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vanduck · 1 month ago
Just joking
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continuations · 6 months ago
We Need Actually Open AI Now More than Ever (Or: Why Leopold Aschenbrenner is Dangerously Wrong)
Based on recent meetings it would appear that the national security establishment may share Leopold Aschenbrenner's view that the US needs to get to ASI first to help protect the world from Chinese hegemony. I believe firmly in protecting individual freedom and democracy. Building a secretive Manhattan project style ASI is, however, not the way to accomplish this. Instead we now need an Actually Open™ AI more than ever. We need ASIs (plural) to be developed in the open. With said development governed in the open. And with the research, data, and systems accessible to all humankind. 
The safest number of ASIs is 0. The least safe number is 1. Our odds get better the more there are. I realize this runs counter to a lot of writing on the topic, but I believe it to be correct and will attempt to explain concisely why.
I admire the integrity of some of the people who advocate for stopping all development that could result in ASI and are morally compelled to do so as a matter of principle (similar to committed pacifists). This would, however, require magically getting past the pervasive incentive systems of capitalism and nationalism in one tall leap. Put differently, I have resigned myself to zero ASIs being out of reach for humanity.
Comparisons to our past ability to ban CFCs as per the Montreal Protocol provide a false hope. Those gasses had limited economic upside (there are substitutes) and obvious massive downside (exposing everyone to terrifyingly higher levels of UV radiation). The climate crisis already shows how hard the task becomes when the threat is seemingly just a bit more vague and in the future. With ASI, however, we are dealing with the exact inverse: unlimited perceived upside and "dubious" risk. I am putting "dubious" in quotes because I very much believe in existential AI risk but it has proven difficult to make this case to all but a small group of people.
To get a sense of just how big the economic upside perception for ASI is one need to look no further than the billions being poured into OpenAI, Anthropic and a few others. We are entering the bubble to end all bubbles because the prize at the end appears infinite. Scaling at inference time is utterly uneconomical at the moment based on energy cost alone. Don't get me wrong: it's amazing that it works but it is not anywhere close to being paid for by current applications. But it is getting funded and to the tune of many billions. It’s ASI or bust.
Now consider the national security argument. Aschenbrenner uses the analogy to the nuclear bomb race to support his view that the US must get there first with some margin to avoid a period of great instability and protect the world from a Chinese takeover. ASI will result in decisive military advantage, the argument goes. It’s a bit akin to Earth’s spaceships encountering far superior alien technology in the Three Body Problem, or for those more inclined towards history (as apparently Aschenbrenner is), the trouncing of Iraqi forces in Operation Desert Storm. 
But the nuclear weapons or other examples of military superiority analogy is deeply flawed for two reasons. First, weapons can only destroy, whereas ASI also has the potential to build. Second, ASI has failure modes that are completely unlike the failure modes of non-autonomous weapons systems. Let me illustrate how these differences matter using the example of ASI designed swarms of billions of tiny drones that Aschenbrenner likes to conjure up. What in the world makes us think we could actually control this technology? Relying on the same ASI that designed the swarm to stop it is a bad idea for obvious reasons (fox in charge of hen house). And so our best hope is to have other ASIs around that build defenses or hack into the first ASI to disable it. Importantly, it turns out that it doesn’t matter whether the other ASI are aligned with humans in some meaningful way as long as they foil the first one successfully.
Why go all the way to advocating a truly open effort? Why not just build a couple of Manhattan projects then? Say a US and a European one. Whether this would make a big difference depends a lot on one’s belief about the likelihood of an ASI being helpful in a given situation. Take the swarm example again. If you think that another ASI would be 90% likely to successfully stop the swarm, well then you might take comfort in small numbers. If on the other hand you think it is only 10% likely and you want a 90% probability of at least one helping successfully you need 22 (!) ASIs. Here’s a chart graphing the likelihood of all ASIs being bad / not helpful against the number of ASIs for these assumptions:
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And so here we have the core argument for why one ASI is the most dangerous of all the scenarios. Which is of course exactly the scenario that Aschenbrenner wants to steer us towards by enclosing the world’s knowledge and turning the search for ASI into a Manhattan project. Aschenbrenner is not just wrong, he is dangerously wrong.
People have made two counter arguments to the let’s build many ASIs including open ones approach. 
First, there is the question of risk along the way. What if there are many open models and they allow bio hackers to create super weapons in their garage. That’s absolutely a valid risk and I have written about a key way of mitigating that before. But here again unless you believe the number of such models could be held to zero, more models also mean more ways of early detection, more ways of looking for a counteragent or cure, etc. And because we already know today what some of the biggest bio risk vectors are we can engage in ex-ante defensive development. Somewhat in analogy to what happened during COVID, would you rather want to rely on a single player or have multiple shots on goal – it is highly illustrative here to compare China’s disastrous approach to the US's Operation Warp Speed.
Second, there is the view that battling ASIs will simply mean a hellscape for humanity in a Mothra vs. Godzilla battle. Of course there is no way to rule that out but multiple ASIs ramping up around the same time would dramatically reduce the resources any one of them can command.  And the set of outcomes also includes ones where they simply frustrate each other’s attempts at domination in ways that are highly entertaining to them but turn out to be harmless for the rest of the world. 
Zero ASIs are unachievable. One ASI is extremely dangerous. We must let many ASIs bloom. And the best way to do so is to let everyone contribute, fork, etc. As a parting thought: ASIs that come out of open collaboration between humans and machines would at least be exposed to a positive model for the future in their origin, whereas an ASI covertly hatched for world domination, even in the name of good, might be more inclined to view that as its own manifest destiny.
I am planning to elaborate the arguments sketched here. So please fire away with suggestions and criticisms as well as links to others making compelling arguments for or against Aschenbrenner's one ASI to rule them all.
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foreverlogical · 1 year ago
A Washington-based married couple's challenge to an obscure provision of the 2017 Republican tax law has the potential to become "the most important tax case in a century," with far-reaching implications for federal revenues, key social programs, and Congress' constitutional authority to impose levies on income.
That's according to a new report released Wednesday by the Roosevelt Institute and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP).
The policy groups estimated that if the conservative-dominated U.S. Supreme Court sides with the plaintiffs in Moore v. United States—which the justices are set to take up in December—nearly 400 multinational corporations could collectively receive more than $270 billion in tax relief, further enriching behemoths such as Apple, Microsoft, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Google.
The Roosevelt Institute and ITEP also found that Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito own stock in 19 companies that are poised to receive a combined $30 billion in tax breaks if the judges strike down the 2017 law's mandatory repatriation tax, a one-time levy targeting earnings that multinational corporations had piled up overseas.
But the case could have impacts well beyond a repeal of the repatriation tax, which was projected to generate $340 billion in federal revenue over a decade.
Depending on the scope of the justices' decision, the new report argues, the Supreme Court could "suddenly supplant Congress as a major American tax policymaker, putting at legal jeopardy much of the architecture of laws that prevent corporations and individuals from avoiding taxes, and introducing great uncertainty about our democracy's ability to tax large corporations and the most affluent."
"At the best of times, blowing a $340 billion hole in the federal budget would be catastrophic," Matt Gardner, a senior fellow at ITEP and a co-author of the new report, said in a statement. "And if the court invalidates the transition tax in its Moore decision, that's exactly what would happen: possibly the costliest Supreme Court decision of all time. And it would be hard to identify a less deserving set of tax cut beneficiaries than the companies that would reap at least $271 billion from repealing this tax."
"The Roberts Court could decide with the stroke of a pen to simultaneously forgive big business decades of tax dues."
Charles and Kathleen Moore brought their challenge to the repatriation provision after they were hit with a roughly $15,000 tax bill stemming from their stake in an Indian farm equipment company. As the Tax Policy Center recently observed, the Indian firm is a "controlled foreign corporation (CFC), or a foreign corporation whose ownership or voting rights are more than 50% owned by U.S. persons who each own at least 10%."
The Moores' cause has been championed by billionaire-backed organizations and corporate lobbying groups, including the Manhattan Institute–which is chaired by billionaire hedge fund mogul Paul Singer—and the powerful U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
"That such a case involving such modest sums would make it all the way to the high court indicates that there is much more at play than a single family's tax refund," ITEP's Gardner and Spandan Marasini and the Roosevelt Institute's Niko Lusiani note in the new report.
The plaintiffs' legal team argues that because the Moores' shares in the Indian firm were not "realized"—they did not sell or receive a distribution from the company—they should not have been on the hook for the repatriation tax.
"The government, on the other hand, argues that almost a century of tax law precedent has established Congress' broad authority to decide when and how to tax income, even without a specific realization event," the new report explains. "What's more, the income was clearly realized by the corporation, which is sufficient for income taxation of shareholders under various provisions of the existing tax code."
While it's possible that the Supreme Court will rule narrowly on the specifics of the Moores' situation, the report authors cautioned that the justices "could also issue a broad decision that taxing income—of an individual or a corporate shareholder—requires realization, and that income taxation on multiple years of accrued income is unconstitutional."
Such a sweeping ruling could preemptively ban a wealth tax—an outcome that right-wing supporters of the Moores have explicitly advocated.
"This case presents the court with an ideal opportunity to clarify that taxes on unrealized gains, such as wealth taxes, are direct taxes that are unconstitutional if not apportioned among the states," the Manhattan Institute declared in a May amicus brief.
A broad ruling by the high court could also imperil key elements of the existing tax code, according to ITEP and the Roosevelt Institute.
"One of the most established of these pillars is known as Subpart F, which was enacted in 1962 to prevent American corporations from avoiding taxation through offshore entities or controlled foreign corporations," the new report says. "Provisions related to Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI), the branch profits tax; tax treatment of corporate debt; and others could be uprooted by five justices."
"The Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax—enacted as part of the Inflation Reduction Act to create a basic corporate tax floor—as well as international efforts to curb international tax avoidance could be made constitutionally invalid," the report adds.
The analysis stresses that the consequences of a broad ruling in the upcoming case would be profound, affecting more than just a handful of corporate tax provisions.
"In Moore," the report warns, "the Roberts Court could decide with the stroke of a pen to simultaneously forgive big business decades of tax dues, increase the federal deficit over the long run, jeopardize future public revenue and essential social programs, escalate these multinational companies' already sizeable after-tax profits, and further enrich their shareholders."
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eksopolitiikka · 10 days ago
Ihmiskunnan muokkaaminen lisäaineilla, kemikaaleilla ja hermomyrkyillä
Ihmiskunnan muokkaaminen lisäaineilla, kemikaaleilla ja hermomyrkyillä
Nämä ovat vain muutamia niistä erilaisista lisäaineista, kemikaaleista ja hermomyrkyistä, joita on elintarvikkeissamme ja muissa tuotteissamme.
Aspartaami = keinotekoinen makeutusaine, jota valmistetaan asparagiinihaposta. Kaava: C14H18N2O5
MSG = mononatriumglutamaatti = valkoinen kiteinen aine, glutamaattihapon natriumsuola, jolla ei ole juurikaan makua, mutta joka parantaa proteiinien makua joko lisäämällä suussa tuotetun syljen määrää tai stimuloimalla makuhermoja: käytetään elintarvikelisäaineena, erityisesti kiinalaisissa elintarvikkeissa. Kaava: Nimi: NaC5H8O4: Natriumglutamaatti. Lyhenne: MSG
Sakkariini = erittäin makea valkoinen, kiteinen, hieman liukeneva jauhe, jota käytetään makeutusaineena. Kaava: C7H5NO3S
Fluoridi =
1 fluorivetyhapon suola, joka sisältää fluoridi-ionin F-.
2 mikä tahansa fluoria sisältävä yhdiste, kuten metyylifluoridi.
Lähde: Collins English Dictionary
Fluori = Fluori on yksi 92 luonnossa esiintyvästä alkuaineesta. Se kuuluu halogeeniperheeseen, johon kuuluvat myös kloori, bromi ja jodi. Se on vaaleankeltainen kaasu, joka on erittäin reaktiivinen. Tämän vuoksi sitä ei koskaan esiinny luonnossa vapaana vaan ainoastaan yhdistettynä muihin alkuaineisiin. Näitä yhdisteitä kutsutaan fluorideiksi. Fluori muodostaa helposti yhdisteitä kaikkien alkuaineiden kanssa kahta lukuun ottamatta: heliumin ja neonin kanssa. Vaikka fluori on maankuoren kolmastoista runsain alkuaine, se ei ole eläville olennaisille eliöille välttämätön ravintoaine.
Ihmismaidon fluoripitoisuus on 100 kertaa pienempi kuin fluoratun juomaveden avulla valmistetun äidinmaidonkorvikkeen, esim. 0,01 ppm verrattuna 1,0 ppm:ään. Sen lisäksi, että fluori reagoi hammaskiilteessä, luussa ja käpyrauhasessa esiintyvän kalsiumhydroksiapatiitin kanssa, sitä ei ole koskaan sisällytetty elävien olentojen rakennusaineisiin.
Yleisin fluoria sisältävä mineraali on fluorisälpä (CaF2). Sitä on käytetty vuosisatojen ajan vuonona malmien sulatuksessa, ja se antoi fluorille nimensä (latinan sanasta fluere, joka tarkoittaa ”virrata”). Muita tärkeitä fluorin mineraalilähteitä ovat kryoliitti (Na3AlF6), flurapatiitti (Ca5 (PO4)3.F) ja muut fosfaattikivet.
Ennen toista maailmansotaa fluoria voitiin tuottaa vain hyvin pieniä määriä kokeellisia tarkoituksia varten ”eikä sitä voinut ostaa millä tahansa hinnalla”. Läpimurto suuressa mittakaavassa tapahtuvaan tuotantoon tapahtui Manhattan-projektin atomipommin rakentamiseen tähtäävän työn tuloksena (Kirk et al.). Valtavia määriä fluoria tarvittiin uraanin isotooppien erottamiseen ja konsentrointiin.
Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen valtavia määriä fluoria on käytetty orgaanisten fluoriyhdisteiden (yhdisteet, joissa fluori on sitoutunut hiileen) valmistukseen. Näihin kuuluvat klooratut fluorihiilivedyt (CFC-yhdisteet), Teflon® (polytetrafluorieteeni), joka on erittäin stabiili muovi, joka kestää suurinta osaa kemikaaleista, myös fluorikaasua, sekä monet lääkkeet ja torjunta-aineet.
Lähde: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/fluoride.htm
Raportti: Aspartaami on neurotoksista ja pahentaa fibromyalgiaa ja kroonista väsymysoireyhtymää
COCA-COLA, PepsiCo ja monet muut isot firmat ovat taas asialla, tällä kertaa keinotekoisen makeutusaineen, aspartaamin, takia.
KAikki alkoi kun miamilainen laivuri Bartimous Berry jätti haasteen oikeusistuimeen Miamissa väittäen, että Coca-Cola -yhtiö, maailman suurin limonadien valmistaja, myy dieettikolaa limsalaitteissa, joka on halvempaa ja tuottoisampaa kuin pulloissa ja tölkeissä myytävä.
Haastehakemuksessa väitettiin, että Coca-Cola sekoittaa aspartaamia ja sakkariinia sen juomiin, joita limsalaitteissa myydään, kun taas pullotettu ja tölkitetty sokeriton kola sisältää vain kallista aspartaamia.
Coca-Cola sanoo käyttävänsä sakkariinia happamuudensäätöaineena, eikä se näe näillä hirveästi eroa.
Lance Harke, Berryn asianajaja jutussa, joka pyrkii edustamaan kaikkia floridalaisia limsan ostajia, kertoi medialle: ”Coca-Cola hyödyy sekä korkeammasta voittomarginaalista että sakkariinii liittyvästä stigmasta.”
Tässä yhteydessä voidaan muistuttaa, että sakkariini oli aiemmin luokiteltu Yhdysvalloissa syöpää aiheuttavaksi aineeksi.
Tiedotusvälineet siteerasivat Coca-Colan tiedottajaa Dan Schaferia, jonka mukaan sakariinia käytetään ”tuotteen laatuun liittyvistä syistä” eikä ”rahasyistä”.
Schaferin mukaan aspartaami menettää makeutensa nopeammin hanajuomassa kuin purkitetussa tai pullotetussa limsassa. Hän sanoi: ”Pidämme kanteita kevytmielisinä ja perusteettomina”, ja lisäsi, että yhtiö kohtaa samanlaisia väitteitä Illinoisissa ja Kaliforniassa nostetuissa kanteissa.
Huhtikuussa kolmessa eri kalifornialaisessa tuomioistuimessa, Shastan, Sonoman ja Butten piirikunnissa, nostettiin muita kanteita kahtatoista yritystä vastaan, jotka valmistavat tai käyttävät tuotteissaan sokerin korvikkeena keinotekoista makeutusainetta aspartaamia, jota Monsanto Corporation on alun perin valmistanut ja markkinoinut.
Aspartaamia hermomyrkyksi luokittelevien oikeusjuttujen vastaajiin kuuluvat Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Bayer Corp, Dannon Company, William Wrigley Jr. Company, ConAgra Foods, Wyeth Inc, The NutraSweet Company ja Altria Corp (Kraft Foodsin ja Philip Morrisin emoyhtiö).
Kantajat ovat pyytäneet kieltomääräystä, jolla yrityksiä kielletään tuottamasta, valmistamasta, käsittelemästä, myymästä tai käyttämästä aspartaamia, ja kaikissa kolmessa tapauksessa he ovat vaatineet valamiehistöoikeudenkäyntiä.
Kanteissa väitetään, että elintarvikeyritykset syyllistyivät petokseen ja takuun rikkomiseen markkinoidessaan tuotteita täysin tietoisena siitä, että niiden sisältämä makeutusaine aspartaami on hermomyrkyllistä.
Kantajien mukaan aspartaami on lisäaineeksi naamioitunut lääke. Se on vuorovaikutuksessa muiden lääkkeiden kanssa ja se on kemiallisen yliherkistymisen aiheuttaja. Aspartaamin on väitetty aiheuttavan päänsärkyä, muistinmenetystä, kouristuksia, näön menetystä, koomaa ja syöpää. Lisäksi se pahentaa tai jäljittelee sellaisten sairauksien ja tilojen oireita kuin fibromyalgia, MS-tauti, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimerin tauti, krooninen väsymys ja masennus.
Asiantuntijoiden mukaan aspartaami vapauttaa vapaata metyylialkoholia. Tästä aiheutuva krooninen metanolimyrkytys vaikuttaa aivojen dopamiinijärjestelmään ja aiheuttaa riippuvuutta. Metanoli eli puualkoholi muodostaa kolmanneksen aspartaamin molekyylistä, ja se luokitellaan vakavaksi aineenvaihduntamyrkyksi ja huumausaineeksi. Lisäksi aspartaamin käyttö voi aiheuttaa äkkikuoleman, joka johtuu sen aiheuttamista vaurioista sydämen johtamisjärjestelmässä.
Kasviperäiset vaihtoehdot tulevat
Aspartaamin (NutraSweet) nauttimisen vaaroista kerrottiin ensimmäisen kerran Intiassa Association for Consumers Action on Safety and Health (ACASH) -lehden heinä-joulukuun 1995 numerossa.
ACASHin uutiskirjeen varoituksessa oli todettu: ”Kaikki aspartaamin hajoamistuotteet ovat myrkyllisiä. On osoitettu, että vapaassa muodossa olevat asparagiinihappo ja gutamiinihapot voivat aiheuttaa vakavia neurologisia vaurioita. Nämä hapot vahingoittavat hermosoluja vapaissa muodoissaan.”
Varoitus perustui ainakin osittain aspartaamia koskevaan tutkimuskatsaukseen, joka julkaistiin Journal of the Diabetic Association of India -lehdessä (Vol. 35, No. 4, 1995). Tutkimusraportin olivat kirjoittaneet tohtori J. Barua (silmälääkäri) ja tohtori Arun Bal (kirurgi).
Tästä ja muista vastaavista varoituksista huolimatta unionin hallitus sallii keinotekoisten makeutusaineiden käytön noin 25 elintarvikkeessa, kuten sokerivalmisteissa, toffeessa, pastilleissa, purukumissa, suklaatuotteissa, hiilihapotetussa vedessä, virvoitusjuomissa, perinteisissä makeisissa, hilloissa ja hyytelöissä.
Terveys- ja perhehuoltoministeriön PFA-sääntöjä muuttavan ilmoitusluonnoksen mukaan keinotekoisten makeutusaineiden käyttö voidaan sallia elintarvikkeissa spesifikaation mukaisesti. Valmistajien on kuitenkin painettava pakkaukseen ilmoitus ”sisältää keinotekoista makeutusainetta”.
Nykyään maan keinotekoisten makeutusaineiden teollisuuden yhteenlaskettu vuotuinen liikevaihto on 60 miljoonaa rupiaa, ja sen arvioidaan kasvavan 20 prosenttia vuodessa, koska se on onnistunut laajentamaan asiakaskuntaansa diabeetikoista kaikkiin kaloritietoisiin ihmisiin. Lähes kaikki nämä keinotekoiset makeutusaineet sisältävät aspartaamia.
Teollisuuden mukaan aspartaami on hyväksytty tärkeimmissä elintarvike- ja lääkevalvontaviranomaisissa kaikkialla maailmassa.
Koska jotkut intialaiset lääkärit kuitenkin kyseenalaistavat sen pitkäaikaisen käytön terveiden ihmisten keskuudessa, kotimarkkinoilla on tuotu markkinoille joitakin kasviperäisiä vaihtoehtoja, jotka eivät sisällä sokeria eivätkä aspartaamia.
  Artikkelin julkaissut immunesupport.com
Lisää fluorista: http://www.fluoridealert.org
Lisää aspartaamista: http://www.wnho.net/history_of_aspartame.htm
  Artikkelin julkaissut Red Ice Creations
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blackwoolncrown · 4 years ago
For the past few days, a heatwave has glowered over the Pacific Northwest, forcing temperatures in the region to a record-breaking 118ºF. Few people in the region—neither Americans nor Canadians—have air-conditioning. Stores sold out of new AC units in hours as a panicked public sought a reasonable solution to the emergency. Unfortunately, air-conditioning is part of what’s causing the unusual heatwave in the first place.
We came close to destroying all life on Earth during the Cold War, with the threat of nuclear annihilation. But we may have come even closer during the cooling war, when the rising number of Americans with air conditioners—and a refrigerant industry that fought regulation—nearly obliterated the ozone layer. We avoided that environmental catastrophe, but the fundamental problem of air conditioning has never really been resolved.
Mechanical cooling appeared in the early 1900s not for comfort but for business. In manufacturing, the regulation of temperature—“process cooling”—controlled the quality of commodities like cotton, tobacco, and chewing gum. In 1903, Alfred Wolff installed the first cooling system for people at the New York Stock Exchange because comfortable traders yielded considerably higher stock returns. Only in the ’20s did “commercial cooling” appear. On Memorial Day weekend 1925, Willis Carrier debuted the first centrifugal air-conditioning system at the Rivoli Theater in Midtown Manhattan. Previously, theaters had shut down in the summer. With air-conditioning, the Rivoli became “the talk of Broadway” and inaugurated the summer blockbuster.
-another direct tie to capitalism. Everything born out of colonio-capitalism carries its toxic mark. Article totally not under the cut for those who can’t pay for Time. It honestly paints a really clear picture of the situation. Bolding mine.-
“It’s time we become more comfortable with discomfort. Our survival may depend on it.“
Before World War II, almost no one had air-conditioning at home. Besides being financially impractical and culturally odd, it was also dangerous. Chemical refrigerants like sulfur dioxide and methyl chloride filled most fridges and coolers, and leaks could kill a child, poison a hospital floor, even blow up a basement. Everything changed with the invention of Freon in 1928. Non-toxic and non-explosive, Freon was hailed as a “miracle.” It made the modernist skyscraper—with its sealed windows and heat-absorbing materials—possible. It made living in the desert possible. The small, winter resort of Phoenix, Arizona, became a year-round attraction. Architecture could now ignore the local climate. Anywhere could be 65ºF with 55% humidity. Cheap materials made boxy, suburban tract housing affordable to most Americans, but the sealed-up, stifling design of these homes required air-conditioning to keep the heat at bay. Quickly, air-conditioning transitioned from a luxury to a necessity. By 1980, more than half of all U.S. homes were air-conditioned. And despite millions of Black Americans fleeing the violence of Jim Crow, the South saw greater in-migration than out-migration for the first time—a direct result of AC. The American car was similarly transformed. In 1955, only 10 percent of American cars had air-conditioning. Thirty years later, it came standard.
The cooling boom also altered the way we work. Now, Americans could work anywhere at any hour of the day. Early ads for air-conditioning promised not health or comfort but productivity. The workday could proceed no matter the season or the climate. Even in the home, A/C brought comfort as a means to rest up before the next work day.
The use of air-conditioning was as symbolic as it was material. It conveyed class status. Who did and didn’t have air-conditioning often fell starkly along the color line, too, especially in the South. It conquered the weather and, with it, the need to sweat or squirm or lie down in the summer swelter. In that sense, air-conditioning allowed Americans to transcend their physical bodies, that long-sought fantasy of the Puritan settlers: to be in the world but not of it. Miracle, indeed.
But it came with a price. As it turned out, Freon isn’t exactly non-toxic. Freon is a chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), which depletes the ozone layer and also acts as a global warming gas. By 1974, the industrialized world was churning out CFCs, chemicals that had never appeared on the planet in any significant quantities, at a rate of one million metric tons a year—the equivalent mass of more than 500,000 cars. That was the year atmospheric chemists Sherry Rowland and Mario Molina first hypothesized that the chlorine molecules in CFCs might be destroying ozone in the stratosphere by bonding to free oxygen atoms and disrupting the atmosphere’s delicate chemistry. By then, CFCs were used not only as refrigerants but also as spray can propellants, manufacturing degreasers, and foam-blowing agents.
The ozone layer absorbs the worst of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Without stratospheric ozone, life as we know it is impossible. A 1 percent decline in the ozone layer’s thickness results in thousands of new cases of skin cancer. Greater depletion would lead to crop failures, the collapse of oceanic food systems, and, eventually, the destruction of all life on Earth.
In the 1980s, geophysicist Joseph Farman confirmed the Rowland-Molina hypothesis when he detected a near-absence of ozone over Antarctica—the “Ozone Hole.” A fierce battle ensued among industry, scientists, environmentalists, and politicians, but in 1987 the U.S signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, which ended Freon production.
The Montreal Protocol remains the world’s only successful international environmental treaty with legally binding emissions targets. Annual conferences to re-assess the goals of the treaty make it a living document, which is revised in light of up-to-date scientific data. For instance, the Montreal Protocol set out only to slow production of CFCs, but, by 1997, industrialized countries had stopped production entirely, far sooner than was thought possible. The world was saved through global cooperation.
The trouble is that the refrigerants replacing CFCs, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), turned out to be terrible for the planet, too. While they have an ozone-depleting potential of zero, they are potent greenhouse gases. They absorb infrared radiation from the sun and Earth and block heat that normally escapes into outer space. Carbon dioxide and methane do this too, but HFCs trap heat at rates thousands of times higher. Although the number of refrigerant molecules in the atmosphere is far fewer than those of other greenhouse gases, their destructive force, molecule for molecule, is far greater.
In three decades, the production of HFCs grew exponentially. Today, HFCs provide the cooling power to almost any air conditioner in the home, in the office, in the supermarket, or in the car. They cool vaccines, blood for transfusions, and temperature-sensitive medications, as well as the data processors and computer servers that make up the internet—everything from the cloud to blockchains. In 2019, annual global warming emissions from HFCs were the equivalent of 175 million metric tons of carbon dioxide.
In May, the EPA signaled it will begin phasing down HFCs and replacing them with more climate-friendly alternatives. Experts agree that a swift end to HFCs could prevent as much as 0.5ºC of warming over the next century—a third of the way to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Yet regardless of the refrigerant used, cooling still requires energy. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, air-conditioning accounts for nearly a fifth of annual U.S. residential electricity use. This is more energy for cooling overall and per capita than in any other nation. Most Americans consider the cost of energy only in terms of their electricity bills. But it’s also costing us the planet. Joe Biden’s announcement to shift toward a renewable energy infrastructure obscures the uncertainty of whether that infrastructure could meet Americans’ outrageously high energy demand—much of it for cooling that doesn’t save lives. Renewable energy infrastructure can take us only so far. The rest of the work is cultural. From Freon to HFCs, we keep replacing chemical refrigerants without taking a hard look at why we’re cooling in the first place.
Comfort cooling began not as a survival strategy but as a business venture. It still carries all those symbolic meanings, though its currency now works globally, cleaving the world into civilized cooling and barbaric heat. Despite what we assume, as a means of weathering a heat wave, individual air-conditioning is terribly ineffective. It works only for those who can afford it. But even then, their use in urban areas only makes the surrounding micro-climate hotter, sometimes by a factor of 10ºF, actively threatening the lives of those who don’t have access to cooling. (The sociologist Eric Klinenberg has brilliantly studied how, in a 1995 Chicago heat wave, about twice as many people died than in a comparable heat wave forty years earlier due to the city’s neglect of certain neighborhoods and social infrastructure.) Ironically, research suggests that exposure to constant air-conditioning can prevent our bodies from acclimatizing to hot weather, so those who subject themselves to “thermal monotony” are, in the end, making themselves more vulnerable to heat-related illness.
And, of course, air-conditioning only works when you have the electricity to power it. During heatwaves, when air-conditioning is needed most, blackouts are frequent. On Sunday, with afternoon temperatures reaching 112ºF around Portland, the power grid failed for more than 6,300 residences under control by Portland General Electrics.
The troubled history of air-conditioning suggests not that we chuck it entirely but that we focus on public cooling, on public comfort, rather than individual cooling, on individual comfort. Ensuring that the most vulnerable among the planet’s human inhabitants can keep cool through better access to public cooling centers, shade-giving trees, safe green spaces, water infrastructure to cool, and smart design will not only enrich our cities overall, it will lower the temperature for everyone. It’s far more efficient this way.
To do so, we’ll have to re-orient ourselves to the meaning of air-conditioning. And to comfort. Privatized air-conditioning survived the ozone crisis, but its power to separate—by class, by race, by nation, by ability—has survived, too. Comfort for some comes at the expense of the life on this planet.
It’s time we become more comfortable with discomfort. Our survival may depend on it.
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Disposal Old AC Unit New York, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens
America throws out some six million window air conditioners every year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. If yours will be joining those ranks as the summer winds down—maybe it’s broken, maybe after all this heat you’ve resigned to moving to the Yukon before June rolls around again—you should know that tossing an AC is not as simple as hauling the unit to the curb. In fact, it’s actually illegal to smuggle your AC to a landfill with the rest of your trash.
That’s because ACs contain refrigerant, which can contribute to climate change. In older appliances, these are chlorofluorocarbons (you might know them by their nickname, CFCs). Newer units contain hydrochlorofluorocarbons or hydrofluorocarbon. Yes, all of those names sound the same—don’t worry about distinguishing between the three of them, because they’re all pretty bad for the environment. All three act as greenhouse gases if released into the atmosphere, and with the exception of the last one, will deplete the ozone layer. If your AC winds up in a landfill with the refrigerants still inside, they will leak out and go into the sky and wreak havok.
We do a variety of things that are kind of bad for the environment all the time—including using electricity to run ACs in the first place—so what’s so bad about taking this particular life shortcut? A lot. Refrigerants are such powerful greenhouse gases that venting the refrigerant inside a single AC unit boosts the greenhouse effect as much as driving a car over 3,000 miles, according to EPA spokesperson Melissa Harrison. Basically, carelessly throwing out an AC unit has roughly the same environmental impact as taking a road trip from Seattle to Miami. (It’s less fun, too—or at least involves fewer Spotify playlists).
A few cities have municipal services that will come pick up your air conditioner. If you are in New York City, you can make an appointment with the Department of Sanitation using this online form. You’ll leave the unit curbside, and someone will come remove the CFCs on the designated day. They’ll then tag the appliance and it will be removed on the next trash day. (It’s a good idea to leave a note on the unit to indicate that it’s broken so that no one else picks it up.)
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redsector-a · 4 years ago
Millennial Bucky/Hawkeye Clint Covid fic - wait wait - is this the CFC Plotbunny idea???? OOOOOH! I wanna see!
It’s not a plotbunny from the server, no, though I did mention it earlier on in the summer if that’s what you meant. Basically in this Bucky is a vet and he’s part of a trial for a Stark-Tech arm. And then Covid hits. Well it’s not really sensible or safe to travel from Brooklyn to Manhattan to get tune-ups is it? Cue Bucky moving into Avengers Tower because yes the Avengers are still a thing. I am not sure yet who all is living in the Tower at the time, but I do know one of them is obviously Hawkeye...and Bucky finds him perhaps a bit too charming and funny and oh yeah - handsome - for his sanity. ;-)
WIP Ask Game
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supremehanson · 3 years ago
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Big 16 x 20 #oiloncanvas #muscles #malenude #willtheyeverbebigenough? (at Manhattanville, Manhattan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfC-xmRFj3w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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youngpsls · 4 years ago
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at Tribeca-Lower Manhattan https://www.instagram.com/p/CFC-aw6H7-o/?igshid=xt3p5hy1oega
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trilotechcorp · 5 years ago
New Post has been published on PBA-Live
New Post has been published on https://pba-live.com/forty-five-realities-about-the-pba-as-association-celebrates-45th-commemoration/
Forty-five realities about the PBA as association celebrates 45th commemoration
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APRIL 9, 1975 was a milestone day for sports in the nation after the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) was framed, the principal ever proficient b-ball alliance in Asia. From that point forward, the class has become a ball rivalry as well as a wellspring of amusement for Filipinos throughout the years.
As the group praises its 45th year, SPIN.ph concocted things that you could conceivably think about the class that relates with the numbers 1 to 45. Indeed, even with the rich history of the association, trust us when we state it was difficult to think of a rundown.
You should? What’s your critical minute in the PBA.
The principal player to score in the PBA was Joy Dionisio. Playing for Concepcion Carrier, Dionisio scored a lay-up in the principal round of the class last April 9, 1975. Notwithstanding, Dionisio’s group bowed to Mariwasa, 101-98, in the initial game. Toyota, in the mean time, likewise came out champs in that playdate with a 105-101 triumph over U-Tex.
The MVPs won by Abet Guidaben, the player with the most number of games in the PBA with 1,081 games.
The quantity of MVPs won by William ‘Marshes’ Adornado, the principal player to win the individual plum in 1975. He won it again in 1976 and 1981.
The quantity of MVPs won each by Ramon Fernandez and Alvin Patrimonio, the past high until June Mar Fajardo broke the record. Fernandez won the honor in 1982, 1984, 1986, and 1988, while Patrimonio copped the plum in 1991, 1993, 1994, and 1997.
Four is additionally the occasions Vergel Meneses won an All-Star MVP, doing the accomplishment in 1995, 1998, 2000, and 2003.
Jun Bernardino was the fifth chief of the PBA where he served the group for a long time, the longest ever.
The occasions June Mar Fajardo won the PBA MVP in back to back design, the most ever, outperforming Fernandez and Patrimonio. Through the span of his MVP seasons, Fajardo won eight PBA titles, and even got a group record 31 bounce back in Game Seven of the 2019 Philippine Cup finals against Magnolia on May 15.
The quantity of Best Import grants Bobby Parks won in his PBA profession. The honor was later named after him.
In view of the PBA Annual, the Philippine group filled in as visitor group in eight seasons through the span of the 45 years of the PBA.
The quantity of PBA groups in the main year of the PBA. They were Toyota, Crispa, U-Tex, Mariwasa, Concepcion Carrier, Royal Tru Orange, Tanduay, Presto, and 7-Up.
Current PBA official Willie Marcial is the tenth individual to hold the position.
Ten is likewise the quantity of takes Ryan Reyes had in a January 29, 2012 game against Powerade, the most ever.
Norman Black has brought home 11 PBA titles as a mentor and is the second strategist throughout the entire existence of the class to win a Grand Slam when San Miguel asserted the uncommon accomplishment in 1989.
The quantity of titles won by Barangay Ginebra, the most mainstream group in the PBA. The Gin Kings have won three All-Filipino/Philippine Cup crowns and nine titles in meetings with imports.
The occasions Crispa won PBA titles, the most among groups that have disbanded from the class. The Redmanizers had a celebrated competition with Toyota in a tussle that made geniuses for the association around then. Crispa disbanded in 1984 per year after Toyota additionally left the class.
The quantity of successive misfortunes Shopinas endured in the 2011-2012 Philippine Cup, the longest such streak in PBA history that happened from October 5 to December 8, 2011.
Virgilio ‘Child’ Dalupan won 15 PBA titles for the Crispa Redmanizers, turning into the best mentor before Tim Cone outperformed him. Dalupan additionally won two Grand Slams for the group in 1976 and 1983. In winning the 1976 Grand Slam, Dalupan just lost multiple times.
The pullover number of Toyota cager Gil Cortez, the main player to win the Rookie of the Year in 1976.
Allan Caidic changed over a class record 17 three-pointers when he scored 79 focuses in Tivoli’s 162-149 triumph over Ginebra in November 21, 1991.
The quantity of focuses Shell scored at halftime in its match against Mobiline on May 3, 2000. Shell proceeded to score only 47 in its 32-point rout, the least yield ever in a game by a PBA group ever.
Crispa dominated 19 straight matches from September 30 to December 9, 1980, considered the longest series of wins ever in PBA history.
As indicated by the PBA Annual, there are 20 establishments who have either disbanded or been sold. They are Barako Bull/Air21/Burger King/FedEx, Powerade/Coca-Cola, Sta. Lucia, Air21/Shopinas, Red Bull/Barako Bull, U-Tex, Pilipinas Shell, Sunkist/Sarsi/Pop Cola/Swift, Tanduay, Great Taste/CFC/Presto/Tivoli, Manila Beer/Beer Hausen, Toyota, Mariwasa/Noritake/Honda/Finance/Galerie Dominique, Seven-Up, Filmanbank, Carrier/Quasar/Fiberlite, Manhattan/Sunkist/Winston/Countryfair, Crispa, Tefilin, and Galleon/CDCP.
The quantity of misfortunes the San Miguel Beermen and Alaska Milkmen each had in their Grand Slam a long time in 1989 and 1996. With a 51-21 record, the 1996 Alaska group had the most successes among all groups which won the Grand Slam followed by the San Miguel crew in 1989 with a 50-21 imprint.
The quantity of titles Tim Cone has won in his training vocation, the most by some other guide throughout the entire existence of the PBA, that saw spells with Alaska, San Mig Coffee, and Barangay Ginebra.
Robert Jaworski played for a long time in the PBA, the most throughout the entire existence of the alliance. He played for Toyota before moving for Barangay Ginebra where he fabricated the ‘Never Say Die’ mantra of the group that despite everything exists right up ’til the present time.
The quantity of free tosses Nelson Asaytono made in a July 2, 1992 game by Swift against Purefoods, the most ever. The Mighty Meaties lost, 110-106.
The principal portion of the PBA’s greatest players were named in 2000 during the association’s 25th commemoration. The 25 were Johnny Abarrientos, Bogs Adornado, Ato Agustin, Francis Arnaiz, Ricardo Brown, Allan Caidic, Hector Calma, Philip Cezar, Atoy Co, Jerry Codinera, Kenneth Duremdes, Bernie Fabiosa, Ramon Fernandez, Danny Florencio, Abet Guidaben, Freddie Hubalde, Robert Jaworski, Jojo Lastimosa, Lim Eng Beng, Samboy Lim, Ronnie Magsanoc, Vergel Meneses, Manny Paner, Alvin Patrimonio, and Benjie Paras.
Danny Ildefonso, Willie Miller, James Yap, Asi Taulava, Eric Menk, Kelly Williams, Jayjay Helterbrand, Jimmy Alapag, Mark Caguioa, Arwind Santos, Jayson Castro, Marc Pingris, Kerby Raymundo, Chito Loyzaga, and Marlou Aquino later joined the 40 greatest in 2015.
Establishing magistrate Leo Prieto served the alliance for a long time where 26 meetings were held from 1975 to 1983.
The quantity of titles the San Miguel Beermen have in their spell in the PBA that started since the alliance’s initiation in 1975. The establishment has the most number of titles in the alliance with Alaska and Magnolia a far second with 14.
Eugene Quilban gathered an association record 28 helps for 7-Up in its 123-100 win over Shell on August 9, 1992.
The triumphant edge of Ginebra when it scored the most number of focuses in history with 197 in its game against Great Taste on November 21, 1985.
The quantity of games San Mig Coffee lost when it caught the Grand Slam in the 2013-2014 season. The triumphant level of .577 was the most minimal among the Grand Slam groups yet the Mixers despite everything took care of business to make it to the history books. San Mig Coffee beat Rain or Shine twice and Talk ‘N Text during that year, giving lead trainer Tim Cone the subsequent Grand Slam of his instructing vocation.
The period of Benjie Paras when he won his second MVP in 1999. In a year that saw a deluge of Fil-outsiders, Paras safeguarded his accomplishment of turning into the main player to win the MVP and Rookie of the Year on that year after he did it in 1989.
Ginebra scored 32 back to back focuses in the final quarter on its way to a 116-90 win over Shell on May 14, 1991. That 32-0 shoot was generally number of focuses scored successively and unanswered throughout the entire existence of the class.
Michael Hackett had 33 focuses in the second from last quarter of Ginebra’s 197-168 win over Great Taste on November 21, 1985. That was the most number of focuses scored by an import in a quarter, with Hackett in the long run completing with 103, a group record in those days.
LA Tenorio of Barangay Ginebra was 34 years of age when he played his 597th back to back game, outperforming Alvin Patrimonio as the group’s Iron Man on March 18, 2019.
The quantity of All-Star games the PBA has played. This incorporates the Rookies, Sophomores, Juniors versus Veterans, and North versus South arrangements, and the ongoing three-leg All-Star matches held in 2017 and 2018.
It was in the 36th season (2010-2011) of the PBA where the class returned to the old three-meeting position – the Philippine Cup, Commissioner’s Cup, and Governors’ Cup.
The joined number of misfortunes Talk ‘N Text and San Miguel had in a three-year stretch in the Philippine Cup after the two groups had the option to catch the Perpetual Trophy in 2013 and 2017 individually. The Tropang Texters had a 60-19 record from 2011 to 2013, while the Beermen gathered a 53-18 imprint from 2015 to 2017.
The trophy later named as the Jun Bernardino Trophy was kept forever by the two groups for winning three successive titles in the most renowned meeting of the association.
The quantity of two-point endeavors Paul Alvarez had when he scored a then-record 71 focuses in Alaska’s 169-138 win over Shell. Alvarez changed over 31 two-pointers in that game, an association high.
The quantity of minutes Terrence Romeo played when he scored a group record 48 focuses in the All-Star Game Luzon leg in 2018 in the Smart All-Stars 152-149 win over the PBA All-Stars in Batangas City. Romeo won his third All-Star MVP in the challenge.
There are just five 4-0 scopes in the historical backdrop of the
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priyakadam137-blog · 6 years ago
Global Polyurethane Foam Blowing Agents Market 2019-2023
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The growing demand for PU foams in emerging economies such as India, China, Malaysia, Russia, and Brazil is attributed to the economic and industrial development in these countries. PU foams are used in industries such as the construction, automotive, electrical and electronics, paper manufacturing, paints and coatings, and oil and gas. The rise in demand for PU foams, the demand for foam blowing agents such as HC, HFC, HCFC, and HFO increases. Acquire Market Analysts have predicted that the polyurethane foam blowing agents market will register a CAGR of over 6% by 2023.
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Market Overview
Growing demand for PU foam blowing agents from automotive and construction industries The rise in automotive production, the demand for PU foams is increasing, PU foams are increasingly used in the manufacture of interior components in cars such as seats, headrests, armrests, roof liners, dashboards, and instrument panels. Hence, with the increased use of PU foams, the demand for PU foam blowing agents is rising.
Increased availability of alternative blowing agents
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and HCFCs, which include CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-141b, and HCFC-142b, have been used as high-performance PU foam blowing agents because of their physical properties such as relatively high molecular weight, stability, and low toxicity. Although HCFC-141b has been widely used as a blowing agent, its production is stopped. For the detailed list of factors that will drive and challenge the growth of the polyurethane foam blowing agents market during the 2019-2023, view our report.
Competitive Landscape
The market appears to be highly fragmented and with the presence of several vendors. This market research report will help clients identify new growth opportunities and design unique growth strategies by providing a comprehensive analysis of the market’s competitive landscape and offering information on the products offered by companies. 
More Info and TOC@ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/industry-reports/global-polyurethane-foam-blowing-agents-market-2019-2023/736
 Table of content:
PART 01: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PART 02: SCOPE OF THE REPORT - 2.1 Preface - 2.2 Preface - 2.3 Currency conversion rates for US$ PART 03: MARKET LANDSCAPE - Market ecosystem - Market characteristics - Market segmentation analysis PART 04: MARKET SIZING - Market definition - Market sizing 2018 - Market size and forecast 2018-2023 PART 05: FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS - Bargaining power of buyers - Bargaining power of suppliers - Threat of new entrants - Threat of substitutes - Threat of rivalry - Market condition
About Acquire Market Research:
Acquire Market Research is a shrine of world-class research reports from around the world and we offer you only the best in the Industry when it comes to research. At Acquire, every data need will be catered to and met with a powerful world of choices. "We understand the integral role data plays in the growth of Business empires."
Contact Us: 555 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, Manhattan, New York, 10022 USA Phone No.: +1 (800) 663-5579 Email ID:[email protected]
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surajpalange-blog · 6 years ago
Global Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market Growth (Status and Outlook) 2019-2024
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Anti-counterfeiting packaging is the process of assigning secure packaging to the product in order to minimize counterfeiting or infringement. The purpose of anti-counterfeiting packaging is to prevent imitation and confirms safety of the goods.
All manufacturers in the world are committed to the improvement of product quality. Currently, in Anti-counterfeit Packaging industry, the USA and EU manufacturers occupy near 4/5 of the market, while Chinese products domain the domestic market, due to the immature technologies.
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Manufacturers of consumer goods have started implementing traceability systems that provide a trail of information of each item in a supply chain. These systems ensure product safety and efficiency. The producers can identify and locate potentially faulty items that could be hazardous to customers and remove them. The companies are implementing vision systems, 2-D barcodes, and image-based ID readers in product traceability systems. Data Matrix is very popular and adopted as a standard in several applications, as it allows the storage of more information such as product ID, manufacturer, lot number, and expiry.
According to this study, over the next five years the Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging market will register a 12.5% CAGR in terms of revenue, the global market size will reach US$ 104800 million by 2024, from US$ 51800 million in 2019. In particular, this report presents the global revenue market share of key companies in Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging business, shared in Chapter 3.
This report presents a comprehensive overview, market shares and growth opportunities of Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging market by product type, application, key companies and key regions.
This study considers the Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging value generated from the sales of the following segments:
Segmentation by product type: breakdown data from 2014 to 2019 in Section 2.3; and forecast to 2024 in section 10.7.
Authentication Packaging Technology
Track and Trace Packaging Technology
Segmentation by application: breakdown data from 2014 to 2019, in Section 2.4; and forecast to 2024 in section 10.8.
Food & Beverages
Pharmaceutical & Healthcare
Industrial & Automotive
Consumer Electronics
Cosmetics & Personal Care
Clothing & Apparel
More Info and TOC @ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/industry-reports/global-anti-counterfeiting-packaging-market-growth-status-and-outlook-/482/ 
This report also splits the market by region: Breakdown data in Chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
United States
Southeast Asia
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
GCC Countries
The report also presents the market competition landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/manufacturers in the market. The key manufacturers covered in this report: Breakdown data in in Chapter 3.
Avery Dennison
Sun Chemical
Zebra Technologies
Flint Group
Alien Technology Corp
OpSec Security
De La Rue
Schreiner ProSecure
UPM Raflatac
Catalent Pharma Solution
In addition, this report discusses the key drivers influencing market growth, opportunities, the challenges and the risks faced by key players and the market as a whole. It also analyzes key emerging trends and their impact on present and future development.
Research objectives
To study and analyze the global Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging market size by key regions/countries, product type and application, history data from 2014 to 2018, and forecast to 2024.
To understand the structure of Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging market by identifying its various subsegments.
Focuses on the key global Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging players, to define, describe and analyze the value, market share, market competition landscape, SWOT analysis and development plans in next few years.
To analyze the Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging with respect to individual growth trends, future prospects, and their contribution to the total market.
To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks).
To project the size of Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging submarkets, with respect to key regions (along with their respective key countries).
To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches and acquisitions in the market.
To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.
Table of Contents:
2019-2024 Global Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market Report (Status and Outlook)
1 Scope of the Report
1.1 Market Introduction
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Years Considered
1.4 Market Research Methodology
1.5 Economic Indicators
1.6 Currency Considered
2 Executive Summary
2.1 World Market Overview
2.1.1 Global Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market Size 2014-2024
2.1.2 Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market Size CAGR by Region
2.2 Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Segment by Type
2.2.1 Authentication Packaging Technology
2.2.2 Track and Trace Packaging Technology
2.3 Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market Size by Type
2.3.1 Global Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market Size Market Share by Type (2014-2019)
2.3.2 Global Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2014-2019)
2.4 Anti-Counterfeiting Packaging Segment by Application
2.4.1 Food & Beverages
2.4.2 Pharmaceutical & Healthcare
2.4.3 Industrial & Automotive
2.4.4 Consumer Electronics
2.4.5 Cosmetics & Personal Care
2.4.6 Clothing & Apparel
2.4.7 Others
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About Acquire Market Research: Acquire Market Research is a shrine of world-class research reports from around the world and we offer you only the best in the Industry when it comes to research. At Acquire, every data need will be catered to and met with a powerful world of choices. "We understand the integral role data plays in the growth of Business empires."
Contact Us: 555 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, Manhattan, New York, 10022 USA Phone No.: +1 (800) 663-5579 Email ID:[email protected]
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caiosilvabrasil · 5 years ago
Carro próprio é tendência em tempos de pandemia
Locadoras de carro têm registrado o interesse de uma nova clientela, que pretende evitar o uso de transporte público. Da mesma forma, os centros de formação de condutores (CFCs), novo nome das autoescolas, têm recebido mais jovens interessados em obter habilitação de carro e moto. Em ambos os casos, o objetivo é proteger a saúde e evitar contágio.
A babá Dayana de Oliveira, de 26 anos, decidiu que chegou o momento de comprar uma motocicleta. Para isso, ela está fazendo aulas para obter a carteira de habilitação.
Por causa da pandemia, o Detran-SP não está realizando provas para concessão de habilitação. Assim que possível, Dayana pretende fazer os exames e substituir o ônibus e o metrô. Ela mora no bairro da Casa Verde, zona norte de São Paulo, e trabalha no Pacaembu, na zona oeste.
O objetivo ao optar pelo transporte individual é diminuir a possibilidade de contágio. “Tenho um filho de dois anos, e assim o protejo.”
Inscreva-se no canal do Jornal do Carro no YouTube
Veja vídeos de testes de carros e motos, lançamentos, panoramas, análises, entrevistas e o que acontece no mundo automotivo em outros países!
De acordo com o diretor do Centro de Formação de Condutores Veja, também localizado na zona norte da capital, Fernando Atorino, a decisão de Dayana confirma uma tendência. Mais jovens estão procurando veículo próprio (carro ou moto). “A procura de jovens (pelo curso) está sendo bem maior do que antes da pandemia”, diz.
Locação de carro tem aumento de procura
Pesquisa encomendada pela Movida revela que pessoas que nunca alugaram carros estão dispostas a experimentar a modalidade. O levantamento da locadora apurou que 47% dos entrevistados consideram a possibilidade de alugar um veículo, para evitar transporte de massa. Foram ouvidas 955 pessoas nos 26 Estados da federação e no Distrito Federal. A pesquisa mostrou que 54% deles nunca alugaram carro.
O comportamento reforça o sentimento de que neste momento de pandemia o transporte individual ganhou relevância, por garantir menor risco de contágio. Diretor executivo comercial e de marketing da Movida, Jamyl Jarrus informa que, em abril, logo no início da pandemia, a procura por locação caiu. Nessa fase, muitos motoristas de transporte por aplicativo devolveram os carros às locadoras. A razão foi a queda na procura do serviço. Ele garante que a partir de maio o movimento começou a voltar, e tem crescido desde então.
Veja também
Nissan mostra o SUV Magnite que será rival do VW Nivus
Picape do Ford Bronco será feita junto do SUV e pode se chamar Maverick
Toyota reativa segundo turno na Argentina para produzir nova Hilux
Uma das mudanças percebidas por Jarrus é que a locação de veículos, tradicionalmente forte nas grandes capitais, está ganhando adeptos também no interior. “Sou do Paraná e temos percebido demanda em cidades como Maringá, Cascavel e Londrina”, diz. Todas ficam no interior do Estado.
Carro 0-km de aluguel
O executivo informa que a pandemia “acelerou” a estreia de um novo tipo de serviço de locação: a do carro zero-quilômetro. Lançado há três meses, a modalidade atende clientes que querem ter a certeza de que o veículo não foi usado.
Nesse caso, o modelo mais barato da lista da Movida é o Fiat Mobi. No plano de 24 meses, a parcela é de R$ 424,60 nos três primeiros meses e de R$ 869,10 nos demais.
Jarrus informa que os cuidados com a higiene foram redobrados em todas as modalidades. Ele afirma que na locação tradicional, de carro previamente usado, a desinfecção é feita na frente do cliente.
Limpeza é fundamental
Transporte individual é um ambiente mais seguro do que ônibus e metrô, mas ainda assim não está livre de contaminação. O simples fato de entrar no carro após passar por algum local infectado (mercado, farmácia, posto de combustível, etc.) pode trazer o vírus para a cabine. Com alguns cuidados básicos, no entanto, é possível evitar que o veículo se transforme em um reservatório de vírus, além de um vetor de transmissão.
Quando sair de carro, não se esqueça de levar, juntamente com a máscara, também álcool em gel para as mãos e uma solução de álcool 70% em spray ou desinfetante. Ao retornar ao veículo, espirre o álcool ou o desinfetante nas solas dos calçados antes de pôr os pés no interior do carro. Com isso, elimina-se a possibilidade de levar o vírus para os tapetes ou carpete. Em seguida, limpe as mãos com álcool em gel.
Todas as superfícies tocadas com frequência pelo motorista e demais ocupantes do carro devem ser limpas com frequência. É o caso, por exemplo, de volante, alavancas de câmbio e freio de estacionamento, maçanetas, teclas dos vidros elétricos e comandos de som. A higienização deve ser feita com álcool 70% ou uma solução com água e detergente.
Pesquisa realizada nos EUA no ano passado apontou o volante como a parte mais suja do carro. E a cabine pode ter mais bactérias do que um assento sanitário. O estudo, feito por um portal de aluguel de carros, mediu a quantidade média de bactérias existente por centímetro quadrado, ou unidades formadoras de colônias (CFU, em inglês). Foram encontradas 629 CFU no volante, ante a média de 172 CFU em assentos de vasos sanitários.
Mantenha ambiente arejado
Com o carro em movimento, o ideal é manter as janelas abertas, para promover a circulação e a renovação de ar no interior do carro.
O ar-condicionado tende a fazer o ar circular dentro do veículo – às vezes sem a necessária renovação com o do exterior. Se o vírus estiver na cabine, irá se espalhar mais facilmente entre os ocupantes.
Verifique também as condições do filtro do ar-condicionado, para ter certeza de que ele cumprirá bem sua função de filtragem do ar externo, caso não seja possível manter as janelas abertas (por causa de frio ou chuva, por exemplo). Afinal, o componente está para o veículo como a máscara facial está para as pessoas. É ele que controla a qualidade do ar que entra no carro, mantendo do lado de fora as impurezas.
Cuidados com carros de aplicativo
As locadoras estão instalando protetores plásticos nos veículos alugados para motoristas de aplicativo. As peças são instaladas entre os bancos dianteiros e traseiro, para proteger tanto os usuários como o condutor.
A Movida informa também que realiza oxi-sanitização nos carros alugados para motoristas de aplicativo. De acordo com a empresa, o processo utiliza ozônio (o mesmo usado para higienizar ambientes hospitalares) e elimina 99% de vírus e bactérias. O serviço tem durabilidade de 72 horas.
Por isso, recomenda-se que o passageiro toque o menos possível nas superfícies. O ideal é afivelar o cinto de segurança, fechar a porta e não mexer em mais nada.
Entrando com o carro no cinema
Saímos. Após quase quatro meses de confinamento, fechamos a porta de casa por fora e partimos para um programa de sábado à noite em família. Não saímos do carro, mas saímos de carro. E nada do combo mercado-farmácia-padaria, em ritmo de bate e volta. Dessa vez, o pacote teve cinema, pipoca e refrigerante.
O filme não era a parte mais importante da programação. O que valia ali era a experiência de assistir à obra cinematográfica sem sair do carro. Conferimos se o para-brisa estava limpo (caso contrário, seria o mesmo que assistir ao filme de óculos sujos) e fomos. Cheios de dúvidas, aliás. E se o carro da frente for um enorme SUV, o equivalente ao cara alto que senta exatamente na poltrona da frente? E se chover? E se não chover, mas esfriar, a gente tiver de fechar os vidros e o carro embaçar?
Sem ‘cara alto’ na frente
Nada disso aconteceu. Depois de entrar na fila de carros e esperar um pouco no estacionamento do Morumbi Town Shopping, na zona sul da capital, entramos na “sala” – na verdade o último nível do estacionamento. Havia apenas um funcionário orientando os motoristas, o que me pareceu pouco. Por isso, cada um foi escolhendo um lugar mais ou menos aleatoriamente. Não há lugar marcado. Apenas placas com números. Ficamos na quarta fileira, mas ainda assim com uma boa visão da tela. Nenhum “cara altão” no nosso caminho. Os vizinhos mais próximos eram um Jeep Renegade e um VW Fox um pouco à frente, um Ford EcoSport de um lado e um Hyundai Tucson do outro. Todos separados no mínimo por dois metros.
A visibilidade da tela foi muito boa em nosso caso, mas estávamos em três. Com duas pessoas na frente e uma atrás, centralizada no banco, todos conseguiram ver bem. Mas, como é permitido entrar com até cinco ocupantes (dependendo do cinema), pode ser que as pessoas do assento traseiro não tenham visão tão boa da tela. Há cinemas drive-in que cobram por automóveis; outros, por pessoa.
Pedidos são feitos por WhatsApp
A pipoca e o refrigerante foram encomendados por WhatsApp e entregues no carro. Eventuais idas ao banheiro também são “agendadas” pelo aplicativo. Por isso, não é recomendável esperar para a última hora, porque, quando se faz o pedido, se entra em uma fila virtual do banheiro, e isso pode demorar um pouco.
O áudio é sintonizado pelo sistema de som do carro, por meio de uma frequência específica (89,3 MHz, no caso). A maioria dos automóveis, no entanto, possui um sistema de prevenção contra descarga da bateria que desliga o rádio após um período de funcionamento. Por isso, às vezes durante o filme ficamos sem alguns segundos de fala, até religar o som.
Mas nada que atrapalhasse. A noite clara com temperatura amena permitiu ver o espetáculo com os vidros parcialmente abertos. E contrastou com a chuva torrencial na tela. O filme Um Dia de Chuva em Nova York, do diretor Woody Allen, mostrou uma Manhattan banhada por uma chuva que durou boa parte do enredo, em meio ao qual os personagens iam vivendo seus dramas particulares.
Carro próprio é tendência em tempos de pandemia apareceu primeiro em: https://jornaldocarro.estadao.com.br
0 notes
renatosampaio101 · 5 years ago
Carro próprio é tendência em tempos de pandemia
Locadoras de carro têm registrado o interesse de uma nova clientela, que pretende evitar o uso de transporte público. Da mesma forma, os centros de formação de condutores (CFCs), novo nome das autoescolas, têm recebido mais jovens interessados em obter habilitação de carro e moto. Em ambos os casos, o objetivo é proteger a saúde e evitar contágio.
A babá Dayana de Oliveira, de 26 anos, decidiu que chegou o momento de comprar uma motocicleta. Para isso, ela está fazendo aulas para obter a carteira de habilitação.
Por causa da pandemia, o Detran-SP não está realizando provas para concessão de habilitação. Assim que possível, Dayana pretende fazer os exames e substituir o ônibus e o metrô. Ela mora no bairro da Casa Verde, zona norte de São Paulo, e trabalha no Pacaembu, na zona oeste.
O objetivo ao optar pelo transporte individual é diminuir a possibilidade de contágio. “Tenho um filho de dois anos, e assim o protejo.”
Inscreva-se no canal do Jornal do Carro no YouTube
Veja vídeos de testes de carros e motos, lançamentos, panoramas, análises, entrevistas e o que acontece no mundo automotivo em outros países!
De acordo com o diretor do Centro de Formação de Condutores Veja, também localizado na zona norte da capital, Fernando Atorino, a decisão de Dayana confirma uma tendência. Mais jovens estão procurando veículo próprio (carro ou moto). “A procura de jovens (pelo curso) está sendo bem maior do que antes da pandemia”, diz.
Locação de carro tem aumento de procura
Pesquisa encomendada pela Movida revela que pessoas que nunca alugaram carros estão dispostas a experimentar a modalidade. O levantamento da locadora apurou que 47% dos entrevistados consideram a possibilidade de alugar um veículo, para evitar transporte de massa. Foram ouvidas 955 pessoas nos 26 Estados da federação e no Distrito Federal. A pesquisa mostrou que 54% deles nunca alugaram carro.
O comportamento reforça o sentimento de que neste momento de pandemia o transporte individual ganhou relevância, por garantir menor risco de contágio. Diretor executivo comercial e de marketing da Movida, Jamyl Jarrus informa que, em abril, logo no início da pandemia, a procura por locação caiu. Nessa fase, muitos motoristas de transporte por aplicativo devolveram os carros às locadoras. A razão foi a queda na procura do serviço. Ele garante que a partir de maio o movimento começou a voltar, e tem crescido desde então.
Veja também
Nissan mostra o SUV Magnite que será rival do VW Nivus
Picape do Ford Bronco será feita junto do SUV e pode se chamar Maverick
Toyota reativa segundo turno na Argentina para produzir nova Hilux
Uma das mudanças percebidas por Jarrus é que a locação de veículos, tradicionalmente forte nas grandes capitais, está ganhando adeptos também no interior. “Sou do Paraná e temos percebido demanda em cidades como Maringá, Cascavel e Londrina”, diz. Todas ficam no interior do Estado.
Carro 0-km de aluguel
O executivo informa que a pandemia “acelerou” a estreia de um novo tipo de serviço de locação: a do carro zero-quilômetro. Lançado há três meses, a modalidade atende clientes que querem ter a certeza de que o veículo não foi usado.
Nesse caso, o modelo mais barato da lista da Movida é o Fiat Mobi. No plano de 24 meses, a parcela é de R$ 424,60 nos três primeiros meses e de R$ 869,10 nos demais.
Jarrus informa que os cuidados com a higiene foram redobrados em todas as modalidades. Ele afirma que na locação tradicional, de carro previamente usado, a desinfecção é feita na frente do cliente.
Limpeza é fundamental
Transporte individual é um ambiente mais seguro do que ônibus e metrô, mas ainda assim não está livre de contaminação. O simples fato de entrar no carro após passar por algum local infectado (mercado, farmácia, posto de combustível, etc.) pode trazer o vírus para a cabine. Com alguns cuidados básicos, no entanto, é possível evitar que o veículo se transforme em um reservatório de vírus, além de um vetor de transmissão.
Quando sair de carro, não se esqueça de levar, juntamente com a máscara, também álcool em gel para as mãos e uma solução de álcool 70% em spray ou desinfetante. Ao retornar ao veículo, espirre o álcool ou o desinfetante nas solas dos calçados antes de pôr os pés no interior do carro. Com isso, elimina-se a possibilidade de levar o vírus para os tapetes ou carpete. Em seguida, limpe as mãos com álcool em gel.
Todas as superfícies tocadas com frequência pelo motorista e demais ocupantes do carro devem ser limpas com frequência. É o caso, por exemplo, de volante, alavancas de câmbio e freio de estacionamento, maçanetas, teclas dos vidros elétricos e comandos de som. A higienização deve ser feita com álcool 70% ou uma solução com água e detergente.
Pesquisa realizada nos EUA no ano passado apontou o volante como a parte mais suja do carro. E a cabine pode ter mais bactérias do que um assento sanitário. O estudo, feito por um portal de aluguel de carros, mediu a quantidade média de bactérias existente por centímetro quadrado, ou unidades formadoras de colônias (CFU, em inglês). Foram encontradas 629 CFU no volante, ante a média de 172 CFU em assentos de vasos sanitários.
Mantenha ambiente arejado
Com o carro em movimento, o ideal é manter as janelas abertas, para promover a circulação e a renovação de ar no interior do carro.
O ar-condicionado tende a fazer o ar circular dentro do veículo – às vezes sem a necessária renovação com o do exterior. Se o vírus estiver na cabine, irá se espalhar mais facilmente entre os ocupantes.
Verifique também as condições do filtro do ar-condicionado, para ter certeza de que ele cumprirá bem sua função de filtragem do ar externo, caso não seja possível manter as janelas abertas (por causa de frio ou chuva, por exemplo). Afinal, o componente está para o veículo como a máscara facial está para as pessoas. É ele que controla a qualidade do ar que entra no carro, mantendo do lado de fora as impurezas.
Cuidados com carros de aplicativo
As locadoras estão instalando protetores plásticos nos veículos alugados para motoristas de aplicativo. As peças são instaladas entre os bancos dianteiros e traseiro, para proteger tanto os usuários como o condutor.
A Movida informa também que realiza oxi-sanitização nos carros alugados para motoristas de aplicativo. De acordo com a empresa, o processo utiliza ozônio (o mesmo usado para higienizar ambientes hospitalares) e elimina 99% de vírus e bactérias. O serviço tem durabilidade de 72 horas.
Por isso, recomenda-se que o passageiro toque o menos possível nas superfícies. O ideal é afivelar o cinto de segurança, fechar a porta e não mexer em mais nada.
Entrando com o carro no cinema
Saímos. Após quase quatro meses de confinamento, fechamos a porta de casa por fora e partimos para um programa de sábado à noite em família. Não saímos do carro, mas saímos de carro. E nada do combo mercado-farmácia-padaria, em ritmo de bate e volta. Dessa vez, o pacote teve cinema, pipoca e refrigerante.
O filme não era a parte mais importante da programação. O que valia ali era a experiência de assistir à obra cinematográfica sem sair do carro. Conferimos se o para-brisa estava limpo (caso contrário, seria o mesmo que assistir ao filme de óculos sujos) e fomos. Cheios de dúvidas, aliás. E se o carro da frente for um enorme SUV, o equivalente ao cara alto que senta exatamente na poltrona da frente? E se chover? E se não chover, mas esfriar, a gente tiver de fechar os vidros e o carro embaçar?
Sem ‘cara alto’ na frente
Nada disso aconteceu. Depois de entrar na fila de carros e esperar um pouco no estacionamento do Morumbi Town Shopping, na zona sul da capital, entramos na “sala” – na verdade o último nível do estacionamento. Havia apenas um funcionário orientando os motoristas, o que me pareceu pouco. Por isso, cada um foi escolhendo um lugar mais ou menos aleatoriamente. Não há lugar marcado. Apenas placas com números. Ficamos na quarta fileira, mas ainda assim com uma boa visão da tela. Nenhum “cara altão” no nosso caminho. Os vizinhos mais próximos eram um Jeep Renegade e um VW Fox um pouco à frente, um Ford EcoSport de um lado e um Hyundai Tucson do outro. Todos separados no mínimo por dois metros.
A visibilidade da tela foi muito boa em nosso caso, mas estávamos em três. Com duas pessoas na frente e uma atrás, centralizada no banco, todos conseguiram ver bem. Mas, como é permitido entrar com até cinco ocupantes (dependendo do cinema), pode ser que as pessoas do assento traseiro não tenham visão tão boa da tela. Há cinemas drive-in que cobram por automóveis; outros, por pessoa.
Pedidos são feitos por WhatsApp
A pipoca e o refrigerante foram encomendados por WhatsApp e entregues no carro. Eventuais idas ao banheiro também são “agendadas” pelo aplicativo. Por isso, não é recomendável esperar para a última hora, porque, quando se faz o pedido, se entra em uma fila virtual do banheiro, e isso pode demorar um pouco.
O áudio é sintonizado pelo sistema de som do carro, por meio de uma frequência específica (89,3 MHz, no caso). A maioria dos automóveis, no entanto, possui um sistema de prevenção contra descarga da bateria que desliga o rádio após um período de funcionamento. Por isso, às vezes durante o filme ficamos sem alguns segundos de fala, até religar o som.
Mas nada que atrapalhasse. A noite clara com temperatura amena permitiu ver o espetáculo com os vidros parcialmente abertos. E contrastou com a chuva torrencial na tela. O filme Um Dia de Chuva em Nova York, do diretor Woody Allen, mostrou uma Manhattan banhada por uma chuva que durou boa parte do enredo, em meio ao qual os personagens iam vivendo seus dramas particulares.
https://jornaldocarro.estadao.com.br/carros/carro-proprio-e-tendencia/ visto pela primeira vez em https://jornaldocarro.estadao.com.br
0 notes
samuelmmarcus · 5 years ago
Modern Farmhouse Lake House
  Hello, my wonderful friends! How are you today? I have been working on this lake house tour for the last three days and I truly can’t wait to share it with you. This home has the best of everything… Modern Farmhouse architectural details and a lake view that will leave you in awe!
Here, the talented designer and architect, Benchmark Design Studio, shares some insights on this project:
“Classic lake home architecture infused with contemporary sentiments defines this remarkable beachfront residence. Inspired to be both bold and timeless, the project—from early sketches to the final modern masterpiece—was a collaborative effort between Mike Schaap Builders, Inc and Benchmark Design Studio and illustrates how when it comes to modern luxury, the difference is always in the details.”
This home is actually for sale, so feel free to contact the designer for further details.
  Modern Farmhouse Lake House
Residing on the shores of Lake Michigan, this custom built Coastal Farmhouse is exceptionally true to its lakefront character with lake lifestyle radiating throughout.
Home Details: 4 Bedrooms + Alcove Bunk Room – 5 Bat – 3,921 SQ. FT.
Exterior Paint Color
Cement Board Siding: Benjamin Moore, 2137-60 Gray Owl.
Home Width: 54’
Home Depth: 80’
Trim & Garage Doors
Trim, Soffits & Fascia: Benjamin Moore, OC-152 Super White.
Front Porch
A small porch with adirondack chairs add a welcoming feel to this lake house.
Chairs: here – similar.
Front Door
A glass front door with glass sidelights let guests see the breathtaking lake view even before stepping inside.
This foyer feels stylish and it has plenty of personality. Notice the coffered ceiling with wallpaper.
Paint color is Benjamin Moore OC-17 White Dove.
Entry Ceiling Inset: Thibaut Wallcoverings, Taza Cork Black.
Console Table: Gabby Goodman Console Table.
Ottomans: Moes Home Collection Appa Square Stool.
Lamp: Surya Arnrode Table Lamp – Other New Table Lamps: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Mirror: Discontinued – similar here & here – Other Gorgeous Mirrors: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Beautiful Foyer Lighting: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: Loloi Rugs – also available here.
You usually wouldn’t expect to see a dark grey kitchen in a lake house, but the Modern Farmhouse influences allow this home to feel current and innovative.  Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore OC-17 White Dove.
Barstools: Lee Industries with custom fabric – Available through the designer – Other Beautiful Choices: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Paint Color
Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore, HC-166 Kendall Charcoal.
Lighting: Savoy House – Discontinued.
The kitchen cabinetry was custom-designed by Benchmark Wood Studio. Island paint color is Benjamin Moore, 2134-50 Gull Wing Gray.
Prep-sink: Kohler.
Faucet: Kohler.
Accent Tile
Accent Tile: Oceanside Glass Tiles Devotion City Lights Manhattan – Other Beautiful Accent Tiles:here, here & here.
Backsplash Tile
Kitchen Accent Tile: Oceanside Glass Tiles Casa California OCE356 INTRO Silverlight Matte – similar here.
Perimeter & Island Slab: Zodiaq Quartz Neve. Edge profile: Pencil, 3cm.
Sink & Faucet
Sink: Kohler.
Faucet: Kohler.
Soap Lotion: Kohler.
Beautiful Kitchen Runners: here, here, here (best seller!), here, here, here, here & here.
Open Layout
“With a reverence to architectural simplicity on the exterior, inside shows off grand symmetry and a dramatic open-air design that maximizes lake views and square footage.”
Hardwood Flooring: White Oak – similar here & here.
Dining Room
The main level makes entertaining a breeze with a state-of-the-art kitchen, dining, hearth room and living room, while also opening up onto the covered patio.
Console Behind Sofa: CFC Console – Others: here, here & here.
Dining Table
The designer did an amazing job with the decor and furniture for this home. Everything complements the architectural details without competing with this incredible view!
Dining Table: CFC Basket Dining Table – Other Great Dining Tables: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: Jaunty Rug.
Chandelier: Framburg Lighting – Similar: here & here.
Ceiling & Trim Paint Color
The impressive trim details, including inlaid ceilings and classic built-ins, complement the refreshing coastal flair.
Main Level Trim & Ceiling Paint: Benjamin Moore, OC-17 White Dove.
Main Level Ceilings: 10ft
Dining Chairs
Dining Chairs: Classic Home Phillip Dining Chair Gray – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Family Room
“Rich stained doors and trimwork mixed with bold patterns and sumptuous upholstery exemplify the home’s contemporary tone, while warm hues of driftwood, whitewashed oak floors and shiplap walls lend character to its nautical undertones.”
Pillows: Custom – similar: Plaid Pillows & Lumbar Pillows.
Swivel Chairs: Sam Moore Aura Swivel Chair – similar here & here.
Metal End Table: Uttermost – similar: here.
Accent Chairs: Uttermost Chairs.
Sofa: Classic Home Rustic Collina Sofa – similar here, here & here– Other Affordable options: here, here, here, here & here.
Family Room V-Groove Wall: Benjamin Moore, OC-17 White Dove.
Fireplace Surround & Hearth: Landmark Attitude LMK ATDG 1224 Dark Gray – similar here & here.
Coffee Table: CFC Cocktail Table.
Rug: Feizy – similar here – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Artwork: Moes Home Greyscale Wall Decor – Other Gorgeous Artwork: here, here, here, here & here.
Chandelier: Framburg Lighting.
Powder Room
The powder room walls are Thibaut Wallcoverings, Broadway Metallic Silver on White – available through the designer.
Powder Room Ceiling: Benjamin Moore, 2134-50 Gull Wing Gray.
Mirror: Uttermost – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Countertop: Quartz, DaVinci.
Faucet: Delta.
Paint color is Benjamin Moore OC-17 White Dove.
Artwork: Uttermost Bahati Wood Wall Art.
Master Bedroom
“Dedicated to private time, upstairs holds a master suite with its own lakefront balcony, two guest quarters, and a cozy alcove featuring ultra-clever built-in bunk beds.”
Coverlet: Eastern Accents.
Euro Shams: Eastern Accents Euro Shams – Others: here & here.
Duvet: Eastern Accents Super King Duvet Insert.
Bed: Classic Home – Other Great Beds: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Artwork: Uttermost – Others: here, here & here.
Nightstands: Bungalow 5 – similar here – Other Beautiful Nightstands: here, here, here, here & here.
Chairs: Classic Home – similar here – Others: here, here, here & here.
Paint Color
Master Bedroom, Bath & Wardrobe Walls: Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter.
Trim, Ceiling & Closet Paint: Benjamin Moore, OC-17 White Dove.
The master bedroom features a private balcony with cable railing and dreamy views of the lake.
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom paint color is Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore.
Cabinets & Countertop
Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Gull Wing Gray.
Countertop is HanStone Aspen, RU601.
Faucets: Kohler.
Sink: Kohler.
Towel Ring: Delta.
Shower Tile: Grigio Matte 18″ x 36″ tile – similar here, here & here.
Tub & Faucet
Tub Filler: Kohler.
Tub: Maax Miller.
Bath View
The bathroom window was strategically placed low so you can enjoy the lake view while taking a bath.
Tiling: Walls & Shower Pan – similar.
Faucet: Kohler.
Laundry Room
The laundry room is located upstairs. Cabinet paint color is Kendall Charcoal by Benjamin Moore.
Floor Tile: Florim USA Suburb FUSSUMO1818 Montclair 18″ x 18″ – similar here & here.
Countertop is Dwyer Aurea Epitome.
Upper Level Ceilings: 9ft.
Faucet: Kohler.
Bunk Room
The bunk room is perfect for the extra guests – and you know you always will have them when you own a beach house.
Alcove, Hall, Laundry, Bedroom #2, Bedroom #3, & Shared Bath Walls: Benjamin Moore, OC-17 White Dove.
Bedding: Custom – similar here – Other Fun Duvet Covers: here, here & here.
Cabinet: Mercana – similar here – Others: here, here & here.
Mirror: Uttermost.
Bunk Bath
Countertop is Zodiaq Color Quartz Calcutta Novus.
Artwork: Paragon – similar here.
Faucet: Delta.
Sink: Kohler.
Toilet: Kohler.
Floor Tile: here – similar.
Guest Bedroom
Bed: Moe’s Queen Bed – similar here, here & here.
Coverlet: here & here – similar.
Nightstands: Noir Furniture.
Table Lamp: Surya Lamps.
Dresser: Noir Furniture.
Guest Bath
Countertop is Granite Monte Christopher.
Tile: Ceramic Grey 12″ x 24″ Tile – similar here.
Artwork: Paragon Artwork.
Faucet: Delta.
Sink: Kohler.
Toilet: Kohler.
Shower Faucet: Delta.
Guest Bedroom
This guest bedroom offers a lovely view… I wouldn’t mind waking up to this view every morning.
Bed: Classic Home – similar here – Other Grey Beds: here, here, here & here.
Nightstands: Noir.
Coverlet: Pine Cone Hill.
Dresser: Noir.
Countertop: Granite Monte Christopher.
Faucet: Delta.
Guest Shower
Shower Faucet: Delta Shower Head & Faucet Trim.
Tiling: Walls & Shower Pan – similar.
Shower Curb: Bianco Carrara.
Downstairs, a generous living area with casual furnishings and additional guest quarters encourage visits from extended family and friends and lend a hand in beach entertaining.
Walls, Trim & Ceiling Paint: Benjamin Moore, OC-17 White Dove.
Lower Level Ceilings: 9FT
Lower Level Family Room
Sectional: Stanford – available through the design – similar here – Other Affordable Options: here, here, here, here & here.
Artwork: Paragon In the Distance Framed Wall Art – Set of 3.
Coffee Table & Console: Classic Home – similar Coffee Table & Console Table.
Chandelier: Ralph Lauren Roark Ring Chandelier.
Accent Color
Game Area Accent Paint Color: Benjamin Moore, AF-700 Storm.
Table: Rococo Table – similar here, here & here.
Chairs: Dovetail Dining Chairs – Other Black Dining Chairs (they’re very trendy right now! :)): here, here, here & here.
Mirror: Uttermost Fortune Frameless Round Mirror.
Console Table: Uttermost Andy Console – also available here.
Bookshelf Back Wall Paint Color
Bookshelf Back Wall: Benjamin Moore, HC-166 Kendall Charcoal.
Artwork: Uttermost Summer Birds 2-Piece Framed Canvas Wall Art Set.
Basement Guest Bedroom
This basement guest bedroom feels spacious and it airy.
Bed: Classic Home – similar here.
Dresser: CFC Chevron Dresser.
Basement Guest Bathroom
Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore, HC-166 Kendall Charcoal.
Countertop is Striato Olimpico Marble.
Floor & Shower Tile: Landmark Ceramics Attitude Simply Grey 12″ x 24″ – similar here.
Faucet: Delta.
Sink: Kohler.
Toilet: Kohler.
Shiplap walls and cabinets are Benjamin Moore OC-17 White Dove.
Hardware: here – similar.
Floor Tile: Slate Tile.
Who wouldn’t love to live in this home, right? Isn’t it beautiful?!
This large back porch is perfect for entertaining or unwind after a long day…
Summer Days
I hope this home brings some sunshine to your day.
Patio Sets on Sale: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Windows: Eagle Black Pine – Stained Black.
This home exudes timeless architectural details.
Outdoor Shower
An outdoor shower is a must when you have the beach right at your backyard.
Dream Home
This home features a gorgeous combination of board and batten siding with shingles and black windows.
It’s always an honor to feature any home designed by Benchmark Design Studio on Home Bunch and I really hope you enjoyed this special tour as much as I did.
Many thanks to the designer for sharing the details above!
Interior Designer & Architectural Design: Benchmark Design Studio (Instagram)
Photography: Dan Zeeff.
Best Sales of the Month:
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. For your shopping convenience, this post may contain AFFILIATE LINKS to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase, at no extra cost to you, so thank you for your support. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
  Serena & Lily: Enjoy 30 to 70% OFF on Sale Styles!
  Wayfair: Chandeliers under $150.
  Pottery Barn: Dining & Kitchen Event.
Joss & Main: Spring Preview Sale – Up to 75% Off!
  West Elm: The Super Upholstery Sale.
  Anthropologie: The Spring 2020 Home Collection.
  Nordstrom: Winter Sale: Save Up to 40% Off!
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
from Home https://www.homebunch.com/modern-farmhouse-lake-house/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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