#cause she doesn’t want me to go to bed T.T
vengeance-is-sworn · 2 years
My cats wailing at me likes she’s dying and idk how to explain to her my being in the bathroom is only temporary while I get ready for bed
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
How are we feeling about a friends with benefits relationship with Colin Shea and reader likes the arrangement, - until she realizes it isn’t exclusive and she finds out he has several? T.T
Further elaboration: Reader has developed feelings for him in the duration of their arrangement because Colin had expressed she was special to him. How will he take it when reader calls him out for sleeping with others without telling her? How will he respond when she confesses her feelings? Wether it ends with angst or a happy ending is up to you. ✨>>
hopefully, this is what you wanted haha, I was in need of angst but I've basically read everything angsty.
summary - the reader finds out she isn't so special to colin as she thought.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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My head rests on Colin’s chest, trying to catch my breath from the previous strenuous activities. My fingers trace his abs, outlining them and softly stroking my nails up and down his hairy body. The peace is interrupted by his phone pinging, causing him to reach over and grab the device. A smirk begins to form on his beautiful face. 
I watch him as he answers whoever is on the other end before he slowly unwinds himself from me and begins to put his clothes back on, “Hey, can you go? I have someone coming over, and it’s kind of important.” His back is turned so he doesn’t see my face fall. I look at the time and notice it’s one in the morning, ‘who would come over at this time?’
“Oh, okay, uh, sure.” I blink a few times, not wanting to cry over something so stupid, sliding out of bed and slowly pulling my clothes back on. Colin comes around and grabs my face, and for a split second, hope fills me, thinking this is it. He’s going to tell me to stay and that he loves me.
“You know you’re special to me, right?” My heart flutters, beginning to smile as I nod, staring at his pretty blue eyes until the sound of his phone buzzing cuts through the air, filling the silence. Colin’s hands drop from my face, practically running to his phone as it continues to buzz. “Okay, well. I’ll see you.” He waves, eyes not leaving his phone, causing me to let out a shaky breath. The flash of a female's name catches my eye before I go.
I make my way to his door, not hearing Colin rush out of his room. My hand wraps around the handle as I open the door and bump into someone. I shake my head a bit, and my gaze travels up their body and land on a gorgeous woman. Our eyes lock, brows furrowed as we study each other.
“Oh, shit” We both turn and look toward Colin, who stands there wide-eyed and completely pale. My eyes move back and forth between the two, the pieces connecting like the simplest puzzle, and a gasp leaves my lips. I turn around entirely and stare at Colin. The woman behind me leaves, shaking her head and muttering something about men.
“Who was that?” My voice causes Colin to cringe, watching my eyes fill with tears at what I just witnessed. “Colin?” 
“Fuck! She’s a friend, okay!” He shakes his head, not willing to look at my face as he says this. 
“Friend?! What kind of friend comes over–” My eyes widen, and more of the puzzle connects. “You fucking asshole! I thought I was fucking special to you!? How many more ‘friends’ do you have?!” His blue eyes connect with mine this time, watching as rage fills my body.
“You are special to me! But we aren’t together, and I have needs! What, did you want me to sit around and only fuck one girl?! What does it matter how many I have, huh?! So what if I have several? YOU AREN’T ENOUGH FOR ME.” Colin sucks in a breath when the last words slip out of his mouth, watching me slowly break apart. 
I shake my head, and a painful chuckle leaves my lips. “I can’t believe I fell for you and your stupid fucking act, special my ass.” I turn, ignoring his confused calls as I head out of the door and into the lobby. I turn one last time and look at him. My eyes still hold pain, but my face looks emotionless, “Goodbye, Colin, great knowing you.” And that’s when I take my leave.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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lightininglydia · 4 years
We’re the same you know- T.T
Pairings: John B x Reader, Topper Thornton x reader
Warnings: cheating, mentions of sex, swearing
I hope you enjoy reading this :)
You smiled as you happily skipped over to the chateau with a few bags in your hands. You hadn’t seen your boyfriend in a few days due to your busy work schedule but today you both finally had the day off. There was supposed to be a party tonight that the two of you were going to meet at but you figured you'd surprise your boyfriend earlier so you could spend some quality time together.
You had bought yours and John B’s favourite take out food and a few of John B's favourite films, having a cute little day planned out for the two of you. You had definitely been longing to spend some alone time with him and figured today would be the perfect day to do so.... Pope and JJ were hopefully busy and Kiara was working all day so you knew there would be little to no disruptions to your perfectly planned day.
You walked into the chateau and called out your boyfriends name but didn't get a reply. You looked outside and saw the HMS Pogue and the Twinkie so he couldn't possibly be out with the boys. This caused a small frown to settle on your face. you shook your head slightly and made your way to his room. Your heart swelled when you saw him fast asleep but quickly broke when you noticed what was next to him.... a mop of blonde hair you knew all too well.
Sarah Cameron.
" What the FUCK " you yelled causing both John B and Sarah to shoot up out of bed and look at you, the two of them barely in any clothing and marks spread across their bodies, giving away what they had just done. John B's face softened when he saw yours and he jumped up and quickly began explaining it to you.
" it just happened " and " I'm so sorry baby " but you couldn't even really hear what he was saying. Everything was in slow motion just like in the movies as you tried pushing him away from you, tears falling down your face as you pushed past him, desperately trying to get out of the chateau and as far away from him and Sarah as possible.
Once you were out you were met with Pope and JJ, their faces quickly showing a look of concern as they rushed over to you but you pushed them back not trusting anything or anyone.
" did you know " your voice broke as you prayed the answer was no but by the looks on their faces they did.... they knew
" does Kie know? " and they shook their heads no which made you let out a sigh of relief
" I caught them the other day.... I knew I couldn't tell Kie or she'd tell you " JJ mumbled
" so what? You were just going to cover for John b JJ? For how long? How long were you going to fucking LIE to me " you shouted at him but you instantly felt bad. This wasn’t his fault.
" I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled... I'm sorry " you quickly apologized knowing he gets enough of that when he's at home but JJ shook his head
" no... I deserve it " he mumbled and your heart clenched... how did you end up feeling like a monster in this situation?
" no JJ you don't.... John B's your best friend. This is on him not you and I shouldn't have yelled no matter how angry I am " your voice was soft as you spoke to JJ.
While what JJ did was fucked up you never wanted to hurt him or make him feel like he wasn’t worth it or like he deserved all the pain he experienced because he didn’t.
" I'm sorry (Y/N) JJ is John B's best friend but I'm not... I have no excuse as to why I didn't tell you. I guess I just wanted to protect him " Pope whispered feeling guilty
" protect him? What about me? Your best friend.... if it was you getting cheated on....I would have told you " you said to Pope but directing it at both boys
You said nothing else to the two boys as you got into your car. You drove straight to the wreck ignoring the calls from John B. You knew Kiara was working today and to be honest all you wanted was to see her, hoping she could provide you a sense of comfort and happiness. You knew how much she hated Sarah Cameron so hopefully she'd be equally as pissed as you at John B and the guys.
You parked your car and made your way inside, sitting at your usual table. Kie saw you almost immediately and smiled but her face dropped when she saw your state. She turned to her dad and pointed at you probably explaining something was wrong and that she needed to take a break.
He just nodded and offered you a small smiled. He hated the boys, thought they were dirty and troublesome but both him and Mrs. C loved you. You knew you were always welcome at their house and if you didn't already have a job as a cart girl at the country club you would have been offered a job here.
" What happened " Kie asked as she placed a large plate of fries on the table along with two glasses of soda. You smiled softly at her actions and looked up at her as she sat down across from you. Your small smile quickly faltered as you knew how hard this was going to be. She hated Sarah.... and everyone knew that especially John B. This betrayal would hit her too and you knew it.
" You're going to hate this " you mumbled as you tried to prepare the girl, she nodded and motioned for you to continue.
" I went to see John B today.... brought his favourite food and movies hoping to have a couple-y day but when I found him he was in bed.... with Sarah Cameron. I guess they've been sleeping around for a while and the guys knew " your voice broke again as you looked down at your hands trying to somewhat hold it together.
" What? " she asked in disbelief feeling like she didn’t quite hear you right
" yeah " you laughed bitterly as tears flowed down your face
" (Y/N) I'm so sorry " she whispered as she reached across the table and took your hand in hers. You just nodded as you tried not to cry any harder, this was embarrassing enough you didn’t need to be sobbing at the wreck.
" The worst part is he didn't even sound sorry as he listed his excuses.... he almost sounded relieved that I caught him.... relieved that he no longer had to lie to me and pretend that he loved me “
" Pope and JJ knew? JJ is expected but Pope? How could he do that to you? And why didn't they tell me? " she asked feeling confused by the situation at hand
" Pope said he didn't have an excuse... he just wanted to protect John B which is really fucking shitty because why did he need protecting? He was breaking MY heart and lying to me.... They didn't tell you because they knew you'd tell me " you answered
" Damn right " she muttered suddenly feeling very angry at her best friends
" I left the chateau and came straight here.... you're the only person I want to see for the rest of my life and our parents too but still " you said
" God I'm going to kill him! All of them actually... for him to cheat on you when you were the best girlfriend EVER with Sarah Cameron is the worst thing he could have ever done.... you're our best friend (Y/N) and I can't believe those two idiots knew and didn't say shit " Kie spat starting to get really angry
" I honestly don't even know how to feel about it.... I want to say I hate them I really do but I don't. I yelled at JJ and instantly felt horrible and apologized! At the end of the day Pope and JJ are still two of my best friends which really sucks because it doesn't seem like they feel the same way " you sighed as you looked down at the floor
" Well I do... you're my best friend (Y/N) out of all of them I would pick you every single time okay? If I would have known I probably would have beat John B up before coming to tell you " she said in a matter of fact tone which made you laugh
" You're my best friend too Kie.... I'd pick you every single time without a doubt... i'm gonna let you go back to work but you can come pick me up before the party later " you said to her
" wait you still wanna go? " she asked slightly confused as to why you would want to go to a party where John B would most definitely be at with Sarah on his arm.
" you've been looking forward to it for days and you can't go by yourself when you hate all your friends.... so I'm going to come with you and we can't hate all our friends together okay? "
" okay " she said as she let go of your hand and went back to work. You knew the fries and drinks were on the house but you never left the wreck without slipping at least a $20 to Mr. C who tried to refuse it every time but eventually caved.
So you made your way up to him and gave him the bill. He didn't protest as he saw the state you were in.
" You okay (Y/N) " he asked
" no.... teenage boys suck but I'll get over it eventually " you said weakly
He said nothing as he pulled you in for a hug. He considered you to be another daughter just like your parents did with Kie.
Mr. Carrera and your father had grown up on the cut together, they were best friends so naturally when they had daughters around the same time they decided that the two of you would also grow up together and be best friends.
You pulled away from the hug and gave him a smile and a wave as you made your way to your car. You drove home and went straight to your room ignoring the calls from your parents and cried.... you cried and cried and cried until you couldn’t cry anymore.
Thankfully you always had spoons in your freezer so when it was time to get ready you showered and then held two ice cold spoons under your eyes to depuff them. You didn’t need the whole island knowing you just had your heart ripped from your chest and stomped on.
You then put on your usual jean shorts and oversized Tshirt on, tucking the shirt into your shorts because it looked nicer in your opinion. You then added a few necklaces and let your now dry hair down.
Normally girls would go all out to try and show their ex what they were missing but you didn't have the energy to do that nor did you care that much about John B.... the moment you caught him was the moment he became dead to you, you had nothing to prove to him because he was no longer worth it.... especially because you had caught him with Sarah Cameron someone you had grown to hate over the years due to her constant attitude with you and Kie.
You heard a car honk from outside and you knew that was your que to leave. You said goodbye to your parents and made your way downstairs and out the door. You greeted Kiara with a smile and small hello as you got into her car.
The drive was short and before you knew it the two of you were pulling up to the party. You took a deep breath and tried to calm your nerves. You knew John B would be here with Sarah... Pope and JJ by his side as if his betrayal was nothing... as if you were nothing.
" we can turn around and have a girls night instead " Kie whispered as she turned to you
" no... it's okay " you stated and then got out of the car
Kie grabbed your hand in hers as the two of you walked to the beach.
" I'm scared " you said to her
" I'm scared too... "
" why are you scared? " you asked
" because I don't know what I'm going to do when I see John B parade around here with Sarah as if he didn't just absolutely break your heart like it was nothing.... it doesn't help dumb and dumber are going to be with him instead of us either " she said and you laughed
" I love you ya know "
" I love you too (Y/N) .... I'm gonna go get us drinks which you know they are probably in charge of so go sit over there " she said as she pointed towards a large open spot on the beach.
You just nodded and let go of her hand, both of you going opposite ways. You sighed as you sat in the sand feeling sad.
" mind if I sit next to you " a familiar voice asked from behind you
" sure Top " you said using his nickname.
The two of you weren't friends but you also didn't play into the kooks vs Pogues with each other. Topper admired how cool and honest you were so he was always kind to you. That was something you appreciated. He respected you enough to leave the boys alone when you asked and even somehow got Rafe to back down from a few fights with JJ and in return you would defend him to your friends. The relationship you had with each other was odd and very unexpected.... a kook and a Pogue having a pretty high level of respect for one another was practically unheard of if you excused Kiara from her kook title.
" you okay? " he asked knowing all too well what you were feeling
" No... are you? "
" not really.... it just sucks that she cheated on me with a- " he stopped himself
" sorry " he apologized
" don't apologize.... there's a lot of mean shit I could say about kooks too right now " you laughed lightly trying to make him feel better about what he had just apologized for.
" You didn't deserve it.... you're so kind and caring John B didn't deserve you " he mumbled
" You didn't deserve it either.... yeah you kinda suck sometimes but you've always been nice to me and from what I saw you were pretty good to her too so Sarah didn't deserve you either " you said as you leaned your head on his shoulder
" Maybe they are perfect for each other then " he muttered as he turned his head, eyeing John B and Sarah.
" when did you find out " you asked him noticing he was sad but definitely not as sad as you which lead you to the conclusion he had found out before you and obviously not today
" Midsummers " he responded and you sat up faster than you ever had before suddenly feeling sick to your stomach, this made Topper look at you with concern written all over his face.
Midsummers was three weeks ago.
" I found out this afternoon " your voice broke as you realized just how long this was going on for and you couldn’t help but wonder how long it was going on for before midsummers.
" he promised.... he promised me he'd tell you " Topper whispered more to himself than you
" what? " you asked turning to look at him
" when I caught them... I lost it, yelled and screamed at them and then I said I was going to find you.... he stopped me and promised he'd tell you in the morning " Topper said in disbelief
" wait.... your first thought was to yell at them and then come and find me? Why? " you asked
" because I care about and respect you.... I admire how honest and cool you are if I'm being honest I like you and respect how you're always quick to call me and my friends out on my shit so yeah when I found out one of my first thoughts was to come find you " he mumbled as he looked down at the sand feeling slightly embarrassed by his own confession but it was true.
He cared about you.
" Thank you " you whispered to him really meaning it and feeling grateful at least someone who knew seemed to have your back.
" Topper? (Y/N) ? " Kie asked as she approached the two of you with drinks in her hand, confused as to why the blonde haired kook was siting next to you
" Kie I know you just got these but I need them both" you stated with a look of determination on your face. She didn't say anything as you stood up and took them from her hands and just watched as you marched over to John B and Sarah.
" (Y/N) - " Pope started but your harsh glare was quick to silence him. You tapped John B on the shoulder causing him and Sarah to turn around and before either of them could even register it was you the drinks ended up being thrown in their faces
" You're a real piece of shit John B.... Topper caught the two of you at midsummers? That was THREE weeks ago and god knows how long the two of you were sneaking around before that.... I was good to you! always so good to you and this is what I get in return? You promised him you were going to break up with me the next day but instead you decided to string me along? For what? Your own selfish enjoyment? For the thrill of sneaking around? " you spat and he was speechless so you turned to Sarah
" and you.... did you enjoy sneaking around behind my back? Stealing my boyfriend? Cheating on your own? I hope you guys are happy together because you truly deserve one another.... " you spat and then turned around storming off back towards where Topper and Kie sat
" sorry about the drinks " you mumbled as you sat next to Kiara
" don't be.... three weeks? That's fucking disgusting " Kiara scoffed feeling even angrier than she had before.
" I'm really sorry (Y/N) I thought you knew.... I swear to god I would have told you " Topper said, guilt laced in his voice.
" I know Top.... don't worry about it " you reassured him as you moved closer to him, resting your head back on his shoulder.
Being near him right now was oddly comforting.
" I don't think I want to be friends with John B anymore " Kie announced as she looked over at you and Topper
" are you sure Kie? " you asked
" yeah.... I love the carefree lifestyle of being his friend but he hurt you (Y/N) and he hurt me and it doesn't even seem like he cares " she mumbled as she looked down at the and you nodded as you realized just how much this was hurting her too.
" we don't need em.... we can live a mix of a kook and Pogue life just the two of us like it used to be " you said
" I mean.... I know we kinda suck but you could always hang out with the guys and I " Topper said which caused both you and Kie to snort
" Top... you and Kelce are fine but Rafe? He hates us" you laughed
" yeah... my bad but hey maybe we can change that " he laughed with you and you just smiled at him feeling grateful he was trying his best to make you feel better.
" (Y/N) can we talk " JJ asked as he approached the three of you. You looked over at Kie asking for her opinion and she just shrugged. You patted Topper on the leg before standing up and following JJ
" I didn't know it was that long " he mumbled
" I know " was all you said as you walked down the beach with him
" are we gonna be okay? " he asked feeling scared of your answer. He didn’t want to lose you
" eventually.... but things are never gonna be the same. I'm not gonna be around anymore and by the looks of it neither is Kie " you said
" I get it.... soooo you and Topper looked pretty cosy" JJ joked which caused you to roll your eyes and laugh
" I've always enjoyed Topper's company and I mean.... he gets it more than anyone else does so I guess having him as a friend won't be the worst thing ever " you mumbled
" I can't stand him but he's always been nice to you so there's no reason not to be his friend " JJ huffed still not liking the idea
" Where's Pope? " you asked as you scanned the crowd looking for him
" after you threw drinks in John B and Sarah's face and yelled at them he yelled at John B and then left.... he feels horrible " JJ sighed as the two of you turned around and began walking back towards Topper and Kie
" It's okay.... you've both been friends with John B longer and you didn't know how long it had been going on for " you stated simply
" I went after him but he said he needed space so I let him go.... I'm sure you can expect him at your door sometime tomorrow "
" I hope so because you and Pope are still my best friends despite all this shit "
" good.... I'm really sorry (Y/N) "
" it's alright JJ.... I'm not about to flush several years of friendship down the toilet over this. At least not with the two of you. In John B's case he'll be lucky if I ever even look at him again "
The two of you were now back in front of Topper and Kie. You gave JJ a hug and a quick goodbye before sitting back down next to Topper and then watched as he returned to where John B and Sarah stood, Sarah looked to be having a mini melt down as her makeup ran down her face. This caused you to laugh a little bit enjoying her current state.
" we're the same you know " Topper mumbled which caused you to look away from Sarah and over at him
" yeah but that's okay because we have each other. We'll get over this.... together " you smiled softly
" You're really pretty " Topper said suddenly which caused Kie to snort
" dude.... she's been single for like 6 hours I think you might wanna give it at LEAST a day or two before you make your move " Kie said while laughing which caused you to lean over and whack her arm.
" You're really pretty too Top " you giggled as you looked at him
He just rolled his eyes and leaned into you and you couldn’t help but feel as if this was the start of a beautiful friendship..... maybe even something more.
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vynza-blog · 4 years
Until The End of My Time
Mozart x (Old) MC
POV1 (Mozart)
Everytime she sleeping, she have a sad face. I have been wondering, what caused her to make that kind of face in her sleep? Did I fail to make her happy? I hate the idea of not knowing anything that related to her.
I took a deep breath. "I want you to be happy, and smiling more often. Those sad face in yours isn't suit you." And place a gentle kiss on her white hair.
I know if human have a short lifespan because I've ever been human too. But, I didn't have any experience in elder life since I was died when I was an adult. So I couldn't bear how her health and body getting more weaker each year passes.
Moreover how she is trying to put her strong face in front of me. It's so painful. I wish I could transfer all her pain to me.
And telling her is okay to cry, even though I hate seeing her tears, but I would rather want her to let all her tears that she have been holding back up until now.
I couldn't leave her alone, so I spending most my time in our home and accompany wherever she want to go.
Also, I secretly composing a music special for her. I want to finish it before she gone. And let her hear it in our last moment, together.
She always come to my mind while composing the music. The idea of how she smiling beautifully after listening my music make me want this music must become a masterpiece without flaws.
I really love her.
My feeling haven't ever change even she is no longer young. I don't really care about appearance, since the most important thing is her sincerely heart. And I want to be with her, doesn't care how many times she being reborn, as long as I still alive.
So when she ask, "Hey... do you still want me to stay by your side?" Every years, without hesitate I answering it right away. "Of course." You have no idea how your existence become so important more than anything to me.
My throat is hurt. Only her blood could satisfy my thirst, but, I must get used of not having her blood. Her health is more important. I shouldn't be selfish.
When she awake, I play the music that I created for her. Every seconds is precious, I shouldn't waste it. So I sit on near her bed when I'm done playing, holding her hand with both of my hands.
Don't cry.
I didn't want to make her feels bad for will leaving me all alone in our last moment. It's not like her fault if she ran out of time. Death always be the end of everything.
"The title of the music is--"
I want you to know if no matter how long it would take, I will always waiting for you until we able to meet each other again. But sadly, I was late. You are already gone. And smiling peacefully.
I take your red ribbon from you hair.
I will let my hair long, so I could wear this. And I will return it to you when you reborn to this world.
This ribbon is gonna be our "red string".
PS: I'm so sorry if there any mistake and grammatical error. T.T
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corescorner · 5 years
So That New Video Huh?
Okay holy shit, I’m gonna do an analysis for it. I’ve never done this before and no one literally has ever asked me to do this but youre getting it anyway cause this is the only place I can gush about this so freakin deal XP
First off, I woke up at two AM cause I’m A Disaster like that, and was greeted with this wonderful video. So naturally I make a pot of coffee and some Crofters toast and get on with my analysis.
Also! THE SWEATERS AND SCARVES! I WANT ALL OF THEM! On that note huge preesh to my Mum -even though she’ll never see this- who’s helping me buy one of the sweaters even though she doesn’t have to cause I’m a Grown Ass Adult ™ with my own money. Kind of. 
Anyway on with the analysis! Under the cut cause Daaaaaaaaaaaamn is it long.
- Thomas' jacket! I want it.
-That ad intro though XD 
-I be a real floozy XD
-Don't trust an old viking like me: Thomas Sanders (you know, the youtuber)
-PIrateS DiDn’T ReallY TAlk lIke ThIS! Reexamine your cultural biases!
-'what the hell is that accent?' going a liiittttle Remusy voice there Tommy.
-his ears scrunched down by the helmet and the beard string...
-Hahahahahaa, masculinity is a prison!
-OKAY SO, this is literally the first thing I did when waking up and my mind was not ready for them TO BE HANGING OUT ON THE COUCH, suffice to say I had a mini freakout to myself and then excitedly continued.
-a florida dwelling man, who never leaves his house. Good point XD
-Romans immediate Sass™ Love It 
-Virgil’s Just As Sassy Thumbs Up. Hyello!
-*gasp* ohmygoodness it’s all Frozen. Oh whoever could have predicted that! Roman... Please.
-Virgil’s eye squint at Roman when he announced 100% of the votes were frozen and Pattons excited cheering even though he just said he didn't vote for it so there's no way it could have been 100%
- Now that I think about it, if Roman didn't rig it, I think they'd probably be at a standstill with, ya'know all their votes being on what they wanted to watch. 
-mmnnmmmnnn falsehood. It was so calm this time. soft falsehood.
-Paton’s incredulous 'too childish?!' he says this like he's recently seen Logan wear his and he's like 'what, but what'
-how can Thomas feel B.A.D with his inner D.A.D We👏 Get👏 It👏 You're 👏Adorable!
-redirecting his attention to something good.... or neutral.
-Who among us can forget the absolute bop that is...... this weird ice cutting song. Roman with the sarcasm. 
-Pat: pretty cool/what it’s a chilled out groove! Lo: I might need you to leave. 
-Virgil's constant just Overthinking™ and not actually paying attention to the movie really. Mood.
-some things need time.... Like evolution! Cute Nerd Alert.
-Patton blowing on his drink
-I ALso LOve you Olaf!
- no you’re mine now
-I love that Roman commentates on movies he watches cause that is 100% Me
-’the heart is not so easily changed’ Lo: No it isn't. Pat: Hmm? 
-’but the head can be persuaded’ Ro: Can it though?
-’fear will be your enemy.’ Virgil’s looooooook T.T
-Pat and Ro: JOOOOAN! Virgil and Lo say nothing. Thomas:..... Joan... 
-it’s making me too aware of the passage of time! Ooooooof big Mood™ bro.
-REMUS!!! :D
-Of course he's naked, cause why wouldn't he be, they're all in their comfortable clothes.
- they're gonna die at seea! :D
-I sleep in the buff. Thank you Remus. No seriously, good to know.
-Virge: Did i screw everything up? Ro: No I threw out your vote so you couldn't do that. ROMAN!
-Patton’s head bob in agreement about missing the hand drawn movies
-Roman’s actual misunderstanding that virgil wasn't talking about frozen being the wrong decision.
-Verge: How are you telling me to settle into something right now when you've taken your sweet time to settle into things that you were uncomfortable with in the past? Virgil with the shaaaade.
-Pat: I just think we should all relax. Virge: You do realize who you’re talking to  right?
-Virgil's genuine confusion if Lo is asking him that question cause hes always so literal and then proceeds to tell him the number anyway.
-’why have a ballroom with no balls?’ Remus’ snicker, same.
-Just give in to the raunchy jokes Thomas, it's funny.
-Roman imitating Hans’ 'evil plotting face'
-Ro in Dude Bro Voice: aw man yea I’m so fucked up on chocolate fondue I don’t even know what im sayin right now
-All of the others smiling at that. Is Roman doing this to make them smile?
-Patton whines, Logan: Is something wrong Patton? UM Logan asking about FEELINGS Cute.
-there's no way shes coming out of this situation without trust issues. Mmmmmmyea.
-Ro: except for the footprints behind you. Lo:HEy YEa!
-Pat, quietly: don’t let them in don’t let them see. PATTON! SOMEONE HUG DAD PLEASE
-Virge: he may have been an idiot back in the day, but hes not anymore... Virge, are we talking in double meanings here?
-Lo: she shouldn't let go of more of her clothing that’s for sure, shes gonna freeze to death. Lo, she has ICE POWERS. I'm sure she’s fine. The cold never bothered her anyway.
-Logans confused, what about a bridge? Metaphors Lo.
-Pat: let it go! Ro: lie low in our kingdom of ICEolation, come on paton don’t go for the low hanging fruit.
-Lo: There’s a storm out tonight!? Well, obviously Thomas has to stay home why are we debating this. No, Lo honey, it’s still a metaphor.
-Lo: you think this castle has a lavatory? Pat: ICE TOILET! Ro: or a bed? Pat: ICE BED! Lo: this place sounds awful.
-Pat: his thing with the reindeer? Lo: outside of nature's laws? Re: he DEFINITELY FUCKS THE REINDEER! I THOUGHT THE SAME THIIIIIING.
-Ro: If OnLy ThErE wAs SoMeOnE OuT ThErE wHo LoVeD YoU 'hans evil plotting face'
-Logan pointing out Romans constant shade at he movie.
-Romans complete legit reason why Ana should have been saved by Olaf.
-Virge: I bet he’s talking about you right now. THOMAS' FACE.
-Pat: Thomas has talked about him to other people. Patton likes gossip?
-Logan AGREEING that they’re gossipy bitches XD
-Patton pointing a logans points in agreement
-VIRGIL IS SPIRALING, deep breaths kiddo!
-Virge: just think about it. Thomas: LIKE I HAVE A CHOICE
-Virge: he trusted you enough to share a history that he wasn’t proud of with you. Again talking in double meaning here Verge?
-Virge: ‘he wouldn’t have gotten around to some of the stuff you wanted to know about on his own. More backstory to unlock mayhaps?
-Logan doing the countdown thing to help with the anxiety.
-Thomas going along with it without question, Virgil.... kinda going along with it?
-Virgil’s soft ‘.... blinds...’ after naming things that were like existential crisis things XD
- Thomas and Virgil tasting the same thing? Do they all taste what Thomas tastes? Or were they eating together?
-Lo: You are safe. T.T Loooooooogaaaaan
-Virgil’s soft look when Thomas is talking about adjusting and then saying that he still thinks theyre friends! UM again with the double meanings?!
-Thomas: things will be alright between us. PATTON LOOKS AT VIRGIL Cuuuuuuute
-Roman’s metaphor that makes no sense to the situation.
-Thomas: thank you Roman, that’s barely applicable.
-and then his look of 'you're welcome' XD
-Logans list of Elsa’s powers
-Patton nodding along to it and then his 'yea it all checks out' XD
-Logan’s thoughts on Arendales military being just Elsa cause of her powers.
-Virgil’s soft smile and sigh.... ‘Too bad we didn’t go to that party.’ VIRGE!
-Anxiety music starts, what if your soulmate was there and now you’re never gonna get another chance to meet him
-Ro reaching in Virgil’s direction OH SHIT OH SHIT!
-Oof youre freaking out princey there Virge
-Lo: watching a film is too passive of an exercise to allay Thomas' troubled thoughts, Virgil’s cute shrug and thumb nail biting like 'welp'
-Dee: I was looking for this! So he doesn't always lie, that’s good to know.
-Virgil’s HISSING! Okay sure, but he wasn't even talking to you man calm down XD
-Dee: DONT TOUCH MY SHIT *finger waggle*
-Romans face! Like, yep I saw this coming and i did it anyways, and I’m probably gonna do it again in the future.
-Logans interest in rewriting Frozen
-Ro: no. yes. I don’t know what you’re asking. Roman, it was kinda self explanatory XD
-everyones expressions when roman is talking about how he’s gonna rewrite it.
-Virgil’s little ‘aw hell yea’
-I’m going to bed. IN THE BUFF. Yes, you’ve stated this before XD
-everyones contributions to the fic
-Pat: I see your point Virgil, but how about this: nobody dies.
-Joan at the end XD Joan should do more ads with Thomas, they’re great.
-Thomas: you just do it XD
-So this is obviously after DWIT, cause of Remus’ appearances and Logan’s ownage of being called cool. But is it right after? Or is there gonna be a prequel type video next that happens before this and exactly after DWIT?
-Thomas being sad hurts me.
-Logan drinking his... coffee? Kinda drinking it. If they taste what Thomas tastes(??) does it happen the other way around? Probably not right? Or is it one of those things where it’s a phantom taste or craving type situation?
-Roman lounging on a bean bag chair in front of an actual chair, yea same.
-BUT ALSO VIRGIL SITTING ON THE BACK OF THE COUCH. I do that too much, or like on the arm.
-Logan just fuckin wearing dress shoes like they’re not just at home on the couch watching a movie.
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manggojooz · 5 years
Pick A Side (Part 7)
pairing: Taehyung x reader
word count: approx. 1,700
genre: university!au; angst; romance; slice of life stuff
warnings: references to school bullying; references to voyeuristic behaviour
previous part: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 
taglist: @destiel1597 @mila271 @hopetookmysoul @ximaginx@honeyursosweet @coffeecupyoongs @bangtanbaesstuff​  @annoyingpessimist @betysotelo18 @okaysoplshelpme
comments: i know i promised fluff... but there isn’t any coz... this is actually only half of the originally planned part 7 >.< the writing got a bit out of hand T.T i am so sorry, but that also means there’s gonna be a part 8 soon! -hopefully-
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“Ya, Kim Taehyung, what’s going on with your ex-girlfriends? The whole school is talking about them...”, Yoongi came up behind Taehyung when he saw him walking into the campus.  
Taehyung was only staring at the gravel pavement as he sauntered on, fighting off the memory of you leaving the café with Haejoong. He didn’t even catch what Yoongi had said until Yoongi wrapped an arm around his shoulder and shouted “YA!” into his ears.  
Yoongi had to explain the whole situation to his oblivious junior, only to have Taehyung abruptly shoot up from the bench he sat at with Yoongi upon hearing the news.
“Where are you going...”, Yoongi asks unsurprised, a hand holding up his chin, “... to find the victim or the...”, Yoongi did not believe you would do something like that as well and he had difficulty finding a suitable term to refer to you.  
“Do you know where they are?”, Taehyung asked anxiously.  
“Mmm, I didn’t see Jihyun at all today, but I saw Y/N at the student office...”, Yoongi spoke slowly and Taehyung was about to dash off in the direction of the student office, “... hey hey! She left already! With her friend... what’s that guy’s name again?”, Yoongi tried to recall his name dispassionately.  
Taehyung’s body halts like an emergency brake was activated. He forgot. He wasn’t the one that you wanted by your side anymore. Where did he think he was going? Who did he think he was?  
“Haejoong”, Taehyung whispers, his teeth slightly clenching.  
“Yeah yeah, that’s his name... Haejoong”, Yoongi snaps a finger at finally remembering.  
Hearing the name repeated back to him causes him to see the same two back views walking away from him again, the echoes of your footsteps surrounding him. Taehyung backs up and sits down on the bench next to Yoongi, putting his face into one of his huge palms, closing his eyes and wishing that the scene would stop replaying before him, he doesn’t want to see it again... just stop, please.  
He didn’t look for either Jihyun or you in the next few days but he did text and call a lot, hoping there would at least be one reply. But there were none.   
Everyone in school seemed to be talking about it though and he would hear random students making comments about the both of you. Some said Jihyun was attention-seeking, some said she was a boyfriend-stealer, some pitied her, and some just made lewd remarks. He wanted to stand up for her or to just punch those objectifying her, but he couldn’t. If he defended her, if he protected her, what would that make you?  
The gossip about you were not kind as well. Some called you vengeful, some called you a bully, some said it might not be you after all, and some joked that your photos should be uploaded too. He fought himself the hardest, he fought the urge to just speak up for you, to punish them for you, because he knew he couldn’t. If he defended you, if he protected you, what would that make Jihyun?  
Taehyung watches as Haejoong walks into class alone. You were not here. Jihyun was not here either.  
“Where’s Y/N?”, Taehyung demanded after the lecture finally ended.  
“I honestly don’t know. I went to her hostel a few times but no one responded when I knocked. I texted and called her too and she didn’t answer. Maybe she’s just lying low for the time being like how the student office lady asked her to... What about Jihyun? Is she alright?”, Haejoong answered mild-manneredly.  
Taehyung doesn’t answer his question and turns to dash off, breezing past Hyesoo who was about to approach the both of them.  
“Hey, are you ignoring me or you don’t know the answers either?”, Haejoong raises his voice just enough for Taehyung to hear him but Taehyung doesn’t bother turning back, having made up his mind about where he is heading to next.  
Of course he knew the answer – neither of you are alright.  
The brick-paved walkway heading towards the girls’ hostel formed a daunting fork before him. He has taken these paths countless of times, but today he stood here, waiting. He wasn’t waiting for anyone, he was waiting for himself to come around. 
He was the dim-witted idiot who couldn’t read his own feelings, who couldn’t make the necessary decisions, who avoided hurting anyone but ended up hurting everyone. Thanks to that he has taken himself out of the position to be looking out for either of you. But he is still concerned, and even if none of you wanted to see him, he needed to know that you were safe.
Formulating the decision of which path he wanted to take was not that difficult, the paralysing part was his concern for the well-being of path he wasn’t going to take. 
He glances at the walkway on the right, knowing how much he had already hurt her. He digs out his phone from his pockets and sends a message to her, asking her if she was doing ok and telling her to call him anytime she wants to, they are still friends after all. As he clicks the button sending out the message, he turns to head down the pathway to the left instead.  
With that he ended outside your dorm room. He banged on your door a few times but there was no response. So, he headed back down the stairs and went looking for you at all the places he could think of. 
It was already almost ten at night when he decided to go back to your hostel and try again. He rattled your room door so loudly that your neighbour had to come out and shout at him to leave the dorm. But somehow he felt like you were inside and thus he wouldn’t budge, not unless someone physically drags him away from your door.  
His persistence paid off though. When you finally answered the door, the boulder crushing his lungs finally lifted. But when he saw the state you were in, the boulder drops right back onto his heart instead.  
You looked at your neighbour and she was saying a few things to you that Taehyung couldn’t hear, the static in his mind overtaking him again. How many days have you been like this? Should he take you to the doctor? What if you didn’t want to talk to him at all? But he really couldn’t leave you like this. Why are you being like this over some rumours? Why is he being like this, clinging to your side even though you may be happier if it were someone else here and not him? 
You said something back to your neighbour, expending all the air that was still left in your lungs. Then you turn to look at Taehyung and spoke to him weakly, your eyes still out of focus, “Let’s talk outside...”  
His wet coat now hung at your window. The sound of the erratic hairdryer echoing in the room. And the smell of hot chocolate filling the air.  
It was not the first time you smuggled the boy into your room. Taehyung sat at your desk, ruffling his hands through his hair, a mug sitting precariously near his swinging arm. You couldn’t let him just head off in the biting cold of the night dripping wet from the bucket of water he took for you.  
You sat on your bed, your hands absorbing the warmth emitting from the porcelain. You don’t even remember how many days you have been lying indoors, not bothering to take in any sustenance until now.  
Suddenly the sound of the hairdryer was cut off, Taehyung looked up at you swiftly. “Aishhhh, I forgot about that...”, he unhappily mutters to himself and shoots up to march towards his coat.  
He reaches his hands into one of the inner pockets and pulls out something that looked like a snack. Primping up the packaging, he walked over and hands it to you when you see that it is the red bean bread you always bought from the convenient store.  
“I passed by the convenient store on the way and got it just in case you hadn’t been eating...”, he forces a smile at you.  
As he sat back down at your table, he sees the various post-it notes stuck to your mirror, the ones with the poems written for your photographs over the past weeks.  
“You kept all of these?”, he pointed at them.  
“All of what?”, you weren’t sure he was referring to what you thought he was referring to.  
“These notes I wrote to you... I thought you wouldn’t even read them...”, he answered with a little stammer, because his insides were trembling with the slightest excitement that you too, still had feelings for him.  
“Wait wha... what? These were written by you?”, the astonishment apparent in your voice and you stood up from your bed to walk over so that you could be certain of what he was pointing at.  
“You can’t recognise that these are my handwriting?” His heart drops as quickly as it rose a moment ago. You didn’t even know the notes were from him? If you knew maybe you wouldn’t have kept it. When was he going to learn to face it... that you no longer wanted him. 
“Taehyung, we weren’t together for that long... I don’t... how would I remember...”, it was your turn to stammer.  
“I remember how your handwriting looks like...”, and without giving you a chance to deliberate a response, he turns on the hair dryer again, so that he wouldn’t need to hear your reply, so that he can cut out the sounds in his own head. It felt like he was submerged in something, suffocating, struggling and a loud, dark but muted sound rang on in his ears.  
You were right. The two of you only dated for a few months. You must have let go of those feelings and those memories by now. It’s fine, he will hold on to them himself, until such time he was ready to let go.  
You had no idea what kind of anguish Taehyung was going through, and you only thought he was angry that you didn’t recognise that the notes were from him. 
You sat down on the floor next to your bed, resting your back against the frame and holding your knees close to your chest. You thought back to how much you shunned him ever since you broke up with him, how much you blamed him for not being there for you... and then to the words he said to you earlier: 
“I don’t want to stand on your side, Y/N, I want to stand by your side. I’m not here trying to pick the side that is wrong or right. Everyone makes mistakes. I just… don’t want you to be alone.”
“It’s not me...”, you muttered, after a long while.  
Taehyung turns off the hairdryer to hear you better, his left hand still grabbing a tuff of his hair.  
“Jihyun’s photos... it’s not me...”  
He never actually had a doubt.  
“But I did hurt someone really badly in high school... ”, you continued, poignantly.  
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dreamersscape · 5 years
The Raven Cycle: A Liveblog (Part 4)
(Let’s just pretend the gap since my last installment was a much shorter and more reasonable period of time than it has actually been, shall we? I tried to make up for it with the length of this edition. Suuuuuper long post under the cut.)
Me, reading TDT’s opening quotations: Okay, yes, good. Taking things out of your dreams into the waking world. Got it.
Me, reading the last quote: ‘I loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who haven’t got the guts to bite people themselves.’?
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‘He always returned with gifts, treasure, and unimaginable amounts of money, but to Ronan, the most wondrous thing was Niall himself. Every parting felt like it would be the last, and so every return was like a miracle.’ RONANNNNNNN. (Is it weird that it feels like Ronan is supposed to be my favorite bc he seems closest to my type and goodness knows I can relate to the grieving-a-father feels, but that’s not really the case so far? I love him dearly, but it feels like I should love him more. Weird? Not weird? I dunno.)
*carefully takes notes about the alleged details of Ronan’s birth because I know now every minor detail is actually Very Important*
‘Theoretically, Blue Sargent was probably going to kill one of these boys.’ Oh, good, it’s only a theoretical death. Glad we got that sorted out. Guess I can stop worrying about it now, right? :P
'Adam’s hand glided over her bare elbow. The touch was a whisper in a language she didn’t speak very well.’ I really like this line! Also, somewhat sadly, relateable.
'It had five tiny white buttons: four arranged in a cross shape, and one off by itself. To Blue, that fifth button was like Adam. Still working toward the same purpose as the other four. But no longer quite as close as the others.’ Oh, so we’re going to make my heart hurt over Adam Parrish in the first ten pages of the book. Fine.
'In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them. Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness. Her raven boys.’ Aw, those lines sound familiar. ;) And we’re all right there with ya, Blue.
'The dorms were emptier than they would’ve been during school term, but they were not empty.’ Whoops unrelated-to-TRC-but-nevertheless-on-brand feels ahoy.
So it’s been long enough since I read TRB that I can’t recall if I had any particular feelings about Declan then, but definitely feeling pretty sympathetic towards him now, what with his father’s seeming dismissive attitude toward him and the assault from this Gray Man. Also, have I read the word Greywaren before? Not sure.
Oh. So Ronan is the Greywaren, then. Guess that answers that.
’Mom is nothing without him’? Woooow, Declan. Wow. A bit less sympathy, now. (Maybe there’s something about their mother I don’t know yet, but still…)
’Creature was a good word for him, Ronan thought.’ Oof. He’s gonna make me eat my words, isn’t he? I already said I love you dearly, Ronan!
And now he’s gonna divert himself from his unpleasant thoughts with an external distraction. Oh good. That doesn’t mirror any of my other favorite characters at all.
'Back then, it had surprised Ronan; he hadn’t realized yet that Gansey could persuade even the sun to pause and give him the time.’ [drags a hand slowly down my face] Don’t do this to me, Maggie. Haven’t you already put me through enough with Adam and Gansey?
'His thoughtless expression was one of wonder or of pain; with Gansey they were so often the same thing.’ Well that–that’s a sentence.
’“Ronan, there’s no reason for that,” Gansey said sternly, as if Ronan had hurled a toy on the floor.’ Gonna start listing all the mom-friend!Gansey moments, 'cause I gotta.
'He laughed enough that Chainsaw abandoned her paper shredding to verify he wasn’t dying.’ This is cute, other than the implication that Ronan genuinely laughing is a all-too-rare occurrence.
’“So what you’re saying is you can’t explain it.” “I did explain it.” “No, you used nouns and verbs together in a pleasing but illogical format.”’ Hee!
I half expect tired-of-potential-and-only-being-useful-needing-something-more!Blue to break out singing ’I want much more than this provincial life/I want adventure in the great wide somewhere/I want it more than I can tell’ and I don’t say that at all in a disparaging way, that’s just what it made me think of. It’s a very understandable desire on Blue’s part.
’“Jane!” Gansey said joyfully.’ I will never tire of this. :)
'When she returned, she leaned on the table beside Adam, who touched her wrist. She didn’t know what to do in response. Touch it back? The moment had passed. She resented her body for not giving her the correct answer.’ So! Freaking! Relateable!
'Kavinsky headed directly to the large table in the back, and the postures of the other boys all changed drastically….Gansey stood, leaning against the table, and there was something threatening rather than respectful about it.’ I live a protective!Gansey appreciation life.
The Gray Man is quite a character.
Ummmm so chapter eight just hurt my soul a whole lot? Here’s a list of the culprits:
'He’d spent just two hours at the easiest of the jobs — Boyd’s Body & Paint, LLC, replacing brake pads and changing oil and finding what was making that squeaking noise there, no, there — and now, even though he was off, he was ruined for anything else. Sticky and sore and, above all else, tired, always tired.’
'The only rub was, Blue was another troubling thing. She was like Gansey in that she wanted him to explain himself. What do you want, Adam? What do you need, Adam? Want and need were words that got eaten smaller and smaller: freedom, autonomy, a perennial bank balance, a stainless-steel condo in a dustless city, a silky black car, to make out with Blue, eight hours of sleep, a cell phone, a bed, to kiss Blue just once, a blister-less heel, bacon for breakfast, to hold Blue’s hand, one hour of sleep, toilet paper, deodorant, a soda, a minute to close his eyes. What do you want, Adam? To feel awake when my eyes are open.’ (This hurt less than the 'to go home, to go home, to go home’ passage, but ONLY JUST.)
'He’d already seen the ignored, unopened envelope emblazoned with Aglionby Academy’s raven crest. For two days he’d been stepping over it, as if it might disappear if he failed to acknowledge it.’ (Ah, hello avoidant coping skills, my old friend.)
’[Adam] ached inside.’/'He still ached.’/'his spine aching, shoulders aching, soul aching’
'They stared at each other, both hurt.’/'He tried not to let it sound like he was still hurt, but he was, and it did.’/'She tried not to let it sound like she was hurt, but she was, and it did.’
’What do you want, Adam? He didn’t even know.’ (T.T)
'His wide eyes and gaunt face peered back at him, troubled but not unusual.’
I’m so done, he thought. No more. Please, I can’t take any more.’ (SAME.)
'The difference in tuition between this year’s and next was twenty-four hundred dollars. That number again. It couldn’t be a coincidence.’ (SERIOUSLY THOUGH, I CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE GANSEY/ADAM TENSION/CONFLICT/FIGHTING. WHEN DO WE GET TO THE GETTING BETTER PART?)
'They couldn’t hurt Gansey. Nothing could hurt him; people who said money couldn’t buy everything hadn’t seen anyone as rich as the Aglionby boys. They were untouchable, immune to life’s troubles. Only death couldn’t be swiped away by a credit card.’ (Oh Adam honey, you don’t even knooooow. :()
Adam! Some people show and feel love through acts of service! It’s not an inherently bad thing! Concern and the desire to help are not the same thing as pity!
Also, Blue’s “Then don’t be pitiful!” response was kinda strange, even for an impulsively perturbed remark? Just felt weird.
'She was looking at the box that served as his nightstand. Somehow it had moved several feet away from the bed. The side was badly dented, its former contents scattered violently across the floor. Only now did he remember the act of kicking the box, but not the decision to kick it.’ (Crap.)
'He calmed enough to remember that if he waited long enough, carefully analyzing how it felt, the emotion would lose its inertia. It was the same as physical pain. The more he tried to mentally decide what made pain hurt, the less his brain seemed able to remember the pain at all.’
'He’d never escape, not really. Too much monster blood in him. He’d left the den, but his breeding betrayed him. And he knew why he was pitiful. It wasn’t because he had to pay for his school or because he had to work for a living. It was because he was trying to be something he could never be. The sham was pitiful.’
'Some nights he lured himself to sleep by imagining how he would word the favor for Glendower. He needed to get the words exactly right. Now he rolled phrases around his mouth, desperately reaching for one that would comfort him. Ordinarily, words would tumble and lull through his mind, but this time, all he could think was Fix me.’ (On a related note, I’m dead.)
'He had a strange, disconcerting feeling that he couldn’t trust his senses. Like he was tasting an image or smelling a feeling or touching a sound. It was the same as just a few minutes before, the idea that he’d glimpsed a slightly wrong reflection of himself. Adam’s previous worries vanished, replaced with a more immediate concern for this ragged body he was carting around in. He’d been hit so many times. He’d already lost his hearing in his left ear. Maybe something else had been destroyed on one of those tense, wretched nights.’ (*Spontaneously revives to continue worrying myself to death over Adam Parrish* WHY CAN’T I TAKE CARE OF HIM?)
'Ronan, Noah, and Gansey were at the Dollar City in Henrietta, loitering. Theoretically, they were there for batteries. Practically, they were there because both Blue and Adam had work, Ronan’s shapeless anger always got worse at night, and Dollar City was one of the few stores in Henrietta that allowed pets.’ These stupid codependent teens.
“Hello? Oh, hey,” Gansey said to the phone, touching a notebook with a handgun printed on the cover. The oh, hey was accompanied by a definite change in the timbre of his voice. That meant it was Adam’ [tries to feel the joy I deserve at this past my intense anxiety about the probable clashing over the tuition thing]
'Ronan rested his forehead on the topmost shelf. The metal edge snarled against his skull, but he didn’t move. At night, the longing for home was ceaseless and omniscient, an airborne contaminant. He saw it in Dollar City’s cheap oven mitts — that was his mother at dinnertime. He heard it in the slam of the cash register drawer — that was his father coming home at midnight. He smelled it in the sudden whiff of air freshener — that was the family trips to New York. Home was so close at night. He could be there in twenty minutes. He wanted to smash everything off these shelves.’ He and Adam both want to go hoooome and I wish I could provide that for them and turns out I am actually Gansey.
'“Glitter,” whispered Noah reverentially, giving it a shake.’ Truly Noah is their light in the darkness. I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHH.
'Farther down the aisle, Gansey suggested to the phone, “You could come stay at Monmouth. For the night.”’ Like I said. Also, I really, really wish I could hear both sides of this phone conversation.
'Sometimes Ronan thought Adam was so used to the right way being painful that he doubted any path that didn’t come with agony.’ I mean, fair. And heartbreaking.
'Gansey’s back was turned to them. “Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Ramirez? I didn’t talk to anyone at the church. Yes, twenty-four hundred dollars. I know that part. I —”’ Oh no. It’s happening.
'But one of the marvelous things about being Ronan Lynch was that no one ever expected him to do anything nice for anyone.’ I would hug you Ronan, except there is now more Adam 'n’ Gansey friction and I’m really bad at handling it!
'Abruptly, Ronan’s entire body went cold. Not a little chilly, but utterly cold. The sort of cold that dries the mouth and slows the blood. His toes went numb, and then his fingers….Then Noah reappeared in a violent sputter, like the power crackling back on. His fingers clutched Ronan’s arm. Cold seeped from the point of contact as Noah dragged heat to become visible.’ Oh, so Noah can do that with Ronan too? Because of his greywaren-ness?
'“I lost …” Noah struggled for words. “There wasn’t air. It went away. The — the line!” “The ley line?” Gansey asked. Noah nodded once, a sloppy thing that was sort of a shrug at the same time. “There was nothing … left for me.”’ Not allowed. Just saying.
'He didn’t say, Or maybe something terrible happened to Adam that day he sacrificed himself in Cabeswater. Maybe he’s messed up all of Henrietta by waking up the ley line. Because they couldn’t talk about that. Just like they couldn’t talk about Adam stealing the Camaro that night. Or about him basically doing everything Gansey had asked him not to. If Adam was stupid about his pride, Gansey was stupid about Adam.’ Yes, we know. :)
'From Ronan’s room, he heard Noah’s laugh. He and Ronan were throwing various objects from the second-story window to the parking lot below. There was a terrific crash.’ Having witnessed my younger brother doing basically the same thing once, I can vouch for the authenticity of this teenage-boy activity.
'Once, he had dreamt that he found Glendower. It wasn’t the actual finding, but the day after. He wouldn’t forget the sensation of the dream. It hadn’t been joy, but instead, the absence of pain. He couldn’t forget that lightness. The freedom.’ Yeah, don’t we all dream about the absence of pain. *buries face in hands* OH GANSEY BOY.
’“Do you want me to talk to her?” This was something he definitely, 100 percent felt certain in his guts that he had no interest in doing. “I’m really bad at talking, Gansey,” Adam said earnestly. “And you’re really good at it. Maybe — maybe if it just comes up natural?” Gansey’s shoulders collapsed; his breath fogged the glass and vanished. “Of course.” “Thanks.” Adam paused. “I just want something to be simple.” So do I, Adam. So do I.’ This right here? This A Whoooole Lot. Is there anything you wouldn’t do for Adam if he asked, Gansey?
'Noah slouched in. In a wounded tone, he said, “He threw me out the window!” Ronan’s voice sang out from behind his closed door: “You’re already dead!”’ OH. MY. GOODNESS.
’"You should come over.” “Not tonight,” replied Adam. I’m losing him, Gansey thought. I’m losing him to Cabeswater. He had thought that by staying away from the forest, he’d keep the old Adam — put off the consequences of whatever had happened that night when everything started to go awry. But maybe it just didn’t matter. Cabeswater would take him regardless.’ I dream of the absence of pain!!!
'His skin shivered and crawled, and he realized it was crawling with hornets, the ones that had killed Gansey all those years ago. There weren’t many this time, only a few hundred. Sometimes he dreamt cars full of them, houses full of them, worlds full of them. Sometimes these hornets killed Ronan, too, in his dreams.’ Oh, Ronan.
’Arbores loqui latine. The trees speak Latin. “You’ve done this before,” she said. Time was a circle, a rut, a worn tape Ronan never tired of playing.’ Huh. Has Ronan been dreaming of Cabeswater for years and years?
'Curled on the mattress, [Adam] covered his face with his summer-hot arm. Sometimes, if he blocked his mouth and nose, just this side of suffocation, sleep would overthrow him.’ THAT DOESN’T SOUND HEALTHY, MY BOY. :(
'He was awake enough to think of the invitation from Gansey. There might be an internship in there. Adam knew it was a favor. Did that make it wrong? He’d said no for so long that he didn’t know when to say yes….He hated the careful way Gansey had asked him about it. Tiptoeing, just like Adam had learned to tiptoe around his father. He needed a reset button. Just push the reset button on Adam Parrish and start him again.’ I am sad. (But maaaaybe he’s starting to reconsider the idea that he can never accept hep of any kind?)
'After he had exhausted this line of thought, Ronan gave in to the brief privilege of hating himself, as he always did in church. There was something satisfying about acknowledging this hatred, something relieving about this little present he allowed himself each Sunday.’ Oh, Ronan.
'“Hey, pal,” Matthew whispered. He was the only person who could get away with calling Ronan pal.’ Awww. :)
'Matthew Lynch was a bear of a boy, square and solid and earnest. His head was covered with soft, golden curls completely unlike any of his other family members. And in his case, the perfect Lynch teeth were framed by an easy, dimpled smile. He had two brands of smile: the one that was preceded by a shy dip of his chin, a dimple, and then BAM, smile. And the one that teased for a moment before BAM, an infectious laugh. Females of all ages called him adorable. Males of all ages called him buddy. Matthew failed at many more things than either of his older brothers, but unlike Declan or Ronan, he always tried his hardest.’ Whoops, I’m attached.
'Ronan had dreamt one thousand nightmares about something happening to him.’ *rubs heart*
'A lady reached over the top of Noah to pat Matthew’s head fondly before continuing down the aisle. She didn’t seem to care that he was fifteen, which was all right, because he didn’t, either. Both Ronan and Declan observed this interaction with the pleased expressions of parents watching their prodigy at work.’ Once again: Awww. :)
'Blue very much liked having the boys over to her house. Their presence at the house was agreeable for several different reasons….And the third reason was that it suggested permanence. Blue had acquaintances at school, people she liked. But they weren’t forever. While she was friendly with a lot of them, there was no one that she wanted to commit to for a lifetime. And she knew this was her fault. She’d never been any good at having casual friends. For Blue, there was family — which had never been about blood relation at 300 Fox Way — and then there was everyone else. When the boys came to her house, they stopped being everyone else.’ THEY’RE FAMILY NOW. <3
'Crossly, Blue realized that Gansey had now called her Jane so often that it felt strange to hear him say her real name.’ Embrace it, Blue. Embraaace it. :D
'He hid the insatiable wanting well, but now that she’d seen it once, she couldn’t stop seeing it. But he wouldn’t be able to explain it to Maura. And he would never really have to explain it to Blue. It was his something more.’ Awww. :)
(Sorry this liveblog is devolving mostly into either EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE or But this is cute! and if that is starting to become boring…)
’"What did they die of?” “Mom always said ‘meddling.’ Gansey completely forgot they were being secretive and let out a tremendous laugh. It was a powerful thing, that laugh. He only did it once, but his eyes remained shaped like it. Something inside her did a complicated tug. Oh no! she thought. But then she calmed herself. Richard C. Gansey III has a nice mouth. Now I know he has nice eyes when he laughs, too. This still isn’t love. She also thought: Adam. Remember Adam.’ 1.) I hope this line of rationalization works out for you, Blue. ;) 2.) I am still feeling torn, though. Blue and Adam are cute together. 3.) I’d be okay with a Blue-Gansey-Adam OT3 though.
'Maura frowned. In a low voice, she said, “I think I need to have a conversation with that boy.” “Someone does,” Calla replied, heading up the stairs. Each stair groaned a protest for which she punished the next with a stomp. “Not me. I’ve outgrown train wrecks.” Blue, alarmed, said, “Is he a train wreck?”| Her mother clucked her tongue. “Calla likes drama. Train wreck! When a train takes a long time to go off the tracks, I don’t like to call it a wreck. I like to call it a derailment.”  From upstairs, Blue heard Calla’s delighted cackle. “I hate both of you,” Blue said as her mother laughed and galloped up the stairs to join Calla. “You’re supposed to use your powers for good, you know!” After a moment, Adam said to her, without lifting his eyes, “I could hear y’all, you know.” Blue hoped fervently that he was only talking about Maura and Calla and not about her kitchen conversation with Gansey. “Do you think you’re a train wreck?” “That would mean I was on the tracks to start with,” he replied.’ I would just like to say that I am miffed by this passage on Adam’s behalf. Thank you.
The chapter where Mr. Gray comes to 300 Fox Way was… interesting.
'Gansey, a furious sun, glowed from the other side of the universe, his gravitational pull too distant to affect Adam.’ WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME MAGGIE I CAN NEVER RECOVER.
So yeah, I just read the part where Adam is thinking back to how he and Gansey became friends and I think my heart just burst from emotional overload.
'Sometimes Adam wondered what would’ve happened if he hadn’t stopped that day. What would be happening to him right now?’ Sometimes, Allan wondered what would’ve happened if Robin hadn’t stepped out of the trees that day. What would be happening to him right now? SORRY, I HAVE A PROBLEM.
Also, it only just occurred to me that Allan and Adam are A-names and Robin and Richard (even if that’s not what Gansey goes by) are R-names. This makes me so unreasonably happy!
'Gansey was giddy now that they’d decided to go back to Cabeswater. He hated nothing more than standing still. He ordered Ronan to put on some terrible music — Ronan was always too happy to oblige in this department — and then he abused the Camaro at every stoplight on the way out of town. “Put your back into it!” Gansey shouted breathlessly. He was talking to himself, of course, or to the gearbox. “Don’t let it smell fear on you!” Blue wailed each time the engine revved up, but not unhappily. Noah played the drums on the back of Ronan’s headrest. Adam, for his part, was not wild, but he did his best not to appear unwild, so as not to ruin it for the others.’ REEELATABLLLLE!!!
'Adam felt like he was watching it all from outside. He felt like he was about to catch another image, like a flick of the tarot cards he’d looked at earlier. Was that someone standing by the side of the road? I can’t trust my eyes.’ Leave him aloooone. :(
'Gansey leaned back, head thrown to the side, drunken and silly with happiness. “I love this car,” he said, loud to be heard over the engine. “I should buy four more of them. I’ll just open the door of one to fall into the other. One can be a living room, one can be my kitchen, I’ll sleep in one …” “And the fourth? Butler’s pantry?” Blue shouted. “Don’t be so selfish. Guest room.”’ He’s adorable.
Huh. Cabeswater’s gone!
'Adam felt that the Pig’s status perfectly encapsulated how he felt. It was not really dead, just broken. He was held inside the question of what it meant for him if Cabeswater was gone. Why can’t things just be simple?’  While this is a legitimate concern, Adam, to be fair, just a few moments ago you were worrying about was going to happen when you returned to Cabeswater for the first time after your sacrifice. Poor guy’s anxious over everything. :/
'Ronan leapt out of the car and slammed the door. The thing about Ronan Lynch, Adam had discovered, was that he wouldn’t — or couldn’t — express himself with words. So every emotion had to be spelled out in some other way. A fist, a fire, a bottle. Now Cabeswater was missing and the Pig was hobbled, and he needed to go have a silent shouting fit with his body. In the back window, Adam saw Ronan pick up a rock from the side of the road and hurl it into the creeper.  “Well, that’s helpful,” Blue said tersely.’ 1.) [Fond but exasperated] Oh Ronan. 2.) I appreciate your reaction, Blue. You’re not wrong.
'“I’m calling Declan,” Gansey said. “And telling him to bring a battery.” Ronan told Gansey what he thought of this plan, very precisely, with a lot of compound words that even Adam hadn’t heard before. Gansey nodded, but he also dialed Declan’s number. Afterward, he turned to Ronan, who leaned his cheek hard enough against the top of the window to make a dent in his skin.’ Please stop dealing with difficult emotions/situations by causing yourself pain, Ronan, honey.
'Gansey rounded on Adam, clutching his own headrest and looking behind him. “Why is it gone?”’ Why is my mental picture of this so endearing?
'Declan’s Volvo glided up, as quiet as the Pig was loud. Ronan said, “Move up, move up” to Blue until she scooted the passenger seat far enough for him to clamber behind it into the backseat. He hurriedly sprawled back in the seat, throwing one jean-covered leg over the top of Adam’s and laying his head in a posture of thoughtless abandon. By the time Declan arrived at the driver’s side window, Ronan looked as if he had been asleep for days.’ Oh, Ronan. What am I going to do with you?
'And as he sat there, observing the set of Declan’s shoulders and the way his eyes looked, he realized something startling. Declan was afraid. Probably it wasn’t apparent to Gansey, who was fairly oblivious, nor to Blue, who didn’t know what Declan looked like ordinarily. And Ronan’s feelings about his older brother were like blood in the water; he wouldn’t be able to see through the bilious clouds. But to Adam, who’d spent a fair amount of his life afraid — not only afraid, but trying to hide it — it was obvious.’ [Gansey voice] I am right to have Allan feels here and I will not be made to feel bad about it! (Also, in blast-from-the-past news, I’m really close to finally done with putting my anxiety-and-Allan thoughts into words and I’m excited for that.)
I love when Noah senses one of the other boys is in distress and goes to them and does his ghostly best to comfort or assist them. <3
'He thought about the day he’d been stung to death by hornets and lived anyway. Gansey ran over the memory until he no longer felt the thrill of hearing Glendower’s name whispered in his ear, and then instead gave himself over to feeling sorry for himself, that he should have so many friends and yet feel so very alone. He felt it fell to him to comfort them, but never the other way around. As it should be, he thought, abruptly angry with himself. You’ve had it the easiest. What good is all your privilege, you soft, spoiled thing, if you can’t stand on your own legs? ’ OH HONEY :( (But Noah does try!)
'“It’s not just the blood,” Ronan said. His chest moved up and down with his breath. “Something else got out, too.”’ Uh-oh.
Phew. They dispatched the nightmare creature while remaining mostly unscathed. Although they needn’t go around asking each other, "Are you murdered?” with the reply, “I think so.” anymore, please.
'“There was another one,” he said. “It got away.”’ Well, that’s not good!
'“It’s for the distasteful thing,” Gansey said. He plucked at the T-shirt with deprecating fingers. “I’m rather slovenly at the moment, I know.”’ [Fond, amused sputtering]
Oh, they’re going to the Barns!
'Gansey, a bit of the gallows in his voice, advised, “Poke its eye.”’ [Confused, taken-aback sputtering]
'“It feels the same as when you guys lived here,” Gansey said finally. “It seems like it should be different.” “Did you come here a lot?” Blue asked.  He exchanged a glance with Ronan. “Often enough.” He didn’t say what Ronan was thinking, which was that Gansey was far more of a brother to Ronan than Declan had ever been.’ Brothers <3<3<3
'Ronan loved it so much. He nearly couldn’t bear it. He wanted to destroy something.’ That’s…one reaction to profound love. (Yes, I know. Profound love for something that’s been stripped away from you.)
'“Ronan Lynch,” he said. It was the voice Ronan couldn’t not listen to. It was sure in every way that Ronan was not. “Stop this right now. Go see your mother. And then we’re leaving.”’ More Mom-Friend!Gansey.
'Ronan walked directly up to her, close enough to see that she had not changed a bit since the last time he had seen her, months and months ago. Though his breath moved the fine hairs around her temples, she didn’t react to her son’s presence. Her chest rose and fell. Her eyes stayed closed. Non mortem, somni fratrem. Not death, but his brother, sleep. Blue whispered, “Just like the other animals.”  The truth — he’d known it all along, really, if he thought about it — burrowed into him. Blue was right. His home was populated by things and creatures from Niall Lynch’s dreams, and his mother was just another one of them.’ Huh.
'My soul’s in enough peril as it is.” At this, Gansey’s face turned to a genuine frown and he looked as if he was about to say something. Then he just shook his head a little….“She didn’t try to see the future. It’s not something she became; it’s something she is. I could just as easily say that you’re evil because you can take things from your dreams!” Ronan said, “Yeah, you could.” Gansey’s frown deepened. Again he opened his mouth and closed it.’ Same, Gansey. Same.
'Ronan looked at him. That look, Blue thought. Ronan Lynch would do anything for Gansey. I probably would, too, she thought.’ If only he knew it. *rubs heart*
'Blue and Gansey exchanged a look. Blue’s look said, I’m so, so sorry. Gansey’s said, Am I the pretty one?’ Bless his cotton socks.
'Ronan thought of what Declan had said all those months before: Mom is nothing without Dad. He’d been right.’ Okay, but does Declan know about this stuff and how it works?
'Ronan interrupted the silence. “Cabeswater. Cabeswater is a dream.” Calla stopped rotating. “You don’t have to tell me I’m right,” Ronan said. He thought of all the times he had dreamt of Cabeswater’s old trees; how familiar it had felt to walk there; how the trees had known his name. He was tangled in their roots, somehow, and they, in his veins. “If Mom is in Cabeswater, she’ll wake up.” Calla stared at him. Silence was never a wrong answer.’ Okay then.
'But those words of Declan’s needled Ronan: She’s nothing without Dad. It was like he knew. Ronan wanted badly to know how much Declan knew, but it wasn’t like he could ask him.’ No, that would be too easy.
'“Says you and Dad were both dreamers,” Matthew said, “and you’re going to make us lose everything.” Ronan sat very still. He was so still so quickly that Chainsaw froze as well, her head tilted toward the youngest Lynch brother, purloined tuna sandwich forgotten. Declan knew about their father. Declan knew about their mother. Declan knew about him.’ Curious. Very curious.
The Gray Man is going to Monmouth Manufacturing!
'He had spent forty-eight hours more or less awake and restless and then, on the third day, he had bought a side-scan sonar device, two window airconditioners, a leather sofa, and a pool table. “Now do you feel better?” Adam had asked drily. Gansey had replied, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” “Hey, man,” Ronan said, “I like the pool table.” The entire situation made Blue apoplectic.’ Tag yourself; I’m Adam with a dash of Ronan. Pool tables are cool.
’"You are still wearing those incredibly stupid boat shoes, and of all the things that you have bought, you still haven’t replaced them!” Gansey, bewildered, observed his feet. The movement of his toes was barely visible through the tops of his Top-Siders. Really, in light of recent events, these shoes were the only things that were right in the world. “I like these shoes.”’ Update: he’s still adorable.
’[Gansey] exchanged a glance with Adam, because it had to be done’ 1) What does this mean? 2) I love them SO MUCH!
'In some parallel universe, there was a Gansey who could tell Blue that he found the ten inches of her bare calves far more tantalizing than the thirteen cubic feet of bare skin Orla sported. But in this universe, that was Adam’s job. } He was in a terrible mood.’ Oooooh. 👀
'So these were the people Greenmantle had warned him about. Fellow seekers of the Greywaren, whatever it might be.’ Curious and curiouser.
'Blue cheerfully spit a mouthful of brown water on his boat shoes. It pooled in the canvas over his toes. “Good God,” he said. “Now they’re really boat shoes,” she replied.’ Blue’s crusade continues.
'He knew what it was. He just didn’t know why it was. He said, “Well, that’s a wheel off the Camaro.” And it was. It looked identical to the wheels currently residing on the Pig — except this wheel was clearly several hundred years old. The discolored surface was pocked and lumpy. With all of the deterioration, the elegantly symmetrical wheel didn’t appear that out of place beside the shield boss. If you overlooked the tattered Chevrolet logo in the middle. “Do you remember losing one a little while ago?” Ronan asked. “Like, five hundred years or so?”’ Aggressively the Most Curious.
'Blue held his gaze, unflinching. Crisp, she replied, “None at all.” And it was a lie. It should not have been, but it was, and Gansey, who prized honesty above nearly every other thing, knew it when he heard it. Blue Sargent cared whether or not he was interested in Orla. She cared a lot. As she whirled toward the truck with a dismissive shake of her head, he felt a dirty sort of thrill.’ Oh, you kids.
'“Hey, Noah.” He was too busy being ghostly to attend to her, however. Currently, he was engaged in one of his creepiest activities: reenacting his own death. He glanced around the tiny yard as if appraising the forest glen containing only himself and his friend Barrington Whelk. Then he let out a terrible, mangled cry as he was struck from behind by an invisible skateboard. He made no sound when he was hit again, but his body jerked convincingly. Blue tried not to look as he bucked a few more times before falling to the ground. His head jerked; his legs bicycled. Blue took a deep, uneven breath. Though she had seen him do it four or five times now, it was always unsettling. Eleven minutes. That was how long the entire homicidal portrait lasted: one boy’s life destroyed in less time than it took to cook a hamburger. The last six minutes, the ones that took place after Noah had first fallen but before he actually died, were excruciating. Blue considered herself a fairly steadfast, sensible girl, but no matter how many times she heard his torn-up breath seizing in his throat, she felt a little teary. Between the twisted roots of the front yard, Noah’s body jerked and stilled, finally dead. Again.’ I feel w o u n d e d.
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'They wandered to the door like that, a pretzel of dead boy and not-psychic girl.’ Don’t even look at me!
'Gleefully, Noah said, “There’s a pool table now! I’m the worst at pool ever! It’s wonderful.”’ THIS SWEET CHILD IS GIVING ME EMOTIONAL WHIPLASH.
'Gansey, pacing next to his ruined miniature Henrietta, set his eyes on Ronan. There was something intense and heedless in them. There were many versions of Gansey, but this one had been rare since the introduction of Adam’s taming presence. It was also Ronan’s favorite. It was the opposite of Gansey’s most public face, which was pure control enclosed in a paper-thin wrapper of academia. But this version of Gansey was Gansey the boy. This was the Gansey who bought the Camaro, the Gansey who asked Ronan to teach him to fight, the Gansey who contained every wild spark so that it wouldn’t show up in other versions. Was it the shield beneath the lake that had unleashed it? Orla’s orange bikini? The bashed-up remains of his rebuilt Henrietta and the fake IDs they’d returned to? Ronan didn’t really care. All that mattered was that something had struck the match, and Gansey was burning.’ #JusticeforMiniatureHenrietta
'“Don’t say anything stupid to him,” he told Gansey.’ Did I read that right? Did Ronan really just advise Gansey to be careful?
'The Gray Man recalled the buzz of his phone and patted his pockets. His phone was missing, however. Maura Sargent had stolen it while they were making out. In its place was the ten of swords: the Gray Man slain on the ground and Maura the sword driven through his heart.’ Interesting. Sorry that always seems to be my reaction to the Gray Man, but there it is.
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Warm Me Up Ch. 33
Please, please, please PLEASE make moodboards and fanart for this T.T This is twice the usual length.
Click Here for Ch. 1
Click Here for Ch. 32
Almost as soon as Nico and Will left the terminal, the screech of a small child made every passerby freeze in confusion. Kayla, in a denim jumper and a yellow shirt with flowers, jumped onto Will without mercy and Nico had to help him keep his balance.
She hugged him tightly, burrowing her face in his stomach. Despite his attempts to pull her away so he could carry her properly, she wouldn’t budge. “Kayla?” He leaned over trying to see her face, overcome with shock and worry when he realized she was crying. “Kayla! Why are you-no, princess don’t cry!” She sniffed and looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“Yes!” she moaned. “I missed you.” She reached up and he pulled her up, resting her against his hip. “Hi, Nico,” she greeted shyly.
“Hey there, Kayla,” he smiled.
“Where’s Mom and Dad?” She gestured to the crowd and Will saw his parents struggling to get through other people finding their relatives. He smiled as they reached him and pulled him into a hug. “Hey, guys,” he greeted.
“How was the flight?” his father asked.
“It was good. Went by pretty quickly. Way better than driving.” He turned and saw Nico setting their carryon items together on the floor, fidgeting with them to stay distracted. “Nico,” he said tilting his head toward his parents. He looked up, panic clear in his eyes. “Come over here,” he said gently.
He swallowed and stood beside Will, giving his parents a nervous smile. “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Solace. Nice to see you again.”
“We’re glad to have you visiting,” his mom answered with a smile.
“Thank you for suggesting the flight over the drive,” his father said, giving him an approving nod. Nico cleared his throat and nodded, remaining close to Will. “Come on, I left the car on. If I turn it off in this heat, we’d be melting.” Will hefted his sister, shifting her weight while Nico grabbed their things and followed.
When they got to the house, Will led Nico to the guest room where he would be sleeping. He set his duffel bag on the bed and turned to Will, biting his lip. “What?” Will questioned.
He stepped nearer and wrapped his arms around him. “I won’t get to sleep next to you for a week,” he murmured. “It sucks.”
Will chuckled and pushed his hair back. “You could always sneak over to my room in the middle of the night,” he suggested. Nico scoffed and leaned into him, tilting his head to look at him. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” he said easily. He smiled and bumped his nose. “I love you.”
Will blushed and smiled widely, leaning in to kiss him. “I love you more.”
Nico laughed, tilting his head back. “Oh, God, no,” he groaned. “Tell me we’re not going to turn into one of those couples,” he teased. “What’s next? ‘You hang up first. No you hang up first. No you hang-’”
Will covered his mouth, laughing at the idea of such a mushy interation and smirked. “You’re such a dork,” he laughed. He intertwined his hand with Nico’s and raised an eyebrow. “You know, we have to tell Kayla that we’re dating.”
“I don’t think she’ll mind. She likes me,” he answered.
Will chuckled and fought back a smile. “Yeah, that’s… kind of the problem. I think she likes you too much….” Nico frowned and tilted his head in confusion. He bit his lip and grimaced. “I’m pretty sure she has a crush on you.”
“I’m sorry, what?” he asked, his eyes going wide. “What makes you say that? She’s like, seven!”
Will laughed and nodded. “Yeah, exactly. It’s a little girl crush. Like… I don’t know, like when you crushed on a teacher or a babysitter.” Still, Nico seemed dubious and uncertain. “She kept asking me what things you like to eat and if you could sleep in her room. She also asked if you missed her.”
He winced and shook his head. “The only family member that likes me and now she might hate me because I’m dating you. Perfect.” Will laughed and took his hand, pulling him out of the room.
“Come on, let’s watch a movie. You need to relax, you’re so tense.” Nico blushed and looked at the floor, letting Will guide him out to the living room. They knelt near the DVD collection his parents had and debated over what movie to watch. Being away from his parents, Will could see Nico relaxing more and he hoped he was able to feel comfortable for the rest of the week.
Eventually, they decided to watch Troy, simply because Nico had never watched it and it was one of Will’s favorites despite historical inaccuracies. They sat on the couch beside each other, but before Nico could lean into him like they always did when they watched movies, Kayla came bounding from the hallway with a journal and seated herself on Nico’s lap.
“Can I show you my drawings I did?” she asked. Nico nodded and watched as she opened the journal to show her wobbly stick figures. “See this is you, me, and Will eating pizza.” She turned the page. “This is me and you when I got my bear.”
“What does that say?” Nico questioned, angling the journal. Will peered over his shoulder to look at the misspelled, blocky handwriting. “I… like Nico. He is nice and made me a… bear.” Will smirked and glanced at him as he stared at the journal in surprise, a small smile on his lips. Kayla was blushing, keeping her head down, waiting to turn the page.
She turned the page when Nico angled the journal back and continued to show more drawings that had little captions at the top. Will allowed the movie to start playing while Kayla remained seated, insisting that she wanted to watch too.
“Fine, but if I tell you to cover your eyes, do it. And don’t get scared when you see blood, it’s fake.” She nodded and smiled widely once she was given permission to stay.
A few minutes into the movie, Will felt Nico nuzzle into him, and his hand slipped into his own, fingers intertwining, fitting perfectly between each other’s spaces. As Will leaned his head to rest against Nico’s soft hair, he heard Kayla ask, “Why are you holding my brother’s hand?”
They pulled apart, but Nico’s hand gripped Will’s. Dark, panicked eyes flitted to him, and Will hesitated as he pulled Nico back toward him. “Well, he’s my boyfriend. He gets to hold my hand.” She froze and looked over at Nico who looked like a deer in headlights.
“Boyfriend? Like… where you kiss and stuff like the movies?” Will nodded. “But… you’re a boy.”
Nico shifted and fixed one of her pigtails. “Yeah, he is. But that’s okay. Because I like him a lot, and he likes me too.”
“Oh. So it’s okay?” They both nodded. “Oh.” She frowned and leaned against Nico’s shoulder. “Well… be nice to Nico,” she said, glaring at Will.
“What?” he questioned. “Are you hearing this?” he asked Nico, who was fighting back laughter. “She’s defending you, not me! Child, I am your brother!”
She shrugged and nuzzled into Nico, still glaring. Will bit his lip as he realized that his sister was angrier at him than at Nico for being in a relationship. He hoped she wouldn’t be angry too long though. She was only seven anyway.
After the movie, Will’s mom called him to the kitchen. “Hon, what food does Nico like? I need to figure out what to make for dinner.”
“He loves hamburgers. But we usually get those when we go for fast food,” he answered. “And fries. Nico loves fries.”
She smiled and raised an eyebrow as though Will had just given her a challenge. “Honey, your boyfriend hasn’t tried a nice, homemade, Texas burger. Is there anything he doesn’t eat?”
“Raw tomatoes and raw onions,” he answered automatically.
“Got it. Now, go watch movies, take him downtown, take him to SoCo, but get out of my kitchen while I work my magic.” Will smiled and saluted her as he turned away. Kayla and Nico were debating on the next movie, torn between Hercules and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
“But we just saw one with Greek people and stuff,” Kayla said.
“But… Hades,” Nico countered. Will snickered and crossed his arms. “Will, what do you think?”
“I think there’s a lot of Austin worth seeing. Let’s check out SoCo.” Nico raised an eyebrow in confusion. “South Congress. It’s a strip of a bunch of little shops,” he explained. “Kayla likes checking out the bookstore there.”
Almost immediately, Kayla lit up and stood pulling Nico along so he’d follow. “We’re just walking there?” he asked.
“It’s a block away actually,” he answered. They stepped outside and Will took his sister’s hand as they walked to the corner of the street. Along the way, he took Nico’s hand, lacing his fingers with his. He noticed Nico tense and glanced at him as he looked around nervously. “What?”
He shrugged and bit his lip. “Isn’t Texas really conservative? Is it okay to do this?” he murmured.
Will smiled and looked at him fondly. “Austin’s a little different. More conservative side is more west Texas, I think. There are a few neighborhoods, but right now you’re at the heart of art expressivity and liberalism.” Nico chuckled and squeezed his hand. Will leaned forward and kissed him lightly, causing him to smile and blush.
Suddenly Kayla’s hand pulled away and he looked over to her. “I want to hold Nico’s hand,” she said, reverting to the angry glare. She stood on the other side of Nico and grabbed his hand.
“Come on this side,” he said pulling her between them so he was on the outer edge. “It’s dangerous for you to be the closest to the street.” She nodded and gripped his hand, skipping nonchalantly. Will glanced at Nico, with disbelief on his features while Nico fought back a smile.
They reached South Congress, and Will saw Nico’s eyes widen as people sped by on a bicycle or walked along the streets with bags in their hands. He peered curiously at the stands outside offering an impromptu poem, jewelry, or henna tattoos. There were two guys at one corner, sitting while they strummed away on a guitar and sang, both horribly off pitch and unintelligible.
“It’s kind of like New York but… you know with more space,” he noted. “Is that a costume shop?”
“Can we go to the book store first?” Kayla asked, shaking Nico arm. “Please?” He nodded and the three of them started walking down the sidewalk. Will saw a lesbian couple pass by, one girl’s arm over the other’s shoulder as she held her hand. A few seconds later, a gay couple passed by holding hands too. “Look! Like you and Nico!” Kayla shouted.
A few people glanced over at the sound of her voice, but kept walking. The couple looked over and chuckled while Will and Nico waved awkwardly. They waved at Kayla and kept walking. “Let’s keep our voices down, Kayla,” Will said with an embarrassed smile.
“I think I like it here,” Nico murmured, smiling at him, leaning into his shoulder.
They reached the bookstore, a small, quaint, and crowded little space with books everywhere- even on the checkout counter. While Kayla inspected a book case, Nico and Will checked out some books on the other side. They could still see Kayla, sitting on the floor, looking inquisitively at the covers.
Nico pulled him away from the shelf and wrapped his arms around his torso. “I want you to show me all the places you like here. A museum or a park, a favorite restaurant, anything. I want to know the place you call home.”
Will grabbed his chin in one hand, his arm over one of his shoulders, and said, “You’re my home.”
A deep scarlet blush spread across Nico’s cheeks and he put his hand over his face. “God, you are so fucking cheesy,” he mumbled into his chest, hiding his embarrassment.
“You love it,” he mumbled past his fingers. Nico groaned and Will opened his mouth to bite his fingers playfully.
Then Nico gasped, jumping in his arms and hitting his head on the bookshelf behind him. “Don’t do that,” he breathed, his eyes on his lips, his entire face red, his lips parted. And he still hadn’t pulled his hand away. Will raised an eyebrow and put a little more pressure on his fingers. Nico gasped again, his lips trembling and his body tensing.
Slowly, he let go and his hand fell away. “That’s interesting,” he whispered, with his own blush spreading on his cheeks.
Suddenly, Kayla was coming between them holding up a book. “Can I get this one?” She was looking at Nico, who looked flustered and confused.
“Yeah. Yeah, sure thing, Kayla,” he answered. He smiled at her and walked back to the counter to pay for a book.
After they left the bookstore, they spent time checking other stores out from antiques to costumes. It wasn’t long before Nico said he was hungry and Will suggested they go back to the house. After so much walking, Kayla had to be carried back, but Nico didn’t seem to mind.
“Hold on a sec,” he said, stopping him in the front yard. He went inside to check if his mom had finished cooking yet. Immediately he was enveloped in the scent of burger meat and bacon, and he could hear oil sizzling for fries. His stomach growled and he went in search of his mother.
As he went into the hall, he could hear arguing. He hesitated as he neared the closed door to his parents’ bedroom and listened.
“Would you calm down!” his mother snapped.
“No! How can you be so calm about this, why are you welcoming this kid?”
“Because he’s our son’s boyfriend, Lester, and we have to give him a chance,” she insisted.
“No. Not after what happened. They broke up, remember? And you know it was earlier than Will told us. He acted different. I don’t know what that boy did, but he hurt Will, and we can’t let that happen again.”
“We don’t know that,” she said. “Will hasn’t talked to us about it. If they’re together it must be for a reason, and Will is smart.”
“I know he is, but he also doesn’t understand relationships. Naomi, how would he know if he’s setting himself up for another heartbreak? He’s just a kid!”
“He’ll learn! All kids get their heartbroken, it’s life! As parents, we need to be there for him.”
“So just let him get hurt when we know we can stop it?”
“We can’t stop it,” she said, getting angrier. “We can’t force them to stay away from each other, they’re adults in another city.”
“We can try,” he shot back. “I don’t want that kid around Will. I don’t want him hurting my son or taking him down the wrong path. I can talk to Will, I can-”
“No,” she interrupted. “No, Lester. Because you can’t control your emotions when it comes to the family, despite being a psychologist. We cannot force them apart. I don’t know what to think of Nico either, but he’s been here less than a day. Right now, all I know is that they’re always touching in some way when they’re together like magnets. All I know is that when Will looks at him he looks happy. And when Nico looks at him, he looks calm. Right now? That’s enough to provide a good dinner.”
“Not for me,” he answered.
“I don’t care,” she said, using the tone of voice she always used when she was done with an argument and ready to have the last word. “Because you are not going to upset them when they’re only visiting and I haven’t seen my child in almost two months. Can you at least wait until one of them gives us a reason to be wary?” There was silence. “We are going to have a nice dinner. And you will behave yourself. Understand?”
There was shuffling and then the door opened. Will stared at his parents, both of them looking like deer in headlights. He clenched his jaw and looked away. “We’re back,” he muttered, turning to go outside and get Nico.
“Will,” his mother called. He stopped, only because she had been defending them. “Sweetheart, hold on. Come here.” He turned and kept his eyes on her. “I’m so sorry you had to hear that. We’re trying okay? I promise you that. We- I’m going to do my best to make sure Nico feels welcome.” Will’s eyes flitted accusingly to his father. “Don’t pay attention to your dad, he’s just being an asshole.” She tilted his face so he would look at her again. “You’re happy. And that’s all that matters right now.”
“Yeah, okay,” he said. “You might want to check on the fries.”
She froze. “Oh shit.” She hurried to the kitchen, and, ignoring his father, Will followed her with a smile. “Go ahead and get Nico in here, hon.”
He nodded and went back outside. Nico was chasing after Kayla while she screamed excitedly and went around the porch’s pillar. He managed to catch her and turned around immediately as Kayla began to chase after him.
“Hey, guys dinner’s ready,” Will called leaning against the wall.
“Wait, I have to catch Nico,” Kayla shouted back, her words infused with giggles. As she ran, her foot caught on the house and she fell, making Will react immediately. She stood right back up, despite both Nico and Will stopping to see if she was okay.
She hadn’t realized her knee was bleeding. She was still running after Nico until Nico picked her up and Will stood beside him. “Oh God, Kayla,” Will said worriedly. “Come on, let’s get her inside.”
“What? No! I wanna keep playing!”
“Kayla, you don’t want that getting infected. Come on, your brother’s a doctor, he can make it better,” Nico said. She pouted but stopped protesting as they got her inside.
His mom noticed immediately. “What happened?”
“She tripped over the hose while she was playing,” Will said. “I’m going to clean her up.” They went into the bathroom while Will got the first aid kit. “Distract her for me, babe?”
“Alright Kayla,” he said. “Do you know the I Spy game?” She nodded. “Okay, let’s play while Will fixes your knee, okay?” She nodded and Nico glanced around the bathroom. “I spy with my little eye something… pink.” While Kayla scavenged the bathroom for something pink, Will poured peroxide water over her knee. She twitched, but Nico kept her from looking as the bubbles spewed.
“Um… the soap?” she asked. He nodded. “Okay. I spy with my little eye something clear!”
Will wiped her scrape and put ointment on it before covering it with a band-aid. Nico had guess several times and couldn’t guess what Kayla had seen. “What is it?” he asked.
“The mirror!” Will snorted and covered his mouth at Nico’s dumbfounded expression. “Ooh, Mommy made burgers!” She hopped off the counter and ran out.
“The mirror? Is that cl- Wait, did she say burgers?” he asked.
Will smiled and nodded. “Mom wanted to make something you liked. So she made burgers.” Nico smiled, blushing slightly. They went to the kitchen and washed their hands, preparing to eat.
While Mom set up the table so everyone could style their own burgers, Kayla and his father sat down with drinks. Will glanced at his father fleetingly, hoping he wouldn’t make it obvious how unsure he was of Nico. When his mother sat down, they all started making their own burgers and she took a breath as she pulled her hair away from her face. “So, how did you two meet? I’ve heard so much about you, Nico.”
“O-Oh uh… well I was performing at a café. I play the guitar, and a friend and I were performing a song,” he explained. “Then Will decided to try and talk to me.”
“He was a bit of a jerk, actually,” he added. Nico rolled his eyes, but blushed, knowing it was true. “He was super defensive and I ended up walking away. After that, our friend Leo had us carpool to a party.”
“He planned that, you know,” Nico said, munching on fries. “When we went to pick you up, he just told me he had to ‘get something.’ Then he walked out with you.”
“You know, that doesn’t surprise me. It’s no wonder he had us both in the back.”
“Who’s Leo?” his mom asked.
“He sings some of Nico’s songs. He’s our friend. Actually I think he’s over in Houston,” Will answered. “But yeah. We didn’t like each other very much when we first met.”
His mom chuckled and shook her head. “So when did you two start liking each other?” she asked.
Both of them frowned and looked at each other. “I’m not sure. I know I realized it because….” He paused, remembering the drunk extravaganza and the accidental kiss with Percy. He really didn’t need to add to the reasons his father didn’t like Nico. “I found out someone else liked him. I got kind of jealous and… realized I liked him.”
Nico was resting his chin on his hand. “I can’t pinpoint a moment,” he murmured. “I never liked being around people too much. I never hung out with anyone. I wasn’t used to people genuinely caring. But Will did. And it wasn’t hard to be around him. It got to the point where I didn’t want to be away from him, but I was also scared to be around him. I’m not sure when, but… yeah.” He blushed and looked down at his food, laughing softly at himself. “I’m actually just lucky he liked me back.”
Will scoffed and bit his lip, reaching for his hand. He squeezed it gently. I love you. Nico looked at him with a smile and held his hand tighter. I love you too.
He let go so they could eat, and the second Nico bit into his burger, his eyes widened. “Oh my God,” he said, shoulder slumping with a sigh. “This is f- ah. This is incredible, wow.”
His mom laughed and she looked at him with a joyous smile. “It’s alright you can say it; it’s fucking incredible, right? A little homemade Texas taste.”
“Momma! You can’t say bad words!” Kayla reprimanded.
“Yes I can honey, I’m an adult. You can’t.”
Nico chuckled and nodded. “This is the best burger I’ve ever had. Oh man and the fries. God I love fries.” Nico was quiet for the rest of dinner as he stuffed his mouth with food.
Dinner was good. Nico seemed more relaxed as Kayla and his mom included him in conversation, telling embarrassing stories of Will or talking about things he should see while visiting. His father remained quiet, chuckling from time to time, giving small responses, but he didn’t seem too obviously upset.
When they finished, Nico went to the kitchen with his plate and offered to do the dishes. “Oh, no don’t worry about that,” Mrs. Solace said. “I’ve got it.”
“You already cooked. Really, it’s okay I can-”
She put a hand on his arm and smiled. “Nico, you’re a guest here. Guests don’t do dishes. Go.” He smiled and nodded, turning to join Will in Kayla’s room. Will’s mother was sweet. And Nico felt incredibly touched by the fact that she had made his favorite food for him. Maybe Will was right, and being here wouldn’t be so bad.
He walked over to Kayla’s room. The door was open, and Will and Kayla were on her bed talking. Nico walked in, but Kayla, who had her back to him, hadn’t heard. “-and he’s funny, and nice, and he plays with me. And you look happy, so it’s okay that you took him away.”
Will chuckled and pushed a strand of hair away from her face. “Oh, really? You sure?” he asked. She nodded. “I’m glad you like him. Wanna know a secret?” She nodded, leaning forward. “I’m in love with him,” he whispered, not-so-silently.
Kayla immediately let out a gasp. “Really?” she asked. Will nodded. “Oh my gosh! Are you gonna marry him?”
“What?” they asked at the same time. Kayla jumped and turned looking at Nico with a horrified expression.
“Nobody, nobody!” she shouted. “It’s nothing!”
“Ah, okay,” he said, sitting beside Will. “What are you guys doing?”
“Nothin’,” she answered, unable to withhold her smile.
“Alright, princess, Mom said it’s your bedtime, so go to sleep, okay?” She nodded and hugged Will tightly before turning to Nico and hugging him too. She shimmied into her covers and Will covered her up and took Nico’s hand as they left the room, shutting off the light.
He could hear the faucet where Mrs. Solace was washing the dishes and the TV where Mr. Solace was in the living room watching a show. Suddenly, he was pulled aside and Will kissed him so intensely, he got dizzy. He fought back a groan as he was pressed against the hallway wall. Will pulled away slightly, keeping Nico’s bottom lip between his lips.
“Holy fuck,” he breathed, looking into Will’s eyes.
“I love you,” he murmured, leaning in, his lips moving against Nico’s as he spoke.
“I love you too, amore,” he said with a smile. He found it incredible that he had once gone a day without telling Will he loved him. He found it incredible that he had ever been afraid to say it to him. They’d only been dating officially again for a little over a week, and he couldn’t stop saying it any chance he could.
“I’m going to take a shower and go to bed. Are you going to shower today too or wait till morning?”
“Morning,” he answered. “I’m going to go to bed now. Running around with Kayla is more exhausting than I thought.” Will chuckled and tugged on his hair gently. “I’ll see you in the morning, baby.”
“Goodnight, love,” he answered kissing his cheek. Nico went into the guest room and Will went into the bathroom.
It was a small, cozy room with a lamp and carpeted floor. Nico pulled his duffel bag out and changed into something cozy to sleep in. The bed was soft and comfortable. But it was also cold and empty. He’d gotten used to sleeping beside Will. Eventually, he was able to fall asleep, despite how restless he felt.
The next morning, he woke up to someone nudging him gently. “Nico. Babe? Wake up, baby.” He groaned and opened his eyes. “Love, I have to go somewhere, okay? I don’t know if I’ll be back when you wake up.”
“Where you going?” he murmured, wondering if Will could even understand.
“Dad asked me to take Kayla shopping for school supplies and clothes while he worked on the yard. Figured if I went early, no lines.” Nico started to get up, but Will gently nudged him down. “No, it’s okay go to sleep. Text me when you’re up. Love you.”
“Love you,” he responded, already feeling the urge to sleep again. Will kissed him lightly, and Nico grimaced. “Mm, I have morning breath,” he mumbled into his pillow.
He heard Will chuckle. “I don’t care.” He felt his hand run through his hair and another gentle kiss on his cheek. Then he heard a door shut and sleep overcame him again.
When he woke up a second time, he groaned and sat up, wincing at the sunlight streaming in so intensely through the window. He checked the time and winced when he saw it was 11:30. He hated how his medicine messed with his sleep schedule. He reached over to his bag for a toothbrush and his medicine, taking the small pills dry and leaving the room to brush his teeth and take a shower.
When he got back to the room and got dressed, Will still wasn’t back yet, and he was slightly nervous about leaving to go and interact with Nico’s parents alone. But he figured staying in his room past noon would look bad too, so he steeled himself and left the room anyway.
“Hey, Nico,” Mrs. Solace greeted.
“Hi. I’m so sorry I’m so late in getting out of the room.”
She waved a dismissive hand. “No worries, hon. Will told us waking up could be a little difficult. Are you hungry? I could make you some eggs.”
“No, it’s fine, I’m okay,” he said with a grateful smile. “I can just wait for lunch.”
He turned away and started to text Will on his phone, but the voice of Will’s father distracted him. He looked up and saw him sitting at the dining table. “Could we talk for a moment?” he said.
Nico froze and looked between the two of them. Will’s mother looked stressed and slightly angry. “Lester, don’t,” she warned.
“I just want to talk to him for a minute,” he answered. “Sit down, Nico. Please.”
He went over to the chair and kept his eyes on Mrs. Solace because she was less intimidating. “What’s going on?” he asked slowly.
“Lester, we talked about this,” Mrs. Solace said with her hands on her hip.
“I know, Naomi. But I have to do this. For Will.” Nico gulped and felt his hands begin to sweat. Mr. Solace’s blue eyes flickered to Nico. Although they were cold, there was also some nervousness about his movements. “Nico…. We’d-” Mrs. Solace cleared her throat. “I’d like to talk to you about your intentions with my son.”
“Intentions?” he questioned.
“I just want to make sure that we’re on the same page. There are some things that… are a bit concerning.”
“Like?” Nico asked uneasily.
“Like… whether or not you’re trustworthy when it comes to being with my son. Are you capable of caring for him? Watching out for him? Because as far as I’ve seen, he’s been the one taking care of you.” Nico furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his fists under the table. “I only know things in Will’s point of view. The hurt that you have caused in the past and the repercussions it’s had on my son.” Nico winced at the word ‘past.’
“That’s in the past,” Nico breathed out, feeling his heart pounding. “I’m not going to hurt him.”
“Will has put you on some type of pedestal, making sure you have everything you need to be happy. What have you done for him?” Nico opened his mouth, unsure of what to say to that. He already felt like he wasn’t doing enough for Will. He didn’t need this man telling him all of these things. “Frankly, after the stunt you pulled on New Year’s, I don’t think I can-”
“New Year’s?” Nico exclaimed, in utter shock. How the hell did he know about New Year’s?
“New Year’s?” Mrs. Solace questioned. “Wait a second, what happened on New Year’s?”
Nico’s breaths turned irregular as Will’s dad crossed his arms. “Yeah, I know about that. Because I had to watch my son feeling torn apart because you decided to go out, get drunk, and cheat on-”
“I never cheated on Will!” Nico shouted back, feeling dizzy. “That’s not what happened!”
“Isn’t it? Isn’t kissing someone you’re not dating considered cheating?” Nico didn’t answer, staring at him with wide, panicked eyes. Even his mom seemed to step back a bit, unsure of him. “And what about the drunkenness, Nico?”
“I don’t drink anymore,” he spit through clenched teeth. “I’ve been sober for four months. I stopped for him.”
“Frankly, I don’t think that really matters. Addictive tendencies return.” Nico gulped, feeling nauseated. “I’ve seen it happen several times in my field. And I’ve seen the destruction it leaves behind. The hurt it causes in people.” Nico shut his eyes and shook his head. “Alcoholism isn’t just fathers who drink too much and beat their wives and promise it won’t happen again. It’s also boyfriends who go out and cheat and come back promising it won’t happen again.”
“No. No, stop it, I’m not like that!”
“Then what are you like Nico? Because I know your type-”
“My type?” he scowled.
“Yes, type. The type that parties and goes out and drinks too much and doesn’t care about other people’s feelings and focuses solely on themselves-”
“No!” he shouted. “No! I’m not like that, you don’t know me at all! I’ve been going to therapy, to a psychiatrist, I’ve been taking Zoloft, and I quit drinking because I wanted to be better for Will. I care about him more than I’ve cared about anyone in my life, including myself!”
“Okay, you’ve been on Zoloft for what, four months as well? Less? That’s not enough time for it to take effect. You are not in the position to have a healthy relationship yet. You still have things to work on with yourself-”
“Before you can even try to get into a relationship. This, right now? This will end badly, with my son being the only one getting hurt.”
“That’s not true,” he said, his voice shaking with rage. “I’d be hurt too. I’m trying. I’m trying so hard for him.”
“Right now, just trying is not good enough. And I’m not comfortable with you being around my family.”
“Lester, that’s enough,” Mrs. Solace said tensely.
But Nico was broken. He stood up, shaking, dizzy, his heart pounding. “No! You know what, screw you! You don’t know a single fucking thing about me or my life or what I’ve been through. Will does! Will knows everything and he’s helped me so much. The person you’re comparing me to is someone I was eight months ago! I’m not like that anymore! I’m better! No, I’m not good enough, and maybe I’ll never be, I know that! I know how destructive my shitty mind can be, and so does Will, and he’s still willing to be with me. And that’s enough.” He took a few deep breaths, feeling weak and afraid. “I would never hurt him, because I love him. I’ve gone too long telling myself I’m not good enough or worth the trouble of being loved, and I’ve only recently started to change that with your son’s help. And I will not let some arrogant, closed-minded, demeaning asshole make me revert to that shitty thought process and ruin my progress!” He turned away, his entire body hot and tense as he left the house and slammed the door.
Click to read Ch. 34
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girls-scenarios · 7 years
Guardian angels: Jiminel.
Idol: Jimin(AOA).
Summary: Guardian angel AU.(No one asked for it but i love this series so imma finish it. Please let me know what you think.)
A/N: Some mentions of death and depression.
Guardian angel series: Choya //Jiminel //Yunaria //Hyejeong.Linus //Minaring //Seolhyunari //Chanmi T.T
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Case #19753
Name: Ethan King.
Gender: Male.
Age: 26 years old.
Issue: Lost his way. Doesn’t know where to turn. Needs guidance to get him back on path.
Previously assigned angels: Yunaria(unable to guide, removed), Hyejeong.Linus(removed herself, unable to cope), seolhyunari(unable to guide, removed).
Jimin was used to dealing with adults, it was what she was best at. However as adults need more guidance than children she often had to spend more time protecting them. It often made it harder to not interact but she kept to the rules (most of the time anyway). She was prone to letting people know there was something watching over them without directly exposing herself.
Ethan was her current job. He had been her most difficult task. She had tried her best to guide him but he resisted her help, he even ignored her signs to show she was there. She followed him wherever he went but still no luck. He just didn’t want the help. It was almost as if he was blind to the world around him.
“Jiminel.” She heard from behind her; it was the high angel. Jimin bowed in respect.
“His condition is getting worse, if you don’t do something soon we’re afraid he’ll do something to hurt himself. You will be taken off this case if you don’t start making an impact. Do you understand?” The high angel was always condescending. Jimin nodded, she knew this was coming. She didn’t know how to help him, he didn’t want her help or anyone’s help for that matter. Others had tried and failed. If Jimin couldn’t do it, then it would be down to Choa and she already has her hands full. Chanmi and Mina were incapable of dealing with a case like this. This was her last chance. She was his last hope.
He stayed in his home all day, didn’t answer the phone, didn’t eat, didn’t even sleep. He just lied on his sofa staring blankly at the walls.  He really worried Jimin. She reached out to touch his shoulder but as she did he shuddered and moved away from her She wasn’t getting anywhere.
She stared at him, she had never really seen how good looking he was. His thick black hair was pushed back allowing her to see his eyes. They were an emerald green empty and hollow as if he didn’t have anything left in him. He showed no emotion.
He rested his head next to Jimins legs. Some of his hair flopped down onto his face. She wanted to brush it out of the way but she couldn’t. She kept thinking about how many rules she had broken, she had been told if she breaks one more rule they will strip her of her duties and she will be mortal. She couldn’t risk that but maybe he was worth it. She had watched him for so long now, she had begun to fall for him. Maybe she could show herself for a minute; only a minute. ‘No, the high angel would know. She always knows.’
She remembered being briefed about him. He had moved to Seoul from England when he was 20. He needed to escape; escape his family, his friends, his past. Little did he know, moving would make things worse. He tried making friends, he even started dating but no one could lift him out of the hole he was in. His mind had gone to the darkest place it could go and never returned. He isolated himself; stopped seeing his friends and his girlfriend. He lost himself. Ethan had lost his way with the world, he felt he didn’t have a reason to be here. It was as if he had no purpose.
He got to a point where he started filtering things that happened. People would die on the news and he just wouldn’t care. He paid no attention. He had become weathered like a rock in a storm. The trials and tribulations of the world had worn him down, he was giving up.
Jimin studied her surrounded. Dirty dishes had begun piling up by the sink, his dirty clothes had begun forming a mountain by his bed, all his plants had begun to wilt and fall apart. He had no life left in him, nothing left to give the world.
Jimin couldn’t sit around any more, she had tried so hard but it wasn’t enough. She kneeled down by his head and channeled all her energy. Ethan looked up for a brief moment and saw a mist forming in front of him. He reached out, the strange vapour was cold to the touch and swirled around his hand. Sitting up he saw a petite figure form from the mist. The figure looked up at him, her dark eyes were wide and full of sadness. He examined her face for a moment. Her wavy dark hair framed her face and her long fringe almost covered her eyes. Her dainty lips formed a small smile and he couldn’t help but smile back. ‘I haven’t seen him smile in months’ Jimin thought to herself. She gave off an aura of positivity, which made Ethan feel the need to pull her close and never let go. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“What are you?” it was almost a whisper.
“I’m your guardian.” She wasn’t sure what else to say. They had never communicated on this level before.
“You are the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen. Am i dreaming right now?” He was in complete disbelief.
“This is not a dream. It is my job to protect you. I have been unsuccessful and this was the only thing i could do. You were lost and i failed to help you back on track. I thought maybe if i talked to you i could save you.” He could see how desperate she was.
“I don’t need help. I don’t need saving. Go back to wherever you’re from and let me go. Please.” He was begging her, he didn’t want Jimin to waste her time on someone as worthless as him.
“I’ve risked everything for you, don’t you dare think I’m giving up on you now.” She cupped his chin. “Please let me help you.I don’t want to let you go.” She really had fallen in love with him. No matter how worthless he felt, he had begun to mean so much Jimin. If she lost him she might lose herself. “Please.” She begged. Her eyes began to tear up.
“What can you do for me? I can’t be helped.” He couldn’t understand how she could help.
“You just need to be pushed in the right direction. I’ve tried to help but you ignored it every time. You need to feel like you are wanted and your friends and family didn’t treat you that way. But i want you, I can make you feel loved and needed.” Tears were falling down Ethans face, he couldn’t control them. Jimin wiped them away and pulled him close to her. “I promise to look after you, I won’t let you go.” She squeezed him tightly and felt relieved he had trusted her. His tears were soaking into Jimins shirt and his whole body was shaking.
Suddenly Jimin felt a pain in her chest; it was the high angel.
“Ethan i need to go, but i’ll be back soon. Okay?” reluctantly, she let him go. He was hesitant to let go of her too, he was afraid she wouldn’t come back.
“I promise I’ll return soon. Don’t worry.” She gave a weak smile, she was not looking forward to her meeting.
The large oak doors leading to the high angels office felt out of place to Jimin, in this world of pure nothingness. She breathed a heavy sigh before banging on the door.
“Come in.” The short sentence conveyed so much disappointment. Jimin pushed the door open and stepped inside.
She looked around the office knowing full well it would be her last time. She had witnessed many angels walk in and walk out without their wings. The office was lined with bookshelves from top to bottom of the walls. Filled with books from angel law to angels in religious texts to fairy tales. The high angels desk was positioned in the middle of the room, looking straight at the entrance doors. Jimin walked over cautiously to the chair in front of the desk; not looking up from the ground for even a second. She stayed silent and twiddled with her thumbs until she was spoken to.
“You were one of the best.” She could hear the pain in the high angels voice. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” Jimin swallowed hard and looked up.”You’ve failed me Jiminel and for that you are stripped of your guardian duty.” a stern frown spread across the high angels pale face.
“So I’m mortal again?” the high angel nodded. Jimin looked down again, she had been holding back her tears for far too long. She was afraid to go through life again, it caused pain for her last time. This time she had Ethan, she would not be alone. She just hoped he would always need her.
“I’m sorry Jiminel, but if you just stuck to the rules this wouldn’t have happened. You are dismissed and can never return.” Jimin stood up from her seat and moved towards the door. She hesitated before pushing the door open.
“If i hadn’t have interfered he would’ve died. You and I both know that. I’m not sorry for doing what I did.” and with that she left.
She knew in her heart she had done what was right. Sometimes the rules can’t be followed and Jimin was glad she broke them. 
Ethan needed her and she needed Ethan.
~Admin Kitty.
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Goblin in Review: The Kisses
As specially requested by @mynameishassie​ Here’s a review/reaction of all the kisses between Shin and Eun-Tak in Goblin. Just to play around cause I have nothing better to do.
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Gif Credit | Rating: Innocence = 10/10, Dirty = 0/10, Satisfaction = 4/10
Ahh... good ol’ memories. The very first kiss between Shin and Eun-Tak in episode 6... a kiss so pure, innocent, and naive that all the snowflakes started floating upwards. What is gravity? Apparently it doesn’t work in the presence of these two sweethearts. So what makes this kiss important being their first kiss? Well this kiss set the stage for Shin to start thinking about life instead of dying. This kiss was initiated by Eun-Tak not because she necessarily loved him at the time, but because she didn’t know the consequences of Shin’s sword and what love really encompasses. This kiss compared to their last kiss is totally different in terms of romance and their mutual feelings. Shin was still only learning what it meant to be in love and Eun-Tak was still only desiring love. This is seen in their body language as Eun-Tak was struggling to stay on her tiptoes to hesitantly peck him and Shin’s shoulders were completely slumped forwards in utter dumbstruck. A perfect way to get our silly couple rolling. Despite this kiss being not hot and sexy, I appreciate this kiss as I love Shin’s reaction to Eun-Tak kissing him... to think this supposedly “weak” and “defenseless” girl can easily make this 939 yo Goblin confused and break down his defenses. But I desperately needed more than this kiss.
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Gif Credit | Rating: Sweetness = 10/10, Hotness = 2/10, Satisfaction = 7/10
Now this was a proper “first kiss” of them being an official couple; what better way than for Shin to redeem himself by initiating the kiss while Eun-Tak asked for it in episode 10. The setting was perfect for our silly couple: fun date in a tent while drinking soju, a kick-ass entertaining performance, and a sweet and happy kiss shared between the two. This kiss was literally the definition of happiness as their kiss even has it’s own Sun shining a random light of unknown origin. It was quite hot of Shin to grab her face so gently as he kissed her and then Eun-Tak stole another kiss right afterwards. This made me love Eun-Tak more as she’s not afraid to ask for kisses... I understand why, lol. Just look at who her boyfriend is. I do like this kiss a lot, as said by Eun-Tak herself, “It’s perfect.” It was the perfect kiss to show how they mutually love each other after coming to an agreement that they will both fight to be together as compared to episode 4′s kiss. I wasn’t expecting anything hotter or sexier since our couple finally got together after jumping the hurdle of Eun-Tak finding out the truth behind Shin’s sword. But still, I needed more! lmao
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Gif Credit | Rating: Cuteness = 10/10, Crime = 0/10, Satisfaction = 6/10
The cute photo booth kiss. That’s all that really needs to be said about this kiss, lol. It was a cute and off-guard peck that Eun-Tak gave to Shin which left him flustered and giggling like a little girl. >.< The funny thing is that Eun-Tak had pure intentions while it left Shin thinking about (most likely) not so pure thoughts ... this girl can literally kill Shin on the spot whether she removes his sword or not, lmao. I just can’t get over how Shin caught himself using “tiny” and “small” in the same sentence! And then he proceeded to say he wants to come here every day, lmfao. This entire scene in episode 12 is adorable and especially how pure Eun-Tak’s intentions were to 1) get a picture with him and 2) give him an excuse to see his sister. Of course, it wasn’t enough to satisfy my fangirl desires and I was desperately hoping... praying... for a kiss that would exceed my expectations.
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Gif Credit | Rating: Hotness = 10/10, Passion = 10/10, Satisfaction = 100/10 
Now we’re talking... this kiss swept me off my feet when Shin turned back to give her such a desperate, passionate, and engraving kiss before his imminent death. THIS WAS THE KISS WE WERE ALL WAITING FOR 13 EPISODES LATER!!! Just look at this beauty! Till this day... I love this kiss so damn much, it’s the kiss of the century. Just look at how Shin cupped her face as he kissed her with such a passion knowing that he might disappear forever. Look at Eun-Tak unable to say or do anything as she just closed her eyes in compliance... worried why he would suddenly kiss her like that. It was the perfect hot and passionate kiss to show how our couple loves each other and wants to be together. THEIR CHEMISTRY WAS OFF THE CHARTS! OMO! The only that that disappointed me about this kiss was how they DIDN’T FULLY CLOSE-UP FILM IT! Like why you gonna film a friggin hot kiss but not show us the whole thing close up??? Ugh... That was the good stuff there. >.> Despite my love for this kiss, I was praying that an even better kiss would happen once she was 29 yo. 
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Gif Credit | Rating: Feels = 10/10, Longing = 10/10, Satisfaction = 10/10
This kiss was sooo good... a slightly melancholic kiss that was filled with feels as Shin immediately embraced a frantic Eun-Tak into a kiss as she finally remembered him. All I can say is that this kiss was so good from the angle it was filmed, from how it focused on Shin’s hand tightening on her, and to how both Eun-Tak and Shin’s eyes were filled with so much pain, sadness, and longing for each other. I started ballin like a baby cause they needed to be in each other’s arms and I was so happy when she finally remembered him! Ugh... To think this all happened in episode 15... T.T But this wasn’t the kiss I was waiting for... there was something else I needed to see from the episode 14 preview. 
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Gif Credit | Rating: Lovey Dovey = 10/10, Rainbows & Unicorns = 10/10, Satisfaction = 8/10
Just another really lovey dovey peck between the two... oh wait... two pecks cause Shin wanted another one, lmao. I just love their height difference... *incoherent giggling* BUT I’M STILL WAITING FOR THE BEST KISS DAMNIT! DON’T FAIL ME GONG YOO!!! 
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Gifs Credit | Rating : Sexiness = _(꒪ཀ꒪」∠)_, Dirty thoughts = ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ), Satisfaction = ∞ w/ too much salt
What more can I say about how much I am absolutely obsessed with this long over-due sexy make out between these two? Just look at how Shin launched at her... but at the same time Shin is such a gentleman as he stopped to make sure she was okay with it.. OF COURSE she would reply back enthusiastically! BUT I DIED WHEN SHE JUMPED AND WRAPPED HER LEGS AROUND HIM! OMG! AND FOR THE LOVE OF ALL MAKE OUTS, when Shin started planting kisses on her face and she was smiling from enjoying his touch... that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen!!! BUT DAMNIT! WHO THE FUCK CUTS IN THE MIDDLE OF GONG YOO AND KIM GO EUN’S KISSES??? WHY WOULD YOU DEPRIVE US OF THESE TWO WONDERFULLY AMAZING KISSERS??? WHY COULDN’T YOU SHOW US THE WHOLE DAMN THING??? (╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻
Seriously, the only issue I have with this kiss is that they abruptly cut the kiss at the GOOD part. They could have gradually transitioned out of the scene instead of just cutting in the middle of the kiss; they had plenty of time to add 30 more seconds -- oh for goodness sakes, I would’ve been glad to see another hour. PLUS, WHY WOULD YOU NOT SHOW SOMETHING YOU TEASED US IN THE FUCKIN PREVIEW??? Two lovers who defied time, God, death, and were finally together would NOT just simply call it a night after sharing a passionate kiss on the couch AFTER staying together overnight in fuckin luxurious hotel (with probably a huge ass bed)... just saying. ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
And that’s all folks... I can’t really say that I’m completely satisfied since I love Shintak so much... It makes me sad that Gong Yoo and Kim Go Eun will probably never costar together again since it’s rare for people to costar together a second time. WHAT A SHAME! YOU HAVE TWO AMAZING KISSERS COSTAR TOGETHER AND THAT’S IT? Like I would have been okay if they didn’t show any skin... just some more steamy moments between the two because their love is so fuckin tragic that they deserve some more lovey dovey couple scenes. Ugh... just because I’m a salty grandma, friggin 15 age rating ruined it! At least the kisses got better and better and we got a few Gong Yoo certified kisses in Goblin. T.T 
“The kiss itself is immortal. It travels from lip to lip, century to century, from age to age. Men and women garner these kisses, offer them to others and then die in turn.” ~ Guy de Maupassant, The Complete Short Stories of Guy de Maupassant, Part One
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Hi! Can I have a G1 s/o match up please? I am a straight female leo. I am 5'9 with long curly brown hair with a weird blonde streak.I'm usually very quiet and shy around new people but, once I get close to someone I'm very energetic,funny, and can be a bit silly at times. I am a chill go with the flow type of person yet I do have problems with social anxiety and depression.I would do anything for my friends. I love listening to music, playing video games,working out, and most importantly memes.
I kinda just assume you work so… Also, I hope you’re happy, you’ve caused my computer to now be filled with memes.
I match you with….. Blaster (G1)
You and Blaster started off as the best of friends before you two finally realized that you liked each other more than just that. You’re both very chill and fun loving when together, always making each other happy. Everyone at base knows when you’re around because there’s always laughter from the communication room when you are, even Red Alert doesn’t mind your jokes (though I can’t say the same about Prowl). Because of Blasters alt mode, you have a habit of hugging him close whenever you feel down. Contrary to usual boomboxes, Blaster was always warm and you could always feel the beating of his spark, which always helped you calm down.
(If you’re unable to tell what’s texting and what’s not, sorry. The Tumblr site only lets me do so much and I tried to make it obvious.)
Your alarm cuts through the safe confines of your dream, jolting you awake and out of bed. Dashing towards your phone you quickly turned off the wretched device. Once off, you drag yourself back under the sheet, trying to return to the blissful dream, promptly ignoring the alarm. Not too long after, though, your phone buzzes under the pillow, as you had forgotten to set it back down. Groaning you reluctantly drag your hand, and phone, out and glance at the screen. Even though it was on it’s lowest brightness you were blinded by the light emitted, causing you to cover your face with a blanket. The screen soon fades back to black, before immediately buzzing once more, bring the screen back to life.
“Fine.” You groan, throwing off the covers and sitting up. You glare down at your phone before tossing it to the side of the bed as you slide off and onto the floor. You grab the necessary shower ideas and stomp towards the shower.
Needless to say, you weren’t a morning person.
After your shower, now refreshed and less grumpy, you snatch up your phone from the bed and see exactly who texted you. You found ten unread messages from one person, Blaster. Most of the said texts were just the statement “wake up!”. You roll your eyes at the sheer amount of texts and types a quick reply so as to stop him from texting anymore.
I’M UP!!!! Thanks for remembering.
No problem! 😘
You quickly finish getting ready and are out the door. Today you had an earlier shift at work and was not at all looking forward to it. All’s you ever did was sit around and practically do nothing, you couldn’t even have your phone out to pass the time because of your boss. But, it would seem like fate was with you today, for when you got to work you found a note from your boss. It said she wouldn’t be there till 12, after your shift! You were overjoyed and instantly wiped your phone out. You were actually going to work today, but during the periods of nothingness, you would be on your phone.
My boss isn’t here this morning so I can be on my phone!!!!
👍 👌 NICE!! How are you this morning?
You start to type an answer but stop halfway. You had the perfect Meme to go with this! You swipe through your photos till you find exactly what your looking for.
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You laugh at Blasters reply, causing a few looks from passer-bys. You two were practically the king and queen of memes, always have these types of conversations through text when you weren’t with one another. You look through the internet for the perfect reply.
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Also, I just wanted to thank you again for remembering to wake me up, If I was late one more time I would have probably been fired.
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You couldn’t help but blush at this particular Lord of the Rings meme, your heart skipping a beat. Even though Blaster told you every day he loved you, it always made you a blushing mess.
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“Miss?” You hear a voice call. You look up from your phone and see a smiling old lady standing before you, “Could you help me please?” She asks. You sigh and smile up at her.
“Of course! What can I do for you today mama?” You question, tucking your phone into your pocket. It buzzes as you stand up to greet to the woman.
“I’m new here and don’t necessarily know my way around.” The lady starts.
“I can give you a tour of the facility, let me just clean up and I’ll be right with you.” You state, the woman nods and walks a ways away, waiting for you. You turn around, so as not to face the woman, and pull your phone back out.
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XD looks like I have to actually work T.T, text you later!
Before you could tuck your phone back in your pocket Blaster sends out one more text that puts a smile on your face and leaves your heart racing once more.
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tinycitysims-blog · 8 years
Nicky is an angel
and other replies...
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Back to bed?”  “Yeah thank the fucking gods, I would kill just to...”
"I'll just pull out." WORST BIRTH CONTROL EVER
Yeah pretty much you know where that’s gonna go. 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Nothing a snack won’t fix… unless of course you’re a tiny terror who...”
And Nicky in that last shot is holding up his sippy cup like "See? -I- am the good one."
He’s so all super angelic next to his brother. Like his brother will go play in the trash and then two feet away there’s Nicky with his tablet giggling happily while Jarl is getting gross. 
elisabettasims replied to your photo “Nicky has pretty regular nightmares. :( ”
FYI, raise his thinking skill. It reduces them.
Yeah figured that out kinda late, lol. 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Sorry Noma babies come when they want to. Though I’m not sure how you...”
Skin tone glitch, I'm betting. It probably hiccupped when calculating between their skintones and settled on the green baby (thankfully it didn't choose the blue skin, which it sometimes does).
I would guess so, I hadn’t seen it happen with infants before but I guess it can, lol. 
ciarasia replied to your photoset “Meanwhile upstairs.  “Wait was that… yes that definitely was a...”
ahh i cant wait to see the kid
I hope he was worth the wait. Cherub face, lol. 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “This is so far out from my queue but I’m kind of obsessed with this...”
Alpha hairs here we come! LOL And she's a gorgeous kid!
Indeed, whenever my queue gets to that point! lol. 
msmidnightblonde replied to your photoset “This is so far out from my queue but I’m kind of obsessed with this...”
aahhhhh she so darling! and that hat's adorable. <3
I pretty much had to have it and her parents are pretty major geeks so that hat seemed about right lol. 
msmidnightblonde replied to your photoset “Sweetie Jarl is gonna come play for a little while okay? I expect you...”
lmao "no share"
He was being a bit of a snot there, haha. 
msmidnightblonde replied to your photo “Hello from the wilderness. ”
Aw look at how cute they are! <3
IKR, I look forward to playing them, they are both so pretty lol. 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Hey so there is one thing I need to talk to you about, well I mean it...”
I'm going to take scissors to all the manbuns (some actually look good, most of the sims ones are kind of weird looking). :D
lol yeah, this one makes me laugh. It just looks like “yeah didn’t care so what.” 
ciarasia replied to your photoset “Trying to recreate my ts3 sim Thea on the ts4 side. Fairly...”
wow she looks really nice!! i think the eye and lip makeup are bit darker, but idk :D she looks really pretty tho!
Yeah I can’t use the nice opacity slider we had in ts3 so I think most of my sims come out looking a bit more made up lol. 
ciarasia replied to your photoset “Next they went over to meet Nissa and Otis’ baby girl Cora.  “Let go...”
omggg how you write the dialogue for them.. i'm deaddd
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Next they went over to meet Nissa and Otis’ baby girl Cora.  “Let go...”
OMG so cute! My grandbaby! LOL
I loved the little confident arm cross. Like *melt* 
ciarasia replied to your photoset “They went over to Skye and Rohan’s first where Jarl had a pretty easy...”
too cute omg! <3
It’s like a cute tot paradise on this little island. 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Huddah! It dino dancin’ time mummy!”   “Did you just say ‘huzzah?” ”
I can just imagine this happening with Noma's kids: http://www.gocomics.com/culdesac/2017/01/19
HAHA totally. Especially cause they are boys, like “oh god mom’s just gonna gush at all the tiny cute things I mispronounce.” 
msmidnightblonde replied to your photo
omgggg they fall asleep like this??? This is my favorite. <33
THEY DO. T.T It’s pretty much the most darling thing ever. 
elisabettasims replied to your post “Some late plies”
I really love my MM but I do love how pretty your sims are and how pretty MY sim looks in your game.
Awww shucks. Thanks!
msmidnightblonde replied to your post “Some late plies”
it's actually not one of his outfits. ha that was the first thing I checked when he was all pantless. I think it must be his work outfit? and somethings going on there? idk funny nevertheless. and yeah, the not knowing is funny, because you're always like, dude. the pants. and he's just like, funny thing...
yeah I think it is too... weird that it just doesn’t have pants. Not like I can adjust that easily too. 
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to Part 12 I Won’t Stop You, Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
Anonymous said: YES SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER OF I WONT STOP YOU I just cannot figure out what jk meant with the getting wet thing I FEEL SO STUPID I NEED TO KNOW
Hopefully this chapter helped you to catch on to the wet thing ;) hehe~ I hope you enjoyed it if you read it my darling! ^^
Anonymous said: I literally screamed when I got the notification that you posted Part 12 of I Won't Stop!!! Your writing is amazing!!!
Ahhh thank you so much babe! I really hope you enjoyed the new chapter ^^
@kawaiipotato75 said: You....you....I WONT STOP YOU IS SO GOOD IM DYING WHYYYYYYYYYYY(got so hyped for smut when, when it was a TO BE CONTINUED 😭😭😭😭😭😭) its so good omg i cant wait flr mext tuesday but omg my soul meeds help😭😭  ❤~
heheheheh~ I feel so evil ohmygod haha^^ BUT NEXT CHAPTER IS TO BE CONTINUED...so, can you guess what the next chapter will be 100% dedicated to? ;) Thank you so much for reading ^^
Anonymous said: It's so incredibly cute that Jungkook stocks his fridge purely for a sense of normalcy
I think so too ^^ It’s the part of him that desires to be human in the end. Even though he is a Vampire, he has always been curious and slightly envious of humans.
Anonymous said: aye its 2 am and iwsy part 12 is here tURN UP!!! -daisy
@ashrvyera said: Holy frickityfrack I've never wanted a week to pass so quickly. IM DYING FOR THE DEETS OF IWSY PART 12
Don’t worry~ Chapter 13 will be even juicier ;) Thank you so much for reading!
I am an evil person and I admit to this. a 100% tease and I love to play c: But don’t worry, the next chapter will hopefully quench your thirst ;3 I love you too! Thank you babe ^^
@what-just-happened-help said: Eek!! New chapter of I Won't Stop You was so amazing!! But what was with that cruel cliffhanger?! I'm honestly dying over here~ On another note, I'm really interested in how the story will continue, because you seem to have big things planned plot wise!! I'll be happily awaiting next tuesday, keep up the good work and don't stress! Love you~
Thank you thinking it was amazing! And, I do apologise for the cruel cliffhanger - but to make up for it, the whole next chapter will be dedicated to what you’ve been denied in this chapter :3 And yes! I have a lot of big things planned...I hope it will be shocking, surprising and exciting! Thank you for reading my love, and I’ll keep working hard to write good stories! I love you more :D
@seokjinaf said: I WON'T STOP IS SO GOOD I LOVE OT SO MUCH YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD WRITER ❤😭 (cont.) I won't stop you* oops lol
Thank you so much baby! I’m so happy you like it ❤ ❤ ❤
Don’t worry! Things will continue right where they left off in Chapter 13~ ;) GOOD, IT MAKES ME HAPPY TO KNOW YOU’RE THIRSTY ASF NOW c:
JUNGKOOK’S GONNA SHOW HIS DING DONG. DAISY. I’m fuCKING CRYING OH MY GOD I LAUGHED SO MUCH AT THAT HAHAHA~~ I hope you managed to get back to sleep my love >< Thank you so much for reading it and I hope you’ll enjoy the next ;)
@minty--suga said: i am,,in love with the last chapter of i wont stop you,,,,thank u for blessing us
Thank you so much my love! I’m glad I could make you happy with it! ^^
Anonymous said: Ahhhh you cant leave me like that ughh i fucking love this whole serie 😍😍😍 So its obvious that the next chapter is also a smut chapter ;)) Btw you are an amazing writer so keep writing!! :)
You’re not wrong ;) Thank you so much my love, I really appreciate that! Have a wonderful day!
@jaypark5 said: To be continued..... I cry 😢😢😢😢😢 From joy and sadness that I have to wait 😢
Don’t cry my love! This chapter was just a teaser for the main event in the next one ;) Thank you for reading!
@audreymv said: You're such a tease man. Like boi I lOVE IT. Jungkook is about to get it on and it is my favorite thing. I am just falling for this story even more. Like I love Smut and you write it well. Like this Fanfic is going to kill me
You’re right, I am an absolute tease~ I hope to make the next chapter as intense and detailed as possible :3 Thank you so much for reading it dear! ^^
More sexy stuff will continue in the next one c: That was just a little snippet of what is to come! Thank you so much my love :) I hope you have a great day!
@darkmoonmary said: *having difficulties with breathing, the cause being I Won't Stop You Part 12*
*resuscitates you* stay strong for the next chapter! I think you might like it~ Well, I hope you will anyway :3 Thank you for reading!
Anonymous said: Why just why did you have to nd it like that 😭 You're such a tease,now I have to wait for another week for the next part.I can't wait to see what happens next😏Anyway thank you and congrats on getting more that 1,000 notes for the previous part😚
I apologise for the amount of teasing I love to do~ heh ^^ Thank you for reading it my love, and I hope you’ll enjoy the next part! And thank you for telling me, I had no idea! I knew that my first chapter of this series hit 1k so that made me really happy because it let’s me know that you are all enjoying it ^^ Thank you so much! :D
Anonymous said: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD IM SO DEAD. IM LITERALLY SCREAMING INSIDE! I WONT STOP U 12 IM DEAD. WHY DO U DO DIS TO ME T-T! Anxiously waiting for 13 IWST smut, ehehe *smirks* BUT DAMN GIRL IM SO DEAD! IM SO INTO THIS FIC TYSM! Have a good week! Xoxo <3 ~Yuno
Hello Yuno! I’m so glad to know that you’re liking the series my dear ^^ It makes me really happy!! I hope you’ll enjoy more sexy stuff next week c: I hope you have a great week too lovely! ^^
Anonymous said: Damn woman, that girl needs some lovin asap - wedding anon
I need some lovin WHUT YOU TALKING ABOUT *whispers incoherent words about being so fucking sexually frustrated* tHANK YOU FOR READING my lovely wedding anon~
Anonymous said: I'm really glad you've built up y/n's and jungkook's relationship in i won't stop you instead of just being like "yeah, these people are just gonna fuck" like most writers would do
Thank you so much for appreciating the time I’ve taken to build up a backstory and their relationship! I personally don’t mind when people jump straight into the whole smut thing - but this is more my style. Especially when writing a story and creating characters for people to hopefully relate to in some way!
AAAAAAAA I’m so glad it could make you scream heh~ Thank you for reading it despite screaming on the train :3 I hpoe you’ll enjoy the next chapter too, panda anon!
Anonymous said: OMG IM JUST I...I...I IM JUST SO LIKE....*dies*
It’s okay, I feel your pain *hugs*
Thank you so much my love ^^ I’m so happy you enjoyed it!
Anonymous said: "[...]you were extremely thirsty." Ahahaha wellp. We probably all are with this cliffhanger. Omg sara, what is happening?? XD love the story as usual! Excited for the next part for no special reason at all. Hahaha <3 -unnianon
Hello unnianon! Thank you for picking up on the double meaning to that sentence ;) And yes! For no reason at all...*wiggles eyebrows* heh ^^ Thank you so much for reading my dear!
I’m so happy you enjoyed it :3 I’ll keep working hard and thank you for reading!
Anonymous said: FUCJSHADBDHSOSUDCTVSOAHA SARA WHY YOU LEFT IT HANGING LIKE THAT! I swear 'I Won't Stop You' will be the death me! Jungkook isn't even my bias and I feel so wrecked right now..... good job by the way
Because I just wanted to get you all riled up in preparation for next week’s chapter c: Thank you so much for reading dear! ^^
THAT NEW CHAPTER WAS SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOD. I'm so happy Jungkook and her finally stepped it up 💕💕 great work as usual
Thank you my darling :3 I’m really happy that you’re enjoying it ^^ And yes! Finally they are accepting their feelings for each other and showing it in the process :3
Anonymous said: BRUH. CAN IT BE NEXT TUESDAY ALREADY OMG. I cannot express in words, how much I FREAKING love this story! I feel like in a way, the girl relates so much to my personality, that when I read I Won't Stop You, it feels even more like it's me T.T cuz yenno sometimes when you read fics, it doesn't totally feel natural cuz the character may do things differently than yourself. BUT DAMN. This girl is TOTALLY ME LOL. I've been trying to read less smut (lol) but wooo IM SO READY FOR THEM TO GET IT ON AHA
I’m so glad she’s very relatable to you. Honestly, when I write stories - I do often project myself into them with all the characters involved. The things Y/N does are things that would be close to how I would do or react to in real life ^^ So we must be very similar heh~ I’m really happy you’re enjoying it, and I hope you enjoy the future chapters too :3 Thank you!
Anonymous said: i DiEd fOR goodNesSSSs sakE... Can't wait for next week's chapter :)
Please don’t die, that would make me very sad :c Thank you my love!
NO DYING IS ALLOWED BUT SCREAMS OF PAIN AND PLEASURE ARE WELCOME~ lol thank you so much for reading it and enjoying it :3
Anonymous said: I usually don't like Vampire Stories and avoid fanfics BUT YOUR WRITING is *so* good I can't even. I wish I could put my thoughts on your writing skills in such beautiful words like you do it but all I can say is UGH. Everything is so detailed and well described so that I can see a clear picture in my head but with enough space to add my own things.You're honestly just amazing. You should become an author or sth like that.. (IWSY IS MY NEW LIFE AND I HATE THE CLIFFHANGER IN PT.12)
I’ve had a few people say to me that they usually don’t like Vampire Fanfics, so for you guys to read mine despite them not usually being your cup of tea makes me feel so amazing, you have no idea :) I appreciate that you notice the detail I put in! I want to create an entire scene in your head of the world I have imagined - with like you said, enough room for you to imagine smaller details too. Maybe one day when I am even older and even more bitter (if that’s possible) I will become an author :P heh~ Thank you so much for reading my love! I hope you’ll enjoy all the sexy stuff in the next chapter, too ;3
Anonymous said: GIRL YOU CANNOT JUST LEAVE US HANGING LIKE THAT 😫😫😭 We need the Jungkook sexy time
I give you my oath that in the next chapter, Jungkook sexy time will be delivered~ Heh^^ Thank you for reading!
@coppertopging said: I need a drink... do you have any holy water available?
*gives you an entire bucket of holy water* only if you share with me~ c:
Anonymous said: aaaa ive been waiting for p 12 of the vampire au :(
I posted it last night! If you have already read it, I hope you enjoyed it my love! ^^
DON’T BE SORRY FOR YELLING C: I’m glad it’s making you feel a lot of things :3 Thank you for reading it and I hope you’ll enjoy next week’s chapter too! ;)
Anonymous said: Don't u have to, like, stop writing i won't stop you for a while just to breath or something cause GURLLLLL that last part was sexy af
Hmm, usually I just imagine it all in my head and write furiously :P I really live in the moment when I write it and write accordingly to what’s happening in my mind! The problem occurs when I read it back and I feel my cheeks burning or I feel some type of way if you catch my drift haha~ Thank you my love for reading it! ^^
I’m so sorry for the cliffhangerrrrrrr ahh :( But truth be told, it WAS running on too long for a single chapter. And the smut I have planned is very detailed. And I figured it needs a whole chapter of its own :3 I hope you’ll enjoy it! And thank you for reading this chapter, too :D
If there is one thing you should know about me, I am a hellish tease. Always have been, always will be. In every aspect of my life :3 I hope you enjoyed the chapter, despite being denied :P But next chapter will hopefully satisfy your needs! hehe~ Thank you for reading my dear :)
@lucas-is-mine said: (1)Jungkook,Yoongi,Tae said she special and here comes my theories :p Maybe bc she has some connection with vampires, possibly her parents death was caused by them,she likes to bite,maybe she's not human and doesnt know yet. I like to guess (2)what you mean behind some senteces that you wrote. About the last chapter i was screaming when it finished like that but i can survive another week and im really excited for the next part. Thanks for your effort! :)
Ooooh look at you with all your theories :3 I actually love it when people tell me what they think will happen! But of course, I’ll never say whether you are wrong or right :3 Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you’ll like the next chapter ^^ There is still a lot more to unfold in the story, so I hope it will make you keep guessing! ^^
I’M SO SORRY I APOLOGISE c: But hopefully you enjoyed it despite the denial :3 I promise you that you will get what you want next week with the next chapter that I post! :3 Thank you so much for reading my love :)
Anonymous said: ya kno the moment i saw the warning you put in the beginning i knew shits bout to go down I WENT LIKE AYYYEEEE MY BOY FINALLY GOING IT AFTER HUNDRED OF YEARS BOY GET IT (same for the oc like GET THAT DICK GIRL) before clicking BUT I WAS WRONGJSDFSBGJBHNA WHAT DID I DO TO MY PAST LIFE TO DESERVE THIS LETS SKIP WEEKENDS AND GO STRAIGHT AHEAD like seriously this fic makes me excited for tuesday actually nO TUESDAY IS MY FAVE DAY OF THE WEEK NOWGHJFSBGKJSG
GET THAT DICK GIRL LMFAO I’M SCREAMING RIGHT NOW! I’m sorry for teasing you terribly~ But, next chapter will hopefully make up for it :3 I’m so happy to know that I can make you look forward to Tuesdays! Thank you for reading my series and I hope you have an awesome day darling!
Good things come to those who wait, you little vixen! Hehe~ I hope you’ll enjoy all the sexy stuff :3
@kpop-everythings said: 9-10pm on Tuesdays UK time automatically means Wednesdays in Australia. Wednesdays are the magical days in which I am blessed with Vamp!kook
Ahh yes because you are 12 (?) hours ahead of UK time, right? I’m glad I can bless you with VampKook :3 Thank you so much for reading my series darling! ^^
Anonymous said: Holy shit. I won't stop you. Is this it? Finally? The smut we've been waiting for?! Ohmfjgosh!
It’s the beginning of the smut that will happen throughout the next chapter! There will ALSO be more smut scenes in future chapters too~ Don’t worry my love - I plan on feeding you well :3
IT HAS ARRIVED AND I HOPE YOU’LL ENJOY IT :3 Thank you so much for reading lovely :)
I’m glad you came off anonymous to tell me! :) heh~ I’m so happy you love the series so far my dear ^^ I hope you look forward to the next chapter! ^^
Anonymous said: Hiiiii omgggg I've been following your Jungkook fic obsessively and I have to say your latest update had me on edge! Can't wait to see what comes next. You are doing work of the gods please keep it up <3
Hello dear! Thank you for reading it since the beginning ^^ It makes me so happy that you are enjoying it! Work of the gods heh~ I don’t think so! But I’ll keep trying to do my best :3 Have a great day babe!
@callmessam said: 'Over, and over again.'   This cliffhanger though! I need answers. What is your expression when you wrote this whole chapter, not to mention the cliffhanger? Cos I can imagine you smiling evilly, knowing this is a torture for us 😍
You’ll just have to wait for next week to find out those answers :3 But I hope you won’t be disappointed! I DID kind of have an evil smile on my face when I ended it with that cliffhanger :3 I apologise for all the teasing! But hopefully its pleasured torture in the end~ heh^^
@eatjinma said: I just want to say that I won't stop you is genuinely the best fic I have read. I'm so in love with it. KEEP SLAYING GURL ;) kisses from England
Ahh thank you so much my love! Thank you for reading it and enjoying it :3 I’m also from England yay! ^^
Don’t worry my little dear~ I will feed you all very well next week! :3 Heh~ Thank you so much for reading it! I hope you enjoyed it ^^
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Monday, January 7, 2019
post #364
main points:
- reschedule doctor’s appointment to next monday cause doctor called in sick today
- sheena took a day off of school to focus on her health
- went with sheena to brunch and then wegmans
- look at some comedy hacks 
- 7 minute work out
- run for a mile
- play some smash online
- dinner with the fam
- smash/mario kart with sheena
- shower + feeling some chest ache/discomfort...?
- spend time with sheena cause she was feeling sad
writing this on tuesday january 8, 2018
today i:
- woke up at around 8am from a call from the doctor’s saying appointment was cancelled cause the doctor was sick. i called to reschedule and they said that they will take rescheduling calls after 9am. so i went back to bed and woke up around 10:30/11am. i got the rescheduled appointment for next monday then i got out of bed and chilled on the computer for a bit. i was feeling pretty tired when i woke up this morning. i’m not too sure why, i’ve been getting enough sleep
CES just started so the verge is putting out a lot of videos. there’s a fancy wooden block with a display...
decided to go with sheena to the brunch place (TP). we were gonna go at around 12pm. i typed up my blog post for sunday, january 6 and then we left
- we left around 12:30pm. i got some more eggs benedict. sheena got another skillet, and we split the tropical crunch waffle, as per usual :P i think the guy mixed up my order cause i’m pretty sure i got eggs benedict with chicken. but there was no chicken in mine :’( oh well
we went to wegmans afterwards and i got some groceries for when i’m home alone. whole wheat bread, spinach, broccoli, tofurky, ham, cheese. then sheena drove us home. i realized while we were eating brunch that i forgot my wallet. thankfully sheena brought hers so we could pay for lunch LOL
- we got back around 2:30pm and i just kind of browsed the internet. i was looking at some comedy hacks a guy named matt made from NY. i’ve never met him before but he had some cool ones. namely, a trackpad using your keyboard keys LOL. so dank
- around 3:30pm, i forced myself to start working out. i whipped out the 7 minute workout app that i haven’t used in a long time. i did it in the living room and was surprisingly exhausted after it. i’m out of shape lmao
then i went for a run around the neighborhood which was about a mile (.9 miles), done in like 8 minutes and 30 seconds
- i came home and then drank some orange juice and chilled for a bit. then i played some more smash online. i tried to get pikachu into elite smash but failed LOL. then played with falcon. i kept going back and forth over the line for elite smash T.T. i’d lose a game in elite smash and get booted out. win a game in normal quickplay and get back in. then lose and get booted out again. sad react. i ended on a good note and stopped once i got back into elite smash
- went to eat dinner with the fam. we had some boiled eggs with tomatoes, vegetables and chicken. it was a good meal. then sheena and i finished the last fourth of her fruit tart cake
- i listened to dad for a while about his early careers. we first talked about apple/iOS development. then a history lesson on people soft from oracle. and then he told me about his first job at a place that worked for texas instruments and how that company at the time came to exist. and he talked about how when he moved out of the apartment, the landlord’s wife was actually someone he was training to be his replacement. what a small world :p 
- i also got a weird voicemail from someone. it sounded like an elderly woman who wasn’t sure where she was. i think she got the wrong phone number but i consulted josh chris and trevor for help to help me decipher what she was saying in the voicemail. it was hard to understand what she was saying
also my new phone case came in. it was $12 on amazon from SUPCASE. i put it on and changed some of my wallpapers. now my phone feels like a brand new phone. my old phone case was over a year old and getting crusty 
- played smash with sheena. we made a meme to king dedede with sexy sax man. then we played mario kart. i taught her how to drift properly by tapping back and forth when drifting so she doesn’t keep driving into a wall. she wanted to get into top 5 at least (against 150cc CPUs). on the very last race, she got like 5th or 6th overall, which is pretty good :D some more practice and she’ll be set. she wants to get good at it (partially cause at her friend’s parties they sometimes play and she’s always last)
- i took a shower around 10pm. while i was showering i felt some mild discomfort in my left side of my upper chest. i wasn’t sure why. i thought maybe it was cause i worked out today? throughout the night it kind of shifted to different points for a few seconds here and there, like to the right side, center side, then lower left side. i’m kind of concerned but hopefully it’ll go away soon. (it hasn’t gone away. as i’m typing this at 1:56pm tuesday january 8 i still feel some mild discomfort here and there on my upper left side/center side)
i could also feel my heart beat through my chest. i learned this was heart palpitations but thought it would go away after a while. i was lying awake in bed for a while looking up stuff online about what it could possibly be. some sources it was probably benign if the chest discomfort lasts for a few seconds. but mine were lasting for a few seconds but coming back every 10-15 minutes maybe? i was getting concerned. also i could feel my heart beating through my body, both on the outside from my chest and internally feel it beating. while i was getting paranoid and looking up stuff online in bed, i heard sheena get out of bed to go to the bathroom and heard her crying
- i went to hang out with her in her room for a while. she was feeling sad at the thought about going back to school tomorrow. dad heard some movement on our side so he came over and both of us hung out with sheena for a bit to accompany her while she was crying. she mentally didn’t want to go to school but was worried about pushing school off even further because that’d mean she’d be even further behind. we told her it’s okay, she can take another day off if she really needs to. mental and physical well being come first
after a while she seemed to be okay and said she wanted to get some food to eat. i went with her downstairs around 2am so dad could go to sleep. she ate half a muffin and a glass of milk
then we went to her room and watched two episodes of the office. one of them was the VP pyramid florida episode, then the next one where cathy tries to sleep with jim LOL
then we went to bed around 3am. i slept in her bed to keep sheena company as she went to sleep. and also cause i was paranoid about my chest discomfort symptoms. on the small small off chance something happened to me over night i felt better about it knowing someone else is there. i noticed i was also burping a lot and thought maybe it’s some kind of gas chest pain...? idk. i guess we’ll see when i go to the doctor next week
okay the end
almost at 365 posts!! tomorrow!! (technically today cause i’m writing this on january 8)
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