#and there are extra bonus interactions with each of the 5 hearts members too
writesology · 9 months
a few weeks ago i made a heartslabyul text-based adventure game (where you're yuu and you go into heartslabyul gathering everyone for the unbirthday party that day) for my python class and it's just been sitting in my computer files since then. which is sad because i spent so long working out special interactions and bonus dialogue lmao
so that being said here y'all go! have my funny little heartslabyul adventure game :D
do not mind the documentation. that was required and i can't be bothered to go in and remove it bc there's just so much of it lmaooo
please download both adventure.py and custom.json! the adventure game will not work without the dedicated json file. map is optional but it does have cool graphics
i made and tested this game on vs code, but it does work in this online python terminal! have fun with the game and if smth doesn't work please lmk 🫶
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years
Here is my wish list for ZEP future season(s):
This is based on a list I posted on another site after the finale. I've just expenaded on it. And added more things to the list: 
One: Joan = CEO.  Zoey or Max = Joan’s job (Zoey = Joan & Max = Zoey OR Max = Joan). -- Because they gotta keep Max around on the 4th, since it’s workplace centered show. And he’s free & looking for a job & he has loved working there & has been for 5 years, but he doesn’t want his old job back as a coder. This would allow them to deal with this the best. Without casting anyone new, and having the main cast all together in scenes, while also creating new dynamics... Because Joan is the new CEO (cause DMD is gonna be away for 6-19 months, so Joan is possibly not gonna be around as much for a while... a storyline written because of the actresses LG’s filming schedule conflict). So it’s either gonna be that Zoey takes Joan’s job (and Max Zoey’s job) or Max takes Joan’s job (and Zoey remains in hers...cause she has too manhy things to deal with currently to handle the responsibility of Joan’s job)
Or as an alternate option: Max does continue on his own path, and part of his character development (and part of more backstory for him, and his growth) will be his new career path. And I hope it won’t be on the 6th floor/at some other SrpkPoint team, but that he’d go on and start his own business or something. That’d be interesting, and source for many storylines. 
Two: Abigail returning from Africa & getting that internshop at Sprk Point. Tobin + Abigail (since KT has said he wants Tobin to fall in love) -- I really want to see Abigail again. and they did set up the possibility of that in S1. Also... this would allow Howie to return, too (as her dad now, not as Mitch caregiver)
Three: Max & Mo friendship. More of that. Team M&M being there for Zoey...at this time of grieving. The only two people who know about her superpower (the only two she’s told...cause the MRI technician might be “on the know” too? The third person who knew is not physically there anymore) 
Four: Max’s new look: beard (and locks). See: Skylar Astin’s social media posts during quarantine for the visual of the look. I mean... if we already had Tobin, David & Simon... all have a beard or a shadow of a beard...in the shows Pilot, then how/why would they (read: the network/studio) not allow Max to have one? The network made the actor shave for the show/S1, but... times they are changing. And the new look would fit... perfectly into the storyline. I mean.. Max is unemplyed for now, staying at home (not going to the offfice, so no “reason” to shave). Plus he said it himself... he’s looking forward to trying new things..etc. So it would make sense storyline wise, too. 
Five: Max & Tobin friendship - exploring more of this. It’s one of the dynamics we haven’t seen much in S1. But both Tobin 2.0 & Max 2.0 are extra great, and they’d work well together. 
Six: Tobin’s squirrel! Can he bring his pet squirrel to work again, please? 
Seven: More Team SparkPoint! More scenes, more songs for, more interactions with, more backstory of other member of the Team (Tobin, Leif, and everyone else) I really need there to be more song for Tobin/Kapil. 
Eight: The Max & Zoey office pool: Tobin being in charge of the bet “when will they get together”. Since everyone knows that Max has had a crush on Zoey for the longest time, and they’ve seen her sing “I’m Yours” to him (and probably more)... it’s time for this storyline. Because there is definitely some betting been going on about Zoey/Max, and if/when they will be together. 
Nine: More backstory to all (side) characters: The Clarke’s (Maggie, Zoey, David, Emily), Mo, Tobin, Leif, Joan, Max... How/When they started to work at Sprk Point. Their family. Their “outside work” life. Their personal experiences with grief (Zoey & Simon may be the only ones who have lost their dads, but Joan is defintely not the only person Zoey knows who has lost someone close... and she/we are just not aware ogf it yet)
Ten: Max & Simon: Both men agreeing to take a step back & take themselves out of the competition in Zoey’s mind, letting her have her alone time & family time after the funeral. Zoey taking time to think, and reflect...on things. And then sitting down to talk with both men (either all three together, or with each separately), and telling them everything/the truth. Telling Max about her connection with Simon and what happened on her “anger phase day”. Telling Simon about her connection and history with her best friend, Max and what happened on the day when the bad moon rose. And then either choosing one of them...or...if they are all open to it...then they could all be in a poly relationship... In other words: honesty from all. And no love triangle, cause that doesn’t work or fit anymore after S1. ETA [Dec 11th]: Oh, well...we all knew this wish of mine wasn’t fully gonna come true in early S2. The “triangle” is still there & both continue with their “heart songs” apparently, but we got a bonus out of it all: the two men are “best buddies” now. That’s something at least...
Eleven: Exploring the Max & Zoey relationship (co-workers, friends, romantic couple) through the eyes of others/people around them: We’ve seen Simon, who was an outsider & didn’t know them much, notice the connection between Max & Zoey. We’ve seen him say that he’s noticed how close the two are, and it’s also noticable when they are spending less time together. He’s even asked if the two are/have been a couple. So... he’s been aware that there is more to Max & Zoey than she has told him. Cause she keeps telling him they’re just friends & he has no reason to be jealous..etc... when he can see/sense that there is/was more... (and it’s possible that had she been honest with him from the start, he’d not “come between the two”...though IDK). How others see them. 
Twelve: Zoey admitting to herself that she hasn’t been fair with the two men in her life. Telling both the truth. Being open about her real feelings..for each. Zoey being more open with her own feleings, not running away from deep emotions. Not being scared of “what if-s”. Taking her own advice...to not keep it all (the grief) inside her, and instead talk about it...with loved ones. Dealing with it. And looking at things from a new, different perspective. Going after her joy... and realizing it’s not as far as she thinks. Realizing that she can live and love again after her dad is gone. Zoey admitting to herself that she formed an emotional grief bond with Simon only/mainly/mostly because she had a crush on him and wanted him for his body. That that was her motivation. Cause that was why she was so eager to help him, and why she continued her emotional affair with him. 
THIS IS WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN...FOR ME TO “LIKE” THE MAIN CHARACTER. Until she claims it’s all due to the powers or grief & won’t accept it’s her own choices & doing, I’m not gonna be able to fully enjoy the storylines. She may be grieving, she may be “stressed out” due to the power and she may have a “hot mess” personality in general, but since for me none of it is logical & I see her behaviours and all as irrational & controversial, I can’t “get” the character. To me her behaviour and all don't match up (and s much as I try convincing myself it’s cause of grief or powers or...) I cannot convince myself that those explain it. Hence she seems “OOC” to me... back & forth, all depending too much on the seasons set up (things happen in premiere, for sweeps, for finale... cause there have to be twists then, so even if they don’t add up or aren’t logical, they happen...) 
As Maggie put it, when Zoey lashed out on Howie: “We do not talk to people like that.” AND as Mo out it “don’t blame it on the power, this one’s all on you”. Meaning... she cannot claim that all of it is due to her grief or powers. And  personally need her to stop being in denial & claiming it’s “due to grief/powers”, when its been made clear she’s aware she is actually just trying to stay in denial.... 
Thirteen: Zoey + therapy & Simon + therapy: both taking time to properly grieve, and heal. And acknowledge their mistakes: Simon (emotionally) cheating on Jessica (he may not be a bad person, but he did a “bad thing”). Zoey leading both men along and being dishonest.
Fourteen: Maggie going back to work, continuing her landscape/floral business...without Mitch. But shell need someone to help her. The perfect candidate would be Autumn. She loves all things nature! Also...any excuse to have her (Stephanie) back. 
Fifteen: Paul (the family friend, who we saw in 1x06 & 1x12) being back. He’s the most likely candidate for a possibly romantic storyline for Maggie. IF they decide to write one. (and we all know TV shows like to write all that)
Sixteen: Mitch still being there... even if he’s not. In their dreams. In flashbacks. In Zoey-ality...singing to her. Any excuse to have Micth (Peter) back...as much as possible. And the “Mitch effect”: how he’s shaped everyone (Maggie, Zoey, David, Emily, Max...) who knew him... his “ideas” living on through them. Big Moments... 
Seventeen: Baby Mitch [cause, let’s be real, David & Emily are gonna name their baby boy after his grandpa...in some way or form)! David & Emily as parents. David as a father... even if he’s had doubts about himself as a dad [the whole “I dont think I’m manly enough” plot they did] 
Eighteen: Aunt Zoey -- Zoey as an aunt to “baby Mitch”. David & Emily asking Zoey & Max to be the babies godparents (they would...cause he’s like a family, and they have no idea about any of the triangle drama...probably). Zoey babysitting baby Mitch. Zoey & Max babysitting baby Mitch. Cause let’s face it - they would  not let Zoey do it alone - she’d be too anxious/nervous... #classictrope
Nineteen: Throwbacks to: The day that Max & Zoey met..5 years ago..a the company orientation day, and to other big moments in their friendship (how the movie nights started...). Leif’s first day...which was 7 years ago... sao hes been there longer. The day Max met Zoeys family, and seeing many of the moments they had together (any excuse to have Micth/Peter back) - the holidays, the summer barbeques...  and how everyone knew about Maxs feelings for Zoey. 
Twenty: More Zoey/Mo friendship. And more about her other neighours. Maybe her shy downstairs neighbour is ready for that moonwatching adventure on the roof? Speaking of which...can we get some astronomy/math storylines (backstory and expansion of Zoey’s interests - how it started, what she’s doing now...)
Twenty-One:  More singing & dancing...in whatever form. In Zoey’ality/Zoeys head, in dreams, in the form of karaoke or flash mobs. And one thing’s for sure... we need Zoey to SING...for real...to Max..once she’s made up her mind and chooses him. Whether it’s a flash mob, or karaoke..or just... “serenading” him... but she is her fathers daughter, and to parallel Max’s flash mob love confession & honouring her dad’s love for big moments, bigger memories...her “confession” should also be in the form of song...and dance.
Twenty-Two:  More people finding out about the power...though I don’t really see her “trusting” this secret to anyone but the people she already has told. Except for, maybe, her mom. It could help her if she’d know that Mitch communicated with her/them in a way...during his last months. And maybe she’d tell Joan. But... I actually do not see her telling Simon... even if they do make her choose him for now...cause she’ll make bad choices due to being a grieving mess. And unlike with her best friend, where she can request any feelings/heart song..or none at all... I don’t see her doing the same with her office crush, so any possible make out session will be ruined...as now it seems he is emotionally available, and “likes her back”, so he’s about to sing to her...during such moments. Yet...if they do get closer and she doesn’t tell him... that alone will drive them apart..the secret(s). And yet...if she will tell him...then I do not see a scenario where he will be okay with it, and as chill as Mo, or even as mildly chill as Max was. Because his entire belief in them is based on his belief that she has this natural connection with him...when in fact she’s using a CHIRP style device that helps her read his mind/heart. And unlike others, I do not see the possibility of him being chill or OK with her power, and her not telling him.
Twenty-Three:  CHIRP vs ZOEYALITY...the parallels between the superpower & the new tech/gadget
Written: over summer 2020 & updated with a few ETAs: Dec 11th, 2020
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lovedtooeasily · 7 years
Full name: Rebekah Frigga Mikaelson !! Date of birth: July 4th, 982 !! Zodiac sign: Cancer !! Totem: Bear !! Myers-Briggs personality: ENFP !! Location on the isle: 843 Maple rd !!
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1. What color is your character’s hair?
Streaked with highlights from the radiant sun in the summer time, her hair’s typically a blend of medium blonde and golden.
2. What color are your character’s eyes?
Her eyes hold the depth of the ocean in a brilliant cerulean blue.
3. What color is your character’s skin?
Putting aside the multitude of diversely pigmented freckles, her skin’s generally a youthful shade of alabaster.
4. What special aesthetic characteristics does your character have?
Tough exterior, soft interior.
5. Does your character have any piercings? Tattoos?
No, absolutely not. She’s not big on body modifications and prefers to dress modestly.
6. What’s the sexiest physical characteristic of your character?
Naturally full lips and a posture that’s perfectly poised.
7. What’s the ugliest physical characteristic of your character?
Deep set eyes and a heavy set brow. bonus: Rebekah’s insecure about the way she looks, how she dresses, where she was seen and sometimes even for what she thinks or says because of her intense fear of abandonment. That falsified confidence she encompasses is always so quick to waver at the worst of times. When left by herself to criticize every microscopic little detail, nothing distinctive comes to mind as she convinces herself that she’s just not good enough.
8. What does your character wear?
Designer brand tank-tops with a matching over coat faded blue jeans and combat boots. 
bonus: She’s a medium build and with modesty as her mask all her insecurities are safely hidden just beneath the surface.
9. When your character smiles, what does their smile look like?
They’re as everchanging as the lunar phases. Both corners of her mouth slowly turn up to dimple her cheeks and only moments before a break in her full lips reveal a radiant set of  pearly white teeth you’ll hear a soft laughter fall. Each cycle is different as it passes, but none are less beautiful.
10. What does your character’s laugh sound like?
She laughs as freely as she’s meant to live. Her laughter twirls about the room like a child’s spinning top, it’s just as vibrant and heart warming as the laughs that escape her most subtle grin; moving about the people in a such chaotic way that one might forget how deadly her bite can be. Each one comes out in fits and bursts, and it’s like nothing you’ve ever heard before only it sounds all too familiar because you have. Sometimes it can be loud and throaty, and other times it can be high-pitched and delicate. From loud to soft; soft to silent and then back to loud again. bonus: Light hearted banter with her siblings.
11. What is your character’s normal style of speech?
Rebekah as well as the rest of her siblings have a thickly laden British accent. Each of the Mikaelson siblings at one point or another tends to speak more formally than required during certain interactions. She’s very expressive in the way that she engages in conversation, but that can be quite problematic when she’s trying not to let others know her true identity for the sake of living a normal life. bonus: “Klaus! Get out here and tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic, backstabbing wanker!” & “Has history taught you nothing? We don’t abandon you, Nik, you drive us away.”
12. How does your character express/handle anger?
That soley depends on the reason she's angry. However, of all the Mikaelson children Rebekah and her brother Kol are tempered much like their father Mikael. So physical altercations are highly likely.
13. Does your character cry?
Yes, quite frequently. Rebekah's very expressive in terms of emotions and doesn't care who knows it. Often times letting them control her instead of being in control of them. bonus: Loss of a lover or family member. Not just in death, but to betrayal.
14. How easy is it for other people to read your character’s emotions?
Rebekah's more or less an open book to everyone she meets due to an inability to control her emotions. However, when necessary; usually for the sake of her family, it's been proven she can control her tempermant just enough to keep them from whatever danger lurks.
15. Is your character religious?
Rebekah finds herself drawn to all types of faith. However, growing up she practiced the Old Norse religion. Very devoutly.
16. How does your character view those of other faiths?
Are they tolerant or rigid? Do they condemn or judge others for their differing beliefs? Do they feel judged themselves?
17. What are your character’s core values?
What, above all else, does your character feel must be conserved in the world? Family? Freedom? Beauty? Connection? Kindness? Hope?
18. How willing is your character to fight for those values?
Are they held only as aesthetic values or is your character willing to fight for them? How committed are they to their beliefs?
19. What is your character’s favorite food?
Not Indian food, pizza, burritos. Be specific (e.g., “chicken tikka masala,” “pineapple pizza with extra cheese,” “freshly baked french bread topped with herb-infused cheese”).
20. What is your character’s favorite color?
Not green, blue, pink. Be specific (e.g., “pastel pink,” “teal,” “the color of mist on the mountain right after a storm”).
21. What are your character’s sleeping preferences?
Are they an early bird or a night owl? A heavy sleeper or a light sleeper? Do they sleep short hours or long? Can they sleep easily or are they an insomniac? bonus: What position does your character typically sleep in?
22. What is your character’s sexual identity?
What gender/sexuality identity do they declare? Does this differ from their internal experience? Where might they fall on the Kinsey scale?
23. What are your character’s sexual preferences?
Are they sexually conservative or liberal? How comfortable must they be with a person to have sex with them? What meaning does sex have for them? What type of play do they enjoy during sex? bonus: What sexual experiences or choices does your character feel especially good or bad about?
24. What type of music does your character like?
Rebekah’s taste in music evolves with time. She enjoys anything that gets her out and on the dance floor, away from all the family drama and one step closer to a normal life. bonus: Elastic Heart by Sia.
25. What is your character’s birthday?
July 4th, 982. bonus: Cancer fits her personality almost perfectly, but she’s very quick to fall in love whereas it’s predicted that others with this astrological sign are not.
26. What family structure did your character have growing up?
Were they an only child? Adopted? Raised by a single parent? Part of a nuclear family?
27. How well did your character get along with their family?
Are the relationships strained? Do they have a sense of belonging there?
28. What is the worst thing your character has ever done?
This should be according to your character’s beliefs. What are they most ashamed of from the past? Why did that deed stick with them?
29. What is the best thing your character has ever done?
What are they most proud of from their past? Why did that deed stick with them?
30. What is the most significant romantic encounter of your character’s past?
Who broke their heart? Whose heart did they break? Or are they as of yet inexperienced with love?
31. Has your character ever been in love?
Is that good thing or a bad thing?
32. Has your character ever been in lust?
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
33. What is your character’s level of sexual experience?
Are they a virgin? A sexual adventurer?
34. What is your character’s most embarrassing moment?
Tell the full story.
35. What is your character’s biggest goal in life?
Everyone has a narrative that structures their life. What objectives is your character moving toward? If they lack a strong objective, how does that impact their behavior and outlook?
36. What does your character believe is their greatest virtue?
Do others agree or disagree?
37. What does your character believe is their greatest vice?
Do others agree or disagree?
38. What motivates your character most?
Are they driven by sex, money, connection, fame, pride, respect? Are they honest with themselves and others about these motives? 
39. Is your character objective-oriented?
If so, what are some goals they have accomplished in the past?
40. Would your character rather be a great person or a good person?
Sometimes in life we have to choose; which of these is more important to them?
41. Would your character rather be hated for being who they are or loved for pretending to be someone else?
Sometimes in life we have to choose; which of these is more important to them?
42. Is your character an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
Consider introversion and extroversion as a gradient rather than a multiple-choice question. How introverted or extroverted are they, and when do these characteristics manifest?
43. Is your character creatively expressive?
If so, how do they express that creativity? How much of their sense of identity is tied to that creative expression?
44. What’s your character’s disorder?
Manic-depressive? Obsessive-compulsive? Attention-deficit? Anxiety? Narcissism? We’re all crazy. What’s their crazy’s name?
45. What is your character’s standard emotional state?
How happy or sad are they normally? What is their go-to emotion when things get rough?
46. Is your character materialistic?
What experiences or beliefs are linked to this? bonus: What are some of your character’s prized possessions?
47. What is your character’s major learning style?
Are they auditory, visual, kinesthetic, or some combination?
48. What question isn’t on this questionnaire that your character is just burning to answer?
What question would really allow them to talk about what they feel is important in their life, outlook, and experience?
49. I am a _________. How would your character complete that sentence?
"I’m an original, sweetheart.”
50. Life is an act of _________ing. What verb would your character use to complete that sentence?
“Growing... First rule of truly living: Do what you're most afraid of.”
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hyuncakes · 7 years
i've seen some of the minbooties answer this already so if you have to ship the minbooties with wanna one members (aside from minhyun unless you can only see them with minhyun) who would you ship with who and why? sorry did not know whether to send to main blog or this blog
Helloo!! Thanks for sending in this message ^^ (sending it to this blog is fine! c:) It's fun to do things like this haha~ So I'll try not to ship anyone with Minhyun c: I was inspired by Rui to be extra and write a super lot for everyone osoooOO I'll put it under the cut. Also I added Lillian’s as a bonus at the end even though she isn’t a Minbooty but I felt like it :^)
@2hyeons - I'd ship Ying with Woojin because personally I think their personalities are similar. They both have a cool aura with a Killer Gaze but they're actually very sweet. They can also be lowkey savage sometimes so I can imagine them roasting each other for fun (also whenever Woojin does something questionable or ridiculous Ying will just give him the trademarked Side Eye). I didn't want to ship her with someone who's really loud all the time because I think it'd be a bit overwhelming for her, so someone who is fairly quiet but has their moments would be good for her, which is why I decided on Woojin!! They usually keep to themselves but the times they do talk are either meaningful or hilarious. Ying is the type who doesn't like to burden anyone with her problems, so she needs someone who will check up on her. If he senses that something's wrong, Blunt Busan Boy Woojin will immediately ask her about it.
@luminous-point - I ship Reni with Jisung!! Reni is automatically the mom of the Minbooties in my book even though she credits the creation of the group chat to Abby. She has a very warm and gentle presence in the group chat (when she's not sinning of course) and it just makes you think "mom." I feel like while she listens to our problems a lot, she's a bit more hesitant to express when she's feeling down, so I think that someone who would take care of her and comfort her whenever she needs it would suit her well. She needs someone who can be her backbone and I think Jisung would be perfect for that. He would hype her up for everything and would treat her with so much love and respect!! (as expected of Yoon Jisung) He would always cheer her up and speak to her in the sweetest tone when she's upset :((((( He would always check up on her to make sure she's eating well and getting enough sleep and dressing warmly.... I'm making myself emo just imagining it haha
@minhwangs - Sarah I ship with Jinyoung!! Despite him being a fairly shy and quiet guy I think Jinyoung would like someone cute with a bright personality to contrast with his and Sarah fits the bill!! They'd be the ultimate manhwa visual couple. Sarah is the kind of person who makes people feel good about themselves and I think Jinyoung would need that kind of person in his life, especially when he's feeling down. In return, he would do the sweetest things for her!! I can imagine them being a really cute loveydovey couple (based on the way Sarah interacts with Abby on Tumblr LOOOL) and he would love to spoil her. Late night messages are a must....I think he'd be the type to send cheesy messages at 3am ("I'm looking at the stars and thinking of you!") if he felt like it and we know Sarah would be awake to read it because she never sleeps llool.
@hwangminyeo - I ship Abby with Daniel! I'm not sure if Abby can skate but they give off the skater couple kind of vibe LOOOL. She seems like a very chill person so their personalities would go together really well. Abby gives me the impression that she likes going out a lot, so she'll drag Daniel out of the house on dates a lot! They'd have fun going to places like the movies (quote Daniel: all my friends were available but I wanted to go see it with you), restaurants (quote Daniel: I could come here forever with you), and ice skating and stuff like that. I think he would really like her sense of fashion! And he would lend her his flannels often because she looks cute in them :^) I think she would be the perfect height for him too because I think he said he liked girls on the shorter side whose hair he could ruffle (she'd complain that he messed up her hair and he'd ruffle it even harder with a grin on his face).
@emperorhwangs - Rui, since the beginning when she first joined Minbooties group chat, has reminded me of Seongwoo! I really like her sense of humor, and I think Seongwoo would love someone witty like her who can fire back at his jokes. I think they'd be that couple everyone knows because they're a hilarious duo and always bickering with each other. There'd be a lot of playful banter and I think they would "challenge" each other a lot ("I bet I can eat 5 scoops of ice cream in 2 minutes" "bOoy is that a challenge??"). They would never have a dull moment, I swear. I think they would be the type to have each other under silly names in their contacts (Seongwoo would have Rui as "Bunny Nugget" or something like that...either that or "The One Who Makes My Heart Burn With The Intensity of Ten Million Suns" there's no in between)
BONUS:@cinnamingyu (idk why I’m tagging your main when you already know if I post this ask on this account loool) - Her type is “puppy like guys” so I can’t imagine shipping her with anyone else from Wanna One other than Daniel!! Someone who would love to eat with her/go on food dates? Check. Someone who would make her laugh and vice versa? Check. Someone who is smiley and silly and is an overall fluffball? Check. The other members say that Daniel laughs at everything even hours later, so I think if he and Lillian were together it’d be a happy day everyday LOOOOOL. They’d just be eating lunch together and Daniel would be like “remember that one time we--” and before he’d even finish his sentence Lillian would be like... already dying laughing on the table. They’d have a good time regardless of whether they’re indoors or outdoors. Also I think that Daniel would help her keep her cool during the school semester when she’s stressing out.
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purrcraze · 6 years
20 Reasons Why Ragdoll Cats Are Amazing Pets
Ragdoll cats are very popular as pets because they are such a wonderful breed. Ever wondered why exactly? Well, the list is long.
Ragdolls are beautiful inside out. With bright blue eyes and a luxurious coat, these cats are appealing based on their appearances. Look deeper and you’ll find that Ragdolls have many positive personality traits too. They are gentle, friendly, affectionate, loyal and so much more.
Keep on reading for 20 reasons why Ragdoll cats are amazing pets!
1. Ragdoll cats are beautiful – Let´s start with the obvious
This point may sound a little shallow but good looks are a bonus, right?
Ragdoll cats are simply gorgeous! As mentioned, Ragdolls have bright blue eyes – at least, all of those that are considered a “true” breed. Accompanied by rounded cheeks, the faces of Ragdolls can easily be described as sweet.
The coat of a Ragdoll is soft, fluffy and has a pointed coloring. This means that the cat’s body has a darker color in certain areas such as the face, ears, legs, and tail.
Even so, the appearance of Ragdolls can still vary greatly as they come in various patterns and colors.
The four main patterns for Ragdolls are mitted, colorpoint, bi-color and van, and these patterns can be adorned in colors like blue, chocolate, seal, cream, lilac and red.
To elaborate on the patterns, mitted Ragdolls have white feet or “boots”, just as the name suggests.
Colorpoint ragdolls have a single color but with pointed markings in a darker shade of this same color, while bi-colored Ragdolls tend to have more white in non-pointed areas. In the van pattern, usually only the ears, tail, and a few other areas show darker colors.
With so many potential permutations, your beautiful Ragdoll will certainly be unique in its appearances.
2. Ragdoll cats are big and so cuddly
Are you a fan of big cats?
Ragdoll cats are on the heavier side of the scale. Adult males weigh about 15 to 20 pounds (6.8 to 9 kilograms) while adult females weigh around 10 to 15 pounds (4.5 to 6.8 kilograms). This makes them larger than the already plus-sized Maine Coons.
Don’t mistake Ragdolls to be overweight, though! They can be overweight if they overeat, but this breed just tends to be bigger than your average housecat.
Ragdolls are slow-maturing. They can take up to four years before they finally reach full maturity and stop growing. However, the weight of kittens will more or less stabilise after 8 to 16 months.
The main perk of having a large cat is their cuddle factor. Ragdolls really score on this one. Combined with their personality (more on that later), they make the perfect “teddy bears” to snuggle with on the sofa or on the bed.
3. Ragdoll cats are incredibly affectionate
Ragdolls are the kind of cats to get if you want to feel loved. Ever been rejected endlessly by a cat? Rest assured that Ragdolls won’t do that to you.
These cats are social creatures that love the company of humans. They are usually not aloof and they would rather be near people than alone. Even more, they love human interactions.
They enjoy being stroked and petted, and in exchange, they would give you their attention and affection.
Ragdolls are the type that would happily sit on your lap and sleep close to your body. Being laid-back, you’ll usually find them lazing around the house but ever-ready to join in with your daily activities.
4. Ragdoll cats are loyal family members
While Ragdolls are tolerant of strangers, they usually develop a strong and special bond only with the kind owners who care for them. These cats would actively seek out their favorite people and accompany them around the house.
It’s not unusual to see Ragdolls trailing behind their owners from room to room. Neither is it unusual to see a Ragdoll waiting by the door to greet someone. It’s almost as if Ragdolls are capable of expressing their appreciation to people!
Just check out this heart-warming video of a Ragdoll called Finn who showed clear enthusiasm in welcoming its soldier owner home. Such is the dog-like loyalty of these cute felines!
5. Ragdoll cats are highly intelligent
Some cats are more intelligent than others, and Ragdolls are known to be very intelligent kitties. To prove this point, Ragdolls are able to learn simple tricks. For example, they can be taught to play fetch or come when called by the name.
Some have even been trained to walk on a leash!
Ragdoll cats also smart enough to communicate in ways that humans can somehow understand. If they are very hungry, they won’t hesitate to vocalize with a sweet meow.
If they want to be let out of the room, they might repeatedly paw or hurl their bodies against the door. When a Ragdoll cat wants attention, it might come and sit right in front of you, giving no care that it’s restricting your access to your laptop or books.
6. Looking for a quiet cat? Go for a Ragdoll cat!
For those who live in shared spaces or in an apartment building, the noise level of cats can be a big consideration.
In this aspect, Ragdoll cats are angels! They make their presence known to you without making a din. When they vocalize, they usually only do so to ask for food. More talkative cats might start to chatter when they get excited.
Otherwise, they would barely let out a meow. So don’t be surprised if your long-time neighbors won’t realize that you have a cat!
One downside to having a quiet kitty is that Ragdolls might not vocalize when it’s in pain or in distress. Hence, it’s the responsibility of Ragdoll owners to check for other signs that their cat might need help.
7. Picking up a Ragdoll cat? No Problem!
Have you ever wondered how the Ragdoll breed derived its name?
These kitties have a tendency to go limp when they are carried – just like a ragdoll. Hence, they are sometimes described as “floppy cats”.
However, do note that not all Ragdolls go floppy when you carry them. This trait could even be regarded as a stereotype. However, most ragdolls are still easy to carry around as they will not protest or scramble away when carried.
8. Ragdoll cats are perfect lap cats
As mentioned previously, Ragdolls like to sit (or even sleep) on people’s laps. They are happy to laze on you for hours as you watch the TV. They might even start to knead, showing you how contented they feel.
9. Ragdoll cats are gentle
Ragdoll cats have a gentle nature. They rarely extend their claws even if you accidentally frighten them. It’s almost as if they are forgiving. These are the kind of cats that you never have to be afraid of.
They are always calm, laid-back, and just as sweet as their little voices.
Truly, Ragdoll cats are a gentle giant!
10. They are docile – Here is what this means
On top of being gentle, Ragdolls are also docile. You can get an inkling of this by the way they go limp when carried. Submissive is a good description of Ragdolls.
They would oblige with what you have in store for them, whether you want to tickle them silly or tuck them in bed.
This characteristic also makes Ragdolls extra cuddly as these cats will not reject your advances.
This leads us to the next point:
11. Ragdoll cats love children
Being gentle and docile, Ragdoll cats are good with children. These fine family pets are unlikely to cause any harm to children, even babies.
Instead, they would even play along to a child’s whims and fancies by joining in with teatime parties and dress-up games.
Therefore, if you’re searching for a cat breed to make an addition to your household, Ragdolls are a top option. While caring for a Ragdoll, kids can learn to be patient, responsible and respectful.
Of course, before this happens, your child must understand that Ragdolls need to be treated gently at all times.
This would set the groundwork for a good relationship to develop between the child and the Ragdoll.
12. Ragdoll cats love to play
Another reason why Ragdolls are good with children is the playful nature of these kitties. If you have a playful child, then he/she has met a match!
While Ragdoll cats might appear to be lazy and inactive most of the time, they do have a playful streak that will emerge from time to time.
Interactive games are great for Ragdolls. Apart from the classic game of fetch, a Ragdoll will most certainly love chasing around a cat-mice or the feathers attached to the end of a rope.
On top of that, you could also get puzzle toy games which give cats food treats as a reward for completing a puzzle. These stimulating games would certainly keep a Ragdoll entertained when they are feeling playful.
As play is an integral part of a cat’s mental and physical well-being, cat owners should try to set aside time to play with their Ragdoll cat each day.
13. Ragdoll cats are the perfect indoor cats
If you prefer to have a cat that spends most of its time lounging indoors with you, then Ragdolls would be it. These dependent kitties are more than happy to be kept indoors.
In fact, it is highly recommended that Ragdolls are kept indoors for various reasons.
Firstly, their docile nature means that they don’t quite have a fighting instinct. Therefore, they might not know how to defend themselves when attacked by other cats. Other dangers include dogs, foxes, and coyotes.
Ragdolls would also be exposed to moving vehicles and prone to catching diseases outdoors. On top of that, Ragdolls are vulnerable as a “catnapping” victim due to their friendly nature and pretty appearances.
If your Ragdoll cat seems keen to explore the world outside, it is still okay to give them access to an enclosed yard or to train them to walk on a leash so they can be supervised while outdoors.
14. Ragdolls aren´t big jumpers
If you ask a Ragdoll to pick between the floor and a high viewpoint, the former will win. Ragdolls are known to be “floor cats”, meaning they prefer being on lower grounds.
Therefore, while Ragdolls may run around the house, cat owners will not find these cats hidden at the top of their wardrobe, clawing their way up curtains, or causing destruction by knocking items off the mantelpiece.
15. Ragdoll cats don’t need tedious grooming
You might have the assumption that the coat of Ragdoll cats requires a lot of care. This is not true. You’ll find that a Ragdoll cat’s coat stays silky with just a bit of grooming.
This is because while Ragdolls have long guard hairs, they do not have a thick undercoat – and the undercoat is the layer that has a tendency to mat when not brushed regularly.
A twice-weekly combing session using a wide-toothed steel comb and a soft bristle brush would suffice to keep a Ragdoll looking tip-top. They do not require slicker brushes or any form of stiff brushes.
A Ragdoll’s brushing session can be seen as a preventative measure to steer clear of tangles and to get rid of loose fur.
It would also save your home furniture from getting coated with Ragdoll fur, especially during the shedding seasons of spring and fall.
16. Ragdoll cats love water
A trait that makes them extra loveable, Ragdoll cats tend to have a fascination with water! Just the sound of water can cause them to come running.
You might find a Ragdoll cat flicking its paws under the tap, or in the bathroom when you turn on the shower.
As gross as it sounds, it’s not unusual to see a Ragdoll cat drinking out of the toilet bowl.
To prevent this, and also to pamper your cat, you can get a water fountain as the water in it will taste fresher than water that has been going stale in a bowl.
Given that Ragdoll cats love water, you can rest assured that it won’t be difficult to give your Ragdoll cat a bath when their coat needs a round of washing. Their docile personality helps to make the bathing session easier too!
17. Ragdoll cats get along well with other cats
Ragdolls thrive in a multi-cat household as they are friendly and non-territorial.
These kitties will gladly welcome friends in the same house – as long as the new member is friendly too, of course.
Other cat-friendly breeds that are likely to get along well with Ragdolls would be:
Birman cats
Scottish Fold cats
Siberian cats
Maine Coons
Of course, cat owners still need to follow proper introduction techniques to ensure that both cats are able to get used to each other’s presence.
18. Ragdoll cats get along well with dogs
Are you thinking of adopting a Ragdoll into a house with a dog? Or are you thinking of adopting a dog to live alongside your Ragdoll?
Luckily, Ragdoll cats can get along well with cat-friendly dogs.
Dog breeds that fall into this category include:
Golden Retriever
These are the dogs that are known to be sociable enough to actually make friends with a cat! If you’re keen to witness a blossoming cat-dog friendship, this is your chance.
There are also dogs that have been socialized to leave cats alone. Dogs that can follow cues like “stay” or “leave it” could also coexist peacefully with Ragdolls.
It’s best to examine the personality of your Ragdoll and the dog in question to determine the suitability of the two creatures in living together.
19. Ragdoll cats have low health risks
Unlike cat breeds like the Persian, Munchkin, and Sphynx, whose inbreeding have made them prone to heart diseases, joint problems and digestive issues, Ragdoll cats are considered to be very healthy in general.
Still, they can be inflicted with obesity due to overeating combined with a sedentary lifestyle. They could also suffer from urinary tract infections, polycystic kidney disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
So while you don’t have to worry too much about a Ragdoll cat’s health, it’s still good to schedule regular check-ups at the vet and to look out for any signs that your Ragdoll cat is unwell.
20. Ragdoll cats have an interesting history
To conclude this piece, let’s go back in time and delve into the history of Ragdoll cats. By understanding this, you might come to appreciate the awesomeness of Ragdolls even more than you already have.
Ragdoll cats are quite a recent breed.
It emerged in Riverside California in the 1960s when a lady named Ann Baker bred a white female Angora cat with a male cat that looks like a Sacred Cat of Burma to produce a litter of kittens, of which selected cats were bred further to produce what is now known as the Ragdoll.
The products of Ann’s breeding – Ragdoll cats – had remarkable traits such as a striking appearance, a non-matting coat, and good temperament.
Are you overwhelmed by the many reasons why Ragdolls make amazing pets?
Well, now’s a good time to remind you that not all Ragdolls are the same.
While most Ragdolls tend to subscribe to the personality characteristics mentioned above, your Ragdoll might have its own quirkiness! So go ahead and enjoy the journey of discovery as you get to know your own Ragdoll cat inside out.
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