#cbd blood pressure
brandsposter · 2 years
Highline Wellness CBD Energy Oil
A unique blend of CBD and caffeine to give you a boost of energy without the jitters.
Quick and effective relief, when you wake up or when you need a mid-day pick me up.
A healthier on-the-go alternative to coffee.
Great tasting, with zero sugar.
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michaelbruceusa · 4 months
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Exploring CBD Gummies as a supplementary treatment for high blood pressure invites both curiosity and caution. While promising early research suggests that CBD may help lower blood pressure by alleviating stress and anxiety, the evidence remains preliminary. Some studies highlighted CBD's potential to reduce resting blood pressure and its stress response. Despite these findings, the lack of FDA regulation on CBD products raises concerns about consistency and purity, posing challenges for those considering them for health purposes. Moreover, CBD's interactions with traditional blood pressure medications underscore the importance of medical guidance. Therefore, while CBD Gummies For High Blood Pressure may hold potential as a complementary approach to managing high blood pressure, they should not substitute medical treatment. Consulting healthcare professionals is necessary to ensure safety and efficacy in incorporating CBD gummies into a health regimen tailored to individual needs and existing treatments. It is advised to Buy CBD Gummies For High Blood Pressure USA from a reliable and reputed source. If you wish to buy high-quality, reliable, and safe cannabis-based products that may promote wellness and enhance the overall well-being of individuals, reach out to CBD Gummies, USA, today.
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instantbasementpanda · 4 months
Discover the ultimate solution for improved sleep and overall health with the best Delta 9 gummies. Unlock a host of potential health benefits while enhancing your sleep quality with Best Delta 9 Gummies For Sleep. For premium Delta 9 products, reach out to CBD Gummies. Experience the soothing effects of Delta 9 and achieve a restful night's sleep, coupled with potential wellness advantages. Trust CBD Gummies for high-quality products designed to promote relaxation and well-being. Elevate your sleep routine and explore the possibilities of Delta 9 gummies for a rejuvenated mind and body.
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michaelwilliamusa · 4 months
Though the research is still in its early phases, CBD Gummies are being explored as a potential natural solution for managing hypertension or high blood pressure. Some studies suggest that CBD may help lower blood pressure by promoting vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) and reducing inflammation, which can contribute to hypertension.However, it's important to note that most of these studies have been conducted on animals or in vitro, and human clinical trials are still limited. Additionally, CBD's optimal dosage and formulation for blood pressure management are yet to be determined.It's important to speak with your doctor if you're thinking about using CBD Gummies For High Blood Pressure, especially if you already take blood pressure medicine because CBD can interact with certain drugs. Doctors can advise you on whether CBD is suitable for your particular ailment and help you discover the right dosage that works well for you. It's also critical to Buy CBD Gummies For High Blood Pressure USA from reliable suppliers and to be informed of any possible adverse effects, like changes in appetite, dry mouth, or drowsiness. Visit the CBD Gummies, USA, website to buy high-quality, reliable, and safe cannabis-based products. 
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matthewnancyusa · 4 months
CBD Gummies may offer a safe supplemental option for helping control high blood pressure. Recent research indicates CBD may reduce stress, alleviate inflammation and relax blood vessels - actions that may lower elevated blood pressure. However, dosage levels require caution. Ultra-high amounts of CBD could temporarily lower BP to unsafe levels coupled with medications. Moderately potent CBD Gummies For High Blood Pressure containing around 25-30 mg per piece may complement lifestyle and diet changes for improving BP, but more data is still needed. It's best to first discuss adding CBD with a doctor if combining it with hypertension medications to avoid complications. Start low and slow with dosage when trying. Monitor changes in BP closely and watch for lightheadedness initially. While more studies are underway, low-moderate daily CBD servings show early promise for aiding high BP safety among lifestyle adjustments and medical care plans. But it is important to Buy CBD Gummies For High Blood Pressure and use these gummies responsibly. Visit the CBD Gummies, USA, website if you want to buy high-quality, reliable, and safe cannabis-based products.
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harmeet-saggi · 8 months
Going Beyond The High: Uncovering The Heart Health Risks Of Cannabis Use Disorder
Can cannabis, a substance long associated with relaxation and euphoria, actually pose a threat to your heart health? As the debate surrounding the legalization and recreational use of cannabis continues, it's crucial to delve deeper into its potential risks. In this blog, we'll explore the often-overlooked connection between cannabis use disorder and heart health. Are you ready to uncover the truth about this controversial topic? Let's start by asking the most fundamental question: Can cannabis really harm your heart?
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cbd4u · 1 year
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hempdepot · 2 years
High blood pressure can be harmful, and it’s a condition that may not be apparent until it’s serious. Happily, there are lifestyle changes and medications that can aid. There is some proof that CBD is also another worthy option. CBD helps to cope with the symptoms of blood pressure and provides relief. Before that, however, consult with a doctor.
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brandsposter · 2 years
With its overwhelmingly many positive properties, our Zinc is made from 100% organic guava leaf, for a gentle and natural way to promote healthy blood sugar, support a healthy heart and improve the digestive functions. Furthermore Guava leaf supports calm nerves and quiet mind and improves the ability to fall asleep. Containing healthy doses of essential minerals; calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, our Zinc supplement covers essential needs, 100% natural and organic, just as nature intended.
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punisheddonjuan · 2 months
So the other day I met [unnamed tumblr mutual] in person for the first time when she came over to the apartment and beyond having a really wonderful afternoon together, she brought over some cannabis edibles because I mentioned that I was thinking about trying an edible to see if it could do anything for my pain levels, but also not wanting anything that even approaching "strong". I'd tried a few CBD only products and they didn't do much. Maybe an edible with THC in it too would actually do something.
Turns out that yes, taking an edible actually does help with pain. It didn't do much of anything for the muscle soreness, but it cut down on the neuropathic pain and dulled the migraine a little. It also dropped my heart rate, lowered my blood pressure and relaxed me, which hey that's all good. The entire experience of using cannabis as an edible is the complete opposite to my experience smoking cannabis. Smoking it, whether as a joint or through a bong, usually only ever made me anxious, put me on edge, and spiked my heartrate. I'm starting to wonder if that's more from the smoking part than the drug part. If the anxiety and spike in heart rate was some kind of inflammatory reaction to smoking. I've had a few nice experiences passing a joint around with friends, but every time I've tried it on my own, it's been bad vibes. I don't "do" drugs, or even drink because I'm always worried it will make me crash or feel worse somehow. So this was a really nice surprise.
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And you hurt me so much, mom, that when offered an escape, I brought the vape to my lips.
Sucking down CBD until I forgot how hard your words could hit.
I ended up in the ER one of those nights.
An official looking brownie wrapper slipped in my shorts's pocket.
Doctor told me it was just one of those bad trips.
My blood pressure too high and my anxiety lower then I would ever expect.
I couldn't help but remember how scared I'd been in the past.
How a trip to the ER led to a week long guilt trip.
Even confused and waiting out the effects,
I couldn't help but feel a sense of weightlessness
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jenroses · 1 year
How do people with chronic illness and no background in advocacy or research survive? I know the answer is often, "they don't." But I'm marveling at the amount of executive function I'm having to aim at simply maintaining access to the medications and supplements I need to find existence tolerable, the length of time the system is willing to shrug about severe new pain and the diagnostic tests for it, and the amount of research I need to have in hand in order to have a hope of getting what I need covered by insurance and if I'm daunted, with my background and skill in these specific areas, what hope does someone have if they don't have those skills?
That said, here's a list of things I've found that have helped that were hard to get or challenging to learn about:
1. Topical metformin in lipoderm cream is a compounded version of metformin that can assist in blood sugar control which has few-to-no intestinal side effects.
2. For insulin resistance, a combination of liraglutide and topical metformin has worked better for me than insulin.
3. If you have painful fat on your body (not just fat, but fat that it's very pressure sensitive with trigger points that rival fibro and are frequently misdiagnosed as such) you NEED to research lipedema. My pt does lymphatic drainage that is life changing and drastically reduces pain in reasonably lasting ways.
4. If you go low carb for glucose control, do not rely on almonds as a major replacement for wheat, especially if you also have POTS and need a lot of sodium as the combination is a recipe for kidney stones which suck a lot. Almonds are very high in oxalates.
5. Genetic testing can point out some weird ways in which your body differs from the norm and this may explain weird medication results. For example, long after I realized that swimming pools made me sick and warfarin was a dangerous drug for me, genetic tests discovered that I do not process certain chlorine byproducts normally and that I have multiple genes that cause me to process warfarin very slowly. I'm also bad at turning t4 into t3 which is probably why synthroid was so bad. And we discovered an extra, rare recessive blood clotting disorder. This was from running my raw 23&me thru Promethease.
6. If you don't tolerate a medication, check the inactive ingredients. Things like povidone and sodium lauryl sulfate are used to help solubility but can cause allergic reactions/intolerances. I found this out after years on Xarelto, which was exacerbating my joint pain, probably from the sls. Switching to injectables fixed the problem and I've been more stable on my ra meds since.
7. Not all supplements work as advertised and there are many garbage brands out there but there are also better companies which have quality products and some supplements can be very helpful.
Vitex: chaste tree berry can drastically improve hormonal balance and normalize cycles. This means more regular periods and often less pmd.
Magnesium (doesn't have to be fancy, even cheap mag works) can drastically improve chronic asthma. You don't have to use it instead of drugs, but I found I just didn't need the drugs once I started supplementing a normal amount daily.
Turmeric: I went off this due to the whole herb having high oxalates but the extract form is lower oxalate and the anti inflammatory properties are a mercy for me. I can't take nsaids, but I tolerate turmeric well and it reduces my pain level quite dramatically, improving sleep quality.
Milk thistle products are helpful for liver function and since my liver is always kinda iffy the milk thistle is super important to me continuing to tolerate my medication load. When I was on warfarin the stabilizing effect of milk thistle was quite dramatic and measurable until other factors kicked in.
A negative: if you are on any medications that process through the liver, CBD can be dangerous to your health. This varies by drug and pathway. Natural is not always safer. Do your homework beforehand.
I take other things but those are some of the most dramatic helps. I can do a list of supplement manufacturers I trust if people are interested.
What I currently do for pain is a combination of lidocaine patches, very low dose oxycodone, turmeric, physical therapy, ergonomics, and mobility/accessibility aides. I'd be happy to do a different post just about that.
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sanguinifex · 10 months
This is huge. As of 8/30/2023, the Federal Department of Health and Human Services wants the DEA to reclassify from schedule 1 (no medical use, completely verboten) to schedule 3 (widely accepted medical use, some abuse potential, similar to Tylenol 3).
It won’t just allow doctors to prescribe it and reduce the penalties for having it if you’re not “supposed to”; it’ll also make it much easier for researchers to do studies with it, giving us health data that is currently lacking. For example, we don’t know much about how THC and CBD affect the liver or liver enzyme levels except in end stage liver disease patients, and what data we do have is decades old and of poor to middling quality.
The expansion of research a Schedule 3 reclassification would allow could pave the way for a safe, non-addictive pain medication based on cannabinoids that works primarily on the CB2 receptors and either doesn’t pass the blood-brain barrier or does cross it but doesn’t cause euphoria or sedation in most patients. In other words, the holy grail of pain medicine. Currently, the only painkiller that utilizes the endocannabinoid system is acetaminophen (Tylenol), which is a weak reuptake inhibitor of anandamide but primarily works via the prostaglandin system, and which is also highly hepatotoxic and somewhat nephrotoxic, and which probably wouldn’t be approved except as prescription fever and pain management, the latter primarily as an adjuvant to opiates, if it were a new drug being reviewed by the FDA today.
This is a really big example of how both parties are not the same. A Republican administration DHHS wouldn’t do this. If the No Fun Allowed Agency follows instructions, this opens up a lot of possibilities for a lot of people. It also completely bypasses the partisan legislatures and courts. Technically it’s easier for a future administration to overturn, but historically the DEA rarely reschedules medications without strong external pressure. (And in this case, it’s already functionally legal for those 21+ in most of the country anyway.)
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matthewnancyusa · 4 months
CBD Gummies may offer a safe supplemental option for helping control high blood pressure. Recent research indicates CBD may reduce stress, alleviate inflammation and relax blood vessels - actions that may lower elevated blood pressure. However, dosage levels require caution. Ultra-high amounts of CBD could temporarily lower BP to unsafe levels coupled with medications. Moderately potent CBD Gummies For High Blood Pressure containing around 25-30 mg per piece may complement lifestyle and diet changes for improving BP, but more data is still needed. It's best to first discuss adding CBD with a doctor if combining it with hypertension medications to avoid complications. Start low and slow with dosage when trying. Monitor changes in BP closely and watch for lightheadedness initially. While more studies are underway, low-moderate daily CBD servings show early promise for aiding high BP safety among lifestyle adjustments and medical care plans. But it is important to Buy CBD Gummies For High Blood Pressure and use these gummies responsibly. Visit the CBD Gummies, USA, website if you want to buy high-quality, reliable, and safe cannabis-based products.
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cbdplushealthboutique · 8 months
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Unlocking the Power of CBD: 9 Scientifically Proven Health Advantages 🌱💚
Exploring nine science-backed benefits that make this natural compound so fascinating. From relieving anxiety to reducing inflammation, CBD has a lot to offer. Let's uncover the science behind it!
1. Pain Relief:
Studies have shown that CBD can help alleviate pain, making it a promising option for those dealing with chronic pain conditions.
2. Anxiety & Stress Reduction:
Research suggests that CBD can effectively reduce anxiety and stress, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.
3. Sleep Improvement:
Struggling with sleep? CBD may help improve your sleep patterns, making it easier to catch those Zzz's.
4. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:
CBD's anti-inflammatory effects can benefit those dealing with conditions like arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
5. Epilepsy Management:
The FDA has approved a CBD-based medication for the treatment of certain forms of epilepsy, showcasing its potential in this area.
6. Acne Control:
CBD's ability to reduce sebum production and its anti-inflammatory properties may help manage acne.
7. Neuroprotective Qualities:
Some studies suggest that CBD may have neuroprotective properties, which could be valuable for those with neurological disorders.
8. Heart Health:
CBD may help in maintaining heart health by reducing blood pressure and the risk of heart-related issues.
9. Cancer Symptom Management:
While more research is needed, CBD has shown promise in managing cancer-related symptoms and side effects of treatments.
Remember, before incorporating CBD into your wellness routine, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are currently taking medications. 🌿💪
#CBDWellness #cbdplushealthboutique #naturalhealing #wellnessjourney #cbd #cannabidiol #naturalremedies #DeerfieldBeach #PompanoBeach #lighthousepoint #coconutcreek #bocaraton #bocaratonflorida #cbdforsleep #cbdforpain #ChronicPain
This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new health regimen.
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fadeintocase · 1 year
Any word on whether the cardiovascular stuff includes people who only use edibles? All of your linked articles seem to focus primarily or entirely on weed smokers
it seems most of the research has been done on Delta-9 THC, which is the kind that is usually activated through inhalation, either smoking or vaping.
HOWEVER, some studies are showing that any activation of the endocannabinoid system will lead to short term blood pressure and heart rate increases.
I have found a few sources that have a case study of cannabis edible users who have had MI as a short term response.
There is not a whole lot of research done on edibles, probably because the market for them has not been as saturated as raw flower until the past decade. I'd also like more research to be done on alternate methods of cannabinoid ingestion, to learn more about Delta-8, Delta-10, Delta-11, CBD, etc.
IN GENERAL THOUGH, something that will in the short term raise your resting heart rate and blood pressure and can put those already at risk of heart issues at greater risk, it can probably be assumed there is still a tangible risk, just not as strong as vape or smoke.
also it's probably safe to assume the long term risks are not going to be as strong with not so frequent users, but that short term effects may be more pronounced due to lack of tolerance.
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