#celest and charles
hotkari · 3 months
Ó velký čumblre, vyslyš mé prosby!
Komu se nechce číst: Běž jsi poslechnout kapelu Celest & Charles.
Minulé léto jsem na festivalu v Třebíči poprvé slyšela naprosto skvělou českou kapelu Celest & Charles. Hrají takové funky disco, spousta saxofonů, trubka, elektrické kytary a dva super zpěváci + mají zajímavý a propracovaný texty.
Zatím jsou prakticky neznámí, ale tohle léto mají vlastní tour po Česku a dělají předskokana Divokýmu Billovi. Zkrátka, myslím, že to dotáhnou daleko a chci je podpořit.
Včera jsem si udělala výlet na jejich koncert do Bratislavy a ano, opravdu jsou tak dobří, že jsem se kvůli nim vydala na východ. Na živo hrají skvěle a ke každé písni mají sladěné pantomimické minitanečky. Když jsem poprosila o fotku, byli nadšení. Charles/Karel si se mnou moc mile popovídal a dokonce jsem dostala jejich kšiltovku, zkrátka interakce 11/10.
Takže pokud máš dneska prokrastinační den, pusť si Zvedni prdel.
Jestliže jsi v párty rozhoďnožka éře, poslechni si Jste můj svět.
Pro teoretické fyziky a filozofy je tu Hodinář a pro vás, kteří byste raději své vztahy hodili do stroje, Ve dvou se to táhne líp.
A samozřejmě pro milovníky disca je to Miluju Disco.
Konec hlášení a běžte šířit lásku!
Díky 🧡
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pentangeli · 3 months
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High Society (1956)
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ask-celeste-silvers · 5 months
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Oh god I've did it again...ive drawn in @capturecharlesau style again
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wolfeyedwitch · 4 months
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Sorry for the wait!
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When Charles went in to check on the vampire, he instantly realized his mistake.
They were kneeling and looking up at him, blood bag entirely untouched.
He was so stupid! Of course they wouldn't take food just like that. The poor thing probably thought he was taunting them or testing them. Or maybe they came up with something even worse, who knows what horrors they have been forced to accept as normal.
"Ah. You're up." He tried to make his voice seem calm and content to limit any possible misunderstandings of intentions.
Who knows how effectively that will be, but at least he's trying.
Watching them carefully, he stooped down and picked up the bag. He held in front of him, handing it to the vampire.
"Here you are, dear. Please eat, you have my permission."
He didn't know what he'd do if they refused a second time.
CW: internalized dehumanization, it as a pronoun, disordered eating, past starvation
The vampire did its best not to appear tense as its new owner entered the room.
"Ah. You're up." He sounded.... not quite casual. Like he was trying for it, but missed.
Well, too late for it now. It just hoped that he would explain why he was upset when he inevitably punished it.
Its owner walked over and picked up the bloodbag, watching the vampire like a bug under a magnifying glass the whole time. He...
He held the bag in front of himself.
Out towards the vampire.
Offering it.
This was a new level of cruelty. It was one thing to avoid temptation when left alone; it was another thing entirely to maintain control when the blood was being held out in front of it like Tantalus and his punishment.
"Here you are, dear." His voice was more genuine now, a mix of pity and some other emotion it couldn't quite place. It wasn't any of the usual emotions it heard from owners: anger, disgust, or malicious glee.
"Please eat."
"You have my permission."
It hadn't done anything for him yet! It had only just arrived; why was he feeding it now, before it did anything to earn such privileges?
It hesitantly extended one crooked hand to the outstretched bag, expecting it to be taken out of reach at any moment. When it grasped the bag, it snuck a glance at the man's face once more, trying to see if this was truly allowed.
He gave a small nod.
With that encouragement, its control snapped. It snatched the bag out of the man's hands before he could change his mind. It raised the bag to its mouth and bit, savagely tearing it open and greedily gulping the contents.
The first taste was beyond description. It didn't matter that the blood was room-chilled rather than body-warmed, or that the taste of plastic and chemicals pervaded it. To the vampire, it was ambrosia, the finest thing it had ever tasted.
It wasn't just any blood— it was human blood. The best sustenance for a vampire, and the only kind that could fuel a vampire's preternatural healing. It had been denied the substance for longer than it cared to recall, subsisting off the animal blood it was given only rarely.
In moments, the contents of the bag were gone. All that was left was the gore it could feel coating its mouth and chin in messy smears.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, it had made such a mistake.
How could it have been so careless, so disgusting as to make such a mess of itself? It could hear its trainer's voice echoing in the back of its mind, reminding it that if its owner was gracious enough to feed it, the very least it could do was be neat while eating.
Do you really want to remind your owner of what a disgusting parasite you are? If you act like a wild beast, you'll be treated like one.
As it tried in vain to wipe away the remnants of its meal (it could lick its hands clean later, but for now it needed to not anger its owner further), it made the mistake of glancing up to see the look the man wore. He was looking at it like a butcher looks at a lamb going to slaughter: dispassionate and assessing.
Like he was imagining where to make the first cut.
With that thought, it finally connected the pieces. The artist, his macabre art, giving it blood.
This was in preparation for a painting. It had to be. Its owner had decided after looking at it that it needed sustenance before he could start any project. It couldn't stop the shiver that ran down its spine at the thought.
To hide the mess it had made of itself, and to show proper gratitude and submission, it bent down. It was already kneeling, so it folded itself over its legs until its forehead touched the floor.
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evil-quartett · 5 months
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a bunch of chibis 5/23
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marshvlovestv · 6 months
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My AvPD headcanons btw. Moodboard. Feeling these funny guys hard rn. Probably have others that I'm not remembering. I also have multiple OCs with AvPD.
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angelstills · 1 year
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High Society (1956)
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cultfaction · 1 year
Land of the Giants
Land of the Giants was a science fiction television series that captivated audiences during its original run from 1968 to 1970. Created by Irwin Allen, the mastermind behind other iconic sci-fi series like Lost in Space, The Time Tunnel, and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, the show takes viewers on an imaginative journey into a world where a group of people find themselves stranded on an…
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oldtvlover · 2 years
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Cast: Richard Jordan as Joseph Armagh Ray Bolger as R.J. Squibbs Peter Donat as Clair Montrose Charles Durning as Ed Healey Celeste Holm as Sister Angela Harvey Jason as Harry Zieff Joanna Pettet as Katherine Hennessey Beverly D'Angelo as Miss Emmy and many more 
Story: (aka Chapter I) Joseph Francis Xavier Armagh and his two younger siblings Sean and Mary escape a ship on the harbor of New York. The situation ashore is problematic, jobs are scarce and food equally scarce. Aboard the ship their mother has died from disease, but they have a hope; their father is in Philadelphia awaiting them. The siblings run away, and discovers their father to be dead to, and young teenager Joseph places his siblings in an Orphanage while he himself goes to make money, become rich and get them out of poverty. The first episode follows Joseph for a few years through a series of struggles, and how he starts earning his first dollars and setting off into speculation in oil, together with his new-won friend, the Lebanese Haroun Al-Zieff (later: Harry Seff). The beginnings of a true rags-to-riches-story. ��Lars-Toralf Storstrand (from IMDB again) CAPTAINS AND THE KINGS set the template for future TV miniseries such as ROOTS and THE BASTARD, gathering together a cast of beloved veterans and intriguing newcomers in a historical fiction designed to keep audiences coming back for the next installment. Taylor Caldwell's 1972 best seller gets the sprawling treatment, broadcast over 8 weekly installments, from Sept 30-Nov 25 1976, exactly two months of gripping melodrama. We open with the teenaged Joseph Armagh watching his ailing mother die as their ship sits in New York Harbor in 1857, forced to return to Ireland due to America's intolerance for the Irish. With his younger brother and sister, Joseph secretly departs the vessel by night into the water, only to find their father's home in Philadelphia, he too deceased from pneumonia. Now determined to keep his promise to his mother to always look after his siblings, Joseph leaves them safely in the care of an orphanage run by Sister Angela (Celeste Holm), as the boy mines during the week while building a personal nest egg running liquor on Sundays for R.J. Squibbs (Ray Bolger). Four years later, at the dawn of the Civil War, the now adult Joseph (Richard Jordan) is ready to 'borrow' an investment from Squibbs to form his own company in Titusville with the help of companion Harry Zieff (Harvey Jason) and wealthy entrepreneur (and fellow Irishman) Ed Healey (Charles Durning). Ann Sothern and Neville Brand get little more than cameos, Vic Morrow again in unsympathetic mode, Joanna Pettet, Barbara Parkins, and newcomer Beverly D'Angelo (in a literally smashing debut performance) providing eye candy galore. Veteran scene stealer John Carradine kicks things off as Father Hale, whose attempts to comfort young Joseph in the wake of his mother's death are met with steely determination, a fine though brief character study for an actor so often reduced to low budget roles at this stage of his lengthy career. - by kevinolzak on IMDB Thoughts: We mainly start with Joseph and his way to get rich and more. He takes every job he can get, even dirty one just to be paid well. Joseph wants to be the one who makes the rules and so he learns from anyone possible, in each field like oil and others. Even with reading books provided by a wealthy woman, he chooses his life and not the other way around. At the end, he goes out for another great adventure during the Civil War and it includes rifles, a lot of those.  More then tomorrow!
Chapter II Additional cast: Pernell Roberts as Colonel Elbert Braithwaite Robert Vaughn as Charles Desmond Story: A few years of successful gun running and Joseph Armagh becomes a partner in the oil company of Ed Healey. (from IMDB again) The second chapter of CAPTAINS AND THE KINGS picks up at the start of the Civil War, Joseph Armagh (Richard Jordan) joining Clair Montrose (Peter Donat) in a spot of gun running with Colonel Elbert Braithwaite (Pernell Roberts), who cannot resist the generous graft for his certification. A year away and Joseph is back in the arms of the beautiful Martinique (Barbara Parkins), while his second hand man Harry (Harvey Jason) finds himself falling for Ed Healey's ward Miss Emmy (Beverly D'Angelo). His oil speculations are coveted by Healey so eventually the two agree to partner up, Joseph to receive one third of the profit for his efforts to consolidate the refineries, to the delight of railroad baron Charles Desmond (Robert Vaughn). Blair Brown is introduced as Healey's real life daughter Elizabeth, just returned from boarding school, sparking off a series of lustful events that leave the principals dazed and confused. - by kevinolzak on IMDB Thoughts: Well, Joseph has learned a lot and bargains hard to get what he wants, no matter what. His little siblings are still at the orphanage where Mrs. Hennessey takes care of them as well. He loves Martinique but this woman has many secrets but protects him if needed. Harry falls in love with Miss Emmy and they make out in Joseph's room. Harry can flee but Joseph and Emmy are caught by Strickland (Joe Kapp) and Healey. Healey seems to believe them but he's not certain here. Wonder how it will go on. 
Chapter III Additional cast: Patty Duke (Astin) as Bernadette Hennessey Blair Brown as Elizabeth Healey Katherine Crawford as Mary Armagh David Huffman as Sean Armagh George Gaynes as Orestes Bradley Vic Morrow as Tom Hennessey Story: When Elizabeth Healey fails in her attempts to seduce Joseph, she decides to seduce the next attractive man she meets - Tom Hennessey. Tom becomes a senator and Elizabeth tells him she is pregnant with his child. She proposes a plan where Tom will use his political influence to create a false marriage record for her and a friend, Everett Wickersham who has been killed in the war. At a family dinner Ed shares the news of Elizabeth's marriage, the unfortunate death of Everett Wickersham, and the expected baby. He drinks to excess, collapses and dies. Ed's will is extremely generous to everyone - Emmy and Martinique are now both rich women. Martinique announces that she will go to Europe and Emmy marries Harry. Joseph receives 75% of Ed's estate and Elizabeth receives 25% with instructions that Joseph will invest her money for her. Joseph has built his own mansion in Green Hills and proposes to Elizabeth, but she says it's too late. Sean and Mary move into Joseph's new home, but Mary expresses her desire to become a nun and Sean becomes a union organizer. On her deathbed, Katherine Hennessey asks Joseph to marry her daughter, Bernadette and he agrees. (taken from here now) Thoughts: So, good bye to Ed Healey and Joseph has reached his goal, yet his siblings, Sean and Mary are not happy with his lifestyle. Mary decides to stay at the monastery whereas Sean is working against his brother. However, Joseph has too many women at his hand and when he finally makes a decision to wed Elizabeth it's too late. He knew he was in love with Katherine but couldn't say, yet the conflict between him and her husband will escalate for sure. It will be interesting. I have to admit it got me hooked.
Chapter IV Additional cast: Henry Fonda as Sen. Enfield Bassett Richard (T.) Herd as Talmadge Story: Joseph quarrels with Sean over the labor union issue and with Mary over her desire to leave and enter a nunnery. He rages about their lack of gratitude for all the sacrifices he has made in his life to provide for them. He says that Sean can go to Hell and Mary can go to Jesus and severs all ties with both of them. Alone in his big house, he now wants a family of his own and proposes marriage to Bernadette Hennessey. She understands that he does not love her, but hopes that will change once they have children. Sean organizes a strike against Joseph's company and when the militia are called in to intervene, violence erupts and many of the strikers are killed. Years pass and Joseph and Bernadette now have 4 children, Rory, Kevin, Anne-Marie, and Brian. Elizabeth Healey has married Tom Hennessey and Joseph vows to destroy him. Joseph uses his money and influence to expose Tom's involvement in a corruption scandal and he is politically ruined. Sean is falsely accused of an attack on the railroad and is sentenced to hang when he is wrongly convicted. Behind the scenes, Joseph intervenes to prove Sean's innocence - to protect the family name. He begins telling others of his plan to make his son Rory the first Irish Catholic President. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Joseph in his rage cuts all family ties to his siblings but then starts a family of his own, yet without love. Soon he has four kids and well, set his plan in action to make his eldest Rory the first Irish Catholic President - and even get him a future wife, the daughter of his friend Desmond. Oh boy, that might backfire one day. Never mind, he manages to ruin his own father-in-law but deep down, he was always in love with Elizabeh Healey. Oh my, what a complicated relationship will begin. It cannot end good. 
So, I’ll stop here. The remaining four chapters will be posted soon. I think this might be better since it’s way too long anyway. There’s enough to read for you now.
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bookola-de · 3 months
Rezension: Simone Kabst liest einen Gemeinschaftsroman - Vierzehn Tage
Simone Kabst liest einen Gemeinschaftsroman der Herausgeber Margaret Atwood und Douglas Preston Mord kennt kein Alter von 36 Autoren Rezension © 2024 by Ute Spangenmacher für BookOla.de 2024 Hörbuch Hamburg Sprecherin: Simone Kabst ungekürzte Lesung Laufzeit: 929 Minuten Multimedia CD ISBN: 978-3-8449-2944-7 Erscheinungstermin: 15.02.2024 bestellen bei Amazon   Continue reading Rezension:…
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insomniacsims · 6 months
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Starting a Legacy Challenge - Meet Charlotte "Charley" Faulkner, foster daughter of Geoffrey (Osteer) and Nancy Landgraab. Her father Charles Faulkner was an aspiring author, and her mother Celeste (Osteer) Faulkner was a stay-at-home Mom and painter.
Celeste was good at almost all creative endeavors but cooking and baking weren't her strong suits. On the eve of Charlotte's 7th birthday, she decided that she was going to bake her a Strawberry Cake - her absolute favorite. However, inspiration struck and the Faulkner's home burnt to the ground. Luckily (or unluckily), Charlotte was at Hare Square with her BFF Elsa Bjergsen.
She was picked up at the park by her Uncle Geoffrey and told the news about her parents. She's lived with the Landgraabs in Oasis Springs ever since that unfortunate day.
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wolfeyedwitch · 2 months
With that settled, Charles figured he should excuse himself and leave the vampire alone.
"Well, then, with that settled, I will leave you now. If you need anything, knock at the door or wall. I'll keep an ear out for it and come check on you. Beyond that, I will visit you tomorrow and we can talk more then. Good day."
And he left.
So far, so good. The vampire didn't have any major issues, they were able to communicate, and no one is suffering too much due to this circumstance. Therefore, things were going well.
Hopefully they could stay that way.
CW: severed tendons
The vampire waited until long after it could no longer hear its owner's footsteps before it dared to move. Even then, it moved slowly and cautiously. No need to make any noise that might cause him to come back.
He had said it had permission to move, but he'd also said any noise would cause him to check on it. It didn't want to learn what exactly that meant. Not yet.
The fresh blood it had been given was already starting to heal its severed Achilles tendons. The hot-stabbing-needles sensation of its unnatural healing was a welcome pain. Maybe this new owner would let it walk, rather than crawl? He had said given it permission to move.... No, better to not get its hopes up. Even if he did decide to give it that long of a leash, that would most likely not be for some time. It would have to prove it could behave, first.
Either way, that wasn't the problem at hand. The problem at hand was that it was a mess. It had been hasty, greedy, gulping down the blood it had been so generously given without any thought of the consequences. Now, it could feel the blood beginning to dry and crack on its skin.
No one likes a messy pet. Messy pets make for angry owners.
It needed to clean itself up.
It crawled to the doorway across the room, hoping that its suspicions were correct about where it led. Almost there...
The adjoining room was a bathroom. It could almost weep with relief. Now it could get clean; it could wash away the evidence of its monstrous nature before its new owner would be reminded once more.
This new owner already had a favored pet. It was unwanted, unneeded.
The last thing it wanted to do was give him any reason to get rid of it.
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perfettamentechic · 1 year
10 ottobre … ricordiamo …
10 ottobre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Michael Callan, Martin Harris Calinieff, attore statunitense. Iniziò ad esibirsi quindicenne nei night club, prima di trasferirsi a New York all’età di diciassette anni con lo pseudonimo “Mickey Calin“. Il successo arrivò a Broadway nel 1954. La sua ultima apparizione cinematografica risale al 2003, con il film Fratelli per la pelle. Callan fu sposato tre volte: con Carlyn Chapman dal 1960…
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laurent-bigot · 1 year
THE TENDER TRAP (Le Tendre piège) - Charles Walters (1955)
Unique rencontre à l’écran de Frank Sinatra et de Debbie Reynolds, ce film réalisé en 1955 par Charles Walters bénéficie également des talents de David Wayne et de la trop rare Celeste Holm. Confirmant son grand come-back au cinéma, Frank Sinatra est à l’affiche de quatre films en 1955, dont deux sortent à une journée d’intervalle : Guys and Dolls (Blanches colombes et vilains messieurs),…
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movie-titlecards · 1 year
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Cinderella (1965)
My rating: 4/10
No one would ever accuse Rodgers and Hammerstein of being grim and down to earth, but this one takes the schmaltz to whole new heights, and Warren's whole ditzy "aw shucks" routine gets grating in a hurry.
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