#cause we gon beat the shit out of him and he WILL fight back
confused-beany · 1 year
The formula for a Best Boi:
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mattsfavbigtitties · 2 months
Blind, Deaf, and Mute Challenge/ Sturniolo Triplets
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Warning: Cussing, purely platonic, playful flirting, Implied chrisxreader, finger sucking.
A/n: ngl this took SOOO long🥲 playlist y/n has
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“Gitchie, gitchie, ya-ya, da-da. Gitchie, gitchie, ya-ya, here.” The video starts with you in front of the camera doing the sprinkler dance.
“Get out the way bitch!” Nick comes into focus and pushes you around the frame. “So, it’s been a good enough gap between the last blind, mute, and deaf challenge. We decided to do it again!” Nick says as he does jazz hands while walking behind the table.
You and the boys go ahead and play rock, paper, scissors to debate which person gets what. Matt and Chris went and Matt won, so he picked mute.
Then Chris and Nick went and Nick won, so he picked deaf which made the youngest mad. Chris had to pick blind, leaving you to choose. You had a fear of the dark and you speak a lot of nonsense, in conclusion you picked to be deaf. And it’s not as bad as the other two because you get to listen to your favorite songs.
Afterwards, everyone put on their respective gear which were the headphones and bandanas. A problem you had to figure out because you left yours in Nick’s room, so you went to run up real quick.
When you get to the ground floor you’re focused on connecting your headphones to your phone. Right before you place them on your head you hear a grunt and something stumble to the floor.
“Matt fucking gut punched me.” Nick stands up slowly and bends over holding onto his stomach with a grimace on his face. You start laughing to yourself as you put your headphones on fully and go to stand behind the table along with the other three crazy kids.
“Y’all, I can’t hear shit.” You slammed your hands on the wood table in front of you as your southern side came out. “Y’all.” Chris mocked a foreign country voice, laughing at you. “I saw your mouth move, bitch! I know you being rude, you fucking hoe!” You shouted out at Chris who only laughed harder in response and flopped himself on the table.
As Matt and Nick get the cupcake pans, measurements and the bowl for the batter, you get the eggs out of the fridge. All while Chris stands there looking like a total doofus, in your eyes.
“What are we doing, Nick? Aye!” Chris hollers, looking for an answer back, shaking his head around to hear anything as you dance around with the eggs in your hands shaking them like maracas. Matt shoves Nick who was in La La Land dancing around.
“AH! Don’t touch me bitch, ew, gross.” Nick backed up into the fridge raising his hands in surrender. Matt slaps him multiple times to get his point across while exaggeratingly pointing his hand towards Chris.
You move around them, putting the eggs in the metal bowl Nick set down while bobbing your head to a beat in your ears.  “Nobody wants to see us together, but it don’t matter, no. ‘Cause we gon’ fight, oh yes, we gon’ fight.” You sing softly, placing one hand on both Matt and Nick’s shoulder looking between both of them.
Matt shakes his head walking away to help Chris. “OHH! Chris, are you ready?!” Nick shouts, finally getting what the hand movements meant.
“Yeah! Hello?!” Chris replied, waving his hands around in show. “We’re making cupcakes, Chris!” Nick shouts again, chucking the whisk that was held in his hand just a few seconds prior beside the bowl.
“Damn, took you long enough.” Chris sighed in exaggeration as he felt around for the box of cake mix. Once in his hands, he rips open the box in many pieces and throws it away behind him.
Which landed absolutely everywhere making Matt groan and you laugh who saw the whole thing while Nick was faced the sink dancing again, in his own world. NIck walks back to the table, still dancing and singing of course, just as Chris once again rips open the clear bag of cake mix, feeling around for the bowl and dumping the powder into it.
Next thing you know, you see Chris throw the empty bag to his right, hitting Nick right in the face with leaving him to splutter about, waving his hands around in dramatic effect. “PFFT” Nick blows raspberries, face morphed into disgust with wild eyes as he shoves Chris’ shoulder.
“GOD! I’m right here, you idiot! Can’t you se-oh my God I forgot.” He pops his lips and looks around with his eyes avoiding Matt’s accusing stare. You ignore them, looking into the distance behind the camera while nodding your head to the beat that plays inside your headphones.
Nick takes the bag that landed on the ground and throws it in the trash can. Matt groans, realizing he had to put the box pieces back together to read the instructions.
He sees you in his sight first and hits you on your shoulder multiple times to get your attention. “HUH?” Your eyes widen a bit, trying to get your ears to listen, but it’s useless as Matt can’t even speak.
He gestures to the piece of cardboard in his hand and then points to you, then points again to the floor signaling he wants you to look for the others.
“WhAT?!” You shout, extending your arms in an ‘I don’t know’ pose. Matt sighs heavily and proceeds to exaggerate his previous movements with more umph. You gasp loudly as you finally understand what he’s trying to say.
“OHH, OKAY. I’LL FIND EM!” You point your pointer finger at the ceiling with a confident look on your face. He quickly made a shushing motion with his finger at you.
“Ohhh, whoopsies.” You whisper back leaning in and place the same finger from the air to your lips in an agreement and go crawling on the floor looking for any other cardboard scraps. Matt looked around with furrowed brows and shook his head, weirded out with you crawling on the floor, paying attention to the other two who were currently running around the table.
While Matt takes care of them, you crawl around on all fours looking for the reminisce of the box, also while avoiding the crazy men running around up top. Soon enough you found enough to make out the instructions and everything needed.
You stand up quickly from behind the camera, where one piece had surprisingly been, scaring Nick in the process.
”A-OH, my God!” Nick started laughing at himself. Resulting in Matt stifling a laugh and you bursting out loud laughing, walking over to the middle child and handing him all the cardboard pieces from the ground.
“OKAY, what is fucking happening!?” Chris shouted, asking what all the commotion and laughing was from as he stood behind the table with his hands fiddling with the bottom of his tank top.
“Woah! I could hear that. Good thing my song was changing, damn.” Nick shook his head and moved the whisk away from the bowl.
“We’re going to start now, okay!?” Nick shouted as the music started playing again. “Sheesh, finally.” Chris raised his hands in exasperation and started reaching for the bowl and eggs.
Nick went in to go for a high five with Matt after he moved the whisk. “Matt, you can see that I'm going for a high five, no?” Nick smacked his lips together wiggling his hand that’s currently in the air while Matt just stares at it.
All while you’re listening to Low, so while you sing, “Them baggy sweatpants and the reebok with the straps. She turned around and gave that big booty a slap.”
You slap Nick's booty that was to your right. “She hit the floor. Next thing you know, shawty got low, low-” You start squatting and slapping his ass repetitively.
“AAH, Y/n stop that, what the fuck are you doing, girl?” Nick turned around smacking your hands away quickly, like lightning, giving you a death glare.
You nervously smiled in response, getting up and walking behind Chris, using him as a barrier. Nick points suspiciously at you and gets back to helping Chris get the oil.
After repeating ‘Yas queen’ every time Chris poured the oil professionally in the measuring cup, Chris chuckled into laughter every time, Chris dumped the oil into the bowl. Now onto the next step, the eggs, the difficult job.
“The eggs next!!” You yelled into Chris’ ear as you repelled out from behind Matt with strong retribution. While you help Chris put the eggs into the cup, he keeps flailing his arms.
“I only call you when it’s half-past fiv-OW BITCH!” You sing as you sidestep to try and get away from him, you get smacked right in the boob.
You start hitting him back and he smacks you back, so you guys are just standing there having a girl slapping fight.
“What the fuck is happening oh my gosh. STOP, You fucking minions!” Nick got in the middle of it, spacing his hands towards each of your chests trying to stop both of your hands. Chris turned around to the table in front of him again muttering about how it was all your fault and that you started it.
As Chris finished getting all the eggs in the bowl along with the oil and powder, Matt put all the egg shells into the measuring cup, going to throw it in the garbage. Nick saying something stupid of course and dancing around in his way equaling to Matt jiggling the cup up and the shells aimed at Nick’s chest, making him scream in disgust.
“Are you fucking kidding me, your disgusting!” Nick picks a shell off the floor and throws it back at Matt. Matt’s response to that is to run after Nick, resulting in a chase around the table.
While Matt is chasing around Nick, Chris is lost as fuck at what he’s hearing and you’re just singing and putting all your emotions in the song. “Just gonna stand there and watch me burn?! Well, that’s alright because I like the way it hurts.”
“What the fuck is going on?” Chris is just so confused standing next to the fridge rearranging his blindfold.
Nick walks past ready to stop the chase and Matt throwing more egg shells at him. “Matt fucking chased me and now i’m covered in fucking baby chicken.” The aggravation in Nick’s voice has Chris as he asks “What?” in surprise.
Chris pushes the nearest person to his right, that being Nick and he stumbles over into your stature behind him just a singin’ away, leading to you falling for real and getting up quickly singing the Trolls song.
“If you knock, knock me over. I will get back up again, oh.”
Nick shouting sorry at you as you walk away to clean up the thrown egg shells everywhere while Matt tends to helping Chris get the water from inside the fridge. Nick comes over to them watching carefully how much water is being poured in the measuring cup.
You come back from the trash can to Nick yelling at Chris to hold the cup straight. “Hold it flat. Flat!. FLAT!” Nick’s face is practically in the cup as he looks at the numbers written on it.
Matt helps move the bowl under where Chris’ hand was with the cup. “Pour it, baby girl!” Trying to be quiet with your words, you felt Matt's slaps as Nick was singing Melanie Martinez again by the sink.
“M’kay.” After he poured the water in, you saw him patting his hands around for the whisk. You thought of a brilliant idea to play a trick on him and the best view for the fans to see.
You reach for the whisk that's near the camera on the table and put it where if you had one your dick would be.You grabbed his hand and brought it to the utensil so it looks like he’s touching your dick.
While Chris was mixing the batter with Matt helping occasionally, Nick decided to have a dance break. You saw it from the corner of your eye and wanted to join him.
Next thing you know you were shaking it real bad while “Country girl” was playing in your headphones. As your dance break was coming to an end as the other two boys finished mixing, the song came to your favorite part, the chorus.
“Country girl, shake it for me, girl, shake it for me, girl, shake it for me.” You sang the part while shaking your ass. “Get it queen, slay!!” Nick shouted even if you couldn’t hear, hyping you up by flinging his finger around in the air towards you.
As Chris just finished mixing he got the batter all over his hands. “Nick, I need a towel please.” he reached his hands out to feel for the other man and in the process came in contact with nicks shirt, so he just wiped his hands off with that.
Nick screamed and swiped at his brother's hands away. “Get away! What the fuck, Chris?!” He holds his hands out in front of him in a way to protect himself from the ugly monster hands.
“Like he’s coming at me with gross hands. Like get a towel or something.” Nick then realizes what he said and slaps his hand on his mouth in shock, cackling at himself.
“Oh my God, am I stupid. I’ll get you a towel buddy don’t worry.” He patted Chris’ head as said man replies with mumbles.
He went around the two boys and you who were just standing, leaning against the stove singing along to a random song. Nick comes back to Chris with a napkin in hand, still giggling and smiling as Chris just grins at his idiotic brother.
As soon as Chris wipes his hands off Nick goes back to practically yelling the Melenie lyrics flowing through his headphones. “Not it off, fucker!” Chris yells at him. And of course Nick can’t hear so Matt smacked Nick a couple times, Chris doing the same, reaching for him around in his little bubble.
“Like a priest behind the-” Nick runs around to the opposite end of the table, Chris chasing after, being careful of falling.
While the two boys are running in circles, you move beside Matt as one of your favorite songs is playing through your ears. Causing you to grab onto Matt’s shoulders, shaking them back and forth as you put your face right up to his, your nose almost touching his cheek as his head faced the rascals.
“But I ain’t promiscuous and if you were suspicious, all that shit is fictitious, I blow kisses. Muahh!” Then you kiss Matt’s cheek while Matt side eyes you and the camera the whole time, him used to your random shenanigans.
Next would be to pour the batter in the pans and cook the cupcakes finally. You go through their cabinets real fast finding the pam spray for the cupcakes to not stick to the pan.
“Got the pam, my kings. Time for a lubing experience!” You held up the pam to the ceiling, shaking it around for the boys to see, except Chris of course. You came over beside Chris, turning him to face the camera and table while still holding the bottle, Chris fiddling with his hands.
“I’m gonna guide your hands, baby girl. You’re going to spray the pam on the pan, okay?!” You slightly yell in Chris’ ear as for him to hear you properly.
He raised his eyebrows in surprise and laughed quietly, jerking his head back a bit to escape your sudden ambush. You glance at Matt for permission to start, he scratches his forehead in response, sighing quietly into his bandana.
You smile brightly with all your teeth as you take Chris’ hands and shove the spray bottle in them, making sure to face the nozzle to the pans. Matt walks over to take one of the muffin pans in his hands to hold out for Chris to spray them with your help.
You feel a bump to your back and your hips hit the table making you yelp, turning around to scold Nick who was laughing while saying sorry over and over while waving his hands around repeatedly.
“When should I spray, Matt-I mean Y/n, fuck.” You rolled your eyes paying attention to the other boys.
“Spray now, pretty boy.” You finally got your voice to a nice volume, Matt raised a brow at the name as Chris pressed down on the nozzle
“Oh! My God-” You yelped again, this time from the shooting pam getting all over the table and on Matt's hand holding the pan. After Matt moved around the pan for the butter to get into every hole the best he could with you helping the blind man move his hands around, he motioned for you to grab the pan on your side.
“Stop real quick! Oh my goshyyy.” You drag out your words as you move to grab the muffin pan and shove it in the air in front of the nozzle at a decent space away.
“Alright spray away.” Just as he pressed the sprayer down the butter came in contact with your hand holding the pan, you just stared with a blank face making the :[ lips in disappointment. “You got your jizz on me, fucking whore. What the fuck.” You shot a stare at Matt as you moved Chris’ hand to the empty spots in the pan, you watched Matt wipe his hands on Nick’s back as he danced past him in his own world.
You moved your eyes and paid more attention to Chris again as you saw there was enough on the pan. “Stop! No more, man.” You sat the pan on the table moving them directly in Chris’ sight-if he didn’t have the blindfold on.
You watch Chris try his best(fail) to put the bottle correctly on the table upright, all it ended up doing was falling and rolling to the very end of the table near the camera.
“You’re doing great, Chris. “ You sigh, holding out your buttered hand in front of you, freezing in place not knowing where to go as Nick was dancing right behind you and Chris and Matt were to the left of you.
“You don’t sound very proud though, Y/n.” Chris chuckled, setting both his hands on the table leaning up against it waiting for directions. You hummed, hearing him as the song was changing at that time. Don’t worry, baby, you really did great for a blind guy. “ You pat his head with your non buttered hand as you came to the conclusion, very fast, to turn around and wipe your hands on Nick also, resulting in him seeing this time what was on your hands and screaming dramatically like always.
“AHH, what the fuck, you bitch! You got some kind of fucking cum all over your fingers! Get away from me, oh my God!!” Nick retreated backwards with a traumatized look on his face shoving your hands away from his shirt.
“Boys call you sexy and you don’t care what they say…hehe” you sing softly and giggle menacingly, wiggling your brows in faux suggestion. Nick screwed his lips up and backed away towards the other side of Chris where Matt looked with wide eyes between you two.
You face the camera giving a show(dance) as you put your right hand on your chest “When I grow up-”, then point to the ceiling while your other hand rests on your hip. “-I wanna be famous. I wanna be a star. I wanna be in movies.” You bring both hands under your chin with your palms facing up while you bob your head back and forth. 
“When I grow up-” You once again put your right hand on your chest then point to the ceiling while your other rests on your hip. “-I wanna see the world. Drive nice cars. I wanna have groupies.” This time you bring your hands to your mouth and blow kisses left and right while bobbing your head.
After your stunning performance, you join Chris’ right side again while Matt is holding Nick back while he rants about where the trays are. You went ahead to help Chris get the batter in the trays. You put your hands on top of his as you start to pour the batter with him into the first pan.
“Oh, when you walk by every night, talking sweet and looking fine.“ You start singing ‘Fantasy’ while you guide him for the batter into the correct holes as he sings with you a little bit.
“I get kinda hectic inside. Mm, baby I’m so into you. Darling, if you only knewww.” Chris joins in with a fond smile on his lips as you guide the bowl up to stop the flow of the batter and move to hold the second pan underneath the bowl, letting Chris resume pouring the thick liquid.
“YAS, YAS QUEEN.” Nick hypes you up while you hold the tray up and help get batter in the muffin holes. Matt, to the left of Chris once more, helps with the silicone spatula, moving the batter stuck to the sides to the direction the bottom of the bowl is faced.
 After Matt practically cleaned the bowl with the scraper tool, you set the pan beside the first one on the table and took the bowl from Chris to put in the sink as Nick told him to take off his blindfold finally.
You turned around from putting water in the bowl to the top and saw the three boys without their bandanas or headphones on and pouted walking over while taking your headphones off.
“You bitch! You didn't tell me we’re done, you fucking loser ass whore.” You slapped Nick on the shoulder closest to you and Nick’s pained yell cut off right as the screen cut to when the cupcakes were done.
Chris comes towards the stove with the camera right as Nick turns around. “Oh my God, I thought you were gonna attack me.” Nick gasps, eyes wide, holding his chest with one hand while the other holds an oven mitt from when he just took the pans from inside it. Matt was to the left of Nick as were you to Matt, Chris behind the camera obviously.
“You whore, you almost gave Nick a heart attack. “ You move to slap Chris playfully, but he moves backwards in time already anticipating your move. You gasp dramatically in offense bringing both hands tight to your chest in faux anguish.
“Don’t mind him Y/n, he’s just being a booty licker.” Nick pats your shoulder as Matt and Chris go into shock, their mouths agape in revelation to what Nick had said.
“Anyway! Back to the cupcakes.” You redirect their attention to the pans with tiny yellow cakes in them by presenting your hand towards the oven top where they lay.
“Like th-the c-cupcake itself looks very warm and fluffy..” Chris points the camera up close to the cupcakes, already letting go of the forgotten words said previously. “Like the c-c-c-cupcake itself.” Matt taunts, mocking Chris.
“Shut the fuck up.” Chris giggles. Nick suddenly gasps and holds up a fully burnt piece of batter with his tooth pick, showing it to the three of you and the camera. “I will actually venmo you a hundred dollars if you eat this.”
“For real, bitch? You're not kidding?” You ask shockingly. ”A hundred twenty dollars to eat this.”He says looking you straight in the eyes.
“I’d need cash, five hundred.” Chris chimes in from behind the camera.
“Hey man, free money.” You shrug your shoulders, pushing Chris out your way to the stove top, grabbing Nick’s wrist and making him put the black, burnt piece of practically char into your mouth.
“Jesus, lady. A little too sexy for me.” Nick speaks as Matt and Chris look horrified as they watch you eat it with a soured face while shaking your head back and forth like a wiggle worm. All three of them start laughing loud as you shoving them away and quickly speed walk to the fridge where there was your body armor you brought over.
You chug down most of the drink, all while Chris films up close to your face. You slam the bottle on the table breathing heavily from not taking a breath drinking. “So how was it Y/n? Was it the yummiest thing you ever ate?” Matt laughs smugly, rubbing your back with one hand.
“Send it, Nick.” You sigh, shaking your hands ferociously with the shiver that went down your spine. “Alright, we’ll be back for the frosting of the cupcakes.” Matt pushed the camera away.
“For the CUPCAKES, YAY!” Nick squeaks out as he does jazz hands above your head from behind you. “YAAHOO” You squeal back in a yoshi voice, back to your old self in a matter of moments, shoving your forehead to the camera lens.
“Nah, no transitions babe-” Just then the camera cuts off Chris’ voice to you and the boys standing behind the table, each with a cupcake plated in front of you.
“We’re all gonna decorate one cupcake fully blindfolded. Lemme get all the supplies.” Nick says, walking around you to grab the sprinkles and icings by the sink counter.
Soon enough everyone had a blindfold on, Chris having to help you to not get your hair caught in it. First thing you roamed your hands around for was the small tub of white icing.
Thankfully finding and using it before anyone else got to it. You took the butter knife from the table, scooping what you thought was only a little, but ended up being a whole lot of icing on your cupcake where you made sure it was right under it.
After practically using the whole tub, you reached for some sprinkles, lifting a hand to peak out your blindfold for the pink one and seeing all the icing on your cake.
You suck your lips in and widen your eyes, pulling the bandana back over your eyes, continuing to open the sprinkle top. You proceeded to just twist the whole top off, pouring most of them in once again.
“Where the fuck is the fucking icing?! I’ve been searching for hours!” You hear Chris from your left groan in despair. You giggle quietly, hearing him slap his hands against the table fumbling around to find the icing. “Hey! Mister, that's mine.” You call out as Chris hits against your plate, making a scratching sound from all your sprinkles.
“Womp womp.” He mocks at you as he accidentally touches the very bottom of your stomach while reaching around.
"Chris stop! You’re literally touching my puss, you fucking dumbass!” You screech out, moving backward, flailing your hands out to push him away from him barely touching your pubic bone.
“WOOAAH, WOAHH!!” Nick shouts in horror and shock with his mouth agape.
“Not in the kitchen, guys.” You can practically see Matt’s smirk from your far left in front of you.
“Well I COULDN’T FUCKING FInd it!” Chris yells, flapping his hands against his thighs in aggression, his voice lowering in pitch due to your laugh shushing. “I had it alright damn. Chill out pretty boy.” You move up to the table again, finding the icing more by Nick than you, but who cares and handing it to the pouting man.
After the explosion everything went pretty fast as you four quit talking, focusing on making your cupcakes beautiful. “Dude I got frosting on my face, ugh.” Chris groaned, taking off his blindfold.
“That’s fine baby, I’ll lick it off ya.” You smirked, already having your blindfold off. “WOAH, AGAIN?!” Nick shouts, taking his off also, seeing Matt with his off too.
“Aww, I wanted blue. Oh! It matches my shirt!” He wiggles. “Wait! I thought I used this? Ohh I forgot to cut the tip off” Nick groans while Chris sucks the icing off his hands and Matt picks at his, wiping it on his pants.
“Oh my God, I tried to use that to make a smiley face. WAAH” You fake cry, heading to the sink to wash your hands and drag Chris along too. In the background of the video, fans could see you and Chris whispering while washing hands behind where Matt and Nick were inspecting their(and yours) cupcake designs. In the corner Chris speaks quietly to you.
“So, you really wanna lick it off?” With raised brows he whispers. You decide not to answer with words, but in action.
You took the non wet hand of his and made sure Chris’ back was hiding it from the camera, taking his pinky that was covered in white frosting slowly into your mouth. The whole time your eyes were locked on his own.
You sucked hard, rubbing the finger with your tongue, trying to get all the icing off in one go. You slowly removed the pinky, so as to not make too much noise.
Once it was fully out, you saw a little white still on the left side and moved your tongue out to lick at it. When finished, you pull his hand under the running water faucet, squirting soap on him as you hear him let out a deep breath.
In the end yours kinda looked like Chris’, all pink sprinkles and so so so much icing. You take a bite of yours and some crumbs get on your shirt.
“Um, you got a lil' somethin' somethin' on your tittie, Y/n” Nick pointed out to you and everyone there. “I know, I was saving it for later, you whore.” You bit back at him and he held his hands up in surrender with wide eyes. Matt walked up to the camera showing his cupcake upclose.
“Mine. The blue cyclone.” He showed his cupcake covered in blue sprinkles and you joined in front of the camera with yours too, shoving it up closer than Matt's.
“Yas bitch! And my pink pussaayy.” The cupcake covered in pink sprinkles is shown with a bite taken out and a made line, from you obviously, in the middle which looked like it was lips.
“Don’t sa-”
And the video ends there.
@ chris and y/n in the back omg so cute
@ y/n has THE literal epitome of a shuffled playlist it’s fr wild
@ y/n and matts moment!!!!
@ the old songs….I LUV
@ rockin the sexc songs girl fsfs
@ jealous of y/nnnn ;(
@ y/n is too wild fr
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TAGLIST: @riowritesitall @conspiracy-ash @miyasturniolo
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2knightt · 1 year
Heyyy can you do a Dallas (outsiders) x male hippie???? I think it would be cute :)
↳heartbeat, my heartbeat!₊˚✧
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──IN WHICH, Dallas Winston falls for male hippie reader!。✦
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he hated you before, i’m sorry.
he hated how much you advocated for peace and love.
bullshit, he thought.
 you were following dallas winston around, telling him that he shouldn’t just beat up people. how, peace and love can fix everything, how violence isn’t the answer.
“c’mon man, you’re better than this.”
“no. no i ain’t.”
“cause you ain’t try to be better.”
he didn’t try?
why did he need to? he’s already a terrible person. might as well make the best of it.
“what d’ya know, hippie?”
“i know that love can fix everything.”
“like what, wise guy?”
“wars, fights, arguments, and other things.”
dallas kissed his teeth and rolled his eyes at your corny answer.
you thought dallas could change.
you knew anyone could change if they just, tried.
dallas just thought you were full of shit.
“what planet you come from, huh? this is real life. ain’t nothin’ like that gon’ fix wars.”
“well, we haven’t had a war recently to try. which is good, means the world is a step closer to peace.”
‘step closer to peace,’ his ass.
you’re so bright, he pissed him off.
“just scram, hippe! i ain’t tryna get a lecture from a lowlife like you!”
you sighed, getting a sad expression on your face.
“see, dallas. this is what i was talking about.”
“don’t call me dallas.”
isn’t that his name? you thought to yourself, with a confused look on your face.
“why not?”
“dally sounds better. dallas ‘s to formal for my liking.”
oh, he just wanted to sound cool.
you smiled, nodding to acknowledge his answer.
“alright, dally.”
“ugh, nevermind. you can call me dally when you get that stupid smile off your face.”
he said, with a grossed out face.
his eyebrows were scrunched up and his top lip was raised.
he looked you up and down, finally noticing your ridiculous outfit.
you had a brown jacket on, with these strings hanging off at the bottom.
you had a white shirt on that was unreasonably dirty. dallas wanted to ask why, but he didn’t want another 15 minute story.
you had almost white jeans on. they had different patches of colours sown in, making them stand out.
your pants were wide, they basically covered the shoes you were wearing.
dallas noticed the large peace necklace you wore.
god, how annoying.
he finally looked up to look at you, eye to eye.
that’s when he noticed how, handsome i guess.
your eyes shinned real bright. your lips looked soft, softer than anyone elses.
god—he never knew how attractive you could be.
“starin’ is rude, dally.”
“i ain’t starin, hippie.”
“calling me a hippie isn’t an insult. it’s just what i am! i mean, do you take offence when people call you a greaser?”
dallas thought about it for a bit.
i guess he didn’t. i mean, that is what he is after all.
“see? ain’t all that bad.”
you said, in almost a sassy tone.
he was gonna answer you in some way nobody would like, until you walked off.
you saw your friend—M&M, they call ‘em.
of course you’d be friends with him, dallas thought.
you turned around to face dallas one more time, to say your goodbyes.
you were taught it was rude to leave without saying goodbye at a young age.
you shouted, holding up two fingers, making a peace sign as you turn your back to catch up to your friend.
dallas rolled his eyes and pulled out a cigarette.
he lit it with a stupid smirk on his face.
dally liked that you were using his nickname.
he liked that you looked out for him.
he liked that you saw the better version of himself in him.
dallas winston liked you, period.
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raya-hunter01 · 1 year
Lights, Camera, Action! Pt.9
Lights, Camera, Action!
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Shantell)
Roman x Black Female OC! Tangela
Solo x Black Female OC! Sofia
Jimmy x Trin
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral, sex, fluff, defloration (Virginity) masturbation
Summary: How do you keep it together as Smackdown’s production director and navigate your life as the girlfriend of Mr. Main Event Jey Uso.  Follow Shantell as she navigates her life as a girlfriend, sister, and confidant to the bloodline. Follow her on her journey to self-discovery of love and happiness.
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Fatu Family Home
Joe’s POV
I think this family gathering was a horrible idea as I’m watching Mama Tanya and Aunt Sandra look like they are about to kill each other. “Mama, get Aunt Sandra,” I whispered as she shook her head in defiance at me.
“No, Joe I ain’t getting in it, and neither are you. She opened her mouth and looks like she bout to catch the fallout,” my mom said shrugging her shoulders. Sighing in defeat, I turned around to look at the disaster before me.
“Why you gotta bring up old stuff, I’m trying to make it right!” Sandra screams at Shantell’s mom.
“I don’t want my daughter and grandchild mistreated,” Tanya replied getting in Sandra’s space. “I think you just mad Shan and I had got so close, and she wasn’t flying out to Ohio to see you as much. We were her new family, and you know I would never hurt that baby,” Sandra says smugly.
“No, I’m mad because you harassed my baby, interfered in her relationship. You overstepped your place as a mother and caused my child pain! Then had the nerve to be mad at Shantell because that Taraji character played your whole damn family,” Tanya said without fear.
“I wanted my grandchild to have a family and a name of legitimacy!” Sandra exclaimed, getting frustrated at Tanya for not understanding her point of view.
“Please make them stop,” Shantell whispered as Jey took her hand trying to calm her down.  “Ma, I think we need to stop and calm down,” Jey said trying to stop the drama before it got worse.
“Boy, I’m yo mama, shut up! The grown folks are talking, finish what you were saying Tanya,” she said firmly as Jey backed up towards Shantell knowing everything was about to get messier than it already was.
“ I said in the end you looked like an asshole, the trollop wasn’t pregnant, and you almost lost your son because of your need for perfection,” Tanya said smiling at the angry look on my aunt’s face.
“You just gotta keep pushin don’t you? A true bitch till the end,” Aunt Sandra said frustrated as Tanya laughed at her.
“Damn right I do, now you gotta live with the fact that the girl you wanted to push outta his life is actually pregnant with your grandchild,” Tanya said without missing a beat.
You could see she had touched a nerve, as my aunt jolted back like she has been burned with hot coals. Then without warning, she slapped Shantell’s mom; it was like everything stopped.  Ah, shit it’s on, and ain’t no stopping it.
Shantell’s POV
“Mama are you ok!” I screamed, not believing what was happening. I tried to go over to her but Joe and Jey held me back. “Stay right here baby,” Jey said trying to block me from the drama.
“I ain’t stayin’ nowhere! You need to get yo damn mama!” I yelled as Joe held me tighter. “I know yo temper, you stay yo lil ass right here. We don’t need you getting hurt,” Joe said as I stopped fighting against him.
“Dis shit gon’ be bad,” Jimmy said to Trin as he pulled her close to him. “Maybe you need to step in, Jon before somebody gets hurt” Trin said, her expression matching mine of pure shock. This was a hot ass mess and how quickly everything went downhill has me stumped as fuck. Thank God Solo, Sofia, and Tangela aren’t here yet to see this.  
Trin’s POV
“Thank you for that, Tanya whispered looking at Sandra like she was about to snap at any moment. “What you mean?" Sandra started questioning but was cut off by Tanya punching her dead in the eye with such force it made my eye hurt. "Sweet Jesus!" I yelled cringing at the sound of her fist connecting with her target.
“Oh shit!” Jimmy screamed, running towards his mom to check on her as she was nursing her eye. Welp, this escalated quick as hell, I can’t believe this shit. “Thanks, for provoking me,” Tanya smirked looking at Sandra moaning in pain as Jimmy is holding her up trying to make sure she was ok.
“Dad you ain’t gon’ do nothin!?” Jey yelled as Papa Kish waved him off. “Nah, they need to settle this shit. My grandbaby gon’ need both of them, so they need squash this.  let’em fight,” he said honestly as Jey and Jimmy looked at their dad like he was crazy.
“Pops this is crazy!” Jimmy exclaimed as his dad cut him off. “Move out the way Jonathon, let’em go,” he responded calmly without any room for argument. The minute Jimmy let her go, she ran at Shantell’s mom, tackling her into the pool. “Oh my God!” I screamed, not believing what the hell I was seeing it was truly grandmas gon’ wild.
Shantell’s POV
“Mom stop it!” I screamed as she clocked Sandra again but this time with a right hook.
“I’m going to kill her!” my mom yelled, it almost seemed like a dance. They were trading blows, grabbing hair, bobbing up and down in the pool literally trying to kill each other.
“Not if I kill you first!” Sandra yelled as all of our faces were glued to the water looking at them trying to tear each other apart. “Somebody please stop them!” I pleaded as my mom grabbed Sandra by her hair and dunked her head under the water.
“You need to be baptized! Cleanse yo evil ass, all the shit you been doing!” My mom screamed as Sandra was fighting to come back up.  “Come on pops break this up,” Trin pleaded as he let out an exhausted sigh. “Please papa somebody gon' get hurt," I pleaded trying to get past Jey as he held me in place.
"Alright boys break it up," Papa Kish ordered as Joe and Jimmy jumped in the pool finally breaking up the fight.
“She started it!” my mom yelled as Joe picked her up sitting her on the edge of the pool. Meanwhile, Jimmy was trying to get his mother under control, finally sitting her down a few feet from Tanya.
“Now I hope ya’ll got that all out yo systems because that was the first and the last time ya’ll do this. We are family whether either one of you likes it or not,” Papa Kish said looking at them both drenched and trying to catch their breath.  
“Everybody let's go inside while these two work this mess out,” he said giving them one final look before walking inside the house with the rest of us following closely behind trying to give them some privacy.
In spite of all that had just happened, I couldn't help but smile seeing Solo come inside the house holding Cameron close, leading Sofia inside. “Hey, sis what we missed?" He asked giving me a kiss on the cheek before walking into the living room.
“Bro, ya’ll missed everything,” I whispered to myself, closing the door behind me, shaking my head at all that had happened today.
Shantell’s POV
I can’t help but feel nervous as I’m sitting in the lion’s den, I mean the Fatu family home. The tension is so high in here you could cut it with a knife.
Then the fight between my mom and Sandra left me stumped, confused, and a little angry. I still can't believe it as I'm looking at their disheveled faces and Sandra's eye that seems to be turning colors.
“Shantell, I’m so happy you and your mom came,” Papa Kish said as I smiled. “Thanks for having us,” I said looking at Sandra trying to get a feel for how this was going to go. “I say we don’t eat, she may try to kill us all,” my mom whispered as I gave her a pleading look to chill. “So, Tangela did you get cleared for your new building?” I asked her as she smiled.
 “Girl, they gave me the run around, but we finally closed. Joe being home these next two months will definitely help me get things up and running,” she says excitedly as he kisses her hand. “I’m so proud of you baby,” he whispered as I smiled at them.
The silence was thick as we were grasping at straws to have some sort of conversation. “Sofia how has work been?” Sandra asks as Sofia looks at her in shock. “Um, it’s been busy,” she responds looking at Solo as he smiles at her encouraging her to talk to his mom.
“Uh, I think we need to address the elephant in the room. I heard about it earlier and I’m guessing you and Ms. Tanya have settled everything. I just wanted to address the sudden change of heart,” Sofia said looking at me and then Trin.
 “Mrs. Fatu, you invited us here, which I’m thankful for but Sofia’s right. What made you want to turn over a new leaf,” Trin added as I shook my head in agreement.
Taking a deep breath, she began explaining herself. “I said some things that I shouldn’t have out of frustration, and don’t call me that. You know I love all ya’ll girls, it’s Mama Uce or just Ma,” Sandra said putting down her fork, looking around the table at the somewhat judging eyes.
“Shantell, you and I were very close, then Taraji came along saying she was pregnant by Joshua. I know I was wrong to tell you to leave him, but I was protecting my family,” she said as I felt Jey’s eyes on me as I was focused on his mom.
“What about after? Why keep making snide comments, I have never done anything but love your son and respect this family,” I said honestly really wanting an answer.
“I felt you were taking him away from me, all ya’ll were taking my babies away. It’s always been me and my boys.  They were all I had while their father traveled the world, now I’m here alone,” Sandra said looking around the table at everyone wiping her tears.
“Mama we gon’ always be your babies but we have our own lives,” Jimmy started but was interrupted “Son, let your mama finish,” his dad said encouraging his wife to get everything off her chest.
 “In my family the women always took care of the children, stayed home and I always wanted more but I never had the courage to step out,” she whispered. “So, you have resentment towards us?” Trin asked looking at her with tears in her eyes.
 “No! Envy maybe but never resentment. I love all you girls even though I got to work on a better way of showing it,” she said wiping her tears, looking at my mother.
“I know me, and you had had it out earlier, we needed that. I also think it's agreeable to assume with everyone this is going to take time,” my mom said trying to voice her opinion without getting anyone upset. “Yea, I think baby steps are good,” Sofia said as several of us nodded in agreement.
“I agree," Trin and I said at the same time causing a light laughter to bounce throughout the room. “Hey, baby steps are all it takes,” Papa Kish says raising his glass. “Let’s toast,” he said raising his glass as we all joined in.
“I’ll do it,” Jey said taking over the toast as his dad smiled. “To new beginnings and family,” Jey said with a small smile as we toasted. I hope it truly was a new beginning ahead because this isn’t healthy for anyone.
Shantell’s House
Jey’s POV
“Good night, Muhammad Ali,” Jey joked as my mom rolled her eyes at him before going inside.  “Good night son,” she said closing the door, giving us some privacy. “Today was insane,” Shantell sighed as I pulled her into my arms.
“Yea, it was but at least we are in a better place than we were before,” I whispered trying to point out the improvement. “Josh, our moms beat the shit outta each other today,” she groaned as I chuckled.
“Girl stop being modest, yo mama whooped my mama’s ass.  Even tried to damn drown her ass. Remind me to never hurt you again, Ma may kill me and hide the body,” I said trying to lighten the mood.
“You are terrible,” she laughed slapping my shoulder. “I wish I could stay over, but I know your mom is here,” I said gently kissing her as she melted in my arms.
“You make this so hard,” she whined against my lips, grabbing me by my shirt. She pulled me closer reclaiming my lips in an even more powerful kiss. “Mmm, baby don’t start, I got three weeks before I can have you," I groaned nibbling on her neck.
Shantell’s POV
“Don’t you start,” I moaned as his hand began to roam under my shirt. I was under his spell until the porch light came on. We jumped apart like teenagers, both of us quietly snickering at the situation.
"This is all your fault," I whispered as he smirked at me. "I'm innocent, I just wanted a good night kiss, yo ass was trying to seduce me," he said as I playfully slapped his shoulder as he pulled me closer.
“Shantell, I know ya’ll ain’t out there giving the neighbors a show,” my mom accused us as Jey removed his hand from under my shirt trying not to laugh.
“No ma’am we are just saying goodnight,” I lied snickering as Jey laid his head on my shoulder shaking with laughter.
“Girl, gon’ tell that man to cut that car off, and get in this house. Hell, the baby already been made, and it ain’t like ya’ll can do anything right now anyway,” she said bluntly as Jey ran to cut off his car.
“Well, she didn’t have to tell you twice," I teased as he scooped me up in his arms. “Nope, you heard Ma, she invited me to stay,” he said as I laughed laying my head on his shoulder as he carried me inside…Yea, I'm definitely falling even more in love with this man every single day.
Family Meeting After Smackdown
Jey’s Bus
Jey’s POV
I can’t believe I’m standing here practically listening to Paul beg Shantell to give him some ideas to fix the shit they did at SummerSlam. They had Joe and Jimmy do a gaslighting promo on me. After snapping on everyone, I quit the WWE and walked out through the crowd.
“We wrote Jey out to give him a couple weeks home with you while you’re under doctor’s care. That also gives us time to decide where to go from here. I’m just saying, give me a couple ideas to take to the table with the writers Shantell,” Paul begged as Shantell continued to stare a hole through him.
“I told you I wasn’t talking to you,” Shantell said irritated rolling her eyes. Well damn, this is a first and I hate it because Paul is like a big brother to her. I hate to see them fighting because they make such a great team.
“Shan, come on I’ve apologized a thousand times, I’m trying to fix it,” he pleaded as she cut him off “No! You want me to fix it, and you get credit for it,” she accused as Solo snickered at the look of distress on Paul’s face.
“I told you the old man was just wanting to throw his weight around a little bit,” Paul said as Shantell covered her face with her hands and screamed. “ You didn’t stand up for them, this was their story and you let him dip his nose in it. Fuck him wanting to throw his weight around, you lied to them and to me,” Shantell said standing up, pacing in front of the bed.
  Just when I didn’t think I could love this woman anymore, here she is in front of our boss, setting his ass straight about his failure to lead. She’s my ride-or-die and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Shantell, give him at least a starting point, you know I have been counting on this vacation. They could try to cancel it with all this goin’ on,” Joe said looking at Shantell with pleading eyes as we all sat in silence for a few minutes.
“Ugh…Fine, I’ll send him a couple ideas later this week,” she whispered as Joe ran up to hug her. “I owe you,” he whispered holding her tight.  “You just enjoy your vacation with Tang,” she said hugging him back.
"Oh, and Levesque, you need to be planting the seed that Tamina needs help to fight Rhonda and Shayna. That will help bring Trin in next month," Shantell said shooting Tamina and Trin a smile.
Shantell’s POV
“Tonight is about trying to salvage the guy's storyline, not our upcoming one,” Tamina says looking nervous. “Girl, ya’ll are the bloodline, and it will help further the story because when Joe comes back, he was supposed to be trying to sway ya’ll to come over to his side and betray Jey," I said explaining the previous plans to her.
"He wants gold in his bloodline, that gives ya’ll the spotlight. We know Jey is coming to protect ya’ll even though he’s on the outs with Jimmy," I said as Trin smiled in understanding.
 "I got ya, then Jimmy is going to be trying to stop me from joining or it could bring him back into the fold trying to keep us safe under Roman’s thumb," she said following my lead.
"Then when we are about two months out from mania, pull the trigger and let Jey and Jimmy feud. That alone will lead them to their dream match at Wrestlemania,” I said smiling as Jey and Jimmy did their secret handshake seeming to like the idea. 
“I actually like it and have an idea since you brought that up,” Paul said looking at Heyman who wore a gleam in his eye that let me knew we were back on the right track.
"We need to call an emergency meeting with the other writers, Paul said coming over to hug me. “I guess I will hug you", I laughed as he hugged me tighter.
"Get some rest munchkin I’ll call you Monday," he said moving so Heyman could give me a hug as well. "You know we are going to fix this I promise, because we have all put in so much hard work. This isn’t going to be in vain,” he reassured me as I nodded giving him a kiss on the cheek as he smiled.
"Good night you guys be safe and enjoy the house show tomorrow," Paul said as they walked off the bus. Hopefully, everything could get back on the right track, as I looked at the comments online. Some fans seem to believe Jimmy, and others think he’s gaslighting Jey so I guess we shall see what happens from here.
Taraji’s POV
“I hate her, I swear to fucking god," I muttered to myself watching Jey’s SummerSlam vlog. This bitch is all over it, look at them looking so happy as they walked down the ramp before SummerSlam taking in the building and set.
“So, if I win I’m bringing yo sexy ass in the ring no questions asked,” Jey said smirking at her as she blushed.  “I ain’t getting in there, you comin’ over to me,” she said laughing as he kissed her. “Why does he keep touching and kissing her, he was never like that with me. 
“If I lose, I’ll give you the signal to go get Sam and get the bus running, we’ll haul ass and we’ll hit up McDonald's,” he said snickering as her eyes lit up. “Don’t threaten me with a good time,” she said as he held her hand, kissing it as they walked down to the ring. “I really hate this bitch, wait what did he say,” I whispered to myself, rewinding the video.  
“I got yo cravings locked in my brain baby, I gotta make sure you and lil Uce good,” Jey said leaning over to kiss her. She’s pregnant……Nah, I didn’t hear that," I said out loud continuing to watch the video.
“If I may ask, What did you pray for?” Stu asked Jey as he got up off his knees. He seemed anxious as he paced back and forth, wringing his hands. Finally, he stopped and looked at the camera.
"In a couple months, I’m gon’ be a daddy man, continuing my own bloodline. Ain’t nothing betta than that Uce,” Jey said seeming to get emotional as he continued pacing waiting for his entrance.
“ So to answer your question, I prayed for health and strength; I prayed for my family. So, I'm bout to head out there and put on for my bloodline," Jey said spraying water on himself before hitting the curtain, heading to the ring.
"No!!!" I screamed throwing a bottle at the TV and breaking it. This bitch is pregnant. PREGNANT! That was supposed to be me!" I screamed in frustration as I knew now there was never a chance of Jey coming back to me.
OBGYN' Office, Pensacola, FL
Jey’s POV
I hate hospitals and after what happened to Shantell. I cringe whenever we drive by one. I can honestly say this is a good doctor visit though. "Shantell everything is looking good," Dr. Borden said as we both let out a sigh of relief. "Ok, so no complications," I asked looking at my son on the ultrasound machine.
" Mr Fatu the baby is fine, and if you’d like to know the sex we can draw blood to be sure," Dr. Borden said as Shantell smiled. "I told him we should be surprised, but he said he already knows it’s a boy," she said holding my hand as I couldn’t control my smile.
“I know because a reliable source told me,” I said smiling, kissing her hand. "Well we also need to talk about all this stress you’ve been under Shantell, it’s not healthy," he said giving her a stern fatherly look.
"I know Doctor Borden, I’m going to take it more seriously and avoid stress. Our child is our first priority and I will leave any situation that is causing me stress," Shantell said with determination as her words kind of really stuck with me as the doctor printed out a copy of the ultrasound.
"Good because I would really hate to see anything happen to you or this baby. You deserve to be happy and have your dreams come true," Doctor Borden said giving her a hug and shaking my hand.
"You ready to go, baby," I asked as she nodded, kissing me before she got dressed. I'm glad the doctor had good news for us but I still had some worries.
Shantell’s POV
“You’ve been quiet since we left the doctor,” I said as Jey grabbed my hand, placing it on my lap as we drove home.
“Would you ever leave me? I mean after what the doctor said about taking care of yourself, and stress he started as I gripped his hand tighter. “Josh, I’m still here, aren’t I?” I asked trying to drop the subject but he continued.
“If something is causing you stress, I wouldn’t blame you for leaving he said glancing at me with a sad smile. Even if it’s me that’s causing the stress, I would understand baby," he said, his voice sad and full of emotion.  “Josh, can we drop this?” I asked as he pulled me into a kiss as we stopped at the red light.
“Just let me finish before I lose my nerve, if things get stressful let’s just promise to talk to each other and make the decision together, please,” he pleaded as I kissed him again.  "Josh, we will be ok,” I assured him as we continued our journey home.
R&B Brunch Club
Joe’s POV
This little club is amazing and never disappoints as the DJ is walking in the crowd giving people a chance to sing along, finishing the lyrics when they cut the beat. I had invited Jey and Shantell to come out with us to get outta the house and have a little fun. We all needed it, and it was good to see them so carefree with everything that had been going on.
"I see you jammin', sangin' to yo man over there!” The DJ said pointing at Shantell. She was singing, swaying to the music with Jey. He had his arm wrapped around her waist, cheesing, and nodding in agreement with the words she was singing.
I got to admit it’s a vibe up in here right now, as I kissed my wife. She blushed, before laying her head on my shoulder. They were playing My First Love by Avant feat. KeKe Wyatt and the crowd was singing along at the top of their lungs.
I saw the DJ making his way over to our table with a spare microphone offering it to Shantell as she smiled taking it out of his hands. I swear somebody gon' have to surgically remove Jey's smile as he's waiting to hear her sing.
“You better sang that shit too!" I said hyping her up as she smiled at us, before turning back to Jey and began singing.
Times keep changing
Come sun or rain
Tangela’s POV
I couldn’t help but smile, I didn't know Shantell could sing and she was singing the hell outta that song. She had Jey entranced as she wrapped one arm around his neck as he bit his lip slightly showing off his grillz, pulling her closer as she serenaded him.
Kill the beat!," The DJ shouted as Joe smiled, pulling out his phone, going live on his Instagram.
“Let him know what it is sis!”I shouted as she gazed into his eyes and began belting into the microphone.  
Long as I live (long as I live)
You will be
My first love (and my only love)
It was amazing hearing the crowd singing the chorus, backing up Shantell. “Yea, you betta sang that shit, you my first love too," Jey said throwing a one up in the sky before leaning down kissing her neck holding her close as they swayed to the music.
“You gotta make sure he know that shit baby girl,” Joe said as Shantell gently pushed Jey to sit down. He was devouring her with his eyes as she leaned down singing to him, making sure he heard her.
Long as I live (long as I live)
You will be my first love
And I choose you again
Shantell leaned over to give Jey a kiss as he pulled her into his lap deepening the kiss as Shantell without looking passed the microphone back to the DJ. "Ok, I got to send Trin a picture," I whispered as I took a picture of them.
"No pictures, I look horrible," Shantell said laughing, seeing the flash as Jey turned her attention back to him taking her in another passionate kiss. "You look beautiful," he whispered to her caressing her face lovingly. "That’s what the R&B Brunch is about! Let’s keep it goin' ya’ll," the DJ said as Why I love you so much by Monica began playing. 
" Come on wifey, let’s dance," Joe said as I looked at him in shock. "You….You want to dance," I asked as he smiled leaning over to kiss me. "Yea, can’t a man dance with his wife," he asked leading me out to the dance floor.
Shantell’s POV
"See cuz can dance, I don’t know why he so shy bout that shit," Jey said looking at Tangela and Joe on the dance floor looking like their gliding on air. "It’s in the blood, ya’ll all smooth with it," I said smiling at him as he blushed slightly.
"You know I never heard you sing before," Jey said caressing my face. "Well, I gotta hold some things close to the vest,"t I said as he kissed me again.  "Well, your my first love too," he whispered as I blushed laying my head against his neck as he held me close.
"Always and forever," I whispered caressing his beard as the chaos of the club seemed to not exist as it was just me and him. This date night with Joe and Tangela has been truly fun. We definitely need to do this more often as life is moving so fast. I also knew I needed this time off to reset.
Smackdown one month later
Trin’s POV
"I can’t do this," Trin said pacing as Jimmy and I looked at each other smiling. "Girl! Yes you can this is what we’ve been waiting on," I encouraged as Jimmy took her in his arms. "Hey, we here, and it’s gon' be great baby," he said kissing her as she relaxed.
"You on in one minute Trin," I said looking at Tamina getting jumped by Rhonda and Shayna. I could feel her mind shift as she focused. "That’s my girl," Jimmy smiled moving away from her as he came to sit beside me. "Go kill it, girl!" I shouted as her music hit and she went out into the arena to a hug pop.
"Is that Jimmy’s wife Trin!" Cole shouted as Trin cleared house. You know it is Cole, only one person can jump that high in the women’s division and I’m personally glad to see her back Barrett said as Rhona and Shayna ran off.
"Camera five get a close-up of Trin then phase back out to Rhona and Shanna," I ordered as the crowd began chanting “welcome back" as Trin was overcome with emotion. "Hard camera focus on Trin for a minute, then camera seven I need crowd shots" I advised.
"Shan, you know I got you, and it’s good to have you back," Stu said as I smiled. "It’s good to be back, Stu. I really missed ya'll," I said into my headset.
"Look at her out there," Jimmy said almost in tears as Jey rested his hand on his shoulder. "It’s official, she's, back in the fold," Jey said smiling at me as Jimmy nodded looking proudly at his wife.
The crowd was so amped they wouldn’t let her speak as she tried to control her emotions. "Yeah, I’m back!" She shouted as the crowd roared louder." Camera eight I need a shot on Tamina," I said as I saw her tearing up.
"My sister ain't by herself no more, she's got me and we coming for those WWE Women’s tag team championships! Your days here are numbered just like they were in the UFC" Trin shouted dropping the mic as Tamina stood beside her.
 "Camera two and Nine I need a pace between the ring and the aisle, I need a good shot of this stare-down to take us off the air," I requested.
"The war is on, Tamina has some help now!" Cole screams as Smackdown goes off the air. I watched Trin and Tamina celebrate as Jey sat on the other side of me. Trin was finally officially back on the roster and tonight was my first day back.
If this past month was any inkling of what's to come, I can say these next few months should go by fast and bring us all closer together.
Nowhere left to go but up from here......I hope.
Taglist:@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37  @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo @arination99 @2-muchsauce @empressdede @alyyaanna @jeyusosgirl @christinabae@hennyyybarb
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
12. the calm before the storm.
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"Open the fucking door!" Stevie charges towards the door, ready to open it when Rod grabs her arm.
"Stevie, let me handle this!"
She yanks her hand away and lets him unlock and open the door, watching the girl charge towards her, Rod tries to block her, but she pushes past him.
"I heard you like taking shit that don't belong to you, bitch." Stevie pushes her back.
"Excuse me?!" She runs towards her again, this time getting knocked to the floor. Rod closes the door and stands over her.
"Still on your stalker shit, huh?" Stevie stands behind him and ties her hair up. She watches a smirk make its way onto the girls' face.
"How many times do I have to tell you, baby—"
"Baby?!" Stevie balls up her fists. She cuts her eyes at her.
"—you belong to me. Not whoever this bitch is." Stevie starts to laugh.
"Oh, I got your bitch."
Pushing Rod out of the way, Stevie pulls the girl up by her neck and slams her into the wall behind her. She tries to land a punch, but it gets blocked and she gets punched in the nose.
"Such a stupid bitch," another punch connects with her jaw.
"You sure know how to pick 'em, don't you?" She looks over at Rod, before connecting another punch to her face.
"Get the fuck off of me!" This makes Stevie laugh.
"Nah, see you should've stayed where the fuck you were! But, you in my house, claimin' my man! So, you gon get that ass beat!" Throwing her to the ground, she gets on top of her and starts swinging; hitting every part of her she can.
"It's fucking stormin' outside ——— and you in here getting your ass beat!" Rod shakes his head, letting her continue.
She pushes Stevie off of her and stands up, ready to swing. Rod steps in, blocking her.
"Think again." Stevie jumps up, still ready to fight.
"Yeah, think again bitch!" She starts punching Rod in his chest and shoulders.
"So, you really done with me?! I don't mean shit to you?" He grabs her hands and moves her back.
"Fuck you talkin' 'bout?? We been over! You ain't ever give a fuck about me, so don't start now! How the fuck you even get here??"
"I been keeping an eye on you, tryna find out who could've taken my place... now I see it ain't much." She huffs.
Stevie stares at the girl's bruised face and waves her off, "how fuckin' pathetic. You need to get a life."
"Get a life?! He was my life, you stupid bitch!" She lunges forward again, getting pushed back again.
"Bro, I'm not playing with you!"
She punches him in the jaw, causing him to grip her up by the neck and back her into the wall. Her eyes widening.
"You must've lost yo fuckin' mind. Comin’ in here fuckin' with mine! Acting out ya ass and you wanna hit me?! I got half a mind to knock yo stupid ass out."
“Get off me, you fucking psycho!” she gets out, making him scoff and drop her, walking away completely.
"Get your stupid ass outta here, before I knock you out!" Stevie says, watching the girl scramble to her feet, she rushes back out into the rain.
Slamming the door closed, she walks back into the living room to see Rod staring at his hands.
He looks up at her, apologetically. She holds her hands up.
"I don't even wanna talk about whatever that was— not right now." She heads towards the steps. He stands up and trails behind her.
Reaching her room, he grabs her hand and turns her around. She sighs and stares up at him.
"I protect mine."
"I know," she says meekly, "but,”
"No, listen. I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable, but she's done this before. She's crazy. I ain't mean to step outta my character like that."
She nods.
"You said you had half a mind to…"
"I know." He sighs, watching the lone tear fall down her face.
"Don't cry— fuck."
She moves away from him, rubbing her arm nervously.
"Stevie, I'm sorry, okay? It wasn't supposed to go down like that. I swear.”
"What if I wasn't here? What would you have done? Kill the girl?!" She asks, letting her initial thought fly before thinking.
Rod stares at her, now. She returns it.
"That's what you think of me?"
"You didn't hear me say anything about what I think of you. I'm going off what I saw. It's cool that you were protecting me, but that's a woman! Yeah, she hit you, but her strength is no match for yours. You saw what happened to Tyler!" She wipes her face.
"Stevie, I—"
"That was a lot." She backs up, further.
"I didn't mean to scare you, vie.”
"Well, you did."
He sighs, stepping away from her.
"Okay. I'm just gonna give you some space, cause this isn't gonna get us anywhere." He heads back toward the stairs.
"I'll be downstairs."
She stares at his back, until he's out of sight. Wiping her tears away, she heads into her room, closing the door behind herself.
She grabs her phone off the dresser and calls her mom, praying to God that she answers.
"Hey, babygirl. Are you safe?" She plops down on the bed.
"Yeah, I'm so glad you answered. Are you guys safe?"
"Yes, we're fine. Your father had to be dragged away from the office and of course, he wasn't too happy about that, but who cares? He's always——"
"Ma, can we talk?”
An hour later…
"Well, listen. A man will do whatever it takes to protect the woman he loves. I know that sometimes they tend to go overboard, but if you talk to him and let him explain himself, you might understand it through his eyes. Maybe he went through some things, you never know. Just talk to him."
"Are you scared of him?"
"No. I just didn't know what to do, ya know?” Stevie sighs.
"It's okay to feel conflicted, baby."
"I guess love makes you do crazy things, huh?" Her mom starts to laugh.
"Indeed, it does."
"Well, enough of that. I'm glad that we could talk.... I miss you." Stevie admits.
"I miss you too, baby. Why don't we have lunch this weekend?"
"That'd be great, actually."
"Alright, I'll see you then. I gotta get off this phone and finish cooking, before the power goes back out. I love you."
"I love you, too." Hanging up, she falls back on the bed and sighs dramatically.
A knock sounds on her door. She looks over at it, watching it slowly creep open. Rod peaks his head through,
"Can we talk?" He asks.
She frowns at his facial expression, motioning for him to come inside. He walks in and sits on the edge of her bed.
"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to see that. There's no excuse for it. I just— I go into these tunnel vision modes and sometimes it's hard to come back from them." He keeps his stare on his hands.
"It's okay..." she says.
"I don't want you to be scared of me." A stray tear slips from his eye, which he quickly wipes away.
Stevie crawls to where he is and pulls him into a hug.
"I'm not scared of you. I just think you should talk to someone, even if it's me, cause that's unhealthy. I appreciate you protecting me, but there's other ways that don't involve a murder or domestic violence charge. I don't want anybody to take you away from me." She pulls away and grabs his face in her hands, "I love you, okay?"
"I love you, too. I'm sorry."
"Shh," she pecks his lips, "it's okay. Don't worry about it."
He wraps his arms around her, tightly. She sighs and rubs his back.
"The line cut out before I could finish my sentence. I don't even know if she was listening to me." Tyler says.
"If I know Stevie, she was definitely listening." Tia sits in front of the window with her blunt.
"She loves your stupid ass, Tyler. She's been waiting on you to call her and apologize. I promise you."
"I guess.... where's Tasha? Is she okay?"
"Uhhh, she called me before she left work and said that she was on her way, but I haven't heard from—"
The house phone starts ringing. Tyler gets up and answers it.
"Are you a relative of Tasha Stevens?"
"Yes, is something wrong?"
"I'm afraid she's been in an accident—"
"Oh my God, is she okay??" Tia jumps up from the floor and makes her way towards Tyler.
"If you could come down here, I could further discuss this with you."
"What hospital?"
"Lenox Hill Hospital." She hangs up and starts looking for Tia's keys.
"Tasha got into an accident. We gotta go." She finds the keys and they rush out.
"Is she okay?! Please tell me she's okay!" Tia's beyond frantic, as the nurse behind the desk looks at them, uneasily.
"Family of Tasha Stevens?" They nod. She motions for the doctor to come over.
"She's in surgery. An eighteen wheeler ran her off the road and into a ditch. She was thrown from the car. There was swelling on her brain, but we've got it under control."
"I think I'm gonna be sick," Tia starts to walk away.
"Is she gonna be okay??"
"She's going to be fine. She's a very lucky woman, most people don't make it out of minor car accidents."
She nods, wiping her tears away.
"Thank you."
"We'll keep you updated on her status." He gives her a smile and walks back through the double doors.
Tyler turns around and searches for Tia.
She finds her in the bathroom, throwing up.
"She's gonna be okay, T." Softly knocking on the stall, she sighs.
"I can't lose her. I can't!"
"You're not going to! She's gonna be fine." The toilet flushes and the stall opens. Tia wipes her eyes and heads towards the sinks.
She grabs a couple of paper towels and wipes her mouth. She stares at her red eyes and grimaces.
"What did he say?"
"He said she's very lucky and that he'll keep us updated." They walk out into the waiting area and sit down.
Sitting in these chairs for the last four hours has been like a nightmare for them both.
Tasha's been out of surgery for the last hour and they're just waiting for her to wake up.
Tia dozed off like fifteen minutes ago, and Tyler's been snacking on chips and trying not to think too damn much... about everything.
She sits the empty bag on top of the overflowing trash inside the trash can, and walks over towards the hallway and pulls her phone out.
She dials Stevie's number and sends a silent prayer that she answers. On the third ring, breathing comes through.
"Tyler? Oh, thank God! I thought something happened to you! Don't scare me like that!"
"It wasn't on purpose, you know that. The power went out and it didn't come back on until a couple hours ago, but... I figured that you didn't even care, so I didn't call back—"
"No! Tyler, of course I care about your stupid ass. Ugh. You drive me insane and I've been waiting to punch you for years, but I love you. I just hate that you put me in these dumb situations and then act a fucking ass! You're almost twenty two years old. I can't keep sweeping shit under the rug, as if we were a couple of freshmen in high school. We're grown. You gotta start acting like it or I'll definitely kick you out."
She slides down the wall until her butt hits the squeaky clean floor.
"I'm so sorry, Stevie. I know I did you wrong. I shouldn't have said any of the shit that I said. I know I can't take it back. I've never had somebody care about me this much. Hell, my own blood doesn't give a damn about me— well, besides Tia and Tasha— oh my God, She was in an accident last night, Stevie!"
Stevie gasps. "What? Who?? When?! Is she okay?"
"Tia. I don't know exactly what happened but she was run off the road by an eighteen wheeler and into a ditch and ejected from the car, bro. I almost lost my shit. But, she's fine. She just got out of surgery and we're waiting for her to wake up."
"Oh my God, Ty. I'm so glad she's gonna be okay. That's so scary!"
"Yeah.... but, how's everything with you?"
"I talked to Joe yesterday. He had to sell his house and move in with sweet Sara. You remember her?"
"Yeah, she's so sweet."
"I know! My mom's been telling my business, as usual. I told him about the issue that we were having and he gave me very grandfather-like advice, you know him. Oh! I also talked to my mom and we're gonna have lunch this weekend. So, yeah there's that." She tapers off, quickly.
"Are you sure?" She asks.
"Well, no. But, it's too much to talk about, right now. Rod's going through a rough patch and I'm gonna respect his wishes to keep it to myself."
"Hey, I understand."
"Well... I'm uh, I'm gonna go see if she's up. I'll talk to you later?"
"Yeah, of course! I love you, Tyler. And I'm sorry, too… you were right. I'm not responsible for you, I'm your friend and I should act like it.” She says, warming Tyler's heart.
"I love you too, Stevie. It's okay. We're okay."
She hangs up and stands back up, walking back into the waiting room, coming face to face with a frantic Tia.
"Where did you go?! Tasha's awake!"
Tyler starts to answer her question, but she pulls her through the double doors and into Tasha's room before she could.
She's hooked up to all kinds of machines, with an oxygen mask covering her face, an IV in her arm and a neck brace on.
"Oh my God." She lifts her right arm and motions for Tyler to come to her.
"Hey, Tyler. I'm so glad to see you." Her voice is very raspy.
Tears start to prick her eyes. "How did this happen?"
She slightly adjusts herself in the bed and sighs, painfully.
"I honestly don't even remember. I just see myself driving and then that devil contraption coming out of hell basically, and knocking me off the road. I don't remember anything else."
"You had swelling on your brain. I thought— wow."
 She drags her hand down her face and stares out the window.
"Tyler, look at me. I'm okay!"
She shakes her head, refusing to look back in her direction.
"You're hooked up to every machine possible, while this monster is probably out there without a scratch! I can't look at you, like this."
"Tyler." She stops and look at Tia.
"No! God, why didn't you tell me it was this bad?" She cries, rushing out of the room and heading towards the doors, pushing them open, running past the nurse that they saw on their way in, as well as the doctor and everybody in the waiting room.
She runs out of the door and through the parking lot, not even caring that it's starting to rain again.
She just keeps running.
@thegifstories @blackerthings @soufcakmistress @sheabuttahwrites @blackpinup22 @chaneajoyyy @cocoa-puffs @nahimjustfeelingit-writes
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pastanest · 2 years
A/N: if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @bakedcrispss - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
spoilers: set in season 2
WARNING: references to self-inflicted wounds + gore
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As soon as Shane arrived back at the farm, Daryl ran up to the truck, and when he saw that he was alone, he immediately aimed his crossbow at Shane’s buzzcut.
“Woah man, cool it!” Shane called, raising his hands above his head, feigning innocence as the rest of the group approached.
Rick had his hand over his gun in his pocket as he sprinted over, but Daryl was not going to back down.
“Where is she!?!” He snarled.
Daryl had been your best friend since the beginning; he tried to warn you, he told you that Shane would try something. You and Shane had never gotten along, you had hated him from the moment he joined the group. When he started doing shit that was beyond stupid on the farm, you were the only one completely on Dale’s side. After Dale’s tragic death, Shane somehow talked Rick into letting you go on a run with him; he told Rick he wanted to ‘clear the air with you’, and although you didnt believe that for a second, you agreed to go. You thought that if he tried something, you’d get through it and live to tell the tale, you’d finally expose him for the monster he was.
Shane tried to put on the same act he did when he came back without Otis. “She didnt make it, she’s dead, man.”
Daryl’s crossbow jolted in his shaking hands, his grip turning his knuckles white. “Like HELL she is! What’d you do with ‘er!?!”
Shane shook his head. “I tried to get her man, we were overrun! The walkers, they got her. Im real sorry.”
Rick reached the battlefield and stood between the two men, looking between Daryl and his best friend, whose behaviour recently had been less than trustworthy.
“Daryl, we’ll get to the bottom of this.” Rick said, holding his hand out to the one man who truly didnt feel like he blonged in the group.
“Naw, everyone’s gon’ trust this asshole like they did before! Im goin’ out to look for ‘er myself.” Daryl lowered his crossbow, sending a final venomous scowl at Shane before he swung his crossbow over his shoulder and walked away. As much as he wanted to beat Shane to the ground, he would need just cause for the rest of the group to believe him, so he had to get to the bottom of it himself.
Daryl returned to his own camp on the farm, the distance between him and the others far more than physical. He packed a bag with everything he had, food and bandages, water, a spare knife, whatever you might need. Some part of him knew you had to still be alive. He would spend the rest of his life searching for you to prove it to himself if he had to.
“DARYL!” A voice shouted from the distance, and when Daryl turned to face it, he saw Carol sprinting towards him with everything she had.
“She’s back!” Carol yelled, and that was all Daryl needed to hear. He dropped everything and bolted for Hershel’s house.
The sight that greeted him was as much of a relief as it was a cause for panic, you were screaming and fighting against Rick and Glenn, they were holding you back from Shane, who was trying his best not to look terrified. Daryl stood in front of you, blocking your view of Shane, and holding your face so that you looked at him.
“Hey, angel, you good?” He asked you. Obviously, Daryl could tell you were far from good, but he used the nickname he gave you as a distraction. You once joked that rather than being two peas in a pod, you were the angel wings to his jacket, and ever since, he’s quietly referred to you as his angel. Never in front of the others, until just then.
Your eyes locked onto Daryl’s and instantly filled with tears. Your blood spattered face crumbled, and Daryl watched the main source of his strength fracture before his eyes.
“Get ‘er inside.” He told Rick and Glenn, who nodded and practically carried you into the farmhouse.
Daryl planned to follow you right away, but he had something to do first. He couldnt risk looking directly at Shane without potentially launching into a rage, he needed to be with you first, so he restrained himself and averted his gaze. Glancing over his shoulder, forcing his eyes to the ground, Daryl growled.
“When I find out what’chu did, yer dead where ya stand.”
With that, he went in the house after you, following the sounds of your cries to one of the guest bedrooms. Hershel was looking over you, Glenn and Rick standing at the doorway watching you with worried eyes. Daryl walked past them, unable to spare them so much as a glance when you were right in front of him. He sat down on the opposite side of the bed, giving Hershel the space to check you over for injuries. As soon as you registered Daryl’s presence, you grabbed his hands, your eyes closing in a pained blink.
“You’re alright, (Y/N), no serious injuries and no scratches or bites. I’ve dressed the cuts on your abdomen, but they dont require stitches. It’s more shock than anything else.” Hershel concluded, and Daryl nodded, paying far more attention to Hershel’s words than you were able to.
Hershel rose to his feet and left the room, Glenn following after him. Rick lingered for a moment, waiting for Daryl to say something.
“Make sure he dont go nowhere.” Was all Daryl told him, and Rick only nodded in reply as he walked away, leaving you and Daryl to talk.
“Hey, angel-“ Daryl began, his voice so much softer than it had just been, because he was talking to you. “-can you tell me what happened?”
You visibly shuddered in response, and Daryl squeezed your hands to comfort you. Your eyes were still closed, but your lips parted, and your hoarse voice told him everything.
“So, what’s the real reason you’re bringing me out here?” You asked Shane as you sat in the passenger seat, your eyes facing forward but your peripheral vision locked onto him, so that you appeared completely unbothered, but the entire time you kept an eye on him.
“Tryin’ to clear the air, like I said. I dont want this animosity between us anymore.” Shane answered, lying through his teeth.
You scoffed into a laugh, but didnt say anything else. It was obvious that he wasnt going to be honest about his intentions, but you had to be ready for anything.
It took roughly half an hour to reach the destination Shane had chosen, a warehouse of some kind.
“What’re we doing here?” You questioned, wondering what excuse Shane was going to conjure up, but he didnt even bother.
“Just follow me.” He uttered as he jumped out of the truck, slamming the door behind him.
You could’ve just got in the drivers seat and driven home right then, but you had to prove to everyone that Shane was a threat to the group, you had to have undeniable evidence. So, you followed him.
The warehouse sounded empty, you couldnt hear any groans or the shuffling of walkers, but you couldnt fathom what Shane had brought you here for. Was he planning to just execute you and drive off? He led you to a store room of some kind, it was pitch black inside, but you could hear the groans from beyond the door.
“There’s some medical supplies in there. Go in and get ‘em, I’ll cover you.” Shane told you, but he wasnt even trying to sound innocent anymore.
“You really think Im going to-“
But Shane didnt even let you argue with him, he grabbed your arm with one hand, opened the store room door with the other, and shoved you inside. He held the door shut with his own body weight so that you couldnt escape. You yelled at him, banged against the door with your fists, and the sound drew the walkers to you. There was no way Shane was going to let you out, so you had to form a plan. Quickly. The walkers couldnt see you, only hear you, and Shane couldnt see you without coming in. So, you made a scene. Feeling around for something sharp on the shelves, you found a tool of some kind and cut into your stomach, enough to make you bleed but not deep enough to cause serious damage. You tried to aim your blood puddles in a particular spot, all the while dodging the walkers that were aimlessly reaching for you and ignoring whatever abuse Shane was shouting at you from the other side of the door. Once you created what you thought was a believably bloody scene, you tore some of your hair out and threw it on the floor. It wasnt much, but it was the best you could do. Shane was no genius, you hoped it wouldnt take much to fool him. With the scene set, you searched around in the dark for anything that you could hide behind. With a hiding spot found, you returned to the door and banged against it again, leaving scraped, bloody handprints on it as you screamed and cried theatrically. The walkers shuffled over, and smelling the blood on the floor, started lapping at it like dogs. You ran to your hiding spot, and waited. Shane waited, too. You counted another five minutes before he took your silence as a sign, and he opened the door to investigate. He saw the walkers still licking the blood stained floor, your hair stuck to their rotting faces as they looked up at what they thought was their next meal. Shane shot each one of them in the head while laughing, and he was still laughing when he walked out of the warehouse. You waited until you heard the truck speed off before you left the warehouse, and then you walked all the way back to the farm. A couple of times, Shane drove back up the road out of paranoia, just to check you definitely werent following him somehow, and each time you had to duck into the forest for cover.
Daryl struggled listening to what Shane had put you through, he couldnt believe what he was hearing. “How’d ya think to do all that in the warehouse? Werent’cha scared?”
You nodded, laughing grimly. “Terrified, but I couldnt stop thinking of how upset you’d be without me, I had to make it back, so I did whatever I had to do.” Your eyes finally opened, meeting Daryl’s teary ones.
“You’re really livin’ up to yer angel name, y’know that?” Daryl told you, sniffling and blinking back tears, laughing slightly at himself. He squeezed your hands again. “You should get some rest, been a rough day.”
You smiled weakly at him as you laid back on the bed. “You’re not wrong there! Promise you’ll be here when I wake up?”
Daryl smiled back at you. “Wouldnt wanna be anywhere else.” He rose to his feet. “I’ll be right back, just gotta handle somethin’.”
You let go of his hand and smiled after him as he headed for the door. You blew Daryl a kiss, and he caught it, stopping in the doorway to do so, but then he decided to stay a moment.
“When you were stuck in there, you said he was shoutin’ at ya...what was he sayin’? If you don’ mind me askin’.” He asked, knowing that whatever Shane had said to you was going to rile him up that little bit more.
You frowned and stared off at the wall as you thought back. “Uhh, I wasnt really focussing on it, but a couple of times he said your name and I couldnt ignore it. He was saying stuff like I’d end up just like Sophia, and you wouldnt be able to save me just like you couldnt save her.”
Daryl managed to control his expression as he nodded rigidly. “I’ll be back soon, you go ‘head and start sleepin’.”
You smiled at him, giving him a small salute. “Yes sir!” Your gesture made him smile despite what you’d just told him, but the smile disappeared as soon as he headed for the stairs.
A storm thudded down the stairs of Hershel’s family home that day, it burst through the front door, slamming the wood against the wall with the force of it, and it locked onto its target.
Rick had made sure he didnt go anywhere, which made this a whole lot easier. All Daryl could see was red, and he was determined to bring that view to everyone else as he speed walked over to Shane and greeted him with a vicious right hook, blood sputtering from his mouth as he fell to the floor with the impact. Rick tried to jump between the two again, but Glenn held him back, knowing that Daryl knew far more about this situation than anyone else, and for now it was up to him to deliver justice. Daryl had so much to say to the scum on the ground, but he was never very good with words, so he settled for a hard kick to Shane’s gut, causing him to curl into himself and yell out. Crouching down, Daryl forced Shane onto his back, and then delivered several more heavy punches to his face. Red. Everyone could see it now. The grass was stained with it, Daryl’s clothes, Shane’s clothes, Shane’s face. It was all the same to Daryl. Once he thought he’d beaten enough of the life out of Shane to leave him guaranteed permanent damage, Daryl stood up. He started walking back to the house, but Shane coughed out one final dig.
“You still didnt save her.”
Daryl stopped dead in his tracks, taking a whole second to process that, before the storm was over Shane once more, and a final punch cracked through his nose.
“She don’ need me t’ save her, she saved her damn self! You underestimated ‘er. I wont be leavin’ her side til she’s alright again, and when she is - and she will be - if I see yer face again, it’ll be your spine I break next. Clear?” Daryl slowly stood back up, looming over Shane. He spat on him to emphasise how inferior the man beneath him was, and then he was gone like the wind.
The mixture of his and Shane’s blood dripped from Daryl’s knuckles as he returned to Hershel’s home, creating a small trail behind him. He approached the guest room quietly, almost tiptoeing, greatly contrasting the thudding steps he’d had before. When he reached the doorway, he saw that you were sound asleep, a smile still on your face. Daryl’s heart melted at the sight of you, and he slumped down in the chair at your bedside. He went to take ahold of your hand, but noticing how bloody his were, he quickly wiped them on his shirt so that you didnt freak out when you woke up. He knew once he held your hand, he wouldnt let go, and if you woke up holding his hand when it was so bloody, you’d lose your mind worrying about him. The bruises and splits in his knuckles were still going to get a disapproving frown from you, but he couldnt exactly prevent that now.
All Daryl could do was sit, and finally relax with the knowledge that you were safe, because he would sooner die than let you shed a single tear if he could help it. You had saved yourself, and in turn, saved Daryl, because for the brief moment that he wondered if you really were gone, he realised the end of the world was no longer worth seeing. And in that moment, sitting at your side, holding your hand as you slept, Daryl realised something else. Angel just might be an understatement.
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dogtorari · 2 years
“They say they don't fuck wit' me (Cheese)
But I say they can't fuck wit' me
Just like the air, I'm everywhere
How you say it's up with' me?
Pop-poppin' shit, you would think I went to school for chiropractin' (poppin')
Lookin' good as hell today, just sent my nigga five attachments (look at this)
Why did you confront me 'bout a nigga? Man, you bitches backwards (stupid ass)
They come at me 'bout niggas who I don't even find attractive (ugh)
I don't know the nigga, I just seened him on the town before
I can't be up in her face, I took her nigga down before (nah)
When I lose a nigga, I just pop out and go find some mo' (easy)
Soon as I feel like my time get wasted, then it's time to go (deuces)
They say they don't fuck with' me
But I say they can't fuck with' me (on gang)
Just like the air, I'm everywhere
How you say it's up with' me? (huh?)
Them bitches should've stayed down
They could've been up wit' me (too bad)
But all they doin' is talkin' down
'Cause they can't get up wit' me (lame ass)
My ex fuckin' on my old friend, both they ass some fuckin' clowns (haha)
Thinkin' that she got one up on me, she got my hand-me-downs (lame ass ho)
He thought wasn't gon' have to stand on shit, like he was handicap (thought it was)
Make that nigga stand on that, now his ass can't stand me now
High as fuck, I'm lit, yeah, I don't smoke no Swishers (nope)
Slidin' with' my gang and them, look at them like sisters (that's gang)
These bitches be lovin' to go out sad about these niggas (ugh)
I don't wanna hang with' them, they don't handle business (they can't hang with' us)
They be goin' for anything, but I can't go for none of that (none of that)
Why would I go chase you? If I know you gon' come runnin' back (fuckin' dumb)
Cut everybody off, lately been feelin' like the lumberjack (fuck 'em)
They really got me fucked up, and I wasn't goin' for none of that (none of that)
She the type, the nigga make her mad she go and tweet somethin' (ugh)
Me, I'm kinda ratchet still so I'm the type to beat somethin' (beat 'em up)
I can't love you, baby, like yo' bitch do, so don't leave her (keep that bitch)
He gon' choose her every time 'cause it's cheaper to keep her (hahaha)
Can't say yo' name up in my songs, might not fuck wit' you tomorrow (nah)
Can get my feelings hurt today, I won't give a fuck tomorrow (that's just me)
Ain't fucked up 'bout no credit score, I might be rich as fuck tomorrow (duh)
Every day the sun won't shine, but that's why I love tomorrows
Ridin' with my twin and 'nem (skrrt), and we all look good as fuck (gang)
She say she my opp but I don't know her, had to look her up (fuck is you?)
I know that I'm rich, but I can't help it, bitch, I'm hood as fuck (woo)
I've been on these bitches neck so long, sometimes my foot get stuck (ah)
I can't put you in my business (no), you might wish me dead tomorrow (yeah)
Bitches be on dick today, sing every word of "Up" tomorrow (Up)
Bitch, I still got cases opened, keep your mouth shut tomorrow (shh)
Play with me today then get some sleep, you know it's up tomorrow (woo)
Fake bitch, that's why my friend fucked on your nigga (ah-ha)
Both you bitches pussy, I think y'all should scissor (ah, ha, ha)
She bought a chain, I bought the same one, even bigger (bitch, it's bigger)
She throwin' shots, that's how I know I got her triggered (ah)
I don't speak dog, ho (woof), I don't care what no bitch say (no)
I stay on her mind, I got condos in that bitch head (ah)
She say she don't fuck with me (who?), who said that you can, ho? (No)
That nigga a munch and he gon' eat me like a mango
Long ass weave, it be ticklin' my ass crack (ah)
Wonder what I'll do tomorrow that these hoes will be mad at (huh?)
All y'all bitches sweet, and I always get my lick, boo (facts)
I, I fight for my bitches and I'm fightin' over dick too (that, that, Cardi, yup)
Can't say yo' name up in my songs, might not fuck wit' you tomorrow (nah)
Can get my feelings hurt today, I won't give a fuck tomorrow
Ain't fucked up 'bout no credit score, I might be rich as fuck tomorrow (duh)
Every day the sun won't shine, but that's why I love tomorrows
Can't say yo' name up in my songs, might not fuck wit' you tomorrow (nah)
Can get my feelings hurt today, I won't give a fuck tomorrow (that's just me)
Ain't fucked up 'bout no credit score, I might be rich as fuck tomorrow (duh)
Every day the sun won't shine, but that's why I love tomorrows”
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thoughtslikeocean · 1 year
June 4, 2023 7:15 AM
I’m somewhere in the skies between Dallas and Chicago. Took an early flight out to spend time with Mason for his graduation. Won’t be here long but I felt it important enough for a turn around trip.
I’m having a moment. Stuck between “God is this you?” And “God is this me?”
I sometimes find myself wondering if I’m getting an opportunity that i should take or if I’m being presented with a distraction.
— As I was typing this, I got my answer 😂😂😂😂 it always shakes me when this happens 😂
Whenever you feel confused, go back to the last thing I instructed you to do and do that!
The last instruction, I for sure heard from God was to take a break from dating. I truly heard Him say leave that portion alone right now. I was self sabotaging lol I could feel it. It was getting WORSER and WORSER!
I have 6 months left in Phoenix and I truly do want to make the most of it. But the best of it is going to come from it not involving men.
The last few days I’ve been talking to Rhyann a little more. Terrifies me every time we text or talk. Cause one thing about us, we gon stay in love lmao. Have been since the day we met. Whether or not we’re supposed to be together is still in limbo but my love for that man is never ending. The reason I get so spooked when we start speaking again is that I don’t know what to make of it. Is this just us checking in cause we miss each other or is this us trying again? Are we both just being dumb and back to not communicating correctly? Do we both just not know wtf is going on? That last one is definitely it. 😂 we in love, confused and hoping that something works out for us in the long run. While simultaneously trying not to get caught up in something that may not be for us. The reality is, we may not be for each other. That shit is painful to come to terms with. Every time I think about permanently having to let him go, it makes me nauseous. 🤢🤮
Last night I went back to the list I made as we were breaking up. At the time, I was struggling with the fact that maybe I shouldn’t have broken up with him and Avni had me sit down and make a list of all the times he made me feel not very good about myself. All the times I cried. All the times I was just downright angry. She wanted me to feel validated and empowered in my decision. The list did help me with that. Cause at times I felt crazy for feeling how I was feeling. But seeing it all written down really helped me to not beat myself up about something I knew I needed to do.
After reading the list, I went back to the letter Rhyann wrote me after visiting me in Phoenix for the first time. It was so beautiful. I was literally in the bed, reading it, fighting the air and fighting back tears lol All the things that I had on my “cons list” were things that he eventually just stopped doing for whatever reason. I think it made me realize how NOT crazy I really was. Because the things I was asking of him, were things he very much used to do so effortlessly. He knew I loved and adored him and vice versa. We had conversations that were so open and loving. All of that came to a screeching holt in the spring of 2021 and I’ve yet to figure out what changed. I genuinely felt like he was sick of me. He was not present with me anymore. Physically, yes. But every other part of him was somewhere else. Towards the end of our relationship, it felt like I was grasping at straws. Doing everything I could to connect with him in every which way I could think of. More quality FaceTime calls, prompts that I thought would open up deeper conversation, small getaway vacations, tangible gifts, praying together, couples therapy…I mean like I was giving what I had and none of it was enough. He just wasn’t there. I remember the last true date we went on. We went out to eat during his graduation trip. I was so excited because at this time, we were actually broken up but still going through the motions of graduation season. I thought he was suggesting a nice dinner for us to talk, reconnect, possibly even us getting back together. NOPE. We just ate. And I even remember thinking how he never looked me in the eye through that entire dinner. He was so so distracted.
I KNOW Rhyann. Like truly know him to his core. And although I haven’t figured out exactly what happened between us. I know that he loves me. Knowing that though, isn’t enough. It’s not enough for where I am in my life right now. And truth is, part of being with him, is accepting the fact that this might just be him. The person he became in 2021 might just be the person he’s decided to evolve into. I can’t date him again and expect him to be someone he isnt. It’s exhausting for me to try to change him and not fair to him for him to not be with someone who accepts him fully as he presents himself now.
He deserves a love where he doesn’t feel like he has to try so hard. I mean effort is required in relationships but damn it shouldn’t be an uphill battle. I want loving me to be easy for him and it seemed like it became harder and harder.
With all that, I have no idea what the future holds. I can only go off of the pieces of the equation that I have now and that is…..
1. We’re still long distance
2. We both are still working on becoming more financially stable
3. God told me to chill on dating completely at least until moving back to Texas. Could be longer lol but we’ll check back in on that one.
So with that, whether that’s my man or not, it’s a hard no to trying a relationship again as of now.
Ugh, ok God. I hear you.
0 notes
The hillbilly: Music and life in Appalachia
Day 1
When Tr’thl’ia first learned that the ship would be getting humans from a region on Earth that the humans called “Appalachia”, xe were confused. They had only ever met humans that came from cities near coasts, and had heard of what those humans referred to as “Hillbillies” in almost a derogatory tone. xe took it upon xemself to learn about what kind of humans would be joining xem. As xe read, xey started to understand why other humans had been critical of those from that area. Xe read about how that are hadn’t really been very populous due to the terrain, and also learned that because of the lack of infrastructure in that area, many humans that lived there did not get a lot of education due to many families being in poverty, mainly due to the only jobs in those areas being in the coal mines or other jobs that depended on coal. Xe read about events such as the Coal Wars, specifically about the Battle of Blair Mountain, which made xem shudder with sorrow for the lives that were lost. Xe also read about families such as the Hatfield's and McCoy's, which reinforced the stereotype of humans from there being violent and uneducated. Xe resigned xemself to dealing with constant fights and dealing with whomever started each one.
Day 2
When John McKannon walked onboard the G.U.R.V(Galactic Union Research Vessel) Frailing with the others from the mountains, he was surprised to see Security Officer Tr’thl’ia standing there, waiting with what looked like dread and disdain.
“Hello, my name is-” 
“I know who you are, Hillbilly.” Tr’thl’ia stated.” Just know this about my ship. I will not tolerate violence on this ship. If any of you or your friends cause trouble onboard, you will be shot out the airlock mid warp. do you understand?”
“Yes Xir,” John simply replied. What in the absolute fuck was xer problem?
Day 3
The day went, much to xis suprise, without physical incident. There was an incident around the second meal of the day that involved one of the hillbillies, Amos, and one of the other humans, Mike, from a place called “Florida”, in which Mike did some sort of odd whooping noise with their hand over their mouth and bounced around, which xe would later learn is a type of “racial” slur against those of First Nations descent. This caused Amos to start charging toward Mike before being stopped by John. Tr’thl’ia was confused by this, as the research that xe did before hand showed by all accounts that John shouldn’t have stopped Amos and instead should have even joined into the fight.
In the evening, or what could be considered evening on the ship, Tr’thl’ia was making xis rounds when xe heard a sound that xe had never heard before. It was rythmic, strumming sound along with beats that xe could not place, and it seemed to be coming from the rec area of the Hillbillies( they were given their own area as the captain was advised to by Tr’thl’ia). As xe drew closer xe could start to make out words:
My old mistress promised me                                                                                  When she died she’d set me free/                                                                           Lived so long her head went bald,                                                                           I don’t believe she gon’ die at all!                                      
more of the strumming and thudding sounds.
You take yours, and I’ll take mine,                                                                           We’ll go fishing in the summer time!/                                                                       You get a line, and I’ll get a pole,                                                                            and We’ll run down to the fishin’ hole!
Xe was at the threshold of the doorway to their rec room, and saw something that was suprising to xem. All of the hillbillies, save John and Amos were surrounding those two. John was strumming an object in their hands that looked like a disk with a stick on it, and Amos looked to be stomping. Xe let an audible gasp that drew the attention of everyone in the room.
“Are you alright?” John asked.
Yes, I w-was just investigating the source of the noise that I had heard. What were you doing with that object to get that sound?” Tr’thl’ia asked in amazement.
“This? this is a banjo, which is an instrument from Earth that was based on an instrument from Africa. And the noise that you heard is an old tune called ‘Hook and Line’. It’s a song that’s been played in our mountains for years.”John replied.
And those thuds that I heard?”
“That is a type of dance known as ‘Buck Dancing’. It is a dance that is similar to tap dancing , but where tap dancing is more involved with the front of the foot, buck dancing uses the whole of it to act almost as a set of drums for mountain bluegrass.” Amos answered.
“Ah, so is it a form of war chant, or ritual?” Asked tr’thl’ia.
“It is neither, it is a form of entertainment that is popular in the Appalachians due to it being very cheap, and it is good for social bonding.” 
“So that explains why you are all around. But why did Mike make that odd sound towards you, and why did that upset you?”
Amos turned red at that question, looking like he was about to cry , and John cut in for him, speaking in a soft, but firm tone. “He did it because he is a racist piece of shit, that’s why. Amos is Native American. His people where some of the first in the region, and were deeply persecuted back in the day for both their culture and skin color. Many were made to leave the area in an event known as the Trail of Tears. But some of those people did not wish to go on the Trail of Tears, and instead retreated deep into the mountains, for safety. Even still, many people nowadays hold deep prejudices against his people, and others like them. That’s why many of his people hid in those mountains, and joined communities of those that hid there as well for various reasons.”
“I understand now why you had a reaction like that, but why don’t other humans like people from your area? You seem like people that are very accepting from what you have told me.” Tr’thl’ia questioned.
“Because they are not as accepting as they seem. They came from privileged homes, homes with food on the table, parents who were home all the time to be able to answer questions, to help them learned. They are jealous that they do not have the drive to be able to get out of tough situations, like we do. Many of those you see here among us are from families that are broken and poor, with one or both parents gone at any given time. Many of us had days where we wouldn’t eat, because we wanted our younger siblings to be able to have a meal. Hell, many of us are working here TO support our families back home, to fight to keep food on the table. We fight a lot, as you probably have read, because we have to, because we have no other choice but to fight over resources as simple as food. That fighting, brings us together, the struggle brings people in our communities together, as we have all shared that struggle at least once.” John picks up his water glass and takes a sip. “We all here had to work to get out of those hills, for if we didn’t nobody would help us get out. We would all be dead within twenty years.”
Tr’thl’ia listened to the words that John was saying, and really thought them over and began to feel a bit of remorse for the way xe had greeted them earlier.
“I’m sorry,” Tr’thl’ia said softly, “ for the way I greeted you when you came aboard. I was biased by what the other humans had said about your people, and what they would be like, without giving me context as to why you may have to be that way. I didn’t realize that you would have to struggle that much to get out of that area, I thought that you would have all of the resources that you need to do what ever you wanted to do for a job, and that it was your own fault for not leaving.”
John cracked a warm smile at that. “You have no need to apologize for that. Many people have that same reaction to us. What matters is that you have the balls to accept that you were in the wrong and have tried to make some sort of amends. Now, where were we?”
You take hook, I’ll take line,                                                                                     We’ll go fishin’ in the summer time!
(If you made it this far down the story, Thank you! This is my first post, so it is probably a bit rough, but I hope you enjoyed it. Name of the tune mentioned in the story is ‘Hook and Line’ and if you want a good example of both the song and Buck Dancing, check out  Clifton Hicks - Hook and Line (dance accompaniment)! He is very talented and also has many videos on the history of the banjo and the afro-carribean roots of it. He also does lessons on older styles of playing such as Overhand(Frailing, clawhammer) and two finger picking. Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy!)
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Kittens (Keith x reader)
Song you are singing
Warning(s): A TON OF CUSSING, reckless driving, got lazy at the end, Keith loosing one of his lives
Fandom: Voltron
Word Count: 1,510
Pairing(s): Keith x reader
Genera: chaotic fluff
A/N: this is basically a Voltron version of “no braincells“ but I added a twist to make things more interesting
Request are always open!
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Keith stared at the tiny kittens surrounding him, he froze in place and looked up to you as a plea of help witch was rudely declines when you started snickering before bursting out into laughter. Soon the whole crew joined in on laughing at Keith with a bunch of kittens. Pidge was snapping pictures and uploading it to their Instagram, Lance was recording a tiktok, Shiro was trying to get the cats off of Keith, Hunk was laughing, and you where adding more cats to the pile on his lap. “Y/N DON’T ENCOURAGE THEM!” Shiro scolded. You rolled your eyes before grabbing a small black and white kitten and placing it on Keith’s lap. The crew had decided to meet up after band practice and stay at your house. Little did they all know that you fostered animals, you had a couple of dogs and Birds but you mainly fostered cats cause they look so fucking cute.
“But it fuuunnnn!” You wine, only making Hunk laugh even harder until he was literally on the ground laughing so hard.
“They are kind of cute…” Keith muttered as he stared at the cats and back at you and then back at the cats.
“Why don’t Keith and I go to get some cat stuff at the mall, you three can make yourselves at home by the way!” You called as you dragged Keith into your car and hopped in the drivers side.
“Oh no…” Keith muttered as he stared wide eyed at you starting the car.
”Please don’t tell me—“
”Oh, yeah I am driving!”
You locked the car doors and started to drive on there highway. Keith relaxed a bit as he thought that you where going to be normal
Big mistake
As soon as you saw all the muscles sink into the car seat you smirked and pulled up a radio station. Since Keith hasn’t been with you in the car before (for a good reason since everyone that has let you drive a car was gotten sick) he didn’t know that you LOVES music. Probably even more then you loved anime (which was saying something).
The fuck? Hold on Bitches got beef but don't wanna fight me Quit all that barkin', ho, bite me Bitch Hold on
”What the fuck is this?” Keith asked as he started to lean forward before the song started and you higher Ed the volume all the way up
Bitch, you fat, need a tummy tuck (Yep) You dropping diss songs, man, bitch, get your money up (For sure, then)
”It is called ‘go best friend’ and it is awesome” You answered as you rolled down your window and started singing along to the beat of the song and speeding slightly.
If you 'bout it, then run it up Used to be cool with this bitch, but she mad that I'm coming up
Keith hesitated softly before pulling up the lyrics on his phone and starting to sing along slowly. Afraid of what would happen next. You turned right and got on the off-road. Keith stiffened as he has heard one to many times what happens when you go off road and onto the dirt paths that you have most likely made yourself.
You a thot, you gon' suck it up I got a white bitch in the club, wanna pump it up (Woo, woo)
You started speeding even faster the before and Keith was prepared for the worst. Looking for a pencil and a piece of paper before settling on a anime journal that you had and a pen
Fuck a speech, I'ma sum it up $hy on the track and you already know she gonna fuck it up (Ayy, yeah) Bitch need to worry 'bout a bag I'm rocking these shows, and that's why she mad (Aha)
”I am going to give Lance my fuck you energy, Shiro my Hot Topic shirts, Pidge my suicidal thought, Hunk my fuck boy energy, and y/n my outmost hatred.” Keith started to say as he wrote out his will.
“Oh come on I am not that bad of a driver!” You pouted, looking away from the road and staring at Keith. Keith widened his eyes and grabbed the steering wheel so he could drive.
After this diss, you goin' out sad Bitch, you not bougie, you don't got no class (Bitch) Turnt in the booth and I'm piped off that gas Spin on yo' block, then we hitting the dash (Shoot, shoot)
”The last time you said that Pidge ended up in a flicking tree!” Keith argued, holding back the urge to choke you out, you rolled your eyes and elbowed the emo boy out of the way to take control of driving
It's still love for you, though But, bitch, I'm 'bout to get on your ass (Haha)
You started screaming the lyrics and Keith’s heart seemed to be going backwards as he grabbed his phone and gripped it tightly in his hands before button the record button.
$hy gotta potty mouth You wanna talk shit? Bitch, let's talk 'bout your body count You stink, throw your body out Tryna hang wit' the kid, I'm the life of the party now (Yeah)
He stopped the video and sent it to the “why do we still exist?” Group chat that consist of the gang
-character development Sasuke sent a video-
Non-binary owl: WORK IT Y/N YEAAAH
Sapnap but better: oh no…
Panda dude from beastars: have you written your will yet?
-character development Sasuke sent a picture-
Character development Sasuke: already got it written out
Won’t shut up about how bisexual this man is: I GET FUCK YOU ENERGY?!
Sapnap but better: I GET FUCK BOY ENERGY
Non-binary owl: can we all collectively agree to play/sing WAP at Keith’s funeral
Your lil' sister look up to me (Yeah) Bitch, you can't rap and you really not touching me (No) Just like a virgin, lil' bitch, cannot fuck wit' me And I never been pussy, bitch, you know what's up with me (For sure, then)
Won’t shut up about how bisexual this man is: As long as I get to do the dance
Panda dude from beastars: Look Keith you are going to be fine
Why this bitch wanna pop shit? We was just cool, now this bitch wanna act like a opp bitch (The fuck?)
“What happens if I go off the edge…?” You wonder out loud, Keith looks up at you with a panicked expression.
Oh, she mad she can't stop shit Said that my breath stink 'cause I'm spittin' that hot shit (Hot, hot)
“NO Y/N DON’T GO OFF THE EDGE! THIS IS NOT FUCKING MINECRAFT!!” Keith lectured as he tried to roll down the window but silently cried to himself as he realized that you had child’s lock on.
Quit all that barkin', lil' bitch, and come bite me Bitches got beef, but they don't wanna fight me (Wait, wait)
You ignored Keith and smiled up yourself as you almost ran over some ducks
Turnt to my music, but swear they don't like me You got my number, ho, FaceTime, Skype me These hoes wanna be me I'm on your radio, soon I'ma be on your TV John Cena, bitches can't see me (Nope) I'm goin' up, and it's hella fans wanna meet me (Hey, haha)
“WHY DID YOU ALMOST RUN OVER DUCKS?!” Keith screamed as he plastered himself against the window.
Bitches don't get me Bitch, why you hatin? You could've been goin up with me (For sure, then) Spear on the bitch like she Britney You could dissed any bitch, but instead, you gon' pick me (Okay, the fuck?)
You did a wide turn and Keith practically flew in the air, he got up off the floor and cursing the seatbelt for failing to protect him against your ruthless grasp.
Make a bitch wanna hit me (Ayy, ayy) Bitches be cap on my name, the shoe did not fit me (No, it didn't) Show these bitches no pity (Yeah) These bitches wanna be friends, admit it, you miss me (Go)
Keith peered over the dashboard thanks to him now being on the floor and distantly saw the mall “YESSS WE ARE ALMOST THERE!!!!” Keith exclaimed as he got exited ready to leave this hell hole that mortals calls a car
Wrap up the beat like a doobie I don't give a fuck 'bout opinions, you know I'ma do me (Hey, hold on) Bitch, you a gnat, you a groupie Told that lil' bitch it's some snacks, and we pulled up with Scoobies
you lowered the volume to one as you pulled up in the parking lot and slowed down the car before parking somewhere close to the mall. You didn’t even look bothered to the fact of your reckless driving while Keith was looking like a whole tumbleweed fell over and hit him in the rib cage.
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topazy · 3 years
The Fierce And Broken
You stepped back and stared at Raven speechless, even in the darkness you could tell she was blushing. Did she regret kissing you? You hoped not.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I shouldn’t have done that. Now I’ve made things weird between us-”
Now it was your turn to cut her off. You pressed your lips against hers, she kissed you back and you remained like that until you pulled away to catch your breath.
“Um...I suppose we should go to bed,” Raven said in a soft chuckle.
“Yeah it’s late, and I imagine you need to rest that brain of yours.”
Raven flopped down onto the bed, “you have no idea.”
Tracking a person down in a small camp was surprisingly hard. You were about to give up when you heard Abby’s voice. “And where's Marcus now? Imprisoned still? You're just going to leave him there? Like the kids in Mount Weather? If we run, who's going to rescue them?”
“You weren’t there, Abby. I saw them. Warriors trained since childhood to fight and die for their cause. As we speak, they are marching on this camp. And trust me when I tell you, the right choice is to live, so that we can come back and fight another day.”
“Inspirational words from a man who sent children to their deaths,” you ignored the look on Jaha’s face and looked directly at Abby. “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to tell you I’m accepting your offer. I’ll train with you.”
A smile spread across the doctors face, “good. I’m so glad you are taking this opportunity, your father would be so proud.”
You frowned at her comment and left the room not interested in the deceit of it all. None of the adults who came from the ark cared about anybody else expect from themselves or their children, you could understand that but not the acting like one happy family.
“Hey,” you whispered entering the tent.
Raven let out a groan before sitting up, “what time is it?”
“Early, very early.” You crawled onto the bed and laid down face first. “Nothing new has happened since last night.”
“Can I ask you something?” Raven sounded nervous. You turned to face her and nodded. “Last night...that kiss... I didn’t weird you out did I?”
“No, that’s why I kissed you back.”
She smiled at your comment. You knew it must be hard for Raven to try and avoid any awkwardness around the situation. “Good, because I was afraid you wouldn’t have kissed me back.” Her confession took you by surprise. “I think you are amazing Alba, I really do-” she paused for a moment trying to find the right words. “Me and Finn are over, but a part of me is still hurting and I don’t want to use you as a rebound. I’ve already made that mistake with Bellamy and you are to import for me to risk it.”
“I’m happy being friends if you are?” Truthfully you were a little disappointed, but you admired her honesty.
The brunette let out a frustrated sigh, “I do want to be more with you Al but-I’m scared to rush things in case I get hurt again, or even worse I hurt you.”
“Did you just ask me to go steady with you Reyes?”
“I did,” she laughed before leaning back next you on the bed. “So what do you say?”
You linked your fingers with hers, “I suppose so.”
Raven shoved you playfully. You filled her in on the conversation you overheard between Abby and Jaha. She still couldn’t believe that you confronted Abby on behalf of her. Your unusual moment of calmness was interrupted by Clarke barging into the tent, the blonde was in her usual frustrated state and was oblivious to you and Raven holding hands. “Y/N we have a meeting with the commander right now.”
You sat up fast, “we?”
“The commander won’t listen to me on my own, you still have the bruising from what the mountain men did.”
Rolling your eyes you stood up with a groan. “Yeah, I can show them it as proof I get it. Can you give me a minute?” Clarke stared at you blankly. “Jesus Griffin, I’m wanting to change okay.”
“Fine, but we need to leave in a couple of minutes.”
Quickly you changed your top into a more appropriate one. Running in a thin vest top wasn’t a good idea. Once your jacket was on you made sure to have Anya’s hair in your pocket. “You don’t need to go, If you don't want to.”
You gave Raven a sad smile before making sure not to forget anything important. “If there’s a chance to get our people back I need to try,” you squeezed her hand. “Stay safe Reyes, I’ll be back soon.”
“If you so much as look at her the wrong way, I will slit your throat.”
You gulped down at Gustus’s threat. You fully believed he would kill you and Clarke without a second thought. Another grounder stepped forward and introduced the commander.
“You're the one who burned three hundred of my warriors alive,” the commander's words were laced with venom as she spoke.
Clarke stepped forward, “you're the one who sent them there to kill us.”
“Do you have an answer for me, Clarke of the sky people?”
Answer? You frowned at the blonde standing next you. She has failed to mention any kind of deal, or questions had been discussed prior to this meeting. Clarke had an answer for her, “I’ve come to make you and offer.”
The commander's expression remained the same and emotionless, Clarke had really pissed her off. “This is not a negotiation.”
Another grounder spoke to the commander in trig. You didn’t know many words but you did pick up on ‘kill her’, You looked at Clarke confused. Was she trying to get you both killed?
“I can help you beat the mountain men.”
“Go on.”
As the commander spoke you noticed the other grounder eyeing you suspiciously. “Hundreds of your people are trapped inside mount weather, kept in cages. Their blood is used as medicine.”
“How do you know this?” The commander wasn’t believing her story.
“Because I saw them,” she stepped closer again. “My people are prisoners, too. I was one of them. We both were.”
“Lies!” The angry grounder stepped forward. “No one escapes the mountain.”
“We did. With Anya. We fought our way out together.”
“Another lie. Anya died in the fire. You killed her!”
“She’s not lying,” you said. “The mountain men are taking blood and bone marrow from both our people.”
The commander still looked unconvinced. Sighing you pulled your jeans down low enough to reveal your large bruise that has still yet to heal. “They took my bone marrow. I found Clarke inside mount weather, and while trying to escape we found Anya. We only had time to save her, but I intend on keeping my promise to return and free the others.” You reached into your pocket and pulled out the braid of hair. “Anya told me you were her second, I’m sure she’d want you to have this.”
“We don’t even know it’s hers”
“Anya was my mentor before I was called to lead my people,” the commander turned to face you and Clarke. “Did she die well?”
“Yes. By my side, trying to get a message to you.”
You couldn’t decide if Clarke’s memory of what happened was fuzzy, or if she was a really good liar. The commander held her hand up to Indra, “what message?”
“The only way to save both our people is if we join together.”
“Those who are about to die will say anything,” Indra spat. “The one you call Alba doesn’t seem conceived by Clarke of the sky people.”
Oh shit. Suddenly all eyes were on you. “Anya called me Heda gon bàsmhorachd, and heda gon mathanas and said one is a gift and the other is a weakness. “
The commander glanced from you to Clarke, “I’m still waiting for an offer.”
“The mountain men are turning your people into reapers. I can turn them back.”
Indra began ranting and yelling in trig.
“I’ve done it with Lincoln.”
You glared at Clarke as she said his name. Lincoln had always been good to your people. He’d saved Octavia, you, and Finn multiple times. Last time he tried to make peace it cost him his own people and Clarke had just given his location away.
Soon as you arrived back at camp Jackson said he needed your help. You excused yourself much to the dismay of Indra but the commander didn’t seem to care. After countless attempts of bringing the patient's temperature down Jackson eventually managed. He explained with such little resources it was becoming harder to help people.
“Hey doctor.” Turning to face the doorway you smiled seeing Raven gave you a confused look. “What are you doing?”
“We are short of blood so I’m doing what I can to help,” you shrugged. It was also a good reason to avoid any grounders that where still in camp. The interaction from before had left a sour taste in your mouth, although a part of that was because of Clarke.
“We should start calling you saint Alba,” Raven leaned against an empty table. “How did it go?”
“Truthfully I have no idea, Clarke told them she can turn reapers back into normal people.”
“Can she?”
“I’ve no idea you,” you pouted. “She’s not one for sharing what’s going on. I was completely blind sighted by some things that were said. I guess we can’t do anything but wait and see.”
“Do you trust them?”
You thought about it before answering, the grounders had no reason to trust the ‘sky people’ so they probably didn’t. “I think they will still have a ace up their sleeves. How did your day go?”
Raven shrugged, “still no change.”
Jackson entered the room just as the bag had filled with enough blood. He thanked you and removed the needle from your arm. Technically it wasn’t a good idea for you to be given blood after everything your body had been through recently but it was desperate times. You stumbled slightly when you stood up but Raven caught hold of you. “Al? You should sit back down.”
You gave her a lopsided grin, before gently kissing her. Raven smiled into the kiss before leaning back, “if you need anymore blood I can always donate.”
“Glad to hear, I’ll be back in a moment.”
You shared a look with Raven, “is he everywhere?”
Shaking your head you got out of the chair and let Raven sit in it. “I’m going to get changed, do you want anything from the tent?” Raven shook her head. “I’ll see you soon Reyes.”
Lifting up a cleanish top you changed into, and threw the previous one that was now covered in your blood to the side along with the rest of your dirty clothes. You had accidentally pulled the needle out when Jackson first put it in resulting a good top being stained.
You stepped out of the tent and saw Clarke walking back from the gates, she noticed you and walked over. “We saved Lincoln.”
“That’s great,” you were glad to hear Lincoln hadn’t died. He deserved better than to die as a reaper.
“Commander Lexa-”
“I need to stop you there Clarke,” you pointed towards the gates the grounders had just left though. “I’m not interested in any of that.”
“Your not interested in saving our people?”
The accusation that you didn’t care about your people after everything you’d been through together stung. “No, I want to save our people and the grounders who have been taken. But I don’t trust Lexa.”
“She is our best chance of helping.”
“Is she?” You saw the furious look on her face. “I’m just saying we don’t know enough about them, and she’s not going to just give us a alliance we will need to work for it.” Clarke’s silence confirmed your fear. “What has the commander offered you?”
“She will fight with us to get all of our people back.”
“What does she want in return?”
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zigtheeortega · 3 years
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For the past six months, @pixeljazzy​ and I have been working on a playlist we felt could top last year’s, which was so well received! 
We’ve broken it up into sections by individual love interests, multiple love interests, main character, and miscellaneous, which includes side characters, general vibes, etc. Underneath each song are lyrics we believed stood out to us along with explanations as to why we chose it. Like last year, the [p] is for PJ and [j] is for Jade.
Here’s the link to the playlist on Spotify, but we’ve individually linked the songs with each explanation as well!
We sincerely hope you enjoy our 2021 RODAW Playlist! 
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The Bay, Soft Glas. ft. Mulherin [j]
Leaving you alone is too hard (hard, hard) / I just never know where to start (with you)
I'm not used to leaving someone broken hearted / That might be what really makes this hard (It's hard) / I've never been with anyone this long / If I did it, I really miss you
The softness and apologetic tone of the song reminds me of Logan through and through. He’s so regretful for what he put MC through, both at the beginning when he was lying to her, and by the end when he thinks he’s ruined her life by simply being a criminal and dating her. And by leaving her he’s leaving the one person who’s loved him unconditionally and stuck with him through it all.
Call Me, Nav [j]
They taught me, "Don't forget where you came from" / I regret what I came from
Do you know how it feel to feel alone? / Bought myself a house, to feel like I ain't home / Driving by myself, ain't got nowhere to go / Are you really here for me, I don't know
I hope you mean everything that you told me / I'll try to come back to you, girl, I'm sorry / If you miss me, just call me
This song honestly reminded me of Logan’s backstory that we don’t know much of, besides the fact that he was thrust into a life of crime as a teen and as an adult he hates it. The other lyrics I added are kind of a glimpse into the future I think – wherever Logan is, whatever he’s doing, if he’s not with MC, the woman he loves, everything he accomplishes is gonna feel hollow. And despite him saying that he was leaving to protect her, I know in his heart he’d want her to find her way back to him.
Cold Case Love, Rihanna [p]
I’m torn apart and you know / What you did to me was a crime
We opened up a cold case love / And it got the best of us / And now prints, pictures, and white outlines / Are all that’s left at the scene of a crime / Of a cold case love
The first line reminded me of how MC probably felt after being betrayed by Logan, the one that was arguably supposed to be the closest to them, and then the second lyric is because at the time, MC left and that was the last Logan knew of them with nothing to stand for what they used to have until they eventually came back to help save the crew.
Compass, The Neighbourhood [j]
If I don't have you with me, I'm alone / You know I never know which way to go / I think I need you with me for all-time / When I need new direction for my mind
I've got something to confess / I keep you in my pocket to use / You're my only compass / I might get lost without you / (Could you tell me where to go?)
You're always there to help me when I'm down / I'm lucky you've been keeping me around / You're the star I look for every night / When it's dark, you'll stick right by my side
Like a magnet / Hard to imagine ever changing / Can't help that I'm attracted to you, I am / Could you keep on guiding me? Please
This is a quintessential Logan song – reading these lyrics, it’s like Logan spoke them himself to MC, and that’s why I included so much of the song. All of these remind me of him and his hopeless romanticism, but specifically the line about her being the star he looks for every night? Absolutely perfect. This entire song is like a love letter from Logan to MC.
Don’t Leave Me, Blackstreet [p]
I’m searching for the words to make you realize / That I really, really want you to stay
Don’t leave, don’t leave me girl
This song was giving me Logan vibes from the diamond scene where he’s like “I can’t believe I love someone” and MC is like “you don’t get to say that to me” or some shit like that because he’s trying soo so hard to explain himself to her and to make her not hate him.
Imma Dog, Ugly God ft. PnB Rock [j]
You say you love me, shawty, tell me why / 'Cause I'm a dog and I'ma probably be this way until I die / You say you always gon' be by my side / You say you trust me with your heart and I swear, I just wonder why
Okay, hear me out, I forreal have reasons for this to be tied to Logan. The only verse in this song that’s a non chorus one is related to cheating, but I’m choosing to ignore that for the sake of the chorus. I heard the chorus for the first time and it made me think of one specific moment and point in time in Ride or Die. These lyrics remind me of Logan’s attitude when he was being mean and pretending to be annoyed by MC to get her off of him – despite the facade he’s still in awe of the way she trusts him and cares about him even when he’s treating her like garbage.
Life’s a Mess, Juice WRLD ft. Halsey [p]
Uh, sometimes life’s a mess
Lookin’ for somethin’ real, then I found it
I’m too flawed to hold you down, but / Don’t wanna be here alone
Logan knows all too well how much of a mess life really is (first lyric), and the second lyric is basically what I think he feels about MC. He told MC in the beginning that he doesn’t really stay with crews or trust anyone but himself, but MC was that exception before the rest of the crew became that exception too. And then the third lyric is because Logan looks at himself as someone who probably doesn’t deserve MC, Vaughn even said he was morally obligated to tell MC that she’s too good for his cousin (yes it was a joke (was it) but it fits), but he still wants her anyway (“Look at you...then look at me. You’re going to be valedictorian. I never even went to high school...I don’t have anything, and I wasn’t anybody, and I knew that. I always knew that….Some part of me really wants you to mess things up for me.” - Logan, Ch. 3).
Unfair, 6lack [p]
Hope my mistakes don’t make me less of a man / ‘cause lately it feel like them shits really can / I’m prayin’ I don’t wake up all alone
But know I’m stuck between / What I love and who I love and / I know it’s unfair
The first lyric I feel like is pretty self-explanatory as Logan expresses remorse for his actions (him acting weird and tryna tell MC about his dishonesty in the club, him making the effort to apologize or explain in the diamond scene after the reveal) and it especially hits if your MC is romancing Logan because he doesn’t want to lose them. As for the second lyric, I was thinking about how he was probably stuck between doing what’s best for the crew and doing right by MC
While We’re Young, Jhene Aiko [j]
Baby while we're young / I think we should do something crazy / Like say, "Fuck everyone" / And just run away from the daily routine
I'm tellin' everybody you're mine and I like it / And I really hope you don't mind, I can't fight it
'Cause it's been another perfect day with ya / Wanna lay with ya / Spend the night with ya / Then spend my life with ya, alright
I'll go everywhere you go / You know I'll go, I'll go / Everywhere you go
I'm giving you my heart, please don't break it / Take it and lock it up and put me in your pocket, love
This reminds me of Logan and MC’s brand of romance that’s sweet and clumsy and a little bit reckless when it really gets going. They’re both cautious but they fantasize about throwing caution to the wind even more than they already have.
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Angel With A Shotgun, The Cab [p]
I don’t care if heaven won’t take me back / I’ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe
Sometimes to win, you have to sin
And I want to live, not just survive
Lemme explain because I feel like people may think this song is really really out there for Colt but I was listening to this song one day and thought of him, esp the last two lines I chose: I think of how Colt came up with the kidnapping plan and how it was so crazy because it was like wow he really was ready for murder if it came down to it, but Colt was basically like we need to do something big to outsmart them or else we’ll just be doing shit for them forever (‘sometimes to win, you have to sin’).
Born 2 Be Great, Lil Tjay [p]
I was born to be great / And I won’t let nobody tell me I ain’t / And I can’t stop, won’t stop
Growin’ up, I’m gettin’ old, start settin’ goals / Tryna make more money off my business and shows / And everybody gon’ hate, I’m great, I know / Everybody can hate, I’m great, I know
These lyrics just scream COLT to me all the way. He knows and believes he’s destined for greatness no matter what path he chooses because no matter what he does, he’s gonna succeed in the end. “I can’t stop, won’t stop” reminds me of how Kaneko wanted Colt to choose for himself what he wanted to do, and even though Kaneko tried to shield Colt away from the family business, that’s where Colt wanted to be. The second lyric is essentially Colt just knowing he’s gonna make money and that he won’t be liked (hated by other crews, police, etc.), but that won’t matter because he’s great nevertheless.
Chandelier, B.o.B ft. Lauriana Mae [p]
They say life’s about choices / In the face of defeat I declined / Put your soul into everything, never back down / That’s how you leave a legacy behind
Let my blood keep pumping, my heart keep beating / Shining like a chandelier
Making something out of absolutely nothing / That’s the definition of a survivor
Colt definitely felt ‘put your soul into everything, never back down / that’s how you leave a legacy behind’ because of how much he focuses on carrying on what his family has built, and taking all the risks necessary to keep that legacy alive and make a name for himself. I put ‘shining like a chandelier’ because that’s how bright Colt shines, as I believe he’s destined for greatness and wouldn’t allow himself to achieve anything but.
Down Bad, Real Recognize Rio [j]
I've been out of my head for a couple minutes, for a couple miles / Made the hair stand up on my neck / On a knife edge, comin' at me for my crimes / Got a mind that can leave you locked inside
'Cause you got me down bad, down bad, your deep desire / Carve my name on your soul, then I walk through the fire / Your voice so clear, like you say my name / You got mе runnin' for my life like this shit was a game / Got mе down bad, down bad to feel your touch
This song reminds me of Colt specifically during the gambling scene when he got shot and the last car chase scene, because MC is put in serious danger but it does nothing to shake her love for Colt. She’s scared for her life and her future but she’s still willing to put everything on the line for him and MPC.
Forever Ever, Trippie Redd ft. Young Thug [p]
You gon’ really have to hold me fuckin’ down, babe / ‘Cause I ain’t with the fuckery, that playing ‘round, babe
We Bonnie and Clyde but except the shots
He don’t love you like he should, I can love you better
First and second lyric are because they’re a team, and Colt sees MC as his right hand. In the life he lives, the people on his team gotta be down fr because there’s always a lot at stake. The last lyric is more conditional, as I feel like this could be him if MC was also romancing Logan because in the reveal, Colt’s like you deserved to know and in the car in the chapter afterwards that’s when he’s like bro we could run this whole shit etc. etc.
Impala, O2worldwide [j]
I been watching you from a distance / Sitting back and acknowledging your existence / I made a couple songs but you'll probably never listen / Shooting my shot but i'm always fucking missing / Setting my ego aside / Me and you can go together just like Bonnie and Clyde / I've been tripping over you just like my shoes is untied / And I tried to hit you up its like my confidence died but
I see you everyday but don't past corners of eyes / I'm just gonna act like I didn't see you close to that guy / Not gonna lie you got me head over ears / I'm tryna find love because I don't know just how it feels
Anyone listening to this and reading the lyrics is going to hate me because… is this the perfect “Colt pining for MC because she’s getting close to Logan” Love Triangle song, or what? I listen to this song so casually most of the time that I forget how sad the lyrics actually are. The first couple verses (not the third verse) fit the narrative so well. A lot of my favorite “Colt” songs aren’t ones where they’re outwardly admitting any kind of affection for MC – they’re the ones where it reads as Colt struggling with their feelings for MC and how to express them.
PTSD, G Herbo ft. Juice WRLD, Lil Uzi Vert, and Chance the Rapper [p]
I don’t belong, I see my past everywhere
I got a war zone on inside of my head
A million dollars ahead, I’m still angry and seeing red
I’m too paranoid, I make sure all my opps, they bled
This song always guts me because G Herbo is talking about all the people he’s lost, and for Colt, I imagined this was probably him after losing his father. Reminded of his past when he saw the remains of the shop, reminded of his past every time after that probably when he was rebuilding the shop. As for the million dollars, it’s like he could pull off as many heists as he could but he would never be satisfied until Brotherhood paid, hence the last lyric because honestly I don’t think it’s over until Shaw is dead (ik there’s a line in ROD where he’s like if we were even, he’d be dead, I just know it).
Sun God, Trippie Redd [j]
Went out my way just to love you / Right at the top, no above you / Right off the top, know I trust you / Ready or not, here I come, boo / And baby, you're hot, like the sun, too / Not too hot for me, no I'm sun-proof / Follow your lead, I'ma come through / Just you and me, baby, one-two
I think this is Colt way farther down the line if MC had the chance to really fall in love with him. He’s the type to value trust and loyalty in a bond more than anything else because he doesn’t do either of those easily at all. And I think that the line about being sun-proof is a cute callback to a lot of the fandom comparisons of Colt and Icarus – the title too and the lyrics just scream Colt to me.
Where Does The Love Go?, Maria Isabel [j]
Nightly negotiations with the moon, whoever's listening / All the miles between us got me messed up, got me trippin'
They say lovin' is easy / But not when one of us is leaving
Back on a plane / Two different coasts / When we're alone / Where does the love go? / What if you go / Forget the way home? / Running in circles but never together / So where does the love go?
The more I listen to this song the more I think this song is about Colt and MC. Colt’s not a clingy type in the slightest, but there’s no doubt in my mind that deeper into the relationship, both Colt and MC would have some doubts – the reason I say this is because I’m viewing the lyrics through the lens of Colt and MC doing long distance while MC is in college on the East Coast. This whole song is long distance relationship anxiety summed up perfectly and it’s so Colt.
Yellow Lights, 24kGoldn [p]
Don’t want no yellow light / don’t want no mixed message
For the crown, ‘cause we could achieve it
Love you now, but don’t you deceive me
Second lyric resonated with me esp because of that line in the book where he’s like “But the two of us? We put our brains together, you and me could run this whole town” so he knows he could achieve an empire with MC by his side. Last lyric is because Colt definitely doesn’t trust those around him and for those that he does trust, that trust doesn’t come easy. So MC, who managed to get past that, is loved, but would automatically lose a lot if she deceived him (now imagine….snitch MC? This line would hit a lot more because she ends up deceiving him so like he had a right to be wary of her holding his heart (like if we’re looking at the pov of him saying this lyric)).
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Can’t Love, Trippie Redd [p]
She say she love me, I think she love me not / She say she love me, I know she love me not
How could you do this to me? / Yeah, yeah, I thought you, I thought you loved
Another Mona and her ex song teehee but I’m imagining this from Mona’s pov while she’s in jail like wow that girl never loved me like she said she loved me (first lyric) and how could she betray me like this (second lyric).
Favorite Mistake, Giveon [p]
Is my secret safe? / Safe with just you and me / We can’t leave a trace / This is my favorite mistake
Look in my eyes / Do you mind the lies? Do you feel alive?
Even when you’re gone / The feeling just grow stronger / Should leave it alone / But you’re getting closer
So I finally did a Mona route and GOD yes this song is about cheating (Mona and Hieron can’t relate) but we gon ignore that and just focus on these lyrics specifically because wow they really hit me like Mona for one was in denial of her feelings for MC from the jump and at some point she’s like god this is so ridiculous I can’t believe I’m feeling this way again so ofc she doesn’t want people to know she’s in love (like that time Toby is like man she is NOT happy about liking you! in the club scene) hence the beginning of the first lyric but at the same time….. she’s in love… so “this is my favorite mistake.” As for the second and third, the lies are that “I don’t like you” ra ra ra she’s only fooling herself and then it’s like yeah she knows her feelings are dumb but she can’t help but fall for MC anyway <3
Gonna Love Me, Teyana Taylor [p]
Sometimes we say things that we really don’t mean / We do things in between the lines
Please wait up for me ‘til whenever I get home / I know that you’re all alone / Thinking ‘bout what you’re gon’ do / I hope that you see it through, ooh, ooh
Why is it so hard to keep in touch
For the first lyric, I was thinking of the time MC says “Being with you makes a difference to me. It feels safer” and Mona replies that “It’s just an illusion. A blanket. And I’ve told you before not to count on me.” Yeah she said that wit her chest but ik she knows it’s more than that for the both of them. The second and third lyric both have to do with her being in jail by the end of the book (making it literally hard to keep in touch), and even though she tells MC not to wait up, a part of me thinks the vulnerable part of Mona would’ve hoped at least a smidge that MC would, and the last bit ‘thinking ‘bout what you’re gon’ do / I hope that you see it through’ reminds me of the advice in the diamond scene of driving Mona to the hospital that she gave MC which was that to move on, you just gotta keep your foot on the gas and look forward and that eventually, she’ll be somewhere better than she’s ever been.
Love or Lust, 24kGoldn [p]
It’s love or it’s lust, we just need to be clear / ‘Cause if you’re in love, then I shouldn’t be here
Would you walk eight thousand miles just to make me smile on a rainy Wednesday? / If so, then you gots to go, it ain’t mutual and I’m not pretending
Basically in the beginning stages of MC falling for Mona, Mona’s like oh hell nah (“I shouldn’t be here”) and she recognizes that MC likes her a lotttt (MC would definitely walk eight thousand miles to make her smile on a rainy Wednesday) and so she’s like fuck
PLW, Leon Thomas [j]
Left my fear right at the door (ooh) / She's an animal hunting in the wild, yeah (in the wild) / Doesn't move around or groove / But she come from the depth / That's why she's down to earth / An instrument of war
Baby ain't no beginner / I got love for my little winner / Flashing or finessing / That's why I mess with her, yeah
And you don't have to worry, yeah / 'Cause I know what's she worth / No, you don't have to save me / From my pretty little weapon
Ooh my baby smart, and she sharp, and she sharp, yeah / Pretty little weapon
I’ll never ever get over how this song fell into my lap and is absolutely perfect for Mona. This is for an MC who acknowledges that Mona’s a badass and that she loves her because of her strong personality and unwavering confidence because she knows she’s good at her job. The first verse is the best approach an MC could take – leaving her fear at the door because she knows someone like Mona could sniff it out. The line “No, you don’t have to save me / From my pretty little weapon” kills me, because it’s accurate – on Mona’s route, despite any betrayal, the MC is still in love with her and knows that Mona would never actually hurt her.
Sleeping With the Enemy, BbyMutha & Kindora [j]
Creeping around corners / I don't feel like myself / Studying your movements / It's a carousel / And I can't confirm that you / Mean what you say / And I'm pretty sure / That it's / Better that way
Why can't I trust in you / Am I slipping up / Over you / If it really turned to be the way / That I think / How bad could it be?
And I know that we could go for / Round and round like 123 / And I gotta question myself / Is it coming? / Possibly / And I gotta wonder / Am I sleeping with the enemy?
I'm watching my back / Like I got nothing left / I give you all I got / Wish I knew what was next
The first time I heard this song it was a toss up between whether or not it was a Colt and Mona song (or both) but I settled on Mona pretty quickly after a re-listen. Not only is the internal conflict in the lyrics a perfect description of Mona’s own battle, but it could be easily viewed from MC’s perspective as well. The idea of knowing it’s “wrong”, and mistrusting them but pursuing it anyways is quintessential early Mona route.
The World is a Marble Heart, AJR [p]
We could have been, we should have been / What your heart couldn’t handle
Run away, girl, ‘cause I let you / Now you found some other man, you see / I’m better off without you, ‘cause the man ain’t me!
I’m going right now / To the beginning / What you denied from the start / And now you can’t go breaking my heart
The world is a marble heart / It’s bullshit and we know it
I think the first lyric is definitely MC to Mona because Mona was afraid to allow herself to be in love, and then evidently their relationship couldn’t blossom because Mona ends up arrested (“we could have been, we should have been”). This song called out to me because Mona always comments on how MC’s heart got them into the Brotherhood mess, how MC always think the crew is something they’re not, so MC’s heart is the marble heart and the last lyric (“it’s bullshit and we know it”) is essentially Mona being like girl you know we are not what you think we are. The second lyric is because in a scene after the reveal, Mona drives MC to Riya’s house and MC goes I wish we could run off together and Mona is like just say the word and MC is like I can’t :/// and then Mona is like the only one stopping you is you, and then “I’m better off without you” is Mona being don’t call don’t write don’t text
Would You, Pink Sweat$ [p]
Would you die for me? I would die for you / Would you shoot for me? I would kill for you / Would you run up the bag if I needed you to? / Girl, all the things that I’d do for you / Would you do for me too?
I wanna know when it pops off that you gon’ be right next to me
This was giving Mona and her ex from that scene where MC got a glimpse into Mona’s past. Essentially, Mona’s ex and her were thick as thieves, and when they got arrested, Mona didn’t say anything and her ex did, so Mona was always ten toes down but her ex never had her (Mona) like she (Mona) thought she (her ex) had her (Mona)
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Both of Us, YFN Lucci [j]
Stay with me when there's no one else to call / If you got me then I'm in it for the both of us
Look, ayy, do you love me like you say you love me? / Ay, do you vow to keep it cute when everythin' get ugly? / Ay, if I ever leave, girl would you come lookin' for me?
I think that this song and these lyrics fit into the title of the book and how “ride or die” each of the love interests are for MC and vice versa. I think the softer parts of this song are MC for sure, and Logan at times, and the second bullet point is Colt and Mona. For them, it’s more of a promise of loyalty rather than love like the earlier lyric is (which is why I think that’s a bit more hopeless romantic like Logan).
C U Girl, Steve Lacy [j]
I haven't seen you in a while, you know I miss you babe / When you hear this song, feel flattered, it's about your face / And how I miss it and I wish that I could see it more / But you're in college now and I'm about to go on tour
I love this song because it makes me think of the possibility of MC and the LI having a “song” – one where any time they hear it they think of each other. And that when they hear it it makes them happy but at the same time they’re forced do think about the distance between them and how much they miss each other.
Collide, Tiana Major9 and Earthgang [j]
Everybody's got opinions on our thing / Say we're flying down a path with no ending / And if I die before I wake / Ooh, don't let me wake up from this dream / When we collide / When we collide, it's a beautiful disaster / When I crash into you, you, you
And I don't care about the future or the past / Riding slow, 'cause you know the world's moving too fast
Without you, I'm just a fraction / Closing in on my demise / And I love you religiously / With everything inside of me / As long as I'm alive
So I think it fits for all three because the relationship is taboo since they’re criminals and she’s a valedictorian getting ready for college. Their relationship is sloppy and dangerous and comes to an inevitable end, and they both know that, so this song for sure encapsulates how little both the LI and MC care about that. They don’t that it’s a trainwreck, because colliding is all that matters :)
Heaven, Clairo [j]
Alone, for the last time / You're just a loner / Give it a try / And you're hard on yourself / And your laugh, it just melts in my hands / Lonesome in the streets
I'll get by with you on my mind / I'll get by with you on my side
I love the idea of this song being viewed as MC’s perspective of her LI, because I’m sure the other LI’s haven’t been appreciated in the way that she appreciates them. For example, the line about the laugh melting in her hands makes me think about how they’d react to her saying that to them. None of the LI’s probably have never been told their laugh is cute, and I’m sure they’d be confused about it at first, so this whole song gives me a cute late night summer drive vibe. Like the MC is in the passenger seat of Mona or Logan’s car or draped around Colt and she’s just appreciating the things she loves about them.
Heaven Ain’t Hard 2 Find, Tupac [j]
Simply because you nervous, let me start off with my conversation / Hoping my information, elevates the hesitation / I can see it clearly now / Catch you smiling through your frown / I'm askin' Baby Boo are you down?
Heaven ain't hard to find / In fact you can have it just have faith / Just like a little kid, still believing in magic / It takes a lot of sacrifice / With all the lonely nights on tour / I need somebody I can trust in my life
Oh god help me identify me truest thoughts / Your hidden motives full of passion who would of thought / Come holla at me baby, love me for my thug nature / Far from a player hater, label me a money maker / Straight heart breaker
I originally added this song because it’s canon that Colt loves old West Coast Rap, so that makes me think he’s a huge Tupac fan. I can see him listening to this in his car driving down a California highway at like 2 a.m. On the other hand, though, the beginning of the song reminds me of the first meeting with Logan at the party, or the second meeting when they go to the car show – young love jitters and all that.
Keep Me Up, Charlotte Lawrence [j]
My heart starts beating and my hands start sweating / My chest starts sinking and sometimes will even start shaking / It's physical and emotional
And I don't want you all inside my head / And I can feel you running through my veins
When I say, and I say, and I say / That I want you in my life / But you stay, and you stay, and you stay / And you never leave my side / And you take, and you take, and you take / And you say you feel so nice, boy / And you keep me up all night
I think this fits with all the LI’s and MC and how they cope after the LI’s had to leave. Read it from both perspectives and it honestly fits so well for both of them – like the first couple months of restlessness staring at their ceiling while reflecting on how much they miss each other.
Kitchen, Kid Cudi [j]
Hmm, you wanna find somebody you trust and lay low / But it seems they all on the same mission / You wanna find somebody you trust and lay low / But can't stand the heat of my love, then stay out the kitchen
Oh baby here we are, I made a wish on shootin' stars / I ain't even mad at it, we made it this far
The attitude of this song reminds me of both Mona and Colt’s feelings about relationships – they both know they’re intense people and that they don’t trust or love easily, and that whoever’s interested in them needs to know that. They’re not going to apologize for it, but they appreciate anyone who sticks around and loves them despite that.
Meet Me Halfway, The Black Eyed Peas [j]
Can you meet me halfway, right at the borderline / Is where I'm gonna wait, for you / I'll be looking out, night n' day / Took my heart to the limit, and this is where I stay / I can't go any further than this / I want you so bad it's my only wish
I think of all three LI’s when I listen to this, because it fits into the idea of them struggling to maintain both of their lifestyles and have them mesh together. And it plays into the distance when MPC has to scatter.
Moonlight, Trippie Redd [j]
I can still be your man / I was tryna see your plans / 'Cause I was tryna have this dance tonight / Your body, girl, I'm a real big fan / And I cannot lose this chance / So, baby girl, grab my hand / This moment I'm waiting for, I fantasize / I just wanna be with you, I just wanna be with you tonight / Under the moonlight
This reminded me of the prom scene and how despite the chaos, all three love interests took the time to appreciate MC and soak up their last “date”.
out for the night, 21 Savage [j]
Five foot five (Five), she my ride or die (Die) / Never tell a lie (Lie), we like Bonnie and Clyde (Clyde) / Lookin' at her thigh (Thigh), like, "Do it come with rice?" (Rice) / She don't like FaceTime, she would rather Skype / But I'm out for the night (Straight up) / Out for the night (Straight up)
When I heard this song I could definitely see Colt listening to it, but I think the flirtiness of the song fits for all three love interests! Also, I mean… “she my ride or die” and “we like Bonnie and Clyde”? Self explanatory.
Part of Me, Teo [j]
I believe there's no one in your place / So much lovely / You can cure my mistakes / You reside in me no room for escape
You're my darling / You're my love / You're rocking all of your diamonds / All dressed up / And girl I lost my mind, no, I messed up / So now I'm knocking at your doors with my chest up
You're part of me / Come again and see / Diamonds make you sparkle
This reminds me of the prom scene from the LI’s perspective. And even more so than that, it reminds me of post prom/car chase where they have to say goodbye to each other the last time. It’s like a bittersweet tribute to MC about how much they mean to them and how much they’ll think about them when they’re apart.
Special, 21 Savage [j]
We got something special / I was finna text you / But I don't wanna pest you / Even if we ain't together (no matter we're forever) / I'm still coming to your rescue
Ride with me (ride with me) / Tell the truth and don't you lie to me (lie to me) / You know I need you on my side with me (side with me) / Tell the truth and don't you lie to me (lie to me) / Baby, roll with me (roll with me)
I'mma hold you down forever / You my round forever / They just want to use you, but I'm tryna help you
I think of Colt mostly with this song, but it definitely fits with all of the li’s in my opinion! Logan, Colt, and Mona would all approach their relationship with MC this way – constantly affirming that they’re there for MC no matter what, even if things go South with them, they’re always one call away. And especially the last line “they just wanna use you, but I’m tryna help you” that’s for sure an overprotective LI about the Jason Shaw situation and generally people taking advantage of MC’s kindness.
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Drunk on Love, Rihanna [p]
Take me away / I wear my heart on my sleeve / Always let love take the lead / I may be a little naive, yeah
I feel like I’ve heard MC being described as naive, and even in the book Mona is like man it’s your damn heart that got us into this mess because you thought we were more than who we are, so yeah this song reminded me of MC.
Final Goodbye, Rihanna [p]
Thought that you would stay forever with me / But the time has come to leave
Promise you our love will carry on
Final goodbye, MC saying goodbye to their LI, you catch my drift.
The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty, Panic! at the Disco [p]
If you wanna start a fight / You better throw the first punch / Make it a good one
I feel like this lyric specifically is saying that if you’re gonna stand for something, you better give it your all, and it reminded me of how MC came up with the plan to defeat the Brotherhood in the last few chapters of ROD, and to get out of it, they really had to go all out (AKA MC telling the police everything, meaning the gang had to go on the run). Also, MC just nose-dived into this life and I feel like this lyric is like ‘well sis if you gon be a criminal you might as well do your best’ (and she did when she bodied her first heist I know that’s right, my driver forever <3).
Harder We Fall, Jessie J [p]
So, whatever path we choose to take / There will be highs and there will be lows, the same / Oh, we’ll never run from our mistakes / The harder we fall the harder we try again
I just feel like this is a good song for MC to listen to in the car on her way to Langston yk crying but the windows are down and the wind is wiping your tears so you just keep it pushing because you’ll live and you’re stronger than your lows.
House of Memories, Panic! at the Disco [p]
If you’re a lover, you should know / The lonely moments just get lonelier / The longer you’re in love than if you are alone / Memories turn into daydreams, become a taboo
I think of you from time to time more than I thought I would
I just feel like this is a perfect song for MC going through the motions of leaving their lover behind and thinking about the times they shared because her life with the crew will always be so drastically different than the life she was went to have (going to Langston, being the ‘goody two shoes’, etc.).
Let It Out, Trippie Redd ft. Myiah Lynnae [p]
I need to know, before I tell you, can I trust you?
Idk man this song really just spoke to me.
Saw You in a Dream, The Japanese House [j]
I saw you in a dream / You had stayed the same / You were beckoning me / Said that I had changed / Tried to keep my eyes closed / I want you so bad / Then I awoke and it was so sad
Haven't talked to you in months / And I thought that I might cry / But I'm not that kind of girl
All good things come to an end / But I thought that this might last / But you came and left so fast
I wonder if you'll come visit me again / You're taking your time to reappear / I'm starting to believe that when I call your name / You just don't hear me anymore / And I know that I shouldn't even try / It's a waste of time
I don’t think I need to go super in depth as to why this reminded me of MC, but I do see this as MC’s defeated approach to it in the months/years after meeting the MPC.
Silent Nite, Tink [p]
I put your joy and your feelings ‘fore mine / These days I’m angry, angry inside / No words to say (oh) / One thing to do / Move on and fall back from you / It’s gonna be a silent night / No one here to hold me tight / It’s gonna be a silent night / No one here to hold me, oh, oh I’m lonely / Lost for words (lost for words)
It’s a short song so I just put the whole lyrics in here LMFAO but I feel like this could be MC during her first few nights at Langston. For Hieron at least, I know she went through a range of emotions processing this new chapter without the people she holds dear, angry at the way this is how things had to play out, but all that’s left for her to do is get over it, move on, and get used to not having that support anymore (i.e. like if MC is used to cuddling with [insert LI], they deadass gotta sleep alone now f in the chat).
Smile, Juice WRLD ft. The Weeknd [p]
I’d do anything in my power to see you just smile / I want you to prosper and come proper / Even if that means I ain’t by your side
I spent every day right beside you (‘side you), ‘side you (‘side you) / A hundred pics of me on your phone / Now you’re someone that I used to know
OKAY so I’m absolutely obsessed with this song and the first lyric was definitely giving me Logan x MC because I feel like this is something he could’ve said during his goodbye, like saying something that vulnerable and heartwrenchingly sweet is def on-brand for him, but the second lyric I feel like fits all the LIs. Like because they were part of the crew, they spent so much time with MC, and now that they’re gone, MC has all those pictures and memories that they  want to hold on to them so badly even though they can never be together again (‘now you’re someone that I used to know’)
Stuck With Me, The Neighbourhood [j]
Now I'm feeling guilty for it / Didn't wanna leave / Realized I'm less important / Than I thought I'd be, yeah / I'm not tellin' you for any certain reasons but / I just want your empathy
Our lives keep on gettin' shorter / Losin' opportunity / There might be some other ways of looking at it but / That's just what I see / I been gettin' over myself / Thinkin' about what you need / Then I realised that neither of us matter
You always end up stickin' to me / Somehow, somehow / You are stuck with me / So I guess I'll be sticking with / You are stuck with me / So I guess I'll be sticking with
So I think this song covers a lot of topics for MC. I think the vibe of the lyrics suit MC when she’s dealing with her relationship with her father, being pressured by Jason Shaw, and grappling with whether or not she’s making the right decision despite it all – homegirl was falling in love throughout all of it, too. Reading the lyrics with that lens made me think of each of the lines as a different conversation. The first part sounds like a tidbit of a conversation she could’ve had with her dad or about her dad. The next one is like a realization that despite how careful she is with her choices, nothing matters anyways, if the MC takes a nihilistic approach to it. And the last lyric is her conclusion with the LI that despite everything, she’s happy that she’s with her LI and she’s grateful for their loyalty.
worst behavior, Ariana Grande [j]
I been on my worst behavior / But, baby, I don't need no savior / I'm way outta line / But I kind of like the way I / Feel when I just don't give a fuck
This ain't no game, won't play with you / This time I know I'll stay with you / Just promise you won't say nothin' / Don't you be actin' like that, don't you be actin' like that, babe
Said baby it's just in my nature / To be a little troublemaker
Know you really like the way I / Taste when we kiss, you reminisce / But this ain't the last time / Just stay by my side
This song reminds me of rebellious MC before the gravity of the situation really hits her – the short span of time where she’s not worrying about being Valedictorian or college or her dad’s approval. She’s just living and falling in love for the first time. This could probably work for all LI’s but the specific “troublemaker” line makes me think of an MC who is trying to reassure Logan that she can make her own decisions.
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1Day, PnB Rock ft. Ugly God [j]
Momma told me that I wouldn't be shit / Told her one day / I'ma be rich (huh)
One day, I'ma buy a big ass crib  / One day, I'ma buy a big ass mansion / One day, all my fucking diamonds gon' be dancing / One day, I'ma fuck a bitch in the Hamptons / One day, I'ma eat the sushi with the salmon
Dropped out of college, everybody said I'm tripping / Told them be patient, but they ass wouldn't listen / Made it big time, now they fucking with the vision / Now I'm really rich, and my diamonds really glistening
The lyrics kind of remind me of the lifestyle that they live – whether or not they fell for the MC in the process, they all kind of have the motive of money and being successful in their own way. Even though the li’s and MC have their own shortcomings and wants and needs outside of MPC, I like to think of this song as an ego booster and probably representative of their attitudes when they joined MPC at the beginning. Reminds me of Logan especially since he joined the life so early and probably romanticized it for the longest time before it really went to shit. And to add to that, the last lyric is Colt all the way.
92 Explorer, Post Malone [p]
Ooh, baby, I see these muhfuckas’ glancin’ / When my whip stop, then my wheels keep spinnin’
Made a lot of M’s, made a lot of moves
This song is literally all about Post Malone’s precious car so I was like LMFAO why not because everyone in ROD loves their cars and then the last lyric is because they be making a lot of money with their transactions/steals.
Best Friend, Saweetie ft. Doja Cat [p]
Beep beep, is that my bessie in a Tessie?
Listen... I feel like we were robbed of the peak best friend dynamic that could’ve existed between Riya and MC so this whole song is for them (also c’mon MC could’ve snatched a Tesla if she reeaaally wanted too so yup that’s Riya’s bessie in a Tessie).
Lost It, Rich The Kid ft. Quavo and Offset [p]
The Bentley don’t cost shit / I walk out the bank rich
Okay, drank sippin’, lane switchin’ / I done brought my gang with me
Ooh, I might snatch the coupe
First one because they really could get any car they wanted, second lyric because gang always together yk, and last one because they really be stealing cars out here LMFAO.
Royal Rumble, Lil Tecca [p]
My life is a movie, you not ready for that clip
It’s a Royal Rumble
ROD really is a wild ride (‘my life is a movie’) and the ‘it’s a Royal Rumble’ just reminded me of the fact that it’s basically a showdown between two crews where one wins in the end but at what cost.
Runnin’, 21 Savage and Metro Boomin [p]
Runnin’, runnin’, runnin’, runnin’
We run the motherfuckin’ city
Fuck your crew, [redacted], we’ll kill your crew
First lyric is because literally everyone has to scatter by the end of the book, and the second lyric just gave me their vibes, whether or not they truly ran the city. The last lyric makes me laugh because Colt really was about to kill the other crew, the ‘we’ is a lilll bit loose in that sense though LMFAO because I know damn well Toby was not ready to go down like that.
Stuntin’ Like My Daddy, Birdman ft. Lil Wayne [j]
What we doing? Getting money / What they doing? Hating on us, but they never cross / Cash money still a company, and, bitch, I'm the boss / And I be stuntin' like my daddy, stuntin' like my daddy
Colt and Teppei don’t get along, but I like to think that Colt not only bumps this song in his car, but secretly imagines that him and Teppei run L.A. – either together or with Colt taking the reins.
Takin’ Shots, Post Malone [p]
Drinkin’ all night, but we ain’t done yet / Waitin’ on the plug, but he ain’t come yet
Already losin’ control, this is the life that we chose
The first lyric and this song overall just give me club vibes, like the underground one they went to where MC wears that neon fit. The part in the second line that always gets me is ‘this is the life that we chose’ because being a part of this crew was a choice for most, and they knew what comes with this lifestyle.
Trouble on Central, Buddy [j]
So the entire song is pretty much the idea  “I wish life were better and I’m daydreaming about how good things could be for me”. And to be honest, I think that the vibes of that fit Logan when he was young and broke, but at the same time, I could see Colt bumping this song in a convertible.
The whole song reminds me of the gambling scene and the high stakes of it. It kind of reads like the MC trying to fit in with dangerous criminals while she’s there despite the MPC thinking she’s not ready for it
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petri808 · 3 years
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Bakudeku AU/canon divergent. Vampire quirk
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
As Bakugou stood on the train platform with just a duffle bag and a borrowed sleeping bag, he crushed the letter he was given by Aizawa in his hand and shoved it into his pocket. His instructions were to go to police headquarters to be briefed and paired up with the heroes in the search party. ‘Fuck that,’ he gritted his teeth and lowered his head to passersby. There was no way he was going to be railroaded or shackled by their rules. He didn’t care what the consequences might be for not following protocol. Not this time. Not when his friend was somewhere out there and needed….
It was a question he’d been asking himself since it all happened. Midoriya better have a damn good reason for deserting him, that was for sure. But why he was so angry about it all was still unclear to the blonde. Was it a feeling of betrayal? Was he angry that his best friend just left him unconscious? Or was it something else? All he knew for certain, was he could barely get any sleep. Nightmares of the event plagued his dreams, and he swore at himself for not knowing fact from fiction. Maybe it was the guilt eating away, of being knocked out when his friend had needed him most. If he’d been awake, could he have prevented— whatever it is that caused Midoriya to leave?
Bakugou closed his eyes the moment he took a seat in the semi-filled train car as flash backs of a bright light and images of green lightning streaking away haunted his vision. A scream so blood curdling pinged in his ears… Those screams were worse than the visions. If Midoriya had been injured, why would he leave? It made no sense. There had to be another reason.
Yeah, fuck the authorities! They’d had a month with no leads and Bakugou had grown impatient in waiting for results. One of the final straws that pushed him into action was the day Izuku’s mom came to the school to talk to All Might. He’d seen the pain in the woman’s face, and it broke him. ‘Tch!’ The boys didn’t always get along, but… ‘aunty Inko deserved answers…’ He wanted some fucking answers! ‘There’s no way that stupid nerd would do anything to break his mother’s heart!’ Frankly, a part of him agreed with her, when she’d beat on All Might’s chest in anger that it was warranted. True, the man had made her sons dreams come true, but at what cost? Even a pro’s mother struggles with the loss of a child regardless of if it were for a good reason.
So, as he stood in front of the woman’s door, his hand stayed for a moment, hovering above the wood unable to knock. Bakugou didn’t prepare a speech, and most of his actions were being formulated along the way. He groaned and rapped a knuckle on the woman’s door. It took a few seconds, but he could hear the small shuffling sounds moving closer that he’d come to recognize from the woman.
“Oh, Bakugou, what bring you here?”
It was clear the woman had been crying based on the pinprick hemorrhages in her eyes and the puffy skin surrounding them. She offered him a weakened smile and if that didn’t pain him further, but also steeled his resolve to keep his promise. Bakugou averted his eyes to the ground. “I just wanted to tell you aunty Inko… I’m gonna find him— I promise to bring him home somehow.” Whether he believed in his own words or not, he made sure she did.
After a split second, tears exploded from the woman as she flew out of her door and wrapped her arms around Bakugou in a tight hug. “Thank you…” the same two muffled words pouring out over and over again. She didn’t know why, but she believed him, she had to.
Bakugou wasn’t one for physical contact, but he stiffly hugged the poor woman, patting her back as sobs racked her body. “Can you do me a favor,” he asked when she finally releases him. The woman nodded her head as she wiped the trails of liquid from her skin. “Give this to my mom,” he handed her a folded piece of paper.
“Thanks aunty.” He quickly picked up his belongings and walked away without another word, leaving the woman a little confused but with hope to hang onto. That was surely a test of strength and patience completely foreign to the blonde. Just a few years ago he probably could have never pulled it off, but thanks to Midoriya he’d learned to control some of it. How ironic it was that he was now the one doing the chasing too.
Once Bakugou rounded the corner and was out of view, Inko Midoriya clutched the message to her chest. This letter must be extremely important, but strange that he wouldn’t have deliver it himself. No matter the reasoning, he was taking on a great burden in her eyes and it so she should treat this letter, whatever it is as important too. So, she immediately locked up her apartment and headed over to the Bakugou’s residence.
“Oh, hello Inko, please,” Masaru Bakugou answered and gestured for the woman to come in. “Is everything okay?”
Inko moved to the living room and took a seat as Masaru went to the kitchen to grab some customary refreshments. His wife Mitsuki, hearing the voices came out from another room and joined the other woman on the couch to keep her company.
“How are you holding up,” Mitsuki hugged her friend Inko. “What bring you here today?”
“I’m doing my best to stay strong,” Inko reciprocated the hug. She was grateful for all their friendship and support through this whole ordeal and over the years. Mitsuki had been a source of strength in keeping herself together through everything that happened with their children. “But I am here because your son showed up unexpectedly at my doorstep.” She pulled the letter from her purse and handed it to the woman. “Katsuki told me that he would find my Izuku, and handed me that,” she gestured to the paper, “asking me to give it to you.”
“Why the hell wouldn’t that brat just give it to me himself!” Mitsuki complained but took the paper. “Probably didn’t want to be yelled at for something,” she mumbled.
Inko shrugged, “I didn’t read it and he left before I could ask.”
Mitsuki proceeded to open the letter and read it. Her eyes flaring with a mixture of emotions the longer she continued. Inko sat quietly but nervously along with Masaru watching the woman slowly unravel before their eyes, unsure of what to say or do.
“That idiot!” Mitsuki jumped to her feet in a seeming rage. “But I’m so fucking proud of him!”
“What is it?!” The other two asked, leaning forward in anticipation. “What does it say?!”
“He’s gonna find Izuku.” She handed the letter to Inko, then sat back down beside the woman so she could read it too.
“Mom don’t go flying off the handle, but I left school to find Midoriya. I already got permission from the Principal and I’m supposed to check in with the police and stuff but screw that cause they’re morons! They had a month damn it and haven’t found shit! So, tell ‘em for me you know I’m fine and that I ain’t gon’ missing too, but I’m gonna find him myself. I got my cell, but I might not answer. I’ll contact you guys when I find him. And tell aunty Inko don’t worry. -Katsuki”
Tears brimmed in Inko’s eyes for the second time in less than an hour. “Oh, my that boy…” She handed her friend back the letter. “It makes me so happy Izuku has a friend like him.”
“We better call the school and authorities,” Masaru piped up. “Protect them as best we can.”
Mitsuki nodded in agreement, “I should be pissed that he’s messing with graduation, but a friend is more important.”
“Thank you,” Inko patted then squeezed her friend’s knee. “I am much in debt to you and your son.”
“Aww!” Mitsuki grinned and pulled her friend into another hug. “We’re more like family already!” Masaru smiled too and nodded. “Those two boys have been through so much together,” she laughed, “fight like brothers too.”
“I’m glad Katsuki always had someone around to balance him out,” Masaru chuckled.
“And Izuku had someone to pull him out of his shell,” Inko smiled.
Mitsuki gave her friend one more squeezing hug. "Hang in there Inko, we're gonna get through this. If I know my boy, he doesn’t know the meaning of give up.”
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legoshit · 3 years
ft: hisoka my love
a/n: i’m a hisoka stan and i am not sorry about it (no i don’t condone his actions yes we exist) ALSO I HAVE YET TO WATCH THE ELECTION ARC SO I'LL ONLY BE DISCUSSING DETAILS FROM THE FIRST 4 SEASONS; I'LL MOST LIKELY ADD ON TO THIS WHEN I DO WATCH IT !!
some hxh spoiler warning
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i think hisoka is a very misunderstood character in hunter x hunter. i find him incredibly interesting and i’ve had a strange attachment to him for at least a year. hisoka establishes himself as the primary antagonist of the first 2-3 seasons in the 3rd episode, when he turns a hunter examinee’s arm into flower petals after he bumped into him and didn’t apologize. he is referred to as “the magician” by some because of this as well as his appearance, which is very jester-like, with colorful makeup, hair, and clothing. he has a vastly different personality from many of the other characters, he's fairly soft spoken and mysterious, but can often say rather shocking things very casually, which can sometimes be unsettling. he is very sadomasochistic when it comes to battle, which he is also very skilled in. he craves power, constantly looking for someone who could potentially beat and kill him in battle. he gets off on killing and fighting people, and shows little interest in anyone he feels he could defeat easily. he wants the thrill, the adrenaline rush, the fear, all of it. for example, he wishes to fight chrollo lucilfer, but once he finds out he cannot fight due to kurapika's judgement chain that causes chrollo to not be able to use his nen, he completely loses interest and just leaves.
disclaimer: in this next bit, i am NOT defending the pedophilic tones in hisoka's actions, i'm not excusing it, it's just a part i think is important to say.
this hedonistic drive, like i previously mentioned, makes him need to find someone who can beat him, and gon and killua are on their way to being 2 of the greatest/most powerful nen users, so hisoka is attracted to them and their power. and it just so happens that they both are 12-13 years old, but on the other hand, he is also very attracted to kurapika and chrollo, who are... not literal children.
back to our regularly scheduled programming
hisoka acts as somewhat a mentor (i'm using that word VERY loosely) to gon and killua, likely so he can derive more pleasure when killing them later. he helps the two in the volleyball game against razor and his team and leads them to win with their last move. he could've very easily killed gon during the hunter exam and in heaven's arena, but he doesn't, just so he can see him grow into his full potential before killing him. he uses the metaphor of fruit to describe his opponents, referring to them as ripe or unripe.
he is entirely self-centered and selfish, and genuinely does not care what he does, as long as it makes him happy. he regularly skips phantom troupe meetings, being completely carefree and doing anything to have fun, which may or may not involve murder. he doesn't actually care about the troupe, he only joined in hopes of fighting and killing chrollo. he exposes the troupe by telling kurapika the bodies they used were fake. he lies about essentially anything whether it benefits him or if it's just for shits and giggles.
and how could i talk about hisoka without mentioning his nen. he is a transmuter type, making his aura sticky and elastic as his main ability to create the ever so famous bungee gum. he can activate it from his fingers/hands, and feet. this bungee gum is extremely resilient, and only he can see it, as well as attach and detach it from objects, people, etc. he actually named this ability after his childhood favorite bubble gum, which shared the same name, and if you look closely on the packaging, his entire look is based off the designs. his other ability, texture surprise, which is named after the stickers that came with the bubble gum, allows him to apply his aura to any smooth, flat surface to create imagery on it to change its appearance and texture. along with his nen abilities, he is also a master of hand-to-hand combat. wielding only a deck of traditional playing cards, he is able to trick his opponents to defeat and in most cases, kill them. with a genius level intellect, immense strength and endurance, enhanced speed, reflexes, stamina and agility, hisoka is damn near impossible to beat.
in essence, hisoka is a murderous sociopath who shouldn't be trusted, yet his attractiveness makes him a fan favorite. he is essential to the series, and our main characters probably wouldn't be where they are now without his help.
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mudhornchronicles · 4 years
dreamboat | greaser!frankie morales | part two
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diner cred to @thatretrobitch​
pairing: francisco “catfish” morales x reader; 1950’s greaser!frankie x reader
warnings: swearing, drinking, smoking, ya know… 1950s stuff + death and war, and being rude af
a/n: part two of dreamboat
dreamboat: part one | part two
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“If I didn’t know any better, Francisco, I’d say you were teacher in a past life.” You look up at him and smirk. He looks over to you and gives you a crooked smile. He adjusts his jacket and runs his left hand through his hair.
Frankie taught you a lot more history than the teacher. Frankie had a lot more patience and explained each topic that was covered in much better detail and simply enough to understand. Like when Hattie Wyatt Caraway of Arkansas became the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate in 1932 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of her husband. Frankie compared it to the demonstration of the first long distance telephone service between New York and San Francisco in 1913 – surprising but needed.
You didn’t have Frankie for a third period, just first and fourth, but he made sure to meet you out each of your classes and walked you over to your next class. He had conversed with the boys about asking you to Rosie’s Diner on Friday night. Everyone knows when a guy takes a little darlin’ down to Rosie’s, she’s unavailable. Frankie knows you probably don’t know what going to the diner with him means but he assumes if you did, you wouldn’t go. So he decides that the less you knew the better – well at least that’s what Tom decided.
“Ya know, doll. I like the way you say my name, but how ‘bout ya just call me Frankie, huh? I don’t use the entire thing anymore.”
You cock your head to the side and your smiles turns into a slight frown. “Do you not like the way Francisco sounds?”
He tucks his hands into his jean pockets, shrugs, and looks down at his dirty Chuck Taylors. “Thanks, I do like it, but it don’t… it don’t sound cool, you know? I got a reputation to keep up – all the guys do.”
Frankie stopped using the name Francisco at the start of freshman year. Pope stopped using Santiago around the same time. Their teachers would call them Francis and Saint because they found it difficult to pronounce the boys’ names correctly. Frankie was too shy to say anything and Pope was still unsure about his accented English, so when Will laughed and told the teacher, “Ain’t that a bite? You got a degree, but can’t pronounce an ABC name,” the boys knew Will was going to be a great friend. The boys thought that would be the end of it, but then Benny decided to join his brother and say, “How ‘bout, since ya feel so high and mighty, you call ‘em Frankie and Pope? We got Francisco like that city on the west coast, so call ‘em Frankie. Then we got Santiago. You wanna call ‘em Saint, then give ‘em the highest honor.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better,” you stopped walking and placed a hand on his arm. “I like your name. I think it suits you very well.”
He smiles and nods. He doesn’t know if he’s nodding because he’s convincing himself he likes it too or if he’s nodding because he’s glad you like it too. He liked your company because you weren’t too invasive, but he could also tell that you wanted to get to know him. He knew he wasn’t the most open to people, he has his father to thank for that.
As young 19-year-old – about a year older than Frankie – his father was drafted and fought in World War 1 in 1918 as a US Army soldier and was then sent off to France a few weeks in to fight with the AEF, the American Expeditionary Forces. Because of this, Frankie’s father wasn’t the most expressive when in public but was easily the most caring when it came to his family. When Frankie was growing up, his father had spoiled his baby boy and made sure he worked hard as a welder so that Frankie wouldn’t want for anything. Frankie remembers his father coming home from work late at night, oil and bits of metal stuck to him, and always turning his frown into a smile when he laid eyes upon his son.
His father’s closure to the world only grew when he saw his family in danger. Frankie figured that by growing up within a military family, it would lead to him serving in the military as his father did before him. When Frankie was coming to the age of enlistment, he told his family about him wanting to go off to the military, but his father was very much against it. All his father wanted for his son was for Frankie to live his life the way he wanted to, so Frankie didn’t enlist. One day when Frankie was at school, recruiters came to the Morales home and were knocking the door down. Frankie’s father had informed them that his son would not be serving. He was told that because Frankie was able, male, and was soon to be of age, he had to enlist whether he was needed or not. His father complied; except he wrote his own name down instead of his son’s.
His father never regretted going to war. He still had nightmares, which Frankie knew all too well. He had met Frankie’s mother when he came back home in 1921 and after years of trying, he was blessed with a son in 1935. All was good in the world until the year 1950 – Frankie was 15 years old. In August of 1950, a letter came in the post reading the following:
You are hereby notified that you, on the 21 day of August of 1950, have been legally drafted in the service to the Armed Forces of the United States of America. You are to report to the Armed Forces station below and will be transported to Daejeon, Korea.
Frankie’s father never came back.
His body was never recovered – just his ID tags. Frankie’s mother was told that the last transmission received with the whereabouts of Francisco Morales Sr. were near the Nakdong River in South Korea. Frankie always carried his father’s ID tags around his neck no matter where he went. Those tags always reassured him of himself knowing that he was doing what his father wanted him to do.
Frankie walked you down the steps of school building and stopped at the sidewalk. “Ya know, if ya need a ride, I can take ya home – aint no trouble.”
You smile and shake your head. “I appreciate that. I told my mother I’d take the bus back home.” You knew your mother would have a fit if she saw you get dropped off by a boy, but she may still be at work. You looked back at Frankie and saw that he had a slight frown on his face as he played with a necklace hidden in his white t-shirt. You weren’t sure the reason behind it, but he didn’t want to pry. “Actually, I’ll take a ride.”
His eyes lit up and nodded. “Great but I do gotta warn ya, doll. I gotta take Ironhead and Benny back to their place. Pope usually goes back to mines.” A ride home in a car full of teenage boys – what can go wrong?
The pair of you walk down to the school’s parking lot and there you see students laughing in their cars – 4 to 5 in a car – all while having a smoke and others are drinking from beer cans. You have no doubt that it’s beer cans when one gets tossed towards you with left over beer splattering over your white skirt. Frankie takes notice of the yellow stains and the grimace growing on your face. He looks over at the teenagers in a beat-up Chevy.
“Aye watch where ya tossin’ shit, birdbrain.” The teens look over at Frankie and walk over to him. You place a hand on his arm and look up at him.
“Frankie, c’mon. Let’s just go to your car, huh?” you plead. His arm tightens and as the teens arrive in front of him, Frankie protectively put you behind him and adjusts his jacket – a tick of his you’ve taken note of. The three boys who walked over to Frankie look over at you and smirk.
“Well shit Frankie, pal.” One of them takes a smoke and blows the out towards his side. “You already smashin’ up this little new betty? Don’t you work fast… first Michelle, then Tiffany, now this one?”
Frankie’s jaw tightens and his hold on your arm shifts. “How ‘bout you stuff it, Jack? You know you ain’t even supposed to be here. This ain’t your turf.”
Jack removes his hat, a cowboy hat he’s become fond of, and fixes his hair. He puts it back on and laughs. “You’re right, but I clearly don’t care. Oberyn ain’t out the can ‘till Friday, so I call the shots. My boys wanna be here and screw all these chick-a-dees, then they will. I know you ain’t gon’ do nothin’.”
“He will,” you hear a click and quickly turn your head to see Pope and the boys, Benny holding up a pocketknife. “But he ain’t doin’ it alone either.” The Bandits circle the three men and puff up their chests.
“Alright,” Jack holds his hands up. “We’re gone but trust me when I say that Oberyn ain’t gon’ be too happy to hear this.” With that he snaps his head over to his boys directing them back to their car. They turn to leave and Jack walks away backwards. When he’s satisfied with the distance between himself and The Bandits, he turns on his heel and runs to his car. He jumps in the driver’s seat, gives his girl a smooch, and revs the engine – with that he’s gone.
Pope looks at you and gives your shoulder a quick squeeze. “You good? Hope those bumrats ain’t spook ya too bad.” You shake your head and smile shyly. You look down at your ruined skirt and shrug.
“Just a ruined skirt but that’s okay. I wasn’t fond of it.” Will laughs at your comment fluffs yours skirt from the bottom, earning a nudge from Frankie.
“Let’s get her home, huh? I gotta drop off everyone else,” Frankie says. Tom tells Frankie that he’s got detention and to go on without him. Tom goes back towards the building while everyone piles up in Frankie’s Cherry Red 1945 Mustang GT – his father’s gift to him for his 15th birthday, also his last gift.
Per usual, Benny and Will leans the driver’s seat forwards and get in to sit in the back while Pope goes to sit in his usual spot as shotgun. Frankie tuts at Pope and points to the back. Pope scoffs but shoots Frankie a wink. He gets in and sits in between the brothers, being the smallest of the three, and Frankie runs over to open the door for you to sit up front. He grabs your books and hands them to Pope. As you situate yourself and buckle your seatbelt, Frankie gets in and turns on his baby. He revvs the engine and backs up out the school’s parking garage, but not before revving his engine one more time for the freshmen per Benny’s request.
On the drive to the brother’s house, Benny grabs your notebook and looks through your notes of the day. He looks through the math notes you took during 4th period and immediately closes it. “You sure are smart if you’re taking this angle stuff. I’m guessing it’s college prep?”
You look over your shoulder and nod. “I’m currently taking college preparatory trigonometry. They unfortunately didn’t have any other advanced placement for me here.”
The boys let out a harmony of “ohs” and Will shakes Frankie’s shoulder. “Frankie! She’s smart like you, buddy!”
Pope smirks and joins in on the teasing. “Lo vez, hermano! Being smart doesn’t make you un-cool. Being you does! No te hagas ver como el tonto porque no lo eres.”
You see, brother… don’t make yourself seem dumb because you aren’t.
You look at Pope and smile. “I agree with you, Santiago. Frankie is very intelligent so he shouldn’tdumb himself down because he thinks that’s what people think of him.” Pope stops and looks at you. “You know some Spanish, angel face?” You eagerly nod. “I’m very familiar with the language. They had us choose electives at my old school. I took Spanish, Italian, and French. I had a lot of a free time.”
Pope looks at you in shock but happily hollers. “Well sugar you sound pretty good speakin’ ‘em”
You couldn’t explain it, but you felt giddy. You felt happy to be around the boys and you knew you wanted to continue to be around them.
With Frankie getting out of the car and moving his seat forward, Will and Benny get dropped off first, but not without teasing him about “asking the chick.” Frankie flips them off and Pope lets out a belly laugh. Frankie apologetically looks at you and mouths sorry. You blush and mouth that’s okay.
Once leaving the brothers, Pope tells Frankie to turn up the radio. Frankie looks at Pope through the rearview mirror and narrows his eyes. “Switch to 12,” Pope says with a wink. Frankie rolls his eyes and turns the knob so the needle hits channel 12. Once Frankie hears the recognizable melody from “Takes Two to Tango” by Pearl Bailey. Frankie goes to switch the channel, but you stop his hand. He glances over to you and he sees you mouthing the words. He looks back at Pope who wiggles his eyebrows and sings out loud and to Frankie’s surprise, you join Pope singing at the top of your lungs. He laughs at your attempts at dancing in your seat and looks back at Pope who was waving his hands in the air.
Frankie thought that you’d be this proper, shy little thing but here you were having singing and laughing with his best friend. You gave him the slightest nudge and smiled in his direction. “C’mon Frankie. Don’t be a sour puss. I know you know this song!” You were right. He did know this song. He and Pope sang it so much because Pope thought he could woo some girl – he didn’t really know what the lyrics meant so you can guess what happened. If you guessed he slept with her… you’d be correct.
You poked Frankie in the ribs light enough to not affect his driving and giggled as he sang out with Pope. You liked seeing this Frankie – not that big tough guy you saw at the parking lot. He seemed like he had a big heart but was scared to show it and you were determined, but you were ripped away from your internal planning when Frankie politely asked for your address.
“It’s a shame you ain’t hangin’ longer sweetheart,” Pope began. “I think you’d like being around us two mucks. You would definitely like Frankie’s mom’s cooking. She makes the best food in town.” You smiled as the two best friends bickered about whose mom had the best food.
“I would have loved to, but I have to be home and do chores before my mother gets home.”
Frankie looks over to you and gives you a reassuring smile. “It’s alright. Maybe next time, cool?” You smile at the invitation and nod. Frankie continues to drive as you and Pope make a conversation about the possibility of you tutoring him in math. With them being high school seniors, they are not failing one class.
You feel on top of the world, laughing and talking with your new friends, until you spot the yellow Pontiac in the driveway and your mother coming out of it. Your face drops and the boys immediately take notice.
“What’s wrong?” Frankie asks. You straighten out your top and ask Pope for your books as you ready yourself to run out of the car. You look at Frankie and offer a weak smile.
“My mother won’t be happy with me is all.” You’d ask Frankie to drop you off a couple of houses before your own, but you know your mother has already seen you. As Frankie pulls up to your house, the boys’ jaws drop. You wouldn’t say your house was big, but to the boys, it was huge. Your two-story home consisted of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The exterior of the home was beige with dark brown trimming and the river rock pathway leading up to your home was lined with grass so green you’d think it was plastic.
Your mother, dressed to the nines in a pale pink dress and white belt, looks at the hot rod parked in front of her home and places her hands on her hips as she sees Frankie run out and open your door. Your mother would normally love seeing her daughter be treated by a gentleman, but she isn’t very happy to see that it’s Frankie. She has always dreamed of her daughter being courted by a young man in polished Oxford shoes and ironed pleated pants not a worn out leather jacket and dirty chucks.
You thank Frankie for the ride and look over at your upset mother. The boys say hello to her as she gives them the ungenuine smile of hers you have seen many times. You wave goodbye to both boys and begin to walk up to your mother. You hear whispers behind you and then you hear your mother say, “Is there something else you’d like to say, boy?”
You turn and you see Pope shove Frankie towards you. His face turns red as he sees your mother staring him down and he knows that this may not be the best time to ask you.
“On with it, young man. My daughter and I have work to do.”
Frankie once again runs his hand through his hair and clears his throat. “I- I, uh, I was wonderin’ if ya wanted to hang with us at Rosie’s on Friday. The shakes are pretty good so we could ma-“
“What’s your name, young man?” You look at your mother. You narrow your eyes at her for interrupting Frankie.
“It-It’s Frankie,” he stutters, “my name’s Frankie, ma’am.”
Your mother gives her less than friendly smile again. “Well, Frankie, you’ll understand where I’m coming from when I tell you this – you are not the kind of person I want my daughter befriending. You just don’t quite… how can I put this nicely? You don’t fit a mother’s standards.”
“Quiet.” she tells you. “You will not be around these boys again, do you understand? Your father works too hard for you to just ruin your life like this. You asked to be taken out of the pristine private school we paid for you to go to and we allowed you to enroll in public school. Why are you bringing home some… some hoodlum! How can you do this to us?”
You wished this had surprised you, but it wasn’t the first time your mother disrespected your choice of friends. You huffed and you felt tears coming to your eyes as you saw Frankie’s defeated look in his eyes and Pope fighting the urge to get out of the car.
You mother calls your name, and you turn to look at her. She walks to you, heels clicking the pavement, and cups your jaw. “You will not associate yourself with these boys, do we understand each other?” You see Frankie nod to you and walk back to his car. You look back at your mother and nod. “Yes, Mother. I understand.” Your mother smiles at you and gives your cheek a pat. “Good girl. Now… get inside and put that skirt in the hamper. Your allowance is going towards a new skirt.”
She leads you into the house and you look back and see Frankie’s car is still there. You stop in your tracks and look at your mother. “Mother, may I please run back and grab a paper I left?”
“Is it school related?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Very well. Go grab it and say goodbye and come back in. We have to get dinner going.” You nod and run back to the car and your mother walks into the house.
Pope rolls down the passenger side window and both boys look at you. You smile at Pope and look at Frankie.
“Does Rosie’s Diner have sundaes?” Pope smirks and turns to Frankie while Frankie nods with a confused face. “Well,” you start, “If Friday’s invitation is still open, pick me up by the green house down the street at 6pm. She’ll be going to my grandmother’s house up north.”
“Sounds like a plan, doll.”
The light breeze surprises you as it picks up the more you walk down the street. You walk past two houses and you see the red backlights of the cherry red mustang you seemed to miss.
Your mother, thankfully, left to your grandmother’s home about two hours ago, much earlier than expected. She called not very long ago to make sure you were home and doing homework. You told her that you were planning to retire early as your homework began to give you a headache. She insisted you eat dinner and sleep as she didn’t want to see eyebags under your eyes when she got back tomorrow. She bid you goodnight and said she’d be home by tomorrow’s lunchtime. Once you hung the phone on the hook, you ran to your room and began to ready yourself for the night.
You grew giddy as 6 o’clock crept closer and closer. You had applied your blush and mascara so carefully you’d have thought you were dusting the finest of china. You did not want to wear too much makeup; you didn’t want to seem as though you were trying too hard. You picked out the pins out of the curls on your head you’d put up right when your mother left and watched as the soft and tight curls fell and framed your face. You grabbed your wide tooth comb and brushed the curls out, parting your side at a side so there was more hair and volume on one side. You sprayed a tight hold hairspray all over so you could make sure your hair stood – Frankie wouldn’t want to see frazzled hair, no man would, you thought.
As you went through your closet, you decided that a dress was the best choice as it was simple enough to either be dressed up or dressed down. You went with a white collared black dress with thin white windowpane patterned lines all over. You wore your black flats and added a black shiny belt running across the waist. You get closer to Frankie’s car and you see him get out of his car – you figured he had seen you coming.
“How ya doin’ there, doll?”
“Hello, Frankie.” You wave and get closer to him. Once you’re in front of him you fix his jacket lapel and look up at him. “Aren’t you sight for sworn eyes.”
His eyes widen then starts laughing loudly and your face goes red. He nearly falls in laughter as his hands catch himself on his knees. “W-What’d ya just say?”
“I said aren’t you a sight for sworn eyes,” you frown. “Is that not appropriate?”
He catches his breath and puts a hand on his belly. He reaches over and tucks your hair behind your ear with the other hand. “The saying is a sight for sore eyes, doll; not sworn eyes.”
You feel as if your face is about to burst as you start laughing at yourself. You just cannot believe you’ve messed up your first attempt at flirting with Frankie. “I was really sure it was sworn.”
He smiles brightly and shakes his head. “Hey… can’t say ya ain’t tried right?” You giggle and nod. He look you up and down and lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Te vez hermosa.” You look beautiful.
Have you ever had that feeling when there’s a puppy trying to get comfortable, but it can’t so it walks over to you and lays with you – falling into a deep and peaceful sleep? You know how it makes your heart feel as if it’s grown twice in size because the puppy chose you and trusted you to protect it while it slept? That’s how you felt when those words came out of Frankie’s mouth.
“Muchas gracias, Francisco.” Thank you very much, Francisco.
He playfully rolls his eyes at you and lets out a laugh. He points to the car and says, “get in the damn car.” He runs over to your door and lets you in, as per usual, and off you two went to Rosie’s Diner.
Frankie leads you into a bright neon-lit diner not very far from your home, about 25 minutes from your place. The diner stands out from the black concrete parking lot and pine trees decorating its background. He opens the light brown doors and places a hand on your lower back as you walk in – not too low or too high.
“Howdy’ho kiddos.” You’re greeted by a woman in her late 40’s or early 50s – the grey hair and sweet smile give it away. “Hey there, Frankie. Bandits meetin’ ya here?”
Frankie smiles at the woman, gives her a hug, and a quick kiss on the cheek; a kiss she smiles at and hums in content. “Hey Ro. Boys are comin’ in a while. You know they ain’t missin’ your special tonight.”
“There’s a special night every night for my favorite bandits, Frankie. Who’s this, huh? You finally bringin’ a girl for me to meet?” Frankie shakes his head from side to side smiling. He turns to you and introduces you to Rosie, the diner’s owner and one of his favorite people. “She’s new in town and I wanted to show her the best diner in the world.”
Rosie slaps Frankie’s arm and laughs. “Stop talkin’ sweet ‘fore your teeth rot, boy. You’re too pretty to be all gums now. I knew my boys were comin; your usual booth’s open, but take the table next to it, yeah. Ya need the extra seat ‘less you sittin’ the girl on ya lap.” Frankie begins to stutter a protest as you stifle a laugh.
“It’s very nice to meet you Miss Rosie. I’m in awe of your diner and excited to try your food.”
“Well it’s very nice to meet the girl who Frankie finally decided to bring to the diner. It’s a very special moment in his life ya know?” You cock your head to the side and take a quick glance at Frankie.
“Why’s that, Miss Rosie?”
As Rosie was about to explain the beginning of courtships of 99% of the teenagers in town, Frankie dragged you away with the dramatic excuse of being so hungry he can eat a horse and how he’ll drop dead if he doesn’t get a shake.
As you make it to the table Rosie had sent you to, you’d think that Frankie would have pulled out your chair, but a couple of some teens you remember seeing at school look in yours and Frankie’s direction whispering among themselves. You took a seat and looked at Frankie to ask if he knew them but as you were about to ask, you saw his face looking back at them with a deep stare. He gave them a single nod towards the door and to your surprise, they ran. Frankie scanned the room and he knew everyone would be taking in the scene. Frankie had never taken a girl out in public – especially not a girl like you. Sure people knew about other girls he’s been with, but everyone knew they weren’t together.
Frankie sat down after everyone in the diner turned their attention back to where it previously was and he passes you a diner menu, but still tense due to the eyes that locked with his back once more.
When the waitress you learned was named Vi and was obsessed with Will, Frankie had ordered a basket of fries for the two to share, a cherry soda for him and a sundae of your pick for you. Vi was also an older woman, best friends with Rosie, and had an innocent crush on Will’s blonde self. Frankie told you about the time Will brought Vi a bouquet of flowers for her birthday and Vi almost attacked the poor kid to the ground with kisses. Vi was sweet and she made you feel very good about yourself as she fixed your collar and fluffed your hair because “her Frankie needs to see what he’s got in front of him.”
You were nearly done with your sundae as you heard the distinctive pitch that is Benny’s voice as he said “What’s cookin’ good lookin’ don’t you look like a dream,” and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You greet each and every one of the boys as they take their seats around the table – Benny calling dibs on one of the seats next to you. Benny puts his arm around the back rest of your white chair and calls Vi over to place a new order.
As the night continues, you feel free. You feel so relaxed and at ease with the boys around you that you don’t even notice the dirty looks some girls were giving you. Benny puts his head on your shoulder and give his cheek a little pat resulting in Benny playfully trying to bite your hand. Frankie clears his throat and Benny looks over at him and smirks.
“I ain’t trynna steal ya girl, Frankie. If she hangin’ with us, ya gotta get used to us playin ‘round.”
Frankie turns red as Benny calls you “his girl” and rolls his eyes with a chuckle. He looks out the window and immediately tenses. You follow his gaze and see a 1942 black Ford with some boys in it – one of the being that Jack guy from school – revv its engine as it speeds back and forth through the parking lot. He grabs the boys eyes and directs them towards the window and Benny stands up immediately. The boys follow suit and Frankie turns to you.
“Stay here alright, doll? We’ll be back.”
You turn from Frankie to the window and back to Frankie with a worried look painting your face. “What’s going on Frankie?”
“They shouldn’t be here. This ain-“ You both turn at the sound of a crash and see Pope being held against Frankie’s car by a guy in a black tee with its sleeves rolled. Frankie runs out of the diner and you run after him. You know you shouldn’t be getting in between this, but you aren’t going to let anyone hurt your new friends.
Frankie runs up behind this guy, turns him around, and shoves him away from his car and friends. The guy smirks and nods at Frankie. “Did you miss me Frankie?”
“What the hell are you doing here, Oberyn? We already told ya friend there that this ain’t your turf.”
You had to admit, Oberyn had this strut to him that showed his self-confidence and the combination of his flirtatious smile and smoldering eyes only made him more attractive than he already was. Jack came to stand next to him and as he turned to toss some keys over to another friend of his, you caught sight of the word VIPERS with two snakes on the back of his jacket.
“Yeah… he told me ‘bout it. But ya anna know what else Jackie told me? He told me that ya got ya’self a knockout.” Oberyn locks eyes with you and winks. He tries to walk over to you, but Frankie pushes back and away from you.
“Don’t get near her.” Oberyn lets out a sarcastic chuckle and gets in Frankie’s face.
“How ‘bout ya make me, Morales?”
The next thing you knew, you were yelling and crying with Will held you away as you saw Frankie and Oberyn duke it out on the concrete while Benny and Pope tried to pry Oberyn away – Jack and some other guy pushing them away. You caught a glimpse of Frankie’s bruising cheek and Oberyn’s bloody nose. You only noticed the officer’s arrival once Will dragged you back in the diner and making sure Rosie held you back as he ran back to be by Frankie’s side when the local sheriff gets out the car.
dreamboat taglist:
@ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @funerals-with-cake @seasonschange-butpeopledont
65 notes · View notes
Ride (NSFW)
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Jax Teller x Reader
*GIF not mine credit to original maker*
Hey girly! Soooo you seem like your in the mood for some thirsty shit. Well I’m here to deliver..... could I get Jax with the song Ride by Chase Rice? // Requested by @corebore123 // I wanted Jax smut, so I wrote Jax smut 🤷🏼‍♀️
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual content, Daddy Kink ahahaha
Taglist @chibsytelford​ @talicat713​ @nothingeverdies​
Tonight was the annual SAMCRO box-a-thon, something the guys did to let off some steam, the Teller-Morrow lot was filled with more bikes than normal due to the neighbouring charters coming down. The fighting hadn’t even began, yet the air smelled like sweat and testosterone. It was kinda of a turn on.
“Y/N hunny can you take that box of beers outside for me” Gemma asked nodded at the box she was talking about.
“Yeah sure” you smiled grabbing the box off the bar.
Ever since you moved to Charming from the UK you had been around the club, seen as your mum had forced her to go stay with her brother, your uncle bobby. Apparently you was causing to much shit for her to deal with.
You get arrested a couple of times for aggregated assault and the next thing you knew you was on the next flight out the country.
“The beer has arrived you cunts” you grinned as you placed the box on the table. Before shaking your arms out. “Fuck me that was heavy”
One thing you loved about events like these was the fact Jax would end up extremely sweaty, he was a good fighter but watching the sweat glisten off his abs did something to you.
You leant against the wall next to the ring as you sparked a cigarette, just watching Jax get prepared.
“Like what you see darlin’” he smirked as he clocked you watching him.
“Eh I’ve seen better” you shrugged taking a drag on your smoke before tossing the nub to the ground and walked off. It’s not like you could tell Jax that you wanted him, not even in a relationship way, you just wanted to fuck him.
Slipping your headphones in you cracked on with the final things that need to be done ready for tonight.
“Everybody wonders where we run off to. My body on your body baby sticking like some glue. Naughty, let's get naughty girl, it's only one or two. The fever's fucking running, feel the heat between us too” you sung softly, moving yours hips to the music completely unaware Jax had followed you.
He couldn’t help but bite down on his bottom lip as he watch you sing along to the risky song, his eyes glued to your hips. Your leather look jeans clung to your body like a second skin, Jax didn’t care you was on the larger side as you quite often put it, he loved how you wore what the fuck you want and felt confident.
“I'm gon ride, I'm gon ride, I'm gon ride, I'm gon ride on you baby, on you lady all night, all night. I'ma take care of your body, I'll be gentle, don't you scream. It's getting hotter, make it softer, feel your chest on top of me” you continued at this point you felt a set of eyes burning into your ass, pulling your phone out pausing the music you spun around to see Jax soon there biting his lip.
“Why’d you stop” he smirked.
“Enjoying the show was we” you winked pulling your headphone out.
“Maybe” he smirked.
“Maybe if you won tonight, I’d give you more of a private show” you smirked, no idea where the sudden burst of confidence had come from, but rolled with it.
Jax took a couple of steps towards you, placing his hand against the wall above you, his body was millimetres away from yours, you could feel the heat radiating off him.
“You see that’s the thing we both know I will win” he smirked “and when I do I’m coming to claim my prize”
And with that he walked away leaving you all hot and bothered. Something Jax did on a regular basis but never followed up on his comments, but you had a strong feeling he would tonight.
— — —
Leaning against the bar you smiled as you heard the fighting in full swing, pulling your hoodie over your head you walked outside.
The top you was wearing was low cut, and showed enough cleavage but still leaving something for the imagination. You smirked at Jax as he got very distracted causing the other guy to punch him in the jaw.
Even with you distracting Jax, he still managed to win, a smirk was plastered on his face as he strode over to you.
“I nearly lost because of you” he whispered in your ear, his lips grazing your skin as he spoke, causing your body to heat up. “Also you are really bad at hiding how turned on you are right now”
“Who said I was turned on?” You breathed, voice barley a whispered.
“Let’s see, the fact your thighs are pretty much clamped together, the way your breath hitched as my lips grazed your ear” he smirked running his finger down your arm making you shiver.
Turning your head, your eyes trailed down his body, you couldn’t help up.
“I’ve only got one more fight” he winked lighting a cigarette “and then you are mine”
“You might lose” you shrugged.
“Not when there’s something up for grabs that I want” he grinned making you gulp. Reaching behind you he grabbed his kutte off the bench placing it over your shoulders “I want you to look after this for me babygirl”
“Bet you ask all the girls to look after it for you” you laughed slipping your arms into the leather. The smell of leather and Jax’s aftershave was intoxicating.
“Nah only you” he winked “fuck you look so sexy with my cut on”
“Oi Teller we fighting or you getting your dick wet” one of the lads shouted.
“Happy to do both” he winked placing his hand on your thigh, squeezing it.
True to his word, he won and was currently rocking a shit eating grin, as his eyes landed on you. His eyes shining of lust under the low lighting.
You couldn’t help but bite your lip as he flexed his muscles as he climbed out the ring, making his way over to you.
Smirking as he took the cigarette out of your lips and taking a long drag as his hand rested on your hip, slipping his thumb under the material of your shirt, stroking your soft skin.
“I want to see how pretty you look whilst I wreck you” he said huskily, his eyes flitting between your eyes and your lips.
All of a sudden you felt very submissive to the half naked man in front of you, wanting nothing more than to let him take control and show you a good time. Standing on your tip toes, you placed your arms around his neck leaning into his ear. “What ever you want daddy”
“Bedroom. Now” Jax growled as grabbed your hand dragging you through the sea of bodies.
As soon as the door slammed shut behind you he pinned you against the wall.
“Shouldn’t have called me daddy, babygirl” he breathed pinning your arms above your head as his lips attacked your neck, as soon as he made contact a moan escaped your lips and you felt him smirk against your skin “I was gonna go easy on you, but you saying that one little word has awoken something”
Somehow he managed to pop the button on your jeans with one hand and was now tugging them down and soon realised you had no underwear on.
“You have no idea what you do to me wearing clothes like this and then to find out you have no underwear on” he growled, eyes darkened with lust. “Tell me was this all for me, the little show, the outfit you chose and deciding on no underwear”
“Yes daddy” you moaned as he ran his fingers over your slick folds, grazing your clit.
“Mmm so wet for me already” he grinned as his thumb pressed against your clit making you moan his name loudly. “That’s it babygirl, I want you to scream my name”
Realising his hand that was pinning yours. He grabbed your jaw with just enough pressure, his lips finding yours.
The kiss was no where near gentle, it was rough, hot, and fuelled by lust, you felt you myself coming apart at the seams from the heat of the kiss and that fact he never stopped stroking your clit.
“Jax” you moaned against his lips squeezing your eyes closed “please I need you” Without warning he did two fingers in causing you to literally scream with pleasure, burying you head into his neck as he increased the pace.
“I want to hear you beg for me, I want to know clearly, how desperate you are for my body slamming against yours” he said before his lips attacked your skin, you knew you would have a trail of light bruises but you really did care.
“Daddy please” you breathed as you dug your nails into his neck, your knees where starting to give out “please just fuck me, I’m begging you”
A whimper left your lips as Jax slowly removed his fingers.
“Are what’s up babygirl? You feeling needy?” He smirked pushing you down onto the bed, watching as you stripped yourself of your remaining clothing.
“I just want you inside me Jax” you breathed “I don’t know if I can wait any longer. I need to feel you”
“Well I’m that case baby” he smirked dropping his shorts allowing his erection to slap against his lower stomach “let’s do something about that” in on move he had grabbed your ankles and pulled you to the end on the bed rubbing the head of his cock over you clit, making you squirm.
“Jax” you screamed as he slammed his cock into you, not letting you adjust, this was what you wanted, hot rough sex. “Fuck Jax”
“That’s it baby scream my name as loud as you want” he grunted as he thrusted hard “make it known to the world who you belong to”
You was no where near innocent when it came to sex but this was next level.
“Daddy I’m close” you panted grasping at the sheets, which just spurred Jax on as he pulled out flipping you over before slowly sliding his length back into you.
You couldn’t stop the moans and screams that left your lips as Jax took you to the point of climax, hearing you ride the orgasm out pretty much finished him off as you felt his cock throb inside you.
Flopping forward onto the bed you tried to control your heart beat and breathing.
“That was just... wow” you panted as you struggled to form sentences.
“Why haven’t we done that sooner” Jax laughed as he laid next to you. “Either way it definitely won’t be the last time darlin’”
After about 40 minutes you had both calmed down enough to rejoin the party. Pulling your shirt back over your head you messed about with the material trying to cover the light purple hue that trailed into your cleavage. Before feeling Jax’s hand on yours.
“Don’t cover what I purposely marked on you” he smirked “or I might have to punish you”
“Fine” you huffed.
“I needed to let everyone know you are mine” he whispered in your ear nipping gently at your ear lobe. “Even if it is just for tonight”
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