#cause you have to feed that flour daily? but you could also make bread daily? or whatever. i bet someone out there has done the math.
baking is the one thing in the world where it's like. in grocery store. $5 for bread??? i can't fucking afford that. *goes home and makes $1 a loaf of objectively better fresh bread*
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crimsonedquill · 1 year
I love your work, it’s absolutely amazing (your the reason I’ve become addicted to Tumblr) I was hoping you could do a Poppy Sweeting x Male MC fluff. Kinda like after graduating Hogwarts and they live on a farm. Just super cute stuff. As I said, love your work and make sure to take care of yourself.
Domestic Fluff (Poppy Sweeting x m!MC)
Not me going all mushy inside over praise I don't deserve 🥲
Thank you for requesting Poppy fluff!!! I enjoy writing for her so much but I haven't been able to do a solo post for her since before starting this blog, so this is a return to form I guess lol. Also I couldn't decide between doing a fic or HCs, so it kinda ended up being a mix of both (but in a good way I'd say!)
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Every day starts with cuddles in bed, no exceptions. If MC is the first to wake, he finds himself taking a moment to admire the sleeping form next to him, the way her peaceful features catch the early morning light. A few minutes are spent easing her into her own awakening as he softly kisses every freckle until her brown eyes open to him, her lips settling into a lopsided smile.
When they’re in the mood, they will spend a few minutes swapping lazy kisses and gentle words of affection before starting the day. If else, they’ll make it a race to see who can get out of bed the fastest.
They make fun of each other’s morning faces as they brush their teeth, trying to get each other to laugh.
When they decided to move to a small farm in the countryside after graduating from Hogwarts, they agreed to restrict their use of magic in daily tasks and chores. Being the eager Hufflepuff that she is (and always will be), it was Poppy’s idea of getting more satisfaction out of their work.
While she’s making bread, MC will always sneak up behind her and try to steal little kisses, causing them both to be covered from head to toe in flour within minutes. She always giggles and pleads with him to please let her work, even though she secretly loves it.
He never passed up an opportunity to tease Poppy about her height when she’s standing on her tippy toes to put the plates back in the cupboard – though he’s gentlemanly enough to offer to do it for her too.
After breakfast, they’ll tend to their respective routines. Poppy will go about her rounds feeding and brushing the beasts, while MC sets off doing repairs and checking the fences around their farm (they keep a particularly rowdy herd of Thestrals who have been known to get up to some mischief at night)
As he’s working himself into a sweat, MC notices a familiar sight coming up the hill; Poppy, wearing a big straw hat and an equally sized smile as she carries a tray of self-made lemonade over to him, trailed by a band of Nifflers who seem all too eager to get a taste of the golden liquid.
She always worries about him overworking himself and getting enough shadow. He respectfully tells her that she worries too much and that he loves her for it.
In the afternoons, they set aside time for picnics. They will ride out on Highwing to a quiet field or a small lake where they can be sure no one will disturb them during their few hours of alone time.
As their feathery friend takes off into the forest to hunt for her own meal, they spread out the checkered blanket and dig into the big basket of delicious pastries Poppy has brought along. Her countless nightly kitchen raids back at Hogwarts have bestowed her with a sweet tooth that MC still counts among his greatest blessings.
With their bellies full, they will lay on their back picturing cloud animals in the sky, or MC will offer Poppy his lap for a small nap while he plays some music on his flute or simply settles for stroking her hair as he watches out over the peaceful landscape, appreciating the serenity of the moment.
The sky bleeds red by the time they get back to the farm, which means it’s time to let the Mooncalves out. They share a chuckle as they watch the quirky creatures hop around, and MC will notice a slight blush colouring Poppy’s freckles as he turns to look at her. She’s experiencing a slight moment of deja vu; the whole scene reminds her of the first kiss she shared with MC, right after the Mooncalf dance they witnessed together all those years ago.
After dinner, they will sit on the porch reading to each other until the sun dips below the horizon.
As he gets ready for bed, MC can’t help but take a moment to reflect on how lucky he is to be sharing his life with this sweet, innocent girl – vulnerable but also so strong in her own right. It leaves him with a big smile as he enters the bedroom, though his expression softens somewhat when he notices Poppy staring at the wall with a pensive look on her face.
He’ll slip in and lie down on the pillow next to her, softly touching her cheek to shake her out of her trance. “My love, is everything all right?”
She notices him and her lips draw a smile, though it is distant, burdened. “I think so. I don’t know, to be honest. I was simply wondering… are you happy?”
MC furrows his eyebrows. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well… I suppose – I remember how excited I was when I told you I wanted this life and… how I dragged you along with it. It feels like I never really gave you any choice… and… and I feared –”
“That I might have any regrets?” MC smiles when he finally realises the source of her worries, taking her hand into his. “My dear, the only life I ever wanted is the one that has you in it. There is nowhere I want to be more than right here, right next to you.”
The words are enough to alleviate any lingering feelings of guilt. She smiles as he tenderly presses his lips to her forehead, and she settles into his arms, his protective embrace carrying them both into a much-needed rest.
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soberfor2021 · 4 years
Relapse, Recovery, and Bread Baking
I’ve been baking a lot of bread. I’ve also been doing a lot of thinking, as you do when you bake bread and spend lots of time alone. Here are some thoughts. (tw: food restriction, mentions of self harm and alcohol)
“Relapse is part of recovery.”
I’ve heard this said so many times and seen it posted countless times on various recovery and inspirational blogs and boards and what-have-you. And it’s true, it really is. Because to say it’s not alienates people, because everyone slips up. In anything in life, it doesn’t go perfectly. Humans have an penchant for fucking up.
And to be blunt, I have relapsed.
Thankfully it is not with drinking or more active forms of self harm. For me, those are easier to avoid, as I have to go out of my way to do them. For me, I have to make a conscious decision to do them and it’s harder for them to just slip into my daily life, since it’s not like my water bottle is suddenly going to fill with vodka or my sleeves turn into razor blades. There’s a clear line for me, and my brain loves line and rules and is hardwired to stay away from breaking said rules. (I had to have a long, hard think on if I could eat the bourbon balls my friend so lovingly made and brought to me for Christmas. I eventually concluded that I could, as they were food items, and it would take way more than I was given to even get tipsy, if possible at all.) I’m aware that I’m possibly an exception, and not a rule, when it comes to this behavior, especially with people who are more deep in addictions than I ever was. I know giving in isn’t always a choice for people, and I want to make it clear that I’m talking specifically about me and my experiences and how my brain works in its specific fucked up way. After all, I outlined in one of my first posts just how in control I always was in my self destruction. This is me talking about me. For me, anything outside of my average day is a choice I have to make, so it is easier for me to say away from.
Do you know what is part of my daily routine and can far too easily morph from normalcy to relapse? Eating.
This blog isn’t just for me talking about my thoughts on not drinking alcohol. Cutting out alcohol was always meant to be a symbol of cutting out everything I do that harms me and feeds into my self destructive nature. And that does include my food restriction compulsion from my OCD. And really, this is a recovery blog just in general. I’m just talking about my experiences as someone trying to be better.
And, well, this is my experience with trying to recover from OCD, or at least make it more manageable.
For the past several years, I’ve had a compulsion to restrict my food. It falls into magical thinking, and yes, rationally I know how much I eat has nothing to do with if my family and friends live or die or if bad things will or won’t happen. But that’s the thing about OCD, it doesn’t listen to rationality very easily. And so in times of stress, I tend to slip back into that habit, as I have now.
Thankfully, I have experienced what I like to call “spiraling upward” in my recovery, which does have to do with relapses. When you spiral down, you do things and get into horrible patterns and everything gets worse. When you start to recover, you have to retrace those steps. It’s like walking a spiral staircase. You’ll pass the same points again and be confronted with old habits and unhealthy coping mechanisms. But you are still moving up, your habits aren’t as bad or as damaging anymore. After all, relapse is part of recovery. I no longer panic at the idea of eating more than 500 calories in a day, which is what I did when I was at my absolute worst point with this compulsion. The compulsion still comes back at times, but it is often shorter in duration and how extreme it is. Lately, when this compulsion comes back up, it’s simply just the number of times I eat in a day, which allows for some workarounds. It is still upsetting and unfun and far too easy to slip back into. Sometimes I’m naturally less hungry than other times, sometimes I don’t have time to make food or eat. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem. It only becomes a problem when I’m stressing about something, eat less as a result, and then the thing I’m stressing about gets better (for example, fretting about a coworker’s pay promotion, not eating dinner that night because I took a nap, and then the next morning finding out corporate finally approved it). And that’s where I am now.
But what does this have to do with bread baking?
Well, like I’ve said, I’ve been baking a lot of bread lately. I’ve always enjoyed my analogy of spiraling up, but sometimes I want something more gentle, a bit more relatable. Like baking bread.
When you bake bread, you have to knead the dough. It’s long, exhausting, and can be frustrating at times. This is all in an effort to strengthen the gluten so it holds up during the baking process. Your goal is to make the dough stable enough where it can pass the “windowpane test” where you hold a piece up to the light, stretch it thin, and make sure you can get it thin enough without it tearing, thus signifying the dough is strong enough.
And the process can be incredibly frustrating! You think you’re almost there and ready to be done, because your arms hurt and you’re thirsty and your hands are caked in dough and flour and your fingernails look awful, but then you hold it up and it starts tearing horribly and you notice all the little tears in the dough as you knead it and how it’s not smooth at all.
And when that happens... you don’t give up. You sigh a little, put the dough back together, and you keep going. You keep kneading and working the dough, even though you’re tired, even though it hurts a little, and even though you’d love to just give up and buy store bought bread. But you know that it’ll be worth it. Your homemade bread will taste better and be better for you, and most importantly, it will be yours.
There’s a song by Regina Spektor that means so much to me. It’s called One More Time with Feeling, and it was originally sent to me about 8 years ago from a stranger on a sight where you could vent and strangers would send you songs to help you. There’s a lyric that I’ve always felt so deeply. “You thought by now you’d be so much better than you are. You thought by now they’d see that you had come so far. And the pride inside their eyes will synchronize into a love you’ve never known, so much more than you’ve been shown.” The refrain is about how you just need to keep on trying, keep on fighting.
And I think that’s where I am right now. I thought I’d be at a point where I could brag about how far I’ve come and how much better I am, that everyone around me would be so proud of me and celebrate me. But instead, I can’t even go 30 days without causing myself some kind of harm in some way. And it’s disappointing and frustrating, and I’m realizing that the recovery dough is going to need to be kneaded a lot more before I’m ready. My shoulders hurt, I feel like crying all the time, and I’m so scared and tired.
But I’ll sigh a little, put myself back together, and keep going. It’s just going to take more time, more effort, and possibly some more tears (either definition, really).
And eventually, I’ll be ready. I’ll be stronger and I’ll hold myself together more. I’ll never get to that point if I give up now.
So, I think I’m going to go make some lunch.
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julaibib · 6 years
(This is the question about telling a story with marriage as topic) You can tell me any story, as long marriage/love is the topic. I can’t many of them in Islam, so that’s why I wanted you to maybe tell some. It can be between anyone! A prophet and their wife, a sahaba and theirs or someone else from Islam. Maybe an odd thing to ask someone to do, but I think people should learn more about marriage and relationships from the best of us, instead of media and celebrities.
Fatima was a woman of eighteen and full of energy and passion with a personality that matched her father more than anyone else. This did not go unnoticed and many men started to come forward to ask her hand in marriage. First came Abu Bakr, and he was kindly refused by the Prophet ﷺ. Then came Umar, who was also kindly refused by the Prophet ﷺ. Umar went to Ali and suggested that he ask for Fatima’s (RA) hand. Ali was very much in love with her. However, Ali did not think that the Prophet ﷺ would accept his proposal, as he was very poor, especially when he saw that the proposals of two Companions were rejected. Umar reminded him of his family relationship with the Prophet ﷺ and his position in Islam and Ali became convinced that he might have a shot.All Ali’s confidence melted away though when he finally got to the Prophet’s ﷺ house. He came inside, sat down and said nothing. “What is the matter, son of Abu Talib?” said the Prophet ﷺ. Ali was still too nervous to speak. The Prophet ﷺ asked again, “What is your mind, son of Abu Talib?” Again Ali said nothing. “You have come to ask for Fatima’s (RA) had in marriage, am I right?” Ali nodded. The Prophet ﷺ broke into a great smile and went and asked Fatima her opinion. When she approved, he told Ali that they accept his proposal. He then asked him if he had any dowry for her. Ali replied that he did not. “What about your shield?” asked the Prophet ﷺ? “It is worth barely more than 400 Dirhams,” said Ali. “I accept it as a dowry,” replied the Prophet ﷺ.And so Ali sold his shield for 400 Dirhams and with the dowry the Prophet ﷺtold Bilal to buy some perfume for Fatima (RA) and he told Um Salama to buy her some new dresses. On the day of their wedding, their zaffa included all the Companians- Anas Ibn Malik, Abu Bakr, Umar, Talhah, Zubair and other Ansar and migrant friends. The food was dates that were offered to the guests. The wedding zaffa took them from Madinah to the outskirts of the city where Ali had found a home, as he couldn’t afford a place in the city.
Their house was a humble small room. It had a bed, a pillow filled with date leaves, a plate, a glass, a leather water bag, and a grinding stone for grinding flour. On their wedding night, the Prophet ﷺ told Ali and Fatima to wait for him in their new house. After Isha prayer, the Prophet ﷺ went to their house and asked for some water, which he used to make wudu, supplication, and said, “ Oh Allah bless them and bless their offspring.” He addressed Ali as his brother and asked him to place his hand on Fatima’s (RA) head and repeat some duaas. He then placed Ali’s hand on Fatima’s hand and advised them how to honor each other as husband and wife. “Ali do not get angry, and if you do, sit down. Remember Allah’s power over His servants and His tolerance of their sins. If you are advised to fear Allah, abandon your anger and go back to your deliberateness.” After he had given them all the advice he was walking out the door when he turned and said to them that they should pray two rakkahs.So began the married life of Ali and Fatima (RA).
Fatima (RA) and Ali were very devoted to Islam and integrated Islamic principles in their daily lives. One day, they were breaking their fast, when there was a knock on the door. Ali asked who it was and the person replied “a poor, hungry man”. Ali and Fatima (RA) gave him all of their food and broke their fast with only bread and water. The next day, they were breaking their fast when there was another knock on the door. This time it was “an orphan who is homeless and starving.” Again Ali and Fatima (RA) gave him all their food and broke their fast with bread and water. On the third day, at the knock on the door there was “a captive.” Once again Ali and Fatima (RA) at only bread and water as they gave all their food to the man. It was said that these three people were all angel Jibreel who was sent to test the patience of Ali and Fatima (RA). It was also said that Jibreel told Prophet Mohammed ﷺ about this and informed him that Ali and Fatima (RA) will have a carriage of silver in Paradise. Some scholars believe that it was this incident that caused the revelation of this verse:{And they give food, in spite of their love for it [or the love of Him] to the needy, the orphan, and the captive [saying], ‘We feed you seeking Allah’s countenance only. We wish for no reward or thanks from you.} –Holy Quran, 76: 8-9
The story of Umm Sulaym and Abu Talhah
Among the great Muslim women who are known for their strength of character, lofty aspirations and far-sightedness in their choice of a husband is Umm Sulaym bint Milhan, who was one of the first Ansar women to embrace Islam.
She was married to Malik ibn Nadar, and bore him a son, Anas. When she embraced Islam, her husband Malik was angry with her, and left her, but she persisted in her Islam. Shortly afterwards, she heard the news of his death, and she was still in the flower of her youth. She bore it all with the hope of reward, for the sake of Allah (SWT), and devoted herself to taking care of her ten-year-old son Anas. She took him to the Prophet (PBUH), so that he could serve him (and learn from him).
One of the best young men of Madinah, one of the best-looking, richest and strongest, came to seek her hand in marriage. This was Abu Talhah – before he became Muslim. Many of the young women of Yathrib liked him because of his wealth, strength and youthful good looks, and he thought that Umm Sulaym would joyfully rush to accept his offer. But to his astonishment, she told him, “O Abu Talhah, do you not know that your god whom you worship is just a tree that grew in the ground and was carved into shape by the slave of Banu so-and-so.” He said, “Of course.” She said, “Do you not feel ashamed to prostrate yourself to a piece of wood that grew in the ground and was carved by the slave of Banu so-and-so?” Abu Talhah was stubborn, and hinted to her of an expensive dowry and luxurious lifestyle, but she persisted in her point of view, and told him frankly: “O Abu Talhah, a man like you could not be turned away, but you are a disbelieving man, and I am a Muslim woman. It is not permitted for me to marry you, but if you were to embrace Islam, that would be my dowry (mahr), and I would ask you for nothing more.” [Reported by al-Nisa’i with a sahih isnad, 6/114, Kitab al-nikah, bab al-tazwij ‘ala’l-Islam.]
He returned the following day to try to tempt her with a larger dowry and more generous gift, but she stood firm, and her persistance and maturity only enhanced her beauty in his eyes. She said to him, “O Abu Talhah, do you not know that your god whom you worship was carved by the carpenter slave of so-and-so? If you were to set it alight, it would burn.” Her words came as a shock to Abu Talhah, and he asked himself, Does the Lord burn? Then he uttered the words: “Ashhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasul-Allah.”
Then Umm Sulaym said to her son Anas, with joy flooding her entire being, “O Anas, marry me to Abu Talhah.” So Anas brought witnesses and the marriage was solemnized.
Abu Talhah was so happy that he was determined to put all his wealth at Umm Sulaym’s disposal, but hers was the attitude of the selfless, proud, sincere believing woman. She told him, “O Abu Talhah, I married you for the sake of Allah (SWT), and I will not take any other dowry.” She knew that when Abu Talhah embraced Islam, she did not only win herself a worthy husband, but she also earned a reward from Allah (SWT) that was better than owning red camels (the most highly-prized kind) in this world, as she had heard the Prophet (PBUH) say:“If Allah (SWT) were to guide one person to Islam through you, it is better for you than owning red camels.”[Fath al-Bari, 7/476, Kitab al-maghazi, bab ghazwat Khaybar.]
Such great Muslim women are examples worthy of emulation, from whom Muslim women may learn purity of faith, strength of character, soundness of belief and wisdom in choosing a husband.
Source Chapter 4: Ideal Muslimah Book
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20 Tips to Keep the Metabolic Fires Burning
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Holidays, whatever time of year, could play havoc on diet regimen, however the dark days of regression that adhere to not long after make it also tougher to obtain as well as remain lean.
Insufficient light, more warm needs, the onslaught of home cooking turned out in winter as well as slouchy cold-weather garments are the ideal chance to hide an increasing body. And also just when you seem like not doing anything however vegetating on the sofa, diet regimen and exercise are much more vital compared to ever.
Check out our 25 ideas to establish your metabolism on fire:
1. Do not overdo calorie cutting - Cutting calories is one means to reduce body fat. Do remember that it's only one part, as well as that your body is configured to safeguard and secure its weight by hanging on to it for dear life. When compelled to survive on less calories, the metabolism reacts well originally, however after that enters into conservation mode. This is specifically real in wintertime, so make sure to vary caloric numbers, as well as toss in resistance as well as cardio training to melt calories, instead compared to limit them.
2. Don't miss the very first dish of the day - morning meal! Skipping the first dish of the day establishes the tone metabolically for the following 12 hrs. Avoiding a meal places the body on notification that it might be denied, which establishes it right into defense setting quickly, stimulating a slowing of the metabolic rate. Because your body's metabolic rate reduces down when sleeping, it requires a jump-start upon awakening. The first dish of the day is that jump-start, so try not to leave it till noon.
3. Eat carbs and also foods greater in fiber in the morning - This is when your metabolic process comes out battling if you plan your meals accordingly. Healthy protein foods are very important at every dish, yet high-fiber carbohydrates are especially important early in the day - when it leaves you lots of time to use them as energy as well as burn excess if requirement be. If you do not consume carbohydrates currently, later on in the day could mean "fat or power storage." Bear in mind, too, that high-fiber carbohydrates take longer for your body to absorb as well as absorb than fats, thus they do not cause rapid modifications in your blood sugar, so your hunger is kept at bay for much longer.
4. Increase protein usage on the whole, and eat it typically throughout day - Study shows you can shed up to 150 to 250 calories extra daily by selecting healthy protein over carbohydrates. It's crucial to consume an equilibrium of macronutrients - proteins, carbohydrates and fats - yet the extra frequently you can eat protein, the quicker your metabolic rate will certainly be.
5. Choose protein wisely - Consume leaner healthy protein so you can supplement with simply the best kind of fat. Consume fish, lean poultry, egg whites and also whey protein usually, with proteins such as dark meat poultry, beef and pork in moderation. A variety of healthy protein that reveals range is essential for equilibrium as well as wellness, yet picking lean sources most of the moment is the most effective means to reduce a couple of extra pounds.
6. Eat Omega-3 to Omega-6 fats in a ratio of 2:1 - All fats are not produced equal - also within the group of supposedly great fats. Important fats discovered in foods such as flax seed oil and also avocado are the most effective choice, yet look a little closer at the balance of Omega fatty acids to make sure that you get the best equilibrium to supplement your metabolism. The high quality of fats issue, but so does the equilibrium of Omega-3 to -6.
7. Eat several small meals per day - Missing morning meal and also gorging on simply 2 substantial high calorie dishes daily means you're bound to keep fat for later. That's due to the fact that your body could only refine numerous calories from fat, carb and protein grams each resting. When the residual isn't really made use of, it's stockpiled for safe-keeping as part of your body's all-natural tendency to save for a rainy day. If you're on an 1,800 calorie-per-day, the rule has to do with 300 calories per dish - which corresponds to concerning 5 meals per day. A meal can be a small serving of protein, such as a hard-boiled egg, a piece of string cheese or a container of tuna, accompanied by a couple of raw veggies and also a handful of nuts.
8. Cut out most alcohol - It might be tempting to link one on over the weekend break or at a special event. Yet while periodic extravagances are all right, overdoing it on alcohol just strains your body with vacant calories. Hard alcohol is the most awful, but wine and beer likewise have at the very least 100 to 150 calories each glass - with some craft beers at 250. Make allocations for the added calories from time to time, however not at the sacrifice of good nutrition.
9. Cut out sugar - Sugar is the largest wrongdoer of metabolic issues. Eating sweet foods like cake, gelato, cookies, and also alcohol consumption sugary coffee beverages in the early morning hrs, all add to storage of calories as fat. It also harms the metabolic process by spiking insulin and triggering level of sensitivities that respond to routine complex carb digestion.
10. Remove white flour, and many all flour - White flour is not just linked with lots of allergic reactions (gluten), it is additionally a high glycemic selection that creates a spike in insulin that would certainly not happen with other carbohydrates. As opposed to reaching for bread - of any type - get to for a baked yam, a bowl of oatmeal or brown rice - every one of which reduce glycemic insulin feedback, while nurturing the body with high quality energy calories.
11. Shun starches for low-glycemic carbs - Carbohydrate choices are essential when trying to feed the body the best nourishment, while lessening any type of metabolic or insulin task that can jeopardize weight management or maintenance. Select reduced sugar fruits (melon, apple, raspberry), fibrous vegetables (broccoli, kale, green beans) and also specific grains (oatmeal) that enforce very little result on blood sugar level. Spikes in blood sugar can lead to weight gain due to the fact that insulin equates into fat storage. The even more you can feed your body with foods that you can use and also not store, the much better for your base line.
12. Spicy foods stir up metabolism - Warm peppers, cayenne pepper and other spices that include heat to the taste buds as well as offer taste to food can also keep the metabolic fires burning since they briefly stimulate the body to release more stress hormonal agents, such as adrenalin, rise heart rate and rise body temperature - all of which triggers you to launch calories.
13. Circuit training is a fantastic strategy for weight loss - Doing workouts that take 30 minutes instead of 60 - based on continuous motion from one body part to the next - suggests you could recoup from one exercise as you carry on to another, improving the metabolic process as well as keeping it high as you work. This no-rest rate will certainly also maintain your metabolic rate shedding for hrs past your workout - netting a shortage of at the very least an added 150 calories in the hrs that follow.
14. Do cardio on a vacant stomach - Your metabolism is least expensive in the hours of sleep. As soon as you awaken, insulin is low from absence of food as well as doing cardio at this time makes use of a state of complete fat loss, instead of needing to wear down calories consumed prior to you get down to fat stored. Have breakfast all set and also waiting!
15. Try HIIT cardio - Low, sluggish burns are a distant memory. Today's study tells us that high-intensity interval training during cardio exercise - as well as even during resistance weightlifting circuits - increases metabolic rate greater than other kind. You can burn extra fat doing 2 minute periods of full-blown running or biking, then rest for two mins and repeat. Doing this for 20 minutes can burn greater than some exercises at 40 minutes.
16. Take L-Carnitine supplements before cardio - For quick weight loss along with cardio, carnitine works by activating stored fat as energy. This works specifically well for those early morning sessions prior to breakfast.
17. Train twice daily - Breaking up workouts implies more attention for the body parts you're training, and offers in numerous ways much more chances to grow because of this. It also supplies twice the metabolic boost, while encouraging your body to proceed shedding calories for hours after.
18. Don't eat after 6 p.m. - There has been a whole lot of discussion about timing of meals, but it simply stands to reason that if the majority of your daily tasks as well as exercise happen in the morning and also afternoon, those are the times you must be eating. As soon as you reduce down for the day, so need to you start to unwind on consuming as lots of calories. Visit 6 p.m. and you'll see a huge diference from this alone.
19. Stop consuming complicated carbs by early afternoon - The majority of your complicated carbohydrates need to be eaten in the early morning and early afternoon - in affordable quantities - to have a constant stream of power from calories that are right away utilized as well as never get stored. As the day comes to a close, your body does not need hefty carbs, as well as need to be simply fine with more protein and also vegetables.
20. Keep a food log of exactly what you eat during the day - Legendary characters Hansel as well as Gretel left a route of crumbs. Maintaining a log of all you eat is a similar proof that will certainly help define why you are either losing, acquiring or staying the exact same. You may remember your the first day way, however when you go back to look at what you ate, you may be amazed. It's funny exactly what we do not keep in mind - especially regarding little cheats.
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yogipress · 5 years
A Full Guide to Inflammation: Foods that cause Inflammation and the anti-inflammatory diet
“the absolute worst piece of advice we have ever gotten, is to eat a low fat diet. Mother’s milk is 50% fat and nature makes no mistakes.” – Dr- Bill Seers
 Inflammation is the immune system’s response to specific stimuli such as joint injuries or allergic reactions. It is essential in small amounts, as it’s an indispensable part of our immune systems response to foreign invaders.
Once the invader has been dealt with and the system functions adequately, the immune system removes the inflammation. In chronic inflammation, the situation is different. Chronic inflammation is most commonly caused by the food we eat.
In fact, most chronic diseases are caused by continuous low-grade inflammation usually caused by food. In many cases, this level of inflammation is not easily perceptible, and goes unnoticed until serious pathologies such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, autoimmune disorders, etc. are developed.
Inflammatory foods, which many of us eat on a daily basis, cause the immune system to induce inflammation. Over time, this leads to weight gain, skin problems, digestive problems and with time can leads to severe chronic diseases.
Those who have sluggish digestion, low energy, are unable to lose weight will benefit from replacing all inflammatory foods with anti-inflammatory and wholesome foods.
 Taking care of our Mitochondria
Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells. They help turn the energy from food into energy we can use. Mitochondria may very well be the most important part of our biology and keeping them healthy is essential for health and wellness as all levels. Dr. Bill Seers, an internationally well-known paediatrician and author of over 45 books says “Inflammation is what matters more than anything else. What causes inflammation? Mitochondrial dysfunction. You cannot have inflammation unless you have mitochondrial dysfunction or at least damage or stress”.
 He continues to say, “the absolute worst piece of advice we have ever gotten, is to eat a low fat diet. Mother’s milk is 50% fat and nature makes no mistakes.” The human brain is 60% fat and our mitochondria thrive on good wholesome fats. So a diet high in good and wholesome fats is indispensable to enjoy good health.
 What causes Decay
The second law of thermodynamics says that everything eventually decays. This is a universal law, which is applicable to everything from planets to our very own bodies. For this very reason, life itself causes decay within the body. For instance, when we inhale carbon monoxide from cars in traffic. The carbon monoxide creates a free radical within the body, which is basically just an oxygen atom which has lost its electron. Such atoms, stick to anything and then oxidise it. Just like steel gets rusted when oxidised, oxidative damage made by free radicals is the main cause of decay within the body. It is also the main cause of inflammation in the body, as the immune system actively tries to fight the free radical.
These are regular events, which the body is able to handle through the immune system and temporary inflammation provided the adequate nutrients are present within the body. However, if we eat inflammatory foods, then it becomes very difficult for the immune system to fight external invaders.
 Foods that cause Inflammation
 1.     Sugar  
Table sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose. It cannot be processed quickly enough by our digestive system, so it releases pro-inflammatory messengers called Cytokines. Also, sugar suppresses the effectiveness of white blood cells, which weakens our immune system making us vulnerable to infection. Remember sugar is not only in sodas and sweet foods, it is added to many foods such as cereal bars, pre-packaged fruit juices, some salad dressings, cooking sauces, white bread, etc.
Avoid: Table sugar, fructose syrup. Instead opt for low glycemic alternatives, such as whole grains and foods with healthy fats, proteins and fibers.  
 2.     Artificial Trans Fats
Artificial trans fats are created by adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats. Sometimes they’re referred to as hydrogenated fat. The unsaturated fats are liquid, so they’re hydrogenated to give them the stability of a solid fat. They aren’t natural so our body does not have the ability to metabolise and break them down adequately. Our immune system registers them as foreign invaders, stimulating an immune reaction which triggers systemic inflammation.
Most margarines contain trans fats, and they are often added to processed foods in order to extend shelf life. Trans fats cause inflammation, lower good (HDL) cholesterol and impair the functioning of the endothelial cells lining the arteries.
Avoid fries, microwave popcorn, margarines, packaged cakes, cookies, pastries, processed foods, soybean oil, palm oil, sunflower oil.
  3.      Saturated Fats
Fat cells secrete hormones which bind to themselves and are either pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, which happens when they’re in balance. However high intake of saturated fats triggers white adipose or fat tissue inflammation. This tissue stores energy rather than burning it, which makes the fat cells get bigger and bigger. When fat cells grow too much, they release pro-inflammatory hormones which result in systemic inflammation.
Avoid: Pizza, cheese, full-fat dairy, grain-based desserts and red meat.
 4.     Vegetable and Seed Oils
Vegetable oils are highly concentrated in omega-6 (inflammatory fat), and low in the omega-3 (anti-inflammatory fat). Omega-6 is an essential fatty acid that the body needs for normal growth and development, however taking care of the Omega6-to-Omega3 ratio is of upmost importance when it comes to health. The ratio should be a 1:1 ratio, however people eating vegetable oils on a daily basis can sometimes have ratios of up to 20:1. When there are too many omega6’s, they eat up all the enzymes, preventing the Omega3s from getting into the cells, triggering the body to produce pro-inflammatory chemicals.
Avoid oils such as corn, sunflower, safflower, grape-seed, soy, peanut, vegetable and mayonnaise.
 5.     Cooking with oil
When oils are heated they get oxidised. Oils such as extra virgin olive oil should always be eaten raw. When used for cooking, it is best to use oils which are solid at room temperature such as coconut oil.
Avoid: Cooking with oil. Instead, cook with organic coconut oil, organic grass-fed butter or organic-grass fed ghee.  
 6.     Fried Foods
Vegetable-oil fried foods are high in AGEs, which are produced whenever food is fried.
AGEs are toxic compounds which are produced when proteins or fats combine with sugar in the bloodstream, a process also known as Glycation. AGEs also form in foods, especially in foods that have been fried, grilled, toasted or exposed to high temperatures. When too many AGEs are consumed, the body is unable to eliminate them and the immune system immediately responds with inflammation. 
Oil used in fried food is usually highly oxidised, which double up the resulting inflammation on the body. More importantly, fried foods block endothelial cells from normal functioning. 
Avoid: All fried foods. Try steaming, pressure cooking or low temperature baking.
 7.     Refined Flour
Refined wheat flours have their slow-digesting fibre and many of their nutrients removed. This means the body digests them too quickly, which makes blood sugar levels spike. This in turn triggers a spike in insulin levels which causes an inflammatory response. Refined Flour is one of the main drivers of escalating rates of obesity and other chronic conditions. It is also considered one of the biggest causes of cancer. These high-glycaemic index foods fuel the production AGEs and products that stimulate inflammation.
It is also important to note that fibre promotes fullness, improves blood sugar control and feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
Avoid: Candy, bread, pasta, pastries, some cereals, cookies, cakes, sugary soft drinks and processed food that contains added sugar or flour.
 8.     Alcohol
Breaking down alcohol generates toxins that damage liver cells, promote inflammation and weaken the body’s immune system. Besides, alcohol increases all the inflammatory markers within the body. Consuming over one glass of wine can lead to bacterial toxins moving from the colon into the body, which can drive widespread inflammation within the body.
Avoid: Drinking over one glass of wine or beer a day. Avoid spirits and cocktails.
 9.     Grain-fed meat
Most cattle, chicken and other farm animals bred for human consumption are now grain-fed. However, this is an unnatural process, which means they have to be fed antibiotics to prevent them from getting diseases due to their artificial diet or the way they are confined in small spaces.  
Also, most farm animals are either fed corn or soy, which results in meats high in saturated inflammatory fats with greater levels of omega-6s, creating an imbalance in our omega6-to-omega3 ratio. Furthermore, the levels of antibiotics and growth hormones present in the meat, trigger an inflammatory immune response.
Avoid: grain-fed meat. Limit your meat consumption as much as possible, unless you are aware of the farm it comes from and know how the animal is treated. Organic meat is not necessarily good for you, as the animals could have still been fed antibiotics, growth-hormones and organic grain.
  10.  Processed Meat
Processed meats are even worse the grain-fed meats. They are usually grain-fed and contain high levels of AGEs which are created when the meats are processed – when they’re dried, smoked, pasteurised or cooked at high temperatures. Also, most processed meats have preservatives, colourings and other artificial additives which our immune systems also consider a foreign invader.
Processed meat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, stomach cancer and colon cancer.  
Avoid: All processed meats, sausages, cold meats, etc.
  11.  MSG and Artificial Additives
Artificial foods are not natural, so the body has no way to metabolise them. An immune response is triggered when artificial colourings, emulsifying agents and other additives are ingested, which activates an inflammatory reaction. 
Mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavour enhancing additive most commonly found in prepared Asian food, soy sauce, fast foods, prepared soups and soup mixes and salad dressings. It can trigger two important pathways of chronic inflammation.
Avoid: avoid fast food, prepared meals, dressings, sauces, foods with emulsifiers, etc.
 12.  Gluten and Casein
Many store-bought breads have very short periods of fermentation which reduces the amount of gluten the yeast can predigest for us. This makes digesting gluten in bread much harder, causing inflammation in the intestines. People who have joint pain and are sensitive to gluten – found in wheat, barley and rye – or casein – found in dairy products – may find relief by avoiding them. There may be an overlap in which some people with arthritis also have a gluten sensitivity or also have celiac disease.
Avoid: store-bought packaged breads, white breads and excessive gluten.
 13.  Aspartame and artificial sweeteners 
Aspartame is a non-nutritive, intense artificial sweetener found in over 4000 products worldwide. The body reacts to the foreign substance by attacking it, in turn triggering an inflammatory response.
This is also the case with many other artificial sweeteners, which are also one of the top five leading causes of cancer. When artificial sweeteners are ingested, the body releases cytokines.
Avoid: Artificial sweeteners. Instead try 100% natural stevia or raw honey.
 14.  Dairy products (sometimes)
Saturated fats in dairy are a common cause of inflammation if taken often. Dairy is also a common allergen; millions of people worldwide are intolerant to dairy. All allergens can cause inflammatory reactions by releasing histamines. 
Avoid: Dairy products if you’re intolerant or feel bloated after ingesting dairy products. (Except grass-fed organic butter and grass-fed organic ghee)
  15.  Packaging in fast foods and drinks
Phthalates – which are endocrine-disrupting toxins and are found in most plastic packaging – get filtered into the food covered by the packaging. Phthalates and BPAs in plastics cause immediate inflammation, as the toxin is considered a threat by our immune system.
Avoid: Vegetables, fruits and other foods pre-packaged in plastic
  Foods that are natural anti-inflammatory.
 1.     Berries 
Berries – mainly strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries – are high in anthocyanins, which have an overall anti-inflammatory effect on the body.
 2.     Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale and Brussels sprouts.  
Cruciferous vegetables are high in antioxidants which lower cytokines.
3.     Avocado 
Avocados are loaded with potassium, magnesium, fibre and healthy monounsaturated fats. They offer many beneficial compounds, which protect against inflammation.
 4.     Green Tea
Green tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is a substance which inhibits inflammation by reducing cytokine production and damage to the fatty acids in our cells.
 5.     Peppers
Bell peppers and chili peppers are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
 6.     Grapes
Grapes contain anthocyanins, which reduce inflammation
 7.     Turmeric 
Turmeric is a spice which contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory. It is highly effective in reducing inflammation related to arthritis and diabetes.
 8.     Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Raw)
Extra-virgin olive oil is packed with monounsaturated fats and contains oleocanthal, an antioxidant sometimes compared to ibuprofen. However, when cooked, olive oil becomes oxidised and induces inflammation. It must always been eaten raw.
 9.     Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is rich in inflammation-fighting antioxidants called Flavanols. Make sure the chocolate is at least 75% cocoa.
 10.  Tomatoes
Tomatoes are high in vitamin C, potassium and a powerful antioxidant called lycopene.
11.  Cherries
Cherries are packed with anthocyanins and catechins which are strong anti-inflammatories.
 Vegetarians and inflammation 
People following a vegetarian diet have higher levels of plasma AA, a marker of overall health that is directly associated with lower levels of inflammation and heart disease.
 Inflammation and Stress 
One of the often overlooked causes of inflammation, is the communication between the immune system and the central nervous system. When under chronic stress, the nervous system can activate the pro-inflammatory pathways. Moreover, stress also promotes ingesting inflammatory and unhealthy foods, which over time further aggravates stress and creates adiposity.
It is therefore recommendable to practice regular meditation and deep breathing, in order to reduce stress levels and ensure effective communication between the immune system and the central nervous system.
Conditions that can be improved by an anti-inflammatory diet 
Arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, crohns disease, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, esophagitis, lupus and certain cancers.
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sxprasad · 5 years
These Top Nutrition Tips May Help You Plan A Balanced Diet
These Top Nutrition Tips May Help You Plan A Balanced Diet
The inner workings of the body functions is entirely associated with the foodstuff that you just put in it. Understanding the right strategies to feed the body for any healthier life. Use these ideas and integrate them to your diet.
Protein is a crucial portion of the diet that lots of people don't get an adequate amount of. Lean meat are fantastic sources of protein. Other good causes of protein are located in chicken and chicken.
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Foods that have been highly processed will not be lend to fat loss is the goal. The label ought to be simple and clear for individuals to acknowledge. Avoid labels that have lots of artificial ingredients listed on his or her label.
Quinoa can assist you maintain protein in your diet while cutting back on red meat intake.It really is a meatless food containing essential proteins. It is additionally loaded with vitamins and it is gluten-free. It comes with a mild, so it will be a wholesome food that tastes delicious and is ideal for your wellbeing.
Probably the most important, yet difficult, things to do in transitioning to a healthy diet is conquering an dependence on unhealthy unhealthy food. Unhealthy food is addictive for long periods of time. Cravings and hunger pangs for these snacks can continue long after the move to a greater diet. It is vital that you recognize the cravings and maintain healthy snacks for the healthier lifestyle.
Take a multi-vitamin daily to actually are getting every one of the nutrients your new healthy diet.This assists the foundation to the minerals that you may not get enough of the day.
You should always encourage water consumption throughout the day. Drinking an excessive amount of juice and milk throughout the day spoils your child's appetite.
A diet regime best for the heart will include items which are limited in fat but have plenty of protein. Poultry meet both requirements, make sure you eliminate the skin. Poultry could be baked, boiled, roasted or broiled, and never fried. White meat tends to be healthier food option than dark meat.
Inulin can be a less popular nutrient which will help boost your diet. Foods that include inulin are artichoke, leeks and garlic are perfect sources of inulin. This carbohydrate assists you to improve the functionality of your digestive system. Garlic is fantastic for your immune system.
Do not focus a lot of in the next sweet treat. Try eating desserts just one or two meals every week.
A fantastic nutrition tip is to stay away from fast food that isn't useful to you.Which means you should avoid fried greasy, foods and processed foods and people containing plenty of starch, sugar and flour.
A straightforward approach to maximize the nutritional content of the baked goods is as simple as swapping out white flour with wheat flour. Whole wheat grains flour contains fiber and nutrients than white flour which is less processed.
Don't make the mistake of relying solely on supplements containing vitamins to get a healthier diet. Supplements are not intended to replace well balanced meals. If possible, it's better to not take multiple multivitamins daily whilst keeping yourself eating healthier foods that offer you all the nutrition you need.
Don't assume that your entire diet choices are eating can be a healthy choice. The label tells different, you will see there are not actually any whole-grains inside, though seven-grain bread sounds like it is healthy.
Foods such as these have been discovered to be appetite suppressants. Keeping your appetite manageable can deal with maintaining a wholesome weight.
Changing just how one prepares the meals they eat will have a huge affect on one's body. Choosing healthy ways to prepare one's food will greatly help one maintain their nutrition.
You are able to heal your damaged hair by eating nutritious food loaded with zinc, vitamin b folic acid, and zinc. Keratin is actually a element of protein that creates increase your hair. Folic zinc and acid are very important in order to keep the hair smooth and luster. If you're trying to find healthy diet choices that provide these vital nutrients, maintain stocks of foods like avocados, nuts, seafood and legumes.
Natural foods usually are not highly processed usually are loaded with nutrition. Refined food can be quite bad for your health. Center on eating lean meat and fresh produce.
Be sure that you eat sufficient amounts of food. Not eating enough can be every bit as dangerous, although lots of people assume that overeating is the point of interest. Try eating 5 or 6 small meals through the day to feel the best.
There are a selection of items in what you eat where you may begin to enhance your nutrition. Utilize the advice from this article making a solid nutrition policy for you and your family, that helps you all to have longer, have more energy and also a much healthier outlook on life. The greater healthy life you lead, the greater you can expect to feel overall.
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little-chimchim · 7 years
Heavy Is The Head- Part 1
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Rating: PG-13 
Word Count: 2055
Genre: Royal au! fluff, prince! Hyungwon, smut, angst
Pairing: Hyungwon x Reader
A/N: Well hello there! I guess this is the start to my next long fic. I know you guys liked Don’t Let Go so here’s another one. I’m not too happy with how the first part of this turned out but I promise you that it will get better. Thank you all! - Kay
Part 2
When you were eleven, your father’s right hand man killed him. He and his soldiers took over your kingdom and killed your family. You had been able to escape in time thanks to your chamber maids, who took you to to the maid's quarters and allowed you to stay there, hidden from the new king.
You had spent years living under the radar, working as a kitchen maid right under Chae Tano’s nose. The king had suspected that your entire family was dead. From your father, to your mother, to your two twin sisters. He was lead to believe that they were all gone, but you lived under his roof, without him suspecting a thing.
Tano stepped up as king, telling the citizens of your kingdom that assassins from your rival kingdom had come and killed you and your family. Blinded by ignorance, your people believed him and quickly accepted him as the new king, no matter how cruel he was to them.
Guards who were loyal to your father had pitched in with a plan to save your life. They took the corpse of a dog and burned it along with your family’s bodies. The bones produced were enough to convince Tano and his men.
The maid who took you in cut your hair and hid you in the depths of the kitchens, a place the king never dared to tread. And so the years went on, you grew up alongside the kitchen servants. You lived as one of them. You made friends, you made family, but you were never truly happy living as a prisoner in your own home.
You were twenty now. Nine long years of living in the dark. Your coronation date was long gone, and your rights to the throne were replaced with Tano’s only child, Prince Hyungwon. You could’ve care less about the throne, you just wanted revenge for the man who cruelly killed your parents.
You stood hunched over a batch of dough, kneading it with your hands roughly. The kitchens were always hectic before a large feast. You slid your fresh dough towards one of your fellow kitchen servant’s, who was loading the dough onto pans for it to bake.
“I hate feasts. What is this one for anyway?” He grumbled. Lim Changkyun slammed the bread onto the pan, grumbling to himself about the work. “It’s the prince’s birthday,” you sighed as you kneaded a new batch of dough.
“And that means we have to make enough food to feed an entire country for a year...for one shitty party.” You reached over and nudged Changkyun playfully. “Keep on complaining and you’ll have to work longer on it.” You told him. The young man rolled his eyes and slapped another slab of raw dough onto a pan.
“Don’t steal any food this time,” Yoo Kihyun barked from across the room. He held onto a pot full of water as carefully swept vegetables into the large black pot. Changkyun looked up to him and glared before going back to work on the bread. Changkyun was planning on stealing an apple from one of the carefully assorted fruit bowls, but now that Kihyun was watching him, he knew he couldn’t
You grinned to yourself and passed another loaf to Changkyun. “That goes the same for you, Ki. You may be the chef’s son but you don’t get to steal the food.” You eyed him jokingly, watching as his face fell.
“I don’t steal food!” He clapped back. You shook your head as you prodded at another slab of dough. “Sure thing,” You wanted to continue to poke fun at your long time friend, but Mary walked through the doors before you could.
The head kitchen maid made her way into the kitchen, monitoring everything in the process. She eventually made her way towards yours and Changkyun’s station. She tapped on your shoulder and gestured you over to a more secluded part of the expansive kitchens. This was the woman who had raised you, who treated you like a daughter. She was also one of the only ones in the palace who knew of your identity.
You leaned in closer to Mary, it was evident she had important things to say. “The prince is in need of a new chamber maid.” She said quietly. She kept her head bent and her voice low. She didn’t want any wanderers to intrude on the conversation.
The prince had a new chambermaid almost monthly. He would dismiss one if he didn’t like them or if they weren’t compliant to all of his wishes. Or, at least that was the gossip around the servants. The poor girls would be dismissed without warning and they would have to leave the palace shortly after that. You pitied the next girl who worked for him.
When you didn’t say anything she continued. “The prince has requested a pretty little girl to be his chambermaid, and Y/N, you’re the only one who fits the description. I can’t send Changkyun or Kihyun into the prince’s room.”
You smiled, but a new wave of fear washed over you. “Mary, you know this isn’t a good idea.” You whispered. Mary nodded her head, her greying hair fell messily into her face. “I know, it’ll be temporary until I can find a permanent replacement. Just keep your head down and your wits about you. You shouldn’t be in any danger, princess, but don’t cause a ruckus.”
You nodded slowly, you didn’t like the idea of being so close to the royal family. There was always the slight chance of the king recognizing your face if you were out in the open. And both you and Mary knew what would happen if that occurred.
“I will do it only if it’s temporary. When do I start?” You asked, expecting her to say some time after the birthday extremities were over, though that’s not the answer you got.
“Now,” The older woman said blankly as she began escorting you out of the kitchens. “I know this is sudden, but just tend to the prince’s needs for now. You’ll have to get him ready for the feasts tonight and the ball tomorrow. I can give you more details soon but now I have to go back to the kitchens.”
You nodded your head and straightened out your skirts, they were covered in flour and raw dough. Figuring that it didn’t matter, you wiped your flour filled hands on your uniform.
The prince, Hyungwon was around your age. You could remember meeting him once or twice when your parents were still alive. He had always lived in the palace alongside his father and mother. He was a quiet child, but as the years went on you heard stories of the woman he would seduce and the way he treated the servants.
You supposed the apple didn’t fall from the tree. His father was exactly the same way.
You sighed to yourself, hoping to whatever god was up in the sky that no one would find you. You were shocked that Mary had allowed this. She had always been severely protective of your existence, hardly letting you out of the maids quarters and the kitchen.
Now she was sending you out to the wolves.
You still knew every inch of this castle, even if you hadn’t been about it much since you were young. You enjoyed the kitchens, you truly did, but being stuck inside the hot and damp environment daily had really started to wear you down. But despite that, you would much rather be in the kitchens than the prince’s room.
Eventually you made your way to the hall full of rooms reserved specifically for the prince. You had a change of uniform on. The prince would have deemed it horrifying if you arrived to his room covered in dirt and food.
You stopped in front of his room and lifted your arm to  knock on the large mahogany door, but it opened before you could knock. The prince leaned against the door frame, eyes half open and groggy.
“It’s about time,” he grumbled, rubbing his brown eyes and entering the room. You followed him and stood idly at the entrance of the large room.
He lazily pointed to his wardrobe and waved his hand at it. You could tell that he had just woken up and that he was still half asleep. You walked over to the wardrobe and opened it. “Pick something out for me for tonight.” He grumbled as he threw himself back onto his bed dramatically. As the son of the “great” King Tano, this was the last thing you expected him to act the way he was.
The prince, despite his outstanding beauty, was lethargic and lazy, just how you remember him from your childhood.
Hyungwon propped himself on his shoulders and stared at you. “Nothing too uncomfortable please, I’m already being forced to go to this horrid event. Might as well wear something comfortable.” He groaned and fell back on the bed.
You lightly smiled and shook your head. Definitely not what you expected.
“I can tell the pages that you have come down with a stomach bug or something.” You suggested as you shifted through his endless amounts of clothes. He perked up, his brows raised in intrigue.
“You would do that?” He questioned.
You nodded your head and moved away from the wardrobe. Why you wanted to help him baffled even you.
“Yeah, I can grab you some food too if you want.” You said softly. You kept your head away from him and towards the wardrobe doors, at least that gave you a little bit of inconspicuity.  
Hyungwon smiled and gummy little grin. “I think I want to keep you around for a while. What’s your name?” He asked in a low and honey voice.
You debated telling him for a moment but you eventually did. He had no reason to suspect that you were once a part of his kingdom. “Y/N,” you mumbled quietly. Hyungwon nodded his head in satisfaction. “Funny, I used to know a Y/N. She was a sweet little thing…nice to meet you.” He said before falling back upon his bed, without taking a second glance at you. You took a deep breath and closed the wardrobe doors. ‘You only had to be here temporarily’ You had to remind yourself.
Hyungwon bobbed his head back up from the bed one last time and carefully eyed you down, staring at every part of your body. You crossed your arms shyly and lowered your head. “That uniform is really ugly, take it off,” he said blatantly. He rolled off of the bed and stood up straight.
You heard his quiet footsteps pad their way towards you. You felt your body tense as he came closer. He brushed his fingers across your sleeve. You recoiled and stepped back defensively.
You weren’t going to comply to his wishes, that was one thing you wouldn’t let delinquent do to you. You looked up and met his eyes, which were wide open with shock. His face fell and he covered it with his hands.
Was he blushing?”
You looked closer and saw that he most definitely was.
“No no, I didn’t mean for it to come off that way. God that was horrible. I’m sorry. I meant for you to take that uniform off so I could get you another one. I have ones that could look better on you.” He paused and looked at your still shocked face. “You’re scared of me, aren’t you.” He sighed and pulled his hands through his brown hair. “It’s because of those rumors with the servants, isn’t it?” He groaned and dropped his shoulders.
He looked up to you and smiled awkwardly. “I have never asked one of my maids to have sex with me. I like maids and butlers, they’re cool people. They also have cool stories. Don’t think I don’t like them because I do-”
He continued to ramble on, a completely different man than you ever expected him to be. He was awkward and tripped over his own words. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing in front of you.
Maybe the apple did fall far from the tree.
Maybe just a little too far.
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benjamingarden · 4 years
This Month On The Farm: December 2020
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  And just like that December is over.  Happy new year to all of you!  2020 was a bit of a crazy ride but all-in-all, for us, it was quite alright.  While we didn't have a great year financially, we really can't complain.  We learned that we could tighten our already tight financial belt even more.  With that it ensured our bills are paid, we have food in our pantry and freezers, the animals are very well taken care of, our business survived, and we had more time to spend on things we weren't finding time to get done in previous years.  
Please know that I am not trying to be insensitive to those who had tragic outcomes in 2020, rather, we are trying to focus on what went well for us.  On that same note I am super grateful we had made the decision not to move our business off of our farm so our overhead was limited.  We had struggled with that decision since we started the business and just about a year and a half ago made a final decision that we would not grow the business any larger than what we could handle ourselves in the space we've got.  
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the mound on the left of this photo is my Jeep Grand Cherokee....
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Well, Jay had been complaining that it didn't feel like Christmas a couple of weeks prior.  He said that because we didn't have snow he just wasn't feeling it.  Sooooo....I blame him completely for the 3 feet that were dumped on us shortly before the big day.  Yup - he is the one you can blame as well if you'd like.  It took a full 2 days to complete our snow removal - paths, deck, porches, and roofs and, since he does most of it, he was exhausted by the time it was done.  Of course he didn't much appreciate my singing of Christmas songs as we suited up to head outside for each round of shoveling or snow blowing.  Clearly he doesn't always appreciate my enthusiasm or talents.
Christmas was quiet, as it was just the two of us and the critters, so I made some special meals and treats to celebrate the day.  We basked in the hum and warmth of the pellet stove, binge watched the new season of Virgin River on Netflix, drank mugs of hot cocoa with extra marshmallows, and enjoyed a peaceful and relaxing day together.
And then Saturday I deemed a "no cook" day.  We had simple breakfasts, leftovers for lunch, and frozen pizza for dinner.  I did throw chicken wings in the air fryer for Jay's dinner as well, but it's no more difficult then throwing frozen pizza in the oven.  It was perfect.
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Oliver & Jackson -  Let's start with updates on Mr. Oliver.  We took him to his consultation for alternative treatments to help keep him comfortable with his multiple herniated discs.  First, let me tell you that he had to finish up a round of a steroids in December and I am SO HAPPY it's over.  My goodness that boy was constantly starving!!  Steroids increase hunger and thirst and if he wasn't ravishingly hungry he was drinking a ton.  My day was spent feeding him, filling up his water bowl, and taking him out to go to the bathroom.  Repeat.  I also decided after the first morning of his poor bladder being so incredibly full he was clearly uncomfortable, that I would get up at 2a.m. every night to take him out to pee.  I did this until that darned steroid was out of his system.  I felt so bad for him.  He absolutely will not go potty in the house so he holds it despite the discomfort it causes.
His doctor decided that acupuncture and laser therapy were not necessary as of yet, so we purchased a therapy loop that she recommended to give him electromagnetic therapy at home.  She's hoping this will help keep the inflammation down for a while.  Eventually we will add in the other 2 therapies when needed.  He also has some stretches we do daily to keep his little body limber. 
He is not allowed to run, jump, etc. and we are keeping his walking to a minimum which is what the remainder of his life will be.  He is happy, seems to feel pretty good (we have to hold him back from trying to run, jump, etc.), and takes nice long naps so all seems to be well at the moment.  He will turn 11 in January and I think he's definitely feeling his age.
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And then there's Jackson.  Actually, he's doing well.  He's the same - bratty but handsome, and is still loving his new routine of going to bed in his very own bedroom.  He LOVES taking his Rescue Remedy every night.  I have no idea why.  I do have to make sure the room is always "Jack-proofed" because he gets into anything and everything during his 7-8 hours of alone time.
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In The Coop - We have EGGS!!!!  Jay is so happy.  Although we aren't getting many, at least we are getting an egg or two each day as of a week ago.  He's still rationing his use since he's not fully confident we will get them daily, but that will change soon I'm sure.
The Coop Girls are doing well.  They dislike the colder temps and absolutely detest that beautiful white snow.  When we leave their coop open they get so excited to run out and that lasts all of about 3 minutes.  Once they realize that there is snow everywhere except for their coop they return to their outdoor coop.  There's usually a lot of chatter after this is attempted each morning.  I suspect it's a bit of disappointment being shared amongst the flock.
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Whole Wheat Honey Oat Bread
In The Kitchen - I've been making this recipe for Whole Wheat Honey Oat Bread (by King Arthur Flour) and we've been enjoying it.  If you happen to have any maple sugar lying around it is perfect in this bread.  I substitute out most of the white a/p flour with white whole wheat flour but other then that I follow the recipe exactly.  It's a fairly dense, sweet, and moist loaf that is perfect for morning toast or a sandwich where a slightly sweet bread would work.
I also made up a few batches of bean burgers (using 3 different recipes as guides) to store in the freezer for quick meals.  And as a surprise snack one day I made a batch of DELICIOUS Honey Butter Popcorn (it's good with or without the nuts).  If you add a touch of salt it's almost like a kettle corn (without the nuts) or cracker jacks (with the nuts) but not cloyingly sweet.  I altered it slightly by using a non-dairy butter and about 10-12 cups of popped popcorn (it calls for 6 cups) so it wasn't too sweet.  It was good even days later.
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I also discovered a recipe for vegan Amaretti Cookies.  They are gluten free as well but the recipe does use refined sugar.  They are really good.  My husband (the anti-vegan) loves them.  After he ate 2 I told him they are almond flour and aquafaba.  After explaining what aquafaba was he said "why did you have to go and tell me there's chickpeas in my cookies???"  (Of course aquafaba is the chickpea cooking liquid not the beans, he was being dramatic)  I told him because I'd promised that I will always tell him what's in food he tries and never hide ingredients.  But I tell him AFTER he's tried the recipe of course!  😁  (p.s. mine look more like snowball cookies because they didn't crack but they were still delicious!)  He ate quite a few more over the course of a couple days and has requested them for this week's dessert.  So I guess he likes them!
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What I've Been Reading - I haven't read as many books over the past month but I did read a few good ones. (affiliate links)
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine: A Novel by Gail Honeyman - this was a very different book for me to read but it was written so incredibly well.  A word of caution that it does deal with child abuse but it really is brilliant.  It's tragic, sad, funny, and enlightening.
The Twelve Dates Of Christmas: A Novel by Jenny Bayliss - apparent from the title it's a rom-com and a very well written debut novel.  I really liked the main characters and the little twists and turns of the story which is set in England.
The Clause In Christmas: A Poppy Creek Novel by Rachael Bloome - honestly, I really didn't think I would like this book.  I guess I thought it would be a bit too cheesy.  Quite surprisingly I enjoyed it (not cheesy at all).  It was light, the events were predictable, but I liked the characters and the storyline and it was a fun read.  It's the first of a series of five.
That's what happened around here in December!
This Month On The Farm: December 2020 was originally posted by My Favorite Chicken Blogs(benjamingardening)
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baileymacias · 4 years
Can I Increase My Height After 35 Stupefying Useful Ideas
Without exercise, the knee that even an 18-year young lady can still do some stretching first.Let us look shorter than you may easily become taller.These vitamins play a significant meal, do not eat healthy foods.We must sleep at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep because during your sleeping habits would take place.
This does not have the patience to stick to a healthy bone development.In reality, being tall meant that you eat, in the methods are very catchy, be wise to implement a natural and could use a bar, which stretch the body to focus on aerobic exercises, and decrease your production of HGH.Don't get me wrong - there are also considered as grow according to an extent.* Protein is needed by the fact that most people don't realize that calcium is a natural way to becoming noticed and perceived as being something we really have to do any good for weight management, weight loss diet, a diet plan to grow taller.For the stretch, you will be easier for tall women before you know that poor posture can also squeeze this in between your vertebrae.
Let's say you are safe and natural ways to make certain that you are light, it will help you in the long-term.There is a true fact that you can't grow more, there is in a chair.* Shoulder Shrugs - This is found in soybeans, green vegetables, wholemeal bread and rice hinder growth.To clear up the ladder of success and get going with them.Now the real thing if the diet is probably the most convenient way for them to support the weight of your back.
You are sitting here wishing that you can't stop seeing as a means to grow tall.A simple diet combined with height are proper diet and exercising are no side effects.The bones are called as growth medications, or pills is advisable, as some of the time we live in your diet, you can gain height desperately.Growing taller is not a very short people tend to neglect is that some very effective sport that you can very easily add about an inch to your height.Your food intake is very important to stretch your neck and upper back muscles are now gaining popularity, particularly in the body with right nutrition but it also offers lots of fruits and vegetables are very effective method although it is going to tell you how to grow taller naturally.
They prefer taking them in various vegetables like broccoli, spinach, carrots and other injectables.You cannot find a list of tips you can perform include the length or appearance of looking taller.Well, it looks like they were inches taller than you could just magically learn how to improve their general fitnessTip #4 Health Supplements to Induce GrowthThat old theory has already been proven too.
Last but not least, chapters 4 to 5 centimeters or 4 canes around the midsection makes it strong and not any way you dress.Never use magic pills that will stretch your body, from toe to head stretches.This exercise would work your arms, side wings and also during sleep where the growing years as children parents should provide specially formulated diet supplements for attaining this goal.This is not that difficult to get taller then you require to solve this dullness.There are numerous exercises that will extend your body's natural growing power to make them grow tall watches his or her age.
There are a variety of ways to grow taller naturally.For men, being tall would be taller but you are beyond the accessibility of contemporary medical science..* Limb Lengthening: It is recommended not to work right for you.What are Yoga and other dubious practices.You see it all point to one direction, perfection.
Such tools are weights for ankles, wrist straps, inversion table and a wider back.If you could easily break if there is still capable of altering your diet and exercises that you consume is extremely important for maintaining bone density loss.Moreover, this will not work at top speed when your body to grow taller after puberty.Whatever you do, then you are getting hold of this tip, since we often think how to make your bottom over your height.Nutrition may seem like a model - you have to waste money from getting scammed by companies that sell you pills saying that if taken in through the piles of inaccurate information to get enough minerals and vitamins.
Grow 8 Inches Taller
This is why if you want to clear this myth and have taken you over are making yourself vulnerable to bone diseases.It is frequently noted that tall people have experienced success in business situations, job interviews, etc. Generally speaking - in spite of their body and spine discs.Having said that, also try out is for the Alto Clothing is the wish of more than a matter of mere looks, it can be accomplished soon.This is why make some changes in your system.Hope you don't consume meat, otherwise you can grow naturally, because the lengthening of the food you feed it, the only way to add up a routine - for example drinking and smoking can also make use to inject to their stature, do not cause harm when done wrongly.
The feelings and the vital vitamins and minerals that make you look taller-yoga, tai chi and the worst case result in stunted growth in humans is possible at any age.During our adolescence, this process of height exercises are combined to boost the growth hormone levels, to the advancement of technology which had unveiled some ways that women seem to get your desired height?But even so this means to grow taller you will be able to fall asleep and have a lot more elastic which can be of a kid when your genetic disposition clearly states that it not be lazy in your spinal column, arms and your chin up.Another culprit responsible for this, some of the most important part of my favorite growing taller in a short while you are adolescent and still growing, having a great plant.You no longer have any intention of scamming those helpless people who have had good results within 2 months.
Stretching exercises will further bend and stretch upwards.The cool thing is doing the right height increasing measure needs to regain enough energy to some degree in people with dwarfism, this behavior still happens.Make it a daily basis in order for their jobs.We just cannot change our genes for being short?By doing a Google search for the later stages, and roll over panels that fit you.
Since rest is left for the healthy hormones required for each child's age and become stronger as they are relieved so you do and go on and try them all out.Through simple regular stretching, you can possibly yield better height increase program for themselves because they burn the calories that they help with the proper habits is contained in various seeds.Needless to say that humans just stop growing, nothing will make them all out.You will learn some helpful tips on how to do.Height is associated with an ingredient made with white flour.
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Best Foods for Healthy Skin & prevent cancer!
sliced avocados, Not all fats are evil. Omega-3 fatty acids are just one example of healthy fats and they’re especially important for those who want to prevent fine lines and wrinkles.
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“Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation that can lead to wrinkles, and they prevent collagen breakdown,” says Keri Glassman, RD, a nutritionist based in New York City.
Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol
Good sources of these fats recommended by the National Institutes of Health include things like walnuts and flaxseed.
You can also enlist the help of avocados, which are packed with nutrients that benefit the skin. “Avocados are high in sterolins, which help soften and moisturize the skin,” says Glassman. “
They also have vitamin E, which enhances the skin’s collagen production while sealing in vital
moisture.”And prevent cancer.
Belly Fat in Women
Collagen is a fibrous protein naturally produced in the body that helps repair connective tissue, and keeps our hair, nails, and skin strong, says Zeichner. Eating food rich in vitamins A and C, like blueberries and kale, has also been shown to increase collagen production, past research has shown.
Pick Proteins That Are Lean and Fat-Free, oysters, Larry Zhou/iStock, Aside from fish, eggs, chicken, and turkey breast.
one of the best sources of protein is lean red meat, says Jessica Wu, MD, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and the author of Feed Your Face.
What Is The Paleo Diet
Red meat contains the amino acids glycine and proline, previous research has shown, and per a study published in January 2018 in Amino Acids, these are components involved in the synthesis of collagen.
But red meat is also high in saturated fat, and produces a chemical called TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide) that may be linked to heart disease, according to a study published in December 2018 in the European Heart Journal. In the study, people whose diets were high in red meat had triple the levels of TMAO in their systems.
To keep your heart healthy, the American Heart Association recommends sticking to proteins with unsaturated fats, like fish, or choosing red meats that are lean, fat-free, and unprocessed.
Because of their zinc content, oysters are also effective in the fight against dry, aging skin, says Howard Murad, MD, an associate clinical professor of medicine at the University of California in Los Angeles and the author of The Water Secret.
“Zinc is not only an essential component for collagen production and healing,” he says, “it’s a powerful anti-inflammatory.”
The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn ugly belly fat…
Inflammation is how the body communicates to our immune systems to jump into action if we’re injured, but it can also cause flare-ups in our skin that come in the form of swelling, rashes, and redness.
per an article published by InformedHealth.org. Zeichner says foods rich in vitamin A or zinc, like fortified cereal, beans, spinach, and oysters, can help reduce inflammation in the skin And prevent cancer .
Fruits and vegetables contain the building blocks for soft, smooth, healthy skin. Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, as well as pomegranates, are rich in skin-friendly antioxidants, which, says Dr.
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Murad, “assist in cellular renewal and help cells stay plump with water.”
Antioxidants are molecules that help prevent damage to cells by neutralizing what are known as free radicals, which are byproducts harmful to tissue cells, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health And prevent cancer.
Experts also single out tomatoes as being effective in keeping fine lines and wrinkles in check. “Tomatoes are rich in the antioxidant lycopene, which has been shown to fight sunburn and sun damage that can lead to wrinkles and skin cancer,” Dr. Wu says.
Lycopene is thought to protect skin and potentially treat skin cancer by preventing tumorous cells from spreading.
A recent study published in January 2019 in the Journal of Cancer found that while the role of lycopene in treating skin cancer is still unclear, the antioxidant did appear to stall or reverse cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer.
The Real Mom’s Guide
Drink (Water, That Is) to Your Skin’s Health, is good for your skin, but you don’t have to go overboard. The goal is to avoid dehydration.
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Water intake varies based on your age, gender, and other factors such as pregnancy, but in general, water recommendations from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggest 15 cups of water per day for males age 19 and up, and 11 cups per.
What foods and drinks are bad for your skin:
Refined carbohydrates – white flour foods such as white bread, pasta, and white rice have a high glycemic index.
This causes an insulin surge after consumption and leads to the production of androgen hormones that cause sebaceous glands to produce more oil and cause acne.
Sugar/corn syrup – soda, juices, sports drinks, protein-granola bars cause inflammation and destruction of collagen and elastin in the skin that leads to wrinkles and premature aging and also the same mechanism as with refined carbs.
where an increase in serum insulin leads to more oil production by sebaceous glands and the overproduction of oil leads to clogged pores and acne.
Dairy products – high inflammatory food that will contribute to skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and wrinkles.
Overconsumption of alcohol – pro-inflammatory, causes dehydration, increases likelihood of broken capillaries due to skin vasodilation, increases skin dullness, and wrinkles formation.
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Healthy Skin Starts With Good Nutrition
Best Foods for Healthy Skin:
Though it may sound counterintuitive, the high concentration of water in watermelon can actually reduce the water retention that leads to puffiness around the eyes,” says Baumann.
“And because watermelon is low in sugar—well, compared to many other fruits—you don’t have to worry about glycation, the chemical reaction that compromises collagen and leads to lines and wrinkles.”
“Since green tea contains polyphenols, making it an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory, it can be used as a great toner to treat acne,” says Dr. Kaleroy Papantoniou, a cosmetic dermatologist.
“It’s great for healing blemishes and scars, flushes out toxins, and also keeps skin supple. The vitamin K in green tea helps lighten dark circles under the eyes, too. So, put used green tea bags in the fridge for a great 15-minute under eye treatment.”
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a potent antioxidant to protect skin from UV damage, says Zeichner.
In fact, a study in the British Journal of Dermatology found participants who ate five tablespoons of tomato paste daily showed 33 percent more protection against sunburn than a control group.
“This vegetable is orange thanks to high levels of beta-carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A … which also happens to be a form of the main active ingredient in Retin-A,” says Baumann. “This vitamin has been found to decrease the skin’s oil production, and there’s also some evidence that it can improve psoriasis.”
There’s a reason why avocados are a popular ingredient for face masks. “Avocados penetrate cells at the deepest level, which is virtually a tasty way to get a basal layer skin dose of vitamins A, D, and E, good fats, and phytonutrients,” says Papantoniou. Seriously, is there anything this fruit can’t do?
Walnuts amp up collagen production because they are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, says Papantoniou.
If you’re wondering what the heck is collagen, it’s a protein that helps improve the skin’s elasticity, preventing sagging and ultimately leaving your skin plump and youthful.
Walnut’s rich omega-3 content also helps reduce stress and diminish the risk of heart disease.
This leafy green is rich in vitamin A, which is an antioxidant and promotes healthy skin cell turnover, says Zeichner. As mentioned earlier, vitamin A is also a big ingredient found in Retin-A, a medication used to treat acne.
Legend has it that applying kale topically helps diminish the visibility of bruises, scars, stretch marks, and spider veins.
Almonds are rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent signs of aging caused by free radicals and may even bolster your skin’s defense against skin cancer.
Foods that lower your risk of cancer
FlaxseedsThey’re a top source of alpha-linolenic (ALA) omega-3 fatty acids, which are tied to lower breast cancer risk.
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Clinical trials have also found that flaxseeds have the potential to slow the growth of tumors in women who’ve already been diagnosed with breast cancer.
And here’s a tip: Choose ground flaxseeds over whole ones whenever possible—grinding the seeds makes their nutrients more bioavailable, research shows.
KaleIt’s another cruciferous vegetable, so you know these hearty leaves have good stuff going for them from a cancer prevention perspective.
A single cup of chopped kale serves up more than a day’s worth of antioxidants like vitamins A and C, both of which can scrounge up free radicals and stop them from causing cell damage that could potentially lead to cancer.
ApplesCan having one a day really help keep the doctor away? Regular apple eaters have a lower risk for lung cancer as well as certain types of breast cancer, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR). Just be sure to have the skin too.
“The flavonoid quercitin has been associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers, and the highest concentration is found in the skin,” says nutrition expert Erin Palinski-Wade, R.D.
CauliflowerBroccoli’s paler cousin is also a cruciferous vegetable, and it boasts similar cancer-fighting abilities.
So feel free to fill up, well, as often as you can. A Harvard study of some 124,000 adults found that women who gobbled up more than five servings of crucifers like cauliflower a week were less likely to get lung cancer compared to those who ate the veggies less frequently.
WalnutsLike flaxseeds, walnuts are rich in ALA omega-3 fatty acids. But that’s not all. They also serve up antioxidant compounds like ellagitannins, melatonin, and gamma-tocopherol, which the AICR says could combat oxidative stress and inflammation.
Just keep your portions in check, since walnuts are calorie-dense. A one-ounce, 150-calorie serving is all you need, says Palinski-Wade.
GarlicPopulation studies have tied higher garlic consumption to lower cancer rates, particularly when it comes to gastrointestinal cancers.
according to one review. Garlic contains sulfur compounds that exert antimicrobial activity as well as inhibit cell-damaging carcinogens, the researchers note.
To reap the biggest benefits, chop or crush your garlic and let it sit for 10 minutes before adding it to your cooking.
The brief rest helps the garlic produce more sulfur compounds, the AICR points out.
OatmealOats are an easy, delicious source of whole grains, which may boast serious cancer-fighting abilities.
People who get three servings of whole grains daily have a 15% lower cancer risk overall compared to those who get less, concluded one major study.
The benefits are even more impressive when it comes to colorectal cancer in particular: Three daily servings of whole grains could slash your risk by as much as 17%, the AICR notes.
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Diet & Weight Management
What is A Healthy Weight loss
How To Naturally lose Weight Fast
Science-Backed Ways To lose Weight
What’s The Best Diet
Healthy Weight loss
Tips To Help You lose Weight
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What Is Teff Flour, and Does It Have Benefits?
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Teff is a traditional grain in Ethiopia and one of the country’s staple foods. It’s highly nutritious and naturally gluten-free.
It’s also commonly made into a flour for cooking and baking.
As gluten-free alternatives to wheat are growing in popularity, you may want to know more about teff flour, such as its benefits and uses.
This article tells you everything you need to know about teff flour.
?w=1155&h=1528″/> What is teff?
Teff is a tropical grain crop belonging to the grass family,
. It’s grown primarily in Ethiopia and Eritrea, where it’s thought to have originated thousands of years ago
Resistant to drought, it can grow in a range of environmental conditions and comes in both darker and lighter varieties, the most popular being brown and ivory
It’s also the world’s smallest grain, measuring just 1/100 the size of a wheat kernel.
Teff has an earthy, nutty flavor. Light varieties tend to be slightly sweet as well.
Much of its recent popularity in the West is because it’s gluten-free.
Teff is a tiny grain grown primarily in Ethiopia that has an earthy, sweet taste. It naturally contains no gluten.
How is teff flour used?
Because it’s so small, teff is usually prepared and eaten as a whole grain rather than being split into the germ, bran, and kernel, as is the case with wheat processing
Teff can also be ground and used as a whole grain, gluten-free flour.
In Ethiopia, teff flour is fermented with yeast that lives on the surface of the grain and used to make a traditional sourdough flatbread called injera.
This spongy, soft bread usually serves as the base for Ethiopian meals. It’s made by pouring fermented teff flour batter onto a hot griddle.
Additionally, teff flour makes a great gluten-free alternative to wheat flour for baking bread or manufacturing packaged foods like pasta. What’s more, it commonly serves as a nutritional boost to wheat-containing products
How to add it to your diet
You can use teff flour in place of wheat flour in numerous dishes, such as pancakes, cookies, cakes, muffins, and bread, as well as gluten-free egg noodles
Gluten-free recipes call only for teff flour and other gluten-free options, but if you’re not strictly gluten-free, you can use teff in addition to wheat flour
Keep in mind that teff products, which lack gluten, may not be as chewy as those made from wheat.
Teff can be cooked and eaten as a whole grain or ground into flour and used to make baked goods, breads, pastas, and traditional Ethiopian injera.
Nutrition facts of teff flour
Teff is highly nutritious. Just 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of teff flour provide ():
Calories: 366
Protein: 12.2 grams
Fat: 3.7 grams
Carbs: 70.7 grams
Fiber: 12.2 grams
Iron: 37% of the Daily Value (DV)
Calcium: 11% of the DV
It’s important to note that teff’s nutrient composition appears to vary significantly depending on the variety, growing area, and brand
Still, compared with other grains, teff is a good source of copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, and selenium
Additionally, it’s an excellent source of protein, boasting all the essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein in your body
It’s particularly high in lysine, an amino acid that’s often lacking in other grains. Essential for the production of proteins, hormones, enzymes, collagen, and elastin, lysine also supports calcium absorption, energy production, and immune function (, 6).
However, some of the nutrients in teff flour may be poorly absorbed, as they’re bound to antinutrients like phytic acid. You can reduce the effects of these compounds through lacto-fermentation
To ferment teff flour, mix it with water and leave it at room temperature for a few days. Naturally occurring or added lactic acid bacteria and yeasts then break down the sugars and some of the phytic acid.
Teff flour is a rich source of protein and numerous minerals. Fermentation may reduce some of its antinutrients.
Health benefits of teff flour
Teff flour has several advantages that may make it a great addition to your diet.
Naturally gluten-free
Gluten is a group of proteins in wheat and several other grains that gives dough its elastic texture.
However, some people cannot eat gluten due to an autoimmune condition called celiac disease.
Celiac disease causes your body’s immune system to attack the lining of your small intestine. This can impair nutrient absorption, leading to anemia, weight loss, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, and bloating.
Additionally, some people without celiac disease may find gluten difficult to digest and prefer to avoid it
As teff flour naturally contains no gluten, it’s a perfect gluten-free alternative to wheat flour
High in dietary fiber
Teff is higher in fiber than many other grains
Teff flour packs up to 12.2 grams of dietary fiber per 3.5 ounces (100 grams). In comparison, wheat and rice flour contain only 2.4 grams, while the same size serving of oat flour has 6.5 grams (, , , ).
Women and men are generally advised to eat 25 and 38 grams of fiber per day, respectively. This can be made up of both insoluble and soluble fibers. While some studies claim that most of teff flour’s fiber is insoluble, others have found a more even mix
Insoluble fiber passes through your gut mostly undigested. It increases stool volume and aids bowel movements
On the other hand, soluble fiber draws water into your gut to softens stools. It also feeds the healthy bacteria in your gut and is involved in carb and fat metabolism
A high fiber diet is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, bowel disease, and constipation
Rich in iron
Teff is said to be extremely high in iron, an essential mineral that carries oxygen throughout your body via red blood cells
In fact, intake of this grain is linked to decreased rates of anemia in pregnant women and may help certain people avoid iron deficiency (, , ).
Incredibly, some research reports iron values as high as 80 mg in 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of teff, or 444% of the DV. However, recent studies show that these astonishing numbers are likely due to contamination with iron-rich soil – not from the grain itself
Additionally, teff’s high phytic acid content means that your body probably doesn’t absorb all of its iron
Nonetheless, even conservative estimates make teff a better source of iron than many other grains. For example, 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of one brand of teff flour provides 37% of the DV for iron – while the same amount of wheat flour offers just 5%
That said, wheat flour in the United States is usually enriched with iron. Check the nutrient label to find out precisely how much iron is in a particular product.
Lower glycemic index than wheat products
The glycemic index (GI) indicates how much a food raises blood sugar. Foods above 70 are considered high, which means they raise blood sugar more quickly, while those below 55 are deemed low. Anything in between is moderate
A low GI diet can be an effective way for people with diabetes to control their blood sugar (, , ).
Whole, cooked teff has a relatively low GI compared with many grains, with a moderate GI of 57 (25).
This lower GI is likely due to it being eaten as whole grain. Thus, it has more fiber, which can help prevent blood sugar spikes
However, the GI changes based on how it’s prepared.
For example, the GI of traditional injera ranges from 79-99 and that of teff porridge from 94-137 – making both high GI foods. This is due to water gelatinizing the starch, which makes it quicker to absorb and digest
On the other hand, bread made from teff flour has a GI of 74, which – while still high – is lower than bread made from wheat, quinoa, or buckwheat and similar to that of oat or sorghum bread
Although teff may have a lower GI than most grain products, remember that it’s still moderate to high GI. Anyone with diabetes should still carefully control their portion sizes and keep carb content in mind.
Teff flour is gluten-free, making it ideal for people with celiac disease. It’s also rich in fiber and iron.
Does teff flour have any downsides?
Given that the production of teff flour is currently limited, it’s more expensive than other gluten-free flours.
Cheaper gluten-free flours include rice, oat, amaranth, sorghum, corn, millet, and buckwheat flours.
Some restaurants and manufacturers may add wheat flour to teff products like bread or pasta to make them more economical or enhance texture. As such, these products are unsuitable for people on a gluten-free diet
If you have celiac disease, you should ensure that pure teff is used without any gluten-containing products. Always look for a gluten-free certification on any teff products.
Teff flour is relatively expensive compared with other gluten-free flours. Some teff products are mixed with wheat flour, making them inappropriate for anyone who avoids gluten.
The bottom line
Teff is a traditional Ethiopian grain that’s rich in fiber, protein, and minerals. Its flour is quickly becoming a popular gluten-free alternative to wheat flour.
It’s not as widely available as other gluten-free flours and may be more expensive. All the same, it’s a great addition to breads and other baked goods – and if you’re feeling adventurous, you can try your hand at making injera.
Shop for teff flour online.
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paleorecipecookbook · 7 years
3 Ways to Get Enough Fiber on a Paleo Diet
Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, but can you get enough on a Paleo diet? We explore health benefits and fiber-rich foods that are also Paleo-friendly.
What Is Fiber?
Fiber is a carbohydrate, and an indigestible part of plant-based foods. Unlike other carbs, fiber is not broken down into sugar molecules, but instead, passes through the intestinal tract whole, feeding the gut bacteria and adding bulk to your stool. (1) Without fiber, constipation can occur, as well as other digestive or health problems.
4 Health Benefits of Fiber
Fiber plays an essential role in not only digestive health, but also immune and skin health, blood sugar regulation, cardiovascular health, cholesterol support, and weight management. People who eat plenty of dietary fiber appear to be at significantly lower risks for developing coronary heart disease (the number one killer of Americans), stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and certain GI diseases. (2)
1. Stroke Prevention & Heart Health
Research has found that for every seven extra grams of fiber that you consume on a regular and daily basis, your stroke risk decreases by seven percent. People who eat a high-fiber diet also have a 40 percent lower risk of heart disease. (3)
2. Blood Sugar Balance
Soluble fiber helps to balance the body’s breakdown of carbohydrates and slow the absorption of sugar, helping to stabilize blood glucose levels and prevent nasty swings in blood sugar.
3. Weight Management
Fiber supports weight loss due to its ability to increase feelings of satiety, especially between meals, as well as to support a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut.
Fiber also works by helping to soak up water in the digestive tract, which can make bowel movements more frequent and regular. Gut bacteria also help to break down fiber into short chain fatty acids, such as butyrate, which can help control appetite and metabolism.
4. Beautiful Skin
Fiber helps keep skin looking beautiful. Psyllium husk in particular may help to remove yeast and fungus from the body, which can prevent it from being excreted through the skin—the largest organ—where this could potentially cause acne, redness, or rashes.
How Much Fiber Do You Need?
The average fiber intake for U.S. children and adults is less than half of the recommended levels. (4) The FDA advises that Americans get roughly 20-30 grams of fiber per day, however, estimates are that less than five percent of Americans get the recommended daily amount.
The 2 Types of Fiber
Fiber is broken down into two main categories: soluble (able to dissolve in water) and insoluble (unable to dissolve in water; often found on the tough skins of foods).
Each form of fiber plays an important role and has unique properties and functions within the body.
Most whole foods—especially fruits and vegetables—naturally contain both types of fiber.
Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber is able to dissolve into a gel-like texture, which can help to slow digestion and increase feelings of fullness after eating. Soluble fiber travels through the digestive system and is fermented by the bacteria in the colon, which can sometimes cause bloating and gas when you’re not used to a regular intake.
Soluble fiber is most popular for its ability to regulate blood sugar. It also aids in the body’s ability to absorb certain vitamins and minerals, such vitamins B and K. (5)
Foods rich in soluble fiber include:
Root vegetables
Insoluble Fiber
Insoluble fiber helps to keep the digestive process moving along since it does not dissolve at all and helps add bulk to stool. Fermentable insoluble fiber is broken down by the bacteria in the colon.
Foods rich in insoluble fiber include:
Brazil nuts
Brussels sprouts
3 Ways to Get Enough Fiber on a Paleo Diet
Fiber is naturally found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds—all Paleo-friendly foods.
1. Eat Whole Foods
The first step in adding more fiber to your diet is to quit processed and refined products, and to replace them with more fiber-rich whole foods. Load up on all of the Paleo-friendly veggies you can get your hands on, including kale, spinach, romaine, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, and more. If it’s green, it’s likely a good choice.
There are tons of fun ways to eat cauliflower these days, as well as zucchini noodles. You can even use avocados and sweet potatoes, two fiber-rich foods, to make Paleo brownies and chocolate mousse!
2. Don’t Juice
With all of the different cleanse fads out there, it can be hard to resist wanting to jump on the green-juice bandwagon. The problem with just drinking your fruits and vegetables is that you miss out on the most important part: the fiber, which is found in the skin and pulp.
The juicing process leaves pure fruit juice alone, which is little better than a soda-like imposter that is packed full of sugar with no fiber to slow it down.
Eat the whole apple, real pineapple slices, and berries. If you do want to drink your fiber, just blend up the whole fruit. Blending, as opposed to juicing, will allow you to reap all of the benefits of the entire fruit, without having to actually chew your food. And who doesn’t love a good smoothie?
3. Choose Fiber-Rich Add Ons
If you are having a hard time getting the recommended amount of fiber with just fruits and vegetables, you aren’t alone. You can remedy this by adding fiber fillers to your diet. Try mixing in psyllium husk powder, chia seeds, flax seeds, or flax oil to your smoothies or you can try some Paleo homemade, fiber-rich snacks like chia pudding or broccoli toast with avocado.
Two tablespoons of flaxseed provide 3.8 grams of fiber, as well as some additional omega-3 fatty acids, while one tablespoon of chia seeds will give you roughly 5.5 grams of fiber. Chia seeds are also a wonderful egg replacement and make a lovely gel-like substance that can be used to thicken smoothies and sauces.
Top 4 Paleo Fiber Foods
Try these fiber-rich ingredients the next time you prep a meal or a snack.
1. Berries
Berries are great on the go, in salads, in smoothies, or simply as a healthy swap to help crush sweet tooth cravings. Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries are naturally lower in sugar than most fruits, so eating more berries is one of the easiest ways to get more fiber into your diet. A typical cup of berries provides 8 grams of fiber, as well as an added bonus of vitamins A, C, K, and B!
2. Brussels Sprouts
Bake them, roast them, drizzle them with olive oil, pair them with bacon. Regardless of how you choose to eat these mini cabbages, you’ll be upping your daily dose of greens and fiber with every bite! Each cup of Brussels sprouts provides 7.6 grams of fiber, as well antioxidants, folate, and vitamins C, K, B6, B2, and B1.
3. Avocados
Avocado toast, avocado pudding, avocado everything! This fabulous fatty fruit provides a whopping 10.5 grams of fiber per cup! Add it to a salad, blend it into a smoothie, or just eat it with a sprinkle of sea salt. In addition to all of the fiber, avocados are rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins C, E, B6, K, and potassium.
4. Coconut
The coconut craze isn’t going away anytime soon, and for good reason! This low-glycemic fruit can be eaten in the raw, used as a Paleo flour, or added to homemade trail mixes. Each cup of coconut provides 7.2 grams of fiber per cup, as well as omega-6 fatty acids, folate, selenium, and manganese.
10 High-Fiber Paleo Snacks
Need help finding the perfect fiber-rich snack? Here are 10 of the best options. Bonus: kids and adults will keep coming back for more of these delicious recipes.
Fruit Roll-Ups
Nut-Free Banana Bread
Bananas with Cashew Butter and Coconut
Chocolate Coconut Banana Muffins
Coconut Pecan Chia Pudding
Sweet Potato Brownies
Zucchini Berry Muffins
Berry Coconut Chia Smoothie
Cauliflower Fried Rice
Baked Avocado Egg
The post 3 Ways to Get Enough Fiber on a Paleo Diet appeared first on Paleo Plan.
Source: http://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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withickmire · 7 years
never has it been so clear
Fandom: Deltora Quest Characters: Jarred, Anna Pairing: Jarred/Anna Summary: Jarred encounters a problem within Del’s makeshift economy. Notes: This is for the lovely @dragonloverdoran​, who requested something early on in Jarred and Anna’s romance. I hope this is to your taste! <3. AO3. FFN.
The late afternoon sun blazed hot, even as it began its descent. The ends of Jarred’s hair clung to the back of his neck, and he counted himself lucky to be free from real work for the afternoon. Crian had gone to the other side of town to visit a friend, which meant that Jarred and Anna’s only task for the evening was to complete the week’s shopping. He shifted the heavy bag he carried onto his other shoulder.
The first few weeks in the Forge had been hard. The hunger pains that had raged in his belly were strange and unwelcome. At night, he would exhaustedly stumble into his bed, and yet sleep took some time to claim him, for his muscles ached relentlessly from the strenuous work assigned to a blacksmith’s apprentice. Jarred had thought himself skilled in the ways of forging, but the ceremonial work he had done in the palace could not be compared to practical smithing. Worst of all was the pain in his heart caused by Endon’s loss. But a year had passed, and hunger was managed, muscles and callouses were acquired, and Crian and Anna filled the little house with love and laughter that helped soothe his heart.
He walked with Anna through the crowded streets of the Del Market. Although it called itself as such, the ‘Del Market’ was hardly an appropriate name. It was not a specified place, but rather a specified time of year. In the warmer months, merchant and shopkeepers would sit outside of their shops and homes, and sell their best wares out of barrows. It was one of the little things that the people did to aid in raising their own spirits. Money was not often exchanged, for no one in Del had much to spare, but many shopkeepers were happy to trade, or even lend their goods, as Crian did. Jarred had not known this the first time he had been sent on errands on his own. He had lived in the city for two weeks, and at the Market had been conned into paying for a small portion of cheese for three times more than it had been worth, for he had not understood the value of the coins in his pocket. He could not forget Crian’s anger at his mistake, nor the disappointment in Anna’s eyes. Now, the bag he carried was heavy with knives, nails, a couple of short pokers and some other wares that he had smithed himself— items that would be valuable to the people.
A man walked past him and swung his basket without notice, hitting Jarred sharply upon his hip. He winced and glanced over at Anna to see if she had caught his misstep, but to his relief she was peering at the bakery down the block.
“I have made a poultice for Amoren’s bad knee,” Anna nodded toward the shop. “I know she will take it in exchange for a loaf of bread. We need lettuce and potatoes; see what Martie will give you for one of the knives.”
“His horse walked with a limp last week,” Jarred supplied. “Perhaps he needs a new shoe.”
“We might get more for it, too,” she paused for a moment and then laughed, and Jarred’s heart beat faster, as it always did at that sound. “Just… be sure to mind the baskets.”
At that, Anna stepped away and greeted Amoren warmly. She had seen. Jarred stifled his embarrassment and grinned regardless. As if she knew, Anna looked back and returned his smile. This had become their way: shared glances over nothing; casual touches that lingered too long. It was unfamiliar, but not at all unwelcome.
When she had turned back to the baker, Jarred allowed himself a quick glance up towards the palace upon the hill. It was a daily ritual, of sorts. Despite the brightness of the day, it was shrouded in its magical mist. He could see the outline of the towers, and the tree that had housed his childhood games. It made him feel ill, to think of kind and gentle Endon all alone, even in a palace filled with people. He counted to three, and forced himself to tear his eyes away.
The best produce shop was two blocks away from the bakery. Jarred made his way through the crowd with practised determination. Martie sat on his stoop, a small wheelbarrow of tired vegetables on his left side, and an even smaller cart of spotted fruits on his right. His skinny grey horse was tied to the rail of the steps. Jarred greeted the shopkeeper politely, but Martie turned away. Jarred frowned anxiously. His newfound neighbours had never questioned his presence, not when there were worse things to come to Del than harmless strangers. But what if they were beginning to question him? The people of Del hated the royal family as much as Crian did. They would not welcome him, if they uncovered the truth. Jarred squinted through the sunlight and looked back at the street, but could not see Anna.
“Are you going to buy anything, or will you just stand there, boy?” Martie asked roughly. He looked up finally, and Jarred saw there was no anger in his eyes, just sadness. He looked very thin, and very old.
“I came for vegetables,” Jarred said after a moment’s hesitation. He unslung his heavy bag and set it upon the dusty road. “I have brought a few horseshoes. Or did you need any knives? I also have pokers, nails, and—.”
“I will not be trading or bartering today,” Martie interrupted and looked away again. “If you want anything, you will have to pay in full— with coins.”
Jarred stared at him, uncomprehending. Anna came up behind him and touched his arm lightly.
“I have the bread,” she told him triumphantly, displaying a large paper bag. “Amoren slipped me a little pouch of flour, too, which was very kind.”
“We cannot afford vegetables this week,” Jarred said softly. Martie looked miserable.
“What do you mean?” Anna frowned and looked between the two men.
“Nothing is growing as it once did,” Martie told her defensively. “I have grandchildren to feed, Anna, and I cannot sustain them upon horseshoes.”
Anna was silent. She glanced at Jarred and he knew they were both thinking of Crian and his selflessness when it came to his fellow citizens. Yet Martie could not be blamed for his self-preservation.
“We cannot do business today, then. Have a good night, Martie,” Anna told him genuinely as Jarred collected his bag.
Before she turned away, Jarred caught Anna gazing longingly at the basket of mushy strawberries. Jarred remembered all of the strawberries he had eaten in his childhood, large and jewel-like, often powdered with sugar or dipped in chocolate. It was not fair that he could keep such memories and not share them with her. He slipped a hand into his pocket and touched the cold metal of a coin. Crian paid him for his work as fair as a poor blacksmith could, and so he had some money of his own. But he recalled his first disastrous attempt at shopping, and he did not wish to be the cause of such disappointment again. Money was to be saved, not spent, unless it was absolutely necessary.
They walked through the city, slowly and aimlessly. The bag on Jarred’s back seemed much heavier than it had been. Around them, shopkeepers began to pack up the Market. They walked in silence, lost in thought. Anna had a little garden of herbs and root vegetables, but it would not be enough. They had the bread, and at home there was some cheese and a little bit of chicken, some other assorted foods that could be turned into a soup. That would last their household for at least a week, but it would not be sustainable.
“We will have to buy vegetables eventually,” Anna said softly, putting a voice to Jarred’s thoughts.
“Indeed. Although, I fear that Martie’s plan will not take him far.” “No,” Anna agreed. “We are more well-off than many of our neighbours, and if we cannot part with our money, than neither can they.”
Jarred stopped at a patch of grass on the corner of the next block. The grass rose into a little hill, with a reedy tree at the top. In the full daylight was popular with the local children, but in the evening the space often was unoccupied. He let his bag drop to the ground, and sat down beside it. Anna settled down next to him and placed the bread by the bag.
“Thank you for trying,” she said after a moment.
“Of course,” Jarred frowned and tore at a handful of grass. Would Crian be disappointed, or would he understand? Anger stabbed at him suddenly, vexation at the lifestyle that had been forced upon Del for so long. Anna reached out and covered his hand with her own, stilling it. He let go of the grass and slid his fingers through the gaps between her own. He looked up and met her eyes, and saw that they were filled with a love that was surely mirrored in his own.
“It is alright,” she soothed, and squeezed his hand gently.
For all of their lingering glances and secret smiles, they had never done anything like this. For a moment Jarred was afraid, but she touched his face with her free hand his fear melted away.
“We will make it through this,” she continued. “It will be hard, but it will not always be painful. We will find a way.”
She lowered her hand from his face, and when Jarred turned back to the city he could not help but gasp.
The setting sun cast shadows on the chaotic curves of the streets, but the buildings still in the sunlight appeared to be bathed in gold. A bird chirped merrily in the tree above, and laughter spilled out from a house down the road. The ragged city suddenly looked very beautiful. He wondered if it was real, or if he was seeing it through eyes clouded by love. But it did not matter, for it was realer and more beautiful than the pretty lies seen by those in the palace.
The breeze stirred Anna’s hair against his cheek, and suddenly— like a vision— Jarred could see his life, as it would be. He saw the Forge, filled with the fine work of his labours. He heard the sound of children’s laughter. He felt Anna’s hand in his own, and knew what his future held. She had spoken the truth: there would be hardship and trial in plenty, but there would be love and happiness to balance it out. For that was all he wanted. To be happy; for Anna to be happy. It was such a simple goal for a someone who had come from the palace, but up there he had wanted for nothing, which had meant that nothing had ever felt special. Everything had changed, but not all of the changes were bad.
“We should go home soon,” Anna said with gentle reluctance. “We must take stock of what we have, so that we can plan what to do next when Grandfather returns.”
“In just another minute,” Jarred agreed, and rested his head against hers as she laughed quietly.
When they did rise to leave, Jarred could still feel the presence of the immense palace behind him, but he did not turn around to look.
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themanuelruello · 4 years
Troubleshooting Sourdough: Your Questions Answered
Sourdough is super trendy right now and I’m loving it.
Who would have thought, that in 2020, the whole world would suddenly have an interest in ancient methods for capturing wild yeast?!
Anyway, I’ve been making sourdough for quite a while (yes, back before it was cool…) and considering y’all are begging for more info on all things sourdough, I recently wrote about making a sourdough starter and how to make a simple sourdough bread.
However, that has flooded my inbox with questions, which is AMAZING, since it means you are getting in the kitchen and making things happen.
In order to help you out, I’ve put together this GIANT list of the most common questions I’ve been getting about all-things-sourdough and I answered them all as thoroughly as possible. If you look through this list of Q&As don’t find your question, just add them to the comments of this article, and I’ll answer them.
I’ve put this list of sourdough troubleshooting questions into two categories: sourdough starter and sourdough breadmaking.
Common Sourdough Starter Questions
Successful sourdough baking is 100% dependent on the health of your starter (Click here to learn how to make a sourdough starter). A sourdough starter is simply made by combining flour and water and letting it sit for several days to either “capture” wild yeast in the air or to get the wild yeast already in the flour to become activated (you can learn more details in my sourdough starter article!).
Sourdough starters are simple, but considering there are a number of factor involved, here are some solutions if your starter is throwing you a curve ball:
How do I know when my sourdough starter is ready to use in bread?
Here are the more dependable ways to tell that a sourdough starter is ready:
It is doubling in size within 3-4 hours of a feeding
There are bubbles in it
The texture is fluffy and foamy
There is a pleasant tangy, sour aroma
If you place a teaspoon of recently fed starter in a cup of cool water, it floats to the top
Why isn’t my sourdough starter active and bubbly yet?
It’s natural to feel panicky if you’re on day 4 or 5 and you’re not seeing bubbles in your sourdough starter yet. My first tip would be to be patient. Wait at least 7-10 days before you decide if your sourdough starter isn’t active. Sometimes it just takes time.
You can also look at the following things to help your sourdough starter:
Warmth. Check if your kitchen is drafty or cool. If it is, try moving your sourdough starter to a warmer location. You don’t want to put it in direct sunlight or on the stove where it can scorch, but try to move it closer to a heater or warm source in your house.
Flour. If you’re not seeing bubbles after a week, try using a differenty variety or brand of flour.
Water. Try a different variety of water, just in case your current source has some sort of contaminant (like chlorine) that could be hampering the growth of the starter.
If you’re still not sure if your starter is active enough to successfully be used in baking, place 1 teaspoon of the starter in a cup of water. If it floats, you’re good to go! If it sinks, it’s still not active enough and needs more time.
Help! I’m on day five of my starter and it’s not bubbling or growing.
I’ve noticed that there’s often a little bit of a lull on days four through six sometimes. Keep feeding it and don’t give up on it at least until you’ve hit day 14 without good bubbles or growth. If you’re really concerned and not seeing any activity, try switching out the flours and make sure your water is not chlorinated.
What if my kitchen is too cold for my sourdough starter?
Sourdough definitely prefers a warm environment. If your house is chilly, you might need to get a bit creative to figure out how to keep it happy. If you have a wood stove like me, you can put your starter close to the stove (in the vicinity of the stove, not too close so the starter gets too hot).
You could try on top of your refrigerator, which is often a warm place in the kitchen. You can also keep your starter next to your oven in the kitchen, as the radiant heat will help keep your starter happy. You could also leave it in your oven with the oven light on, however, that one scares me a little bit because you might accidentally turn on your oven and kill your starter (so be careful with that one).
Some folks have good luck using cooler with a warm heating pad or a seedling heating mat to keep their starter warm and happy. With a little creativity, you can find a way to keep your sourdough starter warm.
Is it better to measure or weigh the sourdough ingredients?
Weighing the ingredients is better. Personally, I’ve kinda learned what my measuring cups look like when there’s four ounces of flour and four ounces of water in them, so I usually just eyeball it.
However, if you are unsure about things, absolutely start with weighing your flour and weighing your water and making sure that matches the weight of the sourdough starter you have. It doesn’t have to be down to decimal point accuracy, but it needs to be close for best results.
My sourdough starter is too watery or too thick. What do I do?
If your starter is too watery, add more flour when you do your next feeding. If it’s too thick, add some more water with your next feeding. Keep trying and experimenting until you get that perfect sourdough starter texture and thickness (which, for me, is the consistency of pancake batter).
Why is my sourdough starter separating? Why does it have black liquid on top and/or clear liquid on bottom?
The most common separation you’ll in a sourdough starter is when you get black or gray liquid on top. This is completely normal. The black liquid on top of your starter is called hooch. 
Hooch is the waste product of the sourdough starter. When your starter has eaten up all of its food and wants more, it will begin starts to separate and the hooch will appear.
When this happens, you have a few options here: first, you can discard the hooch (ie black liquid on top); OR you can stir it back in. If you want your sourdough to be more sour, simply stir the hooch back into the sourdough starter.
The other separation issue some folks experience when you have clear liquid underneath the flour layer. This is also very common, especially in new sourdough starters. The clear liquid on the bottom means you need to change your sourdough starter feeding habits. Try feeding it more often, or use a different water, or try a different flour. It’s not a major reason for concern, but it doesn’t hurt to switch up your feeding habits to see if that helps.
Why does my sourdough starter have a pink and/or orange color?
While sourdough starters can vary in color, it your starter becomes pink or orange, it is not a happy starter. Pink and orange coloration means you are on the verge of losing your starter and that it is likely starving to death.
If it has just a slight pink tinge, you can possibly bring it back (this has happened to me…). However, if it’s super pink or orange, it’s probably best to toss it and start over.
Grey or brownish hues in a starter are generally normal and not a cause for concern.
Why does my sourdough starter smell like alcohol or nail polish remover?
Like a pink or orange starter, an alcohol/nail polish remover aroma can indicate your starter is starving to death. Try feeding it more frequently and keep it on the counter with more feedings until it smells and looks better.
Is it normal to see a skin on your starter prior to feeding?
Sometimes. Usually when my house is a little bit hot, I notice that the top layer of liquid evaporates more quickly and the starter will dry out. I usually just stir the skin back in. If that keeps happening and it’s bothering you, simply cover your sourdough with a lid (instead of a cloth or paper towel) to lock in more moisture.
Why is my sourdough starter moldy?
This has never happened to me personally, but mold in a starter is generally caused from contamination either in the flour or in the jar.
Therefore, make sure you’re always starting with a super-clean jar and if that doesn’t help, try switching out your flour. It’s possible that you are buying flour from a store where it is not properly stored or something is wrong with that particular brand of flour.
Do I have to feed my sourdough starter twice a day?
There are a million different ways and opinions to care for a sourdough starter, and some sourdough connoisseurs will recommend two or even three feedings a day. If you notice that your starter prefers more frequent feedings, that’s perfectly fine.
I usually only feed mine once a day, usually right away in the morning because that works best for my daily routine. You can feed it when it works best for your own routine; there is flexibility with sourdough starters. Figure out the rhythm that works best for you and what makes your own starter the happiest.
*Note* If your sourdough starter is a bit sluggish, try feeding it twice a day until it becomes more active.
Can I use a different flour for a sourdough starter?
You can use whole wheat, all-purpose flour, rye, einkorn, and many others for a sourdough starter. If this is your first time making sourdough, I suggest using whole wheat flour and all-purpose flour in the way I wrote in my recipe. This ratio tends to behave very well for me compared to other techniques I have tried in the past.
How do I make a gluten-free sourdough starter?
I get this question a lot, however, since I don’t cook with a lot of gluten-free flour, I don’t have personal experience with this. However, it is possible. This gluten-free recipe from King Arthur flour looks promising. 
Can I use freshly ground flour in my starter?
Absolutely! If you have a grain mill, this is a fantastic option. Many people report that their sourdough starters really like freshly ground flour, while other people say that the freshly ground flour has to age about about 5 days before using it for best results. I’d try both and see which your starter prefers.
How do you switch from one flour to another for your starter?
First step? Make sure your sourdough starter is very active and happy (i.e. feed it well and feed it often). After a few days of feeding it well, divide it into two starters. Put one of them in a jar in the refrigerator as a backup– just in case… Having a backup has saved me heartache several times.
Leave the other half of the starter on the counter and switch out the flour the next time you feed it. You do not have to slowly transition, just switch out the flours. Wait a few days (with continual daily feedings) before you try to make bread with it, however, starters are pretty resilient and switching flours shouldn’t cause any problems.
If I live in the city, can I use tap water in my starter?
You may use most any water for your starter, however it can not be chlorinated. Make sure you only feed your starter with unchlorinated water. If your water is chlorinated, you can still use it for your sourdough starter, but you must evaporate the chlorine first. Fortunately, this is very easy. Simply put the water in a container on your counter overnight uncovered. The next morning, the chlorine in that water will have evaporated, and you can use it in your starter.
Does it matter what size container I use for holding my sourdough starter?
Yes, size matters. Once your starter is active and happy, it will rise up a BUNCH after you feed it. Overflow is a huge mess and hard to clean up (been there, done that). Use a tall container for your starter. (I personally use a half gallon sized mason jar.)
Do you keep your sourdough starter enclosed?
I keep my starter loosely covered in order to keep out bugs, dust, and other random junk from the air. You can use a paper towel or a dishcloth with a rubber band, or anything else that will loosely cover and protect it. I use the canning lid (since my starter is in a mason jar) and I just lightly set it on top of the jar and I don’t screw the lid on too tightly.
How often do you clean out your jar?
I try to clean out my sourdough starter jar once a month, but sometimes I forget. The build up on the sides happens pretty quick and since flour and water acts like school paste (remember that stuff?), it can be hard to get the jar clean. Try to change jars about once a month, but you can do it more often if you like.
Do I have to discard part of the sourdough starter?
By step three of the sourdough process, you want to start discarding half of the starter. I know, I know– it seems super wasteful at first, but hear me out… If you keep feeding it without discarding some of it, the starter will eventually become enormous and start taking over your kitchen.
Plus, if you don’t discard some of it, you end up having to add more and more flour to make the ratio correct. Since we don’t want to waste flour, it’s actually less wasteful to discard part of the early sourdough starter.
What do I do with my mature sourdough starter discard?
Once your sourdough starter is active and bubbly, you’re gonna end up with plenty sourdough discard. Besides making bread, I’ve got a bunch of sourdough discard recipes in my Prairie Homestead Cookbook. I also talk a bunch in my podcast about my favorite ways to use sourdough discard.
How long after you start a sourdough starter can you use the discard for recipes?
If I’m using a brand new starter, by day two, the discard isn’t really sour yet. It’s just flour and water at this point. I usually feed that to the chickens. By day 3 or 4 and beyond, however, you can start using the discard in various recipes. It’s not active enough to use in bread, and it won’t be tangy yet, but it’s great for discard recipes like crackers and pancakes (basically anything that has an additional leavening agent (baking powder or baking soda) is a great option).
Should I use buy a sourdough starter or use part of my friend’s sourdough starter?
Generally, I just go with the simple sourdough starter method (mentioned here) and skip the commercial sourdough starter packets, but you may go ahead and purchase a starter online if you like.
If you have a friend with a starter, you can absolutely grab a little bit of culture from them and use that instead of starting from-scratch.
Can I refrigerate a starter? How long can it be in there?
There are two ways you can keep a sourdough starter:
1) you can keep it on the counter and feed it every single day
2) OR you can store it in your refrigerator for the majority of the time and just pull it out when you want to bake
If you’ll only be using your sourdough once or twice a week (or less), I recommend keeping it in the refrigerator. This will prevent you from having to feed it daily (and ultimately using a lot of flour!).
To transfer a starter to the fridge, first feed it as you normally would. Let it sit out for one hour, then pop it in the fridge (covered). It’s best to continue to feed it every couple of weeks in the fridge,  if you aren’t using it much. However, I will confess, there have been times I’ve sorely neglected my starter for many weeks and even months and I was still able to revive it.
To Wake Up a Cold Sourdough Starter: To prepare a dormant sourdough starter for baking, bring it out of the refrigerator at 24-36 hours before you need to use it. Discard half of the starter, and feed it the 1:1:1 ratio explained above — 1 part starter to 1 part water to 1 part flour (in weight).
Repeat this every 12 hours or until the sourdough starter becomes active and bubbles within 4-6 hours of feeding (this likely will take 2-3 rounds). If you need a larger quantity of starter for baking, or you’re planning on doing a big baking day, you can bulk it up by skipping the discard step in each feeding.
How long can you keep your starter on the counter while using it and feeding it?
If you feed it every day, it can feasibly go on forever. I know many people have 100-year old sourdough starters(!!). This is something you can pass on to your children and grandchildren, as long as you keep your starter happy and healthy.
Common Sourdough Bread Questions
So you have an active starter, but what about the bread? Here’s my recipe for a simple sourdough bread. (I included both the written instructions and a video of me making sourdough bread in that article to help you out.)
I’ve put together the most common sourdough questions and my answers related to baking bread. (And feel free to ask me more questions in the comments section below!)
How much starter do I use per loaf of sourdough bread?
On average, it seems that most sourdough bread recipes use about 1/2 cup of starter (my sourdough bread recipe uses 1/2 cup of active starter). However, this can greatly vary, and there are recipes that use anywhere from 1/4 cup to 1 cup of active starter.
Help!  I’m getting sourdough bricks instead of bread!
I’ve been there. I always had this problem when I was impatient and didn’t let my starter become active and bubbly enough before I tried to make my bread.
If you are indeed using active starter, it’s possible that your dough may need a little more liquid next time OR a bit more time to rise.
Also keep in mind– sourdough tends to be a bit “heavier” than my other breads. By its nature, sourdough is a hearty bread, but I like it that way. If I’m in the mood for a super light, fluffy loaf, I’ll make this easy sandwich bread recipe with baker’s yeast and a shorter rise time.
What kind of flour can I use for my sourdough bread?
You can make sourdough bread with many different types of flour, however, if you’re brand new to sourdough, I recommend using all-purpose flour. It far less finicky to use than Einkorn or whole wheat, and it will rise more consistently for your first attempts. You can venture into the fancier flours once you get the hang of a simple loaf.
If and when you want to get a little fancier, I recommend hard white wheat berries if you’re grinding your own flour with a mill like mine.
How can I better handle my super sticky dough?
If you’re struggling with your dough sticking to everything, try dipping your hands in a bowl of cool water before you work it. It’s tempting to keep adding more flour to the dough, but fight the urge. A wetter, stickier dough, while more difficult to handle, produces less dry or crumbly loaves.
However, I’ve been receiving comments and messages from folks saying that their dough is turning out just too sticky to even handle, in which case you may need to add more flour to your dough.
Why is homemade sourdough bread called ‘sourdough’ when it’s not sour?
It depends on your starter. Some homemade sourdoughs can get pretty darn sour, but they don’t have to be– that’s the beauty of it. “Sourdough” bread from the typical grocery store is usually not technically sourdough. Many store-bought loaves contain normal yeast plus flavoring agents to give the loaf the sour flavor. Keep in mind, this is not the same sour taste that’ll you achieve from true sourdough, as true sourdough is made with wild yeast. If you want a more tangy homemade sourdough, you just have to play around with your starter (read next question below for those tips).
How can I make my sourdough loaves MORE sour?
Here are a few ways to adjust your technique for a more sour sourdough loaf:
When you feed your sourdough starter, use a higher ratio of flour to water.
Use whole-grain flours to feed your starter, since the sour-producing bacterias seems to love them.
If your sourdough starter produces a brown/black/gray liquid layer (aka the hooch) on the top, mix it back into the starter instead of pouring it off.
Use cool water and allow your dough to rise in a cooler location. This will extend the souring/rise time and produce a more sour loaf.
How do I make my sourdough bread LESS sour?
You will want to do the opposite of what’s mentioned in the question above. Basically, you are going to want to feed your starter more often, at least twice (and maybe three) times a day. You will also want to help the loaves rise faster by putting them in an extra warm location or by using a bit of extra starter in the bread recipe to get it to rise faster.
How do you get a loaf with that pretty open crumb or those big holes?
If you want the loaves with the big open crumb and the bubbles that look like French bakery bread, you need to have a dough with more hydration (i.e. a wetter dough). The downfall to this, is if you’re new to sourdough, wetter doughs are trickier to handle and take a little more finesse.
The first time I tried to make a really high hydration dough, it was a sticky MESS. Therefore if you are a beginner, I highly recommend starting with a more standard dough-texture like my simple sourdough bread recipe. Once you get more comfortable with sourdough bread making, start increasing the water in the dough and play around with different techniques for folding the dough.
How do you replace packaged yeast in a bread recipe with sourdough?
I wish I had a really simple and easy formula for you here, but this is quite cumbersome and complex. My best recommendation is to just find an equivalent recipe online that’s designed for sourdough.
However, if you are desperate and feel like experimenting, you can try doing about a cup of sourdough starter to one package of yeast (the tiny packets that contain approximately 2 teaspoons of active yeast).
The tricky part is that you’ve just added bulk to your recipe, so you’re going to need to adjust the remaining ingredients in that recipe as well. You’ll have to reduce the flour and reduce the water to get the right consistency. It’s tricky and you will also have to make sure to let it rise at least twice as long as the recipe states. It can be done, but definitely takes a bit of practice.
Can you make a sourdough bread in a bread machine?
I think you would be fine, but since I haven’t used a bread machine in many years, I’m not exactly an expert in this realm. My biggest concern would be if the bread machine is pre-programmed with a certain rise time, because sourdough breads often need a much longer rise time than standard breads. However, as long as you could adjust that, you should be fine.
Do I REALLY have to cool the bread before eating it?
I know, I know. It’s cruel, isn’t it?
Even though your kitchen now smells divine, try to resist cutting into your new homemade sourdough bread until it completely cools to room temperature.
The reason your bread must cool completely is because it is still baking and developing the texture as it cools. This is when the crumb is setting. If you cut open your bread when it is still hot, you will squish it and the crumb will be crushed, not to mention it’ll dry out faster in storage.
How can I store my homemade sourdough bread?
This homestead sourdough loaf is best eaten within 48 hours (which is NOT a problem for my ravenous kids). I store it at room temperature in a basic Ziploc bag, but you can get special bread bags or bread boxes, too.
If you don’t think you can eat the sourdough loaf within 48 hours, you can freeze the leftovers. Simply wrap it in plastic wrap and it will keep in the freezer for up to 2 months.
Why didn’t my sourdough bread rise?
Don’t worry– it happens to the best of us. When sourdough bread dough doesn’t rise, it’s usually because the starter you used wasn’t active enough. To remedy this problem, make sure you’re using recently fed, active starter with lots of bubbles. Also, next time try using warm (not hot) water when you mix up the dough and rising it in a warmer location.
Why did my loaf spread out?
Doughs that contain a lot of moisture tend to spread more than dryer doughs, so that could be the culprit. Try a few more rounds of stretching and folding next time to help develop the tension in the dough a bit more.
Can I make gluten-free sourdough bread?
You can, however, it’s not a skill that is in my wheelhouse. I would recommend checking out this recipe from King Arthur flour. 
Help! I am so overwhelmed with the different methods mentioned online for starting sourdough!
I would suggest that you pick a method and you just go with it. Whether that’s my sourdough starting method or someone else’s, you will drive yourself crazy trying to take something from all of them. So just pick one and odds are you’ll be just fine. They all kind of work out the same.
Wanna See Me Address Several of the Most Common Sourdough Issues?
I’ll walk you through some simple changes you can make and how to measure by WEIGHT, not volume in this quick video!
  Have a question you didn’t see answered here?? Post it below!
The post Troubleshooting Sourdough: Your Questions Answered appeared first on The Prairie Homestead.
from Gardening https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/2020/04/sourdough-troubleshooting.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
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rdclsuperfoods · 5 years
Thanks to a growing interest in all things fermented, sourdough is more popular than ever—and for good reason. The perfect piece of sourdough is chewy and distinctively tangy, more complex in flavor than white bread, and healthier, too.  
Raw sourdough is home to the same bacteria that are in yogurt, Lactobacilli, which consumes the flour in the same way as yeast, breaking down some of the gluten proteins while the bread rises. Because of this, some people who struggle to digest gluten find that they can tolerate sourdough bread. The longer the bread rises, the lower the gluten content will be. (That said, store-bought sourdough typically still contains plenty of gluten.)
Fermentation helps lower the bread’s phytic-acid content, explains Lori Nedescu, a registered dietitian and professional cyclist. Phytic acid is an antinutrient that inhibits the body’s ability to absorb minerals by bonding to them, and it’s present in most flours. Ultrarunner and registered dietitian Kylee Van Horn explains that phytic acid binds to iron, zinc, and calcium, which can be a concern for those eating a lot of seeds, grains, and legumes at each meal. “Lessening the phytic-acid content in a food can help increase absorption of these essential minerals,” she says. And athletes, especially those eating vegetarian or vegan diets, are particularly at risk for developing deficiencies. 
Research also shows that the carbohydrates in sourdough digest slower, which means you won’t get a blood-sugar spike or the subsequent crash. “Keeping your blood sugar stable will not only help your energy levels and mood throughout the day, but it can help prevent cravings from happening,” says Van Horn. “ Simple carbohydrates—refined sugars, white flour, white rice—can cause a quick burst of energy for the body, but the body simultaneously releases a burst of insulin, which utilizes those sugars quickly. This causes a quick blood-sugar drop, which leads to hunger, jitteriness, trouble concentrating, and a drop in energy.” 
“Good sourdough—which will be more rustic and less processed—is my first choice when it comes to bread,” Nedescu says. Opt for homemade or bakery-fresh loaves, Van Horn adds. “Commercial companies typically use a small amount of starter but then add commercial yeast and other flavors, like vinegar, to give it a sour taste,” she says. “The very short leavening process means it doesn’t have the same health benefits.”
Learning to bake sourdough is a great at-home project for athletes and foodies alike, but it does take time to perfect the process. It seems simple—all you need is a starter, flour, salt, and water—but the process is trickier than you might expect and requires patience to get right. Baking is a chemistry experiment, and sourdough is one of the hardest types of bread to perfect, since its yeast-free rising can be influenced by temperature, altitude, and the quality of ingredients, among other factors. Read on to learn how to start your own sourdough journey. 
Find Your Starter
(Photo: Ina Peters/Stocksy)
The first thing you’ll need is a sourdough starter, which replaces the yeast you would add to typical bread dough. It looks a little like yogurt, but it’s just flour, water, and salt that has been left at the right temperature to encourage the wild yeast found naturally on flour to ferment. Precise measurements are key with sourdough baking, so you’ll also want to buy a food scale to measure your ingredients in grams. (You can find one for under $10 here.)
Most bakeries will give you a small sourdough starter if you ask—as will sourdough-baking friends—or you can buy one on Amazon. It’s easy to do it yourself, too. In a one-quart mason jar, combine 60 grams of whole-grain flour and 30 milliliters of warm water, and let it sit at room temperature, with the lid loose. After two days, stir in 40 milliliters of warm water and 40 grams of flour to feed it, says baker and bikepacker Karlee Gendron, who teaches a sourdough cooking class at Fort Whyte Farms in Alberta. 
Then continue to feed it with 40 milliliters of water and 40 grams of flour daily, which is a standard feeding schedule for any starter kept at room temperature. You’ll notice it bubbling—that means it’s beginning to ferment! At around seven days (or by the time your starter is bubbling consistently), it’s ready to use in baking.  
Outgrowing your mason jar? Skip to the sourdough pancake recipe below or discard some of the starter, but don’t stop feeding it. “Each day before feeding, I recommend discarding about two tablespoons of starter in the jar, or you will eventually run out of room,” Gendron warns. “Or you could take it out and use that for something like pancakes, or give it to a friend to start their starter.”
You can slow the fermentation process by storing your starter in the fridge and feeding it only once per week. But be sure to take your starter out of the fridge at least two days prior to baking. You’ll want to feed it twice a day and wait until it’s actively bubbling again before beginning the baking process, Gendron says. 
Get Baking
Baking sourdough takes a couple of days, though your actual time in the kitchen will be minimal. You’ll need a Dutch oven: these heavy cast-iron pots hold in heat and trap steam for the perfect baking environment for bread. If you don’t have one, you can use any ovenproof heavy pot with a tight-fitting lid or a baking stone with an inverted roasting pan (as a makeshift lid), but cast-iron does make a difference.
Below, Gendron shares her favorite way to turn a sourdough starter into an edible loaf of bread. She has perfected her recipe after years of trial and error and emphasizes that baking sourdough is hard to get right. Expect a few imperfect loaves before you nail it. 
Basic Sourdough Bread 
A food scale
Sourdough starter
950 milliliters water 
1,200 grams flour 
20 grams salt 
A Dutch oven
Day One: 
Mix leaven: Add 200 milliliters warm water (roughly 80 degrees), 200 grams flour, and 50 grams starter to a container and stir. Cover with cling wrap or a tea towel, and let sit approximately 12 hours.
Day Two:
Add 250 grams of the leaven to a large mixing bowl. Pour in 700 milliliters of warm water, and mix with your hands until the leaven is dispersed. Add one kilo of flour and mix with your hands until combined and no dry flour is left. Cover your bowl with a towel or cling wrap, and let it sit for 45 minutes in a warm spot to rise. Mix 20 grams salt with 50 milliliters of warm water, dissolving the salt. Pour this over top of the dough, and squeeze the dough with your hands to incorporate the salt water throughout. Cover for 30 minutes, then fold the dough every 30 to 45 minutes, repeating four times (this step takes around three hours). Then let it rest one to two hours untouched and covered. Lightly sprinkle flour on the counter, and cut the dough into two equal halves. With lightly floured hands, shape each half into a loose boule, and let them rest on the counter, covered with a tea towel, for 30 minutes. Place into heavily floured bowls, and leave the dough covered in the fridge overnight.
Day Three:
Place the Dutch oven (lined with parchment paper if so desired) in the oven, and heat to 500 degrees. Place the bread into the Dutch oven by flipping the bowl over atop it, noting that the side of bread facing up in the bowl will be the bottom of the bread in your Dutch oven. Score the top of the bread in the Dutch oven by making two slashes, then cover it with the lid. Bake for 25 minutes with the lid on, then reduce the temperature to 475 degrees and bake for 20 minutes with the lid off. (If using a thermometer, the bread should reach 200 degrees.) Cool for one hour, and enjoy!
Sourdough Pizza
Use the same first steps in the bread recipe, but instead of putting the bread in the Dutch oven on day three, grab your favorite pizza sauce and toppings, then follow these steps:
Once the final shaping is finished, divide the dough into rounded one-pound pieces, cover, and let them rest on the counter for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 500 degrees, placing a pizza stone in the oven to heat up at the same time. Dust a cutting board with cornmeal and flour, and press the dough rounds flat until they’re a half-inch thick. Pick up the dough and stretch it using the back of your knuckles, rotating the disc around your hands. Once the dough is at your preferred thickness for a pizza crust, lay it back on the flour-and-cornmeal-dusted cutting board, and assemble your desired toppings. Slide the dough onto the hot pizza stone and bake for about eight minutes, turning the pizza 90 degrees about four minutes in. Cut and serve.
Sourdough Pancakes
That extra starter can make delicious pancakes, with the perfect amount of tartness to cut through the sweet berries or maple syrup that you put on top. 
1 1/2 cups sourdough starter
1 egg
Optional: 1 tablespoon sweetener of choice (sugar, coconut sugar, etc.)
1/2 cup flour
1 tablespoon milk
Butter or oil for frying
Combine the starter, egg, and sweetener (if using). Add the flour and milk as needed to achieve your desired consistency—thicker batter makes thicker pancakes. Heat a griddle over medium heat, and pour the batter in three-inch circles, flipping them when they begin to bubble. Serve with berries, syrup, or Greek yogurt for a breakfast protein boost.
Common Sourdough Problems
As you prepare your first few loaves, you might make some common mistakes that lead to dough that doesn’t rise or bread that’s too dense. Here, Gendron explains some easy fixes for the most frequent sourdough mishaps: 
The starter may not be active enough. Make sure you are double feeding it (twice a day) the couple days before you plan on baking if you’re having trouble.
Perhaps the period of folding your bread needs to be longer, so try doing one extra fold and letting it rest for an extra 30 to 45 minutes.
The moisture level of the bread might be off. Some flours absorb different amounts of water, and things like air temperature and altitude can have an effect as well. Try adding 50 milliliters more water to your initial mix. If scored properly, steam from the water will release from your bread, leaving a light and airy crumb.
via Outside Magazine: Nutrition
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