iamaferitale · 2 years
Word of the year: Try
I don't know about you but it's 2022! Happy New Year everyone! How is everyone? It's a new beginning so let's start it well!
I don’t know about you but it’s 2022~ LEZGO FAM! Happy New Year everyone (and Happy Lunar New Year)! Another year has come and gone and boy, was the last year a challenge! I’m been pretty busy with work as I started a 2nd job last November 2021. The hustle was real my friends. There were some really stressful and rage-inducing moments. I got through it relatively okay. My anxiety levels haven’t

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iamaferitale · 3 years
So...I'm 25 now
I’m 25 now
OMG IT IS DECEMBER!!!! WHERE HAVE THE DAYS GONE?!?!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT’S TWO WEEKS BEFORE CHRISTMAS 🎄?!?!?!?! I really do suck at keeping a schedule. I mean
I already decided to do one post every month and I can’t even do that 😅 Okay sorry
where was I? Oh right yeah, I’m turned 25 years old last October 🎂. Feels like it should be a big milestone but when your country and the rest of the

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iamaferitale · 3 years
Dedicated to all the heroes of the world. Happy National Heroes Day!
Kalayaan (Freedom) Kalayaan.Isang salita. Walo na titik. Ito ay isang salita lamang subalit may pagkakahawig sa walang katapusan na bilang ng mga bituin. Ang kalayaan ay tulad ng pagsikat ng araw pagkatapos ng isang sobrang madilim na gabi. Maliwanag.Ito ay tulad ng bahaghari pagkatapos ng isang bagyo. May pag-asa.Ito ay tulad ng tawa ng mga bata.Maligaya.Ito ay tulad ng isang bangka na

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iamaferitale · 3 years
New Chapter
Another month has gone by and another instance where I procrastinate (hahaha). I was planning to write this for the month of July and well, I kind of got distracted. A lot went on in the last two weeks so I kind of left this to the last minute. I should really make a fixed schedule. How is everyone doing? I hope you’re all doing alright. These are interesting times if I do say so myself. What

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iamaferitale · 3 years
Hey June
Hey June [Jude], don't make it bad.Take a sad song and make it better.Remember to let her into your heart,Then you can start to make it better.~ Hey Jude by the Beatles ~ A lot has happened to is month. Some more thought provoking than others. It’s crazy to think that we have officially gone through half of 2021. The pandemic is still ongoing yet I feel like we have adapted to this new normal

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iamaferitale · 3 years
Trying to "adult" in a Pandemic
Trying to “adult” in a Pandemic
Hello everyone! I am sorry for not writing a piece for April. I had planned on writing something but I was not feeling well. The last two weeks of April were tiring. My sleep schedule was not great and I mostly felt super lethargic. However, it is a new month. We are 5 months into 2021. The pandemic is still going on. In some countries, it is improving. In others, it is worsening. The

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iamaferitale · 3 years
One Year into Quarantine
One Year into Quarantine
Happy Quarantine Anniversary everyone! A year ago today was the day everything changed. Nobody expected that when the President went live in a press conference on March 12, 2020 (late at night might I add) and announced that Metro Manila would be placed under a community quarantine starting March 15, 2020, that it would mark the beginning of a year at home and constant vigilance as the

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iamaferitale · 3 years
MY HEART đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
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“he’s uncle jonghyun, he’s a good uncle” — Choi Minho (2021)
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iamaferitale · 3 years
Thoughts after 2020
My thoughts and maybe some lessons as I said goodbye and good riddance to 2020 and welcomed in the new year. The new year has started and a lot has happened. Only time would tell how the rest of the year will play out.
It is crazy to believe that it is already 2021. We are almost two weeks into January 2021 and a lot has already happened (LIKE A LOT 0_0). I am still trying to process March of 2020 and March of 2021 is just two months away. Last year had been both a roller coaster of emotions and also a hamster wheel of mundaneness. The majority of the world has been in quarantine since March due to the

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iamaferitale · 4 years
A little story I made before that I wanted to share given how close we are to December 25.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Walking through the City
Writing Prompt #1: A cacophony of traffic noises suddenly filled air

A cacophony of traffic noises suddenly filled air, you looked around and suddenly the city came to life. The city’s landscape changed as day turned into night. Bright lights and colors flash on the billboards and screens as you just soak in the excitement. You just stand there and feel the vibrant energy of the city.
You close your eyes and just listen. You listen to the murmurs and shouts of the people that pass you by. Moving quicky with stopping. People walking towards where they need to go. You listen to the honks of cars and taxis as they try to weave through the city traffic. You listen to the steps of people as their feet hit pavement. You listen to hustle and bustle of the city as it never sleeps.
You open your eyes and they are blinded by the lights of the city. Bright, vibrant, and clear as day. You decide to continue walking. Your feet pattering on the city sidewalk. Left, right, left right. You walk with the crowd. Moving like a school of fish in the sea. The air is cold as you try rubbing your hands together. It’ll snow soon.
You continue walking until the murmurs quiet down; until the honking stops. You don’t notice where you are going. Just letting your feet lead wherever it wants to go. You look around and you see trees bare as winter was fast approaching. It was getting quieter as less people were passing you by and less cars were on the road.
Before you know, you realize that you arrived on your front steps. You look around your neighborhood and see porch lights open. People must be in homes. You walk up your steps to your door. Before you could put your key into the lock, you notice white flakes falling into your coat. You turn around and you see snowflakes slowing falling down to cover your neighborhood street. You smile to yourself as you open your door thinking

It’ll be a white Christmas this year.
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iamaferitale · 4 years
Importance of Celebrating (even in a Pandemic)
Now, more than ever, we need to remember to find the joy and cheer in our everyday lives. We should try and still spread a little Christmas cheer (while of course maintain proper pandemic protocol 😁)
Hi everyone! It has been a while since I have posted something. I guess it might be because I haven’t figure out yet a schedule for posting. It could also be because I haven’t had much motivation to write about anything. The last few months have been full of ups and downs in terms of my mood. Ever since I graduated from college and celebrated my 24th birthday, I just have been feeling some sense

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iamaferitale · 4 years
From a Former Student-Athlete to her Favorite Supporter
From a Former Student-Athlete to her Favorite Supporter
On any special occasion such as a birthday or an anniversary, my sisters have these posts with pictures detailing their feelings and messages for that occasion. On the other hand, I don’t post as much. I do think about posting but I end up not doing anything at all. I think about this a lot. It is not that I don’t care. I just don’t usually find the appeal.
For me, social media is a way for

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iamaferitale · 4 years
My Thoughts on Graduating during a Pandemic
YAY!!! I graduated last week!!! It was very different experience and I have a few thoughts on what happened and how I felt about it. PS- Congrats to all those who graduated this year!!!
It has been more than a week since I graduated last August 15 and I still cannot believe I did. 2020 has been a year no one was expecting. We all rang in the new year happy and excited because it was not only a new year but also a new decade. Out with the 2010s and in with the 2020s. We were all hoping for this year to be the start of our Roaring 20s. All of us must have been so excited about all

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iamaferitale · 4 years
I am a Quitter and that's okay
A little story of acceptance on what has been going through my mind these last few months of quarantine.
A couple of days ago, I was scrolling through Facebook (as one does at 8 am on a Monday) when I came across a post from a high school batch mate that caught my eye and got me thinking. It was a post by a page on Facebook called Recovery for the Rest of Us. Thousands of people were liking and sharing the post. Many more were commenting and tagging people. I was curious so I decided to give the

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iamaferitale · 4 years
Greetings people of the interwebs!
OMG! First ever blog post! So excited to start this story!
Let me introduce myself first. My name is Feriza Fernando. You may call me Feri (it’s pronounced Ferry or Fairy when I am feeling cute <3). I’m from the Philippines. I’m 23 years old and currently, I am just trying to figure out life.
I understand that “trying to figure out life” is something everyone goes through. However, I do find my situation to be quite different as currently, I’m trying

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iamaferitale · 6 years
He’s Okay
I saw it coming. Loki did too. We knew they would find out eventually. It was only a matter of time. Okay, so maybe they did take a little longer than we expected but they found out nonetheless. So here I am now, in some interrogation room, while Loki was in some strange cell down the hallway from where I am. I heard the door open and Clint entered. I guess he was the one who was going to interrogate me while the rest of the team watched.  I know they were watching. I could feel their presence through the camera overlooking the room.
“Why, Rio?” he asked. I turned my head to look at him and on his face was a look of disbelief.
“Why what?” I replied like I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. But I did know. He was asking about Loki.
“Why him? Of all the people of the universe, why him?” He asked with a face I know means he is getting angry. 
“I know this is a bit confusing to all of you but I don’t get what is so wrong about it?” I shrugged while turning my head to face the wall. I made sure I seemed like I didn’t care but inside I was quite the opposite. I was downright getting annoyed.
In my mind, I was wondering what his problem was. Okay, so maybe I should have given him, given them, a heads up but how do you explain to your partner, to your team, and to your boss that you fell in love with the one person they are, currently, trying to protect the world from.
I heard a big bang and I quickly turned my head back to see that Clint slammed his hands on the table as he abruptly stood up.
“What’s wrong?! What’s wrong?! He is a psychopath. A maniac. Did I mention that he is currently trying to take over the world? Ri, I can name a few more reason why this is wrong, if you like!!!” He shouted. He was frustrated. I know the others were too. Especially Tasha and Director Fury. I know they are asking themselves the same thing Clint is. ‘Why Loki? There were so many not evil guys in the universe. Why him of all people? Doesn’t he know that he is our enemy?’ was what I bet they all were thinking.
Clint sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He was trying to calm himself down and that was his usual way of calming himself down. I think it calmed him enough to make him sit down again.
“Rio, I’m worried. Everyone’s worried.” Clint said as he looked straight at me. I know he is worried. It is clearly seen in his eyes. Not to mention I can almost feel the worry radiating off him in waves. I can also feel the worry of the rest of the team. It’s so thick I could maybe even cut it with a knife.
“I know and can tell. I appreciate all of your concern but there is really nothing to worry about. Okay, I know the last few days, heck, the last few months have been hell for the team and the agency but I think you all should just calm down, alright?” I calmly replied.
“That’s bullshit. You know as well I do that I can’t
that we can’t calm down, Ri. This whole thing is keeping me and the others on edge. I mean, look at you, how can you be okay with this? How can you be so calm? Rio, for all we know he could be using you. This all could be a ploy.” He was getting angry again. It is evident in his voice. I really appreciate his concern for me but I know with every fiber of my being that this was not a trick. I was even willing to bet my bow on it.
“I know it’s not.” I was so sure of my answer that it just made him sigh even more.
“How could you be so sure? He is a psychopath, Ri. Nothing about him screams trustworthy.” He was exasperated but I was getting angry. I promised myself and I promised Loki that I would not let this get the best of me but this was really starting to get on my nerves. I could feel the anger rising inside of me. It was so strong that I knew I could burst any second now. Clint is just lucky I was stripped of all my weapons including a very special dagger with a very strong sentimental value but I guess my anger in this moment is my only weapon. So channeling that anger, I slammed the table and stood up pointing at Clint.
“How could you know if he is trustworthy?!?! How could you know anything about him?!?! You don’t know a thing and I know he hasn’t given you all a good impression but you can’t just base his whole personality on just a few days.  You have met him just recently but I have known him for nine years. Nine frickin’ years. I know more about him than his own family because I bothered to put in the effort to get to know him. I cared enough to know what his real personality is like. ” I shouted while slamming the table as I stood up with as much force and anger as I can manage.  I didn’t care if my hand was hurting.  I didn’t feel pain. Instead, I felt the adrenaline flowing through my body. 
I didn’t see Clint’s reaction to my outburst as I turned away to calm myself down and get my body under control but I could feel it. I could feel the shock of both him and the team especially one person in particular, Loki’s brother, Thor.  There was an awkward silence until Clint caught on to the rest of what I said.
nine years?! You have known that psychopath for nine years?! Rio, are you fucking insane?! You have to be under his spell to say that. There is no way in fucking hell that could be true.” His voice had so much disbelief that I was feeling the anger again. I tried controlling myself but it was no use.
I saw red. Blood red. I lunged at him. I jumped over the table, grabbed his shirt, and threw him against the wall. 
“He is not a psychopath! So can you stop with the whole psychopath thing?! Also, I am not insane and not under his spell.” I was so angry that I punched him. It was so strong that he landed on the floor with a loud thud.
“Also, if you insult him again
.I will kill you. No doubt about that.” Then I looked at the camera overlooking the room.
“That goes the same for you guys too. I may be part of this team but Loki is part of my heart. He trumps all of you any day of the week so if you as much as look at him badly, there will be consequences.”  I hope my threat got across because I am not kidding. I heard a groan from the floor and saw Clint trying to recompose himself. I didn’t care because I was so angry. Not wanting to punch Clint anymore. I punched the cold hard wall of the interrogation room.
.” Clint called out. I ignore it and placed my head on the wall in a sad attempt to calm myself down.
“Eriol!” He shouted.
“What?!” I screamed as I turned around. I was startled to see that he was right in front of me. I guess my anger clouded my ability to sense the slightest movement. I’m still surprised the others haven’t barged in yet. I thought they would burst through the door as soon as I punched Clint. He grabbed my arms and pushed me until I hit the wall.
“Please tell me that you are kidding. Please tell me that you don’t actually care for him.” The tone of his voice said it all. He was desperate.  
“Sadly I do Clint. I have for the last nine years.” I said finally calming down.
“But why? Eriol, he is trying to take over the world. Why care for someone like that?” He said as he dejectedly placed his head on my shoulder. I didn’t notice just how much he was shaking until that moment.
“Because you don’t know him like I do.” I stated with such certainty because that was really all I could say.
“Then explain to me how that is?” His voice was getting even more desperate as he was trying to figure it out. I could hear the utter desperation in his voice as he is trying so hard to figure out why I, his best friend and partner, could fall in love with Loki. I really don’t know what else to say. I promised Loki that whatever transpired between us, that whatever we talked about was to be kept between the two of us.
“Sorry Clint but those stories are not for me to reveal.” I said as I sighed sadly. I just couldn’t say anything because what Clint was asking were not my secrets to tell. I wanted to tell him just to make him, make them, understand but I couldn’t. They were Loki’s secrets and I had no right to tell Clint and whoever was watching and listening.
“But don’t you condone what he has done? You say you love him but can you really overlook the darkness and death that has happened because of him?ïżœïżœïżœ Clint asked me as he looked up and stared straight into my eyes.
“I know he has made a few mistakes
.okay, I know he has made a lot of mistakes. Some worse than others but Clint
haven’t we all make mistakes? You, Tasha, and I know full well what we’ve all done. We have done things. Some so terrible that they could haunt the average people for their entire lifetime yet we’re still here. We’re still fighting.” I said with a grim laugh.
“Rio, don’t you dare compare us with him!!  We are the good guys and he is the bad guy.” He stated in a sort of matter of fact way.
“Are you sure about that?” I asked.
“What?” He asked. Confusion etched upon his face.
“Are you totally sure he is the bad guy?” I repeated.
“Of course he is.”  He says.
“Then why hasn’t he tried anything?” I replied.
“Because he can’t. He can’t escape that cell.” He tries to project a tone of confidence but I can hear the uncertainty.
“You just think that.” I said to him then I looked at the camera because I want the others to hear this too.
“Loki is powerful and when I say powerful, I mean powerful. That cell you put him in can’t hold him. The only reason he hasn’t busted out of here yet is that he waiting for the most opportune moment. He’s not going to leave without me so he is planning when and how. That is why he is still in that flimsy cell down the hall.” I explained. I was getting tired of this. The adrenaline that was surging through my body was slowly dissipating. Clint was still holding me against the wall so I couldn’t move or get away.
“That still doesn’t explain why he is a good guy.” Clint still questioning me and everything I had said.
“I know but would you even believe me if I told you anything?” I questioned.
“Maybe not.” He said as he looked at the camera as if to mentally tell something to the others we both know are watching.
“Then there is no point of me even trying.” I pushed his hands off my arms and moved back to the chair to sit down.  I was tired so as soon as I sat down I placed my head in my hands and tried to breathe as slowly as I can. I felt his eyes watching me. I couldn’t see him but I heard footsteps and the chair moved so I guessed he sat down too.
“There is no way to convince you otherwise, is there?” It was more a question than a statement and by the sound of it his voice screamed defeat.
I took my hands away from my face and looked at Clint. His face had a hint of despair. I knew he gave up trying.
“No, there isn’t. I am so sorry Clint but I promised him that I would stay by his side. I promised that I would have his back so I am going to try my damn hardest to keep that promise because despite what you think, he is a great guy. I have years of knowing him to back me up even though you don’t believe it.” I said then sighed after.
There was another awkward silence. It was so deafening that I think you could drop a pin and hear it hit the ground. Then we heard footsteps. We both knew who it was. I knew this was coming but that doesn’t mean I’ll like it. Clint stood up to open the door while I just slouched down in my chair. He opened it and at the door I saw Loki’s brother, Thor.
“May I speak to him?” He whispered to Clint. Clint briefly looked at me then back at Thor.
“Fine. Just be careful.” Clint said as he stepped out.
“See ya Ri.” Clint said as he took one last look at me then left the room.
“Thank you my friend.” Thor said as he closed the door. He turned to look at me and found me looking back at him. He was taken aback by that but regained his composure.
My eyes followed him as he walked towards the chair and sat down. He looked at me and I turned away not wanting to make eye contact. He was nervous I could feel it but there was also a bit of regret and strangely, happiness.
“You said you wanted to speak to me?” I asked but I think he wasn’t listening because when I turned to look at him, sure he was looking at me but I knew his mind was somewhere else.
I cleared my throat to get his attention.  It worked as he jumped to the sound and looked at me.
“Excuse me?” He asked.
“You said you wanted to speak to me?”  I repeated.
“Yes, I came to figure out some things about my brother.” He answered. The last word caught my attention. He still considered Loki as his brother which means that there is still hope for both of them. I smiled at that and I guess he saw it.
“Why do you smile?” He sounded offended and a little bit confused.
“Because I always knew you still considered Loki to be family but Loki never believed me no matter how many times I tell him so when you called him your brother, I knew that my hope was not misplaced as he always thought it was.” My tone was so happy because this was great news to hear.
“So my brother doesn’t think of us, think of me as family?” He looked sad as he said that.
“Not entirely. He still does deep down in his heart.  He just doesn’t want to admit it. He is a very proud person and that makes him stubborn sometimes.” I answered then sighed because I remembered all the arguments we had about his family. If he were here, I think he would have scoffed at his brother’s words.
“You said that you have known him for nine years, Agent Wincott, but I haven’t heard of you from my brother in that time span.” He asked.
“That is because he has been using the nickname he gave me when I first met him every time he was talking about me in your world.” I chuckled at that then smile because I remembered the first time I met him.
“Nickname? What is that?” He looked confused.
“Oops. I forgot you still haven’t gotten use to our culture and language. Well, to put it simply, a nickname is another name given to a person. It is either the shorten version of a person’s name or even a term of endearment given to someone. It could also be a name a person calls another to annoy them. It could even be a title given. Your brother has given me one and has been calling me that since we first met.” I explained.
“I understand so what nickname did my brother give you?” he asked.
“Well, here on Earth or as you call it Midgard, it is my code name but it is rarely used because people usually call me Rio or Ri around here since my whole name is Eriol. But I am guessing you have heard of the name, Mockingjay, right?” I said and I guess it rang a bell because his eyes bulged at the name.
“Wait, you are Mockingjay?!” he was shocked.
“Yes, I am.” I stated in my most matter-of-fact way.
What happened next was not the reaction I was expecting because out of nowhere, Thor jumped out of his chair that it fell over and crashed on the floor.
“Glorious!! Simply glorious!!” He shouted with so much excitement. He was like a child on Christmas morning. I on the other hand was very confused. I was still trying to get over my confusion when suddenly Thor pulled me out of my chair and hugged me, lifting me up as he did.
“Excuse me?” I was utterly confused by his actions but he seemed so happy I did not want to ruin it.
He finally released me and gently placed me on the ground. He placed his hands on my shoulders. He was a very tall and muscular guy so I had to look up at him and in his eyes was this twinkle of light like there was still hope in the world.
“You are the one who brings happiness to my brother’s face. You are the one he so greatly talks about to mother.”
The last word caught me by surprised. Loki talks about me to his mother. I could feel my face heating up at that. It must have been so obvious that he saw it because he patted my back.
“Do not worry. Mother seems to like you from all the stories my brother tells her. She has been eagerly pestering my brother countless times to introduce you to her.”
Hearing him say that their mother wants to meet me made me blush even more. But I guess that is a good thing, a nerve wracking thing but a good thing nonetheless. I looked at Thor and the happiness was rolling off him in waves. But then I just remembered he wanted to know more things about his brother. I pushed his hands off my shoulders like what I did to Clint and sat down again.
“Is there something that bothers you, Agent Wincott?” he asked
“You said you wanted figure some things out about Loki so why get down to business?” I answered.
“Oh yes. I had slightly forgotten about my main task in coming here. It is just that the news you have just told me has given me a new hope for my brother.” He said. He sat down again and looked at me.
“There was always hope for Loki. You just didn’t know how to put that hope into action.” I told him because that was what I always believed in. This time I saw happiness in his eyes.
“Well, I am glad that my brother as found someone such as yourself to be his confidant.” Thor looked at me with a small smile on his face.
I got comfortable because I knew this was going to take a while. We started talking and little by little I knew even if the others don’t believe Loki was good, if his brother believed that he was still a good person, that he was worth believe in then that was okay with me. I cleared my throat and asked: “So what do you want to know?”
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iamaferitale · 6 years
Why did I instantly thought of the ending scene from Mulan? I mean I practically read this scene in the voice from that clip.
Edward (to Bella) : Would you like to stay for dinner..?
Alice (shouting from the other room) : Would you like to stay forever..like literally..?
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