#causing trouble for the prefect even in code... as usual
writesology · 9 months
a few weeks ago i made a heartslabyul text-based adventure game (where you're yuu and you go into heartslabyul gathering everyone for the unbirthday party that day) for my python class and it's just been sitting in my computer files since then. which is sad because i spent so long working out special interactions and bonus dialogue lmao
so that being said here y'all go! have my funny little heartslabyul adventure game :D
do not mind the documentation. that was required and i can't be bothered to go in and remove it bc there's just so much of it lmaooo
please download both adventure.py and custom.json! the adventure game will not work without the dedicated json file. map is optional but it does have cool graphics
i made and tested this game on vs code, but it does work in this online python terminal! have fun with the game and if smth doesn't work please lmk 🫶
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starshiningsirius · 4 years
Our adorable little junior (Yandere Vice dorm heads x reader)
The dorm heads aren't open to compromise as much as the vice dorm heads who are more civil. Surprisingly I can't find any yandere fics with all the vice dorm heads simping for one darling. Despite them being more scary, manipulative, and having more husband material.
I thank @writer-akihiko for the inspiration I had in the middle of the night to bring you this.
Color coded speaking habits are based off dorm colors and what tumblr had, so keep that in mind.
It all started with you wobbling through the courtyard only to bump into someone. They held on to your shoulders to keep you from falling to the floor immediately.
"Woah there! Y/n? What's up with you? You were weaving back and forth through the courtyardwith every step. Your not sick are you?" A slightly worried or rather maybe that was in your head to call it slight, maybe that was a illusion in your mixed up head.
You looked up to see a tuft of green hair with a pair of glasses that reflected golden eyes, and an unmistakable clover on his cheek.
"Ah Trey, no I was just studying for magical history a bit too late last night and now I'm --" Has Trey always felt this warm and soft? What ever the case it made him the perfect pillow as you slumped over toward him, which startled him for a second before he heard your soft snores and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Geez don't scare me like that, it's rather worrisome that you'd fall asleep like that out of nowhere." He held her up a bit more to have her leaning on him as support. He was able to see the calm sleeping expression you had on your face.
"Still so naive though, if it was any other guy how do you think they'd react to such a vulnerable girl in this situation." He had a faint blush on his cheeks as he pushed up his glasses and made his way to Heartsbyul with you in tow before lunch would be over.
Thankfully he made a few sweets yesterday giving you one would give you a bit more energy not to mention the look on your face that would light up would be worth it.
The next day Rook had approached you after classes. Before you could say any sort of greeting he dragged you off to Pomeifore without providing an explanation. When you both arrived tea was already made for some reason, and small treats like macaroons were set in the lounge.
"Mon chérie I heard from Rose Chevalier that your in need of some assistance in magical history, I could be of aid to you." She contemplated his words, wondering who he was talking about before immediately assumed Trey. That made sense as they were both in the science club.
The offer he made did sound very tempting, she needed as much help as she could get.
"Yes please I'll be in your care Rook-senpai!" That short phrase did send a few butterflies in his stomach.
She was just as cute as when she slept at night. He did take a few pictures without your knowledge and managed to distribute them out to the others but there were these other expressions he saved in his head that were exclusive for him to see.
The radiant smile and look of triumph you showed toward him when you understood the concept he told you about. It was much more lively, he couldn't choose what he liked more the vibrancy of your smile or the vulnerability of your sleeping expression. Either were just fine afterall you were such beautiful person one that could do anything and would still have shown its beauty in his eyes.
That ended another day for you.
The next had you struck with some bad luck. As your pocket had gained a hole in it. Whatever money you had for lunch had been lost too. If you traveled back to your dorm all the good stuff would be gone, but it would be better than starving so you left the cafeteria. On the way in the halls you saw Jade who inquired where you were off to when lunch just started.
You told him your dilemma and he told you to follow him. After walking all the way to Octanivelle in silence and entering the Mostro Lounge you thought if he was going to try and convince you to sign a contract, but he only asked you to sit at a booth and wait for him.
20 minutes into lunch and he came back with some food for you both.
"Ah, Jade you didn't have to do that! I can pay you back just tell me the cost and I'll-" He leaned over a little bit and held a finger to your lips with a closed eyed smile on his face.
"It's fine, why not enjoy the meal? I made it with your tastebuds in mind. Afterwards preferably after class I can sew up the hole you mentioned." He removed his finger, but it didn't stop your face from heating up and turning red to the tips of your ears.
The reaction was cute in Jade's eyes seeing you nod obediently and take bites of the food he made with an embarrassed expression. It was all too entertaining for him, such entertainment made his heart rate accelerate rapidly and he'd keep sneaking glances while he ate himself. For it was always wonderful to bask in your presence.
Yet another day came to an end and another began. It was on this day that you didn't have to worry about lunch either. Jamil handed to you a bento box. You thanked him with a big smile on your face.
Your bright smile radiated so much energy, it looked like you genuinely appreciated his effort he put into making this. Such a smile made him pull down his hoodie a bit more to hide his blush taking over his face.
"It's not anything impressive, but since you like it just ask and I'll have lunch prepared for us everyday. It's no trouble." For you was what he meant to say. If it meant seeing such an expression again it certainly would be well worth the effort.
"Thank you Jamil! Kalim always says your food is the best I can't wait to try it!" That caught him off guard, hearing his own heart pound and feeling his face rise in temperature he thanked the great seven he wore a hoodie.
He put it over his face and waved it off saying the same response he'd have for everyone else downplaying his own capabilities, but she eagerly denied it causing even more embarrassment on his part. God another thing Jamil couldn't stand about Kalim was when he ran his mouth.
* * *
That very same day that started with luck had dropped significantly and took an opposite turn to bad. The misfortune of bumping into a few Savanclaw students whom find simple reasons to get angry whether they started it or not.
Luckily before they could throw a punch they suddenly started fighting each other for some reason. From their conversation it didn't sound like they were in control of their bodies in the first place. As soon as it started they suddenly stopped and ran off with anger for one another after embarrassing themselves.
A voice came from behind her that startled her for a split second before she recognized it.
"You've got to be more careful, Savanclaw is the dorm to avoid picking a fight with, Y/n." Ruggie came from around the corner twisting his magical pen in between his fingertips before placing it in his pocket.
Before Ruggie could chastise his junior a bit more she ran up and hugged him.
"Thank you Ruggie! If there's anything you need then I'm at your service!" He didn't hug back. For one is was abrupt and when his mind actually processed feeling your warmth radiating off you on to him, his face flared up.
His ears twitched and he tried to occupy his mind with some other thought to preoccupy which only led him to recall your words.
'Anything? Doesn't she know that prey like her shouldn't just say whatever.' He wasn't denying the fact that the offer sounded so sweetly tempting to take her up on, but with the others taking their chances with you and him low on the food chain out of the five others he knew the risk wasn't worth it.
"No it's fine just watch yourself next time. I may not be here to help all the time."
How many times had a student helped you now?
The next morning Lilia had joined you.
The thing is while Lilia was regailing an enchanting tale of his past it kept you occupied in not noticing the five other pairs of eyes that had set themselves on watching mainly you. Whether it was them keeping an eye on their dorm heads, or on their way to their own class they kept their eyes trained for as long as they could before she left their sight.
Lilia had heard the details from Ruggie and out of all the vice heads he was the most free as the others were commanded to do things by their dorm heads or were their unofficial babysitters. Lilia of course was the strongest and most capable by far out of all six of them. So he had jumped at the chance of being able to brighten up your day with many of his travel stories.
Seemed like you were spending more time with the vice prefects more than usual. Though Savanaclaw had none Ruggie was pretty much the unofficial for it.
They were reliable, more so than their dorm heads at times, that could be said for mainly Jamil, Ruggie, and Lilia. But some had proved their skills far exceeded their position and it was known to other dorms as well, like Jade, Rook, and Trey.
But with all these people who adore one so much to the point of doing anything for her, it had to go bad at some point. Obsession festers for many reasons, like worry, denial, or paranoia.
In this case its deemed worry.
The very next day you were offering sweets you made yourself to the six of them to thank them for their aid the past couple of days. They were all so happy, nothing would damper their mood for the rest of day, knowing you appreciated how much effort they put in for you. Well of course it didn't last long it didn't matter who you went to see last, mainly either Jade or Jamil, or Rook too. They were the type to pay attention to the little things. Though this time they were a bit preoccupied with their own deeds. You had found Jamil last as you assumed he'd be busy with Kalim the majority of the day. He was in the kitchen as usual fixing tomorrow's lunch for Kalim and him, and her too.
He was happy to accept the treat until he noticed how you looked. You looked like you were spent. He noticed your smile, one they adored to the point of insanity looked forced. Not to mention it looked like you were wearing make up under your eyes, in which he assumed you were tired and had to hide your eye bags.
He tried to tap you on your forearm before you could go and leave, but when you froze and winced with a petrified look, that's when he began to notice something had been wrong than what he already had imagined. He was worried seeing as the state of your expression was slight fear, but it didn't look to be of him.
When he asked her to tell him what's wrong, you asked to first be brought in private to hear the dilemma. He decided his room would be best seeing as the desert of Scarabia at night got cold.
When they both entered she immediately broke down. Usually she always seemed so positive but this was the complete opposite. He tried comforting and coaxing you into telling him what happened, so he could eventually inform the others in their group chat and eventually you did. Though it made whatever self restraint he had held back within his life snap.
You told him of how yesterday a student came up and flirted with you. You politely disregarded him, but the student didn't get the memo. He had gripped your arm tight enough to cause a bruise. That's when you kneed him in his gut and once he let go, used your leg to make his head hit the floor with a blow to the neck, successfully knocking him unconscious. You ran back to your room after that without looking back. Then you thought back to all the good deeds recently the vice heads had done, and decided you'd haven't been showing enough appreciation toward them. That's why you gave him and the others treats.
He also interpreted that he had touched you where the bruise was located and given you slight PTSD in which he apologized for his earlier actions. You probably didn't get much sleep either. You told him it was fine since he was just trying to figure out what was wrong and that you were just caught off guard. No soon after you finished your statement did he ask to see the bruise in which you received.
Slowly you took off your blazer and uncovered the bandages located where your elbow was on the inner part where the skin was softer and bone was located. That made his heart stop to see the bruise you obtained. His thoughts ran rampant with the thought of what he would do to the person who did it. Surprisingly he was never usually angry for someone else's sake but you had made it that way.
He had to put on a front for you though and he told you to stay while he got a pack of ice to ease the swelling. While away walking through the halls of his dorm he was seething with rage. One would think if someone touched him it would be the end of that person's life when he released such anger.
He started to text in the chat where all the vice dorm heads would inform each other of their encounters and Y/n's problems to find solutions. He told them to gather in Scarabia at the fountain for an urgent situation pertaining to their favorite little junior on his phone, though he would have informed them through the chat, he was more focused on getting the ice pack. They agreed to meet up in said dorm that their junior was currently in to hear the details from him himself.
When he had finally made it back to his room he found the person of their obsession in question asleep on his bed with their blazer still in the same spot and legs dangling off the bed as to not have her shoes touch the covers. Hugging his hoodie as a pillow of sorts. He would have savored this sight if not for the tear streaks that were on your face and the prominent bruise in the same spot.
He gently placed the ice pack on her arm and brushed away the stray tears and streaks with his thumb. The sight was normal for him considering Rook had distributed sleeping pictures to all of them. This was realer than any picture though. Soft breaths rhythmic breaths and silky hair like an angel.Despite that you looked to be uncomfortable seeing as the arm you were using had to replace the other one that was bruised and probably hurt to bend. He softly sighed knowing he had to get ready as the others would arrive soon and that the situation would not be pretty for the misfortune planned that ignorant person who dared lay a finger on their favorite junior would receive.
When everyone had arrived in the meeting dorm all had sour moods to be called a bit late after set curfews in two of the dorms or just the time taking away from their leisure after taking care of tasks that came with their position.
"It seems we're all gathered here now, Monsieur Multi-Compétent why have you called us here in the late hours?" Rook had a smile on his face which was normal but he was intrigued and serious about the matter at hand.
"You mentioned it's urgent regarding to our little angelfish correct?" Jade as well had his usual smile, but the slightest glimpse in his eyes had a rather invited gaze.
"You sure you couldn't have just texted it to us, it woulda saved us the trouble of coming here." Ruggie grumbled.
"I know you all are busy, but tell me did you notice something off about her today?" Jamil inquired to the other five.
"Now that you mention it when she gave me the treats she made it seemed like she was off. I was focusing on some tasks Riddle gave me so I didn't think too much of it." Trey had thought back to hearing her call out to him in a lower tone of voice.
"She didn't seem too energetic either when she gave me mine either. Sebek was a bit of a handful so I couldn't pay attention as much as I liked to her and she said she had to go give out the others." Lilia remembers asking her to stay for a little longer but she put up a facade and said she had other things to do.
The others agreed on the same notion that today she lacked her usual energetic, positive, behavior. Since their dorm heads and first years put them through the wringer today they didn't have time to think much on it. Jamil was used to dealing with Kalim's mayhem and chaos since they were children and had learned to still be skeptic even if he was exhausted or at his wit's end.
"Exactly, seems as though someone laid their dirty fingers on her the day prior and now she's a bit broken down mentally." Jamil had informed them of the situation, fully going into depth and detail seeing their facial expressions change throughout the retelling.
"Right, now I know you all want to see her, I can do that but you've gotta be quiet. She fell asleep in my room because she wanted to talk in private. She and other dorm residents are asleep so try to keep noise to a minimum."
They all had no reservations about that. He guided them to his room in which he did have some irritation toward letting them in. Thankfully he hid the picture Rook gave him so she wouldn't see it unless she looked. Slowly opening the door to see the sleeping girl, they surrounded her unsuspecting figure. They examined her for a moment taking in the sight before noticing the tear streaks on her face and the ice pack placed near her elbow.
Seeing the ice pack on her arm Rook steadily removed it to give the others a glimpse of the injury. Some of them froze while others who usually weren't so expressive of true feelings like Lilia, Trey, and Jamil had a look of anger. The ones who were more prone to dirty methods and violence like Ruggie, Jade and Rook had a look of bloodlust for the person who dared to do such a thing, despite Jamil having already saw it.
They all exited the room and ventured to the common room, closer to the outside section.
"Such a poor unfortunate soul, he doesn't even know the enemies he made."
"How foolish of them to touch something that's ours."
"Oh Rose Chevalier, you've been rather silent, no objection to such acts?"
"Don't get me wrong I'm angry, Rook. It's not as if I can stop you all from doing something horrible to some idiot. Fights happen all the time at this school."
"I'm sure I could find the idiot in no time, it's much easier to catch unsuspecting prey!"
"Since you all have your 'plans' I'll go and make a potion to rid her of that unsightly injury that foo-, I mean so she won't have to feel anymore pain."
"Since that's all finished what do you all suppose we do about her?"
"We've got to keep a better eye on her."
"Yes that much is clear, but with all of us having to be so busy all at once, going about that is rather difficult."
"Especially since she's a lot more frail, if the student were a beastmen then she probably wouldn't have gotten away."
"I propose we reveal ourselves to our angelfish. She may not like it at first, but it's clear that unless we know where she is at all times then we can't ensure her safety."
"Whose dorm is best suited to keep her there?"
"I was going to offer up my own, I'm sure your dorm heads would condemn our act of unsavory deeds, but Azul is different of course. Just let me handle all the details."
"As expected of Monsieur Mastermind, fully equipped to handle the situation."
"While that is going on, Ruggie how about you bring that cretin to Diasomnia, I'd love to have a chat with him. Don't worry I'll make sure no one is nearby to hear his fate."
"Ah, okay. Better than bringing him to my dorm and having to clean up a mess."
"Oh how about you let me in on your conversation, Monsieur Curieux, and I'll bring a few things to aid in the clean up Monsieur Dandelion!"
"Trey I need a favor."
"Depends on what the favor is?"
"I heard you can change the taste of something with your unique magic. Can you cast a spell on the potion before she drinks it? She's already suffered enough a disgusting potion is an easy fix."
"That's nothing, too complicated. Hand it over to me when it's finished once it's done."
* * *
Screams could be heard within the bounds far away from Diasomnia. Near the edge of a cliff stood three people while another person was on the ground. Burned, bruised, and battered not to mention a few broken bones, and loss of some organs devoured. They were proud of what they did to say the least.
Ruggie had the most blood on him mainly around his mouth while Lilia had some on his hands, Rook had a blade coated in it and still managed to get some on him. The lifeless corpse on the ground was where the blood had originated from as they tossed it off the cliff.
Lilia had cast green flames in order to rid the evidence. It was easy for Rook to cast a spell to clean their clothes with. Now they just have to go meet up with the others.
* * *
Based off the decorum of the room, she could only assume she was in Octanivelle. That's where she had woken up, but she remembers Scarabia last. Soft covers on top of her were thrown off as she hurriedly looked around the room to see no one.
She tried to go toward the door and twist the knob only for it to not budge. Using magic as well didn't move the door an inch. Her pen was gone too, so she was limited without its usage. Not to mention first years only knew so much less you came from a country where magic usage was prominent like the Valley of Thorns then it was likely you weren't to know much before entering school.
She sighed and took a moment to sit back down on the bed she woke up on and think why she was brought here. The last person she saw was Jamil, and she was in his room last but that didn't spark anything as to how she ended up here. She hoped at least that Jamil was okay if she was here by force then he might have tried to stop the captors and got hurt in the process.
The door opened after about an hour she heard the key being inserted. It revealed Jade who stepped in the room with a smile and revealed five others who came in with Lilia slowly shutting the door back closed.
All of them she recognized were Vice dorm heads who she had spent time with the past couple of days. She didn't open her mouth yet still trying to piece things together, and the first to come to mind was that they brought her here. Connecting the dots over the past several days she spent time with them more than anyone, and they each seemed to know her problems or were curious about them.
She just couldn't understand why though. Nothing added up and when she glanced at each of them a nervous shiver came through her body.
She finally decided to speak.
"Why, .......... would you do something like this?
"Because prey like you, has to be protected."
"Such a sweet thing could easily be devoured."
"That's why your such delicate and fragile flower."
"Precious and meant to be protected like the most valuable treasure."
"Mon amour we do commend you for defending yourself but fret not,"
"Our dear little angelfish we'll fix all your problems so that you have no worries."
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britishassistant · 3 years
I am hollering at the supervillain au, especially how everyone seems to think yuuken is the prefect XD
So now that makes me wonder what would the mobs for each house be like? Savanaclaws the rough tough thugs? Pomefiores the theatre kids?
I personally adore that development XD XD XD
But here’s a list of basic traits I think each group of mobs/henchpeople for each house has! Of course these can be elaborated on or messed with at your leisure!
Heartslaybul probably has the most “normal” people as minions, just because Trey and Riddle provide such good benefits for the average person looking for work. The ones they do tend to keep are usually people who resemble “card soldiers”— point them at a problem and they’ll cooperate with each other and keep going at it until it’s solved.
Savannahclaw is definitely more rough and tumble folk who specialize in street smarts and physical excellence, who willingly follow a charismatic and powerful leader like Leona. They’re more likely to stir up trouble and question his orders, but they’re also excellent at watching each other’s backs and causing diversions when it’s needed.
Octavinelle provides opportunities for those who specialize in legal services, con artistry, and the hospitality industry—people who can smile at you while putting up with your awful life decisions. Azul employs an average number of henchpeople to help him with information gathering, running the restaurant chains that are the fronts for his businesses, and ensures that even the illegal contracts he makes are all technically above board.
Scarabia employs the second largest number of minions, because Kalim tends to pay their wages out of pocket. Because of the quality of pay and Jamil’s very strict vetting process, Scarabia’s henchpeople tend to be diligent workers who have the foresight to go above and beyond in the line of duty, using their experience from a wide variety of industries to benefit the supervillain’s schemes.
Pomefiore tends to attract professionals—whether actors who haven’t had a big break yet, models whose looks are edging them out of the starlight, or mercenaries who always dreamed of making it big on the silver screen. They do have a penchant for the overdramatic, but also a level of determination that outlasts the will of lot of the other henchpeople groups.
Ignihyde has the least amount of henchpeople, because Idia finds it much easier on his social anxiety to build robots to do all the heavy lifting for him. However, since he can’t complete ALL the coding for that on his own, he does have a few similarly reclusive programmer and hacker types lurking around, people who don’t play well with others but would rather do all the work for the group project themselves.
Diasomnia also has a small number of minions, though that’s not for lack of outreach and recruitment efforts on Malleus’ part. It’s just that Sebek has standards that it takes a certain level of patience and dedication to the job to be able withstand— these henchpeople tend to be efficient, borderline perfectionists who are second to none in their loyalty to their supervillain of choice.
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The day we caught the train (Slytherin!Five x Hufflepuff!Reader)
 missvifdor said:  It would be for Five Slytherins with a Hufflepuff reader 🤗 they are very opposite in personality but they complement each other. I love Harry Potter and the umbrella academy, so i'm glad you write about both 😄 thank you,
A/N: this was like kinda vauge so i made up like a story line i guess?? Its kinda a mess and really long?? hope this is ok!! I really like these because i used to be obsessed with HP, in this i imagine Five would be from the really posh part of london where, the reader being opposites to him would be from a northern town and theyre both in sixth year which is age 16-17, i had to do so much research for this lol
Words: 2711
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Footsteps echoed through the long empty halls as curfew rolled around, the sounds of students rushing to get back to their dormitories after a long night of studying and hushed whispering of passwords was not an unfamiliar sound at this time of night. Pictures were left empty as their residents wandered away out of frame and the castle slowly went to sleep, except for the prefects. As the sun went down, the prefects got up to do nightly patrols to make sure no students were up past curfew, each house prefect patrolled their own areas around their relative commonrooms to catch any wrong doers, not that they were many.
Tonight was your turn, patrolling the basement level and the kitchen corridor around the Hufflepuff dorm room, waiting for anything exciting to happen yet you knew it never would. Hufflepuffs always had a strong moral code and a clear right from wrong, every single patrol you carried out during Fifth year when you were appointed prefect you never caught a single person, now part way into sixth year still not once incident had occurred.
Yet, for some reason, every patrol you had ended up with a certain Slytherin prefect following you around, Five. Five was unusual to say the least, he was a well respected and slightly feared student, cunning and determined, he had a close knit clique of fellow pure blood slytherins, yet for some reason out of everyone in the whole of the castle, he had a soft spot for you. Even though he’d never show it in front of others, during the light of the day he’d sneak in side glances and small smiles, especially in the first few years making sure no comments came your way about your muggle parents or your upbringing.
Exactly on queue, a familiar sound of footsteps echoed down the staircase leading to you corridor only to stop short at the last step. A small ‘lumos’ echoed throughout the quiet hallway before Fives head pops into view, checking it was actually you there before a large smile breaking on his face as he walked into view. “Hey.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be on patrol?” You smile to him as he got closer, crossing your arms over your chest.
“They know it’s me on, no one would dare try anything.” He smirks knowing he was right, striking fear into everybody, except you. His eyes soften and his tone became gentle when he was speaking with you. He’d always been like that, from your first journey on the Hogwarts express, talking the entire train journey up, secret library meeting when you both realised things weren’t as simple as just being friends. Things got difficult when blood ‘purity’ came into play, when suddenly you couldn’t be friends, which hurt.
The dimly lit hallways excentrated his features, his sharp jaw and high cheekbones cast shadows on his face and neck, yet his dimples still shone through when he smiles and breaks up the harsh exterior that he puts on. Stepping closer, you lifted your hand to run it through his hair, watching his face break out into a smile and wrap his hand around your waist. Small displays of affection weren’t uncommon between the two of you, only increasing through the years of being at Hogwarts. “I’m so glad you stopped gelling your hair back.”
“Don’t remind me.” He rolled his eyes, remembering his poor style choices of his past. You move your hand and run it down the side of his face and across his jaw, taking a second to admire him before dropping your hand.
“I’ve gotta go, my shifts nearly over.” A sad looking smile broke over his face as he slowly lowered his hand from your waist. “I’ll see you tomorrow though.” You say as you lock eyes with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He repeated back to you. He smiled and started walking towards the stairs, just before his foot touched the first step he turned back to you. “Goodnight, y/n.”
Dueling was always one of the most exciting parts of Hogwarts, it was a welcome break from the immense workload that sixth years had to deal with. In sixth year you were expected to be able to cast non-verbal spells, a mentally challenging task where some were better than others. Over the past month your defence class had been working tirelessly on being able to cast successful non-verbal spells with the promise of having a period where you would be duelling, which was exciting for everyone involved, a chance to show your abilities and represent your house.
“I’m going to be pairing you up today,” Your teacher spoke to you all as he was stood on the dueling table, met with a grumble from the students. “With student of the same ability.” He continued, seemingly unaffected by the disappointed sounds of the sixth years. “When I call you out, both of you will come to the stage.”
Cheers and boo’s echoes throughout the room as students from different houses duled, light flying from wands as students desperately tried to conjure spells without speaking, some pulling through well where others barely being able to produce anything at all. Tension rose throughout the room as more people slowly got paired off, everyone wondering who would be the next pair.
“Y/n and Five.”
Smiling, you walk up to the stage and face Five, seeing a small smile emerge from his stern expression. Wands at the ready, you wait for the call to start from the teacher, already knowing your strategy. The air turned heavy and the room turned quite as everyone was ready to watch the duel, you were both the highest achieving students in the class and people were eager to see who would be the best.
Then it started, Five casting the first spell only to have you deflect it, causing a gasp to echo through the room. You knew it would be a risky move to cast a spell that hadn’t been taught, a spell that wasn’t even in the curriculum. It was the only way you had ever found deflecting a spell without having the spell hit your opponent, Five was stunned for a second before hitting back with another spell, only for you to deflect it again and again and again. Waiting for a hesitation from Five to strike and then you got it, a gap in his relentless spell casting when he took a second too long to think about his next spell. 
Before he could blink, he was thrown to the floor with his wand flying out of his hand as you hit him with expelliarmus. Cheers erupted from students interspersed with nasty comments from the Slytherin students, you walk over to Five who was winded from his fall on the floor. Offering your hand he goes to take it before hesitating, under the watchful eyes of his Slytherin clique he lowered his hand and picked himself up, brushing down his robes. 
“Right!” Your teacher stood up on the stage with you and Five. “Class is dismissed, remember to keep practicing these non-verbal spells.” Your eyes never left Five as your teacher spoke, you felt a stinging sensation wash over your eyes accompanied by a throbbing in your chest at his actions. You shook your head and turned away, unable to keep looking at him without bursting into tears. 
“I need you to stay behind.” He turned to you, giving you a stern look only to soften when he saw you in near tears. Slowly, everyone left the room, either going to the library or commonrooms to await their next lesson due to the early finish. Closing your eyes, you gently tapping the lids with your fingertips to try and ease the stinging feeling, you take a deep breath before re-opening your eyes.
“Am I in trouble?” You say as you sit on the side of the duelling stage, legs swinging as you play with your hands.
“Not exactly,” He sighs, sitting in a chair facing you. “Where did you learn that?”
So you start to explain, lying as you went, as you explained you started to immediately regret even casting the spell in the first place. In fourth year you were spending a late night in the library, trying to find any books to help you excel in your classes, you had piles of books in front of you and then one book you opened had sheets of parchment paper interspersed with the other pages filled with spells that weren’t on the curriculum. It was filled with defence spells, jinxes, curses and more, it had been your guide ever since you found it. This, however, was not what you explained to him, simply saying you were doing some reading and found it and were unable to find the book again.
You could tell he didn’t believe you, but sensed that he wouldn’t delve too far into your story. “You can’t pull anything like that again,” He looked at you for a response so you just nodded. “I won’t go any further with this, you can go.”
The rest of the day went slowly, doing everything in your might to avoid Five, you had been patient with him all these years and him not even wanting to let you pull him up because of his little gang looking at him hurt, it stung. You know he’s loyal to his house but after 6 years of always hiding and sneaking around you just couldn’t bare it anymore, couldn’t bare the fact that Five had let this wizarding class war consume him.
Post day was always fun, hundreds of owls flying into the great hall and dropping off post from friends and family at home, some received letters while others got large packages sent in. Bruce was your barn owl, he was large, brown and robust, he would usually reside on your parents farm, being well loved and looked after by your whole family whilst you were away but always knew when you needed him in the castle.
In he came, swooping down with a letter tied to him and landing elegantly in front of you. Petting him with one hand while the other unties the letter, excited chatter filled the room as most other people were doing the exact same thing, wondering what their loved ones had sent them. Carefully opening the letter, trying not to tear the envelope, your eyes scan over the hand-written letter, smiling at all the information that was written in great detail.
At the very bottom they’d attached a photograph of them all together smiling, along with your dog and a few other animals they all looked after. As you were smiling and showing your friends you felt it get pulled out of your hand; turning around, you were met with one of Fives Slytherin friends waving your photo around, calling on his friends.
“Ere’ give it back.” Getting up, you try and swipe it from his hands only for him to hold it higher, scrunching it as he did.
“What are you going to do about it, mudblood-” Before he could finish his sentence the photo was snatched out of his hand by Five, lightly tapping it with his wand and the photo returned to pristine condition before handing it back to you with a small smile.
“Behave.” Five said to him, pulling him away from your table and back to theirs. A smile snuck onto your face as you sat back down, Five had never done anything like that outside the darkness of the library or the nightly patrols, let alone in front of his friends. 
Then, very slowly, he started to actively integrate himself into your life, talking to you in class, helping each other with homework after classes and even sitting with you at lunch on a regular basis. Building up your trust for him again, building up your friendship publically even with all the snide comments other people gave him, he ignored them all for you.
As winter rolled round, snow dusted the castle and surrounding areas as if it was a cake getting doused in icing sugar about to be presented for a meal. Cold nipped at your noses as you made the trek into Hogsmeade, students rushing to buy last minute presents for loved ones before christmas break as well as a stream of students flocking to the Three Broomsticks to get their last sips of butterbeer before the train journey home.
The Three Broomsticks was so full that students were being turned away, it was bursting at the brim with some students even even sharing chairs. The atmosphere was buzzing with excited students, conversations so loud that you couldn’t even hear yourself think. Five and yourself had been lucky, opting to come to the pub first thing then doing your christmas shopping, finding a small booth hid in the corner.
“So are you excited to go home?” He was wrapped up in a hoodie and jacket, a discarded hat and scarf lying on the table, leaving him with flushed cheeks and tousled hair. 
“I ain’t going home,” You say, taking a sip of butterbeer. “I never have, I’d have to get the muggle train back north, costs around 100 quid each way.” You tap your fingers against the half empty glass. “Canny afford it.” 
“You’ve never gone home for christmas?” Sadness was present in his eyes as he locked them with yours but you just shrugged.
“It’s not that bad, it’s like, my sixth year staying so everyone is just used to me now, I get to phone home and they basically give me access to the kitchen and all the teachers who stay put on interest lessons and such.” A breeze caused you to shiver, wrapping you jacket tighter around you. “I also help with the animals.”
Upon seeing you shiver Five leant over the table to wrap his scarf around your neck before gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear; the small display of public affection causing you to blush. Once you’d finished your drinks you head into town, looking down the alleys for all the little shops you could find, looking for the perfect gifts for your family, asking a slightly unenthusiastic Five for a second opinion and just receiving a series of raised eyebrows or nods of his head. 
Taking your time to walk back to the campus, Fives hand had found its way into yours, swinging your entwined fingers as you went. As the large castle came into view a bittersweet feeling washed over you, knowing that Five and everyone else would be leaving for the holidays tomorrow while you stayed at the castle. Even if the empty hallways felt like home there was always a pang in your chest on christmas morning, even if it did ease off during the day whilst sat round with friends and teachers, it still made your chest throb.
Joy was evident in the great hall, everyone talking loudly and laughing with their friends knowing they won’t be seen for the next two weeks, an exchange of gifts and cards being passed around. Slowly, everyone faded out to the dining hall, getting ready to get on the Hogwarts express home, you passed around hugs and goodbyes as your friends left the common room, all of them leaving cards and parcels by your bed and made you swear not to open them until christmas day. 
All morning you were looking around for Five but were never able to see him and as everyone left for the station you were convinced he had gone. Defeated, you walk through the empty hallways to the great hall for the regular meeting where the staff discuss the rules with the rest of you who had stayed behind. You heard a voice call your name behind you, quickly turning around, you see him. “Five?”
“They needed a male prefect to stay on campus,” He says as he gets closer, grin covering his face. “So I volunteered.” Instead of answering you just throw yourself at him, embracing him in your arms. His arms instantly wrap around your figure, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“Thank you, Five.”
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snowkits-flight · 4 years
Clan roles
In the four valley clans, Frostclan, Earthclan, Lightclan, and Mistclan, the rules and roles are slightly different from the ones we know. I thought I’d start off with how the roles are different, as well as show the “bases” I’ll be using for clan cats. (Please note these bases aren’t for public use, though I might change my mind about that later)
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Kits as you know are baby cats from 0 to 6 moons old. Obviously not too much changes about them as they are too young to do much but be cared for and allowed to enjoy their carefree kit-hood. However one big change about them as that around 3 moons they begin to have lessons from teachers, the elders of the clan. These lessons are about the history of all the clans, the warrior code, and the Ancient ones (the starclan of these clans). The lessons are in groups with any litter mates as well as all the kits in teaching age. They have a small quiz on what they’ve learned during their apprentice ceremony. It’s not very hard but if they fail this quiz they aren’t allowed to become apprentices for another half moon. There is no limit to how many chances they have, but it is embarrassing to fail as not only is it in front of their whole clan but they’re also forced to stay in the nursery until they can pass it. 
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Queens as you also probably know are she cats who have moved into the Nursery, either right about to have or raising young kits. They treated with a bit more awe and respect in the valley clans as they create future warriors and clans would quickly cease to exist without new cats. Disrespecting one is a horrible act, and daring to raise a claw to a mother (or heavily obviously pregnant) cat is an offense punishable by exile or even death. However, some clans will let such an act slide if they find the expecting kits are half clan. It’s not considered a very honorable act but such matters are up to the clan the pregnant cat belongs to. 
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Kings are the same as queens, but refer to trans, non-binary, intersex and masculine aligned cats. How non cishet cats are viewed and treated different from clan to clan, usually depending on how the current Chief feels about them, but no matter what gender a cat expecting kits will always be respected. Though again depending on how forgiving the current chief is discovering the sire is from another clan could lead to the Queen or King and their kits getting into a lot of trouble, sometimes even driven out if the chief is especially cruel. This goes against the warrior code, but like people don’t always follow the law cats don’t always completely follow the code as they should.
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Apprentices are still made only once 6 moons old, though sometimes a bit later if they fail their Apprentice test. The length of apprenticeship tends to vary from cat to cat, but generally are usually longer then 6 moons, but no longer then 12 moons. It can also vary from clan to clan, as they learn more then fighting and hunting but also the special skill of their clans. Frostclan takes the longest at an average of a full 12 moons. Their special skill is hunting large raptors that nest in the mountains, hawks, edges and vultures. Apprentices don’t learn that skill until they are 10 moons old, which is why it takes Frostclan cats so long. Earthclan cats are the second longest, similar to Windclan their special skill is tunneling, which can take awhile to prefect but as their whole camp is underground not as long as it did for Windclan cats. Lightclan’s special skill is climbing and hunting in the tree tops, and Mistclan’s is swimming. They all have other skills they’re better at then the other clans but those are the skills they’re best known for. All apprentices are expected to master these clan specific skills before becoming warriors. 
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Warriors! You know them, the cats who make up the majority of clans, who hunt and fight to protect their clan territory. In the valley clans they also work to care for elders, kits, and Queens/Kings rather then apprentices. It’s considered very noble work rather the a chore beneath them, and if a apprentice is allowed to do something like fetch fresh bedding or hunt for the elders its considered a real treat, something to brag about. Warriors also do upkeep on dens and the nursery for their camp, weaving in sticks and leaves, cleaning them out, keeping them warm and dry. Earthclan warriors dig out new tunnels and make sure older ones stay safe and sturdy. 
Medicine cats
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Medicine cats are another role we know well. The valley clan medicine cats only have a few differences. One is that rather then only one being the minimum for a clan, two are the least a clan should have in the valley. This is because of the other major difference, that they are allowed to have kits of their own if they should so please to. But they must have another medicine cat that has been full trained to take over for them and it has to have been least a moon since the one taking over officially finished with their training. Besides that they have the same odd powers and ability to read signs from the Ancient ones, and provide major input to their Chief and any big choices they might make. Once a moon they all go to the Sliver cliffs, a large clearing on a high peak in the mountains that allows them to feel close to the stars to communicate with the Ancient ones, the Valley clans version of the Moonstone/pool
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Nurses are Medicine cats still in training. Sometimes an older cat will decide to peruse training as one but often they’re chosen by the current two medicine cats as kits. If they see a kit who has promise they’ll discuss with their Chief, Sheriff, and the kit’s parents about them becoming a nurse at 6 moons. However a cat can never be forced to become one. Once the kit with promises is 6 moons they’ll be sat down to have a discussion about if they wish to train as nurse instead of as an apprentice. Only if the young cat agrees will they be made a nurse to train under the two medicine cats. Forcing a cat who has a gift, or is disable, to become a nurse is considered very bad luck and the Ancient ones will not accept them as a Medicine cat and put a curse on current Medicine cats and Chief who forced them into it. If a cat does decide that its the life for them they’ll be taken to Sliver cliffs to be presented to the Ancient ones and then trained as nurses for a full 12 moons before traveling back to receive their new name from the Ancient ones themselves. Even if the cat was a warrior, camp guard, teacher, or duchess/duke before they will still get a new name as a fully trained Medicine cat  
Camp guards, teachers, Duchesses/Dukes
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These are the elders in the valley clans, but sometimes a young cat who doesn’t like to fight nor interested in being a medicine cat will take on one of these jobs too. Elders never fully and completely retire, but they do still stay in camp and are cared for by the rest of the clan. However they still have important roles. The most common job is Camp guard duty. Camp guards will sit near the entrance to the clan, the fresh kill pile, medicine cat den, and nursery. They watch for dangers such as invaders, wild animals, fires and floods, and anything else that might cause the clan trouble. They also make sure no kits or apprentices can sneak out of camp alone, and keep track of the coming and goings of their clan mates. This is surprisingly important for the clan Chiefs to know, as a cat often leaving for long periods of time with no explanation might be up to something the chief should know about. Another important role a non warrior could take is as a teacher. As mentioned in the kit section kits need to learn about the warrior code and history of their clan before becoming apprentices. Teachers obviously are the ones to tell them about theses things. They might also go over some basic hunting crouches and lightly play fight to help prepare them if they feel physically up to it. The last role is the one most clans believe is the most important, Duchesses and Dukes. These are cats who have given birth to and/or raised kits in the past but either because of age or some other reason can’t have any more. They assist along side Medicine cats and Nurses in helping a cat give birth. They also help advise new mothers and fathers, if what a kit is doing is normal or should be looked at by the medicine cat, how to get a kit who isn’t suckling to eat, and how they handled the various trails of being a parent. Duchesses and Dukes will also babysit kits when a King or Queen needs a break, making sure none of them go missing or get into trouble. 
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Sheriffs are the deputies of these clans. They are the chief’s right hand cats and are the next in line for leadership if anything happens to the chief. They are also in charge of both boarder and hunting patrols, as well as expected to hunt for their clan before eating themselves every single day. If their is a border scuffle they will be sought out for back up first before any other cat
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Chiefs are the leaders of valley clans. They are pretty much the same as the leaders in canon, they make the decisions for the clan and have 9 lives, but they receive them from the Ancient ones rather then Starclan. After getting their 9 lives they’re marked by a diamond shaped marking, usually somewhere on their face or chest but can appear else well. Their number one goal should be the safety of their clan, but plenty are more interested in power. They rarely go into battle but spend their time among their clan mates in camp or patrolling their territory. If their clan is suffering from anything, sickness, drought, fox or badger settled in their territory, it is on them to discover a way to guide their clan through the trouble and come out on the other side stronger for it. If they fail to do so, if sickness or hunger kills too many cats in their clan, it’s seen as their own personal failure.   
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technoskittles · 5 years
Adora 2 6 2
Adora, hogwarts!au, fake dating, “fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. fuck.”
(oh boy you probably picked the worst person to do a hogwarts au lol. I read the books when I was 10 and I’ve only seen the first movie around that same time and have not since interacted with anything HP. but I’ll do my best)
context: while I personally believe Adora is a Slytherin I believe I remember something about how you can still choose your house? Like, Harry was more suited to Slytherin but he wanted so badly to be Gryffindor so the sorting hat was like “lmao if you say so” and put him in Gryffindor. So I feel like the same thing happened with Adora which is why she’s in Gryffindor, not Slytherin.
cw: dubcon? ish? no sex, just some making out though.
On all accounts, it didn’t make much sense. Catra hated her. Both on a personal level and well, because of the pre-existing feud between their two houses. 
She was a Gryffindor. Catra was a Slytherin. What else was there to say?
A lot, apparently.
The proposal had, seemingly, come out of nowhere. It was both their fifth years and Adora was lined up to be the Gryffindor prefect. Of course, she had some competition, albeit minimal, but practically everyone and their mother knew that Adora had it in the bag. She had excellent grades and a pristine, crystal clear record that made her the perfect candidate.
Well...almost crystal clear.
And, she shouldn’t be surprised, Catra was not above blackmail.
“That happened in first year!” she’d argued. “It doesn’t even matter anymore!”
Catra, the epitome of nonchalance, had been picking at her nails. “Well, if that’s the case, Princess, then you shouldn’t be worried if anyone finds out.”
And Adora had been backed into silence, fuming and steaming, because despite how much she wanted to believe otherwise, she knew that something like that getting out would demolish her chances at becoming a prefect. Something that everyone, Catra in particular, knew that she’d spent most of her time at Hogwarts working towards.
So...yeah. Here she was. Walking the halls with her prefect badge pinned to her robes, keeping a watchful eye for any of the younger students causing havoc where they shouldn’t be.
And following closely behind her were the whispers of how she and Catra, the Slytherin fifth-year prefect, were....dating.
“I don’t know why you want to spread around something like that. Slytherins hate Gryffindors. If you’re trying to boost your reputation, something like this will have the exact opposite effect.”
“Bold of you to assume those were my intentions.”
Catra never divulged exactly what those were either though. Her lips were sealed, locked so tightly that not even the worst of coercion or spells could unlock it. She was planning something, that Adora could be sure of, but unfortunately for all her wits she couldn’t crack the code that was the mechanisms of Catra’s mind. 
So the year ran its course with the two of them pretending to date. Lower years gossiped in the halls in-between classes and Adora even caught her own quidditch teammates tossing about theories and conspiracies when they thought she couldn’t hear.
The only ones that knew the truth were her and Catra. And Bow and Glimmer, of course.
“I don’t understand why you’re letting her push you around like this,” Glimmer lamented each time the topic was brought up. “You deserve being a prefect, no matter what kind of dirt she has on you. Especially when she isn’t that squeaky clean herself.” She was always somehow more annoyed with the situation that Adora was, voicing the frustrations that Adora never could and then some.
Her defense was the same every time, too. “I can’t risk it, Glimmer. If there’s one thing that could get me stripped of my badge, it’s this.” What was the saying about regretting your youthful decisions? Because if there wasn’t one, she could probably easily come up with something. “I’ll just play along for now until she gets bored.”
“Or,” Glimmer rebutted, “You let her drag this on long enough until she achieves whatever it is she’s actually planning. You’re playing with venom here, babe. It’s up to you when you decide to suck it out.”
And she had a point. Without knowing what Catra’s intentions were with this whole thing or anyway of finding out, Adora was essentially a mouse in a mousetrap, waiting for her predator to either free her out of mercy or devour her whole. The longer she played this game, the more she risked losing. She used to assure herself that she’d play the waiting game until Catra either grew bored or until they were graduated, but who was to say that Catra would let her go after that? Who was to say she’d even last that long?
Bow, who was usually quiet during these conversations, only left her with a simple warning, “Be careful around her, Adora. We don’t want you getting hurt.”
So that’s what she was doing. Treading lightly, being mindful not to say anything too combative or instigate something that she can’t maintain a strong hold on.
They had rules, thankfully, from both of them. Rules from Catra to make the whole thing believable, and rules from Adora to make sure they didn’t step too far that she didn’t have any semblance of control. Their affection was public, a demand from Catra, but at Adora’s insistence, it was always chaste and simple. When asked about their relationship, Adora found herself reciting a spiel she’d rehearsed at Catra’s behest, but she was allowed to shut down questions that get too personal or intimate. 
For all the trouble it caused her, Adora had to admit that it could’ve been worse.
Until the night came where Catra broke her number one rule: Absolutely nothing was to happen between them in private. 
It had all started out during one of her nightly patrols. Her back was to a wall - literally - with Catra caging her in, too close for comfort. 
“Wha....what are you doing, Catra? This isn’t even your hall.”
Catra pouted and on the surface it looked almost genuinely hurt. But Adora could see the conniving little gears cranking behind the facade and steeled herself to disallow any notions of sympathy to break down her defenses. “Can’t one girlfriend say hi to the other?”
Adora quickly scanned the hallway they were in - dark and empty. “No one’s here. We don’t have to pretend.”
“Well,” and then Catra leaned in closer, her smirk fatally sweet and oozing venom and Adora could feel the toxins paralyzing her and making her overheat. “You never know who’s watching.”
They both knew very well that no one was. 
“Just what kind of game are you playing at here, huh? Because I didn’t agree to any of this.” Her anger was getting the better of her, pent up from being stuck in a trap she’d slid herself into. But she was tired of being the victim here. “You have no business being here unless it’s for some ulterior motive.”
Catra hummed and tapped the wall beside her head, mulling over her words with a halfhearted consideration. “Yeah, I suppose you might be right about that.” She leaned back, giving enough space between the two again that Adora takes in a gulp of air that she’d been desperately craving. “The game’s gotta change, Princess. Doubts are starting to creep into people’s heads and cheek pecks and hand holding ain’t gonna cut it anymore.”
Dread weighs in Adora’s stomach like lead. “So what are you proposing?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth she cursed inwardly, angry with herself for indulging Catra in her sick little fantasy. She wanted out of this, not to let herself be reeled in further. 
She could feel Catra coiling around her, tighter and tighter, cracking her ribs and compressing her lungs as she struggled to breathe.
Adora watched as Catra dragged her tongue along her bottom lip, eyes dropping down from her face. “I was thinking something along the lines of something to show that you’re mine.” Adora shivered at the way that sounded, chalking it up to the ice-laced fear and uncertainty coursing through her veins. 
Catra smirked and met her eyes once more, mirth and secrecy dancing in the piercing colors that kept Adora pinned where she stood. “A necklace, maybe?”
Adora frowned and her shoulders relaxed. That was it? Gift giving? Well, that was manageable, she supposed. “What? To wear around for everyone to see?”
Something flashed in Catra’s eyes and suddenly things weren’t so simple. “Exactly like that.”
Still... “Okay. Fine. Do you have one now?”
Then Catra cackled and a warning ping went off in Adora’s head, something telling her to get out of there. Now. “Oh, sweet, sweet Adora. Not that kind of necklace.” Before Adora could say anything else, Catra’s hand was at the back of her head, gripping her ponytail and yanking it down. At the same time, one of Catra’s hands was yanking at the top of her robes, pulling it away from her neck, just before she descended.
Teeth clamped around supple skin and Adora yelped. Luckily, she still had enough wits about her to quickly bring a hand up to her mouth to muffle her sounds when Catra moved onto the next spot, trailing her tongue across the skin of Adora’s neck and collar before biting down again and sucking.
Her legs were trembling beneath her, breath coming in short spurts as her other hand grabbed at Catra’s robes. She was surprised to realize that instead of trying to pull her off, however, she was instead pulling her closer, body arching to brush against Catra’s. 
It last only a couple minutes. Soon enough, Catra was pulling away from Adora’s neck, admiring her handiwork in the form of a plethora of hickeys and a panting, flushed Adora. Clearly contented, she began to pull back, only to be halted by Adora’s hand still wrapped in the billowing fabric of her robes, pulling her back in. 
Their lips met, rough and Catra’s hot lips searing. Adora could feel the venom pooling in her mouth, coating her tongue with each swipe of Catra’s and trickling down her throat, poisoning her mind, body, and soul with each drop.
When they pull away, Adora no longer knew what to make of anything - up, down; left, right; friend, foe; Slytherin, Gryffindor. 
Catra let out a rush of air that she supposed was supposed to be a laugh, an amused light to her eyes that hinted at something else. Whatever it was, Adora wondered if it reflected the spark that she felt igniting in her own chest, spreading its heat to the bottom of her stomach.
“I think that’ll do for now,” Catra whispered, giving her one last peck on the lips before backing off. Adora watched her saunter off from whence she had come, robes fanning out around her, lips tingling with the phantom sensation of Catra’s pressed against them. 
Her fingers brushed against the sore spots on her neck, feeling the tenderness in a few select spots, as reality began to sink in and she realized just what this meant for tomorrow.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit.
Adora pushed herself away from the wall, standing still a second or two to make sure her legs were steady enough to walk, before drifting down the hall in the opposite direction to finish her rounds. 
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batgirl-87 · 5 years
Close Encounters {In The Prefect Bath}
Summary:  Breaking curses to find her brother and save Penny’s little sister, as well as the entire school, facing off against an evil cult (are there any non-evil cults?), Prefect and Quidditch Captaincy responsibilities, and all the other side quests to help her friends – all while studying for her O.W.L.s – has got Keira quite stressed to say the least. She attempts to escape to the Prefect Bath to de-stress, unbeknownst to her that it’s already occupied. Brotherly teasing ensues.
Word Count: 4,268
Genre: Humor?
Warnings: Nudity mention (it is a bath!), Sensory Overload, Playful tormenting of Charlie
Note: I don’t believe it’s ever exactly explained how the Prefect Bathroom works (since Harry was nervous about being caught in it 4th year) and while a bathroom should clearly be locked while occupied, especially in a school (especially in a school with hormonal teens =p) it is only used by a small handful of students who maybe have a schedule or some sort of code or something to signal they’re using the bath and just respect that?
Anyway, having it locked while occupied would defeat the whole idea for this fic! So possibly not canon? But for fun (because this is supposed to be a funny story) let’s say the Prefect Bath door unlocks for anyone who knows the password regardless if someone is inside or not. Or they forgot to lock the door – that is very plausible.
I just started Year 5 so some things that occur during the year may be left out.
*Things have been edited to reflect new information in regards to Charlie’s bathing habits and more rumors going around about Charlie, Bill, and MC spending so much time in the Prefect Bath together*
Soundtrack Suggestion: *Kill Bill Sirens* 
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Quidditch Captain.
Beatrice was trapped in a painting. Penny was a mess, understandably, because of it. Charlie got swindled by a shady dealer and had his hopes shattered with an Acromantula egg. Bill was graduating. New Professor Rakepick had her constantly on edge with all her tests. The sinister threats of the cloaked cult were looming. She had to get her Marauder’s Map. She had to get Penny’s sister out of that portrait. She had to keep her friends safe and stop this cult. She had to find her brother. She also had to win the next Quidditch match or she’d never hear the end of it from Andre.
Don’t even get her started on the upcoming Ball.
The weight of everything could be crushing at times. Sometimes it could be hard to sleep or eat or even concentrate and focus on homework, in class, what her friends were saying… anything.
Sometimes everything just felt like it was too much. Everything was looming over her and time was running out. There was impending doom. There was too much to do. Too much studying, too many people counting on her, too much noise.
She wanted everything to stop. Time needed to stop. All the noise needed to stop. The hurricane of thoughts in her mind, her friends talking and laughing about whatever Billingsley had done now, Penny crying over her sister, the chatting of other students, the lecturing from Professors, the clinking of silverware and plates and glasses in the Great Hall, the shushing from Madam Pince, the scratching of quills on parchment – everything could become so amplified as they competed with one another inharmoniously, spinning and closing in around her. Seats became hard and uncomfortable, the sun was harsher, blinding, burning. Her shirt and tie were too tight and cutting off oxygen.
Sometimes she found it hard to breathe.
Everything could become inconceivably overwhelming.
Keira hurried down the hallway as she struggled to breathe, her heart pounding in her chest. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, but with each year at Hogwarts this overwhelming sensation seemed to become more frequent. Before she had become Prefect and Quidditch Captain she had responded to these sudden overwhelming moments by leaping into the Black Lake or flipping herself into the courtyard fountain – both much to the disapproval of the Professors.
Perhaps it was because of her mother’s Undine genes, but water always calmed and soothed Keira. Just being near a lake or a river brought her a sense of peace. She would take hours in the shower or bath if she could. The Slytherin Common Room was a real place of sanctuary for her. And when she felt this overwhelmed with everything going on in her life and around her, the only thing that helped her quiet everything down was submerging herself in water.
Fortunately, now she was a Prefect and Quidditch Captain which meant she had access to the large and ornate Prefect’s Bathroom. No more dunking herself into the courtyard fountain! Well, maybe just for fun and old time’s sake… But at least she could not get in trouble by the Professors for using the Prefect Bath and she could spend as long as she needed in the water.
Keira shoved past a couple students walking opposite down the hallway as she made her way to the Prefect’s Bathroom. She quickly uttered the password before barging into the massive, luxurious bathroom. In one fluid motion she slipped her bag off her shoulder and tossed it aside, along with her wand and uniform cardigan, and kicked off her shoes before plunging into the large pool-like bathtub.
Instant relief struck her as soon as she felt the warm water against her skin. The deeper she sank the calmer she felt. The cacophony of noises dulled to a silence. Her frenzied thoughts dissipated and her mind was clear.
She finally felt at peace.
She floated in the still water, relaxing as it cradled her. However, after a moment of gaining some serenity, she was able to think more clearly.
Why was the bath already filled up? She just leapt into an already full bath without touching any faucets or casting any spell… Now that she thought about it she was pretty sure there were bubbles floating on top of the water before she dove in.
Oh no…
Keira slowly swam back to the surface and peeked over the water’s surface, her eyes meeting the surprised and quizzical blue ones of a familiar Gryffindor.
Keira poked the rest of her head out of the water to reply just as awkwardly.
Keira treaded water as she and the eldest Weasley continued to stare at each other, possibly both processing the current situation.
“…You okay,” Bill finally asked in his usual older brother tone.
“Yeah,” Keira replied with a nod of her head.
“Are you sure? Because you just stormed in here and tried to drown yourself,” Bill pointed out.
“I wasn’t trying to drown myself,” Keira informed him matter-of-factly.
“You were down there for like five minutes. I almost went and got you. Thought I’d have to give you CPR.”
“It was not five minutes,” Keira replied, rolling her eyes.
“Slight exaggeration,” Bill said with a shrug.
Thank Merlin the person she intruded upon taking a bath was the ever chill – except when it came to his N.E.W.T.s – Bill Weasley. Anyone else and this would be a very awkward and uncomfortable situation very fast. Bill, however, remained casually lounged against the side of the bath, his arms propped up on the edge of the pool-like tub.
“Well I’m fine now. Thank you for your concern,” Keira told him, keeping her informative tone.
“Is this like when you jumped into the fountain,” Bill asked curiously, a teasing smirk playing on his lips.
Keira’s expression, however, was not amused. “I- that was- I don’t-… Yeah, I guess it is,” she finally relented.
Bill’s smirk only grew at her stammering defense which ended up failing. “I’m going to miss watching you fling yourself into the fountain,” he admitted. “Maybe I should talk to Dumbledore about taking away your Prefect privilege of this bathroom so you have to go back to that.”
“Shut up!” Keira playfully glared at him as she splashed some water at the Head Boy. Amazingly, they somehow forgot they were currently in a bathroom, one of them naked in a bath, and proceeded to have a casual chat as they would anywhere else. All thanks to Bill’s natural chill personality. Also thanks to Bill’s natural big brother personality, Keira was in a much better mood than she was earlier.
Bill chuckled as he blocked water from going into his eyes with one arm as he turned his head. “What? It’s very amusing,” he informed her.
Keira rolled her eyes and shook her head slightly before looking away as if avoiding eye contact would hide the smile creeping onto her face from him.
“So, feeling overwhelming stressed again,” Bill asked causing Keira to look back over at him. Somehow seeing his bare torso didn’t alert her to the fact that he was naked in the bath right now.
“Guess you could say that,” Keira muttered, hating to admit it to anyone. She didn’t want anyone to know how much she struggled with everything she had to deal with. “But I’m feeling much better now,” she assured quickly.
“Well a nice hot bath will do wonders,” Bill agreed.
“Is that what you’re doing? Trying to relax from stressing out about your N.E.W.T.s?” Despite them both acknowledging that fact he was taking a bath right now, that bit of information didn’t deter their casual vibe.
This was a perfect example of their relationship. They were very close and comfortable with each other. Maybe too comfortable…
“Yeah… I just really need to do well on them. I don’t want to ruin my chances at becoming a Curse-Breaker.”
Keira couldn’t help but scoff. “Please, Will, you’re going to become a Curse-Breaker. You’re smart, and brave, and you have Rakepick helping you. You’ll be fine.”
Bill stared at the Slytherin girl a moment, his expression unreadable, before a small smile formed on his face. “Thanks… You know, I’m usually the one who gives the encouraging pep talk.”
“I know, you’re the surrogate big brother. You’re there for everyone. But someone has to be there for you, too.”
“And that someone is you,” Bill asked with a small teasing smirk but his eyes shone with appreciation.
“Yes, it is,” Keira answered confidently with a nod of her head. Bill smiled gratefully at her.
“The bloody hell is this?!”
Keira and Bill quickly looked over as the cry of shock and betrayal echoed throughout the bathroom.
Charlie stood next to the pool-like bath starring at the scene before him in horror.
“Hey, Char-“ Bill began to greet before his brother cut him off with quite the piercing glare, uncharacteristic of the normally sweet Weasley.
“Don’t ‘hey Charlie’ me all casual because you’re just “so cool.” The bloody hell is going on here,” he demanded at his brother, motioning to his older brother and the Slytherin girl currently sharing a bath together. The same girl that a few months ago he realized he had feelings for, with the help of his older brother so Bill knew how he felt! How could his brother do this to him?!
Despite his younger brother currently glaring daggers at him, Bill remained ever calm and unfazed. “Just enjoying a nice hot bath. It’s quite relaxing. You should join us,” he offered, fighting back a smirk. As an older brother it was his job to torment his younger siblings, right?
“Wha- Join you?! You-You-You’re naked,” Charlie pointed out, practically in a shriek.
For some reason, when Charlie said, or rather shouted, it, it finally clicked for Keira. “You’re naked?”
Bill turned back to look at her before shrugging. “I’m in the bath.”
Welp, that made sense…
The fact that neither of them seemed to care at all that they were having a bath together while Bill was naked drove Charlie absolutely mad.
“You just – You’re just sitting in the bath together, naked, grinning at each other –“
“We’re not both naked,” Bill pointed out, interrupting Charlie’s angry ranting, causing Charlie to pause only to glare more intensely at his brother. Do not try him, William!
Keira, meanwhile, glanced down at her now soaking wet clothes. Whoops… Well that was true. Clearly it was a good thing she didn’t completely strip down before leaping into the water or else this whole situation would be a lot different.
“And there are bubbles,” Bill continued, ignoring his brother’s glaring. Possibly enjoying provoking his brother and getting him all hot and bothered. It was rare to see the two eldest Weasley’s angry and riled up and as the oldest brother Bill may get some pleasure from torturing his younger siblings.
“Speaking of which, you may want to move those ones over a bit,” Keira spoke up, motioning to a mound of bubbles floating in front of Bill.
“Oh, thanks,” Bill said, reaching over to gently move the bubbles per her instructions as Charlie let out a frustrated groan. A small smirk spread across both Bill and Keira’s faces as they fought back laughter. “And I know what you’re going to say next,” he started before Charlie could start up again. “Keira’s wearing a white shirt that’s now sopping wet so she might as well be naked but I can assure you I have maintained eye contact this entire time! I’m a gentleman.” Don’t make him out as some creep! Their mum raised them right!
“Hey,” Keira cried out, offended as if somehow this was her fault! Okay, maybe it was… not the point!
Charlie let out another cry of agony.
He swore he saw them share a look – a knowing look with a sly smirk – as if they were both in on it, both messing with him. Which they were. But that just made it worse. They were close. All they had to do was share a look and they seemed to know what the other was thinking. They worked well together even when it was just messing with others like him. They had each other’s backs, supported each other.
They were partners.
“Well I better get out before I get all pruney,” Bill said as he began to lift himself out of the water.
“NO!” Charlie’s shout echoed throughout the bathroom causing Bill to freeze. “You just stay right where you are!”
Bill tried to fight a smirk as he sunk back into the water, watching his younger brother on the verge of pulling his hair out. “Seriously, Charlie, you should get in here. You’re clearly in need of a relaxing soak.” His older brother’s fake concern only caused Charlie to glare harsher at him.
“Okay, okay,” Keira started in a calm voice, trying to ease the stressed out Gryffindor Seeker. “I’m going to get out.” As she made her way over to the edge of the tub Charlie, being a chivalrous gentleman as well since, again, their mum raised them right, grabbed a towel and held it open for her, keeping his eyes firmly on his brother. When Keira assured him he didn’t have to avert his gaze since she wasn’t the naked one there, Charlie replied that he was just making sure his brother didn’t look at her since he claimed to be such the gentleman himself. Bill just smirked at his brother.
Keira hoisted herself out of the tub and stepped into the towel Charlie held out for her. He helped her wrap the towel around her, his gaze softening.
“Why don’t you yell at her? She’s the one who intruded on my bath,” Bill pointed out. “Probably just wanted to see me naked,” he added with a smirk, causing his brother to throw him a disgusted look.
“Please, if I wanted to see you naked I wouldn’t have to surprise you in the bath. I’m always surprised when you do wear clothes,” Keira retorted.
“When you have the body of an Adonis it’s a sin to have it covered up all the time,” Bill informed them before looking offended as Charlie scoffed and rolled his eyes. “You’re just jealous,” Bill claimed before moving once again to hoist himself out of the pool-like bath.
“I said stay right there,” Charlie commanded again, and once again causing his older brother to pause before sinking back into the water.
“Are you using your Prefect voice on me?”
“It’s more like his Quidditch Captain voice,” Keira corrected, throwing Charlie a small smirk. Bill watched his younger brother smile sheepishly and smirked himself as he watched a tinge of pink spread across the Seeker’s face.
And as a true older brother, Bill of course had to continue his teasing. “I had no idea you had such a problem with nudity. Must make changing in the Quidditch changing room very awkward for you.”
“I don’t have a problem with it, I have a problem with yours,” Charlie informed him.
“Oh, because I make you feel insecure about your body?”
“You do not make me feel insecure,” Charlie assured with a mocking chuckle.
“It’s okay, completely understandable. Must be hard for you and Percy and the Twins and Ron when your older brother is the best looking in the family,” Bill continued.
“You spend all your time worrying about your hair. I play Quidditch –“
“Oh, so you think you’re more fit than me?”
“I don’t think it, I’m saying it.”
“Oh yeah? Prove it,” Bill challenged with a smirk, his little brother falling into his trap easily.
“Wha-what,” Charlie stammered, clearing his throat, clearly caught off guard by his older brother’s dare.
“You heard me, prove it,” Bill repeated, his devilish smirk growing as he watched his brother with a mischief glint in his eyes. Charlie shifted uneasily as he glanced at the Slytherin girl next to him. Keira had kept herself busy while the two brothers bickered, removing her soaking wet socks before slipping her shoes back on as she enjoyed the brother’s taunting – it reminded her of her and her own brother so it brought her some sort of comfort. And while she remained oblivious to Charlie’s nervous glance, Bill noticed it and it just fueled his mischievous older brother nature. “Oh… I see… You don’t want Keira to see you naked.”
Charlie’s eyes widened as he felt heat rising to his face – he wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment of anger – before he narrowed his eyes at his brother. Why must he torture him so? Wasn’t it bad enough he had to walk in to find them together in the bath?!
Keira’s head popped up as well when she heard her name, glancing between the two brothers curiously.
“I – I don’t – she doesn’t – I…I…” Charlie had no idea how to respond, stammering unintelligibly. He was so angry at his brother right now putting him in this awkward situation he couldn’t even form coherent sentences! He was going to kill Bill! *insert Kill Bill sirens here*
“You don’t want her to compare your body to mine. Makes sense, seeing how –“
“Stop calling yourself an Adonis,” Charlie shouted in annoyance.
“You’re the one who said you’re more fit than I am. So, let’s see it,” Bill challenged again. “You don’t have to get completely naked, since you clearly have a problem with nudity.”
“I don’t –“
“Knew it. This is why you bathe with your clothes on –“
“It’s a co-ed bathroom with people barging in all the time,” Charlie argued.
“So…like at home,” Bill reasoned.
Charlie huffed and threw the Slytherin another nervous glance. Oh what she must think of him now…
“Do you sing in the bathroom here like you do at home,” Bill asked his brother curiously. Charlie could feel his face growing warmer.
“You sing? I didn’t know you sang!” Keira appeared very excited about this new information.
“Well I uh…” Charlie started sheepishly before Bill answered for him.
“I guess you could call it singing… I wouldn’t but…” Bill teased with a shrug.
“Sing better than you,” Charlie retorted at his brother.
“Fine, you sing better. I look better,” Bill replied with a small smirk.
“You do not look better,” Charlie sighed, rolling his eyes. It had been a lifetime of this, he swore.  
“Then why do you not want to be naked in front of other people,” Bill continued. “Again, that must make it awkward changing for Quidditch –“
“I don’t have a problem dressing in the Quidditch changing room,” Charlie sighed exasperatedly. How long would this conversation go on?
“So you just have a problem being naked in front of women then,” Bill suggested with a smirk, motioning to Keira, causing Charlie’s face to once again heat up – and once again he wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or anger.
Charlie nervously glanced at the Slytherin out of the corner of his eye as she peered up at him curiously, his towel still draped over her shoulders. “I uh… I… I don’t want to make Ady uncomfortable so…”
“I’m not uncomfortable,” Keira assured promptly. Bill motioned to the girl as he watched his brother with a cheeky grin. See! She wasn’t uncomfortable! “If it makes you feel more comfortable I can take off my clothes,” Keira offered, reaching up to unbutton her top.
“NO!” Charlie’s hands quickly shot up to catch hers before she could even undo one button – those Seeker skills gave him some fast reflexes. Keira froze and glanced at their hands briefly before looking up at him. A rosiness spread across his cheeks once again as her eyes met his. “No. You don’t have to do that,” he told her, much more calmly this time. He could hear his brother snickering and if she wasn’t there he would leap into that bath and pummel his brother to a bloody pulp.
And he knew she was teasing him just like his brother was but he could never be mad at her for it. He knew she enjoyed teasing her friends and messing with them was her weird way of showing affection. And if his brother wasn’t there he would tease her right back. Of course, when they got into their playful banter around others, particularly Bill, they just got informed it was flirting and supposed sexual tension. Which, after his recent revelation of his feelings, maybe it was?
“Charlie, you’re never going to get a girlfriend if you panic over even the slightest bit of flesh showing,” Bill informed him. Normally Bill never teased Charlie over his relationship status and dating, well aware Charlie had much less interest in dating than the rest of his siblings which they all seemed to understand and accept; however, with Charlie’s newly found awareness of his feelings towards their female Slytherin friend, Bill had begun to, obviously, tease his little brother about it because that’s what older brothers were for.
“I’m being respectful,” Charlie hissed at his brother.
“She’s the one who offered! And she said she wasn’t uncomfortable,” Bill pointed out. Charlie made a frustrated noise that almost sounded like a growl before turning to argue back at his brother.
As the two brothers resumed their bickering, Keira watched them, quite amused, as she gathered up her things. She used Charlie’s towel to squeeze out some water from her hair before folding it back up and slinging her bag over her shoulder.
“Stop trying to turn this back on me when you’re the one who was taking a bath with Keira!”
“It wasn’t like we planned it. And honestly everything was fine until you barged I here ranting and raving like you’re off your trolley.”
“Oh really? How do you think mum would react if I told her what I walked in to see here today,” Charlie challenged Bill with a smug smirk.
“I think she’ll forget all about it and shift her focus onto you when I tell her you’re insecure with your body,” Bill replied.
“I’m not insecure –“
“I know mum, it’s really sad. He can’t even bathe naked. I think he’s going to need all the reassurance and unconditional love from his mum to help him gain some confidence. He keeps comparing himself to me and that’s just not fair –“
“Oh, bugger off!”
“She’ll be too busy stroking your freshly cut hair and telling you how you’re her handsome boy to care about who I’m taking a bath with,” Bill informed him with a smirk.
“Now it just sounds like you’re jealous that mum loves me more,” Charlie retaliated with a smirk.
“Yeah, let’s see how smug you are when mum’s the one joining you in the bath.”
Charlie looked horrified for a moment before quickly sputtering out an angry retort. “I play Quidditch, what the hell do you do all day besides brush your hair a thousand times?! You don’t do anything to stay in shape!”
“I know, it’s all natural. It’s a gift,” Bill replied in fake humility. Charlie groaned out in frustration. How did nothing faze this guy?! It was so frustrating to argue with someone who never got upset.
“Oh shut up you two,” Keira suddenly interrupted, walking over to hand Charlie his towel back. “We all know I’m more fit than both of you.” She thanked Charlie for lending her his towel and apologized for the dampness which he of course assured her was no problem. “And don’t let Will’s delusions of grandeur get to you. You have nothing to be insecure about,” she assured Charlie.
“What delusion? It’s just fact,” Bill replied with a shrug. However, Charlie didn’t hear his brother, fortunately, too heartened by Keira’s words – much better hearing them from her instead of his mum. Instead of hearing his brother’s unrelenting confidence, all he heard was that Keira thought he was fit. Not Bill. Him.
“Don’t drown each other,” Keira instructed as she turned to leave the Prefect’s Bathroom, much calmer than how she entered.
“So I’ll see you Friday for our next bath,” Bill called to her.
“Eight o’clock, sharp,” Keira called back over her shoulder.
“May I suggest wearing less clothing,” Bill started, Keira well aware he was only saying that to torture Charlie more because he normally would never say anything like that to her. And if there was more to that statement she would never know. As she opened the door to leave the Prefect’s Bathroom, Keira heard a loud yell and a large splash behind her as, she assumed, Charlie, finally unable to take it any longer, leapt at his older brother in the bath where, again she assumed, a brotherly brawl commenced. Instead of being a witness to either, or both, of them meeting their watery grave, Keira closed the bathroom door behind her and headed innocently and casually down the hallway.
As she made her way down the hall, away from the Prefect’s Bath, the trail of water she left behind her caused by her soaking wet clothes earned her some very strange looks but she paid them no mind. This story spreading throughout Hogwarts was hardly anything to be concerned about when the Hogwarts’ rumour mill finds out that she, Bill, and Charlie were once again in the Prefect’s Bath together, this time emerging sopping wet. If there were speculations about the three of them going into the Forbidden Forest and Prefect’s Bathroom before, this moment should really stir up some interesting, scandalous gossip.
A/N: Just a funny idea I had that I quickly typed up (then had to go back and edit some things with newly learned information in regards to Charlie’s bathing habits and that JamCity is aware we all determined that Hogwarts had to be swirling with rumours of the three of them always doing things togethers =p Hope it flows well with the additions). 
Did I have fun torturing Charlie? Yeah, a bit... I love the Weasley family and the relationship between siblings and I love writing these sibling dynamics. And while this was a dumb little idea I had purely for fun and humour, besides the brotherly dynamics, I love demonstrating the relationship between my MC and Bill more. So chill, so accepting, so close, great partners who work together - Keira has probably seen him naked more times than she can count in their like at school and in Egypt and she is completely unfazed by it. 
So hope you enjoyed, hope you laughed. Don’t feel bad if you snickered at poor Charlie being tormented =p Thank you for reading! Feel free to reblog and comment! I love hearing from you guys =)
My Hogwarts Mystery Masterlist
Tag List: @sly-vixen-up2nogood @arnyan @sungoddessra @cinnamoncam @bexeris @urban-eagle @tatlikar @thatbritishcanadiangirl 
(Think that is all? Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the tag list or if I accidentally forgot you - sorry. It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a fic... because I have a lot of WIPs but I finally finished one woo!)
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antiagingsol-blog · 7 years
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Anti Aging Skin Treatment - 7 Tips On Looking Younger
Do you intend to look younger? Allow's encounter it, nowadays, that doesn ' t? Once it was just celebrities and those in the public eye that bothered with looking older everyone else grew old beautifully! Currently 40 is the brand-new 30 and guys in addition to females respect their appearance, there is even a fad in culture to victimize the older generation. What can you do to remain looking younger? There is no Anti Aging Cure-all that will certainly clear your wrinkles overnight, yet with discipline as well as an excellent Anti Aging Skin Treatment regimen in position you will be on your way to looking younger for longer. There are lots of drastic options readily available for anti aging skin care to help you look younger, from the standard aesthetic face lift to infusing chemicals like Botox into the skin to provide a temporary crease smoothing effect. Not every person is ready, or financially able to go to these extremes. So just what can you do on a day to day basis that will aid you really feel and also look more youthful? By adhering to the 7 steps below, you will be on your way to an extra youthful look for longer. And remember it is never far too late (or prematurely!) to start an excellent anti aging regimen. 7 ideas on looking after your body and also mind: 1. Drink a lot of water each day - most medical professionals recommend 7 to 10 glasses a day. Water purges out toxic substances, maintaining your body as well as skin tidy. Additionally your skin will look more clear and plumper if it is moist. Definitely the first step for "anti aging skin care " to look younger. 2. Consume a healthy well balanced diet regimen, include something from all the significant food groups daily in your diet regimen. Eat lots of fiber as well as fresh vegetables and fruit. The UK government suggests five parts of vegetables and fruit are consumed daily, however this should be the minimum amount you eat. Fruit and also veggies include numerous important minerals and vitamins that assist maintain and repair the skin and also cells. Not only will your skin appearance more youthful yet your body will age much better and you will certainly be less susceptible to many usual conditions of old age. The prefect "anti aging skin treatment solution " Additionally avoid eating fatty and oily foods which raise your weight however do not offer you anything nutritionally. Overweight people usually look and really feel much older compared to they are. 3. Purpose to lead an anxiety cost-free, calm presence. If you are worried the body launches chemicals which years earlier would certainly have aided you to handle the trouble with "battle " or "flight ". Considering that these are not a solution to many of life today's troubles, the chemicals will certainly remain in your body as well as cause you to come to be emotionally or physically ill. Ensure that you rest well and also work out regularly. Use whichever techniques assist you to kick back - taking a lengthy warm bath, massage therapy or scent therapy are just a couple of to try. Remember, extreme stress will just trigger your hair to go white and your face to look tired and lined. Appreciate life! 4. Routine exercise, taken a minimum of 3 times a week and everyday when possible, will certainly function wonders in assisting you feel and look more youthful. Make certain the exercise is energetic enough to earn you fear and your skin will look younger as contaminants are eliminated. Keep in mind to contact your medical professional prior to considerably transforming your workout regimen. 5. Prevent UV radiation as it is the significant cause of early skin aging and also wrinkles. Ensure you always have adequate sunlight defense for the climate and also your skin kind. Acquire facial moisturisers which consist of UV defense for day-to-day use. Usage of a top quality high factor sunlight cream need to belong to your daily routine. A tan could look good for a while but you will mature and wrinkle promptly as well as be extra vulnerable to skin illness such as cancers. 6. Attempt to eliminate pure nicotine and alcohol consumption. Cigarette smoking will mature you as chemicals in the smoke are maturing to the skin and will certainly reverse your anti aging skin care process. In addition, if you are forever scrunching up your eyes via smoke, crow's lines around the eyes will certainly appear all too rapidly. Alcohols contain several toxic substances which are harmful to your wellness. Excessive drinking will mean your liver not deals with freing your body of these contaminants. 7. Search for skin care products which are anti aging (those consisting of the ingredients Vitamin C, retinol and ceramides are really excellent). Attempt different anti aging skin treatment products to see which works finest for you and also moisturise daily. Bear in mind, if you feel good regarding on your own, you will certainly look excellent.
Read more informations click here lifecell anti-aging treatment
welcome back to Western TV hi guys I'm unit and I'm back well it feels like it's winter already in Korea you know because of the seasonal changes it's already really really cold and I feel like my skin is becoming really dull and rough not to mention that my makeup will not go on smoothly and looks really flaky these you guys know that most of anti aging products come out at this season at fall that's kind of interesting huh well so that's why today I have prepared a video to talk about anti-aging tips for those of you in your 20s to 40s and I had a lot of questions about on eye creams also I wanted to remind you guys that I did a video before about eye creams eye cream for young skin anger tea so don't forget to check that out all righty then let's get started so there's three anti-aging skincare steps so the first one is the early anti aging steps early anti aging starts in the beginning of your 20s and that's why it's probably called early anti aging the key solution to early anti aging is moisturizing and protecting your skin from dry skin types to oily skin types that lacks moisture moisturizing moisturizing moisturizing is the key point so you should always keep your skin moisturized okay so I'm going to introduce some of the products that's good for early anti aging the first one I wanted to introduce you to is this one this cream is a night cream all you have to do is put it on and just go to sleep I like it because throughout the night it just really keeps my skin really moisturized and this one little thing will help you to balance your oil and moisture balance all right so the next one I wanted to show you is this cocoon mask I think as soon as I opened it up and used it from the sheets the quality is different and I don't know how to explain it but I will show you guys in a bit and you can actually pull the sheet and put it on the back and it will just stay that way so it's really great for the elasticity and it also covers the lip part so in the beginning I was like it was really hard for me breathe just through my nose then for some of you that you have a lot of clock codes it might be tough for you but it's perfect because they have live care also at the same time so that's the two reasons I really like this product it has a cocktail of multi silky proteins and spider silk - you know moisturize and protect your skin the second step is anti-aging care for people with visible pore enlargement or fine wrinkles and lack of elasticity so our skin starts aging a little before and after you turn 25 so if you are seeing wrinkles that means that probably it has progress and when we are in our 30s our body aging starts speeding up so that even if you started anti-aging care you know before you can see you know enlargement of pores you can see lack of elasticity and you can also see wrinkles so I think the key points here is that you do all anti-aging care or routines depending on your skin's condition all right so this is the first one I wanted to introduce you to it's a snail essence and it has 80 percent of snail extracts in it and when you look for a snail product it's very important that you double check you know the other how much amount of snail extracts or snails is actually in there and another thing is it has adenosine which is a excellent ingredient for wrinkle care so overall this essence will make your skin really healthier I wanted to introduce you to the next one and this is Chad your recovery cream and it will help your skin's condition to improve from any stress or stimulation that your skin might have had I know how frustrating that is because I have both on I have a lot of freckles and I also have pigmentation around to my nose area in my lip area because I use something wrong and it wouldn't go away and it just takes a lot of patience for pigmentation and freckles to go away so I want to recommend you to this cream if you wanna get rid of that but you still have to be patient because you can't see results you know right away and it has the ingredient eg F in it which has won a Nobel price so it must be good ring for its excellent effect for whitening and wrinkle care in Korea it's also called the EGF is also called you know a Botox that you can put on so it's that effective and that really you know good so the third one is anti-aging care for those of you who are already seeing signs of aging if you're here already then you need to do anti-aging care steps that will directly affect your skin cells keep Lippmann if your skin starts aging then the functions such as the protection of your skin barrier or scar recovery and at the sebum and other functions will slow down we need to choose products with functions that will improve our skin the first product is the snail bomb and I want to recommend it for those of you who feel like the skin around your eyes always kind of no very rough and dry it's a foam type that melts really easily and well into your skin and it will help you to moisturize and nourish you know the skin around your eyes next one is this one and I've introduced you to this mask before I really like it because it's the one that you know you can put it right behind your ear to give you that extra pull for elasticity or that lifting effect and this mask just focuses on wrinkle care and moisturize use your fourth finger to put on the essence make a V then pull up and pull down with the V from the front of your eyes to the temple drag and massage five times press lightly between your eyebrows and your eyes the front part to the back part press lightly make small circles massage your eyes and then from the inner part to the outer part drag and massage for the bottom part of your eyes from the inner part to the outer part drag and massage put essence on your laugh lines with your thumb press lightly on your cheekbone with your second finger press lightly on the side of your nose and then open your mouth and make an ah I basically put everything and anything that is left on my hands after putting it on my face I massage my neck with my fingers upward this way use your second and third finger to make a V with the V starting from the front of your eyebrows to the back drag and afterwards pull from the end of your eyebrows to your temple alright so that's it for today and I'm sorry about the clothes we had some trouble with the camera so that's why I'm finishing it up right now I hope that this video about anti aging really helped you guys because we had a lot of questions about when and how to start anti aging and that's why we decided to beat this video so please leave us comments and any questions that you guys might have and I will see you guys next time bye subscribe wishtrend TV or be square subscribe which trend TV or let's guys please subscribe please I'm doing this please subscribe
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bully scholarship edition xbox 360
bully scholarship edition xbox 360
Bully: Scholarship Edition cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
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Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Take2
Publisher: Take2 Interactive Software
ESRB Rating: Teen
Release Date: March 3, 2008
Teddy Bear
In the mission carnival date when you are giving pinky the bear right before she grabs it drop it then you will have your own bear.
English Classes
Here's a list for English classEnglish Class 1: The letters are "ELMOLW" and you need 7 words to pass the class. Here are words that can be created from those letters: Ell, Elm, Low, Mel, Mew, Mol, Mow, Ole, Owe, Owl, Lowe, Meow, Mewl, Mole, Moll, Well, Mellow.English Class 2: The letters are "THFSGI" and you need 14 words to pass. Here are words that can be created from those letters: Fig, Fit, His, Hit, Its, Sit, Figs, Fish, Fist, Fits, Gift, Gist, Hits, Sift, Shit, Sigh, This, Fight, Gifts, Shift, Sight, Fights.English Class 3: The letters are "ELISSM" and you need 15 words to pass. Here are words that can be created from those letters: Elm, Ism, Lei, Lie, Mil, Elms, Isle, Isms, Leis, Less, Lies, Lime, Mess, Mile, Mils, Miss, Semi, Sims, Slim, Isles, Limes, Miles, Seism, Semis, Slime, Slims, Smile, Slimes, Smiles.English Class 4: The letters are "RAOCYN" and you need 19 words to pass. Here are words that can be created from those letters: Any, Arc, Can, Car, Cay, Con, Coy, Cry, Nay, Nor, Oar, Ran, Ray, Roc, Yon, Corn, Cory, Cyan, Narc, Racy, Roan, Yarn, Acorn, Corny, Crony, Rayon, Crayon.English Class 5: The letters are "DGRAGE" and you need 22 words to pass. Here are words that can be created from those letters: Age, Are, Dag, Ear, Egg, Era, Erg, Gad, Gag, Rag, Red, Aged, Dare, Dear, Drag, Dreg, Egad, Gage, Gear, Grad, Rage, Read, Agger, Grade, Raged, Dagger, Ragged.
Smell Ya Later Tip
The achievement ‘Smell Ya Later’ is obtained by hitting 25 people with stink bombs. Find, buy, or make some stink bombs at your chemistry set, and go to a spot where a lot of people hang out. On campus, that would be the greaser hangout by the Auto Shop. When the classes have ended, there are usually a large number of greasers there at the same time. Find a group of 3 or more people, target the person in the middle, and throw the bomb. Hitting many people at the same time is a double-edged sword. The good thing is, you’ll earn the achievement quicker. The bad thing is, you’ll get a lot of people after you, so make sure you run for it once you hit all the people.
Watch Your Step Tip
The achievement ‘Watch Your Step’ is obtained by tripping 25 people with marbles. Here’s a very quick way of obtaining it. Make enough people chase you, and equip your marbles. While sprinting, push LT. This will make Jimmy drop a bag of marbles behind him, making everyone behind him trip. Do this a couple of times with 5+ people behind you, and this achievement will be a breeze.
As soon as you get to chapter 3 and then save your game and restart everyone eventualy will have a cigarate in there mouth.
How To Beat Up Prefects Without Causing Violence
To do this, get some eggs and equip them. Then keep harassing them with the eggs. Cause small trouble, but apologize to the prefect so he can leave you alone. Keep on harassing him until he falls. (just remember to keep apologizing to him).
Make Cops Throw Bricks At You
To do this, do anything that gets your trouble meter on red. Then jump on top of a car (any car). The police sit there for 10 seconds or so. Then you can see cops trying to throw bricks, you lose health, but its kinda worth it.
Easy Win At Dodgeball
To hit your opponent easily, you can jump and throw (even if they catch the ball, there still out). If your opponent has the ball press RT when your opponent throws the ball so when you get hit, you wont get out.
100% Completion Checklist
If you beaten the game, but not sure why you don’t have 100% be sure you did these things:
Completed all classes to level 5Collected all rubber bands/G+G cards/GnomesComplete all bike racesCompleted all Go Kart Races (unlocking the kart itself)Completed All Distance achievements (100km on bike and foot, 50km on skateboard)Purchased all clothes (you will unlock the gold Elvis outfit, remember to buy all the clothes from the school shop, easy to miss that one. my total clothing items acquired was 334)Purchase all items from the carnival shopBeat up the secret pirateSmash all pumpkins and gravestones (these can be found after Halloween in the school basement and blue skies warehouse respectively)Beat the keep up and pen shoot out games once Buy 100 and drink 500 sodas (these can be done in any shop buying 100 a time, then exit and re-enter the shop and repeat)Complete the boxing side missionsPull 20 fire alarms (getting the firefighter hat)Fail any 3 classes (getting the dunce cap)Take all yearbook photosDo the jobs, these are all the paper routes (up to 24 customers) and the 2 lawn mowing jobs (both up to level 3)Find all transistors and learn all moves from the school hoboUnlock all save points (5 in total)Get all the ninja costumes (black for doing yearbook, green for using projectiles 1000 times, and red for doing the big prank mission)I have sprayed a tag of each group type (1 nerd tag/1preppie/1greaser/1jock)Unlock all room trophies (40)Get all the achievements, you might as well not sure if all of them added to the % but they add to your GS so what the heck, These include:Do 200 wheeliesGive 50 wedgiesKick 100 soccer ballsHigh score the 3 arcade games (consumo, Nut shots and Monkey fling_Win all 4 carnival games at least onceRide all rides at the carny onceHit 50 people with stink bombs and trip 25 people with marbles Egg 25 carsPick 50 flowers, and kiss 25 girls and 20 guys (these don't have to be different people, just spam their lips with your mouth lust)Knock out 200 peopleAfter hours (which you should all get easily by just being out after curfew for 5 hours)Taunt 50 people (just spam taunts at the school secretary)Complete the errand achievement but keep doing any you see, i did 37 errands in total and each one added around .05% to my overall percentage.
100 Extra Dollars
Use the 2nd controller. Hold LB then press Y, X, B, A.
All Weapons And Items
On controller 2 hold LB and press up, up, up, up on pad for all weapons.
Toggle Infinite Ammo
While playing, hold LB and press Up, Down, Up, Down on controller two.
All Gym Grapple Moves
Hold LB and press Up, Left, Down, Down, Y, X, A, A.
Hold Down, LB and then press RT three times.
All Hobo Moves
Hold down LB and press: Up, left, down, right, Y, X, A, B.
Free Soda
Buy 100 sodas and they will be free for ever, even out of the soda machine.
After Hours
Spend 5 hours out after curfew.
Receive 25 kisses from the ladies.
Geography Classes
These are rewards you get after you pass these classes
Geography 1: unlocks the Eiffel Tower Hat in Jimmy's wardrobe. Geography 2: unlocks the Racing Hat in Jimmy's wardrobe, and allows you to view the locations of any uncollected rubber bands on your in-game map.Geography 3: Unlocks Panda outfit and G&G card viability on map.Geography 4: unlocks the Pith Helmet in Jimmy's wardrobe, and allows you to view the locations of any uncollected transistors on your in-game map.Geography 5: unlocks the Explorer Outfit in Jimmy's wardrobe, and allows you to view the locations of any uncollected gnomes on your in-game map.
Unlockable Clothing
Bike helmet: Win a bike race. Bike shorts: Ride 100 km on a bike. Black cowboy hat: Give a homeless man spare change in Bullworth. Black Ninja costume: Completely fill your yearbook. Black skate shoes: Walk at least 50 km. BMX Champion costume: Successfully complete a bike race. Boxing costume: Successfully complete the Boxing Challenge or Prep Challenge in Chapter 2. Burglar mask: Found in a locker on Halloween. Cheerful reindeer sweater: Found in the school office during the winter. Crash helmet: Finish in first place in the Kart Race at the Carnival. Dunce cap: Fail three classes in a row. Edna mask: Destroy all nineteen tombstones. Fast Food costume: Successfully complete the Burger Joint errand in Bullworth Vale. Firefighter's helmet: Pull the fire alarm twenty times. Graduation hat: Successfully complete all five levels in all of your classes. Gnome costume: Smash all the garden gnomes. Go Kart: Win all Go Kart races. Gold suit: Buy all the clothing. Green Ninja costume: Hit targets with projectiles 1,000 times. Grotto Master costume: Collect all G&G cards. Incognito hat: Successfully complete Errand #21 near City Hall. Jimmy's Skeleton Halloween costume: Successfully complete the "The Candidate" mission to unlock the "Halloween" mission. Orderly uniform: Successfully complete "Finding Johnny Vincent" in Chapter 5. Pirate hat: Beat up the pirate on the island near the beach house. Prison uniform: Successfully complete all the detention mini-games. Pumpkinhead mask: Destroy all 27 pumpkins around the school and inside the main building. Red Ninja costume: Successfully complete the Big Prank task during Halloween at Bullworth Academy. Rubberband ball: Collect all 75 rubberbands. Running shorts: Run or walk 40 km. School Mascot costume: Successfully complete the "Nice Outfit" mission in Chapter 4. Soda hat: Drink 500 sodas. Tiny swimsuit: Find the preppie with a blue mission on the beach at the beach house and beat his swimming time. Viking helmet: Get all collectibles. Werewolf mask: Found in a school locker after picking the lock. Wrestling uniform: Successfully complete Gym 1. Yellow Ninja costume: Get 1,000 knockouts of people, students, etc.
Green Thumbs Up
Pick 50 flowers.
Egg 25 cars.
Kickin’ The Balls
Kick 100 soccer balls.
Watch Your Step
Trip 25 people with marbles.
Dual Nebula
Achieve A High Score on Consumo, Nut Shots, and Monkey Fling Arcade Games.
Down For The Count
Beat up 200 opponents.
Soda ‘licious
Buy 100 sodas.
Speed Freak
Complete � of all Go Kart Races.
Helping Hand
Complete 10 Errand Missions.
Little Angel
Complete 20 Errand Missions.
Complete 3 Classes.
Teacher�s Pet
Complete 6 Classes.
It�s All In The Wrists
Complete All 4 of the Carnival Games once.
The Champion
Complete All Bike Races.
Pole Position
Complete All Go Kart Races.
Green Thumb
Complete All Lawn Mowing Jobs.
Black & White & Read All Over
Complete All Paper Route Missions.
Complete Chapter 1.
Complete Chapter 2.
Complete Chapter 3.
Complete Chapter 4.
Skate Pro
Travel 50,000 meters on the skateboard.
Smart Mouth
Say 100 taunts.
Smell Ya Later
Hit people with stink bombs 50 times.
Give 50 wedgies.
Glass Dismissed
Break 300 bottles at the shooting gallery.
Momma’s Boy
Complete 30 Errand Missions.
Travel 100,000 meters on foot.
The Wheel Deal
Perform 200 wheelies on the bike.
Sharp Dressed Man
Collect 250 clothing items.
Tour De Bullworth
Travel 100 km on the bike.
Boy Genius
Complete 9 Classes.
Complete Chapter 5.
Mission Accomplished
Complete All Missions.
100% completion.
Over The Rainbow
Receive 20 kisses from the gents.
Easter eggs
Eggsellent! Tip
The achievement ‘EGGSELLENT! ‘ is obtained by egging 25 cars. First, go to any Jum Jum Market and buy a carton of eggs. Second, get on a bike, and search the road for cars. When you see one, ride in front of your car and brake. The easiest way now is to get off your bike, zoom in, and throw an egg at the car. Do this 25 times. Whenever you run out of eggs, either return to the Market, or go to a safehouse to stock up on eggs.
Glitch Fire Hydrant
Grab any fire hydrant and press RT, X. The fire hydrant should still have a sound but it is not blowing stuff out.
Currently no guide available.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for Bully: Scholarship Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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