#cell mates
morfyddclarkdaily · 1 year
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Morfydd Clark ‘Cell Mates’ After Party, London  December 2017 ◼ Morfydd Daily
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gun-roswell · 4 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: CT-9904 | Crosshair & Rampart Characters: CT-9904 | Crosshair, Rampart (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Inspired by Fanart, Inspired by TBB S3 Trailer, S3 Speculation, Mount Tantiss (Star Wars), cellmates, Spite and Truth, Rampart loves his own voice, Crosshair Needs a Hug (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) Series: Part 25 of Pre TBB S3 Jitters Shorts, Part 4 of End Game Summary:
What if Crosshair and Rampart shared a cell together and on Mount Tantiss?
Inspired by fan art of @RealSpicyNoodle.
Part of TBB S3 jitters / End Game series
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ripsilvaria · 1 year
When your dad sold your info for a pack of vanilla wafers to his cell mate two years ago & now you’re counting down the days till an inmate gets home…
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leatherpearlslace · 2 years
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Pamela and Paula Mattioli Cell Mates / Gypsy Queen
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honeycombhank · 3 months
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Tater Tornader
He would like to know if you have any snacks?
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kyuyua · 11 months
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Iconic duo ✨✨
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coquelicoq · 9 months
actually natori has some kind of tracking talisman on matoba at all times. that's how he knew where to abduct matoba from for Operation: Kitty Cat City. matoba fully knows about it; it's why he wasn't at all surprised to find a paper doll in natsume's hair after the mask youkai debacle (matoba internally as he watched it fly away: classic mother hen shuuichi-san momence 🥰). because this is matoba "boundaries? what are those? can you eat them?" seiji we're talking about, he's not bothered by this "violation" of his "privacy"; rather, he finds it fittingly clingy (it is, after all, only right that natori should be keeping tabs on him obsessively). sometimes the talisman gets confused and sticks to yesterday's outfit, so he always checks to make sure he has it on the way out the door (his pocket patdown is "keys, lighter, wallet, exorcism supplies, shuuichi-san's cute lil tracker he thinks i don't know about <3"). i wouldn't be surprised if he's figured out how to uno reverse it and now uses it to track natori's location as well. this may not technically be canon but it is probably all 100% true in an important way that transcends canon, we just never hear about it because it isn't relevant to natsume's journey 😌
#matoba: a natori talisman. sure wish i had one of those 😇#<-knows that he has one on him at that very moment and also that natori doesn't know that he knows#convince me that he didn't say this on purpose to make natori sweat. you can't!#in response to him saying that natori side-eyes him and has a dot dot dot speech bubble (my favorite vol. 26 ellipsis btw)#which is exactly how he would react if he had secretly planted a talisman on matoba#and was trying to figure out if matoba knew and was alluding to it!!#check and mate. game set match. QED. i rest my case.#i've connected the dots i've connected them but also i feel like it wasn't that hard. the truth is out there you just have to believe#natsume's book of friends#natsume yuujinchou#horrible exorcists#matoba seiji#f#homura cats arc#my posts#btw i do not think the head of the matoba clan actually does anything so base as to carry keys on his person#he has people for that. he has a driver. he has servants who open the door when they see him coming. what possible need could he have#for such an object#he also may not need to carry a wallet (or equivalent) for similar reasons#but it was the best shorthand i could think of to make what i meant by 'pocket patdown' readily apparent#especially since 'cell phone' isn't an option either since this is set in the 80s#i figure he must have some kind of lighter or firestarter bc he uses smoke to find the source of the locked-room curse#he also seems to carry a brush & ink and various & sundry tools of the trade that i decided to call 'exorcism supplies'#matoba-san drop the 'what's in my purse' youtube video 👀
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 9 months
✨the Wild West🤠✨
Invisa-bitch: this bitch
Brokeback mountain: ?
Brokeback mountain: who?
Trainer: omfg lol I still can’t get over his name
Mini alpha👑: for once I’m staying on topic so SPILL
Mina alpha: I’ve been needing drama🙄
Invisa-bitch: Milo motherfucking greer
Mini alpha👑: and the plot thickens😎
Brokeback mountain: What did he do?
Trainer: that damn grammaticaly correct old man using punctuation and shit
Mini alpha👑: I can get David on his ass if you want!!!
Mini alpha👑: I mean he could get on mine iykwim~
Trainer: omfg🙄
Invisa-bitch: no it’s not like a pack thing he just…
Invisa-bitch: we were fucking around in the closet trying to get ready and he puts on my six inch stilettos and he is just fucking strutting and looking better than me in those heels and omg🙄
Invisa-bitch: like it’s not fair how can this already fine ass man rock my heels and not roll his ankle even ONCE?
Mini alpha👑: you seem a little jealoussssssss
Brokeback mountain: Why do y’all always act like there is a problem when it’s just some stupid things?
Trainer: that’s true Sam get with the program🙄
Brokeback Mountain: I don’t know why I even try with you 3…
Mini alpha👑: 1. Sneaks send pics of him I need it on my wall for inspo
Mini alpha👑: 2.you gotta live with it Mr vamp it’s part of the mate club rules😌
Trainer: ash said when they were younger they’d do fashion shows and he used to steal Marie’s clothes and that’s why he’s so good in heels
Invisa-bitch: of fucking course he’s got practice🙄
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zuppizup · 18 days
Callum’s wedding present to Rayla in the Zoom mates finale should be a frog themed kid training chopsticks
OMG, yes. 100%.
The Zoom-mates brain cell is strong because lurking some place on my blog is another post along those lines with these exact training chopsticks
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Seriously though, she’d look adorable with these. She couldn’t even be mad.
They’re perf.
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the-grey-hunt · 6 days
ILoveThatPostILoveThatPostILoveThatPostILoveThatPostILoveThatPost- thank you oh my gosh I'm freaking out abt it a little I love Jowd. IF I CAN ADD SOMETHING
Also also also like.
In the tags you're "he's pretty sure Sissel isn't Yomiel but if HE IS–"
and it's like,,, Jowd put that possibility together too. It hurts me,,, He doesn't know that Yomiel is like, Alive-dead and suffering for 10 years at this point. BUT the idea of a vengeful ghost Yomiel being behind Alma's death is something that makes sense to Jowd BEFORE he even knows that about Yomiel. Just the,,,he takes so much responsibility and ownership over killing Yomiel that Jowd can easily accept him doing that. It gets me it gets me it GETSSSS MEEEE
like all he knows is four minutes worth of ghost tricks and that ghosts who do tricks can exist! but SUDDENLY the one part of alma's death that he could never fully explain has an explanation. suddenly how the event that ruined his life even became possible is open to interpretation—
like, do you think jowd knew he was in the "special prison" and had put together that his case was being studied? that there was something about it that someone high up wasn't satisfied with? do you think the existence of ghosts made him realize why?
anyway tell me you've read this fic because it seems up your alley
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leatherpearlslace · 2 years
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stirringwinds · 1 year
head empty, no new years resolutions, just nedpan brainrot 😔
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kechiwrites · 8 months
Did you hear the lore that Ghost broke his own jaw after he'd been bitten so he wouldn't bite anyone else as a zombie or do I have to cry alone over this fact
JESUS thanks for that babe, I am spiralling now!!!!!
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a-r-a-h-a-s · 1 year
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The faithful handshake in prison
Day 7 of @dukexietyweek - Soulmates
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derrydeer · 9 months
i just think that if i was in a saw trap i would get out by crying and being oh so cute and pathetic just like how i passed my drivers test
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officialeoj · 2 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Dear Mom,
This is the first time we're spending this day apart instead of together. It's weird, but I think this time apart has made my love for you grow. I don't know when we'll see each other next, but I yearn for the day we reunite. I dream of hugging you and seeing you smile...
(Fair reads the rest of the page, her jaw set and brows creased; her cellmate passes her by)
Cell Mate: Lemme guess, another letter from yer son?
Fair Devotion, neutral: Yes.
Cell Mate: Still think it was a good ider ta keep yer romance novels within reach of 'is sword?
Fair: ...There is certainly some regret.
Cell Mate: At least ya got somethin' for Mother's Day. My kids still send me a lousy card without even signin' 'em. I'd kill for a hoof-written letter like that, even though it'll extend my sentence.
Fair: I thought you said you were in here for shoplifting?
Cell Mate, shrugging: I may have had some priors 'fore that.
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