#celes lives au
verdemint · 24 days
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tell me u see the vision!
academy boys as W.I.T.C.H.
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kroosluvr · 27 days
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i lowkey have too many notes to write down properly KDFHKDS but ill write them down for Future Cele so i can read it later and be like omggg past cele ur so fun and interesting
in general, the more "color" the scenes have, the closer it is to "real life" as opposed to the muted/hushed winter blues of maruki's reality
i.e. the dark frames w akira smiling and the very last panel are when reality sinks in: first for akira, then for goro
by the way this is long winter au but sumire is still brainwashed. this also works for canonverse but i just had long winter au in mind:o
youve heard of laundry and taxes now get ready for coffee and pastries
in every panel, akira is smiling! :) and goro is very much not smiling.
intentionally his face is hidden in the last 2 pages so its unclear whether it's the "ideal reality" already (akira/goro's daydreams/wants/desires), or if goro is still fighting akira on making sure he picks the right choice
the smoke from the first page kinda leads into the 3rd page omfg COMPLETELY UNINTENTIONAL BUT REALLY COOL LMAOOO
that's nameless and belladonna in jazz jin!!! i love them. I LOVETHEM. i miss them so bad is it obvious
the cafe is loosely based off of caffe strada @ uc berkeley LMAO. my parents used to take me there a lot as a little kid so that's the first cafe i think of when i imagine one. its like right on the streetside, basically on the sidewalk, so its very bustling and people are always walking by... probably a little disconcerting to see everyones summery bright smiles despite the bitter cold and snow
in long winter AU, the Ideal Reality starts before 1/1 so yeah they get to see the new years fireworks together (or something)
also intentional that they wear the same winter outfits in the whole comic although it Probably does not take place at the same time. in maruki's snowglobe, time seems frozen in place... but akira and goro are both acutely aware that the sands are running thru QUICK
goro's frustrated expression on page 3 is one also of disdain: "don't speak FOR me you fucking imbecile" type of expression.
goro, who's never lived a normal life and therefore doesn't know much abt "normalcy" nor really actively seeks it. this 3rd semester is basically purgatory for him and he doesn't care to try and go through the motions the way akira does. akira what do YOU know about the type of "normalcy" i deserve? how do YOU know if i "deserve" that?
im thinking that this is a naive akira who is mostly set on taking the deal because he feels hopeless... seeing all his friends with good happy lives while goro and himself are alive and miserable and shouldering the weight of the world during the horror of long winter......
oh but if he takes the deal they could all be good and alive and happy!!!.... and goro knows this. i feel like in any other universe (i.e. akira is 100% certain on not taking the deal and goro knows this) then goro would be happy and carefree to do these little indulgences for himself and akira's sake, to just enjoy the snowglobe world while it exists.
but this goro is discontent. he sees how akira is enjoying the snowglobe and knows maruki is depending on this. goro has to be the one to remind akira that none of this is his to keep........ in this fucked up world, routine is dangerous. becoming comfortable is dangerous. they cannot keep any of this.
on that note, goro says "i hate you" in a halfhearted sort of way (it's not true and akira knows that.) but he's trying to think of a way that he can dissuade akira from picking the wrong choice.....
and i think the thing is, goro thinks all of this, but he still falls into the rhythm of routine with akira anyway. in a way, goro feels hopeless too.
all of this is maruki's doing........ paralyzed by the inability to choose... whatever you do, you lose. goro needs to hold akira at arm's length so the stupid sentimental fool doesn't get too attached and falls into the wrong universe. akira needs to make a concentrated effort to detach himself from goro even though he wants the simplest thing in the world: just one more unremarkable day with him. it's lose-lose..........,
also i liked drawing the tentacles in the last pic the freaking blue lines on them were SO satisfying to draw
edit: also the last page: the blood flooding the panel….. the idea of the ideal world being built off of the blood and sweat and tears and bodies of the people who could have been. of those lost in the actualization, of those destroyed, of those stitched together and brought back to life. all just for a little false happiness. goro sees it but akira doesn’t, and it’s a grim sight.
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seongwars · 1 month
forget me not | i
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Pairing: Jeong Yunho x witch!Reader AU: non-idol | supernatural Summary: Yunho should be happy--he's got everything going for him and he's set to marry the love of his life! So why is he standing outside of your shop on the night of his engagement party? Word Count: 7.4K Warnings: smoking, swearing, hurt/no comfort
Fic Masterlist
a/n: the long awaited first chapter of my Yunho mini series I've been struggling with is finally here (and yes I was inspired by xxxholic)
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Jeong Yunho considered himself to be lucky. 
He had a successful career in investment banking at KQ Bank, where his strategic acumen and relentless work ethic had earned him respect and a solid reputation among his peers and leadership. 
His social life was equally fulfilling; he mingled with influential figures in his field, enjoyed lively gatherings, and maintained a close circle of friends who valued his thoughtfulness and charisma. 
And he was set to marry the love of his life–Haewon. Their engagement was the kind of story people loved to hear, a testament to their enduring love and shared journey from pulling all-nighters at the library to the challenges of real adulthood. 
To those around them, their union seemed like a fairytale—a perfect blend of romance and stability that they had carefully cultivated over the years. Friends and family often remarked on how well-suited they were for each other, their complementary personalities creating a harmonious balance. 
Yet, despite the joy and excitement that should have accompanied the impending nuptials, Yunho couldn’t shake the sensation in his gut that something was amiss. There was a persistent unease that clung to him, a whisper in the back of his mind that the world wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. 
The stark contrast between his inner turmoil and the outward celebration became even more apparent as he stepped into the vibrant atmosphere of his engagement party. The event was in full swing, alive with laughter and the clinking of glasses. Soft lights twinkled around the cozy restaurant, casting a warm glow over the guests who mingled and celebrated the joyous occasion.
Despite the festive atmosphere, Yunho found himself at odds with his fiancée. As he wove through the crowd, exchanging polite smiles and nods, he couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that had settled in his chest. He scanned the room, his eyes finally landing on Haewon. There she was, surrounded by her friends, her laughter ringing out above the din. She looked radiant, her face flushed with happiness, but Yunho couldn’t help but notice the almost empty glass of champagne in her hand. Again. 
He made his way over to her, his steps slow and deliberate. As he approached, Haewon turned and saw him, her smile widening. 
“Babe! Come join us!” she slurred, her voice bright and cheerful despite her flushed state. Her friends echoed her invitation, their faces glowing with the effects of the evening’s festivities.
Yunho forced a smile, trying to mask his concern. “Hey,” he greeted, slipping an arm around Haewon’s waist. “Having a good time?”
Haewon leaned into him, her balance slightly off. “The best time!” she exclaimed, her words blending together. She raised her nearly empty glass in a toast, her eyes sparkling with the effects of the alcohol. “To us!” she cheered, and her friends joined in, raising their glasses and laughing.
Yunho’s smile wavered as he felt the weight of Haewon against him. He could smell the sharp scent of champagne on her breath, and it only deepened his worry. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” he said, his voice gentle but tinged with concern. “Maybe it’s time for some water, yeah?”
Haewon pouted, her expression turning petulant. “Okay, fun police,” she chided, her tone playful but with an edge of irritation. “I’m fine. Just having fun with my friends.”
One of Haewon’s friends, Sungjae, sensing Yunho’s irritation, threw an arm around him and grinned. “Come on, Yunho, let her enjoy the night. It’s a celebration, after all!” he said, a hint of condescension in his tone.
Yunho forced a tight smile, feeling the weight of Sungjae’s arm on his shoulders. “I know,” he replied, trying to keep his voice steady. “I just want to make sure she’s okay.”
Sungjae chuckled, giving Yunho a light squeeze. “She’s fine, man. It’s just one night. Let loose a little,” he said, his words slurring slightly. “You’re always so serious.”
“Yeah babe,” Haewon added, “Loosen up a little. Why do you care so much about what these people think?”
Yunho’s jaw tightened, but he nodded, not wanting to cause a scene. He could feel the eyes of their friends and family on them, the weight of their expectations pressing down on him. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions.
“It’s not about what they think,” he said quietly, his voice strained. “It’s about us. I want to celebrate with you, not just stand on the sidelines while you’re with your friends.”
Haewon rolled her eyes, clearly exasperated. “So now I’m not allowed to have fun with my friends? Is that it? I thought we were having a party, not a private event just for the two of us.” She set down her champagne flute with a sharp clink, her irritation evident.
Yunho’s face fell at her sharp words, the frustration in her tone piercing through him. He took another deep breath, trying to keep his voice steady. “That’s not what I’m saying. Look, we should take this outside. I don’t want us fighting in front of everyone.”
Haewon, visibly drunk, glared at Yunho with frustration. “You know what? Maybe you should’ve been more clear about what you wanted from this party,” she snapped, her voice rising. “I’m here, I’m celebrating with everyone. Now you’re just making me feel like I’m doing something wrong.”
Yunho’s shoulders sagged, frustration clouding his features as partygoers began turning their attention towards the couple. “It’s not about doing something wrong. I just wanted us to share this moment together, not have me feel like a spectator at my own engagement party.”
“This is ridiculous. I’m not going to change how I enjoy myself just because you’re having a problem with it,” she retorted, turning on her heel. Sungjae followed her out as she stormed towards the exit.
“You’re always trying to play the role of the perfect fiancé, but it’s never about what I want or how I feel,” Haewon continued, her voice echoing through the hall. “Maybe if you stopped worrying so much about everyone else and focused on what really matters, you’d see that I’m trying to enjoy myself.”
Yunho’s heart sank at her words, the warmth and joy of the engagement party now feeling hollow. The lively chatter and music of the party seemed to blur into background noise as Yunho stood alone, grappling with the weight of her accusations and the growing distance between them.
Yunho Age 20
It was the spring semester of his first year of university. You had invited him over to your dorm to study together, and he was eager to catch up with you. As he approached your room, he could hear the faint sound of music and laughter from inside.
He knocked on the door, and it swung open to reveal a lively scene. You were sitting on the floor, surrounded by books and notes, while a girl with a bright smile and sparkling eyes was dancing around the room, her energy infectious.
You looked up from your study materials, your expression shifting from concentration to playful mischief. With a grin, you held up a hand and called out, “What’s the password?”
The question was delivered with a familiar teasing tone, and Yunho’s eyes twinkled with recognition. He didn’t miss a beat. “Spidey Swings,” he answered, his voice filled with the kind of nostalgia that came from years of shared jokes and childhood memories.
“Fine, I guess you can come in.” 
Yunho stepped inside, the warmth of the room and the familiarity of the password bringing a comforting sense of home. The girl, still smiling, gave him a friendly wave before resuming her lively routine. You patted the space next to you, inviting him to sit down amidst the scattered notes and textbooks.
“This is my roommate, Haewon,” you added. Haewon turned to face him, her smile widening. 
“Hi, Yunho! Nice to meet you,” she greeted with a small bow. “Sorry for the mess, we were just taking a break from studying.”
Yunho shook her hand, feeling a bit overwhelmed by her vibrant presence. “Nice to meet you too,” he replied, stepping inside and setting his bag down. “I brought some snacks. Thought we might need them.”
“Perfect timing!” Haewon exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “We were just about to take a snack break!”
The three of you spent the evening studying, chatting, and laughing. Haewon’s lively personality added a new dynamic to the group, and Yunho found himself enjoying her company. She had a way of making everyone feel included and at ease, and it wasn’t long before Yunho felt like he had known her for years.
Yunho watched as Haewon discussed her passions—her enthusiasm for art, her love for literature, and her drive to make a difference in the world. There was a fire in her eyes, a passion that lit up the room and captivated Yunho. She spoke with an earnestness that was both refreshing and inspiring, weaving her dreams into the conversation with effortless grace.
As the evening progressed, Yunho found himself increasingly drawn to Haewon. Her warmth and generosity were undeniable, and he felt a growing respect and admiration for her. They exchanged stories and laughed together, and Yunho began to see Haewon not just as a friend but as someone who brought a unique and positive energy into his life.
As the night drew to a close and the room fell silent, Yunho realized the depth of his growing connection with Haewon. In the following weeks, they spent more time together, their relationship blossoming into a cornerstone of support and happiness that Yunho hadn’t known he needed.
A few weeks later, you found yourself sitting in Yunho’s dorm, watching him pace frantically. The light from his desk lamp cast long shadows, highlighting the stacks of textbooks and notes scattered around. You had come over, expecting a routine study session, but Yunho’s demeanor was different tonight—he was a nervous wreck.
Sitting at the edge of his bed, you felt a knot tighten in your stomach, sensing the gravity of the conversation ahead. You had always been there for Yunho, studying together and planning your futures, but tonight was different. Tonight, you were about to hear something that would cut deeper than you had expected.
“I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About Haewon.” Yunho finally blurted out, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
“Yeah? What about her?” you asked.
Yunho took a deep breath, as if gathering the courage to say what he had been holding back. “I’m planning to confess to her. I’ve realized I really care about her—a lot.” 
Your heart sank. You had noticed Yunho and Haewon getting closer, but hearing him say it out loud felt like a punch to the gut. You forced a smile, hoping it didn’t look as strained as it felt. 
“Oh, really? That’s great! Have you thought about how you’re going to do it?”
“Yeah, probably at the coffee shop she likes. Every time I’m with her, it just feels right. But I don’t want to ruin our friendship if she doesn’t feel the same.”
You nodded, trying to keep your emotions in check. “That sounds like a good plan. The coffee shop is a nice, relaxed place. I’m sure she’ll appreciate the thought you’ve put into it.”
You sat there for a moment, the weight of your emotions pressing down on you. You had loved Yunho for as long as you could remember. His laugh, his kindness, the way he always knew how to make you smile—everything about him had captured your heart. But you had never had the courage to tell him, fearing it would ruin the friendship you cherished so much.
“Just be yourself and be honest,” you encouraged him with a reassuring smile, though the lump in your throat betrayed the flood of emotions you were trying to contain.
As Yunho continued to talk about his plans, you listened, offering support and encouragement. But deep down, you couldn’t shake the feeling of loss, knowing that things were about to change in ways you hadn’t anticipated.
Yunho wandered aimlessly, his gaze fixed on the stars above, each one a silent witness to his regrets. His earlier confrontation with Haewon replayed in his mind—her dismissive words, the hurtful accusations and the way she had turned away with that sharp, unyielding look in her eye. 
The more he thought about their argument, the more his frustration bubbled to the surface. He stopped by a bench near the waterfront of the venue, sinking onto it with a heavy sigh. The cool breeze brushed against his face, but it did little to calm the storm swirling within. Yunho stared into the darkness, struggling to make sense of the fractured emotions and the shifting dynamics in his relationship. The night seemed to stretch endlessly, a reflection of the uncertain and painful path he now faced.
He closed his eyes and for a moment wished things could be different. 
First, he wished he hadn’t proposed to Haewon out of desperation, trying to salvage their deteriorating relationship. The memory of her storming out of the engagement party with Sungjae right behind her replayed in his mind, a constant reminder of his misguided attempt to hold onto something that was already slipping away.
Yunho stood nervously in the center of the beautifully decorated garden, the soft glow of fairy lights casting a magical ambiance. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air, mingling with the faint sound of a nearby fountain. Every detail had been meticulously planned—from the arrangement of the candles to the delicate petals scattered along the path. Yunho wanted this moment to be nothing short of perfect.
Is this really the right thing to do? The question echoed in the back of Yunho’s mind, a persistent whisper that refused to be silenced. The small velvet box felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket, its weight far heavier than it should be, laden with all his doubts and fears.
As Haewon approached, her eyes widened in surprise, taking in the romantic setting. Her heart raced as she realized what was about to happen. Yunho’s hands trembled slightly as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small velvet box. With a deep breath, he got down on one knee, holding out the ring that symbolized his commitment to her.
Tears of joy welled up in her eyes as she looked at Yunho, her emotions overwhelming her. Her lips parted, and through her tears, she managed to say, her voice trembling with raw emotion, “Yes! Yes, Yunho,” she finally managed to say, between sobs.
The crowd of friends and family, who had been watching from a distance, erupted in cheers and applause. For Yunho and Haewon, it felt like they were the only two people in the world.
Please let this be enough, he silently pleaded.
But the months following the proposal were fraught with doubts, especially regarding Sungjae, Haewon’s long-time friend. Yunho couldn’t ignore the ease with which Haewon and Sungjae interacted—their shared jokes, the effortless understanding between them. It made him question if Haewon confided in Sungjae more than she did in him, and whether Sungjae had been filling emotional gaps that he hadn’t been able to for years.
Second, he regretted passing up an opportunity with the KIA Tigers for an investment baking position. The memory of that pivotal moment was etched in his mind—an offer from the Tigers, a chance to work closely with the team he had idolized for as long as he could remember, slipping through his fingers because he had chosen to pursue a more secure, yet uninspiring, career in finance.
He remembered the excitement in his voice as he spoke about the possibility of becoming a scout, the chance to blend his passion for baseball with a professional role. It had felt like the ultimate dream, a convergence of his personal passion and career ambitions. But when the time came to make a choice, he recalled the pressure he felt from his family to choose a path with financial stability, their voices echoing in his mind with phrases like "responsible choice" and "practical future." 
Their expectations, though well-intentioned, had overshadowed his own aspirations. The investment banking opportunity, with its promise of stability, was seen as a safer bet, a way to meet his family's expectations and ensure a secure future.
Now, as he sat alone by the waterfront, he could almost hear the cheers from the ballpark, feel the crack of the bat and the thrill of the game that he had sacrificed for the illusion of financial security. It was a safe choice, a pragmatic one, but it lacked the excitement and fulfillment he had once envisioned. Each day at the desk felt like a reminder of a dream deferred, a passion left unpursued.
And lastly, he wished you were still here. Yunho missed your presence more than he could convey. You had a way of making him feel grounded, no matter how chaotic life became. He often thought about the times you spent together, laughing over silly jokes or sharing deep conversations late into the night. You were his best friend, the one person he could always lean on, telling him that everything would be fine.
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That night, Yunho didn’t return to his apartment—he couldn't, especially not after his fight with Haewon. Instead, he found himself on the highway, the city lights fading in his rearview mirror as he made the long drive back to his parents' house. The place where he grew up. The place that, no matter how much time had passed, still held a part of him.
The house was quiet when he arrived, his parents long asleep after leaving the party earlier in the evening. It felt strange to be back here, like stepping into a time capsule where everything had remained the same even as he had changed.
He climbed the stairs slowly, each step bringing back memories of late-night chats with you on the phone, trying to keep his voice down so his parents wouldn’t hear. When he reached his old bedroom, he hesitated, his hand on the doorknob. It had been so long since he'd been in this room, yet the moment he opened the door, it was like he had never left.
Everything was still in place—his bed, neatly made with the same comforter he’d had since high school. His desk and walls were cluttered with the remnants of his teenage years: baseball memorabilia, trophies from tournaments, and framed photos of his high school baseball team. He noticed a few with you in them, your smile always bright and full of life.
His gaze landed on a polaroid nestled between a postcard and a team photo. It was of you and him, taken years ago when you were probably 8 or 9. The two of you were sitting on the steps leading up to Mt. Bukhansan, grinning with a mix of pride and exhaustion. You had insisted on taking the picture because it was the first big hike you’d done together.
The polaroid was worn, the edges slightly frayed from years of being handled. Yunho’s thumb brushed over your smiling face, a bittersweet ache settling in his chest. You were so young, so carefree—neither of you had any idea how much your lives would change, how much you would lose.
It was then that he noticed a small, battered box tucked under his desk, nearly hidden by an old baseball bat leaning against the chair. Curiosity piqued, Yunho knelt down to pull the box out into the open. He sifted through years of ticket stubs, notebooks, and magazines–each item bringing back a memory, a fleeting image of the life he once had.
And then he saw it.
At the bottom of the box, beneath the pile of knicknacks, was a leather-bound book. It was worn, the corners frayed and the spine slightly cracked. Yunho’s breath caught in his throat as he recognized it immediately. This was your journal—the one you had carried with you everywhere, always scribbling something inside, your thoughts, your dreams, your frustrations.
Yunho’s fingers traced the edges of the pages before he flipped it open, revealing the sketches you had created over the years. Your talent for art was undeniable, yet you had always hesitated to pursue it professionally, fearing that turning your passion into a livelihood might extinguish the joy it brought you.
He stopped to look at one of his portraits. You had captured him perfectly, every line and shadow carefully rendered with an artist’s precision. His eyes, his smile—everything about the sketch was so vivid, so full of life. But it wasn’t just the accuracy of the drawing that struck him; it was the way you had drawn him, the way you had seen him.
In the drawing, Yunho looked confident staring out into the outfield, his expression relaxed and warm. There was a softness in his eyes, a quiet strength that you had always admired but that he had never really seen in himself.
Your sudden disappearance at 22 had been both bewildering and devastating. 
It was your father who first noticed the gaps in your routine. You regularly checked in with your parents, recounting your day, the kind of photos you’d taken in your photography course, to the kind of food that was being served in the cafeteria. When a day passed without your usual call, he brushed it off as a busy day. But when two days went by, his concern grew.
“Have you heard from Y/N?” your father had asked Yunho, his voice laced with worry when he couldn’t get a hold of you. Yunho, who had been preoccupied with his own life, felt a pang of guilt. He hadn’t heard from you either, not since your last argument.
When Yunho confessed he hadn’t, his worry deepened. He tried calling you multiple times, but each call went straight to voicemail. Panic started to set in. He stopped by your apartment and checked your social media, but there were no new posts, no updates. It was as if you had vanished.
Your family coordinated with the police, attending briefings and following up on every lead. Their days were filled with frustration as false tips and unconfirmed sightings piled up, each one a fleeting hope that crumbled into disappointment. The news of your disappearance even made local headlines, capturing the concern and sympathy of the public.
“Tonight at 6:00, we bring you a developing story that has left authorities baffled. The sudden disappearance of 22-year-old Lee Y/N has sparked a widespread search effort. Y/N was last seen on the evening of November 11th, following a night with friends. Concerned family and friends reported her missing after she failed to return home and did not respond to calls or messages. Law enforcement officials are actively investigating and following up on all leads as the search continues. Stay tuned for more updates on this unfolding situation.”
As the months turned into years, the intensity of the search began to wane. The once-hopeful posters and media coverage faded into the background of daily life, leaving your parents in a painful limbo of uncertainty. Each passing day without news felt like an eternity, their hearts heavy with the ache of your absence.
He carefully placed the journal back into the box, closing the lid before crawling into bed.
After what felt like hours of tossing and turning, he finally gave up. The stillness of the room felt suffocating, the darkness pressing in on him from all sides. He needed air, needed to move, to do something—anything—to quiet the storm inside him.
The night was calm, the streets empty, and for a moment, Yunho felt a strange sense of peace. The world was asleep, and in the stillness, he could almost pretend that everything was okay. 
He started walking, his footsteps echoing softly in the quiet. The familiar sights of the neighborhood, usually bustling with activity during the day, now seemed serene, bathed in the gentle glow of the streetlights. As he wandered through the quiet streets, lost in thought, he found himself pausing at a familiar corner. His footsteps slowed as he glanced across the street, where your childhood home stood.
Yunho's heart ached as he looked at the house. He remembered how close you had been, how your home had been a second haven for him growing up. It was where you had shared countless memories, where you had talked for hours about everything and nothing.  The house seemed like a monument to the past, a place frozen in time while he struggled to move forward without you.
The night breeze carried the scent of jasmine and incense, luring him toward a small park—the one he had often visited with you and his brother Gunho during happier days. He inhaled deeply, letting the soothing aroma momentarily distract him from his worries. His eyes shot open, snapping out of his dreamlike haze as he looked around, feeling an inexplicable pull drawing him toward something unseen.
As he turned, a storefront appeared—as if by magic. The building was unlike any he had seen before, its traditional façade glowing softly in the dim light, surrounded by an overhang of flowers forming a vibrant canopy. 
He took a hesitant step forward, then another, drawn by an inexplicable force that seemed to tug at his very soul. Each step felt both heavy and light, as if he were walking through a dream. The soft glow from the storefront bathed him in a warm, inviting light, contrasting sharply with the cool night air.
Cautious and intrigued, Yunho’s heart pounded in his chest. He could feel the gentle hum of energy emanating from the shop, a subtle vibration that resonated deep within him. The same scent of jasmine and incense, wrapping around him like a comforting embrace, urging him to continue.
As he approached the door, he paused, his hand hovering just inches from the brass knocker. The wood felt warm, almost alive. Taking a deep breath, he touched the door, feeling a slight tingle run up his arm.
Yunho pushed the door open, revealing shelves filled with an array of curious objects—ancient books with gilded covers and delicate glass bottles filled with clouds of stardust. Above, the ceiling was a marvel: an expansive skylight with intricately patterned glass panels allowed a cascade of soft, dappled light to filter through an enchanting tapestry of hanging plants and flowers. 
He quickly realized he had crossed a threshold into a realm where the ordinary rules of reality no longer applied.
“Welcome to the Astral Emporium.”
He whipped around, trying to locate the source of the voice that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere all at once.
“Down here!” 
His gaze landed on a black cat with an elegant red ribbon fastened around its neck. The ribbon’s vibrant hue contrasted sharply with the cat’s inky fur, and his onyx eyes glowed with an otherworldly intelligence. The cat cleared its throat, a sound that was oddly formal and out of place coming from such a small creature. 
Yunho blinked in surprise, his confusion evident. “You can talk!?” he exclaimed, his eyes widening as he crouched down to get a closer look at the feline. The cat regarded him with an air of casual indifference, its tail flicking lightly.
“Didn’t you hear me when you walked in?” the cat replied, its tone almost bored, as if it were used to the astonished reactions of newcomers. 
“You’re talking. A cat... is talking. How is that even possible?” 
The cat stretched languidly, its body arching gracefully.“This is a realm of possibilities,” he yawned, revealing sharp, white teeth and a pink tongue. His voice was a deep, resonant purr that seemed to vibrate through the air. “The rules of reality are… somewhat relaxed. So, are you here to have a wish granted or what?”
“Wooyoung, stop giving the traveler a hard time,” came a soft, melodic voice from behind.
Yunho’s breath caught in his throat. He knew that voice, a voice he thought he’d never hear again. His eyes widened as emotions coursed through him—hope, disbelief, and a deep longing. 
“Y/N?” he whispered, the name trembling on his lips, as if saying it aloud would shatter the fragile moment.
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The moment you stepped into the light, your elaborate dress captivated his attention. The silk skirt flowed gracefully to the floor, adorned with intricate patterns of iridescent clouds that shimmered softly in the ambient glow. The vibrant hues of the jacket draped over your shoulders contrasted beautifully with the delicate floral embroidery that wound its way across the fabric.
You chuckled softly, the sound as gentle as a breeze through the leaves. “I’m sorry, traveler, my familiar is quite the cheeky one.” 
As you moved, the tassels of your ornate hairpin clinked softly in your side-swept chignon, creating a gentle, melodic chime with each step. You circled Yunho with a curious gaze, your eyes sparkling with intrigue.
He blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback. His gaze flickered from the elongated smoking pipe in your hand to the enigmatic expression on your face, trying to determine if it was all an illusion. His mind raced, grappling with the impossible reality before him. 
“Y/N,” Yunho began, reaching out slightly “is it really you?”
You were the same, yet different—there was a newfound confidence in your posture and a whimsical glint in your eyes that he hadn’t seen before. His heart pounded in his chest, torn between relief and confusion. 
“I have many names, unfortunately Y/N is not one of them.” You watched him with sympathy, recognizing the skepticism in his eyes. “It seems you’ve mistaken me for someone else.”
“No, you have to be Y/N.” Yunho’s eyes flickered with uncertainty, the question hanging heavily in the air. His breath hitched as he watched you, his mind struggling to reconcile the familiarity of your face with the strangeness of your words. “Wait! What’s your favorite baseball team?”
You tilted your head, a puzzled expression crossing your face. “Baseball?” 
Yunho’s shoulders slumped, the weight of your words pressing down on him. He felt a crushing sense of defeat, his hope slipping away like sand through his fingers. “I don’t understand,” he whispered, his voice barely audible.
You took a deep breath, your expression softening with an empathy that was both comforting and sorrowful. “I’m simply a keeper of this place, bound to fulfill the wishes of travelers like yourself. This place, and my role within it, has existed for far longer than either of us can imagine.”
The thought that this could be another version of you—someone who looked and spoke like you, but wasn’t the same person he once knew—was unbearable. How could he accept that the best friend he believed he lost forever could exist in a form that wasn’t entirely the same?
“So why am I here?” he asked, his voice tinged with defeat.
“The shop responded to your call,” you sighed softly, as an intricate counter materialized before you, its surface adorned with dragons soaring through the clouds. Leaning against it, you rested your chin in one hand, while the other held the pipe, from which a wisp of smoke curled lazily into the air.
Yunho’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean it responded to my call?”
“The shop exists in a realm between the supernatural and the living, responding to the energy of your desires. It sensed that you possessed a strong desire for something and made its presence known.”
“A desire?” Yunho’s gaze drifted to the counter, the dragons seeming to move and shift as if alive.
You smiled gently, the smoke from your pipe forming delicate patterns in the air. “A wish. Not quite like the fairy tales, but wishes are the desires that reside deep within your heart. They can be as simple as wanting a moment of peace or as complex as seeking a purpose in life.”
“And as for who grants the wishes,” you continued, leaning in slightly, “that would be me. Travelers usually refer to me as a witch.”
Yunho swallowed hard, his voice barely above a whisper. “How do you grant wishes?”
“The process is simple,” you explained, your tone both gentle and firm. “For a wish to be granted, you must exchange something of equal value in return.”
“What kind of exchange?” Yunho asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.
You took a slow, deliberate puff from your pipe, the smoke curling around you like a protective veil. “It depends,” you replied, twirling your pipe between your bejeweled fingers. “Sometimes it’s a memento, a cherished item that holds personal significance. In ancient times, travelers might have offered a blood sacrifice, though we’ve moved beyond such extremes. The more powerful the wish, the more it exacts in return. The magic here is potent and unpredictable, and it demands balance.”
His eyes widened, the weight of your words sinking in. “So, I have to give up something important to me?”
“Not necessarily,” you confirmed, your gaze steady. “The shop only takes what you are willing to offer. The choice is always yours, though I caution that you cannot take back a wish once it’s been granted.”
Yunho didn’t know why his thoughts drift back to that fateful night. Maybe it was because it was the last memory he had of you before everything changed. The words you exchanged, the hurt in your eyes, replayed in his mind like a haunting echo. He wondered if things could have been different, if he had just made a different choice, said something else. 
You were at Yunho’s apartment, enjoying a rare evening of relaxation. The soft hum of conversation and laughter filled the room as Yunho's friends mingled. You were perched on the couch, absorbed in your sketchbook, the quiet joy of drawing grounding you amidst the cheerful chaos.
The tranquility was shattered when Sungjae, ever a thorn in Yunho’s side, staggered over. His inebriated state was evident; he moved with a lack of coordination that drew your attention only when he was almost upon you. Without warning, Sungjae lurched forward, his hand grabbing the edge of your journal with a clumsy urgency.
“What’s this?” he slurred, his voice a mix of drunken curiosity and derision. He dangled the open pages in front of you, the sketch of Yunho exposed and vulnerable.
“What the fuck are you doing? Give it back!” you demanded, trying to reach for the journal, but Sungjae was too quick, his movements fueled by liquid courage.
“You’re always scribbling in this book,” Sungjae sneered, flipping through the pages with exaggerated, careless motions. “What’s the big deal?”
Your frustration surged. “Seriously, Sungjae, just give it back!” you urged, your voice rising. The journal was more than just sketches to you; it was a reflection of your thoughts, your feelings—an intimate part of yourself you’d chosen to share with no one but yourself.
He brought the journal closer to his face, a cruel smirk spreading across his lips as he turned the pages. “Yunho! Hey Yunho! Check this out!” Sungjae’s voice cut through the room, mocking and loud.
Yunho looked up from his conversation with Mingi, confusion and concern crossing his face as he saw Sungjae holding your journal. He began to walk over, but the unease in his eyes was clear as he approached.
Sungjae flipped through the pages with exaggerated movements, revealing sketch after sketch of Yunho. “Look at this!” he laughed, his voice dripping with mockery as he showed Yunho your illustrations. “You’ve got a whole gallery dedicated to him!” He turned to face you, your cheeks burning with fury. “What are you, obsessed with him or something?”
“It’s not like that,” you protested, reaching for the journal again. Your fingers brushed the edge of the book, but Sungjae yanked it out of your grasp, his laughter growing louder.
“Oh, come on. You’re totally in love with him, aren’t you? That’s why you’re always drawing like some kind of freak!” His voice dripped with contempt, and his words felt like a dagger to your heart. He tossed your journal aside carelessly, the soft thud echoing in the now silent room.
You immediately snatched the journal and held it securely against your chest before storming towards the door. The once warm and inviting apartment now felt like a stark reminder of the awkwardness and discomfort that had unfolded. The laughter and easy conversations from earlier seemed like a distant memory, eclipsed by the confrontation with Sungjae.
As you moved toward the door, Yunho approached you, his expression a mix of concern and hesitance. “Hey, let me walk you out,” he said, his voice softer than before.
You nodded, appreciating the gesture despite the uneasy atmosphere. The two of you left in silence out into the night, the noise of the party grew fainter, replaced by the subtle thrum of the city.
“I’m sorry about what happened,” Yunho said quietly, his eyes locked on the ground as he stuck his hands into his pockets. He kicked a stray pebble, watching it roll away. 
“You’re sorry?” you snapped, your voice shaking with hurt as you spun around to face him. “If you were really sorry, you’d have done something about that asshole.”
The tension in his shoulders was palpable as he shot back, “What do you expect me to do, Y/N? I can’t come to your rescue every single time!” Yunho’s tone was edged with frustration, and the defensiveness in his voice was unmistakable. 
“I’m not asking you to rescue me!” you shouted. The anger in your voice grew sharper, your hands clenched into fists. “I’m asking you to stand up for me, to not let some asshole humiliate me in front of everyone in your own apartment!”
“Oh, so now it’s my fault because I didn’t want to start a scene? I’m trying to keep the peace here!”
“Keep the peace?” you shouted, your voice breaking as your tears spilled over. “Is that what you call it? Keeping the peace by standing there like a coward and letting someone walk all over me?”
“He’s Haewon’s friend. What was I supposed to do?” Yunho’s tone was clipped, each word laced with his own frustration.
Your eyes filled with tears as you looked at him, feeling the weight of his indifference. “Are you seriously telling me that your girlfriend’s shitty friend matters more than me? You don’t even like him, Yunho!”
Yunho looked away, his jaw set in a hard line. “Haewon’s friends are important to her, and I didn’t want to make things awkward.”
A bitter laugh escaped you, but it quickly turned into a choked sob. “So fuck my feelings, right?” you said, your voice trembling as tears streamed down your face. “You’d rather protect that asshole than stand up for me?”
Yunho’s eyes finally met yours, but they were empty, cold, devoid of the warmth you once knew. “She’s my girlfriend, Y/N. I have to prioritize her!” He spat, his voice growing harsher. “And maybe if you weren’t such a loser, always clinging to that stupid journal, you wouldn’t be in this mess! You’re so embarrassing, it’s pathetic.”
You felt as if the ground had been pulled out from under you. The words cut deep, each one a dagger to your heart. You took a shaky breath, the pain piercing through you. 
“The truth finally comes out,” you whispered, barely able to speak through the agony gripping your heart.
For a fleeting moment, Yunho’s expression softened, as if he realized just how cruel his words had been. But the apology you desperately needed never came. He just stood there, silent and distant, his eyes refusing to meet yours, the coldness in his gaze now replaced by a hollow emptiness that only deepened your pain.
Feeling utterly betrayed, you turned away, your vision blurred by tears. Each step you took felt heavier than the last, the weight of his words pressing down on you like a physical burden. The person you thought would always have your back had just torn you apart.
In a moment of despair, you tossed your journal into the nearest trash bin. The hollow thud it made echoed in your ears, a haunting reminder of how irrevocably your trust had been shattered. It didn’t matter if the world saw your deepest thoughts; the one you trusted the most had already broken your heart.  
Yunho watched in stunned silence as you turned away, your shoulders trembling with the weight of your emotions. He had never seen you like this—so broken, so hurt. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut, leaving him breathless, but still, he remained frozen, helpless to do anything as you retreated further into the night.
Then he heard it. The hollow thud of the journal hitting the bottom of the bin echoed in the night air. It was a sound that would haunt him for years to come—a sound that marked the moment everything between you changed. Yunho stood there, staring at the trash bin long after you had disappeared from his view.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he forced himself to take a step forward. His hands shook as he approached the bin, and he felt a lump form in his throat as he looked down at your journal, lying there among the discarded remnants of the day. Without thinking, he reached in and retrieved it, tucking it protectively into his side.
He sank onto a nearby bench, the cold metal seeping through his clothes, but he barely noticed. The night was quiet, save for the distant hum of the city, and the stars above seemed indifferent to his suffering.
Yunho cradled the journal to his chest, feeling the weight of its significance. This wasn’t just a collection of pages; it was a piece of your heart that he had let Sungjae, with his sharp words and cruelty, tear it apart.
Now, all that was left were the remnants of what once was, and the haunting realization that he had played a part in its destruction.
ii >>
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taglist: @babymbbatinygirl
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thatlovinfeelin · 1 year
He Don't Like The Lights | Bradley Bradshaw Actor AU|
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Waiting tables wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t your favorite job either. Not that you hated it, because you didn’t. For the most part you liked your coworkers, your roommate Celeste being one of them. Your bosses weren’t horrible, and the pay was alright. You were able to pay your bills and stash some extra cash away for savings. Soon, or at least you hoped it would be soon, you would be able to move out of the somewhat shitty place with Celeste and get a better apartment. Maybe even leave Virginia altogether. 
“Hey, I need you to take table five.” 
“But it’s not in my section tonight,” You argue with your manager. 
“Just take it, okay? It's a single and you’re better with singles than Celeste,” He replied, shooing you away with his hands. 
You let out a dramatic sigh, rolling your eyes as you grabbed your waitress book and headed towards the single guy sitting at the table. You never sized up tables before you started serving them, never tried to write people off before they had a chance to show their colors. 
But you could tell that this guy was hot just by the way he was sitting with a baseball cap tugged low. He at least knew how to wear a damned hat unlike some of the guys who came in with it halfway on their heads. 
“Hi, welcome in, can I get you started with anything to drink?” You asked cheerfully as you stopped in front of him. 
The bar was relatively empty, which came as a surprise since it was a weekend and the weather was fairly nice. Maybe everyone was still out at the beach and would be in before dinner ended. Maybe you would get lucky and end up having a good tip night to make up for the shitfest that was last night. 
“Uh, just a Bud on draft if you have it.”
“Bud lite?” You question. 
“No, Buswieser, the real shit,” There’s a hint of a laugh in his voice. 
“I’ve got it in a bottle, is that okay?”
“Yeah that works,” He replies, tipping his head back to look up at you. 
It takes you a second to register who’s actually looking at you. You’ve seen those dark hazel eyes on screen plenty of times, because Cele is obsessed with his movies. However, what really takes you back is how normal he looks in an old beat up t-shirt and shorts. He doesn’t look like the glamourous actor that you’ve seen.
“I’m sorry- are you,” You stop and lick your lips. 
You aren’t nervous, because you aren’t obsessed with him. His movies are okay, and you have to admit he is more attractive in person than he is on screen. But you’ve never been one to fall face first over someone who’s in the industry, not that you’ve ever had the chance to before. 
“Are you Bradley Bradshaw?” The question comes out as a whisper as you lean down, trying to be as quiet as you can. 
He pales for a moment, waiting to see if you’re going to fully freak out on him before smiling sheepishly, “Caught that easily, huh?”
“You’re lucky it’s just me and not the other girl over there,” You inform him, “She’d be on the floor, and I know that because I live with her and share a TV with her. But since it’s just me,” you smile at him before backing away a step, “A bottle of Bud coming right up.”
He smiles and relaxes into his seat before looking back down at his phone on the table. You can’t help but smile as you make your way towards the bar and the POS system to start his ticket. 
Bradley Bradshaw is eating in the bar and no one but you knows. He just happened to be lucky enough that Celeste had the one big table and was therefore too busy to take him, even though it was her section. 
“Thanks for taking that table,” She sounds out of breath as she sets a drink tray down next to you, “I’m swamped with those fuckers over there. Tourists on vacation who want everything at that very moment. Including three Virgin Strawberry Daiquiris for the kids. I want to shoot myself.”
You smile to yourself as you make your way around to the beer cooler to grab a nice cold bottle of Bud, “Oh don’t worry about it. He shouldn’t cause any trouble anyway.”
If only she knew. 
“Here you go,” You say, sitting the open bottle down on his table, “Do you need a minute to look over the menu? Or do you have any questions?”
“What do you recommend?” He asked you, looking back up. 
“Pulled Pork Mac’n’cheese, easy,” You replied almost instantly, “Hands down my favorite dish here, after our Crab Dip appetizer, but I also eat that for a full meal.”
He smiles up at you and closes the menu before handing it back to you, “I’ll try that Pork Mac then.”
“Sounds good, I’ll get that right in!” You smile triumphantly before backing away once again, “Holler if you need anything, okay? I’ll be back to check on you before the food comes out.”
Back at the bar, Celeste is finally able to stop for a minute and catch her breath. She looks miserable and it makes you want to laugh a little. Her night would be very different if she just took Table Five instead. 
She’s hunched over her phone reading an article, which normally you would call her out on being on her phone but tonight you can’t be bothered. It’s slow enough and her phone is hidden anyway. 
“Hey, Bradshaw is up for a bunch of awards,” She grins, “He so deserves them. You remember how great he was in that war movie, right! That’s what’s being nominated.”
“Hmm?” You question before your brain seems to catch up with you, “Oh, yeah. No, he was great in that movie. Whole cast was, honestly.”
“Exactly! I hope they sweep at the Oscars, they all deserve it so much.”
You have to hide your smile as you type away on the POS to put in the order. In the back, you can hear your kitchen jamming out to some sort of heavy metal meets classic rock mix which isn’t all that unusual for them. There are some days you’ve come to work and they’ve been listening to Disney music. At this point you can’t even try to say that you understand what their playlists consist of. 
It takes ten minutes before you’re walking back over to the table with another beer in hand. You noticed he was starting to run low and you know better than to let a drink ever go empty. That was one of the first things you learned when you became a waitress. 
“Brought you another one,” You announce, setting it down. 
“Thanks, appreciate it,” He replies, “And uh, thanks for not freaking out on me. Would’ve been a bitch if I got swarmed in here.”
“No worries, I’m not a rabid fan or anything,” You laugh, “But I am curious as to why you’re here of all places. I thought you lived in LA?”
“I do,” He nods, “But this was home long before LA was. I was born here in Virginia, I like to come back and visit family from time to time.”
“Oh,” You’re taken back by his honesty. He could’ve easily told you that it was none of your business, which is what you expected, “That’s really nice actually.”
Celeste calls you, saying the kitchen wants you. Reluctantly you force yourself away from the table and towards the set of double swinging doors in the middle of the bar. Something about Bradley Bradshaw is drawing you in and you aren’t sure if you want to resist it or not. Surely he wouldn’t remember your name in a few hours. He’d forget about the server from Virginia the second he got on a flight back to LA and the way of the world would take back over. 
“Here’s that pork mac,” Chef told you, nudging the dish in the window, “Get it out of my sight.”
“Sir yes sir,” You reply, grabbing the hot dish, “Thank you!”
“Yeah yeah, fuck off,” He grumbled, which only made you smile. 
You made your way back towards Bradley’s table with a smile. You could see why Celeste was so enamored with him. There was just something about him that made you want to sit down and hang on his every word. Plus, he was hot as hell. He still had the mustache from his previous role, and was trying to hide behind his ball cap. He looked normal, almost.
You wondered how other people here saw him? Were they even paying attention to the bonafide star that was hiding out in the corner? Celeste would piss herself if she knew he was here, hell, you might even piss yourself if he smiled at you again. The thought made you a little weak in the knees. 
“Your pork mac,” You said, sitting it down on the table in front of him, “Be careful, it’s actually pretty hot.”
“Mmm, looks fantastic,” He nearly groaned, “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet, you don’t even know if you’ll like it!” You laughed, “But I hope you enjoy, and let me know if I can get you anything else.”
You hop away from him again, taking a deep breath as you go. Maybe the night wouldn’t be as bad as you thought.
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mmani-e · 7 months
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Part 2 of the DR1 Demix Series! Here we have:
Hifumi as the Ultimate Pop Sensation
Celestia as the Ultimate Baseball Star
Saku(ra) as the Ultimate Programmer
Chihiro as the Ultimate Fighter
Touko as the Ultimate Fanfic Artist
and Yasuhiro as the Ultimate Gambler
As always, some design insights below the cut.
Celestia: Unlike Leon, Celes loves being the ultimate baseball player. She loves the fame, the attention, and the fact it makes her feel special, and far from the boring life she grew up in. She wants to start life over after hope's peak not as Taeko Yasuhiro, but as Celestia Ludenberg.
Hifumi: Hifumi is a body-positive pop sensation who got his position because he submitted a recording of himself singing a song he wrote as a dare to a radio station, aftwards his career started after a kind agent saw the potential in the big boy. Enough for a career.
Touko: Toko I imagine is not very hard to put in the role of fanfic author, in this au she never goes full psycho because she was picked up by a gaggle of anime nerd women her first school so while she lives a shitty life in her parents place she has at least had people to hang out with and bond to. So instead of a psycho, she's just her unpleasant self + anime gatekeeping.
Yasuhiro: If you had a 33% chance guarantee of winning every bet you place at a casino you should always be gambling. Even if you're not that good and a huge moron, a 1 in 3 chance of winning every bet is crazy and that's what Yasuhiro managed to be born with, a 33% chance to win any bet or call he makes, making him stupid rich... or at least he should be, if he wasn't an idiot and manage to still rack a huge debt up.
Saku(ra): Sakura in this AU is known as "Saku" to most of the public, as the only successor to her family's business, in the stead of her father's teachings, she agreed to operate in public as a man in order to save her family's business from falling to malevolent forces in her distant family, who all but disallow the idea of a woman taking over the family business... the Ogami IT Consultancy firm...
Oh the muscles are normal, she's an Assembly programmer.
Chihiro: Essentially a Karate Kid story where all the bullying Chihiro suffered caused him to hit back at one point, causing him to bloody up a bully's face so bad he had to be suspended temporarily. In this suspension, Chihiro's father enrolled him into a dojo, and then shenanigans would ensue causing him to get sent to more and more prestigious institutes of martial learning until he would eventually beat the once-ultimate fighter and earn his title
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anitalianfrie · 6 months
please please tell me more about bezz uni student au that lives in your head
anon i went and opened the unibo nightmare site just for you, i hope you know this
first of all, small introduction to the univeristy system in italy: uni is usually divided in two segments/degrees: triennale (three years) and the magistrale (two years). this is true for the majority of degrees with some exceptions like medicine, which is six years and is not divided in triennale and magistrale.
bez either does mechanical engineering or something like. economics. and is a fuoricorso (meaning that he's been studying for his degree for more years than it should actually take). he lives in a shitty rented apartment with mig and pecco and a misterious third flatmated who bails on them in september which means they are in dire need of a new guy to replace him. Pecco remembers about a kid his mum told him about, the son of a friend of a friend of a friend, and scrambles to call him and ask him if he needs a place to stay. Luckily for everybody, Cele does.
so cele, nineteen and doe eyed, who's about to start his first year in uni (he's an engineer 100% i just need to decide whether mechanic or aerospace) moves in. and that's how it starts, idk yet about the rest but something will happen. angst will occour.
vale is the crazy professor every single one of them had (either physics or analysis or something equally crazy) and has an insane feud with marc who teaches his same course/is in his same department. rosquez craziness is never out of my aus.
bez goes around with totebags, is an active member of various uni associations and lives out of pasta al tonno (pasta with canned tuna) than he still manages to cook abysmally and things he heats on the pan (not the microwave bc the apartment doesn't have one) that his mum makes him every weekend when he gets back home. he doesn't know he's bi and living with cele (gay, out and proud. okay not really proud nor out but doesn't hide it. kinda involved in the uni lgbt association after the first months, asks bez to go scout it with him and bez almost implodes) sends him to the deepest pits of gay hell and desperation.
idk what the others would study yet tbh.
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moonshynecybin · 5 days
MOTOGP SNL AU OH MY GODDDD just felt an electric current zip through my neurons and connect two completely different parts of my brain i am so here for this
thank you i was lookin at vale and jenson button doing physical comedy bits and i was like gosh he'd be a good performer :) then. ohmygod.
anyways ! its very mush like vale is the established star of the program. hes very charismatic very beloved very sort of effortlessly charming and witty and able to sell a weak sketch by virtue of his physicality until he has the crowd absolutely eating out of the palm of his handddd vs MARC who is the headstrong young gun, a little bit overeager to get his sketches on the program-- has a KEEN instinct for story, a real shameless ability to COMMIT, and can get everyone to break when theyre going at it live because he has a hard time not like. honking at vale in a maid outfit doing an tiny little eyebrow lift at him. like he cracks but its DELIGHTFUL... and i think hes got a real sense at how to work a room that has people comparing him to vale the second he gets on the program (vale. pleased and a lil jealous. does like the comparison because marc is good. DOESNT like the comparison because vale is also head writer and has been dominating the program for like 15 years. that spotlight is. small.)
but fr in my head its got a lot of internal writers room politique. its got a lot of them playing weirdo freak lovers in sketches (brain jordan alvarez the gay age gap...) its got a lot of coke fueled afterparties. its got tabloid drama. its got late night writing sessions where marc and vale are trying to punch up the monologue and marc falls asleep on vale's shitty futon in his office and vale keeps staring at him with a weird sort of yearning in his chest he doesnt like 2 think about. its got the academy members in a shitty chorus line for monologue where cele almost falls off the stage. its got marc breaking his wrist doing motorcross and still trying to get his ass out tv because he loves the adrenaline of performing live. its got alex filling in for him and feeling a little weird that its his only shot at the big time so far (he CRUSHES). its got marc getting promoted to head writer and vale LEAVING to pursue a career in MOVIES and marc throwing himself comma heartbroken into his work because he thought it would be him and vale TOGETHER when he was coming up through the comedy scene watching his sketches as a kid.... its got them fucking on the futon after the finale BEFORE vale announces hes leaving...
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hotmessmaxpress · 4 months
can we please have bez/cele getting together in of au?
Yes you can! This is a direct continuation of this, where Bezz finds out that Celestino subscribed to Marc's onlyfans before Marc and Vale started dating. That threw Bezz into a gay crisis, and here we are!
Thanks for waiting so patiently for this!
OnlyFans au interlude: celestino and bezz
Bezz wakes up the following morning on Celestino’s couch. He’s stiff and still a little tired, and he enjoys that special type of calm that comes from waking up in a safe place. 
He freezes when he remembers the events of the previous day.
Cele has an onlyfans account and he subscribes to Marc Marquez. Bezz lays there, staring at the ceiling, wondering what other types of people Cele subscribes to. Do any of them look like him? Are they all tiny, fit twinks? Are they all fucking Spanish?
Bezz doesn’t realize he’s breathing heavily until Celestino walks timidly into the room. 
“Bezz? Are you okay?”
Bezz sits up and looks at Cele. He’s sleep-rumpled, and Bezz wonders how late the two of them must have slept. There’s a pillow line across one of Cele’s cheeks, and the neck of his shirt is stretched out. Bezz wants to wrap Celin up in a blanket and bundle him back into bed. He wants to hold him and kiss him on the forehead and make sure he’s warm and comfortable at all times. 
The revelation nearly sends him into another panic attack. Now that he’s acknowledged that he likes men, or, at least likes one man, it’s like he is seeing Cele with new eyes. 
“I”m okay,” Bezz says, voice rough and a little high pitched. 
Cele stands there awkwardly for a moment, and Bezz pats the couch next to him. Cele sits down, and he grabs the edge of Bezz’s blanket so he can pull part of it over himself as well. 
“Can we talk about yesterday?” Bezz blurts.
Celestino looks like he would rather do quite literally anything else, but he doesn’t get up, so that’s a win. 
Bezz has no idea what to say now that he’s opened the door, though. How do you tell your best friend that you’re having some not-quite-heterosexual thoughts about him? How is he supposed to tell Celestino that he hates Marc now, only because he has to live with the knowledge that Cele found Marc so attractive that he–
“You aren’t going to tell Vale, are you?” Celestino asks awkwardly, interrupting Bezz’s spiraling.
“What?” Bezz asks, staring at him. 
“Please don’t tell him. If you think he needs to know then I should be the one to tell him– but I already cancelled my subscription, okay?”
Well, that’s not the direction Bezz thought this was going to go. 
“That’s not what– no, I’m not going to tell Vale. I am trying to explain…” 
Cele stares at him expectantly. 
“I don’t like that you followed Marc. I don’t like that you’ve seen him naked.”
Cele recoils, embarrassed and clearly a little hurt. Bezz immediately realizes his fuckup and knows there’s no coming back from this. He can’t let Cele think he’s homophobic. 
“I’m jealous,” Bezz croaks. “I don’t want you to be attracted to him.”
Cele stares at him. Now that Bezz has admitted it, it’s impossible for him to stop his mouth. 
“I want you to think of me that way because I want to think of you that way. And I know you didn’t have sex with him but in a way it feels like you did, and I am jealous of that because he doesn’t deserve that from you. You shouldn’t have to watch him jack off or whatever because you deserve to be taken care of,” Bezz complains. 
Cele is staring at him.
“Sorry,” Bezz adds, as an afterthought. 
Cele is still staring at him. 
“You’re gay?” Celestino asks, dubiously. 
Bezz hadn’t gotten that far in his internal discussion when he woke up. He has no idea, and he’s not sure how to explain that to Cele. He hasn’t ever considered if he likes men before. He knows without a doubt that he likes Cele, though. He thinks he probably always has. It feels like breathing. This entire situation has felt like his world has been upended, but liking Celestino feels like breathing. 
“I… I don’t know,” Bezz says lamely. 
Cele looks away. 
“But you like me?”
Bezz nods, but Cele isn’t looking at him. 
“Yes. I think… I didn’t ever really think about it until you said you follow Marc and I felt jealous. And then I had to think about why I felt jealous. And I guess if I’m jealous that means I’m at least a little gay, right?”
Cele is silent for a moment before he snorts and starts laughing. 
Bezz shoves at him, embarrassed and defensive. 
“You’re supposed to be supportive!”
Cele is howling with laughter now. 
“Of course I am supportive! But you were the one who made me think you were mad at me yesterday!”
Bezz frowns. 
“I’m sorry,” he says genuinely, but Cele is clearly not listening. He’s still wheezing with laughter at Bezz’s expense. 
Bezz pouts while Cele calms back down. 
“I shouldn’t have told you,” Bezz complains. 
That seems to remind Cele of what they were talking about, and he turns to Bezz with wide eyes. 
“Wait,” Cele says, “you have feelings for me.”
Bezz’s heart is racing and he nods. 
“You are jealous that I follow Vale’s boyfriend because you want me to see you naked, not him.”
Bezz nods again, sure that he has never been this mortified in his life. 
“You’re ���a little bit gay’,” Cele says, making exaggerated air quotes. 
Bezz buries his face in his hands. 
Cele laughs again, then pulls at Bezz’s wrists until he uncovers his face. 
“You’re lucky I’ve had a crush on you since I was thirteen.”
Bezz makes a startled noise at that information, but before he can think, Cele has placed a hand on the back of his neck and guided their faces together. 
It’s the worst first kiss Bezz has ever had. Their noses bump together and Cele is still giggling a little bit, and Bezz’s brain is still moving so slowly that he only realizes he’s being kissed as Cele is already pulling away. 
He frowns, deciding that is not good enough, and he leans forward. This time he’s prepared for it, and Cele has stopped laughing, and when their lips meet it’s easy for Bezz to close his eyes and relax. 
Kissing Cele is feels normal. It’s almost anticlimactic how normal it feels. There are no fireworks or explosions. 
It feels like getting on the bike; a flash of nervousness followed by a sense of rightness; a feeling that all is well. Bezz has a flash of frustration at himself for taking so long to realize that he wanted this. 
He’s not sure how long they kiss, but when they finally pull apart they’re both smiling.
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violetjedisylveon · 5 months
Family Trip To Hell (Diyu)
Little Star chapter 7
Summary: Wukong, Liu'er and Ma go to the underworld to get their kiddos names out of the book of the dead. Wukong's mom has a long overdue talk with her son.
Word count: 5.1k
Warnings: Wukong and Macaque's past(mostly Wukong's tho), mentions of death(they're in the underworld), mentions of murder, implications of destructive tendencies,
A/N: There is a very minor OC here, he is a Diyu registrant/receptionist, so I've decided to call him Zhù Cè Rén which means registrant according to the translator I've been using. He and Liu'er are buds so Liu'er calls him Zhù Cè which is to register and that's why his name is that. His name is his job.
Yuze(Wukong and Ma's mom)
Shadowpeach Family AU Masterpost
“Boring! This is the most boring way into the Diyu!” Wukong whined.
This entrance of the Diyu was pretty dull and mildly depressing. All the cool stuff was at another level. For their business today, they didn't need to go too far into the Diyu. Liu'er had insisted on not pissing off the underworld gods, again, so they were going the boring way.
“This place is depressing.” Ma commented, looking around at the large, cave-like passage they were using.
Unlike either of them, Ma had (luckily) never been to the Diyu before.
“It's the underworld, it's not supposed to be very fun.” Liu'er pointed out.
“Eh, guess so.” The albino monkey shrugged, adjusting her grip on Xuěhuā.
They walked for a few minutes longer, following behind Liu'er, they passed another set of guards checking for the living, his mate had a quick chat with the guards, who like all the others were happy to see him again, before they were allowed through.
A little further down, the passage opened up into a larger cavern. There was what looked like a desk carved out of the wall and a demon sitting at it, doing whatever it was underworld demons did when they weren't dealing with souls.
“Zhù Cè!” Liu'er called out, waving to his friend.
The demon glanced over and blinked a few times before scrambling to his feet to greet the shadow monkey.
“Liu'er! I haven't seen you down here in over a century! I was starting to think something happened to you!” The underworld attendant said excitedly.
“I've been a little busy. I thought I told you and yuè mǔ when I was last down here.” Liu'er said, lifting Chao-Xing out of his arms.
The little cub giggled at the sudden uppies. Zhù Cè stared at her with a scrunched up face.
“How in here did you two manage to make something so cute?” he asked, letting the cub grab one of his fingers in her little hands.
“Hey!” Wukong objected.
“No, no, I was wondering that too.” Ma said.
He glared over his shoulder at his annoying older sister. His daughter’s giggles brought his attention back to his mate and their child. Chao-Xing was playing with some squishy ball toy Zhù Cè had on his desk that she somehow got her little hands on.
The demon was staring at the playing baby monkey with more scrutiny than before. He pulled a pair of glasses out of his pocket, leaning closer to the infant.
“Zhù Cè…? What are you doing?” Liu'er asked, slightly leaning away.
“Oh… this is exciting!” Zhù Cè exclaimed, scrambling to write something down in the notebook Liu'er said he always had on him.
“What is exciting?” Wukong asked.
“That is a brand new soul!” Zhù Cè pointed at Chao-Xing.
“We haven't seen one of those in over a thousand years! … Odd that it's just the one, these usually happen in groups… oh! But you two made this one, it's impressive that you made this one, new souls are hard to create and maintain to term-”
“Hang on, can you back up a bit to the whole “brand new soul” part?” Liu'er said.
Yeah, what the actual fuck does that mean?!” Wukong agreed.
The demon shrunk back, searching his desk for something. His dark eyes lit up when he got whatever he was looking for. A heavily used scroll.
“Let's see here … ah- there it is. Celestial monkeys, you two, exist outside of the natural order, your creation doesn't happen the natural way. You don't have past lives, these are the first incarnations your souls have had,” he paused, gesturing towards the now bored infant chewing on Liu'er’s fur, “she's just like you, she doesn't have a past life, she's a new soul.”
Wukong glanced down at his daughter, the cub met his gaze with a cheerful chirp for snacks and cuddles. Liu'er passed her back without much fuss, he settled the little monkey in his arms. Considering how they made her, the new soul idea made sense.
“Does the new soul thing have any negative side effects?” Liu'er asked, masking his worry with a sense of curiosity in his voice.
“Nope. If anything, she's better off than the normal souls, she won't have any of the déjà vu they sometimes get from their past lives cause it doesn't exist for her.” Zhù Cè shrugged, setting his scroll back on his desk.
Wukong's ear flicked, Ma was cutting up a pear for Xuěhuā; the pair of albinos must have gotten bored with all the soul talk that didn't concern them.
“It's no wonder it took you a century to have a kid, new souls are hard to make.” Zhù Cè was saying.
“Really?” He asked, zeroing in on the demon.
The attendant shifted under his gaze.
“Yeah, if you didn't know how to do it right, it wouldn't work, no matter how hard you tried.” He said.
And here he was, thinking the problem had been them all along, turns out the problem was their species.
“That's all very nice, Zhù Cè, but be a dear and step aside. I'd like to talk with my son.”
The voice of Wukong's (recent) nightmares echoed throughout the cavern.
A monkey demon appeared in front of the Kings with crossed arms and a thoroughly pissed expression.
“Oh you are absolutely fucked.” Liu'er whispered.
“Not helping.” Wukong whispered back.
Yuze glared up at her son, scathing green eyes burning his skin as she examined him. She definitely wasn't pleased.
“Mā.” Wukong greeted nervously.
“Shí Hóu.” She growled.
“Yeah, you're so dead.” Ma commented.
Wukong glared at his sister, who cracked up behind him. Yuze growled a low warning, snapping her son's attention back to her.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” She prompted.
“Uh, we had a baby?” Wukong tried, holding Chao-Xing out for his mother to see.
The dull brown and gray monkey glanced down at the cub, happily chewing on her own tail completely oblivious to the tension.
“Cute. You're not getting out of this.” she said.
“I'll just take that from you.” Liu'er took Chao-Xing out of his doomed mate’s hands.
“You are in so much trouble, mister.” She growled.
Yuze grabbed him by his ear, dragging him further along the cavern. He heard Liu'er snickering from behind, and while he knew this was deserved, he couldn't stop himself from shouting,
“Hey! You did a lot of shit too! Why isn't she mad at you?!”
“She already talked to me about all of that. And I visit at least once a decade!” Liu'er shouted back.
Wukong reluctantly let his mother drag him to his doom. She took him further down the path, to a distance where her inevitable shouting wouldn't bother the cubs. No doubt Liu'er would hear every second of it.
Yuze finally stopped and turned around to face him. He winced at the anger in her eyes. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she shook her head.
“You've done a lot of shit, Shí Hóu, I don't have the time or patience to cover everything. Just the big ones, alright?” She said, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“You're not shouting?” He asked in surprised confusion.
He'd been certain his mother would scream and shout, he was so sure she would be furious, that's why he avoided her for so long.
“I thought you were-”
“Shí Hóu, I was, and still am, but shouting won't get us anywhere. Let's just talk, okay?” She gave him a soft, understanding smile.
Tears stung his eyes. Over the centuries he forgot how understanding his mother could be.
“Talking sounds good.” He nodded.
She smiled before gently pushing him down.
“Get down there so I can see you properly.” She instructed.
Once he was sitting, she flicked his hair around with her tail, laughing not so quietly as she paced in front of him.
“Where do you want to start?” He asked nervously.
She paused, her tail tip twitched.
“That lion and his brotherhood.” she growled.
Wukong flinched, his old brotherhood was a sore subject for everyone involved, most recently with the whole DBK situation. Liu'er had never much cared for (or trusted) any of the others during their days as a brotherhood, he'd gotten closer with DBK after, mostly due to his relationship with Princess Iron Fan, and with what the others did, Wukong was perfectly fine with never discussing them again.
“What was the deal with him? Was he really able to convince you of his short sighted delusions that easily?” She asked, looking down at him with something akin to pity.
Wukong shifted under her intense gaze. Looking back, he wanted to strangle his younger self for trusting that liar. He wanted to strangle his younger self for a lot of things actually.
“I thought I could trust him, it was a stupid decision and I really should have seen the signs sooner, but I guess I just ignored them because I liked the way he made me feel.” he admitted slowly.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” She asked.
“I… not with them… not for a while…” he answered.
“And what were you looking for?” she pressed gently.
Wukong didn't want to say it out loud, he knew in his gut she wouldn't be offended, it still felt like a betrayal.
“… help…”
That was the simplest way he could put it. He knew she was well aware of what he was trying to find back then.
“Even when you already had it?” She pointed out.
He winced, she gave him a more stern look.
“You have a bad habit of trying to deal with things yourself, xiǎo guǐ.” she told him.
“Yeah… I know.” He sighed.
“Then why haven't you stopped?” She asked.
He looked up, about to rebut her statement
“Don't say you have, you stayed up on the mountain for three years dealing with a death by yourself, Mihou doesn't count, he had to go through the same shit. You didn't go to anyone about it, you still haven't.” she swiftly cut him off with a sharp stare.
“Back to the point, why did you listen to him over everyone else? Mihou hears the future, his abilities weren't as well developed back then but they still gave him an idea of what would happen, yet you ignored his warnings. I know you were arrogant and headstrong and didn't think about consequences, but that seems pretty extreme for you, you used to always listen to what Mihou said,” she paused and shot him a questioning look, “unless you were worse than I thought you were after I died?”
Wukong gave his mother a sheepish grin.
“Of course.” Yuze sighed heavily, rubbing her face.
“I'd ask where I went wrong, but I know where I went wrong.” She muttered to herself.
“Well, is that the only reason, or is there something else?” She said.
“He was saying what I wanted to hear… what I thought I needed to hear… it was pretty stupid in hindsight.” He said with a weak chuckle.
“Táo huā, everything looks different in hindsight.” She said lightly.
His chest warmed at her words.
“I’m glad you dealt with them, the elephant can be released someday, but the other two can stay in there for eternity for all I care.” She said.
“I couldn't agree more.” He nodded.
There was an awkward (to him at least) lull in the conversation. 
“The eyes are new.” She said finally, gesturing to his face.
“Oh, uh, yeah… they've been like that for a while.” He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.
“I know.” She nodded before letting out another heavy sigh.
“Shí Hóu, we need to talk about what happened on your journey.”
“Mihou and I-”
She raised a single hand.
“You killed your mate. You killed your best friend. We need to talk about that.” She insisted.
“It's one of the reasons you've been avoiding me.” she added, crossing her arms.
Wukong shrunk away from her knowing gaze. 
“Take your glamor down, I bet your hair's a mess.” She instructed.
He would have argued, but she was one hundred percent correct. His hair was a mess, Chao-Xing had decided to climb onto his head on the way here and chew his hair, she was definitely developing a chewing habit.
She sat down behind him, running her skilled fingers through his hair, eliciting fond memories from simpler times when he and his mother would talk about anything and nothing for hours on warm, sunny afternoons.
“I was confused when he showed up dead again, and when he told me what happened… I was… angry to say the least.”
“Now, I know what happened and why it happened, I know that it was a mistake, for both of you…” she trailed off, he felt her claws working through a tough knot.
“But! Just because I understand doesn't mean I'm not still just a little bit disappointed in the both of you. I thought I taught you better.” She finished, moving onto another knot.
“It broke him, you know that? Sure he was partially responsible for it, but never in his life did he think you would kill him, even if it was an accident.”
“He was so hurt when I first saw him, so hurt. He got angry later, but under all that anger and bitterness was a pain he didn't know what to do with.”
“He returned to life lost and broken. He had no idea what to do with himself, and while I suppose he ultimately went down a better path, he very easily could have gone the other way.” She told him somberly.
His mother fell quiet, working on his fur, Wukong finally found it in himself to ask her something.
“Do you know what happened after he came back? He's frustratingly vague about it whenever I ask.” He asked.
“Hmmm… nope!” She chirped smugly, popping the ‘p’.
“You do know!” He shouted, glaring over his shoulder at her.
She laughed, tossing her head back.
“It's not my story to tell Shí Hóu.” She said.
He huffed and turned around grumpily.
“I'm sure you'll find out soon, he's just saving it for some prank.” She patted his shoulder gently.
“You know that you've both been lucky so far, right?” She prompted a few minutes later.
“You worked through that issue, it took you ages and you dragged poor Chenxiang into it, but it's done now. So what are you going to do about the others you have? Or others you will encounter later?” She said, finally working out all the knots in his hair.
“What other issues?” He asked, glancing back at her.
“The business with Demon Bull King? Mihou was pretty upset when he told me about that.” Yuze pointed out.
“Oh.” She knows about that. He guiltily looked away from his mother's sharp green eyes.
“That's another thing I wanted to talk about.” she said, running her hands through his groomed hair, gently pulling and twisting it back into a braid.
“I didn't want him to die…” he admitted.
“Can you explain it?” She requested gently.
“He wasn't stopping, he was hurting innocent people, if he didn't stop they were going to do something about it… so it was either kill him or make him stop some other way!” He shouted
“… and he wouldn't listen to reason…” he finished.
“Reason means little in the face of emotion. You should know that by now.” She scolded lightly.
“I- uh- yeah, I should.” He relented.
“Oh little Shí Hóu, you still have no idea how to communicate.” She sighed fondly.
He huffed at her statement, slightly offended. He could communicate just fine!
“Here’s what you do, when he gets out, and I bet it's going to be soon, you need to have a talk with your brother. Explain your actions and motivations, then listen when he tells you his.” She told him.
“I'll give it a shot.” He said reluctantly.
DBK was unlikely to forgive him for what he did, he could have, should have, done something else. That way Princess Iron Fan wouldn't have had to defend her territory and raise her son all on her own, his former brother could have seen his son grow up, and Wukong took that from him. Gods, why didn't I do something else!
“Get out of your head, Táo huā.” Yuze snapped calmly.
He glanced at her, she raised an eyebrow in amusement.
“I'm still your mother, even if it's been over a thousand years, I know what you look like when you're lost in your thoughts.” She said, tucking a flower she got from… somewhere, into his now braided hair.
“Now, how are you and Mihou going to handle this going forward?” She prompted.
What do you mean?” Wukong turned around to face her.
“Are you going to tell your daughter?” She asked.
“Yes…?” He said uncertainly, praying she wouldn't elaborate.
“The truth, will you tell her the truth?” she specified, narrowing her eyes.
He coughed, he'd been hoping she wouldn't ask that.
“About what?” he asked, feigning ignorance.
Yuze swatted the side of his head.
“All of it, what you two did to each other, what you did to your brother. Are you going to tell her the truth about you?” She almost growled out.
Mango and I haven't even talked about this with each other yet… how the here am I supposed to answer that? He avoided his mother's all too knowing gaze.
“She has Mihou's ears, what will you do when she hears something you haven't told her about yet?”
“They don't seem to work the way his do, maybe they just look the same.” He suggested.
She glared at him. Yeah okay that wasn't the best suggestion, and Liu'er suspected that she would grow into her hearing.
“Are you even going to tell her at all?” Yuze growled.
“I don't know when we'll tell her!” He shouted.
“Once she's old enough to understand for sure, but we will tell her! Eventually.” Wukong insisted.
Yuze rested a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“It is better if you tell her sooner rather than lie to her longer.” She said knowingly.
“Are you going to say anything?” He asked hesitantly.
“I may not agree with your decision but I will respect it. Besides, it is not my story to tell.” she said.
Wukong let out a sigh of relief.
“But if she comes asking, and you haven't told her yet, I won't lie to her.” Yuze warned.
He nodded in understanding. She smiled, satisfied enough to drop the subject, for now. 
“Let's head back, I've got grandkids to meet.” She said, fluffing up the top of his head as she stood.
He followed her up.
“Nuwa wants to know when you'll visit.” Yuze said out of the blue.
Wukong hummed in response. His relationship with his… creator… wasn't the best, not by a long shot.
The goddess never had anything to do with him. It had been easy enough to think that was just because Yuze had taken him as her own when he was younger and didn't know any better. But no! Nuwa had never gotten involved in his life at all, not even when he went to the celestial realm. She never paid any attention to him, never showed him anything but apathetic disinterest.
She didn't care.
That's what he thought for most of his life anyway, the truth wasn't much better.
She didn't think she needed to do any of that.
She hadn't thought she needed to take any action because by the time she realized he existed, Yuze had already taken him as hers and in her opinion, Yuze was doing a better job than she ever could, so she just didn't do anything!
The irony of a Mother Goddess being such a shit parent to her creation was laughable.
“Can’t wait to deal with that.” He grumbled.
Yuze swatted the back of his head.
“Nuwa fucked up, everyone, including her, can agree on that. She thought it was for the best and she was wrong. The important thing is that she realizes and admits she's wrong and she's trying to be better.” Yuze scolded him.
Wukong huffed and rolled his eyes.
“Give it a chance, it's not like you won't be fucking up with your own kid.” She told him.
“Wait, do you think I'm going to mess up that badly?” He asked, dread making his fur puff up.
He already had his doubts, his past experiences with teaching someone hadn’t gone well, if he was that bad of a teacher how bad of a parent would he be?
“Every parent messes up a little bit, mistakes are part of parenting.” She said.
“Really, how did you mess up?” He snapped.
She raised a challenging eyebrow at him, he immediately regretted his question.
“I didn't teach you murder was wrong. Because I didn't think I had to.” she said smugly.
“fuck.” He pouted.
She laughed, tossing her head back, as they finally got back to the main cave.
Wukong stepped to the side to avoid being knocked over by the blur of white slamming into his mother.
“Ma! How have you been, xiǎo guǐ?” Yuze chuckled, hugging her daughter.
Wukong gave his mother and sister some privacy, heading over to where Liu'er was sitting with the cubs.
Xuěhuā was squinting in the direction their mother went, undoubtedly only seeing a fuzzy patch of white in the darkness, while Chao-Xing was chewing her cousin's tail, because they obviously weren't using it.
She stopped using her cousin as a chew toy when she realized he was back. His little cub squealed, reaching her adorable little hands out for him. Chuckling, he let her grab onto one of his fingers.
Unsurprisingly, she started biting it.
“We have got to work on her biting habit.” He said to Liu'er once he sat down.
His moon nodded.
“One of these days she's going to try eating her own ears.” He sighed.
Liu'er's ears were covered in teeny tiny bite marks from their curious cub giving the glowing ears a little nibble whenever she was near them. She didn't have the strength to hurt anyone yet, and when one of them said “ouch” she'd stop and lick the spot she was just biting in a little apology.
It was one of the cutest fucking things he'd ever seen.
“Where'd Zhù Cè go?” Wukong asked, noticing the underworld demon's absence.
“Oh, he had to take care of something, got an urgent message from his boss. He said he'd be back soon.” Liu'er said.
Wukong felt the fur on the back of his neck standing up. He had a gut feeling there was some sort of trouble brewing. A quick glance at his mate showed he had the same feeling.
“We'll talk about it later, if it's not solved. He whispered as Ma and Yuze came back to them.
“If what's not solved?” Ma asked.
“Underworld business. Zhù Cè had to leave.” Liu'er answered easily.
His mother narrowed her eyes skeptically, but didn't make any comment about it. Instead she sat down and flicked her tails towards the pair of cubs.
“Now, who are these cute little cubs?” She asked.
Ma picked up her cub, bringing her closer to their mom.
“This is Xuěhuā, they can't see shit and refuses to wear glasses.” Ma said, setting the toddler cub into Yuze's arms.
The mostly blind cub blinked their pale eyes cluelessly at the strange monkey.
“Who you?” they asked.
“I'm your grandmother.” Yuze said.
“Mama's Mama?” They inquired.
“Yes, that's me.” She answered.
“You smell good. I like you.” Xuěhuā chirped, happily cuddling up to her.
“Well, I'm so glad I smell good.” Yuze chuckled.
“Yeah, smell like a baby! Sweet!” Xuěhuā nodded aggressively.
“Like a baby? No that can't be right, babies are stinky.” Yuze shook her head.
“I can prove!” Xuěhuā insisted.
They scrambled out of their grandmother's hands, scurrying over to Chao-Xing sitting on his lap.
“Can I borrow?” Xuěhuā asked him.
He glanced at Liu'er, his moon nodded, a soft smile on his face at the toddler's antics.
“Sure thing kiddo.” He allowed.
Xuěhuā squealed, happily taking Chao-Xing out of his lap. The smaller cub let out a confused squeak as she was carried over to the brown and gray monkey.
“Here! Smell!” Xuěhuā demanded, shoving their cousin into Yuze's face.
Chao-Xing gave them the angriest baby face she could muster up.
“Hmm, this baby doesn't smell like a baby, she smells like fruit.” Yuze said.
“That's all uncles feed her!”
“hmm… I think this baby is made of fruit.” Yuze concluded.
“No! She's not fruit!” Xuěhuā giggled.
“Here! You check!” The albino toddler just dropped his cub.
He swore he had a heart attack.
Nothing happened, Yuze had her hands underneath Chao-Xing the entire time in case Xuěhuā slipped.
“Xuěhuā, you can't drop the baby.” Ma scolded lightly.
“Okay.” Xuěhuā turned back to Yuze.
“She's not fruit.” Xuěhuā stated confidently.
“I guess not.” Yuze conceded to the cub.
“Oh! She's got two tails! And glowies! I like glowies!” Xuěhuā chirped.
“I bet she's much easier to find.” Yuze agreed, frowning slightly at the cub in her hands.
“How old is she?” She asked.
Wukong's tail twitched anxiously.
“About six months.” He said.
“She's a bit small, does she eat enough?” She inquired, her fur puffing slightly.
“She's got Wukong's appetite.” Liu'er snorted.
“Ah, well all cubs grow differently, some slower than others.” She said.
“What's this little one's name?” she asked.
“Sun Chao-Xing.” His moon said proudly.
“How long of a fight was that one?” Yuze snickered.
“They fought for about a decade.” Ma said.
Wukong stuck his tongue out at his sister.
“I'd expect nothing less.” His mother laughed.
They spent another hour or so talking more until Zhù Cè finally came back, with the king of the underworld himself in tow.
King Yama had the Book of the Dead and miffed expression on his face.
“Sun Wukong, you are permitted to remove the names of your child and your sister's child, no others.” Do you understand?” The king growled.
Before he could even say anything to the underworld king, his mother grabbed him by his ear, yanking him towards her.
“Don't try anything.” She warned with a growl.
“I won't! I promise!” he squealed, absolutely embarrassing himself in front of the present company.
Yuze released him. He rubbed his sore ear. The underworld king had a barely concealed smirk on his face.
“I understand.” He nodded.
“Very well, the pages have been marked in advance.” King Yama said, opening the book.
Wukong took Xuěhuā’s name off first, then Chao-Xing’s. He didn't get to take much of a look at the page once he crossed his daughter's out, Yama shut it before he could get a good look.
“Your business is finished here. Please get out of my domain.” King Yama ordered somewhat politely.
Liu'er snickered. Wukong knew Yama had a pretty good reason for not wanting him down here, the last time he was here he wrecked a lot of important stuff looking for answers, but that didn't mean he wasn't a bit offended by it. Yuze grabbed his arm.
“Yes, you're on your way out now, I'll see you to the exit.” She said, glaring at him pointedly.
He rolled his eyes, it's not like he had any reason to cause trouble this time. Liu'er said goodbye to Zhù Cè, Wukong noticed the demon was considerably more nervous than he had been before.
Maybe Yama’s mad he wasn't doing his job. He thought.
He and Liu'er walked ahead of his mother and sister, they were talking about ways to see each other more frequently, apparently his mother had a few favors with Nuwa she could cash in.
The only good thing he could say about his creator is that it certainly looked like she was trying.
They reached the entrance to the Diyu pretty quickly, Liu'er was wished goodbye and good luck by everyone they passed.
“Don't let the little ones test their immortality too much.” His mother warned lightheartedly, playfully flicking each cub's fur up with her tail.
“We won't.” Ma said, hugging their mother.
“We leaving nǎi nai?” Xuěhuā asked sadly.
“Cheer up bèi, you'll see me again.” Yuze told the cub.
“Okay Nǎi nai! Bye!” Xuěhuā chirped, waving their hand excitedly as Ma stepped through to the other side.
“You two be careful with that little one there okay?” Yuze said.
“Of course Mā.” Liu'er nodded to her.
“And don't smother her either.” She added.
“We won't.” Wukong laughed.
“I expect to see you again before she turns two.” She said, giving them both a tight hug.
She had to stand on her toes to reach them properly.
“You both got too tall.” She huffed.
They all laughed.
“Well, you better not keep Ma waiting.” Yuze said.
“Right, see you soon.” Wukong said.
Yuze watched her son and son in law leave the Diyu. She turned, heading back into the Diyu.
The realm’s King was beyond her reach, he didn't like her much anyway. Zhù Cè was helpfully scared of crossing her, he had let her know when her son arrived.
The registrant paled once he saw her.
“Zhù Cè, what's going on down here?” She asked.
“I'm afraid I can't tell you that.” He admitted.
She glared at him.
“Is it going to be a problem?” She prompted.
“No…” he glanced away.
“Is it a problem for my family?” She hissed.
“I'm really very sorry, but I can't tell you.” Zhù Cè insisted.
She growled.
“It is none of your concern regardless.” King Yama said from behind her.
She glared over her shoulder.
“I think it's time you returned to your mistress, monkey.” He sneered.
“You know, I'm glad I don't have to be stuck here.” She snarled, baring her fangs at the King as she left the underworld.
Nuwa glanced up once she returned.
“How'd it go?” the Mother Goddess asked nervously.
“Yama is an asshole.” She growled.
“Something happened in the Diyu while we were down there. He doesn't want anyone to know what it is.” She crossed her arms with a sigh.
“Think it means trouble?” She glanced at the goddess.
“It's not anything good, that's certain.” Nuwa sighed.
Yuze watched her friend carefully, she had been acting differently for the last three years. Something weighed heavily on her mind.
“I got to meet the little one.” She said, changing to a lighter subject.
“What's she like?!” Nuwa asked excitedly.
Yuze smiled, happy to spend the rest of the day gushing about their granddaughter and her grandchild.
I rushed it a bit at the end, mostly cause I just wanted this chapter to be done. I've been working on it for almost 4 months. It was fun but lots of big emotion stuff and it kept getting away from me and I have a bunch of notes on the stuff in this chapter so please feel free to ask questions if anything confuses you!
Next chapter is shenanigans!
VJS Out!
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topnotchquark · 11 months
Okay fine I wrote my first bit of Bezz x Cele boarding school au! It's like 900 words and more world building/slow burn oriented than anything else. Please read and leave comments/asks (it's my first time writing any fiction and I did it at 3am on my phone so pls forgive me)
Cele tries to slip out quitely from the doors but the old hinges creak. He stops for a moment to breathe the air that's steadily been cooling for the past week. He hears someone coming down the stairs, and feels a vague relief when it's just Luca.
"Where are you off to?" Cele asks.
"Going for a run"
"Is bezz in the room?"
"yep, he's awake"
Cele nods but Luca doesn't really wait for the response. Cele watches him skip down the stairs and go off in the dimly lit direction of the gymnasium and he slowly climbs the stairs up, limbs heavy. 
The upperclassmen get to live in rooms, a little bit of privacy afforded after doing their times in the lord of flies~esque environment that is the dormitory. Cele finds himself opening the door to Bezz and Luca's room without thinking where he's going. 
The lights are off except for the desk lamp, Bezz with his back to the door is scribbling something furiously. His arm is shaking just fast enough to make his curls look animated. Cele peers over his shoulder and finds him sketching some sort of a figure in his notebook.
"What's up" bezz asks without stopping.
Cele lies down on Bezz's bed wordlessly and stares out of the window situated above the headboard. Bezz turns around in his chair and pokes his dull pencil into the soft upper part of cele's arm. 
"Ow" Cele protests without enthusiasm.
"You didn't tell me what's up"
"Can't sleep"
"Are you hungry?"
Bezz turns back around to his godforsaken sketch and for a minute Cele stares out the window at the poplar tree thicket sway gently in the wind, the scratch of the pencil a meditative hum in the background.
"Do you have some water in the room?"
"Uh... No"
"Can you get me some?"
Bezz nods, picks up a bottle from Luca's desk and steps out.
Cele came to the school on a sports scholarship, a few months shy of his 10th birthday. His mum fretted about the many things that could go horribly wrong but Cele did just fine. No sudden complaints of nightmares or any drastic change in behaviour or mystery illnesses that usually cropped up in children who were simply too homesick. Cele never fully blended into the obsessive competitive environment of the team, but nobody could really fault his skill and everyone eventually warned up to him enough to realise he just needed some space and to follow his own instincts.
Bezz had been his first friend at the school despite being his older teammate. Cele had heard stories of how much boys loved torturing each other and his parents had made him promise to tell them if anyone ever hurt him and that they would protect him, but he imprinted on Bezz like a baby duck and since everyone liked Bezz they left his strange, pensive friend alone.
When he gets back to the room, Bezz is rubbing his eyes. He hands the bottle to Cele, who sits up to drink. Cele tips the bottle just a bit too far and water spills down his neck and soaks the collar of his t shirt, Bezz instinctively reaches his hand out and swipes it on Cele's exposed, tipped back neck. It's an innocent gesture, he just meant to wipe away the water, but Cele feels it with an intensity that moves down to the pit of his stomach.
Cele ignores the feeling, squashing it the best he can, and lies back down. Bezz tells him to scoot and he does, shuffling his hips awkwardly till he's at the edge. Bezz lies down next to him on his stomach, and the lengths of their bodies are joined together on the bed meant for one person.
Cele breathes and his lungs are filled with that mix of generic deodrant, sweat, and distinct day 2 of shampoo hair that he has come to associate with the boy he's known since he came here.
They speak about nothing in particular, Cele on his back looking up at the face positioned above him, Bezz's big hair blocking out the lamp light, giving him the illusion of a halo.
Cele is in the middle of ranting to Bezz about the argument he had with his Botany teacher when Bezz gently touches the side of Cele's face. It's not forceful but it's sudden enough to make Cele feel pinned down.
"How did this happen?" Bezz asks while peering at the spot behind Cele's ear.
"Some sort of bug. Haven't been able to identify which one yet but the bite was itchy." At first the itch felt good to scratch, the pleasure just enough to keep you going, till the pleasure tips a bit too far and Cele was left with ripped skins and red splotches. 
Bezz gently touches the area with the dull tips of his fingers, delicately pushing away the curls that grow behind his ears. Cele feels ill. It's like his heart muscles are taut and somehow spreading heat through him like poison. Cele turns his face back to stare at Bezz's face, his brown eyes have a warmth that is nothing new, but it unsettles him all the same.
There is that delicate, knife edge moment where he feels like his heartbeat will drive him deaf inside his head as he stares at bezz's imploring eyes. 
"Hello guys" Luca bursts into the room, frantic post run energy intact in his body.
Bezz turns away and Cele breathes after what feels like an eternity. 
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funishment-time · 1 year
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UTDP/Summer Camp: Sakura Ogami
in-game info from v3's UTDP Mode and Danganronpa S: Summer Camp AU, for fanart/fanfic inspiration etc. note that this is a "nice" universe where v3 goes to Hope's Peak and Junko never Junko'd.
this post details Sakura Ogami's scenes with others, as well as insights about her that these bits provide. there's a Lot, so jump on down under the cut.
(i hope to do all characters over time, so Hang Tight for your fave!)
> more UTDP/Summer Camp character databases <
Due to intense childhood training, never had time for entertainment (UTDP, School Festival 3)
Hitting a diamond with a hammer is apparently an "incredible core workout" (Summer Camp, Leon & Sakura)
Most small animals are afraid of Sakura, a fate she has accepted (Summer Camp, Sakura & Gundham)
Unaccustomed to children (Summer Camp, Maki & Sakura & Nagisa)
Plays the Demon Chief in a school production of Momotaro (Summer Camp, Summer Festival scenes)
Can split the ocean by punching it like a goddamn buff chick Moses (Summer Camp, With Swimsuits)
"I do not train for accolades." (Summer Camp, With Swimsuits)
"I will not inquire as to your circumstances, but I do not believe everyone should follow my path. A power may be used for fighting, but also for protecting, and at other times for introspection...You can snap an assailant's bone one day, and with those same hands help an elder carry groceries. Great power on its own is meaningless. The wielder of that power is what gives it meaning." (Summer Camp, Maki's Potential of Talent 1)
[Hina:] "I feel kinda bad relying on Sakura all the time… but there's nobody more reliable than her." (Summer Camp, Genocide Jack's My Future)
Appreciative of Hina's "energetic spirit" (UTDP, Winter 1)
Defends Hina's donut consumption to others (UTDP, Winter 2)
Accepts that Himiko is a mage and not a magician (UTDP, Winter 3)
Relying on Sakura makes Junko so happy, it stack overflows back into despair (UTDP, Sports Festival 2)
Successfully comforts Keebo over not being able to work out, telling him that there are things only he can do and everyone has a weakness (UTDP, Keebo's Winter 2)
Nekomaru first met Sakura while she was training in the mountains, years before Hope's Peak (UTDP, w/ Nekomaru Nidai)
Would like to test her skills out against Kamukura (UTDP, w/ Izuru Kamukura and Monokuma)
Gets recommendations for classical music from Kaede (UTDP, School Festival 3)
Senses a "great disturbance in the air" when around Genocide Jack and/or Korekiyo (UTDP, w/ Genocide Jack and Korekiyo Shinguji)
Proud of Hina, and proud that she inspires Hina (Summer Camp, Hina's My Future)
Bonds with Kirumi when Kirumi helps her train and make a commercial to inspire young people to martial arts (Summer Camp, Kirumi & Sakura)
Kirumi and Sakura both worry about the Warriors of Hope, as well - Sakura sees "incredible potential, but a warped instability" in them (Summer Camp, Kirumi & Sakura)
Considers Leon a "rather unfortunate man" and is concerned about his future, like literally every other person in this AU hilariously (Summer Camp, Leon & Sakura)
Helps Celes when she hurts her foot, and in the most closeted twist imaginable, Celes wishes Sakura was "a handsome man" (Summer Camp, Sakura & Celestia)
Gundham's hamster Maga-Z is unafraid of Sakura, and in fact finds her comforting - she says Maga-Z can visit her whenever he likes (Summer Camp, Sakura & Gundham)
Gundham's nickname for Sakura: "She Who Reigns" (Summer Camp, Sakura & Gundham)
Akane would love Sakura's build, but Sakura feels Akane's "flexible build" is its own gift (Summer Camp, Sakura & Akane)
Ibuki thinks Sakura [and disguised!Mukuro] have "damn fine" bodies, and Sakura compliments disguised!Mukuro's slim build (Summer Camp, Sakura & Junko? & Ibuki)
Sakura is happy to provide advice to Ibuki for working out (Summer Camp, Sakura & Junko? & Ibuki)
Understands Junko's constant need to live up to her potential (Summer Camp, Junko & Sakura & Ibuki)
Doesn't trust Shirokuma (Summer Camp, Shirokuma's Potential of Talent 1) + (Summer Camp, Shirokuma's Campfire 2)
Monokuma offers himself up as a training partner for Sakura, genuinely, and she accepts (Summer Camp, Potential of Talent 1)
Enjoys Mahiru taking pictures of her, because she'd rather look back on her youth with fondness (Summer Camp, Potential of Talent 2)
Maki happily teaches Sakura a folk dance (Summer Camp, Campfire 1)
Kotoko also helps Sakura dance, as long as the "monster girl" helps her in return one day (Summer Camp, Kotoko's Campfire 3)
Sakura loves training with Tenko and admires her ability to be so "earnest" with her emotions (Summer Camp, Campfire 2)
Likes to watch the Workout Trio and how they combine training with friendship - they find inspiration in her too (Summer Camp, My Future)
Protects Hina and the rest of Class 78 when Monokid goes haywire (Summer Camp, Monokid's Hope)
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anitalianfrie · 8 months
re: your pinned post on genderbending those old men -> care to share your genderbending headcanons
anon i'm giggling kicking my feet it's like i've waited all my life for this ask and the time has finally come!!! numerous thoughs under the cut
formula 1
in this case i mainly thought about them as couple dynamics, so every one is their separate au
lestappen: grew through the ranks together, super strong hate because of course only one of them could get to the top. almost phisically fought a couple of times. charles actually pretended to be a boy for the first years of her career (because she didn't want to be left out and thought that the only way to race was being a boy) while max idgafs her way through everything, she's been raised with a purpose and that purpose is winning. when max wins her first gp charles is literally fuming because she was supposed to be the first and you can guess how bad is their antagonism in 2018/2019 because they're always paired together, always compared. max struggles less with redbull than charles does with ferrari (thank you italy and sexism), but she wouldn't be allowed to come out anyways. charles is always underestimated because she's "too pretty", "too feminine" an thus not able to drive the car in the "correct way". But once she starts beating seb she becomes "la predestinata" anyway. And of course they were each others first crush (girl crush in charles' case but you get the point)
brocedes: they have already the crazy middle-school psychosexual codependent girl friendship down to a T, so my thesis is it would be even worse. somehow.
strollonso: nanda who wins her two back to back championships and then suffers by the hands of numerous teams, gets called a whore for getting the "preferential treatment", gets told she should retire by the age of thirty. And lance who grows up watching her on the tv and begs her dad to race and works and pleads to get sponsors because she might be rich but she's still a girl. and then after years and years they become teammates and lance gets hit with the super embarassing middle-school crush she had on nanda of ages. and fernanda who married a man because she thought that's what she was supposed to do (and then divorced him once she realized she was a lesbian) can't help but to be charmed by lance's clumsiness and to tease her (lance literally vibrates out of her skin every time it happens and calls este to talk about it. este hates her)
no more separate aus baby, i'm shoving an embarassing amount of girls on the grid!
vale: i've already talked estensively about her here (like. waaay to much. i'm obsessed)
marc (marcia): she's a girly girl, she loves to feel pretty and traditionally feminine and to dress in pink and to wear skirts, she's the og babygirl. people try to underestimate her for this, but once on the track she transforms into a ruthless monster and the excuse of "too girly to ride a motorcycle" doesn't exactly stand. "en la pista soy putilla" yes she is. a lot. she pretends to be small and weak but her arms are the size of trunks and she can benchpress her brother. she's a big girlTM in a short body (but she's still taller then dani). and of course. big tits.
bez (marzia): big girlTM. she's big she's strong she's tall her face is too masculine. she's a lesbian. she's a tomboy. she doesn't know where she fits. vale is her idol, her goddess, since she was six and pretending to be her on her bike (she also had a crush on her. of course). she fight tooth and nail to get what she wants and to arrive to moto3 and her family supports her fiercely. when vale asks her to get into the academy she cries (alone in her room)
cele: weird girl, weird face, she doesn't know what's her place, she's not feminine enough but also not masculine enough, she lives in the no-man's land. she's a bit off-putting and her humour is weird and she's serious and extroverted but like, in a weird way. she's lanky and lean and shouldn't be able to ride a motorcycle but she does anyway. she's had a crush on bez for the best part of her life.
pecco: "too serious, she should smile more". small but her arms are the size of trunks. has been in love with luca for half her life and refuses to aknowledge it (but her first crush was vale. of course)
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kevotsuka · 10 months
I need to hear your detailed thoughts on pregnant bezz lol. It's clear it's going to be like a single dad situation bc he has no clue who the dad is. He's a Lil nervous but the academy is very nice about it. Pecco just wordlessly starts accompanying him to every doctor's appointment. Luca is making sure he gets his prenatal vitamins on time and resting his feet and cele is a little distant at first which makes bezz feel a little sad and he doesn't know what to do about it and Luca comes over to cele and tells him to not hurt bezz when he's expecting and cele feels soo guilty he would never do anything to hurt bezz or the baby but he feels insane about the whole situation and also is a little bit obsessed with bezz and his teeny growing bump anyway they make up and cele never leaves his side like they sleep together and he rubs Bezz's feet and let's Bezz hug his cold post shower body because he's burning up due to the baby. Just my silly thoughts I want your preg bezz thoughtsssssssssss
Anon you're sooo smart because all what you say IS TRUE. Cele is so weird about preg!bezz and luca need to talk with him “how you can make our pregbez being sad?” Jail for celin. Personally I am more into bez/pecco for this AU, but bezz has a harem who cares about him and his lil babybug :)
SO THANKS for waiting for my little silly thoughts about preg!bezz, he’s very important to me lmao.
I'm writing a fic (in spanish) about this snip, i don't think i wanna post it, but preg bezz is a 9k gdocs and tried to kill me 
A thing about Bezz is how PRIVATE he wants to be (he fails). Like, he tried to separate his work and his personal life.
So in my timeline bezz was pregnant in Aus, and at first he had a very asymptomatic preg. Maybe he confuses the symptoms with the consequences of his broken collarbone, idk.
anyways, he don't ride out of weekend, don’t go to the ranch, barely training and lives stressed, sad and high in FEELINGS
It's not until before Valencia (Friday maybe) that he realize “oh, I might be pregnant” and then he DON'T CARE because it's the end of the season and all he want to do is go take a nap with his dog.  He will deal with the bug when the tests are over.
He rides on Saturday and he doesn't do too bad but he hates himself because he could be better, but it is Sunday when he FALLS because Marquez HIT HIM and he realizes that with that blow he could have lost the bug and suddenly it is unacceptable. He drinks beers on an empty stomach, goes to yell at Marc at his truck, drinks some more, goes to SKY and says “Did you know Marquez hit US?”  to anyone who wants to listen to him (people think he's talking about him and Martín, so they don't pay much attention to him)
He goes, picks up his prize completely done and thinking about his bug and how maybe he lost it because of Marquez and cries a little because of the alcohol and hormones, but do you remember that he is a private person?  DON'T TELL ANYONE.  Not his family who is there for him.  Not even Valentino.
pass the valence tests (and Bezz is irresponsible and gets back on the motorcycle) and is wednesday and Marco is at home, with his dog and looking for the number of a former schoolmate who he is sure became a gynecologist and deal with his bug that he may have lost (and he touches his belly and silently begins to pray to a god he hasn't believed in a long time).
 the bug is okay :) But beez need to stop riding rn, avoid the levels of stress that he have subjected his body and mind to in recent weeks.  That is if he want to take the baby to term, if not there is also an abortion clinic quite close there.
THEN he have the dilemma of “have the baby or continue your life as if nothing had happened?”  And the answer is that he will have that baby because he is a selfish man who feels lonely.
THEN, only after the first visit to the gynecologist post valencia test he calls Valentino and says “haha boss sorry I need to terminate my contract due to health problems :(“ and “don't you need a sexy pregnant secretary? I really can't stay without a work rn”
Valentino just lost TWO drivers in less than a month and is, of course, mad as shit, but he's also a father and tells Marco (once he hears that apparently he's going to be GRANDPA because bez is also his son) that it's okay, the academy will help you and support you in everything etc etc if you decide to return.
Marco doesn't want to tell to the boys of the academy.  Like, not at all.  He prefers to go hide in the hills before telling his friends that he chose to be a 'father' instead of chasing everyone's dream and becoming a motogp world champion etc etc
So he doesn't tell them anything (yet, he will eventually).
It is made public that he will leave the category to focus on his health and this is how the boys at the academy find out that Marco will not compete in the following season.  and Bezz practically vanished from the face of the earth.
 It is not until January, on Pecco's birthday, that he asks to meet when Bezz sends him a message to congratulate him.
Bezz says “Well, meet me at the hospital” and Pecco is clearly panicking and running to the address Bezz gave him.
 Then he sees Bezz in the parking lot, beaming and wearing those horrible oversized clothes that he likes so much and he can finally breathe easy.  He tries to ask Marco how he's been and why he disappeared, but Bezz asks him about the academy, about his family, about Pecco's grandmother??  as they walk through the hospital, towards the maternity section and Pecco begins to suspect
Then they arrive at reception, the secretary tells them that they are on time and Pecco is panicking while Marco drags him to the gynecologist, who only raises an eyebrow when she sees the MotoGP world champion there but greets him easily.
Then it's a haze for Pecco, Bezz talks about the changes in his body and the gynecologist tells Marco that they are normal things, that he has been very good and that his baby, whom Bezz insists on calling bug, has no health problems visible and developing very well for being 15 weeks old.  She then turns to Pecco and asks him to remind Marco to take his supplements because he tends to get very forgetful sometimes and that he is glad to finally meet the father.  And have him sign some documents that he has overdue :)
Pecco comes out with ink stains on his hands, lots of questions, and a strip of ultrasounds while Marco laughs at him and his expression.  Then bezz explains that he needed a companion who can come sign the papers.  That does not link Pecco to the child, only to Marco in case his family cannot come look for him in an emergency related to his baby.
Pecco: what.
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illusion-of-death · 2 months
13, 28, 32?
What’s been part of your WIP since the beginning? What’s the newest idea that you’ve added to it?
I kind of just realized that I reblogged this ask game without any particular WIP in mind whoops—
We're going to talk about But Save By Their Graves a Space For Me (Final Fantasy VI/Pacific Rim crossover), because that's the one I'm currently trying to cajole myself into updating next. And, to that end: all the Magitek/Jaeger parallel stuff was planned from the beginning; that's the vast majority of the reasoning behind why I started that fic in the first place. Which pretty quickly evolved into incorporating the "chasing the RABIT" sequence we've had already—and fans of FFVI and particularly the Doma quest in the World of Ruin might have an idea of where that might all lead.
A much more recent development, though, is the Terra/Celes ship. Which I was never really into before, but the people on my Discord server sure are, and, you know what? They're right.
Share the happiest part of your WIP.
We're… somewhat still getting to the part where these people get to actually be happy for once. But, in the meantime, a moment of levity:
“—and then Cyan says, ‘Troth, no, Sir Gau, thine hunting skills are most valuable to Sir Sabin and myself! What hast thou brought for mine approval?’ And Gau pulls out—get this—a live leaf bunny, curled up sound asleep in the rags of that terrible suit we’d bought him the previous day!”
Celes had chuckled at the Cyan impression already, which is embarrassing enough on its own, but at the thought of wild, rambunctious Gau handling anything with the amount of care required to keep something as skittish as a leaf bunny asleep she actually laughs, which is even worse. She stifles it just as quickly as it had come, but one look at Sabin’s face confirms the damage is already done.
“Ha! I knew you had a sense of humor!” he cheers.
What’s the funniest/strangest way that inspiration has struck you when writing fic?
Probably whenever I randomly get bodyslammed by a memory from 5+ years ago I forgot I had for no discernible reason. A lot of the funniest bits in the BotW college AU, for example, are lifted directly from mine and my co-writer's respective highly strange college experiences. Such as the campus café using extremely unfortunate CAH cards instead of order numbers.
Thanks for asking!
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hotmessmaxpress · 6 months
Rosquez a/b/o au, part ??
Today fucking sucked but I’m too anxious to sleep, so here’s some wildly self-indulgent pack cuddles. Nothing happens- they just snuggle. I'm projecting onto Bezz.
Bezz has had a bad day. A long and varied list of things has gone wrong, and he’s near tears by the time he manages to make his way to the ranch. It’s not a training weekend so most of the pack is probably off working, at their family homes, or off doing various responsibilities. 
Bezz needs his pack, though, so he texted Marc and asked him if he could come over. Marc obviously said yes, and assured him that he’d have a nest ready for him. He promised a movie night in the big cozy pack living room, and Bezz is looking forward to snacking and snuggling with the fellow omega. Vale might even join them; Bezz loves when he gets their combined attention.
When he walks in the house, though, he immediately smells that it’s not just Marc and Vale that are home. 
He sniffles as he steps into the living room, and finds not just Marc, but also Vale, Luca, Pecco, and Cele. They're all moving things around and getting situated as Marc bossily directs them and Vale watches, lazy and proud of his omega.
They turn to look at him as he walks in, and Luca drops the pillow he's holding to stride across the room and wrap Bezz in his arms. Bezz buries his face into the taller man's neck. He doesn’t mean to start crying, but he can’t help it. His shoulders shake with the force of it as he silently sobs against the alpha. 
Luca gently guides him to the couch. Marc has arranged it for maximum pack snuggles; he pushed different pieces of the sectional together to create what is essentially a giant bed. 
Netflix is queued up on the television, and the boys have put together a passable nest at the direction of Marc.
Bezz snuggles up between Marc and Luca, and the others arrange themselves around the three of them. Vale is obviously wrapped up in Marc, and Cele is pressed closely enough to Luca to be able to touch Bezz. Pecco is on Vale's other side, sharing a blanket with him since Marc has already stolen his.
Bezz doesn’t really speak and he doesn’t give a shit about what movie they watch, but he enjoys listening to Cele argue with Vale about what to watch. He knows Cele probably doesn’t actually care that much about the movie anyway, he just enjoys arguing with their pack alpha. 
Pecco pipes in just to bother Cele, who then makes a dramatic announcement about being the least favorite member of the pack. Bezz has to crawl over Luca for a moment to kiss Cele’s face and scent him before he starts to actually get upset. 
The pack calms down after that, getting comfortable in the blankets and pillows. 
Bezz rests with his head on Luca’s chest, breathing in time with him. He has a hand thrown across him to hold Cele’s hand, and Marc is warm and comfortable against his back. 
He feels safe and loved, and at some point in the movie he starts to cry again. He's just overwhelmed by the emotion of the day, and the relief of being held by his pack is too much.
Luca kisses the top of his head, and Cele squeezes his hand. 
“Sorry,” Bezz whispers. 
Marc shushes him gently. “We’ve got you,” he says. 
Bezz doesn’t really watch whatever movie Vale picked. All he needs is the feeling of his pack around him, bickering and complaining and holding him. 
They’re all he needs.
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randommotogpstuff · 8 months
Your latest post reminds me…..yours mine and ours rosquez au….
marc as the strict dad falling for free spirited vale 
just have a feeling marc would have his kids living on a schedule to make sure they were optimizing their lives compared to vale who has never scheduled anything in his kids lives
was this the movie where they get married not realizing how many kids the other has? 
cue marc showing up with his 4+ kids (alex, fabio, pedro, insert motogp riders marc could consider adopting) to vale’s ranch with his 6+ kids (franky, mig, pecco, luca, marco, cele, insert some vr46 member i forgot exists) 
shenanigans ensue as they try to blend their families into one both marc and vale butt heads with the others parenting style 
eventually though the power of love they come together as one family and all the kids have to get used to each other
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