bakaquesauce · 2 years
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Lava Lamp doodles.
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lakiafashae · 1 year
✨🛍That Fashion Chick: 🛒Pop-Up Shop! That Fashion Chick Boutique *NEW* 💃🏾https://www.thatfashionchick.com/2023/09/pop-up-shop-that-fashion-chick-boutique.html?spref=tw
#thatfashionchick #popupshop #boutique #new #style #fashion #popup #apparel #sexy #chic #boho #casual #preppy #classic
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inoxjewelry · 1 year
Silicone rings are a popular alternative to traditional metal bands, especially among those with busy lifestyles or vocations where wearing a metal ring could be hazardous. Additionally, they are a fantastic option for individuals with metal allergies.
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trans-axolotl · 2 months
also this is the reason why i hate the whole discussion about "oh can we still say hermaphrodite in science discussions" because like. you all do not fucking understand the weight of the word. what it feels like when someone calls you a hermaphrodite when you are fearing for your fucking life. the amount of times i had to call myself a hermaphrodite because no one fucking knew what intersex meant but i needed to find a way to disclose that to clients so i didn't end up assaulted again when they were surprised. you don't know how much i fucking hated myself for that and what that was fucking like to experience at 16. like. that is what that word means to me! that's what i think of when i hear it! lots of other intersex people have their own stories, their own ways this slur was weaponized against us and written down in our medical records and a million fucking things. so i really don't want to hear from dyadic people who have never had this slur used against them about how hard it is to find an alternative word and how they just really really need to be able to still say it because of all the scientific discussions that are happening all the time or whatever. literally fuck off i don't care
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sofiaruelle · 6 months
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It was a little crowded at the fish port. So here’s a little color study of some Mayamaya on display.
They’re actually called Bukaw-bukaw according to my parents lmao. They also said the fish got its name because of the eyes. They’re huge just like an owl’s and in Hiligaynon owls = bukaw. The fish is also a fave of my lolo’s and tita to grill/sugba.
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Headcanon that Cody and Obi-Wan flirt a lot and don't make any effort to conceal their relationship, but don't confirm it, so the whole GAR thinks they don't know that they are in love with each other. So one night Rex pulls some strings to get all the troopers out of the mess hall on the Negotiator and the 501st and 212th set up a candle lit dinner to try and get them to see how in love they are with each other. Everyone cries when they kiss and keep congratulating them on finally getting together over the next week. Later Cody comes to Rex all fucking embarassed to tell him that he and Obi-Wan have been together for over a year and they thought everyone already knew.
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diskydiz · 6 days
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He won’t be sharing anytime soon,, ☕️
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homeworld-railroad · 2 years
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They’re even gay in the VIDEO GAME I’m losing it.
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cod-dump · 2 years
*Rudy and Soap are intensely staring at each other, not a word being said*
*Alejandro and Ghost are in the background wrestling*
Rudy: …
Soap: …
Rudy: Want to switch husbands?
Soap: Sure
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soukokumychildren · 3 months
Could arahabaki turn other people into dragons besides chuuya?
...Sorta? In my au Arahabaki changes Dazai's anatomy so his dick is a literal ovipositor, gave him the full-on powers of an Alpha, some scent glands, and lengthened Dazai's life span...does that count? But unless Chuuya has sex with anyone else (and, lets be real, for my sake and yours, he will NEVER do that. I'm getting chills and unfortunate somewhat traumatic flashbacks unrelated to bsd), he can't do that.
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tastytoastz · 1 year
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Me after Tazercraft casually drops they got kidnapped IRL!
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quillandrapier · 1 month
Tw in images for anti romani slur /////
I still find it insane that marvel STILL has a slur in pietro's bio on their website and they probably think that's okay. It's disgusting how they keep getting away with this
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
It's just so genuinely frustrating to me that almost every single other female character always gets pushed aside in this discourse. Doesn't matter what you think of or how you treat any of the other women, some of whose morals could be discussed just as extensively, the only opinion that matters to judge you is Ed3lgard and Ed3lgard only.
You really just gotta look at how they treat Rhea to see how shallow their care for misogyny is.
Rhea is someone who went through unimaginable suffering and due to that suffering did things that were indeed morally questionable, but (other than Fhirdiad) never cruel. She did everything she did because she wanted to make sure that everyone in Fodlan was safe, and mostly left the humans to their own devices (save for when either the Church was directly threatened or they asked for her assistance). She is someone who puts her own life and safety on the line to protect her people, up to sacrificing her own life to do so.
She gets called an abuser. A tyrant. Crazy. Because when her trauma is not simply left untreated but actively attacked and she reacts poorly to that, that is when her "true" character comes out to Edelstans. Everything she ever does, ever, in any context, gets deliberately misrepresented into being villainous.
Edelgard is someone who went through unimaginable suffering and due to that suffering did things that were not just morally questionable, but undeniably cruel. She did everything she did because she wanted power and wanted Fodlan to go back to how it once was (completely under Imperial control), up to attacking people who went out of their way to stay out of her way (the Alliance). She is someone who won't just endanger the lives of her citizens, but will outright have them killed if it means she can gain more power, by her own admission and as shown in her actions.
She gets called a liberator. A hero - the hero. A victim of a world who hates progress. Because when Edelgard says that she's doing it for "the weak" (ignore that she will sacrifice them as soon as it would help her), because she says that she wants to get rid of the importance of Crests (ignore that Plain Jane inheritance-based systems, which are arguably even more unfair, are still around in her endings), she must be telling the truth! Because Edelgard would never lie!
Even if we were to do a No No and fight in their pit wrt Rhea's characterization, the way that they portray Edelgard is literally no better than how they portray Rhea. She also sacrifices people "for the greater good," she also lies to keep up a certain image to her people, she also colludes with murderers because it suits her wants, and she also rules Fodlan tyrannically - everything that they accuse Rhea of doing, they portray Edelgard as doing, only with hoards and hoards of excuses and Fine Print and Um Ackchually's tagged on.
And that's their main like, way to say that they totes fr fr care about misogyny; villainizing Rhea as a devil while uplifting Edelgard as a pinnacle of morality and heroism, and "debunking" any defense of Rhea/criticism of Edelgard. It's not out of a genuine care about sexism against women, but just a tried-n'-true Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card to pull out for their fave.
So it's like, I'm sorry, but at this point unless a non-bot, non-troll, actual person comes out and vomits shit about Edelgard needing to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen or some garbage, whenever anyone says that they found a misogynist talking about Edelgard? I'm just gonna assume that the "misogynist" said something like "oh they must have said that genocide is bad," because that is how wrung out and insincere they're made their usage of the term out to be. Especially when they can't be bothered to treat actual breathing women with any kind of decency the second we say something Mean About Edelgard, which is its own conversation by itself
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jula483 · 1 year
Link’s mullet era - a soft launch 
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artschooldemon · 1 year
Devil went down to Georgia Imodna fic is expanding!!
Probably gonna be a Halloween fic tbh
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toelessbastard · 3 months
1) F&R update SOON (!!!!)
2] bc of previous school grind & babysitting duty my fav author has blessed me personally with TWO UPDATES....INCLUDING BACKSTORY AB MY FAV ......!!!!!! AND I HAVE FREETOMW TO MAKEFANART HELL YESSS
3> a LOT more ppl liked my tcf shitpost than I thought? so?? I'll prolly draw more for that. it helps that I love those goobers <3
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