787 posts
skit / ecclesiastes 3:11 / it is always safe to dream of spring / with you at the end of all things / firm believer in the inherent value of middle grade fiction / lmm, dwj, jrrt etc.
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asymphonyofstarlight · 1 day ago
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Some favourite Dr. Gilbert Blythe moments, spanning from Anne of Ingleside, Rainbow Valley, and The Blythes are Quoted, all by L.M. Montgomery
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asymphonyofstarlight · 3 days ago
If you ever tagged me to do one of those tag game thingies and I never did it:
1) Thank you, seriously. Those are fun and being included shows that my followers care enough to want to learn more about me.
2) Very sorry about that, it’s extremely likely that I said to myself “Cool! But I’m busy at the moment, I’ll have to do this later today or tomorrow” before proceeding to just straight-up forget, now it’s too far back in my notifications and/or your blog to find again.
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asymphonyofstarlight · 4 days ago
People we HAVE to get Outlaws of Time by N.D. Wilson made into an anime
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asymphonyofstarlight · 4 days ago
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I asked you a question over two years ago, Anne. If I ask it again today will you give me a different answer?
Still Anne could not speak. But she lifted her eyes shining with all the love-rapture of countless generations, and looked into his for a moment. He wanted no other answer.
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asymphonyofstarlight · 5 days ago
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I'm just saying
(my contribution to this poll (in which you should totally vote for Éowyn by the way 🙏))
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asymphonyofstarlight · 5 days ago
do me a solid and just reblog this saying what time it is where you are and what you’re thinking about in the tags.
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asymphonyofstarlight · 6 days ago
Not “Only my reading of canon is correct” or “Interpretations are subjective and all valid” but a secret third thing, “More than one interpretation can be valid but there’s a reason your English teacher had you cite quotes and examples in your papers, you have to have a strong argument that your interpretation is actually supported by the text or it is just wrong and I’m fine with telling you it’s wrong, actually.”
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asymphonyofstarlight · 9 days ago
i scare people lots because i walk very softly and they don’t hear me enter rooms so when they turn around i’m just kind of there and their fear fuels me
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asymphonyofstarlight · 11 days ago
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just some of the the changes in design for the Penguin Symbol on old Penguin Paperbacks 
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asymphonyofstarlight · 12 days ago
F/M Couples
Round 3
Faramir and Eowyn :
"I'm a big fan of ships that subvert expectations, and this is a beautiful example. We never could have seen it coming, and it doesn't get much page time, but somehow it just makes perfect sense."
Vimes and Sybil :
"She raises dragons; he sets traps for assassins and always arrives home in time to read to his son. What's not to love?"
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asymphonyofstarlight · 12 days ago
my first favorite hobby is yapping. second is being extremely quiet and not talking ever at all ever.
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asymphonyofstarlight · 13 days ago
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hello. i'm silly and in love with you
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asymphonyofstarlight · 14 days ago
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Kid Pale Face - Quarter Horse Gelding
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asymphonyofstarlight · 14 days ago
please, untitled document was my father, call me untitled document (1)
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asymphonyofstarlight · 16 days ago
It's a cliché to say that Tolkien's experiences in WWI affected all aspects of his writing, how he wrote about friendship and grief, how he wrote about desolate blasted landscapes. But I wish someone who knows more about Tolkien's military career could help me understand how Tolkien related to retreats. His description of Faramir keeping his people together on the retreat from Osgiliath is one of the best-written sequences in the trilogy, and hardly anyone remembers it. It's about a desperate retreat, and a leader whose presence, whose strength manages to keep it from turning into a rout. There's something very vivid in the descriptions: don't break formation, don't start running or they'll pick you off one by one, keep together, keep moving, hold all of that fear at bay. Tolkien describes that retreat as genuinely heroic, a superhuman act of will, one that exhausts Faramir almost to death, and Denethor still does not accept it as heroic because it's a retreat. It saved men but it lost territory, therefore in his eyes it's a failure.
Tolkien has strong opinions about heroic retreats, in the Silmarillion he sometimes gives the retreat-through-the-dangerous-wilderness plotline to female characters (Emeldir, Idril), he always writes them with respect. Sometimes, getting out of there and keeping most of your people alive is a great act of valour. I feel like he must have had a personal experience about what it means to retreat, and what it means to hold a retreat together, and what it means to get no thanks for it.
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asymphonyofstarlight · 16 days ago
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quick horchloe doodle before my blog hibernates for real
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asymphonyofstarlight · 16 days ago
happy happy anniversary to this series I picked up on a passing whim over seven years ago and which has never left me since 💖
please I NEED everybody to read these books they’re so unfathomably important to me (over in a corner like that guy standing in a corner at a party meme going ‘they don’t know about the keepers by ted sanders’)
(I can’t believe I almost forgot to make this post)
HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY to The Box and the Dragonfly!
The Box and the Dragonfly was first released in the US on March 3, 2015. Not too long afterwards, I picked it up in my local library and absolutely devoured it. I didn’t bother looking into a sequel, but a lot of the book’s ideas stuck in my head. Around three years later, without intending to, I wrote a story about a character with Neptune’s power set. Awhile later, I was going back through a reading list my mom had been keeping in early 2015, and I vaguely remembered this book enough to go buy it on Nook— and I was honestly shocked when it held up incredibly well. (I don’t remember when this was, and Nook isn’t letting me check, but I think probably around 2020.)
Five years on, this book has become such a big part of my life. I’m incredibly grateful to have discovered it in the first place, to have returned to it at all, and now to have such incredible people to share this passion with. I love you guys. Thank you so, so much.
I’ve been working on a project recently that I hoped to have done in time for this anniversary, but that definitely isn’t happening. I wish I had something more to share now, but I really want to put into this the work it deserves. Keep an eye out :)
Tel tu’vra fal raethen.
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