#celeste snow
slaymitchabernathy · 3 days
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The Nanny
Soarynn’s shoes click on the pavement as she walks down the paved walkway.
It’s a daunting task, walking up to the front door of the President’s Mansion.
She wraps her fingers around the handle of her purse a bit tighter to settle her nerves. Today she has the most important job interview of her life.
She carefully climbs the steps leading up to the front door and stops to notice the golden rose engraved on the door handle. She takes in a deep breath, slowly blowing it out.
You’re prepared for this, she tells herself, you’ve already got one foot in the door.
Getting one foot through the front gates was difficult enough. The Peacekeepers guarding the front entrance of the Mansion gave her quite a hard time, asking for all sorts of identification, they even spoke to someone on the intercom before she was granted access.
She hopes it won’t be like this should she land the job.
She knocks only twice before looking over her outfit one last time. She wanted to dress to impress but also dress for practicality. Today she wore a pencil skirt, charcoal gray with a button-up shirt with short sleeves that stop at her shoulders. It is, after all, August and it’s not getting any cooler anytime soon.
She paired the outfit with kitten heels and her purse, hopefully, they approve of her wardrobe.
The door opens after a minute and she’s greeted by an older woman with an impressive-looking head of hair. “Hello, you must be Soarynn, the new nanny.”
Soarynn gives the woman a polite smile and nods, reaching her hand out, “Yes ma’am.”
“I’m Eudora, we spoke over the phone several times,” Eudora tells her, shaking her hand, “do come in out of this heat. It’s been absolutely dreadful.”
Soarynn cautiously steps into the President’s Mansion and can’t help but marvel at how beautiful it is on the inside with the grand marble staircase and the magnificent tall ceilings and windows. It’s beautiful, absolutely beautiful.
“You’ll get used to it,” Eudora calls from over her shoulder, already walking down the hall leaving Soarynn with no choice but to follow her. “Back there was the foyer, there are several sitting rooms, bathrooms, and dining rooms on the first floor. All the guest rooms are also on the first floor, the President and his family all reside on the second floor. Staff also stay on the first floor.”
Soarynn bobs her head as they walk through a maze of hallways that she’ll have to familiarize herself with should they keep her around. “Don’t worry about getting lost,” Eudora says with a chuckle, “the children know their way around this house better than their father.”
A wave of nerves washes over Soarynn at the mention of her possible employer, the President of Panem.
They pass by a large portrait and Soarynn can’t help but stop and look at it. The portrait is of the Snow family, Coriolanus Snow, and his wife Livia sitting on a sofa with their children playing on the floor below them. Eudora sighs and gazes up alongside Soarynn, “The children still miss their mother, but they’ve gotten past the hardest stages of grief. Now it’s up to the adults around them to help them grow and move on.”
Soarynn swallows, can she handle that responsibility?
“It’s an insurmountable loss,” Soarynn decides, “losing a parent is the worst thing that can happen to a child.”
She can feel Eudora looking at her but she doesn’t look away from the stern face of Coriolanus Snow, handsome but stoic. No emotion whatsoever.
“Yes,” Eudora agrees, “although I wouldn’t expect Coriolanus to talk about it at length. He doesn’t talk about anything that doesn’t have to do with running this country.”
Soarynn can only imagine why.
“Anyways, we went over your files, performed several tedious background checks and it seems that you’ve passed all of them, my dear. Congratulations.”
Soarynn’s eyes widen at Eudora’s comment, “You mean I got the job?”
Eudora laughs as if she just said the funniest joke ever, “Oh no dear. Coriolanus will be the one to officially decide, but he usually leaves these things in my capable hands. He can’t be bothered with finding another nanny.”
Another nanny.
Based on what she gathered from several phone calls with Eudora, Soarynn is not the first nanny who’s been employed by the Snow family. But she hopes she’ll be the last.
“He trusts you with a lot then?” She asks, following Eudora down another hallway. Eudora nods, “Yes. Goodness knows where he’d be without me telling him where to be and when to be there. I’m technically his event coordinator, but lately, I’ve been doing more than my job description. Which is why we’ve been looking for a new nanny to help with the children.”
They round a corner and walk into a larger hallway with windows that go from the floor to the ceiling, Soarynn glances outside to see the extensive grounds that surround the Presidential Mansion. From what she’s heard, President Snow is meticulous about the upkeep of his gardens, and he has an entire greenhouse full of roses.
“The children, are they…are they as outgoing as they appear on television?” She implores, only knowing President Snow’s three children from the brief snippets she’s seen of them on television, mostly from Lucky Flickerman’s television show.
Eudora chuckles, “They’ve certainly never met a stranger, but then again they were born into this spotlight, so I suppose it’s only natural that they embrace the attention. But after the death of their mother, they’ve more tucked away, Coriolanus doesn’t let them do nearly as much as they did before Livia passed.”
Soarynn swallows down every piece of information she can get about her possible employer and his children. Should she get this job, keeping his children happy will be the most important thing in her entire life.
They come to a halt in front of two large wooden doors and Eudora sighs, giving Soarynn a somewhat sympathetic smile, “This is his study. He’ll speak with you, assess you, and decide if you’re worthy of being trusted with the privilege of watching over his children.”
Well, that’s not making her feel any better.
Soarynn must not be doing a good job at hiding her nerves because Eudora gives her arm a gentle squeeze, “Don’t fret dear, you’re not the first nanny and you most likely won’t be the last either. Nothing is personal, strictly business. Should you get the job then I’ll help you get settled and learn the ropes.”
Should. There’s a lot riding on that particular word.
Soarynn takes a deep breath, “Alright, I suppose I shouldn’t delay any longer.”
She watches Eudora slip into the study and waits with bated breath for what feels like hours before Eudora comes back out and nods for her to enter, “President Snow will see you now.”
Soarynn quietly steps into his study, closing the doors behind her before planting herself in front of them.
He’s sitting behind a large desk, probably the biggest desk she’s ever seen.
A wall of windows is behind him, and to the left and right the walls are made of bookcases. There’s also a fireplace built into the left wall with a small sitting area surrounding it composed of armchairs and sofas. Soarynn notices the small bar cart of brown and amber liquids as well, he must have a drink or two while running the country.
She stands as still as a statue for at least a minute before he finally looks up from his work and beckons her forward with the wave of his hand, “Come in Ms. Nightingale.”
Soarynn does her best to remain calm, composed, and above all, like a stellar Capitol citizen.
She slowly sinks into one of the armchairs that sits across from his desk, crossing her ankles over one another and clasping her hands in her lap. A proper lady if she’s ever seen one before.
President Snow doesn’t seem to be in a rush to conduct this meeting, in fact, he doesn’t seem to care at all as he continues writing on several documents that lay before him.
Soarynn takes this as an opportunity to truly study the President of Panem up close and personal. He’s as handsome as he appears on television, at twenty-five he’s got a chiseled jaw and a gorgeous smile from what she’s seen. His hair is lighter in person though, and his hair seems to be more curly as well. Perhaps he slicks his curls back with gel when making public appearances.
He’s deeply focused, his blue eyes scanning the papers while he scribbles the occasional note on them.
Soarynn looks at the right corner of his desk where a single photograph sits. It’s at an angle to where she can see that the photograph is of his three children. Not his wife.
She tears her eyes away from the framed photograph and finds him looking right at her, his piercing blue eyes analyzing her. Soarynn sits up a bit straighter, still unsure of how to go about this interview.
President Snow sits back in his chair, at ease in his home, "You're younger than the others."
Soarynn blinks once, twice, "Pardon?"
He sighs, "The other nannies that I've hired, you're younger than all of them."
All she can do is nod.
"Your resume impressed me Ms. Nightingale, and you managed to pass all the background checks with flying colors as well. So tell me, why do you think you'd be a suitable nanny for my children?"
Soarynn can feel her hands shaking, but she's prepared herself for a question like this. "I'm very good with children," she tells him, "I'm dependable and organized, and I see this job as a great honor."
President Snow scoffs a laugh and tilts his head back, "Yes, a great honor," he mumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose, "running after my children at all hours of the day is a great service to the country of Panem."
Soarynn finds herself feeling a bit small now, she didn't know what to expect from President Snow but he's just full of surprises it seems.
He sits back up, resting his forearms on his desk, "I won't pretend that you're the first nanny that's walked through my door, and to be quite honest with you, you probably won't be the last nanny either. My children need a source of stability, do you understand? The death of their mother shook our family, and I've been left to pick up the pieces it seems."
Soarynn nods, she remembers clear as day when the death of Livia Snow was announced. It shook the entire nation, and the Presidential family more than anyone.
"I understand sir."
"Good, good. My oldest, Ceraphina, she remembers the most about her mother but, even she's starting to forget Livia more and more. I'd appreciate it if you didn't refresh her memory on it any further. I want to move forward, not backward."
"Yes sir."
President Snow scans her body for a moment, nodding to himself, "You seem like a good fit for our family Ms. Nightingale, but let me make one thing perfectly clear, my children are to be your first and top priority. Nothing else matters but them. They're all I have now that Livia is gone. I can't have any more children. They're my future. My legacy. Should it come down to it, your life will come before theirs."
It's a rather large and daunting pill to swallow. Soarynn knew the risks of this job going into it, that should the children's lives be put at risk, she would be expected to give up her own. But it leads her to wonder, who on earth would want to hurt children?
"Of course sir."
That seems to be all he needs to hear because President Snow picks his pen back up and opens up one of the drawers in his desk, pulling out a file and tossing it onto the desk. "It says here in your file that you're Glen Nightingale's daughter. Allow me to offer you my condolences on his passing."
Soarynn didn't expect her father to be brought into this but perhaps this is a way of testing her emotional stability. Can she work under pressure?
"Thank you," she says quietly, looking down at her lap.
"How did he pass?"
"Heart failure," she answers, "we...we didn't see it coming. But he left me with everything I could possibly need."
President Snow grunts in approval, "A good man then. I do believe that our fathers were good friends back in the day, I used to go to dinners with them when I was just a boy."
It's hard to picture President Snow dining with her own father but she doesn't find it impossible. Stranger things have happened.
"Yes, he was very well connected," Soarynn agrees, shifting in her seat.
President Snow flips open her file, scanning the pages and Soarynn can see a standard photograph of her on one of the pages. "You can see my information?" She asks, her curiosity getting the best of her.
President Snow looks a bit surprised at her question but he nods, "Yes, I'm granted access to all information concerning citizens of Panem. This is mostly to ensure that you're of sound mind and body, and to make sure I know exactly where your loyalties lie."
Her loyalties.
"I can assure you that my loyalties lie within the safety of the Capitol sir," she says, "I attended the Academy, same as my father."
He looks her up and down, leaning a bit closer towards her, "I'm well aware of your loyalties. But let me make one thing perfectly clear Ms. Nightingale, your getting this job has nothing to do with your family name. It has nothing to do with your father being friends with my father. All I care about is your skillset and devotion to the well-being of my children. Am I clear?"
Soarynn swallows, "Crystal."
He sits back up, closing her file, "Good. You'll start today, meet the children, learn the house and the routines. Eudora will help you with the rest. Should you fail to meet my standards, you'll be fired immediately."
"Thank you, sir."
He waves her off and Soarynn all but runs out of her seat, desperate to get out of President Snow's scrutinizing gaze. She goes to pull open the doors when his deep voice stops her in her tracks.
"And Ms. Nightingale?"
Soarynn looks at him from over her shoulder, "Yes sir?"
"You are not their mother. Don't try to be something you're not, do you understand? My children don't need another mother, they need a nanny."
Soarynn bites her lip before answering, "Yes sir."
꧁ ꧂
Eudora Trinket can talk a lot.
She rambles on and on about all the procedures and routines Soarynn should be aware of while they walk through the Mansion. Soarynn can't help but marvel at how big it is, and how many people they pass through the halls. According to Eudora, all the staff are Avoxes, aside from the Peacekeepers.
"Now Coriolanus almost always goes out to dinner at night, so the children are asleep when he comes home."
Soarynn nods along to Eudora's words as they begin to climb up the grand staircase, "There's a back staircase as well for staff that you can use, the children use it often. Now, under no circumstances should Coriolanus be disturbed at any time, not even the children should bother him during the day. That's how the last nanny got fired."
Soarynn shivers at those foreboding words. This job is not promised. Any day could be her last.
Once they reach the second floor, it becomes much more quiet. "The family's rooms are all on this hall," Eudora leads them down a particular hallway, "Coriolanus sleeps here, and the children's rooms are all down here along with their playroom. You're allowed to come up and down as you please, just don't disturb Coriolanus if he's in his room."
They stop in front of another door and Soarynn can hear laughter from the inside. "You know their names correct?"
"Yes. Ceraphina, Celeste, and Caspian."
"Good. I'll let you get acquainted with them. Coriolanus wants you to start immediately, so your day will be done when he gets home from dinner tonight." Soarynn hadn't thought about how long she'd be here but she supposes that there are worse places to work at.
"Alright. Should I need any help, I suppose I should come and ask you?"
Eudora hums, "Yes dear. I have a complimentary bedroom downstairs for when I'm required to spend the night, but I do most of my work in the red sitting room, the children will know where that is."
Soarynn glances down at the golden door handle and notices another rose engraved into it. He must really like roses.
Eudora quietly opens the door and Soarynn peers into the playroom to find it quite colorful and bright. The entire back wall is made up of windows with a long bench pressed against it to serve as a window seat it seems. There are books, toys, stuffed animals, and dresses scattered across the floor.
Three blonde children run around the room shrieking as they chase each other. Or well, the girls are chasing one another, and their brother is sitting on the floor watching them.
"Children," Eudora says sternly, causing them to stop in their tracks, "I'd like to introduce you to your new nanny. This is Soarynn."
Here goes nothing, Soarynn thinks to herself before stepping into the room. All three Snow children gaze up at her with wide blue eyes, "You have blonde hair like us," Ceraphina, the oldest, says, scanning Soarynn up and down, "the other nanny had black hair." Soarynn offers her a smile, "Well people come in all different shapes and colors."
Eudora crouches down and beckons the girls closer to her, "I expect you to show her how things are done, and I expect you girls to be on your best behavior alright? Make your father proud." Both girls give Eudora a determined look and they nod, looking back up at Soarynn, "You can come play with us," Celeste says, "we're playing tea party."
Soarynn raises her eyebrows, "Well that sounds delightful."
She carefully steps over several toys and follows the girls to a small table tucked in the corner, where most seats are occupied by dolls. "Do your dolls have names?" She implores, remembering how obsessed she was with dolls when she was younger. Celeste nods and picks one of the dolls up, "Yes! This one is Sofie, she's a princess."
Ceraphina grabs the teapot and opens the lid, "And our daddy is the President of Panem." Soarynn nods along, "Yes he is, his job is very important." Ceraphina tilts her head and takes another step towards Soarynn, not stopping until they're toe to toe, "Are you gonna leave like the other nanny?"
Soarynn wishes she could give Ceraphina assurances, but her father made it very clear that tomorrow was not promised. Soarynn crouches down until she's at eye level with Ceraphina and tucks a stray curl behind her ear, "I'm going to be here as long as I possibly can, okay?" It seems that Ceraphina wanted to hear something along those lines because she breaks into a big smile, "Perfect! Our Mommy died so we don't have a Mommy anymore, right Celeste?"
Celeste who's making her doll drink imaginary tea perks up and nods, "Yep, Mommy died because she was sick. Daddy says so."
Soarynn cards her fingers through her hair and sighs, "Yes, I heard about that, I'm so very sorry for your loss." Ceraphina shrugs and reaches out to touch Soarynn's shirt, "It's okay, I get to go to school next year, Daddy says so."
"Momma." Soarynn looks over to the left where Caspian, the youngest of the Snow children has slowly pushed himself up and is carefully walking over to them, "Cas, Mommy isn't here anymore, remember? Now Soarynn takes care of us," Ceraphina explains, taking his small hand in her small one.
Caspian pouts and looks down at his small shoes, "Soar."
Soarynn smiles and reaches out to run a hand over his blonde curls, "That's right Caspian, I'm here to take care of you all. Now why don't we have some tea?"
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn never knew that children could have so much energy until now.
She's steps behind the girls who are running ahead of her, leading her to what's supposedly the ballroom. "Come on!" Ceraphina calls, waving her over, "It's this way!" Soarynn tightens her hold on Caspian's small hand as they slowly walk down the hallway, making sure not to walk too fast for his pace, "We're coming."
The Snow children are from what she's gathered, more aware than they're given credit for. Both girls are extremely smart and outgoing, always wanting to take the lead whereas Caspian is quiet as a mouse. Ceraphina says he wasn't always this way, that he talked more before Livia died. Now he simply latches onto the nearest stuffed animal which in today's case, is Lenny the lion.
"Lenny," Caspian says, holding up his stuffed animal for Soarynn to see again. She nods and squeezes Caspian's hand, "I can see that. Are you sure that you want to bring Lenny outside?"
Soarynn had suggested going to play outside after being cooped up in the playroom for a good two hours, figuring a little fresh air couldn't hurt. Both girls are waiting for them when they finally reach the ballroom and it's bigger than Soarynn could've imagined. "Oh my," she whispers, "nothing is small in this house is it?"
Ceraphina skips over to her, her curls bouncing, "C'mon Soarynn! C'mon Caspian, let's go outside!"
Caspian it seems is still debating whether or not to bring his beloved stuffed lion but he comes to a conclusion and gives Soarynn a nod, “Outside Lenny.”
Well, if that’s what he wants.
All four of them make their way across the shiny ballroom floor, it’s so perfectly polished that Soarynn can see her reflection in it. “Do you come into this room often?” She asks, glancing up at the ornate ceiling. Celeste twirls in front of her, holding out her arms for balance, “Nope! Ever since Mommy died we stopped having parties.”
Oh, well, best not to bring up the ballroom again.
Soarynn can’t help but feel as if she’s digging up old memories of the children’s mother. Perhaps she should stick to more surface-level topics like coloring and playing dress-up.
She lets out a deep sigh when they finally push open the large doors that lead to the terrace. The sun is shining and the birds are chirping, gladly welcoming the Snow children and their new nanny to a beautiful summer day.
The girls run ahead once again, twirling by the steps that lead down to the grounds. “Look at the clouds!” Celeste calls out, pointing at the white fluffy clouds. Soarynn looks down to find Caspian staring up at the sky with fascination, “Cloud,” he says, reaching his small hand up.
Soarynn nods, “That’s right, there are quite a few clouds today.”
“Let’s go play in the gardens!”
Soarynn nods to Ceraphina’s words and leads her and Caspian over to the steps, coming to a halt when she realizes just how many steps they’ll have to take. Caspian seems to be able to walk by himself for the most part, but she’d rather not test it.
“Do you mind if I pick you up?” She asks, feeling a bit silly asking a two-year-old for permission but he’s not just any two-year-old, no, he’s the President of Panem’s only son. He’ll be treated as such.
Caspian seems to give it some thought before he nods, “Up,” he agrees, allowing Soarynn to swoop him up and hold him on her hip. He barely weighs anything to her and this will be much easier for conquering the stairs.
It's adorable how quickly he clings to her, resting his head on her chest while one of his hands holds her shirt. From what she's seen he's a very sweet little boy, quiet but sweet. Anyone must be quiet in comparison to his sisters though who are very outspoken.
Once they reach the ground she goes to put him down but Caspian clings to her even tighter, "No!" Soarynn's eyes widen in surprise, but she won't be the one to deny him. "Alright," she says, "don't need to tell me twice."
They follow the girls around while they play, chasing butterflies and giggling, happy as can be. Caspian watches in fascination but makes no indications of wanting to be put back down. He's as comfy as can be. A butterfly lands on top of his stuffed lion after a while of the girls chasing it, dangling precariously on Lenny the lion.
Soarynn gasps, smiling at how confused Caspian seems at the butterfly, "It's a butterfly Caspian," she tells him, "looks like he likes Lenny." Ceraphina and Celeste eye the butterfly with mischievous smiles, "Can we hold Lenny Caspian?" Ceraphina asks, rocking back and forth on her heels.
Soarynn can see where this is going and it'll end in tears.
"I don't think so," she answers for Caspian who clutches onto Lenny for dear life, Ceraphina frowns but Soarynn doesn't want a dead butterfly on her hands. Their father wouldn't be very pleased with that.
Both girls settle for simply watching the butterfly and Soarynn can't help but feel as if they're being watched. Which she's sure they are, but by security. Where the Snow children go, Peacekeepers are sure to follow to ensure their safety at all times.
She looks up at the Mansion, her eyes zeroing in on a figure standing by one of the windows. President Snow.
She feels caught even though she's doing nothing wrong. Being under his scrutinizing gaze is more than enough to make someone feel guilty.
Soarynn turns so Caspian can see his father, "Look Caspian," she points, "there's your father." All three children look up and the girls gasp, waving up at the most intimidating man in the world, "Hi Daddy!" Caspian simply stares up at the window, his bright blue eyes watching his father.
President Snow doesn't wave back and a moment later he's turning away from the window, his attention seemingly called elsewhere. "Does your father ever come outside with you?" Soarynn asks Ceraphina who seems to have all the answers to her questions.
Ceraphina shakes her head, "Nope. Mommy didn't like us playing outside because she'd get her shoes dirty."
The more she hears about Livia Snow, the more she wonders about her. "I see. Why don't we go play over here?" Soarynn suggests, wanting to get their mind off of their mother as much as she can.
It is, after all, her job to make them happy.
꧁ ꧂
"Coriolanus is going to be at dinner tonight, so you'll stay with the children until he gets back home," Eudora tells her. Soarynn can only nod along to her words, "Alright. I suppose the children will be having dinner early then?"
They're seated in one of the many sitting rooms the President's Mansion has. This one is entirely red, from the furniture to the wall color. Soarynn can't help but study Eudora Trinket now that they're up close and personal. She's very beautiful, with long eyelashes and perfect skin. She must know all the ins and outs after working with the Snow family for so long.
"Yes, the most important part of their nighttime routines is simply making sure that they're all asleep before Coriolanus gets home. He doesn't like coming home to a house full of wild children, not that the children could ever be wild," she mumbles. "Anyways, Caspian is the hardest to get down, he's been quite fussy since his mother passed away, nothing seems to calm him down these days so any tricks are appreciated. Coriolanus doesn't want to turn to medication to get him to sleep."
Soarynn frowns at the suggestion of giving that sweet little boy medicine to make him fall asleep. She'll make sure he's dreaming of happy things before his father gets home tonight.
"I'll see to it that all the children are sound asleep when President Snow arrives," Soarynn assures her, glancing out into the hallway where all three children are playing on the floor with their toys. Eudora had found them all outside and called them in so she could go over a few more things with Soarynn.
She gave them all lemonade and cherry tarts, a delicious snack in Soarynn's opinion.
"How have they been so far? I know the girls can tend to get a little too excited whenever there's a new nanny in the house," Eudora says softly, giving Soarynn a somewhat sympathetic look. Soarynn shrugs and offers her a tight-lipped smile, "They've been wonderful. And a great help in showing me where everything is. It'll take a few days for me to get my bearings."
Soarynn knew the Presidential Mansion was big, but she never imagined it would be this big. It's like a maze with all these corridors and hallways, small rooms and large rooms.
Eudora chuckles, taking a sip of her lemonade, "Yes, the Mansion can be quite confusing. I think Coriolanus prefers it that way." Soarynn raises her eyebrows, surprised at what the President seems to prefer and not prefer, "You must be close to him then if you can call him by his first name?"
Eudora hums, tracing the rim of her glass with her finger, "Not necessarily close, but he knows I'm not going anywhere. After Livia passed it was so strange, he was so...dependent on me, and Coriolanus is very independent, very closed off as you've seen. But it was as if he needed me to tell him what to do every five minutes. I think he was in shock if I'm being honest. Nothing prepares you to become a single parent you know."
Soarynn nods, while she doesn't have any children of her own, she certainly knows what it feels like to lose a parent, a loved one.
"I see him as a nephew," Eudora continues, "sometimes a rather annoying one but I do care for him and his children deeply. They're a good family, and he tries to be a good father. It's not easy running a country and looking after three children, so the search for a reliable nanny has been rather difficult these past few months."
"Soarynn? Can we go play something else?"
Both women snap back into focus at Celeste's question and Soarynn is quick to put on a smile and wipe her hands off on her skirt, "Of course we can sweetheart, let's go back to the playroom."
Celeste smiles up at her, reaching for Soarynn's hand and she gladly takes it, "Okay! Daddy bought us new dresses to play dress-up in, maybe you can fit into one!"
Soarynn hums, slowly standing up from the sofa and giving Eudora a nod, "We'll see you at dinner?"
"You will dear," Eudora confirms.
"Let's go, let's go!" Celeste chants, dragging Soarynn towards her siblings, "I'm coming, I'm coming," Soarynn mumbles, watching the other two Snow children light up when they see her walking towards them.
"You're gonna play dress-up with us?" Ceraphina asks, her blue-gray eyes twinkling with excitement. Soarynn gives her a confirming nod, bending down to pick up Caspian who's already reaching out for her, "I sure am."
"Are you gonna play other games with us too?"
Soarynn adjusts Caspian on her hip, not wanting him to slip while they go up the stairs, "I'll play whatever games you want me to play."
And she means it too. Whatever makes them happy.
꧁ ꧂
"Come on girls, it's time for bed."
Neither of the girls put up a fight which Soarynn is grateful for. It's been a long day.
"Will you read us a story?"
"I sure will."
All three children have their own rooms but Soarynn learned at dinner that Ceraphina and Celeste prefer to sleep in the same room together. She didn't need Eudora to tell her why, she already knew why. Because their mother died so now everything was different than it was before.
She finds it rather sweet though, how no matter how much these girls have, they always choose to stick together. And all three children could easily sleep in one room considering the sheer size of their bedrooms. Ceraphina's is all pink, with a large canopy bed filled to the brim with stuffed animals. Soarynn doesn't know how they manage to get any sleep but the girls claim that the animals help keep them safe.
They both run to the bed, dressed in the softest pajamas with their hair braided down their backs. Soarynn had been a bit nervous about bath time since she found that children either loved it or hated it, but the girls didn't put up any fuss, only wanting her to style their hair once they were done.
"Come look at all our stuffed animals," Ceraphina calls out, crawling over her sheets to gather as many animals as she possibly can. Soarynn spots several bunny rabbits and horses. "My goodness, you two certainly have quite the collection," Soarynn says, sitting on the edge of the bed. Celeste giggles and flops onto the pile of pillows, "Yep! Daddy always buys us stuffed animals when he goes away on trips."
Soarynn pales at the thought of President Snow going away on business. She hadn't seen him once today besides that moment in the window, but just knowing that he was here in case anything went wrong made her feel much better. To have him in the Districts worries her.
"How thoughtful of him," she murmurs, pinching the bedsheets between her fingers, "what story do you want to hear tonight?"
Both girls scrunch their noses while they think, a cute habit they must've picked up from one of their parents. Ceraphina being the oldest is the first to have an answer, "The one about the bunny rabbits in the meadow." Celeste perks up at that suggestion and quickly nods, a few of her shorter curls springing loose, "Yes! Eudora doesn't do the voices like Daddy does?"
Soarynn frowns, "The voices?"
"Mhm. Whenever Daddy reads to us he does funny voices for the characters."
Oh, how...sweet. Soarynn didn't even think that President Snow ever put his girls to sleep but apparently, there have been enough times for them to grow used to his silly voices. And what a silly thought to picture the President of Panem changing his voice to mimic bunny rabbits.
A parent's love knows no bounds.
"Alright, I'll do the voices, although I won't be as good as your father," Soarynn warns them, earning her some giggles. "It's okay," Celeste tells her, "the other nanny never read us bedtime stories."
What monster did they hire before her?
Soarynn pushes those thoughts away and goes to search for their requested book, mentally preparing to come up with some bunny rabbit voices.
How hard can it be?
꧁ ꧂
"I know," Soarynn whispers, bouncing a wailing Caspian up and down, "but you're so tired sweet boy, you need to go to bed."
Caspian tries to wiggle out of her hold but Soarynn will be damned if she drops the President's son because he doesn't want to go to bed. "No! Momma want Momma!" He cries out for the hundredth time.
Soarynn sighs, she hadn't anticipated Caspian putting up such a fuss about bedtime. The girls went down easy after she read them a bedtime story. It nearly broke her heart when they both made sure to confirm that she'd be coming back tomorrow.
She can't imagine how many times those sweet girls have watched another woman walk out of their lives, almost the same way their mother did.
But she promised them that she'd come back tomorrow.
Unless their father decides to fire her tonight.
"Do you want Lenny?" Soarynn asks, grabbing the stuffed lion off from his dresser, "No Lenny," Caspian says, more tears falling down his chubby little cheeks. Soarynn gently wipes away his tears, glancing at the clock again. It's almost eight o'clock, far past his bedtime but Caspian is not going down without a fight it seems.
Soarynn looks out the large windows of his nursery, wondering what it would be like for this to be your view every day, the Masnion ground with the Capitol right behind your backyard. The children don't even blink at the idea of their father being the President.
A wild idea crosses her mind but it's better than the other things she's tried. "Why don't I sing you a song hmm? Would you like a lullaby?"
Caspian hiccups, his cries faltering at her suggestion. He probably understands more than he lets onto but Soarynn can't really blame him. He's the baby of the family.
Soarynn walks over to the rocking chair, groaning when she finally sits down and gets off her feet, "Much better," she decides, smoothing down his curls, "See? It's alright Caspian, you're alright."
She digs through the rolodex of songs in her mind, she always loved to sing, even sang in the choir at the Academy for a couple years. But once her father passed away, she hasn't felt like singing a whole lot.
But tonight calls for all the stops.
Soarynn cradles his head agasint her chest, rocking them back and forth when she begins to sing.
"Deep in the meadow, under the willow, A bed of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head, and close your eyes, and when they open, the sun will rise. Here it's safe, here it's warm, here the daisies guard you from every harm. Here your dreams are sweet, and tommow brings them true. Here is the place where I love you."
Soarynn swallows after signing the last line, remembering her father kissing her forehead whenever he'd sing it.
She presses a soft kiss to Caspian's forehead, smiling at how precious he looks when he's asleep.
She rocks them for a little longer, humming the song to keep him asleep before she finally stands up and walks him over to his crib. Eudora says he'll get a bed once he turns three, but until then he's got his crib, beautifully carved mahogany at that.
"Sweet dreams sweet boy," she whispers, carefully placing him down in his crib, making sure he has Lenny the lion within his grasp just in case he needs a friend.
Soarynn watches him sleep for a moment, wanting to make sure he doesn't wake up needing anything.
She can't help but feel an internal need to protect these children, to care for them and make sure they know how loved they are, even if it's not really her place to do so.
She finally leaves, quietly closing the doors behind her and letting out a breath of relief once she's finally alone.
Today felt like five years compressed into one.
And it's only her first day.
Still, she enjoyed getting to know the children. All that's left for her to do is wait for their father to return home. So she settles in the playroom, curling up on one of the larger sofas they have with the book she brought along with her in case she had some free time. After today, she knows she won't.
Soarynn listens out for anyone calling her name, the sound of any children padding down the empty hallways but she hears nothing.
Nothing until heavy footsteps announce themselves at the playroom doors. Soarynn looks up wide-eyed at President Snow who's lingering in the doorway, watching her.
"I...you're back," she finally manages to get out, her voice merely a whisper.
He nods, stepping into the playroom, "I am, and none of my children were there to greet me at the door so I suppose you succeeded in getting them all to sleep."
Soarynn swallows, praying that one of the children doesn't decide to make a grand entrance right now, "I did," she replies.
President Snow looks around the playroom, his eyes scanning over all the toys and miniature pieces of furniture he probably had custom-made for his children, "Haven't been in here for a while."
Soarynn closes her book, she wasn't prepared for small talk. "The children seem to enjoy playing in here together."
He slowly nods, his eyes traveling up and down her body. She took of her shoes but now she's wishing she kept the heels on, she must look so unprofessional.
"Dinner was good then?" She asks, immediately wishing she had just kept her mouth shut. She's the nanny, not the assistant.
President Snow raises his eyebrows at her question while she waits for him to fire her on the spot, but he surprises her. "It was good," he agrees, "long but good."
They both sit in their silence for a few beats, neither of them knowing what to say until he cards his fingers through his curls, "Why don't we check on the children so you can go home?"
Soarynn shoots up from the sofa, grabbing her things and slipping on her heels, "Excellent idea."
He steps to the side so she can walk out and Soarynn feels the hairs on the back of her neck stand up when she feels his warm breath on her for a second. But then it's gone and they're both walking side by side towards the children's rooms.
"They were well-behaved today?"
"Yes sir."
"Good," he grunts, clasping his hands behind his back, "I've never known them not to be," he adds.
Soarynn believes him, the Snow children are very sweet.
They stop at Ceraphina's doors and Soarynn carefully cracks them open, peering in to see both girls under the covers, sound asleep with stuffed animals in their hands. She can feel President Snow right behind her, his presence is overwhelming. She looks up to find that he has a genuine look on his normally stern face, a small smile splayed across his lips.
"They can't stand to be apart," he whispers, backing up so that she can close the doors, "they might as well be twins."
Soarynn chuckles, "They certainly act like twins."
She's never seen sisters be so close before, so in tune with one another.
President Snow hums, "Yes, well it's good they're both asleep. They've had a busy day."
How do you even know that? She wants to ask him but Soarynn chides herself while they walk down to Caspian's nursery, she's sure he has all sorts of people telling him about every little thing his children do when he's not with them.
She holds her breath when he opens the doors to Caspian's nursery, praying that they aren't welcomed by wailing but all she hears is silence. She peers in to see him still asleep, Lenny hugged to his chest now.
Soarynn does her best not to look entirely relieved.
President Snow watches his son for a moment, long enough for Soarynn to look back in, just to make sure something isn't amiss but it all looks good to her.
"No one's ever been able to get him to sleep," he says softly, disbelief reflecting in his piercing blue eyes, "no one except me and Livia."
Soarynn wonders if that's supposed to be a compliment, supposed to make her feel proud. She thinks back to Caspian crying for his mother, desperately seeking her out even though she no longer exists.
"I just sang him a lullaby," she explains, brushing her hair behind her ears. President Snow closes the doors gently before looking down at her, so imposing and authoritative, "It must have been some lullaby. He's never slept like this since Livia passed," he says, shaking his head, "every nanny would greet me with a wailing son and tired eyes."
Soarynn is most definitely tired but she's missing a crying Caspian and she's proud of that. He wasn't too fussy once she started singing. "Well I'm glad that you were able to be greeted by a quiet house," is what she finally says, not wanting to say the wrong thing and come off as cocky or arrogant.
He nods, rubbing the back of his neck, "Me as well. I suppose that's all for today then, my driver will take you home."
Soarynn wants to jump for joy, she survived the first day! But she refrains from doing so and simply nods, "That's very kind of you. Thank you, sir."
President Snow hums, already padding down the hall to his own room. "Goodnight Ms. Nightingale," he calls, not even looking back at her.
Soarynn watches him go, he must be terribly lonely in this big Mansion, with no one to truly talk to unless he's paying them to listen. She's no different then, just another employee.
"Goodnight sir," she whispers, turning on her heel to walk in the opposite direction.
She quietly makes her way downstairs, towards the side entrance Eudora had shown her after dinner. The front entrance was for big spectacles, important visitors who had to be seen entering the President's Mansion to send a message to those watching. On a daily basis, those who worked and lived inside the Mansion used the side entrance since it was more secluded and just easier to access.
Soarynn is met by the President's driver and the cool evening air, "Good evening Ms. Nightingale," the driver greets her with a curt bow at the waist, "you reside on Cornelia Street, is that correct?"
Soarynn doesn't even want to know how he knows where she lives. "Yes," is all she says before slipping into the car. It's quite possibly the most luxurious vehicle she's ever been inside of with custom-wrapped leather seats, a small mini bar, and so much leg room. Ten people could easily fit inside of this car.
She leans against the window once the car begins to move, watching as a side gate opens up for the car, guarded by two Peacekeepers armed with guns. She'll have to get used to their presence.
She nearly drifts off to sleep but snaps herself awake when she sees the familiar townhouses that neighbor her own. Her fingers trail along the fine leather interior, stopping at the door handle where there's another rose engraved into the metal.
He must love roses.
The car comes to a quiet stop and the driver opens the door for her a moment later, promising to be back in the morning to pick her up. Soarynn didn't think she'd be given privileges such as this but she's not complaining. This is much better than walking.
Soarynn yawns once she's within the safety of her own home, so very ready to get some sleep. She still can't believe she got the job, that she works for the President of Panem now. She ought to do everything in her power to keep this job for the sake of the children.
She just hopes it doesn't come at the cost of her own sanity.
| Part 1. |
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murdrdocs · 10 months
coriolanus snow who likes the chase. suggestive 17+
he likes to kiss you stupid, having you pressed against a tree not far from the lake lucy gray and the rest of your family had showed him. a hand above your head, the other at your waist. and then he likes to pull back, your eyes closed as you bask in the kiss. he nips at your earlobe, maybe kisses along your neck, and just when your legs start to part and you begin to expect more, he growls in your ear.
your eyes open, you stare at him trying to gauge how serious he is, and once you see that his blue eyes are mostly clouded with sincerity and adrenaline (a bit of amusement woven in them) you take off into the woods.
your feet patter against the earth, your voice lets out squeals and shrieks of joy as you dodge branches and jump over sticks.
coriolanus gives you a head start. he counts to ten, he even waits a few extra moments, and then he’s following you. he’s dodging trees and branches with a little more accuracy and speed, training having treated him well. but you’re still fast.
your mistake, though, lies in your over enthusiasm. you’re too loud, too giggly, and you risk looking far too often.
you’re hiding, coriolanus knows that, but he’s a little stuck on where. that’s until he hears a giggle come from his right, and when he casts his gaze that way, he catches a glimpse of your head hiding back behind the tree.
he’s got you now. stealthily approaching you, keeping his breathing steady and avoiding as many twigs as he can, and you’re looking the other way around the thick tree when he catches you.
you squeal when he pulls you back against his chest, but you don’t bother thrashing around. most times, coriolanus prefers when you try to resist. when you break free and run a few paces only to stumble to the ground, making it easier for him to fall above you and take you there.
either way, he enjoys when he’s able to claim his prize. he likes having worked for it. and he especially likes how you let him claim it, how you give it up by parting your legs and allowing him to lift your skirt with minimal to no protesting from you.
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gears2gnomes · 3 months
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SGDQ 2024 - Celeste 64: Fragments of the Mountain
"Climbing the Mountain. Now in 3D!"
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flags-planes-and-fire · 9 months
(Video Credit Here)
Dr. Roberto Canessa talking to Tom Holland regarding the new Netflix film - Society of the Snow.
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josephslittledeputy · 10 months
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Sidra Navros (various) - Enjoying the warmth inside with a lactose-free hot cocoa Celeste Night (og verse) - Gabriel insisted that Aidan should get to enjoy the holidays and Celeste didn't have enough energy to argue, so she's indulging him for once Lacy Cunningham (c*d) - Well, she only stepped out to grab a few things but... it seems she brought half the store back with her. But how can she not fully indulge in the holidays when she's got a kiddo at the perfect age that makes the holidays so much fun?
Tagged by @carlosoliveiraa a hot minute ago to do this meiker, thank you!
I haven't seen many people do this one yet, so if you've already been tagged, my apologies! @inafieldofdaisies @adelaidedrubman @clicheantagonist @cassietrn @simplegenius042 @g0dspeeed @marivenah @purplehairsecretlair @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @alexxmason
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
My favorite genre of plurals in fiction are the ones that have genuinely evil alters but the evil alters aren't demonized (hyper specific I know :P)
What do you mean by genuinely evil?
I'm trying to think of something that would fit with this but am drawing blanks. There's stories like Celeste's that spring to mind where you have Badeline appearing to be an evil headmate, but is more complex than that despite some harmful tendencies.
Besides that, um... maybe Killer Frost in the Flash TV shows, since she did start out as genuinely evil before her redemption.
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We were robbed of Eclipse being a good brother 😭
we fricking WERE! like, lunar better tell moon about this and be like "alright, adopting a new brother"
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Farmer Picrew Dump
Stole this from @studentinpursuitofclouds's post Decided to make all my farmers so here they are in order from which one I created first.
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(Changed up from this post)
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heartlandians · 2 years
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Block 7: Day 5 (2/11/2022). Photos by: Aidan Moreno, Michelle Morgan and Baye McPherson
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slaymitchabernathy · 1 month
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Our Little Secret
On a quiet Sunday night, Soarynn finds herself curled up with a good book. She told herself that she’d go to bed once she put the children to sleep but that was hours ago and she’s halfway through this book.
Normally, she’d be in bed with her husband by now. Wrapped up in his strong embrace while he whispers sweet words of devotion.
But Coriolanus isn’t home. Isn’t in the Capitol. He’s away on a business trip in District One and won’t be home until tomorrow morning which left Soarynn alone with three children over the weekend.
It’s been a long weekend.
Soarynn is glad that their children are so well behaved because she truly can’t imagine having to manage three children under the age of five without having some sort of mental breakdown. She also knows that Coriolanus would lecture them for a good two days should he hear of them giving their mother a hard time, but still, she’s ready to have her husband home.
She glances over at her loyal companion, Petunia, her fluffy white cat who’s sitting high and mighty on her husband’s pillow. Those two seem to have a knack for lighting each other’s fuses and Petunia has been basking in his absence. “Don’t get too used to it Petunia,” Soarynn tells the feline while reaching for her cup of tea, “he’ll be back in the morning.”
Petunia rolls onto her back in response and Soarynn shakes her head, smiling to herself, that cat will be the death of Coriolanus one of these days. It doesn’t help that the children adore Petunia, always taking her side.
Soarynn takes a few sips of her tea and glances around the bedroom, noticing little pieces that are missing since Coriolanus is gone. His favorite cologne, his glasses that he only wears when he absolutely has to, his watch. Soarynn didn’t realize she was missing half of herself until she met Coriolanus, and now that he’s gone, she wishes for nothing more than to have him back and be whole again.
Tomorrow morning, she reminds herself, I’ll get up before the children to make a big breakfast for everyone.
The Snows do have a cook and two maids who take care of the house, but Soarynn gave all three women the day off tomorrow. She simply wants to bask in the company of her family and she can manage the meals for one day.
She’s beginning to think about what to make for breakfast when the doors to the bedroom slowly open and Soarynn peers over the back of the sofa to see her youngest daughter, Celeste, holding onto the door handle.
Soarynn sits up straighter on the sofa, her book and tea long forgotten. “Celeste darling, why aren’t you in bed?”
This seems to be enough permission for Celeste to enter her parent’s bedroom because she pads inside, making sure to close the doors behind her before answering Soarynn. “I couldn’t sleep Mommy.” Soarynn sighs and looks over at the clock that sits atop the fireplace mantel, it’s nearly midnight.
“Why don’t you come sit with me for a bit and try to fall asleep,” Soarynn offers, knowing that Celeste always jumps at the opportunity to be in the forbidden domain that is her parents bedroom.
Not that the children aren’t allowed in their room, but Coriolanus has been very clear that unless it’s an absolute emergency, they should remain outside. He didn’t want to lose the one sacred space he shared with his wife, the space where he was guaranteed alone time with her. And Soarynn didn’t really see any reason to fight him on it.
Rarely do the children ever try to sneak into their room, once or twice has proven more than enough for them to decide that their parent’s bedroom is of no real interest to them.
Celeste nods and hurries over to the seating area where Soarynn is currently perched on the sofa and she climbs up by Soarynn’s feet, giggling when Soarynn wiggles her toes. “Did you have a bad dream?” Soarynn asks, suddenly worried that there might be more to her daughter’s story.
But Celeste shakes her head and settles herself on Soarynn’s lap, “No Mommy. I just…I can’t wait for Daddy to come home,” she whispers the last part and Soarynn brushes some stray curls from her face. Soarynn leans in as if also sharing a big secret, “I can’t wait for him to come home either. It’s been quite strange without him hasn’t it?”
Soarynn is more used to Coriolanus going away for business but this is the first time he’s left where all the children actually understand the concept of leaving for the Districts. They all miss Coriolanus, plain and simple. Except Petunia.
Celeste hums in agreement and her hands absentmindedly reach to grab the lace neckline of Soarynn’s pink nightgown. But Soarynn doesn’t stop her, she doesn’t mind the children reaching for her in times of need. She cherishes these moments at their young age for she knows that she’ll never get them again.
Celeste’s eyes meet her own and for a moment Soarynn truly can’t believe that she’s real. Her sweet, perfect daughter. “You look so pretty Mommy.” Soarynn pulls a face because she looks anything but pretty right now in her opinion with her hair loosely braided down her back and her face bare.
Celeste giggles and rests her hands on Soarynn’s shoulders, “You do! You do Mommy. You always look so pretty, Daddy says so all the time.”
Well now she’s blushing.
Soarynn tucks a stray hair behind her ear and shakes her head, “Your Father has a way with words I suppose. But I look like I’m ready for bed if I’m being quite honest with you. We’re the only ones still up.”
That fact seems to dawn on Celeste who looks around the dimly lit room before looking back at Soarynn, “Are we…are we safe here without Daddy protecting us?”
Soarynn’s face softens and she immediately wraps Celeste in a warm embrace, placing several kisses onto her head, “Of course we are darling. We’re perfectly safe here in the Capitol. Your Father wouldn’t want us to be anywhere but here.”
It’s true. Should some random stranger wish to instill harm on them, they’d have to make it past the doorman, then past the security guard in the lobby, then up the elevator, and then through the two large and heavy mahogany front doors.
A lot of work for a woman, three children, and a cat.
Celeste nods and rests her head on Soarynn’s chest, “I’m getting sleepy again Mommy.” Soarynn runs a loving hand over Celeste’s head and looks over at her bed, her big empty bed. She’s been so lonely these past few nights without Coriolanus. She feels a smile creep across her face as an idea forms in her head.
“Do you want to sleep with me tonight?”
Celeste gasps and looks up at her, so much excitement in her blue eyes, she looks just like Coriolanus.
“Can I?”
Soarynn nods, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “Daddy will never know if we’re awake before he gets home. It’ll be our little secret.”
Well, that seems to be as good an offer as any because Celeste is full of energy in seconds, helping Soarynn prepare the bed and fluff the pillows.
“I’m helping Mommy,” she tells Soarynn while patting a pillow. Soarynn smiles and pulls back the thick covers, “Yes you are darling, you’re being such a good helper.”
Celeste beams up at Soarynn and makes sure that all the pillows are fluffed to her liking, even the one that Petunia has claimed. “We’re having a sleepover Petunia,” Celeste says, “except, you can’t tell anyone ‘cause it’s a secret.”
Soarynn smiles at the sweet sight and goes to turn off the bedside lamp, “Get under the covers darling so Mommy can turn off all the lights.” Celeste does as she’s told and crawls under the covers, looking so small in the large bed.
Marrying a tall and broad man meant sleeping in an outrageously large bed but Soarynn has come to love it. And she always finds herself in his embrace every morning despite how much room the both of them have so it works out in the end.
Soarynn makes sure to blow out any candles and turn off any lamps before she joins Celeste and Petunia in bed, both of whom are staring at her with wide blue eyes. Soarynn wishes she could take a picture of this sweet moment. “Let’s all have sweet dreams,” Soarynn whispers, pulling Celeste close to her.
Celeste curls up to her and rests her head on Soarynn’s chest, letting out a content sigh. “Sweet dreams Mommy.”
Soarynn stokes her head for a while, watching Celeste’s eyes grow heavier and heavier before she decides to sing the children’s favorite lullaby.
Deep in the meadow, under the willow, A bed of grass, a soft green pillow, Lay down your head, and close you eyes, And when they open the sun will rise, Here it’s safe, here it’s warm, Here the daisies guard you from every harm, Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true, Here is the place where I love you.
꧁ ꧂
All Soarynn notices in the depths of her sleep is the smell of the lemon scented shampoo in Celeste’s hair. Which means that her daughter did not escape her grasp in the middle of the night.
She knows that she should wake up soon, get out of bed and start preparing breakfast, but five more minutes couldn’t hurt. Right?
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn must be dreaming because she swears she can feel her husband’s lips on her neck.
Which is impossible because that would mean that Coriolanus is back home.
Soarynn softly groans and shifts in her sleep, but the sensation of someone’s lips are persistent. Then she hears it. Hears his deep, throaty chuckle that she’s become so accustomed to hearing in the morning.
“I see I’ve been replaced by another blonde with curly hair and blue eyes.”
Soarynn’s eyes shoot open and she looks over her shoulder to find Coriolanus sitting on the edge of the bed, staring down at her with a fond look on his eyes. “You’re back,” she whispers, still somewhat dazed from her sleep.
Coriolanus nods and glances at Celeste, “And I’ve lost my side of the bed it seems.”
Soarynn slowly and carefully detaches herself from Celeste who thankfully, can sleep through about anything. She doesn’t wait a moment to crawl into his arms and sit herself on his lap, burying her face in his shoulder. Coriolanus lets out a groan and wraps his arms around her frame, squeezing her as if he might never let go again. Soarynn could live with that.
“I missed you so much,” she whispers into his suit jacket. He’s still dressed from his travels on the train. Coriolanus pulls away and gently holds her face in his hands, studying her face to see if anything has changed over the past few days, “I’ve missed you too my love. These three days have been sheer torture having to be away from you and the children.”
Soarynn looks over her shoulder at Celeste who’s still curled up in bed, Petunia now sitting by her while glaring up at Coriolanus. He chuckles and shakes his head, “I see my presence has not been missed by everyone in this household.”
Soarynn presses her lips to his which is more than enough to silence any further agitation between him and the cat. Coriolanus responds eagerly and if it weren’t for the sleeping child next to them, she’s sure that he’d take her right here if he could. But there’s little ones near by and Coriolanus isn’t the type of man to be too handsy in front of his children.
Just another reason as to why he’s such a good husband.
Soarynn pulls away breathless and looks down at the foot of the bed, softly gasping when she sees the giant bouquet of roses sitting there for her. “Oh, they’re beautiful,” she whispers, “thank you darling.”
Coriolanus smiles and pecks her lips, “Anything for my darling girl. Now tell me, how did this happen exactly,” he nods towards Celeste who has never slept in any bed but her own until last night.
Soarynn has the decency to look somewhat guilty while she thinks about how to answer him. Coriolanus isn’t mad, he’s amused more than anything but Soarynn knows he’ll want some explanation as to why their child slept in their bed instead of their own.
Soarynn grins when she finally comes up with a substantial answer and she kisses his cheek.
“It’s our little secret.”
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72 notes · View notes
murdrdocs · 10 months
coriolanus snow who pretends he hates pleasuring you. fem! reader
he pretends when he fucks you, and you're moaning all prettily and squeezing around his cock, the euphoria he feels is of pure nature only. he tells himself it's solely because he's still a young man, not long ago was he a teenage boy, and there's no greater joy to him than getting his dick wet. he wants to believe that he's just addicted to your cunt based off of primal desires, the sheer obsession of the pleasurably mind numbing feeling of driving his dick in and out in a rhythmic dance.
yet, how can he pretend he doesn't enjoy it when he's willingly pleasing you in ways that give him absolutely no physical gratification, besides the occasional desperate grind of his cock into the mattress. there is no self deception whenever he's just as obsessed, maybe even more, with getting you off on his tongue as he is with getting you off on his dick.
and at times, he begrudgingly reminds himself that he wasn't always like this. he reminds himself of his old refusals and denials. he once lacked any desire to position his face between a woman's legs, which would almost completely cover the feature he was most proud of. he believed it would be a waste, an act he would only deliver in hopes that the service would be returned upon him thereafter. after a few occurrences, he found himself caring less and less about getting his own dick sucked and more about discovering how many times he can lead you to the highest form of pleasure by work of only his mouth.
it became something he was proud of, something that boosted his ego, something he could boast about to you as he threw in his favorite term of endearment ("my girl"). and it all started when you pointed out the size of coriolanus' nose and lips, almost slyly hinting at what he could accomplish with his features.
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gears2gnomes · 8 months
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AGDQ 2024 - Celeste
"The summit."
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toasterdrake · 1 year
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they’re writing a jacques schnee diss track
i think?? im going to say that fleur gets her facial scar at the fall of beacon. so she’s healed up by the time she gets to atlas
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polrbearsims · 1 year
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Winter comes to my sims 3 world, and my plant-sim Madeleine is looking forward to the prom, especially after getting asked to the prom by her friend Celeste.
Madeleine and her mother Ginger visited the garden center/nursery in the town to see the seasonal winter decorations and trees, and there she ran into Celeste! She gave Celeste some flower kisses!
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flymold · 2 years
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tiny. small. little even
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nxuvillette · 8 months
hope your guys day was wonderful !!
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