#cesar augusto
danataikoprensa · 4 months
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diioonysus · 9 months
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baroque art + women
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choes · 9 months
Me sinto pronta para cantar. Minha voz saiu sem escrúpulos. O samba da legalidade. Simples e bom e santo. Me sinto pronta. Fiz uma oração, não era para nenhum deus misterioso e quieto como uma tempestade; mas era uma oração – eu confesso, eu disse. EU CONFESSO. E a oração se abriu num grande amém – o samba da legalidade cantarolado na cama quente demais no escuro morno do quarto. O samba da legalidade e eu pertenço. Somos todos pestiferados e recém-nascidos, somos todos pestiferados e recém-nascidos. A tua fuga na cidade sitiada, o sono virando samba e o samba trazendo o sonho. Os tendões repuxados me ferem e me agitam. Quatro noites atrás sonhei que eu estava tendo um filho, e foi muito tranquilo e indolor. Os aviões passam de três em três minutos. Hilary veio se sentar aqui, contou do irmão da amiga dela, conversamos as nossas mútuas raivas, e embora às vezes ela pareça não me escutar, estou aprendendo lentamente a respeitá-la como ser humano. Atrás do humano sem alarde. O simples e bom santo. Os olhos abertos e a respiração regularizada pelos golpes de fora. Meus olhos estão ardendo e eu pertenço e sou na peste e não há como. Não há como. Eu hoje sei que eu te amo abstrato ainda que sejas. O nosso amor, passado e futuro, que pode parecer sem presente, me delineia e me define. Eu sou: eu te amo. Eu te amo: eu sou. Polupida e curvada sobre a enorme poluição geral. Luiz, do teu nome ao teu nome, os meus passos e os meus céus e os meus gestos um pouco descompassados e os meus olhos cansados. Nossos. Tudo.
Ana Cristina César - Cartas a Luiz Augusto
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tronodiferro · 9 months
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Cesare Augusto Detti - To the Joust
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playvoices · 2 years
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Feliz Navidad!
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alonglistofbirds · 4 months
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[2576/11080] Comb duck - Sarkidiornis sylvicola
Order: Anseriformes Family: Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans) Subfamily: Tadorninae
Photo credit: Cesar Augusto Pizarro Rios via Macaulay Library
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poemaseletras · 1 year
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italiasparita · 2 months
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Pola. Monumento dell’Imperatore Cesare Augusto
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amor-barato · 2 months
(…) Eu hoje sei que eu te amo abstrato ainda que sejas. O nosso amor, passado e futuro, que pode parecer sem presente, me delineia e me define. Eu sou: eu te amo. Eu te amo: eu sou. Polupida e curvada sobre a enorme poluição geral. Luiz, do teu nome ao teu nome, os meus passos e os meus céus e os meus gestos um pouco descompassados e os meus olhos cansados. Nossos. Tudo.
Ana Cristina Cesar (Amor mais que maiúsculo: cartas a Luiz Augusto)
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simena · 2 years
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Cesare Augusto Detti - The Flower Gatherers
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Cesare Augusto
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Monna Lisa
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Caterina la Grande
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Johan Sebastian Bach
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La Regina Elisabetta I
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Cristina di Danimarca
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Mary Shelley
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Ludwig Van Beethoven
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
The current Colombia head of coal miner Drummond Co Inc (DRMND.UL) and his predecessor will be tried for allegedly funding right-wing paramilitaries, the country's attorney general's office said on Wednesday, as the U.S.-based company denied any wrongdoing by the executives.
There is "abundant proof" current head Jose Miguel Linares, who took up his post in 2013 after serving as vice-president of legal, and Augusto Jimenez, who headed the company's Colombia operations between 1990 and 2012, conspired to finance a paramilitary group, the prosecutor said in a statement.
"Linares Martinez and Jimenez Mejia, between 1996 and 2001, increased the value of a food provision contract with a provider company to obtain additional resources and use them to cover previously-agreed illegal obligations with...the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC)," the statement said.
The effort was a bid to protect assets and ensure the free operation of Drummond's mine in Cesar province, the statement added. Drummond rejected the accusations, saying in its own statement that they are the product of "a cartel [sic] of false witnesses."[...]
Drummond - Colombia's largest producer of thermal coal - has three mining contracts in the country and also holds a port concession on the Caribbean coast. It expects to export around 30 million tons of coal this year, Linares said this week.
31 May 23
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ricorditempestosi · 1 year
ciao mi chiamo cesare augusto
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soldiersofthequeen · 1 year
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To the Joust Cesare Augusto Detti (1848–1914)
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Italia: Impero Romano (3)
After the two posts about the Medieval Era, it's time to take a step back and look better at the Roman Empire that reigned right before it.
The Roman Empire is dated to start in 27 a.C. (avanti Cristo = before Christ) with the first Emperor, Ottaviano Augusto, and ends in 476 d.C. (dopo Cristo = after Christ) with the last Imperatore d'Occidente Romolo Augustolo. The crisis starts in the 3rd century d.C. and the Impero definitely falls after the Barbari's invasions (Romans used to call Germans "Barbari" cause they came from abroad) and cause of the pandemics, misery and destruction they, and many inside wars, brought to the population.
Let's take a step back to the beginning of this huge Impero or Stato Romano (Roman State): In 49 a.C with Gaio Giulio Cesare, we see the start of a dictatorship and the end of the Res Publica (to the point that "caesar" became a synonym of "emperor"). In 31 a.C Agrippa's fleet wins over the Egyptians, making the road easier for Ottaviano Augusto to be in charge of Roma: he takes the power in 27 a.C. without any real position but as "primo inter pares", and he went on until he got the absolute power in 12 a.C when he became Pope.
Before the arrival of Vespasiano (the guy who "invented" the public toilettes -yeah, I have to add it: we had public toilettes -some underground, others nope- around our cities until before 2000, I guess. And they were called "Vespasiani" cause of this guy), the only person to be called Imperator was the military chief, but with him, things changed. He was one of the three Imperatori of the gens Flavia (the Flavian dynasty of Vespasiano, Tito and Domiziano: they ar egenerally studied together in school, cause they also buildt the Anfiteatro Flavio a.k.a. the Colosseo -it was Tito who started, I believe).
The fulcrum of the Impero, in the first years, was the Urbe (=Roma): it was the biggest city, the most important place for commerce and the most politically, economically and socially active area: not to mention, people in the countries and outside Roma had to pay higher taxes too.
At the moment of its maximum expansions (with Tito in 117 d.C), the Impero looked like this (in red the real Stato, in pink the client states - you can find the list of all the States involved in the Wikipedia's link I left at the end of this post):
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It wasn't the wider state, cause Chinese State was bigger (and so others as well), but it was probably the biggest/most important for how it was managed, the quality of the territory involved and the social and political organization: lot of cities, bridges, roads, aqueducts, fortifications were buildt in this period in all the areas involved.
With the crisis of the 3rd century, in which the Barbari started their invasions, Roma and the Impero had to defend themselves and so the expansion stopped. The military, which was probably the most important and powerful part of the Impero, became a weight: for 50 years we had a total military anarchy in which 21 Imperatori chosen by the soldiers, died assassinated. This, until Massimino, a very poor but a soldier too, became the new Imperatore: a huge sign that nobles and senators were losing their power.
After more fights, betrayals and repressions (like the Cristians' one in 249 d.C. with the Imperatore Decio), this tragic period ended in 284 d.C.: borders became safer as Diocleziano, the latest Emperor, also made some changes in the military and the administration fields.
With Diocleziano, Roma partially lost its importance to move it also to other cities, but it still stayed as the capital of the Impero until the V century, when Costantinopoli took over (also helped by the Barbari invading the Occidente and the Bizantini still shining bright with their commerces in the Oriente).
In 395 d.C. the impero is divided in two parts, East and West (d'Oriente and d'Occidente: the first ones with the Bizantini, keeps reigning until 1453 while the latter ends earlier as mentioned above and in the Medioevo's posts). In the first side, they spoke Greek while in the second they spoke Latin. For some people this division signs the real end of the Impero Romano (at least, it was as a whole).
You can read more about this in the Medioevo's posts here and here
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