#ch: embla
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mxnstersarereal · 1 month ago
@lycancursed liked for a starter
The hybrid stood on the busy main street that she'd loved for ages. Nola had been her home for too many years to count, and she still loved standing right in the middle of the busy street. She loved how the city pulsed with life, and main street was the heart of it all.
"I never understood the need humans have to flock together like sheep, even in my fleeting time as one," the brunette mused as her eyes scanned the people passing her by. "I mean what could ever be so alluring about hundreds of people occupying the same space." Looking over her shoulder at the blonde approaching, she nodded a small salute. "Then again, as an immortal, the appeal of these many people makes for easier hunting."
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bouquetwrites · 2 years ago
Everything I Thought That I Could Save
It wasn’t fair. (Book vi ch 11 spoilers)
The trip back to the Askran kingdom was a deafeningly quiet one. The order would need to regroup and devise a new plan to stop Embla after she foiled their initial ones so easily. Although, with how easily everything fell to ruin with their first plan, and with his longtime friend dead because of it, Alfonse wasn’t certain he saw much point in trying to come up with something. For all he knew, Embla would just find a way around this one too. Because how dare he have any sliver of hope, the very thing that got Bruno killed.
He hardly left his room since they returned. Only to eat and bathe, and even then, he did those things less so than he typically would. It pained the ones closest to him to see him in such a state, but no one could really blame him. He was on the verge of helping someone he held so dear achieve something he'd been working towards for years, only to have it—to have him— ripped out from underneath with no warning. On top of all of that, he had to be the one to kill him. It would be even more troubling if this wasn’t how he responded.
The prince sat at his desk, holding the mask that Bruno had donned until recently in his hands. His head felt like an arrow pierced it from the abundance of tears he shed in that moment. In the moments since he lost him. His grip on the garment tightened, his face falling into the fists that formed as he choked out more sobs.
He heard a faint knock on his door, alongside a concerned voice calling out for him. The voice of the summoner. His trusted companion. His love. It pained him even more to realize that in the midst of his grief, he had neglected her. He knew she didn’t resent him for it; that she knew and understood how much Bruno meant to him. In turn, she cared just as much for him and was just as determined to bring him back to the order. Even so, the guilt still picked and prodded at him, and he couldn’t get it to stop.
“Babe...? Can you please let me in?” She begged from the other side, and he wondered if she was speaking metaphorically as well as literally. “...please?”
His chest ached as her voice trembled on the last word. It was rare for her to cry, at least in front of others; even him. He could hardly recall the last time he saw her do so, and it cut deep whenever she did.
The lump in Kiran’s throat threatened to snap with how tight it was, and whatever battle she was fighting against the tears in her eyes, she was mercilessly defeated. She shakily stood in front of her beloved’s door, one hand laying on top of it while the other clutched at her chest, where her heart was. She never thought of herself as good with things such as these, but she knew she had to at least try. She loved him too much not to.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, babe, just…” She whimpered. “Just… It kills me to know you’re hurting this much. It’s fucking destroying me knowing that I can’t do anything to take it away. I know you think you have to be strong for the Order… and for your people… but you shouldn’t have to deal with this by yourself. That’s not fair to you.”
Perhaps it wasn’t fair, but it was what Alfonse had grown to be used to. Even as he found himself opening up to others more and allowing himself to form bonds with those around him, he struggled with being completely vulnerable. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, moreso that he knew as future king, there were certain expectations placed upon him. Were he not to live up to them, he feared that people would start to lose faith in him.
“I know how much you loved Bru… Zacharias.” Kiran continued, her voice straining from her own emotions.
The prince could feel even more burning hot tears fall quickly down his cheeks as he heard her refer to his fallen friend by the name he went by in the time he knew him. She had only ever known him as Bruno, but even after it had been discovered that the Emblian prince and his childhood friend were the same person, she noticed that Alfonse would still call him Zacharias. She wasn’t sure if using the latter name would help in any way, or if it would just bring him more pain. She wasn’t sure of anything that she was doing.
“From the time I spent with him and from seeing the two of you together, I can tell he loved you just as much, and he… he wouldn’t want you to think this was your fault. Because it’s not—“
Her words came to an abrupt halt as she watched the door open. In front of her stood a still incredibly distraught Alfonse, eyes bloodshot and accompanied by dark circles underneath. It shattered her heart to see someone she loved so much in such a state, and in some ways, she felt powerless.
“I didn’t account for Embla knowing our intentions….” He murmured.
“None of us could have.” She tried to assure him.
“We were… so close…” His voice shook as more tears fell. “We were so close to… close to saving him… he had been through so much hell…”
It was then she noticed the mask in his hands. Kiran’s hand clasped at her mouth as sobs escaped from it. Truly, Bruno had been dealt an awful hand throughout his life. For it to end the way it did felt outrageously unjust.
“It’s not fair…” Alfonse wept. “It’s not fair…!”
The devastated prince was now on his knees in front of the summoner, hands covering his face as his body shuddered from all the emotions running rampant through him. Kiran promptly stepped into his room, shutting the door behind her and joining him on the ground. Throwing her arms around him, she pulled him into as strong of an embrace as she could muster.
“It’s not, babe. I’m so sorry…” She choked out, echoing his previous words to her. She moved a hand up to stroke the back of his head, feeling her own tears flooding down her face as he pulled her in closer and held her tighter.
Neither of them could recall how much time they spent crying in each other’s arms. At some point, Alfonse could feel himself growing fatigued. This didn’t surprise the summoner, given how much transpired in such a short time. She helped him into his bed, saddened, yet relieved as she observed him almost immediately falling asleep. She knew full well how desperately he needed some rest with everything he had been through recently.
She crawled into the space next to him, wanting to hold him more as he slept but also not wanting to smother him. Eventually, she settled for soothingly rubbing his arm, watching him slowly breathe in his slumber until she herself let her weariness overtake her as she slept by his side.
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fehtastic-trash · 6 years ago
April Fool s :D
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if you want context just know that theres s stupid hc i have where viron cannot pronounce names HAVE FUN MORNING ME
“Virion we need to speak immeidately” said the summoner with a friddly frown on theur face
“But of course Fruit Loop!!” said Virion while waving his hand in eth air all dramatic like.
“See, that s exactly it. The names, blease stop,” the summoner begged, clasping their hands together as they kneeled.
Virion was mucho confuso.
“Whatever do you mean Fooloopull?” he said in confusion.
“You. nO more mmispronouncing names. I beg.” they continued kneeling, until Virion pulled them upp
“I am not misprouning any names though????” Virion said before looking Anna dead in the eye and saying, “Greetings, Andana.”
Anna did a 360 and left the room.
“Blease do not, why” the summoner asked tears in their eyes
“Whatever dos t thou meanest?”  Virion inquired as he watched Anna l eave.
“YTou shoule know perfecvtgly wlell that these names ar enot correctttt” the summoner cried.
“I believe that I am PERGFECTLY fine awith my pronounciation!!!” Virion cried in indicgnation
Unluckily for them all, Keaton chose that moment to walk into the room about to say “Hi summoner did you need anything?? Not that I care! Im jsut bored…”
Instead he was greeted with Virion looking him dead in the eye and going “Hewwo Awooouwu”
The summoner s ob be d. Keaton felt his soul crumple into a little ball and die. He wlaked out of the room never to be seen again.
“P L E AS E STOP YOURSELF” th3 summoner cried out
“Im not sure I understand whuat you mean?” Virion said as he greeted a passing Bun Bun Bruno with a “Good day to you Buno!!”
Thoust could hear the muttering of whydidIjointhisgodsforsakenorder from a mileth away
“This has gone far enoiugh!!” suddenly a new voice exclameimd!
Both sommuner and archer turned to see a very disgruntled Gaius(“Gayass!”), an extremely uncomfortable Summer Gaius(“...Stripper GayasS?”) and a barely composed Alm(“Amono!!”)
“This is and intervaention!!” Gaius explained, Alfonse(“Afonsle!”) followign close behinf
“An intervarntion??” Virion le gasped in le horror
“An intevawnrion!!!!” The summoner crieed ther tears of joy
“We will be GTEACHIGN you hHOW to say thresre names correcytly!!!” Alfonse cried out
“T ea ch me-I never!!! I say every name CORRECTLY, Allie!!!” Virion cried in offense
“SEE YOUJUST SAID MY NAME WRONG” Alfonse said unhappily
“Howest the Fucketh do you knoweth?” Virion saideth after greeting tghe passing Camilla Spring as “Rabbititty” and nearly getting an egg throuwn at him
“T HATS IT” Alfsone grabbed one arm - Gaius grabbed the other, and they began dragging Virion off
Summer Gaius stood there with Alm bc he was too traumatized by the wrong name. Alm stayed where he was because he was too busy dying of laughter. Virion struggled
“WE D O!! NOW YOU WILL BE LEARNING THESE NAMES OR WE WILL DIE TRYING TO TEACH YOU” Alfonse cried out as he continued dragging Virion off.
“P L EQAS E NO - SHRABBIT HELP ME” Virions jaw diddly dropped when even Spring Sharena turned away
No one answered
The resounding “NOOO” could be heard from Embla, to which Veronica looked up and said the first4 evre “What the fuck?”, giving Bruno a heart attack and Xander to gasp and go into convulsions
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mxnstersarereal · 4 years ago
@infernalrampage​ liked for a birthday starter
The young woman had been planning her and her twins birthday for months now, but as the day had finally arrived Embla was simply exhausted. She'd always been the person in the family to get exited over birthdays, a sort of distraction from the turbulent household  but as she and her siblings had moved out it had remained a big thing that she enjoyed to do for most of her family. The only reason she even felt like celebrating her own birthday was because she had a brother to share the day with and no matter where they both were in life she always made sure to see him during the day.
"Well I'm beat. I've just spent 3 hours filling Nik's apartment with balloons for when he gets back there and now i just want the largest cup of coffee i can find, cause of course i didn't eat breakfast, before i go home and finish the plans for tonight's celebration." The birthday girl plops herself down on the couch in the cafe, eyes meeting the friend she'd met when their paths crossed on their college tours. When she'd decided where she wanted to go she realised she could stay in touch with the redhead as the two women would only be 3 hours away from one another.
"Tell me why I'm doing this again? It's final season i should be studying but here i am."
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mxnstersarereal · 4 years ago
"I’m the only non bitter person at this bitter ball. " (em)
Embla rolled her eyes at the younger girl with a fond smile threatening to break across her face. "When you've seen as much as i have, dear Gaby, the world tends to harden your heart. If you want to call that bitterness, so be it." She rubbed her temple, once again thinking that the action would somehow help the headache she could feel stirring in her head. "How do you suppose i should go about removing this so-called bitterness?"
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY!  @scottymccalltrue │ @doppelgangcrbitxh
“Two hundred and fifty years is long enough. Move on.”
                                                              “Never. You hear me? Not ever.”
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
“ I’m just kind of losing my mind at the moment. ” (em)
originals starter meme 04.13
Embla’s eyebrows furrowed at the other woman’s words, her hand reaching out to touch hers as she spoke although the woman wasn't exactly comfortable with trying to soothe someone. To be fair she wasn't particularly comfortable with any display of emotion that wasn't explosive, that she could handle no questions asked but when it came to more delicate matters Embla was not the person to go to.
"Gabriella, are you okay? Tell me what's going on or i can't help out."
The brunette silently hoped the other woman would say that she needed to blow off steam and she would've prayed to any gods for this situation to not be about the younger one being sad. What on earth would she do if that was the case? She was trying hard not to panic as that possibility felt more likely and she just hoped she wouldn't say something stupid.
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
 “you okay? (em)
send “you okay?” to find my muse sitting alone on a roof at night.
The brunette scoffed, was she okay? What kind of question was that? She turned her head slightly to face the other woman. “Let me think, I’m up on the roof all alone in the middle of the night. Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn't i be?” The elder woman hung her head with a huff, all she'd wanted was a little space. A moment to think, not that she didn't constantly overthink every single aspect of her life.
She raised her head, eyes looking over the view as she spoke, softer this time.
"I'm quite alright Gabriella, no need to worry or alert anyone. I simply... needed some space." Life was hard enough as a young woman, but the whole added immortality didn't really help. "You'd think I would've gotten used to this life by now."
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
@seesgood​ liked for a  Mikaelson New Years ball starter
Embla walked over the dancefloor, carefully stepping between the pairs that were immersed in their own little bubbles, her eyes focused on the open bar that she and her siblings had provided. As much as she enjoyed the company of certain people, the hybrid had never been great at being in big crowds, she always got a bit on edge when she didn’t know everyone she was sharing the space with.
She gave the bartender a nod and he started making her signature drink as she took a seat. She spun on the stool to watch the dancers, she never had an issue with observing the crowds so she could easily sit here and not get that slightly pannicky feeling. She heard the glass be put down behind her back and turned to pick it up with a smile, when she was starting to turn once more she saw the familiar blonde locks that her brother had been so affected by at an earlier date.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d turn up..Caroline.” She took a sip of her drink, letting no emotion grace her features. “Honestly thought your previous interactions with my family would’ve dissuaded you.”
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
@the-self-exiled liked for a lyrics starter
“Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere.” Maybe it was a bit rude of the hybrid to call her honey in that condescending way but she herself couldn’t notice , after all why would she be able to when she spent most of her existence believing she was the best. She’d had to in order to stay sane, if someone else spent your entire life telling you how worthless you are you have to counter those words in order to remain somewhat normal.
“Nothin' scares me anymore.” A blatant lie, a lot of things scared Embla despite her imortality, and most of all was the ever lasting threats against her family which included Marcel. And by including him she also had to include all his inner circle which right now included the redhead. But the hybrid was to proud to ever admit to anyone outside her immediate family that something scared her.
“I’ve had far to long a life to get scared away by these peasants, darling. Besides my bite is poison to vamps so we’ll be fine.”
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summertime sadness - lana del rey
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mxnstersarereal · 6 years ago
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Embla & Melody / Drive - Halsey.
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mxnstersarereal · 7 years ago
@telekineticdivinity asked for a starter
Embla stared defiantly into the dragon’s eyes, while she had been around for a thousand years he had been around long before her ancestors had even excisted. Still that wasn’t enough to make her willingly submit to his whims, she never did what another person or creature told her to do (unless she actually wanted to do it, and even then she’d take her sweet time with it.) 
“Don’t tell me what I can or cannot do, I’m not a child!” She turned away, letting out a huff of air while doing so.
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
“ At first, the freedom is exhilarating. ”
originals starter meme 04.13
Embla nodded and kept her gaze fixated on one spot on the floor. “But after awhile even the freedom seems suffocating. It's as if the chains we've been stuck in our whole life has left marks that go all the way into our souls if we have any.” She scoffed at how pathetic she sounded. True, she felt like the freedom was a burden for her at the moment but was that really the reason she felt so... stuck?
The brunette paced in the room, still unable to feel completely at peace. "Does it ever get easier? Do you ever stop feeling like you constantly have to look over your shoulder?"
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
closed starter for @lonelybxstards
"I am not a simple mortal you can discard with a wave of your high and mighty hand, Chaos, and if you think that i am you truly don't know me."
The woman fumed as she grabbed his arm. She'd lived for thousands of years but she'd never met anyone who ever tried her patience or treated her with such disrespect, but truth be told she'd mever met anyone as old as he not that his appearance would ever show it.
"You may be powerful and ancient, but I am fierce and passionate and i will not be spoken to as a child who crossed her guardians." She huffed out of frustration and turned around, hair whipping as she prepared to storm off.
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
❝ You guys had all the good champagne. ❞  She smiled, keeping her tone light — even as she was studying the other girl. Honestly, the fact that she was here was really just an accident. She hadn’t realized it was tonight. New Year’s. Another freaking year down the drain, trying to find solutions she was less and less certain existed in the first place. Really, she’d come to ask for help. And then pride had gotten in the way. And she’d spent most of the night avoiding a certain hybrid — other hybrid, if the rumors were true — and drowning her sorrows in some liquid courage.
Caroline tipped back her glass, swallowing down the rest of the drink before setting the empty flute on a passing tray.  ❝ We left on good terms, ❞  She shrugged, studying the other girl a bit more carefully.  ❝ So…what’s the deal with you? I mean, is New Orleans just full of long lost Mikaelson siblings? First it was the super-witch, who’s…human. Which is weird. And entirely too confusing. And now there’s a second original hybrid? ❞ Frankly, it was a lot to wrap her head around. But it wasn’t like she could say it was too far out of the realm of what was normal in her life now.
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“Yes well, there has to be some upside to the whole being around for as long as we’ve been.” In all honesty there were a few of those but the whole good connections with winerys and other establishments were probably Emblas favorite, it was a lot easier to deal with the family drama and humanity’s overall stupidity if you had some alcohol in you. The brunette’s eyes scanned the floor, locking in on her siblings when they came in to view although that wasn’t particularly often. This night wasn’t particularly going how she’d wished but then again she didn’t enjoy crowds that much so new years eve was never her favourite time. 
She took a swig of her drink and turned herself slightly to face the blonde as the other woman spoke. “Well yes, it does seem like it doesn’t it?” Her eyes stuck on her elder sister for awhile as she downed the rest of her drink, placing the glass on the bar and gesturing for another. “What can I say I guess I was never long lost, simply persumed dead but I agree about my witchy sister. She was quite a shock.” She sipped her newly filled up drink and made eyecontact with Caroline. “Besides technically Niklaus is the second hybrid, I’m older.”
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