#ceo doyoung!
starlightkun · 1 year
okay so i think a big part of why im finding it difficult to get back into writing for ayakashi is the elephant in the room: yukhei's character. i took my unexpected break kind of in the middle of when all of the stuff with him was happening, so i never really got a clear picture of it all. and since coming back, i can tell that nctzens haven't even come to a consensus on whether or not they still support him either. and then he's of course "on hiatus" in neopurgatory too, so...
anyway, i don't have a firm grasp on the situation, nor do i think i ever will. before i left i was debating retroactively swapping him out for sungchan (primarily to preserve the height, which is an integral part of the character).
i think that's still where i'm leaning towards, but if y'all have any feedback for me abt this, please lmk!!
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vyinter · 1 year
they made rowoon unemote 😔 this reign brought again by buisness proposal has got to end
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apcomplexhq · 1 year
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✦ Nome do personagem: Ivan Cheong ✦ Faceclaim e função: Doyoung - NCT ✦ Data de nascimento: 01/02/1993 ✦ Idade: 30 anos ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino / Ele dele ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Italiano de ascendência sul-coreana, coreano ✦ Qualidades: Autêntico, autoconfiante e eficiente ✦ Defeitos: Individualista, autoritário e petulante ✦ Moradia: Mount Olympus ✦ Ocupação: CEO da concessionária CarForYou ✦ Twitter: @MO93CI ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, HOSTILITY ✦ Char como condômino: Ivan é um residente reservado, que segue as regras do edifício e que valoriza muito sua privacidade.
TW’s na bio: Menção à morte parental.
Nohae Cheong nasceu em Milão e cresceu em um de seus bairros afamados, no cerne de uma família de pais de classe alta, relativamente abastada, filho de mãe italiana e pai coreano. Seu batismo aconteceu cinco dias depois do nascimento, recebendo o nome de Ivan Cheong ao ser incorporado à Igreja, eclesialmente. Foi criado em um universo multicultural com origens ásio-italianas, desenvolvendo-se entre Itália e Coreia do Sul para manter-se conectado às culturas.
Ivan foi uma criança prodígio e graças a boa posição social e econômica de sua família, desfrutou de uma cuidadosa educação cosmopolita, desenvolvendo-se altamente talentoso para artes, línguas e esportes. O estudo suplente de história e filosofia, majoritariamente dos antepassados, fez com que adquirisse costumes sul-coreanos que até os dias de hoje segue à risca. Suas origens são de extrema importância, e esse é o emblema de uma família que zelou bem pela boa instrução de Ivan.
Sua devoção à culinária começou quando era criança, graças à mãe, que sempre trabalhou no restaurante fundado pelos ancestrais há muitas gerações. Ela foi responsável por inspirar Ivan a explorar a gastronomia como carreira. Ele começou a frequentar o restaurante da família aos 12 anos, tornando-se uma das gerações de sua família a trabalhar lá. Durante o período de férias, quando não viajava com o pai que sempre o incentivou a experimentar várias cozinhas e culturas diferentes, dedicava horas de seu dia trabalhando no restaurante, à sombra de uma mãe dedicada. Na época, sua mãe era chefe de cozinha e por crescer observando-a cozinhar herdou dela a paixão pela gastronomia.
Ao atingir a maioridade inscreveu-se na escola de Hotelaria e Culinária de Veneza, e finalizou o curso com honras. Voltou para Milão pouco tempo depois, para começar o trabalho de sous-chef no restaurante da família. Um ano depois assumiu o cargo de chefe de cozinha, no entanto, com ambição no mundo dos negócios e desejo de ter seu próprio restaurante. Ivan começou sua carreira em administração e logística ocupando o cargo de vice-presidente na concessionária fundada pelo pai, em Daejeon, Coreia do Sul. Entusiasmou-se rápido com o ramo e aí escolheu experimentar uma segunda formação, no curso de automobilística.
Graduado pela segunda vez, optou por deixar o círculo familiar e partir rumo à Coreia, a fim de conquistar sua auto sustentabilidade através das posses monetárias que adquiriu ao longo da juventude. Já era uma figura financeira quando o pai morreu, devido a um crime que o deixou consideravelmente debilitado e resultou em sua morte. O caso ganhou atenção, mas por suspeitas de ser um assassinato motivado por benefício financeiro e não latrocínio, segue em aberto. A perda gerou um enorme sofrimento em toda família, principalmente em Ivan, que era muito próximo do pai. Como filho único herdou todo o patrimônio e, atualmente, luta para ser um profissional excepcional e respeitado frente ao público e subordinados, doutrina passada pelo pai, empenhando-se ativamente em fazer justiça à memória dele e continuar seu legado.
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starryhyuck · 28 days
under his desk. (m)
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pairing: ceo!johnny x afab!reader
words: 7.4k+
summary: you discover your new boss has a secret hidden up his sleeve.
genre: smut, fluff
warnings: talks of violence, reader is jaehyun’s sister, rough sex, slight breeding kink, sir kink, public sex, creampies, multiple orgasms, hair pulling, mentions of throat fucking
“I need a job.”
Jaehyun’s mouth is wide open, spoon hovering over a bowl of soup, inches away from sitting on his tongue. His eyes dart up to see your anxious expression, eyebrows pulled together. He sighs, resting his spoon back down before leaning back in his chair.
“So this is why my sister finally reaches out to have dinner with me,” Jaehyun says, running a hand down his face exasperatedly.
“Come on, Jae,” you plead, fingers twisted in the napkin on your lap. A large chandelier hovers over the two of you, illuminating the disappointment gracing Jaehyun’s face. “You know I would never ask you for a favor like this unless I really have to.”
He observes the serious look on your face. It’s been years since you’ve reached out to him, the two of you losing touch after you parted ways when graduating from university. Your brother set off to a successful career in finance, climbing rank until he was nearly at the top, making an enormous amount of money that he had no clue what to do with. You were the opposite, chasing your dream of writing at a huge publishing firm, only to be met with disappointment by a few odd jobs and barely enough cash to cover the bills. You never asked Jaehyun for help even though you both knew you needed it.
He has a contemplative air cast around him, fingers rubbing at his chin lightly.
“I don’t know anyone in the writing world-“
“It doesn’t have to be that,” you immediately interject. You don’t care if he can smell the desperation across the table. “I’ve given up on that dream. I just need something stable, something I don’t have to make backup plans for if it falls through.”
He sighs again. “There is something, but it’s not easy-“
“I’ll take it, Jae. Please, I promise I won’t fuck this up.”
He stares at you for a while, taking in the hunger in your eyes. He hasn’t seen you like this since you graduated, proclaiming that you would become a best-selling writer before the year’s end. Now, you’re simply a girl crushed by the weight of your dreams and chasing a solid figure in your bank account.
“Let me see what I can do.”
You straighten your skirt for the umpteenth time, clutching the clipboard to your chest for dear life. The stiletto heels are digging into your feet but you keep your toes as straight as possible, trying your best to look like you know what you’re doing.
The door flies open and you take a deep breath. Johnny Suh walks by you without a word, taking his seat at his desk before finally sparing you a glance. His eyebrow raises at your appearance but he says nothing else.
“Good morning, sir,” you say with a smile. “I have your morning reports here and your daily schedule. Which would you like first?”
“My coffee.”
You pause, the smile slipping off of your face. “Y-Your coffee?”
He’s not amused in the slightest. “Black, no sugar. I expect it on my desk as soon as I walk into this room.”
“Yes, sir.”
A few beats pass. “Well?”
You stumble, racing for the door and exiting his office. You calculate there is absolutely no way you could make it to a coffee shop and be back on time, instead heading for the break room. You exhale as you place an empty cup under one of the high tech machines, waiting patiently as it brews for you.
“You’re the new assistant, aren’t you?” A voice questions. Another man walks into the room, taking a cup for himself and occupying another machine. He outstretches his hand to you. “I’m Doyoung.”
You shake his hand and smile politely, offering your name.
“Nice to meet you,” he says, watching as you carefully take the brewed cup of black coffee from the machine and search for a lid. “How’s the boss so far?”
You chuckle dryly. “Well, it’s my first day and I already forgot his coffee, so I can confidently say it’s not going well.”
He throws you an apologetic look. Before you can exit, he speaks again. “In my experience, Johnny favors resilience over anything. If you can show him that you’re serious about this without making a fuss, then he’ll reward you for the hard work.”
You smile thankfully. After bidding Doyoung goodbye, you make your way back into Johnny’s office, grateful to have met someone willing to help you navigate this job. Jaehyun warned you it would be difficult since Johnny was a particular man, to quote your brother, but you’ve handled much worse than a snooty CEO. You’re not one to back down this easily.
You slide the warm cup across his desk. His eyes are shifted downwards, shuffling through mountains of paperwork. He doesn’t glance up at you as he takes his first sip, lips twisting in a grimace. He turns his torso and points out the windows covering the back wall of his office.
“You’ll pick up my coffee order from that shop going forward,” he instructs. You have no idea what location he’s referring to as the view is just out of your eye line, but you make a mental note to check it later.
You nod obediently before taking your clipboard back into your hands, reciting his schedule for the day.
“You have a meeting with the board of directors at ten, a one-on-one with the CFO of Kim Enterprises at eleven, lunch at twelve, and back-to-back meetings regarding the Baek acquisition after lunch,” you say, handing him the sheet from your clipboard. He takes it roughly, sighing as he glances over it. “Here are the morning reports as well. Anything particular you’re craving for today?”
He regards you carefully, and you squirm underneath his judging gaze.
“You’re Jaehyun’s sister, is that correct?”
You swallow. “Yes, sir.”
He says nothing else in relation to the topic. “A sandwich from the Kim’s shop down the street will be just fine.”
“Yes, sir.”
After a few weeks of trial and tribulations, you can safely say you have found your footing as Johnny Suh’s assistant.
He is particular, yes, but you can see now that it is only due to the success of the business. When sitting by his side during his meetings to take notes, you’ve noticed how fast he is to shut down any propositions that seem like a waste of time and only approve ideas that are carefully constructed and thought out. Employees appear to equally fear and respect him, which Johnny was well aware of.
You can’t quite tell if he’s pleased with your work, but he hasn’t issued any complaints since the first day you joined. You ensure a cup of warm coffee from Min’s Market is on his desk every morning and a warm sandwich from the Kim’s is delivered to him by lunch. You made an effort to reorganize the filing system his prior assistant had tried to keep up with, which made both your and Johnny’s day easier whenever you needed to access an important document. You have his work schedule texted to his phone every morning instead of using the old paper route, which you find a lot more efficient, yet unsure if Johnny expresses the same sentiment.
It’s conflicting. You feel as if you’re doing a good job but your boss makes no effort to display praise. The only thing you keep reminding yourself of is Doyoung’s comment about resilience, and how you can expect Johnny to reward you in due time.
A call of your name disrupts your typing on your computer, and you’re quick to rise on your feet as you enter Johnny’s office.
“Yes, sir?”
“Ten just called me on my personal line. Make arrangements in my schedule for me to meet him today.”
“Yes, sir,” you say, writing down the instructions on your clipboard. “Anything else I can do for you?”
He pauses, staring at you thoughtfully. You hate it when he does this because you can never read what’s swimming in his head.
“You’re going to Jaehyun’s engagement party, I assume?”
You were ecstatic when your brother called with the news a week ago. He had known Miyeon since university and they stayed together through all the hectic chaos of Jaehyun’s career. He told you they were holding a small party at their penthouse this Sunday, and you were happy to attend in celebration.
You smile and nod. “Yes, I’ll be there, sir.”
He bobs his head once before waving his hand, dismissing you. You leave in confusion, but that was a normal emotion you felt around Johnny nowadays. You return to your desk and pull up his schedule, locating an empty slot for his meeting with Ten.
“How are you holding up, champ?”
You laugh when Doyoung approaches your desk, twirling a pen in his fingers. He’s made it a habit to check up on you every now and then. Another tidbit you learned when you began working here is that most people did not envy you for your position as Johnny’s assistant. If anything, they pitied you. Doyoung told you bets had been made around the office for when you would quit, to which you replied, “He’s not that bad.”
Doyoung chuckled and said, “Give it a few more weeks.”
Ever since then, he’s been spying on you for the rest of the employees, trying to see when your resolve would crumble.
“I’m still here, Doyoung,” you reply to his question, raising an eyebrow.
He grins. “That you are. Still having a hard time reading him?”
“Who doesn’t?”
He snickers. “Well, if it lifts your spirits at all, we’re heading out for drinks this weekend to take the edge off. Come and join us.”
You normally decline such an invitation as your weekends are reserved for catching up on some much needed rest. However, now that you’ve gotten a solid grasp on Johnny’s workload, you feel like a night of alcohol is exactly what you crave to wind down.
“You know what, I’ll be there.”
His grin stretches wider, and he’s about to speak again before another voice startles you.
“Mr. Kim, what are you doing?” Johnny’s stern voice asks, standing in the doorway of his office. He scrutinizes the both of you and your shoulders tense.
Doyoung scrambles. “M-Mr. Suh! I was just speaking with-“
“I can see that,” he cuts off Doyoung. Johnny narrows his eyes. “Is there a reason you’ve decided to interrupt my assistant’s work for mindless fodder about after-work events?”
“It’s best if you return to your desk now, hm?”
Doyoung nods frantically, tail tucked between his legs as he nearly sprints out of the room. Johnny turns his attention to you, lips flattened in a straight line.
“I expect you not to waste time by flirting with other members of the work staff.”
Before you can protest, he’s walking back into his office, slamming the door behind him. You slouch in your chair, scoffing at his behavior.
What was his problem?
“I like this drink! Do you think they have tiny umbrellas behind the bar? It’ll make me feel like my life isn’t in shambles!”
You giggle at Joohyun, who is rambling loudly in your ear. It’s evident she’s had her fair share of drinks but she shows no signs of stopping.
You’re grateful Doyoung invited you to this outing because it feels like you can finally get to know your other co-workers without the walls of Johnny’s office blocking you. You feel light for the first time in weeks, and you’re not certain if it’s from the alcohol coursing through your veins or the absence of your ill-mannered boss. Either way, you’re reveling in it.
“Alright, truth or dare?”
You giggle, nearly spilling the shot of vodka in your hands. “Are you kidding me? How old are we?”
“Don’t be a sourpuss,” Doyoung says, nearly throwing his straw at you from across the table. “Truth or dare?”
“Hm, truth!”
“Boo,” Donghyuck from the marketing department yells. You pretend to throw your drink in his face and he ducks, making the whole table erupt with laughter.
“Okay, okay!” Sooyoung snickers. “Would you rather be an accomplice to a high profile murder case or fuck up Johnny’s coffee order?”
You shudder at the thought of delivering the wrong coffee to your boss, and the table is in hysterics over your expression.
“Definitely not the last one! He’ll have my head!”
The rest of the night is a blur, filled with more ridiculous dares from Donghyuck and silly questions from Sooyoung. You all part ways in the dead of the night, stumbling into taxi cabs as you wave goodbye. You elect to walk home since your apartment isn’t located too far from the bar. You shiver as the night chill nips at your arms.
You pass by another dimly lit nightclub, thrumming loudly with the sound of the bass. You know you shouldn’t, but you don’t want this night to end and crush the happy feeling in your chest. It’s the first time since university you haven’t had to worry about bills or how much the drinks of the night cost, and it spurs on your temporary foolish behavior. You enter the dodgy nightclub, convincing yourself that one more drink can’t hurt you.
The area is packed with people, namely older men with large builds and tattoos covering their forearms. You flag down a bartender.
“Hey, what’s going on tonight?” You yell over the sound of the music.
“Big fight downstairs,” he says, pointing to a staircase to the left of the bar. “Drinks down there are free for the ladies!”
Your eyebrows raise, and against your better judgment, your feet find themselves moving down the creaky staircase. The music dies down when you finally make it to the bottom, instead being filled with loud chatter from the bulky men around you.
“You’re insane if you think a newbie is going to come along and take out The Destroyer! He’s undefeated, you idiot!”
“All the greats have to fall sometime. Just watch and see!”
You make your way to the bar, which is a little more tattered and ruined than the one upstairs. The bartender’s eyes widen at the sight of you, which befuddles you until he asks, “Fan of The Destroyer?”
Three loud clanging sounds of a bell echo around the room, silencing the chatter. A man in a crisp tailored suit walks out, microphone in his hand. The crowd of people suddenly shuffle around until an empty square is left in the middle of the room.
“Welcome, everyone!” The man in the suit greets, the curve of his lips twisted into a smirk. “We have a great show for you tonight! For anyone looking to place their last minute bets, please locate Mr. Kim by the bar. Trust me, you won’t want to miss a fight this good!” The statement has the mass hollering while you look on in confusion. “Tonight, we have Payback in the left corner here.” The rallies grow louder as a young, lanky man comes forward, raising his fists in the air and encouraging the crowd. He stands to the left of the announcer, bouncing on the balls of his feet animatedly. “And in the right corner, we have the fan favorite, the undefeated, the legendary Destroyer!”
Your body locks up, breath caught in your throat while the room erupts in a deafening applause. Your hand covers your mouth in shock because the man who walks out, hands wrapped in red tape with his torso completely exposed, is none other than Johnny.
You nearly collapse into the bar from surprise, but the bartender reads your body language as something else.
“Incredible, isn’t he?” He says into your ear. “How much do you have on him tonight?”
You fail to respond, your mind whirling into a frenzy. There’s no possible way this could be Johnny — it had to be his long lost twin brother or you could be seeing it all wrong. From this angle though, it looks exactly like your boss, even as he wears nothing but a pair of baggy shorts hugging his waist. Your eyes drink in the litter of tattoos covering his chest, tattoos that are hidden in the daylight with his blazers and button-up shirts.
The announcer says a few more words that go completely over your head before ringing the bell, signaling the start of the fight.
You should go home. You should go home and pretend you never saw any of this. Staying here only implicates you, and you can’t imagine what Johnny would do to you if he found out you knew about his underground secret. You need this job, and staying here increases the chances of you losing it, so why can’t you move? Why can’t you pry your gaze away from the ripple in Johnny’s muscles as he lands the first blow, nearly knocking his opponent to the ground? Why does your throat go dry when he delivers punch after punch, eyes blazed with fury as blood begins running down the other man’s nose? Why do you stay rooted in place when the announcer declares Johnny’s victory, raising his arm high as the crowd cheers?
Then, he sees you.
His eyes lock with yours across the room, his victorious expression falling and shifting into something more grim.
That’s when you run. You sprint up the stairs and out of the bar, legs aching before you finally make it back to your apartment, shutting the front door and sliding your back down until you hit the floor.
What the fuck were you going to do now?
“Thank you all for joining us. This engagement is long overdue, and I’m grateful to Miyeon for sticking by my side even though I never deserved it,” your brother says, which causes Miyeon to bump his hip with hers jokingly. Guests chuckle at the small show of affection. “Please enjoy yourselves tonight and look forward to a Jeong wedding in the new year!”
Applause ensues, jilting you out of your reverie. You slowly clap with everyone else, trying your best to put on a smile.
You’ve been on edge since you walked into this party, and it’s all because of your idiotic actions from the night before. You contemplated showing up after being caught in the act at Johnny’s secret fight, but you knew it would be obvious if you missed your brother’s engagement party. Even though Johnny was here, you were determined to attend, albeit you having to avoid him like the plague.
In all fairness, you were succeeding thus far. You keep yourself on the opposite end of the room from him, never sparing a glance in his direction although you could feel his eyes on you during sporadic times in the night. Your plan is to leave at a time that wouldn’t raise any questions and go into work tomorrow and pretend you were never at the club that night. You hope Johnny would do the same.
For the sake of your job, you really really hope he would do the same.
You’re in the middle of assessing the charcuterie board, eyeing the various fancy cheeses. It’s just like Jaehyun to make this small party as extravagant as he could, knowing it would make no dent in his bank account. All the food is being carried around by various waiters walking around the floor to offer it to the guests.
“Having trouble making a choice?”
Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. You slowly spin around to see Johnny behind you, one hand stuffed into his pocket while the other holds a flute of champagne. He’s wearing a more casual manner of dress, a silk burgundy button-up paired with baggy slacks. It makes his legs look longer and you swallow as he towers over you.
“Johnny!” You’ve never been more grateful to your brother than at this moment. He approaches the both of you with a smile, clapping a hand over Johnny’s shoulder. “How’s my little sister doing as your assistant?”
Your hands twist around your back nervously. Johnny slips into a smooth, easygoing smile.
“She’s doing fantastic. I was actually coming over to tell her just that, especially since she’s the one carrying all of my secrets to the grave.”
Your heart thumps louder in your chest while Jaehyun laughs, taking Johnny’s statement as a joke even though you know better. Johnny’s eyes analyze you carefully, the dark halo in his orbs making you quake in your heels.
“And how about you, dear sister? How’s the scary boss holding up?”
You throw your brother a tight grin. “He’s wonderful, Jae. No complaints here.”
Jaehyun nods, pleased by your progress before excusing himself to mingle. He leaves you alone with Johnny, who stares at you like a predator assessing his prey. You’re about to bring up a comment about the weather before he says, “Pretty girls like you shouldn’t be lurking on the wrong side of town.”
A shiver shoots down your spine. “I-I live on that side of town.”
He raises an eyebrow. “I don’t pay you enough then.”
You exhale, certain he can hear the loud ringing of your heartbeat in your ears. He sets his champagne glass down on a nearby table before grabbing a bite-sized quiche, holding it out to you.
“I’m okay,” you decline and he hums, placing the treat in his mouth for himself. You can’t help the way your eyes linger on how his fingers graze his tongue, licking off any spare crumbs. You think about how those same fingers were pummeling into a poor stranger the night before. How the fire in his eyes couldn’t be tamed by the outcry of his fans.
You picture the same angry Destroyer hovering over you in bed, telling you exactly what he plans to do to you while his fingers wrap around your throat.
His mouth twists into a smirk and you shake yourself out of your daydream. He flags over another man and they shake hands, laughing as they exchange greetings.
“This is my assistant,” Johnny says, turning his attention to you as he offers your name. “She has big aspirations to work for a publishing company after she gets tired of me. Maybe Ahn Books has an opening?”
Mr. Ahn shakes your hand, telling you how lovely it is to meet you, but your eyes can only focus on Johnny. He’s staring at you with a knowing look in his eye and it takes you by surprise.
Was this a bribe to keep quiet about what you saw?
“Any worker who can handle Johnny is certainly a star in my books,” Mr. Ahn chuckles. “Let me know when this one starts getting on your nerves.”
You laugh anxiously and nod. “It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Ahn.”
Johnny gives you one last look. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
He doesn’t provide an opportunity for you to respond, throwing an arm around Mr. Ahn and guiding him away into the crowd.
You release a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
Johnny wants to fuck his assistant.
It’s plain and simple, but it’s very much against his wishes. When Jaehyun approached him with the ask to hire his sister, he didn’t hesitate to grant his friend the favor. He had known Jaehyun since they worked at their first company together out of college, and although Johnny had never met you, he figured you would be a good worker if Jaehyun vouched for you. Plus, his last assistant had just quit from being too “overworked.” Johnny thinks they weren’t trying hard enough.
You were pretty, way too pretty to be somebody’s assistant. You deserved to be the main attraction and Johnny is ashamed to admit he’s definitely salivated over the tight pencil skirts you’re always wearing around the office.
He convinces himself to put aside his own selfish desires considering you’re one of the best assistants he’s had in years. You’re incredibly organized and after he warns you once concerning something important, you ensure not to do it again. The only big thing that irritates him is how everyone in this office is clear about their desire to fuck you but you’re wildly oblivious to all of it. Do you really think Kim Doyoung comes to talk to you because he’s friendly?
It fuels him with jealousy and he’s not normally a jealous guy. And Christ, when he saw you in the crowd of his fight, blinking at him warily like a deer caught in the headlights, his heart stopped in his chest. He never intended on letting anyone know of his after-work activity, considering it was inappropriate for a man of his status to be engaged in such a violent act.
When Johnny first got into underground fighting, he had simply been a watcher. He was introduced to the scene by an old colleague and it intrigued him to observe random strangers beat the living shit out of each other for pure sport. He had practiced boxing growing up and the idea of finally discovering a place where he could put those skills to use drew him in. Most of the time, it gave him a spike of adrenaline when he won a match. It normally never gave him gratification to send his opponent home covered in blood, but he kept going because of the reputation he was building for himself.
And seeing you there, watching him win another match and once again being declared undefeated, it makes him feel... proud. Almost like he craves to prove himself to you, to demonstrate that he’s the kind of man that can take care of you.
He’s crossing a clear boundary line but his impulse to have you is overtaking the coherent part of his brain.
So when you walk in on Monday morning and squeak out a “Good morning, sir,” he swallows the need to bend you over his desk.
He greets you with a gruff “Good morning,” which has your eyebrows raising at the response. He normally ignores your attempts at chitchat, especially when it’s this early.
“I texted your schedule to you for today and I have your morning reports here,” you say as you slide over a stack of papers to him. “Can I get you anything else?”
You. Under the desk. On the desk. In the chair. Against the window.
“No, that will be all.”
You move to exit the room, pausing when your hand rests on the handle of the door.
“I-I just want you to know I haven’t told anyone about what I saw this weekend,” you murmur.
“I wouldn’t care if you did,” he replies frankly.
It’s true — he thought about it after leaving the nightclub on Saturday, and he wouldn’t be opposed if you went and told the rest of the work staff. Some sick part of him would actually be smug at the idea of you bragging about his wins to the other employees who so clearly want a taste of you.
“Oh,” you say, slightly startled. “Well, I still won’t tell. It’s your private business, after all. I shouldn’t have even been there in the first place.”
The nagging voice in the back of his head grows louder, desperate to learn what you think of him. “Did you hear what they were saying? How they were betting on The Destroyer?”
You squirm in your spot. “They said you were undefeated, that the newbie didn’t stand a chance.”
He wonders if you’re scared of him, frightened not only by his savage blows but his evident power over you. You must think that he intends to blackmail you to keep his secret, but he could care less what you choose to do.
All he wants is for you to feel the same way he does. He wants you to battle this warmth in your chest, to panic as your mind goes blank when you see him. And he can’t have any of that while you’re his assistant, working under him despite how much he would prefer you directly underneath him.
It’s why he introduced you to Mr. Ahn, an old family friend who owned one of the largest publishing companies in the country. Jaehyun mentioned to Johnny that your real passion was in writing, but the lack of funds drove you to your current spot. Johnny hates that your dreams were crushed because of something as trivial as money, which he carried an abundance of. He would fund your first book in a heartbeat if you asked, but he knows you well enough to understand your pride would never allow you to be indebted to him. He figures a job with Mr. Ahn would be more digestible for you, and it would provide him an opening to make his move.
“Do you ever get worried?” You ask him, chewing on your lower lip. “You could get seriously hurt fighting like that.”
An ache blooms in his chest. Do you care about him getting injured?
“I haven’t been hurt since I started fighting,” he shares with you. “I don’t give them a chance to get their hands anywhere near me.”
You swallow and he wrings his hands together under his desk. Does that turn you on? His office walls aren’t soundproof, but he could lock the door and throw a hand over your mouth to conceal your moans. His cock twitches in his trousers at the thought.
His fantasy shatters when you finally crack open the door.
“I’ll order a sandwich from the Kim’s for your lunch today, sir.”
“Why don’t you make it two and join me?”
You stutter. “I-I’m sorry?”
“Join me for lunch. I could use another pair of eyes on these awful spreadsheets.”
Johnny is playing with fire.
He’s very aware of this, yet he can’t seem to stop himself. You’ve eaten lunch together everyday for the past two weeks, munching quietly in his office while he divulges his reasoning to you behind budget cuts and expansion decisions. In the beginning, you would nod and listen patiently. After his encouragement to speak up and voice your opinion, you slowly started coming out of your shell around him.
And he’s very well informed of what the office thinks about your private time together. Last week, he overhears Doyoung mumble to you, “You and the boss are getting close.”
A grin stretches from ear to ear on his face when he listens to your response.
“Oh, I guess we have. He’s been really sweet with me.”
An envious scoff from Doyoung is enough to make Johnny’s entire day.
Late that Friday, you both stay overtime in order to complete the documents required for the Baek acquisition that Johnny has to present to the board of directors on Monday. He insists that you finish your tasks in his office to be more efficient, although the real reason is that he wants to look at your legs while you work.
He watches as you roll your neck, humming when you finally hear the familiar snapping sound.
“Maybe we should call it a night,” Johnny sighs, tired of staring at you for hours without being able to discover what’s hidden beneath that skirt of yours.
You frown. “But we’re only on the seventh page.”
“I’m starting to think you enjoy this work more than I do,” he says with a smirk.
You look down bashfully, avoiding his gaze. “I just don’t think you’ll be ready by Monday if we call it quits.”
“Let me worry about that, hm? I’ll drive you home.”
Your head whips up. “Oh, sir, I couldn’t let you-“
“I want to,” he says firmly.
You smile softly and nod. The two of you pack up the rest of your things, with Johnny storing the paperwork in his briefcase to review for later. He escorts you down to the parking garage and you pile into his vehicle. He observes as you admire the sleek interior, and he’s conscious of the fact that the cost of this car could likely pay your rent for five years. He really does want to offer you a raise to get you into a better apartment in a more decent side of town, but he’s certain you would interpret the gesture as a bribe rather than an act of kindness.
As the vehicle merges onto the busy city road, you pipe up from the passenger seat.
“Are you fighting this weekend?”
The question startles him. You haven’t spoken about his fighting since the moment you told him you would keep his secret.
“Every Saturday,” he replies, sneaking a quick glance over at you.
You have a nervous expression painted on your face. He opens his mouth to ask why before you speak up again.
“Will you be careful?”
The car halts at a red light, and he uses the spare time to fully look at you. You stare back at him, your eyes filled with concern.
It’s completely inappropriate and out of line, but his hand reaches over the dashboard to grab yours. He raises the back of your palm to his mouth, lips brushing over your knuckles. The intimate gesture has you staggering your breath.
“I promise.”
Your words rattle around in his head the following day. He usually doesn’t need any words of encouragement before a fight, his music playlist being enough to boost his spirits. This time, however, he thinks about you tucked away in his car. He pictures your pretty face when he kissed your hand, how your eyes darted away from his in embarrassment.
You’re the reason why he walks into the crowd with a mission, clapping his hands together as he faces his mediocre opponent. When the bell rings, he doesn’t pull his punches as he strikes the first jab into the other man’s face. You’ve awakened something in him and the crowd’s cheers grow louder when he lands blow after blow. It isn’t long before his challenger is stumbling across the floor, falling on his back after Johnny delivers the final thwack against his abdomen.
A hand wraps around his arm and holds it high in the air. The announcer declares his victory, once again proclaiming him undefeated. The roars of the crowd fill his eardrums, but the only person he can think about is you.
His body moves before his mind can convince him otherwise, getting dressed and gathering his things as quickly as possible before exiting the nightclub. He nearly breaks into a sprint in the chilly night air, reaching your apartment within minutes.
When you open the door, your jaw drops open at the sight of him.
His hands cup your cheeks, pushing your body backwards until you hit the wall. His nose brushes against yours and your breath hitches, hands reaching up to curl around his wrists.
“Tell me I should stop,” he whispers against your lips. “Tell me I’m crossing a line and I need to walk out that door and never come back.”
He watches your chest rise and fall with each passing breath. Your expression crumbles before you press forward, locking your lips with his.
A frenzy ensues. He shuts the door to your apartment forcefully, almost rattling it off of its hinges. His tongue slips into your waiting mouth, fingers gripping your waist tightly. You’re whimpering against him, basking in the sweat and tanned muscles from his win.
“Fuck,” he hisses, pushing his body against yours. You whine when you can feel his hardened member against the fabric of your shorts. “Do you know how much it turns me on whenever you call me that? Always parading around in these fucking tight skirts, calling me sir — you’re practically begging me to stretch you open.”
You pant. “I want you to. I really really want you to.”
You both clumsily move to undress the other, with Johnny’s fingers pulling down your shorts and your hands lifting up his shirt. There’s a little dried blood on his torso as evidence from the fight.
“Sorry, I didn’t shower before I came and-“
“Did you win?”
A pause. “Of course I won.”
Then your lips are on his, tongues swirling together. The kiss is sloppy with the two of you mouthing at one another, desperate to grasp at any physical contact you can. You squeak in surprise when Johnny lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist before pinning you against the wall.
He trails kisses down your neck, ripping your old university t-shirt in half and discarding it on the floor. Your sports bra follows after, and he gives you no time to complain before he takes your right nipple into his mouth, licking wildly. He shifts his attention between each breast, fingers flicking at the peaked bud if he neglects one for too long.
Your fingers tangle into his hair, whimpering softly.
“Need me inside you?” He murmurs against your skin. “You’re so fucking tempting.”
“Please,” you beg, tugging at the strands of his silky brown locks. “I need you so badly.”
He’s quick to release his cock from the confines of his shorts, tip red and leaking. You whine when you see the evidence of his arousal. Johnny knows he’s bigger than most so he moves your panties to the side and runs a finger through your folds. He groans when he feels you practically dripping onto his palm.
“You really do need me badly, hm?” He remarks with a smug grin. “Tell me what’s gotten you so wet, baby.”
“Y-You,” you choke out. “Ever since I saw you fighting as The Destroyer, I-“
Your words are cut off by a piercing scream when the tip of his cock slides into you. He takes your arms and wraps them around his neck, stabilizing you as he cups his hands around your ass, rutting up into you. He can tell you’re marveling at his strength — his ability to lift you like you weigh nothing. He holds you close as his hips piston deep into your cunt.
“Look at what you do to me,” he bites in a venomous tone. “I can’t think properly when I’m around you. Want to bend you over my desk and let the whole office hear you sing for me.” Another sharp thrust has you tightening your hold around his neck, and he takes the opportunity to dangle your legs over his elbows. The angle fully allows him to fuck you perfectly, balancing you in his arms as he watches his cock disappear in and out of your weeping pussy. All you can do is hang onto him for dear life and take it. “Maybe I should invite Doyoung to come watch us. He’s always fucking chasing after you anyways.”
You unravel around him at a breakneck speed, pushed over the edge by the idea of him claiming you for all of your co-workers to see. He grunts when he feels you clench around him, offering a few more thrusts before he’s following suit. You whimper when he releases inside of you, painting your walls with his cum.
He finally sets you back down on the ground carefully, chuckling when your shaky legs cause you to stumble into him.
“Shut up,” you mumble bashfully, hitting his arm.
He kisses you again, hands resting on your lower back. “Do you think you’d be up for another round?” He whispers, eyeing his cum running down your thighs.
“I think you’re crazy,” you reply, which brings forward another bubble of laughter from him. You draw circles over his arm, admiring the swell of his muscles. Your voice shifts into something softer and lighter. “What are we going to do?”
He brushes his lips over your forehead. “I’ll figure it out. Just let me take care of you, hm?”
You giggle when he scoops you into his arms and carries you into the bedroom bridal style, preparing himself to make you moan for him all night.
Weeks after your passionate night with Johnny, you reach out to Mr. Ahn to see if there’s an opening at Ahn Books.
He offers a position as a junior editor and you accept it happily, eager to finally begin your career in the writing world. When you announce your departure from Johnny’s company, you’re surprised by the outpour of love you receive. All of the colleagues you spent a fun night out with bring you various flowers and stuffed animals, requesting for you to stay in touch. Johnny isn’t shocked in the slightest, huffing to himself as he tells you that they’re all in love with you. You simply roll your eyes at his jealousy.
At first, you kept your relationship with Johnny a secret in fear that people would assume you slept your way to the top. It proved extremely difficult to keep your boyfriend’s hands off of you, however. He ached to be near you at all times of the day, and you’re ashamed to admit your last two weeks in the office were mainly spent on your knees or bent over his desk.
A hand pushes on your lower back, arching your spine. Fingers tangle in your hair and your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“What do you expect me to do now, hm? How am I supposed to get my fill of this pussy everyday when it’s across town?”
A smack echoes throughout the room when his hand collides with your ass and you bite down on your palm to prevent the mewls from releasing. No matter how many times you warn Johnny that the staff outside could definitely hear you two, he never holds himself back. There could be articles written the next day about the CEO fucking employees in his office and he wouldn’t bat an eye. His only focus is you, how you feel around him, how fast he can get you to whine for him.
One particular push of his hips has you reeling, gasping as you clench around him. He groans when he feels your climax hit, sending him tumbling over the edge before his warm seed fills you.
“Johnny,” you scold, reaching back to hit him lightly. “You know I stopped taking my birth control.”
“I’m aware, baby. Why do you think we’re moving in together?”
You scoff. You were initially opposed to the idea, but Johnny somehow convinced you that it would be much easier for you to move into his million dollar house and let him drive you to work every morning. There were no downsides to his proposal, truth be told, but you didn’t want to make it seem like you were using him for his bank account. He asked if he could fuck your throat to call it even, and you agreed.
He sits back down in his chair, pulling you onto his lap. Various papers and pens are scattered across the floor from the aftermath of your intimacy.
“It’s going to be a really good thing for you that I’m leaving,” you say, massaging the back of his neck as he licks at your collarbone. His cock is still seated deep inside you. “You haven’t been productive at work in weeks.”
“It’s the job for the next assistant,” he says dismissively. “Let’s go out tonight in celebration?”
“Okay,” you hum in contentment. “I really do want to thank you, you know. I was about to hit rock bottom before I started working for you.”
“No need to thank me, baby. I would do anything for you. As long as you keep supporting The Destroyer, I’m happy.”
You frown. “I’ll only keep supporting you if you remain undefeated. I’d hate to see you seriously injured.”
He laughs at the idea, as if the thought of anyone taking his championship title is unbelievable. He squeezes your hips and slowly begins to rock you back and forth on his cock, and you whine when you realize he’s growing hard again.
“Don’t be silly. No one has a chance against me.”
“D-Do you think we need to tell Jaehyun about us?”
Johnny shrugs. “It’s the job for the next assistant.”
Then he throws you over his desk once more, grunting as he claims your body until the sun sets over the horizon.
this fic was posted for early access to the $5 tier on my patreon, which you can access here!
753 notes · View notes
jwirecs · 1 year
Hii can you compile all the arranged marriage au fics please it’ll be so easy and helpful
Thank youu!!
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helloo!! seems like i;ve had a few asks regarding arranged marriage aus. i will do my best to find fics from all of the groups that i read from but i will apologize a head of time for the spam in the tags since i will be tagging all of the groups..😅
**apologies to the authors for being mentioned in two posts (tumblr be kinda messed up rn where i cant tell if the author is linked in this or not..), the anon req for me to compile the post all in one so that its easier**
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Arranged || @minyoongijjangjjangmanboongboong💕💔✅(ceo au, yoongi x reader)
Belong || @v-hope💕💔✅(smau, taehyung x reader)
Best Friend's Best Friend || @ktheist🔞💕💔✅(chaebol au, jeongguk x reader)
Covenant || @junghelioseok🔞💕💔✅(werewolf au, hoseok x reader)
Drugs || @euphoriyoongi🔞💕💔✅(jimin x reader)
Kiss Me More || @mosaic-opine🔞💕💔✅(yoongi x reader)
Pink Sapphire || @jiminrings💕💔✅ (jeongguk x reader)
Please Love Me || @ahundredtimesover🔞💕💔✅(ceo au, jeongguk x reader)
Shadows of Doubt || @theweasleytwinsownmyjuicyass💕💔✅(seokjin x reader)
The Crown That Is Ours || @taeshobipop🔞💕💔✅ (royalty au, taehyung x reader)
Til Death Do Us Part || @justimajin🔞💕💔✅ (namjoon x reader)
To Turn a Bad Thing Good || @chateautae🔞💕💔🔄 (jeongguk x reader)
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Anon Request || @alluringjae​🔞💔✅ (jeno x reader)
Before I Go || @yutaholic​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (doyoung x reader)
Binding Bonds || @jaedore​🔞💕💔✅ (jaehyun x reader)
Coming Home || @cupofjae​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (smau, yuta x reader)
Lucky Number Seven || @paintmebare​🔞💔✅ (johnny x reader)
MOON RIVER || @ppangjae​​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (jaehyun x reader)
Seed of Pomegranates || @anashins​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (jaehyun x reader)
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Accidentally In Love || @suhnshinehaos💕💔✅ (smau, vernon x reader)
I Found Love In Your Smile || @wonlouvre💕💔✅ (wonwoo x reader)
Saturn Without Rings || @dropsofletters💕💔✅ (royal au, wonwoo x reader)
Vampire Kisses || @horanghaejamjam🔞💕💔✅ (junhui x reader)
930 notes · View notes
gyeomsweetgyeom · 4 months
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all nct 127 imagines can be found here personal favorites are marked with ☆
last updated August 28 , 2024
lovesick fool {college!au} posted November 21, 2020
Johnny is your work husband and feels fine with being just that until something someone makes him realize he wants more
☆ [5:58 pm] posted September 12, 2021
FaceTime with Johnny and a your mom joke, but really- you’re at his mom’s
[2:57 pm] posted February 26, 2022
Going out shopping with Johnny when someone calls his last name which also happens to be yours
[2:21 pm]  posted June 12, 2022
Johnny wants to get your attention after an argument by making you ask for help, but you find your own solution
[4:50 pm] posted November 13, 2022
CEO!Johnny has a few minutes to send something important but he doesn’t want to move so he uses you as a desk
☆ [12:07] posted May 6, 2023
Dad!Johnny and you take your daughter to the beach for the first time +BONUS fake instagram post
☆ [4:51 pm] posted October 22, 2023
CEO!Johnny’s employees have a bet going on for when the two of you will get together, but you already are??
[8:12 pm] posted December 22, 2023
You’re spending your first Christmas in Chicago with the Suh’s and Johnny’s mom is making sure to document it all 
[10:14 pm] posted May 4, 2024
you’re really hoping Best friend!Johnny comes over to tell you his date was horrible…
[1:16 pm] posted January 7, 2021
Taeyong does your nails
[7:05 pm] posted January 3, 2022
Taeyong still gets shy when you tell him you love him
[10:38 am] posted September 18, 2022
Parent!Taeyong just can’t say no even when you already have said no
[10:57 pm] posted August 5, 2023
idol!reader breaks up with Taeyong after the hate becomes too much when your relationship is revealed
[7:34 pm] posted January 11, 2021
After a date with a little wine, Yuta doesn’t want to hold your hand
☆ [12:06 am] posted September 19, 2021
Yuta comes home drunk with something interesting to show
[3:19 pm] posted March 19, 2022
Yuta ruins his wedding band… again
☆[3:19 pm] posted March 19, 2022
Frat!Yuta can’t wait to get out of this stupid gala especially when you’re dressed this well
☆[1:12 am] posted January 8, 2023
Yuta’s coming home from tour! But do you know that?
[1:24 am] posted June 24, 2023
Frat!Yuta and you always find someway to sneak off and makeout when you drink, how has it become a problem for your friends?
[1:29 pm] posted February 3, 2024
Dad!Yuta and you have a leash kid
[8:32 pm] posted April 25, 2021
Doyoung brings home something surprising and quite frankly, unbelievable
☆[4:41 pm] posted November 14, 2021
You may be mad but you still love Doyoung
[2:19 pm] posted Auguest 14, 2021
Doyoung is an extremely nervous boyfriend- wait, boyfriend?
☆[4:41 pm] posted November 14, 2021
Sneaking around the office with SecretBF!Doyoung would be a lot easier if you didn’t wear lispstick and your secretaries weren’t so observant
[5:44 pm] posted June 3, 2023
Seeing your horrible ex boyfriend at the grocery store has you picking a random stranger, Doyoung, to be your fake boyfriend
[7:27 pm] posted December 21, 2023
CEO!Doyoung finally confesses his feelings for you at the company holiday party
[1:08 pm] posted April 6, 2024
surprisingly, the messiness of fatherhood isn’t something that bothers Doyoung
The Return of Superman- Doyoung posted August 9, 2024
Doyoung and his two kids go on The Return of Superman
⋆⭒˚。⋆fratboy!Jaehyun masterlist⋆⭒˚。⋆
Pick me posted October 12, 2020
After getting engaged, Johnny and Taeyong keep fighting over who gets to be the best man
[5:42 pm] posted July 25, 2021
Jaehyun is uncharacteristically clingy  
☆ [9:33 am] posted December 18, 2021
(suggestive) Jaehyun can’t control himself this early in the morning after a simple kiss
[6:31 pm]
BestFriend!Jaehyun finally gives you your first bouquet of flowers ever
☆ [6:19 pm] posted December 17, 2022
Dad!Jaehyun talks to pregnant!reader’s belly 
☆ [7:41 am] posted January 29, 2023
Saturdays are supposed to be sleeping in but Dad!Jaehyun has other plans
☆[8:34pm] posted July 2, 2023
Brother’s Best Friend!Jaehyun comes to pick you up after a bad date and can’t help flirting and flustering you
[9:13 pm] posted September 2, 2023
Jaehyun can get a little jealous when a bartender is talking to you for too long
[10:13 pm] posted October 28, 2023
supposed situationship!Jaehyun hates that you’re watching tiktok edits of Pookie
[8:57 pm] posted November 5, 2023
You told Jaehyun you were going out for Halloween, but you didn’t tell him how sexy your costume was
[9:12 am] posted January 6, 2024 
Jaehyun makes the mistake of hanging out with a girl he knew from school, the only mistake being he didn’t tell you who… and he never came home
[8:59 pm] posted January 20, 2024
Jaehyun is just a little shocked to see what his contact name is in your phone
[11:04 pm] posted February 17, 2024
idol!reader and idol!Jaehyun get their relationship exposed at a Bruno Mars concert
[8:46 pm] posted February 24, 2024
you’ve never really dated anyone before so it really only makes sense that since he gets you flowers, you get him some in return right?
your biggest fan posted February 25, 2024
{western popstar!reader x idol!reader} in which the world discovers your relationship with Jaehyun and surprisingly… they love it
[3:21 pm] posted March 3, 2024
in relationships you have to make sacrifices, and for Jaehyun that means eating food he doesn’t really like since you love it
☆[12:11 pm] posted April 21, 2024
dad!Jaehyun isn’t going to say he’s jealous of his daughter and Uncle Johnny- but you can say it
[9:22 pm] posted May 25, 2024
AcademicRival!Jaehyun is the last person you’d expect to help you out after you get in a fight {enemies2lovers, college!au}
[10:14 am] posted May 26, 2024
if you weren’t 2 weeks overdue, Jaehyun being doting would be really sweet- but you are 2 weeks overdue and it’s not sweet
[12:07 pm] posted June 8, 2024
dad!Jaehyun doesn't have your talent of getting his baby girl to eat, or your common sense of keeping the food out of her grasp
[4:59 pm] posted June 22, 2024
Jaehyun watched the Bridgerton carriage scene with you and gets hooked on the show
☆[3:22 pm] posted July 6, 2024
Jaehyun is completely enamored by your pregnancy glow
[4:51 pm] posted July 13, 2024
you and dad!Jaehyun take your kids to the water park and the lazy river works some magic
showering Jaehyun's dimples with love posted August 15, 2024
[12:41 pm] posted August 16, 2024
pregnancy is hard enough as is, but now you're on bed rest? Thank God for Jaehyun (cw: pregnancy complications)
[3:11 pm] posted August 17, 2024
you and Jaehyun were supposed to be baby shopping but Smiskis and Sonny Angels caught your eye instead
just makes sense posted August 22, 2024
your and Jaehyun’s fans just really can’t believe that they two of you are just best friends
☆ [8:04 pm] posted August 21, 2021
Jungwoo compares bellies with pregnant!reader
[3:54 am] posted January 29, 2022
You’re trying to fall asleep and feel weird… yeah because Jungwoo is staring at you
[3:48 pm] posted October 16, 2022
If there was any person to get mad over having food made for them it would be Jungwoo
☆ [6:33 am] posted September 9, 2023
Dad!Jungwoo loves his daughter don’t get him wrong, but he questions it the slightest bit when he gets woken up for food
[5:57 pm] posted April 20, 2024
Jungwoo is taking his childhood celebrity crush on a date only to find out you’re really sweet and down to earth
[1:18 pm] posted July 21, 2024
dad!Jungwoo gets sick but luckily he has you and your daughter to nurse him back to health
[8:25 pm] posted August 10, 2024
dad!Jungwoo is getting over being sick and wants your attention, too bad your daughter has gotten used to having it all to herself
☆ [10:58 am] posted April 11, 2021
Waking up the morning after and Mark is just a suggestive dork
[1:16 pm] posted June 11, 2021
Skater!Mark wants to teach you to skate but first he has to loosen your shoelaces
[9:29 pm] October 9, 2021
BasketballPlayer!Mark doesn’t know when to stop practicing
[11:54 am] posted June 25, 2022
Everything that could go wrong on your first date with Mark goes wrong
[2:25 am] posted December 10, 2022
Mark thinks you’re losing on purpose, but you’re just really not that good at Smash
☆ [2:13 pm] posted March 19, 2023
PART 1- Breakup!au, Mark is stressed with the pressure of college, lucky for him (and unluckily for you) he has some new frat brothers to tell him what to do
[5:48 pm] posted April 9, 2023
PART 2- Mark comes to apologize and tells you he wants you back but he’s made some changes which gives you hope
[12:23 pm] posted April 30, 2023
Mark hates when you kiss him with lipgloss, funny that he wants more after you stop
☆ [4:26 pm] posted July 28, 2023
Most couples use pet names for each other, some people would expect you and Mark to do the same, especially since you’re getting married
[6:14 pm] posted December 24, 2023
BestFriend!Mark comes to the holiday party only to get stuck with you outside and under mistletoe 
[2:17 pm] posted March 16, 2024
a quick trip to Ikea becomes an opportunity to play house
[2:57 pm] posted May 11, 2024
BestFriend!Mark accidentally comes across a picture of you in some sexy lingerie
[5:21 pm] posted June 2, 2024
your son starts calling you what Mark calls you and it would be cute if Mark had real term of endearment for you
The Return of Superman- Mark posted August 25, 2024
Mark and his son go on The Return of Superman
my mom loves you posted December 23, 2020
Haechan’s family loves you almost (maybe more) than he does and he loves it (maybe first I love yous too? can be read as that I guess)
a family with the hyungs posted February 4, 2021
dating Hyuck apparently also kinda means dating Mark
[5:58 am] posted August 28, 2021
a soft, cozy morning with Haechan
[11:48 am] posted April 2, 2022
The group finds out College!Haechan tags you in some weird stuff on instagram
☆ [10:39 pm] posted October 29, 2022
Bestfriend!Frat!Haechan thinks you look so hot, when did that happen?
[6:07 pm] posted November 22, 2022
Haechan always says that his grandma is the best cook, so she must have been the one to cook this meal right? No, you did.
[6:17 pm] posted April 22, 2023
Meeting Haechan’s family for the first time should be stressful, so why aren’t you stressful? (kind of prequel to my mom loves you)
☆ [7:33 pm] posted July 15, 2023
being pregnant can be bad, it can get worse when Haechan makes it the slightest bit more uncomfortable for you
☆ [7:21 am] posted December 3, 2023
Haechan and your son are very alike, too alike especially when it comes to their love for you +BONUS fake instagram post
[4:28 pm] posted December 23, 2023
Haechan has to keep up the usual Christmas traditions despite being away from his family, too bad he can’t bake
[9:02 pm] posted March 10, 2024
Romeo!Haechan falls in love with Juliet!Reader at first sight {Romeo and Juliet au}
[2:14 pm] posted June 15, 2024
Haechan is so distracted by his videogames that he'll just agree to anything, and he does
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xomakara · 2 months
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Here is my NCT MASTERLIST where you will find ongoing/complete series and stories.
Ateez ML here → Look at me!
Everything here is NSFW or 18+. Anyone under the age of 18. please do not interact.
I DO NOT write for Chenle, Jisung, or NCT Wish.
Please see the little symbols that will differentiate the type of post.
Smut, Mature, NSFW, 18+, Explicit - 💦
Fluff - ✨
Implied suggestive - 💋
Angst - 💔
SFW - ⭐
The stories are NOT actual representation of the idols’ personalities in real life and are just works of fiction.
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The Highlights of Romance | Ongoing | In which you're a bestselling author and become friends with your neighbors. But when your life suddenly becomes the center of attention, will your life be a novel in the works? [Mark x Reader]
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By Member
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💦 Inked By You | 10.1K words | smut, college au, friends to lovers You're best friends with Johnny and have had feelings for him for awhile. You think he's only attracted to you because of your tattoos but it's so much more.
💦💔 Only One For Me | 11.4K words | smut, idol au, friends to lovers, scandal, slight angst Hanging out with your friends at the hottest club in Chicago, you never expect to see Johnny after you had left the idol life, your friends and him after a scandal. Johnny says he misses you and shows you how much he really does miss you.
💦 Body & Soul | 3.4K words | smut, threesome, non-idol au You just want to have sex with Johnny but Doyoung keeps interferring so you and Johnny try to convince Doyoung into having a threesome.
💦 Come On Over | 5.2K words | smut, threesome, idol au Haechan doesn’t want to be seen as a cute, little baby boy to you so he asks Johnny for help to seduce you.
💦 Making Music | 10K words | smut, college au, rivals to lovers, professor!johnny You and Johnny are rival music professors who are forced to work together on a joint project. Through the process, you get to know each other better, eventually giving into the attraction you have for each other.
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💦 Closet Fun | 2.3K words | smut, idol au Taeyong drags you into a closet for some fun quality time.
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💦 Private Lesson | 2.7K words | smut, idol au You’re tutoring Yuta in Math but he wants a biology/anatomy lesson instead that leads to sexy time.
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💦💔 Blessings | 6.7K words | smut, idol au, pregnancy, dad!Kun, slight angst You find out that you're pregnant and happy that you have Kun and others to help you navigate this journey.
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💦 An Office Affair | 2.7K words | smut, office au, CEO!Doyoung Doyoung really needs you when he sees that you're wearing a short skirt at the office meeting.
💦 Body & Soul | 3.4K words | smut, threesome, idol au You just want to have sex with Johnny but Doyoung keeps interferring so you and Johnny try to convince Doyoung into having a threesome.
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Coming Soon
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💦 Warrior of My Heart | 6.4K words | smut, historical/fantasy, knight!Jaehyun You returned home after a successful journey with your knight Jaehyun. Your brother, the king, wants you to start marrying and you knew there was one person that you wanted.
💦 Desiring You | 6.4k words | smut, college au, friends to lovers When Jaehyun has an inkling that you were touching yourself and thinking of him, he wants to know all your sexual fantasies.
💦 Forever Only | 4k words | smut, idol au, birthday sex Jaehyun comes home to find you getting off on his bed.
💦💔 No Clue | 11.9k words | smut, college au, friends to lovers. slight angst You’re in love with Jaehyun, your best friend, but he has no clue. You have suffered in silence as you have watched him date countless of girls left and right. Graduation is coming up, and you are running out of time to tell him how you feel. Will he finally see that it should have been you all along, or will he break your heart forever?
💦✨ Baby On Board...Again | 6.4K Words | smut, fluff, non-idol au, dad!Jaehyun Jaehyun wants to be a dad again.
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Coming Soon
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💦 Exploration | 3.6K words | smut, office au, coworkers When you stepped into an adult store looking for new toys, you didn’t expect to step out of one with your office crush, Jungwoo.
💦 Crash Landing | 6.4K words | smut, space au, sci-fi You meet Jungwoo in a space station and you both instantly hit it off.
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💦 Waiting For Your Love | 3.6K words | smut, college au Mark is secretly your boyfriend, takes you to his place and wants to take your relationship to the next level.
💦 Falling For the Cowboy | 5k words | smut, western au You take over your late grandfather’s old farm, meet your charming neighbors and townspeople, and fall in love with Mark, the handsome cowboy.
💦 Bedtime Surprises | 1.9K words | smut, idol-au Mark comes home from practice and finds you waiting in bed for him.
💦 Birthday Cake | 4K words | smut, birthday sex It’s Mark’s birthday and you have a very special surprise for him.
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💦✨ No One But You | 6.8K words | smut, blast from the past, dad!Xiaojun One drunken night with Xiaojun gave you the most precious thing in the world, your son. Years later, Xiaojun returns from overseas and finally gets to reunite with you and his son.
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💦 Strip Poker | 4.3K words | smut, game night Hendery has been eyeing you for quite awhile and when your mutual friends decide on a game of strip poker, Hendery is in it to win it. His prize: you.
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💦 Talk Dirty to Me | 2.2K words | smut, idol au, phone sex You’re needy and horny but your boyfriend Renjun is on tour. You both decide on phone sex and you’re begging him to come home to you.
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💦 Diving Into You | Series - COMPLETED | smut, just pure smut In which Lee Jeno really, really craves sex from his girlfriend.
💦 Love Me Now | 4.7K words | smut, idol au Jeno just wants to love you.
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💦 Physical Therapy | 2.3K words | smut, hospital au, patient!Haechan Haechan sprained his ankle and is staying at the hospital. Being very horny and needy, he asks his pretty nurse for special treatment…
💦 Physical Therapy (pt. 2) | 2.7K words | smut, hospital au, patient!Haechan Haechan is still in the hospital but you're back to help him with his treatment.
💦💔 Coming Home | 6.4K words | smut, idol au, long distance, slight angst You and Haechan try to cope with a long distance relationship but when you land the opportunity to write a ballad song, you finally get to reunite with Haechan.
💦 Come On Over | 5.2K words | smut, threesome, idol au Haechan doesn’t want to be seen as a cute, little baby boy to you so he asks Johnny for help to seduce you.
💦 Next Door To Forever | 12.3K words | smut, college au, one-night stand, nerd!Haechan You thought you would never see the guy you’d have a one night stand with but when you meet Haechan again at a club and when you find out he’s your neighbor, you can’t help but be intrigued by him.
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💦 A Heavenly Night | 4.1K words | smut, idol au, friends to lovers Jaemin takes you out on a date. But as friends? Tired of being friendzoned, you confess your feelings. Little did you know that he felt the same way.
💦 Oh, Mommy | 1.9K words | smut, dad!Jaemin Jaemin watches as you breastfeed the baby and ends up wanting sex afterwards.
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Coming Soon
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By Unit
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💦 It Started With a Kiss | 6.2K words | smut, idol au, foursome, birthday sex You always spend your birthdays with DoJaeJung since your birthdays all land in the same month. After being friends and fuckbuddies with them for the longest, you're finally ready to have all three of them as your birthday present.
💦 Perfume | 8.6K words | smut, idol au, foursome Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Jungwoo all get a bit too jealous of each other when  you have sex with them individually.
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💦 Our Love is Infinite | 14.6k words | smut, college au, poly relationship, sixsome You’re in a relationship with five guys that are utterly devoted to you.
💦 All About You | 6K words | smut, college au, poly relationship, sixsome You and your five boyfriends go on a trip.
101 notes · View notes
lani-heart · 7 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> kang yeosang x reader warning(s) -> mentions of prostitution, mentions of sex toys, mentions of non-conscensual sex, spiked drinks, abuse/neglect, etc. words -> 3.2K
abstract -> "...let me see the angel without her wings. At least... one last time."
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yeosang's pov
I was dressed in a beige uniform. I was in the orange-coded kennels. I didn’t see anyone in front of me or beside me. I was completely alone…
Was she gonna come get me… pay them off, maybe? I wondered about that girl… Did she go home to her hybrids safely? I hope she’s okay…
“Be careful… there's a possibility he won’t say anything either. Kun is only letting you be on your own because he trusts in you�� I heard and I saw the curtain open from my kennel and I saw an employee and the girl from yesterday. 
She wasn’t in a pretty little dress all dolled up anymore. She had a mask covering her face and an oversized sweater. “Thank you, Renjun,” she said as he left me alone with her. 
“Hello, my name is y/n.” she introduced and I nodded acknowledging her and waiting as to why she was here. “I wanted to ask what happened when I was with you?” she asked me and I debated it. She’d be another blackmail victim…
I shook my head. I couldn’t let another innocent person go down… especially one with hybrids she takes care of. 
“Please… I know rumors are going around against your owner. Those bandages on your neck also tell me that you’re hurt. She was abusive, right?” she asked and I didn’t know what to say. 
“I just want to know what happened? If you talk to the employees she won't ever cause you any more trouble” she said and I wanted so badly to believe her. 
“This is the Seoul Hybrid Rehabilitation Center, they have enough funds that no one here can be paid off. I also have friends investigating the Seoul Police Department” she said and I was shocked. 
“Not to mention lawyers if it gets even more messy. I just need the truth” she asked and I sighed. “I don’t want you to get into trouble. You seem like a genuine person” I confessed and I noticed how the corner of her eyes lifted as if she was smiling under that mask. 
“Which is why I need your help. I promise, if you want to be free I can make that happen”
She left after making that promise. I was still on edge if I should help her. 
The daughter of a CEO… of course, she’d have a connection but how was I a hundred percent sure she wouldn’t be faking it? 
“Come on, Yeosang we need to do a check-up”
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y/n’s perspective
I left hoping he’d think about my deal. The nice thing about having the reputation that I do is that people offer their help to me without thinking twice. 
Taeyong was personally investigating, Jaehyun offered to be my lawyer if it got messy, and Kun was letting me see Yeosang. 
“Everyone is talking about it! Twitter is suspecting her abuser allegations!” Wonyoung said while showing me her phone to see social media completely eat her up. 
“She still hasn't made a statement but I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up lying to save herself,” NingNing said. “Yah! You’re so lucky to have him” Winter said as she ate Wooyoung’s cooking. I chuckled… I'm glad they get along with my hybrids even if San does keep his distance. Wooyoung loves having the attention and praise of others which was cute to see his big smile and tail wag. 
“There's a possibility that you might be in her statement,” Wonyoung said and I sighed. “If that's the case, she’ll get an email from Jaehyun that I'm gonna sue her,” I said and they nodded. 
“y/n-nnie!! Your phone is ringing!!” I heard Wooyoung say as he handed me my phone. “Kun?” I said while answering. “Can you come by? Yeosang is demanding to speak with you, he’s causing Doyoung some trouble” he said with a tired voice. 
“Sure,” I said and the girls looked at me expectantly. “Yeosang has something to say to me?” I said and they nodded. “Come on, I'll have the driver take you!” Wonyoung said as the girls packed up. 
“When will you come back?” I heard Wooyoung ask as I now saw San by his side having his chin on his shoulder. “I don’t know but it shouldn't be long. I'll call if I come back late” I said and they nodded. 
“Wooyoung!! Your cooking is amazing as always! y/n is lucky!!” Winter said and he thanked her with a grin. “You’ll get her back soon boys, don’t look so grumpy~,” Wonyoung said as San looked away dismissively. 
“I’ll be back soon!”
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“Hello,” I said as I approached the kennel. I knew the day I spoke to him he was scared… and hesitant. He also had bandages wrapped around his neck from what I assumed to be from his collar. 
“Is she going to get me?” he asked me with his voice trying to stay strong… but even then I heard his shaky tone. “Not legally… she did come apparently trying to get you. It's like I said though… they can't be paid off” I said and he nodded. 
“And you?” he asked and I was confused at what he was implying. “Can you be paid off?” he asked and I smiled. “No, I can run this whole city if I wanted to. I can buy everything she owns too, so no I can’t be paid off” I answered and I swear I saw his tail wag slightly. 
“Adopt me,” he said and I was shocked. Did I hear wrong? “If you adopt me I'll tell you everything, '' he said and I scoffed. “It doesn’t work that way… I don’t if you're doing this for her but I can make sure you're safe” I promised and he sighed. 
“Can I ask why you'd adopt hybrids?” he asked me and I smiled softly. “Well, I don’t know, I never wanted one. But I met a hybrid that immediately fell for me. He then found a companion, despite not being good with others and now they’re with me” I explained and I didn’t notice how he was giving me a sad look. Almost like a look of sad jealousy. He smiled softly like he was happy… but also bitter. 
“I’m sorry,” he said and I was confused. “Why?” I asked and he sighed. 
“I’m not telling you anything, not until you adopt me” 
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“Who does he think he is?! Does he think he can just replace us?!” I heard San yell at Wooyoung. I told them about his request. I noticed San’s annoyance spike and Wooyoung seemed insecure but neither expressed it. 
Hearing San yell his frustration made me chuckle. It made me realize just how much he’s grown and accepted me. “She wouldn’t take his proposition. She loves us” Wooyoung said and I heard San take a deep breath. “It's not about that. I know she’d never… but it's about another hybrid challenging us Wooyoung. Trying to take her from us” he said with possession. “It sounds like he wants it for protection. Not because he wants a second life” Wooyoung said and I agreed. He wanted to be free from her abuse. 
“I guess… who does he think he is tho. I hate how she’s still looking for evidence because of what that girl did. Spiked her drink to gain blackmail…” he muttered and I finally decided to step out.
“Don’t worry about that” I said and he sighed as he looked at me with a softer expression and a smile. “What's the hybrid’s name?” Wooyoung asked me and I would have answered– “Who cares?” San muttered grumpier than usual. 
“y/nnie his attitude is insufferable!!” Wooyoung said as he tackled me in a hug which I reciprocated. “Do you have to go back today?” San asked and I sighed. “Unfortunately, yes. I have a lawsuit that needs to get out rather quickly for athletes before she uploads a video twisting my situation” I said and they nodded. 
“At least eat breakfast,” Wooyoung said and I nodded. 
He fixed up a plate for me whilst they talked about a new comeback they saw on the TV. San has grown to really enjoy watching TV with Wooyoung which is sweet. Wooyoung with his perverted habit of sneaking into my room reads my books or at least the newest draft which I named circus. 
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It was nice to know they had hobbies other than hanging out with me. It was reassuring when I left the apartment. I just hated how he wished to join me outside but he couldn't because of his hatred of crowded areas or even around other hybrids. Wooyoung also said how he didn’t want to cause unnecessary attention and opted out joining me despite sometimes going with me when it comes to common everyday things like grocery shopping. 
They lived comfortably. 
The opposite of the hybrid is now in front of me. 
Yeosang… a doberman hybrid, victim of abuse. And one who has refused to speak to me unless it's about me adopting him. One who also caused a lot of issues to the staff that he’s been considered to go up to red code territory. 
“Change your mind?” he asked and I shook my head. “Yeosang, you have to understand I have two hybrids already. One of them… well he’s previously a red code hybrid. He’s still considered the lowest to be on yellow. He isn’t good with other hybrids” I said and he scoffed. 
“Then why adopt such a troublesome hybrid?” he asked and I smiled. “Cause he deserved a chance–” “Are you saying I don't?” He cut me off and I shook my head. “You do. Yeosang you have a better chance of getting adopted, you’re a very pretty hybrid and well-behaved. You do have some behavior training that needs to be fixed but someone will adopt you” I explained and he sighed. 
“Just so what? I get abused again? Used for my reputation, used for sex, used! That's all I'm good for?!” he asked and I shook my head at his sudden outburst. He was angry but I saw his eyes turn glassy before he turned away and faced the corner of his kennel. 
“Yeosang… I’m sorry” was all I could say to the hybrid whose shoulders were now shaking and his ears faced flat on his ears. “You can’t tell me what to do! He’s mine, understand?!” I heard as I saw Renjun trying to stop a girl my age from stomping her heels over. 
“You! How dare you?! Abuse?! Me, abuse him? Never, and you little bitch tried your way with him. Disgusting really!” she said with her princess attitude. I noticed Yeosang hide further into a corner almost like he was hoping to disappear. 
“Yeosang~,” she said in a fake ‘soothing’ voice. “I’ll get you out of here, and we'll be together my precious boy,” she said and he now looked back almost like he wanted to believe her. 
Kun told me how he showed signs of a deprived hybrid. Meaning if she said the right things he’ll go back to her without any other words. 
“You won’t win the lawsuit. I’ll take you to court and I'll make sure the judge knows how you aren’t responsible enough to take care of your hybrid let alone two” she threatened and I glared. 
“You’re trespassing on private property, so you can either relieve yourself with your last warning or the police will be involved” I heard as I saw Kun. She scoffed and smiled her sweetly fake grin. 
“I’ll be back for you, Yeosang” 
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yeosang’s pov
When she left, they asked y/n to leave as well. 
She adopted a troublesome hybrid… an abused hybrid. That was her excuse for not adopting me. Maybe she was lying? Everyone lies to get what they want… It's what my owner does. 
It was stupid to try… the punishment I get when I go back to the stupid suite will be the worst yet. 
“Yeosang, unresponsive” I heard as I didn’t move from my corner anymore. Everything was pointless. I’ll also be the reason for her losing her hybrids. Troubled hybrid who got a better second chance… Why did I have to be selfish?
I looked back to see two employees and the doctor with protective gloves to handle me.
“I’ll talk…  but only to her,” I said, one more time. 
Please let me see the angel without her wings. At least... one last time.
The doctor rolled his eyes. “Then, behave for now,” he said as I complied with them as they did their check-up and for once. I didn’t cause him trouble…
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They left me in the doctor’s room when the door finally opened after some time. 
“Hello,” she said with a worried expression. “You don’t have to worry about me,” I said and she sighed, not shaking her worry.
“She’s been doing it for years. Blackmail, she would sometimes have people pay for ‘services’-”
it disgusted me that I had to explain but I had to fix what I did to her
“-or she’d spike them and have them go to an apartment she rents. It's filled with sex toys and even accommodates several kinks. She explained to me that she wanted you in her spider web of networking. So she spiked you and asked me to comply. The thing is… every person is disgusting. Drunk or sober they always go through with it… but not you? Why?” I asked curious and she sighed. 
“I don’t know. People say that when you’re drunk you do or say things your conscious thinks of. I have a happy life, Yeosang” she said and I chuckled. 
“Unfortunately, it doesn't end there. She’s abusive, physically and mentally. The medical records show it… and I think the other doctor has been analyzing me” I confessed and she smiled. 
“Thank you,” she said and I nodded. “I’m jealous of your hybrids. Even if I do go back to her, I'm glad I got to meet an angel like you” I said and she sighed. 
“Yeosang, even if it's not with me. I promise you’ll live a happier life without her” she said and as much as I wished to believe her. 
But… I at least knew even angels lied. 
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y/n’s perspective
'It's all over Twitter!' Wonyoung texted through kakaotalk. The lawsuit was now public… there was hate between both sides. Mine and hers…
Mainly hers, with Yeosang’s statement but I felt guilty that he was now living in a cage when he asked me several times to take him in. 
“It's over!” Wooyoung said as the final statements were all over the news. “Do you regret telling him no?” San asked me and I shook my head. “I’m too much of an empathetic person, that's why I'm sad about it… but I could never choose Yeosang over you guys” I confessed and I noticed Wooyoung’s ears stand up. He had a horrified expression. 
“Yeosang? His name was Yeosang?!” he asked and I nodded. “You’re reacting like you knew him personally,” San said, confused at the fox’s sudden temper. 
“He was my friend! I was in the same adoption center as him. He’s a doberman hybrid that I met…” he said with a sad expression. I was gonna comfort him when I got a text…
Doyoung SOS !! Yeosang’s owner is demanding custody of him. Paparazzi are everywhere, please help !! 
I sighed and grabbed a coat. “What happened?” San asked and I sighed. “Yeosang’s owner is bringing her statement to the rehabilitation center” I explained and Wooyoung put his shoes on and coat hurriedly. “I’m coming with you!” he demanded and San scoffed while following us. 
I didn’t want to argue with them, not when what she could do could ruin my reputation but also get Yeosang back. 
After running like madmen in the streets of Seoul we got here to the front of the hybrid center where I bullied my way through the paparazzi and reporters. “Jeno!” I said and he recognized my voice as he hurdley let me in despite the protests of the media trying to get in. 
“I would never abuse a hybrid!” I heard as I noticed she was even filming. “I won’t leave, it's my right, he's my hybrid!!” she said and I scoffed at her demanding attitude. 
“You!” she said as she spotted me and started recording me. “How does it feel that you ruined my life and Yeosang's!” she demanded and I scoffed.
“Medical records prove to be different” I muttered and she scoffed. “Forged everything you did! You bought your way through this with daddy’s money!” she yelled and I would’ve fought her on it if I didn’t see the scared doberman now come out with Kun.
"Oh my poor baby!” she said and he shook his head while trying to hide behind Kun. “He’s scared of you,” I said and she scoffed. “Are these your alleged hybrids? The ones who should be euthanized for the illegal hybrid rings?” she asked and I glared. 
“That's none of your business, not when you're no better than the people who operate that cruel organization,” I said and she glared.
“It's my word versus yours–” “You’re a horrible person. I hate you when all I wanted was a fraction of what she gives her hybrids–" "Cut the tapes!” she yelled while Yeosang yelled at her. “-I never want to be in that situation again!” he yelled with tears rolling down his cheeks. 
“How much money do I have to pay you?” she now said while looking around the room. She now looked at me. “How much, name a price?” she asked almost desperate now and I smiled. 
“I don’t want your filthy money, I’d rather see your face in a courtroom,” I said and she scoffed and ran out of the building.
“Yeosang!” I heard Wooyoung now tackled the doberman.
“Wooyoung?” he asked, clearly shocked at the sudden hug from the fox hybrid. “Go back to the kennels, y/n you can talk to him there,” Kun said as Renjun led us to his kennel. 
“Thank you,” Yeosang said to me. “For what?” I asked and he sighed. “For not putting a price on me” he muttered and I smiled a sad smile. Wooyoung was crouched and leaning against the glass wall separating him from his friend. 
San had made his way to grip my arm in security. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, '' Wooyoung said softly and he nodded. “I’m happy that you got out of here. I remember the day you got sent to the adoption center only to be taken by your previous owners and taken here I presume?” he asked and Wooyoung confirmed. 
“Maybe I will be given a second chance. But thank you y/n, if it wasn't for you I’d still be in hell” he said and I sighed. “Maybe in another life, we could be adopted together,” Wooyoung said, making Yeosang smile softly. “Maybe in this life you can?” San said and I looked at him to already meet my eyes. 
“I don’t like him. But… I didn’t like Wooyoung when I first met him either” he said, making me laugh and Wooyoung let out a “Hey!” in response. 
“You mean it?” I asked and he nodded. I’m guessing he must’ve seen himself in the doberman hybrid. “You’ll adopt me?” he asked and I smiled “Only if you’d let me?” I asked and he chuckled.
“I could never say no to an angel”
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@wonuangel @danirael @angelsaway @krissroo @minkysmilk @mayonnaise-on-toast @robertsbbygirl @superbbananananana @hyukssunflower @kitty4hwa @justconniez @senpai-of-doom @kibs-and-bits @caityelise99 @ilovekinny @ateezennie23 @wooahaelemons @purplelady85 @watamotee33@chidess97 @littlelostdemonofthelight @maliamaiden @burntarm1n @spooo00oky @eastleighsblog @momo-peachy @kitstar1117 @quartzpirate @sunnyhokyu @iwishiwasrichasfuck @theginger543210 @pandolinka @ddaeing @kpopnightingale @slid3er @kekdo-520 @puppyminnnie @sparklinghwa222 @calicanbeevil @itsvxlentine @atinism @loumin908 @smally97 @rxnexxi @acetruepunk @majesticbeluga @namjooncrabs @tashizxy @itstheghostofmypast @smilefordongil @teeziny @totallynotlyntv @kyeos4ng @prodsh00ky @acescavern
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please don't be a silent reader !! reblog, comment, and like <3
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hanggarae · 9 months
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↺ content your new ceo getting on your nerves the first day you meet him, part of my ‘promotion’ series, ceo!jeonghan, f!office worker!reader, jeonghan’s an asshole, suggestive, doyoung is ur coworker, jealous jeonghan for like a second, this is honestly hardly a tear jerker so idk if it’s technically angst but ig ?? idk 😞
↺ a/n : 2.5k words (yikes!), npr, another enemies to lovers jeonghan everyone act surprised this is my first time writing anything suggestive do NAWT perceive me rn 😭☝🏼 this is also loosely based on the lyrics of monster by exo saurrrr it might be fun listening to that while reading idk
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“That soon?” your group manager sighed a few feet ahead of your desk. He'd been frustrated at whatever conversation he was having over the phone for the last ten minutes now. You tried not to pay it any mind but it was getting harder now that it got him so worked up his voice could be heard through the entire office.
Your coworker Doyoung looked at you and looked like he wanted to cry. You tilted your head a little confused at what happened to him.
“If he’s this mad about something you just know the rest of us are going to get dragged in too?” he groaned before you could ask him what’s up.
“Who is he even talking to?” you asked him while rolling your chair away from your computer.
“The boss” Doyoung sighed. “The boss as in the ceo you idiot” he continued when you still looked confused.
You mouthed a silent ‘oh’ quickly understanding why your boss was so frustrated. You didn't know much about the ceo except for the fact that he only recently took over. His father retired less than a year ago and you all got the announcement that the current ceo took over only three months ago.
The Yoon company was huge and had establishments all over the country, even some internationally. You figured he would eventually visit each office to oversee what everyone was doing (read: stress everyone out for a twenty minute visit).
Before you could groan at the thought of it your manager got off the phone and clapped to get everyone’s attention. “So that was the ceo’s assistant” he said tiredly, “he’s coming this Friday”
It was almost comedic how instantly everybody complained. You couldn’t blame them. That was three days away, was he insane?
“The problem with Mr Yoon is that if you’re not ahead of the work, you’re behind. So even if we’re for the most part caught up with everything, he’ll likely find a way to complain about our branch.” You watched your manager scan through his personal spreadsheet that kept track of everyone’s work and current projects before he turned to you. “y/n I hate to throw this on you but you and Mingyu are the only ones not currently working on any specific project. Do you think the two of you could get started on that project for the Yang family?”
You knew what he was talking about. It was a project that you were supposed to work on in a month. “If we get it started early maybe he’ll cut us some slack on taking our sweet time with that project for Miss Park”
You nodded, agreeing to get started with the presentation for it. You’d essentially be doing this alone because Mingyu was still on a leave for visiting his family and he’d get back after the ceo was done visiting.
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The next two days you spent getting less than three hours of sleep. At first Doyoung encouraged you to just half-ass the presentation but you knew that there was still the off chance that the ceo still went through the work thoroughly, if he did you don’t know how you’d be able to explain why the work was done at such a low level.
You managed to scrape together getting most of it done. The entire project was nowhere near done but considering the actual meeting for it was two months away, getting the presentation done already would surely put you and the office in the ceo’s good books.
Sipping your coffee, you trudged to your desk and stifled a yawn as you settled your things down. Looking at the calendar on your computer you confirmed it was Friday, meaning the ceo that made your last few days hell would be coming today.
You arrived here earlier than usual so you could make sure everything was set up correctly and quickly get one of the supervisors to double check the presentation.
“Look alive, his car just pulled up” Doyoung muttered, walking around your desk to get to his own and get his own belongings settled.
You sighed, mentally preparing yourself for the day. You just knew it’d be a long one.
The double doors pushed open, revealing who you assumed was the ceo. You knew he was young but you didn’t think he’d be that handsome, and oddly.. familiar? You didn’t even realize you were staring until Doyoung tapped you and beckoned you to get back to work.
“Everyone, this is Mr Yoon, the new ceo” your manager stepped aside to allow the ceo to take the center.
“It’s nice to meet you all, my name is Jeonghan. I look forward to seeing what everyone in this branch is capable of” he smiled.
‘Jeonghan’ talked to your manager before sauntering over to your desk, a polite business smile on his face. “I understand you are the one working on the Yang family project Miss..” he looked for your name tag. When he saw it you swear something in his face changed when he sneered speaking your name.
He looked back to your face, observing you before the corner of his lip quirked up. “It would seem like you are this branch’s most capable employee, Miss y/n”
“Oh I wouldn’t say that-” you tried to object.
“Come with me. Bring the presentation materials with you” he turned, not willing to hear any objection from your manager.
You hadn’t practiced presenting it, barely rereading any of the actual information on the slides. For the most part, you’d have to wing it.
As expected, the presentation was somewhat of a mess. The lack of sleep got to you so you weren’t as engaging with the presentation as you’d usually be, on top of that whenever you looked over at Jeonghan it felt like you were tripping over your words even more. It almost felt like he was staring and smirking at you on purpose.
By the time you were done with the presentation it was time for your break. You needed to unwind after the morning you had, scrolling through your phone and checking for any food places nearby that were open. You’d forgotten to pack a lunch and usually you’d deal with it, drinking an extra coffee instead but you desperately needed to just eat anything good to get your mind off of your annoying ceo.
Before you called and ordered, you figured you’d ask if anybody else wanted something too. You first asked your manager and were about to ask Doyoung except the ceo decided to strike up a conversation with him. Too hungry to wait you decided to just walk up and ask, it was your break anyway who cared?
“Hey Doyoung, I’m headed out for lunch. You want me to grab you anything to eat?” you asked him, not paying your ceo any mind while you felt him staring at you.
“Sure. I’ll text you, thanks” he smiled.
Before you headed off you decided to ask the ceo too since he seemed like the type to hold a grudge if you didn’t. “I’m alright, thank you for the offer”
“Here’s your food Doyoung” you smiled tiredly while you handed your coworker the bag.
You sat at the table with your own lunch, getting your food out and scrolling through your phone. You got a notification from that dating app you’d been using for a couple months now, answering the texts from the guy you’d been texting back and forth for a while now. His name was Minseok, you were originally supposed to go out with him a few days ago but had to take a raincheck to work on the project.
Just as you were about to text back that you too were excited for the date tonight, you felt your ceo looming over your shoulder.
“y/n. After you’re done with your break, come see me in my office” Jeonghan said plainly before stalking off.
You gulped, trying to shake off the nerves before focusing on your meal.
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You weren’t sure if you wanted the break to end quickly or drag on. On one hand you wanted to get whatever Jeonghan was going to say over and done with, but on the other hand you didn’t want to have to actually deal with whatever he was going to say.
When your break did end, you were hesitant to see him, contemplating outside of his door for a few moments before sighing and biting the bullet. You straightened out your attire before walking into his office and walking toward his desk.
“You asked me to see you, Sir?” you smiled curtly.
“Take a seat” he pointed in front of the desk, opposite from him. “I’ve been thinking, I eventually need to stay in one branch and I want that branch to be this one” he tapped his desk while he spoke uninterested in his own words.
“The reason I’m telling all of this to you,” he circled his desk to stand directly at you. Eyes looking up at his, you gulped taking in his appearance. You really did not like him but you couldn’t deny he was good looking, bangs falling neatly over his eyes and looming over you like you were his prey.
“I’m telling you this because I want you to be my assistant” he smiled, despite that you felt like it was a trap.
Your mouth went dry and you forced out your next words, “assistant?”
“Don’t make that confused face, it makes you look stupid,” he laughed, causing your blood to boil. “You have excellent organizational skills, I could really use that in an assistant”
As much as you hated his guts, it was a good opportunity. If you worked up from his assistant you could eventually be a branch manager yourself one day. But the thought of working with him seemed like hell. Still, you bit back the bitter taste in your mouth, “I’d be delighted to, Sir. Thank you for the opportunity”
“Excellent” Jeonghan clapped, “your first task will be planning out my schedule for the new year. Make yourself comfortable and work at that spare desk over there” he dropped his planner and notes from his former assistant onto your lap before heading out of the office.
You stared at the mess for a few seconds, feeling yourself get more annoyed by the second. “Oh and y/n” he popped his head back in the door, “you’re not allowed to clock out until all of that is organized, understand?”
And he left again before you could confirm or oppose his decision. You decided it was useless trying to argue and settled with texting Minseok that you’d have to take another raincheck. Judging by the way he read the message but didn’t reply, it was safe to assume that it might not ever be rescheduled.
Hours passed and you were still only about halfway through planning the ceo’s schedule. You knew everyone was clocking out when you saw Doyoung wave pitifully at you through the glass door.
“You haven’t changed one bit, you know that?” Jeonghan piped up when the entire floor left for the night. In all honesty you’d forgotten he was still here considering he napped at his desk the first chance he got.
“What are you talking about?” you frowned. What did he mean? When did he ever know you prior to this?
“You never speak up, do you? Even back in high school you never did” he laughed mockingly.
High school? Okay, what was wrong with- oh. Now you remember. Yoon Jeonghan, you don’t know how it took so long to put two and two together. You were both in the same honors class in high school and constantly competed for the top spot. You didn’t necessarily resent him much at first but given how he was constantly pushed by his family to be the best, he loathed you for coming in his way of it. Because of this, he eventually made your life a living hell too, so you graduated hoping you’d never see him again.
“Remember now, huh? God I hated you, always being such a nuisance” he sneered down at you. You didn’t process him closer to you until he leaned over your desk and now face to face with you. “How does it feel to know you ended up below me anyway?”
You didn’t want to start an argument with your new boss, especially considering you’d be working with him at all times now. But you remembered his comment from earlier and it annoyed you how he spoke to you like you were inferior to him.
“It doesn’t feel like anything. Because I know that I at least earned my spot here, all you did was happen to be born in a good family” you watched as his smirk turned sour, anger crossing his face before he laughed lowly.
“You’ve got some nerve for talking to your boss like that. I could fire you right now, you want that y/n?”
The taller man laughed at the fear that flashed in your eyes. “Oh you poor thing, ran out of arguments?” he pouted condescendingly. “You were so confident a second ago, is one little threat all it takes to mess you up?”
You didn’t respond to his taunts, biting back your tongue so you couldn’t respond. It was pointless, he wasn’t the type to let you go easily if you argued back and he wasn’t worth losing your job over.
“You’re really boring me now y/n” he chuckled, “come on fight back a little, yeah?”
You turned to look at his face but gasped when you realized he’d gotten even closer, his face mere centimeters away from your own. “Jeonghan” you sighed, eyes fluttering shut to avoid his hard stare.
“Who gave you permission to call me by my name? You’re just my employee y/n. You worked so hard when we were younger just for you to be my lowly employee” he laughed in your face.
His words caused small tears to swell in your eyes and you tried to blink them away before he noticed them.
“Isn’t that just so cute?” Your boss cooed, wiping at your tears, “don’t cry baby”
You let out a small gasp at the pet name, desperately hoping he wouldn’t notice.
“You like that, huh?” Jeonghan observed your face, drinking in your appearance, looking a mess as a result of his harsh words and treatment. “Wonder what else you like” he mumbled, slim fingers moving from your cheeks to slide over your neck, eventually settling on your shoulder.
“Get back to work, yeah?” he left before you could say anything else. You watched as he walked away, taking this as your chance to leave. He could ridicule for it tomorrow but you couldn’t stay here any longer, not when you felt the need to kiss him right there.
Get a grip! You hated him! And he hated you, albeit that realisation did sting a little.
Ugh and you couldn’t even avoid him anymore, you were literally his assistant now there was no avoiding him. Whatever, he’d get bored of trying to get a rise out of you in a month or less so all you had to do was put up with him until then.
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astroyongie · 4 months
NCT 127 June Reading 2024
Note: please take it with a grain of salt
love: it seems like he is still dating the same person as ever, but things are again complicated. Taeil have been a little bit more protective over his finances and not “pampering” his partner as much which has made them mad 
career: Taeil has some ideas of what he wants to do after his military service. Maybe we will finally have some type of solo music from his side. he has also been quite protected lately 
self: things are okay with him, his health is strong and he has been leading the group into a better communication overall 
love: This man is finally in a relationship (this seems to be an idol but i am not 100% sure). Also their relationship havent started long ago, probably around the end of April and the beginning of may which makes him being on a honeymoon. things are doing well for him!
career: he has been doubting himself a lot lately, especially when it comes to his capacities of being an idol also because there’s a few things that have scared him and that provoked a lot of emotional turmoil since it could have impacted his idol image. Johnny is also having some type of blockages with his career 
self: he is going through a lot of indecisions, a lot of thoughts a lot of confusion about why life does certain things to him. he feels like he has been screwed around and that life isn't fair to him 
love: Taeyong is also in a relationship at the moment. Despite everything he was able to make everything official before his departure to the military service. thighs are okay for him and this relationship is something that he has been manifesting for so long, so he is happy 
career: i couldn't get much about his career, since at the moment everything is on hold 
self: he has been a little bit “foolish” lately, making decisions without thinking though and overall doing things that are perceived by others are very word and out of reality 
love: he has been dating the same person since april and everything seems to be doing well. Yuta is very curious about them and everyday is a day where he learns new things and where he is stimulated. healthy relationship so far
career: i believe that Yuta was some serious issues with either the ceo of SM either his sponsor, because there’s a heavy masculine energy around him that has been mistreating him and Yuta is reaching his limit 
self: he has been distracted lately, more lazy and overall not so much with his head on what matters. yuta has slowly become more apathetic form things in general 
love: Doyoung is dating at the moment, although the relationship feels quite rush at the moment because they had a huge argument that almost made them split apart. he still has things on his throat that he wishes to say but he doesn't 
career: lately, he has been more on the introverted side. he doesn't spend time with his members nor does he want to be associated with people from sm or his group for reasons that are mostly personal to him. he also wants to be more respected there 
self: he hasn't been play lately, and although he receives some support from people outside, he has been ignoring them as much as he can 
love: HE IS DATING!! pack it up, jaehyun is dating and actually for now the relationship is serious and balanced !! i don't have much information about it 
career: he is a little tired of the image he has. Because that image his fans have of him, does not allow him to be his true self. in the past years that didn't brothers him, but now as he grows older and his career is fixated, he is getting bored of it 
self: he is lost in his emotional turmoil. I believe that doyoung at the moment is just living his life aimlessly without much thought. this is quite sad, as i feel like he  has lost his spark as well 
love: his love life is complicated. He is dating but this person wants things that he cannot give and also because they have way too much influence on him. so he just follows that without putting his own needs in the relationship 
career: some complications but overall he is okay. He just needs to be careful with the type of image he gives to others outside his idol image. because it can rub the wrong people in the wrong ways
self: I am worried about the type of lifestyle he has been living. since these things could potentially have a bad impact on his health in the future. Jungwoo isn't exactly very conscious of the things he does 
love: I believe that Mark is in a relationship with someone else (not his idol ex) and that he is happy with this person but he is still.. well a little bit scared due to how his past relationship ended 
career: he isn't really okay with everything that has been happening. mark feels like the company gives him way too much to do and he often has to sacrifice projects to due others, because his schedule is too tight. he wishes to have a little more freedom to choose instead of allowing the company to take decisions for him 
self: he is okay, he has just been very anxious lately because of some things he has no control over. the fact that he cannot control these is what makes him anxious. But other than that, he is okay 
love: he is in a relationship at the moment, but he feels.. well bored? as if this relationships isn't bringing him any pleasure or contentment and he is just in there because he doesn't want to be alone 
career: Haechan is rather satisfied with his career and how things are going. he has a good relationship with everyone he works it and honestly it feels like he does his job because he likes t and has fun  
self: lately it has been complicated with him. Haechan still uses his unhealthy coping mechanism whenever he's having a hard time. and lately, well he has been overall struggling with his mental health 
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springseasonie · 1 year
Overtime | KDY (M)
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Ceo Doyoung x Secretary fem reader
Summary: You and Doyoung stay late at the office and have a long extensive conversation about life, work, and other things. Doyoung's life motto is never mix personal life with work, but his mini crush on his secretary becomes bigger than life all on this night.
Warnings: sexual content, age gap (legal!!! doyoung is older), oral (fem receiving), unprotected, pull out method, proofread (kinda, I'm tired)
Word count: 5,7k
Song recs: thinkin bout you by Katie
A/N: took longer than I expected with this one. I've been in a writing slump for the past week so I'm sorry if this sucks. The smutty words don't come out the same as they used to lmao. Feedback is loved and appreciated 🫶🏾
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You would've never taken this job if you knew your boss would be this hot.
Applying for the secretary position at a world famous company was not in your plan after college, but it just happened. You especially didn't expect to get hired. Now you've been working for 2 years and can't say that you would choose anything else, especially when you get to work so close to eye candy every day.
Kim Doyoung. He's the youngest successful single man in Seoul at 38 years old. No, he's not old, but he is way older than you in most people's standards. You never really had a thing for older men, but when you met Doyoung, you could say opposites attract. You would always try and hide your staring, sometimes he would catch you. He knows he is handsome, he's been told many times, but you're the only person who has ever worked for him that has never kissed his ass no matter how attractive you found him. He enjoyed having you around, having someone who wasn't a yes man.
Instead of going home, you were sitting at your desk finishing something you should've some ages ago. You were a huge procrastinator and he knew this. At first, it was something he hated about you. All of his other secretaries were very punctual while you did things late. However, you were way more detailed in your work, way more careful with his needs and schedule so he let it go.
"Why do I do this to myself," you groaned. You finished the last couple of words on the screen, aggressively pushing the period key with a sigh. "And all done." Now all you had to do was print the paper and leave it on Doyoung's desk for the morning. You pressed the tiny print pop up, watching the machine pump the papers out the front. Once it was done, you stapled them together.
Standing, you walk from around your desk and towards Doyoung's office. The sound of your heels filled the silent dimly lit hall, making you hum in delight. Although you hated staying to work late, you couldn't deny the atmosphere of an empty office. How peaceful it was, how strangely free you felt. Reaching Doyoung's office you noticed the door was left slightly ajar.
"Weird," you say to yourself. "He always leaves it shut." You walk in looking at your feet not expecting to hear anything.
"Oh you're here too?"
You jump, startled at the voice of your boss, looking up as you looked at his figure being lit up by his lamp. Blinking rapidly trying to regain your composure, you clear your throat shaking off your very clean dress. "M-Mr. Kim you surprised me," you say, a relaxed attitude faltering.
Doyoung watched you straighten your back, chuckling to himself as he stood up from his desk. "Relax, you don't need to be so formal. It's just you and me here."
You try to loosen up a bit, but he makes you so nervous especially when you're alone with him. You find him to be very intimidating. From how he speaks to how he dresses to even his favorite foods - Doyoung is a super classy man, way different from you. You gulp, placing the papers on his desk. "Here is the report for all the departments from this week. There were some last minute changes so…yeah."
Doyoung picks up the packet, flipping through the pages as you stand there with your hands folded in front of you. The room was silent, just the sound of him flipping rh pages was heard. You were in his office often, but never this late. Your eyes shifted around the room, taking in your surroundings. It was a cozy space, city lights in the big windows, every shelf stacked with something work related or some random object.
Doyoung had a picture of his family on one of the bookshelves, a picture of himself in his early teens with his parents and older brother. He hates that picture, always saying it reminded him of his hard life growing up. Doyoung didn't talk about his personal life much, his number one rule for all his employees and himself being don't let work and life mix. But working so closely with him has made you learn things about him he'd rather no one know, like how many times his mother has tried to set him up with some pretty rich woman or how many times his father needs meetings to berate his son.
Doyoung puts the papers down without a word. You started to turn on your heels, about to leave when he speaks up.
"Could you…stay for a bit," he says in a deep voice echoing in the quiet room. "I won't keep you long, just want a bit of company that's all."
You turn around with an awkward smile on your lips, clearing your throat. "Yeah sure, I don't mind."
Doyoung stood up from his seat, giving you a full view of his messy image. Tie loosened, shirt a bit unbuttoned - he was so attractive it pained you. He walked to the window behind him, leaning on the glass as he stared out at the huge city below the both of you. "You don't have to stand all the way over there you know."
"Oh.. right." You walked over to him, standing a distance away as you looked out the window.
"It's pretty right," he said, glancing at you. "I love this view at night."
"Me too."
And right back to silence, but instead of it being stiff, it felt comfortable. Neither of you noticed the glances the both of you kept sneaking at each other. But for a while you stopped looking at him and just leaned on the window taking in the pretty scenery. Doyoung looked at you, tracing your face with his eyes. He always thought you were pretty, knowing that he would probably ask you out if you weren't working under him. He still thinks about the first day he met you. You were a complete mess, just graduated and working 2 jobs to keep yourself afloat at the time he interviewed you. It was obvious you lived off coffee, eye bags couldn't even be hidden under your makeup. Now you're doing good for yourself. You seem happier, less stressed, and have really grown into your age.
Doyoung hates how much older he is than you. Not many girls your age would be into someone near their 40s in his mind, so for a while including now he pushed the thought to the back of his mind.
"So," he finally spoke up. "How was your day?"
"Oh, uh, well," you laughed awkwardly. "It was okay. I did what I usually do."
"Sit there and drink coffee," he joked, making both of you laugh.
"I do…other things," you said between giggles. "How was your day?"
"You already know that information," he said, letting out a deep sigh. Doyoung had a hard day, dealing with unreasonable clients and frustrating employees. You know how stressed he is all the time and you feel bad for him.
You wanted to say something but you didn't. You had no idea what to say to make him feel a bit happier. You were only his secretary after all, there's not much you can say without crossing lines, but that's what he likes about you. Sometimes you were so oblivious as to what was acceptable to say and what wasn't. You never dared to overstep boundaries, but it just happened.
"Do you ever feel like there's something in your life that's missing," he asked suddenly.
You look over to him, his face hard in concentration as he stares at the city lights. "What do you mean?"
"Like…you're doing something not because you enjoy it, but because it keeps you alive," he explains. You and Doyoung feel the air around the both of you become heavy with the sudden change in topic. Doyoung never had these kinds of conversations with you in the 2 years you've been working with him. In fact, he's never vulnerable with anyone about anything, not even the people he considered close friends.
"Well," you started slowly. "I do feel that way."
He turns to you, watching how your eyes shine in the light. "Was it when you started working for me?"
You glanced at him, giving him a small laugh. "Do you want the honest answer?"
"I want whatever answer will help me through this dilemma,* he sighs, pushing his hair back.
"I know you don't know a lot about me." You begin to relax as you start talking, leaning on the window. "I wanted to be an artist for a while. I grew up drawing, painting, the whole lot of stuff. My parents thought it was just a hobby and they were right for a while because then I fell in love with writing."
"Is that why you got a journalism degree," he interrupted.
"Yeah…that's right," you laugh softly. "Did I tell you this story before?"
"No I just…" Doyoung stopped talking seeing your playful smile, heat flying to his ears making them red. You were so pretty to him, especially in this light. "Sorry, you can continue."
"It's okay," you chuckle softly. "Anyway, I loved telling stories and wrote things in private all the time, but storybooks weren't going to pay the bills so I had to take up informative writing. Fast forward to my third year and I start realizing how much I hate what I'm doing. My love for art comes back and I start drawing more than writing essays. That's when I realized I wanted to make comics."
Doyoung stands there with his arms crossed, trying so hard to pay attention to listen to you, but he couldn't get over how pretty your lips looked, How nice your voice sounded. His eyes traveled to your neck, his next thought immediately flying to how good you smell when you’re next to him. And your hands, goodness he loves your hands. They would brush against his sometimes, the thought of how soft they would feel on his-
"Mr. Kim?"
He blinked, head being pulled out of his inner thoughts by your voice. He couldn't believe he zoned out while you spoke. Doyoung gulped, realizing the kind of image his brain almost created. "Yes? I'm sorry I zoned out. I'm just a little tired."
You gave him a small laugh and understanding smiles, nodding at his words. "I understand, I'm tired too so I'll keep it short. Sometimes we will feel periods of emptiness in the things we do no matter if we love them or not. We just have to remember everything that makes it worth it, not matter what." You stopped talking when you felt Doyoung's eyes on you, boring into your soul.
"Do you feel like working here is worth it?"
There is a kind of tenderness in Doyoung's eyes that you don't get to see often. The last time you saw this look was when he was telling a memory of him and his brother when they were kids. "Yeah, I feel like it's worth it."
"Well I'm glad," he says, looking back out into the city. "For someone so young, I didn't expect you to have a lot of profound things to say."
"I'm not that young. And you aren't that old" you say, laughing at his expression. "Not to pry of course, but why do you feel like something is missing?" He remains quiet and his relaxed expression turns stern, a frown on his face almost immediately. You panicked thinking that you pushed too far past the line. "I'm sorry, you really don't have to answer Mr. Kim, I was just-"
"It's okay, you did nothing wrong," he said, trying to reassure you. "My mother makes me feel like a shit show because I'm not looking for anyone to marry."
You opened your mouth to speak, but stopped. This problem of his was completely beyond you. It's not a surprise that he's been avoiding his mother, their family issues all over the tabloids. you wish you could be some sort of support system for him, but you know you can't get that close to him.
"You don't have to say anything. I know you have nothing to say."
"Yeah, I'm sorry," you mumbled. "I know things have been rough with you and your mom these days."
Doyoung blinked and looked over to you. His lips parted, tongue darting out slowly against his lips, wetting them before speaking."You know you're the only person to talk to me like a regular guy?"
You whip your head to him, gulping at his words. "Oh, i must've gotten too comfortable Mr. Kim-"
"I like that you talk to me like a regular person," he chuckled.
You give him a soft laugh, shaking your head. The way doyoung looks at you makes you feel something you shouldn't feel for your boss. But his eyes are piercing, full of emotion and it makes you fall deeper into him. You didn't want to ruin the mood, but you would feel bad if you didn't tell him what happened earlier that day. "Mr. Kim….your mother called the office."
Doyoung sighed, running his face in his hand. "What did she say?"
"Something about," you started hesitantly. "You blocking her number, not going to events, not dating…"
"That old lady always has something to complain about," he sighed. "Thank you for telling me."
You nodded, pressing your lips into a thin line to keep silent. But sometimes you just speak and say things you probably shouldn't, because the way doyoung looks at you for your next sentence makes you want to crawl into a dark corner.
"Well, dating shouldn't be hard for you," you said.
He raised a brow, a smirk pulling on his lips slowly. "What do you mean?"
"W-well I mean you're…" you paused, eyeing him up and down awkwardly.
"You're you," you said a bit more enthusiastically than you wanted to. "Well what I wanted to say was that you're rich, handsome…."
"Is that it? Just rich and handsome," he joked, but you didn't take it as a joke. You already overstepped the boundaries multiple times in the last 30 minutes, this could probably be the only moment to save your job.
"N-no! You're funny and honest, fun to talk to. And even though you have this rough guy thing going on, I think you're a pretty soft guy," you said, lips moving 40 miles per hour.
He gave you a chuckle, one that sounded genuine and warm which surprised you. "Ms. Y/n, are you flirting with me right now?"
You blinked rapidly, shaking your head and hands silently as you panicked, making the male laugh. You said no, but he was secretly hoping that you were. He wanted to know if you were as attracted to him as he was to you. He couldn't help himself.
"You're not too bad yourself," he said, turning back to the window.
"Thank you…. you're too nice, but you don't really mean that."
"No, I'm serious," he continued. "You're cool and fun, not too serious but can be serious when you need to be."
Your face was beginning to get hot, fingers gittering at your sides. You couldn't even look at him, afraid you would probably go crazy. You really hoped he would stop talking, but he didn't. It stressed you out.
"Not to mention, you're beautiful."
You gave him a small laugh, trying to cover up the very obvious mental breakdown you were about to have. "Mr.Kim please-"
"You're beautiful. You have the best laugh and the prettiest smile." doyoung was slowly walking towards you, making your body stiffen as he came closer. His gaze was hungry, not able to suppress his desires for you any longer. It was terrible of him, he knew it, he was your boss and practically preying on you at the moment. He was doing something he hated, but he knew you wanted it too.
Doyoung was so close to you, body looking over yours as he stared down at your flustered face. "Mr.Kim-"
"Call me Doyoung."
"But I can't-"
"Yes you can." He spoke so quietly and softly, eyes flickering from yours to your lips. "I wanna hear you say it so I can say I love the way you say my name too."
You were quickly falling under whatever spell he was starting to put you under as he spoke. Your lids dropped, breathing heavily as his hands left his sides and made their way to your waist. "D-Doyoung," you said breathlessly, heart beating faster in his grasp.
He nodded slightly, a smile curling on his lips as he pulled your body closer to his, pressing his chest against yours. "Again."
You gulp, shaking your head as you remove his hands from your waist. "I…we can't do this. I-I'm your secretary."
"Secretary who I like very much." You make it so hard for him to not want to push your buttons a little more. Was doyoung really about to risk everything he built up just to kiss you? Yes, yes he was. Not one of his smartest decisions, but he trusted you. "I liked you for a very long time, you know."
"Really," you ask, brows scrunching slightly.
"Mhm." Doyoung put his hands back on your waist, the adoration in his eyes turning to lust. "I'm doing this against my better judgment, and you know how much I cherish my judgment."
Before you knew it, your eyes fluttered shut and you were the one kissing him instead. Your lips melted into his, hands moving to his shoulder as you pulled him closer. Doyoung kisses you back softly, moving his hands under your blazer squeezing your waist. He felt how raged your breathing was, your heartbeat speeding up as he fondled your body in his hands.
You pulled away, refusing to look at him. He knew you liked him as much as he liked you - it was obvious by the smirk on his face. It was only supposed to be a kiss and end there, but your mind drifted to a place it wasn't supposed to go.
"I need to go home," you said, letting out a sigh.
"No you don't," he protested softly. "I know you don't want to either."
"Mr. Kim-"
"Doyoung," he said. "I want you to call me by name."
"Doyoung," you started, making him smile. "What are you trying to do right now? I mean, we are attracted to each other but this.. what will people think?"
"People won't know unless we tell them," he says nonchalantly. "Besides, I own the entire building you're standing in right now. Whatever I say goes, and I'll never let anyone hurt you."
You looked up at him, worry still painting your face, but you nodded anyway. "Okay, I trust you."
"Good. You should always trust me." He cupped your face softly, kissing you deeply. You kissed him back, lips molding with his just like how you imagined. You wanted to take advantage of this moment while you had it, so you took your hands off his shoulders taking your blazer off. Letting the jacket fall to the floor, you reached back to Doyoung's chest, pulling his tie off him and placing it on his desk.
"I wanna take care of you," he said quietly. "Would you let me do that?"
"Yes." Your answer came out as a whisper as you unbuttoned the rest of his shirt. Doyoung watched you with a hazy expression. your concentrated desperate appearance was doing something to him, he just wanted to fuck you against the window make you cry out his name. He thought it was too cute how your hands were trembling as you unbuttoned his shirt. The only time he sees you this nervous is when he reprimands you for something you may do wrong.
Doyoung slowly starts to pull your tucked blouse out your pencil skirt, making your breath hitch in your throat. "Is this okay with you?"
You nod, removing your hands from his shirt to allow him to pull the fabric off of you. Doyoung marveled at your body. He felt guilty knowing how many times he's fantasized about this moment, the thought of touching you on his mind heavy sometimes. But the guilt went away when he made contact with your skin. Doyoung pulled you closer to him, kissing you as his hands slowly went up your body. He groped you not too roughly to make you flustered, but just enough to enjoy your small gasp. His hand squeezed and massaged your left breast.
"Should I take it off," you mumble as he plays with the lace on your bra. You wait for an answer, but his eyes and hand are too focused on the lace, the only thing going through his head was how pretty the color looked against your skin.
"No," he said, shaking his head. You watched him unbutton and unzip the side of your skirt, cock twitching his pants from excitement. "Let me help you relieve some of your stress from today. I wanna taste you Y/N."
"Can you," you said breathlessly, begging, making him smile too. He tugged your skirt down your legs, fabric bunching around your heels.
"Get on the desk." Doyoung watches you hop on his perfectly organized desk, spreading your legs almost immediately. Your eyes widened at how fast he dropped to the floor, his actions making you even more wet than before.
“I thought about this alot Mr. Kim,” you admitted, eyes glossed from how turned on you were. "I fucking dreamed about this."
"Oh yeah?" Doyoung's entire shirt was off by this point, the expensive fabric laying, somewhere on the floor. His soft hands made their way up your legs, leaning into your inner thighs. He kisses the soft spot of your thighs, making your body shudder sensitively. Doyoung hooked his fingers around your panties, tugging at them to pull the fabric off. You lifted your hips, allowing him to pull them down your legs and off your ankles swiftly.
Doyoung couldn't take his eyes off the sight between your legs. You were glistening, so wet it got on his desk. "Fuck.. you're so pretty baby."
"Don't stare." You started to close your legs, but doyoung forced them back apart, leaning into the closer. You could feel his heavy breathing on your wet core as he kissed your inner thighs.
"Don't get all shy on me now." He placed a soft kiss on your clit, eyes never leaving your face. You let out a soft sigh when he licked your core softly, collecting your arousal on his tongue. Doyoung licks at your clit softly, adding pressure with every other movement. He always thought about what you would sound like, if you were loud or silent, but your soft moans at the moment were prettier than ever. Doyoung sucked your clit softly, making you throw your head back slightly.
"You like that?" Doyoung did it again, smirking to himself when you scrunch your brows.
"Yeah," you sigh, nodding. Doyoung continues to eat you out, your hands tangling in his hair as he licks at you feverishly. His tongue flicked your clit fast, making you tug his hair a bit. "If you do that I'll cum fast," you moaned softly.
He chuckled softly, sucking your clit harshly right after.
"D-Doyoung oh my god," you whimpered, legs starting to come together. He swiftly pushed them apart, allowing you to tug his face closer to your core. Doyoung watched you with a hazy expression as you grinded on his face, hands gripping your thighs. He flattened his tongue against you, letting you grind your core. Your arousal was all over his mouth, his nose constantly nudging your clit every time you moved. Even in the dark in his office he could still see the look of absolute pleasure on your face, taking in the desperation to cum in your eyes and the way your hand trembled on the back of his head.
"I'm so close Doie," you whined softly, making the man below your chuckle softly.
You paused, looking down at him with sudden alertness. "I'm sorry, if you don't like it, I-"
"No, I love it." He attached his mouth back to your core, sucking and licking at you. "I love it so fucking much."
You threw your head back, brows scrunching as the pleasure continued to build in your stomach. Your moans built higher in pitch, noises so loud the janitors on the floor below could probably hear you. Doyoung moans on your core, the vibrations on your clit driving you mad.
"Cum babygirl, cum for me."
You let go, cumming on his tongue, his lips, his face. Doyoung didn't let up though, still licking up all your release as your legs shook, trying to clamp around his head from the over stimulation. You whined loudly, the feeling of his nose nudging against your sensitive clit making you tear up. After a couple more seconds of overstimulation, Doyoung stopped, looking up at you with the most fucked out expression you've ever seen from anyone.
"Fuck," you laughed softly, "we can add head to list of things I like about you."
"Trust me I can do a lot more than just that." He rose to his feet, immediately pulling you closer to him in a heated kiss. You moaned softly, tasting yourself on his lips and tongue.
"Yeah?" You smiled against his lips, adding tongue into the kiss as you cupped his face softly. You gasp softly as you part your lips from his, looking down at his hand that was now between your legs, fingers rubbing your clit slowly.
"God you're so cute," he chuckled softly. "Cute face, cute tits, cute moans, cute pussy." His deep voice rang through your ears, adding pleasure already soaring through your body. Doyoung kissed your neck, nipping at the skin playfully as he sped up his fingers. He pulled your breast out of the fabric of your bra, enjoying the way you hid your face in his neck at your exposed state. "I'm gonna fuck this cute pussy. How does that sound?"
"Please fuck me," you whined breathlessly, brows furrowing as his mouth attached to your nipple. "I need you so bad, Doie."
Doyoung lifted himself off your body, watching you waste no time in trying to undo his belt. Your fingers fumbled, nails getting in the way of getting it off easily. Doyoung smiled to himself as you struggled, tears pricking the corners of your eyes in frustration. "Calm down, I'm not going anywhere, pretty girl," he said soothingly. He gently removed your hands from his belt, undoing it himself.
Your mouth watered, gulping as you watched him unzip his pants. Doyoung loved watching your reactions, purposely taking his time in front of your impatient disposition. He slowly pulled himself out his pants and boxers, his tip leaking precum as it hit his navel.
You jumped off the desk, running your hands down his chest as you kissed him deeply, biting his lip softly. "Need you to fuck me real good Mr. Kim," you mumbled against his lips.
"Bend over." You did as he said, holding your body up with your arms. You looked so cute to him, checking behind yourself to see when he was going to stretch you wide. You shook your hips, whining softly to him.
"Hurry," you whined. "Need you to fill me so bad."
He chuckled darkly, not bothering to grab a condom out of his wallet before he lined himself at your entrance. He rubbed his leaking tip against your clit, making you moan softly. "fuck."
"You're so wet Y/N," he muttered, marveling at the state between your legs.
"All for you." You wiggled your hips trying to create more friction, but Doyoung took the extra step of lining himself with your core. Doyoung pushed himself into you slowly with a low groan. You were almost immediately overtaken by pleasure, eyes rolling back at the feeling of him stretching you out. He thrusted into you slowly, holding your hips with a tight grip on them.
"You feel so good, shit." He kept thrusting in you, your soft moans and whimpers permeating the air around you. You hadn't even realized that you were bouncing back onto him at the same time until he stopped, wrapping a hand around your neck as he whispered in your ear. "Keep fucking yourself on my cock princess. You're doing such a good job, making your boss happy."
"Y-yes Doie, i'll make you happy," you said in a choked moan as he squeezed your neck.
"Good girl," he murmured. He let go of your neck, looking down to watch you desperately move against him. He smacked your ass firmly as you started going faster, making you halt your movements. "Did I tell you to go faster?"
"N-no," you whined softly.
He grabbed your hair, pulling it as he started fucking you slow. Deep slow strokes made you whine loudly, cunt fluttering around him. You needed to cum, you wanted to cum so badly. You need him to fuck you hard and fast, but the painfully slow pace he had going was driving you insane.
"Faster Doyoung. Please," you cried out, but all he did was let out a deep laugh.
"Pretty little thing," he mumbled. Doyoung began thrusting in you hard and fast, making your jaw drop in pleasure as you arched your back to feel him more. "You like having a older man's cock in you?"
"Yes yes, I love it Doie," you whimpered weakly. Suddenly he pulled out of you m, leaving you with the feeling of emptiness, but not for long. He turned you around, manhandling you as he lifted you by your hips, placing you on the desk. Doyoung forced you legs open, pushing himself back into you without warning.
"Fuck," he groaned through gritted teeth. Doyoung watched you, scanning your body as you laid on the desk. He lifted your legs, pushing them to your chest as he fucked you at the same pace as before. He loved the faces and noises you made, couldnt take his eyes off you. The both of you never thought you would have this much chemistry, but everything feels perfect. Doyoung is fucking you like he's been doing it for years already, your body melting into his perfectly.
You reached down, rubbing your clit to reach your high. "Keep touching yourself, just like that baby," he groaned. The grip he has on your legs got tighter as he kept going, feeling himself closer and closer to cumming.
"I'm gonna cum Doyoung," you panted, rubbing you clit harder.
Doyoung's brows furrowed at the sensation of you squeezing around him, moaning softly. "Cum baby, cum for me. Cum all over my cock." His words were jumbled, slurred from all the pleasure he was taking. Doyoung moaned loudly, the feeling of you squeezing and cumming on his cock shooting through his body. Your body tensed beneath his, legs shaking as you whimpered his name over and over while cumming hard. Your lips were suddenly captured with his as he leaned down kissing your messily.
"I'm gonna cum Y/N, shit," he said on your mouth. Doyoung kept thrusting in you, making your eyes roll back form the sensitivity.
"Oh my god," you cried. Doyoung's movements became more erratic as he came closer and closer. Soon enough, doyoung was pulling out of you, cumming on your stomach, some ropes of white shooting to your chest.
Nothing but the sounds of deep breathes filled the air, the smell of sex all over the room. Your eyes were closed, so you didn't see Doyoung looking at you as if he saw an angel. He let go of your legs, wrapping an arm around the small of your back as he weakly lifted you into a seated position.
"That was…"
"Something," he finished with a small laugh. You looked at him, giving him a small smile as you sat trying to catch your breath.
"It's pretty late now I bet," he said, brushing his damp bangs back. Doyoung looked at you, then at your very naked state, covered in his cum. "Fuck, I'm sorry."
You didn't say anything, just looked at him with a tired smile. "Thank you for not cumming inside me at least."
"Why? You don't want my kid," he joked, grabbing tissues off his shelf. Doyoung handed you some tissues, letting you clean your self off as he fixed himself up.
"I'm 24. I'm not ready for kids," you laughed. You paused, looking at him through your lashes as he fastened his belt. "But I am ready for a relationship."
He smiled picking up his shirt from the floor. "Yeah?"
"Mhm," you answered.
"Well…that can be arranged," he said, fingers fumbling with his buttons. You moved his hands, looking at him as you buttoned his shirt, smirk tugging at your lips. "But are you serious about this? You're young, and I don't want you to feel obligated because you work for me."
"I don't feel obligated at all," you said calmly, carefully getting off the desk, your heels clicking with the floor. "I always liked you, and it obvious you liked me too."
He leaned against the floor to ceiling window crossing his arms as he watched you dress. Your small glances were making his heart race, something that hasn't happened since he was a teenager. He walked up to you, grabbing your hips as he kissed you deep, biting your lip softly.
"How do you usually get homw," he asked as he pulled away.
"An Uber."
"I'm I'm taking you home tonight okay," he said, making you nod. "Is that okay with you?"
"Anything you do is okay with me." Doyoung kissed your forehead, smiling to himself.
He never thought of himself as much as a lover, but maybe you'll pull it out of him. And he would love to see you try. All the years of trying to keep personal life and work separate gone to waste, but was it worth it? Hopefully, yes.
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softsan · 4 months
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key: fluff 🤍 , angst 🖇️ , suggestive 🍶 , smut 🥛 , adult themes 🍚 , coming soon 📨 , in progress 🎧 , completed 📑 , requests 📁 .
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✉️ ・ 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓 ・ ᝰ
˚ ☁️ ⊹ alphabet boy. — lee taeyong 10k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 📨 , single dad au, ceo au synopsis - after a nasty breakup with your ex-boyfriend, you return back to the city you once called home. not quite ready to face your parent’s disapproval, you beg your brother jaehyun to keep the secret of your return and help you out by securing you a job. what you hadn’t foreseen to come was the all-consuming relationship that would form with your new boss taeyong… what more trouble could you possibly find yourself into? - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ champagne problems. — lee taeyong 10k ; 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , gangster au synopsis - the night was young, your parents were merry. this engagement would prove fruitful for you family, only furthering their fortunes. however, the infamous gangster taeyong has other plans. can you resist  taeyong’s deadly allure? or will you fall helplessly for the for the enemy you should avoid? - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ twist of a pen. — lee taeyong 10k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 📨 , fantasy au synopsis - you were a novice scriptwriter who had just received your big break joining the writing team for the upcoming miniseries starring some of hollywood’s finest. taeyong was the heartthrob lead, cold and distant to everyone on set. one rainy evening, whilst writing, you accidentally fall asleep and find yourself transported to an alternative reality where you are the princess of the script you were writing, and taeyong is the villain that tries to kill you. - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ noir. — kim doyoung 10k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , 1950′s setting, gangster au synopsis - you were a daunting figure, a true-born witch of the lunar coven. doyoung was a formidable foe, a gangster from the city east. both of you worked in societies’ shadows to expand your own personal objectives. however, it appears fate has entwined your paths together in more ways than one. What happens when you pair an impulsive witch with a ruthless gangster? chaos. - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ you're undeniable, love. — kim doyoung 10k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , medieval setting, fantasy au synopsis - you had promised the elders to keep a low profile. to do what you must to sell yourself as an ordinary being. once disguised as a maid, your lady who was betrothed to the merciless prince doyoung flees before her wedding ceremony, leaving her father with the impossible choice of finding a replacement to pose as his daughter in order not to offend the warring states. his replacement, most unfortunately, is you. however, will you survive alongside the lies, deceit and a husband the world has branded as a monster?  - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ mortem. — jung jaehyun 10k ; 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚, demon au synopsis - you were a struggling dropout who took a side job as a waitress at a maid café. not only were you financially supporting your high school sweetheart through law school, but you were also responsible for taking care of his elderly grandmother. despite your dedication to your boyfriend, he commits the ultimate betrayal, selling your soul to the underworld. desperate for your survival, you make an impossible choice…becoming a servant of a bloodthirsty demon, jaehyun. . - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ be my valentine. — mark lee 3.2k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 📑 , 1980's setting, best friend au synopsis - you’ve had a crush on your neighbour mark since you were a kid. one fateful valentines day dance you decide to confess your love. unfortunately, things go horribly wrong as a slew of misunderstandings occur. - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ hold me tight. — lee donghyuk 10k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 📨 , soulmate au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ sugar cookie. — lee jeno 10k ; 🤍 , 🥛 , 📨 , slice of life, cafe au synopsis - life can be challenging. one of your daily challenges was trying to study in your brother’s cafe, in the presence of the cute barista boy, jeno. you knew you really should have gone elsewhere—you concentration fading by the second, but oh you couldn’t will yourself to leave, not after he flashed that smile of his in your direction. - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ so called love. — na jaemin 10k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 📨 , soulmate au synopsis - . - read here.
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✉️ ・ 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ・ ᝰ
˚ 🌨️ ⊹ mafia au. — nct 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 🎧 , mafia au synopsis - dive into the dark, devious, devilish mafia universe. where one rejoices in deadly past times, and indulges in all sorts of sin. - read here.
˚ 🌨️ ⊹ werewolf au. — nct 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 🎧 , werewolf au synopsis - howl alongside the werewolf universe. come across the likes of moon beast, wolf bites, and other wicked and wild things. - read here.
˚ 🌨️ ⊹ hybrid au. — nct 127 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍚 , 🎧 , hybrid au synopsis - embrace the hybrid universe. overcome the greatest of differences and the hardest of challeges, for a reward most precious. - read here.
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˚ 🌩️ ⊹ taeyong. [5:43 am] [1:58 pm] [4:09 pm] [5:26 pm] [10:58 pm] [11:56 pm] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ taeil. [3:54 pm] [6:35 pm] [9:15 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ johnny. [7:43 am] [2:26 pm] [3:43 pm] [5:38 pm] [8:23 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ yuta. [7:45 am] [8:55 am] [4:45 pm] [5:47 pm] [6:45 pm] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ kun. [4:56 pm] [6:12 pm] [8:45 pm] [11:04 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ doyoung. [10:12 am] [3:14 am] [8:36 pm] [9:06 pm] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ ten. [12:31 am] [6:13 pm] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ jaehyun. [3:12 am] [4:51 am] [8:56 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ winwin. [5:48 am] [11:03 am] [1:39 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ jungwoo. [7:07 am] [7:43 am] [7:45 am] [5:28 pm] [7:21 pm] [11:58 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ mark. [8:12 am] [6:59 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ xiaojun. [6:02 am] [10:17 am] [4:43 pm] [5:34 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ hendery. [6:42 am] [8:54 am] [2:30 am] [6:08 am]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ renjun. [12:03 am] [10:01 am] [3:25 pm] [6:02 pm] [11:54 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ jeno. [12:25 am] [10:12 am] [4:09 pm] [4:43 pm] [5:43 pm] [9:47 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ haechan. [11:15 am] [3:01 pm] [5:56 pm] [11:39 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ jaemin. [12:20 am] [1:06 am] [8:45 am] [11:03 am] [4:58 pm] [6:14 pm] [7:34 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ yangyang. [2:32 am] [7:45 am] [9:18 am] [2:58 pm] [10:56 pm] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ chenle.
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ jisung.
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© softsan - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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renjunslvr · 1 year
perv nct 127 to you as the 10th member?
hi! of course i can do this!
Warnings: perv!nct 127, exhibitionism, somnophilia, oral, panty stealing, creampie, manipulation, humiliation/degradation.
Taeil is always watching you silently, so silent that you never notice. This is how he has grown his pretty little collection of videos and pictures from you changing, masturbating, and plenty more.
Johnny isn't like Taeil in the sense of being silent, in fact, he always voices his thoughts to you. Constantly embarrassing you with how he talks as if you are just an object.
Taeyong loves to run his hand up your skirt briefly whenever you guys pass each other on stage. Your reactions are just too cute for him not to do it. Sometimes he even sneaks a peak at what color your panties are.
Yuta is the most bold member. He has gone as far as to finger you during an important meeting with the CEO himself. He made you answer questions as well, your voice coming out in squeaks that day.
Doyoung loves how easily he can manipulate you in everything, he has even started manipulating what you can and can't do. Eventually manipulating his way into your bed.
Jaehyun and Jungwoo:
Jaehyun and Jungwoo love to tag team, and humiliate you every chance they get. "Look who is here, Woo.", "Oh its our little slut, Jae." They absolutely love messing with you because of how you react.
Mark prefers to work when you are asleep. Slowly going into your room. He looks over your peaceful body, and carefully touches you. You always know Mark has been there, when you wake up in the morning full of his cum.
You keep losing your panties? Oh no :(, Haechan has no idea where they could be. That is until you are walking away, as he puts his hand in his pocket, feeling the fabric of your baby blue thong.
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starryhyuck · 1 month
under his desk. (m) — PREVIEW
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pairing: ceo!johnny x afab!reader
words: 7.4k+
summary: you discover your new boss has a secret hidden up his sleeve.
genre: smut, fluff
warnings: talks of violence, reader is jaehyun’s sister, rough sex, slight breeding kink, sir kink, public sex, creampies, multiple orgasms, hair pulling, mentions of throat fucking
release date: august 23, 2024
this fic is already released for early access to the $5 tier on my patreon, which you can access here!
“How are you holding up, champ?”
You laugh when Doyoung approaches your desk, twirling a pen in his fingers. He’s made it a habit to check up on you every now and then. Another tidbit you learned when you began working here is that most people did not envy you for your position as Johnny’s assistant. If anything, they pitied you. Doyoung told you bets had been made around the office for when you would quit, to which you replied, “He’s not that bad.”
Doyoung chuckled and said, “Give it a few more weeks.”
Ever since then, he’s been spying on you for the rest of the employees, trying to see when your resolve would crumble.
“I’m still here, Doyoung,” you reply to his question, raising an eyebrow.
He grins. “That you are. Still having a hard time reading him?”
“Who doesn’t?”
He snickers. “Well, if it lifts your spirits at all, we’re heading out for drinks this weekend to take the edge off. Come and join us.”
You normally decline such an invitation as your weekends are reserved for catching up on some much needed rest. However, now that you’ve gotten a solid grasp on Johnny’s workload, you feel like a night of alcohol is exactly what you crave to wind down.
“You know what, I’ll be there.”
His grin stretches wider, and he’s about to speak again before another voice startles you.
“Mr. Kim, what are you doing?” Johnny’s stern voice asks, standing in the doorway of his office. He scrutinizes the both of you and your shoulders tense.
Doyoung scrambles. “M-Mr. Suh! I was just speaking with-“
“I can see that,” he cuts off Doyoung. Johnny narrows his eyes. “Is there a reason you’ve decided to interrupt my assistant’s work for mindless fodder about after-work events?”
“It’s best if you return to your desk now, hm?”
Doyoung nods frantically, tail tucked between his legs as he nearly sprints out of the room. Johnny turns his attention to you, lips flattened in a straight line.
“I expect you not to waste time by flirting with other members of the work staff.”
Before you can protest, he’s walking back into his office, slamming the door behind him. You slouch in your chair, scoffing at his behavior.
What was his problem?
want to read the rest of this fic now? access the $5 tier on my patreon here!
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jwirecs · 1 year
hello, hello! here are my arranged marriage au - nct recs! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers💝
requested by anon (i literally went through 44 pages of my svt tag and i dont think i’ve read any skz arranged marriage aus, so for now, its just nct..)
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Before I Go || @yutaholic​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (doyoung x reader)
↳ The day has come for you to marry Doyoung and life as a princess is not what you expected. Your new husband is distant and there is trouble stirring within the monarchy. Now more than ever, you are determined to kindle a romance with the prince, but you soon learn that your marriage will be put to the test in ways you could never have imagined.
Binding Bonds || @jaedore​🔞💕💔✅ (jaehyun x reader)
↳ Being the daughter of a top fashion brand, an arranged marriage isn’t what you’d expect coming out of your mother’s mouth. Especially when she says that it’s with Jung Jaehyun, the son of the CEO who owns one of the biggest trading companies. Of course he’s a heartthrob, a ladies’ man, and prince in the media, but in reality, he’s a royal pain in the ass. Your patience, emotions, and sanity is tested when you’re forced to share a life together. Will it crumble to the ground of the empire you’ve build or will there be a change of heart?
Coming Home || @cupofjae​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (yuta x reader, smau)
↳ an arranged marriage between two of the most powerful families drives a son away from the only home he has ever known. however, two long years past in success until his past comes knocking on his door, literally.
Lucky Number Seven || @paintmebare​🔞💔✅💯💯💯 (johnny x reader)
↳ When your less than lovely cousin makes a jab at you, you finally snap and tell her that you're dating her ex-boyfriend (even though you haven't spoken since high school). Johnny agrees to play the role of your boyfriend, though the longer you pretend to be in love, the more you realize you might actually be crushing on him.
MOON RIVER || @ppangjae​​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (jaehyun x reader)
↳ Your mother warned you of many boys. She’s warned you of the immature ones, the players, and even the fools and cowards. But man, she has never warned you of guys like Jeong Jaehyun, the President’s son, who seems to be falling in love with you with every passing day even though he’s already engaged to someone he’s been set up to marry.
***Seeds of Pomegranates || @/anashins​​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (jaehyun x reader)
↳ (this was also included in my feb-march nct fic recs, so please do head over to that post! this isnt under the arranged marriage type of au, but it gives off the vibes of it to me!)
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Anon Request || @alluringjae​🔞💔✅ (jeno x reader)
↳ Anon: “ hi dear for the birth months special can you do this as angsty as you can. angst “ you weren’t there...why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you! And you weren’t there!” and “All I wanted was a happy ending.” + prompt ‘As you begin to fall asleep, you feel a gentle kiss pressed to your temple and a blanket draped over you’ THANKYOUUU
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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what-if-nct · 1 year
NCT Members who are Ken and Who are Allan
Johnny: Ken, perhaps the most Ken of them All.
Taeyong: Allan, 100% on the front line for all Barbies.
Yuta: Ken, no explanation needed.
Doyoung: Allan, he would not survive a day in the mojo dojo casa house.
Kun: Allan, he would fight construction workers to escape the hell of what Ken created.
Ten: Ken, but Earring Magic Ken.
Jaehyun: Ken, second most Ken of them all.
Winwin: Allan, he would have left the moment Ken walked back into Barbieland with his nonsense.
Jungwoo: Ken, pre patriarchy Ken. Just a sweet silly himbo.
Mark: He wants to be Ken but deep down is Allan.
Xiaojun: Allan, he just wants to be Midge's house husband and live in peace.
Hendery: Weird Barbie
Renjun: Allan, he'd burn "Ken" land to the ground.
Jeno: Ken, when Ken was flexing, that is all.
Haechan: He's a Bratz doll.
Jaemin: Allan, he'd wear that pink jumpsuit to save the Barbies in a heartbeat.
Yangyang: Ken, dear goodness he's Ken.
Chenle: The CEO of Mattel.
Jisung: Allan, he too would be overwhelmed by the disaster Ken created.
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