queens-of-legend · 6 months
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Back after a looong hiatus. Hit the like/reblog for a starter from:
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queens-of-legend · 2 years
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Look who still thinks his opinion matters.
Your Red Keep is shattered, lion cub. This is my realm. You’re just my guest.
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queens-of-legend · 2 years
The new Lady Lannister had a consistent morning routine. By the time she woke, her husband was already off on his morning duties in King’s Landing, and she was free to do as she willed. That meant rising only when natural, and then enjoying her morning tea before making her pilgrimage to commence with her morning prayers. 
And that was what Sansa did that fateful morning. She rose when morning light touched her face, rose from her bed, and her handmaids came in to tend to her hair and dress her. Then came the tea. 
The same kettle. The same cup. The same color and smell. There was nothing that seemed off. Even the first sip...just the one...felt normal as it fell down her throat. 
Then the pain began. Sharp. Unending. Burning. 
And then darkness fell around her.
“My Lord Lannister!” Lady Brienne cried out as she ran towards the Council chamber, praying they had not yet convened. She had routinely been called on by Jaime to keep an eye on his new bride, and when she heard the handmaids screaming... 
Mother protect them! 
When she rounded the corner and spied Jaime at the end of the hall, she picked up her pace until she was within the range of whispering. No sense in yelling out and alarming everyone in ear shot. The news would likely be out soon enough. 
“Jaime,” she urged in whisper. “It’s Sansa. She’s been poisoned! The Grand Maester is in your chambers with her now!”
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queens-of-legend · 2 years
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→ My take on Future Got: Sansa as Regent of the North for her young brother , unfit to rule because too young, she is set to rebuild the North and Winterfell. 
Jessica Chastain as Adult!Sansa and Lindsay Duncan as Old!Sansa.
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queens-of-legend · 2 years
~Another Turn~
Catelyn Stark’s final letter was as clear as it was vague. 
𝕽𝖍𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖓. 𝕺𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖜𝖓 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖚𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖜.
Sansa remembered the songs her mother would sing to her as a child - songs of glass columns, of a holy tree, of He Who Comes with the Dawn. Songs that her mother’s mother had sung to her. Songs too of warning - to never go to Rhuidean. She knew, as most did in Cairhein, that Lady Catelyn Stark held some Aiel in her blood. With all that red hair which prevailed through her line, it was impossible not to think so. 
Sansa had never thought to ask why she was of Aiel blood. History taught her of a war between the Aiel and citizens of Cairhein - one where even the White Tower became involved. But Sansa knew better than to mention such things. Those words drew long looks of sadness from her mother and scorn from others.
But then her mother - Lady Catelyn Stark - was murdered. And thereby did Sansa discover her mother’s note among the final things she’d held in this life. Samsa was prepared to ignore this letter, to assume her family’s considerable estate, and perhaps find a young man to marry...
Then another attack came - one which Sansa barely escaped with her life. At that moment, she knew she had to run for her life. Taking hold of all she could, Sansa set out in the dead of night and began the perilous journey towards the Waste. 
Whatever AIel blood lay in her veins, whatever her mother knew that Sansa did not, there had to be some reason Catelyn wrote that letter as she lay dying. 
The journey to the Waste took all she had - money, strength, patience - and not to mention courage as she heard horrific tales of trollocs and Half-Men wondering the woods. 
Yet to the Waste she went and finally, at the end of all her will and endurance, did she see the outline of the fabeled city rise up before her. But that was the last thing she saw before exhaustion overtook her, and she collapsed into the and below.
“A body has been discovered near the outskirts of the city,” a Maiden reported to Rand al’Thor - the Car'a'carn - when coming back from patrol. “She has the look of Aiel, yet the clothes she wears are similar to those found in Cairhein. She is expected to survive...if only just. Should we leave her to the Waste?”
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queens-of-legend · 2 years
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queens-of-legend · 2 years
The Queen in the North knew that the lady was coming - lady being a term that the Freefolk would likely laugh at as much as they would ‘princess’ or ‘highborn’ as Sansa knew this woman would be called if she lived south of the Wall. But she did not live south of the Wall. Although Sansa knew she had proven her loyalty - or at least her non-aggression - towards Jon Snow multiple times, there were still dozens of her bannermen who tensed when the golden-haired woman stepped into the hall.
That, Sansa thought, or else they are taken by her considerable beauty.
Sansa had long since passed the days of vain comparisons to other women and the inadequacies such judgments brought forth. Before her was a woman who sought continued access to her lands, nothing more. 
“Have I given any command or signed any declaration which gives you cause to doubt me?” Sansa replied in equal curiosity, her red eyebrow arching as she studied the young woman’s lovely features. Many on her council argued that the young woman needed marrying - and fast! “Or has there been some other misdeed to make you think your people’s land is threatened?”
@the-stark-queen​ FROM VAL
Dressed all in white, adorned with light-grey furs, it was no wonder these Southrons had taken to calling her Lady Val even if she was by no means as highborn as they thought. Her sister had been Mance’s wife, queen beyond the wall - by their logic - but that didn’t make her a princess. In her mind, the free folk needed no princes or princesses. No lords and ladies. But she could play the part if necessary, just like she had kneeled before when it had been required to save her life and that of others. She was proud…but not stupidly so.
Val could feel the eyes on her as she walked down the aisle towards the young queen. She had never minded the eyes of men on her, aware of her own beauty. But the long bone knife she wore on a sheath around her hip was a warning. They may be allowed to look, but touching could cost them a finger or cock.
She didn’t return any of the looks, her eyes fixed on the red-haired queen. Kissed by fire! Those words echoed in her mind, together with the stories told about those blessed like this. A good omen, Val thought.
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“Your grace,” the word sounded strange in her mouth, her tongue untrained in its diction. Just as her knees were unused to bending. “I’ve come here on behalf of those clans who didn’t follow Jon Snow back beyond the wall.” Her eyes lifted again, looking at Sansa with open curiosity and a hint of defiance. “We hope to live in peace on the lands we’ve settled on!” But we shall fight for them if needed! Words hidden between the spaces of those spoken.      
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queens-of-legend · 2 years
After a long bout of taking care of my mental health, I am back on Tumblr, and I’d love to start a few threads with Sansa!
Hit that like/reblog for a Starter!
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queens-of-legend · 4 years
Sansa furrowed her eyebrows softly as Margaery took hold of her arm and began to lead her away, presenting a little story to say if they were stopped. But Sansa could not understand why they would need to lie? After all, they were just speaking together and she preparing her for marriage. What would be more natural? What would be strange about that? And yet Sansa kept herself silent as they moved along the way. Margaery had proven time and time again that she knew how to play the games at court, and it would only serve Sansa for the better if she listened to the charming and cunning young woman.
Sansa noticed how lovely Margaery looked when she smiled, swaying her hips back and forth as though she had not a problem in the world. How she could feel that way, Sansa would never know. After all, Margaery would soon wed Joffrey... and even if Sansa married Loras and went away to High Garden, Margaery would be trapped here with the wretched king and his cruel mother. Even so, perhaps her commitment to being joyful was all the more admirable. Sansa wished she could smile and sway in those ways, and perhaps one day she would. Perhaps marriage would be good for her in that regard. And this would surely be the first step to such a prosperous union.
As they turned down the hallway towards Margaery’s chambers, she noticed two whitecloaks standing just outside the doorway. Sansa’s eyes widened and her throat went dry - which always happened when she saw the Kingsguard these days. Even though they were not here for her and had no business with her, she still bore a fraction of a fear that they were there to bring her before Joffrey again.
Good. Sansa wasn’t too frightened of the whole ordeal. The last Margaery would want is to scare the girl. She’s had enough. “It could be our little secret.” It excites her. It has been a while since Margaery had any relations with a woman. The queen to be, always curious, up to trying things new when younger. Most men look the other way when two women enter a chamber together. Margaery knew the right words to say to dismiss their thoughts. Even her Grandmother would do well to remove nasty rumors.
“If you’d like, we could go now? Joffrey has some business to deal with. I’m more than aware that Tywin will keep him busy, along with his mother.” 
The woman couldn’t help but smile at all times. Flirty and her body wanting to explore more of what Sansa would enjoy and her limits. She could be a good wife to Loras. May not in the bedroom- per say but as long as Sansa could please herself.. 
“Let’s walk together. If anyone is to ask questions, you are going to help me decide my days coming of dresses to wear. I could always use someone other than my own ladies.” She couldn’t help but bite the corner of her lip. The mere excitement to come, if only she could take the woman here..
Someone would find them. Last she needs is Cersei to know anything of the sort. 
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queens-of-legend · 4 years
The way he said her name nearly shattered the thin traces of heart she had left. Had the fears gripped him? Often when she was alone or left without something to distract her, her brain would wonder off into dark memories. And it would take something - a great distraction - to pull her out. Was Theon there, now? Trapped in the Hell that Ramsay Bolton created for the two of them? 
Then he spoke again, and Sansa understood fully. Her brows knitted together and she reached up to touch his cheek. “Theon...Theon you do not understand, they are not here to try you,” she explained gently. “Nor are they here to kill you. They wish to speak to me about the coming of the Dragon Queen, and I wanted you there by my side.”
Her fingers were always gentle when touching any part of Theon’s skin. And now, her fingers softly brushed against his cheek, where she could just about feel the trace of a scar. Her touches were the softest brush - hovering a hair’s breadth above the skin. Upon Sansa’s orders, no one was allowed to touch Theon - not without his say so. But now only she dared do so, for only she knew how to touch someone as...injured as they were. And only he - though he did not yet know it - was permitted to touch her. It was a secret language - this barest of touches - and only they were cursed enough to know it.
“None of this would be possible without you,” she said, her voice tender and sincere. “Without you...I would be- She would have...”
Sansa swallowed tight and her eyes began welling up with the tears she never allowed anyone else to see. But in her mind’s eye, she was looking down the tip of Myranda’s arrow, only vaguely aware of Theon behind her. At least until...until Theon threw the cruel woman to her death and the two of them...
Sansa’s thumb rubbed against his cheek.
“Without you, I would not be here. And I intend to ensure all the Lords of the  North know it too.” 
|| Starter for @the-stark-queen ||
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He was anxious to get to the practice yard, to make himself useful. He needed to be of use. And he needed to find some way to focus his mind, to escape the constant parade of gruesome ghosts and memories that seemed to invade every potential peaceful moment. Not that he shouldn’t be haunted... He had passed the place where the boy’s corpses had hung as he rode into Winterfell. He’d come face to face with people who had known him when he was a broken, wretched prisoner. And now, here in the practice yard, he was mere steps away from the place where he had brutally executed Ser Rodrik. Yes. It would be best to keep his wretched mind and hands busy. 
Jon had told him that there were many that still needed training with the bow and that both women and laboring men were to be taught at least the crossbow. It was both exhilarating and painful to be in the practice yard again. He had believed he would never draw his bow again. But he had. And there was hope in that. He was in the middle of helping a lad from the Night’s watch who had recently switched from the crossbow to the long bow, when he was surprised to hear Sansa’s voice behind him. 
He turned around to face her, and it was like the sun came out in the cold, dreary practice yard. For a moment he said nothing, just took her in. She looked even more radiant and confident than she had when he saw her the day before, when he asked her permission to fight for Winterfell. To fight for her. It was overwhelming to see her looking so well after leaving her trembling in the woods with Lady Brienne and Podrick. It was even more overwhelming that she had greeted him so warmly, embracing him in front of those who despised him- that she wanted to speak to him at all after all the ways he had failed her.
“Lady Sansa,” he finally said, “how may I be of service?”
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queens-of-legend · 4 years
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Got tagged by the ever-lovely @severityforgreatness to make a little icon for Sansa!
Make your own here: https://picrew.me/image_maker/137904
I tag: @saltxwolf 
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queens-of-legend · 4 years
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the snow drifted down and down, all in ghostly silence, and lay thick and unbroken on the ground. It was a place of whites and blacks and greys. white towers and white snow and white statues, black shadows and black trees, the dark grey sky above. a pure world, sansa thought. I do not belong here. 
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queens-of-legend · 4 years
Sansa hoped in her heart that what Margaery said was true and not all men were alike. But of course that was true. Loras would never...never do what Joffrey had done. Sansa was hardly thinking about what she ought to learn, only meditating on the hope of leaving King’s Landing, when Margary leaned forward and touched the back of her neck.
Suddenly the whole kingdom seemed to turn upside down as she felt Margaery come close. Her blue eyes focused on the other woman’s lovely gray gaze in these moments of closeness. Suddenly Sansa could not breathe, she could not think of anything other than how lovely Margaery’s face was. Her cheek bones, her rosebud mouth, her...
And then Margaery kissed her. Her cheek. Her ears. Her neck. And then...her lips. All at once, Sansa felt her heart running wild, her breath still, her skin shiver, and her stomach twist. But it all felt...
“Wonderful...” she breathed back in response, her lips still burning from the absence of the other woman’s, as though Sansa kissed fire itself. Was this how women of Highgarden practiced to become so skilled at pleasing their lovers? “Should I practice on...on you - with you?” Sansa corrected, her cheeks as red as roses.
@the-stark-queen :
Sansa held her breath as Margaery gently reached for a bouquet of flowers and pressed one in to her hair. In her heart of hearts, Sansa always admired Margaery. She did not know how Margaery could operate with such ease - knowing she would soon marry Joffrey. Her grace, her grit, her tenderness...how could she do it all? There was nothing in Sansa’s heart but admiration for the wonderful lady. And to hear that she wished to be her dearest friend - to touch her without fear of repercussions - Sansa could have thrown her arms around the beauty and embraced her as long as she could.
But instead, she swallowed tight with a sincere smile of appreciation, and she took a step towards Margaery. “That sounds wonderful, my Lady. I do so long to be away from the capitol and all its...troubles,” she confessed.
“Yes. I would love nothing more than for you to see Highgarden.” It was a bit stretched of a topic. Moving her arm around the other’s she would walk with Sansa through the garden. “My brother could use a wife and what better suitor than yourself? It’s quite fun. Not only beautiful within the many flowers that adorn the castle but we have so many gatherings of parties.” A chuckle just a bit. 
Margaery wants to give Sansa ideas of what could be. “Some of us would wear masks, and wear ballgowns.. of all sorts of bright colors.” Not allowing her to pay any mind to the fact that Margaery led the woman to an over looking cliff from the red cliff. A place where no one would hear them, find them for a while.
Allowing her hand to slip against the woman’s fleshy arm, she slips away and turns to face her. “Have you been with a man, Sansa? Do you know what they like?” 
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queens-of-legend · 4 years
Loras could use a wife! Sansa remembered back to all those times when she and dreamed of marrying a gallant and handsome Knight such as Loras Tyrell. The thought of it now, hearing Margaery speak of it...! Sansa could hardly keep the blush off her cheek as Margaery led them through the gardens and spoke of Highgarden.
“It sounds so much like a dream, Lady Margaery! I cannot think there is anyplace so beautiful as Highgarden. I...I miss such things,” she sighed as she looked out over the sea. “Thinking of nothing but gowns and masks and of love...”
When Margaery touched Sansa’s arm and asked of her dealings with men, Sansa’s cheeks turned all the more pink and she shook her head. “N-No, I have never...I know so little of men other than Joffrey’s casual cruelty. I-I must admit, I had almost wished I would never marry a man.”
@the-stark-queen :
Sansa held her breath as Margaery gently reached for a bouquet of flowers and pressed one in to her hair. In her heart of hearts, Sansa always admired Margaery. She did not know how Margaery could operate with such ease - knowing she would soon marry Joffrey. Her grace, her grit, her tenderness…how could she do it all? There was nothing in Sansa’s heart but admiration for the wonderful lady. And to hear that she wished to be her dearest friend - to touch her without fear of repercussions - Sansa could have thrown her arms around the beauty and embraced her as long as she could.
But instead, she swallowed tight with a sincere smile of appreciation, and she took a step towards Margaery. “That sounds wonderful, my Lady. I do so long to be away from the capitol and all its…troubles,” she confessed.
“Yes. I would love nothing more than for you to see Highgarden.” It was a bit stretched of a topic. Moving her arm around the other’s she would walk with Sansa through the garden. “My brother could use a wife and what better suitor than yourself? It’s quite fun. Not only beautiful within the many flowers that adorn the castle but we have so many gatherings of parties.” A chuckle just a bit. 
Margaery wants to give Sansa ideas of what could be. “Some of us would wear masks, and wear ballgowns.. of all sorts of bright colors.” Not allowing her to pay any mind to the fact that Margaery led the woman to an over looking cliff from the red cliff. A place where no one would hear them, find them for a while.
Allowing her hand to slip against the woman’s fleshy arm, she slips away and turns to face her. “Have you been with a man, Sansa? Do you know what they like?” 
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queens-of-legend · 4 years
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queens-of-legend · 4 years
So I’m not saying Sansa might be givin me bi-sexual vibes but
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queens-of-legend · 4 years
Sansa held her breath as Margaery gently reached for a bouquet of flowers and pressed one in to her hair. In her heart of hearts, Sansa always admired Margaery. She did not know how Margaery could operate with such ease - knowing she would soon marry Joffrey. Her grace, her grit, her tenderness...how could she do it all? There was nothing in Sansa’s heart but admiration for the wonderful lady. And to hear that she wished to be her dearest friend - to touch her without fear of reprercussions - Sansa could have thrown her arms around the beauty and embraced her as long as she could.
But instead, she swallowed tight with a sincere smile of appreciation, and she took a step towards Margaery. “That sounds wonderful, my Lady. I do so long to be away from the capitol and all its...troubles,” she confessed.
🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair (From @The-Stark-Queen)
“As long as you’re here, you will be in my protection.” Margaery wasn’t sure if her words would be enough for the woman who lost not only her brother and father, but any freedom she may have. Yet she would do her best to make sure Sansa stayed happy, find strength. If only she could find a way to keep { @the-stark-queen } close, but Joffrey wouldn’t approve.
“You must not be afraid.” She took her hands and held them in her own. “You trust me, don’t you?” Not bothering for an answer, she lets go of Sansa’s hands and reaches for the bouquet of flowers. Finger nails press into the stem, breaking it away only to allow it to grace the floor between them. “Not only as your Queen but as your friend, dearest Sansa.” 
She slips the rose into the woman’s hair, just over her ear. Fingers lightly moving along the rim of her skin before slipping away. “Come, let’s go have some tea and cakes.”
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