#celebrities on pedestals
wow-itsme · 2 years
imagine if you (a neurodivergent) joined a band and then tried to keep it going and made mistakes along the way but generally stayed positive and created a safe space for a ton of people and helped create and perform amazing music and kept with it through breakups and splits and of course you weren’t by any means perfect but then you got older and finally produced another album but it wasn’t what your “fans” were expecting, even though you were really just pursuing a passion and writing songs and you don’t owe anything to the world, but these people still absolutely slandered it to the point that you gave up because that’s what these people who once upon a time adored you now wanted. imagine how broken you would feel
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succulentsiren · 4 months
No One Should Idolize Celebrities.
No one realizes it, but celebrities are among the most insecure people out there. Most celebrities are in need of constant validation and have to continuously morph themselves into what others want them to be, just to stay relevant. Aside from their glamorous image, behind the scenes their lives consist of constantly having to ‘put on’ and create fake drama in order to harness a temporary reaction from their audience.
It’s normal to seek inspiration from successful people who influence fashion, art, music or a more successful, desired lifestyle, but to idolize or model yourself after a total stranger just because they’re aesthetically pleasing, rich or popular, is a big no no. Not only are you wasting time warped in an illusion, you’re literally getting scammed by being over-invested in their fake drama and lives (the illusion they show you on social media).
Remember with fame, not all that glitters is gold. These people are not always how they present themselves to be. Take celebrities off the pedestal and instead of obsessing over them, invest your time and energy into your own life.
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assiraphales · 3 months
opinions about neil gaiman thing
blind idolization almost inevitably ends in disappointment
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ilostyou · 2 years
let me make something very clear: it’s weird and strange and invasive to speculate about anyone’s sexuality unless it’s your own. hope this helps
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toyastales · 6 months
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Jacquemus featuring Bad Bunny
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shirtlessradfahrer · 4 months
So I've been politically active since before I was even eligible to vote. I've followed North American politics near religiously since 2014, and I've been a card-carrying member of my country's most prominent left-wing party since before the start of the pandemic. I barely slept at all during the week Ukraine was full-scale invaded, and I've been stressed about it every day for the last two years, given that my grandfather was born there and I've very much wanted to visit someday. And this was all before the horrific debacle of October 7th, and the subsequent atrocities committed against Gaza practically every day since. Lately I've weaned myself off a lot of international news and been more active in local politics because that's where I feel my efforts have been more effective, but...
...the reality is I am tired. I am so fucking tired.
I blacklisted just about everything remotely political when I made this blog because I wanted this space to be my escape from all of that. He is my escape from all of that. A badly needed one, because between the state of the world, the state of my country, the state of my workplace and the state of my personal life, my mental health has been....not very good for most of this decade and last.
I know this is unhealthily cynical, but as someone who had some pretty shitty friends in the past, and continues to have some incredibly shitty family members, including my own father (who, despite having Käärijä levels of charisma and putting on an excellent act in public, has repeatedly hurt me and let me and others down when we needed him most)....I expect famous people I admire to disappoint me. I very much expect famous men I admire to disappoint me. It may be in three days, or in three months, or in three years, or in thirty years, but it will happen at least once, if not multiple times.
Which is why I don’t-and never have-looked up to musicians or any other celebrity for guidance on my political or moral beliefs. It's a surefire way to set yourself up for not only disappointment but feelings of betrayal towards someone who was never "loyal" to you in the first place. And I wish so many people didn't learn that lesson far too late.
I don't like Jere Mikael Pöyhönen because of his insightful commentary on the state of geopolitics. To be extremely blunt, I like him because he's hot and he entertains me, both of which bring me happiness. Once I no longer feel that happiness, I'll move on to other interests, just as I always have. It would be very nice, however, if that day came in thirty years rather than in three. Which is why I felt relief when he expressed his wish to remain politically neutral, even regarding politics in his own country.
That being said....am I disappointed he went to you-know-what? Yes, for reasons both political and non-political. Am I disappointed that he willingly interacted on camera with you-know-who? Yes. In fact there are several things he has done and people he has associated with that I'm not particularly happy about. But in this case do I understand WHY he went and why he interacted with them? Also yes.
I don't believe he had any malicious intent, quite the opposite. His kindness is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness-he is kind to the point that he foolishly undermines his own credibility. I don't know if there's an equivalent of Hanlon's Razor in Finnish but it goes "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".
And.....well. This is a guy who couldn't tell the Ukrainian esc23 representatives from the Greek ones. Who didn't know what the trans flag was until he was personally handed one last year. Who, AFAIK, has never received any sort of higher education (vocational school would still sort of be considered such where I live, but whatever) not that that automatically makes someone "smart" and others "stupid", but it can and often does help with understanding international issues. And based on my overall experience with hockey fans/players (of which he's both)...they typically aren't terminally online debating anything besides individual player and team statistics.
So I'm not shocked that he didn't think about how Just Being Nice on camera with that representative would look to others outside of his own bubble. How that would not have looked particularly "neutral". But he should have, considering this isn't the first time he's had to deal with angry internet mobs coming after him for a relatively minor mistake. Considering his favourite band got into very hot water last year and dealt with the controversy very poorly for too long.
Is it fair that I can block some tags, turn off the tv, and get on with my day, while he has to worry about his image the moment he leaves home? No. But...this is the inevitable downside of the life he wanted. Unlike me, he now has an audience of millions, a not-insignificant number of whom are going to be thinking about this stuff, meaning he needs to as well. And if not, he needs to pay someone to think about it for him. Goodness knows he can afford it now. I can do without all that pyro if it means none of us have another week like this one.
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pierregaslays · 13 days
the sooner we as a society accept that it’s okay to hold our faves accountable without the weirdos calling you fake the better it’s gonna be lmfaoooo
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pandemoniusstuff · 1 month
this pr take is insane. no one knows this man or what he likes/dislikes. he’s a man, sometimes (most times) they make stupid decisions. doesn’t mean it’s pr. i can get people want to explain it away because that means somehow he’s innocent in it but reality is he’s just a guy. she’s not a good person and he is still with her. it’s not pr and i think that excuse in every fandom is so old by now that id hope people would’ve grown out of it. you can hold people accountable and still be a fan, but don’t always make excuses that make it better for YOU.
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leclerking · 19 days
I don’t think Charles is as good of a guy as everyone thinks. He’s really good at playing this wholesome golden boy image but I don’t think it’s real
I don't think any of those 20 crazy rich men are good people. I don't think rich men in general are good people. I don't think men —
Some just turn out to be more decent than others ig
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exhuastedpigeon · 4 months
One of the parts of fandom that I've always found the strangest is the parasocial relationships between fans and celebrities.
Actors, musicians, athletes, etc are all just people. Sure, often they're people with money or who live in a cool place, but at the end of the day they're just people who make some kind of entertainment product for a living. Being an actor or musician or professional athlete doesn't suddenly make someone not a regular person, it just makes them an actor/musician/professional athlete. It's their job, a literal job!
Unless you are actually friends with them in real life, you don't actually know them. Why are you defending them or acting like they're your enemy? Why are you mad at them about something their character did? Why are you spending hours analyzing their social media behaviour instead of living your own life? Why do you think they owe you anything?
Just because we have more access to celebrities than ever to interviews, social media, etc. doesn't mean we actually know any of them. Acting like you do know them or putting them up on a pedestal is just asking to get your feelings hurt when they do something that you deem to be out of character for them, but they're real people who you don't actually know.
When I was a teenager I was so into celebrity culture and then I met a couple famous people and I learned first hand that they are just people (and sometimes they're actually assholes because no one has told them no in years). Maybe I'm lucky that I had those experiences because I stopped thinking of famous people as anything other than just people with cool jobs.
It's fine to like celebrities! This isn't me saying don't like them or don't follow them on socials, but this is me saying that celebrities are all just people. They aren't immune from making mistakes and they aren't perfect. The sooner your realize they're just people with fancy looking jobs, the better off you'll be.
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sparkles-oflight · 1 year
Sometimes I'm like "lol, the joker out boys did something funny/relatable/cringe/etc that I'm not used seeing celebs doing but I'm glad they do because me too!" and then I remember they are quite literally JUST GUYS IN THEIR 20S DOING THINGS OF GUYS IN THEIR 20S
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mango-parfait · 4 months
When will people learn not to put actors and their characters together? A character being good doesn't automatically mean that their actor is the same.
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btsbs · 2 months
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toyastales · 6 months
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Jacquemus featuring Bad Bunny
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monty-glasses-roxy · 6 months
Had an idea for an excuse to have cool fight scenes. The manager, annoyed with Roxy and her security clearance being able to do - in his eyes - whatever the fuck she wants and get away with it, and shuts security down to hopefully strip her of some of her clearance. It doesn't. The manager just straight up removes the security on Sewerhell and hell literally breaks loose.
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sparklingchim · 1 month
Hey I saw your repost and I just want to say that I am all about holding Yoongi accountable but OP is spreading some misinformation, their is no official investigation ongoing and the 0.2% alcohol was not confirmed, there is a big proof because the thing is the article mentioned that the journalist who wrote that investigated it himself. And recently a news came out police will start investigation. Karmys and some knetz are confuse rn because the media kept changing the narrative that is why they advice international armys to stop spreading kmedia articles until investigation is finished.
hi !! i don't know much about the details bc i simply don't care as much bc he's grown enough not to repeat reckless behaviour n i just hope he is okay <3
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