#cause with talking you HAVE to commit to what you said unless you just wanna stutter and murmur the whole convo
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todayisafridaynight ¡ 2 years ago
I feel like it would be fun to see Leo's actor in Mole Song Final play Ryuji... that's the only person that comes to mind 😭😭
BUT YEAH 4 was the first mainline entry with (proper) faceclaims! I would kill to see faceclaims get to play their characters. Because they actually aren't mocapped by them, just voiced and scanned in--the acting is all done by RGGS' mocap actors. If you're mentally ill enough you'll start to notice acting decisions that differ from what the actual actor would've gone for; Arakawa doesn't cry the way Nakai does, for example. NGL the animations get kind of uncanny at times if you're too mentally ill so I would not recommend paying quite that much attention lol
I was trying not to think about it though because even if we By Some Miracle got to "season 7" (8 if they do 0) it's entirely possible Nakai and/or Tsutsumi won't be acting anymore by then 😭😭😭😭😭Tsutsumi wants to start directing by the time he's 60... That's chiefly why I kinda wanted it to be an adaptation of 7 before we knew any of the specifics... But Oh Well, it is what it is
ANYWAYS. Very excited for stream tomorrow and best of luck getting stuff done for today :D
YEAH LIKE UNDOUBTEDLY he gave such big ryuji vibes and had an epic presence..... if i allowed myself to dream just this once he would be a real good contender for ryuji......
ohhh yeah nonono ive definitely noticed DONT WORRY. whenever i draw or write fics, i always try to imagine the actual character first to see if the expression or dialogue fits them and if it's believable. having dove more into tsutsumi and nakai movies and shows, the difference is REALLY apparent to me (in that vein tho, it's easy for me to see them as individual characters as opposed to actors playing characters, so it's a little bit of a win for me somehow lmao)
YEAH NOOO THATS DEF A VERY LIKELY POSSIBILITY SHOULD THE SERIES SOMEHOW GET TO THAT POINT IN THE GAMES. again i doubt we'll actually get that far, but in the rare event that we do i hope nakai and tsutsumi do whatever makes them happy (and id def be into seein a movie directed by tsutsumi) (❁´◡`❁)
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#snap chats#i always get awkward about drawing characters based off real people#i have scopophobia so As A Branch Off That my irrational fear is always actors or voice actors seeing fanart i do of their characters#(doesnt make sense for me to stream in that regard but its a type of exposure therapy you see)#its just doubly awkward when i do end up drawing their face uh like. a million times cause now i look insane#IT'S A VERY UNLIKELY POSSIBILITY I KNOW but still.. im addled with irrational fears we know this already#but yeah no. over time i've noticed the small 'quirks' nakai and tsutsumi have while acting so i understand totally#makes it awkward when i do keep those quirks in mind when making stuff huh. cant be helped (´▽` ;;;;)#its just once i KNOW its like. i cant go back cause now it'll feel Not Right. as if THATS a thing#but yeah speaking of stream. hopefully things go well again i look forward to talking to everyone again (❁´◡`❁) !#i do better verbally talking I Think because when im typing things out i overthink and end up taking nine years to respond or send a messag#cause with talking you HAVE to commit to what you said unless you just wanna stutter and murmur the whole convo#with typing i can take my time and then i take TOO much time and get nothing done#it's a double-edged sword kind of deal but anyway... still stoked :]#i didnt even start drawing my mini comic yet i was too busy makin a mitsu ref sheet since ive been drawing him lately. I GUESS.#i wont draw him much i imagine but... just in case right...
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webslingingslasher ¡ 2 years ago
taylor swift song request lesgooo!!! end game from reputation where y/n has a really big reputation as a 'bad girl' and peter (good boy loml) ends up tutoring her, and sees she isn't all bad...
first off, i am so sorry this took so long, you may not even be on my page anymore, but this struck something in me & i couldn't stop.
second, i switched up the request a little because if you listen to the song, (in a non snooty way lmao) taylor is the one expressing she wants to be with this person but she has a bad repuation and everyone's heard about it, and it's a lot to commit to because of the talk surrounding her.
Everyone had it wrong. 
You were good. And kind. And smart. And talented. And confused. And lost. And just like every other kid in the school. You were good. You stayed to yourself. You didn’t gossip. You didn’t judge. You didn’t tattle. You were good. 
So why did everyone hate you so much? 
It was your brother’s fault. His reputation preceded yours and it ruined everything for you. 
He was the one that picked fights. 
He was the one that pushed teachers to the limits. 
He’s the one that sold dope from his locker. 
He’s the one that hooked up with a girl in the teacher's lounge. 
And the third floor bathroom. 
And the girls locker room.
And underneath the bleachers.
He’s the one that made everyone think you were just alike. 
It ruined everything about high school so far. 
Jokes, rumors, lost friendships, people refusing to date you. 
It was childish and unfair. You wanted one person on your side, the one person you watched in class, the one person that was nice to you in a school of jekyll’s. And you couldn’t have him. 
“Hey, still coming later?” 
Peter Parker had a smile that could make the devil buckle. He was sugar, spice and everything nice. Long time crush, but the part where you’ve been smeared into a good for nothing whore, made nothing possible. 
“You sure you still wanna do this? I don’t mind asking Mrs. Stu-” 
Peter called your name like you were telling a joke, “it’s my honor to tutor you! Don’t blow me off.” 
You want to protect him. You like him too much. He hangs around you long enough and accusations with his name start flying around with yours. 
“If you’re so desperate,” grinning brightly, “I’ll see you later.” 
Peter was so kind to tutor you. Your teacher asked on your behalf, she said she thought you’d be a good pair and you couldn’t deny the extra help, too bad Peter had to be the one on the chopping block. He was being a good samaritan and you knew what it would cause for him, even with the alone time you’ve been craving, you’d keep him pushed away at all costs. 
You didn’t want the fallout to burn him, you’re used to the sting and he’s someone that shouldn’t feel anything but a loving touch. 
Even if it would kill you, you’d have to pretend to be disinterested in Peter Parker and watch him walk away. 
Oh, the things you do for love.
You’ve never felt so paranoid in your life. You swore everyone was looking at you, or maybe they were looking at Peter. Telling themselves it seemed fit that a nerd would be trying his shot with the school whore, because it’s not like you’d say no. 
“Hi, can I sit?” Peter pointed at the patch of grass next to you, your eyes squinted as you looked up at him, it was hard reading his expression. You were the shade but he was standing under the sun, everything was washed out and too bright. 
“Um, here?” you pointed at the same spot, taking a chance to look around, you felt eyes all over you. “Yeah, I mean, unless you want me here?” He pointed at a patch on the other side of you, “or here,” gesturing next to your feet, “you know what? You choose, I’m the guest.” 
He’s so nice. Gentle, even. You hadn’t experienced someone so kind, so golden hearted, in a minute. His kindness shouldn’t be his weakness or his downfall. With one last scope of the scene you assume he could stay for a moment, at least you could figure out where to meet later. 
You give Peter a smile and pat the first spot he pointed out, “you can sit,” answering his original question. His backpack hit the ground first, jimming himself closer to the tree behind you to rest his back on. Peter’s fingers picked pieces of grass, you assume in boredom. 
“So,” you both speak at the same time, a soft exhaling laugh at the symmetry. You wave Peter along, the sooner he gets it out the sooner he can leave, the quicker he is with you the less he’ll be attacked. 
“Wanna meet at the library?” 
And have everyone see? Have his reputation smeared like your own? There’s a reason you don’t have many people around you, you can’t believe he doesn’t see it.
“No,” he’s taken a bit back by your blunt tone. Peter hums low, “your place?” 
You scoff, “absolutely not.” 
There’s no other option then, “alright, my place it is. Wanna come with me after school? We could take the bus, unless you prefer the subway.” 
God, there’s nothing in the world you want more. It was too dangerous, if you got close enough it’d be too hard to rip it away. If you were seen leaving school with him, going to his house with him, it’d be over for him. You would give him the mark of cain. 
It hurts more than you’d like to admit, you take your turn at plucking small weeds, avoiding his face. He’s hard to say no to. 
“I can’t. But, I’ll come over tonight.” 
You hate how happy he sounded when he answered, it was so unfair. You were a good kid, your brother was the bad one, but you dealt with all the repercussions. Your heart felt so weighed down, you wanted nothing more to reach out and hold Peter’s hand. 
You wanted a boyfriend. 
You wanted a friend. 
You wanted love. 
You wanted to feel accepted and heard and validated and supported by one person. 
But you couldn’t have him. 
“Cool. Wanna give me your number?” It’d be better than talking in person, easier to keep him away from you unless absolutely necessary. You nod, finally looking at him when you hand over your phone, he’s got a giant smile and you have to look back down at a patch of weeds with a single dandelion poking from it. 
Peter’s fingers brush yours when he hands his over, a warm jolt spreads down your wrist and into your elbow. It makes you feel alive, it’s a welcomed feeling. You try to forget it immediately. 
His screen is cracked and scratchy as you type your number in, feeling him watch over your face you scan the crowd of people. You swear you see someone pointing, you shove his phone back in his hand, scrambling to stand. 
“I’ll text you when I’m on my way, I have to go.” 
He’s not allowed to care this much. It’s unfair. 
“You don’t want to have lunch with me? I have half a sandwich if you want it, I know we only have like, ten minutes left but if you want it, it’s yours.” 
‘If you want it, it’s yours.’
Does he mean it? Is there a limit to what could be yours? 
Too bad you’ll never know. 
“Thank you, but I can’t.” He almost looks disappointed, you have to stop making things up. 
“You sure? I don’t mind sharing with you.” 
You do. He can’t suffer the same consequences you do, it’s too isolating. Lonely. You were lonely. He doesn’t deserve it. 
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll see you later, Peter.” 
Peter takes his time unwrapping his homemade sandwich from cellophane, he takes a bite from half and moans, outstretching his hand with the other half, still wrapped up. “Here, take it to go. My aunt made it, if you try hard enough you can taste the love.” 
He’s god damn irresistible. 
You take his gift, slowly backing away, “thanks, I’ll search for it.” 
Peter’s smile hurts your eyes, “good, it isn’t hard to find.” He’s adorable, even when he’s wrong. 
It must be his superpower. 
Peter’s aunt was two things. 
A lot, and very kind. 
You can see where Peter gets his aggressive pleasantry from, the moment she opened the door she was eager to please you. May wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug, her voice cheery in your ear.
“Oh my goodness, it is so nice to put a face to the name.” 
Politely patting her back you swallow thickly, she’s heard all about you and your make believe history. She’s kind but you know in the back of her mind she’s hoping you’d leave her nephew alone, get what you need from him and leave. 
“Nice meeting you too, you make a killer sandwich, by the way.” 
She gasps, pushing you away by your shoulders, moving her head to catch her eyes. An unfamiliar smile crosses her face, you don’t know what it means but it feels as welcoming and radiant as Peter’s. 
“Oh, good! He shared.” 
May said it like it was planned, like she could tell you were confused she broke your attention away. “I made cookies, because everyone knows you need sugar to help you focus.” A wink, she was so gentle, it’s something about those Parker’s. 
You play along, it’s nice to be welcomed for once. Even if it’s until you’re gone, the moment she tells Peter she knows all about you and to keep his distance. 
“I think I read a story on that once, nine out of ten dentists agree, right?” 
And just for a moment you let yourself dream, floating on your imaginary high of Peter Parker when his aunt laughs at your joke, her smile slowly dimming while she looks at your face, deep in thought. A confident head nod. 
“Peter was right about you.” 
You should take it negatively, but you don’t. There’s something about her that tells you she only means well. It must mean she hasn’t heard the bad things, but once she does, she’d be eating her words. 
But damn, if you aren’t curious about what Peter said. Was he nice, did he hint at a crush, did he make his aunt believe you were someone you’re not? 
“Peter was right about what?” 
The devil himself appeared from nowhere, his body standing next to yours, so closely you can feel hints of his cotton zip up hoodie brushing your arms. You closed your eyes to breathe slowly, the sight of him with his hands flat on the kitchen counter, leaning his weight into the laminate, his hoodie strings dangling in a tempting way. 
In a way you want to pull him closer by them, curling the fabric around your fingers and tugging him until his mouth is on yours. 
You’re easy to read, you can see it on May’s face the second you open your eyes. You know in an instant she knows that you like her nephew. Even more surprisingly, she looks excited with the knowledge. 
Her eyes flicker back to her nephew, “how lovely you said our guest was, what else did you say?” 
You can see Peter freeze, “May,” it’s a warning tone. His aunt bulldozes, “wasn’t it something about how pr-” You don’t know what she says, Peter speaks over her. “May!” Jumping in your spot, caught off guard by his sudden tone and volume change, Peter moves a hand to your arm, “sorry,” it was delicate, it was him saying he was only sorry towards you, sorry for catching you off guard. 
Fighting past his numbing touch, you smile, “it’s okay, I didn’t know you could be so stern.” 
You need to see a therapist, because you swear you shared a moment. “Only when it’s something I’m passionate about.” 
He’s talking about you, he has to be. You want him to be. 
You have no idea how you’ll keep yourself from tying to him. But you’ll give it a fighting chance. 
“You know what I’m passionate about?” Peter shakes his head, it’s hard to look away from his eyes, you never knew brown eyes could be so pretty. But you do, attention directed to fresh made chocolate chip cookies. 
Peter won’t let you off that easy, “what kind?” 
You bounce different flavors over in your head, “you’re opening pandora's box, parker. I mean, are we talking grocery store, homemade, or bakery?” 
His arms crossed over his chest, “well, now I need to know every answer.” 
You blow out a breath like you’re about to compete in the olympics, “alright, off the shelf grocery, you can’t go wrong with double stuffed oreos. But, personally, those keebler elves, with the fudge? I love em, my mom stopped buying them cause I’d eat half the pack in one sitting, so now my dad sneaks them to me. But, I mean, you can’t go wrong with those little bakery sugar cookies, you know, the ones that stick to the roof of your mouth?” 
Peter bites back a grin, you weren’t lying, you really were passionate. 
“I know what ones you’re talking about, they’re gross.” It’s the most offensive thing he could say to you. “You’re wrong, but okay.” He laughs, “opinions can’t be wrong,” you pull your head back, “they absolutely can, yours is proof.” 
You look for support from his aunt but she’s long gone, you didn’t even see her back away. 
Peter rolls his hand, amping you on, “homemade?” 
You spit the answer quickly, “butterscotch oatmeal.” He’s never heard of them, or tasted them, but if you love them, he thinks he would too. “You’ll have to bring me some to try, they sound tempting.” Agreeing with him, “you’d never go back.” 
“That’s the tricky one, it’s a rare find, not every place has them. But it’s my all time favorite flavor of anything ever made, s’mores.” 
Peter loves it, your favorite treat was s’mores and it fit you. 
His personal mission was tracking one down and bringing it to you. 
“S’mores? Really?” 
You nod, “really, really. If you find one you’ll have to try it, unless you have another wrong opinion and don’t like s’mores.” 
“Nah, I love s’mores.” 
Peter Parker was too good of a person to bring down. You need to shut down your admiration, because his alienation would hurt the most. 
This wasn’t good. No, this was bad. This was really bad. 
Peter Parker just called open season on himself and it was all your fault. 
You should’ve refused for him to be your tutor, that was the mistake. The moment it was agreed upon it was over. You should’ve never gone over to his house, if you hadn't then you would’ve never told him about your favorite cookie, and he wouldn’t have gotten you one. 
It happened in third period, he approached your seat and set a small white box in front of you. Your eyes flickered from the box to him several times before you asked, “what’s this?” A gift, you knew that much, he’s given you a gift and Jeffery Stewart was watching it go down. Peter would have an hour until he was tied to you. 
“Open it,” slowly opening the cardboard your heart skips three beats, once for each cookie. You’ve never felt so seen, dare you even say loved? He listened, that’s what it was. He listened to you and he tracked them down and presented them to you, he was proud. 
Peter Parker has made everything about your current life harder. 
“Oh my god, where did you find these?” 
He shakes his head, like it doesn’t matter where he sourced them, what matters is that he did. 
“You were right, they’re hard to track down, it took me three days. Surprisingly, they’re mostly seasonal.” 
You tsk, contemplating tearing one in half right now. “It’s so wrong, isn’t it? I mean, you can buy s’mores stuff all year long, so it doesn’t make sense.” Fuck it, it’s selfish, but he went above and beyond. 
Splitting a cookie, you hand half over, cheersing yours with his. You throw your head back and hum the second you bite down, they’re the best ones you’ve ever had. You weren’t sure if it was because they were that good, or because it felt like they were purchased with care. 
“Holy shit, Peter. These are unearthly.”
He’s in the same boat, he can understand why they’re your favorite now. 
Nodding excessively, “my world has changed for the better.” 
“Yeah, mine too.” It was a slip, you didn’t mean to say it. It came out without thinking, you said it sincerely, and he knows it. Peter finished the rest of his cookie and licked his thumb, “good, I’m glad to hear it.” 
This was bad. This was very bad. 
Because Peter Parker lays his hand on your desk and leans in, really closely, it makes you stop functioning all together. He needs to leave, he needs to back away, he needs to leave you alone. He doesn’t know what he's doing to himself, but you’re too selfish to stop it. 
Even with Jeffery Stewart staring you down like a dog in heat, a wicked grin spreads while he ropes over the many rumors he’s about to flood the halls with. 
“Wanna come over tonight?” 
Lost in a world of a million thoughts, all of them being about the distance from his lips to yours. Blinking back to attention you groan, “I don’t really feel like studying tonight, my brain is mush.” 
Peter nods, then moves in, just an inch closer, you feel like you’re about to die. 
“Not what I asked.” 
“I don’t-” 
“I asked if you wanted to come over, not if you wanted to study.” 
The room is spinning, everything is a blur. He’s flirting, Peter Parker is flirting with you in front of an audience. He’s fearless, it’s impressive. There’s no way he doesn’t know about your reputation, the things people say about you, the things you do. 
Suddenly, a chill creeps up your spine. What if he knows exactly what people say, what if that’s why he’s being sweet, what if that’s why he’s acting like he cares? Fuck it, you’ll call him out on his bullshit, but privately, you don’t need any extra attention. 
“Sure. Same time?” 
“Same time,” it’s set in stone when the bell rings, Peter knocks his knuckles on your desk before he walks away. It’s unfair how much you hate to see him pull away from you.
The upside to being cynical is that when things don’t work out, like you plan, you’re not that hurt, because you called it the whole time. 
Just like Peter, you knew the second it circled back to him he’d be gone. It proved to be true when you heard mumbles by your locker, eyes flicking to you and back, quicker whispers shared. 
From what you’ve gathered, either Peter has seen your nipple piercings or he’s given you nipple piercings. Not that you had them, but that didn’t matter. What now mattered was that Peter was directly tied to you and your boobs were involved, that’s enough alone for him to get a clap on the back while you’re being shamed for even acknowledging your body autonomy. 
What a lame rumor, Jeffery Stewart could’ve gone to the moon with theories but this was the one he settled on? Usually he was a bit more creative, his last one ended up with you and the guidance counselor in the principal's office informing you that it was a safe space, and that if the school’s janitor came onto you it wasn’t your fault. 
It took three weeks for people to totally forget it, but those few weeks you’d hear claps and wolf whistles when you passed by the janitor's closet made you feel like you were on the constant verge of vomiting. 
Usually it wouldn’t bother you, but once they involved Peter’s name you felt sick. Everything you feared itching to life, and right when you heard a third possibility you couldn’t stay silent, slamming your locker door shut and giving wild eyes to the girl talking to her friend on your right. 
“Which one is it, Lindsey? Was he holding my hand while I got them done, did he see them, or did he do them? I don’t know about you, but if I heard three totally different versions of a story I’d question the authenticity of the claim.” 
It didn’t matter who was watching, you couldn’t hold it in.
You felt like you were on fire, you could see her sputter, like she didn’t expect you to call her out. You felt like the walls were closing in on you, she didn’t start the rumor but she was helping it spread and she was the closest person you could explode on. 
“C’mon, Lindsey. Which one? I want to hear your side, unless you think it went down a totally different way. What? Scared to talk?” 
Your throat’s closing, you can’t stop, you step closer, you shout at her. 
“Which one, Lindsey!” The hall was dead silent, for the first time you had no cares about who was looking. 
Her shoes squeak as she backs up, her eyes wide and blinking, a flash of terror, it makes you want to squeeze her and shake her, try to get her to understand this was what it felt like to be you.
“Fucking answer me!” Your voice cracked, she whimpered, fat tears falling. 
“None! I don’t believe any of them!” 
She doesn’t. You can see it written all over her face, she was just talking to talk, knowing you could hear every word she produced. It just made you feel sad. 
“You can hunt other women as much as you want, Lindsey. But the collusion doesn’t save you from the same hunt.” 
Lindsey nods, like she understands. But you know she doesn’t, you know she’ll keep being the same, until they turn on her, and then she’ll wonder why no one stands up for her and how anyone could believe the jargon they say about her. And on that day, you’d be nodding with the crowd. 
If Peter told his aunt about today she had an excellent poker face. Because she was more than happy seeing you when she opened the door, hugging you close before she could even shut it.
“Hi, sweetheart! How are you doing?” Politely hugging back, you talk back in her ear. “Hi, Ms. Parker, I’m good, how are you?” A squeeze before you’re released, her hands warm on your shoulders. 
“Oh, please, just call me May. Did Peter give you the cookies?” 
You nod while biting back a grin, she might have a clue for how you feel about her nephew but you’re not announcing it either. “Good,” she’s got something in her that makes you feel like she’s more of a wingwoman than aunt. 
“Peter’s in his room, I won’t be back until late, are you sleeping over?” 
You feel off balance for a second. May’s leaving you and Peter alone, for several hours, and then suggests you’ll be spending the night. She really is a wingwoman. It makes you second guess everything Peter might have told her, it’s clear she can see your mental gymnastics when she pats your arm. 
“He said you guys are gonna hang out, maybe watch some movies. I just meant, will I be surprised if I come home to you two cuddled up somewhere.” 
Is she saying not to fuck in the common areas?
“Are you saying-” 
“Keep it in his room.” 
Mortified. She must assume the worst out of you, you’ve only met her twice and her thought was that the second you were alone you’d be fuck bunnies. To be fair, Peter is really attractive. She can tell how embarrassed she’d made you and she’s quick to jump over it. 
“No accusations and no shaming. I’d just rather be clear to both of you. Peter had a worse conversation, be glad.” 
You take that as her permission, and that she likes you. She has to, she just implied she’d be cool if you and Peter hooked up. Even if the world hated you, having her approval made you feel like you had someone to impress again. 
“Okay, I understand and accept the rules and boundaries of your home.” 
May laughs, hooking her purse over her shoulder she pats your arm again. “You’re a good kid, don’t forget that.” 
And that made you want to curl up and cry, you haven’t had unprompted support like that in years. It worked, because you’d never, not once, cross any boundary of her’s. In fact, after that? You’d die protecting hers. 
“Thanks, May. See you later.” 
A wink, “See you later, honey.” 
You took a second to breathe, and look over yourself in the mirror before approaching Peter’s door. Knocking for a second and opening it when he answered, he spun one eighty in his desk chair, a blur of blue plaid until he settled. 
Before he had a chance to speak you did, “did your aunt give us permission to have sex, or am I tripping?” 
Peter’s grin dimmed, he looked to his closet doors while his cheeks tinged pink. “I promise you, whatever she said to you, is nowhere near as bad as my talk.” 
“She mentioned that, was it all about the ins and outs of pleasuring a woman?” 
Peter’s avoiding eye contact, you came here to tell him he should keep his space but watching him shrink under your questions made you feel powerful. Each blush he gives makes you want to dig in further. 
He more or less shrugs, it’s a damn bold line, you don’t even know what you're saying until it comes out in full. 
“Tell me, Parker, could you please me?” 
Seconds tick, you can hear it on his clock, finally he looks at your face. Any trace of a blush fallen, it makes you feel choked. 
“I’m not sure, but I’d love to find out.” 
Panic. He’s not supposed to say that, he’s supposed to back down. You’re supposed to back him down.
Peter can’t go down this road and it’s your job to block his path, but you can’t stop yourself from moving out of his way. 
“I mean, since you already know about the nipple piercings…” you trail your words, expecting a sneer. Instead he laughs, a full on body laugh, it makes you smile, just the pure happiness radiating from him. 
For once a rumor is just something you can laugh about. 
“Psh, of course I knew about them. I mean, isn’t that the third time you’ve had them?” 
It was. You didn’t realize it but that was the third time the rumor was reused. You didn’t notice but he did, did he notice all the other ones too? All the ones that stated how bad you were? Did it even matter if he believed them, you didn’t think so, at least not at this point, you just didn’t want him to suffer the same fate. 
Peter pats the top of his bed, “take a seat,” your stomach lurches, the thought of being in his bed enough to ignite you in flames. His aunt said keep it in his room and he’s luring you right in, your palms feel like they’re sweating. If he heard all the rumors about you sleeping around and thought you were like that, he was about to be disappointed. 
Holding your eyes shut and squeezing fists you rush the words out, the quicker said the quicker this would be over. 
“I’m a virgin!” 
Instead, he looked utterly confused, looking around his room like he was trying to figure out where the explosion came from. Settling on a low release of words, his eyebrows furrowed in, “so am I?” 
Just to be clear, “I’m not looking to change that tonight, so if that’s why you wanted-” 
“No!” Peter almost slips on the floor he stands so quick, “that’s not at all why I wanted, I just thought…” He doesn’t know how to say it, he almost said he thought you needed a friend, but that could be offensive, or worse, he’d be friendzoning himself for you. 
“Thought what, I’d be an easy piece? Cause I know you’ve hea-” 
“I asked Mrs. Sturgis if I could tutor you!” 
You stop talking, his words looping in your brain. That doesn’t make sense, because if he did ask then that means he wanted to tutor you, that means there was a deeper meaning, that means when his aunt said he talked about you it went further than what was said at school. 
“Please,” he pleaded your name, “come sit? Just for a second.” 
You follow his command and sit on the edge of his bed, watching Peter pace as he combs his hands through his hair. He’s nervous. 
“I don’t know how to talk to you, my brain is just… you make me really nervous.” 
“Why did you ask to tutor me?” 
Peter stops moving to look at you, it was easier to answer when you asked. 
“So I could talk to you.” 
It’s a start, “why?” 
“I just wanted you to trust me. I hear what everyone says, and I don’t believe a word of it, but I didn’t want you to think I was asking for the wrong reasons, or making a joke out of you.” 
Your face scrunches, “you thought, I’d think, that you asking to tutor me, directly, would be a joke?” 
Peter shakes his head, sitting back in his chair and taking a second to answer you. 
“No, I think if I asked you out on a date you’d think it was a joke.” 
You laugh, “well, yeah… It’s not like you…” 
Except he does, and you can see it all over his face. He really, really does. With the new knowledge you don’t know how to act, suddenly aware Peter Parker sees you in a different light. He doesn’t see you as his student, he sees you as a potential mate. 
You only know fight or flight, and your flight option was crawling further up his bed, backing away until your back hit the wall, a dull thump produced. You give a barely audible, “ow,” your brain racing with thoughts, trying to catch up with his admittance. 
“You okay?” 
You’re thankful he can’t see you, the top bunk perfectly cutting your head from his viewpoint. 
“Peachy,” you can barely speak. 
“Cool, cause it seemed like you kinda freaked when I implied I wanted to ask you out.” 
You nibble on your thumbnail, “implied or asking?” 
“I’d rather ask when I can see you.” 
How is he so calm, he was the one that was just pacing the floor talking about how nervous he was. Now he’s a smooth talker.
“Is that why you asked to tutor me? So you could ask me out?” 
“Maybe, but you also need a tutor.” 
Rude. Fair, but rude. 
“So, you like me?” 
You wish you could see the smile he has, you know he has one, you can hear it in his laugh. 
“What would give you that impression?” 
You shrug, but he can’t see. “I don’t know, you’re not nervous anymore.” 
“I don’t have to be, the girl I like likes me too.” 
You gasp, you’ve said no such thing! There was absolutely nothing to base his accusation off of. You mock his words. 
“What would give you that impression?” 
Another laugh, you wish you could see that laugh. But once you emerge it’s over, it means he’s signed his life away to be with you. An act of selflessness you didn’t know was possible. 
“Look at yourself, you’re hiding cause you’re petrified to be asked out.” 
“No, I’m not. I’m protecting you, cause if you don’t ask, you won’t be ridiculed.” 
You imagine he looks offended, because he sounds it. 
“Do you think I give a shit what anyone thinks?”
“It’s isolating, Peter. I’d feel like I’d bring you down, and you don’t deserve that.” You take a breath, “you’re very kind, and I really like that.” 
“You’re kind too, and smart, and really, very, pretty. And I think once you have a boyfriend and a friend group, things won’t be so bad and everyone will forget why they teased you.” 
You hum, playing with your nails and chewing at your bottom lip, silence took over. It was a rush of a lot of emotions, you’re shocked and excited. You’re also panicked and jittery. It was everything you feared and wished for at once. 
Peter Parker is asking to be in your life, no matter the cost. 
That’s the bravest thing you’ve ever witnessed. 
Clearing your throat, “who would be my boyfriend?” 
Peter pretended to think about it, “you could have whoever you want.” 
“Anything you want, it’s yours.” An immediate flashback to the first day he sat with you, you mumbled out the words and scooted, just an inch, from the wall. 
“What was that?” 
You announce it, moving forward another inch, “anything you want, it’s yours. You said that at lunch the first day you sat with me, do you still mean it?” 
There’s just something you’ve been dying to do, something you’ve been wanting to do. And he said whatever you wanted. 
“Whatever you want, I mean it.” He sounds sincere too, you move forward a few inches. 
“Have you kissed anyone before?” 
Peter doesn’t understand the correlation but he’ll entertain it. “Yes?” 
You offer up more information, hoping he’d catch the hint. “I haven’t.” 
He doesn’t. “That’s no biggie, I think over half the school-” 
You speak over him, “but, I want to.” 
It takes Peter a second to register it, and when he does he almost collapses. 
“Oh. I see. Um, want me to come in there, or you come out here?” 
Your heart races, he’s so willing to do whatever with no qualms, you just asked and he’s delivering. You were about to have your first kiss with your number one crush, and he liked you too. 
“Wait, you’re gonna do it?” You’ve never been so excited. Or anxious. Were these the butterflies people talk about? 
“I’m sorry, did I read that wrong?” 
“No, you’re just… right now?” You think you’ll puke all over him, that’s why you’re stalling. 
You can see Peter drum his fingers over his pants, “do you wanna hold off for a second? I’ll do it whenever you want.” 
Your heart clenches, “Peter,” you groan out his name, “stop being so nice, it hurts.” Waiting a moment before continuing, “I’m gonna suck, and you won’t like me anymore.” 
God, you wish you could see the cocky grin smear, you can hear it, but you want to face him more than anything. It’s like he’s doing it on purpose. He knows you can’t stay hidden forever. 
“Wanna bet?” 
Why not? If you really think about the last year and change of high school, what else would you really have to lose? 
Plus, he was really cute. 
Overwhelmed with the knowledge of knowing you were about to have your first kiss, you slowly shimmied to the edge of the bed, right where you were before you hightailed it backwards. 
Peter looks even better than you’ve pictured, his hair fluffy from where he ran his hands through it. A greeting smile rested on him, and his bright brown eyes warmed. “Well, hello there, I was afraid you got lost.” 
Sucking the life force from your bravery, “I was told there would be kisses out here.” 
A surprised look crossed Peter before he fell back into neutral, pushing off his desk to glide over in front of you, his knees knocking yours, suddenly you feel panicky again. “There absolutely can be.” 
Peter catches your nerves and figures it’d be easier to actually get it over with, because the second he would pull away all panic would hit near bottom ground. Using what little skill he has, he rests his right hand on your thigh while his left cups your face. 
You suck in a breath, following his guide when he brings your face up to his. Peter swipes his thumb across your cheekbone and you feel everything in you be set ablaze with desire. 
You wonder if he can feel how warm your cheek is under his touch, if he does, he doesn’t comment. When you give him no disagreement he leans in, he can hear your breath hitch, it brings him a little pleasure to be the ‘cool’ one in the situation. 
When he’s closer than you would’ve ever imagined he gives you a grin, “hi.” It was a hushed whisper, you give him one back, “hi.” Your eyes flash from his gaze to his mouth, you were caught, it makes you look down at your hands. 
Your mind spirals, why hasn’t he kissed you yet, and also, what do you do with your hands? Giving it a shot you press them against Peter’s chest, but it feels like you’re pushing him off, so you move to his shoulders but it doesn’t feel quite right. 
“Want some help?” Peter caught on to your struggle, of course he did, he just notices the little things with you. He doesn’t even pull away, just bringing his hand that was on your thigh to bring your left hand around his neck. Your right hand outstretched to rest on his ribcage, when you look back he seems much closer, this time he’s looking at your mouth. 
Peter cuts you off, a hushed whisper, “I’m gonna kiss you now,” you breathe in sharply, “oh, okay.” Peter can’t fight the smile, “is it?”
You don’t get a chance to answer, his mouth is on yours, and it’s heaven. You feel like you’re floating, his lips velvety smooth, the only way you know how to show your shock and appreciation is by gripping his shirt. Peter’s bottom lip favored your top lip, moving into his kisses awkwardly. He was much more experienced, but he didn’t make you feel overwhelmed, it felt like he was guiding you. 
You didn’t feel like you were doing much, but it felt like everything you imagined. It made you dream of a day where you could do this with him whenever you wanted. It felt like he was pulling away, you refused to part and followed him, holding tight to his flannel. It failed when he was able to push you away with ease. 
Peter sounded slightly winded, you were blinking with stars in your eyes, your heartbeat in your throat, and just a little shy to look at him. “Funny thing about kissing, you gotta breathe to keep doing it.” 
You're new to it, gulps of fresh air weren’t as refreshing as him. You wanted to kiss him again, but you didn’t want to put him out, and you still weren’t sure how to initiate or ask for it. 
Peter tapped on your knee, “wanna take me out for another test drive or are you happy with your purchase?” 
He wanted to do it again. 
That’s a good thing. 
“If I buy it, does that mean the test drives stop?” 
“Of course not. That just means you don’t need to ask to drive it.” 
You lean in this time, “but I have to ask now?” 
Peter speaks against your lips, “it would be the customary thing to do.” 
“Well then,” you speak softly and look at him, “would you kiss me again?” 
Your eyes close when he brushes against your mouth, a kiss is pressed to the corner of your cheek, “depends, are you planning on purchasing?” 
Boldly, you give him a chaste kiss, “everyone at school is gonna hate my new car.” 
Peter kisses your cheek, “best in show, baby. Best in show.” 
You take a deep breath, it wasn’t a bad thing to need someone. And it wouldn’t be bad to let yourself have them. 
Peter Parker heard everything everyone said but he wasn’t even listening, it felt dizzying, for the first time someone saw the real you, the good you and wanted you. He wanted nothing and everything at the same time. You liked him, maybe a bit too much, and the risk of losing him was enough to send you flying. But the chance of love, and hope and trust was even bigger. 
Someone wasn’t scared to have a big reputation with you. Peter Parker was proud to have the same big enemies as you. 
And for that reason, 
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navia3000 ¡ 10 months ago
f r e s h o u t t h e
s l a m m e r
Includes : Dallas Winston
Genre : Slight angst and fluff
Warnings : Light cursing, mentions of jail, mentions of toxic Dally
Based on : Fresh Out the Slammer by Taylor Swift
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A knock on her window startled her from her sleep. She lay still in her bed, her thought process being if she doesn’t answer, they’ll go away. She couldn’t think of anyone who would be knocking on her window at three in the morning. It certainly wasn’t the Curtis boys, Steve would probably be in some car race, and Dally was in the slammer. Unless…
She shot up from her bed, running to her window. Sure enough, Dallas Winston stood outside her bedroom window in all his glory, bruises only just fading from his beautiful face, a cigarette dangling from his lips. “Open the window,” his voice was muffled from the glass dividing them. She hurried to open her window, stepping back as he climbed into her room.
Hers and Dally’s relationship was complicated. They were together, but, he liked to act like a tough guy around everyone else, a fact which bothered her to no end. It’s no secret she loved him, she just wanted to know the feelings were reciprocated in public. They argued endlessly over this, his gaslighting only angering her more and more, leading her to break up with him. It hadn’t even been a day when Darry Curtis called her up, letting her know he had been arrested for shoplifting. Again.
And now, here he was. Sitting on her bed and smoking a cigarette.
She broke the silence, “what are you doing here, Dal?” She watched as he took a big puff of his cigarette, his eyes fixed on his boots resting on the bed.
“I had to see you,” he said after a minute. His voice was quiet; he was never one to be vulnerable or talk about his feelings. The way he saw it, he didn’t show his affection for anyone, he couldn’t get hurt. Frankly, she was shocked to see him look so vulnerable and utterly defeated.
“We’re not together anymore. You can’t just come running whenever you’re fresh out the slammer,” her voice was small as she shook her head at him. She was hurting all over again.
“I know, just hear me out, will ya?” His eyes met hers, the sassy tone coming back to his voice for only a moment. “I know I haven’t done treated you right. I’ve been a shitty guy to you, and I regret it. I’m not good with this kinda thing, man, I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know how to express what I feel for you or what you mean to me, ya know?” He stopped to take another drag of his cigarette. “And, I was sitting in that damn cell and I finally realized, I don’t wanna lose you. Damn, I love ya. I don’t know how to be without you, it’s- it’s like I can’t breathe, ya know? I am trynna be better for you, I swear. And if you let me, I’ll keep trying. ‘Cause you mean everything to me. I’m just scared of gettin’ hurt.”
Again, she was extremely shocked. He had never once told her he loved her, let alone that he couldn’t breathe without her. Either way, she knew in her heart, that Dallas Winston was the love of her life.
Without saying another word, she walked over to him and engulfed him in a hug. They held each other tight, reveling in each other’s presence.
Pulling back, she said, “I forgive you, but you have to drop the hard ass act. I want you to actually acknowledge that I’m your girlfriend in public. And not just in a possessive way,” her lips were pulling into a smile.
“Ya got it, doll,” he gave her a rare grin of his own. He pulled her back in, inhaling her scent and committing it to memory. “You better not tell anybody about this, ya hear me?” Her laughter could be heard from miles away.
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disneyprincemuke ¡ 1 year ago
the greatest love of all time is over now * milo+rocky vault
notes: happy april fool's aka the day i decide to be deranged again lolsie
enjoy yourselves with this one cuz i for sure had fun writing this (I've been emotionally ruined by writing this actually like it's so serious for me)
(series masterlist) | (📁 the milo + rocky vault)
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what was supposed to be a peaceful meet-up to recuperate before spending months apart for separate commitments has taken the rudest turn. and it’s so unlike them to be in this predicament — they typically always find a way around difficult bouts of compromisation.
but how can something that was once easy be so difficult to tackle now?
she finds herself on the bed, slouched with the blankets still loosely covering her legs with milo now up on his feet.
“you seriously haven’t changed your mind?”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” she asks softly, furrowing her eyebrows at him. “you’ve seen the state of my career. i’m so close — i can’t be thinking about having kids at all, miles!”
he sighs. it’s not that he ever expected her to exchange her position in the sport, but there has to at least be some point in her life when she sees herself settling down and starting a family. there’s just no way she doesn’t see the same thing.
“not ever? we’re not getting any younger, rocks,” his laugh is dry as he says it, pointing between himself and her, “you have to at least have an idea about where we’re going with our relationship.”
“why do we have to have it all figured out? where’s the clock that’s running against us?” she sits up slightly straighter and presses her lips together. “we’re at the peak of our careers. why are we having this conversation again?”
“because i know that i want a family someday, rocks.” he runs a frustrated hair through his hair and tugs slightly. “i want that with you — settling down somewhere quiet someday and having kids. but if you’re still saying now that that’s not what you want…”
“i never even said that!” she squeaks, feeling the tension in the air hanging heavy. she’s got a weight on her chest now that she can’t seem to brush off and a funny feeling in her stomach. truthfully a feeling that she hasn’t been able to ignore since she walked in the door of milo’s apartment in los angeles.
“i do wanna marry you, but having kids… i’m an athlete, milo. i don’t,” she pauses as tears flood her eyes, “think i ever want to have kids.”
the silence overcomes them. the engines of cars passing by don’t even matter now, and the lights that occasionally light up his dimmed bedroom never come into play. though typically, they have cussed at every single one of them for causing a disruption to their downtime at this time of the night.
it’s the sudden realisation that it felt like this conversation was always going to happen somehow, someday, eventually. she just hadn’t realised that it would come so soon at 25. she never thought of kids, never saw herself having any, and has never favoured the thought of permanently altering her body for one.
“are you serious?”
she crawls out of his bed and shrugs. “i’ve never seen myself having kids,” she admits softly, looking down at her hands. “i don’t think anything is going to change that at all. i don’t want to bear kids with my body.”
“it’s not fair, what you’re asking of me,” she says in a whisper, the lump in her throat growing as she chokes up. “ i don’t… we have to figure this out. and we will. let’s just sit down and talk about it.”
“we have talked about it.” she lifts her head to look at him, shaking her head. her biggest nightmare is coming to fruition and it’s just. not. fair. “we cannot keep having this conversation every couple of months as a joke and then brush it off again. rocks, this our lives and future we’re talking about.”
“what do you want me to do?” she cries with a soft and nervous chuckle. “this isn’t something that i can just change my mind on. i don’t want to ever get pregnant. i don’t want to step away from racing unless i really have to in a circumstance that i didn’t bring upon myself.”
he sighs, “i think you know what it means.”
“no, it’s not fair,” she mumbles under her breath, shaking her head. she looks up and meets his despaired stare, her knees almost buckling at the way he sighs. “we have to figure this out. just sit down.”
he runs a hand through his hair. it’s not like he wants to break up with her. he loves her, even 3 years ago when she first mumbled about not wanting to have kids.
realistically, he should have taken her seriously. but how was he supposed to? they were both young and in love; 3 years ago, he didn’t even know he ever wanted kids and a family himself. but with age, it changes.
perspective changes with time.
or at least that’s what he keeps telling himself. he doesn’t know when his mind started to change about their foreseeable future, and he knows it’s unfair what he’s trying to ask of her.
he loves her, but he’s not going to force her if she doesn’t want to.
“rocks, we’re gonna get nowhere with this,” he mutters, sighing shakily. “we have the same conversation every time. i can’t– there’s no possible way around this.”
“there has to be,” she says. “just sit down!”
she doesn’t shout often anymore, especially in his presence. but this situation is just so infuriating and the way he keeps insisting that things would wind up being the opposite of what she wants is making it worse.
truthfully, they rarely even fight.
“there is no other way around this! come on, be fucking serious! be realistic!”
“what if i just have kids then?” she shrugs, her tears finally falling out of her eyes. “it’s just kids, not a big deal, right?”
milo clenches his jaw and slowly shakes his head. “you can’t just make a rash decision now that we’re breaking up. you’re going to hate me and yourself down the road for having a kid you never wanted.”
she chokes up, “we’re breaking up?”
he sighs, “i’m afraid so.”
she breathes shakily and drops her head slightly. “but i love you.”
it’s just not enough this time.
“i love you too, but you know we can’t carry on like this.” he approaches her and wraps his arms around her, slowly realising how their week had come to such a bitter end so unexpectedly. “it won’t ever work if we’re not on the same page.”
“that’s so fucked up.”
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n3ptoonz ¡ 6 months ago
good evening! hope your well, i’ve been going through your blog for like a hour straight reading your works and i must say i really do enjoy them! so thank you for your service 🫡
i was wondering if you’d write kitana SFW alphabet with fem or gn reader, whatever you feel comfortable with. also i’m sorry if you don’t write alphabets i did check your post for them and it only said no NSFW alphabets.
thank you so much in advance and keep up the good work <3
omg thank you so much (^_-)-☆ yk, i meant alphabets period mostly cause i never had good ideas for them, but for you i'll get a template and figure it out cause ur just so sweet ٩(˘◡˘)۶
kitana sfw alphabet
no warnings, fluff, includes reader, first AND LAST alphabet🚶🏾‍♀️i hope you like it!😁
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A - Affection (How affection are they? How do they show affection?)
She's very affectionate! She loves love, just not for the public. Anything and everything goes when behind closed doors. Regardless of the status of your relationship, she prefers to stay away from prying eyes but she has no problems hugging, kissing, and talking to you for hours.
B - Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How did the friendship start?)
You and Kitana met when you were kids and have been inseparable since. She's very caring and attentive to everything. When you're around her, sometimes you forget she's royalty; very down to earth. Even when you guys were younger, she would beg her parents to let you work for them.
C - Cuddles (Do they like cuddles? How would they cuddle?)
Before, she only allowed her family to touch her, Kitana isn't a fan of skin ship. But when it comes to you she warmed up to it quickly, hence why she could be with you for hours. As soon as she's away from you though she's right back to where she was before.
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Kitana hasn't really ever thought about getting married because she was focused on helping Mileena. Would she want to settle down? Not entirely sure, but she really does like being around you! As for cooking and cleaning I think she'd be decent at it since she has everything done for her but I can see Sindel teaching her and Mileena.
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think she'd be straightforward about, but still very somber. For whatever reason you two can't be together anymore she's very upset about it but knows she must get it over with. Kitana would definitely want to end on good terms too, she'd leave off with either a hug or holding your hands one last time.
F - FiancĂŠ (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Adding onto when she hasn't thought about marriage, she'd fully expect you to either A) do a private but very sentimental proposal or B) an extravagant proposal during a big event. There's really no in between but both would really win her over. She'd want to get married right away!
G- Gentle (How gentle are they, physically and emotionally?
Kitana has a kind soul. She may not always show it because that's just the way of a fighter, but she's very gentle with anyone she feels deserves it. From her physical touches to her words she's a well-rounded person. She's pretty good at toggling it on and off too.
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Kitana's hugs are warm and meaningful. She's doesn't hug just anybody since she's not a fan of skin ship like I mentioned before. She's gotten used to hugging Mileena before doing solo missions but other than her parents she doesn't really hug anyone. But when she does they always have a purpose.
I - I love you (How fast do they say this?)
It would take her a while to say it first unless she's really in love with someone. If she does say it first, she'd probably wanna do something like a letter to you and sign off with it just to make it extra special. If you said it first, she wouldn't hesitate to say it back.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Kitana doesn't get jealous. She thinks of herself too highly to worry about things like that. In any case she'd apply that to you too, watching you from afar and knowing nothing will happen with that person obviously flirting with you. I mean, who the hell would willingly fumble a princess anyway??
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kitana's kisses are soft and thoughtful. She's the kind of person to give you surprise kisses if you're alone. She loves to kiss you on the cheek, forehead, and lips and she likes her cheek and the back of her hand to be kissed.
L - Little ones (How are they around children?)
Kitana loves kids. She loves being around them, telling them stories, teaching them some kombat knowledge, you name it. She smiles ear to ear whenever she hears them coming, cheering her name when she comes back from a mission.
M - Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
If she's not busy with royal tasks, trust she is much more willing to stay in bed. She's used to getting up early and training, but with you she'll either get up and let you sleep or re-wrap her arms around you and fall back asleep.
N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Once finished with her 12 step nightly routine she will sometimes read in bed to calm her mind down from the day. She really enjoys quality time with you in any capacity. Sitting in comfortable silence, pillow talk, letting you watch her routine before bed, you name it!
O - Open ((When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It would take her quite some time to open up. The biggest burden on her heart is most likely her father's death, as probably for Mileena and Sindel too. She's the type to reveal things slowly, mostly for her own sanity, but she still trusts you immensely. Especially if you've gotten this far with her.
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Very slow to anger unless you insult her family, her skills, or intelligence. Then she channels her anger into absolutely whooping ass.
Q - Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?)
Every. Single. Detail. She's like that with everybody she loves. Just little acts of love here and there when she has the time and super attentive. You mention something you like one time and suddenly it appears in your quarters/shared bedroom like every night.
R - Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Kitana loves sparring with you. Mileena has been her main sparring partner since they were kids, but a fresh face and fighting style was always welcomed. Especially because you two always go out to eat afterwards, but you can tell she secretly loves when you have the upper hand sometimes. Gives her a challenge, and ya look quite good doing so 👀
S - Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Kitana is very protective, always has been. If the public knows of your relationship, she would try everything in her power to keep you from roaming the streets. But if you must, you'll have a guard with you, even if you are perfectly capable of your own safety. She's also not expecting you to go to great lengths to protect her like her guards. She really prefers to take care of herself.
T - Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Kitana puts 100% into everything she does. It's how she was raised. So fully expect all these things to be the most extravagant and well thought out things you've ever seen. And the gifts are typically sentimental, although she might get the idea to randomly gift you some crazy expensive jewelry to match hers.
U - Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
The only bad habits she has is being a workaholic and terribly worrisome. The word "break" is foreign to her and she may even work herself to exhaustion. The same worry that goes into Mileena's wellbeing also extends to you, mostly geared towards your safety.
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She's very concerned, she kinda has to be. Her every move is watched by the public eye whenever she's present. From her looks down to her mannerisms and demeanor. From a young age her and Mileena have had all these things engraved in their minds some birth.
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes and no. By default her concerns have to do with Outworld and the empire at all times. However, she does find herself longing for your presence if she hasn't seen you in a while.
X - Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
I have a hc that if she were to be introduced to Earthrealm cuisine, she'd crave it like all the time. I'm talking acquired taste, ESPECIALLY if she gets her hands on Madam Bo's food? Omg
Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, she hates selfishness and arrogance the most. She's very confident in herself and her abilities, but she'll never boast or brag, she'd rather put her money where her mouth is.
Z - Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
I feel like she sleeps on her back and is the lightest sleeper ever. The slightest bit of noise has her up and ready to slice somebody up. If she sleeps on her side she's especially sleepy and comfortable, but her back is never towards the door.
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fictionfixations ¡ 6 months ago
doing yunli's story quest
i think it has a different name but tbh genshin was like my first actual gacha game i was really committed to so expect me to refer to things in genshin terms unless i can remember the equivalent in the game im playing.
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OHHH cause we never got to know what the sword looked like
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argenti i love you but why are you literally everywhere
actually this is probably why he appears in the wardance event
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??? when she said hanguang (earlier, screenshot underneath this screenshot) i had a hunch that it mightve been her father with the way she reacted.
it probably is a cursed sword though. i know shes making a scene but who cares if its a threat to someone's safety? theres this like side quest that happens after wardance where we say goodbye to everyone returning to their own xianzhou ships (fu xuan also returns) and yunli and yanqing talked about the sword a bit and she didnt seem to have anything against it so i guess it gets solved in this
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holy fucking shit you can hear swords slashing and screaming in the background
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whats the blade of forged remnants? OH ITS HER SWORD old mettle
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why am i struggling so hard im
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NOOOOOOO. you do not understand my absolute HATRED for fights against argenti or yanqing. (well i hate sunday's too but hes just a weekly boss. argenti and yanqing can be pulled out whenever) its the having multiple smaller enemies... aAaaaaaa
my team is getting their ass beat i cant
tingyun is so fucking squishy she and robin keep dying after each other😭
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i dont have a team that can win this om. the ONLY character i have built that he has weakness against is ROBIN. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
i dont have herta built. i despise his shields with a passion. i cant do enough damage 😭
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i cant continue the story D:
in all fairness i was also stuck on sundays boss battle for a lONG time (only managed because every single turn i had lynx heal to build up her ult as fast as possible. but im doing that method right now and its still not working 😭. i also had to switch in dr ratio for more imaginary weakness but i cant do that here cause they arent buILT.)
it also wouldnt matter if the character was built or not with aventurine cause they wouldnt immediately die at least but i dont have him hHHHH
...wwwhy did you target my only damage dealers wtf man. itd be a different story if he was really close to dying but hes NOT imfioahdwsauiodj
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OH MY GOD I FORGOT THIS WAS A THING. i kept quitting before i could hit the defeat screen
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i forgot to mention it but argenti is like being possessed by the heliobus in the cursed sword
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his voice sounds oddly familiar. i wanna say it sounds like ben (moze's and kaveh's va) but it also feels like its not his voice theres just a quality of it that reminds me of ben's? i might be completely wrong
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oh thats fair
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i see
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this felt. really short tbh. its been like what? an hour at least?
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thats sweet
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ask-the-royal-absol ¡ 1 year ago
Dela floated up to the gengar. Being a ghost therapist is something that Dela is fascinated with. Particularly, because she felt like she needed one.
"Just curious, but have you had any pokemon that you have helped confess to or ask for horrible requests? What do you do in those cases?"
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Felix: It can be tricky sometimes. Some Pokémon just become so hellbent on wantin’ ta take revenge that they don’t wanna consider other options. I’ve even had a spirit or two want ta harm Destino and their family. Of course I’ve gotta put friendships aside for those ones as ta not let my feelings get in the way of providing ‘em with some form of support.
*Felix put his arms behind his head, getting into a position that looked even more comfortable than the last. He looked in thought, considering all of the cases he’s had to work with. He couldn’t go spilling these spirits secrets but he supposed he could explain things a little clearer.*
Felix: Being a therapist for ghosts can be hard. I’ve heard a lot of things from these spirits - things that they would have never admitted ta anyone if they were alive - and I have ta hold onta their secrets unless it’s gonna cause someone harm. I’ve had spirits admit to all sorts of crimes they’ve committed. From thievery ta some downright awful things that I just couldn’t repeat, I’ve had ta treat every spirit same, without judgement or fear of bein’ judged by me.
Felix: And it tends ta go well. They’ll talk about themselves, I’ll repeat back what they’ve said ta get ‘em ta process it, they usually think of a solution and I give ‘em the chance to work through whether that solution is best for ‘em and then reflect on everything that’s been discussed.
Hope: It doesn’t surprised me about Destino being a target for the spirits. I imagine their family may not be kind rulers.
Felix: They certainly have things goin’ on which make ‘em not great rulers but, considerin’ what they have ta work with, they’re doin’ a damn good job.
*Felix paused his thought for a moment. There was something he needed to ask about that hadn’t come out of his mind since he heard it.*
Felix: Speakin’ of royal families, how close are ya with the other kingdoms’ children? If they have any, that is.
Hope: Dad mainly deals with the political side of the kingdom so he knows a lot more about them than I do. I’ve met the Whimsain prince Kader and princess Clover before. Clover tends to do public displays of combat in the city which are really cool to watch. I think Kader also likes to wander through Whimsain to speak to his subjects but we haven’t heard much from that kingdom recently. My dad hasn’t mentioned King Regis or Queen Melody for a while so I have no idea what’s going on there.
Hope: I haven’t seen Prince Oswell of the Mechania kingdom for a long time but I know my dad tends to speak with his dads often for trades. I really don’t know much about him. And I wouldn’t know where to start with the royal family of Naaturo. I don’t think many Pokémon know what their deal is but I know they have more than 30 royal children. I think the eldest is called Mira. Could be wrong though. I’ve not met them myself.
Felix: More than 30?!
Hope: You heard me right. Again, that whole family has a weird way of doing things. I’m not sure even dad knows what’s going on but he speaks with Queen Pollen sometimes.
Felix: Ya know, I think I much prefer the Underdark’s system of only havin’ one royal family ta worry about.
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nykie-love-anime ¡ 2 years ago
Day 8 ~ Stuck Together
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Warning: Swearing
Rivals to Friends to Lovers. Your mom and Dabi’s dad are getting married to one another and on the day of the wedding they lock you guys into a room so that you are stuck together because of all the fighting.
“Shut up you pompous asshole. I can’t listen to your whining anymore. Go moan to someone who actually care what you have to say.” You all but growled out to the white haired man that was smirking up at you. “They are getting married there is nothing that you nor I can do about it anymore.” You started walking away before you burst into a flaming torch. “Come on sweetheart don’t be like that. You and I both know you like my pompous ass.” He cackled out following close behind you.
“First of kindly fuck off, I am no one’s sweetheart. And secondly if I have to see your stupid face a second longer I am going to burst an artery in my fucking head.” You shouted turning red very close to committing a crime. “Ok sweetheart calm down we don’t want a crime scene on your mothers big day now do we.” He teased and he could swear there are steam coming out of your ears the longer you look at him.
“Touya for the love of God leave me alone. I just want to get this day started on a good note but you all but fucked that plan up. Go bother one of your siblings I don’t want you anywhere in my vicinity for the next few hours unless you want to die today.” You loudly proclaimed causing some of the staff members to look towards the commotion. “Sweetheart you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid and you won’t even admit to it.” As the words leave his mouth you smack him right across the face leaving a red handprint on his cheek.
Shocked at what you just did you turned around again going to search for your mom. “You did not deny it baby girl. You and I both now that I am right, you just have to admit the truth someday.” He called after you causing you to flip him the middle finger while still walking forward in search of you mother or your best friend and all Dabi could do was chuckle as he watched your retreating figure. Groaning to himself as he sees his dad walking towards him with a stupid smile on his stupid face.
“Touya.” Enji started talking to his oldest son ignoring the eye roll and the mention that he prefers to be called Dabi. “Can you please come and help me in the room with my vows I want to go over it one time again.” “Why can’t Fuyumi or even Natsuo help you with it. You know I suck at the lovey dovey shit dad.” Dabi said looking at his bulking father. “Well I asked for your help did I not. Now come on.” Enji turn around walking towards a room in the back. ‘Asshole. I really don’t want to do this shit now of all times.’ Dabi thought sulking forward following a few feet away from his dad still reeling with the feeling of the smack.
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“Y/N can you please help me search for my earring I think I lost it.” Your mom asked looking around frantically for the left diamond earring she was missing. “Of course mom.” You said a lot more calmed down after arriving at your moms room where she and the rest of the bridesmaids are getting ready. “Do you know where you had it the last time you saw it?” as she thought for a bit your mom nodded. “Yeah I believe I had them on in the next room, Enji just gave it to me and I can’t believe I already lost one.”
“Don’t worry mom we will find it. I will go look if I can see it next door if not I will search for it till we can find it.” “Thanks sweetie. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I promise after the wedding I will buy you that pair of shoes you have been looking at forever.” All you could do was nod with a small smile walking towards the door. Opening it you walked to the door next to your moms room seeing it open you started walking in.
“Oh shit.” You muttered looking up at you future stepdad who just stepped out of the room. “Sorry sir I did not see you there.” You apologised giving him a shy smile. “No worries Y/N. What are looking for maybe I can help.” He questions giving you a quick smile before going back to his stoic self. “Nothing, nothing I think I just lost something in there.” You babbled out. All Enji did was nod his head. ‘Okay so far the plan is working.’  He thought walking away.
Walking into the room you immediately wanted to turn around seeing the man you just had a spat with. “What sweetheart back from more.” He asked with sass as you stayed silent not wanting your mood to dampen again. “Where is that fighting spirit now baby girl? You were all fired up a few minutes ago.” Still staying quiet not wanting to give into his teasing you looked around the room hoping to see the small thing.
“What are you looking for?” “None of your business.” You quietly said and he just nodded for once listening to your warnings. “Did you find it Y/N?” you turned towards the sound of your moms voice about to answer as you saw she had both earrings in her ears. “Mom what’s going on.” You questioned as she and Enji walked into the room. “Dad what the hell.” Dabi questions.
“We want you to work out whatever problem you have with each other.” Enji begins looking you both in the eyes. “We had enough of your fighting all the time and I think the best way to do that is to lock you into this room till you sort all this childish shit out.” Your mom ended. “For once and for all.” Enji added as he turned towards your mother and they quickly escaped the room. All you could do was stay quiet for a second before you and Touya both jumped for the door but was stopped as the door slammed shut in your faces.
“Fuck.” you both muttered staring at the now closed door. Quickly turning the doorknob to see if the door is locked and it was indeed locked. “Son of a bitch.” You whispered causing the white haired man to let out a low chuckle. “Ok fine if you think this is so fucking funny please enlighten me why the hell you are such an asshole to me.” You said turning to the stunned man who suddenly went quiet.
“Why have you been such a bitch to me?” he retorted back. “Why are you such a pompous ass?” you returned. “Because you aren’t good for my fucking mental health babe.” He spat. “Yeah your cute and all but every time I see you it is not good for my mental health.” “What.” You asked quietly. “What is that supposed to mean?” “It means exactly what it sounds like sweetheart. You are a piece of work but fucking hell you are hot as hell. Every time you open your mouth I just want to smother you with my tongue. Every time you smile I want to be the one who caused it.” He exclaimed.
“Do you know how crap it feels to have this feelings inside of me that I know won’t be returned. And when I thought I finally had a change you had to have a fucking boyfriend. Who was a piece of shit by the way you could have done so much better than that twat. So yes to get you off my mind I started being an asshole okay. That was all I could do to get you out of my head for a while and do you think it worked.”
He breathed heavily now as he looked at you with questioning eyes. And you just shook your head. “No of fucking course it did not work otherwise I would not have to be the way that I am now.” He finished and you just stared at him with a confused look on your face. “Why did you not say anything before you ass face?” you questioned him and as he was about to say something you quickly cut him off continuing.
“You could have saved me six month of a loveless relationship with a fucking twat. You could have saved yourself heartache. You could have saved me from a broken heart when I found out that asshole cheated on me. And what did you do? You turned into a hurt little boy. We could have had a relationship now but no you had to go and be an ass who doesn’t know how to express his feelings.”
“And just for your information I only got with him so that I wouldn’t have to think about you all the time too. Do you know how hard it was to see you with that girl you are always hanging out with. Not knowing if you are in a relationship with her or not. Okay sorry if I turned into a bitch but I wanted to protect my own heart, my own mental health, my own wellbeing you jackass.” You panted finishing your speech looking at the man you have had feelings for like two year now.
“Fuck baby girl do you know how long I have wanted to hear those words.” He questions pulling you close to him. Kissing you has been on his mind for a while now but just watching you so passionate about your feelings he couldn’t wait he had to taste you now. You lips met each other in the middle and as soon as they touch butterflies spread across your stomach causing your heartbeat to rise. Kissing him for a while felt wonderful and as you pulled away for a breath he pulled you further into the kiss trapping you between him and the couch.
Twisting your hands into his soft hair you started pulling the strands causing him to groan into the kiss causing you to giggle finally pulling away panting like you haven’t had oxygen in a while. “Wow.” You both whispered out giggling as you release your tight hold on each other. “Sorry for being an asshole and not realising you had feelings for me sooner.” He whispered into your neck. “Sorry for being a bitch and not realising you also had feelings for me.” You whispered back with a light giggle as he nipped your neck pulling you onto his lap as he sat down on the couch to get comfortable.     
“Sorry for the slap by the way.” You apologised giving him a shy smile. “No problem baby girl. I deserved it.” He replied with a teasing smirk causing you to smack him lightly on the arm. “And you are right about that just so that you know. I just did not want to admit it.” You whispered into his neck causing him to groan out. “Sweetheart you are going to be the fucking death of me.” He said laying down on the couch pulling you with him tickling your side as you went down. Which quickly turned into a moan as he sucked on your sweet spot on the side of your neck.
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“You think they are okay in there? It’s been quiet for a while now.” your mom questioned the red haired man she was about to marry. “Either they are kissing or they killed each other.” He teased your mother with a smile pulling her into a hug. “Don’t worry baby. I know they will be okay Touya won’t actually do anything to her he has liked her for a while now.” Enji said with a small grin and she blushed smiling at her future husband. “Yeah I think Y/N has feelings for him as well.” As they heard a quiet moan they looked at each other.
“Okay! I think is about time we start getting ready.” Enji said looking at his almost wife with a soft smile. “See you at the end of the aisle baby.” He whispered into her ear causing her to let out a quiet chuckle. “See you there honey I will be the one in a white dress.” She teased him back but as they heard another moan louder this time they pulled away with a shocked look on their faces. “Maybe that help them a little bit too much.” Your mother grimaced both turning around to walk to their respective rooms.
“See you later baby.” He said as she walked into her room. “See you later.” She repeated with a small smile before closing the door grinning leaning against the door. She could really not wait to meet him at the end of that aisle later that afternoon but first she has to get ready. Hopefully you will be back soon to get ready with the rest of them.
Day 7 | Masterlist | Day 9
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bigbarabelly ¡ 5 months ago
just wondering, since you use he/they pronouns are you ok with people using both in a sentence or how does it work grammatically?
Realistically this stuff boils down person to person with their own wants of how their pronouns are used. LMAO i was just talking to my neighbors the other day kinda about this cause they had questions about the general of being trans. For me personally you can ask whatever. If it’s (obvious to me at least rage bait lmao then ill tell u to fuck off but otherwise ill answer whatever i can cause i get it’s mad confusing and can be scary cause you wanna respect people but also if you don’t know stuff, then google is kinda useless lmao and it’s hard to say hey i have a personal question but i don’t want to make you upset if it brings up things that are hard for you to talk about.
Like kids don’t know what’s up and will ask point blank what are you FJDKLSFA which is so funny to me cause it’s never with malice, theyre just getting right to the point before usually going COOL ANYWAY WANNA SEE THIS BUG I FOUND LMAOOO. While i don’t care for being called she cause I’m female to male trans, even if you fuck up in person and say she a bunch, as long as you obviously are trying to not be an asshole then it’s all good. It’s the performative fake ally shit that’s so annoying cause you’re not letting people just be with the complex nuance of everyone has different opinions and niche areas their own identity falls into that no one will be able to comprehend but themselves. It’s how you start stereotyping ppl. You don’t need their life story, but like pretending key shit doesn’t matter for sake of your own compartmentalization is just dumb u know
ANYWHOOOOO sorry for rambling. LIKE idk my nonbinary identity is 90% just a dude so i put He first for the general assumption of He/They, the he is said first, at least in my head of how English works for my understanding and personal area of the USA vernacular and speaking patterns. So the He is the main choice it takes precedence. They is more the general catch all and androgynous for days i frankly just don’t feel like a person or a even male leaning, but its not often enough to make me want to commit to They more than He and do They/He instead. BUT that personal feeling shifts internally and i don’t have issues with how it affects me day to day enough that i need to specify if i want someone to just call me He or just call me They. Some do, but im not idk fluid enough in my gender to need for my personal comfort just one or the other, so im cool with both. Ive had a few gender fluid acquaintances that are he/she and will say hey im having a She day, to let us know to please avoid the other because their dysphoria is different than what i personally go through.
So like you can use it interchangeably per sentence. “He said this but then they wanted to do that” or whatever. But if it feels too idk jumpy then you can just go with one. Or mostly use one and then idk change it up in another paragraph or topic for flow sake. Sorry if this is all super confusing! Frankly it just ends up depending person to person and what you’re talking about. But unless someone is very adamant about the use of one, I wouldn’t stress about it. Like if you don’t know someone’s gender then you us They as a default anyway, and honestly unless someone is having a fit and issues they need to deal with, most trans people will not lash out at you for accidentally using the wrong pronoun or for using They as a default because you don’t know what they identify as.
English is a fucking mess and so many words cause be used interchangeably for others and mean different things depending on what’s being talked about or region to region since our states are the size of small countries being in the USA. So tone and whatnot can get misinterpreted easily, but most of the time not having ill intent will get communication across just fine and you’re doing great at respecting others.
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brrrkdslek ¡ 2 years ago
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you stood at the door of your office, taking a deep breath before stepping in, "hey-"
jongho stood frozen as san charged at you, "OH MY GOD- WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'HEY', WHERE WERE YOU!?"
"WHAT'S GOING ON, M/N!?!?" yunho joined san as the two sandwiched you in questions and hugs.
you break away from them, rubbing your temple in frustration. the three watch as you took the folder on your desk and scanned the documents before speaking again,
"listen, it's complicated but i'll explain later when i—" suddenly the office doors burst open, revealing none other than ms shin kyung.
"hey honey!" she pushed pass the two boys and latched herself onto you, pulling you down for a kiss. you pulled away in shock, but saying nothing.
the three boys stiffen as san watched your jaw clench, knuckles turning white from how hard you were squeezing your fists.
yunho stared at you in disbelief, "m/n, what's going on...?" he was about to walked towards you when san held him back, eyes screaming in anger.
kyung scoffed, "didn't you hear? me and m/n are dating!" she squealed, rubbing herself all over you. you furrowed your eyebrows as you avoided the sharp glares of your friends.
"um... i need you guys to step outside for a while, this is private." you said in a hushed tone as you heard san's loud gasp, yunho holding his hand over his mouth next to him. you internally thanked jongho for pulling the two boys out of the room.
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the three stood in silence outside the office before san broke the ice, "okay, i can't do this. i need to know what they're talking about!" san marched at the door, putting his ear on it.
"yah! there's a reason m/n told us to wait outside, you can't just-" before jongho could finish, yunho ran towards san and listened in with him.
jongho sighed as the two gestured for him to follow, which he did.
"i did what you asked, is it paid off now?"
"wait what debt??" yunho whispered in confusion as they listened, piled on top of each other vertically.
she laughed annoyingly, "why of course! you can even check yourself!" she said cockily as she slid a burner phone across the coffee table, showing chat messages between the collectors.
"alright, we're done here. you can leave."
she scoffed, "what? no we are not, unless you want your sweet little wooyoung's life to fall apart."
"i wouldn't do that if i were you."
she stiffens at your sudden burst of confidence, "and why is that?"
"because i have enough evidence to put you behind bars?"
"hah, like i'd believe you. you're not capable of doing so much in a span of not even two weeks."
"am i?" you took the folder and spilled the documents out, revealing pictures, articles and letters regarding crimes she's committed.
she relaxed for a moment before leaning back into the couch, "you're dumb for showing me this cause i can just take everything and burn it–"
"sweetheart do you really think i don't have extra?" you waved the small usb at your hand before sliding it back into your breast pocket.
you smile in victory as you stood up, smoothing out your coat. "i'll see you in court, ms shin." you almost burst out laughing at how her face dropped. she scrambled at your feet as she begged, almost crying.
"no, please! we- we can work something out—"
"you threaten innocent lives, force me into a non consensual relationship and still want to ask for a deal?" your expression shows clear disgust as she cowers on the ground.
you opened the door as the three boys fell on top of each other, "after you, ms shin." she gripped the carpet in anger before running out of the office in tears.
"OH MY GOD? WHAT WAS THAT M/N!?!?" yunho griped your collar as he jumped in excitement.
"THAT WAS SO COOL, WE NEED TO CELEBRATE!!!" san said, holding yunho's hands in his as the two jumped up and down.
"how about we let m/n explain before we do literally anything?" jongho sweat-dropped as you sat at the couch of the coffee table.
"you guys might wanna sit down for this."
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piss-panties-and-jeans-girl ¡ 1 year ago
I’m a 25 year old girl and I have I love when I get drunk. When I would drink alcohol I always would go pee in my panties and jeans unless I am wearing a skirt. I have been peeing my panties and jeans since I was 12 years old. I started wetting my panties and jeans I was in class and I had to pee.the teacher wouldn’t let me go to the girls bathroom. So I went back my desk and about a minute later ya hear my pee dripping on the floor. After than all I did was pee my panties and jeans at school atlas I pee my panties and jeans at school every day. After that I would just pee my jeans. I never used a toilet after than. I come home and my crotch and butt and my legs were always wet because I just pee my panties and jeans. Everyone I know all new I like to pee my panties and my jeans. I peed my panties and jeans all through junior and high school.
So after a couple weeks my mom asked me why my jeans were always soaking wet? And I want truth? I said to my mom why are Panties in my jeans wet. Because mom, I like to pee my panties in my jeans. OK another thing is mom. I will never stop. I will always pee my panties. In my jeans when I have to pee. And she said to meet you there with your pants right now.! so I stood up and relaxed my bladder and start peeing in my panties and my jeans. We will talk about this later. OK mom. I went up to my room. I was soaking wet because I Peed in front of my mom. And all I can do is stand there in my wet panties and then I start masturbating. I’m getting ready to leave for school the. A couple of my girlfriends and I will back to school and I would pee my pants on the way to school.
So my mom said 0K. She said well if you want a pee your Panties and your jeans then I’m not gonna try to stop it. If you wanna pee, your panties and your jeans and clothes, you wash your clothes and have a good time, so yes you can go ahead and piss your pants. In high school I would go to high school parties in all the boys would 
Say hey Kaylee, why don’t you go pee your pants? I stand right front of them and put my panties and my jeans in front of them. The boys loved it. So through high school I peed my panties in my jeans all through high school. I keep myself in my classroom, I peed my pants walking to class to class and then I graduated and I Peed on stage. Then was college. I peed my panties, my jeans. I was in a girls sorority in most of the girls pee, their pants and their panties. I felt home there cause I could do what I wanted to do that. I’d like to do it and I was just peed my pants it was fun. So now I’m 19 years old. And yes I am still peeing my panties in my jeans and I love it so much. So I did it a couple times at work. One time my boss called me in his office so I can dictate his schedule. I was fidgeting, crossing my legs grabbing my pussy because I had to go P. My boss goes what’s wrong I have to go to the bathroom. Forget the bathroom I want to see you pee your panties, and he and he got so hard because I peed my panties in front of him that I ended up having sex with him. He committed me so hard, and it feels so good, and I also love sucking his dick big and thick cock. Well, I’ve been working with him for three years and we go to my house I put some jeans on and I peed my panties in my jeans and next thing we were in bed. Well I’m 25 now and I still piss my pants and jeans and panties. I like doing it in public because I like, all men watch me pee, my panties and jeans. And when I’m at home the only thing I like to do is going pee my panties in jeans or pants and then I go to bed wet because I peed my panties in my jeans, and I would never change my clothes, Laura my BFF would always come  over and I will always wet in my crotch, my butt and my legs. She would pee her pants to. It was all fun if I had to go to the grocery store, I would pee my panties in my jeans when I was in the store shopping. Really everybody that reads these. I hope you like the little story.
Kaylee I just wanna say that on
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dentiststoothfairy ¡ 2 years ago
Greetings!! Might I request an Identity V matchup?? Forgive me if I don’t provide enough or too much information this is my second time doing one of these.
I don’t really have a preference gender wise or faction wise. I’m the kind of person who’s most interested in someone who tends to share similarities with me whether that be interests, personality or similar life experiences.
A majority of the time, I’m on the quiet side. I’m not one for talk as I struggle to piece together a sentence I’m proud with or generally lack anything to say. However, I’m a rambling machine if one wishes (or accidentally) brings up anything I’m interested in. Any discussions on art or bugs and I’ll be happy to tell what I like and know. (or show any drawings I’ve made) Even music would be a pleasure to talk about (or hear) despite my lack of knowledge.
If I had to list some negative traits I’d probably say I’m prone to shutdowns even if the cause if something small like a loud noise or peer pressure.
I’d just be happy if one could understand my struggles, give me time and some comfort so I know that they truly care.
~Frost Anon ❄️
𝐈 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡...
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Two introverts who just ask for understanding.
You're both sort of quiet. Not exactly.. Anti social? But just sort of... Minding your own business. Not much to say in the middle of a conversation. To be honest he's pretty similar. If he does speak up, it's usually shot back at him by Freddy or someone. He's-.. Not the best with talking. So he sort of keeps quiet. Not that he ever has anything important to say. Unless it's something grim.
Funnily enough, I see him as quite artistic in his own sense. Embalming is the art of preservation, albeit it's very.. Non traditional?
He probably didn't mean to get you started on bugs. He probably just said something and you just-. Started. And you didn't show any sign of stopping anytime soon
But, this isn't.. Exactly what you expected from the other. He sat there and just listened to you. Perfectly silent, but staring. His eyes fixated on you and his neutral expression a little difficult to read because of the mask but-. You were pretty sure he was listening anyways.
After you gave a small apology for rambling a bit, he probably finally realised he was staring and didn't know whether to look away or commit to the bit-. He ended up looking away and muttering out his own apology of some kind. For what? Dunno.
And similarly, when he gets started on death... He's pretty surprised when you were listening to him too. Most people are.. Creeped out, disgusted or frankly disturbed. He usually doesn't like the living because of how loud they are, they're so critical. The dead never judge.. You don't.
It was like breathing fresh air after being smothered in smog for so long...
After realising that you two are little more... Alike than he originally thought, he makes efforts to be around you. Albeit- it's a little stiff and awkward. He's not the best. But uh... So... You must like art considering you draw a bit.
Oh-. You're off again.
For some reason.. Gosh he just loves hearing the way you talk. Which is.
Very weird for him.
And.. Wow. You draw really.. Really good.
He can't draw. He's not.. Really good at anything? Other than embalming people.. And taking care of yellow roses.
... Did you wanna hear about yellow roses?
And- now he's off.
Aesop is pretty picky about music. Too loud can hurt his ears. But.. He's willing to hear what you've got. If it's overwhelming, he probably wouldn't say anything but, if you're similar to him. Maybe he likes the same music type as him?
And don't worry, he's jumpy when it comes to loudness too. He much rathers the quiet. So, if you were to shut down? He's either
A) shut down besides you
B) knowingly guiding you out of it because he's very, very similar.
To be entirely honest, I imagine he'd also need space. Other people, no matter how special they are to him, are overwhelming. So... The fact you two can both take time from each other and not be affected? Kind of perfect.
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brujadepinarrio ¡ 26 days ago
what happens if you stop being her devotee? just asking cause many witchtokers are saying different things & stuff, so I was just wondering!
Disclaimer: I think anon is talking about Santa Muerte devotion cause this is a very common thing asked about Santa Muerte devotion and I am a devotee
Oh my gosh, I really dislike witchtokers. They often act like they know everything, but in reality, they don’t. The same goes for many brujatokers. That being said, I’ve heard various things about being a devotee of La Santa Muerte. One of the questions that came up was, “What happens when you leave?” I want to discuss two different scenarios regarding this.
You are a devotee of La Santa Muerte, and after some time, you experience an improvement in your life. However, deep down, you are truly greedy—very greedy. You have been using La Santa Muerte for your own gain. Eventually, you stop being her devotee and begin to break her items, showing her disrespect. Of course, she will punish you and take away her blessings because your intentions were never rooted in good faith.(this also includes if you have been a devotee for a short time)
Another example is someone who has been a devotee of Santa Muerte for a long time—perhaps 25 or even 50 years. If, for valid reasons such as mental health, you decide to stop your devotion, you can ask for permission to leave. If Santa Muerte grants your request, nothing harmful will automatically happen. You simply may not feel her presence or receive her protection and blessings anymore.
that being said, I wanna clarify, is that just because she doesn’t give you blessings or takes them(the blessings) back, it doesn’t mean she will revoke all her previous protections. For example, if she saved you from being harmed or killed, why would Santa Muerte want you to experience those dangers simply because you stopped devoting yourself to her? Not all blessings and protections will be automatically revoked. This idea is just another form of fearmongering. Many practitioners of La Santa Muerte, including numerous Doñas and Doños, may not fully understand this concept. Whether you leave her will depend on your level of devotion, the duration of that devotion, and the reasons behind it, as well as Santa Muerte's permission, This doesn’t mean you should leave her, especially considering all she has done for you. Unless there’s a valid reason, I don't see why you would. As a devotee of Santa Muerte, I understood the commitment. I took the risk and knew I will and must always remain loyal to her. She has saved me, and if I ever consider leaving, which I personally believe won’t happen, I would need to have good reasons and seek Santa Muerte’s permission. Please be cautious about trusting WitchTok for all information, as it often contains misinformation. While some elder practitioners believe that you cannot leave Santa Muerte once you have devoted yourself, I think it really depends on factors like how long you have been a devotee, how you prepared for and expressed your devotion, and the reasons for your decision to leave.
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femhypocrisy ¡ 1 month ago
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Cool, so let's dissect Little Miss Delusional Feminist:
Gender pay gap: doesn't exist, never has. She spouts bullshit about education & all this garbage for her little feminist cushy desk job. But why didn't you go into the trades? Why not become an engineer? Why don't I see any women picking up trash? What about all those strong, empowered women framing houses or replacing roofs in the dead of summer? Oh, right - those are MALE jobs that apparently don't require any education or skill to perform. Give me a fucking break, you wouldn't last an hour in most of the jobs men do to keep your comfortable, lazy little delusional world running.
"I don't want equality, I want equity". You've had equity for over 50 fucking years but STILL bitch about it not being enough. You're provided plenty of resources to do/get what you want but unless someone holds your fucking hand like a toddler, you refuse to do anything yourself. Always making up bullshit so men will protect or provide for you. Apparently can't go to the gym to work out, there's too many 'creepers' (aka dudes minding their own fucking business). Forget any fighting or self-defense skills, can't learn something that might save my life - gotta find some sucker white night man to fight my battles for me & save me from my own stupid fucking mouth. Weapons training? Shooting ranges? What are those? Why would I practice something to empower myself when I can play cunt victim & have some loser get his ass kicked on my behalf?
"Men are more likely to commit suicide". Nobody said that - they said men are more likely to be SUCCESSFUL at it. We're tired of you & the rest of the world expecting everything for a mediocre piece of stank-ass skunky diseased pussy that's been drilled out more than Deepwater Horizon. Women can't commit to a fucking thing, that's why you take the easy way out & play pretend with your suicide. Gotta keep that victim complex alive, after all! Typical fucking cowards with zero follow-through & the world praises them like their worthless fucking existence ever mattered.
"Women are more likely to go to college" - yep, because that's where the frats, booze & fun are all had. Has nothing to do with money & everything to do with, yet again, mediocrity. Only reason STEM was ever popular with women is because the media pushed it & they realized hey - this is barely a step up from being a glorified admin assistant! I'll copy & paste some bullshit I found online & don't understand for my stupid projects, then take credit for someone else's work like I've been doing since grade school. The perfect grift!
"Men get drafted, women don't". Pretty self-explanatory. Funny how any time it gets brought up, women have to deflect or talk about how nobody's been drafted in 50 years, as if that fucking matters. Not like it matters anyways, you're the same gender that makes housework sound like a daily trudge through the trenches, or cooking is oppression. Meanwhile men learned all the skills you refused to, from their mothers who actually stayed in their fucking lanes & didn't cause problems, plus we not only do it better but have artfully called out your bullshit everywhere we can. Cute how I can keep a 2000+ square foot house clean with a couple hours work, but your lazy, retarded ass acts like it's fucking quantum physics. The only reason anything like cooking, cleaning, or basic maintenance are difficult for you is because you refuse to listen or read instructions like a fucking adult.
Last but not least, the "build your own men's shelters". So not only are we in charge of making your life less difficult, we have to do twice the work because you refuse to acknowledge our problems or struggles. You turn a blind eye to everything men have to suffer with daily & fuck us if we get emotional, right? Just more ammo to call us out for being soft, weak, pussy, or whatever other trash you wanna spout from that ignorant rotten hole in your mongoloid face. Besides, we all know the truth: if we built these shelters, you worthless cunts would be lined up outside protesting it & trying to close it down, because "fuck the patriarchy". You're allowed your bullshit "safe spaces" but anything men build or create gets invaded by the fucking plague that is misandrist fake shithead feminists & almost immediately shut down.
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bisluthq ¡ 8 months ago
the it wasnt sexy until it wasnt forbidden is from mattys pov dumbass anon 😭 like he dipped once she was all in on them being together….
if we wanna label people as cheaters based off of song lyrics tho then mr joe alwyn is a big big cheater according to the lyrics on hoax because how do you explain “your faithless love is the only hoax i believe in”? 🤠
taylor mentioning a “her” in the great war and sll…i could go on and on
either label both as cheaters or accept the fact that we will probably never know what exactly happened them and stop making assumptions
?? How is it from Matty’s POV??? “And I'll say, "Good riddance" / 'Cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden” when does it change from I back to him speaking and why would you think that??? She says she doesn’t know why he dipped (she offers a lot of theories up) and then she says when he finally tells her in fifty years time she’ll answer good riddance because it wasn’t sexy once it wasn’t forbidden. Pretty straightforward lyric dude. Also why would it be forbidden for Matty lmao like he was single/fucking around. He could fuck or talk to whoever tf he wanted to. SHE was the one who wasn’t supposed to be with him.
hoax is a very complicated songs about multiple situations all interwoven together and she’s said this verbatim. It’s a pretty song and it was her trying to do something different and just write lyrically and beautifully about many different things to that track so idk that I’d take any of it literally. It’s giving that one anon who keeps saying she “confesses” to being a functional alcoholic in Fortnight (she does probably drink too much but she absolutely confessed no such thing - the whole song is very very very metaphorical and set in a fantasy tbh).
The Great War quite clearly says she accused him of shit he didn’t do (which she’s said lyrically repeatedly - that’s also the premise of Afterglow). Now, maybe he’s the best most ninja cheater ever and very good at gaslighting but I struggle to believe that she spent YEARS trying to catch him and never did and no one ever stepped forward to be like “yeah I at minimum talked to him here are the screenshots” either while they were together or after the breakup. We KNOW who Taylor cheated with. Joe cheated with… figments of people’s imagination. (And I HAVE SAID many, many times that evidently there’s something he was doing wrong because she wasn’t able to get over her insecurities and jealousies for sooo many years so clearly he either has poor boundaries with female friends, or he’s just got a very flirtatious manner, or something but that shit’s def on him - doesn’t mean he ever did anything but it’s fucked that she spent that many years worried about it).
In SLL she talks about how he’s with her in HIS DREAMS dude loooool like idk man. She was emotionally cheating on him and had been worried about many girls since the beginning. It sounds more like projection than something she figured out. (And she acknowledges that because it’s “you’ll find someone” not “you’ve found someone” whereas SHE HAD found someone). Also what’s so trippy about emotional cheating (which is what she accuses him of there) is you can’t possibly know unless they get together with the other person or they tell you (and there’s no way Joe told her). So like… how could she know who is with him in his dreams? 😩 It’s probably like young Marion Cotillard lmao but that doesn’t mean he’s a time traveler fucking young Marion Cotillard 😩😩😭😭
We won’t ever know exactly what happened but here’s what we do know with zero assumptions: Taylor at least emotionally cheated and dumped Joe to be with Matty. Joe is willing to go on record to say from his end it was a fully committed relationship for six and a half years (sure, he could be lying but like why lol?) Taylor previously accused him of things he didn’t do and was irrationally jealous (per her lyrics - or as I said earlier he’s the best gaslighter in the world lol). Some assumption but really minimal: something about how Joe behaves made her super insecure and act a bit psycho and yes that’s also on him.
Also humor me - why would it be better from Taylor’s end if he was also cheating? Let’s say he was and she could prove it. Why didn’t she just… leave lol. Why did she get her own side piece? How are you defending her by being like “well maybe he was cheating too because the voices in her walls told her so” - maybe he was lol idk, why didn’t she just leave then? I’m reminded of that anon who tried to defend Joe by saying “maybe he never even proposed” like okay maybe so that makes him a worse person. Maybe Joe did cheat first but Taylor’s cheating still makes her a shitty person and if she stayed while he was cheating and got her own side piece it makes her kinda stupid to boot and also idk why she wouldn’t just flat out say it and tell us what he did and how she caught him.
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accio-victuuri ¡ 2 years ago
It’s time for some Christmas Eve / Christmas CPN to keep you company 🎄
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first of all, Merry Christmas! I hope that you spend this day with people you love. may it be a cozy day filled with good food and gifts.
everything below is fake. for turtles only.
☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼
let’s start with another cute story - drawing from Chengyi. This time with Bobo attempting to make bread/pastry for ZZ cause he knows he likes it. At this point, i’m just treating all the succeeding stuff she posts as fake stories. tho there is really something about a real-life person who they know, spent some time with them and saw them interact, turning into a full fledged turtle. lol. either on screen or real life, there is a factor that will make certain people believe in szd. What fans love about this comic is Bobo’s attempt in making ZZ happy by making what he likes — he is also wearing an apple watch, which we’ve been clowning about recently.
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this reminds alot of us about GG’s 2020 birthday cake and who made it. There were lots of speculation at that time and one of them was Bobo made the cake. I mean, Bobo is someone who can do anything if he sets his mind to it, tho he may be a disaster in the kitchen— he can always practice. or maybe he had a bit of help. People are pointing out that in the photos, the cake looks smooth and perfect. but in the video, you can see in an angle that it wasn’t. there is a part with no icing and looks uneven. I know someone took some icing and smeared it on his cheek but that was only a little. So was he hiding the imperfection? trying to only show the perfect look of the cake his baobao made him? 🥺🥺🥺
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When this CPN was talked about years ago, I was really skeptical because not everything is about their relationship. I mean, are we reaching too much? We are even connecting the cake to Yibo? But one thing I noticed about that cake is how simple it is. White. No decoration. Then I’m comparing it to the kind of cakes and cupcakes XZ and his team give out to staff/crew, it’s totally different. He prefers giving ones that look really pretty. So if this 2020 birthday cake was store bought or custom — why is it so plain? Unless someone handmade it. Someone who is a newbie in baking. 🤡
Example below are the cakes given by ZZ’s team to the ADLAD crew.
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talking about these cakes, there was a card given alongside it ( see p1 ) with the message wishing a happy/merry christmas eve. The handwriting ( and message ) tho is similar to what was shared before by LRLG, a handwritten letter. Coincidence? lol. This is why we love LRLG so much!
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Next is a submission in the ZSWW fake rumor house. I wanna mention it because of how cute it portrayed Bobo. 🥺🥺 I cannot post the whole translation here cause i’m not allowed, so I’ll share a few lines only.
• It said Bobo can be heard on the phone saying “I think you didn’t” and also “do you miss me?” / “do you miss me today?” / “thinking of you”
Then ZZ teases him, acting like he doesn’t miss him, and Bobo was like— “I’m the only one that miss you, you don’t miss me.”
This is so Yibo. He will only act spoiled and childish towards his ZZ, wanting his attention. It must be so delightful for ZZ to tease Yibo! Hearing that soft yibo voice ahhhhhh! We could never!!!! I’m so happy that they are in the same city now, and hopefully till the end of year or beyond. They deserve time to be together. Even if they have work commitments, at the end of the day, they can still go home to each other.
• Someone is already "quietly" preparing 🎄🎁what about you?
hmmmmmm. i doubt they will show off what each other gave, but who knows?
• OP mentioned the line : "Don't give up what you love because you're afraid" and this made me so soft. Not only does it talk about their relationship but their careers as well. yibo’s love for dancing. zz’s love for singing. both their passion for acting. They are two people who continue to pursue their love no matter what other people think. They are so inspiring. 🤍
Lastly, this unofficial bts video shared today. Nothing really incriminating. Just an example of how much they share and notice about what each other is doing. They don’t sound like two colleagues who just tolerate one another.
ZZ: Why did you just say you would go back to the hotel?
WYB: I just got back to the hotel and stayed there for an hour
ZZ: wearing makeup and wearing clothes
WYB: It’s hard. When did you switch over?
ZZ: I didn’t check the time, I just arrived 10 minutes earlier than you.
I swear. They know what the other person is doing or their schedule. It’s like they look forward to being together or whatever time they have sharing the screen. 🤍
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