#cersei lannis
countrymusiclover · 3 months
6 - Here's to Aerys Targaryen
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Part 7
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
Hearing the chamber door open behind me where I turned my head around seeing a young girl who looked to be the right age of 15 or 16 with auburn hair tied up in a bun and gray Stark eyes staring directly at me with confusion written on her face. “Who are you? This is my chamber, not yours.” 
“I'm your new lady in waiting, my lady.  My name is Clarrise Arther.” I curtsied before her with a weak smile hoping she would find me alright. 
She clasped her hands together in front of her stomach. “How long have you been a lady in waiting?” 
“I actually just started today. But I am a quick learner.” I said with confidence in my voice. 
The Stark girl paused walking towards me. “Who hired you?’ 
“Tyrion Lannister, Lady Stark.” 
Sansa clicked her tongue sitting down in the chair by her vanity. “Alright. Could you brush my hair?” 
“Of course.” I replied doing as she asked and I found myself thinking about Amber when doing so.  I wish my father hadn't sent her off to another area of the castle to work rather than be able to hang out with me. 
Hours later it was daytime when I began to stroll the hallways on my own. I could make note of how much everything had changed inside my former home.  The family portraits and Targaryen flags had been torn down and burned leaving no existence of my family's rule.  Somehow with the swaying of my dress I could see the bits of fire ash on the stone floor on the now clean floor before me.  This wasn’t anything like my home growing up was. 
“You monster. Myrcella is my only daughter. Do you really think I'll let you sell her like a common whore?” I heard the Queen's voice coming from the shut chamber door that I had passed. 
I backed up pressing my ear against the wooden door to listen. “Myrcella's a princess. Some would say she was born for this.” 
“I will not let you ship her off to Dorne like I was shipped off to Robert Baratheon.” Cersei growled in his face. 
Tyrion responded back. “Dorne is the safest place for her.” 
“Are you mad the Marvel's loathe us.” 
He said back. “That’s why we need to seduce them.  We're going to need their support in the war your son started.” 
“She'll be a hostage.” 
He corrected her. “A guest.” 
“You think the piece of paper father gave you keeps you safe.  Ned Stark had a piece of paper too.” She bared her teeth. 
Tyrion replied softly. “It's done, Cersei.” 
His voice moved away from the door. “You cannot stop it.” 
“No!” Cersei must have knocked over things on the table because I heard glass shattering. 
“Just how safe do you think she will be if the city is sacked. Do you want to see raped, butchard like the Targaryen children. Make no mistake they'll mount her pretty little head on a spike right beside yours.” Tyrion warned her and I shook in fear when he mentioned the death of my siblings. 
Cersei shouted at him. “Get out!. Get out!” 
“Vaella.  I didn't expect to see you out here.  What's wrong?” Tyrion bumped into me when he rushed out of the room. 
I responded by rubbing the back of my neck not meaning to spy on the young lion and his sister. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spy.” 
“Don’t apologize for spying. That is one of the key things you must learn when you play the game.” 
Knitting my brows at him I asked. “The game. What do you mean?” 
“The game that is surviving this world of politics and fending for yourself.” Tyrion responded looking up at me. “Always know as many people as you can.  You have to be one step ahead of everyone you encounter.” 
My father had taught me that lesson the night he died. 
“You wanted to see me, father.” I slowly walked forward with Jaime standing near the bottom stairs, hand resting on his sword handle.  
My father sat on his throne scratching at his bleeding hand that he had cut on the metal chair when he say down. “You will be Wed off to Tywin Lannister.” 
“What! No, I won't.” I sharply snapped back at him. 
My father raised his voice. “You dare defy my orders, child.  I have already claimed your brother Rhaegar a traitor but I never expected you. Guards, seize her!” 
“Your Grace, surely you can spare her. She's your daughter.” Jaime softly spoke to him. 
My father sent him a glare. “Be quiet, Lannister!” 
“Father, please don't do this.” I winced when two guards grabbed my arms and held me tightly in their grips. 
Aerys Targaryen rose from his chair shouting down to me with such furry in his voice. “You have betrayed me, daughter. You are no longer loyal to me and for that I sentence you to die.” 
“My king, she's your daughter.” Jaime attempted a second time doing his best to not let too much emotion cross his facial expression. 
He didn't care not change his mind. “Shut up! Vaella Targaryen I sentence you to die. Burn her like the others.” 
“Your Grace, Robert Baratheon has reached the gates.” Another guard entered the throne room. 
My father sat back down on his throne waving his hand. “Let her go.  We have other traitors to attend to.” 
“How do you plan on doing that?” 
Horrifying words that would haunt me for the rest of my life came from his mouth. “Burn them all - burn them all!” 
“Vaella! You need to get out of here right now.”  Jaime helped me up from the ground and I gripped his forearm for balance. “There’s an escape hole under the tunnels. Go to the tunnel and my brother Tyrion will be there. Look for blonde hair and he's short.” 
“What about you?” I asked feeling my heart trying to beat out of my chest. 
He holds my shoulders in his hands. “I'll make sure he doesn’t send the guards after you. But I just want you to be safe.  You are one of the only people I care about.” Nodding my head I ran up the stairs and around the corner yet I halted in my tracks hearing my father utter those words over and over. 
“Burn them all!” 
Hiding behind the nearest pillar I peaked my head around watching Jaime slowly stalk behind my father who had risen from the throne shouting those three words over and over repeatedly. “Oh my god!” I shrieked, clutching my eyes closed after Jaime’s sword was stabbed into the back of his back and his body collapsed to the steps after he drew his sword out. 
A few other guards and Ned Stark entered the room quickly with Robert Baratheon all stunned at the sight before them. “Crown who you damn well like.” Jaime grumbled sitting on the throne with his half stained in blood sword.  Holding my hands over my mouth I couldn't form words knowing the realm would never be the same. 
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The Ballad of Cersei Lannister
Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! Down on your knees before the Queen! Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! Down on your knees before the Queen!
Cersei Lannis was a popular bitch Hot bod, hot bro, cheer captain, plus she was rich That girl had everything till hiccup and hitch: Ellie Martell lost a leg in a wreck (Amputated!)
The nominations for Prom royalty came Our Cersei’s senior year and Queen was her claim Till gossip stirred the student body would name Ellie Martell Queen of the Prom (Pity vote!)
“Cersei,” her father said, “Life is a prom I know you won’t disappoint me and Mom...”
You taste the gold now, Cersei! You taste the crown! You thirst for blood from the roses in hand You spoil for sash and scepter, music to dance As they crown you queen of High School Land
(Check Cersei, choose Cersei, vote for Cersei Lannis-)
(-ter, Cersei, choose Cersei, vote for Cersei Lannis-)
So obsessed our Cersei near lost her mind To life un-prom-related Cersei was blind She shoved her squad, her clique, her boyfriend behind - Still Ellie had a hold on the lead (Poor, poor Ellie)
Soon Cersei’s sanity was hung by a thread Her BFFs proclaimed her socially dead Till then at last her boyfriend texted and said: “I’m taking Ellie to the senior prom” (Love, love, Ellie)
“Cersei,” her father said, “Why be so calm? There’s just no future for a princess at prom.”
You taste the gold now, Cersei! You taste the crown! You thirst for blood from the roses in hand You spoil for sash and scepter, music to dance As they crown you queen of High School Land 
Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! Down on your knees before the Queen! Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! Down on your knees before the Queen!
Some girls are rational but Cersei was not She stared in mirrors thinking one single thought: (Ellie) There’s seven reasons this crown’s not good as got (Jeyne, Selyse, Lysa, and Lyanna) And so the night of prom, mercy! (Delena, Melara) Thus went her plot:
P is for Delena drinking poisoned punch R is for Lysa dashed on a rock - crunch! “O” is what Jeyne said when Cersei bludgeoned her brains And M is for Lyanna’s marinated remains
But! But!
Q is for Melara, quiet, drowned in the well And U is for Selyse’s pieces, sent to the Hells But Es are for the easy way in five minutes tops A one-legged girl can bring an N for end by calling the cops (What a bitch)
You got your gold now, Cersei, you got your crown You got your blood on the roses in hand You donned the sash and scepter, doing a dance As you crowned you queen of High School Land!
Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! (God save the Queen) Down on your knees before the queen (God save the Queen!) Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! Down on your knees before the (oh! the queen of High School Land!)
They wrapped your wrists in silver, they took your crown They washed the blood from each finger and hand Into a tight straitjacket Small padded cell Screaming “I’m the queen of High School Land!”
At least in your head, you’re queen of High School Land!
Oh pity the dead, you’re queen of High School Land!
(Check Cersei, choose Cersei, vote for Cersei Lannis-)
(-ter, Cersei, choose Cersei, vote for Cersei Lannis-)
Prom Queen candidates, 283 AC:
Jeyne Farman
Delena Florent
Selyse Florent
Melara Hetherspoon
Cersei Lannister
Elia Martell
Lyanna Stark
Lysa Tully
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GOT: National Siblings Day
Happy National Siblings Day!  The Lannisters send their regards.
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netflixmess · 5 years
Can we talk about how much i HATE how they humanized Cersei ?? she was THE WORST and still, she died in the arms of Jaime, the man she loved, who was also her damn brother. Arya was there, Jon was there, FCKNG DAENERYS & DROGON WERE THERE and she was killed by the fucking ceiling . i’m sorry but this is so sad to me , they RUINED Game Of Thrones in 5 episodes, there’s no character development, there’s no redemption, just pure bullshit 😔
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@tyrion-lanni-star​ replied to your post “tfw u reblog smash or pass           and only u and ur siblings send...”
I deal with this problem ALL THE TIME ������jk jk jk
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       “I see no problem.”
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Terrible Fic Ideas #5: The White Princess, but make it GoT
I have a terrible weakness for female!Jon Snow fics - mostly because making the character female gives a fascinating array of opportunities to unite two rival claims to the Iron Throne and all the drama that involves. So what about a fic where the people with the strongest claim to the throne - female!Jon Snow and Robert Baratheon - end up married?
Hear me out:
Much as Elizabeth of York objectively had a better claim to the throne than her husband, Henry VII, a female!Jon Snow (called Joanna from here on out) would have the Targaryen bloodline claim but no chance of getting on the throne herself even if she wasn't presented to the world as her uncle's bastard. Westeros doesn't abide female rulers.
But if you marry her bloodline claim to the man with the next best claim - her second cousin once removed, Robert Baratheon, who's actually got the throne - you have the strongest of any possible claim. One which could make the greatest number of factions happy, if only they knew about it.
But how to make it happen? It's easy to imagine Robert trying to take Joanna to bed, as she resembles her mother a great deal, but how to make it a legal union? I see two options:
One: In the aftermath of the Greyjoy Rebellion, Robert heads north, sees 14 year old Joanna looking the image of his lost love, and pulls out some ancient Targaryen law that lets the king have two wives. No one is particularly thrilled with this idea except for Robert, but he's the king and the most optimistic hope it will turn down his whoring. Or,
Two: In the aftermath of the Greyjoy Rebellion, Robert heads north after Cersei has been found in the act of adultery while he was at war, and seeing Joanna the image of his lost love demands they marry on the spot. No one's particularly happy with this scenario either, but at least it's not bigamy.
Either way, Joanna ends up in Kings Landing as a/the Queen and because Robert is his usual lusty self, winds up with a son in short order. If it Cersei's still in the picture, there's a lot of politicking and worry for her life and that of her child. If Cersei's gone, there's still politicking but with whatever Lannisters remain upset her child is replacing their prince, who they claim is legitimate still.
Sometime while she's still a relatively young bride of 16 or 17, while she's about halfway through her second pregnancy, Robert dies like in the book, and Joanna ends up the regent to her young son, the new king. There's a regency council of course, but she has more power than one might think at first glance.
The truth of her ancestry is never really announced so much as quietly discovered by multiple parties in multiple ways, who quietly go along with it because it suits their needs/politics/etc. Eventually the various parties wonder why everyone else is going along with it too, and after some poking it just sort of... comes out. It doesn't change anything, because inheritance puts her son's claim before her own, but it helps the last of her detractors.
As a side plot, Prince Oberyn comes to Kings Landing to swear Dorne's allegiance to the new king on his brother's behalf and strikes up a flirtation with Joanna. At first that's all it is, especially as she's just about to birth her second child, but they end up forming an odd friendship. Joanna likes Dorne and how they treat their bastards, and Dorne likes her because they think her mother was one of theirs. After 2 or 3 years of this, they marry. It's part political - draws in Dorne, helps make up for Elia's murder, and gives Joanna and her son a loyal defender - and part a love match - they get along and Joanna begrudges Oberyn his paramours no more than she'd begrudged Robert.
That's all I really have, but the idea tickles me. So feel free to borrow it, just link me if you ever do anything with it.
Other Jon Snow Headcanons: Aegon the Unyielding | Aemon the Adventurous | Lady Arryn | Lady Baratheon | Lady Lannister | Lady Stark | Prince Consort | Prince of Summerhall | Queen Mother
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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agentrouka-blog · 3 years
What do you think about Marwyn? He told Sam that Aemon was sent to wall because of his blood and shouldn't be trusted. Then he claim he is going to meet Dany to see her dragons. He is the one who taught Mirri some tricks. He claims that Citadel has no place for sorcery and other maesters don't trust him. I don't know if he truly believed in Dany or he will be another Mirri. He is really fishy. Do you think he will betray Dany?
I really don't know. I don't like him, something about him gives me the creeps. The only reason I am not writing him off completely as a deranged chaotic element is the fact that Sarella "Alleras" Sand was part of his circle, and she hails from a Westerosi family that has an anti-dragon history and has a Summer Islander mother, also not a people known for oppressive violence.
He has a mocking name for everyone, thought Pate, but he could not deny that Marwyn looked more a mastiff than a maester. As if he wants to bite you. The Mage was not like other maesters. People said that he kept company with whores and hedge wizards, talked with hairy Ibbenese and pitch-black Summer Islanders in their own tongues, and sacrificed to queer gods at the little sailors' temples down by the wharves. Men spoke of seeing him down in the undercity, in rat pits and black brothels, consorting with mummers, singers, sellswords, even beggars. Some even whispered that once he had killed a man with his fists.
When Marwyn had returned to Oldtown, after spending eight years in the east mapping distant lands, searching for lost books, and studying with warlocks and shadowbinders, Vinegar Vaellyn had dubbed him "Marwyn the Mage." (AFFC, Prologue)
Hmm. I mean, the aggression and murder don't endear him to me. But some of this is reminiscent of Arya, the consorting with all kinds of social outcasts and killing and learning magical science stuff is basically what she does in Braavos.
But look who speaks well of him: Qyburn.
"The archmaesters are all craven at heart. The grey sheep, Marwyn calls them. I was as skilled a healer as Ebrose, but aspired to surpass him. For hundreds of years the men of the Citadel have opened the bodies of the dead, to study the nature of life. I wished to understand the nature of death, so I opened the bodies of the living. For that crime the grey sheep shamed me and forced me into exile . . . but I understand the nature of life and death better than any man in Oldtown." (AFFC, Cersei II)
The grey sheep shamed him... but not Marwyn?
He's as into propehcies as Aemon.
"Nuncle." She closed the door behind her. "What reading was so urgent that you leave your guests without a host?"
"Archmaester Marwyn's Book of Lost Books." He lifted his gaze from the page to study her. "Hotho brought me a copy from Oldtown. He has a daughter he would have me wed." Lord Rodrik tapped the book with a long nail. "See here? Marwyn claims to have found three pages of Signs and Portents, visions written down by the maiden daughter of Aenar Targaryen before the Doom came to Valyria. Does Lanny know that you are here?" (AFFC, The Kraken's Daughter)
Though at least he seems more sceptical of them than the Targaryens themselves. "Still..."
"Born amidst salt and smoke, beneath a bleeding star. I know the prophecy." Marwyn turned his head and spat a gob of red phlegm onto the floor. "Not that I would trust it. Gorghan of Old Ghis once wrote that a prophecy is like a treacherous woman. She takes your member in her mouth, and you moan with the pleasure of it and think, how sweet, how fine, how good this is . . . and then her teeth snap shut and your moans turn to screams. That is the nature of prophecy, said Gorghan. Prophecy will bite your prick off every time." He chewed a bit. "Still . . ."
Alleras stepped up next to Sam. "Aemon would have gone to her if he had the strength. He wanted us to send a maester to her, to counsel her and protect her and fetch her safely home."
"Did he?" Archmaester Marwyn shrugged. "Perhaps it's good that he died before he got to Oldtown. Elsewise the grey sheep might have had to kill him, and that would have made the poor old dears wring their wrinkled hands."
"Kill him?" Sam said, shocked. "Why?"
"If I tell you, they may need to kill you too." Marywn smiled a ghastly smile, the juice of the sourleaf running red between his teeth. "Who do you think killed all the dragons the last time around? Gallant dragonslayers armed with swords?" He spat. "The world the Citadel is building has no place in it for sorcery or prophecy or glass candles, much less for dragons. Ask yourself why Aemon Targaryen was allowed to waste his life upon the Wall, when by rights he should have been raised to archmaester. His blood was why. He could not be trusted. No more than I can."
"What will you do?" asked Alleras, the Sphinx.
"Get myself to Slaver's Bay, in Aemon's place. The swan ship that delivered Slayer should serve my needs well enough. The grey sheep will send their man on a galley, I don't doubt. With fair winds I should reach her first." Marwyn glanced at Sam again, and frowned. "You . . . you should stay and forge your chain. If I were you, I would do it quickly. A time will come when you'll be needed on the Wall." (AFFC, Samwell V)
The way Sarella handles him and leads the conversation reminds me of Missandei, and it's probable that Missandei is manipulating Dany, so I'm projecting that onto their relationship here, too.
It's hard to predict what his exact intentions with Dany might be. He doesn't buy the heroic prophecy, but it's clear he's not opposed to dragons and murky magic and manipulation and violence. For all that he speaks as if he sees through all the confusion, he could be as misguided as Melisandre, or as coldly curious as Qyburn.
And the sourleaf is never a good sign, either. Masha Heddle (murdered), Yoren (murdered), Chett (killed by wights), the dwarf at the Duskendale Inn (murdered), Emmon Frey (not long for this world, eh?), Marwyn and Snatch are all featured as chewing sourleaf. Some are good, some are bad, but the blood-looking mouth rarely portends a good end.
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kneesofpoultry · 7 years
Cersei: Quit standing up for yourself, Jaime. When we get back to King’s Landing we are going to have a long, boring talk about our relationship!
Jaime: Oh, yeah? Well, listen to this: (whispering) I'm leaving you
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The Queen’s Guard
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Chapter 5: The Ambush
Summary: Myria and Olenna wait for the Lannister army. Will everything go according to plan?
Notes: If you are a GoT fan, then be aware that Olenna will describe Joffrey's death here. If that makes you squeemish, please skip!
From Olenna’s room, Myria could see the set of hills the Dothraki were hiding behind. Once the Lannister army appeared, Myria would send a signal for them to attack before getting Olenna out of High Garden. Where a rider would be waiting by a secret entrance. There were many moving parts to this plan, but Myria was confident it could be pulled off.
A raven was awaiting their return and it was everything Myria had hoped for. The Unsullied with the help of the High Garden soldiers had taken Randal Tarly’s home. His wife and daughter were taken prisoner and sent to a place in Old Town to be watched over by a small group of Unsullied soldiers. With the seas too risky thanks to Euron, no one wanted to take the chance to sail them directly to Dragonstone. 
The hoofbeats reached her ears before her eyes could even see the army. So she grabbed an arrow, lit the cloth around the tip on fire, and released it from Olenna’s balcony. Lady Olenna sighed from the other side of the balcony before turning around and going back into her room. Myria followed after.
“Do you really think this will work?” Olenna questioned as she took a seat at her table. 
“If we lure them in far enough to cut off possible escape routes, it will. Queen Daenerys should be looking for Euron’s ships as we speak to make it easier for us to head back to Dragonstone once this is done.”
“Hmmm,” she set her cane next to her chair. “Do you think the Kingslayer will come her personally?”
“To the battle or to your room? I would say yes to both.”
“Let him.” Myria did a double-take. “There is something I need to tell him. Something Cersei needs to know.”
Myria frowned. “As long as you do not take anything from him. He is coming to kill you and I wouldn’t rule out poison.”
Olenna nodded in agreement. “Which is why you must lie in wait nearby.”
Shouting could be heard from outside the balcony and Myria unsheathed her sword. “I won’t be far.”
Myria went back onto the balcony and left the doors open, pressing herself against the wall. The few guards that were stationed in High Garden were no match for the vast Lannister army. Even if the Tarly army wasn’t there to help. And at the front was Jaime Lannister in all his cockiness. Followed behind by Randall Tarly, a young man Myria assumed was the son not stationed at the Wall, and…
Seven Hells. How did Bronn get mixed up with the Lannisters? Wasn’t he a sellsword? 
Jaime separated himself from the rest of the army and began to make his way into High Garden as his army searched fruitlessly for the gold that was no longer there. One guard mumbled something to Jaime as he passed and Myria could tell it had to be about the lack of gold because his pace picked up to a sprint.
“He’s coming,” Myria whispered to Olenna. Through the door, she saw Olenna slightly nod her head in acknowledgment.
Jaime came bursting into the room and Olenna spoke up. “It’s done?”
“Not quite,” Myria could hear the annoyance in his voice.
“‘And now the rains weep o’er our halls.’ Hmm,” Olenna mused at the words in the most famous song associated with the Lannisters. “Did we fight well?”
“It was barely a fight at all. Where were your men?” Jaime was trying desperately to keep his voice even.
“Your brother and his new queen thought you would be defending Casterly Rock.”
Myria could hear the sound of liquid being poured. As she suspected, Jaime was going to use poison on Olenna. 
“The truth is Casterly Rock isn’t worth much anymore.” 
Myria’s gamble back in Lannis Port had paid off. The Lannisters were broke!
Jaime continued. “Well, it is to me. But my fond childhood memories won’t keep Cersei on the throne.”
“So you took your army - your real army - and went to where they weren’t.”
Myria could hear cups being set down on the table and a chair being pulled out. 
“As Robb Stark did to me at Whispering wood.” There was a pause. “As you have done to me now. I thought I had finally learned my lesson, but you have proven me wrong. Or was it you who predicted this?”
“Does it matter? You now have High Garden.”
“Just as you have Casterly Rock,” he muttered. “Where are your men?”
“With the gold you’re so desperately searching for. The secret of your mines was apparently not so secret.”
“Apparently so. My father always said I was a slow learner.”
“If he was so clever, why didn’t he take High Garden the moment your gold mines ran dry?” No answer was given in the short pause. “I suppose I’ll be able to ask him myself soon enough. No more learning from my mistakes, eh? I know, I know. You want the gold. But we both know I won’t tell you.”
“And if I let Cersei torture you for the information?”
Olenna snorted gently. “I would ask if you could live with yourself if you do, but you love her. And you know the truth.”
“Which is?”
“The gold has left High Garden long ago. Not even Euron Greyjoy will be able to raid the Seven Kingdoms to find it.”
“I’m sure he will once he’s done burning down Daenerys’ fleet.”
“And if that wasn’t her entire fleet?”
There was a tense pause before the sound of a cork popping and liquid pouring cut the silence. Then a cup slid across the table.
“You’re right. I talked Cersei out of the more extreme deaths. So drink this before I change my mind.”
“Will there be pain?”
“No, I made sure of that.”
“That’s good. I’d hate to die like your son. Clawing at my neck. Foam and bile spilling from my mouth. Eyes blood red. Skin purple. Must have been horrible for you, as a King’s Guard. As a father.”
Realization of what Olenna was telling Jaime almost made Myria drop her sword. But she needed to focus. 
“It was horrible enough for me. A shocking scene. Not at all what I intended.”
There was a loud silence that followed and Myria crept around the open balcony door to see Jaime sitting there, eyes locked on Olenna as shock and horror crossed his face.
“Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.”
As Olenna grabbed the wine glass, Jaime shot out of his chair and reached for his sword. Olenna threw the poisonous wine at him and he managed to stumble out of the way. Myria came flying into the room and yanked Olenna out of her seat and over to the opposite wall. She pulled on a candlestick and then guided Olenna through the opening that appeared. 
“I’ll be right behind you,” Myria breathed as she turned to face the Kingslayer. 
Olenna knew this was not a time to argue and grabbed a spare cane that was kept along the passage walls. Jaime kicked aside Olenna’s chair that had been turned over in the chaos and charged at Myria. She met him head-on and they began to fight. And it was clear right away that she had the advantage. Jaime was still new to using his other hand since gaining the gold replacement. 
But she didn’t have time to really humiliate him. While the Dothraki riders were waiting below for Olenna and Myria, the castle would soon become a battleground once the rest appeared. In fact…
Jaime’s head turned towards the balcony at the sound of the Dothraki horde whooping and hollering as they rode up to the keep. Myria used this moment to grab his gold hand, yank it off his arm, and slap him across the face with it. Then she ran through the passageway still holding it. She could hear Jaime curse at her when the door closed.
Myria easily caught up to Olenna. “Forgive me, my lady. But we are in a hurry.”
She lifted Olenna up and kept dashing down stairwells and hallways until they reached the exit. Setting Olenna down, Myria helped the Dothraki rider get Olenna on his horse before racing off. Before she could climb on the other one, a sharp pain pierced her thigh. Looking down, an arrow was sticking out. The Dothraki rider charged with taking Myria fired one back, hitting the Tarly archer through the eyehole of his helmet. He then ripped out the arrow in her leg before hoisting her up and racing off.
Myria tried her best to stay away, but the loss of blood was making it difficult. She passed in and out of consciousness, barely aware of someone tying a cloth around the wound at one point. On and on they raced, the greenery of the Reach giving way to the beautiful desert landscape of Dorne. 
At Sunspeare, Myria could barely make out the conversations around her.
“...burned half his fleet…”
“..retreated to the Iron Islands..”
“...safe to head to Dragonstone…”
“She needs a maester…”
“Take ours. Ellaria will send him back once she’s safely at Dragonstone.”
Myria began to pass out again, but not before feeling hands on her wound.
The ride was hit by a winter storm, but luckily for the crew it was a small one and everyone made it to Dragonstone. Along the beach awaited the Unsullied who went into action getting Myria off the boat. She opened her eyes for a moment to see Grey Worm looking down at her. 
“Do not worry. We are taking you to Archmaester Marwyn.” He spoke in his thick, Yunkai accent. 
“Let me give you a hand,” came a rough, gravelly voice.
“Kirimvose raqiros.”
Through her muddled thoughts, Myria was able to translate Grey Worm’s words. Thank you, friend.
Whoever this new person was, Grey Worm knew well enough to call him a friend. She felt her body shift as she was carried up the many steps that lead to the keep, dragons roaring keeping her from falling back asleep. Inside the keep, she heard Daenerys utter more commands in High Valyrian but Myria was too tired to try to decipher what was said. 
She was set down in a new room and Archmaester Marwyn’s face hovered over her. “Oh my, that’s quite the wound. You are lucky to have survived that ride back. Grey Worm, please make sure Maester Robert is comfortable until he returns to Dorne. And you…”
“Ser Jorah,” came the same gravely voice as before.
“Yes, of course. Our queen speaks highly of you. Please inform Lady Olenna that her guard will survive and be on her feet soon enough.”
Myria tried to turn her head to get a good look at the new person, but her vision blurred before she passed out once more.
Chapter 6
Tagging Crew:
The Queen’s Guard
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jxime-lxnnister · 5 years
Jaime opened his eyes to darkness and realized he was still alive, but under rubble. He had no idea how he survived this. Realizing he had been holding on to Cersei, he tried to kick away some of the rubble. He had already been in pain before this so clearly he was in more now. This was going to be harder than he thought. Turning his head slightly, he could see his sister through bits of the rubble. “Cersei.“ He tried to call out, coughing because of the dust or ash, whatever it may be, surrounding them. He couldn’t move his hand as it was trapped under the rubble and the only one he could kind of move was the other one. He realized there was no golden hand. He guessed in the middle of everything it came off. He tried to reach to her and check she was still alive before nudging her. He could feel the energy draining from him considering he was already injured before this happened. “Cersei…wake up.“ He said again. Unaware that she had already gone.
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@tyrion-lanni-star​, continued from HERE
“What happened is half the keep fell on my head while I was -”
Jaime stopped, looking frantically around himself. He dug into the bricks, rooting around him. Behind him. Something gold caught his eye and he dug for it, scratching and scuffing his golden hand on the sharp bricks.
He pulled it up. Held it aloft. It was Cersei’s golden lion pendant.
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“Where is she?” he begged Tyrion. “Did you see her? Is she hurt? Did - did she ...?”
But he already knew. Deep down, he knew. He had a vague memory of her pulling from his arms as the bricks fell, a brief vision of her standing over him in the clear area where Tyrion stood now. Then walking away. She hadn’t even lifted a brick to see if he was still alive.
“Did she take the boat?” he asked.
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thelicnknight · 5 years
          in fading light | @tyrion-lanni-star​
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         Perhaps it was fate that he had been caught.
         Just that he had been stopped in his quest south. Brienne's parting words reverberated inside his head as though the innards of a bell, telling him that he was a good man, a righteous man, that his deeds mislaid the reputation that he had made for himself decades before in that throne room. You do not have to die with her. But didn't he? Weren't Cersei's sins his own sins? Blood of his blood, the sin of his sin?
       So was it just that he live while she did not?
       Tethered to this pole in the tent of the Dragon Queen, Jaime couldn't help but laugh at the irony of this. A prisoner of self-proclaimed Kings & Queens in the war over a chair, a war that he had unwillingly been fighting since he drew his first breath. For a knight, he was battle-weary, stretched thin and tired of the game. "I can hear you," he said, turning his head to the side, unable to see who lingered behind him.
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mentallyinwalmart · 5 years
My birthday was on Saturday and my best friend had the audacity to print out a pic of Jaime and Cersei together in 8x05 and put “you’re a lanni-STAR” across it
and anyway I’m now accepting applications for a new best friend
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neithergodsnormen · 4 years
@tyrion-lanni-star​ hit the like for a starter
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Jaime could not help his smile as his brother once again had Cersei fuming. He did not know what it was that had gotten her so riled up but the look on Tyrion’s face told him it had to do with their little brother. He would deal with calming his twin down later, at the moment he made his way over to Tyrion as surely as their sister stormed away. “My, my. What did you say now to get her small clothes all knotted like that, little brother?”
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Winterfell proved to be drearier than the lion remembered; impressive, given one of the children lay unconscious in his bedchamber upon their last departure. The weight of the coming days pressed upon them all even more intensely than the blanket of snow rushing to bury them from the sky. The world felt darker, food lacked taste, and sleep failed to banish exhaustion. In the evenings, memories invaded his mind in the form of nightmares: screams from behind a door, the smell of burning flesh. They visited in the day too, on occasion. 
Death felt so close; it seemed as though Jaime could feel it in his bones. The blond would likely die impossibly far away from Cersei among men who would find solace in his passing. It was a wonder the dragon queen hadn’t burned him upon arrival; the northerners may have warmed up to her, then.
As much as he begrudged Tyrion for murdering their father after Jaime released him, dealing Jaime partial responsibility, he largely attributed his continued life to his brother and Brienne. The scales were balanced; their debts settled. Why, then, did the sight of his brother made his heart clench painfully in his chest?
Their debts weren’t even.
This notion finally pushed Jaime out of bed one night, the lion making his way to Tyrion’s door, knocking twice to break the silence. 
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     “Tyrion, wake up.”
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goldcnlicn · 4 years
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( @tyrion-lanni-star​ wrote ||: ஐ = slapping them (cause I need angst lol) )
Maybe he’d deserved that but if anything, Tyrion was the last person Jaime ever expected would slap him. Cersei had done so many times, but never Tyrion and maybe the fact of that stung more than the actual slap. He didn’t let his surprise show on his face, his cheek now burning red and stinging, instead, he let his anger show with his jaw tense yet moving and his stare sharp and disapproving. “That’s quite a slap you’ve got there. Been getting personal lessons from the whores?”
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