavsarathy @hot-multifandom-mess
@elliss-stuff @handahbear @fallenleavesofautumn @tinyarmedtrex
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miss-howletts · 1 month ago
My Vision board vs Simp board
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✨️ Pić więcej wody zamiast smakowych napoi zero
✨️ Jeść więcej owoców
✨️ Zrobić sobie 2-3 tatuaże
✨️ Ograniczyć albo całkowicie rzucić palenie
✨️ Schudnąć na dobre i osiągnąć Ugw
✨️ Przestać dewastować i gryźć paznokcie...
✨️ Czytać i pisać więcej
✨️ Utrzymać porządek w pokoju więcej niż 2 dni po zrobieniu porządku
✨️ Chodzić na spacery i wgl. wyjść do ludzi
✨️ Znaleźć i zmienić pracę w której szef raz nie będzie złamanych ch*jem
🩷 Simpować do Pookiego bardziej
Jeszcze raz Szczęśliwego 2025 kochani 🩷
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pozartaa · 9 months ago
10.05.24 UTRZYMANIE WAG1 dzień 435 w@żenie.
Limit +/-2100 kcal.
Wybrane posiłki:
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Dziś dzień stawania na w@dze. Nie miałam jakichś większych obaw. Dobrze, że jest parę gramów więcej. Czuję się trochę bezpieczniej. Ostatnio jestem na granicy n1edowag1 i nie chciałam schodzić niżej. BMI 18.6. Zaliczam jako w@gę utrzymaną. (Aktualizacja w opisie bloga i poście przypiętym)
W@ga sprzed dwóch tygodni i dziś (177cm)
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Masakra... Biała w@ga wyświetlająca białe numerki... Wiecie jak ciężko zrobić foto na którym co kolwiek widać!? Ale zdjęcie sprzed dwóch tygodni było jeszcze starym telefonem, nowy nie oszczędził wam żadnego szczegółu jeśli chodzi o moje żylaste, paskudne stopy 🙈.
Dziś też DBLK. Zaplanowany na dzień kiedy i tak stoję w kuchni bo przygotowuje posiłki na dwa dni, ale i ze względu na sesję AD&D dziś o 18:00.
Znowu kolacja będzie późna i nieokreślona (pewnie skończymy około 22:00. Położę się późno - jak na mnie - w najlepszym razie 23:00 🙁)
Nawet nie wiecie (a może wiecie) ale bardzo sobie cenię odpowiednią ilość snu. Sen działa na usługach metabolizmu w procesie chudnięcia ale i utrzymaniu wagi jest cholernie ważny. Trzeba spać i być wysypanym, żeby mieć efekty. Także nie zarywajcie nocy. Róbcie drzemki regeneracyjne jeśli to możliwe. Ostatecznie - jak nie wiecie co ze sobą zrobić - idźcie spać 😄.
Na obiad dziś końcówka potrawki. Cała reszta - na jutro i po jutrze - została popakowana w pojemniki. Małą porcję, która została po spakowaniu (około 200g) postanowiłam dopchać ziemniaczanymi łódeczkami z gotowej mrożonki, na którą już jakiś czas się czaiłam, ale ciągle trochę bałam.
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Niby DBLK ale "oszukałam", bo nie chciałam, żeby obiad wychodził zbyt biednie (ani za bogato) - odważyłam sobie taką porcyjkę na 300 kcal. Moje obiady zwykle mają coś od 450 do 500kcal. Raczej staram się by był to syty - największy posiłek w ciągu dnia. Dzisiejszy 460... Tak, musiałam to zrobić bo by mi spokoju nie dało - szczególnie, że jem coś nowego.
Następnym razem po prostu będę wiedziała na oko ile sobie mogę wsypać takich łódeczek. Mam nadzieję, że wybaczycie mi to małe oszustwo... 🤫
Ale szczerze czy DBLK jest dniem gdy spożywam więcej, albo pozwalam sobie na coś innego niż zawsze? Czasami tak.... Aaaaleee.... zazwyczaj po prostu jem coś już sprawdzonego w takiej porcji na oko - jaką bym zjadła w normalny dzień z Fitatu. (Od jedzeniowego szaleństwa mam raz w miesiącu Cheat Day 😉)
Mogę sobie "nie liczyć" ale to niestety nie wymazuje magicznie wszelkiej wiedzy o kalor1@ch z mojej głowy.
Poza tym uznałam, że moje ciasteczka potrzebują polewy czekoladowej
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Bo czemu nie 😝.
Dziś post wcześniej z wiadomych przyczyn. Witaj epicka przygodo fantasy!
Dobrej nocy wam życzę i do usłyszenia jutro! Mam nadzieję że będzie fajnie.
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devilsmenu · 6 months ago
"Yeah. He's a wizard and your long-time friend" Rafe saisto Jem. "Yeah, Shadowhunters. Half human half seraphim. This in my skin are called runes".
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"Magnus Bane?" It feels familiar, he just can't recall. "I feel like I should, if that's any help?" He frowns. "Shadowhunters? Tell me more."
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cetaitlaverite · 8 months ago
Why All This Music?
Masters of the Air - Rosie Rosenthal x OC
masterlist is linked here <333
32. God and the Law
Another year and the war was still going. 1945. It seemed so strange. Freddie had been with the WAAFs since 1939. She’d been out of university for six years, almost.
The new year always made her solemn. Another year without Daniel. In only two months he would have been dead for a full four years. It felt like so much longer than that, like a lifetime. Freddie had been so much a different person back then, for better or for worse.
Thorpe Abbotts kept on running exactly as it had been for as long as Freddie had been there - longer, probably, since she’d started the war elsewhere. Pilots went out and came back. American Red Cross girls handed out doughnuts and coffee - Helen still saved some for Freddie when she could. Freddie took Meatball for his daily morning walk with his flash new collar and lead, gifted to him by Rosie this Christmas - Meatball seemed pleased with no longer having to wear his old leather harness every time Freddie wanted to take him somewhere.
Freddie drew up manipulation plans and helped Croz with his flight paths. Whenever any of the bombers went out she sat in the designated Operation Corona wireless operators’ room in the tower and worked for hours on end to convince German fighter pilots away from American bombers. And when the crews came back, if Rosie had been among them she would wait outside the interrogation room for him, always anticipating the smile he gave her when he laid eyes on her with bated breath and sweaty palms.
Over Christmas, Paddy had proposed to Jem. The two of them had telephoned on Boxing Day to share the news. They couldn’t actually get married, of course, but they could wear rings. And tonight was their wedding night. Hosted in the wireless operators’ hut, Amy was Paddy’s maid of honour and Freddie and Millie were splitting the role between them to be Jem’s. Cecelia, apparently, had worked out what was going on between Jem and Paddy a while ago and she’d memorised the wedding vows for them so she could officiate.
Freddie and Millie stood to Jem’s left, opposite Amy on Paddy’s right, while Cecelia read aloud wedding vows and had Jem and Paddy repeat them after her. Freddie, Millie, and Amy were all in tears. Freddie resented that it couldn’t be more special for them, that they only had a small window of opportunity while the other girls were out at the officers’ club and that they couldn’t decorate and that they couldn’t wear pretty wedding dresses and only had their uniforms. But Jem and Paddy didn’t seem to mind. Their eyes were locked firmly on each other - had been, in fact, since Jem had entered the room and been walked down the ‘aisle’ between the two rows of beds with Freddie and Millie on either side of her. When she and Paddy looked at each other, the rest of the world fell away. When they kissed to seal the deal, they were both smiling wide.
They had a little party to celebrate, with stolen alcohol and music they took turns singing in place of a record player. And when Jem and Paddy left to go on their night-long honeymoon in Freddie’s office - because they deserved at least some privacy on their wedding night - Jem pulled Freddie and Millie aside with tears in her eyes, a flush in her cheeks, her smile so wide it must have been hurting.
“I love you both,” she said, taking one of each of their hands and squeezing. “So, so much. Thank you for being here and walking me down the aisle and - and - and Fred, thank you for letting us use your office!”
Freddie laughed. “You’re welcome. Just don’t touch any of my files, please! And if you’re going to use the desk, wipe it down after!”
Jem winked. “We’ll wipe down the entire room, Fred, don’t you worry.”
Millie laughed. “I should hope you’d find cause to! It’s your wedding night!”
As Jem and Paddy met back up again and left the hut hand in hand, grinning at each other and over their shoulders as the remaining girls cheered them out, Freddie felt her heart clench. It was so lovely, she thought. They hadn’t had much but they hadn’t needed much, and it was the happiest wedding she’d ever been to.
Millie linked their elbows together as she guided Freddie to sit on her bed. “Thinking about your future wedding, Fred?”
Freddie glanced at her and laughed. “Why? Are you thinking about yours?”
“I’m always thinking about mine,” Millie replied breezily. “It’s what keeps me going.”
“I can’t believe you haven’t let the poor man propose yet,” Freddie said. She laughed when Millie scowled.
“One, pot kettle. Two, I don’t care how long I have to wait, that man will get down on one knee in front of me and give me a proper proposal. I’ve only been dreaming about it since I was a little girl!”
“I’m sure Brady would absolutely love to be able to get down on one knee in front of you right now, Mils, but he is stuck in a prisoner of war camp,” Freddie reasoned.
Millie scoffed. “Yes, for now. But once the war’s out we’ll be spending forever together, and I want forever to start with a ring and a proper proposal, the way my mum always told me it should.”
Freddie shrugged. “Fair enough.”
“I hope I get married next,” Cecelia interjected, coming to sit down on her bed, beside Millie’s. Freddie’s old bed.
Amy came to sit beside her, raising both eyebrows. “Your fella still not proposed, Cecelia?”
Cecelia rolled her eyes. “Not yet, but we only get to see each other once a month.”
“I’d be worried if I was you -”
“If I were you I’d be more focused on finding someone at all,” Cecelia retorted.
Freddie couldn’t help but snort. “Amy, some people like to take their time with these things. It’s a big deal, getting married! But you’ll find someone soon, I’m sure of it.”
“If you don’t marry Rosie soon, Fred, I’m snapping him up for myself,” Amy answered her.
Freddie laughed, because even though she knew Amy had a big crush on Rosie, she also knew that Amy had a big crush on everyone, and she’d never, ever actually do it. She wouldn’t be able to, anyway. If Rosie was marrying anyone Freddie knew it was her. She had a sneaking suspicion he might have already bought a ring and was wondering whether he might be waiting for Valentine’s Day to pop the question.
If he did, she thought, as the conversation raged on around her and she thought back to the pure, unbridled joy of Jem and Paddy’s wedding, she’d say yes. A wedding on base - in the chapel, maybe, unless Rosie wanted a Jewish ceremony. Could they do a Jewish ceremony on base? Or maybe they could go to the village church if he didn’t mind how they did it. She could buy a pretty white dress in the village and flowers from the florist. Maybe her parents could even drive over for the occasion.
Freddie had butterflies in her stomach just thinking about it. Rosie, waiting at the end of the aisle in his dress uniform, his curls perfectly placed, Croz standing beside him as his best man. Her father giving her away, Millie and Jem her maids of honour waiting at the altar for her. Two rings on her ring finger instead of none, and a ring on Rosie’s to declare to every woman who laid eyes on him that he was firmly and irrevocably off the market, forever promised to Freddie, just as she was promised to him.
Freddie’s head was in the clouds for the next few days, thinking about her hypothetical future wedding. Rosie hadn’t even proposed yet but she was hopeful. She went to bed every night hoping that it might be the next morning. When February arrived, she became almost certain she only had to wait until Valentine’s Day. Two weeks, that was all, and she’d be engaged to the most wonderful man on earth, and she’d rush him down the aisle as soon as possible so she could switch her last name and tie their souls together. For the rest of her life she wanted to be tied to him. There was no way anything could come between them if they were firmly tied together, in the eyes of god and the law.
Freddie was daydreaming about it all again as she filtered out of the tower along with all of the other Operation Corona wireless operators. The rest of the girls were grinning; it had been their most successful mission yet. The fighters had barely gone anywhere near their boys. Freddie’s change in tactic had worked like magic.
“Can we host a party tonight, ma’am?” Anneliese asked Freddie, bouncing around on the balls of her feet in her excitement. She was hurrying to keep pace beside Freddie with the way she kept veering out of her course with her bouncing.
Freddie laughed. “If you want to organise it, yes, Anneliese, we can host.” Her attention was only half-focused on the conversation, the rest of her already anticipating waiting outside of interrogation for Rosie to come out. He would have landed about half an hour ago, by her reckoning.
Anneliese cheered her success and hurried to tell Jana and start preparations. Freddie smiled to herself, checking to make sure none of the other girls wanted to speak to her before hurrying on her way to wait outside of interrogation for Rosie.
It was cold today, Freddie realised as she stood there waiting. Colder than it had been yesterday. Colder, even, than this morning, it felt like. Maybe a long-sleeved wedding dress? She tugged at the sleeves of her jacket, willing them to cover her hands as well as her arms, and then pulled the lapels closer together. Crossing one leg over the other as she leaned back against the wall, she sighed, and her breath plumed out white in front of her.
“Come on, Rosie,” she mumbled. “It’s freezing out here.” The toe of her left shoe began a steady tapping against the ground.
Up ahead, Millie and Jem rounded the corner. They had their heads bowed together, deep in conversation, though as Freddie called their names Millie stopped talking mid-sentence, her head snapping up to meet Freddie’s eyes. “Fred,” she said, as though utterly shocked to see her there.
“Mils,” Freddie greeted as she and Jem approached. She laughed. “Why do you look so surprised? I wait for Rosie here every time he comes back.”
Jem shot a hasty glance at Millie. “Can we talk about something in your office, Fred?”
Freddie’s heart leapt at the same time as it stuttered. This was it, she thought, an anticipatory heat flooding her cheeks. Her proposal. Valentine’s Day wasn’t for a little while yet but then again maybe they could get married on Valentine’s Day. She clasped her hands together, trying to be subtle about running a finger over the empty space on her ring finger. It wouldn’t be empty for much longer.
“Fred,” Millie said, her eyes flicking between Freddie and the door to the interrogation room behind her. “Please.”
Freddie’s eyebrows furrowed. If Rosie was going to propose, why was he going to do it in her office? For privacy, maybe? But she wanted to see him now, wanted him to do it now. She didn’t care who was around to see.
Freddie gave a quick shake of her head and pretended ignorance to their plan. “Can it wait until after I’ve seen Rosie? I just want to make sure he’s okay, it won’t take long.”
“I’d really prefer if we went now,” Jem insisted.
Millie nodded. “It’s urgent.” For the first time, Freddie noticed that her face was completely pale. Usually there was a rosy hue to her, her cheeks always just a little bit flushed and matching the strawberry blonde of her hair, but right now she may as well have been a ghost. All of the colour had drained out of her face.
Freddie stood up straighter. “Is someone in trouble?” she wondered tentatively. She was just caught off guard enough to push away from the wall and begin following Millie and Jem to her office. She glanced back over her shoulder at the door to interrogation, as though expecting Rosie to appear from behind it, and sighed. “Will this take long? I don’t want Rosie to worry if he comes out and I’m not there.”
“It’s urgent, Fred,” Millie repeated, in place of any real explanation. And as though to prove her point, she took a gentle hold of one of Freddie’s wrists and started to hurry their progress towards her office.
Freddie’s eyes sought Jem. She was clearly fighting to avoid having to look at Freddie.
“You’re kind of scaring me,” Freddie said, looking between the two of them. The excited fluttering of her heart was turning heavy, anticipation turning to dread. “Is everyone okay?” She swallowed hard. “It’s not one of the girls, is it?”
“Fred,” Jem asserted, “please just wait until we get to your office.”
“Is someone pregnant?” Freddie gasped. “It’s not Emma and her RAF chap, is it? I told her that if she was going to do it before marriage she needed to be careful -”
“Freddie!” Millie exclaimed. She stopped walking and turned to face her, the set of her shoulders stern. “We’ll tell you when we get into your office.”
Freddie frowned, shrinking into herself. “You’re scaring me,” she said softly. “I’m just trying to get some sort of reassurance that it’s not as bad as I’m worrying that it is.”
“Please just wait,” Jem pleaded, taking one of Freddie’s hands in both of her own. “Please, Fred. Please just wait until we get to your office.”
Looking between Millie and Jem, Freddie felt her heart start to pound. Her blood was rushing in her ears. There was a sick feeling settling low in her stomach. Whatever had happened, it was clearly just as bad as, if not worse than, she was worrying it was.
“Okay,” Freddie relented in a small voice. She sounded to her own ears like a little girl. She let Millie and Jem lead the way, each carrying one of her hands in theirs, and was grateful, because now she wasn’t really seeing where she was going. Now she was stuck in the nausea filling her body.
Meatball was waiting patiently for them in Freddie’s office, lying curled up in his bed as opposed to spread out on the couch. He perked up when he saw them come in, sat up and wagged his tail and sat quietly as Freddie stroked him and kissed his head. 
Freddie sat down on the leather couch at Millie and Jem’s insistence. There was an ache in the back of her throat and she didn’t even know what she was preparing to cry over yet. 
It wasn’t Rosie, at the very least. Because she’d kept the fighters away entirely today. And she would know if it was Rosie. She’d thought the same about Daniel but she would know this time. She would know if it was Rosie.
Jem sat down beside Freddie, closer than she usually would, and kept hold of her hand. Millie paced before them a few times as she battled with herself over something. Finally, abruptly, she turned to face them.
“Fred,” Millie began, in a gentle voice but a firm one, too, “I know you’re going to hate me for telling you this but I need you to understand that I couldn’t let anyone else do it, okay?”
“Okay,” Freddie mumbled, eyebrows furrowed, heart pounding in her ears. All of the sound in the room was muffled. It all looked blurry, almost, like she had forgotten to put on her glasses, but she didn’t need glasses. She felt like a little girl being disciplined by her parents.
“Fred,” Millie said again, inhaling a deep breath. She faltered at the last moment and crouched down in front of Freddie, resting both hands on Freddie’s knees. “Fred, he’s gone down,” she admitted all in one breath. “Rosie’s gone down.”
“What?” Freddie asked. The rushing in her ears was so loud she may as well have been standing outside in the midst of a hurricane. 
“Rosie’s fort caught fire,” Millie said, louder this time. “Someone said they saw ‘chutes but they only counted seven and someone was keeping it flying straight. He thought -” Millie choked but quickly regained composure. “He thought Rosie was probably trying to get them out of Berlin and across Russian lines, so he stayed behind. But then it exploded and he’s not sure if - if -”
“No,” Freddie said.
“He’s not sure if Rosie got out,” Millie finished at last. There were tears in her eyes. Her cheeks were blotchy. She was looking at Freddie like it was taking everything in her not to lunge for the door and flee the scene.
All Freddie could do was stare at her. “Rosie’s…”
Millie nodded.
“You think he’s…”
Again, Millie nodded.
Freddie shook her head. “He’s not dead.”
“He might not be,” Jem reasoned. “He might have gotten out and they just didn’t see the ‘chute because the fort was so close to the ground. Or maybe they didn’t see him because of the fire.”
“Jem,” Millie said quietly, lowly, turning to look at her, “I don’t think that’s helpful.”
“You mean you don’t think it’s helpful to give me false hope,” Freddie deduced. “You’ve already decided he’s dead.”
Millie sat back and clasped both hands over her eyes. “I don’t know what to think,” she confessed, her voice choked. “I just don’t want to make this harder for you than it already is.”
And Freddie knew, then, that Rosie was dead. Because Millie wouldn’t try to force her to believe it if there was any single part of her which thought she may be wrong.
Freddie stood up suddenly. She wasn’t sure what to do with her body. She had all these limbs which were just hanging off of her, waiting for instructions, and they felt like dead weight. 
Her hands were shaking, she vaguely registered, as she started towards her desk. They’d been shaking when Daniel had gone down, too. When she’d been pulled into an office to be told that her boyfriend had been shot down and killed in a mission over Germany. History repeating itself. The same now as it had been then.
And this was always going to happen, Freddie realised. It was why she was so reluctant to get to know Rosie at the start. She had always known it was going to come to this. She’d brought him home with her and showed him pictures of Daniel, showed him how she would pay tribute to his memory when he inevitably went down and she was forced to move on. This had been fated since the beginning, predesigned from before they had ever even met. Freddie, returning home after a while away, greeted with a man who saw right through her the instant their eyes met, a pilot who was going to make her fall in love with him before crashing out of the sky.
It was always going to happen this way.
Freddie collapsed at once. Her legs just couldn’t hold her anymore. And distantly she thought she heard some sort of wailing, some sort of desperate, deranged scream, and she pitied whoever was making that sound because it sounded exactly as she felt.
“Rosie,” that voice kept screaming, over and over again.
Freddie clutched her shaking hands against her heart. 
“Rosie, Rosie, my Rosie. My darling. My love. My Rosie.”
“Shh,” Millie was cooing as she took Freddie into her arms and started to rock her gently back and forth. “Shh, Fred, shh.”
The wailing continued, drowning out her reassurances.
It took Freddie’s voice cracking, her throat dry and sore, to get her to stop. And the screaming, she realised with a sudden clarity, was hers. Had been hers. Where once there was catastrophic noise there was now quiet - heavy, wheezing breaths and ragged sobs.
Freddie vomited before anyone could preempt it, even herself. All over the floor, some of it on her lap, she threw up again and again and again, then coughed up saliva and threw up some more. 
Jem left her side to find something to help - a bowl or something to clean it up, Freddie didn’t care, she barely even noticed.
Millie rubbed her back with one hand, holding back her hair in a makeshift ponytail with the other, and whispered that she was there and she wasn’t going anywhere and that she’d stay as long as Freddie wanted her.
When Jem returned there came a reprieve. Freddie collapsed back into Millie, breathing heavily, her face contorted into a fixed, permanent sob. Millie smoothed her hair away from her sweat-sticky face and rubbed her back, murmuring to her that she was safe, while Jem cleaned up the mess and put a bowl beside her in case she needed to throw up again.
And she did. Freddie threw up for the better part of two hours, sobbing in whatever breaks she got from the nausea, wailing whenever she thought about how the rest of the day, the week, her life, was going to look without Rosie at its centre. She threw up until she started coughing up blood, until her body wasn’t strong enough to support itself anymore, until, finally, her own tragedy knocked her unconscious. Until her body decided for her that she wasn’t capable of living in the waking world anymore and let her find peace in the sleeping one.
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fat-butterflys · 4 months ago
Okej ..próbowałam wszystkiego ...ale albo coś ze mną jest nie tak(raczej to) albo sama już nie wiem. ...
Waga spadła do 48kg....przy 163 cm
I co? Zamiast się cieszyć to wpierdalam...żałosne jak ch*j...ale nie ma co się oszukiwać albo wezmę się za siebie albo nigdy nie będę prawdziwym motylkiem.
Koniec z udawaniem,koniec z byciem miła,koniec z jedzeniem tylko po to by kogoś zadowolić!!!!
Nikt za mnie nie schudnie. Sprawiając komuś przyjemność tym że jem dla kogoś nie uszczęśliwie samej siebie!!!!
Od jutra zaczynam codziennie wstawiać posty z tego co jem ..ile jem. Może to mnie bardziej zmotywuje ...i w końcu się ogarnę
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burntheedges · 2 months ago
#9 & #25 please when you get the chance!
hi Emma! 🧡 I love these two because I get to share recs!
9. A work from another creator you keep coming back to
I'm going to share a few because why not spread the joy around?
Be-All and Endor by @djarins-cyare - Jem knows how many times I've read this, lol. It's a lot. Read it!!
Meet Me in the Back by @joelstummy - no idea how many times I've read this, I'm pretty sure Katy knows how much I love it.
Sequins by @trulybetty - I'm pretty sure my love for this one is known, but I just reread it the other day. I love it so much 😭
25. A scene or image that lives rent-free in your head
I'll share one from each of the fics I mentioned above! Beware of spoilers! I tried not to choose anything too spoilery.
From Ch 11 of Be-All:
Din’s ungloved hand releases yours and steadies your chin. Then he slowly leans forward until the ridge on his helmet just above his visor makes gentle contact with your forehead, so softly that it’s almost a caress. Your eyes flutter closed, and you feel them moisten at the tenderness in his gesture.
From part 8 of MMITB -- I couldn't figure out a part to quote that didn't feel like a spoiler. So I'll just say everything after "The skin around your eyes..."
And from Sequins:
Just got home. Tonight was something. Glad we met.
It's so hard not to pick spoilers. lol
artist and fic writer EOY asks
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kefiruss · 3 months ago
Jak można być takom ch*jem i robić konto o takiej nazwie. Wiedz, że nie należysz już do tego fandomu. Oczywiście chodzi o @natcio
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purplebass · 2 years ago
Tweety's Intro
Hi! I'm Tweety (she/her)! (prev. luciehercndale)
I write and I make book edits :)
the replies to my asks are here: #posta (I love getting asks!💜)
@purplebass-writes is my writing sideblog
my main fandoms are tsc and shades of magic, but I also like fantasy, classic lit, romance, humanities and more
add me on goodreads <3
icon by @/lasq.draws; dividers by @/saradika
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My A03 profile is purplebass and below you can find the links to fan fic ships collections, in case you are looking for a specific couple :) Shades of Magic: kellila ▸ drabble collection ▸m/e one shot collection TSC: blackdale ▸ gabrily ▸ gracetopher ▸ jordelia ▸ thomastair ▸ wessa
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✨ If you want to interact with me and ask me about anything, feel free to send me asks! <3 (anon is always on). You can ask for writing/edits. Feel free to DM me <3 ✨
Tumblr Links to fan fics (More links to fics are in the reblogs). (masterpost #1 is here)
Gabrily 🗡️
1. Tonight is Gonna Be the Loneliest (CoT Missing Scene)
2 . Someday, Somehow (feat Wessa)
3. Lights Out (R-rated version on A03 + Follow Up fic Lights On only on A03 for rating reasons)
Ghostwriter 👻✍🏻
1. The Most Beautiful Flower (Wedding Night E/M Rating)
2. Three Years and Counting (Ghostwriter Fest 2023)
3. Hold it Together (CoT Rewrite - Post Ch.26)
4. For the Ghost that I Used to be
5. Farewell, Farewell! One Kiss and I'll Descend
6. True Love Stories Never Have Endings (feat Blackstairs)
7. When Life Gives You Onions
8. Late Night, Early Morning
9. Center of Attention
Gracetopher 🔬⚗️
1. The Sound of Silence (CoT Post Ch. 26 Rewrite)
2. Happiness Was Itself A Chemical Reaction
Jordelia ♟️
1. The Tickle
Lucelia ✒️⚔️
1. For the Sake of Research (feat Jordelia/Ghostwriter)
Thomastair 🗼🧭
1. Deal With It
2. You Know Me Well, My Love
3. The New Guy With A Gentle Smile (Pre Canon)
4. Beginner's Luck and All of That (R-rated)
5. To Grow as Strong as that Cherry Three
6. Brave the Storm
Wessa 📖
1. A Different Kind of Music (R-rated)
2. To Beard or Not to Beard
3. Make you Feel my Love
Platonic pairings (friendships, siblings, parents, etc.) 🌷
1. The Element of Surprise (Matthew + Alastair and Thomas)
2. (Pre- TID Will, Jem, etc.) We Hunt Demons, Not Monkeys
3. (Matthew and Alastair friendship) Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures
4. (Pre-TLH Jesse and Grace) But If you Sing
5. (Jesse and Grace CoT Missing Scene) What Went Down
6. (Will and Jesse) Hope Never Fades
7. (Tessa and Lucie) A Gift or a Curse
8. (CoT Rewrite - Grace kills Tatiana) Five
Kelila 🗡️🩸 Spotify Playlist (Songs that make me think about them)
1. Fit Like a Glove (Kellila bday date)
2. A Fantasy (E-rating)
3. A Promise of a Brighter Future (Missing Scene, Threads Spoilers)
4. The Scent of the Night
5. Kiss it Better (E-rating)
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silver-inked-quill · 6 months ago
The Last Hours of a Herondale
Ch. 3 Carstairs
Pairing: Matthew Fairchild x herondale reader Word count:1.5k
Brother Zachariah
I was invited at the London Institute once again by Will who, through out the year he was inventing the most incredible excuses to summon me here so we can spend the day together. cannot deny that it is my pleasure to spend as much time as I can here. With Will, with Tessa and the kids. I feel grateful for them but mostly when the phrase ‘Uncle Jem’ comes from Y/N, James or Lucie, I am happy that they don’t seem to be uneased or afraid by my somewhat disturbing appearance. I am a silent brother after all.
I assumed I arrived earlier than expected as I strolled down the corridor of the room. It was empty and quiet when the sound of my violin stroked my ears. It was Mozart and it came from my former music room, I used to spent endless hours there until Will would come and annoy me. It was honestly the best annoyance in the world. I knew Y/N was using that room as I gave her my violin and notes when I first witnessed her as a toddler. I taught her the notes and I am glad to hear she has gotten so far even without my teaching.
I paused outside the door and enjoyed the melody. I hadn’t heard music in so long that I simply wanted to enjoy its sound. After some moments I walked in and the girl paused. She was well dressed, even though her expression reminded me of Will when he was bothered by something and would bury himself under a pile of books before he would decide to speak with me. Y/N paused her movements and turned to the entrance, I was glad she smiled once she sensed my presence in the room.
“Uncle Jem Good morning.” She smiled, she looked grateful it was me. I don’t know if it was the fact that I was a silent brother or the common things she had with her parents that help me perceive Y/N, James and Lucie’s behavior better.
“Good morning Y/N. Please don’t stop, I haven’t heard violin… Since the last time you played.” I would smile if I could.
“Perhaps you want to play? I am using gloves either way...” She offered the instrument. She was prepared for the breakfast to welcome the Carstairs, my closest blood-related family. I could sense she was uneased and I knew she wanted to converse something with me. It was the same tone Tessa was using once she wanted to say something. I was glad my niece was trusting me with her issues more than her parents. I mean, I do know how pressuring and overprotective Will and Tessa can be first hand.
“No, my playing would be torture for close-by listeners. Could you play Mozart perhaps. Any symphony you know best.” I requested and sat at a chair.
“I know the 40th symphony. The one you have noted yourself.” She spoke before she touched the bow to the strings of my old violin and started playing. As the smooth sound of the symphony flooded the room my gaze wandered at the changes that had been done to the room I used to spent most of my time. The fireplace was lit, the small fire roaring and offering a warmth feeling inside the room. The piano was moved next to the door, there was a bookcase on the place where there was empty spots or furniture with white sheets upon them. Utterly unused. The side that was completely empty is filled with paint and canvases empty and with drawings. I saw many paintings, My gaze fell on the family portrait she copied. It was the first Christmas after me and Will had gone through our ceremony. There was Charlotte and Henry in the middle. On Henry’s side stood Jessamine, Cyrus and Sophie while on Charlotte’s side there was me and Will. Exactly six years before Tessa came into our lives.
Before I knew it the symphony ended and I clapped slowly. “Congratulations, you’ve come along way on the violin. And as I see with the painting as well. It is pretty.” I commented and she nodded as she sat down on the carpet in front of the fireplace. “Will we not join the others at the dining room?” I asked.
“Of course, I wanted to mention that I had a vision the other day… It wasn’t much. But you said I should mention when I go through it.” Said Y/N as her attention was more on the music notes than me. She was organizing them carefully.
“And what triggered it? What did you see?” I wondered.
“We went at the stupid Tavern the Merry Thieves go. And the server, she wiped some ichor from my face and I immediately realized I was being dragged out of my body. I only saw how she turned into a werewolf and how she turned her first wolf… And then casually woke up.” She summarized her recent experience with her charisma. Both twins presented to have an ability and both of them seem to dislike that and who could blame them. Tessa and Will worry and I am still studying on the mysticistic books that the City of bones hide. Y/N charisma seems to have multidimensional and controversial explanations while James’ is more difficult to gather intel about.
“Its alright, you did good to mention it. As I understand it was not that exhausting physically.” I made a regard and earnt a positive nod. “How about James? Did he have any incidents?” I asked.
“Look, I do not know if he will talk to you and on this matter I kind of trust you more on this than mama and papa… James disappeared during the battle of last night. We covered for each other to our parents. It was a close call for both of us and Math.”  Y/N spoke with uncertainty although I am sure it was because of the guilt she felt for speaking of her brother.
“Do not be concerned Y/N. I am sure James will come to me himself just like you did.” I assured her and she nodded. “Is there anything else you wish to share?” I asked her.
“No that was it.” She replied.
“Alright then I will be going. Thank you for the small concerto Y/N. See you in a while.” I greeted and left the room before I made my way to the dining table to find it empty, only cutlery and placed in perfect positions in order for the meal to be prepared. The library, I turned on my way. I opened the wide door and found them by the poetry shelves.
“Well well hello. Look who arrived early.” Will commented on my arrival. “You must have missed us.” He then added and approached me before he pulled me in a hug.
“Your invitation mentioned 8 o clock… But as a matter of fact I have missed you.” I spoke and slowly wrapped my arms around William.
“You seem skeptical. Do the Brothers treat you good or there is any issue.” Will asked and looked straight at my face. Even with my new features he could read me as could I.
“Will you needn’t worry about me. I guess I felt nostalgic. I heard Y/N play. I asked her to play something and she had my old notes.” I spoke with a heavy exhale and Tessa placed her hand on my shoulder. It was a painful feeling of nostalgia and melancholy that I never pondered of feeling again. Silent Brothers are not supposed to feel. But I do feel. I feel many things. Perhaps it because my cousin’s family. Cordelia, Shawna and Alastair are the only blood relatives I have left.
Will didn’t speak. I knew he was feeling this everyday.
“She grew to play just like you.” Tessa smiled at me, she was trying to ease the tensity, her gaze darting between me and Will.
“Indeed. I am glad my violin is being used and that the music room is filled with life” I explained and looked at them.
“Can you not say that you are needed here. In order to stay here longer. I am sure Brother Enoch wont need your assistance. James asked for you as well.” Will spoke and this got me a bit joyful.
“I could do that…” I spoke and placed my hand on Will’s shoulder when a servant walked in to bring a letter from Charlotte. With a quick glance Will read it and I saw annoyance and light anger to be sketched upon his features.
“What is it?” Tessa asked him.
 “We have to go to the Cornwall Gardens at the gathering that was arranged, Carstairs are already on their way there. Charlotte only found out, now as she said in the letter.” Will spoke up his voice rising as he threw the letter. “I am sorry Jem” He spoke.
“You don’t have to apologize. There will be time” I assured him.
“Now go tell your daughter that she will have to go outside.” Tessa smiled at Will and patted his shoulder.
“Which one?” Will asked and looked at us confused.
“Lucie will be more excited if we tell her that. Honestly William!” Tessa sighed.
“I will be leaving now. See you soon both.” I patted Will’s shoulder and left before the situation would get him angrier.
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