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sorrelbriarrose · 11 months ago
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I can’t believe it
It’s been 17 years lol
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thethcministry · 1 year ago
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choptopmoseley · 2 years ago
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gthdhd666 · 1 month ago
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lyrics365 · 5 months ago
Epigenetic Neurogenesis
Blood, bone and spew Bound in the mortar of aeons Laid in ancient mud and mire Predecessors of Thee utmost antiquity Instruments of an epoch encounter An inevitable realization A forseen horizon An archaic amalgamation Biotic implements Biotic implementations hemispherical capacity Augment it’s shape Augment it’s function complex conjuction Rooted and stemming The Cyclically Organically…
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eonars · 9 months ago
guy I met at the show tonight who insisted I check out his death metal band was super impressed I didn't need his help spelling cephalotripsy into the instagram search bar that's that biologist slay babieeeeeeeee
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Watch most recent Morgan Davis Gay porn videos only on Pornhub Onlyfans Creator jerks off and fucks him self with a dildo in a Hotel 61K votes 47 comments The last time I saw my friend Cameron Boyce Id known him since I was like 11 or 12 and we were supposed to kiss in This video is a private video uploaded by 4dastreets ReadBIO Only active members can watch private videos Please log in or sign up for free Logo sigil Fear Sorrow Brutal Design Art director Dan Muntean Special guest vocals by Angel Ochoa from Cephalotripsy Abominable Putridity Savannah Parker savannahxxx 7gb Mega Open linkGet VIP Ads are a necessary evil to keep things running You can skip all ad links and go TikTok PrettyYang jhanetierraperu1998 Him wag kang paHeal heal Hindi ka pasyente Tangna move on and Go lumandi Featuring Hello Kitty Dinosaurs wrapping paper roll gift wrap any occasion 125 sq feet 321706557463 Feet 221674055764 PornRabbit Porn Tube has the following search results for your search term just nashy leaked To narrow your search please try again with a more Published almost a century after the abolishment of slavery in 1947 Ralph Ellisons Battle Royal served at the time as a reminder of just how Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Flint Disappointed Since I used vocal isolation software this is not the cleanest rip
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poeoliverwood · 6 months ago
Brutal Death Metal - Why it influences my taste in media and how you get into it.
Brutal Death Metal is a sub-genre of death metal that focuses on percussive heaviness and rhythmic complexity above other aspects such as melody and timbre. For a lack of a better term, it’s Deathened Death Metal, but that’s a dumb name, so they named after one of death metals characteristics, it’s brutality.
Death Metal by itself is most well known for its tremelo picking, blast beats, and growled vocals, but some other aspects like the use of odd time signatures and abrupt tempo changes, chromatic chord progressions and palm-muted guitar riffage makes death metal stand out in comparison to other extreme metal sub-genres like Black Metal and Metalcore.
Brutal Death Metal is Death Metal’s continuation on its most controversial aspects, such as the gory, violent album covers and lyrical themes, as well as doubling down on all of its aspects, creating something entirely new in the process. The growls have turned into Gutturals, which are deep, bassy and inhuman. The Palm-Muted riffs are way more common, with a new variant of riffs called “Slams”. Blast Beats become Triggered Blast Beats, which are faster, now hitting the snare every quarter of a note. And songwriting has become maze-like in just how far it stems away from the conventional verse-chorus song structures we’re so used to hearing on the radio.
In ways, if Death Metal was a rebellion against authority, Brutal Death Metal is a rebellion against our conventions and beliefs, which in itself is a form of authority deep inside of people’s minds. It portrays to the world the darkest of realities, both deep in our psyche and what’s happening in our world, and whether we choose to accept them for what they are as a normal part of life or not determines the maturity of the mind. If you aren’t shocked by it’s immature distasteful offensive lyrical themes, you are far more likely to be a happier person than those who are, for those who are aren’t willing to let go and accept the fact that these things very much exist.
Okay, I may be looking too deep into the themes, which BDM doesn’t question in the slightest in it’s own primitive thrill-seeking nature, but it is somewhat of a barrier to those who want to listen to it. Think of it the same way people like to watch murder documentaries and play gory/sexual video games.
To start off, I recommend you check out:
Suffocation - Effigy Of The Forgotten/Pierced From Within
Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made Flesh/None So Vile
Skinless - Foreshadowing Our Demise/Trample The Weak, Hurdle The Dead
Dying Fetus - Destroy The Opposition/Reign Supreme
and Nile - In their Darkened Shrines/Annihilation Of The Wicked
Once you’ve gone through all of them to get the basics of the genre(the bridge if you will), then you’ll need to listen to these bands to determine whether you’ll love the genre or not(the gate). Let’s start:
Devourment - 1.3.8. Compilation
Containing their debut album Molesting The Decapitated, as well as the Babykiller single and Impaled 1997 demo, this compilation is responsible for inspiring many of the bands today, especially the ones under the umbrella of Slam, a subgenre of BDM that focuses on Mid-Tempo grooves and Slam Riffs. While it could be argued that the New York bands like Internal Bleeding created the sub-genre, it wasn’t fully released until Devourment came by and redefined the genre again in the late 90s. Whilst most of Internal Bleeding’s New York Hardcore influences such as Hip-Hop and Beatdown remain somewhat intact, Devourment’s style of Slam is made way heavier by its muddy production and ping snares, as well as the vocalists’ extra gurgly vocals and absence of traditional songwriting.
Devourment is an essential band for any Death Metal enthusiasts, and their early material is a worthy listen for anyone who wants to experience the absolute best the genre has to offer.
Cephalotripsy - Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies
If Internal Bleeding were the Ingredients and Devourment was the catalyst, Cephalotripsy was the final outcome. This band is the absolute best in just how primitive, knuckle-dragging and barbaric Slam can be. Cephalotripsy make no attempt to deviate from their 2-3 riffs, simply making small variations, adjusting the beat and the tempo to give it variety. This album is completely absent of Death Metal’s characteristics, there’s no tremelo-picking, blast beats are very rare and are often replaced by drum rolls more often than not and the vocals can barely even be considered such by just how far Angel Ochoa pushes his reverberating gurgling noises. With all that being said, Cephalotripsy are surprisingly smart in how they approach their rhythms, using odd time signatures and bizarre shifts in tempo and song directions to give the tracks their own flares.
They might sound like a dumb band for dumb people, but the small details this album has is enough to push the genre’s boundaries enough to leave a huge impact in it, and that’s why it’s so highly regarded. If I’m forced to listen to one Slam album for the rest of my life, I would pick this album.
Gorevent - Abnormal Exaggeration
Despite the fact it’s one of the only Slam bands to once star an attractive young woman, and for as cool as that is(anyone into Slam would think the same as me), it’s not the reason I included it, no. I included them because I feel like they do the genre justice with their fresh take on the genre, sure there are some parts where it sounds boring like the very first riff of the album, but once you get past that, you begin to understand what makes them special. This is a Slam band that has a very distinct discography of riffs, I never feel like their style drags on or gets repetitive as they always have something new to offer the time you get bored of a section of the song. I don’t really have much else to say, but just like Devourment and Cephalotripsy, they’re not shy of using a bit of technicality in their music, and use it to enhance the memorability of the sound. Also they have a gorgeous ping snare that sounds more like a tin can than a snare, adds to the primitive sound this album has. One thing I should note too about all these bands is that they have a very unique style of production, and that being one focused on actual heaviness rather than just being ear-piercingly loud.
You don’t have to be a weeb to like this band, I say they are worthy of being talked about alongside the two pioneers.
Defeated Sanity - The Sanguinary Impetus
The only entry I’m adding to this list that isn’t Slam. I’m not the biggest fan of traditional Brutal Death Metal bands unless they have a technical edge to them. Too many times I find the bands to be rather boring in their repetitive ways, and I always wish that bands would step up their dedication to the sound and put something new to it. Thankfully, Defeated Sanity proves that you can be super jazzy and technical without sacrificing the substance or the brutality of the music. If technicality is done well, it can actually enhance the memorability of the music, because it sounds completely different from all of the other bands, and Defeated Sanity’s discography shows the development of the band and its lead drummer Lille Gruber. The Sanguinary Impetus was the next album he’d work on after doing drums for the two-man DissoDeath band, Ingurgitating Oblivion, and while Defeated Sanity already had a technical sound from the early Prog-Death bands, it only got more technical and surprisingly dissonant from their last album, Passages Into Deformity. This is the logical conclusion to Defeated Sanity’s line-up of classics, this is the album that got me from just liking the band into loving them to bits. This album is criminally underrated! The way I can best describe this album is a the musical equivalent of a panic attack, as the lyrics chime about an over-worldly life-form consuming it’s prey, and it’s endless search to quench its thirst for blood. Death Metal is typically very authoritative and wants to come off as tough, but this album genuinely sounds like the ramblings of a distressed person who’s seen a genocide play in his head as he saw a lovecraftian horror waling from its slumber, only for the beast to wreck havoc across the streets of New York. The composition is so noodley and intricate that I’m convinced I was written by a free jazz composer or a classically trained musician, not a metal band.
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infraredmag · 7 months ago
Gore House Prod. – HEINOUS EXSANGUINATION Unleashes Putrid Single “Vile Rotting Mass” ft. Angel Ochoa (Cephalotripsy, Abominable Putridity) Off EP “The Stench of Decaying Flesh” Out Sept 2024
NEWS RELEASE Montreal, QC – August 14, 2024 HEINOUS EXSANGUINATION Unleashes Putrid Single “Vile Rotting Mass” ft. Angel Ochoa (Cephalotripsy, Abominable Putridity) Debut EP “The Stench of Decaying Flesh” Out Sept 2024 via Gore House Productions Left – Mitchell Christian (Instruments and production), Right – JP – Vocals Photo credit – Heinous Exsanguination Los Angeles,…
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boughtmender · 3 months ago
there’s two main offshoots of slam:
the really grim brutal death metal sound (Abominable Putridity, Cephalotripsy)
and the fun, hardcore-adjacent stuff, which I much prefer (Snuffed on Sight, Peelingflesh, Torture)
If you look at a trans woman's music taste its made up of both the greatest bangers ever made and the worst music you've ever heard in your life and theres no in between
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kriegsgeist · 2 years ago
Cephalotripsy - Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anonamlies
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lyrics365 · 5 months ago
Epigenetic Neurogenesis
Blood, bone and spew Bound in the mortar of aeons Laid in ancient mud and mire Predecessors of Thee utmost antiquity Instruments of an epoch encounter An inevitable realization A forseen horizon An archaic amalgamation Biotic implements Biotic implementations hemispherical capacity Augment it’s shape Augment it’s function complex conjuction Rooted and stemming The Cyclically Organically…
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skullgrind · 8 months ago
CEPHALOTRIPSY: Let's SLAM into this mix with some BRUTAL DEATH METAL from San Diego, California! I know this sound isn't for everyone but give it a chance? Heavy pulverizing production makes you feel this song in your bones. Good for listening to while pumping iron and swearing at your neighbors. Cool cover art of underwater corpse bone pile and barnacle god is uncredited.
VULTURES: Now we're headed to Indonesia for some non-brutal DEATH METAL not to be confused with the tech DM band of the same name (also from Java). Pounding drums and guitars here will have you breaking bricks with your forehead in no time flat. Fucking sweet cover art of the buboes demon multiplying in the subterranean realms by Wisnu Aji.
GRAVE HERESY: It's back to Sweden for some DEATH METAL or "war metal" if you prefer that description. A powerful blast of distorted guitars and rampaging drums will have you diving for the trenches just to be skewered by the raging vocal howls. Time to be burnt alive!
EARTHBURNER: We're in Chicago, Illinois again for some GRIND/DEATH METAL that has all the pissed off vibes you need to live in this wretched world today. This is just a single from the upcoming October album release. The band is named after the song by BROKEN HOPE if that gives you any indication what these dudes are about. Classic grindcore b/w religious iconography mixed with apes, skulls, and implements of war on this uncredited cover art.
SLOVGH: More GOREGRIND/DEATH METAL here this time from a Danish 2-piece. Puking vocal delivery and gunfire barrage of drums and riffs make me happy. Drippy skull dude with knife in a pit of slime cover art by Admesster.
DEATH SUPPORT: Not sure where this band is from but I came across this two track EP/DEMO and loved the wall of anguish and anger they put into this DEATH/BLACK METAL. I guess they like "unsettling themes with calming pastels and vibrant tones" or something? Band photo has a MAUL shirt in it so they gotta be cool right?
DETERIOROT: Now for more GRIND/DEATH METAL from the North Carolina old metal heads. They had a full length come out last year but these dudes have been kicking it since back in 1992 and they still smash faces. Get back in your grave and blast this here while you close the coffin.
BUTCHER ABC: GOREGRIND/DEATH METAL from Japan that was originally released back in 2017 but was just reissued with better production. This shit is HEAVY sounding and I love it. I used to play this band on the boombox of the haunted house set while I ran at people with a chainsaw. Never failed to amuse.
TOMB DWELLER: And closing out the mix this week we have some DEATH METAL from California. This band hasn't been around all that long and this is their second EP release. Chainsaw riffing and hyper drums will kick you in the groin until you see stars. I like this evil ghost/demon rising from the graves on the uncredited cover art.
FRIDAY 8PM EST we gonna rot up in this tomb together
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jhohannam · 7 years ago
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#cephalotripsy 🤟🏻🤟🏻 (at Maspeth, Queens)
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plannueve · 5 years ago
Música para molestar a tus vecinos: Vol. 1
Música para molestar a tus vecinos: Vol. 1
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Mis vecinos tienen la desagradable costumbre de escuchar música como si todos los que vivimos en las casas aledañas los quisiéramos escuchar. No es algo que hagan para ocasiones especiales o festividades, es diario. Hace ya un par de meses por las mañanas escuchan Reik y cualquier artista que esté en las playlist recomendadas de Spotify, y por las noches hacen zumba durante dos horas.
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tuneralthirst · 7 years ago
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Intracranial butchery🔪 #cephalotripsy
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