#centaurworld Fan Herd
daisyscottage · 1 year
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a snailtaur character I’ve been working on 📻🌻🫰
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Edit: her name is Susie now!! Here’s her character sheet for @misfauxpas’s centaurs and feelings ttrpg!!!
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squirrilous · 2 years
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redandfranticfeelings · 6 months
i feel like centaurworld fans often miss the point of the show by pointing to the nowhere king as the main evidence of the show being "edgy" and "mature" or thinking the show should focus more on the serious fantasy aspects, when (IMO) a major theme of the show is that characters who seem silly and carefree on the surface without any "real problems" can also have complex lives and trauma and it's important to empathize with them instead of assuming they can't possibly understand Real Pain or be strong on their own
like the contrast between centaurworld and horse's world is baked into the show's themes, the whole reason the nowhere king exists is because of the mistaken in-universe assumption that centaurs are all childish fools, it's so wild to see people only praise the nowhere king as complex and ignore things like wammawink's compulsive need to take care of her herd due to losing hers as a child, or the goddamn suicide allegory episode.
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tangledinink · 1 year
what's your centaurworld opinions?
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spoilers below if you care.
I'm so torn on that show, because there are parts where I think it's beautiful and compelling and visually stunning, but there are also parts where I'm just... so disappointed in it? Like, I commend it for being out there and taking risks and trying to be different, but like...
You know the opening scene in the very first episode? Before Horse ends up in Centaurworld? And we get the whole Rider's Lullaby Thing before Horse and Rider get seperated? After that I was immediately, like... so disappointed. Because right off the bat I was like! Well... I don't care about this world or this story, quite frankly, I care about that world that we saw before! about Horse's world! About her and Rider! And, like, yes, I know the plot is about "oh this is how Horse gets back to her world and gets back to Rider," but, like, at least for me, none of the Centaurworld characters really won me over, esp not at first. I didn't give a shit about them or their world! So they were really just... in the way. They were obstacles standing in between me and getting to see more of Horse and Rider's story, and that's, like, idk, maybe not what you want? For your main cast?
That's not to say that I hated it, because I didn't hate the first season! There were episodes and moments that I enjoyed, and I liked most of the music, as well, but I really wasn't a fan of the second season at all.
I HATED the birdtaur episode. Like! I HATED the whole gimmick where they treated Horse and her Herd as a 'TV show' and the main cast were all annoyed at them for 'treating their lives live entertainment' and judging Horse's decision to split up with Rider as like? A kind of subtle jab at criticisms from fans because it... it doesn't work!? Like, in the show, Horse's main defense against the Birdtaurs saying that the ending of season 1 wasn't good and 'felt empty' since they did all this build-up to reunite with Rider only to immediately leave her again was "well this is my real life!!!"
Okay, but, like... it's still a TV show. If the Birdtaurs are a stand-in for real Centaurworld fans, then Horse's defense... doesn't work at all? Because it's not her real life. It's a make-believe TV show. That you seemingly have no actual defense for. (Because it's... it's valid criticism, actually...) Also just in general making fun of your own fans is, like... stupid, I think.
I also feel like season 2 totally assassinated Wammawink's character? I liked her in season 1! She was overbearing and protective and a bit much sometimes, but one of her main character traits is that she loves her herd and is their caretaker, and she wants to ensure they're safe and protected at all times... in season 2 she just? Doesn't seem to care about them at all? She spends the entire second season just being so self-absorbed and catty the entire time, and it makes no sense.
I didn't like Durpleton, Glendale, or Ched at all, they were all just... too annoying for me to enjoy.
I'm still fucking mad that literally ALL the main cast got at least some kind of backstory/side-story type thing... except Zulius, for some reason? Despite being a fan-favorite (and my personal fav because I mean. Come ON. He's just fun.)
I understand it's a kid's show and they're gonna have silly moments and jokes and comic relief, etc etc etc, okay, sure, there will be fart jokes, fine, not my taste but it's fine it wasn't made for me, whatever. But it often felt like... the show wasn't allowed to breathe? There was no point where it truly took itself seriously. There always had to be some dumb heeheehaha fart joke shoehorned in. Which is, like, fine, if you wanna be a fart joke show, that's fine! It's just that Centaurworld also tries to be an edgy drama at the same time, and it just... I don't think it pulls off being both. Comedy and drama can definitely exist at the same time but! There are times when you have to allow the show to be one or another! Is this a dramatic character moment? Just be a dramatic character moment! It often felt like Centaurworld truly was not capable of even having a single scene with some 'bad-dum-ts' fart joke moment in it, which made it very hard for me to? Take any of it seriously or enjoy it.
Also, I hated the Nowhere King's story. I thought he was so dumb and uncompelling. I know he's the bad guy and you're not supposed to LIKE him but like? When they told us the backstory I think they expected us to, you know, feel SORRY for him? And I didn't! At all! I found no part of his story to be sympathetic. That guy was just a fucking idiot the whole way through, just repeatedly shooting himself in the foot by being this self-important "I'm not like other centaurs" dude while at the same time being all "woe is me this girl will never like me since I'm a centaur so I won't even ATTEMPT to get to know her at all, I'm gonna jump straight to crimes against nature and deceiving her." I thought that guy was stupid and I did not care about him.
ALSO? HOW THE FUCK DOES THE PORTAL KEY WORK? Like??? It makes NO sense to me??? Like, sure, apparently, it keeps the Rift open to connect the two worlds or whatever, I guess, but then it also like, just... does other magick? It can just??? Separate centaurs, for some fucking reason? Which I don't understand? Is that just what the key does? Open the rift AND de-centaur people? Or is it just a generic magick item that can do anything? But then also the Nowhere King could make minotaurs... without the key??? It makes no fucking sense to me and I think it's dumb.
... I like the songs, though, and the animation is really pretty. Also I thought the ending was dumb lol.
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misfauxpas · 1 year
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I've been working on new ref sheets for my fan herd - just in time for Art Fight - so here's the first of the bunch!
Blackberry 7130g (she/her) is the reluctant leader of the Knockoff Herd.
Before her herd came together, Blackberry spent decade after decade in self-induced isolation. Indirectly experiencing the war as a young taur, she found safety in solitude as well as a sort of protection. So long as she had no one to lose, she could never experience loss, and so she stubbornly refused to form connections as she watched her world die all around her, as she survived. She passed the time in prolonged, depressive hibernation and by gaming: making use of ancient but incredibly advanced Centaurworld technology.
Eventually, however, she was driven from her wooded home when the same taurs who'd for generations shunned her suddenly became unusually welcoming, and she was abruptly made aware of the reunification of the worlds by Flim-Flam's sudden and unexplained appearance in her cave. Though she seeks only to be left alone, she seems to have a bad habit of picking up strays who - much to her chagrin - have begun to crack her carefully curated, hard outer shell.
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maryplumedelespace · 1 year
would you be interested in joining a Centaurworld Discord server? there's a general fandom server and a Centaurworld art club - and it'd be awesome to have you in either! your fan herd's so cool (I can message you invites if so)
Oh .... I accept with joy! 😊✨
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candysharkart · 3 years
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besties i drew for height comparison on that other thing i just posted (cuz they cover the human/ctaur/animal spectrum???) cept i didnt actually think about where they would fit so they didnt BUT i think they are cute anyway
u can still have the comparison tho
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franki-lew-yo · 3 years
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No AUs, just Mystery Woman Princess
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Guess this is the best place to make my resource into my headcanons that contribute to both my AUs and the series proper regarding these two crazy kids.
Headcanons on Notwhere King:
His name is Minos. Credit to someone on tumblr who came up with that cuz wow I think that’s a cool name for him, considering.
He’s lying when he says he hasn’t spent much time on the other side. He’s always been kinda spindly and serious but his anime-hair and look def come from the human world.
According to several girls from his childhood herd he’s really bad at recognizing when someone’s crushing on him. He’s equally bad at handling his own feelings for the girls he’s liked because they’ve never liked him.
Not a “Rut Bro”: the cervitaur equivalent of frat boys who throw their weight around being dicks to everyone and treat women like objects.
Always a foodie. Not quite as slobbish as mystery woman but def a fan of food (when we’re introduced to him he’s talking with his coworkers about cheese).
His mother Priony liked to treat herself and him for medical problems they didn’t have.
Unlike real life deer, Cervitaur fathers are paternal and have relationships with their kids. Minos’ father was not- he hit it and quit it. Lucky for Minos, his dad is currently serving a life sentence in the moletaur jail. Prolly has no idea his son split himself into two people, married royalty, rotted in jail, and then became an abomination.
Headcanons on Mysterious Woman:
Her name is Zuut. Yes I know most of the humans we’ve met so far have pretty ordinary names - she’s an exception. I really just want her to have a less-than-ordinary name, ok?
She was a squirrely, wild kid who loved to visit centaurworld with her father. As she grew she was expected to grow out of ‘silly’, childish things and move on from centaurworld. In actuality she just grew more sophisticated and feminine, she never stopped loving centaurworld.
She wanted to be a centaurworld shaman.
She’s an artist, though she’s much better at landscapes then portraits. She uses everything she can on her murals from rock to graphite to paint. She carved the mural above her throne in her castle as a symbol of hope to unite the realms of humanworld and centaurworld. She threw in the antlerless deertaur holding the human woman’s hand as a means to remember a friend she once had, though her husband at the time (the General) was not crazy about her doing that.
Trees, insects, rocks, fruit and worms can talk and think for themselves in centaurworld, but they’re considered a different order of creatures than the animaltaurs. Still, it’s pretty taboo to blatantly abuse them or mistake plant and fruitaurs for non-sentient plants and veggies…Mysterious Woman cares not for their safety in a way that disturbs Beartaur.
Zuut’s known the Beartaur since he was a cub. She was studying/trying to become a shaman in centaurworld and beartaur’s mother happily let her stay in their cave. He’s always been a snobby jerk but the two bond over his love for the humanworld.
Her month to month payment to Beartaur is literally just supplies so he can keep making his miniatures as well as any knowledge she has of how humans look and act.
Her regalness is as a part of her as her slobishness. She has a really loud, obnoxious laugh and snore, and bad eating habits. Her time as a nomad in centaurworld escalated these features and she’s become a pragmatist hunter-gatherer. Beartaur thought living with one of those was gonna be awesome and then she started living there and he was never happy again.
Zuut likes herself a centaurman. They don’t wear shirts or pants. She’s dated a lot of centaurs in private.
The antelopetaur she’s seen with when she first meets the Notwhere King is a childhood friend of hers (as seen in the pic of them as children) along with her brother, who’s a jackalopetaur. Don’t know their names yet though I do know Zuut liked to go to them for contraband.
Her haircolor came from direct contact with centaurworld when she was a child. She’s pretty upset to not have any other changes affect her since then.
Her father’s kingdom is actually pretty tiny compared to the rest of humanworld, but as it’s the closest to the Rift, other kingdoms are desperate to get close to it and marry into her family.
Humanworld has some laws against humans (especially women) using magic as they see it as heresy against their order. The boomers of her generation tend to regard her as a ‘witch’, where those closest to her in age think of her as a freedom fighter. All this would change if they knew just how much magic she really knew.
Her dad loved his daughter’s ingenuity, not so much her interests, and was eager to see her married off to a refutable man as he had failing health.
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canmom · 3 years
Are you still watching Centaur World? Looking forward to anything you have to say re: Season 2 and the ending.
Ahaha, writing something about this was something I had planned, once I'd finished talking about Houseki no Kuni. But since you've asked~
So, on rewatch, Season 1 of Centaurworld held up very well. It maintained a good balance of humour and pacing, the characters were appealing, and the driving character arc was compelling. I definitely want to say more on that in a minute, but let me comment on Season 2!
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Centaurworld is kind of structured like a joke: you have setup, and then payoff. In this case, the payoff is a grand finale featuring reprises of the ideas set up earlier in the story and resolving its major emotional arcs (namely: Horse learning to chill out and connect to her new friends, reuniting Horse and Rider, and Wammawink learning to let go). This setup-payoff structure produces some of the best moments, such as the unexpected reprise of Comfortable Doug with a solo in the S1 finale; it's generally a good basis to build a story around.
Unfortunately this really put themselves in a tough place at the outset of season 2, having fired most of those guns and thus lost most of the narrative momentum. They had some exposition to handle, such as establishing the character of the General and the nature of the Minotaurs as chimeras (which would be thematically important) before we could deliver the big Nowhere King backstory to the finale - an understandable decision given the actual impact of dropping it all as essentially one big 90 minute Disney musical, but with much of Horse's arc already resolved, it left little ground to cover in the first few episodes so it kind of felt like spinning wheels for a bit, even if it was setting up the same payoffs for the finale.
It's just tough for 'imposter syndrome/performance anxiety/did I make the right choice' to live up to 'I must get back to my wife rider in whom I've staked my entire emotional existence in life thus far/will I be too changed for her to recognise me'.
There's also an unfortunate tendency to take a good joke that was evidently popular in the first season and try to spin a lot more out of it; Comfortable Doug's many appearances in Season 2 had the feeling of that time My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic made a whole joke about the fan favourite drawing error 'Derpy Hooves' (disablism aside) - it just felt strained, rather than novel. OK, maybe that’s a bit harsh - Comfortable Doug was like, actually a significant character already! - but it felt like ‘ok here is more of that guy you like so much’.
All the same, after a couple of episodes to ease back in, it hit its stride around Holes Part 3, with the theme being fleshing out the rest of the Herd (who were for s1 almost entirely joke characters) and seeing Horse go through a crisis of confidence.
Honestly? Although Becky Apples was kind of funny, I think there would have been potential if they had put Horse back on the other side of the rift and developed her relationship with Rider onscreen.
There's still a lot to like, and once they actually spelled out what the Nowhere King's deal was, he actually made plenty of thematic sense as a villain. The main problem is perhaps that, by saving it all to the end, we basically have no understanding of what the main conflict is and just see him as 'generic bad guy' until the finale. It's a shame because, conceptually, it's actually a really good use of the 'world of centaurs' concept; an attempt to take a part of oneself and suppress it for the sake of respectability all being portrayed as something horribly misguided and traumatic is... juicy!
I think they made the best of it. It's an impressively ambitious project - the sheer number of songs far exceeds anything I've seen in TV animation - MLPFIM and SU could manage a song once every two or three episodes, whereas this can drop two or three every single episode, almost always with an impressively choreographed animated sequence. If I were more literate in musical theatre, I might be able to better recognise if they're riffing on existing musicals or just using certain familiar song structures. Regardless, it's compelling.
In terms of animation... there was some really strong work at many points. I noticed a very impressive bit of effects animation in the whaletaur episode in s1, and s2 had a couple of "oh, they really had fun there!" fight scenes. There's also a lot to be said for the sheer animation challenge of animating a cast of mostly quadrupeds constantly walking about and emoting. Wonder if anyone's put some up on sakugabooru? ...yeah! mmhm!
When I first watched this show, I was on a bit of an obsessive kick about solid drawing; at that point it felt like the greatest principle of animation was the kind of James Baxter/Toshiyuki Inoue/Mitsuo Iso/Hiroyuki Okiura/Shinya Ohira/etc. feeling of a convincing 3D object in space. Which is to neglect... basically all else in animation. Rewatching it I noticed a lot of the other good they're doing in terms of timing and making things feel bouncy and active; there's some very charming bits of stylisation, with Wammawink sometimes almost looking like a Jonni Phillips character. I'm ashamed I ever felt I could dismiss it as toonboom puppet animation.
I think the main thing that both bugs and interests me, is, well, the sorta faux-anime/disney look they use for the human world. Let me try and explain...
Here's the official turnaround of the main human character, Rider:
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And here's a closeup of her face:
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You can see that her head structure is very much of the anime template... but it's a kind of, slightly different mode of stylisation; elements like armour are reduced to sharp graphic shapes which can kind of feel like they're made of cardboard. The lines are very even, and much thicker than they would be in anime, with digital precision; there are also very few areas of higher detail to break up the large flat shapes. And, just, it really feels like nothing has any thickness to it! Basically she looks like she's drawn with vectors. And to me... that just doesn't quite work.
Faces are incredibly subtle, and what seems like a very minor tweak, like an increase in line weight, can completely change the impression of a face. The human characters here remind me of the designs of Infinity Train - there's nothing technically wrong with them, they have clear design language and are simple enough to be animated very nicely, but there's this curiously stiff quality. It's interesting as a sort of case study, because these designs are generally a lot more ambitious in terms of anatomical realism than most of what you see in Western TV animation at the moment, so it draws you to try and work out 'what's missing?'
That said, I do feel like the human designs in Season 2 tend to have a stronger identity to them.
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On the other hand, I really do like Horse's pre chibification design. The full design sheet is far too big and detailed to include here but it includes some fascinating instructions to the animators:
"A real horse could never hit this pose. Don't be afraid to completely break the anatomy at times."
"Her front legs can act more like arms. When this happens, gravity no longer affects her body like it normally would. No need to make her back legs support her full weight."
"She can hold objects magically. It should always look as ridiculous as possible."
This one on quadruped construction is also fascinating.
Horse's design appears to take quite a lot of the way Dreamworks would construct a horse in a movie like Spirit. (You can see the full collection of design sheets and concept art for Spirit here).
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In both designs, the model begins with two spheres, and there is a very clear indication of the plane changes around the bridge of the nose, which gives Horse's face a very strong recognisable structure as she moves around. I imagine it was quite a lot of work to keep animating it though.
Of course, the arc of season 1 sees Horse gradually transform from this kind of Disney/Dreamworks mode of stylisation to a much more simplified graphical design as in a modern TV cartoon.
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Visually, this basically removes all the hard right angles in Horse's original design and replaces them with rounded shapes with few clear boundaries. Thematically, this represents a character adapting to the values of Centaur World, i.e., chilling out, learning to communicate and respect their friends rather than fighting a war. Although Horse initially reacts with horror to her transformation, ultimately this is treated by the narrative as unequivocally good; after the finale, the same starts to happen to Rider; we only see the beginning but eventually she's gonna end up like this:
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This sense of design language is pretty pervasive. Notably when we see the past of Centaur World, its designs much more resemble the human characters; for example, a certain deertaur:
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This design has considerably more complex shapes and sharper angles compared to the current era of Centaurworld, and symbolically this represents that this is a troubled character (who will eventually become the villain).
My feelings about this very explicit design sensibility (many characters joke about how Horse now resembles two beach balls glued together) is... hmm. Of course, Centaur World is a parable - it signals that we shouldn't take its lore too seriously when it starts going out naming characters things like 'Horse' and 'Rider'. Formally, putting these two animation styles side by side and giving them alternate meanings is a compelling device. It naturally makes sense to add a visual layer to the metaphors in the story.
And yet, I miss the element in the first season where the cuteness was experienced as an imposition; the centaurs heavily implied to be burying themselves in their childlike antics to escape from the war, as a perhaps rather unhealthy thing to do. I feel like more could have been done to either develop ro trouble the implied associations - round/soft/cute/willfully ignorant vs. angled/hard/serious/joyless/unable to connect, maybe even look to find some synthesis instead of ultimately just upholding one pole of the presented dichotomy! Haha maybe that's asking a bit much though...
The other fascinating oddity about it is just how... blatantly they paint the Horse/Rider relationship as romantic. Like basically all the drama they get out of it in S2 is about that! All the narrative beats! I wonder what AO3's done with this...
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...fewer than I expected if I'm honest. Actually Nowhere King/Woman seems to be the most popular ship, followed by Splendib/Zulius (reasonable, even if they didn't exactly develop that one much outside of a 'this is happening, here's our ship name' joke). But for a show that spent an entire episode parodying fandom, it's really not got much out there at all. Maybe my expectations are rather uh, miscalibrated by MLPFIM's fandom lmao.
As a story about a war, it's of course not really about a war at all, and all military matters are treated in the vaguest terms, totally subordinate to the character arcs. 'The General' might as well be Dad for all the actual soldiering he does. That's fine though, because it's a story about interpersonal relationships and growth, and the war is just set dressing metaphor. (Rider pleading to do war crimes was funny though.)
Anyway, all in all, it's really got a lot going for it; whatever flaws I see in it I think are mere 'unrealised potential' than anything that really kills it, and I had a great time watching again. Very glad I gave it another go in a less miserable state of mind lmao.
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battlekidx2 · 3 years
My Thoughts on Centaurworld
Centaurworld is a show that’s pretty much impossible to describe to someone else. It contains such a wide variety of heavy themes and wildly different tones that any description wouldn’t really do the show justice. It can be colorful and quirky one moment and then be dark and tragic the next. One moment you completely understand why this is a Y7 show then the next you have no idea how it managed to get a rating below a PG rating. I will say for certain though that Centaurworld is a wacky, fun, and surprisingly heartfelt ride from start to finish. There’s so much to talk about and cover so I’ll just get right into it.
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With season 2 having just released I can talk about the series as a whole. I really enjoyed the whole thing but I will say I think the first season is overall stronger than the second. The first half of the second season meanders and doesn’t quite seem to know what it wants to do and as a result it makes it so that the second half is jam packed with all this progression, character development, and twists that I think would have been better served being spread out over the course of the season. One big thing is that the general should have gotten more screen time and his relationship with rider should have been expanded upon because of how important he is in the finale. Also Wammawink gets sidelined pretty hard in this season in comparison to her role in the first. They seemed to be setting Wammawink up for a much bigger role in the finale in the first season with her being revealed to be a shaman in training, have powerful magic and potential, and have a tragic backstory that makes her the perfect candidate of the characters from centaurworld to want to take the minotaurs down. It just seemed really strange that they would backtrack on Wammawink’s importance especially with how well received she has been.
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Pacing issues and Wammawink’s sidelining aside the final 4 episodes of season 2 were really good. They managed to fit a lot of backstory and world building alongside the main story without it feeling overcrowded which is a struggle for most shows to do. And while I think the character build-up between The Nowhere King, The General, and The Purple Haired Woman in the present timeline was lacking I still found their ending to be emotional especially the reprise of the nowhere king lullaby during his final moments.
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The characters are probably what is most likely to make or break the series for you. I had a lot of fun with the characters. The only one I wasn’t a big fan of was Durpleton because I wasn’t a fan of the humor that he was used for especially in the first season. I liked him more in the second when he became a father to Stabby and we learned his backstory. Everyone else I really liked with Wammawink and Zulius being my favorites. The reveal of Wammawink’s backstory was really well done. Horse seeing her home destroyed and thinking that she’s returned home only to see a baby Wammawink alone among the wreckage was devastating. That one reveal makes so much about Wammawink snap into place and you completely understand her character in just a few minutes. This along with her moment in the season 1 finale where she asks the purple haired woman to let her go back into the void with her friends really cemented Wammawink as a favorite of mine. Zulius is just pure fun and I love his larger than life energy while still being a team player and caring about his herd which is a welcome departure from his character archetype.
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Horse herself has a strong arc in season 1 and I was invested in her getting back to rider. I didn’t expect how far the show would go in exploring the pain and effects of losing a loved one. Episode 8 was a thinly disguised metaphor for depression and suicide that actually covered the topic with quite a lot of tact that I wasn’t expecting from the show because the marketing does not prepare you for the darker aspects of centaurworld at all. I like how Horse becoming more emotional and soft, both literally and metaphorically, is shown as horse growing and doesn’t make her a less capable warrior in the slightest.
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I had a lot of fun with this show and I really think that other people should give it a shot. I hope everyone else had as much fun as I did and I can’t wait to see what netflix and Megan Nicole Dong do next in animation. (Netflix is on a roll with its animated originals. They’ve had so many great animated shows release this year. Centaurworld, Arcane, Maya and the Three, Inside Job, etc. Netflix has become my go to for animated shows.)
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spiffyflypie · 3 years
i was so excited for centaurworld s2 but man the episode "all herd all the terd" is offputting... first of all its Way too early to be making a metacommentary about the shows fanbase
second its So antagonistic to just like, its own fans? it painted a fanartist at herdcon as being a total attention seeker. like wtf im sorry ur fans are.... drawing cute fanart?
thirdly they act like wammawink is unpopular. insanely inaccurate.
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daisyscottage · 4 months
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finally posting my jendolyn development doodles from earlier this month🙏🙏I’m putting together my herd slowly but surely!!
I’ll go into much more detail about things later, I just wanted to share this art! but if you have any questions about my au I’ll be more than happy to answer them<3
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squirrilous · 1 year
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nayialovecat · 3 years
Centaurworld! (SPOILERS)
We just finished watching Centaurworld Season 2. And - wow - my mind exploded.
I will collect my thoughts into several sub-points. ATTENTION, MANY SPOILERS!
Let's go!
- To my disappointment, this season has not produced any really cool songs. That's actually my only serious objection to him.
+ CentaursTM are terrible. I'm really glad that Horse remained a horse, not turned into a Horsetaur.
-But I'm disappointed she didn't turn into a pegasus, as the Teacup episode in season 1 suggested. Booo!
+ Birdaurs are even scarier. Seriously, the episode with them beat the analogous episode from MLP (you know, the one where Twilight published the journal). It even beat the episode with the theater in "Avatar: Legend of Aang"!
- Eggs... uuuuh... worse than miniatures from the hooves...
+/- A lot of fan service... Really, really big fan services... I don't know it's bad or good thing...
+ The flashback episode is officially my favourite. Heck, I finally liked Ched 'cause of it! I cried like a baby watching this episode, and I will cry whenever I watch it again.
+ Poor Nowhere King. I truly feel sorry for him - and I really hate his original form at the same time. What an asshole!
+ Zulus x Splendib = best ship AND canon now! Yeeee! :3
+ The relationship between Woman and Beartaur was weird - but I liked it. Their relationship was so awww...
- But I'm disappointed that a big guy like the Beartaur didn't run over there and defeat the entire army, really :/
- Rider dying scene is too long >.>
+ I love Stabby's name in Polish... Ranko (from the word "rana" which means "wound")
- In places, I was irritated by slightly embarrassing texts and I'm afraid that it is not a question of translation. On the other hand, the Polish dubbing is very sloppy sounding in places. Not fine, Polish dubbing guys :/
+ Glendale, my baby, was gorgeous every second she was on the screen <3
+ The same applies to my other two favourites, i.e. Waterbaby and Zulus - by the way, joining Zulus to the herd was a gorgeous XD
+ Someone noticed that Zulus is Batman? :3
+ I enjoyed expanding the world of Centaurs.
- But why so little of the human world? Only the two who attacked Rider...
- By the way, I have a mess with time in this show... how long did the Woman, General and Nowhere King live, if in the first season it was mentioned about centuries of war, and then suddenly it turns out that it is only a dozen, maybe several dozen years?
+ Was it only I who pointed out that in the memories of Nowhere King Woman was accompanied by a centaur of the species Glendale? Accidental? I don't think so :]
- There will be no third season :c
+ But it's great that they have closed all threads. Even the one with the miniatures shot from the hooves!
- Wait... I found two things they didn't explain... the subject of Becky Apple's rider (was it a man in a cage? Why did they not take up this thread?) And that scary black and white masked child... What was that about?
+ Comfortable Doug X'D Nothing more to say here X"D
+ Congratulations to the creators for all that brave scenes... both those with death and those with... um... Doug's nipples? :3
I love this show. I will have to watch it 2-3 times more to catch everything that is happening in the background!
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dariamarchin · 3 years
Centaurworld S2E2 notes
I genuinely liked this episode!
Horse, Zulius and birdtaurs were the main focus of it, with some Wammawink hurt-no-comfort sprinkled in. And I generally liked how they handled them.
I like Horse's character in this ep. She needs an army and she will do anything for it even if it means interating with weirdos and doing weird stuff for them.
But where is the little junk taurs from end end of the previous ep? I think Horse would try to train her army, yn
So,,, it's funny how birdtaurs are Horse's (and the whole herd's minus Wammawink) fanclub, since the only birdtaur we saw before them is Ched😆
Woah, the pelican guy has a sizeable crush on Comftoble Doug (can blame him tho, but, dude, chill)
Mouthpiece(?) is a relatable mess, i love him
So, do birdtaurs treat everything that happens on the land as a show? Maybe they know something about the war in the past? It must have been some kind of Game of Thrones to them or something
Okay, but why the f no one cares about the war?? Seriously???
"Stabby is a little young to go on stage" "I'm 43 yearsss old" "And Durpleton - fortyyy seven." Sorry, Stabby, but you are still a baby
Poor Stabby... He keeps getting... stabbed.
Why didn't Horse try to interrogate Stabby yet? Since its confirmed he is more or less consious and can talk? He is from the rivaling army after all
Zulius in black turtleneck🥰
I love how Zulius tried to hype up the birdtaurs by doing promising them what they want! My guy is so smart🥰
Just minor idea: if they had dug into Horse's and Zulius's minor conflict of "flashy and entertaining" vs "simple, quick and straight to the point"... Like, Zulius pushing the idea that the better the show, the more likely the birdtaurs will join them in the war, would make his speech in the end even more satisfying to me (esp if Horse would join in). But the ep is still nice!!
All the little scenes between Horse and Wammawink 🥺😭
They are certainly going for Wammawink&Rider parallels/comparison with this stageplay
Does this mean that Horse is still kinda not as comfortable around Wammawink i can't
Bruh, i can't believe Wammawink doesn't have any fans. She has the character arc and the tragic backstory?? Birdtaurs have no taste
Since there was a lot of hate on her by minor chacters and dismissal by other herd members in this ep, i wonder if they are building up to the episode centered around her and her insecurites about being Horse's friend and her place in the herd (since other herd members had grown and became more independent. even Durpeton became a dad)
Broooo, the fusion/mutation experimentsss. I wonder if The Nowhere King gained his current form a similar way?
Me at the start of the ep: "Yesss, Waterbaby is alive!!"
Me at the end of the ep: "Oh no, she's dead.."
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misfauxpas · 3 years
Centaurworld: Feyworld AU
A few people including myself have been brainstorming this AU in a fan discord, so let me be the first to post about it! Instead of entering Centaurworld, in this AU Horse finds herself amongst the Fey and is guided through their domain by a herd of centaurs.
Wammawink is the leader of this herd, which includes most centaurs as well as Ched, the harpy, and Zulius, the disguised trickster god. Zulius is partnered with Splendib, a low-ranking Fey who he claims he only doesn’t smite because he’s indebted to the tigertaur.
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As they travel, Horse refers to herself as “Horse” and her rider as “Rider” to avoid giving up her name. This is one of the only rules of the Fey she actually observes.
Also in this AU, a long time ago, a human princess visited the Fey’s domain with her friend, Becky Apples. An ancient, evil Fey tricked the princess into giving up both of their names and marrying him, cursing her to forever be his puppet while Becky roams the human world as an ordinary horse. This was done using the General, a human-presenting extension of the Fey which is used to lure in unsuspecting mortals.
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There’s a lot more to this AU, but this is all for now! More to come!
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