#celestial spirts
maslosstuff · 3 months
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Had my concept of yukino laying around along with her pieces star dress. Sorry this the only thing of libra I have she’s supposed to be a Spinx. Yukino og pieces star dress sucks
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I didn’t want her to be sexualized so now she’s tasteful and Egyptian
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just-someone-online · 6 months
Just had a fun idea for a filler ep. Basically, while the team are out on a job, they encounter a modified form of the Changeling spell that switches their magics instead of their bodies. Now, it's a race against the clock to figure out how to use each other's powers and defeat the guy that did this to them before the effects become permanent. And unlike the original Changeling, the swaps aren't paired together.
Gray ends up with Erza's Requip, mostly because I think it's funny that the accidental stripper ends up with a magic that lets him change into a million different armors. Speaking of which, Erza absolutely keeps an eye on him the whole time to make sure he doesn't lose anything.
Erza ends up with Wendy's Dragon Slayer magic. Truthfully, I don't have much of a reason for this one beyond liking the idea of Erza using dragon slaying magic. I feel like the first time she tries to roar, she takes in too much air and actively begins lowering the oxygen levels around her.
Wendy gets saddled with Lucy's Celestial Spirit magic. I'm going with this mostly because I remembered that girl from the Infinity Clock arc that Mest thought looked like Wendy and decided to sorta reference her. For the most part, I can see her doing pretty well with it, aside from maybe forgetting which key goes to which spirt.
Lucy winds up with Happy's Aera, mostly because I can see Happy teasing her about not being able to fly and I want to see her divebomb into a Lucy Kick.
Happy gets Carla's abilities, mainly because I can imagine there being a joke about him being bummed that he basically stayed the same until he has a vision or transforms.
Carla is stuck with Natsu's Dragon Slayer magic, purely because that kind of destructive power does not gel well with her. Like, she gets the hang of it, sure, but not before accidentally committing at least three acts of arson.
And last but not least, Natsu ends up with Gray's Ice Make and Devil Slayer magic. I imagine that at first he's pissed at how friggin' cold everything is now, but once he gets used to it he'd keep trying to Ice Make a dragon, only it for it to be the worst looking thing you've ever seen.
By the end of it, they've committed a record breaking amount of property damage for Fairy Tail.
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luniviravosshipper · 2 months
Heyy remember what I said about the 7 stars?
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Like how there was 7 stars falling in the intro title card of the show.
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How there was 7 spirt like people in the background of the first of the 6 released posters of Aaravos using his key.
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And how Aaravos has 3 stars under each of his eyes and one along his chest which makes 7 in total star symbols.
Yeah, well apparently in the new trailer we see this place (I’m suspecting it’s at the Star Scraper and/or the Star nexus) where there’s 8 different pillars.
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And if we’re including Aaravos here, these 8 pillars might be representing Aaravos and the 7 different people we’ve been seeing. So I wonder what their roles were and what Aaravos has to do with these other 7 people. And what’s their association with the Celestial elves?
Ohh and hey! This looks a lot like that hint using a strainer that they dropped awhile back of a new place.
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pagan-sloth-witch · 2 months
hello!! ^-^ can I ask a question? want to get a few people’s opinions. personally I’ve never worshipped any gods and it’s hard for me to have a belief in them even if I want to. however. I’ve become aware that some people worship celestial bodies and gaia/earth/nature. ive also learned that some people worship certain gods/spirts as a personification or metaphor rather than gods themself. I’m not sure who to go to for info. but I’m wondering if that kind of belief is accepted in the community or if it it harmful/disrespectful or even appropriaative. as a therian I feel connected to nature and such, so if I did anything religiously/spiritually it would be related to that. but I don’t want to cause any harm, and feel like an outlier if I don’t truly believe in the gods. what would I even label myself? do you have any thoughts?
Well, I want to be clear that I’m not an expert, but I’ll do my best to answer to the best of my ability and I’ll always encourage doing your own research and following your intuition
Gods and goddesses being personifications of nature dates back to ancient times. From Ancient Greece, you have Selene, Helios, and Eos who are said to be the personifications of the moon, sun, and dawn respectively, who also have Roman counterparts, Luna, Sol, and Aurora
Nyx is a Greek goddess who’s considered both the goddess and personification of the night. There’s also primordial Greek gods like Chaos and Tartarus who are considered both gods and things
So personally I don’t think it’d be disrespectful to worship deities as personifications. Those are just some examples from Greek mythology, as those are the deities I’m most familiar with, though I’m sure you could other examples. I’ve also seen others in pagan and spiritual communities do this as well
If you want to be sure, you could look into divination methods, such as tarot cards or pendulums, to confirm if the deity/spirit you want to worship is okay with it
As for labels, Spiritual might be something to look into, as you might find it fitting, but that’s something you’ll have to experiment with and see what works for you. It’s also alright to not have a label and to change your labels over time
Your path in life is unique and personal to you, and I believe you’ll find your way in your time. Life is a journey, and you’ll find your way. I hope it goes well for you and I hope this was at least a little helpful
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dontmatterblog · 8 months
Make it make sense!
So according to some anti gruvians, Juvia getting Gray teaches young girls it's okay to stalk who you love and you will end up with them. How is that possible? It's fiction first of all. They have magic, dragons, celestial spirts, gods, dark guilds and many others things that we don't have in real life. Second of all, how is Gruvia's ship so related to real life but not the rest.
So Jerza ship doesn't teach you that as long as the boy was brainwashed it's okay he tried to kill you. Gajevy doesn't teach you that it's okay to crucify the girl and her friends to a tree as long as later you fall in love with said girl. NaLu doesn't teach young people it's okay for the guy to crowd your personal space and to grope because it just means he cares about you. Like if it was real life no one would deal with each other and Jellal, Gajeel, and Natsu would be in jail for sure. I love these ships too but my point is that IT'S FICTION AND IT'S OKAY TO ENJOY THINGS IN FICTION THAT MIGHT NOT BE OKAY IN REAL LIFE.
Acting like Juvia is the worst character to ever be created is wild to me. I really wish anti gruvians would watch other forms of media to realize that there are truly horrible characters who get the girl or the guy at the end. Using words such as gaslighting and manipulation to describe gruvia is crazy. She is written by an author at the end of the day. She's not even written as a toxic character. IT'S OKAY IF YOU DON'T LIKE HER CHARACTER OR THE SHIP BUT TO ASSOCIATE HER CHARACTER WITH R@PE AND SA IS CRAZY. I wish anti gruvians would go away and stop trying to convince us that we shouldn't like Juvia and Gruvia.
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anonymous-lem0n · 8 months
Flashback to about a year ago when I couldn't decide to make a celestial oc male or female so because they were a sorta weird celestial spirt thinga I made it so they could shapedhift alternating which gender and at the time I had no idea I made a genderfluid oc. Also when I first saw a genderfluid character in a comic I thought they were a kind of cryptid or supernatural that could shapeshift and thought it was really cool. :|
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icenightmoon · 6 months
Fairy Tail Flash Fiction
The pastel petals fell around as Lucy Heartfilia flipped to the next page of her book. The sun was shining down on the celestial mage warming her skin to the touch. Her favorite author had just released the newest book in the series and she found that she couldn’t put the book down. 
Ever since she read about the main character she couldn’t help but feel connected to her. Constantly jumping into danger, fighting those much stronger than her, feeling low compared to her team mates. Lucy put a bookmark in as she finished the chapter. She took a deep breath as she leaned back on the bench. That had to be the part that made her feel the most discouraged. 
Lucy knew that she was not week. She was able to summon multiple celestial spirts at once. Had learned how to keep up when it came to physical compat with her trusty whip and had even more then once beat enemies who were her superior. That being said she still found that she was nothing in comparison to her team mates. 
A ice demon slayer who had proven that he was incomparable with his ice skill. His make magic astounding those around him while still proving that his strength was never to be doubted. He was the kind of mage who could use his imagination to win a battle by himself.
Titania herself. Queen of fairies and a slayer of a dragon. She had magic deeper then most could even think about and constantly grow her collection along with her skills. She never had enough of what she wanted to do. 
Finally there was the Salamander. Natsu a man who had come and brought her on her first magical adventure. Every moment that she had with him had help her grow into the mage she was. His flame was untouched by everything. Everytime something had challenged him he always found the deep strength to push even deeper. That was the thing that always shocked her about her team mate. When it looked like he was at the end of his rope he would get down and pull even more out. 
“LUCY.” The blond whipped her head at the sound of the name and saw the pinkette running up the road at her. Before she could open her mouth to say anything she found her self on the ground with his face in her clevege. 
“NATSU!” She screamed as she pushed him off of her. She stood up and looked at him. He positioned himself to sit and look up at her as he held out a piece of paper to her. She could already see the number of jewels on it and could see him smiling at her.
“Happy is on his way lets go on another mission.” Lucy found her self smiling at the pink haired man and grabbed his hand. “Lets go” No matter her strength so long as she could continue to be there for him and the rest of her guild mates that is all that would matter to her.
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mysticarts · 6 months
Sketches I did at school
during Science I had free time the entire period because I finished all of my work. So, take a look at these!
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Silly little Drawing of Avis! (I love her sm)
A fun fact about Avis: she's A Japanese bobtail cat! So yes, she has a small part of Japanese heritage in her! However, her parents rather kept it aside, as Avis knows very little about her Japanese heritage.
Also, Avis does have a full on lousisana accent. Like, a really strong one. You can tell she's from lousisana immediately by her tone and how she speaks.
Also, here's this picture!
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Remember when I said Hui Ying is a mix of a butterfly demon and a Celestial spirt? Yea, I was not kidding. Hui Ying does have four arms and wings, but only has two eyes. (She hasn't unlocked her full powers yet)
Feel free to ask questions!
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mrfleshwizard · 2 months
World building
Calestials: Aeons, achrons, luminaries, pylónes, chaores, plemoras, heores, ennoeas, ecclessias, syzygies.
a supernatural immortal beings, the highest of the highest beings, they had authority over parts of universe and nature.
a supernatural entity between an human and celestials. Sometimes a evil spirt, sometimes a body of flesh. Can be immortal or mortal, be humanoid, animalistic or none. Most of time are seen as a evil. They can posses, shapeshift and other. Their magical abilities and super power cast destruction, chaos, illness, madness and death.
Devils are like demons but stronger, they are close in power scale with celestials but are weaker.
Eudeamons are like demons, however, they powers do not cast chaos. Eudeamons' abilities are often raleted to nature (but not alyways.)
Titans were created when parts of souls of creatix was mixed with mud and stones. They're know for being extreme tall. They're immortal, but unlike celestials, they don't have authority like they have.
Humans & Neanderthals
Everyone knows what human is. Neanderthals are they cousins. Only thing you need to know is that their greatest power are their soul, spirt, argia and "shadow."
Non humans/neanderthals
The humanoid being what doesn't belongs to no group.
Half humans/neanderthals, half demons.
half humans/neanderthals, half eudeamons.
• Morotosses
Half humans/neanderthals, half non human.
half humans/neanderthals, half celestials.
Half demons/devils, half celestials.
Lesser celestials.
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zai-doodles · 2 years
lucy magic hc thing
@selfdestructivecat asked for this :p
again i play so hard and fast with canon but for this one if i like, genuinly got something wrong then plz correct me theres a HIGH chance im getting her power set wrong but the point of this is more me taking like, the base bone of the concept and running with it lol
Just a quick like, how i think lucys magic should work bc im so annoyed shes technically the female lead and literally summons other things to fight FOR her So in my version (the better one) early lucy ONLY has star dresses She can basically give herself the attributes of each spirit, like the star dresses but she also gets a sort of themed weapon, like she gets tarus’ axe, cancers sissors etc. It isnt until lokes arc that shes able to physically summon her spirits Like i feel like summoning a whole spirit takes A LOT of magic so most of the time its more like a warlock patron situation where they lend her spells and if shit get real bad she can spend a high level spell to summon them to fight for her Like idk yea im using dnd terms with this but shhh it makes more sense to me It also makes things like her summoning all her spirits at once a HUGE deal, plus i think its the first time we physically see some of the spirits and also gives a bigger mystery to who they are and how celestial magic works Like i always found it weird how celestial wizards?? Exist?? but each only have 1 key so like?? Theres really only 2 celestial wizards at a time?? Like max there can be 12 but in the show we literally only have lucy and yukino and then like, angel, karen and lucys mom and idk thats kinda dumb Like if its that scarse that theres only 4 active celestial wizards in the WHOLE SHOW  idk thats weird and should be treated as a bigger deal So in my mind, each spirit can gift wizards a key, some of them stick to the lower level spirit key collecting, kinda like in the show, and MAYBE have 1 or 2 zodiac keys Zodiacs r notorious for being v fickle with who they enter contracts with and for the most part even if someone is a celestial wizard they can go their whole lives without ever summoning a zodiac spirit bc its just SO POWERFUL So lucy has low key imposter syndrome be she technically inherited her keys from her mom so she never had to prove herself worthy, which in my mind is y she tries so hard to get stronger and prove her place in fairy tail So based on all this i also think lucy just has a shit ton of magical potential due to growing up with the spirits and having such a strong bond with them and thats what allows her to summon all of them and the zodiac king to plead lokes case Idk i also dont love how the spirts serve lucy as like, a master servant thing So having the spirits be more like patrons feels better to me idk It also makes lucy like, an extremely powerful wizard bc she literally has so many zodiac keys but at first i think she give v jack of all trade master of none energy Her main one i feel would be aquarius bc its a less precise magic form of literally just throwing waves at her opponents BUT it takes a lot of magic bc aquarius is such a high level spirit who refuses to go easy on lucy just bc of her connection to her mom Lucy still has her whip bc idk i think its neat Throughout the series she learns oto be much more flexible and think more outside the box when it comes to her magic and she also grows more reckless, kinda a side effect from being around natsu so much and by the time she gets to the GMG she can probably summon her spirits no problem tho 2 at once is still hard like in the show Oo also also early lucy has problems accepting help from others BECAUSE she feels like shes constantly having to prove shes worthy of just,, existing, so she puts off summoning her spirits at all because of that too I think she works on that a LOT after phantom lord and lokes arc
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geographerdose · 1 year
Leo risings, pt. 2//Libra Moon
Scorpio-Pisces Moons will be a separate post since I have been doing the “celestial screenshots”, not looking at the specifics of each chart is difficult. Also the whole Heliacal rising wore me out, not gonna lie.
⏰Descriptions clockwise in order starting with top left
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Emma Stone, Julianne Nicholson, Betty Grable, Maya Angelou
🔥 Just straight out the gate with Aries Venus, guys; FIERCE. Look at Maya —> she is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, it radiates from within her. I will not stop with the Aries Venus beauty adoration (post to come later with my hypothesis as to why this is the case) {also saw she had an exalted Aries sun conjunct her Venus}
🌷Libra Venus (Emma), Scorpio Venus (Betty) and Cancer Venus (Julianne, also no relation to Mr. Jack Nicholson far as I could tell)
🏛️I could not help but notice Betty and Maya were both born in St. Louis
✏️Alright calling myself out here on my mistake: I looked at Maya’s Venus sign wrong: she actually has a Pisces Venus (exalted) BUT it is within less than 30 degrees of the Sun:
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🙄How is that any different than a sign being in a neighboring house and by definition NOT aspected, one might ask?
🧐Valid question, I would say. The Sun is special (how Leo of it🕶️) in that any planets within 15 degrees of it are “under the beams” and thus hidden. There is something called Heliacal Rising that occurs when planets are more than 15 degrees (but less than 30) away from the Sun. The idea is that once the sun stops shining SO bright that it’s blinding {within 15*} that it shines and makes those within the 16-30* EXTRA visible and it is actually quite a fortunate aspect to have.
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🪩 “Venus is just as bright as the Sun”
📺 In this analogy, Brutus is under the beams of Caesar via his giant big feet. {Brutus is Gretchen in the gif, and Regina is Caesar} Cady would be Heliacal Rising in that she is able to shine extra bright. [in a super simple logic] Brutus is the planet caught under the beams of Caesars massive BLINDING BRIGHTNESS
⚜️ the planet may have to fall within 16-30 degrees of the same sign but that was not my understanding of the material {and unfortunately Google is no help here, which is frustrating and gratifying at once)
🎁 What a gift to find this new learned concept “out in the wild” again. But also (lmao)…
📣it makes my statement about Aries Venus less wrong because Mayas Ascendant Ruler is the Sun (in Aries) and her Venus is being “glowed up” so to speak by the concept known as Heliacal Rising
👑It is especially fortunate since BOTH Venus and Sun are exalted.
🎀 Alright enough time and space wasted explaining why I was not actually wrong and arguing with no one but myself….
🎤 it’s me, hi. im the problem, it’s me 🍵
🌚 Earlier I made a post and in it the Native was born during a New Moon so their Lots of Spirit and Fortune fell in the first house.
🌝I could not help but notice Ms. Angelou was born during a Full Moon and so the opposite is true: the Lots of Spirt and Fortune fall in the seventh house.
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👗I almost decided to change this into a Maya Angelou celestial screenshot post but, my goodness, the material available on her is overwhelming. I simply wanted to find proof of the career+love intermingling with both Lots in the same house (particularly in the seventh) but it appears that there is not a lot of information regarding her marriages.
🎼🎹My theory as to WHY that is the case —> her seventh house is ruled by Saturn. Sun is at 14 Aries, Jupiter at 16 Aries both applying to Saturn at 19 Sag via a superior trine (sun+Jupiter in superior position). What does this mean? It means that the ruler of her seventh is under the beams and thus the details regarding this topic are hidden —> little information regarding her marriages
📚I imagine I could find more if I dug but I have four books currently in rotation at present and so anything not findable within a five-min Wiki glance is out of the question. {not including my procrastination and own scrolling ofc; productivity-wise….}
🦙 I intended to do the Leo Rising/Libra-Pisces Moon but then the Heliacal Rising happened, and the Full Moon came out (after discussing New Moon earlier) so I just had to go with it. When synchronicities call, you answer.
🤫I won’t lie and say I’ll come back to editing it to match the intended title because that is just not who I am as a person ✌🏻
🐏 Notice how Aries took all the attention again?
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🤹St. Louis used to have a football team known as… wait for it: the RAMS. What a fitting ending to the St. Louis Native with strong Aries influence that took over this post… I blame Aries but it’s probably just me.
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libidomechanica · 2 days
She lovely plight me your
So loving, to take afflictions making. Found her sapphires, green, and seem’d, and quite a celestial Beauty could not. ’Fore whom Nature’s range, be absent from Oxford up your plan, and stretch’d ocean melt to air, lest they do? And there’s life, saying not yours nor mine, lass; and all their tender and dish’d for was, appeared. I cover you will crush it under; and shame! To unperplex’d delighting sense that gentle looks both Sea and with spirted purple-stained more desire spurn’d by its own keep it dancing in these, and being lest excess, and look’d back upon life’s ocean, like a thing by all time.
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 2 months
hello!! ^-^ can I ask a question? personally I’ve never worshipped any gods and it’s hard for me to have a belief in them even if I want to. however. I’ve become aware that some people worship celestial bodies and gaia/earth/nature. ive also learned that some people worship certain gods/spirts as a personification or metaphor rather than gods themself. I’m not sure who to go to for info. but I’m wondering if that kind of belief is accepted in the community or if it it harmful/disrespectful or even appropriaative. as a therian I feel connected to nature and such, so if I did anything religiously/spiritually it would be related to that. but I don’t want to cause any harm, and feel like an outlier if I don’t truly believe in the gods. what would I even label myself? do you have any thoughts?
ive met people who worship nature itself without worshipping the gods
ive met people who used gods as a metaphor for advice or to make themselves into a better person
personally i worship the gods as yk,,, gods but i dont really care who does what its your practice make it fit you not random people on the internet
as long as you dont harm anyone or dont harm yourself youre good
everyone has different opinions about whats appropriate but you should create your path yourself to fit you
there are people who worship longer than me and i learn every day that the longer time of worship or more books someone read doesn't mean theyre smarter than me in that shit so who fuckin cares seriously kid do what makes you happy
there are seriously more important things going on than whatever some account432 tells you you're doing wrong
sorry im tired so thats that but when i get some good sleep youre very welcome to dm me about any more questions or whatever you have going on in your practice im a therian myself so maybe i could help somehow also worshipping the nature itself is very pagan you dont need to worship the gods you can worship their creations and everything around you the soul is in everything also being a witch pagan werewolf is very fun sorry im yapping now im just very excited to talk about my werewolf side but okay whatever imma shut up now goodnight
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 I've been wanting to re-watch Fairy tail for S O long now... my ex friend got me into watching it years ago, and I never got around to finishing it. It's my favorite anime! I finally decided to sit down and start watching it again last night. I was so happy, and it gave me so much serotonin.
I also started buying the manga too because again it's my favorite, and I want to own it all. 💚
I finished watching the first arc : Eisenwald - Lullaby
Natsu always had my heart. He is my favorite, and my favorite part from this first arc was when he wrapped his scarf around his head and pretended he was a ninja. Happy and Lucy are close behind in favorites because this arc really showed how close Natsu was getting to Lucy and showed his closeness to Happy. We also got to see Lucy get 2 new Celestial Spirts: Plu and Virgo the gate of the maiden. I L O V E virgo and plu. ✨️ S O M U C H ✨️
I'm so excited to watch them grow closer all over again. 💚
Gray and Erza are also introduced, and I L O V E how Gray and Natsu interact with each other. It's like my guilty pleasure, and it makes me so happy. I forgot how much I LOVE Erza's requip magic. I used to be obsessed with it, and I still am. I also love how Erza treata Natsu.
The villain of this arc was Erigor. I L O V E his outfit and his magic! His whole style. I didn't like him when I first watched it because I wasn't a big villain fan and mostly only liked the "heros". Times have changed , man lmao. I didn't really like his reasoning that much kinda thought it was dumb. But he's my dummy, so it's fine.
#fairytail #natsudragneel
#grayfullbuster #lucyheartfilia #erzascarlet #happy #wizards #guilds #favoritecharacter #favoriteanime #comfortanime  
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astrothsapprentice · 1 year
This has two of my OC's in this, both in fairy tail, already dating, names are Dante and Karin. Karin: is an angel, who is dating Dante. Dante: an angel dragon slayer, magic; light/holy magic. people that he doesn't get along with; celestial spirt King, and all demons.
Narrators pov
Natsu sighed sadly to himself as he lays his head down on the table, him and Lucy just got over arguing over the way natsu talks about her (like all of the times he has called her fat or over weight) which ended with Lucy storming out of the guild in pure anger. Natsu scratches the top of his head "man, I never realized how much of a jerk I've been to Lucy." He says in a depressed tone. The guild doors open, and Natsu raises his head wondering if it was Lucy but it wasn't, it was Dante and his girlfriend, and soon to be wife, Karin. Both Dante and Karin head over to Natsu table to have a civil talk with him.
Natsu POV
"Hey, what's got you so down today? Happy steal your fish again?" I heard Dante say as he took a seat in front of me.
"What's it to you!?" I say with no emotion. "Well, I came here to ask you something but I guess that can wait. Now what's bugging you" Dante said seriously.
"Fine, I'm sad cause I made Luce upset and I don't know if she'll even talk to or even look at me" I said in a sad tone.
"Let me guess, you joked about her weight again?" Dante asked. I only nodded my head 'yes'. "You know you have to watch what you say to girls" Karin said with both of her arms wrapped around Dante's right arm.
"You don't think I know that" I says with an irritated tone in my voice "I can't help it if I get nervous around Luce. She gives me this weird tingly feeling in my stomach when I see and talk to her, and I get this pain in my heart when I see her sad or if she's angry" I said with a serious tone in my voice as I looked Dante and Karin in the eyes only to see them laughing at me "what's so funny?!" I growled at them which only made them laugh more.
"Natsu, what you just told us is that you have strong feelings for Lucy" Dante said through his laughing fit. "What's are you talking about" I said as raised a brow at them.
"How can I put this lightly" Karin said as she tries to stop laughing. She uses her magic to open up a time bubble showing all the time happy said that 'heeee looooooves herrrrrr' which had made me look at them weirdly. Dante sighs as he looks at me "natsu your in love with Lucy" he said in a serious tone.
"N...no I...I'm n-not" I stuttered out as I play with the ends of my scarf to the point where I did see them whispering to each other "well, how would you feel if some made Lucy love them, like Loki, gray or sting" suddenly I could feel my anger bubble up inside of me, if those basters think they can Lucy away from me, then they're dead wrong! I've saved Lucy more than they have, I've even put my life on the line for her!
"Hey natsu" Dante said which made me look at them, the anger still present in my eyes "go get her man" he said which calmed me down and smile at them.
I stand up from booth "thank you for the help" I said as looked at Dante and Karin. "It was no problem, but you may want to hurry up and get to her before she gives up on you" he said seriously, all I did was nod before I ran out of the guild and I head to Lucy's house 'I'm coming for you Lucy' he said in my head as I was running.
Lucy's POV
'Damn that flame head! Why does he always make fun of me? I'm not that heavy, am I?' I asked myself as I laid on my comfy bed with my face buried in the pillows. 'But what makes it hurt the most is that I have a deep crush on him and from him making fun of me it just makes my heart drop into the pit of my stomach' I yelled internally.
I take my head away from the pillows and just sit on my bed "maybe I should just give up on him" I said softly "besides, he only sees me as a friend" I added sadly.
I get out of bed and head to my bathroom. I turn the water on to let it heat up a little as I take off my clothes. Once the water is done heating up I step in and let the warm water run down my skin as I start to was my body.
Natsu's POV
I finally made it to Lucy's apartment. She's still home cause I can smell her vanilla scent inside. I go around to the back of her house and climb in to her house by using the window.
I hear the shower going which means that I've come at a bad time, a really bad time, but that doesn't matter now. I need to, no, I have to apologize to Lucy.
My ears twitch as my dragon hearing picks up Luce's humming, it sounds so peaceful. I smile as I lay on her bed and relax as I listen to her soothing hums.
After 20 minutes the water stops and Luce comes out in a pink towel wrapped around her body that shows off some of her curves.
She looks at me with wide eyes and a faint blush of pink on her face "n-natsu...Wh...what are y-you doing h-here" she stutters out as we lock our eyes.
I clear my throat and get off of the bed "well you see...I came here to apologize to you for being a jerk to you" I said as I looked down at the floor as my cheek grow hot from the blush that slowly consumes my face.
"Is that all?" Luce asked me in a soft and sweet tone of voice 'there is...but I'm not sure of how I exactly tell her how I feel about her' i said internally with a sad tone to it.
I was too busy looking at the ground to noticed that Luce had put on her clothes and had gotten close to me "hey, natsu, there's something that I've been meaning to tell you" she says as her face becomes red as Ezra's hair.
"What is it?" I asked looking at her in the eyes. "Well, you see, I've had this-" she stops so that she can clear her throat which makes me wonder what she'll says next "crush...on you since I joined fairy tail" she says softly.
I did know what to say, but instead of talking, I just cupped her cheeks and kissed her soft pink lips that felt like it lasted for days.
After two and a half minutes into the kisses she pulls away from it because she needed air, which gave me the right time to tell her. I grab both of her hands in mine and look her in the eyes "I love you Lucy, and I was a fool for not telling you sooner" I said softly as I tested my forehead on hers.
"I...I love you too, natsu" she says with a smile, which I returned back and we shared a passionate kiss.
This is the greatest moment in my life
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