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wastheheart · 9 months ago
[  nap  ]  sender  falls  asleep  against  receiver
@rosefromdeath (thank you!)
Their youngest had just started kindergarten. The experience was new to everyone. Carlisle and Esme were adept at scouring high schools and colleges, but not elementary schools. In fact, the prospect of Gabriella starting school at all caused a nervousness in Esme that she hated to acknowledge.
It was going to come round eventually, but she still remembered holding that tiny baby in her arms for the first time, smitten and a feeling of finally being needed. Sure, the coven needed her in other ways, but this was the first time someone fully depended on Esme for every single one of their needs. It also helped her heal the wound that losing her son left.
She also couldn't help thinking about just how much less Gabby would need her as she continued to grow. There was a bitter sweetness with that realisation, but Esme couldn't help the way it also invited a sense of an identity crisis. Hopefully, Gabriella's growing independence would invite Esme's own sense of self once more.
Still, as much as Esme felt her identity had disappeared simply into the role of mother, Esme also recognised how incredibly blessed and lucky she was to have such a role. Right now, as five year old Gabby (still fully dressed) fell asleep slumped against Esme's arm, Esme couldn't help but cherish the moment.
Someone clearly had fun today; no wonder she was completely burned out.
Esme let her remain there for an hour until she scooped the small girl into her arms and placed her in bed, pyjamas on and the bear Emmett won for her securely under her arm. Usually she'd enjoy a story too, but that could wait until tomorrow, now.
She placed a kiss against Gabby's forehead, whispering a soft goodnight before turning her nightlight on and letting her daughter dream about all the fun she had today.
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meaningful-negativity · 9 months ago
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@rosefromdeath asked for a starter with Loki Laufeyson.
Loki smirks down at her as she sits on the side of the bed which is the only furniture that he had provided for her in this room "So, you still want to go home after how comfortable i've made you in your new room." He lifts a finger and wiggles it back and forth then he takes a few steps closer to her "You know you're being very ungrateful. i could have made you sleep on the cold hard floor all this time but did i? No, i did not." Loki then chuckles with a tilt of his head "You're not going anywhere, you are mine now and i will protect you from all things. i will set you to rule by my side and you can have this realm to run as you please."
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sacrialege · 11 months ago
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a starter for a plotted thing, ♥
"breakfast is in the kitchen," louis tells her, voice soft. his body peeks halfway through the doorway to her temporary room. he smiles when he meets gabriella's gaze, a bit of humor becoming evident in his eyes. "don't worry," he promises, "i didn't touch it. bastien made it— something about an italian sweet bread. he's raving mad over it." he leans against her doorway, casually, carelessly. "will you join me?"
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compellingthought · 1 year ago
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An old edit of Lillian & Gabriella ↪ Sneaking out of class.
Only @rosefromdeath can reblog.
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loath3d · 1 year ago
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❝ are you sure you want to do this? ❞ it's out of habit that rosalie asks such a thing, the vampire rather protective of her human sibling.
starter for / @rosefromdeath
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thatslayer · 2 years ago
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starter call for gabriella
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"I didn't shoot him in the face. I shot, like... kinda at his face. It was a flare, man. He's fine. I mean, I'm assuming."
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--[ @rosefromdeath
--[ accepting
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intcthatgoodnight · 1 year ago
@rosefromdeath [ sc! ]
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“Just pack what you don’t want to leave, everything else can be replaced.” This was not the first time that the family had to leave town in such a rush, though it was the first since adopting Gabriella. They had been trying to stretch out their time in one place as long as they could for her sake. But since the incident on Bellas birthday decisions had been quickly made. This was going to be a difficult move for them all. “I’m sorry about this. I know you were hoping to stay in Forks longer.”
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dreammakcr · 2 years ago
@rosefromdeath liked this post for a starter from // tanya denali
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"Darling! What brings you all the way up to Alaska?" The blonde greeted the other with a warm smile.
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verbenaadverse · 2 years ago
@rosefromdeath replied to your post “”:
I love the second one! 😍😍
​Aaw, thank you, I wasn't sure which worked better so I appreciated you giving your input! 💖
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mysticfallsresidents · 1 year ago
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“ do you love me? “
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⚰️ ―――― THE HYBRID COULDN'T BELIEVE HIS EARS. did she really just question his love for her? after everything they've gone through together? there was no one else in his lifetime that he'd risk his own life and thousand's of others for; she's the only one that made him feel vulnerable, made him feel [ .... ] human. and sometimes he disdained that. sometimes he wanted to get rid of her all together because she made him feel so WEAK but he knew he couldn't, he could never. she was a part of him. the blood that flowed through her veins was a part of his and the baby that grew in her womb was more important to him than feeling weak. when their child is born, they'll rule the world. peasants of creatures will bow before them. this child will make him anything other than weak and that's why he would never get rid of @rosefromdeath.
HE LOOKED DEEPLY INTO HER EYES, A MIX OF EMOTIONS FROM ANGER TO DEPESPERATION ----- DESPERATION TO SHOW HER JUST HOW MUCH HE DID LOVE HER. he stepped closer until their noses barely ghosted over one another, never breaking eye contact as he did so. he wouldn't dare to. he brings his hand up to gently caress her cheek, “ why would you ever ask such a thing ? ” he whispered in question, almost offended she'd ever doubt his love for her. he leans in closer so their breath was in unison. “ i will not dignify such a question with an answer but i will warn you t' never ask this again. don't doubt my love for you. ”
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wastheheart · 1 year ago
The Mountain in The Sea
@rosefromdeath asked: "there was nothing you could have done."
Esme's family had been suffocated by the Volturi for years; their control was firmly around their throats. First Bella, then Renesmee... and then Gabriella. It was no-one's fault, at least that's what Esme believed about Bella and her daughter.
This, though? This is her fault.
Esme had no reason to adopt a child. The uproar it caused was deserved despite thinking it unfair at the time. Humans did not belong with vampires, at least with the inability to choose for themselves as Bella had. Gabriella was a baby— she hadn't got a decision, Esme had made it for her.
"I was selfish, Gabriella." Esme can't even meet her daughter's eyes. Admittedly, they could have remained incognito if it wasn't for Bella and Edward, but that was no excuse. "You deserved a normal life and I couldn't provide that... and now this." Esme's voice breaks despite the lack of tears. "You should be allowed to grow old, have a family, do everything humans do and I took that away from you."
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sunnydalescoobiies · 2 years ago
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STARTING YOUR LIFE OVER WAS ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT THINGS SOMEONE HAD TO DO IN LIFE. for tara, this was her second time she has attempted. once for fleeing her abusive family and now a second time, leaving something you once loved harder than anything else after it becomes dangerous. it wasn't an easy thing for tara. to come to the conclusion of an unfortunate and tragic situation was something tara wished she could ignore. but, for the safety of herself and willow herself, she had to go. she knew willow wouldn't get any better if she stayed and enabled the addicting behavior. so, here she was. in a new town with new people and a fresh chance. the energy this town held was one of a looming darkness and she felt the supernatural presence around every corner. i guess there was more than one hellmouth than sunnydale like giles had mentioned.
PART OF THIS FRESH START WAS WORKING AT A MAGIC SHOP. it had its nostalgic and homey feeling from her previous home and she felt it was healthy to stay in tune with your spirit. instead of working behind the counter, she worked as a tarot reader. this was something that she had always felt drawn to. that's why tara was so delighted when @rosefromdeath had approached her table. tara stood up from her seat and greeted her with a gentle smile. “ hi there, how are you ? ” she asked, shyly sticking her hand out to shake the girl's hand properly. she did this to feel the other person's energy and begin to get a good, accurate read on them.
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mvndrvke · 2 years ago
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@rosefromdeath gets a starter! gabriella + carlisle 
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"What do you mean we can't embarrass you at graduation? That's the whole point of graduation!"
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trimorfaloc · 2 years ago
▶;; { @rosefromdeath​ - gabriella } LIKED FOR A STARTER
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                       ❝ Are you ((( OK )))     ?     ❞     Hope asked,      ❝ That was quite the fight  back there     !!     ❞     the tribrid was still panting as she put her weapon back down.
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sheldoney · 2 years ago
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"So are you a vampire or just some girl who has a fascination with Hot Topic? Tell me now otherwise I am not letting you inside this apartment."
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devilsanddarlings · 1 year ago
'right, so it's everybody's fault but your own.' (Klaus)
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“Oh, no, love. I assure you I take full responsibility for this evening's events. If you're looking for remorse for them, however, I suggest you search elsewhere - I've never much been one for guilt."
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