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caxyanalysis · 1 year ago
The Rise and Fall of "Skill-Based Matchmaking" in Games
There's a term in gaming. All kinds of gaming. Sports, board games, video games. It's a concept that's been around as long as games have had a competitive side to them. The term itself may not have been around that long, but the concept of it has been. It's always been there, even if this specific word wasn't used since the beginning. That term is...
Matchmaking is the process of deciding an opponent. It can be done manually by the players of the game, or it can be done automatically by some third party force. But it must be done, or the game can't be played.
Matchmaking can be anything from a tournament ladder to a privately issued challenge to a roll of the dice as to who gets to face off against who.
In the modern age, with the rise of digital gaming and competitive video games, matchmaking has come to be known most commonly by two variants, described below.
Connection-Based Matchmaking
CBMM or Connection-Based Matchmaking is a variant of Matchmaking wherein the quality of network connection is prioritized when deciding who you'll face in a game. In a CBMM system, you'll be matched with players as close to your local network as possible, to reduce latency and other network-related issues.
The benefits of this system are that players will never have to worry about lagging to the point of being unable to play, or any player lagging in such a way that it's an unfair advantage. CBMM reduces the network struggles, and allows for players of all skill levels to come together to play the game in the same environment.
The downsides of this system are that players who are within the upper echelons of skill often wind up making the game unfair or unfun for those of lower skill. Because there is no safeguard preventing masters, experienced players, and "sweats" (term refers to those who treat every match, even casual matches, as if they are competing for a million dollar prize) from being matched against brand new, casual, and unskilled players, those of lower skill often suffer in "curb stomps", which are matches where one team or one player so far outplays the other team or player that the outcome is clear and unavoidable within the first minute or so.
Skill-Based Matchmaking
SBMM or Skill-Based Matchmaking is a variant of Matchmaking wherein the ability of the players is prioritized when deciding who you'll face in a game. In a SBMM system, you'll be matched with players as close to your determined skill level as possible to reduce the amount of unfair or one-sided games.
The benefits of this system are that low-skill, brand new, or casual players never need to worry about "curb stomps", or facing off against "sweats". They can enjoy matches within their skill level, and will have a fair, fun time against people who have equal chance to win or lose, all depending on how each team plays rather than depending on which team was assigned more "sweats".
The downsides of this system are that the upper echelons of players, the "sweats", begin struggling to find entertaining matches after a time. SBMM introduces a system where high-skill players can only match other high-skill players, and so eventually the top 1% will stop being able to connect to anyone except the top 0.5%, and the top 0.5% will eventually stop being able to connect to anyone except the top 0.1%, and so on. This system heavily benefits skill improvement, until that improvement reaches a pinnacle point where the only matches you get are against the same set of people, every time, until every game is a boring replay of the last.
But there is a third variant, which has sub-variants of its own. Which is...
Hybrid Matchmaking
HMM or Hybrid Matchmaking is when the game considers both skill level AND connection. This system combines the strengths of BOTH other variants, but execution is everything.
In one sub-variant of HMM, we have CBHMM, which prioritizes connection, but will allocate players in such a way that once connection has been determined, you will be matched with the player or players closest in skill to you.
In another, we have SBHMM, which prioritizes skill, but will also seek players with good connection so that you don't wind up facing the same exact people every single time.
And in yet another variant we have THMM, or True Hybrid Matchmaking, which usually involves a skill tier rather than a skill rating, like the common Silver 1, 2, and 3, Bronze 1, 2, and 3, etc, instead of the ratings like "1500 ELO" or "2300 ELO", etc.
THMM will assign players a skill tier to determine the pool of players they are able to match with, and then prioritize connection within that pool of players. This combines the greatest strength of CBMM (shortest possible wait time to find a match) with the greatest strength of SBMM (not facing off against opponents you can't beat).
To go over some real examples, let's cover some games that use these systems. I'll stick to games I am familiar with to avoid any misinformation.
Destiny 2
In Destiny 2, the type of Matchmaking is determined by the mode you play. In Competitive, it's SBMM, but with the tier system of THMM. More on that in a moment. In Quickplay, it's CBMM, with a tier system used for reward progression rather than any SBMM purposes. In Trials, the ultimate competitive PvP experience in D2, it's a very unorthodox form of Hybrid Matchmaking.
Comp SBMM in D2 functions like this: You have a skill tier (Bronze, Silver, etc), and the game assigns a point total you must reach to move up to the next tier. You earn points based on wins, and lose points based on losses. This system has one major flaw. In Comp, you have 2 teammates that can win for you.
This means that even if you personally are standing in spawn dancing, you can still hit the maximum possible rank with the right teammates. Personal performance means nothing, only the outcome of the match.
Quickplay being CBMM is problematic, as the fact it's quickplay (which is designed to be the "casual" play mode) is lost on a notable amount of players. The "sweats" run rampant in quickplay, actively reducing the amount of fun players can have in what is designed to be the "for fun" PvP mode. If it were one or two sweats, it would be fine, but entire squads of them (3-6 players working together) will queue into a match and, while the game tries to match squads to other squads, it does not change the fact that casuals ALSO squad up, and a team of 3 sweats will still perform significantly better than a squad of 6 casuals. CBMM in the "for fun" mode means no safety for casual players to simply load up to play for the fun of it, and forces everyone into a highly competitive environment even in the "casual" mode.
Trials is a unique system. Trials of Osiris bears a mixture of SBMM and CBMM, making it Hybrid Matchmaking, but of a strange sort. In Trials, you have a "Trials Card", which tracks your wins, up to 7, as well as whether or not those wins are "Flawless", a term used here to mean "consecutive". Players with 7 consecutive wins are considered Flawless players for the sake of matchmaking. Trials considers the following, in this order, when considering how to match you to other players: Flawless (yes or no), Win Count, Connection, Skill Tier. By this system, it should first check for Flawless status (no losses recorded on the card) followed by how many wins are recorded, filter out poor connection players, then find players in your skill tier within that filtered pool. Starting on Sunday of every week, it first checks to see if YOU are a Flawless player first, and if you are, it applies a hidden "Flawless" tag to you, preventing you from matching with anyone that does not have this Flawless tag. Once the game has set your pool (Flawless, not Flawless), it seeks out players who have the same number of wins on their Trials Card. However, because the Card only tracks up to 7, and because you can reset your card, a player can reach 6 wins, reset, and be treated as having 0 wins. This means a player can "farm" easy wins by simply resetting at 6 wins every time without going Flawless (7 consecutive wins), meaning they remain outside of the Flawless pool and continually match against players with 0 recorded wins. Once the game has set the pool of players based on Card-Recorded Win Count, it seeks out players within that pool that have a solid connection quality. This means you will be matched against players with similar win-counts that have solid connection. After that it finally considers Skill Tier, putting you against the closest possible skill tier. This is a huge problem, as Skill being considered last means BOTH of the following can happen:
Player A queues up while Player B is waiting in queue. A is Skill Tier 6 while B is Skill Tier 1. A has a 15% winrate while B has a 98% winrate, despite both having over 1,000 matches played. A has 0 wins recorded, 0 losses, as they are just now playing for the first time. B has 0 wins recorded, 0 losses, as they just reset their card for the 9th time today after reaching 6 consecutive wins for the 9th time today. Neither A nor B are Flawless, so both are in the Non-Flawless Pool. A and B each have 0 wins, 0 losses recorded, so both are in the 0/0 Pool. A and B have strong connection, and so the matchmaking filters them into the same pool. The two players closest to A in Skill Tier are in Tier 5, the two closest to B are in Tier 2, and are the only other players within the filtered pool. A is now matched with 2 Tier 5 players, 2 Tier 2 players, and 1 Tier 1 player, making them the lowest Tier player in the lobby, and making B the highest Tier player in the lobby. D2 has a "Lobby Balancing feature" which tries to balance skill levels among teams. This causes the game to be a team consisting of either the highest AND lowest Tier players accompanied by one of the Tier 2s or 5s, OR a team consisting of the lowest player accompanied by the two Tier 2s opposing a team consisting of the highest player accompanied by the two Tier 5s. Both of these result in a curb stomp, as one team lacks the ability to overcome the odds against them. This system is heavily flawed, as the priority of filters and the fact that they are not SOLID filters means that while matches are often found quickly, they are often OVER just as quickly due to unfair balancing of teams and an imbalance in the skill of players matched.
Fortnite, casual, is simple CBMM. Regardless of mode, it is pure CBMM with one caveat. It is CBMM within the selected region. This means if you live in the USA and set the UK as your region, it will match you with the players that have the strongest connection to you that are also on the UK region, even though you live in the USA. This means you will usually have a good connection, but is very easy to cheat connections to give yourself some level of intentional latency by playing on a region you have inherently poor connection to.
However, the Ranked mode does have SBMM, of sorts. Ranked mode SBMM is determined entirely by the placement you reach in your matches. If you win a match and get 1st place, you will be matched with other 1st place players. Over time, it averages out your placements, and will put you in matches with players that have similar placement averages. So if you play 1,000 matches and your average placement is 43rd place, you will be matched with other players who have ~43rd place as their average. However, if you play 1,000 matches and your average placement is 2nd place, you'll be matched with other players who have ~2nd place averages. This is a problem due to the fact that one can reach as high as 15th, 10th, or even 2nd place doing absolutely nothing at all except moving from hiding spot to hiding spot and waiting for other players to kill each other. Meaning if you're a cautious player, you can achieve the higher skill tiers by simply not engaging, even if you die the moment you do encounter another player. To rephrase that... You can get an average placement of 2nd place, and maintain that average (thereby maintaining that "skill level"), without ever getting a single kill. This poses the problem of being able to "cheat" the SBMM system. Players with no business being in the upper echelons can be matched with the highest skill players simply due to luck, which can be a massive problem for those who don't WANT to reach unearned "skill levels".
DNF Duel
DNF Duel uses a SBMM system which accounts for player preferences for their ranked mode. When queueing for Ranked, the game first considers player preference, then Skill Tier (Which are Bronze 1-4, Silver 1-4, Gold 1-4, etc), and you can choose "Any Skill", "Similar Skill", or "Same Skill" for player preference.
However, this is not entirely accurate. "Any Skill" allows the player to be matched with ANYONE of any Skill Level. This of course IS accurate, but the others are less clear.
"Similar Skill" does not mean "Same Class, different Tier". Similar Skill sounds like it would allow anyone Bronze 1-4 to match against anyone else Bronze 1-4. This is not the case. It means "Within 1 Class of each other", meaning anyone at all ranked Bronze 1-4 can match with anyone at all ranked Silver 1-4. This poses a problem. In order to reach Bronze 4, you must win 4 matches in Bronze 1, 4 in Bronze 2, and 4 in Bronze 3. This means you need to win 12 matches in order to reach Bronze 4. Once you're at Bronze 4, you need to win 3 out of 5 Advancement Matches to hit Silver 1, which takes 12 more wins to reach Silver 4.
This means, at minimum, Similar Skill allows you to face off against an opponent with 0 victories, and at maximum you can face off against an opponent with a difference of 38 victories between you. That doesn't sound like a lot, but remember: Every victory, and every loss, is experience. At 38 more wins than your opponent, you have not only the full experience of 38 victories, but all the experience of the losses, the practice, the hours put in between those victories. At 38 less wins than your opponent, you have drastically less experience than your opponent.
And finally, we have "Same Skill". "Same Skill" sounds like it would pit you against the same Class and Tier. Bronze 1 vs Bronze 1. Bronze 2 vs Bronze 2. This is not the case. "Same Skill" pits you against anyone in your Class. Bronze 1-4 vs Bronze 1-4. Silver 1-4 vs Silver 1-4.
This means, at minimum, you face an opponent with 0 victories, and at maximum, an opponent with 16 more victories than you. That is still a significant amount of experience difference. What this means is that a brand new player who is only now playing Ranked for the very first time, rather than being matched with a player in Bronze 1 like they are will instead be matched with a player anywhere between Bronze 1 to Bronze 4.
EDIT: Easier than re-writing the entire section above, I've gained a new understanding of DNF Duel's ranking system. You need CONSECUTIVE wins in order to rank up. I just matched with someone, I had 2 medals out of the needed amount to rank up, lost, and my medals disappeared. It's worth noting my opponent had 48 battles fought with 6 of those being wins, while I had 14 battles fought with 3 of those being wins.
Why is all of this important?
Skill-Based Matchmaking...does not exist. In every variant of SBMM, your actual personal skill level is not used to determine opponents.
In Destiny 2, all that matters is your wins and losses. Even if you get 0 kills, 0 assists, and a dozen deaths, as long as your matches end in victory for your team. This means players with no business being in Platinum can obtain Platinum, resulting in their solo-queue matches being nightmarishly hard for them, as they are unable to compete at all and not only lose their own fun, but ruin their teammates fun as they now have to work much harder to make up for the lack of a skilled player on their team.
In Fortnite, if you get lucky every game you can reach top rank without getting a single kill, which means you'll eventually have to rely ENTIRELY on luck and hiding just to maintain survival. You'll eventually be unable to win at all.
In DNF Duel, you can play for weeks without ever getting a win due to being consistently matched with players VASTLY more experienced than you.
And why?
Because none of these systems actually take your performance into account.
In Destiny 2, SBMM would be considering your wins, losses, average K/D, average damage dealt, average assists, and weapon accuracy in order to compile all of them into a singular Skill stat (all of which are already tracked, btw, and could easily be factored into an equation to determine Individual Skill Level). For example:
Player A has 100 wins, 50 losses, an avg. K/D of 1.3, avg. damage dealt (per game) of 900, avg. assists of 2 per game, and an avg. weapon accuracy of 68%. We can use these numbers to determine they have an Individual Skill Level of
How? Here's how:
Guardians have 200HP, and at 900 damage per game, we can determine Player A gets on avg. 4.5 kills per game. With a K/D of 1.3, they kill 1.3 times as many times as they die. So 4.5 kills per game, 3.4 avg. deaths per game.
100 wins, 50 losses, 4.5 kills per game, 3.4 deaths per game, 2 assists per game, 68% accuracy.
150 matches total, 4.5 kills per match, so that's 675 kills total. 675 kills, with an avg. of 3.4 deaths per game, that's 510 deaths. 675 kills, 510 deaths. Even with a simple equation of match total divided by win-rate times (K/D times dmg per game) divided by accuracy would give us SOME value we can use.
150 / 66.66 (1.3 x 900) / 68 150 / 66.66 x 1,170 / 68 2.25 x 1,170 / 68 2,632 / 68 38
We could even go a step further and, instead of rounding to nearest whole numbers aside from the win-rate, include up to 2 decimal places and add in a "x 100" at the end to get something like this:
150 / 66.66 (1.3 x 900) / 68 x 100 150 / 66.66 x 1,170 / 68 x 100 2.25 x 1,170 / 68 x 100 2,632.50 / 68 x 100 38.71 x 100 3,871.
This gives us an estimate of a player's Individual Skill Level, and this is just an off-the-top-of-my-head idea for how to calculate it.
With this, we could establish a SBMM system in D2 that operates on this value, with a player only being able to be put into games with those falling within a short range (say ~50-100 points) of their own rating. With this system it would guarantee NO player is ever in a match with anyone greater than 100 points of skill higher than the lowest skilled player in the lobby.
This ensures the highest-skill player in the lobby isn't SO much higher that the lowest-skill player has no chance, and everyone falling in between them is on relatively equal footing.
Unfortunately, D2, which already tracks and maintains accurate statistics on all of the things used in that formula, would rather simply track match wins and use that to determine how "skilled" a player is.
And Fortnite? What of that?
Well, Fortnite already tracks the following: Placement at end of match, accuracy, kills, assists, dmg dealt.
So what could be done is another simple equation like above. Maybe...
A player who has played 370 matches with an average placement of 8th place, average kill count of 6 per game, average assist count of 4 per game, an average of 1,375 damage per game, and an average accuracy of 72%.
So that's 370 matches, avg. placement 8th, avg. 6 kills per game, avg. assists 4 per game, avg. 1,375 dmg per game, avg. accuracy 72%.
((370 x 8 / (6 x 4) + 1,375)) x 0.72 ((370 x 8 / 24) + 1,375) x 0.72 ((2,960 / 24) + 1,375) x 0.72 (123.33 + 1,375) x 0.72 1,498.33 x 0.72 1,078.79 Round to nearest whole number 1,079 This gives us a skill rating we can use to get SOME level of accuracy (far better than just "how high did you place?") as to how skilled a player is, and if we only allow them to matchmake against players within 100 points of their skill rating, it maintains fairness.
DNF Duel is a little trickier, but still doable.
Avg. Match Time (not currently tracked but would be incredibly easy to given all matches in Ranked have a set time limit, and one can find match time by subtracting time remaining from max time), avg. HP remaining (Also easy to track), winrate (easy to track), and total matches, combining those into a skill stat.
Say someone has Avg. Match Time of 45 seconds, avg 23% HP remaining, a 37% winrate, with 78 matches total.
(45 x 0.23) x (0.37 x 78) x 10 10.35 x (0.37 x 78) x 10 10.35 x 28.86 x 10 298.70 x 10 2,987
Only allow them to match with people that are within 100-150 points of them. This prevents players with too great a difference in stats from connecting to each other. No more instances of someone with several dozen more matches than you, and therefore far more experience, facing off against you. No more instances of you getting matched against someone with several dozen less matches than you either.
Why does it matter?
Because games are supposed to be fun, and competitive modes are supposed to be fair. There should never be an instance in competitive modes on any game where one player has absolutely zero chance of beating the enemy, and in the current systems so many games use, that exact thing happens far too often.
Comp should never be an easy win, but it should never be an impossible fight either. And the fact games have moved away from accurately tracking individual skill, and have never implemented a system for truly fair SBMM is a travesty.
The systems I presented are not perfect. But they were done in several minutes by a single person with very little effort, and are still more fair evaluations of skill than what most games use today.
A team of dozens of people who are supposedly professionals in the field, paid hundreds to design matchmaking systems and given months to come up with a working one should never come up with something so much worse than what I, a single person with no noteworthy mathematic skill, paid nothing, could come up with in minutes.
Matchmaking has never been perfect, but in recent years the idea of "everyone is a winner~!" has gone from "everyone has a chance to win in comp because we pit you against closely skilled players" to "everyone has a chance to see the high-tier play because we match you with players based on unfair criteria so you can experience high-end comp even if you haven't gotten that good"
Including lower-skill players in high-skill play is not how comp is supposed to work, in any game, and it only punishes the lower-skill players.
And that honestly just makes me sad, because players like me who know exactly where we lie (just above casual, but just below the lowest skilled sweats in my case) are suffering most by being forced into boring matches with no challenge when we're matched with casuals, but forced into infuriating and unfair matches when we're matched with sweats.
I can only imagine how the casuals feel when paired against sweats.
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postsofbabel · 1 year ago
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titanicfreija · 1 month ago
Normally I attribute complaints about the crucible to malfeasance, but Matchmaking really is just shit right now.
I remember the days of CBMM, and I was on Stadia before Cross-platform, so my basis of comparison is pretty generous
But I'm feeling the yo-yo and inconsistency is pronounced.
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willyskristina · 1 month ago
Refractory Metals Market
Refractory Metal Market Size, Share, Trends: Plansee Group Leads
Applications of Refractory Metal in Additive Manufacturing: A Market Trend
Market Overview: 
From USD 4.5 billion in 2022 to USD 7.2 billion by 2031, the worldwide refractory metal market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.8%. Asia-Pacific is most projected to control the market throughout the given period.
Rising demand from several end-use sectors like aerospace, electronics, and automotive is fueling ongoing expansion in the refractory metals market. These metals are well-known for their great resistance to heat and wear and high melting temperatures, making them crucial in many high-performance devices. Market development is being driven by a growing focus on sophisticated materials in manufacturing processes and the spread of major industries in developing nations. Nevertheless, the market suffers from environmental issues related to the mining and refining of these metals as well as from the high costs associated with their production and processing.
Market Trends: 
Especially in the aerospace and medical sectors, 3D printing increasingly utilizes refractory metals. The special properties of refractory metals—strong heat resistance and high strength-to-weight ratios—make them suitable for manufacturing sophisticated, high-performance components. Additive manufacturing allows for the construction of complex designs that are either difficult or impossible with conventional methods. Refractory metals might find fresh prospects in several high-tech applications, including improved electronics, medical implants, and jet engine components. As additive manufacturing technologies develop in the coming years, refractory metal demand is expected to rise significantly.
Market Segmentation: 
On the market for refractory metal, tungsten rules. Thanks to its many uses and special qualities, tungsten has the biggest market share among refractory metals. It is essential in many different spheres as it has the greatest melting point among all the metals and great strength at high temperatures.
Much of tungsten's dominance in the refractory metal sector can be explained by its use in the creation of cemented carbides, which are required in the production of mining tools, wear-resistant components, and cutting tools. In medical and aircraft applications as well, the metal appeals for its density and radiation-shielding qualities. Furthermore, its application in electronics, especially in the manufacturing of flat-panel displays and integrated circuits, bolsters its global predominance. Tungsten's market position is predicted to stay solid in the foreseeable future as industries continue to need high-performance materials for demanding situations.
Market Key Players:
Plansee Group
H.C. Starck GmbH
Global Tungsten & Powders
CBMM (Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração)
Climax Molybdenum Company
Contact Us:
Name: Hari Krishna
Website: https://aurorawaveintellects.com/
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hotnew-pt · 3 months ago
Maior planta do mundo de nióbio inaugurada em Araxá
Hot News COLUNA MG Principais destaques dos jornais e portais integrantes da Rede Sindijori MG http://www.sindijorimg.com.br Maior planta do mundo de nióbio inaugurada Em Araxá, foi inaugurada a maior planta de produção de ânodo de nióbio do mundo, desenvolvida pela Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração (CBMM) em parceria com a britânica Echion Technologies. A nova unidade, que possui…
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autoevtimes · 3 months ago
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sunaleisocial · 5 months ago
Study assesses seizure risk from stimulating the thalamus
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/study-assesses-seizure-risk-from-stimulating-the-thalamus/
Study assesses seizure risk from stimulating the thalamus
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The idea of electrically stimulating a brain region called the central thalamus has gained traction among researchers and clinicians because it can help arouse subjects from unconscious states induced by traumatic brain injury or anesthesia, and can boost cognition and performance in awake animals. But the method, called CT-DBS, can have a side effect: seizures. A new study by researchers at MIT and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) who were testing the method in awake mice quantifies the probability of seizures at different stimulation currents and cautions that they sometimes occurred even at low levels.
“Understanding production and prevalence of this type of seizure activity is important because brain stimulation-based therapies are becoming more widely used,” says co-senior author Emery N. Brown, Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering and Computational Neuroscience in The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and the Center for Brains Minds and Machines (CBMM) at MIT.
In the brain, the seizures associated with CT-DBS occur as “electrographic seizures,” which are bursts of voltage among neurons across a broad spectrum of frequencies. Behaviorally, they manifest as “absence seizures” in which the subject appears to take on a blank stare and freezes for about 10-20 seconds.
In their study, the researchers were hoping to determine a CT-DBS stimulation current — in a clinically relevant range of under 200 microamps — below which seizures could be reliably avoided.
In search of that ideal current, they developed a protocol of starting brief bouts of CT-DBS at 1 microamp and then incrementally ramping the current up to 200 microamps until they found a threshold where an electrographic seizure occurred. Once they found that threshold, then they tested a longer bout of stimulation at the next lowest current level in hopes that an electrographic seizure wouldn’t occur. They did this for a variety of different stimulation frequencies. To their surprise, electrographic seizures still occurred 2.2 percent of the time during those longer stimulation trials (i.e. 22 times out of 996 tests) and in 10 out of 12 mice. At just 20 microamps, mice still experienced seizures in three out of 244 tests, a 1.2 percent rate.
“This is something that we needed to report because this was really surprising,” says co-lead author Francisco Flores, a research affiliate in The Picower Institute and CBMM, and an instructor in anesthesiology at MGH, where Brown is also an anesthesiologist. Isabella Dalla Betta, a technical associate in The Picower Institute, co-led the study published in Brain Stimulation.
Stimulation frequency didn’t matter for seizure risk but the rate of electrographic seizures increased as the current level increased. For instance, it happened in 5 out of 190 tests at 50 microamps, and two out of 65 tests at 100 microamps. The researchers also found that when an electrographic seizure occurred, it did so more quickly at higher currents than at lower levels. Finally, they also saw that seizures happened more quickly if they stimulated the thalamus on both sides of the brain, versus just one side. Some mice exhibited behaviors similar to absence seizure, though others became hyperactive.
It is not clear why some mice experienced electrographic seizures at just 20 microamps while two mice did not experience the seizures even at 200. Flores speculated that there may be different brain states that change the predisposition to seizures amid stimulation of the thalamus. Notably, seizures are not typically observed in humans who receive CT-DBS while in a minimally conscious state after a traumatic brain injury or in animals who are under anesthesia. Flores said the next stage of the research would aim to discern what the relevant brain states may be.
In the meantime, the study authors wrote, “EEG should be closely monitored for electrographic seizures when performing CT-DBS, especially in awake subjects.”
The paper’s co-senior author is Matt Wilson, Sherman Fairchild Professor in The Picower Institute, CBMM, and the departments of Biology and Brain and Cognitive Sciences. In addition to Dalla Betta, Flores, Brown and Wilson, the study’s other authors are John Tauber, David Schreier, and Emily Stephen.
Support for the research came from The JPB Foundation, The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory; George J. Elbaum ’59, SM ’63, PhD ’67, Mimi Jensen, Diane B. Greene SM ’78, Mendel Rosenblum, Bill Swanson, annual donors to the Anesthesia Initiative Fund; and the National Institutes of Health.
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jcmarchi · 5 months ago
Study assesses seizure risk from stimulating the thalamus
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/study-assesses-seizure-risk-from-stimulating-the-thalamus/
Study assesses seizure risk from stimulating the thalamus
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The idea of electrically stimulating a brain region called the central thalamus has gained traction among researchers and clinicians because it can help arouse subjects from unconscious states induced by traumatic brain injury or anesthesia, and can boost cognition and performance in awake animals. But the method, called CT-DBS, can have a side effect: seizures. A new study by researchers at MIT and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) who were testing the method in awake mice quantifies the probability of seizures at different stimulation currents and cautions that they sometimes occurred even at low levels.
“Understanding production and prevalence of this type of seizure activity is important because brain stimulation-based therapies are becoming more widely used,” says co-senior author Emery N. Brown, Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering and Computational Neuroscience in The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and the Center for Brains Minds and Machines (CBMM) at MIT.
In the brain, the seizures associated with CT-DBS occur as “electrographic seizures,” which are bursts of voltage among neurons across a broad spectrum of frequencies. Behaviorally, they manifest as “absence seizures” in which the subject appears to take on a blank stare and freezes for about 10-20 seconds.
In their study, the researchers were hoping to determine a CT-DBS stimulation current — in a clinically relevant range of under 200 microamps — below which seizures could be reliably avoided.
In search of that ideal current, they developed a protocol of starting brief bouts of CT-DBS at 1 microamp and then incrementally ramping the current up to 200 microamps until they found a threshold where an electrographic seizure occurred. Once they found that threshold, then they tested a longer bout of stimulation at the next lowest current level in hopes that an electrographic seizure wouldn’t occur. They did this for a variety of different stimulation frequencies. To their surprise, electrographic seizures still occurred 2.2 percent of the time during those longer stimulation trials (i.e. 22 times out of 996 tests) and in 10 out of 12 mice. At just 20 microamps, mice still experienced seizures in three out of 244 tests, a 1.2 percent rate.
“This is something that we needed to report because this was really surprising,” says co-lead author Francisco Flores, a research affiliate in The Picower Institute and CBMM, and an instructor in anesthesiology at MGH, where Brown is also an anesthesiologist. Isabella Dalla Betta, a technical associate in The Picower Institute, co-led the study published in Brain Stimulation.
Stimulation frequency didn’t matter for seizure risk but the rate of electrographic seizures increased as the current level increased. For instance, it happened in 5 out of 190 tests at 50 microamps, and two out of 65 tests at 100 microamps. The researchers also found that when an electrographic seizure occurred, it did so more quickly at higher currents than at lower levels. Finally, they also saw that seizures happened more quickly if they stimulated the thalamus on both sides of the brain, versus just one side. Some mice exhibited behaviors similar to absence seizure, though others became hyperactive.
It is not clear why some mice experienced electrographic seizures at just 20 microamps while two mice did not experience the seizures even at 200. Flores speculated that there may be different brain states that change the predisposition to seizures amid stimulation of the thalamus. Notably, seizures are not typically observed in humans who receive CT-DBS while in a minimally conscious state after a traumatic brain injury or in animals who are under anesthesia. Flores said the next stage of the research would aim to discern what the relevant brain states may be.
In the meantime, the study authors wrote, “EEG should be closely monitored for electrographic seizures when performing CT-DBS, especially in awake subjects.”
The paper’s co-senior author is Matt Wilson, Sherman Fairchild Professor in The Picower Institute, CBMM, and the departments of Biology and Brain and Cognitive Sciences. In addition to Dalla Betta, Flores, Brown and Wilson, the study’s other authors are John Tauber, David Schreier, and Emily Stephen.
Support for the research came from The JPB Foundation, The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory; George J. Elbaum ’59, SM ’63, PhD ’67, Mimi Jensen, Diane B. Greene SM ’78, Mendel Rosenblum, Bill Swanson, annual donors to the Anesthesia Initiative Fund; and the National Institutes of Health.
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abraaocostaof · 6 months ago
Incêndios no Pantanal já destruíram área equivalente ao estado do Sergipe: 2,093 milhões de hectares
De acordo com o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Inpe), em todo o território do Pantanal, foram registrados 498 focos, sendo 298 em Mato Grosso do Sul, equivalente a 59.8% no estado. Mais de 2 milhões de hectares foram queimados em todo território pantaneiro Sargento Cadário/CBMMS Os incêndios no Pantanal atingiram nesta quinta-feira (22) a marca de 2,031 milhões de hectares destruídos,…
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eldoria-radio · 6 months ago
[Good evening, dear listeners, and welcome back to another episode of "Whispers in the Aether". Truly, what a lovely night! And the rain stopped too! Now there really isn't anything holding us back, is there? How brilliant that I've prepared another lovely story then! Let's not waste anymore time!]
[Have you heard of Illusia Eclipsa? Rumors say that a woman has been haunting and collecting dreams. According to my darling witnesses, who as always rely on your trust to gain reliability, a woman has been putting people to sleep. Yes, a tall slender figure in a flowy robe, with long dark hair. Word says that her face is that of a porcelain doll, delicate and beautiful. Still, it is best to keep your distance. For if Illusia Eclipsa lays her eyes upon you it shall seal your fate.]
[This monster from the beyond tends to target people without company. Once put to sleep she will steal your dreams, collecting them for her master in the beyond. What they do with them? Well, more and more people have been found unconscious near Pollux corner again.. I'm not sure about how yet, but something is strange about that, wouldn't you-]
[Isa, we need you in the office quick! Nisha isn't doing well and we can't calm her down. I know your show is running but-]
[Fae! Oh goodness! Oh dear.. Yes of course! I'll be up in a second.. Would you mind uhm.. Script is there, I'll be back soon. Thanks Faelan! Kisses!]
[Wait you want me to-.. Isa I can't just-........... Oh stars. Well uhm.. Where were we... Illusia.. E.. I'm not reading that.. This is ridiculous.]
[That's not the script, my dear, is it?]
[Holy shit Lav! You gotta stop doing that! Seriously gonna give me a heart attack one of these days..]
[I apologize, my darling. Do you need help? I know her handwriting can be.. Tough.. And you're not the biggest fan of these things.. Let me help you, Janielle. Lean back, relax.. Good. Very good. Now then.. Let's see here. Ah yes. The people near Pollux corner. Quite peculiar, isn't it? I believe that place has been mentioned before.. It appears to be quite a Hotspot for strange occurances. Very interesting, wouldn't you say, dear listeners? So? Are you curious yet? I'm sure there's lots so see around there.. I hear there's invites going around for a peculiar festivity as well. Keep your eyes and ears open. You wouldn't want to miss it. So! On that note I'm afraid we'll have to cut this short. Thank you so much for listening. My name is Lavender Auris, and this was "Whispers in the Aether". You're listening to Eldoria Radio.]
[Thank you, Lav.. Really you saved me here..]
[Don't mention it... We're still on for dinner, yes? We've had that reservation for weeks.. You've been so excited to go..]
[yes.. Yes. Of course we're still on. Stars, I can't wait to get out of here tonight. Oh shit the recordi-]
[Pi nz. J xpvme mjlf up bqpmphjaf gps uif joufssvqujpo, nz cfmpwfe qbttfohfst. J'n tvsf zpv xfsf bmm rvjuf dpngpsubcmf mjtufojoh, zft? Pi xfmm! Cvtjoftt dbmmt. J ifsfcz csjoh zpv pomz uif cftu pg uif cftu. Bo jowjubujpo up uif nptu nbhjdbm, njoe csfbljoh, ujnf boe tqbdf efgjbou qbsuz zpv'mm fwfs xjuoftt jo zpvs tipsu, ujoz mjwft! Zft, uibu't sjhiu. Uif boovbm Tpvm Tzoejdbuf Cbmm! Gvsuifs jogpsnbujpo xjmm sfbdi zpv jo b ejggfsfou gpsn. Cvu gps opx, xf bqqsfdjbuf zpv nbljoh ujnf gps vt.]
[Nvdi mpwf, uif Dpoevdups.]
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petrosolgas · 8 months ago
Tecnologia de ponta: Ônibus com bateria inovadora para o transporte público
Lucélia Borges, uma mulher de 43 anos, fez história ao conduzir o primeiro ônibus (e-bus) do mundo movido por bateria elétrica. A bateria, inédita, é produzida no Brasil com óxido de nióbio e titânio. Funcionária da CBMM há pouco mais de dois anos, Lucélia foi especialmente treinada para conduzir o protótipo. Na viagem inaugural, ela transportou importantes executivos da CBMM, Volkswagen…
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teknolojihaber · 8 months ago
Toshiba'nın yeni pilleri, elektrikli araçları 10 dakikada %0'dan 'e şarj edecek
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Toshiba'nın pil hücreleri daha önce çeşitli EV arabalarında test edilmişti ancak bu yeni hücreler elektrikli otobüsler ve ağır araçlar için faydalı olabilir. Yeni Toshiba pilleri, elektrikli otobüslerin 10 dakikada %0 ila oranında şarj edilmesine yardımcı olabilir. Toshiba Corporation, diğer iki şirketle birlikte, yeni nesil SCiB pilleriyle çalışan bir prototip elektrikli otobüsün tanıtımını yaptı. Son derece uzun ömürlü yeni enerji depolama cihazı, yalnızca 10 dakikada oranında şarj edilebiliyor. Tamamen elektrikli, hibrit, hafif ve ağır araçlara uygun olan batarya, sermaye harcamalarını ve işletme giderlerini azaltabiliyor. Ayrıca yangın ve patlama riskini en aza indiriyor ve çalışma hızını artırıyor. Pil ayrıca daha hızlı hızlanma için daha fazla güç sağlıyor. Piyasaya çıkışının 2025'te gerçekleşmesi bekleniyor. Toshiba'nın SCiB Nb hücreleri çeşitli sıcaklıklarda çalışabiliyor. Pilin eski versiyonu 200 Wh/l'nin üzerinde zayıf bir enerji yoğunluğuna sahipti. Ancak yeni nesil SCiB aküleri 350 Wh/l'de daha fazla enerji yoğunluğuna sahip. Pil, yeni nesil kentsel elektrikli mobiliteyi destekliyor. Toshiba'nın hücreleri daha önce çeşitli EV arabalarında test edilmişti ancak bu yeni hücreler elektrikli otobüsler veya ağır araçlar için faydalı olabilir çünkü bunlar -22 ila 140°F ila (-30 ila +60°C) arasındaki sıcaklıklarda kolayca çalışabiliyor. Ultra hızlı şarj özelliği Bu hücrelerin ultra hızlı şarj özelliği de bu pillerin ek bir avantajıdır. Toshiba'ya göre yeni SCiB Nb pili 2025 yılına kadar piyasaya çıkabilir. 20 Haziran'da Toshiba, Sojitz ve CBMM, CBMM'nin Brezilya'nın Araxá kentindeki endüstriyel tesisinde NTO Anotlu yeni nesil lityum iyon pillerle çalışan ultra hızlı şarj prototip elektrikli otobüsün tanıtımını yaptı. Bu , anotta niyobyum titanyum oksit (NTO) bulunan bir lityum iyon pille çalışan prototip bir e-aracın dünyadaki ilk operasyonuna işaret ediyor ve pilin ticarileştirilmesinin yolunu daha da açıyor. NTO, grafit bazlı anodun iki katı teorik hacim yoğunluğuna sahiptir Üç şirket, NTO anotlu yeni nesil lityum iyon pilin 2025 İlkbaharında küresel pazara sunulmasına yönelik olarak ilgili teknoloji ve bilgi kullanımını en üst düzeye çıkarmak için birlikte çalışmaya devam edecek. Toshiba Corporation Pil Bölümü başkan yardımcısı Toshihiko Takaoka, "NTO pilimiz SCiB Nb ile donatılmış bir E-otobüs görmekten çok memnunum" dedi. "Toshiba, CBMM ve Sojitz ortaklığıyla, hızla şarj olan ve yüksek enerji yoğunluğu sağlayan bir NTO pili geliştirerek pil malzemesi uygulamalarında niyobyumun pratik kullanımını hayata geçirdi. SCiB™ akü serimizi ve işimizi genişletmek için geliştirme çalışmalarına devam edeceğiz”. NTO, genellikle lityum iyon pillerde kullanılan grafit bazlı anodun teorik hacim yoğunluğunun iki katıdır ve bu da üç şirketin Haziran 2018'de potansiyelini keşfetmek için ortak bir anlaşma imzalamasına neden oldu. Daha sonra Eylül 2021'de, işbirliklerini esas olarak ticari e-araçlardaki uygulamayı hedef alan yeni nesil pillerin seri üretim süreçlerini kapsayacak şekilde genişleten bir ortak geliştirme anlaşması imzaladılar. Read the full article
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procuradoriadefilmes · 1 year ago
CBMM - Gustavo Donato (2019)
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ciadamanutencaoinfor · 1 year ago
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@Bruna @Rodrigo @Vivian @Daniel @Natália @Fernando @Juliana @Diego @Carolina @Hugo
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powermarket · 1 year ago
Lithium-ion Battery Market with Trend Shows a Rapid Growth, Competitive Analysis
According to latest report published by Fortune Business Insights, the global Lithium-Ion Battery market was valued USD 36.90 billion in 2020, and the market is forecast to grow worth USD 193.13 billion by 2028, at CAGR of 23.3% during forecast period. The increasing demand for EVs, driven by the need to reduce carbon emissions, is expected to drive the growth of the lithium-ion battery market during forecast period. Also the development of new and more advanced lithium-ion battery technologies, such as solid-state batteries, is expected to increase the efficiency and performance of lithium-ion batteries driving the growth of the market.
According to our analysts, the incessant demand for power supply for numerous applications, augmented demand for electric vehicles, surging necessity of battery-operated equipment and machinery in automotive industries, and the usage of lithium-ion batteries in renewable energy applications are sustaining the lithium-ion battery market growth.
Industry Developments:
September 2021: Toshiba Corporation, CBMM, and Sojitz Corporation initiated a joint development deal to commercially launch the next-generation lithium-ion battery by utilizing niobium titanium oxide for anode material. 
Drivers and Restraints:
Augmented Usage of Batteries in Power Grid and Energy Storage Systems to Spur Market
Imposing stringent government guidelines to monitor surging pollution phases compel the industries to utilize lithium-ion batteries. The power industry is striving to manufacture renewable energy and stock for future purpose. Moreover, low cost, low-self discharge rate, and negligible installation space are a few of the crucial factors driving the implementation of lithium-ion batteries in smart grid and energy storage systems. Since the product is more resilient to high temperatures, it is perfect for usage in distant areas and thermal control applications.
The availability and cost of raw materials, such as lithium and cobalt, are major challenges facing the lithium-ion battery market. These materials are subject to price fluctuations, which can impact the cost of production and negatively affect the growth of the market.
The potential safety and environmental risks associated with lithium-ion batteries, such as the risk of fire and the impact on the environment, are major concerns for the market. The need for regulations and safety standards to ensure the safe use of lithium-ion batteries is also a challenge for the market.
COVID-19 Impacts:
COVID-19 Influence on Global Lithium-ion Battery Market to Hamper Growth
The outbreak of COVID-19 has hindered the growth of the lithium-ion battery market. The novel coronavirus has restrained the distribution of batteries. The vital battery component is mostly obtainable in Asia Pacific, but the pandemic has over-exposed the reliability of raw materials on the region. 
Report Coverage:
We analysis is based on a wide-ranging review method that primarily focuses on presenting accurate material. Our scholars have applied a data navigation technique, which further aids us to present dependable approximations and tests the overall market dynamics precisely. Furthermore, our researchers have gained admittance to various international as well as domestically funded records for offering up-to-date material for the stakeholders and business experts to invest only in the fundamental areas.
Type, Application, and Region are studied for the Market
On the basis of type, the market is classified into lithium cobalt oxide, lithium iron phosphate, lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide, lithium manganese oxide, lithium nickel manganese cobalt, and lithium titanate oxide. Lithium cobalt oxide held a major share in 2020, owing to its extensive implementation in modern electronic gadgets.
Based on application, the market is categorized into automotive, consumer electronics, energy storage systems, industrial, and others.
Geographically, the market is branched across five main regions, comprising Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and Latin America.
Market Segmentation
By Type
Lithium Cobalt Oxide
Lithium Iron Phosphate
Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide
Lithium Manganese Oxide
Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt
Lithium Titanate Oxide
By Application
Consumer Electronics
Energy Storage System
By Geography
North America
Latin America
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
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ambientalmercantil · 1 year ago
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