#♔Once upon a time I swore I had a H E A R T♔~embla
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mxnstersarereal · 4 years ago
@infernalrampage​ liked for a birthday starter
The young woman had been planning her and her twins birthday for months now, but as the day had finally arrived Embla was simply exhausted. She'd always been the person in the family to get exited over birthdays, a sort of distraction from the turbulent household  but as she and her siblings had moved out it had remained a big thing that she enjoyed to do for most of her family. The only reason she even felt like celebrating her own birthday was because she had a brother to share the day with and no matter where they both were in life she always made sure to see him during the day.
"Well I'm beat. I've just spent 3 hours filling Nik's apartment with balloons for when he gets back there and now i just want the largest cup of coffee i can find, cause of course i didn't eat breakfast, before i go home and finish the plans for tonight's celebration." The birthday girl plops herself down on the couch in the cafe, eyes meeting the friend she'd met when their paths crossed on their college tours. When she'd decided where she wanted to go she realised she could stay in touch with the redhead as the two women would only be 3 hours away from one another.
"Tell me why I'm doing this again? It's final season i should be studying but here i am."
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mxnstrousedits · 3 years ago
Even though Embla was the first child born in the new world she remained firmly nordic in believes and that's what her early experience with magic was also based on. Although most families of that age used Younger Futhark to write and practise magic with, Embla's maternal lineage of witches stretches even further back than the 200 years that the newer version of runes have been used so she and her entire family use Elder Futhark to write. Her first encounter with norse magic is through reading the runes before a hunt, she's only 3 at the time yet everything happens just as she said. Embla keeps up her tradition of reading the runes every day of her immortal life, as a reminder of her roots.
She has several sets of rune stones that she uses over the years but the ones she loves the most are the ones made herself of the bones from the first prey she caught as a girl. She spent hours cleansing the antlers and carving each rune took it's own time since she had to remain focused on the particular rune she was carving and if her mind wavered from the intention of the rune she'd have to start over. The remaining antler pieces she made into hairpieces for herself and Rebekah and once she was well versed enough in the runes she wove an intricate design of protective runes into them, making it look like vines for her sister and waves for herself and once Freya shows up she makes one with a pattern of flames for her. Every item of clothing or object she gives away to those closest to her has protective runes hidden on them. When she was still human she even got a tattoo made with wood ash of a protective rune that is placed behind her ear but that healed when she transformed so she has too redo it several times a month for it to show up.
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mxnstersarereal · 4 years ago
"I’m the only non bitter person at this bitter ball. " (em)
Embla rolled her eyes at the younger girl with a fond smile threatening to break across her face. "When you've seen as much as i have, dear Gaby, the world tends to harden your heart. If you want to call that bitterness, so be it." She rubbed her temple, once again thinking that the action would somehow help the headache she could feel stirring in her head. "How do you suppose i should go about removing this so-called bitterness?"
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY!  @scottymccalltrue │ @doppelgangcrbitxh
“Two hundred and fifty years is long enough. Move on.”
                                                              “Never. You hear me? Not ever.”
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
What’s your type?
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“isn’t that just a little bit on the nose? honestly it’s making me seem a bit too ‘daddy issues’ for my taste.”
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“so not only am i actively pushing people away, but the people i want to stay might be too shy to do something about it? great..”
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“so what, i’m attracted to the athletic badboys? probably. i can’t decide if that’s terribly cliché or intriguing.”
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tagged by: stole it from the dash
tagging: @siilverbulleted​ @scarlet-romanoff​ (for anyone or both) @severityforgreatness​ @arsonwitch​ @shelcved​ @leadsnger​ @shotbled​ and you, seriously steal it from me if you want
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
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What phase of the moon are you?
half moon
with one foot in the light and the other in darkness, you are very careful about compartmentalizing your life. there are parts of you that you don't want others to see, and its important to you to keep up the facade of perfection in front of others. know that this doesn't always have to be the case. you will someday find people to whom you can show yourself as you are.
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Tagged by: no one i just saw this on the quiz site...
Tagging: @shelcved @shadowedstilinski @scottymccalltrue @severityforgreatness @arsonwitch
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
“ I’m just kind of losing my mind at the moment. ” (em)
originals starter meme 04.13
Embla’s eyebrows furrowed at the other woman’s words, her hand reaching out to touch hers as she spoke although the woman wasn't exactly comfortable with trying to soothe someone. To be fair she wasn't particularly comfortable with any display of emotion that wasn't explosive, that she could handle no questions asked but when it came to more delicate matters Embla was not the person to go to.
"Gabriella, are you okay? Tell me what's going on or i can't help out."
The brunette silently hoped the other woman would say that she needed to blow off steam and she would've prayed to any gods for this situation to not be about the younger one being sad. What on earth would she do if that was the case? She was trying hard not to panic as that possibility felt more likely and she just hoped she wouldn't say something stupid.
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
 “you okay? (em)
send “you okay?” to find my muse sitting alone on a roof at night.
The brunette scoffed, was she okay? What kind of question was that? She turned her head slightly to face the other woman. “Let me think, I’m up on the roof all alone in the middle of the night. Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn't i be?” The elder woman hung her head with a huff, all she'd wanted was a little space. A moment to think, not that she didn't constantly overthink every single aspect of her life.
She raised her head, eyes looking over the view as she spoke, softer this time.
"I'm quite alright Gabriella, no need to worry or alert anyone. I simply... needed some space." Life was hard enough as a young woman, but the whole added immortality didn't really help. "You'd think I would've gotten used to this life by now."
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
@seesgood​ liked for a  Mikaelson New Years ball starter
Embla walked over the dancefloor, carefully stepping between the pairs that were immersed in their own little bubbles, her eyes focused on the open bar that she and her siblings had provided. As much as she enjoyed the company of certain people, the hybrid had never been great at being in big crowds, she always got a bit on edge when she didn’t know everyone she was sharing the space with.
She gave the bartender a nod and he started making her signature drink as she took a seat. She spun on the stool to watch the dancers, she never had an issue with observing the crowds so she could easily sit here and not get that slightly pannicky feeling. She heard the glass be put down behind her back and turned to pick it up with a smile, when she was starting to turn once more she saw the familiar blonde locks that her brother had been so affected by at an earlier date.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d turn up..Caroline.” She took a sip of her drink, letting no emotion grace her features. “Honestly thought your previous interactions with my family would’ve dissuaded you.”
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
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                    EMBLA MIKAELSON ━━━  spotted at the MIKAELSON NEW YEARS BALL 2020 red carpet!
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mxnstersarereal · 5 years ago
@the-self-exiled liked for a lyrics starter
“Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere.” Maybe it was a bit rude of the hybrid to call her honey in that condescending way but she herself couldn’t notice , after all why would she be able to when she spent most of her existence believing she was the best. She’d had to in order to stay sane, if someone else spent your entire life telling you how worthless you are you have to counter those words in order to remain somewhat normal.
“Nothin' scares me anymore.” A blatant lie, a lot of things scared Embla despite her imortality, and most of all was the ever lasting threats against her family which included Marcel. And by including him she also had to include all his inner circle which right now included the redhead. But the hybrid was to proud to ever admit to anyone outside her immediate family that something scared her.
“I’ve had far to long a life to get scared away by these peasants, darling. Besides my bite is poison to vamps so we’ll be fine.”
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summertime sadness - lana del rey
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mxnstersarereal · 6 years ago
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Your mind is terrifying… You’re smart, cunning, and your mind might just lean in dark directions… No matter what you do, it’s gonna be genius, and you’re not gonna get caught unless you want to. You bide your time, making a master plan, preying on your victim’s weaknesses. You can find out exactly what their worst fears are, and make them happen. You’re a force to be reckoned with. You might not be quite as menacing as I make you sound though, that could just be when someone crosses you that one last time. You might be a perfectly nice person until someone just pushes you a little too far.
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Your mystery is terrifying… You keep to yourself, no one really knows anything about you. The mystery surrounding you is both scary and alluring , which is your power. People don’t know you, they don’t know what you’re capable of, and because of this they likely won’t push you. And on the flip side, most people will do a lot of what you say to, in hopes of being the one person who knows something about you. You can be whoever you want to be, whenever you want. You could be the shy but nice person, the creepy person, the cool if reckless person, and all because no one knows you. All you need to do is suggest at things, and people will believe you. As my dad told me… Mystery is power.
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Your voice is terrifying! The things you say, people take seriously. You might not talk much, but when you do talk, people listen. Your words are logical, and people can't help but believe you. There's a certain charm about you as well, you're just irresistible, especially when you get going. Chances are, you're a loner/nerd/geek in school. You like information and learning, and if given the right conditions, you can crush someone in an argument. Using logic, possibly roasts, and inarguable points, there's no losing for you.
tagged by : @ofthcrnedrcses
tagging : @hefzyisback @lcvelettered and anyone else who wants to
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mxnstersarereal · 6 years ago
muse playlist.
create a playlist for your muse with seven songs in your playlist and tag seven other people to do the same!
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   i. jealosy by marina and the diamonds,
           ii. nobody’s wife by anouk,
 iii. savages by marina and the diamonds,
        iv. trouble by valerie broussard,
            v. my way by ava max,
   vi. just one yesterday by fall out boy,
             vii. gasoline by halsey.
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            i. copycat by billie eilish,
     ii. not your barbie girl by ava max,
        iii. small doses by bebe rexha,
      iv. the devil within by digital daggers,
               v. empires by ruelle,
               vi. control by halsey,
              vii. take over by ruelle.
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                   i. savage by bahari,
            ii. play with fire by sam tinnez,
                  iii. control by halsey,
iv. you should see me in a crown by billie eilish,
        v. kill of the night by gin wigmore,
      vi. money power glory by lana del rey,
             vii. glory and gore by lorde.
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            i. carmen by lana del rey,
        ii. homemade dynamite by lorde,
              iii. hurricane by halsey,
                 iv. soldier by fleurie,
v. power & control by marina and the diamonds,
             vi. up in flames by ruelle,
                vii. ghost by halsey.
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      i. gods and monsters by lana del rey,
              ii. copycat by billie eilish,
              iii. horns by bryce foxx,
       iv. start a war by valerie broussard,
            v. game of survival by ruelle,
vi. power & control by marina and the diamonds,
                vii. castle by halsey.
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            i. young god by halsey,
         ii. game of survival by ruelle ,
          iii. hurts like hell by fleurie,
        iv. natural by imagine dragons,
         v. live like legends by ruelle,
        vi. fighter by christina aguilera,
               vii. devil in me by halsey.
tagged by: @ofthcrnedrcses​
tagging:  @thetruealphasmccall​ @ascruelascunning​ @fuisce-rose @lcvelettered​ @effymccall​ ​@wildtm​ @magnetokinesie @mysterials
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mxnstersarereal · 6 years ago
Repost with your personality results.
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Myers-Briggs: ENTJ
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Kinsey Scale: Equally heterosexual and homosexual
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Temperament: Choleric
Bending Type: Firebender
STOLE IT FROM: @killthebxy (i think?)
TAGGING: @ofthcrnedrcses @naturesloopholed @thetruealphasmccall and anyone that wants
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mxnstersarereal · 6 years ago
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Embla & Melody / Drive - Halsey.
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mxnstersarereal · 7 years ago
@telekineticdivinity asked for a starter
Embla stared defiantly into the dragon’s eyes, while she had been around for a thousand years he had been around long before her ancestors had even excisted. Still that wasn’t enough to make her willingly submit to his whims, she never did what another person or creature told her to do (unless she actually wanted to do it, and even then she’d take her sweet time with it.) 
“Don’t tell me what I can or cannot do, I’m not a child!” She turned away, letting out a huff of air while doing so.
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