#cg!steve rogers x little!reader
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agere-fics · 1 year ago
Vroom, vroom!
dni: k!nk, anti-agere, agepl4y, or ddlg-esque blogs 🍄 this blog is a safe space for age regressors and age dreamers 🍄
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Word Count: 635
Summary: Steve drives you around to help you sleep
Pairing: Dada!Steve x Daddy!Bucky x Regressor!Reader
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Reader
Content Warnings: Usage of daddy and dada, riding in a car, getting carried/picked up, that's it :)
Authors Note: Look at me actually writing stuff!! More on the way 🐈 You can find more of my stuff in my pinned post and request more stories through the ask box.
Despite all your insomniac nights, taking a cat nap in the backseat of Stevie's car was surprisingly easy.
bump! bump!
The crevices and rocky ground of Dada's favorite road warmed you and cooed the pangs and aches in your body. The dips were like being rocked by mother nature.
'thank you mama tree'
crunch! crunch!
Ah, that's the sound of your anxieties melting away. Really it's the gravel getting all crunched up but you know... same difference.
Your Dada was in love with these backroads. Tomorrow, while you down some fruity pebbles, you'll tell him again that they really should get married. They see each other all the time! It made trips take longer but that just meant more time with Stevie.
bop! bop!
The tapping of your head against the window was actually quite gentle. Sometimes, it'd hurt, and that's when you'd whine to Stevie that "ow it hurt!! dada whyyy!!?" To get you to stop, he'd get your favorite fast food (it was the plan all along and Stevie most definitely knew-). This time, Dada was driving super, duper slow so the bumps didn't hurt. They soothed you instead and made you very, very sleepy.
Your legs were tucked close to yourself. You laid curled up like a cat in the cold winter. In better days, you'd find your position annoyingly uncomfortable but you were so eepies- I mean sleepy.
It was kind of like leaves falling from the really tall trees in the rainforest. Sleep didn't come fast but crept up on you.
You enjoyed watching the view go by the window and the mental image of a little superhero doing parkour, racing with Dada's pickup truck. The trees had all sorts of colors and some animals hop, hopped, and peeked out from the bushes.
Everything eventually became grey, then black but you didn't mind. It was so calming, this rest your eyelids have found.
'Oh, they closed? Ooooh that's why the superguy disappeared.'
hmm hm hm hm
"Welcome back, Steve-O." Bucky stood at the door frame, hands resting in his jacket pockets.
Steve placed his pointer finger on his lips and tilted his head, indicating that you were asleep.
Bucky firmly nodded and held a gentle smile. 'You're finally asleep! Aww, you deserve it, little dear.'
Your dada traded places with Bucky, leaving to go get himself ready for bed.
Daddy peeked through the windows and found you with your little head against the car door. He walked around to the door opposite of you, and moved very carefully as to not wake you.
Snores filled the air and Bucky had to hold back a giggle. He thought it was so freaking cute, don't worry!
"Come here, little one." He whispered and securely held you up against his chest. Warm and snug.
Your daddy walked into your bedroom, where Steve had been waiting and prepared your bed for you.
"Here you are, darling." Daddy laid you down.
Buck and Stevie kissed the top of your head and tucked you in.
"Goodnight, sunflower."
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delicatebarness · 8 months ago
Hi! For the Barnes rogers family adventures could you do reader who is obsessed with her paci and Steve and Bucky try and take it but she get very whiny and upset and cries for her binky please? If not I understand! Please and thank you!!! 🎀🍼
The Barnes-Rogers Family Adventures | “No, I want my paci,” #005
Summary: ^^ Requested.
Warnings: This post and series are safe for work (SFW) regressions. Nothing explicit. However, please be aware that the rest of my blog is NOT. NSFW accounts are welcome to read and reblog, but please keep all comments SFW out of consideration for other littles.
Word Count: 477
Series Masterlist
A/N: I've always wanted a paci, but it's just never been something I've ended up having :( - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @sapphirebarnes | Let me know if you want to be tagged specifically for this series.
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602
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Engrossed in your coloring book, you sat on the living room floor as the Sunday afternoon sun shined brightly through the windows. Your beloved pacifier is firmly in your mouth. Exchanging a glance, Steve and Bucky silently agreed that it was time to try and get to take a break from it for today. 
“Hey, Baby…” Steve began gently as he knelt beside you. “How about we try going without your paci for a little while?” 
You clutched the pacifier even tighter as your eyes widened. “No, Papa,” you mumbled around it while shaking your head. 
He stroked your hair, offering a warm smile. “We just thought it might be good for you to play without it for a little bit.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes due to the surge of anxiety that rushed through you. “No, Papa,” you insisted, your voice starting to tremble. “I need my paci.” 
Steve gently took your hand after exchanging a concerned look with Bucky. “We’re not taking it away forever, Baby, just a short break. How about we play a game together?” 
Spilling over your cheeks, your tears soaked your skin as you shook your head vigorously. “No! I want my paci!” you cried, feeling more upset with each passing second. 
Bucky sighed softly, reaching out to wipe your tears. “Shh, it’s okay, Tiny.” 
You hiccuped through your sobs, still clinging to your pacifier. “I need it, Daddy,” you repeated. 
Steve’s hand gently stroked your back, trying to calm you down. “Okay, baby. How about we try something fun together? Would you like to bake some cookies? Cupcakes?” 
You hesitated for a moment, tempted by the idea, your tears slowly. However, you clutched your paci even tighter. “No, I need my paci,” you whispered again, almost desperately. 
Another sigh came from Bucky as he gently lifted you onto his lap, rocking you soothingly. “How about we read one of your books together? Or… maybe we watch a movie?” 
Sniffling, you shook your head again. “No, I want my paci,” your voice wavered as you insisted. 
Steve and Bucky were at a loss as they exchanged another glance. “Okay, baby. We just want you to be happy.” Steve said softly, placing a gentle kiss against your forehead. 
“And, if that means keeping your paci for now, that’s okay,” Bucky added, his fingers tracing light patterns up and down your back. 
Nodding, you snuggled close to Bucky, content with your pacifier in place as you felt the warmth and love from them. Wrapping an arm around both of you, Steve’s presence soothed you. 
Just then, Peter rushed into the room, curiosity etched on his face. “What’s going on?” he asked, noticing the cuddle. 
He climbed onto the couch, and without a word, he squeezed in beside you and Bucky. Steve wrapped his arm around Peter as well, chuckling at the antics.
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softspace-fics · 6 months ago
Butterfly kisses
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A/N - I have been writing TOO MUCH angst recently, so let's switch it up! Here's to my favorite thing in the world. Butterfly kisses. (Inspired by Butterfly kisses by Bob Carlisle. A song that I will forever cry to when I hear.)
Masterlist - all my work!
There was no better way to start off the day, other than wrapped up comfortably in the safety of your bed with your two favorite caregivers next to you. Your little world all in one place. You gently snuggle into Bucky's side, nuzzling his scent back into your nose as he subconsciously wraps his arm around you.
Steve safety spoons you, keeping you safe from the blowing A/C that sometimes keeps you too cold. His soft snores and breaths act as a calming measure in your dreams, reminding you that no matter what your protected on both sides.
When the time comes that one of them wakes, they don’t even move a muscle, instead they cuddle right back into the family pile, sleep or not, they weren’t going to leave until you all were ready to. When Bucky’s eyes flutter open, the sleepiness of his slumber rests in his eyes before he blinks it away and turns his head towards you and Steve.
His eyes rest on the glowing bask of sunlight that shines on Steve’s shoulders,just inches from where his face is buried in your neck to save him from the light. You mimic your dada, your face softly and comfortably hidden in your papa’s chest to do the same. The sheets and blankets are a mess and it looks like an avalanche came through, but it was nothing that couldn’t be fixed.
Bucky softly shifted to make sure you were safely tucked in his arm, while bringing his other hand to gently thread it through your hair. He gently lays butterfly kisses all over your face, just enough for your dream to include it, but not enough to wake you.
Steve wakes not long after Bucky, although he doesn’t want to move from the comfortable squish of pillow and you, as well as the scents of the most precious people in the world that surround him reminds him that he has no better place to be. He lays soft and small butterfly kisses on your neck just as Bucky did on your face before he settles back in your neck, maybe, just maybe going back to sleep.
You shuffle slightly, and Bucky and Steve stiffen,worried they woke you. That is until you grasp onto Bucky more, mumbling happy little blabbles in your sleep, and soft snores following after.
The two softly relax, and Bucky reaches over to make sure that Steve gets some love too. His hand softly rubs Steves side, a calming gesture for the Super soldiers. Steve softly moves his hand from wrapped around your stomach and curls it into Bucky’s side, smashing you just a tiny bit more between the two.
Bucky softly smiles before he settles his head back into the pillows where he once laid. He focuses on the sounds of you and Steve breathing as he falls back to sleep himself, the knowledge of love and comfort reminded through every snore and every mumble of dreams.
Needless to say, when you all wake up later on, the morning is filled with more butterfly kisses all around, the feeling of cherishment in the rays of sun that continue to shine through, and your small giggles and blabbles break through the silence of breaths that once took up the quiet before.
There’s no rush to climb out of the wrinkled sheets, and there’s no worry of what the day may hold. There’s just you, your papa, and your dada, and an endless supply of butterfly kisses.
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angelbaby-fics · 5 months ago
Ooohh! Late night (maybe secret) milk and cookies fresh from the oven! 🍪🥛🍼
ooooh i love the idea of this.... and not just because i made milk & cookies tonight!!
maybe its past your bedtime but daddy hasn't turned off the tv yet, he can sense that you're just not tired yet, and not in a good way either. most nights when you stay up late its because you're far too energized to sleep, running and skipping and dancing around the house insisting you don't need to rest, until next thing you know you're half asleep being carried into daddy's bed... but tonight you're just angsty. you already had your nighttime bottle, you've been cuddling with your stuffy while a calm cartoon plays, but your brain is elsewhere, half small and half spaced out.
then you hear the oven beep on.
"come here angel, i got a surprise"
daddy takes a packet of cookie dough from the back of the fridge, high up on the top shelf where you can't even reach. he puts two squares on a metal sheet, one for him and one for you.
"don't tell... but these are dada's magic cookies. sometimes when you're already asleep, daddy makes a special cookie before bed as a little treat... maybe they'll work for you too!"
cookies are one thing, but a magic cookie? and right before bed?? you couldn't believe how quickly your night was turning around. your sour mood dissipates as the kitchen fills with the smell of sugar. daddy pours another bottle for you to wash down your cookie, and your tummy feels just as warm as your heart as daddy rocks you to sleep.
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katethewriter · 2 years ago
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Summary: Y/n has a very specific power. She is a shapeshifter. However, she can only shift into younger versions of herself. Her abilities catch the Avengers’ attention. Though their first introduction is lackluster at best, it's not long before she has them all wrapped around her little finger.
Pairing: Avengers x Reader(platonic) - WandaNat x Reader(platonic) - mother-figure!Wanda x Reader - cg!Wanda x little!Reader - cg!WandaNat x little!Reader - cg!Avengers x little!Reader - fem!reader
A/N: This is pretty much just straight up fluff. It's my own spin on shapeshifter!Reader and little!Reader. This is just a happy little brainchild that I decided to run with
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Welcome to the Team: After a chance encounter, the Avengers recruit a new kid to join the team.
Wanda Cookie Monster: It's not that Y/n is hiding from the rest of the team, except that's exactly what she is doing. Wanda is determined to break through to her.
Clint Hand-Me-Downs: As Y/n starts showing herself more and more around the compound, Clint can't help to notice she tends to wear the same thing everyday.
Natasha Kinda Like You: Y/n is convinced Natasha doesn't like her. If she could just brush away that tough exterior, maybe they have more in common than she thought. Perhaps she can gain a new ally in the process.
Steve New Kid's First Mission: Steve is wary to allow a kid on a mission, but just maybe Y/n can prove him wrong.
Peter Crayola: Peter wonders why the New Kid's pictures on the fridge are only ever done in black and blue ink or pencil.
Bruce Just a Twist: A training mishap sends New Kid to the medbay.
Sam Let's Go Fly a Kite: Sam is on duty when he spots New Kid all by herself. He offers her an opportunity most kids could only dream of.
Bucky A Mission Gone Sideways: Bucky is paired with New Kid for a mission that doesn't end as well as they would like.
Tony A Little Pinch: A flaw in Y/n's suit might be just the thing to finally pull Tony to her side.
Thor Someone Worthy: Thor returns from a long stay and doesn't recognize the young team member running around the compound.
Kate Nerf War: When someone new joins the team, Y/n takes a sudden interest in archery.
Taglist: @battleg03 @thelittlewolfofaretuza @emiivey @dylanobriens-love @madelineleong @sluttyforfemaleavengers @santana1437 @thatonementallyillsimp @oliveoilpenguiny @you-are-beautifully-gorgeous @charcharslide-3 @anon1412 @universallypoetrycheesecake @mary-jinx @princess-kennys-rats @marvel-fan-2021 @ameeelia07 @kneelforloki @ornorr @prettysbliss @nattyolw @yukonasf @thursdayygrrrl @rach2602 @ace-of-gay @casualbisexualfroggo @nyctophiliacatcher @ripofflizzie @chrisevansangel @randomnessbecausewhynot @lizlil @uselessastheginlasagnaa @m-h-r-h
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sfwregressionfanfictions · 2 years ago
Steve Rogers X Little! Reader
Summary: Accidental caregiver?
TW: Abuse, Injuries, and Hydra. Proceed with Caution.
WC: 1025
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Steve didn’t mean to be here. On the contrary, it was meant to be a simple mission to a neighbor where Hydra was stealing people to experiment on. It was meant to be recompense, but when Steve heard the scared shrieks and wails coming from a house he had to save the person. 
When he entered, a Hydra agent stood over (Y/N) with a baton. They were curled into a ball at the agent's feet sobbing, promising they would be good. Steve’s heart dropped seeing how bruised this poor individual was.
“I’d stand down if I were you,” Steve said using the ‘Captain’ voice.
The rather stupid agent didn’t take the hint, instead, he charged Steve. Steve promptly punched the man, knocking him out. Super soldier strength was no joke. Steve turned around to see the person who was curled in a ball.
“Hey, I’m Captain America. My friends call me Steve though… It’s okay, you are safe now. Could you stand up, I just want to make sure you are okay…” Steve spoke softly approaching slowly. He was crouched, so he was waddling like a crab.
“Peas no huwt me!!!” 
The response was startling, perhaps they had a concussion or maybe they were delirious. Maybe they were experimented on and ended up with brain damage..? Steve decided to act like it was normal, and bring them right to Bruce to be looked over for injuries.
“It’s gonna be okay sweetheart, I just wanna bring you to a doctor. Can I carry you?” Steve asked, once within touching distance. He received a long stare and eventually an unsure nod. 
Steve was about to pick them up in a bridal style hold when they started doing grabby hands as a baby would. ‘Just roll with it’ Steve thought. Steve picked them up and placed them on his hip.
“Ou a good guy?” They asked arms around his neck now, looking tired from their crying.
“Yeah, I’m a good guy. Gonna keep you safe from the bad guys outside.” Steve replied bluntly, unsure how to talk to them. They were obviously aware of their surroundings, just seem to be interacting with it all as a child would…?
Steve began to rush to get them to Bruce, as a man with at least a dozen PhDs would know what to do better than a man who doesn't understand what a ‘Nintendo’ is. Luckily, the threat was mainly handled and now it was clear to carry them to the hovercraft. Halfway to the pad, he heard them mumble into his shoulder, “What did you say?”
“Ou gots pwetty eyes,”
All the Captain could manage out was a small hum of embarrassment, picking up his pace. He was unsure what to do in this situation, nothing like this ever happened in the time he was from. 
“Bruce, I am coming to you with a girl with a possible head injury. Will you be able to check on her until we can get her to medics?” Steve spoke into his comm.
“Yes, you know I have a Ph.D. and not an MD, right?” Transmitted back.
“Yes, I am well aware. But this is urgent.”  With that comment, Steve had finally made it to the aircraft. Bruce was waiting inside, clearing off a table so he could play doctor. Steve attempted to place (Y/N) down on the table, only for them to continue to try clinging to him and crying slightly.
“Oh” Bruce said, already documenting their behavioral patterns, “Hey, I am Bruce, I’m gonna just make sure you are feeling okay.”
With his introduction (Y/N)’s grip loosened enough to be placed down, however, their tears continued. Bruce was slightly unsure what to do, however, was not unsure of what was going on. The broken sentences trying to form from (Y/N)’s lips, were seemingly evidence that proved his theory.
“Hey little one, is this wayyyy too scary for you?” Bruce asked, making himself smaller and sitting on a chair infront of them. Steve continued to stare puzzled. ‘Why is he playing into it?’, is all Steve could think.
“Ye- Yeah!” They sobbed, they were slurring their speech like a small child.
“Is there anyway we can make you feel any better?” Bruce asked, only to be met by a nod. Bruce nodded after them, and they began making grabby hands towards Steve. Steve was ushered over and made to sit next to them and rub their back. Once they calmed down, Bruce looked them over.
“Well you are completely healthy! Other than those bruises, we will keep an eye on those though!” Bruce said, before Steve pulled him to the side to talk to him privately for a few seconds. 
“Are you sure they are okay? They are talking like a child.” Steve asked confused by why Bruce was clearing them.
“They don’t have a concussion, they are just regressed which makes sense with what was happening here.” Bruce answered.
“They are- What?” Steve replied, this was most certainly something he never heard about.
“They are regressed, they are in the mindset of a child. They are mentally interacting with the  world as a child would.” Bruce explained.
“Oh, Okay.” Steve made a mental note to research this further once back in the facility. “What do we do with them now? We can’t just leave them here like this alone…” 
“We will take them with us until they are back to their big space. Once they are back they will have to decide what they want to do.” Bruce answered, Steve frowned at the idea of them leaving the avengers protection, however he did not argue. 
They split up, Bruce returning to the work he was doing in a private area of the jet, while Steve and (Y/N) sat on the floor and colored on blank sheets of paper with colored pencils that were stored in one of the many drawers aboard the jet.
Bruce glanced out every once and a while to check on them, smiling as Steve seemed to be a natural with them. Maybe this was what Steve needed all along.
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ellieisaflower · 3 years ago
My beautiful bug ´ˎ˗
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Main Masterlist
୨୧ ┊Pairing: Daddy!Steve Rogers x Ftm!Little!reader
୨୧ ┊Characters: Steve Rogers, Reader, sam
୨୧ ┊Genre: Fluff, Age regression (NOT KINK!!), oneshot
୨୧ ┊Summery: When at the store with daddy, reader sees a dress that he thinks looks so beautiful, but he doesn't want to be girly because he is afraid if what Steve would think. Steve catches on really quick that reader wants the dress so he buys it and they go home and play dress up.
୨୧ ┊Warnings: Steve calls reader Bug, use of baby talk (from reader)
୨୧ ┊Note: sorry, I missed so many things in the request. Also, someone help, I can't make a mood board
୨୧ ┊word count: 1235
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No one's pov <333
Your big e/c eyes sparkled as you looked down at the princess pink dress. The sparkly ruffles started at the waist and ended at the bottom to the dress. The sleeves were off shoulder, with sparkly cuffs that would lay off the shoulder. The dress was stunning.
"Bug!?" Steve called out, worry evident in his voice. You broke out of your small trance from the pretty dress and looked up to where the voice was calling from. You hadn't realized just how long you had been staring at the pretty dress, you hadn't even realized that your daddy had wondered off without you.
"Daddy..? Where chu at?" You called out, mindlessly looking around for him. A gasp left your lips as two strong arms picked you up. "Ah, bug! Don't do that again! I thought someone took you! Are you alright?" He asked worryingly, checking all your uncovered skin for any marks or bruises to make sure you hadn't gotten hurt.
"m fine daddy! I was jus....uhm.." you quickly stopped yourself from talking any longer, taking a minute to think. Steve looked at you confused, concern still laced in his eyes as well. "What were you doing bug?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Your eyes trailed back to the pretty dress that was now being viewed by a woman with pretty long brown hair. Your eyebrows furrowed as you watched her stair at the dress with loving eyes. "Bug?" Steve was fast to realize that you had tunned him out and your attention was now on something else.
when he followed your eyes, his face softened seeing you staring at the pretty dress. With you still in his arms, he walked over to the rack with the dress and stood near it for a minute, waiting for the woman to walk away before he grabbed one of the dresses, that was your size, and placed it in the cart.
"Do you want another one, bug? Or do you wanna go home now?" He asked, watching your face that was blank and full of confusion. "Daddy..?" You asked, now staring at the dress that he had placed in the cart. "Yes bug?"
"Am I really allowed to wear that?" Pointing to the dress, you averted your eyes to Steve. "Of course you can wear it! Why wouldn't you be able to?" Before you could answer he placed you into the cart, which had little in it since you had only started to shop around twenty minutes ago.
Steve quickly walked off, returning a few minutes later with a few pallets of makeup and a few more pretty dresses. Your eyes instantly brightened at the sight. "Woah!!"
"now let's get home, bug. We can play dress up when we get home, and maybe we can bug uncle Sam into playing with us."
When you both arrived at the Avengers tower, you were quick to grab the bags with your new things and run inside, nearly tripping on your way there. While standing in the elevator on the way up, Steve kept a close eye on you, watching closely with loving eyes as you stood impatiently with your bags in hand.
As soon as you were both inside your room you ran off to the bathroom to try on your new dress. Steve let out a loving giggle as he watched you.
He sat on the couch as he waited for you to come back. And when you walked into the room with a huge smile on your face and the pretty pink dress on, Steve instantly brightened up. "You look so pretty bug! Wow! My beautiful bug!" He stated as he stood up and walked over to you.
"Chu hav to put on your dwess now daddy!" You chanted and doged his kiss and pushed him towards the bathroom where a dress waited for him; this all took your daddy by surprise, but he giggled softly and began to put on the dress like you requested.
While he did that, you set up all the new makeup you had just gotten. Daddy had not gotten any makeup brushes, but you had some stashed in your room. Auntie Nat was always to the rescue and she never told your secrets, so you had asked her for makeup brushes and a pallet.
When you got back from your bedroom with the makeup brushes and a few other things, your daddy was sitting on the couch, with a sparkly blue dress on and he was holding your favorite stuffie.
"woahhh, chu wook soo pwetty Daddy!!" You said, staring at your daddy in awe. "You look even prettier bug!"
"Nah ah, chu do!" You argued. "Alright, alright, fine. But that doesn't mean that my bug isn't very pretty!" He playfully smirked and then looked down at the makeup you set out. "Are you gonna do your makeup or my makeup? Or do you want me to do your makeup?" He asked.
"I'm gonna do yur makeup!" With a giggle you sat down Infront of him and got started. "Wha color first?" You asked, holding one of the brushed above the makeup palettes until he says a color. "Red please"
With that, you dipped your brush into the bright red eyeshadow. "Close eyes please" he did as such and you began to brush the bright red onto his eyelids, carful to not get it everywhere because you wanted it to look amazing.
When you started to do the other eye, there was knock at the door, which made you jump slightly. All of the avengers knew you are a regressor, so you just continued, knowing it was one of them.
"Come in!" Steve yelled slightly, making sure to reach up and cover your ears to not scare you. The door opened and in walked Uncle sam. "Hey kiddo, what are yah doing?" He asked, walking over to the two of you. "Me and daddy are pwayin dress up! I'm doin his makeup so he'll look wike a pwetty princess!!" You stared proudly as you continued to put red on his eyelids.
"wow, your doing amazing. I bet your daddy's gonna love it" Sam said.
Uncle Sam and daddy had a conversation while you continued to do Steve's makeup. A couple times you asked him to pick a new color, you cleaned your brushed every switch and around 20 minutes later, you spring off the couch. "Done!!"
Steve had a big smile on his face when you grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bathroom. "Wook daddy!"
"wow big, you did such a great job! I think you should do my makeup everyday" he said, examining his wonderfully done makeup in the mirror. You let out a small giggle before going back to clean up the small mess you had created in the living room.
When you walked into the living room you noticed that uncle sam was no longer there. You shrugged it off before beginning to pick up your stuff and put it into a pile then take a wet rag and wipe the table.
When your daddy finally came out of the bathroom, he noticed that you had cleaned up your mess which made him happy. "Thank you for cleaning up, bug!"
The rest of the day was filled with fun. You and your daddy played princesses, watched cartoons, and had a tea party with all your stuffies.
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aew-kun-age-regression · 2 years ago
What was your favourite part?
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Pairing: Caregiver! Stucky x Little! Reader
Summary: After a trip out with your family and caregivers goes wrong they comfort you.
Warnings: A little bit of bad language (nothing too bad just the word 'hell' I believe), family being mean. nicknames (sweetheart, Stevie, Buck), Stimmimg.
Please tell me if I'm missing anything!!!
(Gender neutral reader)
NOT Proofread
Despite living in the Compound with the Avengers, your (birth) family had been planning q trip for weeks, you were all supposed to go to the cinema. Christmas was right around the corner and the cinema had decided to show Nightmare Before Christmas. Originally it was supposed to be you, your two brothers your mum and her boyfriend however you had asked repeatedly if Steve and Bucky could come along. It took a lot of persuading however after explaining that she had her boyfriend and the two boys would talk and hang out which would leave you on your own she finally agreed.
So Steve and Bucky bought their own tickets and joined the group. (Now being You, Steve, Bucky, Your 2 brother, your Mum and her boyfriend.)
You traveled with your family while your boyfriends (and caregivers) traveled themselves - Your two separate groups would meet up outside the cinema and go to your seats from there.
The car ride was full of yelling and had stressed you out but after a long 25 minutes drive you finally arrived at the cinema.
You ran into Bucky and Steve's arms who were waiting for you. Once everyone was ready woth drinks and snacks the group made its way into the cinema to find their seats.
The seeting arrangement went your Mum's boyfriend on the end, your Mum, yours youngest brother, your other brother, you, Bucky and Steve.
As the lights went dim qnd the movie began to play you took your bunny teddy (that you decided to bring last minute) out from your bag and placed her on your lap, making sure she could see the screen.
The movie started playing and as it went on and each song played you began to slip further and further into little space. You were currently at the part of the movie where Lock, Shock and Barrel went to kidnap santa. Kidnap the Sandy Claws began to play amd you had begun to stim. You tapped your hand against your leg to the beat of the song. About half way through the song you felt a harsh tap on the left arm, you looked over to your brother who had tapped you who was now copying you while laughing.
"What are you doing?" He asked whilst still laughing.
"Oh- nothing.." you mumbled quietly trying to get his attention off of you and back onto the movie. Looking to your mum for help you saw her also laughing whilst copying you.
You looked back at the screen, cheeks flushed from embarrassment. Of course you had to be the one to do something that wasn't 'normal'. Unbeknownst to you both Bucky and Steve had seen the interaction and your reaction to it.
The movie had finished qnd you guys now left the cinema. Your brothers and mums boyfriend went to the bathroom whilst you waited woth your mum, assuming that the two of you were holding drinks and then swapping so the two of you could go to the bathroom afterwards. When the boys came back everyone began to leave.
"M-mum.. I still need the toilet..?" You said to her quietly.
"Well then why the hell have you been standing out here for?! Go to the bathroom. Quickly." She answered back.
You quickly went to go to the bathroom. You looked for a sign that said what bathroom was what gender but couldn't find one. You were now getting stressed qnd just walked into a random one hoping you wouldn't get in trouble. Noone ended up being in there so you went to the toilet and then left.
"Was there a reason there wasn't any gender signs for those bathrooms" I asked cautiously to my mum.
"They had signs. Qbove the door." She said.
"...no the didn't??"
"Yes. They did. I went in them earlier and I can't tell you there were signs."
"I couldn't see any..."
"Even your 7 year old brother saw the signs. How did you miss is?!"
"..I don't know.. "
"For God's sakes"
She laughed again. Why did she keep laughing at you..?
As you guys began walking to the cars your mum looked at you. "What was your favourite part about the movie?"
"T-the animation..?"
She hummed approvingly before Steve turned towards her. "Were going now" You went with Steve and Bucky towards their car as your family went the other way towards their own.
"So sweetheart, what was really your favourite part of the movie?" Steve asked you quietly.
The nickname was enough to send you fully into little space, responding with "Lock, Shock and Barrel!!!"
The two of them chuckled at your response and helped you get buckled into the car before getting in themselves.
As Bucky took the wheel, Steve put on a CD and soon songs from Nightmare Before Christmas began to play loudly.
"Fank you Stevie, Fank you Buck" you mumbled before simling and falling asleep.
Even when things went wrong your caregivers always knew what to do to make you smile.
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fictosexualagere · 3 years ago
cg!Stucky headcannon
Bucky is the type to ruffle your hair and mess it all up on purpose, only for Steve to give him a disapproving look. He’d kneel down in front of you, fixing your hair back to normal and finishing with a kiss atop your head. Basically Bucky is the chaotic daddy hehe
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honeybeewritings · 2 years ago
🐮 steve rogers 🐮
das a bad word
steve swears in front of his baby for the first time. little!reader, gn!reader, hurt cg, implied swearing
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agere-fics · 5 months ago
does anyone wanna collab on a fic? like i do one half and you do the other? how fun would that be! or we each give each other prompts or something 😶‍🌫️
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delicatebarness · 5 months ago
The Barnes-Rogers Family Adventures | Auntie Nat to the rescue! #006
Summary: It's that time of the month, and it's only Auntie Nat that can help,
Warnings: This post and series are safe for work (SFW) regressions. Nothing explicit. However, please be aware that the rest of my blog is NOT. NSFW accounts are welcome to read and reblog, but please keep all comments SFW out of consideration for other littles.
Word Count: 732
Series Masterlist
A/N: I've had this idea for months and I finally got around to bringing this family back. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
Tags: @sapphirebarnes | Let me know if you want to be tagged specifically for this series.
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602
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An uncomfortable, dull ache adorned your lower abdomen when you woke you. Stirring in your bed, curling up into a ball against the sheets, you realize that your period has started. You tried to ignore the discomfort and quietly approach the bathroom– you wanted to handle it yourself without drawing too much attention.
As the morning progressed, the cramps grew worse and made it difficult to hide the pain. Wincing, you tried to stay distracted with toys, but even Peter was noticing something wasn’t right.
“Are you okay?” Pete asked, he pointed to your arms clutching around your stomach, concern etched in his features. 
“I’m fine,” you mumbled.
Worried, Peter made it his mission to find either Steve or Bucky. “Papa? Daddy? I think something’s wrong with Tiny,” he said, taking Steve’s hand and leading him back to where you were sitting. 
Steve knelt beside you, a large hand reaching out to rub your back, his brow furrowed with concern. “Sweetie? Are you okay? Do you need anything?” 
Shaking your head, you didn’t want to explain. “I’m o-okay, Papa.” 
“Are you sure, baby?” Bucky asked, exchanging a worried glance with Steve. “You don’t look so good.” 
Tears began to fill your eyes, the pain becoming too much to bear. “My tummy hurts,” you finally admitted, quietly.
“Do we need to take you to the doctor?” Steve asked, his heart aching to see you in pain.
“No, it's just–” you sniffled, shaking your head. “It’s my period,” you whispered, heat rushing to your cheeks.
Bucky’s face dawned with understanding, and he gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, “It’s okay, Baby. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Should we call Auntie Nat? We can see if she’s free to come over.” 
Relieved at the thought of having Natasha here, you nodded. “Yes, please.” 
Within the hour, Natasha brought a comforting presence. She entered the living room to find you curled up on the couch, holding your stomach, and the two men looking on worriedly. 
“Hey there, sweets,” Nat softly said, sitting down beside you. “I hear you’re not feeling well.” 
The tears threatened to spill down your cheeks as you looked up at Nat, nodding toward her. “It hurts, Auntie Nat.” 
With a warm smile, Nat pulled a small bag out of her purse. “Don’t worry, I’ve got some things that will make it all better. Come on, let’s get you more comfortable.” 
Natasha held a heating pad against your stomach and helped you with some pain relief medication. In her bag, she also brought some snacks, sweet and salty. She gently stroked your hair while sitting beside you, and she spoke in a soothing voice– helping to distract you from the pain.
Watching gratefully from the kitchen, Steve and Bucky share a knowing look. You were in good hands, better hands than they could provide at this time. After preparing a light lunch, they brought it over to you and Nat.
“Thank you, Nat,” Steve said, his tone sincere as he handed her a cup of coffee.
“Anytime,” she replied, giving him a reassuring smile. “I’m always here for my favorite little.” 
“Hey!” Peter shouted from the floor, where he was lying while watching the television. He sent an exaggerated pout toward Nat, crossing his arms over his chest. “What about me?” 
Natasha’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “You know you’re my favorite big little,” she teased, giving him a playful wink, and taking a sip of coffee.
As the day went by, your cramps eased and you felt better knowing you had people around you who cared about you. Aunt Nat stayed for the majority of the day, keeping you company until you felt more like yourself again.
And, by the time you were tucked into bed, you felt much better. “Thank you, Papa. Thank you, Daddy.” you softly spoke, fighting back a yawn. “Thank you for calling Auntie Nat.” 
“Of course, Baby,” Bucky said, placing a gentle kiss against your forehead. “We’re always here for you, no matter what.” 
Nodding, Steve took your small hand in his, placing kisses against your knuckles. “And, you can always tell us anything, okay? We love you.” 
With a sleepy nod, you smiled. “I love you too.” 
You felt grateful for your family. And, as you drifted off to sleep, you knew no matter what they would always be there to support you.
Series Masterlist
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softspace-fics · 4 months ago
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A/N - I love how this came out!! I hope you all love this just as much as I do. Another fall themed fic is ready for the posting. I love you guys! Thank you so much for the interactions and love. It means the world to me.
Masterlist - all my work!
Warnings⚠️: Food mention, bucky lifts reader. Reader goes from middle space to baby space! Generally just fluff all around!
CG!Stucky x Little!gn reader!
“Okay baby, now we just need to get one cup of flour yeah? Then you can mix it all together.”  Your dada says before he turns and grabs the measuring cups. You two had been baking all day, waiting for your papa to get back from working with uncle tony and uncle bruce.
Once bucky puts the flour in the bowl, he helps you to mix all the ingredients in the bowl, making a nicely made dough, ready to put on the pan. He walks over to where the pans are kept and as quietly as possible grabs a few cookie sheets.
After the dough is spooned out onto the different cookie sheets, dada carefully picks you up and helps you get your apron off before bringing you out to the living room and setting you onto the padded floor.
“Here baby, can you do some coloring for papa while we wait for the cookies to bake?” Dada helps pull your favorite colors and coloring sheets in front of you, turning on your favorite show and kissing the top of your head before he walks back to the kitchen to put the cookies into the oven and clean up.
Once your favorite show and coloring sheet is in front of you, the world around you disappears. The way your favorite medium moves on the page and the way the room starts to smell like your favorite cookies.
Your dada eventually comes and sits behind you, playing with your hair as he joins you in watching your favorite show and handing you the colors you need next. No words shared between you two, just an understanding of each other and a loving presence in the air.
The jingle of keys breaks you out of your daze as you hear the door open and close swiftly.
“I'm home!” A gentle soft yell comes from the door as your papa arrives home from work finally.
You want to run to him and squeeze him but your little mind had regressed further from hanging out with your dada and being able to just be little. Your small whines are immediately heard from your two caregivers and your papa rushes over.
“Shhh Baby, it’s okay! Papa can come to you. Feelin’ extra tiny yeah?” Papa quickly scoops you into his arms and kisses you all over your face.
“Papa!” You squeal in joy.
Your dada leans his head on your shoulder as you three reconnect after a few hours apart. Your papa asks you about your day and how much fun you had with your dada. You blabble back as well as you can, before your dada comes out with the cookies you and him had made earlier.
“Cookies? For me? Oh how sweet!~ Thank you my loves.” Your papa kisses both you and your dada as a thank you before he stuffs a cookie in his mouth.
The rest of your day is spent eating cookies and watching your favorite shows as you lay safe and sound in your two favorite peoples arms. The aroma of cookies and your caregivers cologne surrounds you.
Everything just was perfect. 
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angelbaby-fics · 9 months ago
for summer tea party! 🌼🌿👒
how about stucky with little reader who feels shy about asking for stuffies or toys, and both daddies just make her feel comfortable about asking for what she wants? 💓
ohhh this is so relatable 🥺 i always feel so bad asking for things so i totally get that 💕 199 words
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you knew they'd say yes, but sometimes that just made it worse. it wasn't the fear of your daddies saying no that kept you from asking for things, it was the fear that they'd say yes so many times that they'd get sick of it after too long. so you made yourself smaller. you stopped asking for things you wanted, even things you needed. and your daddies took notice. steve was doing the family finances when he realized the toy budget that month had fallen significantly. at first he'd thought maybe there was nothing you'd wanted lately, but one look at your longing face during a toy commercial proved that theory wrong. "you want that, angel?" he asked, but you shook your head guiltily. "aw thats a shame, i think i want it!" your eyebrows shot up "you do?" "yeah, do you think i should buy it?" steve asked again, and you wondered what he was getting at, so this time you nodded. "i want you to be happy, dada." steve smiled. "i want you to be happy to, baby. so please don't ever feel bad asking for things you want, because making you happy makes me happy too."
you're invited to my summer tea party!
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years ago
Hi, could you do one with cg!Steve, cg!Bucky and little!reader, where the reader wakes up and is very sick and Bucky and Steve baby them a lot. Also if you could add little!peter 1 too that would be great!
Reading all of your stories have made my week so much better, you are an amazing writer by the way!
Sick Babies
|| Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Peter Parker x Reader
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notes ; I apologize in advance, this is not really them babying reader and is more humorous but I really like how it turned out so I’m posting anyways
warnings ; reader & peter being sick, mentions of medication, pet names
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Steve paces restlessly beside your bed, re reading all the medicine labels that Bruce gave him, he’s been doing it for the past ten minutes and it’s about to drive you and Bucky up a wall.
“Darling, I know they’re sick but please calm down a bit.” The super soldier soothes a hand down Rogers back, playfully rolling his eyes to you which makes you giggle even in your ill state.
You had woken with a fever and horrid cough, something that has caused immense stress to Steve in particular, meanwhile you and Bucky have taken the opportunity to binge watch your favorite movies in bed. Sure being sick is trash, but Bucky makes it better with his jokes, and Steve has the medication doses down to a science at this point.
“Just relax with us and—.” Bucky’s cut off by a knock at the door, Steve quickly shuffles to answer it and the gasp he lets out tells you he’s not relaxing anytime soon.
“Come in, come in, my god have you been all on your own all day? Have you taken any medicine? When’s the last time you took your temperature?”
As soon as you see the haggard state Peters in when he steps farther into the room, all the questions flying out of Steve’s mouth make sense. The sight of Parker wiping his red nose with a huff at Steve’s fussing, Bucky’s face falls, his caregiver-ness coming out more from the looks of things.
“We can be sick together!” You open your arms quickly for Peter who all but throws himself into the embrace, mumbling about how warm you are even though he’s sweat through his shirt.
“You two are a mess, I’m going to go grab a change of clothes for Peter, don’t move. Bucky don’t let them move.” The three of you snort at Steve’s finger pointing towards Barnes’ face.
“Alright sick babies, you need anything?” Despite the teasing sent Rogers way, Bucky drops his tone to soft and shifts some hair off both of your foreheads.
“Lay with us?” Peter lifts his head off your chest with a sheepish smile, you encourage the ask by grabbing at Bucky’s arm til he finally collapses onto the mattress. He’s not on top of you like Peter is, rather squished into your sides, putting his arm around both of you and petting a hand at your shoulder, or what he can reach of it.
And when Steve comes back to the three of you snoring atop one another, well he can’t complain that much; but he will wake you up to take your medicine in about twenty minutes when the timer goes off.
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falcqns · 3 years ago
𝐢 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢'𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞)
✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Henry Cavill x little!actress!Reader
✰ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a snowstorm helps you grow closer to your co star in a way you never thought it would.
✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: beginning of a CG/L relationship, fluff, brief mention of H*yley A*well (just her name and then that's it), mention of Steve Rogers (again, just his name), mentions of storms!
✰ 𝐚/𝐧: thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy!! tagging @inlovewithhisblueeyes and @uhmellamoanna because i love them both dearly and they were really excited for this!! divider is by @firefly-graphics! also thanks to Freya Allan for talking about how supportive Henry is of her and how he encouraged her because it helped inspire this as well 😭
to who ever reads this: don't bother asking for a part two, you won't get it. i am the owner of this fic, and this blog, and I, and only I, will decided what fic gets a part two and when. respect me and my wishes or get off my blog. thanks!
don't forget to read and reblog, and i do not give permission for my works to be posted anywhere other than tumblr. thank you.
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the first time you saw Henry, you couldn't speak to him. you were on set of Mission: Impossible 8, and you were filming a scene with Michelle when he walked on set with Tom. you glanced at him out of the corner of your eye, but refocused on the director to finish the scene.
the scene was finished a while later, and you were summoned over to Tom, who introduced you to Henry. you smiled shyly at him, at his head tilted to the side, clearly searching your face for something. he seemed to find it moments later, and he smirked, before smiling and complimenting you. before you could respond, however, Henry was pulled away a moment later by the costume designer.
"don't worry," Tom had said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders like he always did. "you'll get more one on one time with him later. he's just popular today."
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turns out, Tom was right. the next week was your first scene with him, and you were practically shaking with nerves. you were supposed to run up to Henry and jump into his arms, and even thought Henry had assured you that you could give it your all, but he could tell you were holding back.
MacQuarrie yelled for a 20 minute break, and you barely had time to register that, before Henry was pulling you aside.
"is everything okay?" he asked, concerned. "you know i can take you jumping, right?"
you nodded, swallowing, eyes locked on the ground.
"hey," he said, his finger resting under your chin and tilting it up towards him. "what's going on?" he asked.
you shrugged, your chin wobbling slightly. "just nervous, i guess." you said, blinking rapidly to dissipate the tears.
"why?" he asked, his hand resting on the side of his face.
you sniffled before speaking. "this is my first acting job, a-and i just don't wanna mess it up." you admitted. Henry grasped your hand and brought you over to where your chairs were, and the two of you sat.
"starting out in this business is a scary thing," he said, a soft and caring look on his face. "it's a harsh and unforgiving business, but you can make it." he encouraged. "the amount of talent you have is astounding to me. not many people get a first role in a movie like Mission Impossible."
"y-yeah, that's what Tom said when he told me i got the role."
"most people also don't get the role moments after the initial audition, you know that right?" he asked, a smile on his face. you chewed on the inside of your lip, and nodded. "that shows just how much talent you have. you don't have to be nervous around me."
"i know, it's just-" you began, but stopped and looked down. "its just scary, acting with you." you said. "you're a much more experienced actor, and its a little intimidating."
Henry smiled and leaned in closer. "i understand. i felt the same way. my first movie was Hotel Laguna, and i remember being so terrified of acting with Joe Mantegna, but the more we filmed the easier it became."
you nodded, feeling much better after your conversation.
"everything will be fine, i promise." he said. "now jump into my damn arms or i will tickle you." he said, poking your side as MacQuarrie called the two of you back. you giggled, and walked away, missing the way he gazed at you, closing his eyes and shaking his head in a silent laugh.
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"CUT!" MacQuarrie called, and you released Hayley from the choke hold, and walked over to where Henry was holding your phone and water bottle.
"can i put you in a white wig and make you do all my fight scenes on The Witcher?" he said, jokingly, and handed you your water.
you giggled, and smacked his arm, chugging the water. "as long as i get to wear that ab armor." you said. "i just wanna know what Geralt was thinking with that."
Henry threw his head back and laughed. "we had a whole scene where he found another Witchers armor in the armory and decided to use it."
you raised an eyebrow at him. "out of all the armor he could have chosen, he chose AB ARMOR?" you said jokingly. "he was just trying to show off to Ciri and up play how dangerous being a Witcher is."
"hey!" Henry exclaimed, tapping you on the nose. "being a Witcher is dangerous and scary!"
you cackled. "mhm, sure it is. keep telling yourself that."
Henry was about to respond, but Tom called for everyone's attention."
"due to some inclement weather approaching, we have made the decision to halt production until it passes. if you live close, you are welcome to go home, but we have booked out a few hotels for those who cant or don't want to." he said, and continued to explain, but you and Henry blocked it out when your assistants approached with room keys.
"what room are you?" Henry asked, looking at your card.
"210. you?"
"fuck, yeah." you said before Henry flicked your ear.
"who are you? Steve Rogers?"
"don't say his name."
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a few hours later, you were trembling from fear.
you and Henry had conjoining rooms, and he had come into yours an hour earlier, proclaiming that he was going to sleep, but to wake him up if you needed anything at all. you agreed, and gave him a smile as he left back through the door.
you grabbed your stuffy, weighted blanket, and paci from your duffel, and climbed into bed, trying to block out the loud wind noises. you stuffed your paci in your mouth, and began to suckle on it as you crawled under the blanket and cuddling your stuffy, and you could feel yourself slipping.
you let it happen, and sighed in happiness when you felt more calm, letting the stress of the day melt away from your body.
it worked for a while.
20 minutes, maybe?
and then the wind picked up again. your eyes were squeezed shut, when the loudest gust of wind hit the building with a thud, and you jumped, falling out of bed and onto the floor.
your knees hit the ground first, and you instantly burst into tears, pain shooting through your legs. another gust of wind hit the building, and you sobbed louder, pushing your body back into the corner between the window and the wall.
you wrapped your arms around your body and began to rock as Henry burst through the conjoining door.
"y/n?" he called, looking for you. "i heard your crying, are you okay?"
you sobbed again, not out of fear, but out of shame. you had your stuffy on your bed, and a paci in your mouth. there was no hiding this, especially since he was moving nearer you, having finally spotted where you were.
"hey, what's going on?" he asked, crouching down and rubbing your shoulder. you calmed down when he touched you, and laid your head to the side, resting it onto his arm.
you gasped silently when he pressed your paci, pushing it back into your mouth.
"did the wind scare you, sweet girl?" he asked in a soothing voice, his thick accent soothing you.
you nodded, and whimpered. you wanted to suck your paci, but you didn't want to draw more attention to it. Henry stood up, and bent back down, he placed his hands under your armpits, and lifted you up.
you sniffled again as he settled you on his hip. "shhhh, little one." he whispered as he walked around the room, calming you down. he saw you tense whenever he went near the window, and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
he placed you back on the floor, and turned to close the curtains. he could hear you crying out in distress, wanting to be lifted again. he shut the curtains, and turned back, smiling when he saw you with your arms up, bouncing and waiting for him to lift you again.
he did just that, and carried you over to the bed. he laid him and you down, and pulled your stuffy and blanket closer. he wrapped the bed comforter around the two of you, and then the weighted blanket on top of that. you continued to squirm, and tug at his shirt. he didn't know exactly what you needed, but he also knew that something was wrong, and you weren't comfortable.
"are you hungry, baby girl?" he got a head shake in return.
"do you need to go potty?" another head shake, and another tug at his shirt. "what are you trying to tell me, sweet heart?" he said to himself, and sat up briefly, tugging his shirt off and throwing it off the bed.
"do you want yours off, too?" he asked, seeing you tug on your own shirt, giving him frustrated suckles at your paci. you nodded, blinking slowly, and he tugged it off as well. you sighed as you laid down on his bare chest, feeling Henry's fingers trail up and down your spine.
another kiss was pressed to your head as you drifted off, Henry's eyes locked on your face.
"i told you everything would be fine, didn't i?" he commented. "i love you."
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