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inistellan · 19 days ago
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February Daily Writing Challenge 2025 Day 3 - Suspicious
Inistellan sipped on his glass of brandy, eyes fixated on the stage from his private box at the Royal Ballet’s production of Romulo and Julianne. Despite the tragic ending, it was a favorite this time of year. Love is in the Air was certainly a time for star-crossed lovers and love at first sight - two situations he was completely unfamiliar with himself.
Cazmilan Fin’endal Junior played the role of Romulo, naturally. He was their best and had been for years now. A perfectionist through and through, just like his father Inistellan. Perfectionism ran rampant in their family, even in his daughter Vixannya Ana’diel. It was their duty to always look polished and flawless in the public eye, and that had taken all of them far in life.
After the ballet had concluded, Stellan excused himself to go home, passing over the opportunity to have a meet and greet with some of the stars of the show. He preferred to keep his distance from his son, lest Cazmilan become suspicious of his true nature. After all he had trained him well on how to read people and it would be quite the scandal for them both should he be outed.
There were moments that Stellan did yearn for a relationship with his son, but this was what was safest for everyone involved. They had many good years together, but there were also heavy regrets on Stellan’s part. He never wanted to become his own father, but he feared he had done just that when raising Cazmilan. Still, he turned out well. He seemed happy and was obviously thriving. A part of him did wonder if Caz hated him just as he hated his own father in the end. Perhaps it was best not to know.
He would make his anonymous donation, attend at least one performance every season, and that would be that until the day he died.
@daily-writing-challenge @cazmilan
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aerdendios · 1 year ago
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There had already been about a dozen casualties among the Elite Forces training candidates. A good chunk had quit on their own accord within that first month, realizing it was just too physically and mentally demanding for them. Another handful had been told to leave after showing they clearly weren’t equipped for the training. They would return to their normal units within the military, but would not be given this opportunity for at least another few years.
It’s what Aerden knew was going to happen. Pollux had filled him in on what to expect during the entire process, although no amount of explanation could have prepared him for the exhaustion he currently felt. It was a brutal process and at times he felt as if he were hanging on by a mere thread; but they all felt that way. That was the point of it all, to push them to their limits and then make them adapt and learn how to push beyond those limits.
Despite it all, he somehow managed to thrive. His training with Cazmilan Fin’endal in particular had been a blessing to this entire process. The older man has a punishingly difficult workout routine and never went easy on Aerden during their sparring matches. Aerden never won, and he reckoned he probably never could, but it wasn’t about winning, it was about learning. 
He may not have inherited Pollux’s precision with aiming, but when it came to hand to hand combat, the young man could fight and hold his own. Ever since they had started the occasional sparring at the beginning of the month, Aerden had, much to his surprise, managed to win every single match. He knew he had become a decent fighter over his years of training with Caz and various others, but he hadn’t realized he had become this good at it. 
The trainers had singled him out, along with a couple of others, to be leaders of different teams within the training group. It was a huge achievement and Aerden found it difficult to believe that he, among all these amazingly skilled soldiers, was the right choice for that role. However, he would put his all into it, like he did with everything, and hope he wouldn’t disappoint anyone. He still felt as if he had so much to prove.
@daily-writing-challenge @polluxhale @cazmilan
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turning-through-the-never · 2 years ago
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*Click names for individual tumblrs*
Dicenne Amberlight In-game Name:  Dicenne (WrA & MG- H) Blacksmith, Succulent Tart Performer, Escort Artist: Merwild
Tristenne ‘Red’ Darkmorn In-game Name: Tris (WrA - H) Master Gunner of the Lady Lillium (works with @rylandfalkov and @felonous), Tattoo/Branding/Piercing Artist, Uncle of @taricdarkmorn Artist: Noiry
Xylaes Qin’oril In-game Name:  Xylaes (WrA - H) Mercenary, Escort, Father of @garrennorassin Artist: Merwild
Jace Landon In-game Name: Jaayce (MG - A) Darkmoon Faire Musician, Private Investigator Artist: Azperja
Tazindrox In-game Name: Tazindrox (WrA - H) Dracthyr, Member of the Dark Talons Artist: Zoratrix
Pollux Hale In-game Name: Polluxe (WrA - H) Horde Special Forces, Prosthetist, Ocularist, Father of @aerdendios, Fraternal Twin of @ouroandar Artist: istehlurvz
Rhys Goodwin In-game Name: Garrickk (WrA - A) Farmhand in Elwynn Forest, Succulent Tart Crew Artist: Zoratrix
Dajjalen Tal’dieb In-game Name: Dajjalen (WrA - H) Demon Hunter, Mercenary Artist: pirate-cashoo
Vixannya Ana’diel In-game Name: Vixannya (WrA - H) Artist, Gallery Owner, Succulent Tart Performer, Daughter of @inistellan and Half-Sister of @cazmilan Artist: regalart Talonoa Dal’shula In-game Name:  Talonoa (WrA - H) Mercenary, Father of @daxionsunvale Artist: Merwild
Veilos Dai'goa In-game Name: Veilos (WrA - H) Doctor and Confessor at @theshieldedmind
Ka’larnir Blackvale In-game Name:  Kalarnir (WrA - H)
Ashien Suncrown In-game Name:  Ashien (WrA - H)
Cypher In-game Name: Cyphere (WrA - H) **Not all characters are actively played in-game, but could be available upon request** ***All follow backs are from @turning-through-the-never except Pollux, his will come from his own page, @polluxhale, and Rhys, his will come from his own page, @rhysgoodwin***
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vixannya · 2 years ago
May DWC Day 2 - Divine, Tragedy
With notepad in hand, Vixannya slowly traipsed through the completed gallery space, critically eyeing every single painting and display, and making notes wherever needed. Everything was almost perfect. Almost. She had her mother’s creativity and her father’s perfectionism; a dangerous combination when trying to host large events. It all had to be ‘just so’ - a little shift here, a little more lighting there. While she could have hired others to do it all for her, she wanted the spaces in which her paintings were displayed to be in her exact vision.
Vixannya Ana’diel was not a woman born into any particular titles or massive riches, most of what she had now she had earned all on her own. While her father had been a Lord, he had been wed to another at the time her mother got pregnant with her. It had been quite the scandal among their inner circle, especially since her mother and the Lord’s wife were best of friends. Not that the particular situation was rare by any means among the upper echelon of society.
Her mother made decent money and the Lord paid her off well, so their little family was never hurting for gold. Yet it never seemed fair to Vixannya that her mother should have to lose so much for something that wasn’t entirely her fault. The women always seemed to suffer more, didn’t they? Had she the power back then that she does now, she may have done something about that. But these days? She and her father, Inistellan as he now went by, were on better terms. He grew, he changed (literally), he had apologized for the part he played, and she had forgiven him.
Of course, the information that he was her father could never become public knowledge. The records all indicated that Cazmilan Fin’endal Senior was her father, but he had ‘died’ years ago. Instellan Volanthus was no longer that man and she would keep his secrets. It gave her leverage over him.
“This is absolutely divine, I don’t know how you manage to outdo yourself every year, but you did it again.”  The masculine voice chimed in from behind her.
With a smile, she spun around to regard her father, “I wasn’t sure you would make it, and thank you. I’m assuming you won’t be staying for the actual opening though, mm?”
He shook his head, stepping forward to embrace his daughter in greeting while offering a kiss to her cheek, “You look we—”. The sentence was cut short when Vixannya suddenly and violently arched her back within his grasp, eyes rolling up into her head as her body began to spasm. “Annya!” He quickly laid her onto the floor, rolling her onto her side before retrieving his comm from his pocket.
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Just as quickly as it came on, it ended. “No.” A hand shot up to stop him from calling for help. “I’m fine…”
Stellan gave her a doubtful and worried look before it suddenly dawned on him: She had a vision. “What did you see?” Her original vision of his death had him dying of old age, a vision that had persisted throughout the decades of their lives, never once changing.
She wet her lips, pulling herself up into a seated position to catch her breath. It wasn’t the first time this had happened to her, nor would it be the last. While blood scrying was the best way for her to foretell death, occasionally it presented itself to her unexpectedly. And much of the time, a tragedy of catastrophic proportion followed sometime soon after. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she winced a bit before shaking her head. “I’m not sure…I couldn’t make out faces. There was just….shadowflame everywhere, and screaming. Argent banners, and a bunch of multi-colored tents.” She gave him a pleading look, “You shouldn’t go back out there.”
“You know I have to.”
“Then move the camp somewhere else…please. Tell them they need to move it.”
Stellan remained still for a moment, staring at her with an uneasy look. “Vixannya, let me help you get to–”
“NOW! Go NOW! Please! I’ll be fine, I promise. We’ll catch up later, but this is more important.” 
If anyone understood the importance of haste when it came to precognition, it was their family. “I’ll get them to safety, I love you.” 
Vixannya watched him run off before exhaling a long sigh as she rubbed at the side of her neck. The last time this happened, she had witnessed almost an entire unit of soldiers get wiped out within The Maw. She hadn’t been able to discern that it was Aerden’s unit, so she wasn’t able to act quickly enough to keep it from actually happening. Thankfully he had survived the ordeal, but just barely. She should have known, she could have stopped it from happening. 
Maybe this time she wouldn’t be too late.
@inistellan​ @daily-writing-challenge​
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dicenne · 1 year ago
Hello, lovely heart! Imagine a sweet rendezvous in the realm of roleplay magic: If each of your endearing characters could extend a sugar-coated invitation to one or two past RP companions, who are the cherished souls that would make your story sweeter both in and out of character? No matter the circumstances of the parting. 🌸✨
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I'm not gonna do this for every character, cause honestly some of these people go across multiple characters (and I have so many characters..). So first, @felonous without a doubt (which also include @daxionsunvale @abraaxas @gaebral @xanelen @calebbe @gabbrialla @cazmilan @tylennaeva since those are all his alts). He and I have almost every single one of our characters (aside from my new ones) attached to the other in some matter, so I still mention him in stories and in-game all the time and they are all still around in spirit, the mun just doesn't play any longer.
Also miss me some @themadamelioness and @songbrook, two of the most amazing writers I've ever met through this game. There are plenty of others who have left the game or moved onto other games, but I have a tendency to collect online friends that stick around for a long, long time who enjoy playing the 'slow burn RP' game with me.
ty anon!
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kharrisdawndancer · 6 years ago
Khaeris lay in a bed that wasn't her own. The sheets were rich. The rug she put her feet down on each morning was thick and soft. The curtains over the window were finely made. The window itself looked over the Court of the Sun, not the Bazaar.
Pollux hadn't come home that week. Other Pollux, not her Pollux.
Gone on a business trip. Zandalar? Had he said that? He supplied the military, he'd said, but was that what this trip was?  Maybe somewhere else. She realized should probably be ashamed she hadn't listened closely, but she wasn't ashamed. Despondency came and went in waves.
Though alone every evening, Khaeris could not be disappointed in this. He was too strange. It was both too familiar and too jarring to see his shape. His silhouette was complete and unmarred. His eyes were green here. It hadn't been his 'birthday.' He was generous, and he'd been kind to invite her to stay at his home. It had startled and touched her when he'd let her remain even while he'd left. She could have been anyone.
But he was not her Pollux.
The furnishings leant to squared corners and sleek lines. The same as her Pollux. He still had a rather large and frequently used tinkering workshop in his home and technology was all around her. He had the same smile and the same sense of humor. His voice was the same, even if the cadences weren't exact. He didn't hold his tongue nearly as much as her Pollux.
And he was whole. He wasn't directly in the military--a supplier, not a front liner. He was confident in ways her Pollux was not. He was less jaded, less scarred--both literally and emotionally. He was rich and flaunted it, reveling in the attention and winning people over with smiles and charm so smooth you might not even feel it wind around you. His suits were custom tailored to him, the fit flattering and the styles new.
It felt surreal. It felt subtly wrong. Everything here did. She rolled over, heart quiet. She wanted to pretend she didn't belong here. But she knew she should have been comfortable in this universe. She should have felt some sense of home, right? This was her origin. She would never see the place (the time?) that was Home. She should settle in and find her feet.
Instead, she pulled them in under the warm blanket. Tomorrow, she'd carve out time for another look. Another heartbreak.
She had been shocked, and she knew her complexion had gone ashen. The records were complete. Woodenly, not musically, she had thanked the clerk as she absently floated out of the Registrar office.
Pyraelia was dead here.
Dead. Of her hemolytic disease. Her sister had not saved her. No pact. Her parents were still alive... Fiorenze had a daughter she'd given her sister's name. But her Pyraelia was not here.
Khaeris found her steps had taken her, unsought, toward the Shielded Mind. It was not the Shielded Mind. Not the clinic where she'd spent hours on the porch laughing and talking with Pyraelia.
It was a general goods market of shops. She dashed down the steps as soon as she'd climbed them.
Was the war the same there?
Had her Helal been at Darnassus? Was the Kaldorei city saved in the other timeline? Was everyone safe and celebrating the defeat of the Legion? Please. Please please.
She'd seen the Battlemage. His runes had shimmered as he confidently strode the streets of the Royal Exchange. She'd sought him out, but then hesitated. This wasn't her Helal. His eyes were both intact. His gaze had caught on her with no recognition, though his wolfish grin for her had been all too clear to read even across the Royal Exchange. It had made her heart jolt and her eyes widen.
The Registrar had smiled benignly at her when she'd looked at those records, too. They were starting to know her well.
This was not her Helal. Her best friend. Father to four. No, this man was still Heir. This man had no children. Had not married Aeni. No children. She had ducked beyond the crowd and lost him, all the while stroking the runed and enameled bangle her Helal has procured for her.
Andaeros Dawnflare. His strong shoulders and that big, confident smile. ... But. But not following Feywren as a bodyguard.
Not her Andaeros. The Registrar knows that he's still a Spellbreaker. Never discharged dishonorably. Never broken and rebuilt and better for it. No. All the swagger she'd seen on this one made more sense as the pieces slide into place. Did he still tell terrible puns? Did he do calligraphy? Tattoos?
They don't let her near the Adzior estates. Her Peacock and the monk are not there. Who are they, here? Ashraen was no where to be found.
Caz wasn't with the ballet any longer. Their old coach couldn't say where he'd gone, but he had been gone years, before the Scourge.
Kenarin didn't own a shop; neither in Dalaran, nor, from what she could gather, in Stormwind.
And Iloam had never existed.
Every night Khaeris finished climbing the steps to Pollux's home, her dance bag hanging over her shoulder and the scraps of her notes from the Registrar's office crumpled in her hand.
This was supposed to be her time.
If that was the case, why didn't it feel like she belonged in this world? She felt more like a figment of imagination manifested. A half-forgotten story.
She slipped into the stranger's house and made herself tea, as silent and as heavy as a ghost.
(( I broke my tags! mentions: @polluxhale @pyraelia @helalthehallowed @andaerosdawnflare @ralaadzior @azadzior @ashraenv @cazmilan @kenpierce @ourcollectivefantasy ))
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caelaenne · 5 years ago
Send ❀ for a crush my muse has had.
Laenne’s lips tug over to the sides as she smirks, then reaching behind her head and scratches the back side of her head,  “I don’t think it will come as a surprise, but a great number of my fellow dancers had one crush all in common, but my adoptive parents strictly forbid me from dancing or training with him due to the fact that they knew his history.  But, that only served to make me want him even more.  But, as unsurprising as this is, the name of this rather...bad boy of dancing is Cazmillan. “
@cazmilan for mentions
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fio-renze · 6 years ago
Are there any other men that catch her eye right now?
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“Stellan grabs my eye the way a painting of a forest would. Nice to look at, fun to fantasize about the mystery beyond the trees and wandering the paths, knowing if you stepped off them you’d potentially be eaten and having to complaints about that where he’s concerned.
There’s also the young Lord Fin’endal, who is certianly quite attractive. Had a bit of a messy past it sounds like from all the Court gossip, but he’s a dream to watch dance if you’re able to make it to the Ballet. The nice thing about the costumes is you never really have to wonder what’s below the belt.”
(Thanks anon! @inistellan & @cazmilan mentioned)
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pyraelia · 6 years ago
Pyraelia Aesthetics
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NAMES: Pyraelia, Py, Rae
EMOTIONS/FEELINGS: Pride, Joy, Self-Consciousness, Sadness
COLORS: Pink, Lavender, Purple, Periwinkle, Blue
SCENTS: Arcane, Rose, Gardenia, Lemongrass, Lanolin
CLOTHING: Dresses, Silk stockings, Lingerie
OBJECTS: Prosthetic, Jewelry, Knitting needles, Spinning wheel
VICES/BAD HABITS: Depression, Picking at embroidery, Thistle, Wine
BODY LANGUAGE: Lacing fingers together, settling weight back into heels, bright smiles
AESTHETICS: Soft nobility, Pastels, Astronomy, Academia
SONGS: Master Pretender - First Aid Kit || Glow - Luc || Electrifying - The Van Dammage || Everything is Awful - The Decemberists || Phantom Limb - The Shins
Tagged by @ziasilverstar Tagging: @kharrisdawndancer // @cazmilan // @tristennedarkmorn // @gigi-etoileur // @amorthonblackwood
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inistellan · 3 months ago
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November DWC 2024 Day 5 - Skill
Rumors say if you mark your door with a red stripe, you will beckon The Chameleon to appear the next night. The name of the target is all that he needs, the desires you speak shall always succeed.
Beware thoughts of betrayal, he shall see through your sin, The Chameleon adapts and always blends in. You won’t know his name, you won’t see his face, unless you seek death, stay in his good grace.
The price may be steep, but you will not regret, despite what you see, you are of no threat. The job will be done with much time to spare, The Chameleon’s craft is beyond compare.
Inistellan Volanthus is a man of many skills, the greatest of which is lying. He had been lying to everyone he had ever met ever since he could remember when his father, Lord Fin’endal, told him that he was to become the next Chameleon. The Chameleon was a figure whispered about only in shadows, one of the greatest assassins that seemed to transcend time itself. The Chameleon had been around for millenia, and in some circles anytime anyone of importance died in a suspicious manner, it was assumed to have been the work of the famed assassin. No one knew that there had been multiple versions of The Chameleon, except for the Fin’endal’s since it was, essentially, the family business.
Not that Stellan uses that name anymore. After passing on the title and parting ways with the moniker, it was typical for the retired Chameleon to take on a completely new life. That is exactly what he had done, multiple times in fact. Inistellan Volanthus was the fourth name and face that Cazmilan Fin’endal Senior had chosen, and quite possibly his last.
It had at first been a burden to him, having been taught and molded from a young age that this was to be his life. He ended up resenting his father in the end only to take the older man’s life while still accepting the family title. The world needed and still needs people like The Chameleon, at least in his opinion. Eventually, he grew to enjoy it. He still participated in everything he otherwise would have and held a completely ‘normal’ life outside of his secret life: Marriage, children, friendships, lovers, hobbies, routine. It had always felt as if he were two different people forced inside of one body, but perhaps that was just a part of the ‘family trait’.
Every Chameleon was meant to have a public face of great renown. His father before him had been a notable Magister, and his son who now carries the title is a principal dancer in the Royal Ballet of Silvermoon. Stellan himself was the piano player for the Silvermoon Orchestra during his first life until he ‘died’. That was one skill he still enjoys quite a bit to this day, practicing often on his own grand piano in his humble apartment.
His second life had him see work as a boatswain on an at-the-time well-known pirate ship. Othikess Starfall had always been good with his hands, excellent at carpentry and had a knack for melee combat. The open seas were so peaceful and calming after a lifetime of constant practicing and having to be perfect.
Vethan Sunsong was his third life, a vagabond who had oftentimes volunteered as a farmhand in return for a meal and a bed to sleep in for a night before moving on. Traveling everywhere, he learned about various cultures and struggles all over Azeroth and picked up new languages along the way. A favorite, if not for his desire for the finer things in life.
Every version of himself had taught him a lifetime's worth of skills, bringing him to the man he is today. Inistellan Volanthus was a Farstrider for some time before eventually retiring into mercenary and security work. It isn’t as fast-paced as some of his other lives, but he is getting older now and slowing down is natural. He still surprises many, especially in the sparring ring. It’s difficult to trick a man who had spent his life tricking others, not to mention a man that had been trained at his level. But they will never know.
For now, he is content and comfortable. His children thrive in ways he never did: Cazmilan Junior with his ballet and expertise as the Chameleon, and Vixannya Ana'diel with her macabre art. He has friends, beautiful lovers, a home, wealth, and security. Perhaps Inistellan Volanthus is truly the classy gentleman he was meant to be all along.
@cazthechameleon @cazmilan @vixannya @themercenaries
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aerdendios · 6 months ago
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There was a comfort in having his father by his side during this uncertain and high stress time, although with the way Pollux seemed terribly on edge, Aerden couldn’t help but feel the same. The elder Sin’dorei didn’t trust the seemingly abrupt decision to move Dalaran to Khaz Algar without sending a scouting party in advance to check and secure the location. The Council insisted that this happen, with Archmage Drenden aiding in the defenses of the city prior to its teleportation. 
Fucking Drenden. 
The rumors circulated heavily and were hard to ignore, yet here they were on the verge of moving an entire city amidst all of that. Pollux had more knowledge of the situation given his high status in the Elite Forces and often conferred with the leadership of the various cities and factions, so the fact that he seemed uneasy didn’t bode well. Then, there was also Annya’s portrait in the gallery depicting the soldier crushed by what appeared to be one of Dalaran’s towers. Nothing about this felt right.
The teleportation itself was an amazing feat of magic to behold. Aerden had never seen anything quite like that in his young life and a part of him was glad to have a front row seat for it. But that feeling didn’t last long when hundreds of void portals began to speckle the clear skies and streets. The eerie silence gave way to the bellowing roars of the swarming Nerubians and the terrified screams of Dalaran’s occupants.
“Get to the evacuation point, NOW.” Pollux’s voice was firm and steady despite the sudden chaos breaking out around them in every direction. Aerden hadn’t quite reached that level of calm amidst battle yet, but this is where the older man thrived - and he was right in the end.
At one point in his life, Aerden would have cowered and hid in a nearby shop, but now he felt the overwhelming urge to protect and save. “I have to help others first.” His voice wavered only just a little bit. It was a part of his duties should anything go awry, and he wasn’t going to run away. That was no longer a part of his nature. 
Pollux wasn’t going to argue, instead clasping a hand over his son’s shoulder, “Please be safe, don’t play the hero. Not now,” and with that the older man melded into the shadows to go about handling his own duties. 
Wide eyes took in the scene around him, making a beeline towards his predesignated muster point to meet up with others from his military unit. His long hours of rigorous training with both the Elite Forces and with Cazmilan came in handy against the enemy. While this was obviously a planned attack, the Nerubians seemed unorganized and untrained in their efforts. The larger ones used brute force but were slow, and the smaller ones were quick but had few fighting tactics. It was all about quantity instead of quality with this particular enemy.
Aerden easily carved his way through the side streets, picking up a few fleeing civilians and military brethren along the way, only to find their path blocked by a crumbled tower. A split second decision was made to go around the outskirts of the city where the swarm seemed thinner and the terrain easier to traverse. With the fighters surrounding the civilians, they made swift work of enemies blocking their path and when the muster point was in sight with portals already opened up, there was a small sense of relief - which was all too quickly extinguished.
All of Dalaran seemed to suddenly tremble, catching a few in their group off-guard and stumbling or falling to the ground. Aerden helped a couple to their feet and ushered them towards the portals as he glanced around in confusion. The Nerubians themselves seemed to be fleeing from something now, and that’s when his eyes caught sight of the expanding cloud of void quickly overtaking the entire city. 
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He wasn’t going to make it to the portal - not at the rate the void was expanding. No amount of shielding would help whatever this was and there was only one option left. 
He had to jump. 
There was water below, but could anyone survive hitting it from this far up? Even if he did survive, the debris would be falling right on top of them. There was no other choice: Die to the void or maybe survive by jumping. He wasn’t the only one who had the same thought, looking side to side as military and civilian alike threw themselves from the edge of the city.
It was now or never.
With a running leap, he flung himself out and over the edge of Dalaran. He found it strange that his immediate thought was that he would never get to finish his Elite Forces training. The massive, echoing *BOOOOOOOOM* that followed shortly after was deafening. Dalaran was completely demolished in an instant. The force of the explosion was quick to catch up to him as pieces of rock and other debris had been sent flying, clipping his legs, back, and then the side of his head, knocking him unconscious in an instant while sending him spiraling uncontrollably and free-falling into the unknown.
@polluxhale @cazmilan
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vixannya · 2 years ago
Teatime: How did the ability to see the way someone dies come to be? What are her overall feelings about having this "gift"?
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It's an innate trait among the Fin'endals, to possess some type of precognition. Then the blood magic she uses to strengthen those glimpses is from her mother's side of the family. Morbid genetic jackpot! Her father, Inistellan, has the ability to see a day ahead on occasion. Her half-brother, Cazmilan, has the ability to see seconds ahead. She has the ability to see death.
It's a little different for every member of their family, yet every single one of them has figured out how to use it to their advantage. It's why their entire family is well off and amazing at what they do.
At first it was startling, but she had always been of a darker nature so it didn't take long for her to adapt and thrive because of it.
ty @twosidedsana @inistellan @cazmilan
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dicenne · 5 years ago
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October Writing Challenge Day 18 Word:  Message  It was late at night, he had already been in bed for at least two hours when his comm buzzed.  Immediately he startled at the sound and grabbed the little device, quickly opening up the message.  Texts that came this late were either never good or drunk texts and his first thought immediately went to his sister.  When he saw that it was indeed from her his heart sank.
Then, a photograph.  Of her….and…. 
Dicenne immediately wrinkled up his nose, scrolling down to the message itself:
‘Sorry for the late text but I just got back to my room.  You won’t believe who I met today, out in Pandaria of all places!  Do you remember seeing him dance, what was it, a couple Winter Veil’s ago?  When we went to the Royal Ballet?  It’s the principle dance, Cazmilan!  I got his autograph too!  I’ll see you soon and tell you all about it!  Love ya!’
Cazmilan Fin’endal.  She better not have any more to tell him other than just about the photograph and signing.  He knew all about Caz, he knew how he could be; they had briefly worked together for awhile after all (which he did not tell Kara on purpose).  On one hand, he was actually proud of her in a way, for being brave enough to approach the man.  Maybe she saw him as ‘safe’ since he was a ballet dancer, but that couldn’t be any further from the truth.  There was nothing safe about that man, but she seemed happy enough in the photo and message.
With a sigh he typed out a message in response:
‘Love you too, I’m glad you had fun, I’ll see you tomorrow.’
@karaamberlight @cazmilan
@turning-through-the-never@kharrisdawndancer@iestyn-crowe@belillinafireseeker / @lianellie-quinne@saltsparkle / @gloamingdawn @lylianwyatte@selysona-wra@darbiebot@andijelly @cupcakes-blood @twosidedsana@eliceynbirch@deadlypursuits@luminashdawnwing @raxwel-blythe / @amorthonblackwood@hmratking @thornbolts@brillraven@ wynter-b@lovingthewildlife@veleanthe @theconstructsworld@waroftwowolves @taliandrahflamesurge / @gam3rj3nn@embraelle @kjblynx@escapism-velocity@rayne-storm @stonestridernerd@centoridellanir@valarin-sunstorm @cyrolar-riverblade@sylrin-featherblade@altherei @trisandrah@riverblade @raevan-muns-supercut @safrona-shadowsun
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felonous · 7 years ago
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*Click names for separate tumblrs*
Captain Felonous Blacksun (WrA) In-game Name:  Felonous FC:  Colin Farrell  *Main Blog - follows/questions come from here*
Abraaxas Ab’eles (WrA) In-game Name:  Abraaxas FC:  Joseph Gilgun
Gaebral Silwyn (WrA) In-game Name:  Gaebral FC:  Peter Steele
Calebbe Val’anir (WrA & MG) In-game Name:  Calebbe FC:  Jason Momoa / Henry Cavill
Doctor Xanelen Deh’lorei (WrA) In-game Name:  Xanelen FC:  Lee Pace
Knight - Master Daxion Sunvale (WrA) In-game Name: Sunvale FC: Jeff Kasser / Justin Hartley
Cazmilan Fin’endal (WrA) The Chameleon (Alter ego of Cazmilan - Also a main blog) In-game Name: Cazmilan FC:  James McAvoy / Roberto Bolle
Gabbrialla Mon’sina (WrA & MG) In-game Name:  Gabbrialla FC: Adriana Lima / Irina Shayk
Tylenn Aeva (WrA) In-game Name:  Tyllenn FC: Francisco Lachowski
*All characters are Horde* **Not all characters are actively played, but can be available upon request** ***Art sources found on their separate tumblrs***
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gloamingdawn · 5 years ago
So how much rage does that Cazmillion guy fill you with?
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“About as much as he ever did. He always liked to make me mad. I’m not really mad at him anyway. Hard to get upset at someone following their nature. I’m annoyed at him more than anything. But that’s just kinda who he is. I’m mad at myself for expecting otherwise. 
I’ve known exactly where to find him for years, but I haven’t tried.” 
( Thanks anon! @cazmilan mentioned )
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inistellan · 3 years ago
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Daily Writing Challenge 2021 Day 18 - Precognition
Precognition manifested itself in a variety of ways within the Fin’endal family; no two ever had the same experiences. While many outside of their family that possessed the gift found it to be a burden, they had always found a way to manipulate it to their advantage
Death had been his daughter Vixannya’s forte; she could often see how someone would die by simply looking at them. At first it had been a terrible hardship, but over the years she learned to embrace and love her darkness. After a bit of experimenting, she quickly learned that blood was the best conduit to solidify those images and took to practicing hematomancy. A taboo form of divination, but she used it to her benefit to build herself a career and make her fortune.
Cazmilan had been blessed with the ability to see seconds into the future at any given time. On the outside it didn’t seem like much of a gift, seconds weren’t much to work with - except when it came to battle. He was a near unstoppable force when it came to fighting because he would know exactly what was coming next if he concentrated hard enough. Stellan had passed down the  title of The Chameleon to him, the name of an assassin that had been around and passed down for centuries, and Caz excelled greatly at this position thanks to his abilities.
Then there was Stellan, formerly Cazmilan Fin’endal Senior and The Chameleon, he had taken to his newest life and decided that he would die as Inistellan Volanthus. At least according to Vixannya that would be the case. She saw him dying strictly of old age, nothing fancy like what hung in her gallery, but that was likely due in part to his own talents: His premonitions usually showed him the day ahead. It was easy to avoid death when you saw it happening to yourself, but not quite as easy to avoid being old.
Much like his son, he was able to use his gift in battle, but only to an extent. He could change a specific outcome he didn’t like, but wouldn’t know how the change would affect everything else around him. It was a dangerous gamble. He could warn people of the terrible things that would befall them the following day, but what if telling them only made it worse? It had in the past, and harsh lessons were learned. Only so much could be changed. It was a gift he rarely used when it came to violence and war, but it certainly aided in many other aspects of his life. It had allowed all the comforts he desired and the ability to do as he pleased. In fact, it had allowed their entire family tree to live a comfortable life.
Thanks to Vixannya, he knew that he still had a very long, and very fulfilling life ahead of himself.
@daily-writing-challenge @vixannya @cazmilan @cazthechameleon​
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