logical-little-lies · 4 years
{Chapter 4- Discussions and Punishments}//Soft,Cute, and Far Smarter Than You (Sanders Sides Agere/CGLRE)
A/N: I don’t wanna be the one to beg for reblogs or votes, but I feel like people aren’t seeing my stuff much anymore? Or I’m just not getting a lot of feedback. So if you enjoyed this, please support it and reblog/leave a comment or something, I appreciate stuff like that so much!
Logan did not see the point in this. He did not wanna suffer through this conversation with his caregiver, but Patton said that it should happen. When Logan and Virgil revealed their headspaces back to back, Patton and Roman both had questions. And now that Patton has gotten to see Logan in his headspace a few times, he had a few more.
So that's what this was, an opportunity for Patton to ask Logan questions and hopefully get honest responses. "I know, I know. You don't wanna do this, but I have so much that I'm curious about! I feel like there's certain things I should know if I'm gonna keep being your caregiver."
Logan sat in his chair, spun around so that he was facing his bed, where Patton sat. Patton figured he'd be more comfortable in his room without the other two there. "okay, get on with it." Logan instructed. Patton sighed, starting off with a simple one.
"What's the entirety of your headspace range?" he questioned. Logan thought for a moment.
"I don't ever seem to younger then three, and the oldest I've ever felt without being completely big is around sixteen." he admitted. He shifted in his seat, a little uncomfortable. He still wasn't quite used to talking about his headspace like it was a normal thing. Being able to just casually talk about things like his headspace range and his little gear preferences, it was weird.
"Thirteen years? Wow." Patton seemed shocked when he thought of it that way. "Okay, next..." he paused, "is there anything I can do to be a part of your regression while you're a teenager without overstepping or making you uncomfortable?" he seemed nervous, but he genuinely wanted to know.
"Oh! Um..." Logan paused now, thinking. "I don't know. Just kinda what you did last time I regressed to those ages, check on me and stuff. What you did last time was actually pretty perfect." he shyly smiled at Patton, who excitedly beamed.
"Really? Awe!" Logan coughed, snapping Patton out of his excitement to keep going with the questions. "Okay, overall, is there anything I could do better while you're little?"
"Maybe use the term 'regressed' when asking about it, or talking about that in general. I kind of associate 'little' with by kidspace and anything below that. So when talking about my teenspace..." Logan trailed off.
"Use the term regressed instead! Got it. Anything that'll make you more comfortable, kiddo." Patton nodded. "Hmm...is there anything else I could do better?" he asked. "Or something you'd like me to start doing?"
"Maybe...." Logan paused, feeling as if his thought was stupid. He continued anyways though. "Maybe we could start doing punishments and rewards. Not when I'm a teenager, but when I'm a kid and stuff." He didn't make direct mention of his younger headspace, but Patton brushed it off and continued talking after a moment.
"We could make a sticker chart for little Logan! Whenever you behave well, you can add stickers to the chart! We can make a system and everything." he said, Logan nodding. "But punishments? What would we even do?"
"I mean, most kids get timeouts and stuff. I don't know. I don't really misbehave though, so we don't have to worry about that." Logan now regretted bringing that up. Patton seemed skeptical immediately.
"Okay, fine." he sighed, "for now, we won't worry about punishments. But the moment you start being bratty while regressed, we are sitting down to have this conversation again." he playfully threatened. Logan gave an understanding nod, and they kept talking.
Questions and questions came from Patton, and Logan did his best to reply honestly. Patton felt as though open discussions were needed for this to work, and though Logan didn't like the awkward conversations and such, he agreed.
But what he said, about him behaving while regressed wasn't always true. And Patton was going to discover that really soon.
"Daddy, don wanna." Logan whined, fiercely shaking his head.
"Baby, you have to get dressed! You can't stay in pajamas all day," he paused, trying to find a way to convince him. "Your PJ's are so adult, but you're a baby, aren't you?"
"No!" Logan kicking his feet up. He still sat on his bed, his arms crossed as he absolutely refused to get ready.
"But darling," the nickname made Logan blush, but he still held his grumpy face. "You'll look so cute in your space onesie, don't you want your space onesie?" Patton pulled the piece of clothing from his lap, holding it up for him.
"If you want, you can wear just the onesie! Or you can wear overalls with it! How does that sound, baby?" Patton asked. There wasn't necessarily anything wrong with Logan staying in his pajamas, but he knew Big Logan would've wanted Patton to have him change. Logan hates staying in the same clothes for too long, no one really knows why.
Logan made grabby hands for the onesie, bouncing up and down. Patton didn't actually expect that to work, so he looked confused. "Space!" Logan giggled, kicking his feet again,except this time it was in a happy way. Patton had successfully diverted his attention.
"Yes baby, space. You know quite a bit about that, don't you?" he asked, reaching out for his hand to help him up. Logan started speaking, mindlessly taking his hand and standing up.
"Mhm! I know lots and lots about da stars, it's..it's weally weally cool!" his voice seemed to get even tinier when Patton tapped the side of his arm as a signal to lift them. He did so, and Patton pulled his shirt over his head with a chuckle.
"Yeah? Why don't you tell me something cool about the stars, Little Scholar?"
Whatever that slight brattiness that overcame Logan when he first got up was gone for the time being, washed away by Patton's adorable attempts at distracting him and making him slip younger.
"All done, baby boy!" he cheered once Logan was fully decked out in his cute little space onesie, animated spaceships and stars covering his figure. Logan giggled. "Now...do you want a pacifier today?"
He shook his head quickly. "Okay, well if you do want one, just let me know and we'll come pick one out, okay?" Logan nodded now. He hesitated, rethinking his decision.
"um..can I has one?" he mumbled shyly. Patton never understood the indecisiveness that Logan had sometimes, but he didn't complain. He only chuckled again, before turning around and locating the black chest on top of Logan's dresser. He had been working with him on not hiding away his little gear as if he was ashamed of it. So the pacifier chest currently sat on top of the dresser, not in the bottom drawer.
"Which one, sweetheart?" he asked. Logan took one of the modified baby pacifiers, which was dark blue with a spaceship on the button. It was a originally a toddler MAM pacifier,  but the nipple was switched out for an adult one.
"Look at you, all cute and adorable." Patton cooed as he slipped the pacifier into his mouth. Logan smiled adorably behind it. Logan walked up to the mirror on the back of his door, looking at himself. He wore the onesie, and that's it. He whined, because he didn't want to wear overalls, but he also felt uncomfortable in just the onesie.
It was cute, and he didn't mind Patton seeing him like this, but he didn't want to walk around the house. "Whats wrong, baby?" Patton questioned. Logan silently pulled at the onesie, in a downwards motion. "You want some pants? We can find some overalls-"
"No, no, don wanna!" he said. Patton's eyebrows creased in confusion.
It took them a bit to work it out, but he settled on white shortalls. All was well in the house, Logan was adorable, and Patton was getting ready to make breakfast. This day was sure to go great.
What could go wrong?
So much. So much could go wrong.
"No, no, no!" Logan shouted in his babyish voice, "Don wanna."
"Calm down, baby. Please," Patton instructed. Logan shook his head. Virgil and Roman watched in silence. Logan was partially fussy due to the fact that Virgil wasn't little, so he was the tiniest side in the house, which made him feel vulnerable and frustrated.  And also, Patton was trying to make him clean his toys up.
"Come here." Patton instructed, in a slightly strict but soft tone. Logan shook his head, remaining in his spot on the floor, a plastic toy space ship in his hands. When he was little, Logan often ignored small things that big him would totally freak out about. For example, cleaning up after himself.
Usually, though, Patton would remind him and he'd do it with little complaints. But today, for some reason, he absolutely refused. "Baby." he called in a more serious voice, trying to convince him to get off of the ground.
Is it bad that Virgil and Roman were just a little amused by this? Patton looked absolutely tripped up on what to do, and just shocked. But he covered it up with a serious face as if he had any idea what he was doing or how to react.
"Logan."  He finally said, in a much harsher voice that he immediately felt bad for using. Logan dropped his toy, whimpering very quietly. Virgil could practically feel the babyish anxiety radiating from him. Logan got up slowly and shuffled over to stand in front of Patton, looking down and biting on his lip.
He didn't have any of his stuffed animals or his pacifier (he'd left them where he had been playing). "I'm sorry if I scared you, or anything. But you weren't listening before and I didn't know what else to do." Patton apologized. Logan nodded slowly, only glancing up at him a bit.
"Now, why don't you want to clean up your toys?" he asked.
"I don't wanna!" Logan whined, shifting on his feet.
"I know that you don't want to, but why?" he questioned once again.
"Don't wanna!" he simply shouted, stomping his foot on the ground with a huff. He crossed his arms.
Patton knew this is where he should punish him, but they didn't discuss punishments. So he said the first thing that came to mind. "Go sit in the kitchen. You're in timeout." he ordered, Logan seemingly shocked.
"No,no,no,no." he wasn't shouting, or directly defying him. Instead, he was muttering to himself, closing in on himself and looking ready to burst into tears. "No!" he shouted quickly, before running off and around the couch. Patton didn't even process what was going on until he was all the way at the bottom of the stairs.
Roman and Virgil still didn't give any input, not quite knowing what to say. What they would've suggested, Patton already tried to do. Softly talk him through what's going on, try to find out why he's acting this way. And resort to timeout if needed.
"Logan!" Patton called, turning on the couch so that he was looking at him. He slipped on the stairs and stumbled a bit. He paused, pouting with a quivering lip. He took a deep breath before grabbing onto the railing and continuing to quickly pace up the stairs. "You're going to hurt yourself, sweetheart." he tried again, but Logan ignored him, and within seconds, his door shut behind him.
Patton sighed, going to stand up. "Maybe you should give him a second?" Roman suggested. Patton nodded,
"Not to long though." he confirmed. He knew he was crying, and that he was probably scared that Patton was mad at him. He'd give him a second to calm down, and then go comfort him himself.
"Hey, you dealt with that well. He didn't react well, but you're doing a good job." Virgil smiled at him, and Patton smiled back weakly. He was oh to worried about his baby boy.
"It's also gonna be okay. I think he's just emotional about something unrelated and he's just acting out a bit. And also fussy about being the littlest one. Everything's gonna be okay." Roman reassured. They were both using reassuring words that actually helped a bit. Telling him that he wasn't a bad caregiver, and that everything would be okay. It calmed him a bit before he headed up the stairs.
Patton tried opening the door, but pulled his hand back when he realized it was locked. "Baby boy, can you please open the door for Daddy?" he called out.
"Why?" he heard a wavering baby voice come from inside the room, Logan had most likely been crying, as Patton predicted.
"Because I want to talk to you, Logan." Patton spoke softly, tapping his foot a bit while he listened for a reply.
"Go 'way." he could barely make out his voice and sniffles due to how quiet he was.
"I don't want to go away, darling. I promise that I just want to help you, okay? I'm not mad at you, if that's what your worried about." He could hear Logan slowly approaching the door, and suddenly he could hear his voice much more clearly.
"weally? Not mad?" he asked in a heartbreaking voice.
"Of course I'm not mad! I'm sorry I snapped at you, and gave you a timeout. But punishment doesn't mean that I'm angry with you, little one." he spoke in a promising voice. He heard Logan unlock the door and back away. Patton quickly swung the door open and shut it behind him, finding the boy with his knees to his chest in his office chair.
He was sucking on his thumb, and still looked nervous. Patton came closer to him slowly, and Logan dropped his legs, adjusting them so that they were hanging normally off of the chair. "Okay, do you wanna explain what happened down there?" Patton crouched in front of the chair so that he met Logan's eye level.
Logan still found a way to avoid looking at his face, though. "Why were you so against cleaning up, hmm?" Logan gave a light shrug, but eventually started speaking. He pulled his thumb out of his mouth before doing so.
"Just didn't want to. To small...and sad." he mumbled the last line.
"Sad? Oh, baby, why are you sad?" Patton's face dropped and he looked at him with even more concern in his face then before.
"Feel bad." he whined, shifting in his seat uncomfortably.
"About refusing to clean, or something else?" Patton asked. Logan was weirdly emotional today, and now that he thought about it, it was possible he was upset about something since that morning, like Roman had suggested.
"Smallest one here, an-and m' a baby and you has to take care of me. Feel bad." he repeated himself, inching his thumb back towards his mouth. Patton took a second to process before he spoke in a really soft, but direct tone.
"You never have to feel bad because I'm taking care of you. I know that you don't like being the smallest side in the house, or feeling like a baby, but you don't have to act out because of it. I can handle a three year old, you don't have to be sad." he spoke with the hope that Logan would understand him. He reached forward and pulled his hand away from his mouth.
"m' sorry," he apologized.
"For what, sweetheart?" Patton asked softly.
"Not being good. Don't like getting in trouble." he sniffled lightly.
"You're not in trouble anymore. This doesn't mean you'll get out of timeout any other time you act out, but today's the exception, okay?" Logan softly nodded, and Patton leaned forward to kiss his forehead.
Logan looked down and swung his feet a bit. "Thank you, daddy." he mumbled.
"Now, lets head downstairs and pick up those toys, hmm? Then we can take a nap and move on from all this. How does that sound?" he offered, Logan nodding and letting Patton take his hand.
Logan didn't want to talk about punishments, but Patton was right about the fact that they probably should. Especially now that he knew that Logan wasn't always the most well behaved, even if it was emotion based brattiness.
So, now Logan knew that the dreaded conversation had to happen.
But like everything else, he knew that it'd turn out fine.
It always did.
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
{Chapter Three- Not A Baby}//Soft, Cute, and Far Smarter Than You (Sanders Sides Agere/CGLRE)
A/N: Before we begin with this chapter, I want to show some art that @english-chips made for this fic! The first one is inspired by the last chapter, logan the science kid!
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And this next one is based off of Teenspace!Logan (which is officially introduced in this chapter). Don't ask about the braces, that gets tied into the story later.
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Anyways, enjoy the chapter!! feel free to leave comments/send asks (Wattpad/Tumblr) with any questions you have or your reactions+thoughts on the chapter/story in general! I also wanted to credit the people from my discord server for a lot of the ideas used throughout this fic, so I will probably be repeating this a lot bc they’re creative and help me a lot when it comes to this story!
"I mean, I personally only really go to baby and toddler ages. From less than one to five. But you're still figuring your range out, right?" Virgil was talking to Logan as they washed the dishes. Virgil and Logan were getting into the habit of mentioning age regression related things in normal conversations, so they could normalize it even when they weren't in the headspace.
"I guess so. There's sometimes where I don't feel little, but I'm not exactly an adult either? I don't know how to explain it." Logan was honest with him, taking the plate he handed to him and putting it into the dishwasher.
"Maybe you're a middle?" Virgil suggested.
"Middle?" Logan repeated him, a confused tone laced in his voice.
"A middle is someone who regresses to pre-teen and teenage ages. It's still regression by definition as long as it's younger then your bio age," Virgil explained, rinsing out a bowl before handing it to him.
"I didn't know that was a thing. I sorta thought age regression was just baby, toddler, and young kid. I never really considered the fact that people might regress to an older age then that..." he trailed off.
"I don't know a ton about middles, or middlespace, but I know that some just find comfort in acting younger. That doesn't always mean a cute baby voice and stuffed animals, that can mean video games and they're old favorite books. Whatever makes you most comfortable." Virgil shrugged, using a sponge to scrub at a plate.
"That's kinda cool, actually. Um...anyways, what did you do today?" Logan changed the subject, keeping the term in mind. The idea that he could regress, but just to teenage years, made sense to him. He felt as if he might've been in that headspace before.
He'd want someone to look after him, but only to a certain extent. He'd be moody and get frustrated easier, he would want to indulge in old dorky hobbies, like video games or reading comic books. When he got like that, he told himself he was just being immature, and that he wasn't little, because it wasn't the same feeling. But now, knowing that regressing to teenage ages was a thing, he'd have to rethink things and maybe let himself indulge in this new feeling.
Not bad, just different.
"Good morning, Logan!" Patton knocked on Logan's door, waiting to hear a reply before opening it.
"Morning, come in." he remarked simply, seemingly distracted by something.
"Virgil isn't little right now, but as always, I just wanted to check up on you to check if you were." Patton closed the door behind him, coming over to Logan's bed and sitting down.
"I'm not little," he replied quickly, flipping a page in whatever he was reading. Upon closer inspection, it was a comic book. When Logan saw Patton looking at it, he shut it and pulled it closer to him. "Can you get out of my room? I'm busy." he said, speaking in a very annoyed tone.
Patton looked shocked, and a bit hurt. "Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, I'll leave. Um, breakfast will be ready soon, let me know if you need anything..." he got up, going to leave when Logan spoke.
"Sorry for being rude, or whatever. I didn't mean to make you sad." he promised, speaking softer and in an apologetic way.
"It's alright, Logan. Are you feeling okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be, I'm fine?" he questioned.
"You're acting a bit..different? It's not bad!" Patton defended quickly before explaining himself, seeing Logan's skeptical look, "You're just...acting younger? But not quite little, y'know?" he tried to explain what he was thinking, but it was difficult.
"Patton! Come help me do this!" Roman called Patton from the kitchen before Logan go the chance to respond. Maybe Logan should've told his carer that he had a teenspace before going into it. Right after he heard about it from Virgil, connecting the dots was easy. So letting himself do what he wanted, and act slightly 'immature' was easier, because he knew it wasn't some weird thing. It was just a part of his personal regression.
But just because he accepted it himself, didn't quite mean that he wanted to explain it to his caregiver. Once Patton was gone, he made a motion with his hand and the door slammed shut.
You'd think he wouldn't break his own rule, but a lot of things you wouldn't expect were happening recently. Logan made a rule for the core sides, avoid using powers (both summoning and physical) because apparently it made them more "realistic". He had claimed that if they lived a life that was closer to an actual persons, in a mind palace designed to mimic the real world, they'd understand Thomas's problems and emotions more.
Roman hated those rules, and the fact that creating the realistic town and staying there sort of made it so that he couldn't escape to the mindscape for fantasy adventures. Logan even went so far as to make it so they got a limited allowance each week, as pay for doing your job for Thomas. Big Logan managed this whole system, but he said that if they just continued to be able to buy things without limited money, there was no point in trying to live more like people.
He groaned, shutting the comic book and abandoning it on his bed. He went over to his closet, looking inside of it for something to wear. Some things were to adult, and some things were to childish. He didn't have anything for in between, and that was frustrating. He almost considered summoning something for himself, when he was actually fourteen, they still lived in their separate rooms and just summoned things they wanted or needed.
He knew that he shouldn't, if he starts breaking his own rules regularly, then everyone else will and it'll be chaos. He looked through the part of his closet that had pajama shirts. Most of these were random t-shirts with graphic designs that adult Logan would never wear in front of the others (without the excuse of "it's an old shirt that I kept for sleeping."). He found a dark gray shirt that said "Game On", with a white game controller on it. He deemed it acceptable and he tossed it over to his bed, looking for jeans to go with it.
"Aha!" he cheered when he finally found simple dark blue jeans, taking the outfit and disappearing into his bathroom.
"You said that he's acting weird? Is he small and trying to hide it?" Roman suggested, passing Patton a plate to set on the table. Virgil was serving the food, dividing it between their plates.
"No, I don't think so? He said he wasn't little, but he just seemed really annoyed and...I don't know." Patton seemed confused, taking the cluttery Roman handed him and going around the table, setting it down. Patton was the one who suggested that they start eating breakfast, along with other meals together when possible. It was common that someone would skip out on famILY meals, but that didn't meal he wouldn't put the effort in  to made the meals for everyone.
"You think he's just stressed and he needs to regress?" Virgil spoke up, setting a bottle of syrup on the table.
"I don't think he was stressed, just annoyed."
No one got the chance to reply because Logan came down the stairs, clad in a dorky t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and a beanie. Virgil seemed to have a realization upon seeing him.
"Hello?" he broke the silence after a few seconds, "Why is everyone staring at me?"
"Oh, um..." Patton spoke first, trying to come up with an excuse.
"Did I walk in on you guys talking about me?" he immediately questioned with suspicion.
"pshh! No, surely not!" Roman lied, Logan giving him a look.
"Hey, Logan? How old are you, like mentally, right now?" Virgil asked hesitantly, Patton seeming confused.
"He already said that he wasn't little?" he restated, looking over at Logan, who blushed a bit.
"I never said that I wasn't regressed at all..." he trailed off, stratching the back of his head awkwardly before looking at Virgil. "And um, fourteen." he replied quickly, shuffling over to the table and taking a seat.
"Oh! Why didn't you tell me that when I asked you if you were little?" Patton asked, taking his seat next to Logan.
"Because I'm not little. Little is like, baby and toddler, y'know? I'm just...not an adult for now." he explained, not looking at his caregiver much.
"Oh...I didn't even know your range went that far, sweetheart." Patton seemed to be processing this, lightly grabbing his fork as Roman and Virgil took their seats.
"Sorry I didn't tell you, Dad." he apologized quickly, starting to eat his food.
Patton smiled, both from the fact that Logan called him "dad" while he wasn't six years old, and as a source of comfort. "It's alright, Lo." he assured. Logan gave him a little awkward smile, going back to eating.
"So...what is everyone planning on doing today? I'll probably work on brainstorming for Thomas's next project." Roman tried to start a conversation.
"I'll probably just chill, I finished the work I had to do yesterday." Virgil replied, looking to Patton and Logan to talk next.
"I might play video games, or watch something. I don't know," Logan shrugged a bit.
"Have you ever really been in teenspace before? Do you know what you want to do?" Patton asked in curiosity.
"I..um," he paused, thinking. "I kinda have been before, but I thought it was weird so I pushed it down..."
"Regressing to teenage ages is not weird, at all! I actually think it's fitting for you, because you can regress without having to be babyish, which is what you're most shy about when you do go little!" Patton immediately defended, Logan holding back a small smile.
"I knowwww, but I thought this was just me being immature. Not like, a part of my regression. It feels different then when I'm a toddler or a kid." he explained, seeming like he didn't want to be talking about this. He'd felt like a teenager, and addressing the fact that he was simply just thinking like one made him second guess him choice to allow himself to go into that headspace.
"Okay, okay. Would you like me to spend the day with you, sweetheart?" Patton offered. Logan quickly shook his head in rejection.
"Nope, I'm good. Actually, I'm gonna head back to my room now." he scooted his chair back, standing up before pushing it in.
"Bye, Logan!" Roman called after him. Logan didn't respond, but you could hear his door shut from upstairs. Patton simply pushed his plate forwards, putting his head down on the table in his arms.
"You good there, padre?" Roman questioned.
"I'm fine, kiddo." he replied weakly.
"Hey, kiddo! I just wanted to check on you," Patton knocked on Logan's door, opening it after a few moments. Logan wasn't on his bed, so he shut the door and found the boy at his desk. There was sort of a dip in the wall where his desk inserted, perfectly fitting. There was white shelving above the desk, with mostly books on it. Under the desk, there was a portable dresser with black and gray drawers.
He was watching youtube on his laptop, leaning back in his office chair with headphones on. Patton realized Logan didn't hear him, tapping on his shoulder. Logan flinched, quickly pulling his headphones off. "Helloooo? What's up?" he questioned, reaching forward and pausing his video.
"I just wanted to check on you, that's all." Patton replied, coming closer to him and standing behind his chair.
"Well, I'm fine. Just watching youtube," he shrugged, motioning to his screen.
Patton read over the channel name, along with the video title. "Markiplier, who's that?" he asked.
"Just a youtuber, dad. Do you need something?" Logan reached forward, shutting his laptop and looking up at Patton.
"Not really. I just wanted to know what you've been up too,baby."
"I'm not a baby." Logan replied simply, sounding a little annoyed.
"But you're my baby," Patton teasingly. Logan's face went pink, and he gave a mostly-playful glare. Patton was glad he was getting him to be playful to some extent, because so far it felt like Logan just wanted to isolate himself while in this headspace.
If he was going to be Logan's caregiver, he wanted to know at least a little bit about how Logan acts in each part of his headspace, so he knows how best to care for him. But it currently seemed like Logan didn't want any care.
"No, I'm a teenager. Not a babyyy," he whined, not in a baby voice, but in a 'dad you're embarrassing me please stop' type of voice.
"Yeah, yeah, okay. I'll stop teasing you." Patton smiled at him. Logan crossed his arms, but both of them knew he wasn't actually upset.
"Are you sure you don't want to go watch a movie in the living room or something? You said you might play video games, I know you can't do much on your laptop." Patton was silently pleading to spend some time with him, but Logan shook his head.
"I think I'll stick with Markiplier vids. But I'll see you at dinner!" he reminded, which did cheer Patton up a bit. Patton nodded.
"Alright, Littl-" Logan gave him a look, "Not little. Uh, bye Logan!" he corrected somewhat awkwardly, leaning down to kiss Logan's forehead quickly before leaving. Logan rolled his eyes, slowly opening his computer back up. He pressed the space bar button, and readjusted his headphones on his ears before leaning back in his seat.
Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.
"Dinner's ready, baby." Patton peeked his head into Logan's room, to see him watching something on Netflix at his desk.
"Kay, Dad. I'll be down in a sec," he replied, without missing a beat. "Also, not a baby."
"Alright, sorry Lo. Just head down soon, okay?"
Logan nodded,already starting to pause his show and log out of everything. Patton gave a slight smile, leaving his door open and heading back down stairs.
"So...how's teenage Logan?" Roman asked quickly as he came downstairs, already sitting down for dinner. Virgil looked at Patton.
"He keeps getting embarrassed when I call him baby. But I think he's good, he seemed pretty content with just hanging out in his room and doing whatever." Patton replied, pulling out his chair to take a seat.
"Oh, Logan! Hey!" Roman called when he saw Logan entering the kitchen. He held his phone in his hand.
"Hey. What are we having?" he asked, pulling his chair out and sitting next to Patton, as usual. He glanced down at his phone screen and tapping it a few times. Virgil came and sat some containers on the table. "Oh, spaghetti. Question answered."
"Can you put your phone down at the dinner table, sweetheart? Dinner is time for us to spend time as a family," Patton tapped his shoulder softly, instructing him to turn it off. Logan rolled his eyes, shutting off his phone and hovering it an inch above the table before dramatically dropping it. The attitude wasn't appreciated, but at least he listened.
"So..Logan, what did you do today?" Roman asked after a few moments of silence, reaching forward to server himself some food. He grabbed a piece or garlic bread at Logan started to respond.
"I watched Youtube and Netflix." he replied, quickly loading his plate with food. He seemed somewhat tense, like he wanted to leave.
"That's cool! What did you watch on Youtube and Netflix?" Virgil asked. Virgil was picking up on Roman's tactic of asking simple questions to hopefully start a conversation.
"Markiplier and The Floor is Lava." Logan kept going like this to every curious question they had, responding in short sentences before going back to eating. Soon enough, his plate was clear and he attempted to leave.
"You didn't even ask to be excused, young man. Sit back down." Patton instructed, Logan immediately listening and sinking back into his chair.
"C-can I go?" he asked, looking at Patton with a nervous look now. He didn't mean to upset him, he just wanted to go back to his room and be by himself again. This was a new headspace for him, and being around other people for long periods of time made him anxious. What if he did something stupid? What if they thought he was weird?
Patton didn't mean to scare him, so he softened up his face before talking again. "How about you tell us about your day, sweetie?"
Logan shifted from nervous to annoyed in maybe two seconds. "I've already told you everything! I watched Netflix and Youtube. There's nothing to talk about, dad!" he snapped, grabbing his phone from the table. Patton's eyes went wide, he definitely did not expect Logan to snap at him.
"Hey, kiddo..." he spoke softly to the annoyed regressor, who just want an escape. Logan took a few breaths while Virgil and Roman watched in silence. Patton hesitantly put his hand on Logan's arm in a simple attempt to comfort him. "Why don't you just walk me through what you did after breakfast, whatever you remember?" Logan looked at him now, nodding. He seemed a bit nervous, he did not mean to snap or shout or anything. But it seemed as if Patton wasn't upset with him.
He thought back to that morning, beginning the story. "So I went up to my room after breakfast. I read comic books for a little bit, and then-"
"What did you read about?" Roman interrupted. This didn't seem to annoy Logan, just shock him. He wanted to hear about whatever dorky comic book he had read? The last of dinner went on like that, Logan walking through his day up until the meal, and the other three inturrupting to ask curious questions.
Logan would go on side rambles about whatever it was. A question as to what The Floor Is Lava was about lead him into a ramble about how the game works. But no one else minded, because learning about this part of Logan, neither a baby, nor completely big, was really nice. Every few minutes, he'd stop his rambling, and ask if someone else wanted to talk.
But every single time, they'd share a few thoughts and assure that they didn't mind his excited rambling. He revealed that he also watched documentaries and information youtube videos, so he started sharing a bunch of random facts.
The anxiousness, the awkwardness, and even the extreme want to go away, faded as they encouraged him to keep dorkily discussing his favorite teen-ish things to do.
They hoped teenage Logan would come back again sometime soon.
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
{Chapter 5- When The Other Brother is Bigger}//Soft, Cute, and Far Smarter Than You (Sanders Sides Agere/CGLRE)
A/N: This chapter is like, longer then most of the ones I tend to write? I write agere content for fun, so sometimes it's cuteness over quantity, y'know? But this is a whole 4600-ish words! Wow. Hope y'all like it!
Logan was a bit awkward when he was big again after throwing his first fit, and earning himself his first ever timeout. Of course, Patton could only comfort him so much. It wasn't guilt that he was feeling, but rather a form of embarrassment.
Logan's head shot up when he heard light knocking on his door the following afternoon. "Who is it?" he questioned from his spot at his desk, where he sat working on Thomas's schedule.
"It's Virgil, can I come in?"
Logan fully expected it to be Patton checking on him for the millionth time, so he was shocked when he heard the voice of the emo regressor. "Uh, yeah. Sure." Logan set down his pen softly, reaching forward for his mug and taking a sip.
"Are you drinking another cup of coffee? I know you had like, three this morning." Virgil narrowed his eyes. It wasn't as if he'd actually do anything, even if he was aware of the unhealthy amounts of coffee Logan drank, but he was still concerned.
"It's tea." Logan shook his head, tipping the cup in his direction so that he could see the clearish liquid before setting the mug back on his desk. "Did you need something, Virge?" Logan asked.
"Kinda of.." Virgil trailed off, sitting down on the end of Logan's bed. When he looked up, he saw Logan looking at him in an expecting silence. "So I know it's Patton's job to check in on you and stuff, and that I don't usually do this. But..are you okay after yesterday? You seemed really emotional and anxious."
Logan sighed before speaking. "Of course I'm fine. I just overreacted when Patton punished me because I was scared of him being mad at me. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but three year old me doesn't want to make sense."
Virgil chuckled a bit at that. "It does make a bit of sense though. I do it too, I assume that just because Roman has to be a little strict or something, that he absolutely hates me. It's not stupid or anything."
Logan nodded, giving him a small thankful smile. This was Virgil's way of telling him that he wasn't alone. The same mutual feeling that came about when they both realized they were regressors spread between them. A feeling of unity, of support.
Of family.
"And also, if you're embarrassed or anything, don't worry about it. I'm sure Patton understands that little you is going to do things like that sometimes, and he won't view big you any differently." There it was. Virgil finding what Logan was actually worried about. Logan had the urge to give a sigh of relief, because those were the words he needed to hear.  
Instead, he gave a larger smile and thanked him. "Okay, cool. See you at dinner." Virgil got up and went to leave the room, he paused at the door with hesitancy, looking back at him and speaking quickly.
"Also, I'm like pretty sure Patton has a crush on big you. So there's that."  
Virgil was gone and out of the room before Logan even got the chance to retort.
Logan sighed, going back to organizing the schedule and trying to convince himself that it couldn't possibly be true, and focus on his work. But no matter how hard he tried, his mind wondered and he thought:
What if Virgil was right?
"Oh, hello Logan. I went to check on you but I guess you were already up." Patton entered the living room, where Logan was on his phone. Patton assumed that if Logan was already up, he probably had work to get done today and wanted to be wide awake for it. He figured that the coffee mug on the coffee table in front of Logan confirmed his original thoughts.
"Morning, Dad. What are we having for breakfast?" he asked, looking up from his phone and making Patton pause in his tracks. Patton went to speak, but Logan quickly replied to his unasked question. "I'm fourteen again, by the way."
"How did you know that I was going to-"
"I figured you'd ask how old I am, you always do. Anyways, what's for breakfast?" he repeated. "I can try to make something myself but I don't know how well that would go..." he admitted.
"It's okay,don't worry about that." Patton assured, "I'll make toast for breakfast-" He went to keep speaking but Logan cut him off.
"Do we have Crofters to put on it?"
"You're just full of questions today, aren't you?" Patton teased, deciding to come sit with his regressor. He sat next to Logan, making sure not to look at his phone screen in order to respect his privacy. Logan turned it off, looking at him. Patton realized he wasn't amused by the teasing and that he wasn't going to respond. "Yes, we have Crofters." He gave up.
Logan was definitely excited about this, and if he was regressed younger, he would've bounced in place and giggled a bunch. But he just replied, "Okay, cool."
"Why are you up so early?" Patton questioned. "How long have you been awake?"
"Less than an hour. I just fell asleep watching Youtube last night, earlier then I usually go to sleep. So I woke up early," he explained. Patton paused, looking at him skeptically.
"Were you regressed last night, as well?"
Logan looked at him with wide eyes, as if he hoped he wasn't going to ask about that. "Uh..yeah, sort of. But it was after dinner and I was ready for bed, I didn't really need to come get you!" he defended.
Patton gave him a slightly stern look with a sigh. "Alright, but if you do need something, or regress younger then your teenspace, come and get me." he instructed. Logan nodded with an annoyed look on his face. Patton glanced at the coffee table, eyes widening when he saw the coffee mug again.
"Wait, why are you drinking coffee if your reg-"
"What coffee?" Logan cut him off, quickly snatching up the mug and chugging the last of it before Patton could take the mug. He wiped his upper lip with the back of his hand, giving Patton a dorky smile. Patton knew he shouldn't have, but he laughed a bit.
"Fourteen year olds shouldn't have coffee, no more." Patton took the mug from him softly. "If I catch you drinking anymore, you'll be in trouble." he threatened halfheartedly, still giving him the stern dad look. Logan immediately replied with a cheeky smile.
"You just won't catch me next time."
Patton seemed shocked. "You're gonna be bouncing off the walls whenever the caffeine kicks in, and I don't wanna be the one to deal with that."
"I mean..." Logan leaned back into the couch, "Do you have a choice? You're technically my only carer, and I've already drank it. And plus, I'm not a baby. Sugar and caffeine won't make me hyper." he scoffed at the end of his statement.
"We'll see about that, sweetheart." Patton gave him a skeptical look before getting up. "I'll go start breakfast, how about you get off your phone and do something else? Like read your comic books or something."
"I'll get off my phone..." Logan agreed quickly, shocking Patton. That excitement went away when Logan grabbed the tv remote and pushed the power button. He gave Patton a smile, while Patton gave him a disappointed look.
"That's not what I meant, and you know it." he said, crossing his arms as he watched him locate Netflix.
"I don't know anything. You told me to get off my phone,and in all technicality, I did." Logan started playing whatever show he was interested in at the time, and Patton leaned forward to kiss his forehead. He wasn't going to bother with pushing it anymore.
"Love you, Lo. I'll let you know when breakfast is ready."
He left, mug in his hand, disappearing into the kitchen. A little while later, he had butter,honey, and Crofters jelly sitting out on the table, along with a plate of stacked up pieces of toast.
"Babyyyy! Can you get Roman and Virgil for me?" He appeared in the door way of the kitchen, looking at whatever Logan was watching on the screen. Logan looked back at him, looking back to the screen after a few seconds of thinking.
"Maybe if you'd stop calling me baby."
"Logan." Patton stated in a simple and stern tone, crossing his arms again. Logan dramatically sighed, but he hopped up and headed up the stairs. "Thank you!" Patton called after him.
"Welcome, dad." Logan replied quickly, before he was completely up the stairs and heading toward the door of Virgil's room.
"Hi, Logan. Is it breakfast already?" Virgil swung the door open. The makeup under his eyes was smeared a bit, and he was still wearing black ripped jeans and a band t-shirt. He had fallen asleep in his clothes, and his hair was a bit messy.
"Yeah, Dad made toast for everyone. And he sent me to get you guys." Logan replied. Virgil went to open his mouth, probably to question if he was regressed due to his sue of the word 'dad', but Logan replied to his unasked question just like his did with Patton. "I'm fourteen again, before you ask about it."
Virgil gave an understanding nod. He walked back into his room, leaving the door open so that Logan could come in if he wanted to. "Okay dork, I was given the job of grocery shopping. If you want, and your caregiver doesn't care, you can come with me." Virgil offered as he picked up his hoodie that was balled up on a dark purple bean bag chair.
"Maybe if you didn't call me a dork, I'd consider it." Logan hesitantly entered the dark-styled room, his arms crossed.
"Oh come on, you're wearing a spiderman t-shirt and a beanie. You're either a nerd or a dork, take your pick." Virgil teased. Logan now wanted to cover up his shirt, and he pulled the black beanie off of his head. "Hey, wait. I didn't mean it like that," Virgil quickly finished pulling the hoodie on, and he came over to where Logan stood, taking the hat softly from his hands. "I was only teasing, dorky isn't bad, and the hat and shirt look good on you."
He pulled the hat back over Logan's head, patting his head. "I'm sorry I teased you," Virgil apologized.
"It's okay..." he looked up, so that he wasn't staring at the floor anymore, giving him a weak smile. His eyes wandered over Virgil's hoodie, but he didn't say anything.
"Do...do you want my jacket, buddy?" Virgil hesitated, but Logan nodded a little.
"I-is that okay?" he stuttered a bit, he couldn't place why he wanted it, it just looked comfortable. Maybe the fact that it also belonged to someone he considered his brother while regressed factored into it.
"Yeah, of course it's okay. Just make sure to give it back to me when you're big again, okay?" he pulled it off, handing it to Logan, who smiled. Virgil didn't usually give his hoodie to anyone, but the middle seemed to want it fairly badly and he knew that Logan would take care of it. Plus, he had his old hoodie to wear if he really wanted too.
"Go get Roman and head downstairs, okay? I'm gonna be down in a sec," Virgil told him. Logan nodded, leaving the room and pausing in the hallway to pull the jacket on.
"Roman, Roman, Roman!" he knocked on the door loudly between each time he called his name, "Breakfast is downstairs..." he spoke sheepishly when the door flew open and Roman gave him a stern look. Roman knew for a fact that he was at least somewhat regressed because of how energetically he woke him up.
"Did you have coffee or something?" he asked jokingly, rubbing at his eyes. Logan nodded quickly, and Roman seemed shocked. "Is your caregiver aware of this?"
Logan nodded again, "He doesn't like it, but he knows."
"Hmm, well please tone is down a bit while I'm still half asleep, okay? I need beauty sleep."
"Beauty sleep whatever, Dad sent me to wake you up." He stuck his tongue out at the end of his statement
"I'm assuming we're stuck with teen Logan again?" Roman questioned, running his fingers through his hair.
"Fourteen." Logan confirmed. Constantly confirming with others that he was in fact, in teenspace, reminded him that he was a teenager at the moment and that was okay.
"The sassiness and dorky beanie gave it away." he teased. Logan pouted, this was the second time his hat had been called dorky within the span of ten minutes. "Dorky isn't bad." Roman corrected quickly, just as Virgil had. Logan nodded, turning to walk away without another word.
"Logan, are you wearing Virgil's jacket?" Roman realized, looking at him.
Logan nodded shyly, turning back around to face him. "Hmm, that's cute. Just make sure not to stain it, or you'll never hear the end of it from Vee." he gave a reassuring smile, Logan nodding gratefully and walking off, for real this time. He had been worried that Roman was going to pick on him for taking Virgil's jacket.
Logan went downstairs, going into the living room to get his phone off of the coffee table. Once he had acquired this, he went into the kitchen and greeted Patton. "They should be heading down soon. Look! Virgil let me steal his jacket," he laughed a bit, doing a twirl for his caregiver.
"That was very nice of him. Did you say thank you?"  Patton asked, and Logan looked down.
"No, I didn't..." he sighed guiltily.  
"Well, make sure you do at some point, okay?" Patton told him, coming closer to him and giving him a forehead kiss. Or at least, he tried to. Logan ducked away before he could, stepping to the side. Patton audibly gasped, looking at him. Logan giggled, sticking his tongue out like he did earlier to Roman.
"You're silly, kiddo." Patton shook his head, patting Logan's head softly before moving on to do something else. Logan pouted, because he expected Patton to go in for another forehead kiss after missing the first one, but he just kept going. Logan told himself that he was being a dork anyways, and that being playful was something for littler him, and that his caregiver didn't need to play along.
He didn't need to play, he was a teenager. He didn't need affection either, no hugs or cuddles or kisses.
But even as a teenager, Logan craved exactly that.
He watched Patton as he plated breakfast for himself, buttering the bread. Logan took action before he could stop himself, side hugging Patton by ducking under his arm. He wrapped his arms around his carer and laid his head on his chest. Patton chuckled, "Hello there, baby."
He dropped the butter knife back on his plate, and set the piece of bread down in favor of hugging Logan back. He hugged him tightly, Logan melting into the touch. "You know, you could just ask for a hug instead of attacking me."
"What hug? I don't need a hug," Logan replied, pulling away from him and grabbing a plate off of the stack on the table.
"The hug you just pulled away from..." Patton seemed confused.
"I never hugged you, dad. You're crazy," Logan kept going, making himself breakfast and acting as if he never hugged him. Patton brushed it off for now and didn't worry about it, because Virgil and Roman entered the kitchen.
Patton greeted them, and as they all sat down to eat, Virgil mentioned taking Logan to the store with him. "Um..well, I'm not sure if that's a good idea..." Patton admitted, setting his piece of toast down on his plate. Virgil seemed confused, as did Logan.
"Why not?" Logan questioned, looking at his caregiver with a confused glance.
"Well, I've never taken you outside of the house while regressed, I'm just worried that someone might see you acting younger and be mean." Patton explained, and Logan frowned.
"Logan's a teenager though, and I'll be there to help if anything like that happens. It's not like he'll throw a fit or anything, he's fourteen." Virgil argued.
"Last time he regressed to teenspace, he was so anxious that he practically threw a fit!" Patton snapped, not exactly shouting. He looked at Virgil with somewhat angry eyes. Patton never gave that look, unless someone he was protecting someone he cared about. Logan sunk down in his seat, zipping up Virgil's hoodie and hiding away from the world for the time being. Virgil raised his hands up in mock surrender before speaking.
"Patton, I'm sorry that I upset you, but please be mindful of Logan. You're probably scaring him by snapping." Virgil reminded. Patton's expression faded from anger to an apologetic look, and he looked toward Logan,who nodded a bit.
"Oh..I'm sorry sweetheart. And you too, Virgil...Just let me think about this and we'll talk after breakfast, okay?"
Virgil gave a nod of agreement, and Logan muttered a weak 'okay'.
Patton eventually agreed to let Logan go with Virgil, but not without a lot of convincing and second guessing his decision.
"Promise that you'll be nice to Virgil, and if you get to anxious-"
"Let Virgil know and step away to text you." Logan interrupted, pocketing his phone and looking at his dad. "I'm not a baby, and I'll be fine."
"Yeah, he's safe with me." Virgil assured, coming down the stairs, clad in his old hoodie and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. "We're good, right?" he looked at Logan, double checking just to be sure.
Logan laughed, "We're good." he confirmed.
"Oh, okay. I love you both, be good," he looked at Logan, as if he needed the reminder, "And please be home before dinner."
Both boys nodded, taking their final hugs from Roman and Patton before heading out. Virgil let Logan sit in the passenger seat
The mindscape was set up to be a small, little town. It wasn't one that existed in the real world, but it was heavily based off of the real world and would change according to real world events. If they really wanted to, the mindscape extended past their imaginary town, it was a whole little world just inside Thomas's head.
"Okay, so I have a shopping list on my phone, and the grocery money we all pitch in for. Though I found that there's always a little extra money, so if you want an extra snack or whatever, go for it." Virgil spoke, stopping as they approached a red light. He looked around, his eye catching on a street sign as he assured himself that he was going the right way.
Logan nodded. He was usually the one to go on the grocery runs, so he already knew about how he slightly over estimated how much money they needed. He'd usually either buy something extra, a treat or dessert, or save it for the next shopping trip. They all got their limited allowance (for the whole 'realistic human life' thing), and they'd pitch in a certain amount of it to pay for food for their home.
"Is there anything you want for the store? That isn't already on the usual list, I mean?" Virgil asked. He was trying to start a conversation, but Logan was being quiet. That was the main reason he offered to take him with him for errands. Virgil wanted to spend more time with his newfound brother, though he'd never admit that out loud. Virgil and Logan regress together all the time, and there's been plenty of time where Logan is bigger than Virgil, but it's rarely the other way around.
Virgil wanted to know Logan more, and also earn his trust. Because it seemed that currently, the only person Teenage Logan really trusted, was Patton.
"I don't know, maybe one of those starbucks bottled frappe things?" Logan said hopefully, giving his, currently older, brother a look in the hopes that he didn't shoot it down immediately.
"Hmm, Patton wouldn't be to happy about that one...and if he found out, he'd be pretty mad at me." Virgil thought out loud, anxiously biting at his lip while he focused on the road. Logan sunk down in his seat in disappointment, immediately taking his hesitancy as a 'no' and looking out the window.
Virgil sighed, glancing at him for a split second before turning his head to examine the road in front of him. "I suppose...if you promise not to tell your caregiver, and you also don't get like, super hyper on me..." he pauses, taking a turn before continuing his conditional agreement, "You can get the coffee. But this is a one time thing, I don't condone littles-" Logan gave him a look.
"Middles?" he hesitantly corrected himself, glancing at Logan again.
"Or regressors." Logan nodded. Virgil hummed before continuing.
"I don't condone teenagers drinking a bunch of caffeinated drinks in one day. I know you had coffee this morning. But today's the exception, alright?"
Virgil was only agreeing to this because he wanted to make Logan happy. And he didn't quite mind stretching the rules just a bit to get there.
"Okay." Logan agreed, looking back out the window.
Virgil had a feeling that this would end up being a good day.
Or at least, he hoped it would.
"Virgil, I know I said I'd be okay..but I'm scared."
Virgil stopped in the middle of the cereal aisle, pulling the cart to the side so that people could walk through if they needed. Logan seemed ashamed to admit that, looking up at his, currently older, brother for support. Logan fiddled with the zippers on the cuffs of Virgil's jacket.
"What are you scared of, Logan?" Virgil spoke softly to him, in a voice that seemed to assure that he'd be ready to comfort him no matter what his answer.
"Dad was right, it's my first time going out while regressed and I feel..." he trailed off, his eyes following a cart as a family walked by the aisle. "I feel stupid. Like people are staring a me or something." He looked back at Virgil, who nodded.
"That's okay. I've never been out while regressed, but I'm sure it is a bit scary. I'm sorry that you aren't feeling the best, though." Virgil sighed, not quite knowing what to do. He thought for a moment before offering the best solution he could come up with. "How about you call Patton and talk to him while we shop? I think he'd be the best at comforting you right now."
Logan nodded lightly, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Virgil gave him a reassuring smile before pulling a few boxes of cereal from the shelf. As Virgil motioned for them to keep walking, Logan listened to his phone ring.
"Logan! Are you okay?" Logan winced at how loud Patton's voice seemed through the phone.
"Mhm, I'm okay. Just a bit anxious though...can you talk to me? I-i think it'd help." his voice was filled with hesitancy, but Virgil gave him a comforting look that silently told him 'good job'.
"Oh, yeah. I can talk to you. Do you wanna tell me why you're feeling anxious, baby?"
"I um...you were right," Logan fiddled with the zippers on Virgil's hoodie again, taking a turn into a aisle with bread and snacks. "I kinda started panicking the moment I got into the store. There's so many people, and so much noise. I'm just worried that I'm being judged, I guess." he hummed, glad that there was no one else in their aisle.
"I'm sure that everything is okay, sweetheart. Listen to me, not all the noise, okay?"
Logan nodded, then realizing that Patton couldn't see him through the phone. "Okay."
"Can you tell me what you guys have gotten so far?" Logan was confused by his caregivers request, but he looked in the cart as Virgil set something in it.
"We got Crofters! And butter, and bread." he identified a few items, looking at a few others.
"We can make more toast!" Patton cheered. Logan laughed at that.
"Uh, we have like three boxes of cereal in the cart. And coffee cakes! There's also macaroni..." Logan kept going, not realizing that Patton had successfully distracted him from his anxiety for the time being. Patton spoke in a calm, caring voice all the way through their shopping trip.
"We're heading up to checkout now. I'll text you when we're on our way home," Logan spoke into the phone, following Virgil's guide through the front part of the store.
"Alright. You feel better now, right?" Patton assured.
"Yeah, thanks dad. I'll see you later." Logan hung up the phone, pocketing it and taking a deep breath.
"Feeling better?" Virgil questioned softly. Logan hummed.
He felt almost pathetic for having to call his dad to coach him through a simple shopping trip, but he also felt a lot more at ease. He couldn't quite place why he didn't just pull himself out of middlespace if it really bothered him that much, it almost felt like it'd be to tiring to do. He was getting used to being able to regress whenever and not have to repress it, so when the time came that he might of had to, it felt to hard.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Are we heading home after this?" Logan asked, redirecting the conversation swiftly.
"No, actually. If you're okay with stopping somewhere else first, I mean." Virgil didn't elaborate on where they could possibly be going, which confused Logan.
As they checked out and scanned their items, Logan kept bugging Virgil about where they were headed. "It's a surprise. I'm sure you'll like it, though."
"But Virge! I wanna know!" he whined, handing Virgil his iced coffee to scan.
"Hmm, well that's to bad." he teased. "You'll see when we get there."
Virgil has had this idea since he realized that Logan regressed to teen ages. He was only able to convince Patton to let him take Logan because he revealed his little plan, the second stop that Logan would definitely be excited about. Of course, Logan couldn't know what it was quite yet.
"Virgilll!" he pouted, giving him pleading eyes.
"The pouty face only works when you're a toddler, Lo. Just be patient," he told him, pulling his wallet out of his pocket and looking at the total on the self checkout screen. He counted the money quickly.
"Will a candy bar shut you up?" he asked, pulling a few dollars from the stack.
"That only works when I'm a toddler," Logan mimicked him. It was true, if any of the sides needed to distract Logan while he was little, a piece of candy would do the trick. Of course, it would backfire in half an hour when he got hyper and bouncy, but it works in the moment.
Virgil raised his eyebrows, waving the three one dollar bills in his hand. Logan rolled his eyes, snatching them away. "Fine, I'll be back in a sec."
He disappeared to go pick out some candy, leaving Virgil to chuckle.
Virgil was glad he did this. He felt bad for putting Logan in a situation where he was anxious, but he could still say that they were having a decent time so far. And he was sure Logan would love the next place they were headed to.
There was just one question Logan had.
Where were they going?
A/N: Okay so this chapter is jam-packed! I finally hinted towards the romance part of this story, which won't really be a main focus, like at all. It focuses on the agere, and here and there there will be some cute fluffy shippy things. Lmk what you think of this chapter by commenting, reblogging, or sending me asks! (Depends on if you're reading through Tumblr or Wattpad!)
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
{Chapter 2-Big Brother}//Soft, Cute, and Far Smarter Than You [Sanders Sides Agere/CGLRE]
A/N: The first chapter was kind of an intro, so there's a bit of a timeskip between that chapter and this one. it's no more then a month, I just wanted to mention it because some things happened during that time that will be explained throughout this chapter.
also this chapter features kid!logan being excited about science stuff+being a good big brother to Virgil.
"Kiddo, you're going to make a mess!" Patton commented, looking at Logan, who wore gloves, science goggles, and had a whole set up at the dining room table.
"That's what the tray is for, Daddy!" Logan explained in his kiddish voice, pointing to the metal tray that was meant to catch the extra foam when he added the vinegar to the baking soda. He had some baking soda inside of a glass cup, and another cup with some vinegar in it. Patton saw how excited he was when he saw the science experiment on youtube, Logan was so quick to ignore anything Patton had to say in order to set up the experiment.
"Okay, I'm gonna pour it in now!" he told Patton, taking hold of the glass of vinegar and tipping it above the cup of baking soda.
"Do a dramatic countdown!" Roman interrupted, entering the dining room/kitchen to come watch Logan do his little experiment. Virgil was trailing behind Roman. They sat at the table, Virgil in between Patton and Roman.
Logan rolled his eyes, "Why?" he asked.
"It's simply necessary. You're gonna make something like fizz up or whatever, right?" Logan nodded in an annoyed way, ready to start.
"Okay well it's like a bomb countdown, you have to do a dramatic countdown before something cool happens!" Roman explained.
"Oh...okay!" Logan agreed, taking a second to readjust the cup in his hand and to tip it above the other cup. "Five," Roman joined in, "Four, three," this is where Patton and Virgil jumped in. "Two...."
"One!" the liquid dissolved the powder in a few seconds, and the substance foamed up and bubbled over the rim of the cup, oozing down onto the tray. Logan giggled, backing up a bit and clapping his hands.
"Daddy, can I do it again?" Logan questioned, looking at his caregiver with a hopeful look. Patton gave a soft nod before speaking,
"I don't see why not."
Logan did the experiment a few times over, giggling and clapping his hands, practically bouncing in his seat each time. Patton thought it was adorable how excited he was about this. "Why does it do dat, Lo?" Virgil asked after watching in awe the first few times.
"It's a chemical reaction! When these two," he pointed to the box of baking soda, and the bottle of vinegar, "mix together, they fizz up because it becomes a unstable substance." he explained,excited to try and teach Virgil something.
Virgil seemed confused, obviously a bit younger then Logan was at the moment. "They don't go together well, so they kind of try to separate, and it makes it fizz up and stuff!" he tried to simplify it, and Virgil understood a bit more. "Do you wanna try to do it?" Logan offered, a slight shyness to his voice. Virgil looked up at him with curious and excited eyes.
"Can I do it, Roro?" Virgil pleaded, looking up at his own caregiver, kind of pouting in an attempt at convincing him.
"Go ahead, baby. Just be careful," Roman nodded, and Virgil quickly went around the table to sit next to Logan.
Over the past six or so weeks, whenever the two boys regressed together, they began to adapt a sibling-like bond. Logan was always older then Virgil was, and would guide Virgil through simple things that he could understand. And if Virgil was to little to learn anything, he'd play a simple game. He really liked being the big brother.
Not being the mentally youngest one there helped him feel less vulnerable for some reason, childish but not the littlest. It was comforting to him, and helped him feel better about regressing when someone else was too.
"Okay, watch me." he instructed. He took the spoon from the box of baking soda and scooped a bit of it into the cup. "When you take this glass," he pointed to the one with the clear liquid in it, "and pour it into here," he motioned back to the powder-filled glass, "they'll mix and fizz up. Put on these gloves." Logan pulled two gloves from the box that was off to the side of everything else, taking off his goggles while Virgil busied himself with the gloves.
"Vee, let me help!" he offered once he realize he was having trouble. He set his goggles on the table, helping Virgil pull the plastic gloves onto his hands. Once that was done, he stretched his goggles over Virgil's head, letting Virgil adjust them on his face.
"Whoa!" he giggled as Logan put them on his face, Logan smiling at him.
"You need to protect your eyes, because that stuff will hurt them." he explained, in a soft, but still kiddish voice. Virgil nodded, reaching out for the cup of vinegar. "Okay, are you ready?"
Virgil nodded again, tipping the cup slightly above the other one. "Three, two..." Roman and Patton counted with Logan.
The room filled with Virgil's giggles and Logan's excited clapping and squealing. "Wasn't that awesome?" Logan asked in excitement. Virgil nodded excitedly.
Logan looked at him, and they locked eyes. "Again!" they said in unison, bursting out into giggles right after.
Patton and Roman didn't quite understand why they were so entertained by such a simple experiment, but the boys were having fun and being cute together, so they obviously didn't protest. Once that was over, the boys moved to the living room to play.
"That's...um, Daddy? How do you say it?" Logan was trying to flip through a book with Virgil, mostly being the one to read it. Patton looked over his shoulder, squinting slightly at the word on the colorful page. "Especially."
"Es-pe-shi-lae?" he sounded out, attempting to copy Patton's pronunciation.
"Es-pesh-ially," Patton broke it down farther, and Logan tried again.
"Especially!" he tried, smiling when he got it right. He looked back down to the page. "Especially Sarah, the boy said..." He continued
He kept reading through stories at Virgil's request, because that's what big brothers should do, right? He didn't know for sure, but he was having fun. Seeing Virgil get excited about things in the stories, or coo over animated animals within the books pages, made Logan happy. He made Virgil happy by reading the stories to him, and knowing that made him happy and excited.
And he was even more happy when Patton and Roman began to praise him after Virgil settled down for a nap. "It was really nice to let Virgil play with you, and do the science experiment earlier. I'm so proud of you, Little Scholar." Patton spoke to him softly, giving him a kiss on his forehead and making him blush from the praise.
"Thank you, Daddy..."
Okay, so maybe Logan called Patton 'Daddy', like every chance he got. He was just really excited to have a caregiver now, and honestly really proud of himself for having the courage to ask Patton about it. He started the conversation when he was already somewhat slipping, and Patton was more then glad to officialize it.
Patton knew this, and thought it was adorable, so he always replied with an adorable nickname.
"You're welcome, Little One."
"So....um, do you know what an agere sibling is?" Virgil questioned. Both of the men were big now, a full day after the morning of the science experiment. Logan nodded quickly, internally hoping that Virgil was getting at what he thought.
"Yes, I'm aware of the term. Littles will often befriend another regressor who is willing to play a sibling role while they are both in their headspaces," he replied, taking a sip out of his mug of coffee. Patton and Roman weren't there to hear the conversation.
"Yeah, exactly! Roman kinda told me that I should ask you about this because I was wondering, and you kinda already do what an older brother would while we are little because you usually are older then me and you're actually really sweet and nice and you teach me about stuff and I really like that-" Logan cut off his run-on sentence rambling with a response.
"Yes, I'll be your older brother while we are regressed." he replied, making Virgil smile.
"Uh, thanks?" Virgil didn't really know what to say, he wasn't used to talking about his littlespace much while he wasn't in it.
Logan chuckled, "You're welcome. I'll inform Patton later today,"
"I'll do the same with Roman." Virgil nodded. It was a bit tense, but they also gave each other soft smiles that made it all better. Logan started talking about adult things, changing the subject so that they were more comfortable.
And while Logan was acting like it was no big deal, he was definitely excited about officially being able to call himself the big brother.
A/N: Okay so two chapters in one day? that's cool. I have so many ideas for this story, I just wanted to write out the intro chapter+also show how Virgil and Logan interact while regressed (it varies depending on they're ages but I wanted to show a taste, y'know?)/and how they became brothers. Also, big virgil and logan are kinda awkward right now but mostly because they are a little uncomfortable/tense while they're talking because it's different for them.
anyways, teenspace logan is coming soon. Eventually, he's gonna regress mostly to teen ages but at first he doesn't realize he *can* regress to a teenager. but dw, toddlerspace logan (first chapter) and kiddospace (this chapter) will still definitely make appearances. I hope y'all likes this chapter and stick around to see more!
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
{Chapter 1- Small Beginnings}//Soft, Cute, and Far Smarter Than You [Sanders Sides Agere/CGLRE]
Here’s the story description+wattpad cover before you read the first chapter!!:
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“Patton was spending every second he could learning about Logan.  Little Logan and Big Logan alike, both of them were definitely worth his time.  He's always wanted to be a dad, and playing the role for the little logical side came so easily for him. And the fact that he was slowly falling for Big Logan just made him all the more interested Maybe Logan hadn't been a regressor quite as long as Virgil had, but the coping skill definitely helped him just as much. From being a hyper toddler who just wants to read a children's book about space, to being a fourteen year old that is only interested in Sherlock and Netflix, every second is an adventure with a little who probably has a larger vocabulary than you do. So tag along for adventures, with two littles and two carers. A sibling like bond between the regressors, a secret shared between the sides. Prepare for a wild ride, because this is the beginning of a brand new life. Little Logan, no matter what age he was regressed to, would and always will be Soft, Cute, and Far Smarter Than You.”
Logan was very much still asleep with Patton opened his door, waking him up with a sing-songy voice. It was weird, Patton checking on him every single morning. Logan knew it was just him checking if he'd have a baby for the day, or if Logan needed anything. He sat up a bit, rubbing at his eyes before looking up at Patton. His vision was still a bit blurry because he didn't have his glasses on, but he gave a soft wave.
"Still sleepy?" Patton chuckled, coming to the side of the bed and sitting down.
"mhm." was his only response.
"Virgil woke up pretty small today, and I wanted to check if you felt little too." Patton spoke after a few moments, "So...am I making breakfast for a toddler or not?"
Logan giggled at that, immediately covering his mouth with his hand. "Didn't mean that. No, m' big."
"Okay, so I'm guessing you're around five right now?" Patton teased, softly reaching over and tugging on his wrist so that his hand was pulled away from his face. Logan was blushing, looking around for one of his stuffed animals to hug. "Awe, sweetheart. I know being little and cutesy, especially around us is new for you, but you have nothing to be scared of."
"Pwomise?" Logan replied quickly, biting on his lip. Patton gave a soft smile, knowing the boy was regressing fully now.
"Absolutely, baby." he leaned forward, kissing his forehead softly.
This whole thing, Virgil and Logan being toddlers sometimes, it was new. Newer to Patton then it was to Roman, but either way it was an adjustment for everyone. Virgil had been regressing since he left the dark sides at the latest, but he had only told Roman about his littlespace three or so months ago. And the only reason he did so was because he involuntarily regressed while he was there to see.
Logan himself had been regressing knowingly for only a few months, but he had suspicions that he had been regressing much longer, he just didn't know what it was to label it. He thought it was some weird thing, not a completely healthy coping skill that was improving his mental health. So when Virgil slipped up at the dinner table just a few weeks ago and couldn't come up with a cover up, Logan was glad to hear that there was another little in the house.
Logan remembered the rant Patton gave Virgil and Logan, telling them that they shouldn't hide their regression, and now that everyone knew, they could regress whenever they wanted. Virgil came to Logan's room after dinner, and they talked for hours about what was previously a secret.
"I would've never pegged you as a regressor, but I guess it makes sense. You probably have the most stressful work out of all of us. This might be weird, but do you know your age range?"  Logan remembered him asking.
Logan remembered talking throughout the whole night, and ending up somewhat cuddled up in Logan's bed. They didn't regress that night, but they did both wake up small.
That day was no more then two weeks ago, and things were still being settled and figured out. Roman being Virgil's caregiver had already been arranged, but Logan didn't have a caregiver. He insisted that he didn't really need one, the only reason he told everyone was because they reacted well to Virgil and he didn't logically see the point in keeping in a secret when he knew that he'd most likely be accepted. He also knew it would make things easier, if he didn't have to hide and rush off to his room every single time he felt himself slipping.
And though he said that he didn't need a carer, doing things by himself that morning while watching Roman guide and baby Virgil kind of made him sad. That's when Patton stepped in, helping him and giving him affection, he did his best and his best was enough for Logan. So since then, every single morning, Patton would come to his room and ask if he was little. Most of the time, he wasn't, and he'd get a soft hug and a "breakfast will be ready soon". But when he was, like now, Patton would help him get ready for the day.
"Do you want a pacifier today, baby?" Patton asked softly, walking around his room to pull together an outfit. He looked at Logan, who nodded a bit. Patton gave him a soft smile, walking over to his dark blue dresser. He opened the bottom drawer, leaning down to retrieve the small black chest from it. He closed the drawer and came back over to his bed, sitting down next to where Logan was now sitting crisscross-applesauce on his bed.
Logan was now dressed in a blue sweater and a pair of black shortalls, content with the outfit Patton had picked out for him. Patton opened the small chest, turning it towards the boy. "Which one would you like, Little One?"
Logan looked inside the box, at the six different pacifiers. Two were plain solid-colored adult pacifiers (one dark blue, one white), two were modified baby pacifiers, and two were deco pacifiers. "I don know," he pouted, looking between them.
"One of the blue ones would probably match your outfit well?" Patton offered as advice. Logan hesitated, looking between the leftover options.
He picked out one of the decorative ones, it was pastel blue with the phrase 'baby' on the handle in white letter beads. There were different colored gems stuck on it, and the button of the pacifier there was a little heart that was blue and sparkly.
"It's so cute! You're so adorable oh my god-" Patton paused to take a breath, looking at the adorableness that was the little in front of him. He did that a lot, where he'd coo over him while he was supposed to be taking care of him. "Okay I'm sorry, here's a pacifier clip," he dug into the box, pulling out a white pacifier clip to attach his pacifier to his shirt.
"It's kay," Logan giggled at Patton, blushing a bit. He let Patton connect the pacifier to the clip, and then clip it to his overalls. He spat out the pacifier playfully, letting it hang from his shirt.
"Be careful, that one is a decorative one! You'll be sad if something falls off of it!" Patton warned, Logan pouting a bit.
"Noo, don't wan break it!" he squeaked, looking at the pacifier now for any sign of damage.
"It's all okay, Lo. I was just letting you know so that it didn't happen," Patton explained.
"Oh, okay..." Logan slipped the pacifier nipple back into his mouth before adjusting his gasses on his face.
"You ready to go downstairs? I'll let you have fruit and whipped cream for breakfast!" Patton offered. Logan bounced in place excitedly, moving to get off of his bed.
"Don't you want Lilly?" Patton asked, getting off the bed as well but not leaving.
"Oh! Liwwy!" Logan reached for the stuffed elephant in question, squeezing her in his arms. Patton chuckled at his adorable antics, reaching out his hand for him to take. Logan took it softly, letting Patton guide him down the stairs.
"Look, it's saturn!" Logan had this habit of switching what age he was regressed to in littlespace. Patton was starting to get used to him waking up really small and then adjusting later. No one was sure why he did it, but it was definitely noticeable. His pacifier hung somewhat-uselessly off of his overalls,and he was sitting next to Patton, reading picture books out loud.
Patton had taken over the very important job of holding Lilly while he read. "Yeah, I see it honey." Logan took this as a signal to continue reading his space book. Patton would act shocked at random facts, making Logan feel like he taught him something (which made him excited), and also point out the pictures in the book. If Logan began to stumble over a word, he'd point at it and Patton would help him sound it out.
Logan and Patton haven't officially talked about the whole caregiver thing, Patton just played the role when needed. Logan was definitely not secretly planning out how he was going to ask Patton to be his caregiver, that was surely not a thing he was considering.
Patton was just so good at helping him slip when he was close, and comforting him about not wanting to be small. "Baby, baby, baby. You're so cute!" Patton was practically squealing now, and he 'booped' Logan's nose softly. "You soft, little, cute thing I can't even-" he squeezed him into a hug. Logan giggled, scrunching his nose and kicking his feet a bit.
Roman chuckled, entering the living room with Virgil trailing behind him shyly. "I did the same thing when I first found out about this baby emo. I was like, so obsessed with how adorable he is," he sat on the couch near Logan and Patton, pulling Virgil onto the couch and setting him on his lap. Virgil was facing towards Roman, and he almost immediately buried his face in his chest.
"And you're not anymore?" Patton sounded as if he was betrayed or something.
"I got used to the adorableness, so I at the very least don't have a heart attack from the cuteness every single time." Roman lightly ran his fingers through Virgil's hair, causing him to hum.
Patton went to say something, but Logan tugged on Patton's hand to get his attention. "What is it, baby?" Patton spoke softly, looking at him in curiousity.
Logan silently pointed at the tv, mumbling something. "What was that, sweetheart?"
Logan whined, taking Lilly from Patton's lap and squeezing her tight. His picture book was abandoned beside him. "'Punzel!" he repeated louder, lifting Lilly up so that he was hiding behind her.
"You mean Rapunzel? You wanna watch Tangled, baby?" Roman translated for Patton. Logan nodded a bit.
"Oh, sure! We can put on Tangled for you!" Patton reached forward, getting the remote from the coffee table and turning on the tv. Roman distracted himself with talking to Virgil in his lap. Once Patton located Disney+ and went to search up the requested movie.
"We can make some lunch while the boys watch this," Roman suggested as Patton went to go play the movie. Virgil lifted his head from Roman's chest with a worried pout. "I'll be in the kitchen baby. If you really need me, I'm not far."
Virgil still pouted, but eased up. Roman kissed his forehead before moving him so that he was just sitting on the couch. Logan kinda went quiet, silently slipping his pacifier into his mouth and leaning back. "Okay, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me, sweetheart. I'll watch the movie with you after you two eat, okay?"
Logan gave a soft nod, smiling a bit. Patton gave him a kiss on the forehead, before leaving the boy. Patton hit the light switch on the way out, and the two littles settled in to watch the movie.
This whole family thing, being taken care of and having another little around, it was definitely different.
But it wasn't a bad different. Yeah, Logan was nervous to be openly little, as was Virgil. But, once they got over that nervousness, they'd form a family that would be full of adventures and memories.
And I have one thing to ask.
Will you stick around to see the adventures?
Will you stay and watch these four dorks form new memories?
Because this is definitely going to be a wild ride.
A/N: Hi! Welcome to my new story!! this is a quick intro with some exposition tied in there so that you know what's going on! If you have any questions comment them/send them to my inbox (Wattpad/Tumblr). This story will primarily feature Logan in middlespace (13-16), but toddlerspace!Logan (3-5)+kiddo!Logan (6-12) will also be included along the way! Virgil regresses between 6 months-5 years!
If you'd like, send your reactions/thoughts on this chapter to my inbox as well/comment them (again, tumblr vs wattpad). I'm excited to see what people think about this story!
also please reblog to share this if you like it!
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
Making Up and Making Out-Agere!Sides AU (pt.32)
warnings!!: Implied making out/smut near the end, and panic attack/mental breakdown in first scenes of this chapter!
Little Roman was panicking. He wanted to cuddle and be held by Virgil, but he felt like he didn't deserve it. He wanted comfort, more then anything. But he wasn't ready to ask for it. He was scared, and lonely. His breathing speed up, and his eyes glossed over. The rule was that he had to find his carer when he was little, and if he wasn't available, find Patton or Logan to babysit.
Virgil wasn't exactly unavailable, but he was close enough in Roman's mind. Roman had never felt so anxious while little, he sniffled and tried to slow his breathing. He'd helped Virgil through enough panic attacks to know what was happening. He tried to be big, he swears, but he couldn't seem to erase the childlike fogginess. He was in pajamas still, he hadn't gotten up to eat, and it was at least noon.
Roman was trying to gather the courage to go out and find one of the glasses-clad sides when a knock sounded at his door. He whimpered. What if it was daddy? Would he be angry, and yell again?
"Roman, it's later than usual for you, and I just wanted to ask if you were okay," He heard Virgil's voice first, followed by Patton's.
"If not, maybe we can talk this over while making cookies?" Patton was the one who decided to turn the doorknob and let himself in. Virgil's eyes landed on Roman, who had obviously been crying. Roman found his bunny stuffed animal from Easter, quickly cuddling it to his chest in order to try and calm himself down again. You could tell he was visually panicking.
"Roman, are you alright?" Patton was quick to run to the side of the bed, crouching down to Roman's height. He gave a pout while motioning to be hugged by Patton. "Oh no," he muttered, looking to Virgil, "The emotional stress must've caused him to regress."
Roman was in Patton's arms quickly. Virgil tried to come stand by Patton, but Roman shied away.
"Woah, what was that for?" Virgil tried to lighten the mood with a chuckle.
Roman lifted his head out of Patton's chest. "What is it, little prince?" Patton had the strength to hold him up with one arm, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.
"Daddy's mad at me....yelling was scawy," he sniffled again, and Patton held him close.
"You don't need to be scared of me! I didn't mean to- ugh," Virgil stopped his quick rambling. "I wanted to talk to big Roman, work this out." He didn't mind having little Roman, but he hated that he was scared, and reassuring a five year old was gonna be more tough.
"You can't be upset with him for regressing though, this is probably the most emotionally draining situation he's been in...well, since he's begun regressing. Try talking to him?" Patton spoke over Roman's head, moving to set him back down on the bed. The affection seem to stop his tears, and slow his breathing again, but he was still scared.
"Princey, I'm sorry I scared you. We both said things-" Virgil was cut off by Little Roman.
"no, no, no, I was bad! Now you're angry at me, because I got angry with D-dec..Janus!" Roman seemed to look guilty, casting his eyes down.
"How about you have this discussion when he's big? He's obviously not in he right headspace to talk about this, and he's not gonna listen to it coming from you. I can talk to him, and we can try again later?" Patton interrupted, and both Virgil and Roman seemed relieved.  
"You can go for now, Vee. I got him," Patton promised. Virgil left on that note, leaving Patton to help Roman get ready for the day.
"So? Is he quite alright?" Logan stood, leaning against the counter, sipping a cup of coffee. Janus sat on the table, shifting his attention to Virgil. There was literally a chair, multiple chairs, actually. Right there. Why sit on the table?
"He's little," he paused, looking at Logan, who looked to Janus.
"Oh, I know already, spare me the dramatic reaction. I'm a little too," Deceit rolled his eyes, Virgil chuckling slightly. Logan seemed confused, pausing before nodding. He gave a silent shrug and took a sip of his coffee.
"So, he regressed. Emotional stress and anxiety combined will do that. But how come you came back, and Patton didn't? Is Roman okay?" Logan questioned again.
"He's scared of me. He thinks that I'm mad at him, and he's scared I'm gonna yell at him. When I tried to apologize for yelling, he stopped me because "he was bad". Way to break my nonexistent heart!" Virgil seemed pained, groaning. Logan moved to pour him a cup of coffee. Logan himself had had some earlier, and so had Virgil. But he definitely needed more.
"So I'm guessing Patton took over then?" Janus asked.
"Yeah, he's not accepting my comfort while little, and that's a serious conversation for when he's big. So unless Little Roman comes around when Patton talks to him, then I have to wait until he comes out of his involuntary regression," Virgil accepted the black mug Logan handed him, taking a seat next to Janus on the table.
Not at the table. On the table. Chairs are useless, obviously.
"I'm sure Patton will take care of him just fine, let's hope he comes around with Patton's comfort, yeah?" Logan spoke, trying to comfort Virgil, who felt all types of terrible.
"Let's hope so," Virgil lifted his mug to his mouth, taking a long drink of the energizing liquid. Today was gonna be a long day.
"All ready, little prince?" Patton watched Roman mess with his hair in the mirror. Patton brushed his hair, helped him wash his face, and do a small self care routine, to hopefully make the boy feel better. You could barely tell he had cried.
"veevee gonna be out there, Pat!" Roman whined. He wore a light blue sweater, that was big on him and was definitely stolen from Patton, but wearing the clothing that smelled like cookies was comforting to him. He wore black leggings with it.
"I can promise you, Virgil is not gonna yell at you. He isn't even angry anymore, he just wants to talk things out," Patton picked up his stuffed bunny from the bathroom counter and handed it to him.
"Still nervous, tho. Janus gonna be out there! He don't know that m' a little, what if he makes fun of me?" Roman questioned.
Patton hoped Deceit wouldn't mind this, "Honey, he knows about us. He found out when he was here a little while ago, and he regresses himself."
"Oh," Roman looked down. "Is it bad that m' scared to talk to vee?"
"you're anxious, that's all it is. You were thrown into a involuntary regression and you can't help it, and you can wait to talk to Virgil until you're big. But know, he is not mad at you, and he is really sorry that he yelled at you like that," Patton leaned forward to kiss his forehead softly.
"B-but! I yelled too, n' I insulted Dee, n' I was really mean to both of dem. If I did dat while little, Vee would make me say sorry to him too," Roman bit at his lip.
"Like I said yesterday, we all kinda did stuff. And whether or not you apologize to Janus, is your decision to make, but I support you no matter what," Patton promised.
The whole day. Literally hours passed before Roman acknowledged his own caregiver and boyfriend. He played with Patton, and cuddled up to his side. At first, Virgil hung out in the commons, talking to Janus quietly. Then, him and Janus eventually left to go to his room, because they weren't getting anywhere with Roman.
Roman wasn't regressed quite as deeply anymore, still little, but not in an anxious babyspace. Logan could hear the loud giggle coming from the kitchen from his room, at the end of the hall.
Roman covered his mouth, "Sorry! Didn't mean to be so loud, oopsie!" Patton chuckled at him action, removing his hands from his sides, where he had been tickling him. Roman sat on the kitchen counter, currently, because Patton stood right there while making dinner.
"Time to get down, we're gonna eat now," he instructed, trying to take his hand to help him down. Roman pulled his hand away.
"I like this spot," he swung his feet a little.
"Roman," Patton gave him the same caregivery look Virgil gave as a warning, the next step usually being a stern scolding or timeout. "It's time for dinner," he spoke again.
Roman shook his head, "I wanna stay here."
Patton internally groaned, he hated being strict, especially with littles who were sensitive.
"Now, baby, I know what Virgil would do and I don't wanna have to do that. Be a good little prince and listen to me?" Patton looked at him again, hoping he'd give in. He stood in front of him, so when Roman swung out his foot more harshly in annoyance, he managed to kick Patton in the stomach. His eyes widened.
"D-didn't mean to! Don't wanna hurt you!" he looked at Patton apologetically.
"You didn't hurt me. Just be more careful, I know you were annoyed, but there's other ways to take out your anger rather than aggression," Patton knew he didn't mean it, and it didn't actually hurt him. "Come on, kiddo."
Roman pulled his hand away again, shaking his head. Patton gave him a much more stern look. Roman whimpered, "I'm sorry! I get down now?" he held out his hand for Patton to help him. Which he did, he hugged Patton, resting his head on his chest.
Roman was noticeably shorter than usual. Logan had a theory that they subconsciously regressed physically in certain aspects. "You're okay, honey. How about you make it up to me by getting the others for dinner while I set the table?"
Roman eagerly nodded, making his way through the hall to get the other three.
"I'm telling you, whenever he's big again, he's gonna apologize and you're gonna be able to talk it out," Janus sat on Virgil's bed, Virgil next to him. They were covered in blankets and surrounded by pillows.
"I know, I know. But when we walked in this morning, he was having a break down, and panicking. I induced some form of a panic attack for him, and I feel so bad for it," Virgil groaned, leaning his head on Janus's shoulder.
"It's gonna be alright. And plus, Roman's actually pretty cute while little," Deceit tried to shift the subject.
"Yeah, a cute brat," Virgil scoffed. "He thinks rules and listening to his caregiver are optional."
"I'm sure it isn't that bad."
"The first time he regressed he threw a sippy cup at Logan."
"I will never question you ever again."
Their eyes snapped up when Roman knocked on the door lightly, and opened it. "Hi, sweetie. What's up?" Virgil spoke softly. Roman didn't seem as scared of him, but still visibly nervous.
"I helped Patton made dinner, he told me to come get you guys..." he looked down, shuffling his feet a little.
"Oh, well, we will be out there in a bit," Janus spoke this time.
Roman didn't move, looking up at Virgil with guilty eyes. "What is it, do you need something else? You wanna talk to me?"
Roman nodded, quick to approach and climb onto the bed. Virgil scooted away from Janus, and let him sit in between them. Roman silently cuddled into Virgil's side, and the anxious side hesitantly wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "I'm sorry," he mumbled.
"So am I. But, besides that, are you okay?" Virgil asked, ruffling his hair a little.
Roman nodded. Janus watched the sight in front of him.
"I was scared but I know you don't like yelling at me, and that you didn't mean to upset me that much. So m' sorry, daddy," Roman was shocked by the tight hug Virgil pulled him into.
"It's okay. And you're right,  I don't like yelling at you, and I didn't mean to upset you. We both got caught up, and were emotional. It's okay now, right?"
Roman shifted to look at Janus, nervously looking up at him. "I-i'm sorry, to you too. I was mean, you're name isn't weird and-" Roman huffed, trying to come up with words.
"I accept your apology, Roman. I understand what you're trying to say and I forgive you. And I also apologize for comparing you to Remus, that wasn't fair to either of you," Janus gave a soft smile, and Roman nodded.
"Thank you!" he cheered, feeling so much better than before already.
"Ro? Are you wearing Patton's sweater?" Virgil noticed, and Roman blushed.
"It smells like cookies! And it's soft!" he let out a giggle, it ringing out louder when Virgil starts to place kisses all over his face.
"You're my little prince, and I love you so much," Virgil stopped his act of dorky affection, leaving Roman red-faced and smiley. "Go out there with Patton, I'll be out there in a second."
Roman, now much more cheerful than when he entered the room, nodded and left. Janus climbed off the bed and helped Virgil up. "See? It's all fixed," he said, and Virgil rolled his eyes.
"And it was much easier than I thought it was gonna be," Virgil sighed in relief.
"told ya so," Janus stuck out his tongue,causing Virgil to roll his eyes.
The next morning, Virgil woke up in Roman's bed. Images of the night before popped in his head. Roman coming out of regression after dinner, talking to him for a while. At some point the talking faded into kissing, then making out. You can fill in the blanks on what happened next.
Roman also planned to give Janus an apology later in the day. Everything was gonna be okay. Things were starting to get back to ‘okay’ again.
For now.  
a/n: i’m now the ceo of barely getting on tumblr for weeks and then droppig in w/a new chapter at 3 am. Whoops, that’s just how writers block works. Also writing a chapter for little vlogs,,,might be out tonight,,,,may be out in three weeks idk yet.
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logical-little-lies · 5 years
Setting The Rules-Agere!Sides AU (pt.16)
"Okay, I get it, you guys are shy. Whatever, we are doing this," Roman spoke to everyone sitting around the kitchen table. Everyone had a piece of notebook paper, along with a small set of pens, markers, and highlighters. He wrote 'Baby Vee's Rules' at the top of his, and everyone had done the same for their respective littles.
"Why do we have to do this, we've been just "going with it" until now, why can't we keep going that way?" Logan asked, making sure to write Patton's name in a blue glitter pen.
"Because without actual rules there's no real boundaries for littles, and they get bratty-"
"speak for yourself," Virgil teased, and Roman rolled his eyes before continuing.
"And also, this will help when someone besides a littles main carer have to keep them, they'll know the rules and stuff," Roman side glanced at Logan, who sighed heavily in annoyance. He mumbled something along the lines of 'we already talked about this'.
"I think it's a good idea, we can also write out the reward systems, and smaller things about our littles that would be good to know," Patton spoke, and Roman nodded.
"Oh, and punishments for breaking the rules," Virgil looked at Roman, raising his eyebrow.
"Stop unnecessarily pointing out that I'm a brat, that is not the topic of conversation,"
"I don't know Ro, isn't making fun of you the topic of every conversation?" Logan said, and Virgil laughed.
"Hey, Lo. Don't make fun of him," Patton instructed, causing Logan to falter and pout before snapping out of it.
"Don't use your caregiver voice when I'm not little,"
"Oh, you caught me," Patton said sarcastically, and Logan chuckled.
"Okay, let's stop with the flirting and play fighting, and start this."
"I'll do Roman's first, because we all know his will be the strictest,"
Logan fake-coughed, "Brat."
"I will not hesitate to stab you with one of my many swords, right here, right now."
"First rule, no stabbing people," Virgil said playfully, bringing their attention back to making the rule lists. Virgil thought for a moment before writing.
"What did you write?" Roman quickly questioned, and Virgil chuckled.
"Listen to Virgil, he knows what's best. No throwing temper tantrums, stomping your foot, shouting, or ignoring me."
"That's not an issue," Roman scoffed, and Virgil rolled his eyes. "The punishment for that?"
"Either early bedtime, no sweets, or a timeout. How long the timeout is depends on what you did," Virgil shrugged, jotting down the punishment list on one side of the paper.
Roman crossed his arms, "We won't be needing any of that,"
"of course not, baby."
"You guys start, I'm gonna write a list of rules and I'll edit it after," Virgil motioned to the others for them to begin, and all three of the others began writing.
After about ten minutes, everyone had written out a list of a few rules and punishments for their little. "Okay, Roman. I'll read my rules and I want you to tell me if you agree to them."
Roman nodded, and Virgil began to read.
"Bedtime by ten when little, unless I make it earlier for punishment, or later for reward."
Roman didn't say anything, so Virgil continued, "Tell me when you're upset, and why. And no lying, or sneaking behind my back."
Roman agreed to these terms, "What're the rewards?" he questioned, slightly excited.
"New coloring book, late bedtime, and special movie nights."
"I think that's good for now, we can always add more later. Wanna hear mine?"
Virgil nodded, and Roman began reading. "Talk to me when you're upset, tell me what you're feeling and why."
Roman continued, "Always give me cuddles, it's just mandatory."
Virgil chuckled, "did you actually write that?", causing Roman to shake his head in response.
"If you need affection or attention, or feel lonely, tell me or any other non-little side in the home."
"Mhm," Virgil let him continue.
"Ask when you need something, instead of pretending that you don't need anything, even if you think it's unnecessary. Next, avoid taking out your emotions on other people, no shouting and being bratty because you don't know how to say that you're angry. And finally, no lying about your feelings. If you're feeling anything but happy, talk to me."
Virgil knew these are the things he struggled with most when regressed, but he agreed with the terms. "Punishments and rewards?"
"Timeout, and a talking-to from me-"
"Those are the only punishments for Virgil?" Logan questioned, cutting him off.
"Yeah, he doesn't do much. All he needs is a little push and lots of comfort and support, taking away his dessert or making him go to bed earlier will just make him feel guilty, without knowing how to improve,"
Logan shut up, and Roman proceeded to his rewards. "New stuffie, extra sweets, and lots of praise from me!" Roman sounded excited, and Virgil smiled. He liked Roman's list because it fit him well, with punishments that will work, and rewards that will make him happy.
"Okay, okay! My turn!" Patton brought attention to himself glancing at Logan before reading. "No hiding when you're little, or how little you feel. Always tell me when you're tiny."
Logan groaned, rolling his eyes, but agreeing nonetheless. "Ask for whatever you need, affection, attention, anything. I'd rather you ask and I say no then you wanting something and not even trying to get it."
"No taking things without asking though, you might want to be independent, but I still decide what's best for you when you're mentally three."
Logan chuckled, and Patton concluded his list, "Ask for help, and let me help you with things without whining."
"Punishments and rewards?" Logan questioned hesitantly.
"No punishments because I don't wanna make you sad, timeout or taking away something of yours only if you did something really bad, or just talking to you didn't work. And for rewards...cookies made my your's truly, unlimited bedtime stories until you get to sleepy, or a new pacifier."
Logan nodded, agreeing to these rules before reading Patton's. "Don't fight me when I try to put you to bed, or tell you to take a nap. No throwing things, baby blocks included."
Patton chuckled, hiding his face while Roman moved to playfully glare at him. Roman's forehead still had a small scrape from the edge of the letter 'A' block. "Please ask me before deciding that you're gonna color, and make sure that the paper you're using isn't a list of tasks for Thomas that I spent an hour writing out."
"I already apologized for that!" he squeaked, and Logan smirked.
"And finally, do your best to understand that I can't give you my undivided attention 100 percent off the time."
"Just scolding from me, and maybe a timeout-"
"And you got onto me for not giving Virgil strict punishments!" Roman scoffed, and Logan just shrugged his statement off.
"And rewards..new stuffie, cookies, or new toys."
"Caregivers can always add more rules to the list, and of course, use punishments and rewards when necessary, even if the rules aren't specified," Roman said, waving his hand, causing the papers to disappear, and reappear on the fridge.
"So we're all done?" Virgil asked, already preparing to get up. Roman nodded.
Everyone left the table, retreating to either their bedrooms, or the commons. The four of them were adjusting to this new aspect of their life, and they were quickly growing to love it.
But they hadn't considered something. If Virgil's theory was correct, and they all regressed because Thomas held onto his childhood, then all of the sides would be regressors.
Including the dark sides.
A/N: Like I said, “dee and remus? maybe.”
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logical-little-lies · 5 years
Baby Bat, Princess Ro-Agere!Sides AU (pt.11)
“They both regressed?”
“Yeah, Virgil seemed off yesterday, I think he was repressing littlespace, and it boiled over and he woke up veryy little this morning. And then Roman woke up little, went to get Virgil, like he’s supposed to..and, well..”
Logan sighed, knowing that Patton regressed for at least part of the day everyday, meaning that he’d most likely have three littles on his hands by noon. He wanted them to feel comfortable though. He noticed, that since they started regressing, Thomas was a little more self confident, and had a better sleep schedule. 
Also, the sides themselves seemed just more happy overall, and if this is what it took, then he was okay with three babies. He did realize, that Roman was an older age, and sort of bratty. He knew he’d be the hardest to deal with, but he also cared about him. 
“How about you go get them, and help them find clothes? Once they’re dressed and comfortable, bring them to the kitchen so I can watch you guys while I make food.”
“But I can make food,” Patton whined. Logan tapped the button of his nose, “You’ll be little soon, just trust me. Until then, you get to help me, hmm?”
Patton nodded, and went off to help the babies.
“Hey kiddos, how about we get you guys ready? Logan’s making breakfast, and I’m here to help you guys get out of your pajamas.”
Roman sat, criss-cross applesauce, on Virgil’s bed. Virgil held his black stuffed bear, and he seemed sad. 
“Wait, what’s wrong, babies? Did something happen while I was gone?”
“I don’t wan’ annoy you and Logan, m’ e..em-,” Virgil stuttered, whining when he couldn’t say the word.
“Emotional,” Patton provided,
“n’ sad! To much..too little for you,” he mumbled.
“Virge, Logan takes care of me everyday, and I regress to baby ages. I’m sure he can handle you,”
“I can be baby too, not just toddler,” he explained, and Patton nodded in an understanding way.
“So, you feel extra little today, hmm? You’re just a baby?”
Virgil shyly nodded with a hum, chewing on the ear on his bear. “Hey, none of that. Do you have any pacifiers?” Patton questioned, pulling the stuffed animal limb out of his mouth.
Virgil noticed Roman looking at him, and he hid his face in the bear’s fur before nodding. “Where, Vee?”
Virgil pointed to his drawer, mumbling quietly, “bottom d’awer.”
Patton turned to Roman, “Hey, buddy? Are you big enough to get ready yourself?”
Roman nodded, “yeah!”
“Okay, well, for now, go brush your hair and find something you want to wear.”
Roman nodded, not fighting as he left the room. 
Patton helped Virgil off the bed, but he had trouble walking. He held onto Patton as he clumsily walked. Patton did the same thing, but he was also just clumsy in general when he was little.
“m’ sorry,” Virgil pouted, sitting on the ground in front of the dresser. Patton crouched down, pulling it open.
“It’s okay, baby star. You’re very little, walking is something for bigger babies,” he teased, and Virgil shyly giggled. 
Patton examined the pacifiers, bottles, and onesies. “Why is everything hidden?” he questioned. 
“From before you guys knew..I just never move it,” he bit at his lip. Patton waved his hand, and all the stuff disappeared from the drawer. The onesies hung in the closet, the sippy cups and bottles were in the kitchen cabinets, with Roman’s and Patton’s, and the pacifiers appeared in a clear plastic box next to them. 
Virgil smiled, “thank you, Pa-..Pat..” he pouted, not being able to say it. 
“Can you say Pat?” he asked, and Virgil shrugged.
“Pat,” he said, still obviously struggling a bit. 
“It’s okay,” he assured, closing the drawer. Virgil was distracted by looking at his pacifiers in the box, pulling out a light purple one that read ‘Baby Bat’ in black letter beads on the handle. It had a black bat piece on the button, that was slightly glittery. 
“That’s so cute, Virge! It fits you amazingly!” he complimented, and Virgil scrunched up his nose, putting the pacifier in his mouth. 
It took a few minutes to figure out what onesie he wanted to wear,but he ended up with one that was just solid black. “Do you want shortalls? I have a white pair that’ll look cute with it!”
Virgil’s face lit up, “p’eas?” 
Patton summoned them, and gave them to Virgil. “Do you need help getting dressed, or do you think you’ll be okay on your own?”
“Try by myself?”
Patton nodded, pushing him towards the bathroom. “Try on your own, and if you need help, I’ll be out here.”
“Hi Roman! Where’s Pat and Vee?”
“Vee’s really little and needed lots n lots of help getting ready. I don’t think they’re done yet,” Roman sat at the table. He wore a light pink, fluffy sweater, with black overalls. He cuffed them at the bottom, showing off his white fluffy socks. 
“You look amazing, Ro. Did you do that all yourself?” Logan asked, slightly amused. 
“Mhm!” he nodded, “M’ big, don’t need help.”
“Surely,” Logan nodded, still amused by his antics. 
“Can I have juice?” he asked, and Logan moved from the pieces of toast on the counter to the cabinets. He noticed all the black and purple sippy cups and bottles, noting that they were probably Virgil’s. He went to get a red sippy cup, but Roman whined. 
“Can I have princess one?” he shyly mumbled, and Logan smiled warmly. 
“Of course you can!” he grabbed the most feminine one, covered in the disney princesses, with a pink lid. He filled it with apple juice. If Roman was acting like this, then Thomas was probably trying makeup again, or doing something more “girly”. It’s not like he minded Roman being feminine though, he was acting adorable.
“Princess’s pretty,” Roman said, giggling as he took a sip out of the cup.  
“Just like you, princey,” Logan teased, and Roman smiled. 
“Thank you!”
“n-need help, Pat!” Virgil opened the door. He had gotten the onesie on, but it was twisted, and he hadn’t even attempted the overalls yet. Patton chuckled, adjusting the fabric so it fit him properly, holding the overalls and instructing him to step into them.Virgil held onto Patton’s shoulders.
He did as he was told, and in seconds, he had the white overall’s clicked into place and he was ready. “Hmm..I have a surprise for you.”
Virgil tilted his head, and giggled when black fluffy socks appeared on his feet. “fluffy!” he giggled around the pacifier.
Patton smiled, taking his hand and leading him to the door, grabbing his bear on the way.
Patton sat Virgil down next to Roman. “You look so pretty, Ro!” Patton ruffled his hair. 
“Two cute babies, we’ve been blessed,” Logan commented, and Patton smiled.
Virgil kicked his feet, giggling, while Roman pouted. “I’m not a baby,”
“Yep!”, “Definitely.”
Virgil giggled. “Could you get a bottle for Virgil? Give him grape juice or milk,” Logan instructed. 
“What do you want, Vee?” Patton asked, walking around the table to reach the cabinets, opening one and pulling out a solid white bottle with a black lid.
Within a few minutes, all of four were sitting down and eating. 
Roman ate by himself fine, only a little messy.  But Virgil only picked at his food, “I didn’t realize how little Vee was. Hey, Virge?”
Virgil looked up, feeling guilty for not eating the food in front of him. “Would you like some yogurt and fruit instead?” Logan asked. 
“St..stra-..” he pouted looking to Patton, who supplied the word he was attempting to say. 
“You want strawberries?” he asked, and Virgil nodded. 
“I’ll get it,” Patton said, stopping Logan from getting up. 
He put vanilla yogurt into a small bowl, grabbing a black baby spoon. He washed and cut up strawberries, mixing in blackberries with the yogurt as well.
He put the bowl in front of Virgil, and he bounced in place. “Th...tha-..,” he huffed, pouting before trying again, “thank you!”
Patton acted shocked, “Good job, Bat!”, he held up his hand, and Virgil gave him a high-five. 
Patton had to held Virgil eat his yogurt, and Logan had to help Roman wipe off his face, but they all ate enough breakfast within twenty or so minutes. 
“What do you two wanna do now?” Logan asked, the two of them sitting on the couch. 
“Can I play on my tablet?” he asked, and Logan nodded, summoning the tablet. It had a red case on it, and it was a kids tablet Virgil had “gotten” for him, since they could make anything they wanted appear or disappear. 
Roman started tapping away, so for the time being, he was occupied. “What about you, Baby Bat?” Patton asked, sitting next to him. 
“M’ sleepy,” he mumbled, shyly curlcing next to Patton, who understood that he wanted affection and wrapped his arm around him. He cuddled closer, holding his bear tight in his arms. 
“Maybe we should go to your room for a nap, Vee?”
“Don’t wanna,” he shook his head softly, and Patton didn’t push it. He shifted so that both of them were laying on the couch. Patton played soft music on his phone, putting an earbud in both of their ears. Even though the boy had just gotten up, he understood needing extra sleep when he was really small.
Logan sat next to Roman, wrapping his arm around him. “If they’re gonna cuddle, then so are we,” Logan whispered, causing Roman to giggle as he laid his head on his chest, continuing to play the childish game on the tablet. 
Soon enough, Roman had fallen asleep too. Logan looked around him, examining all three of the littles. They looked so carefree and happy, and he could practically predict that Patton was going to wake up little. 
He was excited to see what he’d be like when he regressed.
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
So I had an idea about little Ro while reading some of your stories. Imagine if one day he’s little and instead of being all hyper and goofy like usual, he’s super quiet and just settles down and doesn’t say much. So the others get super worried and try to figure out what’s wrong, since they think he’s super upset about something. Finally, they realize that nothing is actually wrong, he’s just really sleepy and wants to snuggle up on the couch for a nap.
A/N: I just wanna say that this is an adorable idea and if you got anything else for me PLEASE send more prompts, Cute Prompt Anon
Calm n Cuddly-Agere!Sides AU (pt.21)
“He’s acting…weird..” Virgil stood in the doorway of the kitchen, glancing over at Roman on the couch, who was more calm than usual, watching cartoons. Roman was the type of little that was really goofy, and hyper almost all the time, he never “settled down”. Yeah, you could turn on a disney movie to get him to sit in one place, but he’d still be talkative and bouncy. And yet, he just sat there on the couch.
He also seemed more tired than usual, he had basically thrown a fit when Virgil tried to get him out of his pajamas that morning. He still sat in the red pajamas now. But even his temper tantrum was less bratty than usual. Virgil noticed that he didn’t stomp his foot, or shout, he just quietly said no. And when Virgil pushed it, he just pouted and kept repeating that he didn’t want to. Usually, he would of shouted, or maybe even thrown something to the floor. Virgil gave in and let him stay in his pajamas.
He didn’t want to play after breakfast, he requested cartoons. When they played movies and cartoons in the morning, Roman still played. He enjoyed multitasking in that sense. “You think he’s sad about something? It seems like he’s upset?” Patton and Logan stood so that they were in a half circle that blocked the kitchen doorway.
“It does, it would be different if he was usually like this. But he’s not, he’s always energetic and this doesn’t make much sense. He’s kind of acting like you when you’re little, Virgil,” Logan observed. Virgil nodded, this really wasn’t normal for Roman.
“I don’t know, I’m worried though. Did one of us do something yesterday that upset him? He left his bedroom light on, and I don’t think he actually fell asleep until pretty late last night,” Virgil pointed out.
“If he went to bed late, then how come he woke up at usual time?” Patton questioned.
“When someone gets used to waking up at a certain time, they will tend to continue to get up at that time, even if they didn’t go to sleep at the usual time,” Logan explained.
“So he got only a little bit of sleep, and woke up little? I wonder what kept him up,” Virgil thought, trying to figure it out.
“Well, you stay up late without an actual reason. He might not of had anything specific that kept him up, he probably got sidetracked and started doing something, losing track of time,” Logan offered the explanation that seemed to make the most sense.
“Wait…I think he was working on ideas for Thomas. Thomas, right now, is planning tons of videos with ideas that "came to him late at night”. Roman probably just had a lot of late night ideas, that he wanted to write out and have Thomas work on today,“ Logan and Virgil liked this conclusion.
"So he just worked hard last night, didn’t go to bed until late, and he woke up little?” Virgil asked, and the other two nodded.
“Vee?” Roman whined from the couch, “And Lo, and Pat?”
All three of the men looked to the kid-like trait on the couch. “What is it, Ro?” Virgil asked in a soft voice.
“Could you please watch the movie with me?” he bit on his lip lightly, and Virgil nodded, making his way to sit in the corner seat on the couch. Roman scooted over towards him, biting his lip again nervously as the other two sat on the other side of him.
Virgil looked at him, “Y'know you can ask for whatever you need, right?” Roman nodded.
“Cuddles?” he mumbled, and Virgil pulled him closer. He wrapped his arm around him, and Roman cuddled into his side, burying his head in his chest.
“A certain little one didn’t follow his bedtime rules last night, did he?” Virgil teased. He knew Roman wasn’t little, so he didn’t have to follow the rules, but he wanted to tease him. Roman shook his head, still quite quiet.
Patton was quick to get up and gather blankets, throwing Roman’s red fluffy one over the two of them. “I’m sleepy..want cuddles from everyone,” he admitted, and Virgil chuckled.
“You’re so cute, but I don’t know how all of us can give you cuddles at once,”
“Like this, Virgil,” Patton intervened, motioning for Roman to get up. He did, and Patton scooted closer to Virgil, having Roman sit back down between them. He got comfortable, Virgil and Patton wrapping their arms around his shoulders.
“So do I just get left out of this cuddly adorableness?” Logan fake-gasped, pretending to be shocked, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. Roman pouted, and Virgil stuck his tongue out.
“Only nice caregivers get to cuddle with the cute kid,” Virgil teased.
Logan playfully glared at him, causing Roman to giggle. “Lay down, this way,” Patton instructed.
“There’s not enough room..”
“With your head on our laps, idiot,” Virgil said, and Roman hit his arm, lightly and playfully.
“That’s mean, daddy!”
“Do as I say, not as I do,” Virgil ruffled his hair. Logan laid down, laying against Patton’s legs, and his head in Roman’s lap. They all got comfortable, and they were all snuggling against Roman in some way. He was quite affectionate, playing with Logan’s hair, and shifting slightly to cuddle against Patton and Virgil at the same time.
It wasn’t long until he was asleep, the other three cooing at him. Logan attempted to get up, but Patton pushed him down. “By little law, you are not allowed to move if a tiny human requests affection and falls asleep,”
Virgil chuckled, “It’s true, move, and he could wake up from lack of affection,” Logan glared at him and he only stuck his tongue out again. He sighed and shifted to watch the disney movie on the screen. Soon, they all fell asleep, not awaking until a few hours later, when the now well-rested Roman was his hyper bouncy self again.
The quiet, cuddly, and calm sleepy Ro was gone, and back came the hyper, goofy, and bratty Ro. He was playing, talking about anything and everything, and being bratty over tiny things for absolutely no reason.
Things were back to normal.
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logical-little-lies · 5 years
You’ll Get Used to It-Agere!Sides AU (pt.13)
Logan woke up groggily the next morning, curled on the couch. He held a stuffed octopus, and had a pacifier in his mouth. He felt so soft, and comfortable in the fluffy pajamas. His mind seemed to click into place as he jolted up, spitting the pacifier out of his mouth and harshly picking up his glasses from the coffee table and shoving them on his face.
He caught the image of the empty sippy cup in the corner of his eye as he examined the room. Roman and Virgil were cuddled up on the other side of the couch, but Patton was nowhere to be seen. Logan came to the conclusion that they had fallen asleep while watching disney movies, but he still whimpered, not knowing where Patton was. Part of his brain wanted to let himself continue being little, go find Patton and give him cuddles.
He sighed, curling in on himself. He had let himself be that vulnerable in front of everyone. To act that babyish..and non-logical. He knew that Patton probably felt the same way, but he adapted to feel safe around Logan, or "Papa!". Logan was scared, and felt a bit dumb for not remaining on an adult mental level, but he knew Patton cared for him.
He knew because of how Patton was able to tell he was slipping, and caringly helping him find a new outfit. He knew because of how Patton pushed him to try a pacifier when he knew that Logan secretly wanted to. He knew because of the dumb octopus stuffie he still held in his arms.
He knew that the other three had to go through this mental process, of adjusting to being little around the others, and that he'd feel more comfortable soon enough, but he still felt...weird.
"Morning, love. How'd you sleep, baby?" Patton appeared behind him,holding a glass of orange juice in his hands.
"Good, I'm a bit tired, though," Logan admitted, taking the glass carefully in his hands as Patton handed it over.
"How do you feel?" Patton asked.
"Scared..embarrassed, just a bit," he spoke softly, taking a sip of his juice as Patton walked around the couch and moved to sit next to him, "but also safe..and soft."
"That's good to hear," Patton smiled, running his fingers through Logan's hair to smooth it over. "You're such an adorable baby, you know that?"
Logan chuckled, shaking his head. "No cuter than you."
"Sooo much cuter than me, you just don't regress quite as young. You were still very little though..how old did you feel?"
"two or three, probably. Though at first, before you caught on...I think I may have been fiveish."
"mhm, well, I'm glad you got to experience being little. You'll get used to it, it won't feel weird..or wrong in anyway, eventually."
Logan nodded, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you, so much. You're the best," he smiled, and Patton kissed him softly on the cheek.
"I'd do it again, at anytime," he assured, pulling Logan even closer.
Logan was new to this, being the baby instead of the carer.
And while he'd never say it out loud, it felt nice to be cared for.
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