jorah--the-andal · 4 years
Tyrion sighed and looked over at Jorah. “You’re lonely. You need someone to talk to. I’m lonely. I know nobody here. Why can’t we be relatively friendly towards one another?” He knee Jorah was hiding something - probably many somethings - and so was he. But he just wanted to know more about him.
“Who says I’m lonely?” he asked him, though he supposed he was. Greyworm didn’t look at him anymore, though Missandei still spoke to him. “I like being alone,” he told him. “Why do you want to know more about me?” he asked, shaking his head. “There’s no reason to get to know more than you already do.”
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xdestinyisall · 3 years
Bruh wdym why do I follow you? I follow you because you’re literally SO talented, so sweet, and just such a great person overall! You’re honestly the bestttt ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Send me an “I follow you because:”
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You made me smile like a fool when I read this <333 you are so sweet, a thousand thanks for those words. Thank you for always being here giving me so much love and feelings. love you so much! <333
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goldcnlicn · 3 years
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( @tyrion-lanni-star​ wrote: “it’s fun shit that leads us to feeling like shit.” )
“You have a way with words, brother.” He had no idea how true his words struck him at this moment. Since he arrived back at King’s Landing, all he’d felt was guilt, tired and surprisingly lonely. Not that anything that had happened to him on his travels had been fun, but it was the life *before* that held most of his regrets and guilt.
The goblet he held in his hand was now empty as he sat it back down on the table with a clang. “How did you not become a poet?” he grinned, his eyes glossy with the drink he had consumed. Too much too quickly. 
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queens-of-legend · 5 years
Everything happened so fast. One moment, Tyrion had been offering Jeoffrey a goblet. The next he was coughing. And then suddenly Margaery was screaming. It all happened so fast and yet to Sansa, it was as though the gods had slowed every moment so she could memorize it in her mind forever, forever studying the details. How Jeoffrey was clawing at his own neck, how Margaery had staggered back and turned away from the horror of her new husband’s purpling skin, and Tyrion...Tyrion looked so shocked. Pure shock. The sort Sansa did not believe her husband able to conjure.
There was a tug in her - an urge to call him near or to get over there - but then there was another tug on her. Ser Dontos. And the next thing Sansa knew she was being told to run. Run for her life, run for her freedom. And to her immense shame, she ran - away from the wedding, away from Tyrion.
The reality of what she had done did not hit her until Lord Baelish let slip that Tyrion Lannister was to die for the crime of killing Jeoffrey. A crime he did not commit. Perhaps Tyrion had wanted Jeoffrey dead, but so did so many others. And he had been so kind to her...
No, she wanted to scream at herself. No! Do not do this! So what if he dies?! You are free now! You can move on with your life and get away from the horrid capitol!
The capitol...how she had longed to go as a child. How she had begged her father. Ned Stark. Honorable Ned, so many called him. What would he have done?
The answer was all too clear.
Escaping Lord Baelish’s ship had turned out to be the easy part. No one cared if a cloaked girl descended the plank of his ship. After all, his business was girls. And getting back to King’s Landing was not difficult, especially as she still had a little bit of money. But getting to Tyrion’s cell? Getting him out?
Had Lord Varys not found her, imagining the same aim, Sansa knew her plan would never have worked. But Varys did find her, and surely it was the will of the gods that he have just the right secrets to get the right guards to leave at the right time. He and Sansa descended into the dungeons beneath the horrid Red Keep. Sansa knew in the back of her mind that her father had been kept down here. He would be proud of her now, she told herself, doing the honorable thing - saving an innocent man who had gone out of his way to be kind to her. Especially when being unkind would have been all too easy.
Finally they came to the deepest, darkest cell, and Lord Varys hissed in her ear.
“Go now. Hurry. But remember what I told you of the trial, sweetling.”
The trial. Sansa knew some of what he had said. And never once did he implicate her.
Taking a deep breath, she gripped the key tight and went to the iron bars.
“Tyrion?” She whispered out into the darkness. “Tyrion! Answer me!”
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lastxdragon · 3 years
“...didn’t know where else to go...”
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╣❦╠ ƈօռզʊɛʀɨռɢ ֆȶօʀʍ ❧
The Wildfire explosion that leveled King’s Landing had been the Lannister woman’s reaction to the royal army opening the gates to Dany’s forces, killing hundreds of thousands, and she had felt the weight of Tyrion’s gaze when the sickening green smoke finally cleared. She had been dazed and sick to her stomach at the loss of innocents, but soon Dany learned that one of Vary’s ‘little birds’ had been poisoning her food. Given Tyrion’s close relationship with the Spider, she felt there was no choice but to dismiss him.
Many months passed and although Daenerys missed her diminutive friend, Duskendale was set up as the temporary seat of the court and trading. Daenerys spent her nights on Dragonstone so, one very stormy evening, she was surprised when Jhogo appeared in her outer chambers with a soaked Tyrion. Her heart softened at his words and she gestured for him to come over to the fire. “What happened?” Daenerys asked, lifting a throw from the lounge and draping it over his shoulders. He would not return had he been in league with Varys. 
“Come. Sit,” she directed him to one of the chairs closest to the fireplace. “Tell me what happened, Tyrion, to bring you back here. To me.”
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gleamingcrowns · 4 years
@tyrion-lanni-star​ starter based off this ask
Sansa looked in the mirror, touching the large puffed up scar that was below her solar plexus. It still ached when she looked at it, maybe because the memories were still raw. Sighed softly, she walked over to the table to pour herself some wine. Drinking a large gulp as the door opened. “Do you get used to it?” Sansa asked, turning to face Tyrion. “The scar, do you ever get used to seeing it?” The fact that Sansa survived was outstanding, so close to bleeding out but once the White Walkers fell, a blacksmith cauterized her wound with a sword. It was touch and go for a long time, but the moment she opened her eyes they knew she was going to be okay.
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awolfhashishonor · 5 years
@tyrion-lanni-star continued from X
“What does it matter to me?” Brandon asked shaking his head “What should it matter if two more southerners disgraced their own gods?” He spat on the floor next to him. His father was always telling him it wasn’t lordly behavior, but he wasn’t entertaining the damn king he didn’t need the youngest Lannister to see him as some fierce lord. 
“Perhaps I could pull the mighty house Lannister from power with the knowledge, but-” Brandon shrugged. “What good would that do? take power from the Lion only to give it to the Dragon? It would not be Starks taking your family’s place at court.” It truely was as simple as that. If he were Lyanna or perhaps Benjen he might care about this piece of gossip. Ned’s friend would find it interesting, he liked a bit of gossip. But Brandon had no use for it. One day he would be the Lord of Winterfell, the further away he was from Southern Politics the better. 
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Tyrion: Jaime, my brother, is an idiot
also Tyrion: hey jorah while we’re next to this long drop to the ground just one sec yeah jsyk i’m not 100% sure I wouldn’t ever betray Dany
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goldcnhand · 4 years
“ i didn’t need you to understand, i just wanted you to support me. ”
 Tyrion sighed as he looked at the floor. “Sometimes in life, we can’t get what we want,” he said softly. His head snapped back up to his brother. “What did you expect, Jaime? How could I support you when you’re fucking our sister? I can’t support that. I’m sorry… I just can’t.”
Jaime’s throat clenched momentarily as he bit his tongue. Tyrion needn’t remind him how unfair the world was. He knew arguing with Tyrion was never going to end with him winning. His little brother had always been gifted with wit and brains compared to him. Still, the look he gave his younger brother was one filled with only the kind of pain that Jaime would ever let him see. 
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“And what of you? You murdered Father.” And Jaime had been responsible for that, too, no thanks to freeing him. He tried not to remind himself of that little fact, but it always bit him on the arse when he was least expecting it. It felt like everything in the last decade had fallen apart, and all because of his bad decisions. He was stuck in the middle of the entire Lannister family, trying to protect them all, trying to keep them from tearing out each other’s throats. Fat lot of good that had done. 
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oathkeeperwench · 5 years
Closed starter for @tyrion-lanni-star​
Brienne was internally cursing her stupidity as she watched Ser Jaime follow his sister out of the Dragonpit. Arguing with him about loyalty in public was not the smartest decision she had ever made. 
She did not know why she was here, why Lady Sansa wanted her here. If it was to convince Ser Jaime to aid the North, she had failed miserably. Footsteps behind her made her turn and she winced in embarrassment as she saw Lord Tyrion, who she had forgotten about in her anger. 
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“Lord Tyrion,” she murmured quietly, bowing her head slightly. “My Lady sends her greetings.”
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jorah--the-andal · 4 years
Tyrion looked up at Jorah. “Because you know it’s true. You’re in love with Daenerys, and you hope that bringing me to her will cause her to accept you again after your betrayal.” He chuckled. “Just admit it. It’ll make this whole journey much easier.”
Jorah sighed heavily as he set up their camp in the middle of the woods. Tyrion’s feet were shackled and pinned to the ground so he couldn’t run, but sadly, the same couldn’t be said for his mouth. A hole was dug in the dirt, twigs and leaves filled in over stones, two of which the knight was striking to get a spark. 
“I hope my bringing you to her will grant me forgiveness. Everything else that just fell out fo your moth is dribble,” Jorah said to him, his voice gruff. “You should stop talking now, you’re the prisoner, and I’m sure I’ll get what I want even if I just bring her your head.” The bear scowled as he started the fire, adding sticks and bigger logs as the flames grew. 
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dragvnflare-a · 5 years
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“so what is it you advise i do, lord tyrion?” the silver haired queen queried, as she turned to look at the other with her eyebrow arched, and her lips slightly pierced together into a frown. there was no doubt that the dragon was clever, however there were times where she preferred the voice of another who could either agree or disagree with her plans. “should we go across to westeros now, or shall we wait?”
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tyrion-lanni-star started to following you
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Lily was walking around the market on her village, she needed to buy a few things for dinner.
She keeps walking as she looked around, the villagers were extremely busy with the Blue Moon Festival, she really wish she could go but no man in there had invited her, but she gets use to it.
Less she knew was that someone might noticed her sad face.
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theon-sea-reek · 5 years
( Discussed starter for @tyrion-lanni-star​ )
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They had set sail from Meereen, a triumphant procession, with the glaring sun seemingly blessing their enterprise and dragons swirling above. They were bringing Daenerys to Westeros, to break the wheel of evil men and crown his sister as Queen of the Ironborn. Yet all Theon felt was... numbness. Numbness and the desperate desire to be alone.  
As soon as his duties above deck were finished, he retired below to gingerly nurse a tankard of ale. He had hoped to be out of the way and left alone, but the sight of Tyrion Lannister making his way over to where he sat indicated that even that simple wish was not to be. He sighed heavily anticipating another verbal lashing from the man. Let him, he thought ruefully. There was nothing Tyrion could say to him that he hadn’t already said to himself and much more harshly at that... He fought the urge to leave and raised his eyes instead, determined to meet Tyrion’s gaze.
“Some ale, My Lord Hand?” 
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thelicnknight · 5 years
          in fading light | @tyrion-lanni-star​
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         Perhaps it was fate that he had been caught.
         Just that he had been stopped in his quest south. Brienne's parting words reverberated inside his head as though the innards of a bell, telling him that he was a good man, a righteous man, that his deeds mislaid the reputation that he had made for himself decades before in that throne room. You do not have to die with her. But didn't he? Weren't Cersei's sins his own sins? Blood of his blood, the sin of his sin?
       So was it just that he live while she did not?
       Tethered to this pole in the tent of the Dragon Queen, Jaime couldn't help but laugh at the irony of this. A prisoner of self-proclaimed Kings & Queens in the war over a chair, a war that he had unwillingly been fighting since he drew his first breath. For a knight, he was battle-weary, stretched thin and tired of the game. "I can hear you," he said, turning his head to the side, unable to see who lingered behind him.
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awolfhashishonor · 5 years
@tyrion-lanni-star continued from X
“I said I didn’t intend to harm you, are you calling me a liar?” Robb looked down at Tyrion, the man had nerve, he was in no position to say something like that and yet here he was. 
“Here’s something to remember,” Robb put a hand on Greywind’s head as he leaned into Tyrion’s space. All wolves are wild.” 
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