#ceiling wall carpentry
scarlettohairdye · 5 months
Home Ownership Was a Mistake
This is for @trickybonmot, who may or may not use some of these stories in a fic.
Okay. So.
In the year of our lord 2010, my wife and I were lucky enough to be gifted $20k by my parents, which in those days (given it was a historically low point for real estate prices in Seattle) was enough for a down payment on a house. It was an astounding confluence of luck and privilege that led to us being homeowners, because if they gave us the same money now it would go precisely nowhere.
Anyway, it was not enough money for a large house, or a fancy house. We looked at a lot of places, only some of which were move-in ready (and one of which was absolutely just a tear-down) and eventually settled on our current place, which is a 1910 bungalow with a detached garage that was finished and turned into a studio.
Was it the most aesthetically pleasing house when we bought it? No. The walls were white, the carpet was light beige, and the paint had seen better days. That said, it was move-in ready and the owner was pretty desperate to sell, so we took it!
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The inspector let us know that some of the wiring was still the old knob-and-tube, so we'd want that updated sooner rather than later, but it looked pretty good. About half the outlets were grounded, so it didn't stop us from plugging in three-prong appliances. We just had to use more extension cords than maybe we'd prefer.
The Electrical
The first big house thing we paid for was to have the entire place rewired. Our circuit breaker was a mystery, we didn't have enough outlets, and we were tired of being stuck with specific layouts of our stuff due to the lack of grounded outlets. We were expecting about half the wiring to be up to code, and the rest would need an update.
Spoiler alert: HAHAHAHAHAHA.
The rewiring took about a week, and every morning the electrician sat down with us and told us what new fire trap he'd uncovered.
"Yeah, so the knob and tube wiring going to the lights in the ceiling? Knob and tube gets hot when it's running, and yours is under three layers of insulation."
"You know how you thought your outlets were grounded? They weren't, actually, the ground wire just went elsewhere into the house and wasn't connected to anything."
"So there's wiring in your crawlspace? Whoever put that in nailed some sheets of wood paneling over it, so we had to rip the wood paneling out to access it."
I think the job was about $15k when it was done, we had many many more outlets, and our house was no longer one bad day from lighting itself on fire. Victory, I guess?
The Studio Window
This was leaking a bit, and we knew it was leaking when we moved in. (South facing walls get all the weather in our region.) We were not handy enough to replace it ourselves at the time and we also didn't have money because I got laid off shortly after we bought the house and was making my living doing costume commissions. Solution: Trade costuming work to an acquaintance who did carpentry.
The window, we discovered, was not so much a finished window as it was a single sheet of glass sandwiched between some boards.
The carpenter was not entirely she that she was qualified for the job, but she did manage to remove the single sheet of glass and replace it with a window that was insulated and actually capable of opening. She used caulk around it. It was way better than we had before. Maybe someday we'll have both studio windows replaced by a contractor who actually does windows, but this is not that day!
The Siding
The cedar shingles were no longer cutting it at a certain point, so we had the house resided. (Houses are money pits, in case you didn't know.) This was a $30k job (MONEY PIT!) and had several layers of badness.
Bad: Our house had no insulation. It was cedar shingles over the original siding, with nothing in between that original siding and our INTERIOR WALLS. There was occasionally a newspaper. Our PM asked if we wanted insulation? And we said yes, please!!! We did not have a lot of time to think about insulation or research the best type, so it's just sheets of the pink fiberglass stuff in there, but it exists and we have it now!
Worse: Underneath our laundry room was a horrorshow. The laundry room is an addition that was added to our house probably sometime in the 50s? And, uh...
Well, the siding guys pulled off the siding, took a look at what was under it, and immediately called the project manager. The project manager came out, took a look, and then called us. He said that the siding guys thought it really needed to be reinforced and stabilized before they re-sided it, which is very fair, because I think the people who built it originally were drunk when they did it. It was a fucking Wild West cowboy construction situation under there.
Yes, you heard that right: A LOAD-BEARING SHINGLE.
Our project manager also informed us that the siding guys couldn't do the reinforcement, because they're just siding guys. They don't do structural. This is very fair.
It also needed to be done by Monday so we could stay on schedule for the siding work.
We learned this on Friday.
I immediately called my general contractor dad and got his voicemail, because (I remembered belatedly) he was in Mexico getting dental surgery. There was absolutely no way we could get another contractor out to do the work over a single weekend.
It was up to us.
My wife and I (mostly my wife) went HAM on it. We rented big jacks from the tool library to prop the laundry room up while we replaced one of the entirely rotten support poles. One of the big telephone poles was so wrecked with dry rot we could kick it out of place. (It didn't even touch the BIG ROCK that was supposed to be its foundation!!! It was floating!!!) Several of the joists were also fucked, so we ran new joists alongside them and married them together. My wife dug holes while crouched in a 4' high space, filled the holes with gravel, compacted it by putting a piece of wood on top of it and hitting it with a mallet, and then installed an entire additional support system from 4x4s and deck blocks. She actually attached the support system TO THE FUCKING HOUSE, which was a big improvement from the way it was originally held on by vibes and paint.
Here's a tasty little before and after:
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(Yeah, see how that visible joist at the front just... stops at the far left? There's a new joist right behind it now.)
This was completed with resounding cries of, "Good enough!" and "It's better than it was before!" The siding guys thought it was fine and sided over it. Someday hopefully we will be able to afford to tear the whole thing down and rebuild it with a properly poured foundation, but in the meantime the spin cycle on the washing machine no longer shakes the whole house. Victory?!
Ridiculous: The purple paint saga. My wife and I are lesbians who tend toward maximalism in our decoration style. Construction companies find this baffling. We paid extra to our siding company to get the extended color choices (if you order the siding with the color baked in it lasts longer, but you're limited to a particular range of colors) and spoiler alert: 90% of them are boring as fuck. We basically paid extra to have access to 400 shades of white and 400 more shades of beige. There were like three saturated colors in the whole book. Pathetic.
Anyway, we chose the one nice teal that was available and decided we'd paint the door purple, since all the purple colors were gray at best. The project manager then forgot to put in our order, and when he remembered he'd forgotten, ordering our siding through his company would have pushed back the start time by six weeks. We could still make the original start time if we ordered through a different company doing the same thing, though!
Me, immediately: And we wouldn't be restricted to your color palette, right? Him: Yeah, they can do custom colors. Me, slapping down a color card called "Fully Purple": MAKE IT PURPLE.
Bless this man, he went to the siding company and asked for Fully Purple. They told him they couldn't do that color, and also is he sure anyone wants this color? He called them on the phone and informed them yes, we did want that color, and also that he'd worked for them and he knew damn well they could do that color, they'd just have to custom mix it, so they needed to do their fucking jobs. Suitably chastened, they finally sent us a sample of the siding, and it was... okay. It was purple for sure, but a little de-saturated. Not the purple of our hearts.
I asked if they'd actually started manufacturing our siding yet or just sent the color sample. The project manager confirmed they hadn't, and if we ordered this imperfectly-purple siding now, it would be several weeks before we could get started.
"We're gonna paint," I decided, and our project manager put in the orders.
The paint store called him and said, "Hey, are you sure you want this color?" Yes, he assured them, that's the right color.
The guys doing the painting opened up the can and then called him and said, "Are you sure this color?" and he told them yes! They want that color!
At this point I told him he should just start responding with, "They're lesbians!!! Yes! They want the purple! They're lesbians!!!"
Eventually we cleared every hurdle god and the construction industry put in front of us, and now our house is Fully Purple.
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It also has insulation, wiring that won't kill us, and a laundry room that hopefully won't collapse anytime soon. We got a heat pump installed that took shockingly little time and worked immediately, and our next project will be having the roof redone. Check back in to find out what fresh horror awaits us then! I think it'll be a second roof under our existing roof made of lead and asbestos tiles, probably!
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his-dedicated-sensei · 5 months
In Vino Veritas.
Meals, wines, and fragility.
It's a quiet evening. You're not too sure the day, but that doesn't trouble you much. You rest, as you usually do, upon a chair built just for you - tailored to your shape, crafted exquisitely from the luxuries accrued from the reunification. Your hand idly traces the edge of the cushioned armrests and where the lavish, lacquered mahogany meet in a masterwork of carpentry and joinery.
You wager two Custodians were the craftsmen, given how eloquent and regal the design is. You gaze upon the vaunted ceilings - the countless support beams, holding this place, your home, intact.
A plate rests in front of you before long. Marble, you wager - perhaps porcelain? The Custodian by your side seems eager to serve your food in particular. Your mind briefly ponders if the Blood Games are on. You aren't ever really apart of them, but you have promised to play as the kidnapped victim from time to time.
You see Him enter, coming to rest by your side. It takes Him a moment to settle - to take in the scent of the food, to rest His hand over yours.
"Do you like it," He starts, the voice rolling over your body like a wave breaking across rocks, "the selection for the evening?" His gaze is to the meal but a moment (you feel He is grading it silently), before turning to gaze at you.
"Every meal is delectable," you respond softly, smiling (it's impossible not to), before He carefully pours the wine into your glass. It's red, a deep red. Fulgrim's selection? He raises the glass to you, and you take in the rich bouquet. Definitely Fulgrim's, you wager, as your hands slide in His.
This must be the galaxy to Him, as your hand overlaps His own, twigs compared to logs - the fragility of your hand, and the brittleness of the wine glass, held in the way an artist would hold the finest brush. Humanity in His hands, humanity as the fragile glass that holds blood-like-wine. You take a moment, as He helps you drink it. It's supple, spiced... yet, a moment more, and you feel the complexity rush across your throat, changing to something more... elegant.
"A vintage," the Custodian besides you states, "to pair with the roast." It takes you a moment as the alcohol warms your form, as He moves to sip from the same glass. You wonder, briefly, if He did so to taste your lips indirectly, or wished to try the wine in the same environment.
"It should be chilled more," He finally responds - though you can see the faint smirk curling His lips. "An excellent choice, however."
Soon, His plate rests before Him. How much more He must need, yet, He eats as carefully as He commands. You, in turn, require so little, yet, all of it is important. One could be picky with food, push aside greens, or ignore the wine. He, however, has made sure the meals are properly prepared for you, to the exact amounts, to ensure you would be cared for.
You gaze at the wine a moment as your fork rests. How fragile were you, even surrounded by walls and buttresses and pillars and warriors and He Himself?
You did not think long, as His hand rests atop yours. "You are safe." He assures. "Safe, here. Safe no matter where you travel." Your fragility was tested then, as His hand gently squeezed yours, feeling the warmth of His skin. Nothing broken. Nothing damaged. Just... a moment where you finally relaxed, your head resting upon His shoulder, as you took the wine glass in your hands.
In wine, there is truth. You were fragile, yes - but deserving of the love and protection He cushioned you with - nay, strengthened you with. All of humanity, you wagered, would one day find this peace. It was a hope you shared with Him.
If only the wine wasn't so strong - you laugh after a moment, and He shares it with you, as the evening light fades, and the fragility He has is cushioned by your love.
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chicorystreetcoffee · 2 months
ever since the kitchen table fix, my mom and i have gone mad with power.
"let's see what we can do with the living room table and side tables...."
"let's completely re-do the kitchen cabinets. i already bought new handles."
"we can sand and respackle the bumpy wall in the bathroom now!"
"let's finally fix the ceiling in the garage and put in a new floor!!!"
"let's take a two-week course on carpentry in vermont!!! they'll teach us how to build a shed!!!"
despite our big dreams we have only changed the hardware in the kitchen cabinets and are currently working on the garage. we also spent this morning researching how to frame a wall, how to fur out a wall, the difference between normal and lightweight spackle and joint compound mud, as well as different types of insulation and R-values. (probably incredibly basic, but it feels exciting to learn new shit anyway!)
i was even like, what if instead of needle felting houses, i got some wood panels and cut and carved them............. (unlikely to happen but it was fun to think about)
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fruityfinch · 5 months
Replaying fallout 4 until I get bored of it and am reminded that I am incredibly frustrated that the setting is so messy and filthy. There are odd pieces of rubbish and grime and stray sheets of paper and humorously arranged skeletons all over the place, even where people are supposed to be living. Even where they are constructing NEW PLACES TO LIVE.
No one has found a dustpan and brush in that time? No one remembers what the MANY intact boxes of detergent you can pick up are for? Nobody inhabiting old buildings wants to repair the doors or windows?? Even when they build new structures, they WANT them dusty and flimsy with protruding nails and gaps in the floorboards and massive holes in the walls and ceiling?? Was a side effect of the radiation that people unlearned what carpentry or masonry is??? If I ended up a ghoul and lived for 200 years even I could probably teach myself a bit of basic bricklaying from scratch!!
Also it is funny how all the lines of dialogue are clearly recorded individually then stitched together with huge gaps in between. And sometimes in conversations the camera cuts to your player character who stares, silent and deadpan, for about 6 seconds. And then it goes back to the NPC again. Don’t know why. Funny game
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Casa Dos Sueños, #Mérida, Mexico by Park Estudio @park.mx. Read more: Link in bio! Photography: Tamara Uribe @tamara_uribe @tamarauribeph. The architectural plan consistedof three main blocks. The first block consisted of three bays that retained the characteristics original constructive of the property, having ceilings of more than four meters of height, use a construction system of metal beams with wooden supports, and walls masonry loaders, which showed signs of moisture and deterioration. In this block was observed the construction of a mezzanine, stairs and two bathrooms, with Features not belonging to the original construction. In terms of finishes. The block had walls with putty and paint collapsed or in poor condition, in addition to Ceramic floors and decorative moldings, not belonging to the original state. On the part of cancelerías and carpentry, the conservation of original wooden doors was observed lasts, although in a state of deterioration, and the addition of a metal gate already mentioned, that provided vehicular access from the street to the end of the land without interruption… #mexico #yucatan #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Mérida, Yucatán, México.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpRbOBNMD2L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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masterwords · 2 years
chill out
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Summary: Derek and a friend make some pot brownies to help chill Hotch out. (Post Route-66)
Pairing: Hotch/Morgan
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: a lot of talk about marijuana, grief, pain, doctors
Notes: Is this a crack-fic? I dunno. Maybe. The idea started with the @yearoftheotpevent February prompts "established relationship" and "different"...and kind of spiraled from there with a lot of help from Harry Styles. If you haven't read prior stories involving my delightful (slightly evil) OC Coleen, here is a bit of history: the high price of shame
The house, modest from the outside, was nothing like Derek expected as he approached. Its bones screamed mid-century rancher, single level, low ceilings. But from the moment he was in the entryway, he realized how wrong he was. The hallway, beset with a hanging lamp in shades of deep brown and gold, opened up into a sunken great room with a vaulted ceiling and a wall of windows overlooking the city, at least once you got past the sizable estate that stretched out emerald green for ages. David Rossi might even be impressed with this.
"You live in a house..." he mused, stepping down into the main area and peering around at all of the impeccable mid-century details that would have made Carol Brady's knees buckle from sheer joy. He grew up fantasizing about houses like this as he wandered through his modest inner-city Chicago home with neighbors close enough to hear your dinner prayers unless you whispered. This was the stuff of sitcom families, well-to-do but parading as somehow being middle class. His socked feet sunk deep in the burnt orange shag carpet that didn't look a day past being straight from the showroom and yet he couldn't think of a single place you'd get something like this nowadays. And he'd looked, too, for one of his properties that had bones like this. No, this was original. "Where do you want these?" He gestured to the grocery bags in his arms full of all sorts of baking supplies and a bottle of wine for good measure. With a sneer she gestured toward the kitchen.
The kitchen. He'd always loved to picture his mom in a kitchen like this, a kitchen like she deserved. Throwing together a pot of chili or a peach cobbler with counters stretching as far as the eye could see. More cupboards than you could ever fill. Hell, he would have settled for a dishwasher or a sink that didn't back up once a week though. Probably Coleen wasn't as well-acquainted with a plunger as Fran Morgan had been.
"Not what I pictured..." he said, finally, setting the bags down and emptying them on the counters. Coleen snorted at his candor.
"What did you expect?”
“Always had you pegged for someone who lives in a cave. You know, big bubblin' cauldron over open flames...some ancient book of spells on display, eye of newt and some gnawed on bones...a raven or some shit boppin' around...that sort of thing.” He spent too much time with Spencer, being able to pull all of that out of thin air. He really needed to find new friends. Or introduce Coleen and Spencer, perhaps...let him off the hook.
“Us modern witches keep all of that in the basement."
He smiled at that and shook his head, admiring the carpentry of the cupboards while she sorted the groceries and made sure he brought exactly what she'd asked. “You didn't bring Aaron.”
“He's sleeping. Lazy bones.” The last bit Derek said softly, and it was her turn to smile. Derek, for all of his biting jokes at her expense and excess nervous energy over this undertaking, adored Hotch. Which was why he was there in the first place. The two of them were otherwise not frequently able to find much common ground. She reminded him of George Burns playing God, or the Devil, maybe both and she left him feeling ill at ease. In turn, all of Derek's sunshine made her uncomfortable. It wasn't that they didn't care for each other, but without Hotch being present they quickly found that they had little in common.
Until Derek mentioned Hotch's heightened stress and anxiety, his return to work taking more out of him than they'd anticipated. Of course, Derek had tried to talk him into taking a full six weeks of leave but that had been vetoed quickly. As soon as he was able to fake his way through a fitness for duty exam, he was back. Add to that the ongoing situation with Sean's sentencing and it had become something of a perfect storm. He hadn't ever been very good at relaxing, but it seemed that now he couldn't even begin to figure out how...and each doctor's visit ended the same way. Find a way to lower your stress or you're going to end up back in the hospital. Or worse.
Well, Coleen understood worse. She'd lost a husband to that. Maybe her favorite one. So, when she approached Derek quietly while Hotch showered after physical therapy and told him she had just the thing, he couldn't say no. He knew what it meant; he'd heard all of her tall tales and her interesting medical theories. He also knew it came from a place of love, and he had started feeling bleak about the whole situation. He probably would have tried anything, so really, this was fairly benign.
Just some hash brownies. Besides, the woman was ancient...she had to be doing something right.
Derek had intended to bring Hotch along, figuring a visit might do him some good. But after a morning spent at physical therapy and then breakfast with some of the ladies at a chic little cafe afterward, he could scarcely keep his eyes open let alone stay upright. Derek insisted he be home and sleep. With Jack being out of town with Jessica's side of the family for the whole weekend the house was blissfully quiet. Just Hotch and Clooney, two old men and their favorite blankets in an empty house.
“He did great in the pool this morning,” Coleen said, tapping an egg on the rim of a bowl with one manicured claw. Her red nail polish was the color of blood. “Haven't seen him so spry in a long while now.”
“It's coming back slowly.”
“He's old, let the poor creature take his time.” She took a drag on the joint she'd lit without him even realizing it, holding it tenderly between steady gnarled fingers. Did she just roll it? Did she have it in her pocket? It was like magic, the way it appeared out of nowhere.
Derek didn't like the sound of healing slowly, but he had no control over what she said nor how Hotch healed. He had no control over anything much these days.
“You'll want to watch me make these, dummy,” she said, snapping Derek from his spiraling thoughts. “I refuse to write it down for you. This recipe dies with me.” She offered him the joint with a caustic, dangerous smile. He would take it, just a little, just for now. You can't make brownies like this without being a little high right?
“I wouldn't be able to read it anyway,” he croaked, leaning over her shoulder expectantly while he locked the burning lemony smoke deep in his lungs. She was so tiny, a little bag of bones, it didn't take much for him to completely engulf her. She didn't seem to mind. “I can't read Latin.”
Coleen smirked and whisked the eggs and sugar together, the yellow bowl huge in her thin little arms. “I in malam crucem.”
“Whatever you say, lady.” He didn't really want to know what she said, but he could probably ask Reid later to give him the cliff's notes version. He knew it was nothing good, probably the Latin equivalent of go fuck yourself. Frowning, Derek moved to examine the ingredients on the counter that he hadn't brought, the key component being a brick of hash the likes of which he hadn't seen since his beat cop days. “What about the leeches? Thought all you old timers used 'em.”
“What in the heavens would he need those for?" She paused for effect before continuing. "The leeches are mine. How do you think I've managed to maintain my youthful glow all these years?”
“Sorta figured you for a bathing in the blood of your enemies type.”
Coleen sniffed indignantly and turned away from Derek to reach up into her cupboard for a small glass jar way in the back. The kind she had to shoo other things out of the way of before her claws could grip and pull. It was a jar of what looked like some kind of honey, thick and dark and odorous. God, the things he could say about that, how putrid and horrific it looked, but he kept his mouth shut.
“I'm moving this as soon as you're gone, so don't go getting any ideas.” She smirked and Derek rolled his eyes dramatically. He didn't even really know what it was except that it looked potent and a little scary...he had only enough experience with marijuana to have enjoyed it a few times in college after he blew out his knee and had to recalibrate his entire life's trajectory. He'd gone off the deep end for a short time before pulling himself together. It was a rough time, one that didn't garner him much favor in his mom's eyes. Of course, his time as a cop (and now this) showed him that what he'd considered the deep end was nothing but a shallow and tepid kiddie pool. From what Hotch has divulged of his own troubled youth, he had far more experience with the stuff (and possibly worse, though he'd spared Derek any specifics), and a lot more hate than love in that old relationship. All in all, this had been a hard sell.
“I work for the government. You think I don't know all the best places to get this shit? Come off it. You're gonna have to produce a lot more than that to shock and amaze me, Methuselah. Now show me how to make these brownies before he wakes up from his nap and I'm not home.”
They quieted after that, the snips and snaps dying down while Coleen shared with him a recipe that she'd held close to her for decades. Her sister had asked for it once and, though Coleen wasn't exactly beaming with pride over her response, she'd more or less said over my dead body. Of course, her sister having been dipped in the same scalding solution of genetics as Coleen herself said she could arrange that and though Coleen couldn't prove it she thought maybe she'd tried once or twice over the years. And good for her, too.
If she knew how readily Coleen was willing to give it up for that sack of bones snoring beside a german shepherd across town, her sister would have a few harsh words to say. The thing was, she was soft for Hotch and she simply couldn't help herself. Maybe he reminded her of her favorite ex-husband, the damn fool who went and died on her long before she was ready for him to be gone. Who bought her flowers and saw to her every need, with never a cross word. Who spoke gently in direct opposition with his size and intimidating demeanor. He was an accountant, a big burly man who had to have his suits custom made, who captured spiders beneath glasses and released them out the backdoor rather than smashing them. A gentle giant.
She wouldn't admit it, but she was soft for Derek too. And the minute they came into her life, she was theirs. Hotch and his unruly black hair pushed up in tufts, walking slowly with his hand pressed against his scarred stomach like he was holding his insides where they belonged. Considering how often they'd nearly been spilled; she couldn't blame him. He approached the pool apprehensively, studying his options, looking for the path of least resistance. She could tell he wasn't someone who was used to obstacles in his way, and when they appeared they weren't there for long. She'd almost slithered from her side of the pool to him, to offer to help, but there was Derek coming up behind him from out of nowhere, hand on his hip...he didn't really do anything, she had noted. He just offered support. Hotch set his features and gripped the metal railing, leaning heavily against it while he stepped one foot after another into the pool and she caught that little slip of a smile when his body was weightless and in his control again.
Yeah, she liked him. A lot. And she had a feeling a lot of people behaved similarly to that...he was frustratingly endearing and handsome to boot. A combination she'd never been able to resist. Besides, how else would a scowling curmudgeon like him have landed this hunk of chiseled marble standing in her kitchen, zipping up his worn-out old motorcycle boots? She could think of a thousand more fun things a ball of energy and stamina like this could have been doing with his Saturday morning, and he was here learning how to make brownies from an old lady. Hook line and sinker.
“Take this,” she finished, snapping a thick layer of plastic around the little pink tupperware of perfectly cut brownies. “And this.” She handed him a log of what looked like frozen chocolate chip cookie dough. “Just slice off enough for one at a time, it'll keep for months in the freezer. For desperate times.” She winked at him.
“Thank you,” he replied sincerely, not a hint of his usual sarcasm. “Really appreciate it.”
“You two conspired to drug me?” Hotch asked, wrinkling his nose at the tub of brownies on the counter. He knew even before asking what they were, the smell was that strong. He hadn't woken up from his nap long before Derek walked in. Still groggy, he wasn't sure he had the capacity to make a good decision here.
“To help you.”
“Right.” Hotch sighed, lifting the little tub and turning his face away as the smell smacked him right in every one of his senses. “Wow. Did you use Willie Nelson's recipe?”
“Funny you mention Willie. She said he actually uses her recipe. Guess one of her ex-husbands was some old Hollywood bigwig type and they had this party at their place and...”
Hotch was blinking slowly, staring at Derek with a look of utter confusion on his still exhausted face. “Who are you?”
“Hey. She's your friend.” As if that answered for all the rest of it, Derek huffed and popped open the container. Hotch nearly gagged on the smell. “Come on. You've been a huge stress monster and your doc said he'd give you a medical green card to help with the stomach pain anyway. We gotta find you a way to relax before your heart pops like a fuckin' water balloon, baby. Give it a shot?”
“Define a shot.”
“One bite. They're gonna be really damn strong, I don't think you could handle more than a corner...”
Derek extended what was more or less a glorified crumb, the corner of one thick dark brownie broken off. It was crusty and smelled absolutely green in spite of the deep, dark chocolate color. He hesitated.
“And if I hate it?”
“I got orange juice in the fridge, that'll take the edge off if it's bad. And I'm gonna be right here stone cold sober the whole time. We can go take a shower, lay in bed, sleep it off. You trust me?”
Hotch frowned, but took the bit of brownie between his finger and thumb anyway. “Implicitly.” He looked doubtful but he meant what he said. He trusted Derek with his life and, though the brownies looked and smelled dubious, he wouldn't start faltering now.
With one last worried glance at Derek, a chance to tell him to stop, he popped the bite into his mouth and washed down the foul flavor with a glass of water, shaking his head. “Disgusting.”
“I don't think the flavor is supposed to be its selling point.”
It wasn't. Not by a longshot. They wouldn't be winning any county fair awards unless the judges were looking for the best and fastest high...then it was a blue-ribbon recipe. It didn't take long before Hotch was melting into the couch, his entire body languorous and vibrating at a slow, steady rhythm set by the pumping of his heart. The ache in his chest that had been there weeks now, since before he collapsed in the conference room, dissipated gradually. It didn't quite vanish, but it moved around, seeping into quiet places where it could rest.
Clooney began sniffing around in the kitchen, ill at ease with a familiar old smell he was trained to detect which struck Hotch in such a silly incongruous way that he let out a little chuckle. That chuckle, from deep inside his chest, grew in strength until Derek noticed and smiled in return. He'd been busying himself with some case files, hoping that Hotch would just ease himself into oblivion happily and without his constant vigil. That would only make him nervous and question every tingle, every wave. Probably set off a panic attack. This way he just rode the surf on his own.
“What's so funny ya old geezer?” He plopped down beside Hotch, wishing he could enjoy some of the brownie himself. It was so tempting. But he'd promised...not this time. Not until they knew if it was going to be okay. Coleen had warned him that she was making them half strength but it would still be potent and had the potential to expose some nervousness that even Hotch's vault kept locked up tight. Some latent paranoia, or disastrous memories of he and Haley...or maybe something worse. Something he couldn't even put his finger on. That fear had crept up on him the first time he got high, the thought that it might unlock memories of his own childhood, the crystal clear night sky over a dark cabin...if Hotch kept anything like that locked up, he'd rather it stay that way. The threat loomed dangerously over his head but was assuaged by the gentle laughter he heard coming from the couch.
Now he just wanted to join him. Be in that delicate, happy place with him.
Hotch licked his dry lips and let his eyes close for a moment while he lazily sorted through his word bank. It had been a long time since he'd been high and even longer since he'd enjoyed it. This was such a strange mellow feeling, warmth spreading like musical notes through his sinew.
“Clooney,” he started, smiling. “He's sniffing out your supply Agent Morgan.”
Derek laughed and made a high-pitched whistling noise, drawing Clooney's attention to him immediately. “Forget it buddy. Lay off my stash.”
Clooney's tail wagged and he nosed at the counter, right below the offending Tupperware. Dog hadn't been with the Chicago PD for years now, but his training was solid, not easily forgotten. Old dog and his old tricks. “Busted...” Hotch whispered, leaning against Derek.
First Hotch just sat there, quiet, still as a mouse. Staring at the ceiling, and then at the television that was turned off, zoning out. Derek wondered what he was thinking but was too afraid to ask. After a while, he spoke softly of small things. What would Jack think about his dad being high as a kite? Would he try to steal the brownies? Would the team know what he was doing? What if he got drug tested?
“Green card,” Derek reminded him thoughtfully. “Your doc's already got it in the works. I don't think there's a single person that's gonna mistake you for a burn out. Stop trying to find ways to let your anxiety creep back in...”
“Maybe you could turn on some music?”
“Yeah. I could do that. Any requests?”
Hotch shook his head and let the smile smooth out his features again. “Surprise me.”
Flipping through records, some crisp and new still in the plastic and others worn soft at the corners and smelling like the dust of decades gone by, Derek settled somewhere between his taste and Hotch's. The opening notes, deep and broody, made him long for a nibble. Just a corner. He wanted to feel what Hotch was feeling, he wanted it so badly.
“You think you're gonna be good to ride this out?”
Hotch laughed a little in spite of himself. “Why? You want to join me?”
“I doooooooo...” Derek whined. “I really really do.”
“You don't have a green card,” Hotch said, his tone a gentle mockery of something serious. He didn't pull it off well, not when his entire body was melting into the couch cushions while Jim Morrison's voice slithered and slunk through the room all heady and dark. “What if your boss finds out?”
“He's a pushover. Kinda think he's a burnout, too.”
A kiss, quick and soft, took Hotch by surprise. Made him grab hold, fists twisted in Derek's t-shirt, holding on for dear life. He just wanted more of that. His eyes went wide at the sudden bright burst of expectation. They hadn't had much of a sex life lately, and the feel of Derek's breath rushing over his skin startled him in all the best ways. Maybe Derek having a little bite wouldn't be the worst thing in the world...might make it easier to drag him into the bedroom to mess around for a while without Derek stressing out over hurting him. After they got some food, though. He was starving. “One bite. This stuff could likely knock both Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg out.”
“What, just cos it knocked you on your ass? I'll be the judge of that...” Derek announced striding confidently into the kitchen, but he was good.
Only a bite.
For now.
They had all weekend.
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katarinamiljkovic66 · 8 months
~ Trip to Sarajevo ~
❄️ Activity title: Trip to Sarajevo
❄️ Duration and amount: 15th - 16th of January
❄️ Type of activity: activity and creativity
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~ Activity description ~
My family and I decided that, since my sister and brother-in-law had never been to Sarajevo before, it was the perfect opportunity for all of us to go this winter break. As you can see from the picture above, the place was beautifully decorated, with fairy lights to be seen lighting up every corner of the city. This is the reason why everyone visits during the holidays.
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Although it was freezing cold outside, we tried to walk around as much as possible, only taking breaks every now and then by sitting at a nice restaurant or a nearby coffee shop. One coffee shop that stayed with me throughout this whole trip was Andar. The owner's father and grandfather were shoemakers, which explains the shoe decorations that are to be found on every wall and ceiling.
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It was a family business, and the owner was expected to take after his father and grandfather and also become a shoemaker, but there was one factor that stopped him from doing so. Times were changing, and the need for this craft was way less than it used to be, which is why he decided to continue family business in his own way, by creating something new. And that something was this coffee shop that serves traditional Bosnian coffee.
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Another vivid picture that comes to mind when I think of beverages is the locally infamous Dzirlo Tea House, where they serve 25 different types of tea. The shop, owned by Husein Dzirlo, had been built by Dzirlo's father 50 years ago. The father was a carpenter, and he told Dzirlo's brother that he should follow in his footsteps and keep the family business of carpentry, while Dzirlo should open a tea house.
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Dzirlo was confused by this and asked him why a tea house. His father then told him about his uncle, who had a tea house between two wars that took place at that time. He emphasized the importance of having a place where "the nice world" could gather, which included doctors and passengers, as well as people with honorable titles. These two stories struck me as strangely alike. Both of these families were primarily focused on upholding the family business, and with how the times have changed, so have their businesses, but that family element stayed the same.
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An amazing sight that I will never forget was the one my family and I saw from the top of the Jekovac cliff. From that point, we were able to see so much of the city! Everything was covered in a coat of white snow, which made the sight even more beautiful. From there, we were able to see the exact place where the 1984 Winter Olympics were being held. My mother got to attend this event as a child.
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Aside from being a sight-seeing place, the Jekovac cliff is also the place from which a cannon is fired during the Muslim month of Ramadan. The firing of this cannon marks the time of sunset and the breaking of the day-long fast for Muslims.
~ Reflection ~
I don't think that I've ever been on a trip better than this one. I have to say that I enjoyed every second that I spent there. All the freezing we had to go through was definitely worth it in the end. But maybe my favorite part of the trip was when my sister and brother-in-law admitted to not only liking Sarajevo but also it being one of their favorite cities that they ever visited. I don't think any other feeling can compare to the happiness I felt at that moment because of them!
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~ Learning Outcomes ~
❄️ Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
❄️ Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the  process
❄️ Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
❄️ Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
Let's just pretend that agere boutiques were thing in TLOU universe, tess managing to find a store in relatively good condition and sneaking stuff back to Bill and Frank's, it needs cleaning up and some fabrics replaced, but between the stuff Tess found and Bills carpentry (and Frank's decorating lbr) Joel gets a surprise playroom-nursery fully kitted out
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Waaaaa oh my goodness 🥺���💖💖
If there is a mutation of fungus then, there is gonna be boutiques for regression stuff! NaughtyDogs told me personally that there was one fairly close to Bill & Frank's place- close to the Home Depot 😎
Tess has gotten good at sneaking things behind Joel's back- "Oh? This backpack of stuff? Ha, it's just some random odds and ends Frank wanted, oh hey look over there-." (That backpack left at the house has those cute wall decals, lights switch cover and other miscellaneous nursery stuff)
But oh my gosh- imagine the three surprising Joel??? They plan it as just another hang-out, doing some trading- then Tess looks to Frank who then is like, "Oh! We got something to show you inside, Joel!"
Joel is a bit confused, they had already been in the house, and nothing looked different to him?? But, they guide him along to the spare bedroom and open the door.
And it looks something like this- and yes, Frank painted the murals (Bill helped paint,,if you count him holding Frank up because Frank insisted he paints nearly to the ceiling xD)
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Joel is just standing there, awestruck as he looks at the 'new' room- what isn't expected is him starting to cry! Not sad tears but, ones where he's just, so surprised that they care/love him this much to go out of their ways to create this?? 😭💖💖
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ibadst · 2 years
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Glass & Aluminum Installation & Maintenance Plumbing & Sanitary Installation Metal Parts & Erections Contracting Carpentry & wood Flooring Works Floor & Wall Tiling Works Building Maintenance False Ceiling & Light Partitions Installation Air-Conditioning, Ventilations & Air Filtration Systems Installation & Maintenance Electrical Fitting Contracting Painting Contracting
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iadoreyoungmen · 2 years
A little more about me.
Retired at 60 but still working hard on the house. This is my 5th house, a bungalow in Suffolk which like most of my houses was in need of repair, updating and improvement
It's been hard through my life always getting a house which needed so much work doing but has paid off when selling, however this is most likely my last so I'll not reap the benefits like the others. You only get out what toy put in and property can sell for significantly more if in a stylish and trouble free house.
This is some of my work, note I do 98% myself, which takes me a little longer to get the affect but cheaper.
The bathroom as it's called in the UK but this one doesn't have a bath lol. Picture before and after
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Now this last picture isn't complete but the last I took of the improvement.
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I done the design, plumbing, electrics, carpentry, decorating, tiling and flooring.
We even have a speaker so can listen to music to relax while showering.
I'm pleased with the results, it was challenging and made my back and hands sore but worth it.
My latest project is the garage.
The ceiling board was bad, the loft hatch awful, lighting wrong, tap location wrong and it affected the house with cold due to the thin walls. So I cleared the ceilings, knocked a wall down, got the ceiling renewed and insulation board on the house wall then plastered.
Moved the tap, relocated the lights and switches, reinforced the ceiling joists around the loft hatch and a new loft hatch with wood ladder for easy access, and of course it all fits nicely tucked in the ceiling out of the way. I've painted the walls, ceiling and floor so now clean and brighter than ever. I need to box in the gas pipes and meter but should be finished soon. Then I can get the stuff back in and the car...
Before and after pics!
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At the gar end is the wall which I took down, had an outside cupboard which wasted space so hopefully adequate better use without the walls and moved the door to the left for better rear access. The after picture is not complete, but if you're a DIY person you know, it's never finished lol...
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The other door on the right as you look down the garage will be replaced with a low wall and window as its not required. The garage floor surface wasn't great but 100% better painted.
So there's more in my like that adoring male beauty and a sense of pride in my work
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normallyxstranger · 2 years
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Fictober22 (@fictober-event) Day 13 —  "I don't want you to do that."
featuring Glen Cole & Chrissy Addison — characters from The New Ashton Chronicles, written & role-played by F.R. Southerland (@normallyxstranger | @frsoutherlandauthor | www.frsoutherland.com) © October 2022
original fiction
general warnings: tobacco use mention
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     “It’s not so bad.” Glen fought the urge to sneeze, but dust and debris proved too much. He sneezed once, twice, three times. 
     “Bless you,” Chrissy answered, her tone absent. For a second, her curly red hair was ablaze in the light, dust motes surrounding her like a halo before she moved away from the window. 
     He rubbed his nose. “Thanks.” Lifting his head, Glen surveyed the ceiling and the light fixtures—or where light fixtures had once been—feeling the itch of dust still in his nostrils and sinuses. “This place is… dusty.” An obvious observance, and probably the nicest assessment he could give. There was water damage, broken floorboards, and it looked like someone had taken a sledgehammer to the exposed drywall. 
     He heard Chrissy scoff, then something clattered. He turned to see her waving a hand in front of her face, dust dispersing as she did. 
     “What happened?” he asked, walking a few steps toward her.
     “I knocked over those boards that were up against the wall.” She gestured to them, now on the floor in an untidy heap. “I still can’t believe someone gave up on this place. It’s like, they started to demo the place and got bored.”
     “Maybe.” Glen had been thinking the same thing, actually. Like someone had started a project in restoring the storefront, but had a change of heart. “Maybe it was a financial issue. It costs too much to undertake.”
     “Or they didn’t know what they were doing.” Chrissy pointed toward the hole in the wall. “Something about that doesn’t seem necessary.”
     He’d done his fair share of carpentry and construction work. He couldn’t claim to be an expert on it, but he could see shoddy work or a bad renovation. This was exactly that. “Yeah, absolutely not necessary, but it can be fixed. With the right materials, a good contractor, a good budget…” He trailed off, casting his dark eyes back to Chrissy. He didn’t know how much she was willing to put into this. If it was her dream, as she claimed, he’d bet she would probably do and spend anything. Having the finances on the other hand…
     “Yeah, it can be fixed.” Chrissy stepped over the boards, peering closer at the wall, then she drew back and cast her eyes about the room. “I know some people who do good work, for cheap.” She chuckled. “My brothers.” 
     He smiled a bit at that, hands going into his pockets. He could smell mice, hear their scurrying, scratching little feet. Chrissy heard them too, as she turned her head in the direction of the noise. Her lips parted in a soft sigh. “And then there’s the exterminator.”
     “They can run a pretty penny.”
     “Yeah.” Her eyes narrowed a bit, but she pressed forward and continued her assessment of the property. 
      Glen stood back, fingers itching to grab a cigarette from the pack in his pocket, but he refrained. He was ultimately up to Chrissy whether she’d pick this as the property for her bar. He thought it was a win, considering its location. It’d take a lot to get it up to code, to renovate it the way she wanted it, but it was perfect as far as he was concerned. 
     “You know,” he began, “it has good bones. And good foot traffic. It’s right between your pack and mine. I think it’ll go far toward pack relations.” That’s why she’d asked him along, after all. To offer his opinions
     Chrissy paused, turning back to look at him. A faint smile touched her face. “That’s what I was thinking. It’ll be good for us. For all of us.”
     The Newfound Pack was growing, little by little, with the help of other werewolves, other packs. “We’re grateful for it. Really.” Glen paused, really wishing for a soothing jolt of nicotine for his nerves, but went on. “And I’d like to help. With the renovations, with finances, setting-up—whatever you need, whatever I can do.”
     The smile on her face faded away. Her green eyes darted back and forth. “Glen… I don’t want you to do that. I—” But she hesitated a minute, gaze settling on him again. “Look, this is something I’m doing on my own. It involves the pack, yes, and yours too, but it’s my project. My dream. I want to do it on my own.”
     There was a stubborn streak there, one Glen could so easily recognize. Did all werewolves have it? He’d expected her to turn down the offer, perhaps not exactly in this way, but it wasn’t unexpected. It still stung, that rejection. 
     But Chrissy was pragmatic. Eventually she’d see reason. Eventually she’d accept the help. It may have been her project, but it was for the packs. 
     He managed a smile and a shrug. “The offer’s out there,” he told her, watching a few more minutes as her gaze swept the place. “What do you think? Really?”
     “I think…” she said slowly, drawing it out, “I think… I think it’ll work.”
     This time, his smile was more genuine. “I think so too.”
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chismbrothersca · 2 days
Chism Brothers Painting
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7958 Convoy Ct
San Diego, CA 92111
Phone: (858) 454-3850
Website: chismbrothers.com
Chism Brothers Painting has been San Diego's premier painting company since 1982, combining good character with fine craftsmanship. Our team of skilled, friendly painters specializes in both residential and commercial projects, offering comprehensive services including interior painting, exterior painting, cabinet painting, and custom finishes. We pride ourselves on our meticulous attention to detail, clean job sites, and commitment to using the best products for peak performance. Our services encompass wall and ceiling painting, door and window finishing, custom cabinet painting, decorative faux finishes, and more. We also offer color consulting and related services such as drywall repair and light carpentry. At Chism Brothers Painting, we promise to share a commitment to your project's success, hold ourselves to high standards, respect your property, and ensure you love both the painting process and results. Our flexible scheduling, clear communication, and effective project management come standard with every job. Choose Chism Brothers Painting for a refreshing painting experience that delivers beautiful, lasting results on time and as promised. CA Contractor Lic #491884.
Keywords: cabinet painting san diego, painter san diego, painters in san diego, house painters san diego, painting company san diego
Hour: Mon - Fri: 8 AM - 4 PM | Saturday-Sunday Closed
Year of Est.: 1982
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perfectsolutions · 12 days
mep and civil maintenance company in qatar
MEP Maintenance is important to ensure the safety, comfort, and efficiency of any building. It involves inspecting, repairing, and servicing the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems that helps the structure to function optimally. These systems include HVAC, lighting, power, fire alarm, security, and much more. If you are looking for MEP and civil maintenance company in Qatar, we at Perfect Solution are there for you.
The following are a some of the MEP services offered:
MEP Upkeep
The mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in your facility are inspected, fixed, and maintained by our team of professionals. HVAC, lighting, power, fire alarm, drainage, water supply, and many other systems are among them. In order to ensure that your MEP systems are operating effectively and complying with all applicable standards and laws, we also test and commission services.
civil upkeep
We renovate and repair your building's civil components, including the floors, walls, ceilings, roofs, doors, and windows. To improve the look and value of your property, our service specialists may assist with painting, plastering, tiling, carpentry, and landscaping services.
Any kind of MEP and civil maintenance task can be handled by our staff of skilled and knowledgeable experts. Only the highest caliber supplies and tools are used by Perfect Solution to carry out our services. Our staff is dedicated to providing you with high-quality work at a reasonable cost, prompt service, and a warranty on all of our services.
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Casa Dos Sueños, #Mérida, Mexico by Park Estudio @park.mx. Read more: Link in bio! Photography: Tamara Uribe @tamara_uribe. The architectural plan consistedof three main blocks. The first block consisted of three bays that retained the characteristics original constructive of the property, having ceilings of more than four meters of height, use a construction system of metal beams with wooden supports, and walls masonry loaders, which showed signs of moisture and deterioration. In this block was observed the construction of a mezzanine, stairs and two bathrooms, with Features not belonging to the original construction. In terms of finishes. The block had walls with putty and paint collapsed or in poor condition, in addition to Ceramic floors and decorative moldings, not belonging to the original state. On the part of cancelerías and carpentry, the conservation of original wooden doors was observed lasts, although in a state of deterioration, and the addition of a metal gate already mentioned, that provided vehicular access from the street to the end of the land without interruption… #mexico #yucatan #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Mérida, Yucatán, México.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpRa_GFs7xR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jamesvince9898 · 12 days
Transforming Spaces with Expert Craftsmanship: Drysdale & Son's Remodeling, LLC
At Drysdale & Son's Remodeling, LLC, we understand that your home is more than just a place to live—it’s a reflection of your personality and style. Our mission is to transform your living spaces into beautiful, functional, and inspiring environments through our expert remodeling, painting, and carpentry services. Whether you're looking to refresh a room with a new coat of paint, upgrade your home's structure, or complete a full-scale remodel, our team of professionals is here to deliver exceptional results. With years of experience and a commitment to quality, we offer personalized solutions that meet your unique needs and exceed your expectations.
Comprehensive Remodeling Solutions
As a trusted remodeling company, Drysdale & Son's Remodeling, LLC specializes in a wide range of services designed to enhance the appearance and functionality of your home. Our team is equipped to handle projects of all sizes, from small room renovations to large-scale remodels. We take pride in working closely with our clients to understand their vision and bring it to life.
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling: The kitchen and bathroom are two of the most important spaces in any home, both in terms of functionality and value. Our remodeling services include complete redesigns, appliance installations, custom cabinetry, and modern finishes to create spaces that are not only beautiful but also practical for everyday use. From minor upgrades to full overhauls, we ensure every detail is tailored to meet your preferences.
Basement Finishing: Transform your basement into a functional living space, whether you envision a home theater, game room, or additional bedroom. We offer expert basement finishing services, including flooring, drywall, and lighting, that turn an underutilized area into a valuable part of your home.
Home Additions: As your family grows or your needs change, expanding your living space can be a smart investment. We specialize in home additions that seamlessly blend with your existing structure, ensuring a cohesive and attractive result. Whether you’re adding a new bedroom, a home office, or an outdoor living area, we handle the project from start to finish.
Expert Painting Services
A fresh coat of paint can completely transform the look and feel of your home. At Drysdale & Son's Remodeling, LLC, we offer both interior and exterior painting services that enhance the beauty of your property. Our painting company’s skilled painters use high-quality paints and materials to ensure a flawless finish that lasts for years to come.
Interior Painting: We provide interior painting services that cover everything from walls and ceilings to trim and doors. Whether you're looking to create a cozy atmosphere in your living room or brighten up your kitchen, our team can help you choose the perfect colors and finishes. We take care of every step of the process, from preparation to cleanup, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily routine.
Exterior Painting: First impressions matter, and your home's exterior is the first thing people see. Our exterior painting services are designed to improve your home's curb appeal while protecting it from the elements. We use durable, weather-resistant paints that safeguard your home from moisture, UV rays, and other environmental factors, ensuring long-lasting results.
Color Consultation: Choosing the right color scheme for your home can be overwhelming. That’s why we offer professional color consultation services to help you make informed decisions. Whether you want to stick with classic neutrals or experiment with bold shades, we guide you through the selection process to achieve the desired look.
Skilled Carpentry Services
Carpentry is at the heart of what we do at Drysdale & Son's Remodeling, LLC. Our carpentry company takes pride in delivering top-quality craftsmanship for all your custom woodworking needs. Whether you need a simple repair or a complete renovation, our team has the skills and expertise to bring your vision to life.
Custom Cabinetry and Built-ins: Custom cabinets and built-in furniture add functionality and style to any space. We specialize in creating tailored solutions that maximize storage while complementing the aesthetic of your home. Whether you're looking for new kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, or built-in bookshelves, our carpenters use the finest materials and craftsmanship to deliver exceptional results.
Trim and Molding Installation: Trim and molding may seem like small details, but they have a big impact on the overall look of your home. Our expert carpenters provide precise installation of baseboards, crown molding, wainscoting, and other decorative trim that adds elegance and character to any room.
Decks and Outdoor Structures: Your outdoor spaces are an extension of your home, and we believe they should be just as beautiful and functional. We design and build custom decks, pergolas, and outdoor kitchens that enhance your yard and provide a space for entertaining and relaxing. Our outdoor carpentry services are built to last, using weather-resistant materials that stand the test of time.
Repairs and Restoration: In addition to new installations, we also provide carpentry repair and restoration services. Whether you're dealing with rotting wood, damaged trim, or worn-out cabinetry, our team can restore your home's features to their original condition or upgrade them to better suit your needs.
Commitment to Quality and Customer Satisfaction
At Drysdale & Son's Remodeling, LLC, quality and customer satisfaction are our top priorities. We understand that remodeling, painting, and carpentry projects can be disruptive, which is why we strive to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible. Our team of professionals works with integrity, ensuring that every project is completed on time, within budget, and to the highest standards of workmanship. We believe in transparent communication, so you’re always informed and involved throughout each phase of your project.
From the initial consultation to the final walk-through, we are dedicated to exceeding your expectations. We take the time to understand your goals and preferences, providing personalized solutions that reflect your vision. Our commitment to using high-quality materials and employing skilled craftsmen ensures that your home will look stunning and function flawlessly for years to come.
Whether you're looking to update your home with a fresh coat of paint, enhance its functionality with custom carpentry, or embark on a full-scale remodeling project, Drysdale & Son's Remodeling, LLC is here to help. Our comprehensive services, attention to detail, and dedication to customer satisfaction make us the go-to choice for homeowners looking to improve their spaces. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can transform your home into a place of beauty, comfort, and style.
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emergencyplumbingil · 18 days
Furniture Assembly:
Assists with assembling flat-pack furniture like desks, chairs, bookshelves, or cabinets
Electrical Repairs:
Repairs electrical issues such as faulty outlets, light fixtures, switches, and appliance installations.
Painting and Touch-Ups:
Offers interior or exterior painting, including wall repairs, touch-ups, or full room painting.
Drywall Repair:
Fixes holes, cracks, or water damage in walls and ceilings, ensuring a smooth finish.
Caulking and Sealing:
Applies caulk around windows, doors, and bathrooms to prevent drafts or water leaks.
Gutter Cleaning:
Removes debris and clogs from gutters to prevent water damage to the roof and foundation.
Appliance Installation:
Installs new appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, and ceiling fans.
Tile and Grout Repair:
Repairs or replaces broken tiles, cleans or re-grouts surfaces in bathrooms and kitchens.
Deck and Fence Repairs:
Fixes damaged boards, posts, and rails on decks or fences, including staining or painting.
Carpentry Services:
Handles minor carpentry tasks such as installing shelves, building storage solutions, or repairing woodwork.
Window and Door Repair:
Repairs or replaces broken windows, aligns misaligned doors, and installs weather stripping.
Power Washing:
Cleans driveways, patios, siding, or decks using high-pressure water to remove grime, mold, and dirt.
Lock Installation and Repair:
Installs new locks, repairs broken locks, or re-keys existing locks for security.
Shelving Installation:
Installs custom or pre-made shelving units in closets, garages, or offices for better organization.
Flooring Installation and Repair:
Installs or repairs hardwood, laminate, or tile flooring.
Minor Roof Repairs:
Fixes small leaks, replaces damaged shingles, and clears debris from roof surfaces.
TV Mounting:
Securely mounts flat-screen TVs to walls and conceals wires for a cleaner look.
Blind and Curtain Installation:
Installs blinds, shades, or curtain rods to improve privacy and light control in your home.
Installs weatherstripping, door sweeps, and window film to improve insulation and energy efficiency.
Garage Door Maintenance:
Lubricates, adjusts, and repairs garage door mechanisms, including opener systems and springs.
With multiple locations throughout North Shore and Northwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, Emergency Plumbing offers prompt and professional handyman services.
Phone 224-754-1984
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