#cause when did intelligence have anything to do with being clumsy
animationismycomfort · 3 months
I feel like clumsy smurfs personality in every iteration is kinda bad
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cilil · 6 months
Manwë Week Day 1
"Brother, where are you going?"
Day 1: Family | Breath & Air Relationship(s): Manwë & Melkor Synopsis: Despite many rejections, Manwë tries to connect with his brother Warnings: / AO3
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To Manwë, his brother was nothing short of a miracle. Older, greater and so intelligent and wise in his innocent eyes, he was the light of his life and the very first being he had ever perceived right after his birth, even before he had heard his father's voice for the first time. 
To Melkor, his brother was a nuisance, and his callous willingness to express such sentiments caused Manwë a lot of grief and hurt. 
Whenever he wasn't cradled in the arms of his father or instructed in the ways of music and the making of things, the young Vala followed him around the Timeless Halls like an ethereal, cloud-like duckling. He soon began to mimic the way his older brother shaped his spirit as well, assuming a form with arms, legs and a head; one he would one day recognise as reminiscent of his father's yet unborn children and the appearance He Himself took while handling them, from which he assumed Melkor's inspiration had come. 
Manwë's form, still small and clumsy, was shrouded in a gentle white and blue glow and covered by fluffy clouds he had breathed into existence all by himself, a feat that had made his father proud and Melkor laugh at him with something he not yet understood as contempt. He only knew it was bad because Eru had scolded the older Vala for it. 
"Brother, where are you going?"
Melkor was once again leaving him behind after singing together for their father, abandoning him in front of the throne, and Manwë hurried after him, hoping that maybe he would feel inclined to play with him this time. His optimism and faith in the ultimate triumph of good, undying and eternal like he himself was, had already led to many rejections, at times even being pushed away and thrown around by his mightier brother, but his innate desire to love and please those around him was ever stronger. 
When Manwë reached out with his spirit, he was instantly met with a wall of a strong, distinctly unfriendly emotion he didn't understand; one that he would one day learn was called anger. 
"Go away." 
"But why?" 
He approached Melkor without fear, opening his heart freely to show him his love and admiration. 
"Can I come with you?" 
"No. I don't want you to."
"Can we maybe play together?" 
"No. I don't want to play with you."
"Can we sing together?"
"I need no other voices. Only you do." 
Manwë's spirit shrunk a little. He was not so young and naive anymore as to not grasp the concept of being unwelcome, but he still didn't understand why, and his brother had never bothered to explain. His best guess was that he was simply too small and unimpressive for someone as amazing as Melkor, even though his father often told him how lovely he was. 
"But why, brother? Have I done anything wrong?" Manwë asked; while he was willing to leave if it made his brother happy, he felt a strong need to at least understand his mistake. 
"Because I need no others by my side." 
Melkor turned to leave him behind once more, as he always did.
"You don't have to need me. We can just... be together?" Manwë tried. Yet instead of placating his brother, it only resulted in their exchange being cut short and him being pushed back, blown away like a feather in the wind. 
All he could do was float in place and watch Melkor vanish into the ethereal light of their father's realm. 
— — — 
Manwë had considered returning to Eru to be with him instead, yet his spirit felt heavy and burdened with an unknown emotion he would one day understand as shame. He wanted to make his father and brother happy, not to have them be upset with him or on his behalf, so he hid himself and searched his ëala for whichever shortcomings prevented him from connecting to his beloved sibling. 
Alas, his search was — as it had always been before — unsuccessful, for Manwë in his youth and innocence couldn't grasp the concepts and emotions that Melkor's heart had begun to conceive ever since others were born beside him, most notably the ability to hate and envy; and ever and anon would these things elude him, as Eru had designed him to be free of what would one day be called evil. 
Thus Manwë eventually wandered the Timeless Halls alone, repeating all the melodies he remembered and making more little clouds that he shaped to his heart's content, moving them around by summoning his element. His father had told him that he would one day be the Breath of Arda, the world that was to come; and whereas his understanding of such a destiny was as of yet limited, he nevertheless felt that it was good to practice. 
There was a shape he loved in particular, one born and growing from the slowly awakening seeds of inspiration he carried within him. Manwë imagined creatures he was going to make in the future, beings of wind and air like him, with wings and feathers and other features he would devise together with Yavanna. 
He had shown Melkor his ideas, proud that he had finally been inspired like his great brother was all the time, and had been told that his designs were silly and stupid. Still, Manwë held on to his winged creatures and played with them when he was by himself, shaping their likeness with his element and carrying them around like the Children would one day have their stuffed toys. 
It was then that he came upon his brother again by accident, holding on to the biggest cuddle-cloud he had made yet. Melkor was curled up in a corner and unusually still and silent, seemingly resting from whatever he had been up to in the meantime. 
Surely it must have been a great and miraculous deed if it could exhaust his strong sibling so, Manwë thought in awe, and approached him as quietly as he could. Perhaps Melkor hadn't meant to hurt him earlier and merely thought his little brother was too young to join him. Perhaps he was protecting him like his father always did. 
Lighting up with joy, Manwë wanted to curl up beside him and snuggle up to him, but something inside him told him not to. As great as his optimism and love for his brother were, he had on some level understood that his presence might still be unwelcome; yet even so, he wanted to do something to show Melkor just how much he loved him, to give him a part of himself to nurture their bond. 
Tenderly and carefully, Manwë nudged the older Vala's ëala until its limb-like appendages opened up and placed his cuddle-cloud in its embrace. Melkor shifted then, seemingly sensing that something was nearby, but remained in his state of meditative rest. Instead he embraced his brother's creation, and a few soft notes of contentment emanated from him. 
He likes it! Manwë thought to himself, glowing brightly with pride and joy, and continued to watch his brother for a while longer until he left him alone again. 
Maybe Melkor didn't need his company and thought he didn't want it either, but there was a part of his ëala that liked when a part of his brother was with him and sought comfort in the closeness of another; and if Manwë was going to return to his father's loving embrace, he should get some cuddles as well. 
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Thanks for reading! ♡
taglist: @asianbutnotjapanese @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @bluezenzennie @edensrose @eunoiaastralwings @i-did-not-mean-to @melkors-defense-attorney @singleteapot @stormchaser819 @wandererindreams @manweweek
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ratcatcher0325 · 1 year
Hi this is a question for both Alexander and Natalie, what is one thing that you like about the other person? (It can be a silly answer or an actual serious one, whatever you guys choose)
Hello Anon!
Another dual question, I see. Natalie, you should be grateful my loving and faithful audience has deemed you worthy to occasionally include you in these asks. You're welcome! I believe some small amount of my celebrity has rubbed off on you.
Oh please, no one ever said you were humble, did they? Well, I hate to break this to ya, but there isn't exactly much star power to begin with, little sir! You're only as big as my hand, you can only shoulder so much!
How original. We're going straight for the height jokes. Fantastic. That was a low blow, Ms. Marquez.
... Now you're roasting yourself, I don't even have to do anything. This is amazing!
I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Shall we actually answer this question now? Or are we going to continue to waste this poor person's time and space on their screen with ridiculous banter?
Fine. Alright, I'll wave the white flag. Let's see... Oh, what do we like about each other? Jeez.... Nothing is really coming to mind....
Oh... Right. Yes. I find her rather infuriating most of the time.
Uh huh, we'll see what you have to say next time I give you more pain meds... High Alexander loves me.
You have no proof of that! I still think you're fabricating that entire ordeal!
What I like about him is how easy he is to tease. You should see his little face right now, Anon, he's all flustered and red, it's awesome! No, but on a serious note, I really admire his intelligence and work ethic. He's like... a little machine. He won't stop when he's set his mind on something. It's kinda amazing (and super annoying when it causes you to get stabbed in the eye with pieces of wadded up paper). But, yeah, he's probably one of the smartest people I've ever met, in this adorable travel sized package! It's great! (he just rolled his eyes at me, Anon, I can tell he loved that.)
I suppose common courtesy requires that I respond in kind? Fine, but I'm only doing because I'm being pressured. For the vast majority of our time together, I've found Natalie to be clumsy, bumbling, loud and, honestly rather annoying. But.... I suppose... If I had to say something... I'd say I appreciate her giving heart. She may not always get things right, but she can't be knocked for trying her damnedest. She's been a very attentive nurse of sorts (excepting the bath/smoke alarm incident which we will not discuss here, because I have no desire to raise my blood pressure at the moment) and I appreciate her learning more and more how to handle me with care. I suppose... and this stays between us Anon, I don't mind it when she holds me. It can sometimes even be pleasant.
Wow, you heard it here, first folks. Ol' Xandy gave me a compliment and he didn't immediately burst into flames. Incredible!
Do you see what I have to endure, Anon?
Don't be fooled, he loves it! He'll just never admit it cuz he's a little grouch at heart!
Thanks for the ask!
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kakyoinswifey · 3 years
Nicknames — Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) x Reader
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Josuke had been very intrigued since you made it clear that you weren't really single just a few hours ago. Okuyasu had actually been the cause of the clarification, always giving you compliments that made you laugh or thank the sweet boy, but the day before he had made the wrong comment.
“I still can't believe you're single when you are so beautiful and amazing, (Y/N)-san!" He said while looking at you playfully, looking at your profile as they walked towards Morioh's cafe, for a promise you made about buying them whatever they wanted.
Your soft laugh as your head bobbed, shaking your head in denial, confused the three teenagers under your charge that afternoon. "Oh, but who told you I'm single, you silly?" You blurted out, unable to stop laughing. You showed off your ring finger, a beautiful and elegant sapphire ring was flaunted on the length of your finger. "Didn't you notice?"
It was your turn to be surprised when the three boys denied at the same time, you were pretty sure that you were quite proud of that display of your marriage with the man you loved since you were very young, so you thought that the three of them were quite clumsy. The bombardment of questions did not take long to appear, "with whom?", "how long?, "are you happy with him?", until you finally managed to silence them with a clarification out loud, so that they understood.
“Jotaro! I'm married with Jotaro!" You explained, as you showed them a small photo of the two of you that you kept in your wallet.
He recognized that a woman like you definitely couldn't be single, you were very kind, intelligent and pretty; what he didn't expect was that you were in a marriage with his nephew. The stoic, rough and, without a doubt, not at all docile Jotaro. The opposite of you.
How would they have ended up together? You had told to the young Higashikata that you and Kujo had traveled to Egypt when the two of you were young, where a lot of tragedies occurred, but at least you made it out alive, so you probably fell in love there. But how was it possible that someone like that man had done something as cheesy as kneeling down to propose to someone? Doubt ate at him, he was undoubtedly a curious young man, but in all the scenarios he had about Jotaro, he would never see him giving a ring to a woman and then swearing eternal love to her and kissing her in front of many people.
And he wasn't the only one intrigued. When he managed to meet up with Koichi and Okuyasu, the two boys asked the same question. "How is Jotaro-san with (Y/N)?"
And, determined to believe that he trusted you enough to ask you outright, they were actually terrified that if the man found out they were prying into his privacy, he would definitely beat them up. It was sheer luck that, leaving school and agreeing that they would ask you when there was no Kujo lurking, you ran into them. You waved from afar and approached until you could strike up a conversation with the boys.
All three of them were nervous and anxious, so it didn't take more than five minutes for them to do it.
"(Y/N)-san, we have never seen Jotaro-san being very attentive or say anything about you, were you liying?" Asked Josuke, who was the closest to you, you had grown very fond of the pompadour boy, so you interpreted it as just an innocent question.
"I'm not kidding, how would I convince JoJo to take a picture in a suit for a prank? Even for me it's impossible." You let out playful.
"Jotaro-san is always short-spoken and serious, is he the same with you?" The smaller one asked, earning an "I was going to ask" from Nijimura.
You hesitated a bit, it was clear that your husband wouldn't like it if you were accepting the gossip that those three made, but the idea of ​​annoying him a little caught your attention and you wouldn't waste the moment to make fun of him a little.
"No, actually he's quite calm and attentive. He usually hangs close to me when we're alone, he likes hugs and even when he's busy, Star Platinum always hangs around me to spoil me, you know?" Another laugh escaped your lips.
All three raised their eyebrows. No, it was clear that it couldn't be true... Or maybe it was? You noticed that they didn't believe you, so you took it a little further.
"Do you know how he has me added to his contact list?" They denied. "Why don't you see for yourself? Just ask for his personal phone and that's it." Saying this, you left the place after waving goodbye.
His. Telephone.
"HOW CAN WE ASK FOR HIS PHONE?" they yelled at the same time.
His presence had been urgently requested at the Higashikata house because, according to what little Josuke had told him on the phone, there was a stand attacking them. Muttering a little "yare yare" he went to try and rescue the teens, hoping it wouldn't be a real problem and they could just take him down quick. Walking in, he saw the whole house in a mess, so he thought the worst... until he saw them in the living room, completely fine.
"At least nothing happened to them." He thought. He searched the house for your little figure, but he didn't find you. "(Y/N) wasn't with you?"
They shook their heads in relief, apparently Kujo had taken the bait.
"That's right! We don't know anything about (Y/N)-san! We have to contact her, who knows if the enemy has done something to her!" Higashikata yelled.
Jotaro trusted you, you were strong, but the idea that you had to face alone a stand user that they knew nothing about did not please him at all.
“Let’s call her, then." He refuted, looking for the house phone, without any trace of him. "Where's the damn phone?"
It was obvious that they had taken care of that. Okuyasu had thrown it out the window instead of quietly hiding it in some secret place in the house, but it didn't matter because Josuke would fix it, right?
"He took it away! Right after we could finish talking to you, he said that he wouldn't give us a chance to call in any more allies!" Koichi said. He wasn't used to lying, his voice had weakened a bit, although he had no other choice, they had already put him into that problem a lot —he wasn't going to admit that he also wanted to know how strange the relationship between the two elders was—.
Jotaro grunted under his breath, reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his personal phone. He didn't like that device very much, but if he called from there, you would answer without hesitation unless you were in danger. And by God, if you were in danger, he would travel all over Morioh to protect you.
Josuke, Koichi and Okuyasu looked at each other, the plan was at its climax. When Jotaro started the call, Okuyasu pretended to slip against him, the blow was so strong that the cell phone slipped from Kujo's hands and was about to hit the ground, Josuke held it with Crazy Diamond and was surprised to see the name onscreen.
Jotaro Kujo had you on file with that corny nickname. The pompadour boy wanted to make fun of him, but without your presence at that moment, it was obvious that he would get the beating of his life from his nephew.
He didn't even notice when Star Platinum was summoned and grabbed the cell phone from his stand, but Kujo didn't seem happy at all.
"What do you think you're doing? Don't touch my things." He sentenced, Josuke smiled innocently, avoiding the older man's accusing gaze.
To his good luck, a saving angel knocked on the door of his house. Jotaro was on guard, about to tell them to be on the lookout and more, but Josuke hurriedly opened the door and there you were, standing with some bagged snacks.
"Hey guys! I was thinking you've been studying hard, so I brought you desserts and candies, who's in?" You commented happily, entering the house and seeing your husband there.
You handed the bags to the three children before calmly approaching the man in the middle of the room. "Hi, honey." You said loud enough for everyone there to hear Jotaro's nickname, seeing how his cheeks flushed against his will and how he frowned. Of course you knew he didn't like public affection, but you wanted to tease him for a bit. "I'm sorry, but that's what you get for not even introducing me as your wife."
You heard him growl, and you thought of the boys. They too deserved punishment. "But, wanna know something? There was no stand, they made it up just to check your phone." The trio of teenagers panicked, they couldn't believe you had ratted them out, how did you know anyway? You looked at them now. "That's what they get for doubting me."
Jotaro's aura became so heavy that even in a house as big as the Higashikata's, he became suffocating. The boys planned a way to escape while making a mental note.
"Don't mess around with (Y/N) (L/N)."
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
Another post on Moon signs you can drag me for
Before we get into the actual thing, I'd like to say this post initially started as something else but ultimately, what I tried to put across is, sometimes Moon signs aren’t that easy to decipher. It’s easy to grasp overall characteristics of the signs and then learn how to identify their specific traits. But what people seem to forget it that Moon represents the deepest side of us & our inner world - it’s uncommon to really see someone’s side of it unless you really pay attention. Sometimes I’m surprised to see what someone’s Moon sign is even if I know this person well. Meaning, people usually hide that part of them - or they just simply process it internally and others can’t see their emotional reactions. It’s also uncommon for folks these days to fully express their emotional needs so it gets even trickier to pin-point their Moon characteristics. I don't think I have to mention this but, of course, your entire chart should be taken into account, as well as house placement, aspects. Personally, I like to also look at Moon's dispositor.
Let’s start from my friends, Gemini Moons, who, I feel, get a bad rep for not showing their feelings and scanning every emotion like an AI. Nah-ah. I know this one Gemini Moon whose immediate emotional reactions aren’t very cerebral in the sense of processing everything in the mind and intellectualizing it aka, what people like to label as being un-emotional. Instead her reactions are often fast (air energy) but physically expressed through Mercury (Gemini Moon’s dispositor) and Sun (overall identity) – she has them both in Aries. She’s a crybaby who can burst into tears in a matter of seconds. So she’s not something that would stereotypically be assigned to a Gemini Moon. But what I did notice is that all Gemini Moons tend to have this weird look on their face when they’re processing stuff. As if they were about to have a brain malfunction; they stop and have that specific worried look. They also like to either gossip or tell stories (either real or made up lol); they’re great with words - they can talk for hours if they feel comfortable with you. They just crave interaction and mental stimulation. Their quick reactions tend to make them effortlessly witty. Even if they’re a withdrawn Gemini type, they make up for it through social media and technology or just a quiet exploration. My shy Cancer pal with Moon in Gemini is now a brand/website designer and an instagram queen who travels the world. This is great energy for content creators in general. And don’t forget that Geminis need to have their fingers in many pies. It’s because they always have a backup plan… and they get bored easily so they need that chaos around them to feel at home. They like to have options in everything, which is kind of funny cause it’s hard for them to make up their minds and actually choose something. And they store a lot of information in their brains… I feel like it must be exhausting, no? 
On the other side of the axis, whenever I see someone with a Sagittarius Moon, I can immediately say “yup, a Sag Moon indeed” (probably thanks to my Sag stellium), meaning, they all seem the same to me. Sag Moons often find comfort in exploration - best if it’s literal travel. They always seem to need to free themselves from their surroundings, family, roots or their own culture to discover something new and exciting, even if it’s only in the imaginary words - through books, movies and other medias. Their happiness always lies somewhere else from where they currently are. Like, I think all Sagittarius Moons that I know have left their parents and went their own paths early on. And they have this yolo attitude. Just like Sagittarius Suns, they’re massive dorks, probably also obnoxious… sometimes in a REALLY annoying way. They’re either a) very wise and curious b) lil preachy and stuck up c) just plain dumb clowns with no filter. But they’re all funny. And they take things lightly, with a natural ease. This means sometimes they may offend other people just because they assume everyone’s as chill as they are; „relax! I was just kidding!” - that’s a phrase you’ll hear from them often… I mean, unless you’re a jokester yourself and you’re unmoved by their sarcastic or teasing words. They have somewhat spiritual or philosophical nature so besides making you laugh, be prepared for deep monologues. They want to believe everything will eventually fall into place. It’s also hard to bring them down - or I should say, it’s hard to make them acknowledge that they're feeling down - they always try to distract or cover it up with a joke, usually a self-depricating one. If Sagittarius Moon (or Sagittarius in general tbh) is telling you that they’re unhappy, then it’s serious.
I’ve noticed there comes a point in life for a Libra Moon where they just have enough. They’re too nice for everyone and one day they wake up and yell about how they have to do everything for everyone and everyone wants something from them and bLah bLah. Makes me think of when Bieber was this overly nice kid and then he was like “I’M NOT TAKING PICTURES WITH FANS ANYMOREEEE AAGhJFJFUWIUq”. Yup, a Libra Moon, everyone. They know how to charm and appeal to people, I think overall they’re easily liked by others. Sometimes it’s simply because they like to kiss people’s ass just to avoid being rejected. That’d be a Libra Moon’s nightmare. They like other people’s company too much. And they thrive in relationships and in a big circle of friends. What they hate is confrontations (like every other Libra placement omg). They may be good mediators when it comes to other people but if they’re involved in an argument they get sooooo passive aggressive. They just don’t know how to handle conflicts - it’s as if their nervous system wasn’t designed for emotional outbursts (because, you know, everything needs to be peaceful and harmonious Venus-style). A fussy or angry Libra Moon will suddenly get loud as they blame someone for something… and then they’ll leave the room cause they’re scared to even hear the other side of the argument. Or, alternatively, they’ll make a doormat out of themselves just to stay quiet and avoid causing any rift. And making decisions? I think it’s common for them to have two different romantic interests and feeling so dramatically torned between them *Alexa play Agony from Into the Woods*. Then when they decide, they have problems breaking the bad news to one of them.
On the other end we have Aries Moons. *deep breath* Listen, I think I’ve said enough about having Moon in Aries (or rather purely dissing it) but last time it made a bit of controversy so why not wreak even more havoc. I have a good description for this one: I will punch you but be gentle with me cause it’s easy to break my fragile heart. So basically, imagine putting Buttercup and Bubbles into one person. And honestly, I need to say this, women with this placement are just hot badasses, look at friggin Angelina Jolie. The queen of badass. The queen of hot. People say because Aries folks move quickly (literally and figuratively lol), they often get bored with whatever got them excited last week... or yesterday. Ha, yeah, right. You get their heart to open up and they’re going to have their eyes for you ONLY, like a lil puppy. Give us treats and we’ll build our world around you. But NOT in a clingy way by any means, we need our space and independence after all. My lil niece is an Aries Moon and ever since I started playing guitar with her, she became my #1 fan or something. That’s the energy. But we get easily bored with day-to-day stuff so yeah, there’s that. Innocent and clumsy yet raw in their emotions - so there’s potential to make mistakes sometimes (or a lot of times) or having this tunnel vision, like „I want this and I don’t care about anything else!”. And then excusing it with some „but the heart wants what it wants” crap (looking @ ya, Selena Gomez). They experience constant inner movement and turbulence that needs a physical outlet in order to feel satisfied. WE NEED PASSION IN OUR LIVES, OKAY?!?!?? now leave me alone
Aquarius Moons aren’t as cold as you might think. People like to describe them as if their Moons actually disappeared from their charts: dEtaCheD, uNeMotiOnaL, tHey fEeL nOtHinG. It’s just they don’t sit and dwell on things, they find solutions to the problems. If something doesn’t make them feel right, they just leave that situation. They do care about other people’s well-being, they’re very sensitive in that regard, they’re humanitarians after all. Yeah, they detach, but from their own emotions - in order to make sense of them. They may seem like snow queens sometimes (and this comes from an Aqua rising) but they’re really friendly and if you pique Aqua Moon’s interest, they’re going to be curious about you. They like new exciting things so if you’re cool enough, you have their attention. Usually they’re pretty progressive as well and can’t stand injustice. That’s why you’ll see them standing up for those who are in need. Uranian energy gives them a specific type of sharp intuition and wit. Idk they’re just cute in a quirky way. But this buzzing, fast energy is a great recipe for anxiety, over-thinking and frequent changes of heart. Similarly to Sadges, they need constant exploration and stimuli. Intelligent, people-oriented (but not people-pleasing! Look to Libras for that), individualistic. They definitely need their own space and independence. Their decision-making is fast and it’s easy for them to just say „screw it, I’m doing this”. My Aquarius Moon friend just casually decided that she’s moving to Turkey cause nothing in our city (or even country) seems interesting or helping her expand… So she was like, see ya suckers, I’m leaving.
Leo Moons shine from within. You’ll spot them from a mile away even if they’re on the shyer side. They’re all lil stars no matter their profession. Very expressive people & easily excitable. Art galleries, live shows, theater - they love a creative environment even if they don’t pursue that lifestyle themselves... One of my Leo Moon friends is an art junkie – suggest taking her to an obscure play at the local bar, a music festival, a weird museum – she’ll say yes in the blink of an eye. And she loves discussing these things. A Leo Moon may not see themselves as artistically inclined, but usually sooner or later they at least try dipping their toes in music, arts, acting, dancing... you name it. They’ll learn a simple 3-chord song on a ukulele and then play it to you in excitement. Imagine a lil kid making you a puff piece and being super proud of it. Sometimes they just need some encouragement. Remember, Leos feed off of praise, that’s their fuel. Doesn’t mean they’re all proud, egotistical people but what it does mean is that they need a lil assurance to gain their self-confidence. I lived with a Leo Sun/Moon for almost 15 years (who’s a musician btw so yeah, a classic creative Leo type) - he did have some issues lol but ego wasn’t one of them. Drama followed him everywhere but I’m pretty sure he disliked it himself. BUT, with that being said, I feel like Leo Moons tend to dramatize themselves internally. People say it’s something Virgos or Geminis would do - because of their tendency to overthink, but Leos can just go straight to a worst-case scenario in their heads simply because they exaggerate everything. So don’t be surprised to see a Leo Moon feeling down and anxious. On the bright side, be their cheerleader and they’ll give that to you in return. They need sparks and dullness kills their upbeat spirit. They need to feel their own heartbeat so the feeling of excitement is crucial for their well-being. Romantic, giving and kind. They’re fixed fire so once they’re set on something or someone, they give their all and are rather loyal.
I feel like my chart low-key tells me I should dislike Taurus Moons but I just want to melt in their arms and just stay there? Like, forever? Low maintenance but a bit slow-moving and stubborn. They won’t settle easily, at least not officially, so you need to have a lot of patience with them. They need 3 things to feel secure and at peace: physical stimuli, time and a stable place they know they can always come back to. And it’s not like all of them are total lazy homebodies, they may be active spirits & travellers but they are going to have a reallyyyyy nice cosy flat somewhere near their childhood place (gotta be be close to their moms, you know). Not necessary materialistic but they may have one thing that they collect throughout their entire life and they won’t. ever. get. rid. of. it. There needs to be at least one constant in their life - like you know when Elton John decided to go to therapy but one thing he stuck to was shopaholism? Very Taurus Moon of him. Also, they’re very affectionate. In fact, may have issues differentiating between affection and passion - this is actually something Taurus Moon and Aries Moon have in common. Pro tip - and this is in regard to all Taurus placements - don’t smell bad when you’re around them (I mean, don't smell bad in general, no one likes stinky people lol). They have a sensitive smell. Doesn’t help that they like to smell everything. EVERYTHING. I swear, Taurus, stop sticking your nose in every single thing!!! You don't need to know how that piece of utensil smells like. Jeez.
Scorpio Moon (shoutout to those who remember me accidentally calling them sporpio last time I made a post on Moons lol). I honestly don’t know what to tell you... I feel like all you hear about Scorpio Moon is 100% true, there’s nothing to debunk here. It’s the Moon of extremes. Prone to jealousy and surpressing emotions; severe trust issues; they’re instigators. I was low-key bullied by a few Scorpio Moons when I was in school so there’s that. Very secretive and private. Scorpio Moon will be like “I’m in control of the situation!!!!” and you’ll just look at them and think, yeah, right, looks like the situation is controlling you. But keep being in denial, sure. Like, don’t get me wrong, Scorpios in general can be TOTAL SWEETHEARTS OMG but ya’ll have issues. Even celebrities who have this placements... Think Beyonce or Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus... I feel like they have issues lol, especially with control and the need for everything to be perfectly the way they want it to be. To be fair, that’s probably why they’re all so influential and high status: it’s either their way or highway. They need constant reinvention; they’re the ones to wake up one day and decide they’re going through a spiritual awakening blah blah. They also like to talk about dark and shocking topics while having casual lunch with you... So like, be warned that you may end up with a depressed mood after talking to them for 10 minutes. And their mood swings... don’t even get me started on that.
I don't know where to start with Virgo Moons... I feel like they're very calculated and nit-picky but they're a lot warmer than Virgo Suns. I think I called them softies in my last Moon post. Very sweet people but prone to anxiety. You gotta experience seeing them having a heart attack over someone mixing bananas with milk or messing with their stuff that’s been put in a perfect arrangement. I saw a Virgo Moon once literally squealing shouting "YOU'RE GONNA RUIN YOUR LAPTOP WITH THAT SUPERGLUE!!!" Highly entertaining to watch, not gonna lie. Gordon Ramsay has his Moon in Virgo - it’s conjunct Uranus and Pluto so that’s an extreme but I think him being fed up with people over small inconsistencies in their food prep is a perfect example of this energy (btw his chart is hilarious, it literally explains EVERYTHING). They're VERY picky with their food as well, just as Virgo Suns tend to be. Like, they’ll only have a specific type of single origin coffee or they’ll be vegan or something. Self-critical over their work, which is a plus... except for when finishing a simple task takes them a few hours because they want to make it perfect. They take everything seriously. This of course doesn't mean they're total bores - on the contrary, Mercurial energy gives them witty approach and a talent for choosing the right words at the right time. Tho they can be a bit awkward or shy with it. Can be as bubbly as Gemini but the grounded earthy energy gives them more practical and almost nurturing nature - earth signs are providers after all and Virgo is the sign of service - helping others is like their second nature. I’ve noticed they often find comfort in devoting themselves to a choosen task - this is why if they pursue something, they’re really good at it. They’re also very likely to dissect their emotions.
I’m not a fan of water Moons in general but Pisces Moon is the best water Moon in my opinion. Maybe because I like Pisces overall. I think it’s like a tweaked Sagittarius Moon - just more internalized, withdrawn & gloomy. But unlike Sag, who has a tendency to be an adventurous optimist, Pisces likes to focus on the negatives instead. Obviously, they can be very upbeat, they’re Jupiter-ruled after all, but there’s somehing whiny about them lol. Just like Sadges, they dream big and have their standards put up sooo high but if there's not much active energy in their charts, they’re often too passive to actually fullfill any of that - or I should say, they’re stuck daydreaming about it, believing it’ll just magically manifest for them... OR they do everything with an apathetic approach. What I do like about them is that they’re funny. And really chill - sometimes to the point of coming off as confused or hazy. I feel like a lot of them would just love to sleep all day... or sit by the lake and just think about the world. Most of them are also compassionate folks - again, maybe a bit too much. Hey Pisces, you don’t have to take everything to heart, it’s okay. On the bright side, they have big imagination and the ability to disconnect and just create. I have a few Pisces Moons in the family: one’s that sleepy artistic type with grand visions, one is an asshole-ish but funny entrepreneur with a questionable work ethic and one is a witty IT guy who’s actually a workaholic and likes to shut in his own world of computers and numbers or whatever he does there... So there’s this factor of tunnel vision, escapism and, on the more negative side, being kinda iffy and almost addicted to the way they want things to be. Once they set their eyes on something it’s done deal…
My issue with Capricorn Moons is that they're often trying to be sooooo mature omg, like, loosen up a bit. It usually starts when they're in their later teens... They can be the most rebellious kid that likes to have fun and suddenly they'll be like "I'm too old for this ugh grow up" *judgmental stare*. My 18-year old niece once literally roasted my sister that she's in her 30s and still doesn't have her own place (well so do I so I guess she also indirectly roasted me as well???). And she was SO deadpan with it. Because she herself wants to be independent and start a family before turning 25. This is classic Capricorn Moon energy. They suck out joy out of everything lol. Of course, OF COURSE, it depends on the whole chart but I feel like worst-case scenario is that at one point in their life (or maybe even a few times throughout it) they go through a massive shake-up that makes them change their attitude and re-evaluate their structures. There's this multi-instrumentalist Yvette Young - she's a sweet, funny Cancer/Leo mix but her Moon is in Capricorn. She used to be a competitive pianist but the pressure that was put on her has led her to severe health issues. Like yes, she’s now an extremely talented musician - thanks to family’s expectations & a rigid schooling system (Saturn) but it did cost her a lot. She has recovered since then but I think it's a perfect example of this energy. It’s very ambitious and hardworking but emotionally demanding in the sense that you have to actually put your emotions aside in order to deal with the rest. Another thing, because Moon can be associated with family, there's often a weird dynamic surrounding this topic. I don't think I've met a Capricorn Moon that had a completely healthy and happy relationship with their fam or one of the family members. Or, alternatively, there can be a strong bond between one of them but usually created in the atmosphere of hardships.
Last but not least, Cancer Moons. I had three school friends with this placement and all of them made this sad, whiny face as they said „oh I don’t knoooow anymoreee”  when they were feeling torned or frustrated. To be fair, two of them are water Suns so for them, it added to the mushyness. All Cancer Moons I know are family people or better yet, baby people. One of those school friends is now a guidance counsellor, working with kids; the other turned her instagram into a gallery of her own child after she gave birth. So much kid content, omg. There’s also something very indecisive about them… or I should say, hesitant. They’re not very fast at making decisions. Also, what’s interesting, they’re kind of like walking libraries, they remember a lot – so they store a lot of information in their brains just like air signs but they process it in a completely different way – emotional, obviously. I think this also makes them hold grudges a lot. For them it’s more of a question of „how does it make me feel?” rather than „how valid is it?”. There’s certain stubborness in them in that regard because they don’t keep their minds open. It’s also hard for them to walk away from people and situations, like a crab pinching you with its claws – it won’t let go. Sensitive but not easy to open up; very protective of themselves and their loved ones & they tend to shut down in their crab shells. But they may crave connection and the feeling of belonging. Also very caring and with a big imagination. They’re very receptive of their environment so mood swings are a thing for them.
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About Sidney Pointdexter🪞
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Bio       “ Sidney's been through a lot. Has haunted Amity High since the 50's. He was bullied a lot and had little to no support, got so bad he just couldn't take it anymore...Now as a ghost he wants to use his powers to help people from going through what he did. Problem is his problems followed him to the afterlife, bigger than they ever were when he was alive. He'll have to etheir reflect on the darker side of him or end up succumbing to it. And NO one wants that, especially not him!”
Personality-Sugar-Ice personality(mostly sugar normal, mostly ice mantis), awkward, anxious, quiet, timid, meek, soft-spoken, introverted, shy, friendly, kind-hearted, mild-mannered, loyal, very insecure, secretly vindictive, secret anger issues, emotional, self loathing.
Likes-Danny, Sci-Fi stories/movies, science, space, Bugs(mantises fav), egg creams, flowers, nature, milkshakes, burgers and fries, brain food, public radio, podcasts, Elvis Presley songs, pastel colors, rainbows, books, comic books, reading, cooking, cleaning, organizing, revenge(trying to get out of that).
Dislikes- Bullies, Dash, being pushed around, closed spaces, letting his emotions get the better of him, large crowds, being near mirrors too long(current), messes, loud noises, people looking down on him, being underestimated, himself.
Headcanon VA. Sean Giambrone-Jeff(Clarence), Scott Menville(Robin, Teen Titans), Rob Paulsen(Donatello, 2012), Josh Brener(Donatello, ROTTMNT), Philippe Martin(Cody-Total Drama).
Normal- Smart(especially in science and biology), can fit through small spaces, can travel + communicate via mirrors or anything with a reflective surface, can make small objects float, cause small wind when grabbing stuff, can temporarily take over someone's body.
Mantis- Can an turn into a mantis monster if pushed hard enough, high pitched screech that can break glass, massive pincers that can slice through metal, climber, sharp teeth, wings and retains intelligence even in mantis form.
Weaknesses- Timid, physically weak(in his normal form), doesn’t do well under pressure, anxiety, clumsy, Poor self-esteem, unstable powers, influenced heavily by his emotions(ESPECIALLY anger), little control of his powers when he's in mantis mode, tends to lose himself in mantis form, holds grudges.
Used to own a pet praying mantis. Also liked to collect insects in his past time🦋
Has claustrophobia(stems from being stuffed into a locker a lot).
Been afraid to look into mirrors after the events at Casper High.
One of the insults people gave him was “bug boy” on account of his love for insects as well as his glasses and thin limbs making him look “buggy”🐛
Still likes to listen to public radio📻
Fav subject in Highschool-Science🧬🔬 Least Fav-PE🏈
Doesn't like to talk about his past life or family.
Wanted to be an entomologist(someone who studies bugs 🐛)
Likes bugs because he can relate to what it’s like to be small and weak and fantasized about being like a mantis, where he’s the strong one where as the rest of the bullies are his little insects at his mercy.
Wears the glasses Danny patched up👓
Used to hang alot around Amity High, In the ghost Zone he’d hang out mostly in the library the most. After the fight at the school, now lives at the Walker's Prison. He turned himself in.
One of the few people that actually respect Walker. Calls him Mr. Walker. He's his favorite. He tends to be gentler with Sid because of him being better behaved and his...situation. Is having people currently look into that.
After the mantis incident, became very scared to leave the prison, being alone. Severely regrets what he almost did, especially to Danny.
Hangs out with the other teens, Ember, Johnny 13 and Kitty the most. Tends to feel like an oddball but they try to make him feel he belongs.
For his monstrous form I chose the mantis because they look scary and in the 50′s(Sid’s timeline), there were a lot of sci-fi creature movies, including 1957′s “The Deadly Mantis”. I also wanted to implement a mirror theme on account of Sid’s mirror🪞
Gets along well with the Lunch Lady. Knew her back when he was alive. She was one of the nicer people to him, before dying(food poisoning or other health, food related reasons), He likes to help her with cooking when he can.
Needs therapy. Tbh a lot of the ghosts(def Danny) could use it.
Here’s the link to his rewrite
What do u guys think? Any headcanons u have? I’d love to know💖
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ssrgnt-barnes · 3 years
The Bad Batch (+ clones) as Transformers characters....?
My brain wouldn’t let me sleep until I wrote this....enjoy lol
Ok ok, so hear me out...... 
Crosshair is Lockdown, 100%. And here’s why:
Both have ✨EXCEPTIONAL✨ marksmanship skills
Lockdown has never missed a target
“His performance is the best in what he does...”
And uhm...can we talk about how their colour scheme is both dark grey and GREEN???? (I’m still in love with his imperial armour ok, let me have this)
Lockdown’s face turns into a giant long range RIFLE?? HELLO??
He’s got sniper shit galore in his arsenal for hunting (humans)
They’re also both grumpy loners
Don’t like to work with ��normal” people
Superiority complex? Major check!! ✅ 
Excelling in both painfully dry humour and cynicism~
Wrecker is most definitely Bulkhead (TFP)...
Did someone call for a giant (and I mean GIANT) hearted goofball?? I thought so!
Both are known for being unusually strong but humorously clumsy
Also both perhaps lacking in some braincells
...but thats why we love them!!
Team “Accidentally Break Stuff and Apologize To Ratchet/Tech Later” squad for the WIN 🙌🏻
Both take the term “bear hug” to a WHOLE new extreme
Bulkhead was part of the Wreckers - do I have to say more? It’s literally in the title.....
Fives is Jazz.......who else lol
Happy-go-lucky? Check! ✅ 
Good natured, loves his brothers? Check! ✅ 
Loves to talk? BIG CHECK! ✅ ✅ ✅ 
These two just give me the same vibes ok! I can’t explain it...
Cool, calm and collected......lol who am I kidding with mr.crackhead over here!
Don’t let their fun demeanour fool you though, they’re a force to be messed with!
I feel like if it was allowed, Fives would have music blasting at all times in his helmet and tell everyone it’s his theme song (and it would 100% be Taylor Swift - tell me I’m wrong lol)
As much as their head may be in the clouds, you wont find anyone more brave or loyal in either of their crew 😉
This one was tough, but I’m going to say Tech is Que, for a couple reasons:
They’ve both got a knack for inventing things
Always tinkering!! Like........with ANYTHING
They both wear some sort of “glasses/goggle” contraption....?
Looking for someone calm who avoids confrontation - these are your guys!
Both of them are quirky and quite talkative when they get on a topic they’re passionate about
even tho sometimes they can be oblivious (or so you think 🤔 , they remember everything!!!)
May not look like much of a fighter based on appearance and attitude, but these guys can hold their own with the best of them on the battlefield
Nerd bros 🙏🏻
Kix as Ratchet??? For obvious reasons....:
Medic squad unite!!
Honestly tho.......yes
10/10 would rather be doing anything else but fighting
BUT still fully equipped and able to throw down if needed
🌸 OHANA UP IN THIS B*TCH 🌸 - ain’t NO ONE getting left behind on their watch!!!
Ratchet never wanted to be a soldier
He's there to save lives, and cause it’s the right thing to do
Everyone’s welfare comes first, will not take recommendations at this time....
Could probably do a lot of damage with medical tools 👀
I want to say Echo is Drift....? Here’s my thoughts:
Ok these two, mad respect!
They both have seen some shit, okay....
They’ve both been on the wrong side of the field (Echo not by choice but never the less!!!)
Mature (Echo is the Team Mom, fight me), calm, level-headed, disciplined and patient
They both share traits of wisdom through their experiences
Their mental tact has done them well
These two thrive on it!
Loyalty, Honour, Morals - they got it in SPADES people!
Kind, caring, selfless, serious, intelligent, calculating........I could go on (seriously I could.....)
If you have any more you’d like to add, please add them! I’d love to read it!!
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min-jpg · 3 years
may i request albedo , venti and kazuha with a bimbo reader?
Note: more bimbo gf lets goooOOOOO. It honestly surprises me how many people want to see more, but I appreciate the interesting idea. Enjoy!
Genshin Boys x Fem Bimbo!reader pt.3
Part 1 - Part 2
Characters: Albedo, Kazuha, Venti
Genre: fluff, established relationship, suggestive theme for Kazuha and Venti (sfw overall)
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seeing the both of you together will surely have people baffled. Albedo, the alchemist only fixated on his job that never projected interest on anything outside of it, now dating you?
you constantly receive inquiries on how did you even attract a prodigy like him. Not only that, but you have been criticized for not cultivating a level of intelligence or maturity on par with Albedo. "What am I supposed to do about that? My boyfriend's brain is out of this world."
Albedo usually overlooks topics regarding this when appointed towards him, unless they go too far with their judgments to the point of insulting you. "You better watch what you say. I'm not sure if you want to keep running your mouth like that." The tone of his voice is always perceived as serene and tame, but one would know if Albedo has any residing anger
he also loves your fascination over his experiments or whenever he wonders on and on about what he knows. Albedo wants someone to listen and engage in what he finds interesting, whether the latter possesses any knowledge on it or not. You always give a profound response because of how easily amused you are by the simplest things. He finds your reaction adorable and felt contentment in sharing more
his lab is off-limit because your clumsiness is a walking hazard. With many potions, fragile and brittle items in there, he admits he is not willing to take the risk for himself and also for your safety. But he always promises to tell you the result of his experiment or discovery by the end of the day
with your revealing garments, although Albedo would not react much, he likes to have you as a subject for his drawing. When going outdoors, he will ask you to stop by any scenic point of interest that inspires him to pull out a canvas. "It's a method for me to preserve a beautiful memory. I hope you don't mind, my muse." paint me like one of your french girls moment
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it was only a matter of time before the both of you got together. You get along with Kazuha because of how honest you are, vocalizing everything that comes to mind first. He can gauge you as a person with no ill-intention that way. Although others may view you as naive, your boyfriend loves your free spirit that rides along with the flow
he feels at ease around you, especially because he can also speak of anything. Whether you understand or not is another thing, but you always answer back frankly
Kazuha can get metaphorical with his string of words, leaving you confused most of the time. Other times, he speaks in a simple manner. He probably began picking up that habit and adjusting to it once he dated you, just to make better conversations with you
you follow Kazuha to sail out to the sea when you feel like it. He lost count of how many encounters there are of you nearly falling off the edge of the boat when the waves come crashing. You always laugh it off and give him a peck, "I wouldn't drown. You'll save me if I do, right?" To which he just sighs at you, but not refuting to the idea
being very in tune with the condition of the weather, Kazuha will take notice of a windy day. If you wear something revealing, like a miniskirt or a short dress, he will be very wary with how he positions his gaze. Kazuha refuses to stare at what he should not if it makes you uncomfortable
you do not bear such concern as he thought you would be, so whenever a breeze wanders by, some things may be exposed to the public a little too much, "If it's you, feel free to enjoy looking at it." Kazuha will be remarkably concerned about that, but he would not hinder you from wearing what you like. He only holds onto the sentiment that you will be extra careful and also trying not to glare at everyone gawking at you. Now, if he detects a windy day, it would be something Kazuha dreads. How ironic for the Anemo vision holder
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similar to Kazuha, you have great synergy with Venti and he welcomes your presence. Your attitude is recognized as the embodiment of freedom that Venti desires because of how you act based on your own accord without fretting what others may presume of you. You are oblivious of this yourself since it comes as natural to you, but Venti can discern it well. He feels at peace being by your side
your relationship can be described as the quote, "Prepare for trouble and make it double." Venti involves you a lot in his pranks. You tag along since the fun factor is there
sometimes the pranks end up with you being the victim because of your gullible nature. He finds your reactions just too hilarious and precious. You seldom doubt anything that comes from Venti, even if it sounds ludicrous. The two of you started dating in the first place because he asked you out as a harmless joke. Only it did not fall within his expectation that you would actually believe him and accept
still, he took the responsibility to explain he was not sincere, but you only replied, "You don't have to lie! You're just shy about having a crush on me, hmm?" Venti did eventually develop genuine feelings for you after some time as mentioned earlier how he feels at ease around you
one of the favorite things your boyfriend likes to do with you is when you sit on his lap when he performs in the tavern. It would not be strange for two eccentric people to clump up together. He just thinks your beauty should be exhibited by his side, "All of you can look at her, but not too much!"
wearing anything short around Venti is asking for trouble. That prankster who can command the wind at his convenience will send a heavy breeze your way, causing your dress or skirt to fly. He finds your outfit cute though, never neglecting to sing praises every time he sees you
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
Alone Time [Werewolf!Yamada Ichiro]
(You guys can also have this as a treat... a nice 2am treat. afab reader but no pronouns used)
Ichiro’s tail swished nervously behind him as he fumbled around with the dishes, his mind on anything but doing the rest of his household chores. Part of it was caused by both Jiro and Saburo being away, he had made Saburo promise to call him once his class reached their destination, but the other part of it was because he had been bold enough to ask you to stay over. He had even made it known his brothers wouldn’t be present which you had giggled about but said nothing more on the topic, agreeing that it would be nice to have a night in together.
“Hi!” You’re happy to be greeted by the excited werewolf who quickly lifted you up into his arms, squeezing tightly as it had been quite some time since you’d seen each other. His hand lingered on your lower back for longer than normal, as though he didn’t want to pull away at all if he could help it, but the sensible side of him won out as he pointed to the kitchen.
“I’m cooking but you can relax if you want.” You noted that the living room was cleaner than it normally was, no soccer balls around though there was a vacuum positioned in the corner filled to the brim with wolf fur. Did their tails shed that much? Poor Ichiro, it must be an endless cycle having three wolves living under one roof.
“I’ll sit with you in the kitchen if you don’t mind. I like watching you be all domestic, it’s cute. Should we get a hairnet for your tail?”
“I’ve never had any issues with-” Ichiro noted the way you were smiling at him, “Oh, you’re just messing with me, huh? I’ll remember that.”
Dinner was served shortly after and you weren’t lying about liking domestic Ichiro, thinking it was quite sweet to see him making you a plate and putting it down in front of you before sitting across the table. He even took the dishes to clean them before you could offer to help, saying he had invited you over to take a break and that he didn’t expect you to lift a finger. Your insistence was a little stronger than his stubborn need to do it all so you ended up drying and putting the dishes away as he scrubbed, pleased when everything was said and done so you could both relax together.  
You managed to make it through exactly one movie before you began to feel sleepy.
You stretched, yawned, and his response came quickly.
“Should we go lie down?” You knew his request didn’t have ulterior motives, at least not in the moment, because as soon as he realized what he said his mouth hung open like he didn’t believe he’d just said that. You gave him a knowing smirk but didn’t tease him out loud, knowing he was probably beating himself up over it now.
“Sure. Lead the way, casanova.”
Ichiro hopped up off the couch and nearly forgot his manners with how quickly he was trying to leave the situation, turning before you get up to offer his hand. You thank him and take his hand, noting it’s a little sweatier than it was when you were holding it before. His anxiety is palpable and your own nerves are starting to build, knowing there’s nothing technically stopping you from having your way with each other. You had thought about it, God knows you had thought about it, and though you can’t speak on Ichiro’s own naughty daydreams you were sure there was something running through his mind with how stiff he had been acting tonight.
“Let me borrow one of your shirts, won’t you?” His eyes widened at that and you heard a shocked noise that you weren’t quite sure came from Ichiro. He stared at you a moment longer with his flustered expression before he fully processed your request, heading over to the dresser and fumbling through until he found a long, comfortable shirt suitable for bedtime. You made sure to brush your hand over his as you took it from him, shooting him a coy smile and thanking him. You admit that you’re starting to feel eager yourself as you remove your clothing, slipping into the t-shirt—And only the t-shirt.
Ichiro’s distracted as you walk out of the bathroom, mid-changing as he hadn’t expected you to be so quick. You’re disappointed that he’s wearing pants but you’d never seen him shirtless before, eyes scanning his back and soaking in all the scars that were left there. There were big and small, healed to the best of their ability; werewolves had a supernatural healing element to them so the wounds that caused scars to grow were ones either gained in adolescence, when the healing factor was much slower, or the wounds were near fatal in nature thus taking longer to heal. Your footsteps are quiet but Ichiro’s ears twitch in your direction, whipping around to face you. His eyes are on your face for only a moment before dropping to your bare legs, noting that his shirt was a little long on you but still left plenty for him to admire.
“I didn’t mean to leave you shirtless! How will you keep warm now?” You grabbed the shirt out of his hand, tossing it in the direction of the dresser as he certainly wouldn’t need it tonight.
“But wolves don’t get cold- Oh…” Ichiro was so intelligent normally but it seemed his mind was elsewhere, all your come-ons causing him confusion until you gave him a look that said ‘think about that a bit more’. He leaned in to kiss your cheek, slowly leaving a trail of kisses anywhere he could reach, helped by you tilting your head to the side to give him more access to you.
You tried to muffle your groan as Ichiro’s sharp teeth grazed against your neck, him purposely repeating the action to see if it was just a fluke. When you give him the same type of response you feel him press closer to you, his tail beginning to sway again to show how he happy he was (though it was obvious he was trying to control it as well). You gently touched his chest after you pulled away from him, fingers grazing the scarred Chuuoku brand on his skin, something that made him look away. You’re worried that you’ve agitated him at first but he grabbed your wrist as you went to pull away, pressing your hand to his chest and looking into your eyes.
He was giving you permission.
Your finger traced over the brand on his chest again, feeling guilty that you were looking at it when there was the rest of his beautiful body to admire. It was hard not to think about the burning pain that had been inflicted on him, that each and every scar must hold a sad story behind how he’d received them. You knew he had been a bit of a punk when he was younger but that seemed to be the type of lives werewolves lived, especially the ones with no parents to guide or protect them. He hadn’t talked about his father much but there was a bitterness there, a betrayal that had wedged itself deeply into Ichiro’s heart and had been the reason behind him breaking up their pack to begin with.
It wasn’t time to worry about that now.
If anything, you wanted Ichiro to forget his worries, at least for now.
You crawled into the bed first, flashing him the fact that you weren’t wearing underwear as though he needed another reason to snuggle in beside you as soon as possible. You teasingly turn to face the wall but are pleased when Ichiro pulled you flush against him, his dick hot and hard on your ass. He’s trying not to rut his hips but it’s hard, just like him, and he’s restraining himself in fear of his strength accidentally hurting you. The plan had been to allow you to set the pace, to take control so that it’d be less likely an accident like that would happen, but it seemed useless now.
His attraction, his burning desire, it was too much for him to handle.
“I guess being tempting is just in your nature,” He whispered against your neck, hands running up your leg until they caught the end of his shirt; he lifted it up, slowly, slowly, until it was at your waist, leaving it there and going down to squeeze your hip. He’s started to move his hips in a steady rhythm that was turning him on more, thinking about how soft you felt against him. “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
“Oh, is that right? You’ve met a fairy, right?”
“They have nothing on you.”
“Ooh, I’d be careful with that.” You turned your head to look at him, eyes taking a second to make out his face in the darkened room. “The fae don’t take kindly to being outdone. You might have put us both in danger.”
“I’d do anything to keep you safe.” Not normal bedroom talk but you’d be lying if that didn’t make your chest tingle, or perhaps that was just because his hands were now sliding up your stomach, cupping your chest but making no other moves just yet.
“Oh, my hero…!” Your teasing gets you everywhere, his hand rearranging itself so his fingers could gently pinch your nipple. You moaned quietly to show him that you appreciated what he was doing, arching back against him to temporarily stop his hips from moving. He’s breathing a little heavier now, which is why his next request isn’t a surprise.
“Turn around.”
His lips crashed against yours the second you did so, his hand on the back of your head as his tongue forced its way past your lips. He’s still a little clumsy when it comes to navigating such a passionate kiss but you can tell he’s putting his all into it, allowing you to explore his mouth as well; you couldn’t stop yourself from running your tongue over his canines, squeaking as it feels like you sliced your tongue though there’s no coppery taste to accompany the slight pain. He pulled away quick, a panicked look on his face as he opened his mouth to apologize.
“Shh…” You pressed a finger to his lips, “You don’t have to say sorry, baby. There’s something I want to do…but be careful of those fangs, alright?”
The only sound in the room is the shuffling of blankets as you pushed him onto his back, moving the blankets out of your way and stripping yourself of his shirt. He gets only a glance of your chest but you can tell he’s licking his lips at the thought of sucking on them, thinking he could have his way with them later when you were done with your request. You carefully positioned yourself over his, lowering cautiously as you didn’t want to totally smother him (at least not yet). Ichiro’s impatience is finally shining through and he throws caution out, strong arms wrapping around your thighs and pulling you down on his face.
Werewolves had been stereotyped as being voracious eaters and Ichiro wasn’t proving them wrong, the way his tongue was working you over being more than enough proof that he was one. You’re trying to keep yourself quiet despite knowing you don’t have to but that’s not good enough for Ichiro, no, he has to hear your voice full volume or he doesn’t believe he’s doing a good enough job. He teased your clit with his tongue, sucking, licking, going back and forth between the two as you grinded down on his face. He felt a certain thrill at how rough you were being now that you were close to the edge, being far less careful than you had before as you rode his face, desperate to come yet not really wanting the moment to end.
He would be sure to request this later, seeing how irresistible you acted when he ate you out.
You nearly pulled away from him before you came but he felt the muscles in your legs beginning to move, holding you down before you could take this delicacy away from him. You cried out his name as you came on his face, whimpering at the delicate licks he continued to give your clit as you came down from your orgasm. He could probably spend the entire night down there if you allowed him but there was another part of him you were hungry for, something that couldn’t be put off any longer.
You spend a second teasing his cock, licking up and down the vein on the underside of it as it seemed to drive him craziest. There was another stereotype about werewolves that was proven correct but you couldn’t think about it for too long, straddling his waist this time and sitting down on his length (but not allowing it to enter you). You’re slick as you moved back and forth, the head of his dick hitting your clit every time you moved forward, and you took pleasure in seeing the internal debate on Ichiro’s face. What would he do? Would he sit there and take it like a good boy, or would he let out that inner carnivore and show you who’s boss?
You’re pleased it’s the latter, legs spreading as the positions are reversed and you’re now underneath him. He lets out a growl that makes you bite your lip, his eyes on your chest once more before drifting up to your face. He leaned down to kiss you as he lined himself up with your entrance, pressing himself inside of you and waiting an extra second before going deeper. He’s thick and burning hot but it feels too damn good for you to complain about it, your body growing used to the feeling of his thick cock inside you. You’re distracted by his mouth on your chest again, tongue expertly playing with your nipple; his one hand cupped the breast he was playing with while the other held onto your hip, helping him bring your hips to meet his as he thrusted.
The pace he set was rougher than you thought he was capable of yet it still felt good, you could feel his desperation for your touch leaking through. Your hand ran through his hair, tugging as you ordered him to slow it down as you would come to quick if he kept the pace up; he didn’t listen at first which meant finding another weak spot, your hand reaching down in the dark to squeeze his ass, rising up to touch the base of his tail. He let out a whimper at this but finally obeyed, showing he still had a little good boy left in him. You wanted to memorize the way it felt to have him inside you, to have him planting kisses all over your neck and chest, to hear his begging as he didn’t know how much longer he’d last going at this pace.
“Try not to break me in half,” You grinned at him but he didn’t process it, knowing he was given permission to pick the pace up once again.
You’re pressed into the bed as Ichiro fucked you hard and fast, desperate to snap that thread, to finally come after all the hard work he had done to make this a nice night. He deserved this, you think, he deserved to feel good and you were happy that you were the one to do it. If it wasn’t you he wouldn’t be satisfied, Ichiro knew that without the love he felt for you this would just be empty pleasure but his heart felt so full as his lips pressed against yours and he came with one last thrust.
“I love you…” He gasped out, face buried in your neck as he dropped some of his weight on top of you, just enough to create a pleasantly snug sensation. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“I love you too, Ichi, don’t get so worked up.” You ran your fingers through his hair, scratching his ears in appreciation and trying not to laugh at the feeling of his tail wagging. “I love you so much it’s unbearable.”
“You think you have it bad, I’ve been thinking about sending my brothers out on a fake job just so we could be alone…” Ichiro sighed as he rolled off of you, knowing that the clean-up would be next but not quite finding the energy to move yet. “That would be bad, right?”
“…I mean, if they’re gonna follow in your footsteps you could at least call it training. Then it won’t feel like you’re lying.”
“…You’re right, that’s a way better idea.”
“That’s what I’m here for!”
“…Thank you for coming over tonight,” Ichiro’s voice is back to being a whisper, “We should get cleaned up.”
“Carry me to the bathroom, won’t you? I can’t guarantee my legs work right now.”
Ichiro laughed.
“Anything for you.”
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yoichichi · 3 years
Intern!Eren HC
warning(s): none
a/n: some Intern!Eren HC based off my CEO!Levi x secretary!reader post you can read here <- if you’d like :) I got one person requesting it in my inbox and that’s all I needed LOL :) I’d love to hear from you guys in my inbox! Hope you enjoy <3 I’m also gonna be posting more characters from this ~universe so feel free to send in thoughts or ideas !
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I’m sorry but hear me out:
He’s very intelligent, right. He was well composed in his interview to be an intern, his resume was wonderfully organized full of all kinds of references and experience, he can hold a corporate conversation like nobody’s business, and he’s definitely got this natural charm working for him
But this man can’t work a photo copier for the life of him 😭
He doesn’t know the difference between business casual & smart casual (tbh who tf does)
He is always joking with boss Levi at the WORST times
He’s AWFUL at finding things pls
Someone will tell him to go grab more printer paper from the cabinets in the break room and he’ll just go and stand in there like 🧍
“Cabinets, cabinets... okayyy what one.”
^he definitely talks to himself like that ALL the time but more on that later
But anyways he’ll be searching through all the cabinets and just,,, not see it and he’d start freaking out like oh fuck they’re gonna fire me cause my dumbass can’t find the fuckin printer paper
He’d just come back like
“Um, uh, Miss Parker I couldn’t find the printer paper🧍.”
She’s an older lady in the advertising department of the company that just finds him so endearing pls
so she goes and just opens the first cupboard he looked in and hands it to him like “here sweetie, make sure to open your eyes next time.”
She’s so sweet but poor baby is so red and embarrassed 😭
It’s even worse when she asks him to load it and he just - breaks it
he accidentally pulled too hard trying to open the paper compartment and ripped one of the plastic front pieces off and is just holding it in his hand like 😰
He jus tapes it on w scotch tape and bolts out of the room once it’s loaded and then blames it on Jean when Levi asks why the hell the printer in the front office is broken
“Yeah no I have no idea sir, I think it might’ve been Jean, I mean I saw him in here last buttt, yeah no I really don’t know sorry!”
Queue Eren speed walking to the bathroom so he can collect himself abdjdjajdjf
But on the note of breaking things it’s totally happened more than once
I STRONGLY HC this mf as being clumsy a lil like he just never fully got used to his height after he had his growth spurt
So he has a habit of tripping over himself or hitting his head on cabinets and such
This also means long arms accidentally knocking these over 😭
His first day he reached across his lil intern desk adjacent to Jeans to answer the phone and just completely knocked off his stapler and it kinda came apart
So once he was done with the call he was like no biggie I can fix this :)
And then he spent the next 20 minutes trying to figure out how the hell to put it back together
Levi happened upon him at his desk with google up on his computer, “how to put together stapler”, and he was fiddling with it in his lap and Levi was just 🤨
Eren was so embarrassed and went beet red
But as soon as Jean started chuckling Levi was like “well help him? I’d rather not have a broken stapler and besides, it’d give you two idiots something to do.”
So of course jean was like ok 🙄 but now him and eren have been arguing and BOTH been trying to fix it for another 10 minutes
Levi comes over to check on them and he’s so disappointed he’s just like “give me the fucking stapler” and puts the pieces back together and hands it to eren like 😐.
But yeah, Eren has a tendency to break things LOL
Ok back to mans talking to himself
He can be forgetful when it comes to tasks he needs to do so you’ll often find him walking around the office muttering things to himself like “phone, phone. Listen to the voicemail on the phone.”
And sometimes he’ll sing it to himself instead of speaking it cause it he finds it keeps him entertained 🥺🤲🏼
He also has a bad habit of just humming at his desk period
Jean absolutely hates it, especially when the songs Eren’s humming get stuck in Jeans head LMAO
Levi implied he was proud of Erens work ~once and he almost cried, he had to excuse himself and Miss Parker thought he was gonna throw up
One time Levi joked about long hair not being dress code and immediately had to take it back before Eren and Jean had a crisis at their desk
But even with his little quirks and shenanigans he takes his internship very seriously and is highly knowledgeable about the core responsibilities of the job, which is definitely a reason Levi accepted his application in the first place
Eren is so punctual it’s insane, he hasn’t missed a single day at his internship and has never been more than a minute late
And he’s so cute always asking Levi what he could do better at the end of his day or if there’s anything else he needs from him
At some point Levi had to ask him to only ask it once a week cause he has other things to worry about too 😭
But Levi did admire his determination to improve
Eren may be a little silly but he’ll be damned if he’s gonna lose this internship <3
Eeeeek okok so this is officially a part of my CEO!levi universe LMAO any work that is based in this will be tagged appropriately! I’m also thinking of posting a pt.2 to this with reader 😏! Lemme know if you guys are interested! I’ll be having some more works come out with other aot boys in this universe too :)! Anyways yes I’d love any and all thoughts <3
requests are open
taglist: @plutowrites @armins-futon @peachysimp (if you’d like to be added to aot, hq, mha, or a mixture of those jus lemme know!)
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Tricked Into It (Greg Gerwitz x Reader)
Word Count: 1,957
Pairing: Greg Gerwitz aka Mouse x Reader
Summary: Ever since your last breakup with someone who cheated and abused the love you had for them, you have been wary of dating. And it doesn’t help when your friend Kim Burgess won’t stop pestering you about some cute techie guy at the 21st District.
Warnings: talk of bad relationship (cheating, emotional abuse, PTSD from the relationship), descriptions of what might be an anxiety attack (I described feeling anxious but it ended up bordering on what could have almost been an attack.)
A/N: So I am working on a Kelly Severide Imagine, but I’m a but stuck on it so I came up with the idea that I take the last imagine I wrote, the other Mouse Imagine and make it into a little series of one shots, mainly cause I wanted to explore the relationship of Mouse and this librarian!reader. So this is a sort of prequel to the first Mouse imagine, how they first met which is talked about in the other imagine.
HERE is the first Librarian!Reader fic if you want to check it out!!
If you want to be added to my tags, just ASK!!
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“Kim, I swear to god!”
You slammed your book shut with a snap and looked up at the Chicago police officer, aka Kim Burgess aka your best friend, in front of you. She looked almost as annoyed as you felt, rolling her eyes and sitting down on your couch across you in your reading chair. Kim had come over after her shift at the 21st District ended, and only after a couple of minutes of peace, Kim started up on her latest crusade; your love life.
“No! I get that you care, believe me, but I don’t need you trying to set me up with someone.” You said with a heavy sigh. 
Kim scooted closer to you and leaned forward, trying to catch your eye which was avoiding hers, “Hey,” She paused and waited for you to look her in the eye, “I just want you to be happy. And I think this guy is a good match for you. Much better than -”
“Don’t say their name.”
“...Fine. But Mouse is so your type!”
You were about to start arguing again when her words actually registered into your head, “His name is Mouse? There is no way that this cop’s name is Mouse.”
“Okay one, he isn’t a cop. He is a tech expert that works with Intelligence, a civilian hired by the unit and the department. And two, Mouse is just what everyone calls him, its a nickname from when he was younger.” Kim explained.
“Tech guy?” 
“Yeah, crazy smart when it comes to hacking and stuff like that. He got the job after hacking into Voight’s cell phone in like a couple of seconds. And he was in the Rangers with Jay, plus he is pretty funny and cute.”
You looked away from Kim as you thought it through. Clearly Kim was just looking out for you, but there was no way this guy, this super-smart-tech-genius-ex-ranger, could ever be interested in someone like you. You were just a simple librarian at Chicago Public Library, living alone aside from your cat companion, Geraldine. You hadn’t done anything extraordinary with your life, and as your thought process started to spiral in an anxious tizzy, you started to shake your head.
“No, no I can’t see this guy. He wouldn’t want to get stuck with some boring librarian.” You said, your body shrinking in on itself as your self confidence crumbled. All the comments your ex significant other made to you while you were still dating came popping up into your mind one after the other after the other. Comments on your weight, your looks, how you were boring and that was why they stepped out and cheated on you any chance they could. Tears were misting in your eyes and you tried blinking them away, not wanting to cry in front of Kim.
“I mean it Kim. Drop it.”
Kim looked you over and saw how you had retreated into yourself, clearly looking uncomfortable with the topic. That’s when she sighed and nodded, forcing a small smile on her face, “Okay.”
A week has passed since the confrontation with Kim about that techie guy, and you were slowly trying to purge the whole instance from your head and get back to your quiet life. Every once in a while, the conversation would slide to the forefront of your mind, along with your anxiety-fueled spiral about your ex, and you would try and shake away the ordeal. It had made you feel small and disgusting thinking about your ex and how your self worth was diminished because of them, and you never wanted to go back to that place again. Even if that meant never being in another relationship again.
On Friday, you had gotten a text from Kim around midday about having a girl’s night and heading out to have a drink at Molly’s, this pub which had become pretty popular with the cops of the Intelligence Unit. You had been once before, and one of the owners, Gabbie Dawson, was really nice to you when Kim introduced her. So you agreed, excited to go out and hang out with Kim. 
Once you got out of work around 6, you got back to your small one bedroom apartment and fed Geraldine before retreating to your room to figure out what to wear. You settled on a pair of slender black pants and a long sleeved dark green blouse matched with a pair of green heels. Once you showered, dried and got your hair the exact way you like it, added a little makeup and got dressed, it was time to head out and meet Kim at Molly’s. You drove to the neighborhood where the pub was, some cars already lining the streets letting you know that Molly’s would probably be busy.
You parked, and hurried to get inside, pulling your winter coat around you a litter tighter as a gust of wind tried to chill you to the bone. The November night air was lung chilling and while you weren’t dressed like those young twenty-somethings with short dresses and no coats, you still did not want to waste another second with the wind chill. Once you got in, you saw that your assumption about the pub being busy was right, many people scattered around the bar, others in groups were seated or standing next to tables against the other wall. You looked around, trying to catch Kim’s face in the crowd but having trouble with how crowded. You pealed off your coat and made your way to the bar where you saw an older man behind the counter, cleaning off a glass. 
“Excuse me?” You said, slipping into the space in front of the bar, and accidentally grazing your arm against the guy sitting down to your right, “Oh sorry.” You said quickly to the guy, not really looking in his direction so you didn’t notice when he started staring at you in awe.
“What can I get ya?” The older man said as he put the glass down and gave you his full attention.
“I know this is probably a long shot, but my friend comes to this bar a lot and I was just wondering if you’ve seen her tonight? Kim Burgess?”
“Ah! I know Burgess. From the 21st District?”
“Yeah! Yes, that’s her.”
The man smiled before turning around and grabbing something from behind the bar and then turned back to you, “I haven’t seen her, but she called about 5 minutes ago saying that her friend would be stopping by tonight. She also said to get her a vodka cranberry on her and to give her this.”
He handed you a napkin and then turned away, most likely to get your drink ready. You looked down at the napkin with a rough note written on it, reading out loud the note, “Hey, something came up super last minute, have a drink on me and enjoy the night. Sorry, --Kim.”
“Sorry about that, kid.” The man said as he returned with your drink, giving you a warm smile that also had a hint of pity in it. 
“No problem. It’s not your fault.”
With one more smile he headed towards the other end of the bar, leaving you with your drink. You let out a sigh and brought the drink to your lips, trying to figure out what you were going to do next when a voice from next to you started speaking.
“You’re friends with Burgess?”
Looking over, it was the guy you had apologized to earlier. Now that you weren’t in a rush to find Kim, you got a good look at him. He had brown hair, you could almost consider it floppy-like if it didn’t also have a clean-cut feel to it. The man’s eyes were bright blue, and they looked at you with a mix of intrigue and surprise. He was wearing a blue button-up which matched his eyes, the first few buttons undone.
“Yeah, do you know her?” You asked. He nodded and looked down to his beer bottle, his fingers anxiously playing with the paper label.
“I-I work with her at the district.” He explained. “Are you one of her flight attendant friends?”
“No, god no. I’m a librarian at the Chicago Public Library.”
“Oh, that’s cool.”
“You don’t have to lie. I know it’s boring..”
“No! I genuinely think it’s cool. I-I mean I’m not a huge book guy myself but-but I did read a lot of Shakespeare in school and that was really cool, especially the-the one about the guy who dressed as a woman to hide from a mob or something and everyone thought he was a witch?” The guy rambled, his face flushing as he tried to save himself. You smirked at the clumsiness of his words and took a drink of your cocktail.
“The Merry Wives of Windsor?” You offered, and the guy snapped at the name.
“Yeah, yeah. The whole play now that I think about it went over my head at 16. But I was too interested in the Blackhawks and code. Like-Like the game that happened the other night, I was invested until that left winger from the Rangers totally checked Hartman and they put-”
“Hartman in the penalty box! Yes!! With only 3 minutes left on the clock and the take out the best right winger on the ice.” You jumped in, a smile growing on your face as the topic of hockey came up. “If he was still playing the Blackhawks would have got at least 2 more points and would have won instead of losing to the worst team in the league.”
The guy sputtered his drink and starts laughing, and immediately think its cause you had embarrassed yourself and he was laughing at you, not what you said. That was until he smiled at you and nodded his head. 
“I couldn’t have said it better myself.”
You felt a small fluttering in you chest when he smiled, something about him not making you nervous or anxious which was a change. With a smile on your own face, you put your hand out to him, “I’m Y/N by the way. Y/N L/N.”
“Greg Gerwitz.” Greg took your hand and shook it, lingering for a couple extra seconds before pulling away. “Or you can call me Mouse.”
You froze as he said that, your eyes widening in shock. He seemed to see your reaction and frowned, “Or not?”
“No, sorry.” You said quickly, trying to recover. “It-Its just that Burgess has been trying to set me up with you for the last few weeks.”
“Wait...oh! You’re that librarian! Burgess has been telling me about you too.”
“Yeah, says how you are the best person ever and that I would like you the minute we met.” He chuckled. Greg smirked and turned more towards you, “And she wasn’t wrong.”
You flushed, feeling the heat of your blush against your cheeks as his smirk widened. It was quiet between the two of you as the pub continued with it’s noise like it wasn’t watching the start of something amazing. Greg then spoke up, getting your attention again, “Hey, I know this might seem fast but I really like talking to you.”
“I really like talking to you too.”
“Really?” He asked, his face getting red again as his smirk melted away into a nervous smile, “Well, what would you say about a date? Maybe the Blackhawks game tomorrow?”
It took quicker than you thought, but all your anxiety from the week before seemed like a long lost bad dream and you just wanted to spend some time with Greg Gerwitz.
“I would love to.”
ONE CHICAGO TAGS: @carnationworld​ 
NORMAL TAGS:  @l4life​ @ithoughtiwasflying
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gryffindors-weasley · 4 years
Hues of Pink
Bill Weasley x Reader
Summary: On rainy day at home, Bill paints your nails.
Requested by @am-i-space : “Hey I recently had this thought and I would love to actually read this I think it would be adorable: Bill sitting behind you and and painting your nails, and like little neck kisses and stupid giggles from both of you and him resting his head on yours when he´s concentrating.”
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: mentions of scars, fluff, kissing
A/N: Thank you for such a sweet and fluffy request, I hope you enjoy it!!
(gif found on pinterest, credits to the maker)
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The rain was steady outside, no intentions of passing any time soon as it pelted relentlessly against the chilled windowpanes. Fortunately, there were no pressing plans waiting for either of you, and the inclement weather had only further decided that it would be a lax day around your home. You weren’t complaining though, work had been rather taxing on the both of you as of late and this gave way to some much needed time to spend together. You would never complain about that, because days like this seemed to be few and far between.
“What are you doing, love?” Bill asks, appearing in the doorway with a yawn. He leant against the doorframe as he watched you curiously over his mug and you smile brightly from your spot at the coffee table.
“Painting my nails,” you state simply, setting down your nail file amongst the assortment of other tools.
You hadn’t had spare minute to do such a hobby in a while and with your newfound down time, you thought it’d be the perfect opportunity to treat yourself. That, and it had always been a way to alleviate your stress when your mind was feeling rather busy. Though you will admit it does not work wonders in the department of aroma therapy. That much is very certain.
He hums and nods, stepping into the room fully to be with you. He was still dressed in his pajamas much like you were, and his hair had yet to meet a comb that day as it dusted over his shoulders in tangled red locks. You always playfully suggested a trim if he’d insisted on letting his hairbrush collect dust on your nightstand, but your attempts were always declined with an immediate frown. Not to mention the ginger strands you always found in your brush.
Moments later he had joined you on the living room floor, basking in the warmth of his drink that was steaming just under his nose freckled nose.
“Good morning,” you murmur, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. He turned his head in that moment to capture your lips in a sweet kiss, tasting of his usual lemon tea and an abundant amount of sugar. “Or should I say good afternoon?”
He scrunches his nose in a quiet protest, pulling away from you with a fond shake of his head and a soft smile. “Must you always tease me?”
You pretend to ponder the question briefly, tapping your finger on your cheek as he raises a brow at you. “I believe the answer is undoubtedly a yes, my love.”
He scoffs into his mug.
“Well, I believe I should stop calling you sunshine in favor of something more accurate then, like trouble.”
“Actually, Bill, I quite like that one,” You say with a laugh, more so when he narrows his tired eyes at you with a disapproving frown. Though no matter how much you may have teased him in good fun, you’d always be the embodiment of sunshine, lighting up his life in every way imaginable.
You tenderly ran your thumb over the pink scars that run across his cheek, his frown fading and the crease between his brows smoothing once more at your touch. “I’m only kidding,” you assure, but he knows that smile anywhere. “But you know I can’t resist!”
He huffs and hides his smile behind his mug as he takes a sip, setting the tattered old ceramic down on a mismatched coaster before focusing his attention back on you. It was something he always found himself to be doing, to him it was rather hard not to. And the way your tongue had poked out just past very kissable lips was only further proving his point; anything thing you did, no matter how simple or grand, always proved his point. He feels maybe he shouldn’t have joined in with his brothers in teasing Ron for the way he’s always gazing at Hermione, because he’s quite sure he has his little brother beat at this point.
He supposes one never truly understands the full scope of love and it’s effects until one is lucky enough have it. Well, he always knew love when it came to his family, he’s never experienced a moment in his life where he found himself without it. But this, this was far different from that. You came into his life and turned it upside down for the better, quite literally too when you had knocked his textbooks to floor outside of potions in your clumsy haze all those years ago. He’s sure he’s never seen someone be quite so flustered over him in all his life. Charlie was quick to take note and embarrass him in front of you once he knew his brother had caught feelings, and he quickly became flustered over you. Regardless, he was and still is profoundly in love with you, that’ll never change.
You loved him for who he is, not what he may or may not have. The scars stretching across his fair skin were of no importance either, for he’d always been beautiful to you. He was Bill Weasley, wonderfully awkward and exceptionally intelligent with a heart of gold. That’s what you loved.
His fingers tapped against his cheek as his chin rests in his palm, watching as you paint on the blush colored nail varnish with a practiced ease. You have a habit of making everything look easy, he’s noticed. For lack of better, less ironic wording, he always felt you seemed to possess a different kind of magic. One that makes the world go round, his world, one that makes everything all the more enamoring. Any spell or enchantment couldn’t hold a candle to you in his eyes.
“Can I do it?” He suddenly inquires, tucking his hair behind his ear even though it rebelliously fell right back into place. He’s decided he’s got to do something other than stare at you all day, though he is perfectly content to do so.
When you turn your head, he’s looking at you curiously, and a smile is quick to tug at your lips. He mirrors your expression with a lopsided grin, a pale scarlet dusting his cheeks.
You nod and he scoots in behind you, peering over your shoulder at the spread of polishes laid out on the small table. Before he started, you switch on another lamp with a flick of your finger so he could see a bit better. He snagged the bottle of baby pink polish you’d been working from, uncapping it and gingerly taking your hand in his own. When you opened your mouth to point him in the right direction he hushed you with a quiet hum and you laugh softly, leaning back against his chest as you let him take creative control.
He settled his chin on your shoulder, his head rested against yours as he got to work with unwavering determination. No matter the task, Bill Weasley will always find a way to make it seem as though it was of the utmost importance. Whether it be washing the dishes or being called off to work, that stoic look of concentration never failed to make an appearance. Yes, his hands had been a bit shaky and perhaps it was from the extra scoop of sugar he puts in his tea, perhaps it wasn’t, but so far he hadn’t done half bad.
With your free hand, you snag his mug of tea and take a sip, smiling to yourself at how obscenely sweet it was. If one thing was obvious, it was that he had the biggest sweet tooth out of anyone you’d ever known. He made a discontented protest when you moved once more and nearly messed up his progress, though it was one that was easily satisfied with a kiss.
For a while after that things were quiet, save for the consistent patter of the raindrops trickling down outside and his steady breathing in your ear. A cinnamon flavored candle had been gracing the room with its delightful fragrance, and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t remind him of home. It made everything all the more cozy. The day was nothing short of peaceful and everything you’d dreamed it would be; not even Bill’s lighthearted grumbling over your constant fidgeting could take away from the moment. He was the cause after all, he couldn’t expect you to stay still with the chaste and absentminded kisses he’d been pressing upon your neck. It was only fair.
“I used to paint my mother’s nails, you know,” he murmurs then, still focused on the task at hand. You hum softly in response to urge him to continue on. “Whenever she’d gotten a cold or even just felt under the weather, I’d paint her nails to lift her spirits. It was this ruby red color she always adored. Granted I was fifteen and it looked absolutely horrendous and— love don’t move!”
You giggle out a soft apology and turn your head to kiss his cheek, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Sorry.”
He pursed his lips with a hint of a smile and sighed softly, diligently continuing on with his work. “Now Ronnie gets to do it.”
The thought alone made you smile because the one and only time you’d let Ron Weasley do your nails, and even Fred for that matter, you’d ended up with more polish on your skin than your nails. It had even wound up on them, you recall. They had insisted you were moving far too much and that may have been a little true, but you’ll never let them live down their terrible nail painting abilities.
Bill’s hair had been tickling your skin and you fought the shiver it elicited, but you couldn’t seem to help it in that moment. The tiny brush clutched in his hand had smudged the soft pink pigment onto your skin, and he huffed out a laugh against your neck. He stuck the brush back in its rightful bottle with acceptance that he couldn’t get any more work done before his lips found your neck once more, your laughter relentless when he kissed the sensitive skin. He knew this fact very well, and used it to his full advantage as retaliation. His arm encircled your waist momentarily as he squeezed you close in a half hug, his own laughter mingling with yours in the little living room.
You manage free yourself from his embrace, cautious not to further smudge your freshly painted manicure. He was quick to get on his feet, though, grabbing your wrist and twirling you to face him as he tugged you close.
“Careful! You just might ruin all your hard work, love,” you scold with a beaming smile, but he seems to be far more concerned with you presently.
Your laughter fades considerably in that moment as he envelopes you in his arms once more, and with careful movements you wrap your own around his neck. You’d never quite gotten used to the way he looks at you and you probably never will; it was as if the very world revolved around you. It made the familiar crimson burn and blossom across your cheeks, his smile widening a fraction as you avert your gaze.
“You’ve got to stop doing that, you know,” you say, biting the inside of your cheek while you try and focus on absolutely anything but the way your blush is creeping down your neck.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he chuckles, but he was very much aware of the meaning behind your words.
You cast a pointed stare in his direction, daring to look at him fully. A stubborn chunk of ginger hair had fallen from where it was tucked behind his ear, brushing over his cheek. A sigh leaves your lips and he finds himself resting his forehead on yours, nudging you softly with his nose. You were starting to feel like a moment more perfect than this couldn’t exist. The pungent scent of nail polish was something you could very much do without, but it was only a minor inconvenience. For you were in the arms of the love of your life and not a single thing could surpass that.
“I love you,” he murmurs, his eyes falling closed as a much softer smile pulls at the corners of his mouth. “Very much.”
A quiet laugh escapes you, not one of mocking, but one of utter joy that had been too overflowing within you not to do so. His chuckle puffs against your lips, his arms tightening their hold. “I love you, Bill Weasley,” you breathe earnestly in the closeness, nearly stealing a kiss before you let yourself finish your declaration. “Very much.”
Both your cheeks were stained in varying hues of pink as your lips melded in the most loving of kisses, and there was no greater feeling.
Tags: @theweasleysredhair @loony-loopy-lupinn @lupinsclassroom @amourtentiaa @hahee154hq
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clotpolesonly · 4 years
Love Is Blind And So Is Stiles
some semi-crackish fluff for @sterekvalentineweek’s day 3 prompt: secret crush
| Sterek | Gen | 1.6k | Oblivious Stiles | Fluff | Getting Together |
(also on AO3)
Stiles is an idiot. Derek is in love with an idiot.
It’s not like he didn’t already know this. He’s spent too many years watching Stiles walk head first into glass doors because he’s too busy texting to look where he’s going to not be aware of how much of a moron this otherwise very intelligent person can be. But he would’ve liked to think that Stiles wasn’t completely blind.
He would’ve been wrong.
The first time wasn’t so bad. Derek had just been testing the waters, having only recently acknowledged his burgeoning feelings for Stiles and, admittedly, a little nervous about airing them. He’d thought some light flirting would help him get a feel for Stiles’ interest in him in return.
Apparently, jokes were the wrong way to go about it. Stiles had thrown his head back and laughed until his stomach hurt, yes, but he’d also socked Derek in the shoulder, called him “bro”, and loudly declared that he needed to up his own pun game if Derek was coming for his crown. Derek had made a mental note that witty wordplay won’t cut it. Stiles appreciates humor and being clever too much to realize that there might actually be intent behind it.
So if funny was off the table, Derek figured he should give sincerity a try. Flattery is the way to every man’s heart, isn’t it? And it’s not like Stiles doesn’t have plenty worth flattering. He’s a little bit brilliant, brain always going, solving puzzles and categorizing facts and putting clues together. He’s brave and loyal to a fault and will do anything for the people he cares about. He’s broad-shouldered and weirdly graceful for someone so clumsy. His eyes are fucking beautiful and sparkle in the sunlight in ways that make Derek think of warmth and hot chocolate and the forest he loves so much.
Derek, for one, thought all of that was pretty unambiguous. But when he’d said as much, Stiles had just blinked at him for a minute and then remarked upon how nice it was that toxic masculinity had taken a backseat so that dudes could lift each other up like that without it being weird. He’d slapped Derek on the back, thanked him for being such a good friend, and blithely taken his leave, leaving behind a bemused Derek and a Scott who was nearly smothering himself to keep from laughing out loud.
“Don’t worry,” Scott said, once he’d gotten a hold of himself. “I think your eyes are super sparkly too. ‘Cause I’m a pal like that, and pals lift each other up.”
Derek shoved him out of the loft and locked the door behind him.
Sincerity clearly wasn’t going to get him anywhere. Next up on the list was innuendo, but Stiles was such a shameless (and aimless) flirt himself that it never seemed to occur to him that Derek might mean it. Stiles was already in the habit of waggling his eyebrows at Isaac, and complimenting Scott’s ass, and propositioning Danny, and trading increasingly explicit and weirdly sexual threats with Erica. The first three times Derek implied that he would like to have sex with Stiles, he laughed just like he usually did with Erica and Danny. The one time Derek said outright to his face “I want to have sex with you”, he laughed even harder and told Isaac he needed to work on his poker face and get on Derek’s level.
Erica had tutted and patted him on the back.
Derek threw her out of the loft too.
Now, with practically every avenue of flirting explored and Stiles still frustratingly unaware, Derek doesn’t know what else to try. At this point, he’s beginning to doubt that anything would get through Stiles’ thick skull. If he were smart, he would give Stiles up as a lost cause and go find someone less frustrating to attempt to date. But, sadly, Stiles doesn’t have a monopoly on idiocy.
One more try, he resolves. Just one more.
Derek shows up at Stiles’ apartment on Valentine’s Day, dressed to the nines, with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates in the shape of a heart. He can’t possibly be any more obvious with his intentions. Surely, not even Stiles can misinterpret this.
And yet, Stiles answers the door, whistles appreciatively, and says, “Damn, you’re looking good! Who are you all dressed up for?”
Biting down on a groan of utter exasperation, Derek thrusts the box of chocolates into Stiles’ hands. Mildly confused, Stiles examines them.
“Ooh, these are good ones,” he says. “Nougat! My favorite, thanks, man. Did you get the caramel ones for Scott?”
Derek considers whacking Stiles in the face with the bouquet, but resists. “No, Stiles. I did not get caramel ones for Scott.”
“Shame,” Stiles says, picking a chocolate out of the box and popping it in his mouth. “They’re his favorite. That’s okay, he’s not picky. Who are the flowers for? You know Lydia’s allergic to those blue ones, right?”
“Stiles,” Derek growls. “Am I at Lydia’s house? Or Scott’s?”
Stiles glances up at him, confusion growing. “No. Obviously not.”
“Whose house am I at?”
Stiles raises both eyebrows, looking very much like he’s questioning Derek’s sanity. “…Mine.”
“What day is it?” Derek asks him.
“Valentine’s Day. Dude, what are you—”
“What did I bring with me?”
“Flowers,” Stiles says. “And candy.” He waves the box around. “Why? What does that—?”
“And who am I giving the flowers and candy to?”
Stiles cuts off when the bouquet gets shoved unceremoniously into his arms. He struggles for a moment to get a grip on it without dropping the chocolates. Once he’s got them both secured, he just stares at them for a moment, glancing back and forth between one and the other. Then his eyes flick up to Derek’s face, down to Derek’s tie—yes, he put on a fucking tie for this, and, yes, it’s Stiles’ favorite color—back to the gifts. Derek can practically see the gears grinding ever so slowly into motion.
Finally, after a geological epoch, Stiles’ eyes go wide.
“Derek, do you…do you have a secret crush on me?”
“Oh my god.” Derek throws his arms in the air, honestly at a loss. “It’s not a secret! It’s never been a secret, Stiles. You’re just an idiot. Literally everyone knows except for you.”
For a second, Stiles looks like he might take offense to being called an idiot, as if it’s not a vast understatement. Then the rest of Derek’s statement catches up to him.
“Wait, everyo— No, that’s not— ”
The chocolates almost hit the ground as Stiles juggles them into the crook of his other arm to free up one hand. He’s got his phone out a second later, hitting Scott’s speed dial. Scott picks up on the second ring, but Stiles cuts him off before he can even get a full greeting out.
“Does Derek have a crush on me?”
Even from a distance, Derek can hear the thunk of something (or someone) hitting the floor on Scott’s end of the line. There’s fabric rustling and running footsteps and a muffled, “Isaac! Isaac, it’s happening!” before Scott’s back, out of breath.
“Did you figure it out or did he tell you?” he demands. “Please tell me you figured it out, I’ve got fifty bucks riding on this!”
Stiles hangs up on him. His face goes through a complicated series of expressions very quickly. Derek doesn’t bother trying to parse them. He just cocks an eyebrow and waits. Eventually, Stiles settles on a smile that vaguely resembles the one he uses to flirt with Danny and Erica, only his cheeks are bright pink and his heart is trying to beat through his chest.
“So,” he says gamely. “Wanna go out sometime?”
Derek spares three seconds to marvel at the audacity. Then he grabs Stiles by the front of his t-shirt, hauls him in close, and kisses him. The chocolates do hit the ground this time, and the flowers too, but neither of them give a damn about that. Stiles is too busy making little surprised noises into Derek’s mouth and Derek is too busy lamenting how much time they wasted dicking around.
“God, you’re such a moron,” Derek mutters against Stiles’ lips.
“Yeah,” Stiles pants back agreeably. “Such a moron. Sorry ‘bout it.”
“After all the shit you put me through, you better put out.”
Stiles whines, tugging on Derek’s tie. “I will absolutely put out,” he says. “I will put out for you so hard. Right now, if you wanna, I’m not classy!”
Derek laughs at that. “As tempting as that is, we’ve got reservations.”
“Yes, Stiles, reservations,” Derek repeats. “At a restaurant. Which were hell for me to get, by the way, considering the date. So unless you want to go out in public wearing that…”
He nods at Stiles’ dingy t-shirt and holey sweatpants. Stiles glances down at his clothes like he’s entirely forgotten he was wearing them. His face goes red again, and Derek’s really growing fond of making Stiles blush. He thinks he should make a habit of it.
“Right,” Stiles says. “Yes! Okay, clothes. Nice clothes. For our date, the date we’re going on, the Valentine’s date between me and you that’s happening right now, because you like me—like, for real, right?”
“Okay, going!”
Stiles takes off down the hallway, socked feet slipping on the hardwood floors. Before he makes it to the end, he turns on a dime and skids back down the hall to give Derek one more hurried kiss. When he finally disappears out of sight, muttering the whole way about ties and laundry, he leaves Derek smiling and shaking his head behind him.
Yeah, Derek’s in love with an idiot. But that’s okay. The idiot might love him back.
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pub-lius · 3 years
ACTUALLY Hardcore Facts About Alexander Hamilton
Alright, take two.
I've already typed this entire thing out once, so this is likely going to be a lot more lazy than anything else I will ever post, so :).
Sources: Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow; John Laurens and the American Revolution by Gregory D. Massy; The Federalist by Alexander Hamilton; George Washington's Indispensible Men by Authur S. Lefkowitz; Lafayette by Harlow Giles Unger; Who Was Alexander Hamilton? by Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso
Hamilton wished for a war when he was like a baby. So if you know Hamilton, you know that one line where Hamilton says "As a kid of the Carribean, I wished for a war, I knew that I was poor, I knew it was the only way to rISE UP-" in Right Hand Man. Well, that line is based off of a letter Hamilton sent to his childhood bestie, Edward Stevens: "...Ned, my ambition is [so] prevalent that I... would willingly risk my life, tho' not my character, to exalt my station... I'm no philosopher, you see, and may be jus[t]ly said to build castles in the air... I shall conclude by saying I wish there was a war. Alex. Hamilton." Okay, dude, calm down, you're like two years old. I think he was actually like 14-16, but for dramatic purposes we'll say he was an actual infant (do I sound like Chernow?). But I hate how much this letter foreshadows. It's like he jinxed himself, its almost embarrassing.
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Hamilton ran a business at 14. Now if you've ever been fourteen and you were like "i think i feel like running a business" literally shut up no one asked. I think this is impressive. When Hamilton was at least 14, the guys the owned Beekman and Cruger (it had a different name by this time but this one sounds cooler) just dipped and left Hamilton in charge. This was actually a pretty good decision, since Hamilton managed it well. There was also this one time where Hamilton told a whole captain of a ship who didn't perform up to standard, "Reflect continually on the unfortunate voyage you have just made and endeavor to make up for the considerable loss therefrom accruing to your owners." This man was so arrogant I wish I had his confidence. Yeah that was cool ig, but if I met teenage-Hamilton, I'd literally hate him.
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Hamilton saved the president of his college. Ever the dramatic, Hamilton had a thing for suppressing mobs (though he was pretty much never successful). There was this one time at King's College where a mob formed to "talk" with the president of the university, Dr. Myles Cooper (by "talk" i mean make him into a tory bird). And, according to Who Was Alexander Hamilton? (this book gives me so much joy), "Alexander vowed to protect him [aww]... He stood up to the crowd, telling them that violence would only hurt their cause. He couldn't stop the crowd, but he delayed them long enough for Dr. Myles Cooper to escape in his nightgown," (Pollack and Belviso 27-29). This is a really sweet description of it, but Hamilton was probably calling the mob a bunch of insults and stuff, judging by how he later handled riots. Also, Cooper thought Hamilton was rallying the mob, so he was a complete jerk to Hamilton, but rightfully. Everyone, bully Hamilton. He's short and dead like an idiot.
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Hamilton was really cool on the battlefield, don't @ me. Now, despite being a clumsy little gremlin and an absolute dork, Hamilton was a pretty good leader, and I guess veterans deserve to be recognized for their victories or whatever. At the battle of Princeton, one of my favorites, Hamilton had very big, cool guns, and did some cool stuff. "Returning to the final phase of the battle of Princeton, British infantry took refuge inside Nassau Hall, the building that housed the College of New Jersey. American artillery commanded by Capt. Alexander Hamilton [ya boy] was brought to bear on the college building... Washington was on the scene and noticed this young artillery officer who skillfully commanded his gun battery. The general would soon invite Hamilton to become one of his aides-de-camp," (Lefkowitz 92). Wow so cool moving on to Yorktown.
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When the Americans were building their fortifications, two British fortifications were in the way. So rude. Consequently, Washington sent The Gay Trio, Lafayette, Laurens, and Hamilton, to uh, silence them. Hamilton pulled off a successful sneak attack, and won the battle swiftly, leading to the American victory in the battle of Yorktown, and therefore the war. "...Colonel Hamilton['s] well known talents and gallantry were on this occasion most conspicuous and serviceable. Our obligations to him, to Colonel Gimat [stan], to Colonel Laurens, and to each and all the officers are above expression..." -Major General Marquis de Lafayette. Lafayette is so nice I would marry him if he was alive and single and legal and not old as hell. Like omg he gave credit to everyone but himself that's so nice I'm such a simp for Lafayette. Anyway, Hamilton was cool too ig.
Hamilton caused the evacuation of Philadelphia like an iDIOT. So, after Brandywine (British victory), Washington sent Hamilton on a foraging mission in Vally Forge to get flour, horseshoes, and tomahawks (not quite as exciting as Yorktown). Well, our clumsy ginger rat got caught, and wrote to the president of Congress, John Hancock, "If Congress have not yet left Philadelphia, they ought to do it immediately without fail, for the enemy have the means of throwing a party [party rockers in the house tonight] this night into the city. I have just now crossed the valley-ford [Valley Forge], in doing which a party of the enemy came down & fired upon us."
Surprise, this turned out not to be the entire goddamn British army, it was just a few scouts sooo... let's just say Philadelphia wasn't happy. "Our Removal from Philad. Was owning to information that General Howe was crossing Schuylkill [River]... However tho' this Intelligence was from one of the General's family (Alexander Hamilton) it was not well founded & we wish we had not left Philad.," -James Duane. Yeeeaaahhh, that's awkward. Not the best way to get your name known in the capital, I must say.
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Hamilton was possibly bisexual, and this is hardcore because I say so. Now, I'll add more quotes to this later, but basically heres my interpretation of the historical evidence and whatnot. Basically, Hamilton was a really closed off, cynical guy, since like everyone he ever loved died or left him pretty much, and he wasn't really the type to make and keep close friends; "...how little dependence is to be placed on treaties, which have no other sanction than the obligations of good faith, and which oppose general considerations of peace and justice to the impulse of any immediate interest or passion," (Federalist 64); It is a known fact in human nature, that its affections are commonly weak in proportion to the distance or diffusiveness of the object," (Federalist 73). Um, Mr. Hamilton? You're projecting your trauma on the government again.
Also, despite working with him for like twenty years, Hamilton really never got close to Washington, like at all. He even said to Laurens, "I have no friendship for him and have professed none," in regards to Washington, which is kind of mean. But he ALSO told Laurens:
"Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish, my dear Laurens, it m[ight] be in my power by action rather than words [to] convince you that I love you. I shall only tell you that till you bade us adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed, my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I entertain of mankind and how much it is my desire to preserve myself free from particular attachments and to keep my happiness independent of the caprice of others. You s[hould] not have taken advantage of my sensibility to ste[al] into my affections without my consent."
*mocking Hamilton* its YOUR fault that i love you and it was RUDE that you FORCED me to love you how DARE you you SUCK i love you uwu.
Also, at the top of that letter, someone mysterious (probably Hamilton's son) wrote, "I must not publish the whole of this," and Massey still thinks Hamilton was straight.
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But yeah, that's about it. I had originally written more at the beginning, but I unfortunately lost the original draft, so I'll just settle for this. I hope you enjoyed, though, and maybe learned something or found a quote you needed or something. I did more research than I wanted to in one sitting for this, so appreciate it or I'll cry. Thanks love you <3
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pinkchanelbag · 3 years
— there’s no one else; chapter two. 
a jean kirstein x reader mafia au.
last | masterlist | next
series summary: a boy caught in a web with his survival depending on balancing niceties between his predators. a prim girl on thin ice that leads down the path of least resistance. no one too close and no one too far, no allegiance unquestioned, and no child whose value and future goes without evaluation like a playing card that determines their worth. to be destined for big things is more like being doomed to them, but that’s the way it goes. it’s just family matter.
chapter summary: the party begins.
wc: 1.9k.
cw: still nothing lol
note: putting this out short notice cause it’s JEANBOYS BIRTHDAYYY BABYYY anyway enjoy heeheee and my apologies for the slow plot thus far i swear it picks up trust me bro.
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the venue is obnoxiously grand. the garden is more akin to a football field than anything else. there is no central lighting, but rather pure white string lights everywhere, everywhere. tucked behind and underneath tables and wrapped around trees and laying in the overhead greenery and in the bushes that act as walls. wherever you look, your eyes are strained, and you’re sure the dining hall can be seen from the moon. 
speaking of the dining hall, the organizers cleverly blocked off the front entrance to the building so that one is forced to walk the expanse of the entire garden—surely to ooh and aah at its elegant taste—in order to get inside through the back door entrance. in other words, having to greet every single member of the family before so much as putting your clutch down. 
you apply a friendly, attentive expression to your face each time pieck stops to greet someone new, having mastered the art of being engaged but not so engaged it’s troublesome, while in reality being completely disengaged in any way. as pieck converses with a bulky man drinking wine and you pick apart the key points (“we don’t got the ammo to make deals with top contractors—legal team in shambles—not good to have a weak spot”), really you are letting your eyes wander over the shrubbery which has been trimmed to perfection. yes, the lights are a pain and the band is too loud so early in the event, and there is not enough walking space between the bushes so people squeeze together to reach the large clearing of the garden. a perfectly obnoxious party, except you can’t help but appreciate the greenery. somehow, it is the only thing about this evening that doesn’t seem ridiculous. or maybe you’re just unusually irritated tonight. 
your eyebrows knit so slightly at this realization. why are you being so disagreeable? impatience and intolerance seem to grow in your chest for no particular reason. you make a note to identify the source of your mood, and quickly resolve it. there’s work to be done.
karina braun is a kind, opinionated sheep of a woman. she is liked by all, and not because she’s particularly easy to like, but rather because she’s hard to hate. stuck in her times and not having much intellectual value, she is possibly the most important woman in all the families. being the mother of reiner braun and the head of the braun-galliard family, gives her luxury without responsibility. you’ve only met her once before, and she possessed the kind of ignorance many privileged older women have. but still she’s kind, so you can’t justify how she makes you weary. 
her birthday, funnily enough, constitutes one of the very few gatherings that frowns upon trying to discuss family matter during the events, unlike a young girl’s birthday. it has to do with respect, you suppose. 
you spend your first half-hour at the party hovering around pieck as she makes small talk with associates, becoming increasingly nervous at your lack of breakthrough in communication with the family. you know the most important thing is your encounter with karina, and that will open up further talks with others, but you stall to approach her, imperceptibly steering pieck further away from the centre table where the older woman sits. not yet. 
“are you going to keep leading me through the same semi-circle, or are you just going to go talk to her?” pieck asks calmly. you curse her intelligence in your mind. 
“i’m just nervous,” you murmur, smiling politely at a group of men at a distance that eyes you like the business deal you are. 
“you should be, but that doesn’t change that you have to do it.” your eyes flick to look at the woman beside you for a moment. her expression is not encouraging or consoling, nor is it unsettling. it’s fitting. what you and pieck have is less than friendship but more than acquaintanceship. often you feel as thought she’s reading your emotions like an open book, which can be scary considering how many of them you really hide. but if and when she sees them, she doesn’t seem to care, whether they’re incriminating or worthy of sympathy. she sees you, and that is all. it’s not a comfort, nor a curse. 
“what are you waiting for?” she says, but it’s a genuine question rather than a push to complete the task at hand. you realize you’re waiting for porco. you want porco at your side. you want his strength and his jagged-edged ambition, and the forcefulness that makes you do the things your heart has no energy for.
“i just think it would be better if the boys were here,” you breathe. again, pieck sees your meaning, and your fright, and leaves it be. 
for the next eternity, you drink champagne and stretch back your memory to know if all parties are this boring once you become an adult, or if the braun family has a particular talent for making you crave the sight of paint drying. the closest thing to entertainment—and not the hired folk who attempt to call themselves singers—is gabi’s voice, which can be heard no matter where in the garden you stand. she tells stories, strikes up arguments, and gathers food and drink with her friends, all at top volume. for some reason, you don’t find amusement in this either, and really start to worry about this attitude problem you’ve got this night. to add on, porco’s meeting seems to stretch painfully long. it was a short-notice meeting, which either meant something very very good or very very bad—more so when he told you he was being picked up for it by reiner, colt, and annie. some of the most important family members gathering for an emergency meeting means trouble. your anxiety bubbles in your stomach, and you worry that your not approaching the woman of the hour is reaching a point where it might be seen as—rude. 
the guests are alerted that dinner is ready. it’s not long before each person has situated themselves along the tables that line the large garden. the seating plan is loosely maintained, but you have nowhere near the entitlement to mingle among other tables. you find yours and stay at it, and it’s only then that you get an idea of just how many people are at this event. each table is packed, holding roughly six people, and there are too many to count in the chaos, but they create a semi-rectangle in three respective rows. you make out countless bodies but few faces, just an endless sea of tuxedos and lovely dresses. at the front of the garden is the head table, where karina sits alone save gabi’s bouncing body going back and forth. your table is is only a few feet from hers, but you take a seat that puts your back to her front so you don’t make the unforgivable mistake of accidental eye contact. you’re to sit with porco, and his table—the galliard table—is the one closest in importance to the braun table. you are the only one at the table, further reminder of porco’s tardiness. the longer you fiddle with the white cloth on the surface, the more you worry about what exactly the meeting could mean. 
and then pieck comes and sits across from you without a word. as always, you know it’s only family matter—the concern that you look out of place—motivating her and not your obvious discomfort, but you’re grateful nonetheless. 
as the servers stream into the garden like white-clad troops armed with dome platters, a champagne glass’s unmistakeable ding ding ding catches the attention of the guests. a table near karina’s opposite side, not quite flanking her but near enough to display some importance. a man stands with his glass raised, looking unfitting for the position with the way his arm hesitantly dips and re-straightens. bertholdt, yet another notable name in braun-galliard (and it’s your job to know all the names), seems to be the only person around able to give the welcome speech. it’s easy to listen only selectively to the announcements and shoutouts, disregarding all the thank yous and remember whens and listening in for honored guests (who are honored because they’ve proven themselves useful). luckily for you, bertholdt’s clumsy speech has a clear distinction between the two categories, his eyes downturned to cards in which he lists off important guests and whatever thing they did to end up on he list before him. 
“a special welcome to general theo magath of the mexican military, who has been so generous to the family’s trade routes…” bertholdt’s words are careful, partly because of the nature of the things he is sharing, but also because all his actions have been careful since his fall from grace. formerly one of the most reliable heavy men in the family, bertholdt’s reputation was shot to hell when an important—very important—family member was killed on his watch. despite having happened years and years ago now, it took extensive efforts to just convince the higher-ups that he wasn’t in bed with the killer. it’s common knowledge that bertholdt’s incident was the first and last time someone “had it easy” from braun-galliard due to his close friendship with reiner himself. 
“an especially relieving guest to see here tonight—“ 
and—finally—the stragglers stalk into the clearing. like most others, you hear of their arrival from the ripple of murmurs long before you see them, seeing as their whereabouts are blocked off by tables and bushes. a few people stand up, but are quickly beckoned to sit down again and redirect their attention to the speaker, who clears his throat nervously. 
“carry on, bertholdt,” reiner’s affecting voice breaks through the space, and it’s enough to settle the audience, or at least have them pretend to pay attention while the late-comers shuffle through the outskirts of the tables to find their seats. bertholdt proceeds slowly. 
“…a person i’m sure we will all come to rely on during this chaotic time…”
you catch the first glimpse of porco as he turns the final corner of the rectangle, reiner walking before him and colt and annie just behind. reiner is the first to arrive to his table, the invitees seeming to hold their chests a little taller for the family’s true head—in every way except on paper—as he slides into his seat and presses a kiss to his mother’s cheek. 
“…a great legacy behind him and a bright career ahead, and we’re surely glad he’s kicked it off in our company…” bertholdt goes on. you and porco’s eyes meet, and immediately you know something is the matter; you’re just not sure if it’s fury or ecstasy in his gleam. 
colt and annie find their seats in the table just after yours, and finally porco is near enough to see—and ignore—the look of alarmed curiosity on your face. he arrives to the table, giving pieck a look of “we’ll talk later,” and briefly stopping behind your chair. his calloused hands are on your arms for a moment, running up and down comfortingly. 
“—a happy welcome to—“
“hey, doll.”
“—jean kirstein.” 
and your eyes flick away from porco’s and into the crowd of faceless bodies, and the anxieties that kept your brain buzzing with life halt and collapse to the floor of your mind like dead flies.
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butterfliesinmyguts · 4 years
A Helping Hand
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summary: reader always helps around and levi wonders why.
warning : fluff, angst, and happy lovely stuff(may or may not turn into a series)
“ you did better today...” Mikasa breathed pushing my body off of hers. I finally was able to take her down. before dinner, she’s been helping me train to get better at combat.
a smile fell on my face, getting up and dusting myself off, “ keep it up and I’ll be more scared of you then those titans are..” I was able to keep up with Mikasa in ODM training, which was nearly impossible for everyone else. i felt at home in the air- as soon as my body begins to float, everything thing else zones out. my swords were just an my arms extended and I felt so powerful killing titans- scared yes- but powerful, but on ground I’m a clumsy wreck.
“ now let’s go eat before our meals fall victims to Sasha” letting out a laughed, I quickly remember a promise I made earlier today.“ could you save me a potato or something? I promised Jean I’d cover for his stable shift...” My friend sighed, “ again y/n?” quickly nodding, I set off to the stables.
I didn’t mind helping, if it was me I would want someone to offer to help me. sometimes I helped hange with mission plans, the days we go into town a lady sometime needs help carry supplies in her store, at the end of the week I help armin with reading, and at the beginning of the week I help captain levi organize his papers.
helping Levi is my favorite part of the week, if I’m in his office late enough he’ll set a cup of tea in my face with the words “ drink “ following after. while in my focused trance of replacing the water for the horses, and daydreaming about my captain Levi- two feet come into my line of vision. looking up my eyes were met with cold grey ones and then his trademark frown.
“ why are you out here, this is Jean’s punishment” dropping the buckets to the dirty stable ground, I wiped the sweat off my palms against my pants- fucking Jean, you told me this was duty.
“ just giving him a helping hand” my voice cracked, trying to laugh off the pure nevrousness that his presents brings me. I admit that im extremely fond of captain levi. he’s was the only guy that has ever made my stomach go crazy just by looking at me. the way he holds himself, short- yes- but never looked down on. he is humanity greatest soldier, during training I swear that he watches me. I feel his eyes burning my skin, the one time I did catch him Levi’s eyes widen and his breath hitched. I would kill to even be able to hug him, sometimes I imagine what it’s like to kiss him-but know that’ll never happen, hange told me that he thinks I’m silly and child like - he’d never feel that way about me.
“ - and now you’re standing there looking stupid, are you going to answer me y/n?” I realized that I’ve completely blocked out everything he said.
“ i.. please repeat the question- I’m sorry.” pinch his nose, my captain shook his head toward the ground. “tch, I asked you why your doing his punishment ?” shrugging, I began to brush the horses. “ I like being a helping hand, -“ before he got the chance to scold me I continued with “ it’s the only thing that makes me feel happy..”
looking up to catch him staring at me, our eyes locked together and for the first time ever I saw his eyes soften. taking him in, cause I may not ever be allowed to do it again, my heart ached. Levi is beautiful, breathtaking. his youthful glow made those dark orbs glow,if lips werent in the plain straight line- they would be puffy and pinky- so kissable. pulling my eyes away I finally breathed, trying to focus on the brush going through the horses hair while Levi still watched me. “ if that’s the case I need help mapping out the next expedition, hange told me your quite intelligent.” my cheeked warmed and a smile began to creep up on my lips- hange is getting so much praise next time I see them.“ I’ll find out for myself..” that smile dropped. “ come to my office after you clean and change from your filthy clothes.” nodding I watch the man walk towards the dining hall. On the inside, I was doing leaps. more time with levi, and we’d be talking to each other- I get too share my thoughts with levi.
“let the horse boy have fun with his siblings, and if I catch you doing other’s chores I’m making you run until the sunsets...” and you giggled.
during dinner levi couldn't help to think of you. why did you look at him like that, was there something on his face? maybe you were just scared, but no he’d always caught you looking at him. rather it been during training, in the dinning hall, and even doing expeditions.
Recalling back to when he first saw you, that smile you had permanently planted on your face- stupid what made y/n so happy? he was even more stunned when you got your ass handed to you by reiner during training and yelled “ again!” with that grin. that beautiful smile, y/n was beautiful- everyone knew it. levi heard eren, jean, connie, armin, and even hange talked about what they would do to have you in they’re beds, they all ranted about you body- Levi will admit that he has imagined your shy breath as his hand roamed your skin but It's more than looks with you, you care so much and you're gentle with him.
y/n would make sure that you take off your boots when entering his office ( which is tedious a job in itself ) but you did because Levi hated it when his floors were dirty and when on missions you squeeze all you cadets hands just to comfort them. no one ever has been gentle to him, it made him feel important but more importantly, why couldn't he stop thinking about you.
after showering, you changed into you nightclothes and headed to levi office. you knocked softly to quick “ come in..” I opened the door to Levi pulling two cups of tea. “ your late, I hope you didn't finish the stables...”
pulling your shoes off placing them beside his door you watched him pour, “ I didn’t” assuring him. moving towards the desk, examining the maps- Levi’s notes were so oragnized and neat. each note had so much detail about the surrounding area. while familiarizing with the map, Levi placed the tea cup infront of you. “ drink.” Brushing passed you, he set down in his chair.
why would he risking going in the open field for 740 meters, “ wouldn’t it be better to use this patch for cover?” expressing my concern, levi leaned up and listened to me rumble about the how it’ll be longer but it’ll save more cadets- every change I got I took a peek to see if he was still listening.
those sliver eyes watched me draw circles and point at the map, bottom lip between his teeth. i imagined how good it would feel to push my lips against them, the relief and pleasure that would rush through my body. I craved him “urh- but those are my thoughts..” finishing pushing away from the desk, distracting myself by sipping the tea.
“ where would we stop ?” Levi questioned, my heart warmed up, I stood over him to explain better “ over there would be a great rest point..” pointing to it, my neck completely in front of levi. I felt his breath hitched, clearing my throat i grabbed the pencil marking the on the map. “ I notice a cabin the last time we traveled...”
“ tch, impossible that’s a bit of the trail, with those tree you couldn’t have seen anything..” looking down in shame “ well while everyone was sleep I explored, even found a waterhole..”
I knew the risk of exploring, but I couldn’t help myself. while setting up for camp I saw a stream pulling down and I just had to see.
“don’t ever do that again...” nodding feeling ashamed, does this mean I have to go stay in the dungeon like eren? his eyes lighten a smirk playing along his lips.
“ just don’t go alone okay?” smiling at his words. sitting across from him I continued to tell him my discoveries - making sure he took notes of the waterhole and fields filled with berries. Levi forced me to write all my finding down, and he promised to even follow me on one of my ventures next time.
as time flew by tea cups were spilled, by me of course, and I was forced to re write the papers I ‘ ruined ‘ leaning my head on this desk my eyes flutter - wake up y/n - yawning I turned to levi still writing, how is he still writing? that tea was not keeping him up. so much energy, my eyes trailed his toned arms- the veins moving every in each stroke. blinking I distracted myself from my dirty thoughts.
“ you need to sleep levi” stretch my bones, the pop and crack give me a shot of adrenaline so I can actually wake up. “I’m fine” he muttered.
Levi eyes sunk from the lack of sleep, he was fighting it- too focused in his work to care that his eyes were burning and skin was red with an indention on his finger from the pen. “ they’ll be there tomorrow I promise..”
I reach to grab the papers, placing my hand softly on his bicip- he stiffened instantly and pushed my back into his bookcase. my ass landed on the ground,“ owe!” I cried, rubbing my back. fuck he is strong for a little guy, wow.
levi rushed over and I swear his eyes were widen, like he was worried that he actually hurt me. Levi quickly leaning down watching me.“ I didn't mean to that y/n” a couldn't help but smile at him. were so close right now, my nose filled with his fresh scent- mint and tea leafs.
“ don't worry captain I-” levi’s hand pat my head. I could fucking scream in joy right now. did he just pat me? he never touches anyone. what does this mean, pulling away I watch his hand close as his finger tips carcassed his palms. as if he was trying to saver the feeling of my head, huh?
“your being gentle with me, why?” questioning him- levi set down in front of me. “ why not, your gentle with everyone else..” my eyes widen, he notices me In that way? planting his hand on my cheek, my heart stop, It felt so warm- his thumb wipe the tiny tear from the corner of my eyes. I’m blushing “I just flung you, and your still smiling why?”
shrugging “ I should have known that what’s going to happen” breathing out, I stared at his lips. “ y/n..” nodding not looking up at him. just kiss him, Levi is right there.
“ l'm going to kiss you..” he leaned and pushed my hair out of my face. repeating those words in my head, “ is that okay?” nodding quickly our lips came together as Levi took me in. I felt his chest against mine, and I couldn’t help but to grip his collar pulling him closer.
our lips begun to dance with each other, levi hands landed on my waist pulling me on top of his thighs. that smile still planted on my face between the kisses, while my hand combed his undercut.
my daydreams weren’t even a compare to the real deal, gently rubbing the back of his neck, Levi groaned into my mouth. With each movement we gained a slow rhythm,our body flowing against each other. I couldn’t help but to moan in pure pleasure I was feeling.
levi pulled bac slowly and watched me with my smiled in a drunken daze. replaying the moments in my head, Levi just kissed me, Levi my captain levi thinks of me- he thinks I’m gentle. a “ wow” left my mouth as he got up, leaning down quickly to steal one last kiss. my smiled never left my lips as I stood up leaning against the bookcase as finger tips brushed over my lips, hope the tingling sensation never went away. Im buzzing, I’m buzzing- all because of him.
watching the man, pick the fallen books up his eyes went to the window . “ it’s almost dawn, go get some sleep” Levi ordered coldly , point toward his bed.
fuck, “it’s dawn already!” I darted around Levi’s office trying to clean my area and while getting myself together. Levi stood there confused, as my actions all clicked in his head- arms crossed tightly along his chest.
“ I promised sasha that I’d help her with her hair this morning- I hope she’s not up already- oh no” slipping on my shoes on. opening the door to walk out, I give him a warm smile. “ I’m so sor-“
“ don’t worry, thanks for the helping hand..” leaning in to kiss him I was met by a closing the door. dumbfound I stood there, “what?”
part 2!
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