#celene i love you <3
aidenwaites · 6 months
Being Human is like if the corniest shit you've ever heard also happened to be. So compelling
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unusualsims · 2 years
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Welcome baby Rika!!
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daitranscripts · 1 month
Cassandra Cutscene: Low Approval
A Toast to You
Cassandra Masterpost
The PC finds Cassandra lying on the ground with a bottle in hand
Cassandra: Ah. Here comes the hero of our age.
Cassandra (sided mages): Mighty tamer of the dreaded mage rebellion! Cassandra (sided templars): Mighty tamer of the Order of Templars!
If WEWH completed Cassandra (Celene rules/public truce): Savior of Empress Celene! Champion of all Orlais! Cassandra (Gaspard rules alone): Friend to Emperor Gaspard! Champion of all Orlais! Cassandra (Gaspard and Briala rule): Puppetmaster of the new emperor! Champion of all Orlais!
Cassandra: Once lowly prisoner, now the fabled Herald of Andraste! A toast to you, my [lord/lady].
Dialogue options:
Angry: A pathetic display. [1] -Cassandra greatly disapproves
Surprised: You’re drunk! [2]
Confused: You’re angry at me? [3]
Stoic: What’s wrong now? [4] -Cassandra disapproves
1 - Angry: A pathetic display. PC: Sitting in a dark corner. Drinking. Cassandra: Yes! What of it! PC: It’s pathetic.
2 - Surprised: You’re drunk! PC: You’re drunk? That’s a new one. Cassandra: Yes, we’re all changing, aren’t we? Everything’s changing. PC: And that makes you… unhappy?
3 - Confused: You’re angry at me? PC: You’re angry at me? Is that what this is about? Cassandra: Naturally. Isn’t everything about you? PC: What have you got to be angry about?
4 - Stoic: What’s wrong now? PC: Oh, what is it now? Cassandra: It is now what it always is. PC: That makes no sense.
5 - Scene continues.
Cassandra: You!
She stands and points at the PC while staggering.
Cassandra (post-The Ideal Romance): How could I think you loved me? You, of all men? Cassandra (romanced, not completed The Ideal Romance): “I can be that man.” Did you even believe the words as you said them?
Cassandra: Coddling the mages, encouraging them as if they didn’t almost cost us everything. Cassandra: Coddling the templars, as if they weren’t complicit in their own corruption.
Cassandra (completed WEWH with high court approval): You played the damned “Game” Orlesians love so much, mincing around like the rest of them.
Cassandra: I have watched you, even exalted you as you straddled the world. And I am the one who raised you up.
Dialogue options:
General: We don’t need you. [6] -Cassandra greatly disapproves
General (PC did not claim to be chosen): I didn’t ask for this. [7]
General (PC claimed chosen): The Maker chose me, not you. [8] -Cassandra disapproves
General: I’m doing my best. [9] +Cassandra slightly approves
General: Yes, you did. [10]
6 - General: We don’t need you. PC: Then go. The Inquisition doesn’t need you. Cassandra: How clear you make it. [11]
7 - General: I didn’t ask for this. PC: You speak as though I asked for any of this. Cassandra: Clearly you are innocent of all that followed. [11]
8 - General: The Maker chose me, not you. PC: You didn’t raise me up—the Maker did. Cassandra: Praise the Maker and His infinite wisdom. [11] Cassandra (non-Andrastian PC): Says the nonbeliever. [11]
9 - General: I’m doing my best. PC: I’m doing the best I can, Cassandra. “What needs to be done,” remember? Cassandra: I do remember. [11]
10 - General: Yes, you did. PC: “Wherever you lead us,” remember? Cassandra: I do remember. [11]
11 - Scene continues.
She throws the bottle.
Cassandra: I have been such a fool. Cassandra: Corypheus still lives. My work is not yet done.
Cassandra: Leave me be, Inquisitor. Go, do what you must.
Speaking again after, if previously romanced. Cassandra: I trust that we will return to business, Inquisitor? I think that would be best.
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vigilskeep · 6 months
Hii <3 I was the bethy anon ! Don't wanna spam too much , but i do tend to ramble when it comes to my favorite birdie tbh ... Oh but i was wondering what do you think her "canon" (canon in quotes bc always picture both twins living) choices after being made Inquisitor would look like ?? I know she believes in the maker , but would she believe she's truly Andraste's chosen ?? oooo other biggie i always think about is her top contenders for romantic interests !! I'd love to see her interactions with Sera, omg or Krem ?!
Thanks again for your time :) Hope you're havin a lovely day ! !
my stance towards bethany believing she’s andraste’s chosen is less would she and more how could i push her to that point, because i think a little religious delusion can really only improve her whole vibe. i don’t think she would necessarily jump right to claiming it—far too self-conscious, for one thing—but i don’t think it would be that hard to make her believe it, either, because bethany loves a good Narrative, and believing her gifts are from the maker is really important to her. is getting one more power from him really so hard to believe?
i’m most familiar with circle mage bethany, who would free the mages. i think she would probably keep celene on the throne, and i wouldn’t be surprised if she exiled the wardens. what are the other choices in this game i can’t remember
i’d be rlly fascinated to see bethany and sera’s relationship but i don’t know if it would work romantically. they both try so hard to be what the other is desperately trying not to be and do not take well to people picking at their pretences. my first choices for bethy to romance someone would be josephine (bethany loves fairytale romance. and rich people), blackwall (in the instance she lets being called a lady go to her head), or, as a bit of a wild card, the iron bull (bethany does not trust the qunari but her curiosity always gets the better of her and honestly i just want to see what happens with these two in a room). i’m also up for bethany/leliana and bethany/morrigan but really we could be here all day
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landgraabbed · 1 month
hi Cat, can you share your thoughts/criticisms of DATV? i think the game is gonna flop.
hey nonners, idk. this is a complicated question. i mean, game's not even out yet so it's unfair to pass judgment on it. i can only judge bioware's approach to pre-release marketing. and i got a lot of thoughts on that.
honestly i think it will be a perfectly serviceable game and technically it will run well (i mean, it has been steam deck verified which tells me that performance was a big concern for devs). i don't think quality has much bearing on the love people can have for a game. and vice-versa. the people who are hyped to oblivion and want to preorder will like it. the people who hate it bc it has poc and queer and disabled characters will still hate it. people who analyze the game's mechanics and writing will dissect the game and be predisposed to finding things they dislike. over time opinions will mellow out and we'll see how the veilguard will be remembered.
i can't trust bioware to make an rpg that i will want to play after their last failures. different people will differ on where the string of failures started. from a quality standpoint my line is dragon age 2. me3 to me failed to deliver on the promise of the first 2 me games save for shining exceptions like the citadel dlc and javik. from a numbers standpoint the last successful game was inquisition which won goty in 2014 due to a serious lack of competition mostly, especially since witcher 3 was pushed back to 2015 (which pains me personally as that put it directly in bloodborne's path to goty in that year). thing is bioware seems to be doing all they can to avoid a flop. veilguard is bioware's hail mary after a string of failures. they are ditching the ea app to capture as many people as possible. the combat has fully careened into action, and although they keep telling us these will be the best companions ever, really, guys, the gameplay is more and more focused on the protagonist alone. the crpg roots of the series are getting cut down to attract a broader audience. perhaps at the cost of ostracizing some like me who enjoy the party-based, party-building mechanics like me.
how well this will go i don't know. on one hand i think bioware has been historically bad at showing the full scope to new and returning players. empress celene has been haunting the edges of the world since origins. the full grasp of her character is locked behind books. afaik some companions have been introduced already in supplemental materials. this sort of move didn't go well for ff15. on the other i think this game missed its window. the gaming landscape of today isn't the same as it was in 2014, and in 2014 the skyrim at home open world design was already outdated. i've been hearing about the crpg renaissance since 2016. i accompanied it. it remained a niche part of gaming until it didn't: baldur's gate 3 released last year to audience and critical acclaim. going forward i expect mainstream rpgs to take cues from bg3. and the mission based almost extraction shooter-esque design that veilguard seems to have might not land as well in 2024 as it would have in 2020.
eta: or it could go well, idk. morrowind and final fantasy were bethesda's and squaresoft's hail maries and saved those studios.
right now the marketing has missed the mark on me. it is patronizing and seemingly needs to punch down the previous da games to prop this one up. it concerns me that the game may be releasing in 2 months (as per jeff grubb) and we quite frankly haven't seen shit. just bioware telling us that trust me, these companions are deep. trust me, the combat is good. trust me, the city built on slave labor is totally the coolest one you've seen. everyone copies fromsoftware but they don't seem to learn to drop a trailer and shut up until they got more things of substance to show. and this isn't just a bioware issue.
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lanitalay · 8 months
Among Flames and Starlight Chapter 3
a/n: happy sunday!
Word count: 3k
Warnings: none
Other Chapters
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It had been a week of preparing for the trip to the Summer Court. Victoria had dragged Irene from store to store everyday since the invitation arrived. They got new shoes, new hats, new purses, jewelry, cosmetics, perfumes- everything. Celene had spent the week working on the gowns the girls would wear, when they returned to the house from shopping she would corner them into trying on the dresses while she made adjustments. By the end of the week Irene had about four chests for a five day trip. She thought it was overkill, even if she changed three times a day she would not go through all of the clothes that were packed. But Victoria and Celene had done trips like this before and said it was better to have options in case of unforeseen events. She had clothes for swimming, riding, training, walking, dancing, sitting, reading- she even packed a raincoat and the Summer Court was the driest court in Prythian. Whatever might happen, she was prepared.
 Irene could not deny that she was nervous, something in her chest recoiled at the idea of leaving Velaris. It was the only place she had ever known and it would still be here when she returned. But she could not deny her apprehension. So when Rhysand showed up to her room to winnow away the luggage she confessed “I’m gonna be sick.”  
“Why?” His perfect brow arched in curiosity. 
“I’ve never been this far from home… and so many people will be there. What do I say when I introduce myself? “Hi, I’m Irene, ward of the Night Court?” I’m going to be totally out of my league there.” 
“You’ll have us, only Mor is staying behind this time. If I’m busy or Vic’s busy you can be with Az or Cassian. You won’t be alone.” He finished the last chest and walked over to her, putting a stray lock of white hair behind her ear. “Plus, I’ll show you my favorite beaches, so I hope you packed skimpy swimming attire.” Irene rolled her eyes but relaxed a little as she let out a chuckle. 
“As a matter of fact I did pack for a swim…” Rhysand smirked and lowered his head to capture her lips in a kiss. Irene let herself melt into him, relishing in how warm his skin felt in contrast to the sharp winter cold. He tried to deepen the kiss but Irene’s eyes went wide, remembering that anyone could walk in on them. She pulled back, leaving a frown on the heir’s face. “We should go downstairs, I think everyone is ready to go.” 
“You look like a ghost, Ire” Cassian pointed out as the pair made their way down the stairs. “Shut up” Azriel interjected and punched his brother on the shoulder and added “your dress is lovely Irene.” 
“Alright, before we leave let's set the ground rules” Celene spoke with an air of authority she only used when she was not to be questioned. “Cassian, Azriel, Irene you will be polite” she pointed to Cassian as she said that “you will introduce yourselves as courtiers, no need to offer details” she said, looking to Irene “and you will not alienate yourselves by standing in a corner and sulking” she directed at Azriel. “It is supposed to be fun, but diplomacy is important so don’t forget who and what you represent.” Then she turned to her children “you two will do as you are told, no groaning, no moaning, no complaining in front of the other courts. This will be the first time in a long time that this family is seen together and we are to be an unbreakable unit.” She finished with her hands clasped in front of her “am I understood?” The group mumbled a collective “yes” and then they were off. 
Irene squinted as the Summer sun washed over her. She brought a hand to shield her eyes and saw where she stood, next to Rhysand and Victoria, in a magnificent balcony overlooking a sterling sea. She had never seen water so blue, so clear. From where they were she could make out coral reefs beneath the surface and the shapes of various creatures swimming around the shore. In the distance, near the horizon, she could see dozens of ships, their masts blowing. The heat in her face was not due to how Rhysand still held her hand even after they had winnowed. No, the blush was from the burning rays of sun irritating her skin, so accustomed to gloomy skies. She gasped at it. How beautiful the ocean was, how clear the sky.  
She tried to commit it all to memory.  The intoxicating smell of the salt air. How the humidity frizzed up Cassian’s hair instantly. How Victoria looked almost misplaced, her face, a thing of frigid beauty, juxtaposing the warm vibrance of the Summer Court palace.  How Rhysand’s smile reached his eyes and the light squeeze he gave her hand before letting go. How she immediately regretted wearing a long sleeved dress as she now found herself uncomfortably hot. How Azriel remained stoic, his eyes trained on her. How Celene and the High Lord of Night stood next to each other, without touching. What she could never forget, no matter how hard she tried, was how his hair seemed to glitter under the blazing sun. How she had never seen a red so beautiful and so out of place.
Victoria looped her arm with Irene’s and mind to mind said “the High Lord of Summer is coming.” Just like that, blue eyes, the same color as the sea pinned Irene where she stood. “Friends from the Night Court, I am happy you could make it for the celebrations.” He spoke with a disarming smile on his face, the smile remained as the High Lord of Night answered. “Thank you for the invitation. You have been making… impressive improvements to the Court your cousin left behind.” Tarquin’s smile did not falter at the mention of his cousin. Irene admired his poise. She knew how it felt to be goaded by the High Lord of Night. How his voice, gruff and dry, made anybody’s skin crawl with the promise of violence, of pain. 
“I am happy to host your court for the festivities, but you must excuse me, more guests have arrived.” He left them with a nod and that ever present smile. “He inherited the throne from his cousin, they say a witch from Hybern weakened him enough to take him out. That she thought killing him would make his powers shift to her and when that didn’t happen she left before Tarquin could avenge him”, Victoria explained to Irene, still using her daemati abilities. It was a strange theory, and most likely wrong since even Irene knows that the power sources for witches and fae are entirely different. Witches get their powers from the moon. Fae get their powers from the Cauldron and the Mother. Irene thought loud enough for her friend to hear “I don’t think that’s right, Vic. A witch would never want fae powers.” Victoria furrowed her brows but before she could reply a young female approached the group and directed them toward the apartments they’d be staying at for the duration of the visit. 
Everyone had their own rooms, which relieved Azriel and Cassian as they always had to share whenever they visited a place like this. The apartments they were assigned were located at the top of a tower in the palace. Irene stayed at the small balcony of her room until it was time to get ready for dinner. She swore if she looked hard enough she’d be able to see the Continent at the other side of the ocean. Before Victoria came looking for her Irene got dressed in a sage, almost mint green gown. It was floor length and made of a light and flowy fabric, ideal for the persistent heat. It did not have straps, or a back which left her upper half exposed, she was not used to wearing such revealing clothes so she opted to let her hair down, adorning it with silver pins that resembled leaves. The dress and the pins made it seem like she was a grassy meadow, dewy from nightly mist, come to life. She did not seem demure, the way she had learned to carry herself, careful of stepping on wrong toes. No, not demure. Not tonight. Victoria’s jaw dropped when she came looking for her. “Irene you look.. you look so pretty.” 
“It’s not too much?” Irene asked, putting on a diamond earring. 
“You look perfect, wait until my mother sees you. The dress looks amazing.” 
“You look beautiful as well, Vic.” She always did, dressed in Night Court black and accessorized with amethyst jewels that brought out the violet in her eyes. Striking.  “If only Neil could see you,” Irene teased, lips twisted in a smirk. 
“Oh stop it, are you nearly done? We have to go.” 
“I’m ready.” 
The dining hall was packed with fae from all of Prythian. Some were in earnest conversation, maybe they had known each other long before tonight. Others were tight-lipped and courteous. Everyone, it seemed, was trying to maintain the peace. Irene sat next to Azriel and Cassian, the royal family of Night was seated at another table, with the other families of the High Lords. 
“The fish is good,” Cassian said. Nobody had spoken to them so far. Irene’s heritage was unknown by most but Cassian and Azriel had reputations that preceded them. Illyrian brutes and bastards. “It is,” she said between bites. 
“We should get drunk,” Cassian suggested. 
“We should not,” Azriel was quick to shut down. 
“Oh come on brother, the night will be miserable if we don’t drink something. Right, Ire?” 
She considered the idea, a few drinks might make the night more enjoyable. At the very least it would relax her. “I could drink, let’s have something stronger than wine, Az” she nudged the shadowsinger’s arm. He looked at her then at Cassian and relented “alright, but we can’t get too crazy.” Cassian laughed and got up in search of liquor. 
The Ilyrians and the witchling were in a quiet alcove just outside the dining hall passing an ancient bottle between them when they heard footsteps approaching. Irene gasped and then shadows covered her mouth, muffling the noise. Azriel’s eyes were wide as he pressed his index finger to his lips, telling her to not say anything. The footsteps belonged to the High Lord of Night and another male. She could recognize his shrill voice even if she was too far to make out what it was saying, the second male was unknown to her. They spoke calmly but not in a friendly manner. If she had to guess, they were probably negotiating some sort of bargain. Cassian took another swig and offered the bottle to Irene. She gulped down the liquid until she almost gagged at the bitter, malty flavor. 
It felt like a lifetime until the High Lord and his companion returned to the dining hall, Irene let out a breath she had been holding. “He scares me so much,” she said and passed the bottle to Azriel, who sipped it and then passed it to Cassian. “Tell me about it,” Cassian muttered. 
“Do you know who he was speaking to?” Irene asked Azriel. “It was Beron, something about a debt, but they weren’t speaking in full sentences.” She raised her brows “the High Lord of Autumn?” Azriel nodded, then the bottle reached her again and Irene drank, savoring the burn the liquor left in her throat and the way it made her feel weightless. 
A giggle bubbled to her mouth and she quickly brought her hand up as if to put it back in. Cassian had just placed a bet with Azriel that he would jump from the main balcony of the palace into the pool below. The shadowsinger made a weak attempt at changing his mind but then added that if Cassian bailed and flew instead of falling he would have to sit next to Tamlin at the next dinner. It was well known that Cassian was not fond of Spring or its heir, Irene did not know the full story but she knew that during a visit to his court the two had gotten into a fight and Rhys had to break them up. So now the giant Ilyrian stood on the ledge of the balcony, willing himself to jump. 
“Just do it, we don’t have all the time in the world,” Azriel urged. He almost sent a shadow to push him off, but refrained. 
“Go Cass, I hear someone coming,” Irene said, still laughing at the sight of the big strong warrior in his underwear. “This is why you three cannot be left alone,” Victoria’s voice startled Cassian enough that he let go and before he could reach back the railing a stray shadow pushed him all the way off. His curses could be heard as he fell, a few seconds later they were cut off by a splash. “Is this what you’ve been up to all night?” Rhysand asked, looking at the shadowsinger and the ward, clinging to each other and to a bottle of booze. “The dinner was boring, everyone was- was being too… well too boring.” Irene stuttered then wet flapping interrupted  the interrogation as a soaked Cassian flew up to the balcony “at least I don’t have to sit next to that lowlife now, but that water is surprisingly cold. Sobered me right up.” 
Rhys pinched between his brows “lets just call it a night.” 
“But you two just got here! The night is still young!” Irene protested but Victoria walked up, put her arm around her shoulder and in a comforting tone said “let's get you to bed, tomorrow is the first full day of courtier activities and you can’t be too hungover.” Irene rolled her eyes but complied “alright, I’ll see you bats tomorrow.” 
The walk up the stairs to the tower was harrowing, Irene swore the steps kept moving right from under her and Victoria was struggling to keep them both upright. “I got her Vic, go get some sleep.” Rough hands scooped her up. She nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck and played with the buttons of his shirt as he walked the distance to her room. “You look so handsome when you dress up like this” she whispered. He responded when the door shut behind them “you are divine in this gown, darling.”  Irene smiled and lifted her face to pepper kisses on his neck. “Don’t start something you can’t finish” his breath hitched as he felt her bite down on his flesh. “I need help taking off the dress, it’s got too many buttons” she frowned. Rhysand set her down and she turned around so he could access her back. “Liar” Rhysand chuckled as he traced her exposed spine all the way down to her lower back where he undid a clasp and three buttons. 
“I could also use some help washing away all of these cosmetics…” she said as she walked toward the bathing room, dress slipping from her figure. Giving the prince a perfect view of her uncovered body. She smirked as she heard him walking towards her. 
“He won’t stop following me,” Cassian grumbled. Since they had left the apartments a foot soldier had been his shadow. “Tarquin assigned him to watch you after your little diving stunt last night” Celene said with the subtle bite that told Cassian she was not to be messed with. “Understood,” he muttered. 
“Did you get any sleep last night?” Victoria asked Irene as she had yawned for the millionth time. “Oh, not really. It’s so hot I couldn’t really get comfortable,” she lied. Bite marks and scratches littered across her chest, reminders, markers. 
Then he was in front of her. She had not seen him last night at dinner, or during her walk after breakfast. But now he stood, next to his mother, right in front of her. His eyes were amber, like honey. How sweet it must be to be seen by him. Celene was talking to his mother, an old friend. They were smiling and jovial but he remained silent. She couldn’t be sure which son of Autumn he was, only that he was one. The entire Autumn brood had come to Adriata. 
“Oh how rude of me! Irene, this is the High Lady of the Autumn Court and her oldest son, Eris. This is Irene Vallier, one of the members of our court.” Celene introduced them and Irene bowed her head. “Of course you must remember Cassian and Victoria?” The pair bowed their heads as well, Cassian noticeably stiff. 
The two Ladies walked off alone, leaving Eris with Irene, Victoria and Cassian. She knew what happened with Mor, and suspected that the reason she stayed behind was because she did not want to face the court that hurt her. The atmosphere was tense and Victoria broke the silence by saying “it's lovely to see you Eris but we must be on our way to an appointment.” She grabbed Cassian’s arm and they walked towards the beach where Rhysand and Azriel were going to be. 
As she laid on the white sand, Irene lashed herself for the thoughts that crossed her mind about Eris. He was the evil heir to an evil Lord and he was not that remarkable now that she knew his identity. He was beautiful in the way all fae are, ethereal and elusive. But next to her lay Rhys, soaking in the sun and teasing her by sending mental images of what they had gotten up to the night before. Rhys who kept her warm at night. Rhys with sharp violet eyes. Rhys who made her laugh. Rhys, whom she loved. So she shoved that flicker of attraction, no- of curiosity- in a deep dark crevice in her mind. 
That's why she cursed the Gods, the Mother, the Moon and the Cauldron when Eris sat down beside her at dinner.
taglist: @sidthedollface2 @acourtofbatboydreams 
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queenaeducan · 2 months
six song soundtrack
tagged by @inquisimer & @pickelda
If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following: 1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End credits song
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This one goes out to Thora Cadash! Brief explanations under the cut.
Eat Your Young by Hozier
Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monae
Our Lady of the Underground from Hadestown
Heroes by David Bowie
Sleeping Giants by The Crane Wives
Hammering Heart by John Mark McMillan
An event that defines your character's past.
Come and get some Skinning the children for a war drum Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young
Thora joined the Carta at a young age, destroying parts of herself (and her childhood) to make a living with one of the few paths open to her. It also comes to reflect how she feels about her own lyrium smuggling, the preying they do upon addicts or exploiting free mages for coin.
How your character sees themselves
Hey sister, am I good enough for your heaven? Say will your God accept me in my black and white? Will he approve the way I'm made? Or should I reprogram, deprogram and get down?
A big reason this is on her playlist tbh is "vibes" and "b/c i like it" BUT. One of Thora's struggles in Inquisition is becoming accepted for who she is, in all her oddities and idiosyncrasies, while also being the face of a quasi-religious movement. Q.U.E.E.N. I think speaks to her successes on that front, and the questions she asks in the exploration of those ideas.
How others view them
Wipe away your tears brother Brother, I know how you feel I can see you're blinded by the sadness of it all But look a little closer and Everything will be revealed
I admittedly struggled with this one, and I'm still not entirely happy with the choice because the themes of Hadestown as a musical don't align with what I have in mind for her story. That being said, Thora is deified and idolised by many, so a song sung by a goddess is fitting. Like Persephone, she is associated with the underworld and the world of the living, a return to normalcy, even if that isn't what she necessarily provides.
Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
We can be heroes Just for one day We can be heroes
This was my tag for Solas and Thora on my rp blog for her even before the trailer used a cover of it. It doesn't really take a lot of the original meaning of the song into account, but I do think it speaks to their friendship. Like a) Thora has done things that she thinks are wrong (keeping Celene around, drinking from the Well) but doesn't think it means tomorrow she can't make the right choice and b) she thinks the same can be true for Solas. They CAN be heroes!!! Thank u.
A major fight scene
I feel the mountains I feel the mountains shifting under me The sleeping giants Are finally waking, waking finally My pulse is clear, rushing in my ears I hear something calling me
This, to me, is the Corypheus fight song at the end. Thora does The Descent before the end of the game because I Do What I Want, so she goes into the game knowing that the Stone is real. It's beneath her feet, it's over their heads, larger than them both. She's been to Cadash Thaig. She knows her ancestors, now, and the things they did to keep the people they loved safe. She isn't the woman desperate to survive Haven's onslaught, and she's read to face her enemy head-on.
End credits song
The force of the sun Pounds the earth asunder The torch of her strength None can escape Like the hammering heart of The Maker
A low-key song which sings about really loud, awe-inspiring things that just fits Thora well and is a good song to lead out out!
Tagging: @dreadfutures, @nomorecaffeineforyou, @theshirallen, @valorcorrupt, @salesmain
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rosykims · 3 months
please tell us more about your second worldstate!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 i'm so intrigued by your ocs and i saw you mentioning playing amell currently
thank u for asking omg !!!! i have 3 worldstates loosely planned out which is a Lot for me since i have a tendency to get deeply (perhaps pathologically) attached to one worldstate and one pc lol. but im being brave abt it !
worldstate 1 is my canon worldstate, and the overarching theme for it is self-mythology/loss of personhood. i wont go into detail since i yap enough abt them already lol but i have elspeth (warrior f!cousland romancing alistair) cillian (a rogue m!hawke romancing anders) and ashara (a mage f!lavellan romancing/redeeming solas) all going into datv head first. my canon datv pc will likely be an elven archer f!rook romancing either davrin or taash hehe <3
second worldstate is all mages and obv thats the main theme i wanna have fun with
lucander amell (he/him, blood mage and spirit healer, romances morrigan) unassuming, distant, and polite and also kind of unnerving. used to being seen as a bad guy and is willing to act accordingly, but otherwise is a pretty decent, honorable man. does morrigan's ritual, kills the archdemon, leaves alistair a grey warden. doesn't become warden commander in awakening bc he goes into hiding from the wardens before they can ask too many questions abt the ritual and why hes still alive. he tracks down morrigan in the hopes of protecting her, and then stays with her and their son after that.
cecilia hawke (she/her, spirit healer mage, romances fenris) a blue!hawke who's sweet and motherly and soft spoken and has an enormous guilt complex/self hate for being a mage lol. carver joins the templars, and she later sides with them in act 3 and kills anders which </3 anyways. she survives here lies the abyss in dai and hopefully goes on to attend biweekly couples therapy with fenris <3
thomasin trevelyan (SOFTEST of launches on that name) (she/her, knight enchanter mage, romances cullen. maybe.) socially adept, politically cunning, with a love for the game and a desire to regain her place within the trevelyan family nobility. sides with the mages, doesn't drink from the well, negotiates a truce between celene/gaspard/briala, pardons the wardens, redeems solas, disbands the inquisition post trespasser. shes a good girl and she's got her head on straight!
might do a qunari f!rook mage to romance taash or davrin for datv! we'll see !
lastly my third worldstate places value on the eluvians so its very elfy or at least elf-adjacent. and also the lineage of ameridan > garahel > maherial and so on. i just think its neat . still VERY much underdeveloped tho so no names yet
f!mahariel, she/her, an archer who romances leliana (prev tamlen :c) who dies killing the archdemon
half elven f!hawke mage, romancing merrill!! she sides with the mages but probably still kills anders :( shaking my head in disgust so u can tell i do not approve of this choice ..........
an m!trevelyan warrior romancing ?????????????? IDK. cass maybe. this is going to be exclusively a 'piss off solas' speedrun so hes siding with the templars, putting gaspard on the throne, doing war crimes, etc. wont be redeeming him i fear </3
i hate to say it. i HATE to say it. but if there's a way for me to make a solasmancing rook for datv i Will find a way in this worldstate for the comedic effect of antagonizing my m!trev. even if its just thru headcanons exclusively lol
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ruushes · 3 months
3, 4, 8 for the da:tv hype Qs?
3. Do you usually play as a warrior, mage, or rogue? Which class are you planning to try first this time around? Which subclass?
i love rogues and always play rogues first 😊 and probably duelist? a little bemused that this is the first DA game w/o an assassin subclass when it's also the first DA game where your PC can start as an assassin, maybe they thought it was too on the nose? 🤔
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
warden mahariel took the dark ritual, deserted the wardens to travel w/ zevran, left alistair a warden and anora ruling alone, by now either has found a cure for the calling or is dead; hawke sided with the mages, romanced isabela, stayed behind in the fade and is probably still fighting that big spider; inquisitor lavellan sided with the mages, let celene get assassinated, installed briala by proxy through gaspard, made leliana pope, disbanded the inquisition and became obsessed w tracking down and killing solas
8. What faction are you most excited to learn more about?
im rly excited abt the mourn watch! nevarra hasn't had much development and the idea of a necromancy-based culture is so different and cool
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bikorarey · 5 months
Iron Lover (Vivienne Romance meta)
In the same Spirit as "Dalish Sera and how awesome that would be" I've been hit with the inspiration for another 'game changing' meta. I'm completing the romance of Steve Cortez in Mass Effect 3 and I can't help but see shades of what could've been for the Inquisitor and First Enchanter Vivienne, AKA Madame De Fer.
As I said in a thread on twitter The major change is that Bastien dies during the opening as opposed to late game. Vivienne is still met at Val Royeaux although her party isn't just for show. It's a celebration of Bastien's life.
this makes her intro slightly different in that the Inquisitor doesn't choose what happens to the Marquise. She just kills him for starting a fight at what is essentially a funeral. There's no flirt option here but she tells you about Bastien as a member of the council of heralds (which plays into Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts) before ultimately joining the Inquisition.
Everything progresses as usual in the first act. Vivienne approves of the same things and her fetch quest is the same as well.
The first changes is Haven. Vivienne greatly approves of saving all the initial vendors and has 2 convos once you reach Skyhold. the first is about the rescue, praising the Inquisitor for putting their survival over fighting the enemy as it was a trait she adored in Bastien. The second is her main conversation assessing the Inquisitor's attitude after the defeat at Haven.
this is the first flirt option! The Inquisitor can compliment Vivienne on her caring attitude and have some specific lines about her or both of them being mages. She playfully brushes it off but it's the first time she calls the Inquisitor "Darling" as opposed to "My Dear".
This is when Vivienne's companion quest kicks in. The Inquisitor finds Vivienne crying, the mourning for Bastien has finally hit her. She tells you that what she didn't tell you at the salon was that Bastien was killed in the Civil war but not by either side, by the Snowy Wyvern. He was returning to Val Royeaux and it came from its nest and attacked his escort. It's such a rare creature that it's easy enough to find and Vivienne wants it's heart as penance for Bastien's life.
The Inquisitor does this earning approval from Vivienne, greatly approves if she is with you. When you bring it to Vivienne instead of going to Bastien for a potion she takes you to the estate where his son and Sister are and presents it to them as a trophy. They thank you and Vivienne who has finally over her grief over Bastien. She first back with the Inquisitor allowing you on the path to romance.
Vivienne is a required companion for WEWH because the Council of Herald's is evenly split with Gaspard having 3 and Celene having 3. Vivienne gives her advice and greatly approves if Celene is kept in power but will also normal approve if Briala is put in charge of Gaspard as she admires the play for power.
After the Winter Palace Vivienne begins to woo the Inquisitor. She has as scene on her balcony where she gifts you the formari ring (an actual ring accessory like Morrigan's ring that gives bonus magic and constitution) and after this scene there's a book that gives a special Vivienne Schematic for you to craft her a set of armor she was working on before Montsimmard fell to the Circles dissolving.
You craft the armor for Vivienne and she's beside herself with joy and finally confesses her feelings for the Inquisitor to lock in the romance. Mentioning that the ring was the same emotional value of a proposal on her part because Marriage is a business agreement in Orlais, but their love is real because the Inquisitor loves her not for status or convenience, but for herself. She gets a lovely romance scene that's equal part sexy and tender.
If she is made Divine she is understandably distraught about the relationship. She wonders if she could remain away from the Inquisitor or if their relationship could taint her reign on the sunburst throne. Ultimately she sneaks in a clause that allows the Divine to have romance as love is a gift of the maker allowing you two to be together.
In trespasser she counsels you on absorbing the Inquisition into the chantry since that would get both Ferelden and Orlais off your back and she also still treats you to a spa day for just the two of you.
In the Epilogue Vivienne and the Inquisitor marry once the the Inquisition is either her honor guard or disbanded completely. Vivienne allows for Mages to live outside the circle once they become enchanters allowing Mages to integrate with society so that they never see themselves apart from Thedas so there's no repeat of the uprisings and the South no longer fears out of control mages. She and the Inquisitor live happily in Val Royeaux where The Inquisitor provides support on all things to do with the chantry as they look forward to whatever Solas has in store.
And that is how I would've done a Vivienne Romance where she both gets to grieve her lost love and find love once again and be the first Black female Love interest in Bioware history.
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fandomtrashrat · 9 months
Whispers of the Heart
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Note: Happy (late) New Year!! I wanted to play on the idea of how Lavellan would’ve reacted during the “Save Clan Lavellan” quest. Enjoy! ★彡
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“So… you talked about your feelings with a wolf?”
“Yes–well, not exactly. Solas said it could’ve been a spirit–”
“Inky let me give you some advice that no one has the bloody guts to tell you,” Sera leans in and whispers into Lavellan’s ear, “If you’re starting to talk to wolves about your…feelings, then you’ve absolutely lost it.”
It had been only a few days since they arrived at Skyhold and they were already planning their next expedition into Crestwood. According to Varric’s friend, Hawke, they were to meet a Warden ally of theirs. As to who this ally was, Hawke refused to say. Until then, Lavellan decided to meet Sera at the bar in The Herald’s Rest; after all, it had been a while since they had seen each other. Lavellan missed Sera’s chaos.
“You always know the right words to say to make me feel better, don’t you Sera?” Lavellan bumps into Sera’s shoulder jokingly, taking a swig of ale.
“If I’m the one who doesn’t do it, who will? Otherwise all the praise of being the ‘Herald of Andraste’ will get to your head. Then who will save us from Coryphy–whatever–while you’re too busy getting your ass kissed?” The sound of their laughter fills the air. As they continued reminiscing, someone cleared their throat behind them.
“Inquisitor Lavellan, Ambassador Montiliet sent me to remind you of the upcoming meeting,” a soldier states, saluting.
“Thank you, I will head over shortly,” Lavellan states, giving a small smile to the soldier. As the soldier takes his leave, Lavellan turns back towards the bar and chugs down her drink.
“Someone looks excited to go back to work,” Sera giggles.
“Shut up.”
Staring at the intricate etching on the oak door, she can hear the ambassadors talking on the other side. Lavellan feels a heavy weight in her chest. In that room, at that table, choices are made that impact the lives of thousands across Thedas. Taking a deep breath in, she opens the door.
“—our forces are spread thin across Thedas. We need to start building more fortifications across Ferelden and start recruiting more soldiers. Otherwise, we may not have an army when the time comes to fight Corypheus,” a sigh escaped Cullen. He leaned forward, resting both hands on the table’s edge.
“Having a strong military presence won’t solve everything. We are a step ahead because of the Inquisitor’s lead on Empress Celene. If we prioritize espionage from within, we can know our enemies’ moves before they happen,” Leiliana interjects with a calculating gaze.
It wasn’t until Lavellan cleared her throat that they realized that she had arrived. Josephine was the first to break the silence.
“Ah, Inquisitor! How lovely for you to join us. I presume that you’ve enjoyed the last couple of days of rest?” Josephine smiled, her energy juxtaposing the tension in the room.
“Yes Josephine, I–”
“Good, because we have plenty to talk about that requires our immediate attention. Leiliana would you like to start?” Josephine interrupts, quickly writing down notes on her board. As the meeting continued, each advisor brought up current issues that needed to be addressed. From Ferelden to Val Royeux, everyone was in desperate need of help. Lavellan only hoped that there was enough time to save them all.
Hours had passed when the door suddenly opened with a large bang. They all turned towards the door to see an Inquisition soldier, gasping for breath as though he had run for miles.
“What is this? We’re holding a meet–” Cullen started, but was interrupted by the soldier's desperate plea.
“Inquisitor Lavellan. Commander. Please forgive me for this interruption but it’s urgent. It’s the Venatori. They’ve started attacking near the Free Marches,” he wheezes out, still trying to catch his breath.
The soldier looks directly at Lavellan as he says, “Inquisitor, your Clan is in danger”.
She knew that they wouldn’t understand. How could they possibly ask that she stay here while the people she considered family were dying? Lavellan had faith in her advisors, but not being there during their time of need betrayed a fundamental part of her being.
She decided to wait until late at night to leave; the safest option if she wanted to escape. She packed her things into her backpack and began to dress for her journey. However, a small voice told her to stay. That she was needed here. She didn’t want to think about how long the journey would take her, or the people that she would be leaving behind.
‘To hell with the consequences’ she thought, as she finished tying her shoelaces. Grabbing her backpack, she deftly swung it onto her back. As she opened the doors to her chambers, she looked at the room one last time. A feeling of sadness began to grow in her chest. With a deep breath, she pushed those feelings aside and began to sneak towards the entrance.
The fortress was nearly empty during this time, with only a few soldiers stationed around. Soon, they will leave and a new group of soldiers will replace them. During that window, Lavellan would make her escape.
Hiding within the shadows, minutes passed before the soldiers finally began to leave. Quietly, she began walking towards the front door and reached for the handle.
“Leaving us so soon Inquisitor?” Pressing her forehead against the large door, she sighed, immediately recognizing the voice.
“Ah, Solas. I suppose you’re having trouble sleeping too? I was just about to go on a walk to clear my mind.” She said, turning around to face him. However, one hand stayed fixed on the door handle behind her back.
“Ah. I see. And I can only assume that’s your walking attire?” The curve of his lips did little to conceal the subtle tension in his gaze. He knew exactly what she was doing. There was a pause, neither one seeming to break eye contact. Within the silence, their unspoken words hung heavily in the air.
“Who told you? I didn’t speak to anyone after the meeting,” Lavellan asks, receiving a dry laugh from Solas.
“You underestimate Josephine’s need for idle gossip,” Solas says. Whether or not that was true was irrelevant at the moment, the new guards would be arriving soon and Lavellan should’ve been long gone.
“You know why I have to do this, right? I can’t leave them to face the Venatori alone,” Lavellan said softly. In her mind, she begged him to not say anything. Out of everyone, why did it have to be him? As her thoughts began to cloud her mind, she began to notice that Solas was much closer than he was before.
“Your loyalty to your people is commendable, Inquisitor. But you are allowing emotions to cloud your judgment. To act impulsively by leaving could lead to consequences we cannot foresee,” Solas countered, walking towards her slowly as though she were a wounded animal, yet Lavellan felt a sense of confidence exude him with every step he took.
She grew annoyed at how her heart began to race at the closeness. “I will not risk my people’s safety on uncertainties and maybes,” Lavellan shot back. She refused to lose this fight. “Of course, you wouldn’t understand. How could you? These are the people who raised me. The ones that guided my first steps, instructed me in combat, taught me how to hunt. And it’s their voice that I hear telling me that it would be cowardice of me to hide behind the war table than on the front lines.”
For a split second, Lavellan saw a hint of sadness in Solas’ eyes; but as fast as it came, it vanished, replaced by the familiar veil of stoicism that Solas often wore.
“And what of the people you will be leaving? The ones who gave their lives to the Inquisition? The ones who will surely perish without your ability to close the rifts?” Solas retorted. Lavellan wanted to tell him that she would be back, that her journey was a short one, and that she would be back within the next few days. She could be the Inquisitor and Lavellan…but a large part of her knew that once she was with her clan, she wouldn’t have the heart to leave them again.
Solas’s words lingered in the air, and the silence that followed did nothing to comfort the conflicting loyalties that tugged Lavellan’s heart. “How am I expected to save Thedas if I can’t save my own people?” she cried.
Solas sighed, his gaze searching hers as if seeking the truth behind her words. “Your heart is divided inquisitor. You carry the burden of two worlds, and in doing so, you risk losing both.”
It wasn’t until Solas began to wipe the tears from her cheeks that Lavellan acknowledged she was crying. “I know that you carry the weight of the Inquisition as though the fate of the world rests solely on your shoulders,” he whispers, looking into Lavellan’s eyes. “But you needn’t bear it alone.”
And as their lips began to close in, she believed him.
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dreadfutures · 3 months
3 and 4 for the dragon age ask?
Thanks for joining in the hype!
3. Do you usually play as a warrior, mage, or rogue? Which class are you planning to try first this time around? Which subclass?
I usually judge games based off of their melee handling before I go to play mages, since mages tend to be the most unbalanced in any franchise. I've played as mages and rogues and I frankly have hated the rogue gameplay in these games--it feels SO stiff, compared to AC. If I'm a rogue, I want to be fluid backstabby killshot dodge mechanics, or a really seamless bow hotswap. Maybe we'll finally get something closer to that in DA4, but it's not going to be my go-to.
So yeah, probably a Warrior chasing down a Slayer spec because big big weapon and stronk gorl makes my brain buzz. I just played Transistor for the first time and fell in love with Dishonored last year so I have "body guard assassin" on the mind, and I think an intimidating bodyguard with a giant sword is gonna be my first recourse.
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
Alright cracks knuckles here we go. There's some flexibility with DAI's timeline (we have a 10 year stretch, I'm expanding the Inquisition to take more than a year lol)
Background World State:
DAO: Warden-Commander Mahariel did the dark ritual, became Arl and Teyrn, went off to search for a Cure--and failed. He died right before Trespasser, in Morrigan and Kieran's arms.
DA2: Force/Blood Mage Hawke sided with the mages, spared Anders, and was left in the Fade; Warden Carver; Fenris romance. Fenris is off doing Wraiths of Tevinter stuff.
Inquisition: #shadows in the sun AU
Ixchel is not fully elven. She was adopted by Clan Lavellan. She becomes a 2-handed Warrior, Champion spec.
Driven by insecurity, she went to the Conclave to prove that she was useful to the Clan. At 16, she became the Inquisitor. She has no vallaslin.
I know that Solas has been running around for 10 years, but let's just say that Ixchel's Inquisition probably took more than 1-2 years lol. It was a hot mess. She is probably in her early 20s by the time Trespasser rolls around.
She allied with the Mages, Conscripted the Wardens, let Morrigan drink from the Well. Leliana was hardened. Cassandra is Divine. Celene was spared. She let Bull sacrifice the Chargers. She did recruit Sera, but they hate each other's guts (Sera is more empathetic in Trespasser, and they get along but are never friends). Spared Blackwall. She tried to be all-inclusive as Inquisitor and make every culture and faction feel at home, but mostly it was just isolating and made her feel out of place in particular, belonging to no one.
She only had high approval with Solas, Varric, Cole, Dorian, and Cassandra. She was so close with Solas that she put together he was an Ancient Elf, and the Dread Wolf, but not his plans--and he did not tell her. Mostly this just served to strengthen their close bond as mentor/mentee.
Clan Lavellan was massacred in Wycome. She never found survivors.
She does Jaws of Hakkon before Corypheus. She learns Ameridan is Dalish and goes to Keeper Hawen's clan on the Exalted Plains to tell him; Hawen offers her vallaslin. Solas warns her about what the vallaslin really are, but she takes them anyway. Then they go to face Corypheus.
After Solas vanishes and everyone moves on from the Inquisition, Ixchel travels with Morrigan and Kieran (who is only 5 years younger than her, ish). She learns some ancient elven from Morrigan and the Well, and Chasind and Avvar practices. When Mahariel returns she stays for a bit longer, but he gets sick quickly and she feels like she's intruding and doesn't belong so she leaves.
In Trespasser, she kills Bull. She frees the Dragon. She finds all he evidence of Fen'Harel's slave rebellion and the evil gods. She wants to join Solas but he refuses. She protests that she is tired of fighting, and if he lets her live, that's what he is asking her to do. He knows. He kisses her goodbye.
She enters a crippling depression, disbands the Inquisition, and formally retires. She lives in Skyhold but travels (mostly to visit either Cullen at his clinic, or Val Royeaux to visit Cassandra). While traveling, the Regret Demon manifests and destroys the rotunda. That prompts her to join the fight against Solas for real.
It doesn't last long. She burns out and tries to end her fight in her Skyhold bedroom.
Kieran appears and saves her from death, though she is permanently marked by it. He nurses her back to health and also motivates her to keep going and keep trying to save the world--not just from Solas, but from the evil gods who will one day get loose for certain.
At age 25-26, she joins up with Varric and Lace to find the fledgling Veilguard!
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daitranscripts · 9 months
Solas Romance: Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
After the Ball
Solas Masterpost
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Masterpost First: Gaining an Invitation Previous: Liaison to the Inquisition
Solas walks out onto the balcony after Morrigan leaves and joins the PC at the railing.
Solas: I’m not surprised to find you out here. Thoughts?
Dialogue options:
Pleased: Things turned out well. [1]
Stoic: I’m just tired. [2]
Sad (Celene assassinated): I regret Celene’s death. [3]
Sad (Gaspard executed): Poor Gaspard. [4]
Anxious: I don’t think this is over. [5]
1 - Pleased: Things turned out well.
PC: We achieved all out goal. I’m enjoying the moment of peace while it lasts.
Solas: You should, They’re fleeting enough. Hang onto them while you can.
2 - Stoic: I’m just tired.
PC: It’s been a very long day.
Solas: For everyone, I’d imagine. It’s nearly over now. Cullen’s giving the men their marching orders as we speaks.
3 - Sad: I regret Celene’s death.
PC: I don’t know if I did the right thing, letting the empress die,
Solas: Sometimes sacrifices must be made. Nothing is ever won without something else being lost. Remember the lesson, but do not dwell on it. You didn’t invent war.
4 - Sad: Poor Gaspard.
PC: I never meant for the duke to die.
Solas: He wagered his life for the crown and lost. He knew what to expect. Remember what happened; do not dwell on it. You cannot save people from themselves.
5 - Anxious: I don’t think this is over.
PC: I have a feeling this is only a temporary victory.
Solas: There’s much, much trouble ahead. For now, focus on what’s in front of you.
6 - Scene continues.
Solas: Come, before the band stops playing, dance with me.
Dialogue options:
General: Let’s go home. [7]
General: Give me a moment alone. [8]
General: Just keep me company. [9]
General: Excellent idea. [10]
7 - General: Let’s go home.
PC: I think it’s time we went home.
Solas: I think you’re right.
Solas leads them back into the ballroom. [11]
8 - General: Give me a moment alone.
PC: Could I have a moment alone? I need to clear my head.
Solas: Of course, I wait for you.
Solas puts his arm around them in a hug. [11]
9 - General: Just keep me company
PC: I wouldn’t mind some company. Unless you’d rather rush back to the ballroom?
Solas: I can sacrifice the pleasure of the Orlesian ball.
Solas leaves. [11]
10 - General: Excellent idea.
PC: I’d love to.
They begin to dance. [11]
11 - Scene ends.
Next: The Divine Election
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mickimagnum · 11 months
Get To Know Me - Simblr Edition
RULES: You can use any sims game to answer these questions!
Thanks for the tag, @blvckentropy !🖤
1. Your three traits: Creative | Cat Lover | Lazy
2. Your aspiration: Bestselling Author
3. In game world you’d live in: Tortosa, Chestnut Ridge, or Del Sol Valley (even though it's based on where I live currently; I love it here!)
4.Favorite townie(s): Greta Laurent | Penny Pizazz | Kyle Kyleson | Celene Lopez | Candy Behr | Lilith Vatore | Nancy Landgraab
5.Most used pack(s): Horse Ranch and Home Chef Hustle are getting the most love right now. Truthfully, I have all the packs and love most of them so 🤷🏻‍♀️.
6. Favorite decor object (no cc):
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7. Something you want in the game: A dating pack, something with blind dates or a match-making service or something. Bands. A bed & breakfast pack. More variety in sizes and patterns in rugs and curtains. The ability to copy/apply something from one outfit in CAS to all the others with one click (like glasses or a nose ring for instance). More career options. A tween lifestate. More household space (especially with the addition of horses). ...I could go on. 🤣
8. What color is your plumbob right now: Green with a tinge of yellow (my head hurts and I'm slightly tired)
Feel free to ignore, but Imma tag: @eslanes, @bloomingkyras, @ladybugsimblr & @helloavocadooo
But, if you see this and want to do it, go for it friends!
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cityandking · 5 months
kickin my feet, twirlin my hair, ready to hear about girlies: 2, 5, 22, 31, 39, 49 for all three inquisitors
ur so good to me <3 // 50 inquisitor asks
2. How did they decorate and structure Skyhold?
VESPER — mostly sticks to Inquisition heraldry because she doesn't feel any strong connection to the other groups or orders. she's got a couple marcher pieces, but for the most part it's inquisition all the way down. (some of that is vivienne’s advice: even decoration speaks to allegiance, and it's a strong statement that the inquisitor keeps no banner but her own.) (and the bed I can't believe I almost forgot the bed. her one indulgence. she's got this orlesian monstrosity.) she customizes skyhold with a herb garden, infirmary, and mage tower NARAYANI — dalish decoration all the way!! except for the throne; she's got the Ferelden Legacy Throne because it was the most fun option I had unlocked. but yeah she's putting dalish shit up everywhere. customization-wise she's got a herb garden, training ground, and mage tower. ROSIE — decorates with a mix of chantry and orlesian heraldry, because she's the holy leader of southern Thedas and don't you forget it. plus she loves the gilt and gold, and if she's to hold court in the mountains it should look the part of a court, no matter how remote. as for the customizations, she has a Chantry garden (to honor the Maker), a training ground (to hone her soldiers) and a mage tower (because, well. she rescued them, didn’t she? it's only polite to offer them somewhere to study)
5. Who is their favourite follower and adviser?
VESPER — it's hard to choose favorites among the inner circle, but if pressed she'd say dorian and cullen respectively. she clicks with dorian in a way she's never quite clicked with anyone before, and it's strange to find a best friend in the middle of a war but here they are. cullen... grew on her. a lot. (she'd probably trust leliana or josephine more in matters of running the inquisition, but his support is unwavering and their relationship is an unexpected joy in the middle of everything being (sometimes literally) on fire.) NARAYANI — solas and leliana. honorable mention to bull, but rani isn't even friends with most of her followers so it's solas by a mile. same with leliana; rani likes her MUCH more than cullen and josie. they speak the same language, especially when it comes to doing what's sneaky and pragmatic. it's nice to talk to someone who gets that. (she also 100% has a crush on leliana and has ever since she watched in hushed whispers!leliana strangle a man with her legs while chained to a ceiling) ROSIE — loves josie, who is a good ambassador and a good ally and a good advisor. rosie's always agreeing with her perspective on things. of the followers, vivienne is her favorite—rosie respects the hell out of her and values her advice and her level-headed perspective on the dangers of magic, something everyone else seems eager to forget.
22. What is their biggest regret?
VESPER — hasn't managed to forgive herself for going to the templars before the mages and leaving them to their fate. she knew the situation was uncertain but she still went to therinfal. she'd hoped redcliffe would keep them safe for a little longer, but hope isn't the same as knowing. she should have known better. NARAYANI — watching celene die. letting celene die. putting gaspard on the throne to ensure the inquisition could puppet the country through briala and all of that being for nothing when the inquisition folded. she regrets the mess of orlais beginning to end, but isn't sure there was a better path to take to protect her people. (learning in the end that briala had also been one of solas' people was a hell of a blow.) ROSIE — regrets leaving hawke in the fade. such a storied hero; it was a pity. but the wardens needed leadership and hawke was a liability, so it had to happen. (truly, the thing she regrets most isn't leaving hawke so much as seeing varric afterwards. that’s what she remembers at night when she can’t sleep: varric’s face when he asked, where’s hawke?)
31. Did they let Solas kill the mages?
VESPER — no. it's not who she is as a person, and she's intimately familiar with the ruin and regret that anger brings. even if he hates her for it, it isn't right to let solas kill them NARAYANI — yeah! she supports solas rights and solas wrongs. the idiots got what was coming to them. ROSIE — no. the situation was over and there was no need for further bloodshed. besides, it was only a demon.
39. To void the assassin contract on Josie, do they take Josephine or Leliana’s advice?
VESPER — took josie's advice. she wouldn't have been able to rest if josie's safety rested on destroying a bit of paperwork. NARAYANI — also took josie's advice. it's josie's life; it's her choice. rani doesn't care one way or another but she's not going to be sloppy about it ROSIE — also took josie's advice, but mostly because elevating a house meant positioning people and favors in such a way that the inquisition, josephine, and her own house could come out on top. it's just good business.
49. What is their least favourite foe to fight?
VESPER — darkspawn. vesper hates darkspawn. going into the deep roads sucks. also bears. NARAYANI — qunari. they're so big and sturdy and hard to bring down, and half of them are quick and clever too which makes sneaking around a nightmare. wyverns also suck. ROSIE — any of the demons, but especially pride. get that shit away from her.
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wylldebee · 6 months
Do you have a canon run through for Dragon Age? If you do, what is it?
(oh wow my first ever ask :D!) Yes! Yes I do! My canon world state mostly has the "Good" choices (as much as there can be in Dragon Age). Dragon Age: Origins (Warden: Valerie 'Val' Tabris, rogue; assassin+duelist): —Circle saved; Mages supported; Irving alive —Brokered peace between elves and werewolves —Branka killed; Anvil destroyed; Bhelen rules —Connor alive (not possessed); Isolde alive; urn not poisoned —Helped Alistair find Goldana (hardened him); killed Marjolaine (didn't harden Leliana); killed Master Ignacio —Hardened!Alistair and Anora rule together; Loghain was executed —Killed the Architect; both Keep and Amaranthine protected; Oghren and Felsi reunited —Didn't go with Morrigan —Sophia killed; Avernus continues his research ethically; drank the Power of Blood —Companions alive, well, and quests done; romanced Leliana
Dragon Age II (Champion: Arin 'Rin' Hawke, mage; Force Mage) —Joined the mercenaries —Returned Saemus to the Viscount; convinced Templars to leave; sent Feynriel to the Dalish; defended Ketojan from the Qunari; Aveline made guard captain; Carver is a Templar —Aveline and Donnic married; didn't side with Petrice; Bartrand not killed; Varric not allowed to keep Red Lyrium Shard; Isabela returns with the tome; didn't give Isabela to the Arishok; killed the Arishok —Let Zevran go; rescued Nathaniel; reunited Charade and Gamlin; handed conspirators to Orsino; allowed Emile to go free; sided with the mages —Sided with Larius; found Malcolm's will —All companions recruited and friend-manced; Merrill didn't destroy the Eluvian; Merrill's clan is alive; friends with Tabris; didn't kiss Tabris (but did flirt a little :3); didn't approve Ander's actions; killed Anders; romanced Isabela is all three acts. (Before anyone says anything; I have nothing against Anders and I have more playthroughs with him alive than I do dead. I'm all for Ander blowing up the Chantry. Is just Hawke mercy killing Anders because he would've been the number one target for Templars, and to also free Anders from Justice. Role-playing.) Dragon Age: Inquisition (Inquisitor Rhosyn 'Rho' Lavellan rogue; Tempest) —Captured the various keeps; Fairbanks not revealed as a noble; closed the lake's rifts; helped refugees; investigated the dwarven ruins; gained the cultists' support; Imshael killed; rescued the troops from the Avvar inner sanctum reached (<- f*ck this quest in particular) —Inquisition forces were regularly deployed; Sutherland's company was successful; contacted Charade; Jecin and Celeste married for love —Mages allied; declared the Inquisition for order; denied being chosen by Andraste; Samson my rival; saved everyone in Haven (<- frigging mission making me reload a thousand times to save everybody) —Celene alive; Celene rules and reconciled with Briala; Florianne alive —Grey Wardens rebuilt; Stroud left behind in the fade —Respected the temple's traditions; allied with guardians; Rhosyn drank from the well —Leliana made Divine —Met Ameridian; earned legend-mark from Avvar; dragon slain; shared the truth about Ameridian —Saved mines; stopped earthquakes —Bull remained loyal; preserved the Inquisition as a peacekeeping force; attempt to redeem Solas —Everybody recruited and friends with everybody; Blackwall made into a Grey Warden; Solas freed his friend; Cassandra rebuilt the Seekers; Dorian reconciled with his father; saved the Charger and Bull is Tal-Vashoth; Cole more human; gave Vivienne the heart; forced Hammon to work for the Inquisition; Varric tracked down the red lyrium source; romanced Cassandra (<- unfortunately as a male! Inquisitor but it's still part my canon world state) And that's that!
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