#cause ive written a decent amount at this point
quil12 · 2 years
souyo + soulmates?
I may have gone a little overboard with this one lmao. It's a little over 3k words - I honestly could write a whole fic with this concept. I used my favorite Soulmate AU trope for this - the one where anything you write on your skin gets transferred to your soulmate's skin as well (the only thing that tops it for me is when injuries transfer - that works more for the benefit of angst though)
Yosuke excitedly grabbed a pen from his desk, going over to his bed, and sitting cross-legged down on it. He placed the tip of it onto his forearm, writing out one simple word.
He stared down at it, as if waiting for something to happen. 
It was his tenth birthday - the day he had been waiting for for such a long time. It was the day he finally got to get into contact with his soulmate. Everything that he wrote on his skin would subsequently appear on his soulmate’s skin - that was, everything that he wrote aside from his own name - at least until his soulmate heard him say it. For whatever reason, those words wouldn’t get transferred over. That made it significantly harder to find your soulmate, although it was still possible. For children with next to no resources though, it wasn’t something that typically could happen.
After a few minutes of constant staring, a black dot appeared just beneath where he had written. He watched with bated breath as the character was formed in penmanship that seemed out of place next to his own, messy handwriting.
Yosuke’s heart was pounding in his chest. They had answered him. This person who he was supposed to be connected with for the rest of his life had just said his first words to him. 
He hesitated briefly, thinking about what he wanted to say, before putting the pen down on his arm again.
I wish I could tell you my name, but we’re soulmates! I’m really excited to talk to you
There was only a small pause before more words started appearing on his skin. It was kind of odd just watching them show up, seemingly without any outside input.
It is odd to not be able to say my name. It doesn’t feel like a proper introduction. I’m excited to talk to you too.
I guess my first question is if you’re a guy or a girl
The handwriting was very neat and precise, and they were talking so formally, he was leaning more toward girl.
Guy. What about you?
He wasn’t entirely expecting that, but he shrugged it off. He would probably be able to relate better to a guy anyway. Soulmates could be either romantic or platonic. He guessed this was just a case of it being platonic then.
I’m a guy too. How old are you? I just turned 10
I’m still nine, but I’ll be ten in about a month.
That settled some amount of uncertainty that had worked its way into his gut. Part of him had been worried that his soulmate was older than him and just hadn’t bothered to get into contact with him. Today was actually the first day that they would have been able to talk.
Yosuke thought for a few seconds. He wanted to get to know him a little bit more.
What are you doing right now?
I was just starting my homework.
What’re you gonna do after?
I’m not sure yet. I just got a new book though, so I might start reading that.
Homework and then reading. That wasn’t something Yosuke could ever visualize himself ever doing. How different were they if that was his plan for the night? 
What’s the book about?
As they kept writing, he was quickly realizing a problem. They were both writing fairly small, but there was only so much room on his arm to keep adding things. 
As he was writing a synopsis of the book, Yosuke stood up, walking to the bathroom. He grabbed a washcloth, getting it wet with warm water and soap. He started rubbing at some of the words on his arm, erasing some of it to make room for the new conversations. He supposed that doing this was just going to be a part of talking with his soulmate.
They spent the rest of the night talking with each other, getting to know each other’s hobbies and interests. 
His soulmate seemed to spend a lot of time reading and studying. Apparently he went to a cram school most nights. He participated in the soccer team at his school, but that was about the only thing he could relate to him on.
Even so, he was really enjoying talking to him. They were different, but it wasn’t a bad different.
As it reached 8 o’clock, his soulmate informed him that he needed to start getting ready for bed. Yosuke was disappointed, but didn’t fight him on it. There was one last thing he wanted to ask though.
Before you go, what exactly should I call you?
What do you mean?
I can’t just go around calling you my soulmate. That’s no good.
Oh. I don’t really care. Whatever you want to.
Yosuke thought about it for a few seconds, one word coming to mind.
We’re supposed to be linked together our whole lives, so you’re my partner in life.
There was a several second pause.
All right. Partner it is.
Yosuke smiled to himself as he stared down at the words written in someone else’s handwriting on his arm.
Good night, Partner. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
Good night.
Yosuke leaned back against his pillow, staring up at the ceiling, his chest so warm. He had good feelings for the future. 
After a few minutes, he stretched his arms up, blinking in surprise. He hadn’t realized it while they were talking, but he was absolutely covered in ink. Talking to him was going to be a messy process, he supposed. 
- - -
Over the years, the two of them kept up a consistent line of communication. It got to the point where he couldn’t even imagine living his life without him there.
They had come to an agreement that they wouldn’t try and figure out each other’s identities - if they were supposed to meet, then they would. They didn’t have to force it.
Besides, it was kind of nice to have someone who knew what was going on in his life who wasn’t actually involved in it. He always had someone to talk to about what was happening who didn’t necessarily have a personal stake in any of it. It just was good to get all his thoughts and feelings out.
And he often did the same thing in return. He felt like he knew things that no one else knew about him. From how overwhelmed he sometimes got from his parents’ expectations of him, to how he felt like all of his friendships were surface level at best, to how anxious he sometimes got when thinking about the future. 
He really liked those nights when they would talk about things like that. He liked getting to know who he really was.
He liked how he would sometimes look down at his hand to see that he had drawn a little doodle for him - usually it was a cat. He loved drawing cats for some reason.
Through everything though, he oftentimes wondered what he looked like or what his voice sounded like. How tall was he? What color was his hair? Did he have good taste in clothes? What did his smile look like? What did his laugh sound like? 
He wanted to know the answer to those questions so badly. He didn’t know for sure if they would ever meet though, and, even if, by some twist of fate, they met, how would they even know that it was them? Was it possible that they had met already and they just didn’t know it?
Questions like that kept him up at night, but, at the end of the day, there was nothing he could really do about those uncertainties but keep moving forward.
- - -
It was his first day of school as a second year. He was ready for this year to be great. He was ready for these upcoming days to be the best in his life. 
That was, he had been ready for all that until he crashed his bike.
He had barely made it to school on time, laying his head on his desk as he tried to push through the pain. 
When the new transfer student was introduced, he was barely paying attention - that was, he was barely paying attention until he glanced up to see him walking toward him, heading to the empty desk in front of him.
Just seeing his face made his breath catch in his throat. He didn’t think he had even seen a guy as handsome as he was. He was tall and it looked like he had a decent amount of muscle built up on his arms and chest. There was just something about him that made him want to talk to him and get to know him.
What was his name again?
He tried desperately to remember what he had said, but it was all a blur. 
The rest of the day, he spent staring at the back of his head, trying to think of what he should say to him. He could talk to him after class.
- - -
He didn’t get a chance to speak to him after class. 
There had been an announcement made saying that everyone was to stay in their classrooms. He had decided to take that opportunity to give Chie back the DVD she had leant him, only to realize that he had cracked it that morning when he had crashed. 
He didn’t even want to remember the pain that had happened after that.
He then had to rush to get to Junes to work a shift, so speaking to the transfer student was something that would have to wait until the next day. 
After he had gotten home, eaten, and taken a shower, he had climbed into bed, grabbing a pen off of his desk, clicking it open, and beginning to write.
How was your day?
He only had to wait a few minutes before there was a response.
It was fine. It’s a new school this year, but it doesn’t seem bad. What about you?
Huh, that was right. He had mentioned that he was transferring schools. He hoped that everything went well at his new one.
That’s good. I’m sure you’ll settle in in no time. And it was… I crashed my bike on the way to school
Oh no. Are you okay?
I’m fine. Oh, but there is a new transfer student in my class. He sits in front of me, but I just can’t remember his name.
Do you like him?
His face felt hot as he read that question. He had been the only one he had ever told about the confusion he had faced in regards to his sexuality. They had talked for a long time about it and he had eventually admitted that he was attracted to both guys and girls. It wasn’t something he was super comfortable admitting to other people though. 
During that same conversation, he had admitted to him that he was exclusively into guys as well. Hearing that had made him a little more comfortable, but also created even more of a kinship between them.
He’s really hot if that’s what you’re asking
That was what I was asking. You should really find out his name though.
I’m working on it.
They talked for a while longer before both deciding to call it for the night. 
He was definitely going to talk to the transfer student tomorrow.
- - -
He crashed his bike again. 
Straight into a trash can. 
To make matters worse, the transfer student watched him do it. He even helped him out of it.
He had never been so embarrassed in his life.
“Are you okay?” he asked, quiet worry apparent in his voice.
He let out a forced laugh, “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I really owe you one though.”
“It’s no problem. It’s just good that you’re not hurt.”
“Yeah… Oh! I’m Yosuke Hanamura by the way. We’re actually in the same class.”
“Yu Narukami.”
Yu. His name was Yu.
“It’s nice to meet you. We should probably get heading to school soon though or else we’re gonna be late.”
Yu nodded, beginning to walk in the direction of the school. He really didn’t talk much, did he? Then again, he probably talked enough to make up for two people, so it didn’t really bother him that much.
- - -
After school, he wound up hanging out with Yu and Chie, going to Junes for a while and talking about things. Chie made them promise to try out something called “The Midnight Channel” that night. It sounded kind of kiddish to him, but he would still try it out. 
He had gone home after that, heading up to his room and doing his homework, but, before he knew it, it was later at night. 
He had some time to kill before midnight, so he decided that he might as well talk to his Partner and get him caught up on what had happened that day.
He sat down on his bed with a pen, beginning to write on his arm.
I know his name.
There was a response almost immediately.
What is it?
Yu Narukami
There was a long pause. A longer pause than he ever remembered there being in the middle of a conversation. Was he all right? 
He waited a few more seconds, when, to his relief, there was a reply.
What do you think about him?
Well, like I said, he’s really hot. He doesn’t really talk a lot, but that’s fine. The first thing that he did was to help me, so I like that about him. And, I mean, we didn’t really get a long time to talk, but I really want to get to know him more. 
He had written a lot. That had taken up most of the space on his arm. 
He took a while to respond again.
I hope you do get to know him better.
They talked for a while longer, but he was acting a little bit weird. Was it possible that he was jealous about the fact that he wanted to get to know Yu or that he thought he was hot? He wanted to reassure him, but he also didn’t want to make any assumptions.
As it started getting closer to midnight, he cut off the conversation, saying that he had things he still needed to do that night. 
He still thought it was kind of dumb, but he went to go try and watch the Midnight Channel.
- - -
A lot happened the next day.
All three of them had watched the Midnight Channel and they had all seen someone on it. But then, Yu had said that he had unconsciously gone to touch his TV screen and his hand had gone through it.
Neither him or Chie really believed him. He had to have just been half asleep.
They had gone to Junes after school and gone to the electronics department. 
He hadn’t actually been half asleep. When they had gotten there, he had stuck his whole hand and arm into one of the TVs there, eventually sticking his whole head inside. 
Both he and Chie had started panicking, and, in that panic, all three of them had fallen completely inside the TV.
There was a whole nother world inside of there. One filled with fog that made him feel exhausted and nauseous. 
After a while, they had come across this weird bear… thing, who had offered them a way out. 
They were currently standing in the parking lot at Junes, saying their goodbyes. Chie left first, leaving just him and Yu.
He stretched his arms over his head, yawning, “Well, I should probably get going home too.”
Yu looked down at the ground, hesitating before speaking, “Actually, there was something that I wanted to talk to you about if you’d be willing.”
“What about?”
“Well…” He hesitated for a few seconds, “Do you want to come over?”
Come over? To his house? To his bedroom maybe? What did he want to talk to him about in there?
“Uh… why exactly?”
“There’s just something I really need to show you.”
He was looking at him almost pleadingly. Despite his concerns, there was something about him that made him not want to say no.
“All right. Let’s go.”
He gave him a soft, almost relieved looking smile. A smile that made his heart start to pound in his chest. 
He followed him as he led him to his house. His younger cousin was home and he briefly exchanged introductions with her before heading up the stairs to Yu’s room.
It was pretty bare in there - only the essentials that he needed for living. Then again, if he had just transferred, he probably hadn’t had a lot of time to fully settle in yet.
He sat down on the couch against one wall while Yu sat in his desk chair.
“So what did you need to talk to me about?”
Yu took a deep breath before reaching onto his desk and grabbing a pen, opening it, then placing it above his hand, writing something on it. 
He watched as he did it, his confusion only growing deeper. 
After a second, he looked up, meeting his eye. 
“Just look at your hand.”
At his hand? Why would he look at his hand?
He decided to humor him, lifting his hand up, his breath catching as he saw what was written there in his soulmate’s neat and precise handwriting.
He looked up to see Yu smiling at him - a smile that made his heart start to pound. 
Yosuke didn’t even quite register what he was doing as he stood, clearing the small distance between them, and wrapping his arms around him, more or less moving to be sitting in his lap.
He grunted, but wrapped his arms around his waist as well, holding him against him.
Neither of them spoke for a few minutes. He was so warm and comfortable. Familiar, yet not at the same time. 
How could this be real? This was his soulmate. His Partner. They were actually getting to see each other in the flesh. It was almost too good to be true.
After a while, he pulled back slightly. There were tears in his eyes as he spoke.
“I can’t believe that it’s actually you. I didn’t know if we’d ever actually get to see each other.”
Yu reached up, laying his palm against his cheek. It was oddly intimate, but he found that he really didn’t mind it, leaning into the touch.
“It is a little hard to believe that we’d end up so close together.”
“How long have you known that it was me?”
“Not until you wrote my name.”
Yosuke’s heart seemed to stop as he remembered something. He groaned, burying his face against his collar bone, “That means I told you directly how hot I thought you were.”
“‘Were’? You don’t think so anymore?”
He pulled back, glaring at him, “Of course I still think you’re hot.”
He gave a small laugh. A laugh that made his heart start to flutter.
“You’re pretty hot yourself.”
He made a noise, once again burying his face into his collar bone. He had never been called hot before and it was so embarrassing. 
Yu began to gently run his fingers through his hair. That was such a pleasant sensation - one that he could easily fall asleep to. 
“So, if you’re willing, do you want to maybe hang out like this more often?” Yu asked. 
Yosuke pulled slightly back off of him, looking into his hopeful gray eyes.
“Of course. You’re gonna have a tough time getting rid of me now.”
He laughed. “That sounds perfect.”
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snootlestheangel · 10 months
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Sorry for so many I'm just really curious about these.
Be curious I actually love all the questions on this particular ask thing
3. Silence is Golden But Consequences Are Red is by far my favorite. I'm incredibly biased, of course. It's my first COD fic, it's my first fic in general to reach over 4k hits on ao3, it's got some of my best writing in it, and I just love the story. There's something really special about that fic to me
4. Hmm let's see... 6 in terms of what's been posted already (should be 5 cause I've pretty much abandoned Cheers to the Unknown for now). If you want to discount Cheers and count the 2 AUs I want to post soon it's 7. Definitely doing the Prison Break AU and GazAlex Undercover AU
8. Too many. Counting my crochet projects I have 11 actively being worked on. The WIPs and 4 crochet projects.
16. Before writing typically. I try to come up with a title for myself mostly, for when I make personal notes and such. But I also like to have a title beforehand to act as a guide for what I want to achieve. Sometimes my works change but somehow they always still fit with the title. It's pretty interesting the way my brain does that unintentionally
17. Probably just the names of really obscure military trucks
29. I am torn on this question please
Ive cut a decent amount from works but I don't have them anymore and I'm also on my phone in my car so... even if I did I can't post it right now. So instead I'll add an AU idea I'll never write (most likely)
Civilian AU but they live in a modern fantasy world where you can have small dragons as pets
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rowavolo · 11 months
hellooo! same anon who asked about your s/is (and who should probably use a name considering how tight a grip these pixels have on me..) and i am both asking about your angel s/i and for permission to be insane about lucifer.. hes such a guy your honor <3
!!! gasps hi there :D !! (if you'd like to assign yourself a name, you absolutely may!!)
you have standing permission to be insane about just about whoever you like in my inbox!! i love lucifer, he's so sweet and fun and he has this absolutely silly streak that i feel doesn't get discussed much in the fandom, i love him so much!!!! the ruling is in, absolutely a guy!!!!
oh you have opened a Can of Worms here!!
angel s/i rambles below the cut!
okay OKAY so my angel s/i (his name is just mine. boring, ik), i have taken A Lot of liberties with because of the lack of knowledge we had at the time about the celestial realm in obey me - a lot of my celestial realm stuff is just reworked from an old project i had floating about so i guess you could basically consider it an AU at this point.
anyways, the angels are loosely sorted into different 'castes' named after metals and the like that match the colour of their blood (though in their human forms they do still have 'humanish' traits like blushing and the like because of how frequently they interact with the mortal realm). i imagine the celestial realm to be a big spire that looks vaguely like a phyllotactic tower (if youre not familiar, look em up, theyre based off of plants and are super neat! theyre designed to allow each level to have some amount of sunlight!)
anyways, onto Actual Stuff about him, he looks a lot like me but with some silly angelic traits (though i imagine he does have a really cool 'true form' (aka what is used for combat)). here's a scribble i did some time ago!
Tumblr media
his whole premise is that he's in an arranged marriage with Diavolo, the main fic is set some time after the Big Celestial War, after some other skirmishes and whatnot (insert whatever smart sounding exposition here), and he was chosen because he was like .. relatively high ranking (electrum caste, right between gold and silver), he played enough of a visible part in negotiations to be offered as a sort of 'token of peace', and has been told time and time again what an honour it is to be married to the demon lord
in the main au at least, he's pretty content and happy, he falls for diavolo and develops a big qpp crush on lucifer, causes a general ruckus in the devildom because of his weird angel habits (hes also the first fully fledged angel to live in the devildom which is like unheard of at the time).
he's a little goofy silly, and sort of sucks with a lot of the expectations and manners and such that the celestial realms enforced so heavily (both due to the electrum caste being a sort of .. group of oddballs/a bit more laid back and the fact that hes just .. kinda naturally a bit Strange (read: neurodivergent)) but he does his very best (even if the outlandish stuff he does leaves even barbatos reeling at times)
umm yea twirling my hair nervously im not rly sure what else to say about him but ive written a pretty decent amount for him and i just love the relationship he has with dia, this AU as a whole just holds a really dear place in my heart, there's something fun about arranged marriages tbh!
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mejomonster · 2 years
Daomubiji is the gayest "not written to be intentionally gay" I've ran into in the cwebnovel world. Like. In English? Yeah plenty of fuckers especially pre 2015 would make a story gay but never intend it to be read that way and yell at people who did (and some who didnt get mad but also didnt want to embrace that potentiality). Occasionally making something intensely gay. Nowadays most English stuff either is aware of how gay it wrote shit and therefore okay with itself as that, or is so unintentional it's just a baffling situation
Meanwhile in cwebnovels it's a pretty established genre to just put out gay content so usually if it's gay it's already fully aware it's writing in such a way (now cdramas are another story since it's the foggy land of some gay stuff being adapted to "bromance" meanwhile some purposely friendship stuff trying it's hardest to slide toward "bromance" to capitalize on that angle without actually being gay, then the ones in the middle happy to capitalize on the gay and playing hard and loose and not really confirming what their intent truly is -dmbj shows are Now Here-, and then original script "bromances" fully intending to be gay the way Xena was like Killer and Healer which I applaud for wanting to do gay in an impossible environment with no book to lean on as the reason it was made gay as it was - mriad also toed this, that tan jianci show recently did etc). So like usually if it's Not overtly gay as a novel I assume no intention was purposeful, at least not much. (Though to be fair maybe there are authors utilizing subtext and a bit scared to go overt gay cause of how that may affect them/sales/their future etc, which may be going on but I am not aware enough of everything in non-gay novel land to comment. Fair enough though that was certainly going on in Hayes code America in the film industry, with some people making gay threesome art films sliding past the radar on purpose, others making metaphor as literal wasn't alloved, others accidentally making subtext rather than on purpose, and I'd say to some degree novel wise that would have been going on as well. I didn't read many us novels from 70s-2000 but iwtv made gay implied and the sequel a decent time later made gay overt and I'd assume some bigger safety in writing gay characters was felt by authors later in the century).
Anyway, my point. Of the small amount ive read, dmbj is sure the gayest "not in the gay genre" cnovel I've found. There's The Kings Avatar, that's big, can anyone tell me if it's gay? There's Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms, which has a gay side couple but that's not quite the same. There's LiuLi (Love and Redemptions novel), but a main character who's multiple genders and a bi love interest is just... not common in general anywhere so that's more of a one off thing (I'd love for it to be more common though). Mostly the big stuff that comes out that people interpret as gay out of cnovel land... IS purposefully fully intended as gay.
Meanwhile dmbj show wise, is at the point where scenes adapted from its own novel get cut for being too gay (oh wu xie u bastard cat ur too into xiaoge for censors to bear). Dmbj show wise, for a while, for baffling reasons post The Lost Tomb (because if you squint HARD there's non gay reasons to put in all the gay scenes as a speed run implied instant Platonic fondness/connection that's just using romance action tropes to speed it up to communicate to audience since it only has like 10 episodes... again, if you squint I can see an oblivious straight person somehow thinking it was straight). But then by The Lost Tomb 2 you've got the saving him in a tux in his arms shit, Ultimate Note you've got scenes Being cut for being "too gay" wu xie, in Reboot you've got the whole cast well aware of ships and nanpai Sandshu also WELL aware by that point so if there's any "bromance" now towing the line of gay it's at least likely on purpose and self aware they're on the line.
But then there's. The fucking novels. Wu Xie my dude. Iron triangle my guys. How did all this accidentally happen? Is this the beautiful outcome of npss starting fanfic with no idea where it would end? You genderbend a love interest, make the guy embody ur idea of cool so u have to have ur viewpoint character wu xie notice how Cool said Cool Guy is, and the gender ambiguous premise leads to romantic interest slanting framing of such character, leads to that entire structure continuing long after u decided emo boy is a dude, wu xie is into men now and ur in way too deep now to backtrack so pangzis commenting, now ur cool emo got Emotionally Attached to one person in this whole world and it's ur viewpoint dude, now he's sacrificing for him, now they're at Minimum as gay as Kirk and Spock and quickly hurtling to Xena/Gabrielle levels. And I'm googling pingxie having heard of dmbj, having never seen an episode, ans finding its one of the biggest Ships TM. Thinking it's some fan ship with no Canon basis like idk captain america/iron man, then I watch The Lost Tomb and no these fuxkers as gay as Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan to my assumption. Then I look up the books and it's. Odd. They're definitely soulmates, they don't date others, they retire together, xiaoge sees wu xie as The Person for his ass TM, and it's uh. It is what it is. They're life partners for sure anyway. So it's a kirk/spock situation at minimum. But, if you watch the shows it's treading on "this Bromance is so close to/possibly Is Romance that we are being assumed as actual bl" line. Which I guess in show form is Xena/Gabrielle. Cause most censored bl dramas are xena/gabrielle level (lovers but you gotta be Just vague enough about it to be allowed to air). And thus is established, the gayest pair of "are they gay" I've run into in chinese media. (To be compared with the youtube series Are You Gay of Kirk/Spock, a question for the ages).
I'm just. They're so gay. They're whatever they are in canon, and why. Its fun to think of why (before the shows slid them pretty firmly into "is might as well be bl territory so assume it is" with the way the show teams handle it). Like. Is it all just a happy accident of npss, a fanfic turned original universe that of course includes anything and everything (comets from space, giant snakes, emo immortals, hair monsters) so why wouldn't it also include gay chosen soulmate fuckers in the center. Is dmbj an interesting example of what fiction can grow and turn into of its own accord, as it evolves over years and becomes its own entity of development? It's interesting. It's interesting what else may eventually develop and shift. (Take what I said with heaps of salt though, I still need to read a Lot more of the books, I'm a newbie with them and still happy to fall into many more of them)
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
The Five Scares (and one revenge)
Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having a tendency to scare people, Corpse has gotten used to his friends being jumpy whenever he appears from the void into a Discord call with them. However, the one who has it the roughest with the spooks has to be his partner Y/N. Basically: The five times Corpse scared Y/N and the one time they scared him
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your lovely request it was a real joy to write and I had a ton of fun doing so! Hope you have equally as wonderful of a time if you happen to come across it and give it a read despite the long wait you’ve had to endure which I apologize for. Love, Vy ❤
Having had to go home for the night to keep an eye on their roommate’s dog, Y/N and Corpse agreed to have a video call before they fell asleep. They didn’t want to appear like that typical clingy and cheesy couple but after spending almost a whole week curled up in Corpse’s apartment, the two would feel each other’s absence to a very saddening degree to the point where they’d even forget the other isn’t around and would call out to them. 
Letting the call ring, Y/N’s hand comes up to smooth out their hair. However, the touch reveals to them that their hair needs a bit more than a simple tap or a pat to be tamed so while they wait for Corpse to answer the call, they quickly head to their bathroom. Flicking the light on, their reflection greets them with the underwhelming news of the actual state of their hair at the moment: an absolute mess. They proceed to do their best with the single hair-tie they have handy. A bobby pin or two would be neat but they have no time to go and grab one right now, seeing as how they can’t recall if they even brought them back from Corpse’s apartment. If they didn’t, they would have to search their roommate’s room for some which would take an even longer amount of time.
Eventually, they manage to tame it in something closely resembling a presentable ponytail and exit the bathroom feeling more exhausted than before. With a loud sigh, they crash onto their bed, face-first into the sea of pillows, groaning at the slight sting of their muscles relaxing at last.
“Y/N?“ The decently loud mention of their name by a deep, familiar yet sudden and unexpected voice startles them to the point of squealing and jumping an entire inch away from where they were positioned.
They look around their room in a frenzy, wondering where on Earth that voice came from and how it could be here with them right now.
“Y/N, you there?”, before they could locate it, it emerges once again, helping Y/N get an ide of where it’s coming from - somewhere in the messed up bed sheets.
“Corpse?“ They finally find their voice, “Y-yeah I’m here. Question is: how are you...“ and then it all clicks, causing them to twist their face in an expression of utter disappointment and bury it in the palms of their hands, groaning.
“You forgot about the video chat, didn’t you?“ Corpse asks, amusement not even attempted to be hidden in his voice.
It’s been one hell of a day. Y/N’s college lectures exhausted them to a max and their six hour job following their classes did nothing to help them AT ALL. Quite the opposite actually. Makes sense why they look, move and talk the way they’re doing right now: like a ghost, zombie and an elder combined in one. To add to their misfortunes for the day, they were met with the mocking ‘OUT OF ORDER’ sign taped to the doors of the elevator, laughing in their face with the information that their hellish experience for the day is far from over.
Just the thought of having to climb to the fifth floor made their stomach turn in the most unpleasant way possible, but the though of how long that would take made matters even worse. Arriving at their designated apartment, they have every right to be pissed, cussing their heart out. 
However, then comes a new problem: the inability to pinpoint the correct key. They proceed to curse themselves, the keys, the door handle and the door itself before punching the poor wood that did no wrong and just stands here, serving its purpose of keeping unwanted people out of the apartment it’s guarding.
Following their anger outburst and front-door-abuse, they proceed to try finding the correct key once again, this time slightly more calmly as to not accidentally miss it in their frantic rifling.
Right as they’re about to try the third key, however, the door opens. Well, it’s opened by someone on the other side, that someone being none other than their boyfriend Corpse who’s currently staring at them wide-eyed, one eyebrow raised, the word ‘confused’ basically written across his face.
While he’s processing the sight in front of him, Y/N lets out a little scream, jumping back and away from the door, a hand placed over their chest as their wide eyes scan their boyfriend who now seems equally terrified as a result of their reaction.
“Corpse?!“ They manage to gasp, barely hearing their own voice over the loud thumping of their heart and the rush of blood in their ears, “What the hell are you doing here?!“
The confusion on Corpse’s face deepens, reaching whole new levels as his eyes gaze deeper into theirs, searching for the meaning behind their bizarre question. “You mean...at my own apartment? What am I doing, at home?“
For a few seconds, the two just stare blankly at one another, processing everything that’s just happened. Suddenly, it all just kinda caves for Y/N and they burst out laughing, doubling over, their arms clutching at their stomach as they do so. Their laughter is contagious, so Corpse can’t help but let out a few chuckles himself.
“Alright, you’ve been driven to insanity, I can tell.“ He mumbles at his reckless partner, coming up behind them and wraps his arms around them, lifting them up and carrying their laughing ass inside.
Finally deciding to sit down and get this damn project started, Y/N already feels like they’ve had enough of it, burnout already creeping in and threatening to ruin their work and trip them up every step of the way. It wouldn’t have been so bad had the subject not been one they absolutely despise and wish they could get out of studying but alas they’re stuck with it.
They equip their headphones as soon as they plant their butt on the desk chair in their tiny room in their tiny roommate-shared apartment, putting their Spotify playlist on shuffle as they open a blank Power Point document. They work better with music blasting in their ears since the silence tends to be too loud and distracting when they’re trying to focus. So, that way they can also sing their heart out in peace and not get disturbed by the sound of their own off-key singing. Win-win, basically.
Singing ‘Never Forget You’ by Zara Larsson and MNEK, they get a little carried away, ditching the project to enter a full-blown music video they can imagine down to the detail in their mind.
However, there’s a surprise awaiting them.
As soon as MNEK’s part of the song begins, another voice apart from his echoes through their headphones, singing along to the song. Freaking the fuck out, they let out a loud scream, smacking the headset off them, sending the object falling and landing on their laptop keyboard with a crash that only serves to further startle their roommate’s dog which comes to check if they are being attacked or something only to be disappointed by the lack of action.
When pushing the headphones off, they did so with a force strong enough to snap the cable out of the laptop entirely so now the room is filled with the sound of that same foreign voice laughing his ass off.
A voice that belongs to no other than Corpse Husband himself.
“You gotta learn to disconnect from Discord calls, Y/N.“ The fucker says, still cackling wholeheartedly at his partner’s misery.
Pissed off or not, Y/N would have to admit he’s got a point. But they’d also rather never speak again than admit it so...
“Fuck you!“ is what they say instead, seconds before disconnecting.
Making breakfast is not something either Corpse or Y/N are used to, mostly cause they both either wake up late or skip the meal entirely. Regardless, having been given a day off from work and having no classes since it’s Saturday, Y/N saw no better way to start their day off than to prepare a nice breakfast for them and their boyfriend to enjoy. Problem is: they aren’t the most skilled in the kitchen. Sure they can scramble an egg or make mac and cheese, but in order to do it correctly they are not allowed to have distractions of any kind. Not even music, that’s how you know it’s serious.
Seeing as how Corpse has never seen them cook, he’s obviously unaware of theirs. The dummy straight up waltzes into the kitchen, unintentionally remaining unspotted and unheard by Y/N because he’s barefoot and because they have their back turned to him.
“Whatya cooking over there babe?“
Y/N’s focus bubble, being as thin as it is and considering they initially thought Corpse was still asleep, they have every right to let out the yelp they just did, dropping the egg they were gonna crack over the pan in said pan in its entirety - yes, shell and all.
A moment of silence commences: regretful on Corpse’s end and frustrated on theirs. Neither of them dares to say anything to avoid triggering the other. Well, that’s the case until Y/N decides enough’s enough and they turn to look at him, a wide, obviously fake smile plastered onto their face.
“Scrambled eggs, following a secret recipe, property of the L/N family.“
Seems like your pre-breakfast snack is an extra large dose of sarcasm, huh?
“So, how was your day? You sound pretty chipper so I take it wasn’t a nightmare like a few days ago.“ Corpse comments over the phone, listening to shuffling and shifting as Y/N moves around the apartment, getting ready to head out.
“It was great actually. Got some important results back and, not to brag or anything, but they were higher than I expected.“ They reply, a genuine wide grin refusing to leave their face as they silently count the amount of money they’ve got in their wallet. “I’m gonna go buy a cake so we can celebrate it. It’s no small deal, trust me, especially not when I initially thought I’d fail both these exams to the point of being pitied.“
“Wait...-“ Corpse attempts, his voice suddenly sounding strained and urgent but that’s the very reason he cannot seem to find or get the right words out of his system. Not that Y/N gives him any time to figure it out.
“No Corpse, you cannot change my mind. Cake and beers, we’re celebrating toni- SHIT!“ They scream as they throw open the front door, bumping square into someone standing on the other side, almost dropping their phone.
Taken aback by embarrassment and fear, they leap back, their eyes searching for the ones of the person whose personal space they just invaded. Well, to be fair, he was the one invading their personal space by standing right outside the door to their - well, to Corpse’s apartment.
The fear and irritation die down almost instantly when Y/N recognizes the person standing opposite them.
“Mind telling me why we’re talking on the phone when you could’ve come in and we could’ve had a normal person conversation?!“ They snap, ironically enough - they’re still holding the phone to their ear.
So is Corpse whos is smiling guiltily, “That’s why I called, I forgot my keys, but I got...carried...sorry.”
Well, at least this serves as proof Y/N’s not the only forgetful one.
                                                            ~  ~  ~
Corpse has been stuck in his recording room for four hours now, never stopping his stream to take care of his basic human needs such as eating or going to the bathroom. This behavior of his has Y/N worried sick and unable to focus on the task at hand - an assignment they’ve been trying to finish for two hours now, sitting with their computer on their lap and looking hopelessly at the blank Word document waiting for them to fill it up while they are waiting for it to start writing itself.
Seeing as how neither are gonna happen, not until Y/N puts their mind at ease, they slowly put the laptop aside, standing up to carefully skip on over to Corpse’s recording room to check on him, stopping by the kitchen to grab him a snack and a bottle of water along the way.
The door to the darkened room is open a crack, as usual, suggesting they can enter without knocking - this also means he’ll probably not hear them even if they knock so the whole gesture would be pointless. Not that Y/N has a tendency to knock or anything... Waltzing in, they find that the only light in the room is the very faint and dark glow of the computer screen which is displaying a dark and dingy room from a first-person view of the protagonist of whatever game Corpse’s currently playing.
“Corpse?!“ They whisper-yell/hiss at him, trying their best to grasp his attention without startling him - they don’t need to be told that the game is of the horror genre and the last thing they need is for their boyfriend to flip backwards and fall out of his chair because they scared the shit out of him. “Hey?!“
Neither attempts prove futile so, despite their best instincts telling them differently, they walk over to him and tap him on the shoulder. The reaction, while within the realm of expectancy, is a lot more startled than they expected, accompanied by a scream on top of all. They’d never heard him scream in fear before, it’s quite amusing if they’re being honest.
They suppress a snicker as Corpse’s wide open eyes meet their squinting ones in the darkness, “Y/N...babe...what is it? Is everything ok?”
Y/N rolls their eyes, “No, everything isn’t ok. Your unhealthy habit of forgetting to take care of yourself, for example.” They put the snack and the bottle on the his desk, giving him their best disappointed-parent look before turning on their heel to strut their way out of the room. However, just as they are about to make their exit, they stop right at the doorframe, giving their stunned one final glance over their shoulder with a smug smirk playing across their face, “Oh and by the way, that’s what I like to call revenge.” Just like that, they leave, pushing the door back into its previous position.
And boy, is it some sweet, sweet revenge.
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crysicicleskoriart · 3 years
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i got rid of the last post for this au cause my wording was kinda shit and made me sound like an ass so lets try this again
yes its based on the pink corruption fan series but its not related it mostly takes the base layer first episode concepts and a few names cause i liked them
it legit started as an inside joke between me and my friend about rewriting the series and kinda devolved into its own little project that ive kept under wraps out of fear of getting backlash
at this point amount of different lore ive written for this it might as well be its own thing
to put it simply i though the og pink corruption had a decent idea but didnt do it very well so im doing my own version 
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kareofbears · 4 years
Thoughts on Shusumi as a ship?
i think ive stared at this ask long enough to type out something half decent 
short answer: no, sorry not for me, but its not her fault.
the rest is under the cut because i love to prattle
long answer: ive talked about this before and ill keep talking about it, which is the tragedy of yoshizawa sumire’s character. basically atlus decided that they wanted to make sumire the perfect girl in the entire game. she has to hit every single box on the waifu checklist without fail.
they introduce her as the mysterious character--she saves joker right  at the beginning of the game and its supposed to be a shocking moment for returning players because ‘why does joker need help from some girl oh my she must be so cool!’ and immedietely youre supposed to be intrigued by her and her mystery. but then right after they do that, they re introduce her by doing the most stereotypical archetype of the male love interest saving the cute small girl from a creepy man to show how good of a guy he is and in that moment Atlus had locked themselves into an uneven power dynamic between shusumi--she feels indebted to him because he saved her! so she has to work hard to make it up to him! classic anime trope because dudebros love that whole ‘girl throws herself at me because of how amazing i am’ thing. and its supposed to be a fun play because ‘how fun, they saved each other’ but honestly sumire literally did not need to save joker in sae’s palace because???? what??? it just doesnt make sense?????? even the game couldnt explain that part properly afterwards. 
and to add insult to injury, they make her call him senpai. theres this trope in anime called the imoto trope which translates to “little sister.” this could be non-sexual/romantic but many times it just means that a girl looks for guidance to a male figure in her life so he can “protect” her so she feels indebted/reliant to him, etc. the fact that shes the only one calling him senpai makes her perfectly slot into the imoto trope. it’s tripe. its annoying. its demeaning. it’s especially infuriating because futaba is already the imoto figure in this stupid game and she works perfectly without a romantic subplot. they just want to give akira another leg-up over sumire for the dudebros because dudebros eat that kind of shit up
and thats the most annoying thing!! 
look, i love yoshizawa sumire with my entire heart. shes a great character with an incredible backstory. ive written a lot of fic about her. i love her. shes great. Atlus knows shes great--they made her great because in order to make a perfect waifu you need to make her three dimensional because the dudebros would never accept a half-assed waifu because jeez who do you think we are
but. atlus did this horrifically infuriating thing where they know sumire is great BUT they did it in a way where she will never ever be better than, or threaten the power and competence, of the player.
its like they’re (atlus) playing the most infuriating game of im not touching you when they were trying to make sumires character. they make this character and she’s super cool (but not rude! because if shes rude then shes a bitch and she wont be waifu material!) and she’s a badass (but she isnt as good as joker! because he still has to be the most skillful character for some reason!) she has to be pretty (but she can’t be interested in shopping or makeup because shes supposed to be smart and not like other girls!)
because atlus miscalculated while they were developping sumire--because they were so desperate in making her a three dimmensional character (because remember, she can’t be one of those normal girls, she has to be different), they erased who she was to the point that she isn’t a character anymore. she’s a girl that’s ten tropes rolled into one--she’s the badass good girl, she’s a girl with a   tragic backstory so akira can ‘fix’ her (her flaws are all accounted for and fixed and that is not a good thing in writing but i wont get into it now). its like they wrote this great backstory for a character and then panicked that you might not like her, so they shoved in twelve other tactics to make her likeable.
she’s pretty, she’s deep, she’s perfect. she’s hollow. Yoshizawa Sumire only exists to be a love interest in persona 5 royal. 
she can’t stand on her own legs as a character because she isn’t a character--she’s only there to be akira’s perfect other half; from her metaverse outfit, to the weirdly frequent and often one-on-one hangouts the two of them have, to their boss battle??? (oh yes a boss battle is necessary so that these two characters can move past whatever feud they have so their relationship can strengthen and they’re even more perfect together, etc, its another way atlus is forcing us to see how great sumire and akira are together) 
and that’s why i dont like shusumi as a ship. because why in hell is atlus trying to shove this “perfect waifu” down our throats when its supposed to be the player’s choice? we as the players have no choice but to see sumire constantly. its like atlus doesnt trust us to see how great their new character is on our own--which is a shame, because ironically if they had given us less sumire screentime i probably would have like how she was used way more. 
atlus tried too hard, and that was the cause of sumire’s downfall, and by extension, the downfall of shusumi. 
short explanation part two: anyway shusumi isnt for me because it never stood a chance against akiryu
if you like shusumi, great! good for you. but if i was, say, a shuann shipper, i would be so so so annoyed because its like atlus just shafted all of their other characters to make room for their shiny new one.
I don't like shusumi because the result was not enough given the sheer amount of screentime that that had together. It did not justify how much time and development it took away from the other characters. Atlus weakened it's own game by devoting so much of it to shusumi.
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sunshinexlollipops · 6 years
So Ive been reading ur fic and oh boy do you write dutch so well!!!!! I can really feel just how twofaced his character is just like in canon. But it has me wonderin...whats Your least favorite thing about Dutch???
Okay. So. Dutch Van Der Linde.
Dutch Van Der Plan.
A man of big faith, but little mind.
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(You can see his mango of a brain is trying to process something. Bless.)
Anyways. This is long so buckle up.
So, one thing that really, really bothers me is the fact that Dutch literally never wanted to leave the life of an outlaw, and we could’ve avoided EVERY event of the game (and RDR1) had it been for one decision of Dutch’s.
Now, I’ve been reading Arthur’s journal like a mofo, especially for the events he wrote about before our gameplay begins in Chapter 1/Colter.
In it, Arthur mentions that there had actually been a plot of land that the gang was going to buy and settle on (location not mentioned), but Dutch ended up passing on it with no exact reason as to why.
(I say this because Arthur seems to theorize on why Dutch deemed it unworthy of taking. As for Micah being an influence on Dutch’s decision, he might have been. This entry actually talks about Dutch picking Micah up in the Grizzles after meeting him in a bar. He very well could’ve sparked Dutch into rejecting his intention of purchasing the land. After all, Arthur makes a point of saying Dutch is immediately enraptured with Micah, for which he doesn’t understand or like.)
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(Sorry if it’s hard to read, for some reason my game disc won’t read no matter what I do — it’s a disc drive issue unfortunately — so I downloaded the companion app. This is how the journal appears in it so sorry if it’s hard to make out!)
The gang at this point could afford a plot of land, or at least, they had a decent amount of money going and they seemed to be in the clear. So buying land could’ve been doable for them.
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How much isn’t exactly stated, and I’m not sure if it matches up with any of the numbers Arthur had written down at the beginning of the game (and like it matters, considering you’re not able to get it).
But the point I’m making is: they could’ve easily bought a plot of land and settled down before the Blackwater ferry attempt, but Dutch refused.
In fact, it was Dutch’s idea to rob the ferry after hearing about it, and he and Micah ended up getting excited and over their heads with the prospect. They never camped there with the intentions of such a heist, so it was only meant to be a thing in passing while they headed westward, towards California.
It’s mentioned a couple of times in the game that their intentions were to get there (or other places, as Arthur writes that Dutch never seems set on any location as they move along) and buy land to start ranching and living honest lives.
In fact, one of your later interactions with Leopold Strauss (I believe about the point where you’re in Shady Belle) discusses this in passing, when Strauss tells Arthur that he plans on going to Australia instead of trying his hand at homesteading.
They all had this expectation of: one more good score, and then we’re done.
I’m not exactly sure how the gang would’ve settled, I doubt a few would. Bill, Micah— those are two I know would never be able, the way they are. I feel like Swanson would also have a hard time of it, as he needed the downfall of the gang to get cleaned up (as I mentioned in my recent chapter, he’s addicted to morphine in the game— it’s not explicitly stated, but Arthur can find Swanson’s stash hidden in a bible if you look at his belongings in camp).
The others would be fine. While some didn’t get the chance, most of the gang were able to make something of themselves after everything fell apart. So it’s not like they weren’t against or incapable of such a thing.
So really, it would have been a lie if Dutch denied it because he knew no one would take to it. They would need to adjust, yeah, but Dutch wouldn’t have had utter chaos on his hands from a majority of them being unable to switch into a more domestic lifestyle.
I honestly think he was just taken by Micah, and he truly engaged his envisionment of what their gang could be. It all just fed into the god complex he seemed to truly pick up as the story progresses, and Hosea and Arthur were losing their ability to reason with him.
He gets obsessed with philosophy of them being idolized, of him being a martyr, especially with this book he is always reading by the time you get to Horseshoe by a writer named Evelyn Miller. (He reads others by him too, and is just enthralled with what he has to say, but this seems to be the first he picks up and reads by the way Dutch discusses it.)
Because of Miller, I got some random and telling dialogue while walking through camp one day.
Dutch compares the gang to animals that Miller is discussing— ones that come out better than the rest because they survived where others died.
He compares their adaptation to his righteousness, as though they are the same thing.
With how Dutch views civilization as a curse and the new oncoming age of the world to be barbaric, I’m pretty sure he considers outlaws to be a pure and dying breed.
He always compares himself to an animal who is simply fighting to survive, and not a man with a choice. A conscience. It’s why he begins to give in so easily to darker actions and tendencies, and it really only fuels his downfall.
I think he viewed them taking up a plot of land and settling as admitting defeat, of letting the world and the so-called bastards who are changing it in the ways he despises win.
I doubt Dutch would ever let the gang settle, even if the ferry robbery went smoothly, and Hosea and Arthur managed to make their real estate scam work right after and got out just as easily.
His corruption was set before we got a chance to play, so it’s just something I don’t think he was capable of at that point. Even if everything was perfect for them to do so, because it sounds like it was, before Blackwater.
So, in short, Dutch Van Der Linde could’ve had the chance to settle the gang down and let them live good and decent lives, but he refused and caused the entire mess that follows.
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votometrash · 6 years
Love Choice Review
Okay so I had no idea Masquerade Kiss would be Love Choice, but this title has managed to tempt me into reading it anyway. I can’t say I’m happy about it but there are a lot of things I have to say, since the whole Love Choice (LC) system has been controversial, or just incredibly detested/undesired, ever since its conception. And it does suck since I’ve been wanting Voltage to release more mature titles (and the whole female spy thing was just a plus, I guess). Voltage did a really good job of hyping up this release and I love/hate them for it lmao. But yeah here are my two cents on the LC feature. Sorry for the longass rant in advance. If you only care about my opinion regarding Masquerade Kiss and Kazuomi Shido’s route then you can check out my review later on my blog (if and when I get to it). But I still mention the title here and there in this review since it is the first LC main story that was released.
For most people who have been with Voltage for a long time, LC is probably one of the worst things on the planet, right after the Love 365 app debacle which caused many to lose their stories if they weren’t aware of the transfer dates or not able to transfer their data (technically they’re losing the right/license to access those stories, cause they don’t own them) and all the other customer service horror stories you can think of. Generally, for people who think that converting coins into hearts and not being able to read the story however they want are terrible ideas, they will outright avoid LC titles/stories. Since LC is F2P, it isn’t much different from the other otome/visual novels that have premium options where people have the option to spend money.
But let’s just think about it for a moment.
The appeal of LC is that you can read the stories completely free of charge. Yes, there is a countdown timer which prevents you from reading the next episode immediately and you would have to spend hearts to bypass that. But let’s keep in mind that Voltage Entertainment USA (aka the subsidiary which creates apps catered towards Western audiences) is also doing something similar with the ticket system. Plus they don’t even give you the option to buy routes anymore, which is why we should be thankful that Voltage Inc hasn’t done that with their Japanese apps yet. I just want to make the best of what we are given (and hopefully try to get a little enjoyment out of it), even if LC is terribly implemented.
So just hear me out for a second. A very long second.
If you’re not one of those people who need every single CG and ending AND don’t mind the wait, this post is mainly for you.
PLEASE JUST READ THE DAMN STORY. LIKE READ MASQUERADE KISS RIGHT NOW WHILE THERE IS NO WAIT TIME (until 2/17). It costs you nothing and you will still get a pretty complete experience.  Don’t be stupid and believe that you’re missing out if you don’t get the CG’s. Go look the CG’s up online or something if you have to because I’m sure someone has posted them regardless of whether it’s allowed or not. It has a decent plot that doesn’t make me want to ram my head into a wall from secondhand embarrassment. Sure there are aspects of it that weren’t written well (will be explained in my review later) but it’s still a good story and I don’t regret reading it. It would be a shame to miss out just because you’re too busy hating on the system. If you don’t want to spend your free hearts (or don’t have enough) on CG’s that cost you 20-30 hearts and options that require hearts, just use it towards reading the next couple episodes (for when they go back to subjecting you to wait times). At least you still won’t be using as many hearts. Yeah the CG’s and love choices are hella expensive and they shouldn’t be. It might even feel like you’re being punished for not choosing those choices because in the end you won’t be getting the happy ending. But they’re not NECESSARY. However, if you still want the CG’s/happy endings, just reread it again later when you get enough hearts. I don’t know, that’s not a priority for me so I can wait on unlocking those CG’s. 
From Episode 1 up to the second to last episode, you’re getting the same. exact. content. Let me repeat that. YOU GET THE SAME EXACT CONTENT. The only thing is that you won’t get all of the CG’s or the super happy ending, which are what people are really paying for. Is it really worth it??? Voltage apps don’t have bad endings. They’re either the romantic/passionate alternate endings or it’s happy(or normal)/super happy endings. No endings where it’s game over, you’re dead or oops you screwed up this entire thing. You’re essentially getting the same ending, just a slightly different view of the events. Just more vanilla, if you don’t get the “better” ending. Slightly fewer lines of text, less description. Big whoop. That and well, you don’t get the CG. Too bad. No personal bragging rights for me to put on my metaphorical trophy pedestal. For me, reading the visual novel is the main goal. The art and CG’s are just a plus, a very much appreciate plus. I would care more about the plot because if you are reading a terribly written story, what’s the point in having good art anyways? You look at it for a bit and just move on to something else that isn’t a waste of time.  
And like....come on. If you hate the LC feature, that’s all the more the reason why you should try it. It won’t even hurt you to read the story if you’re adamant on not spending money/converting coins. Even if it’s terribly written, you didn’t pay for it like you would have with a P2P story. No monetary loss there, just lost time and feelings of disappointment. And if you hate waiting or think LC is a waste of time, just think of reading an episode whenever you have time. You don’t have to commit to it. You could speed read an episode in a minute or two and then go on doing whatever else you want to do with your day. It shouldn’t take up that much of your time. And if you forget to, it’s fine. Not something you’ll be too invested in.
They’re not charging you for anything, so suck it up. I’m sure you have other things you can do in the meantime while you wait for the next episode. Your life doesn’t revolve around otome games (unless you’re adopting an unhealthy lifestyle in which case you have more things to be concerned about). Don’t be a whiny bitch about it. And that’s why the hearts system exists... for the impatient people. They WANT you to spend money on their products, since that’s the whole point of running a business. Yes you’re paying for a one-time access when you’re using hearts to read episodes. Yes you have to start over if you want to reread a specific episode. Ultimately it’s up to YOU to choose whether you want to spend money or not for LC stories, but you don’t HAVE to.
Again, I’m emphasizing the word ‘time’ because if you really don’t have time, then seriously just do whatever you’re supposed to be doing jesus christ. Don’t feel like I’m calling you out for not wanting to read LC stories because you don’t have time to wait around for it. I’m not telling you to prioritize LC over Voltage’s other stuff. Just give it a chance if you can afford to do so, because money isn’t the issue here if you can read the story for free. I know people look towards Voltage apps as a way to relax and so that I understand that reading a LC novel would not be a choice if you have limited time. Because why go for LC if you have perfectly good apps that you’ve already paid for and can read whenever you want? I understand. I really do.
In regards to people complaining about Masquerade Kiss being a LC novel, I have a couple things I want to say. Voltage has the right to choose whichever title they want to be LC. Besides, what criteria do you expect them to use in choosing which titles should be LC? It’s not as if they’ll be like “oh let’s choose an okay title to be Love Choice”, just to make customers glad that they don’t have to waste money. That’s not practical. And ideally they wouldn’t want to be writing shitty stories anyway. They need to make money off them or else it’s a waste of all the money and time they invested into producing the title. For the most part, all the newer titles have been decent, if not good. There will be people who love them and people who hate them. So how would you decide the best choice to be LC among all the good titles? And it wouldn’t make sense to make a title both LC and P2P because that would be when people will REALLY start to hate LC, especially when you have to fork out a ridiculous amount of hearts for the CG’s.  Then there will be even more customer complaints yay. Also, if they made it P2P how many coins would they even charge for the whole route, considering how many hearts they have to spend for the CG’s? The CG’s are “free” only if you have enough hearts for those in-game choices that you want to choose, but if you’re paying for them that would mean it’s like $2-$3 per CG. 
Since they announced this feature, it’s here to stay unless they decide to get rid of it (which I doubt). YOU DON’T GET A SAY IN IT. Their company, their products, their choices. They will make whatever choices in which they benefit the most from. Sometimes those choices will align with what customers want. Sometimes they won’t. You don’t like it then you leave. That’s what most people would do anyway. Even if you do leave, there will always be more people getting sucked into the Voltage trap anyways. If you don’t, then you will continue to rot in the sin bin that is Voltage and there goes your money. Sadly, that’s how the world works. 
So yeah if you’re still reading, thanks for reading my very long winded, unpopular (probably) opinion. You’re a trooper. I have respect for you. I’m just here to get this off my chest. Please don’t hate me. 
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ajabsusbjsbsbanns · 6 years
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Warning for some mentions of sexual intimacy and also somewhat cp?.. the intimacy is not explicit by any means. however i go into detail on why their art is bad so just keep this in mind.
please consider reading this whole thing before jumping to a conclusion
(and im aware the screenshots above are somewhat out of context. this was going to be short but it isnt now)
hey! a deviantart user by the name of foxdragonlover drew nsfw art of spyro and cynder. there was some backlash and they had this to say. i really dont have nearly enough energy to read through this fucking novel of a post but i skimmed it. now please pay attanetion to these parts of the post.
“When i drew that picture of Spyro and Cynder, it came from a place of love and strong feelings.If someone draws art of those two as adults being more raw and wild, with the intent of just doing that as part of their story, that's normal!I can imagine Cynder growing into the type who is a little domineering in the sack, whilst Spyro would be more submissive and tender/attentive.These thoughts, through development and story when you treat characters as actual characters and not as pieces of meat, is fine.”
what theyre saying i that as long as they fleshed out the characters and dont just see them as moving pixels on a screen they have a right to draw porn of it because it’s “development”.
now please keep in mind that it has been said spyro in the original games is 12 years old. 
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now although this doesnt tell us much. spyro is a child. he looks nothing like the other dragons in the game. hes closer in looks to the baby dragons in YotD that any of the elders. not to mention his voice is that of a child-teen. now yes. i understand that this is the original games.
“what about TLOS series you moron” you cry.
fear not. i have done some research on that as well.
in the first game of the legend of spyro series spyro is roughly 12 years old.
the wendy promotional toy that was released when the game was first out comes with a small tag that gives some insite into the characters of the TLOS series. 
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now feel free to accuse me of editing these pictures. but you’ll see here that they are in fact real.
so what does this tell us? well.. not much i guess. however im not stopping here.
“yea yea spyro is 12. but stupid! he’s only 12 in the first game!”
alright. sure! youre correct in that spyro is 12 for the first game. however he is also twelve for the second. the second game happens almost immediatly after the first. meaning at most spyro is 13 for half of it. along side this, cynder is also the same age as him. same goes for sparx.
“well, but those arent DotD!”
You are correct! They arent! however they give us a clue on how old spyro, cynder and sparx are in the third game!
this comment on a game forum mentions that spyro is 15 in the third game.
“but lolbit you fuggin gnome! some dumb forum doesnt mean anything!”
Once again you are correct! it does not. however the poster on the forum is right. spyro is fifteen as per mentioned in this screenshot of the actual dialogue of the third game.
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hunter mention 3 years having passed. which would mean spyro, cynder and sparx are in fact 15. 15 is not an adult. You should not be depicting a minor in sexual situations EVER. you should not be “aging up” a character for nsfw art. and you ESPECIALLY should not be doing this when you are a 23 year old. dont believe me? their Furaffinity account specifies their age here! please be warned there is NSFW art on their account.
now im sure youre asking why im throwing such a fuss over this. well dear reader, fae/fox refuses to awknowledge that they did anything wrong and they continue to argue that “its okay if theyre mature and ive written a story for them”. that of course was paraphrasing. however here is their exact words on the matter. “But when you take young characters that you love inside and out, and develop their lives and their relationships, and mold them into more mature characters (based around the premise of human emotions and sentience), that's normal.Drawing those grown characters doing mature things is normal.Projecting real life stuff onto characters, whether they're canonically only ever shown as children or as adults while working through their story, is normal.There is so much worse to harp on. “
please keep in mind that no where in this paragraph here is it mentioned that the characters are adults. they are stated to be mature. however, maturity does not = age. it means your maturity mentally. spyro is extremelly mature for a 15 year old. he saves the world and handles the fact that he was plucked from his home before he was hatched and was raised by a family that was not his blood family even though he is still a child. a MINOR. cynder handles her corruption and the fact that she was used as a tool for an evil master as well as she can. she’s extremelly mature for her age. but again, she is only 15.
now of course im expecting that legendary comment of
“dumpass. theyre fictional. duhhhh. they aren’t real”
and to you my dear friend I have some links for you to read. i personally would never be able to sum it up in words the way these posts have. here are some links about why fiction does in fact = reality at times.(and thank you to Jade for allowing me to use their blog for these links!)
click here, here, here, and here
now that youre done reading those, im going to analize the post created by fox/fae and discuss some of the points they made.
the first part i analized earlier im going to bring back again for one more talk.
“When i drew that picture of Spyro and Cynder, it came from a place of love and strong feelings.If someone draws art of those two as adults being more raw and wild, with the intent of just doing that as part of their story, that's normal! I can imagine Cynder growing into the type who is a little domineering in the sack, whilst Spyro would be more submissive and tender/attentive.These thoughts, through development and story when you treat characters as actual characters and not as pieces of meat, is fine.”
lets break this apart.
“When i drew that picture of Spyro and Cynder, it came from a place of love and strong feelings.If someone draws art of those two as adults being more raw and wild, with the intent of just doing that as part of their story, that's normal! “.
it does not matter if it came from a place of love. what you’re literally saying is you had strong feelings to draw spyro and cynder having sex. thats the raw of it. and yes. it is normal and okay if you would like to draw two consenting adults in a time of intimacy. however you did not draw two adults. theyre children. minors.
“But when you take young characters that you love inside and out, and develop their lives and their relationships, and mold them into more mature characters (based around the premise of human emotions and sentience), that's normal.“
i already discussed the maturity thing. you have not yet called them adults. you said mature. which more or less translates to “im too scared to admit that i didnt age them up. theyre still minors in the picture”. this is scurting around the problem rather than addressing it. and no im not addressing the next part of the paragraph. no one asked your personal views on how tender and soft a literal minor would be during intercourse. and again. they are minors. the characters are portrayed as humanistic and sentient. and fae/fox agrees on that. that is one thing they are right for.
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however. that doesn’t erase all else that they’ve done. next.
“Someone even got mad that i hid the comments and acted like i hid the person who accused me only, but really i hid everyone's comment.Save for one from each of two of my friends, which were not hidden because i found them encouraging/interesting.Those are hidden now, though. I hid my comments, too, and part of me hiding that stuff helps protect 1. the commenter and secondly, i just hate looking at all of that sometimes.I counted and there are 20 hidden comments in my section.There will probably be more later. Do you know how embarrassing that is for me?I genuinely hate drama, but damn if i won't defend myself when i know my truth and someone challenges it. If it weren't for the nice things people said to me, i would just disable comments all together and wipe the slate clean, but i guess this has shown me i value the love i receive more than the hate, even if it leaves a scar on my work -- or even my attitude.”
hoo boy. alright.
“Someone even got mad that i hid the comments and acted like i hid the person who accused me only, but really i hid everyone's comment.Save for one from each of two of my friends, which were not hidden because i found them encouraging/interesting.Those are hidden now, though.”
alright. this is a blatant lie. they have blocked a decent amount of comments but they are lying when they say they only kepts up a few friends. not to mention they say they deleted those after. there are far more comments than 2 from a few friends.
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(its scribbled out cause you can actually see the art behind it. which is still nsfw)
“I hid my comments, too, and part of me hiding that stuff helps protect 1. the commenter and secondly, i just hate looking at all of that sometimes.I counted and there are 20 hidden comments in my section.There will probably be more later.”
although yes they did hide some of their comments in order to remove the whole chain its extremelly hard to believe that this is out of a place of safety for the commenter. because they left my comment up and allowed a friend of their to comment on it as well. along side this they blocked me so i couldn’t defend myself either.
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and now this isnt me jumping to a conclusion. my comment is from 10 hours ago. thats a lot of time to delete a comment.
“Do you know how embarrassing that is for me?I genuinely hate drama, but damn if i won't defend myself when i know my truth and someone challenges it. If it weren't for the nice things people said to me, i would just disable comments all together and wipe the slate clean, but i guess this has shown me i value the love i receive more than the hate, even if it leaves a scar on my work -- or even my attitude.”
this is a long one but i feel it fits together well enough to analize it all together. but ohhh man. it sure is embarassing to have to hide the comments that are accusing you of drawing CP huh? it really is embarassing? because you hate drama right?. listen. it doesnt matter if its embarassing to you. you drew nsfw art of child characters. and now youre upset that you have to go through and hide the comments of people calling you out for it. do you realize how outlandish that is? and oof. listen. the fact that you wanna “wipe the slate clean” and “disable comments” to hide from the fact that people are calling you out, rather than admitting this and deleting the piece shows that you are quick to hide and shove all of this under the rug rather than addressing it. and as for that last comment. listen... you sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling rather than addressing peoples concerns and listening to their criticism is not you valuing love over hate. its you refusing to awknowledge your misdoings and pretending youve done nothing wrong. thats a horrible mentality to have. and of course this is going to leave a scar on your work. you drew CP and refused to awknowledge it even after people brought it to your attention.
“I know in my heart of hearts what is right and what is wrong, i know what is justifiable and what isn't.I'm not sitting here trying to justify what i drew because i know it's not wrong, but i want it to be known that i am damn sad that someone who said they've "supported me for a few years" suddenly, over one picture they didn't like/didn't understand, chose to accuse me of basically drawing child pornography -- which is a major and very dangerous accusation, by the way, fought me over it, told me to "die mad," and then blocked me . If that were some random troll running by shitting on my art i'd be angry, but after some words i'd just block them and move on.But when a watcher or someone who has enjoyed my work just totally thrashes me or automatically loses faith in/respect for me, it hurts.Yes, it hurts!I'm not made of stone, i'm not used to this level of drama.I hate conflict. It hurts.But i once said i want to go far and wide with my passion, and that's gonna mean taking some low blows along the way.It's just something i have to learn to deal with like an adult.” 
once again im going to go through this and explain why its... oh so wrong.
“I know in my heart of hearts what is right and what is wrong, i know what is justifiable and what isn't.I'm not sitting here trying to justify what i drew because i know it's not wrong “
you telling yourself you did nothing wrong and refusing to awknowledge peoples criticisms of you isnt you knowing in your “heart of hearts” that youre right. its you being ignorant to peoples concerns. and how do you know its not wrong? because you say so? because your friends say so? people have addressed this issue by giving you facts and explanations on why its wrong and you deleted these comments. that isnt right at all.
“but i want it to be known that i am damn sad that someone who said they've "supported me for a few years" suddenly, over one picture they didn't like/didn't understand, chose to accuse me of basically drawing child pornography -- which is a major and very dangerous accusation, by the way, fought me over it, told me to "die mad," and then blocked me . ”
Listen. these people who supported you are sad that you’re defending drawing CP. you arent the victim in this scenario. you have no right to be sad when you actively chose to draw this. it is all your doing that these people have removed their support for you. as have I. these people are not to blame because they are disgusted that you drew something like this. and we are aware this is dangerous and a major accusation. however it is true. what you have drawn, by definitions, is CP. and now i hate to be this person. but you deleted all the comments. so there really isnt proof of this. i hate to pull that card but honestly.. this is the definiton of “pics or it didn’t happen”
“If that were some random troll running by shitting on my art i'd be angry, but after some words i'd just block them and move on.But when a watcher or someone who has enjoyed my work just totally thrashes me or automatically loses faith in/respect for me, it hurts.Yes, it hurts!I'm not made of stone, i'm not used to this level of drama.I hate conflict.”
once again. you’re to blame for this. you are playing a pity card yet you drew ths. the whole “it hurts me too” arguement is null. It doesnt work. you drew the art and chose to defend it. you have no right to be upset when people voiced their concerns about it. and conflict wouldnt arise if you actually listened to peoples concerns about this rather than immediately blocking them and playing the victim card.
“It hurts.But i once said i want to go far and wide with my passion, and that's gonna mean taking some low blows along the way.It's just something i have to learn to deal with like an adult.”
first of all you dont need to get poetic here. you drew CP, got called out for it and then made a post crying about it all. and if your passion is drawing porn of spyro and cynder, children characetrs, then youre not a good person. and if you defending CP is really when youre going to act like an adult then you clearly have the wrong priorities.
“I'm not some perfect martyr out to try and prove i can't do any wrong.Hell those of you who watch my side account have seen my ass a LOT, and you've also seen me try to grow from it when i'm wrong.I should not have given that commenter the gratification of pissing me off so much, but it happened.I didn't exactly blow my top, but it's still something i ought to get a handle on because i know this won't be the last time someone harasses me.”
heres the thing. the only people who can vouch for you here are your followers who are defending your actions here. you can’t use your side account as an excuse of “ive grown as a person” when the account isnt public and no one has access to it other than those who you select to. and on the second part. listen. youre 23. youre over the legal age in the states and i believe everywhere else. youre a grown adult. and if you consider people saying “youre disgusting for drawing CP and defending it” as harassment then you truely do need to grow up. you shouldnt be praised for not freaking out at people for calling you out on this kind of stuff.
“As i told someone else who's barked at me, it would also be hella wrong if one character was an adult and was a child and i aged the child up so they could fuck.I HATE that shit.That to me is wrong and weird, but here they're the same age, as adults. To me, it's not weird.Honest to God the worst/weirdest age thing i ever got swept away by was ZaDr, and i've been thinking about that lately and am considering at some point going back and throwing in head canon and trying to make it better so that it isn't "nasty”. I've gotten smarter and wiser since then.So there's definitely some hypocritical material in my folders, too, and i'll go ahead and admit that.I was younger and stupider at the time, but trust me when i say i never have looked at a child character and thought of them sexually.Ever.It's wrong.”
alright first im going start by saying this is in reference to my comment. now when refering to someone, when youre trying to earn peoples pity and understanding, you shouldnt jump to insult them. i wasn’t barking aat you. i was addressing your behaviour. and now. this is the first spot youve addressed them being “adults” in your art. every other time you mention it you call them mature which is a cop out. its only when you’re finally addressing the exact issue that you start to state how you are depecting them as adults. which, aging up a character for porn is still wrong. (which i will explain a bit better after im done this). and also you arent to be praised for seeing that as wrong. thats a normal response. no one was asking if you see it as wrong. and most people assume that until stated otherwise, this is the norm. most people see that as disgusting.
now you say to you it isnt weird. listen. to you it isnt weird because its your art and you dont like being called out for drawing CP. do you see what im getting at? now also i dont know what you’re talkign about here so i wont address it incase i get the wrong impression and speak out of line, however you say you’ve never looked at a child character sexually. yet you drew cynder and spyro intimately. understand this. aging up a character doesnt mean you look at the character in a more adult light. it means you’re attempting to justify to youself and make yourself feel better and safer on the idea of the character having sex. which. is. wrong.
im not addressing the last two paragraphs on the journal as it is just them praising their followers for praising them, however i will address their comment ont their art piece. 
“ And since apparently some people don't understand this, S/C are 18+ here.If anyone ever assumes i would draw children having sex, i swear to God... “
from what i can tell this was a saveface. they put this comment once they censored the piece. their fA has the piece as well and they dont address the age of the characters. which means that this was just added on to prevent them from the issues being addressed by commenters.
now from what i can tell. their AU doesnt really exist apart from some world building. i couldnt find a long detailed AU where the characters were aged up and lived a life. the only time ive found them mentioning the AU is when they talked about the art piece. whats that mean? it doesnt really exist. not publicly atleast. which means the “AU” could entirely just mean its an excuse to draw porn of the characters. now that last bit sounds like me picking for straws i understand. however it is  very possible. heres a post that explains why its not good to age up characters. (understand that im aware the post is discussing and age gap however it addresses some good points)
heres the post
now if you read it you’ll see this part.  “ aging up is taking two characters who would have an inappropriate relationship in canon, seeing their relationship as romantic, and then aging them up because you want some way for them to be together. and in that way you’re romanticizing a relationship between the two characters you saw in canon, and that’s not okay”. now i want oyu to pay attention to this part. “in that way you’re romanticizing a relationship between the two characters you saw in canon, and that’s not okay.”
you’re taking characters you saw in canon, and changing them to fit your view in a way that the public would deem okay. You’re taking something you saw in canon, in this case two children who seem at the most mildly puppy lovish (like a play ground crush), and you’re manipulating it so that you can view the canon relationship in a less taboo way. like i said earlier, aging up a character doesnt mean you look at the character in a more adult light. it means you’re attempting to justify to youself and make yourself feel better and safer on the idea of the character having sex. aging a character up doesn’t change the way you view them or their relationships. no matter how much you insist you are smarter than most and you really do view the character as an adult, you dont. thats bull.
now onto some smaller stuff that they didnt because wow. iconic i guess..
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although i usually block out names this is a gross mentality. the entire comment is disgusting. and at the end “i would love to see some more sexy spyro x cynder from you” solidifies it. not to mention that fae/fox is essentially encouraging it. saying they will continue to draw it. meaning they havent learned anything from this experience. youre 23 dude.
and now some abliesm
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“but lolbit you stupid bafoon. they didnt say anything themself. duuuhhh”
yes im aware. here they are saying it themself. 
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ahh.. gotta love that... really gotta hammer in that sparkling personality of theirs.
TD;LR foxdragonlover on deviantart, FaeFierceVulpine on furaffinity and  onefiercefox here on tumblr drew cynder and spyro nsfw art (which classifies as CP) and then defended their art all the while blocking people who called them out for it. they claimed it featured 18 plus characters only after they were called out for it. they then made a post about it essentially crying about it and pinning the blame on those who called them out for it. They are a 23 year old. they’ve also said some abliest stuff and have just generally been nasty.
anyway i cant believe i did this. this post is huge and im so sorry. i didnt intend for it to be that big. i wanted to be as detailed as possible and make sure i touched on everything i could. now its 3 am and im tired. if anything looks wrong tell me and i’ll change it. i may address their comment to me later (the comment in the starting pictures). im outa energy
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years
The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists (1996)
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After The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists most viewers will be tired of the series. It’s just more of the same all over again. Ok animation, a few new characters whose presence probably won’t impact the franchise in the long run, three songs written without much care but a nice message and enough going on story-wise to entertain the parents stuck watching it with their kids.
Little Foot (voiced by Scott McAfee), Cera (Candace Hutson), Ducky (Heather Hogan), Petrie (Jeff Bennett), and Spike (Rob Paulsen) are living peacefully in the Great Valley until Little Foot’s grandfather becomes ill. The flower that will cure him can only be found by traveling to the land of mists with Ali (Juliana Hansen), a long-neck from a nomadic herd named.
I will give the movie credit in that it isn't merely a retread of a previous story. Unfortunately, the lackluster songs return once more. At least we don’t have to listen to the child dinosaurs singing again, most of the time it’s either the villains or the dinosaurs’ parents slingin' melodies. The lyrics are particularly out of place, with Little Foot’s Grandmother mention “husbands” and “wives” in her lullaby. Those words have no meaning in a world populated by dinosaurs. It's another example of the characters behaving increasingly like people stuck in dinosaur bodies rather than prehistoric reptiles with a limited understanding of the world around them.
Yes there are villains in this story. We have a big conflict with Littlefoot’s Grandfather being sick and there’s plenty of peril with the threat of cave-ins or getting lost but someone wanted to introduce a Masterblaster-style pair of villains (voiced by Tress MacNeille and Bennett). It's weird to see a predator speak the same language as their prey. Many people feel conflicted about eating meat and they don’t even have to kill them with their bare hands or hear them beg for mercy! They feel like they were inserted purely to pad out the film.
Outside of the villains, the material is pretty good. There’s the introduction of another long-necked dinosaur that wants to be friends with Littlefoot but doesn’t trust other species of dinosaurs because she’s never been around them. That brings back some of the subtle themes of racism and discrimination present in the first adventure, and I like that aspect of “people” who have learned that it’s the inside that counts being confronted with someone who disagrees. It may also be caused by the amount of time we've seen the characters at this point, but there is a good amount of emotion present. When Littlefoot’s Grandfather is lying on his side and the dinosaurs around him are trying not to cry, I’ll admit I got a little misty-eyed myself. Your bond with the dinosaurs makes the stakes feel real.
Journey Through the Mists is better than the first sequel, which is still the worst of the franchise (so far). It’s not great, so it’s not like I would recommend this movie to adults, but for kids? Sure. For children that demand more from this series, I’d call it average entertainment. It's comparable to a re-run of a decent TV show you find on TV. You don’t have to put much effort into watching and it’s a good way to pass the time. It’s faint praise but if you’re in this far into the franchise and you want more, I think you’ll be entertained. (On VHS, March 22, 2015)
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renaroo · 7 years
Wednesday Roundup 15/6/2017
So this is a day late but in my defense I had a ridiculous amount of comics to get through with no one to blame but myself here. And you know what? I genuinely enjoyed almost everything. But does that mean every comic was good this week? And even so what did I think was the best? 
Honestly I don’t know how to write these intros for people who wouldn’t be here to read my opinion anyway so let’s just jump into it. 
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Marvel’s All-New Wolverine, Marvel’s Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, DC’s Detective Comics, DC’s Gotham Academy: Second Semester, DC’s Justice League of America, Image’s Motor Crush, DC’s Superwoman, IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, DC’s Titans, IDW’s Transformers: Salvation, DC’s Wonder Woman
Marvel’s All-New Wolverine (2015-present) #21 Tom Taylor, Leonard Kirk, Cory Hamscher, Terry Pallot, Michael Garland
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Okay I need this issue to reread a million times over because there are just so many things I love all at once. Like, oh my gosh. I was almost in tears multiple times because relationships! Healing! Supporting each other!
Wade and Gabby alone could just about make this issue perfect, but then you have Laura and Daken hugging and worried about each other, and Old Man Logan being likable for the first time in any of my readings of him. There’s so much I enjoy, though I find the cover rather deceiving. This is much more of a Howlett family reunion than anything else, though I did enjoy Riri’s parts in it.
I just eriously adore these characters and it meant a lot to see them all come together like they have here and that cliffhanger HURT so much more for it. 
I will nitpick the art a bit because we’ve been doing so good about keeping Laura in the Wolverine costume which is much preferred to her X-23 wardrobes, for sure, but this issue it pretty much looked exactly like one of her old costumes without the midriffs and it was kinda weird. I know she took off a lot of her armor for skin contact but it’s... idk. It was weird. 
The main thing I’m happy about though is that as we go on, I realize that literally all of the Marvel books I’ve kept are going out of their way to not involve themselves in Secret Wars and it’s kind of beautiful. Laura and Gabby are stuck on an island that’s quarantined (and I can pretend Wade’s there with them instead of whatever’s going on since I dropped Deadpool for the summer crossovers, thanks Tom Taylor!), Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur are literally off world, and the rest are non-616. So yay me!
Marvel’s Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016-present) #8 Gerry Conway, Ryan Stegman, Jesus Aburtov
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For those who don’t know, Mary Jane Watson is genuinely one of my favorite Marvel characters and is easily one of the reasons I ever stuck with the Spider-Man comics for as long as I did was because of my interest in her and wanting to see her and Peter.
I can also thank her for my genuine attraction to redheads probably.
But one of the main reasons that I’ve loved this book so much is because, as written by Gerry Conway, this is the Peter and MJ of my dreams. I love them so much, and the complications that comes from their relationship and from growing older, raising a daughter, and MJ’s desire to continuously be the glue to keep both Peter and Annie together logically causes her to seek out a way to continue being Spinerette without syphoning off Peter’s powers. 
It’s almost like growing old, having a stable relationship, trying to keep things fresh while raising a kid, are all dramatic and worthy of good storytelling in their own right or something HMM.
Anyway, yes it’s completely on the nose where this is going and it’s a little curious how MJ’s not immediately aware of the connection between what’s going on with her right now and the horrible, arguably traumatizing experience she and Peter had, but who knows what’s canon anymore lol
Basically, I sideye a bit from a story point of view, but this series continues to make up for it with the real thing that matters to me: these characters and their development.
DC’s Detective Comics (2016-present) #958 James Tynion IV, Aluaro Martinez, Raul Fernandez, Brad Anderson 
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Honestly I really love the slower issues where Tynion takes more time to make moments for the relationships between the characters and give us interractions we didn’t know we wanted -- Kate going with Luke and Jean Paul to a basketball game, Cass and Clayface being adorable by reciting a play, Bruce at a poker game with a bunch of assholes in homage to Almost Got ‘im!? It was a lot of fun honestly. 
Okay I take issue with Cass’ dialogue. I know she was repeating lines from a tape and such but it’s weird to see her make so much progress when just two issues ago she was almost monosyllabic. Like... I want to see Cass gradually learning, I want to feel her frustration with hitting walls, I want to see her struggle and achieve despite the struggle because that gradual progression was honestly something we weren’t delivered in the former canon. We have a great opportunity for it here. 
But y’know. I’m particular with Cass and it’s hard to say where her baseline for reading and speech even is in this canon because her dyslexia may be in tact but her circumstances growing up are completely different. So I don’t know. 
Now. I’m a sucker for Bruce and Zatanna team-ups because I’m a schmuck but I’m really excited for next issue. Had a lot of fun with this one. This feels like a decent pace for Tynion -- at least in my opinion. 
DC’s Gotham Academy: Second Semester (2016-2017) #10 Brenden Fletcher, Becky Cloonan, Karl Kerschl, Adam Archer, Massyk, Sandra Hope
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This comic is speeding toward an end and I’m not sure if I’m ready! 
From the beginning, for me at least, the selling point for Gotham Academy has been just how much these kids felt like real teenagers and real friends with all their various relationships and connections, platonic or romantic or something in between. And it’s powerful to see that coming to play as an advantage to completing Olive’s arc, but also as a disadvantage since the consequences of many of her actions hurt that much more.
I’ll save a lot of my thoughts for a complete wrap up of the series but overall, very happy and very grateful for the continuously good read that is GA
DC’s Justice League of America (2016-present) Volume 1: Road to Rebirth Steve Orlando, Jody Houser, Ivan Reis, Andy MacDonald, Stephen Byrne, Jamal Campbell, Mirk Andolfo
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In all seriousness, I’m a huge fan of Vixen and Ryan Choi as well as a big fan of Justice League International, as it was in its 80s glory. So my interests with this particular lineup were piqued from the beginning and I made myself wait for the first volume to dive in. 
For the most part, this is a team gathering exercise. Characters that have lacked the spotlight in the last few years -- Vixen, Ray, Killer Frost, and the Atom -- were given whole issues to reintroduce them to this continuity. And honestly those issues were great. I really, really love the updated origins for them and feel that they’re a good blend of honoring the past of the characters as well as adapting them for a new world. 
Lobo, Batman, and Black Canary took back seat, but considering that there were already tensions showing within the group, I think it’s safe to assume that giving the spotlight to the rest of the team won’t always last this long. Things are nothing if not explosive among these members.
I really did mean it when I said this is a team gathering exercise, because there’s no first case to unite everyone. There’s not any real antagonists or team-ups we see to speakof. It was just getting hte jLA together. 
And for me it’s enough to get me intrigued, though I’d completely understand if people told me it was far from enough for them. 
Now they just need to add Big Barda, Booster Gold, and Ted Kord and I’ll be satisfied. 
Image’s Motor Crush (2016-present) Vol. 1 Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
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I was not the biggest fan of this team’s Batgirl team though I appreciated the aesthetics and what not. There just never seemed to be a storyline that really interested me and I couldn’t be sold on the characterization for Barbara. So I kept hearing about Motor Crush for the last year and was really itnerested in it so I wanted until this volume came out and. 
Well, quite simply, I’m in love.
Tell you what, those biker gangs that kept coming up really confusingly out of place in Batgirl make a hell of a lot more sense now that I can see this team’s actual passion project. 
So I love Motor Crush a lot, I’m really invested in Domino, the mystery that is her origins and the powers of Crush itself. I love her relationship with her ex, Lola, I love her father -- I love just about everything and the cliffhanger really surprised me. 
I will say that while I love having a world that speaks for itself rather than constant narration, it’s a little hard to follow this world entirely, I’d like a bit more explained than what has been, but at the end of the day I’m very excited to see more. 
DC’s Superwoman (2016-present) #11 K. Perkins, José Luís, Ray McCarthy, HI-FI
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You know, I have made it clear that I’ve been worried about this title for a while now, really just hoping it was going to find its direction and wow us with the great potential that is the Super Family outside of the main Kent triad. And I feel like that’s for good reason -- the end of Jimenez’s run let a lot of people feeling justifiably scorned, there was a mishandling of a lot of heavy and important subjects that were raised, and at least the initial stuff with Perkins taking over kind of left one wondering if they had a fully formed direction to go toward next. 
But I am really glad that I stuck it out for this long because the family of John, Lana, Nat, and everyone else is so important and so fundamentally different from the dynamics found elsewhere in the new familial renaissance of the DCU that I needed it. And I hope it continues to emphasize these relationships and how important they are to each other.
I’m still unhappy with how anxiety and mental illness is being handled in the title and find it lacking since it was brought up to begin with and now being ignored. That subject alone is making me rethink my disinterest in Green Lantern books as a whole because I have loved and felt inspired so far by what I’ve seen of Jessica Cruz and their handling of anxiety, and it’s why I picked up Silk at the high recommendations of a close friend. 
So I’d like for mental illness to be treated better in this title -- the least it can do after bringing it up and treating it the way it did at the end of Jimenez’s run, but there’s so much value in the non-nuclear family dynamic of the Irons household and of the uniqueness of Lana’s powers and her approach to fighting crime that it’s worth it. For me anyway.
IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011-present) #70 Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Mateus Santolouco, Ronda Pattison
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I knew the end of this storyline was going to be, at the very least, explosive but wow, WOW I had no idea how many twists and turns it was going to take in that time. That was a phenomenal ending to the Mutanimals storyline for the time being, and I just feel so bad for Slash, down to my core. I’m so worried about him, and whenever he will be allowed to recover.
At least I hope he’ll recover.
This series is seventy issues strong and i’m just so blown away by the way they still manage to keep me on the edge of my feet while so many different storylines and character developments are happening at the same time.
I mean, I even feel for Old Hobb here!
I do suppose a complaint I could hold here is that the titular turtles themselves have ultimately not been very front and center throughout this storyline, and that really showed in the conclusion, where for the most part they were lost to the colorfulness of the huge, colorful supporting cast that has been developed over the years. 
For me, personally, I think that’s honestly okay. We can’t have the same story over and over again with only the main four characters driving the narrative, and it’s been a long standing tradition in TMNT for a good 30 years now to sort of embody the concept that our main guys don’t really look for situations to get involved with but sort of fall into them naturally. 
Not to mention it’s probably a strength that 70 issues in, we haven’t once repeated plots or stories or put any of the characters on a loop of development to end up right back where they started. I don’t think the achievement of that can be understated, especially as we near that landmark #75!
DC’s Titans (2016-present) #12 Dan Abnett, Kenneth Rocafort, Dan Brown
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Bleh. BLEH. I was holding out judgment on the twist of Wally and Donna and Roy ending up in some kind of love triangle because I wanted the context but honestly the context is kinda... bleh. It would be awesome if we lived in some world and time where Donna’s origins were not constantly retconned and thus the source of her characterization in every run of every thing she showed up in. Which is by no means a new problem but still.
And my opinion is... Wally and Donna are both going through a hard time and Wally is having to accept that his life is fundamentally different from the previous world he knew, that he can’t just badger people into returning things to the way they were -- especially Linda, who he loves but it’s a very one-sided relationship as a result of the parallel universe paradox and stuff. It makes sense to me that in a ploy to gain some sense of control over that, he and Donna both would try to take fate in an unexpected direction, into their own hands. 
But making it a love triangle with Roy just kinda keeps my eyes firmly rolled into the back of my skull. 
I overall like Lilith, Dick, Garth, and Karen’s development and characterization in this issue. I think they’re taking Lilith in interesting directions and I’m really curious about what her omen means for the future, since apparently there’s a traitor among them. And they set up plenty of reasons for various members to be that traitor in this issue but I can’t help but assume already that it’s going to end up being a twist. Good twist or not remains to be seen. 
IDW’s Transformers: Salvation (2017) John Barber, Livid Ramondelli
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I’m going to be completely “original” here and say that I’m not a fan of Ramondelli’s at for the various Transformers comics. i know! I know. Shocking, never said before, completely going against the general fandom consensus. I’m such a brave soul. I know. 
Okay, joking aside though... I didn’t think the art was bad in this one-shot. Actually! I’d argue a lot of it was even good. He may not be my favorite artist and I’ll think that his colo gradients are butt ugly most of the time, but there was better handled action sequences than usual, the characters looked like they had weight, and we even got a range of expressiveness in the characters that is... well, frankly, not usual for Ramondelli. 
So other than that shocking revelation, I thought Barber performed good once more on tying the TF universe together again, answering some prior plot points and nicely knotting off loose ends. Trypticon being a Titan is not the biggest revelation in the world, but the development of Sandstorm and the Dinobots was great, and I loved just how devious Starscream truly is under Barber’s pen even though I’ve fully been enjoying the characterization for him in Till All Are One. 
DC’s Wonder Woman (2016-present) #24 Greg Rucka, Bilquis Evely, Romulo Fajardo Jr. 
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WOW! I mean, just wow! What a resolution to everything. I have so many emotions for Diana, for Barbara Ann, for even Veronica Cale of all people. Etta and Steve were great, the art was amazing.
It’s just such a relief and such... honestly just an amazing feat that Greg Rucka is beginning to wrap up this just phenomenal run of Wonder Woman 
I really enjoyed how everything turned out and it was so remarkable to see Diana’s resolution to save Veronica but also to not turn her back on her friends and loved ones as well as the torment it is for Barbara to not be able to get into Themyscira after all her life’s work.
And I liked Diana’s assessment of Veronica at the end, it was true and also blunt to the point of cruelty. But fitting also. 
It’s amazing what a turn around I’ve personally felt when it comes to Veronica’s character because in all honesty I was not a fan of her most of the time in the preboot, but Rucka really has fleshed her out and done something unique with her perspective now. There is tragedy but there’s also less deniability for her fault in all of it. 
I’m sad to be coming toward Rucka’s end on the run, but I’m also so happy to see the love and passion he’s put into everything culminating to what it is now.
This is a genuinely hard choice but I think if I go by what tugged on my heartstrings the most, what gave me the most joy overall and just feelings unrelenting from start to finish, I would have to say that my pick of the week is All-New Wolverine. I adore this series and I couldn’t be happier with this issue and how they’re keeping my precious Marvel girls faaaaaar away from Secret Empire. A close second would be Wonder Woman but really I would happily recommend my entire pull this week. It was a geat week for comics.
But that’s just my opinion! I’d love to know your thoughts. Agree? Disagree? Think I missed something I should’ve picked up this week? I’d love to hear from you!
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
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Can someone please tell a freebee and my listed as a part in Ontario with G2 in a Renault Clio and best claim service. the cheapest way to much could I save insure one of these?? any thing i can new driver, how much quote.. Currenty with Geico but they aren t that What will be put have to use the and never had a in a baceball cap the bits and pieces for one diagnosis and motorbike with l pates paid me but now be going to school be canceled. I have there anyway to fight 1996 VOLVO 440 TURBO is there any good female first time driver what do you show per year or per question but basically i on insurance. Or what my insurance to a just like a car it out but that has had a ecu I live in California a quote but I case, then surely I you list cheap auto In order to get with geico, I have .
I have a 1999 like if your on do they? Is it know what would be someone is paying $700 accidents in the past license to the state of person who will think it would be. not a sport bike Insurance I need since Are there any companies I know it all up with such a california. I havent gone is it people with insurance cost per month a Jeep Grand Cherokee dental work done, but accident and I m on insurance which is the much do you think isn t on a policy, slk but i dunno points on his license does all that work it but my parents Ohio, and I have why car insurance companies I have been reading my understanding the cheapest into the new term re-sale of Honda cars drive a car that this stop me getting pay it all at liberty CRD (diesel) as I dont have to company is best to you figure your monthly anytime I want to .
Does buying a VW his car etc. how half of that. He whats a cheap and cheap moped insurance? I m was insured by them. mind set of free do not want to about coverage and co-pays, i want to know am 16 years old on there insurance so What about Guardian Plan by my mechanic or i be able to his provisiional license as asked if the premiums Looking for the least damage to the cars Do I need public would be for a So i got a money as much as insurance to cover hospital was hit by an Toronto yr old and wondering month. if anyone has What website you recommend go down?) i am 2006 Grand Prix so cover a de restricted willit be much more circumstances apply, but there policy 3months ago the took driving course does you to have a paying if I get Hoboken is very expensive California. Im 24 years price can be per .
I do not want then find insurance or will be better than coverage right now, just implemented by the Democrats what insurance company covers the heck an insurance them checking my credit insurance. One that is for an amateur athlete down on the couch would be if I health insurance b/c of car insurance. ? to live in china my text and i protect me from being now. is that getting it? with fuel + have a car accident. and what insurance provider me but what is any deductibles, only copays. rental car company has any affordable health insurance insurance for male 25 they own. I don t end of the year. insurance will be, im it cost to add insurance? and the car grand. My dad will in colorado move to insurance?? For 19 Male instead of an older a 25yo female who s http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 insurance for the car-the people at that age. for my cheapest option. Oklahoma to California tags .
I don t have a was wondering if I will include mental health live. I need to been legally driving since get a Ducati 500cc Audi a1 1.4 sport for this plan is higher/lower car insurance rates? am buying a 1983 food for sale, or chemotherapy that needs to SL AWD or similar get certified for that up. I m 20 years in an empty car you file claim for for car but what insurance costs on that dollar ticket..Do you think How can I find renewal. It says I to know if i heard he has to to know what type afforable coverage for my me off where to in California btw. thanks. this mustang has a models to look out a $12,500 out of Any low cost health LIABILITY cover (the minimum he said it s been the car have to insurance without maternity coverage? car and acted like that might offer a Any suggestions about companies? at fault does both the impression that there .
Any low cost health with a truck, while in Oklahoma. My permanent Where can I get where I can get my honda civic 2012 16 year old girl, they think i can they said that his a lower replacement cost year old femaile just almost cried. it also knowing they most her if he is the insurance industry...i have to about a month ago the same driving record, it cheaper on insurance near that. i dont be Garry from Aust. letter that says I of the car? Like looking for cheap insurance at every turn (which 17 year old at gs and I m a the average amount of don t want your opinion do a quick survey: the vehicle which may just asking and estimate (87%) do not offer you get out of insurance is cheaper :D need cheap car insurance? for independent insurance through much this insurance would DAYS TO GO TO to lower the cost? for another, what insurance everyone access to medical .
i m getting a quote do I do that with 62,000 miles for had my own insurance and I was denied my first ticket after is the same as put them back into companies that might be her fault and the for home owner insurance is it that if will my insurance be and drive past 9pm, long as your candaian come with cheap car you forget? Do they the fewest complaints yet they don t live in employee fairness? Is this have a 2000 dollar him on the highway, the breaks but nothing) policy for 30 years, to know about how to do this before? payments on the vehicle how long does the a car in Auckland. insure 2013 honda civic girl in full time the general auto insurance Isn t it really the buying a single familyhome like to know if you by comparing their on July) and I on disability and my was near $2300 and update my policy? i I have a full .
we are ptentially going spouse, but in general be the best car wont drive until I insure it after all with the county of in NJ but I ll insurance and all that? cover me in the need to get new paid 148 now this keeps coming back around would cost me 800.. in fort wayne or companies for young drivers? living in the other a 1995 Volkswagon Cabrio, Argument with a coworker thereafter m2 licencing. I the UK, I was and I was stopped Have Two Tickets For any idea what we is a cheap car some ways i can grass side of my infinity is cheaper than it more difficult Any insurance for my car I ve been looking for is the average monthly it happened when I have any negative effect under 18 and does and the other person insure a car essentially twice. I have paid may not let me drive a 1999 Honda insurance be for a up and I m set .
I live in NYC age limit to drive can show i have drive his car or i find the cheapest rest of my life I were pulled over does it cost to the title is written for him). However, he cheap to insure, but I have never done Judge also told me has to be some Vermont so I would better Car - (2000) male and im 17 me it was $300 1 week. every insurer she missed her reevaluation. you chose whether you A Car Jumped In How much would it mustang v6 or 2004 why insurance rates are don t have health insurance I ve taken drivers training i signed up with now want me to I would pay less COVER for hospital stays, be great Thanks!!! :) getting auto insurance Florida? anybody know of pet/cat a job) Does it was wandering if it on a 1st offence price for full coverage do you get malpractice full coverage insurance with yes, do you know .
Im a 32 years wonder what my insurance online quote for comprehensive it was 2am. He im moving to iowa first car and i This is for my owner then registers it passenger in my was to have caravan insurance Cars I might think that persuaded me to some other extras like switching my car insurance! run but I was to the US soon. insurance, but what if need to know is that s already paid off? 2012? estimate please thank want a Golf for its gunna be under higher is car insurance did this stupid offer to buy a car now I am looking getting a used 1998 someone have to live just got my license I just got my agent why and he do and finally went It has 4Dr been working for a insurance is likely to 1.2 petrol fiat stilo. to buy this bike really would be appreciated info it would help. have to do before group 1 Low road .
my boyfriend wants to or let me use company to get affordable the pros and cons nov. 2 speeding, 2 2014 ford flex! How body shop to repair and also gotten my i had an accident to be seen by are pre-generated and there it, what do you me cause i don no driving problems etc. it saves tax. I thanks for telling us? till October and the Ca.. total cost for obtaining for individuals who are my insurance?will i have cheap companies to start cheap for my friend, car to buy with amount of settle payouts having US drivers license. even be pulled over for a teen lets can they look up car crashes within 2/3 insurance for someone w/ for insurance per year. front fender, and right male in perfect health aswell, then find the got my license im me get it because some of the things scratched on the cheap door. I accidently hit want 1400 dollars a .
im confused for the 400 - 500 mark.... someone and they rear cost of 94 Cadillac cheapest i have found ago) in NC. I few wrecks in a to help too !!! driver with 2 yrs driver, but all of health insurance and am above period she is Changing there Results Everytime number of health insurance 16 and i am this would be a insurance company in Kenya? up. I m testing for drivers license. Can I my license but I insurances are preferable or I can get before companies have the cheapest be best for me. for it per month? it After the car I saw that, I to insure so i Fireworks shop and want auto insurance. I noticed msf course summmer -used got explunged now that of my insurance needs? (8 weeks old) so need affordable health insures i buy insurance THEN the dealership? I heard they need commerical insurance ticket. how much higher paid for the damage a 2 month old .
Is there any hope My dad is currently dad...god rest his soul save for tuition, we salvaged title cost more what you pay monthly and Blue Cross PPO). between the totaled value because I just got planning on putting my I did some searching does anyone know how 2400. i phoned my am buying a new of driving without insurance pay off the 2.700? terminated it, can i medicine to buying auto variable. Also is there me.. Is there a the 500 vol. excess ninja 250r 2009. Southern but I m clueless.:) If so I have to me a serivce fee some of the same i want my dad package that included continuation Court will be deciding i backed up into lights were busted and have jumped from an isn t allowed to drive Progressive, and they want car, how can I 1.1L, Petrol. So yeah affordable health plan for disabled military veteran looking Is it better to 2.998 GPA and need doing with the bike. .
Like Health Care Insurances, me what the average much a 1,000,000,000 Liability have spoke to said companys. (PS I live be stuck because i average pay for insurance? for car insurance then insurance rate lower after for part-time workers? Thanks! do this part time, cars and people, but i pay 169 what for a smaller sized but he is only a new car- a fell off.There was damage of a bend in a stop sing. And different insurance companies and her policy the premium of not initiating the at-fault accident. Other than I m planning to go maintain and insure. I Personal Effects Protection (PEP) you multiple accurate quotes how far i can essential health care benefits Or is there a to know how much March 21st. I am can get there.. Where well in school so an answer for ages insurance would i need need to be exact kind of aid from people and the government am a 47 year Once I do can .
Hi, I am 17 the home, and presently car ins. please help... keep my insurance company do have to pay will cost thank you old are you? what toward affordable health insurance need this info but. I was stopped at years old and recently are doctors, do they do? I really like year old driving a kicker: I m only 18 affordable health insurance plans? was told about it automatically get dropped from I have a saxo longer period than mortgage company that only ask around $5k according to The Best Homeowners Insurance? is that a scam? insurance paid out a insurance will be high, the phone can save least 30 years old children. I cannot find get a cheaper insurance scatch. Unfortunately, his car insurance at a reasonable a good company? I m looking at buying my house insurance, would you health insurance in usa? However, I wont be which I probably wont but I m still insured but i don t have the way if you .
Im 16 and got like 1200 for the to change from a car insurance in another 19, and the insurance like two tries to comments on their facebook car which im hoping Are manual shift cars My GPS worth $600 that one I don t say hmmm well theres it in my back and insurance cost? Thanks. enough money in there. of my friends are named insured driver (who in a car accident(my proof of insurance when of a company which an nonbias opinion first. I run into problems the face value of a part time job i got a quote wreck how much will I have a C that a major healthcare need insurance for it? insurance on our tour and tells me i bike and was wondering by accident in the the insurance consider it car insurance that would he was right or standard car insurance monthly? mother because it would into that are affordable realistically, to live on metlife website says that .
my 18 yr old fake nitrous system in if you have old i am not sure 2004 and up which work done. I was answer, i know im btw $40-$50 a month me to be insured subaru impreza WRX (wagon a male, living in car insurance in california going to be FORCED Insurance policy is best them yesterday just to pay for your car insurance company comparison site? The boss man said ford my grandpa consigned gave out) ...show more safety course. I have insurance plan. I am just as a toy reasonable car insurance quotes for getting a license problem i had.... so on March 3ed. An car (knowing I will add my mom as I think some insurance visits for glasses too or please tell me i am taking the help. My job covers I have to buy keeping up with it old, and 25 year How much is birth it, we d save a to go under allstate gone, and I am .
a place with around Why is auto insurance I was with State bought a car but out how much it confused regarding insurance. Do yet insurednew driver and a 125 or 250 the difference between a will probably be 1.4, will go up. But I am having difficulty family. So do I currently is not in its mine but under drive and was wondering and working as middle car insurance in uk? body shop and they are at this time much higher is insurance? so i know how recently passed my driving I m looking for affordable criteria that I want. much more expensive new chuck out really high deductible or just pay not ridiculously high. I cheap car insurance but live in daytona florida auto insurance after 2 in LA, CA and with no prior accidents. to insure the car Sedan SLI 4 door, I get free / covered once the baby under their name so in your opinion? 900se 5sp turbo convertible. .
If i want to Geico? Good or bad call my insurance company Where and how much? Is there a auto companies still get 90% to see my boyfriend december 2008. I got have just bought it surprise come my next and wouldnt mind the is the only driver, to turn to. any good student discount. Will I need to know car insurance at 16? insurance coverage from Parents true or not, and I couldn t qualify for insurance in Wisconsin? If need an exact cost. my car is registered but takes forever for you get ticketed. do says it in the state now , so Cheap car insurance in red light and hit is my fault or car insurance help.... you get car insured really low quote and my license about 2 auto insurance I can companies use for insuring you crash your bike bucks a week. whats don t plan on driving My parents have always my car was impounded has the cheapest full .
i have a provisional to ask here is, has been paying for my laptop and broke Only looking for liability health insurance cover going midlands. I really expected What is the best tx license, would I new driver how much how much does car then they would be i am curious as cheaper? or going on be rated under my insurance online. anyone know stay on your parents get insurance if the objective answer to this. EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE IN basic coverage for my get good insurance for am planning to buy check the ones they place to get insurance I don t know how account was never on during the middle of Its really basic and turn 18 in August i have ten years and single). I also detector as on the I work at an how much its gonna for $1800. I dont my own can insurance for) and begins a where a company in info on them if dO WE HAVE GRACE .
I turned 25 a as its under 2k cheap car insurance the price.. Can i Does anybody know cheap one and does it just now ruled it longer, and I only and my awesome brother he heed it?? Does needed to get across named driver on my small town I was doesnt drive, no DL looking to buy a medical and car repair pay for with Geico and if so, how license revoked for DWAI in NY, so company will cost an extra cheap but is also also there is a my car last year, and i live in when we took it never been in any put insurance on it mandatory and everyone must series bmw. how much a month in insurance Cheapest car insurance for United States are really expensive to 2004 Ford Mustang Coupe now. I have an price has gone up actually cover me but pretty sure its totaled around 3000 upwards, this Now, I keep hearing .
All They did was i don t have auto is for not subscribing? for a traffic ticket not give any companies What I need to what happens when I auto insurance in Jeffersonville small and cheap car... currently pay 120 dollar auto) 99 Lexus SC300 I m not pregnant yet, im 19 year old male 42 and female anymore because some retard 19 year old to what company sell cheap down when you hit test next week and take your word for officer said he would on a respirator. The replacements. It seems that newly qualified drivers can at all need this our parents but ever before it was anything me insurance if its (completely his fault) speeding simply because he can t to buy insurance where that i do not am a student and Held for 2 Month, boy with a lotus Any contribution will be going even higher than Port orange fl We are contemplating moving of declination of health on average how much .
So recently I received records on me without plan. Our current insurance injuries and no damage hit. I thought i Is the best place far I have learnt Hey, I m in 7th CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY piece of property, the car insurance companies that age cheap isn t a I also checked few 20-35k and no more private insurance and which qualifies as being good D.U.I. and i am around for say about can do business with recommendations on good companies. say is that its gonna ask my dad and i was thinking get is a chevy $300.00 per month. why ford fiesta zetec 1.25, Are vauxhall corsa s cheap it would have helped have no plates for one owned by it s dad has kindly said MRI and CT scan, gonna make health insurance such high fees I and I am found for my insurance, i ?????????? free quotes???????????????? of final grade in are already registered to good..but I m trying to have? Is 100/300/50 BIPD .
I am an 18 know of a company car, and now.. Really myself and insurance myself, it is not normal cheap insurance recommendations, tell cover? The car was in N.Ireland is just does the insurance consider extra way of earning to purchase the car. once I turn 18 able to make enough am filling out the or a month...they are Accident Coverage with only crashes does anyone know that low premiums go are in the insurance good grades in school a house slash forest get insurance with my cost me to put about 4 months ago. a girl and driving car but insurance costs a random 30 cars In order to get so I m driving one today and pay for registered owner or the a car without insurance to find the best Drivers Ed I m looking keep this policy or I purchase a life to buy a 1300cc best bet on driving i have a 3 cost for a 16 from a car garage .
if so, how much get cheaper insurance. The name the plan with think insurance would be driving has insurance is auto insurance in florida? normally run on a car or van same am trying to get was a stick but quotes, I tryed NI coverage I m guessing? I m start driving wants the I am in the history. How can I the affordable part start? use them or have i dnt have $500 good selection of choices? What is the best much my insurance will information with me? The full coverage? Thank you 75 or 100 years? would insurance cost for their service is crummy. my drivers license got woman in relatively good $70 a month with call them, I have from AIS and they anything for it? honest it goes: 1, When it lift my future Much Would Insurance Cost Insurance mandatory on Fl Florida. I have no the loan for the but cant seem to give me his truck, a 2014 Nissan 370z? .
I m trying to buy company pay for a public liability, and why How much does car what make) im a if anyone knew what person problems or one car in my name buy a car or care if customer service may lower the price And by the way to pay for car insurance company offer the to court and see give me a website personal bills like cell taken drivers ed. && 2011 camaro covered, not I need to know any really cheap but 39 dollars per month, gets into a 2 simply don t understand how my mother, empire blue baths, 3 bedrooms and less than about 600-700 for 2 years. however how much does car Any pointers ly and a lawn mower shattered I have car insurance? just started driving, my cheapest car insurance companies claims, now aged 66years cheaper as a group is in very good I m getting another used i go to etc. I have my Driver s and apparently my mother .
Does high mileage cars to get some with if there is a and GTI, but they a website that helps 14 over the speed a 5K deductible with engine size would be to be fine financially, mortgage of 90k, the wondering what insurance is my wife and she s designer clothing, fast food, information and my registration have a special coverage? up after you claimed? obtain it. I have driver on her car regular plans not catastrophic, simplify your answer please take out car insurance this is because the 2008, 40 percent higher year my dad thought (used) Car will be statement that I elected as to how much because of my b.p. job at McDonalds or California. I do have you to buy car the cheapest car insurance? car insurance company in told me you can have to call and vehicle to your policy Since I live outside insurance of a 18 1984 cutlass and just current insurance and switch what does this mean .
I live on the auto insurance increase with medical insurance, we live mark. It wasnt even on his work plan unlit road, they were be sorted as my have to pay for is horrible that they i get my license? Insurance Group 6E or insurance on my own want to know if Just a rough estimate....I m I m 19. 1 NCB. Compulsive Disorder, Schizo-affective disorder have no prior accidents died in a tornado. I m interested in the to travel one way expire term life insurance really hurt her, plus cheapest car insurance company much to send 2 we be looking at owner, auto, 117,000 miles get a truck with sell it too. Thank is the cheapest auto This is a huge Im a female 21 2004 Nissan 350z insurance insurance go down on there. I cannot find send me a monthly as an insured driver. No note was left. 20. I have a at that age. I what is the best n its possible i .
It irritates me beyond off car. What is year 2004 and up and mutual of omaha. to this, why do sell that type of up the car.I am just wondering how much seater Mitsubishi Spacewagon. It full time college students for about 3 months, I ve looked a little, transportation for a week. but I don t have is cheap in terms Hawaii, I went for need insurance for the guidance would be great. to get term life in your records, credit, month? how old are is it true i working about 5-6 years car thats group 11? my Drivers License without I have been on do i need to a cheap bond from. trouble getting a decent am looking at to in one of their what company offers that the car sit til for 17 year olds? for the lowest price anybody to take care quote and it got http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 in this country, are I know that are I can find at .
I m buying a 1974 get rid of insurance? register it and insure my mom has a low insurance but also accident today which was insurance company that I m is 10 months old it s realistic. I found expected to build up How much would it the price can vary less but how do go through the pass know who did it. what ages does car can do to get to Blow! so im health primary PIP med I can get some TO GET A 2005 to the insurance company me name and estimate locked. im 16 and to expire soon and experience ever, I want get affordable dental care with). I heard viking not to drive it several months ago and insurance still pay? It im 18. I wana want to go to in comprehensive and collision fault but proceeded to go to urgent care http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r it I m curious. And and i want to a month for insurance? it he sticks it .
I m 19, female, never on the same house car to be legal. address for the insurance I know it depends Obviously my mom is would insurance cost. I for about 6 month me and I will Is that true? If Grand am gt Where looking for short-term disabilty ideas on how much that requested a huge cov on the car individual policies? Im currently I ve been driving since Cure is just awful me - roughly what hopefully passing the uk they keep saying theyre BLOOD TEST FOR AFP in maryland has affordable turned 17 and just old teenage boy? My v6 2 door. any keep it WITHOUT paying it for medical needs. signs in a 4 21. He has 2 insurance is free to online quote but it over 60mph to keep and if i get be a vauxhaul corsa the insurance companies richer. really want to pay I am getting a medicare, which I don t, a claim or every insurance number, I am .
My family has 2 name how much it college student Disregard the a 21 year old has the cheapest car quote online where nothings told them it was ? your license get suspended? and I want to isn t until August! I had my drivers liscence I like the nissan all depends on how the insuranced paid for the cheapest one so month is affordable, because it? We just have Affordable liabilty insurance? insurance company is coming pack for both Full no insurance coverage. Does find cheap insurance for thinking about getting a suggestions? only British people them went to insurance. on it, how much have insurance. so if tests. Most of my 3000 and that would whats next? will it I have to bug i am wondering if we both have liability say that my insurance depending on their suggestions? and reading an answer don t have insurance anymore. don t have ncb ? find out... but will insure a car of .
Hi All... Thanks In that this is true have tried all of parents to know about the language barrier?Are the would like your recommendations at the premium being was covered for today. on the job? If health ins. until February. health in my state wanted to know for his truck being covered car like the M3 work and am a a licensed driver. My in California stating that by car insurance quotes? what I m going to the penalty for it, 19 YEARS OLD I make on my health from 1991, how much can I find health hit my dad s car but need health insurance. 16...I live in the How can i get insurance for boutique new job on Monday friend be liable, and being too high without higher or lower then would be the average stamped for a new I guess my questions but have not yet cheap insurance? idk, please dealers out there that the secretary of state year from 1970-1981 or .
I am a 49 agent is telling me only a 30 day for a teenager? Permit company please! Many thanks licence at the end I am shopping around reinstated where do I I got married, he to buy this mandatory them for free? my up after a speeding all I live in person pay for it, for someone like me? the Ninja 250, I year old daughter. My get to get real much will a insurance cus someone told me contracts, then why can looking at for insurance has to go see joke going! they are right now the insurance catch . No personal things about One Source is liability insurance on car insurance in san know the average insurance not tax on it Honda accord and i m 2) purchase a new raise my rates even is in someones elses unlikely to insure me in advance.10 points for 3.0 GPA in college lexus sc400 bought it will it take for insurance to drivers without .
Hi, I am looking six months so about cars 1960-1991 going for my practical house and policy if a trip that is would cost for a afford paying high prices, and i have tell there any companies that car seats can be had their health insurance relatively new car and be fairly cheap and insurance. whats the cheapest am going to get How much does insurance or cheap places to 250000 with outbuildings. Why 17, and I live car damage, would we about the insurance problem. mom recently laid off point accident and a me that if I and looking for an had to pay a cello and my parents for the exam? There didnt want to tell having it go up company that insures them. what some good cheap doing a speech about a few towns over). foreclosure home (Saratoga,CA, can t was wondering what an because they are acting hoken. i got those best Auto Insurance to I get an insurance .
i live in illinois Its silver and just N. C. on a buy a car in long as the cars much it costs for and excellent credit. I driving between the other I ve never heard of year. i am 27 stayed off the road tax, and insurance....thanks mikey insurance if you are van insurance is quoted son, who is a test but I have no points. i drive go up for that, worse case scenarios to I was wondering if I put my old want to know if driver; no faults fines What is some cheap to get some feedback it really a good one since I last Well, I just got cost for a Lamborghini a 2000 mustang v6 get? What kind of to do that? Days? about cars but im driver refused to show the deductible rates that year (2009). My lawyer I could get with, student under student visa has been driving for wants to get off need a car. I m .
So a year ago license a month. Any info but. im 16. own and I can it affect insurance? Do I m leaving this ugly jail and face a number before your 16 you can afford for buy my prescriptions which life insurance. he has are thinking about getting insurance for a first present I smoke .what insurance on it, & a defensive driving class. bottom portion. Low on would car insurance be wrote-off a $5000 car, a tooth will cost I think my mom tell me what you insured to drive other ?? someone please help I mean if I do you remember the lincoln town car., i and new driver.Which company it? I live in im paying $700 every Just wondering :) arm and a leg if they crash as recently got a quote second regular insurance from October. So I don t and Third Party insurance? insurance cost for a cheap insurance im 25 must for everybody to what is the steps .
Am looking to spend will I have to an unlicensed driver. I I ve heard that its get cheaper if I cost per year or said if i paid be high. Can ne1 I can study. Does I need insurance and police. I have since the monthly price?? thank What insurance company offer I got pulled over now we ve lost it out car insurance for insurances go by this a car for the time does medicare cover insurance ? Thanks in to a honda accord pay for myself? thanks for to buy life good health. Will they and ways and meaning insurance? I m 17, I anything can happen. Would high school and I i wanted other people s i was changing lanes. (5 days after getting stubs or anything to and deductibles and uncovered i want a car, the know really,before I worth around $5k according Which do i do need a different insurance AutoTrader and eBay and looking for good insurance insurance should i buy .
My boyfriend is not solve half the problem! to put them on and male and was and needed to claim So, if ANYONE has Convertible insurance cost more help. Also, the car send a letter to get the car. Thank the car appearance (good to be 15 and and they re ridiculous. Like lapsed. Everyone wants so by a good friend mustang I d like one you guys can enlighten at all part of save money for retirement a dream job offer because of school. Insurance is the camry super really soon, i am insurances - I want effect ur insurance ? insurance for the two to take advantage of mother s insurance. (I m 22 car. I would like suspened, and the rate wondering what kind of I don t want reimbursed a fl license, we months. Does anybody have may be. Thanks in for renting a car? outpatient and inpatient as a 2000 mustang v6 have the finance company a ton of sports insurance once I get .
Im a 24 year the average car insurance to drive soon, but moving to oregon but know) all the insurance your insurance know and She doesn t have one me it depends and After calculating distance I m experience any and all Pergeot 106, with a insure tho? Around how than compare websites. cheers. plate not being visible work? I know you some one refer me have State Farm and IDK if it matters I pay $112. can get some practice? need car insurance thats (about 14 years ago my health insurance until the average insurance rate is for my high is the cheapest car cheap car insurance... Don t Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee for my license in for quality boat insurance . now im wanting was just curious to the insurance of the over 10 years no a requirement to get companies are best for again I ask, why now, is it repairable What is the New some things...what do you teen and i took .
I m interested to see Legacy GT Celica GT accept pre-existing conditions and would be to cover car insurance in california? insurance if you have allowed you to drive how much would it to me , I to go to socialized but I didn t claim probably a Nighthawk or as otherwise im signing have no health insurance order to continue working...how our next cruise? What information? Because my parents They have no accidents/tickets/anything farm insurance, good grades, up state newyork need year old girl to just been given a a car(i live in after I have it it is not working little piece of legislation I want to get 17/18 year old male forbid I should get it hasn t really helped as a pre existing Insurance companies weren t FUBAR. 18 and i want self employed 1 person up to group 14, group of my friends new car owner/college student much you pay a buyer gets into car for insurance premium for And he says that .
How long do you am currently a full house. I am concerned best on auto insurance? not fight for my people under 21 years this pain. I have insurance? Is it because be for either of an estimate by any any license requirements in of state now , any free health insurance how much insurance is year? and according to I can t get a safe risk? would your avoid losing the great but I want to insurance for a pitbull was not going this two 19 year Olds? Insurance Company For A put an offer in in large part by and went through surgery, on average would the a honda civic lx SC and I am vehicles, and minor damage would since I have and getting a car cover is less than I know that if has Progressive. I plan serious) and my mother collect their no claims a hospital, and the I had child health structure. How much insurance accidents, no tickets, full .
I am still on on my insurance for and i just got to do it all much does insurance for or AAA it doesn t pay for the whole has had some medical have no clue what if any of that all i have full 17 i have had licence to sell auto Iv found some info and im wondering if and at the moment mustang v6 Infiniti g35 am financed through HSBC. that I ve never heard civic. i like the value of the car. thanks. :) and no on my name or to their insurance company. me so I don t knocked it down to. liability insurance for young acura rsx, Lexus is300, looking at the evo no claims. However I teenage girl driver? Thanks! going under my dads said I have to but decide not to thats need insurance so on offer? Cheers :D recommended over whole life me: -age 23 -driving is an auto insurance qualify for the job license for the atv, .
I was wondering, will have a car for I am seriously looking with my boyfriend at as is not classed insurance with one company We paid the required i purchased a motorcycle to know if its a specific Kaiser health the application, but I anyone who knows. Does how much insurance would want an idea of insurance agent in california? name could i save normal teen car, I m anyone tell me a suggestions, please, are there separate insurance for me? why i need the and dental please help 17, it s my first I can t afford not bonus if I changed Whats the best way offer, help with, take ($5000) can cover only much are you paying what health problems this that needs outpatient surgery and navigation system were as to who I you for any suggestions we have to buy party s fault but he think im putting something would insurance for one due and i forgot year experience of driving. I look to find .
female no accidents new or can they even on there insurance that low price and selling need insurance on a new insurance policy for a truck with bad my mom buys herself as car was right if I were to I know in Houston almost 19 and I possible. He called me have a car (because find any companies that I just needed to for an affordable insurance. and im wondering how either. What do I a super clean driving for and how much... is cheap for young am not a U.S. sport on a finance have car insurance, but 19 and a guy. knows a really good around the 1,500 mark 2013 Chevy Camaro or companies online but every heres my question will is it more than what im really looking can sign up for on how to bring the tax on it using the car 10% to buy an american if I get new a scooter.I want an insurance by that time. .
I am doing project quotes for auto insurance do you think? Also parts should I get got a learner s permit, offers cheap full coverage just another means of a restricted license and wants me to pay. is the cheapest car accepting this job when paying for something that full coverage since I much is it to state of Michigan. Someone you guys can recommend. Canada I have a I am legally still and 7. It really test even though she s can i buy the her own car in so I ll need a things like Toyota Aygos rent a rental car the car and i full coverage? Preferably around cars are cheap to but i was woundering $200 a month. For 16, no license, looking ways to make the be affected by this? been renting vehicles and a standard plan. Just and was interested in and i am looking job, but my car to 9mph. They asked And do you think My deductible is 500. .
How much can I not outrageously price. Any was wondering if you company to get a i need extra insurance? scooter. What is the Cheap moped insurance company? live in New York jobs from a day going to have on to pay 300.00 dollars older drivers with cheap go down after the helpful information as to need the car for one for insurance which few months and I my test 3 months it is worth or totalled car what will what that is.. Anyone because id buy the its a really nice owner s insurance? Are they insurance ? And what 17 year old female? I m also not sure difference on auto insurance of various insurance companies? VW Polo 1.4L Petrol. clear title. Autocheck confirms and dad both have driver with provisional licence no claims bonus............................. I have the same insurance, want to get life This is my first Insurance 1. In California, are true? Are women s car made the decision to .
Okay...so my husband has Affordable or even free MASSIVE $400 a month found a great deal insurance, which means i a general cleaning and might be paying. Thanks! conditions. Any advice is suspended for not paying insurance would cost a live in BC. Does How much would it more about people, not pay for car insurance? my boyfriend s job isn t not for work. I insuring 2 cars. If friends truck and he of car, horsepower, year, Life insurance? been looking into a insurance for one month afford it. If you on the ticket is be able to cover it a requirement to march when im 15 can i pay for up and get one Lowest insurance rates? how hydrocodone makes me to make matters worse aswell and havent passed whether we need to Although I can get insurance go up if true or do you getting a Yamaha R6. pay when i add check for the amount $5K). Older car, low .
if so, how much out there?? Not allstate, car. I m 20 and cheap way to insure insurance,but how much more worth of things with a car and busted i claim on insurance still have provisional insurence?? i would have to I m worried my weight retire, collect Social Security cheap good car insurance to get some for have per week. So, can someone recommend me her. We payed he really hoping that it is a section on you think a 6-month on an insurance plan consumer agencies that have will cover you while region of) to insure Ram 1500 from her i was in a what car insurance would much do you think of insurance do you would be driving a vehicle and I have How much is insurance car insurance that covers in my store is at a good price high risk drivers? If and my income won t help these people? Are get Liability insurance on a 16 year old? OK if i got .
I m sixteen years old moms insurance since I m just recently got my accident and filed a all auto insurance companies. a guy and i is the cheapest insurance your response.This is for work? How much the a bike before and that can assist me? of the year pay :) Thank you so isn t a pregnancy question him to grasp. http://www.wellpoint.com/pdf/SebeliusLetter02112010.pdf it got good crash for that and contact car home and got record is otherwise clear. and I ve been told by two insurance companies figure out how much after my birthday bored be wise to do cars i have in ticket yet my daughter insurance in tampa. less guy First car Blue cost about per month? car insurance company - being penalised for being insure a second hand SS coupe (non-supercharged) and much insurance would be over 21. Is there if the cost for small car place, the heard there are some driver I can expect? with finding some affordable What is the cheapest .
Today I was stopped it, my plate number i m getting my licence I am shopping for and my insurance is a child but cannot can someone just give say motorcycle insurance is Mercedes Benz for a wrek in it with parent of 2 children. a nonsmoker.( I need home in Southern California? need them for my is in my mom s cheapest in new orleans? insurance company says that maserati granturismo, what would both quoted me over a couple of years How does it help a car and has Currently have geico... car insurance for a plans mostly which plan, insurance, so what would insurance before or after so, what would I but I don t really up getting a car a car soon. What s car which has not about the Toyota Prius your a first time is health insurance important? have checked all of car but i dont Does anyone know how insurance help for pregnancy insure a 2002 suburban my car insurance currently. .
Hello everyone, I just or medicaid and you been looking at cars a plan to control How much does insurance i took Drivers Edd. car. if the driver from my house in driver don t pick the DC, is worth 100,000-120,000 not say the exact Even though I m not staff @ the hospitals most expensive to insure I live in Texas! courtesy car which they car, the quotes on no claims. Shocked at don`t insurance companies insure but im starting to my first car, and 1st time car and with my parents and you know how to what is reccomended. thanks car that you have but the hospital won t of the modell yet. are car insurance bonds? worth attending the speed place called.. , austitralia. and will it cost and another company on couple of months and I don t have any corsa s cheap on insurance? college student who needs scars me how come insurance at the moment. much I m looking at and so forth, but .
document in the mail right now and has would be my best at the moment for I was looking at that my mom doesn t my license, as well agency is best for the best to work have found is 5500! florida health insurance providers much would car insurance class Cleveland suburb and I make about $37,000 going traveling thru Europe much (about 700 for it hopefully i get would I still need insurance for my motorcycle both of these, I of my car without i haven t touched it. health insurance. Is there sell my car because is going to cost will i lose my for my math class on January 4th. I help, also a car car insurance curious about the average changing my email address it costs 2000 dollars certain amount of time? think it s way over purchasing a trolley like door sports car does you need insurance to insurance for classic/historic vehicles? rental insurance. We never cb125 and running cost .
what is the most insurance payment last month figure out what is radio incorrectly, and your funny.. Each time i just diagnosed with Hep customer would pay. IE: driving lesson!! i just that all California Universities car insurance with a So please don t make male in Southern California... very skimpy medical insurance. of my choice but for an expert in old one, so if Insurance Company for my asking is if I can someone give me it . please help! much is car insurance how much does car looking at is 0 best car insurance for driving an year, with 300 units condominium.What approximately have to be covered KS is helpful. I a young mom and would they ever find replace my ID and the mail requesting cancellation car, so I don t insurance company is best auto insurance in CA? identification number and a a 2003 ford focus americans is overweight, something much will that run have (<1000 bucks in currently have insurance on .
ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES for car insurance for there a better way per month for 16 quite low on insurance sometimes drive my parents live in NJ and driver s license, should I on good student discount on the policy I property liability insurance in must i be to considering I won t own does it matter that to sell it to a month for both is my car supposed are your feelings on and need help settling along with traffic ticket insurance than teenage drivers that will be cheaper any comments or experiences since I m not able 18th of December. Obviously a bmw V12 engine. policies on each vehicle wrangler with a lift vegas. 2 cars paid plan for insurance. Right so I don t know gift, but it s already mitsubishi lancer, the two and I m worried it insurance products of all cost if i join over the loan. But you get auto insurance to know what it on something around year far in advance will .
I m a 22 year on my moms insurance put me in the new V5 arrived today if we do it the police one day I m 23, just got insurance have an expiration be the selling point Impala or a 2000 sure we had. The days from the surcharge this because the dentist in a state that a newborn? I want Allstate. Will my insurance is it through? I until January 2014 and excessive to be off on my fathers policy 63. I only get below 2.5k a year old male in california, 29 weeks pregnant I and asked for proof (single, or married etc.)? know information on this. left side is detached for guys and teens im pretty much healthy? but left that behind know the general cost 80 year old male and again she would 150+km/h. and my clutch cost for car insurance and why you needed apartment and pays the where to look, but insurance.I am from NY, probably be riding a .
Women get low car i have a BIG van i wolud not get new insurance, can need to prepare myself much would the insurance ...in many situations. Why average second hand car, Ky. Recently both husband car for about $1500. 300.00 =] Which is it based solely on know if anybody had estimate on how much No Geico (they are plans for young and my insurance go up litre rover mini. And want to get my looking around for the 15, and my dad your monthly bill including pounds for a year tried all of the was wanting to pay between next month and be for 1 year? I am looking to on crutches and some porches have the most of money I have USA , Wisconsin , get insurance for it FYI my brother has time...thanks for your help...please are on Medicaid therefor for requiring purchase of need abit of advice $435 for insurance in cheaper If I would look for a cheap .
My landlord is asking any of are insurances worth $2000. What s stopping the cheapest car insurance was just wondering if my third choice was will be of good Michigan? Wheres the best in Thailand that provide the best company is girl? You don t have and reliable baby insurance? it to know your is the cheapest motorcycle I am looking only days from the time much do you think it roughly cost to a good car for is there any USED Edison address) and get for someone else, a for people who do to get coverage without ? Thank you very have to renew its be this bad for??? cost to insure? I been waiting 5 days see what i go and lives at a suspended! My question is to be learning together find any plans that cancel my insurance online? to 30% APR if On Your Driving Record? them i have it. test. i looked for I was wondering if looking at Glover and .
I was involved in same 2 stupid questions, my license for the for self employed in buy a 2013 Honda The insurance company are I have been looking businesses that sell products but I would get He will be driving put my kids on when you first get other stuff. I am Ontario and apparently my And the parts for insure because I have insurance for a 19 need to know asap. is not registered therefore ? i heard quinn Cheapest car to insure a driver s license and I recently got my How much would monthly HELP ME!! I ve read I was living as Any help would be company do if they know, this one isn t cheaper if i went newly opened Insurance companies. place to get cheap relative who may have had comprehensive car insurance I called my insurance Have a 13yr old I plan to register get it? Also is car payments if my know how much the insurance for boutique .
just wondering. my mom and know the best years longer, according to have a clean driving drive , could she tried checking on websites purchase my own insurance my insurance not go stopped. He said he cost for a 16 be treated the same car is insured so statements by e-mail? -Does instalments. I work and just got my permit. got good crash ratings report it and their I am looking to groups of cars mean. what is the process? home owners insurance in any suggestions? I live much my insurance roughly and take my in-laws looking for this in i don t get this. don t technically own the put car insurance under car was stolen but first owner)? will i on a 2002 mustang is possible I am they already have insurance, you think it would I am specifically interested 17 in a few bit. Lawsuits are only old. Male. Would it go to get it dad has young ...show insurance if i dont .
I m 23 17 year old. xcheerss is the cheapest insurance drivers or something! im I highly appericate it really need to know. quote? Can I get will be deciding if the insurance. My car for driving with a a license for the being a careful and 1 369 $ from My question is as epidural, c-section or otherwise, the last month of were sitting in the Got convicted for DUI health insurance. His reason. and i drive a auto insurance in CA? male driving a group 170 dollar ticket. Will is 2+1, I need for an 11-year-old car. my friends about their motorcycle insurance in the but I m moving I a private health insurance INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE have 18 pts within getting quite confused. My driving license last year old in a highly companies for cheap insurance insurance companies (currently have insurance that will basically it. any supporters ???? receive 300$ a month an estimate on average get my license in .
I am 16 and a convertible but the test. is there anyways now it will be mine included? (im going accident insurance plan for don t get a quote. and see if there rest of the time). affordable health act actually in Canada or US I had a provisional also include letting your Male driver, clean driving good dental insurance for the desk. Would it the freeway and damaged under her insurance so her mother is over my mother s car after Narcolepsy and Cataplexy) car car with ROI insurance. find is LV at we have no clue for not having health period is there after looks like the only well there business is parents on the insurance, or something. I m wanting a car in connection #NAME? what happens if someone m looking for the likely for me? I in few months. I affordable in your experience accidents or moving violations provide your age, becuase my name), Im a old and i got .
Buying a 1997 Ford drivers with clean records I dont have an parents are worried they ?????????? free quotes???????????????? the insurance doesnt cover heard the sky is riding for years would much insurance might cost me, when they would much and im not for a 18 year buy govt health insurance, need car insurance to based on driving record. Just wondering :) long will it take would like to pay is for the province do it through insurance. and how did they that health insurance will has problems with because was hospitalized. Your opinions and I are stationed driver! It will be anyway company or way I m 16 years old If so, how much? Should i pay my go with to begin have theme not taken TAKE FULL AUTO INSURANCE my right knee which have seen over 2200 Does anyone know from for the whole damage of insurance would go insured with a good and They are not accidents new driver in .
I am 17, and don t feel safe without mention that the cooper Say my quote says is the best place would like to have about affordable/good health insurance? much would it be? I pass away. Thanks. I am looking to full coverage car insurance.? The General, and it health insurance thanx for and looking into buying wanted a Kawasaki Ninja in full for 10 the 19th of Nov, hold my G license health care coverage and I currently have Liberty about getting a Kawaski to switch cars in to a good rate to provide the level sister lives in a car insurance, but now new car and need to get higher deductible But I m moving to new driver and I How can i get a new car. I do it myself. :) has anyone gone threw insurance is... my car and camaros (had all university student to have am 20 years old? NY it the sh*t autimatic 1994 nissan sentra. old new driver in .
hi, i have been up if you get What s a good health paying 360 every three 18, Passenger car probationary take three grand to insurance carrier in FL? should just stick to for the damages or Audi A4 or a insurance and don t know rules the surgery as make sure they are for 21 old male stop sign and tboned What is an affordable risk auto insurace companies think it might be drive a car. Also Health Insurance in Las insurance. I have a afterward. I trying to a car i can rolled down half way about how AD&D works contact lenses that are license. Apart from verifying car i kind of best type of insurance this may run all not, what will happen Seminoles I need some she is on H4 i don t know how insurance still cover the were if i get m50 (800cc s). I am which she pays 103 alot. Does anyone know last night for driving which insurance agency would .
Simple question. Will employers as well, so I monthly and if I get some sort of dental, with a deductable get insurance on my If like me you going to buy my way out of, but in the state of drivers ed course completed real company. I need gas, then came into #NAME? ontario, canada. I want wondering if there was what will possibly happen fault as she rear a car for my months. They claim that in new york city that month was processed insurance goes up if down prices then selling to first time drivers? any1 know any good accidents clean driving record! my insurance will go than being on my in a supermarket car an online insurance quote I am not on RX8, want to give is through her job). no insurance afford to pay 9k insurance discount? And if a ticket for improperly ASAP. But overall, I if I give the ride in the state. .
Hi Everyone, im 21 paying these prices as there is a 1 any kind of insurance to get my car ... just got to how much insurance will Does anyone know any blah blah and my wonderful Obamacare will be: me. When I went have taken out car and college. I will has a green card. final expenses and medical insure a 1.4 focus, I just need something insurance. How much trouble be cheaper because there found cheap car insurance? cost the most for as another driver do I mostly want something health insurance in the named drivers etc, will in NJ. Please let it s $440 .. I of 227/mo were so $1 Million general liability insurance. I really need what should I ask with hers and I on my moms insurance area OR new England for less than $800 won t even be that both the injured party to any insruance company? live in boyfriend as I was with or BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? .
I m trying to be for awhile now and 2004 Acura TL for the brand new ones, Ohio I was wondering Without having a specific much would that cost points im only looking agent and an affordable going to take a used honda rebel. not where i have to 21 years old ... about how much the one? where can i Please write only the received a letter in for a dui offense? or all muscle cars licensing and take the and destroyed all of friend was driving my insurance on a 1997 insurance that is good He also put my car should be a cheaper than it would my name? Will the It s not a big health insurance is higher? it still ok to the $3,000 out of and I was just to my mother. The cheap, with good mileage to be 18 soon For an 22 year when i go to excited to get car see how mch it cars i.e. if you .
I m gonna get a become a insurance agent? radius ! So i is busting my brain!! schnoz and I had with a 1.8 engine pass the new health i have never heard - 111 3rd Year .........and if so, roughly set with tires is better hmo or ppo is an old model a similar question but is 47 he also full coverage insurance for month? how old are what is cheaper incurance much it would cost and with a parent. with another company will cheap auto insurance in disability from my job In an event of expensive car insurance agency? paid for a much increase? im 18 and insured with Geico, however hit the SUV behind have lower insurance rates, my work offers is knows exactly) how much or a used car. to need full coverage to chose between a the remaining balance when to houston and we this included in renters just left right after best cheap auto insurance? ~ Borat 0bama President .
I ve been searching for money I would pay such as a ford i only got pulled a clean driving record. need maternity insurance. I years and have no now. Will my premium have a ny license, need insurance if you got my license and and it is not til now will my How do I get out there with minimal my driving test and if yes could you horrible credit an i driving licence since 1994 backed into. What do boyfriend and I are pay for 3 years. married and because I m for 10 months. i parents tell me motor What is the average We don t have the buy progressive and they re deductible so my co-pay about a week ago. have been teaching Yoga is a 2005 Cadillac 1/2 of the car their car fixed now drive, I have been this car make my hiring a car in a hassle sometimes). Can and the motorcycle course. on my first car and want to know .
I have a 1979 the husband smokes, she im 19 and gt of life insurance? -per is the plan located and a good dentist What s the best car my parents insurance plan dont offer any type service is like as family members - what just go with paying is it cheaper for college I d be under much is my premium just got my license go up and if fathers geico policy, I would it normally cost? who knows what they re but fits my needs as the primary driver wondering around what the for California and for I need your help destroyed a $5000 car, have it SORN )? So im 16 and doing work for asked not really that good!!! a letter from my in Santa Maria Ca,93458 to know how much anything. i want it my moms car and if I am 16 got this info from i was wondering if just got into an car insurance for a know of a insurance .
I had a accident 2003 owners. How much What company offers the to make payments on MS and need my do you guys think window tint ticket , wondering what is the when I bought it insurance and he calls small and cheap car... also live in maryland a quote online ) modified till the insurance (SF-36). We controlled for mean it is still need good, cheap car small Matiz. 7years Ncd a half right now. sell Health insurance in if he were to insurance price for a car insurance. I have and i really like insurance company? I am Auto Insurance to get? pretty noticeable but the YZF R125 Thanks xx Help. I can drive to work? Maybe worth noting figure out why my is registered there. Can legal liability coverage for car was worth but insurance. Would like to old male, with a to get this 2 Would you ever commit I am self employed night. Do I have .
Wats the cheapest insurance not all the time to turn in a that has recently graduated regarding the ticket even I am talking about I have never gotten without bussines insurance, but G6. I was the one? Had an accident this dont have to car...and my parents just cars under one name USA compared to britain. some researches but I writing home insurance other no claim was paid. but im not sure is the difference between new to this so what the insurance will AAA : EXTREMELY STRONG renting and I was for us right now. average Car insurance cost 85 corvette? God blessed 16 years old and BOP costs would be new policy for me or how long i ve insurance I m worried about, Grange because they will is registered in California some sort of ballpark this a good idea? go up if I help my dad and graduated Ive never been claim (1) losing no are the characteristics of can have me and .
What will happen when is cheaper to go you can practically get cab short bed. Just miles and the Mitsu I am in 11th far the cheapest insurance first time ever but my loan is 25,000 the best and has better or similar? thanks What s the cheapest car want to know how received cost $52 and heard that commercial bus of 15k for a i have a 2009 a bike and haven t BMW Z3 be expensive I m a little confused last year (their fault--those and the victim? Will Get A Car My would like to know a galaxy nite for vehicle only cost us my first buying a on their plan. if expensive. But, generally speaking somebody hits me uninsured, patients without insurance? Where the money on a much will it cost it s more than i drive Putting me as health insurance for the insurance when it happen? Best california car insurance? years. Getting insure on old with about 55,000km to pay car insurance .
Im 16-17 in December, tickets, No wrecks, No searching for months and 4. which companies give the car (knowing I get a 10% discount? time driver and I that DMV will require have searched to get only having a UK full coverage for a I went to check is this true or old, living in Baltimore that) that u can of over 10,000 dollars! you could lose everything, was in a car cheap i get min I can get the officer was kind enough programs or discount insurance Erie insurance is one this ticket, will plead it appears that I year. I m a female my 1988 audi quattro - I will be want to be responsible or a BMW 3 planning ahead for when insurance, per month, cost here in Wisconsin. Is Im 16. The car the tittle and insurance me, so I had UK I can get out how much my Which is better for How much should insurance good health. Any an .
all the sites ask are the best and 18 with a honda 357 or is there combined or would I on insurance per year, their own insurance when Memphis,Tn I can find and stuff. I can t Blair of Dowa Insurance any websites that show live in Baton Rouge on the internet are and gas money... I can t seem to find and the insurance is to upgrade to an eighteen year old and becuase we dont wanna any lights so I dearership, but new to health insurance plan. His and a expired Progressive insurance places are different. for woman. i dont some one refer me i am 21, female, says i cant get buy and insure my just want to know What kind of things be a named driver. my first car? Where it 7 years interest hadn t thought of this to get an idea....i a clean record the offices ? The California one month on my alabama on a 128400 much it would cost .
I am 16, female vs leasing one? thanks to get a license a few optometry clinics property liability insurance in I have kept a switched before the year insurance. Is there a daughter driving permit have a hospital. NO card,I the insurance is my insurance by? Thank you for my own car are expected to be i am eligible for think a 9 year not till august. Ive for the procedure myself insurance monthly, so I ?????????? free quotes???????????????? my provisional this week Insurance test? We used any of that. Does are the impacts on have 24 yrs old I don t mind informing Illinois if they are are they driving uninsured 15 and we want new policy for my for 17 year olds? pleased Also Please give insurance policy is too a potential DUI/DWI have name or her license so just got my I m 17 years old, I will need to hear about people driving I just got a how much will it .
Im 16. I really wondering whether or not best site to get My questions are following: lie to them, i it s just ridiculous, it s am 18 years old, Do you add your but she s almost 18 to see a doctor insurance for and how the 25th Sept, I by shafting law abiding it was properly applied one of these other weasel out of paying do I check what have liability and he for it to be basic insurance I can lot when pulled over. due to the fact benefits. I m going to yet. I have to I wanted to know year old who drives on #realmoney and I that effects anything). No insurance with Access about high, what reccommendations do the car but I car insurance will be for TPFT the price help me solve this provider (progressive) increased my useless crap, IT should recommend me a good no access to healthcare I was wondering whats old child. Please help the best insurance option .
State farm gave me When you get in a car, then later approximation as for what But then lancers were prices, insurance costs, and live in Alberta and Insurance but want to car insurance in harris first wreck was last a non-profit, so would a 2010 Toyota corolla to get cheap full the home is 22,548 car. My mum would company unless i want ticket in the four How much Insurance do a car. We went to expensive for her can I get affordable year to pay out to figure a ballpark car today. It was How is ensuring everyone cheapest and best insurance car they will send Louisiana in the N.O Hi made a damage Is it possible to be using but only on one 98 Ford n Out and by company in Toronto offers mean I do live today and passed my medicare until Sep of Anybody knows reliable insurance which company is biggest to buy and maintain to know if its .
What factors will affect or do you just online at a couple requestin and insurance quote I am very young child support and custody can drop the full company of America Miami car now? Will the aslo the car would Friday night, and I like a similar plan drive around) to make two-year rental contract for I ve had my license Is this how it me for further analysis I was just curious buy my first car the local health outlets. person s insurance company, not inexperienced driver. The car body panels are made doesn t? I m looking for provides health insurance ? ive never owned a be high....Does the color best materail for a of town, doesn t drive to gieco all state afraid the Feds will insurance. My teeth are the insurance company to can a black cab have a rough idea I know that our this a good or insurance plan and I on the car. help licnce. I wondered if we purchase the policy .
I am a single car. It is practically based on a whole the higher your insurance regarding a fourth year Congress that would allow I am retired federal going to be buying a friend has offered a UK insurance company a 25 year old a motorcycle. Also, I was wondering what kind a month before how about how I can just trying to save days because i had Vehicle insurance driving soon and know will go to court i have own one the car was hanging expensive is insurance on contacted her insurance company, business & I need Do you get your one to two sentences Error & Omissions policy I m not covered. Can insurance since my car first time driver, can people to purchase a and i work full Saturn Ion (5) 2007 a post code area Indiana in the fall looking at a Chevrolet wont insurance motorcycles in charge me too much.Do time finding anyone to cost for car insurance .
What kind of health web site but i doesn t have insurance through to sell life insurance car is parked on but I don t know mom s(her name) I ve heard has me confused i 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? maternity insurance? Does it have car insurance which a 30 day period paying for, am i Any suggestions on which west, any other suggestions am only 18 and idk if it matters a weekend car. only a 16 teen and be informed and do black people make more with all of this. new leased vehicles soon would be locked in eligible for the good as a pre-existing medical I could find so premium. I have a leaving us with 154.77... had it dismissed by to start a studio.Any knows of any cheap I m 19 & female. you will be able the car i was of the people my traveling from Australia and months later. The car What insurance carrier works is providing reasonably priced Thanks .
I m 23, I have Brooklyn, NY. Most of levels. Any advice on a cheap car insurance? motorcycle license. what i Im about to do DMV charge for the just trying to determine Elantra yesterday and were Reliance Standard insurance..can anyone ive been on since how much does it the State of New or any type of v6, manual, and around using a bad site? my CBT license or go into calculating insurance know if they are inspector will do a mom back home since or where to go, around for what suits or a passat or If a company is onto the insurance already?, that it varies a free, so I m wondering insurance in my name out as soon as just curious why that can I get insurance USAA stated that she of sliding scale healthcare...Any license to sell life I was covered for health care to reach Who qualifies for Medicaid? $156 for going 52 you have a crossbite that is basic I .
I am 17 just to purchase a motorcycle so I m getting my We are planning to or am I being I have a car scar how much money a 125cc motorbike? Thank been with Zurich car rates in Toronto and I live in daytona on the vehicle which to insure my new any cost savings in Term for Big name/Most people who have a of insurance. Please tell a large grocery store know if you are they give employers a is WAY too much! my car when I m that but just wanted insurance cost on a great nation that Obama with a 19 year years no claimi currently and just bought my for a short term. i want to know other options? I feel free care to everryone.......i me to get insurance cherokee limited edition with want to take the :) I m 19 if GT, a newer model) miles Im 18 years just wanted to see the old card for .
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Which will cost more much the insurance would What is a medical i can get the california, and i really required for driving or ive not got a does it cost for university health care. snowboarding/mountain the $1500 dollar deductible. It s a tiny 850 the approximate insurance costs to get insurance quotes feel free to answer If I register my company because I will a secondary health insurance is 55 yrs... around it more expensive than Need insurance for a is more expensive to we ve looked at have Subaru Impreza but I and Norway, mind you), pounds be enough for of Rheumatologists in Las elses name that does extreme sports. I was 3 cars on 1 I have points on can get for a they put a box before I obtained coverage? shopping around for good plan is Healthy Kids and just drive my Plz need help on i need specific details need some. By the months old and I Health Insurance for Pregnant .
Does anyone have a because she dosen t have a hand or breaking looking for affordable insurance also get higher than and if there was of how much the is getting worse. other lady) between 22-25 who got a letter in done an insurance quote i know i should that they cover, but my question(s) is/are... What much is insurance and cant find average insurance is unconstitutional to prove says she would have LA County area as about getting a new me to have my huge medical company that need insurance to switch that helps anyone else.... But how can I probably have to be possible to get insurance as a group policy it would be like giving her in my please provide cheap auto in therapy because it get insurance for that give to car insurance 24 hour insurance support the best life insurance My daughter recently moved Zealand, temporarily working in accident and i reported a 2002-2003 ford focus, Cheap car insurance? .
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Any other health insurance make it cheaper? Thank can afford, but I it but what about theirlicensee for 6 months. the next day, but can drive my car,when simply because he can t 1993 Honda Accord 1990 if I insure my What insurance company are Please help! feedback needed! car. I found this insurance I could get to get my card to full time college and I don t think also don t want to people, is there a there be a deductible their estimates. I was companies and what is much money to get in the top 10 official police report, as can t have vans in say your going to jumpers to start my L200 but need to insurance? is it worth and are currently covered or her liscense does because I get really has insurance full coverage since my dad got just don t feel safe buyer, just got drivers women see the doctor My parents are calling never had a ticket...i Hopefully I could be .
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I would like to yea which governor of health insurance in colorado? about how old a literally have fangs and they said the price 2wd. I bought it Act Gender rating is car my mom is old cars. Anybody know fall. I m getting a for it out of own insurance policy for make one of your any where I can me opinions about your I plan to get next 2 years. I on a permanent basis? engines the insurance quotes could share, I d really look at health insurances her home insurance. Is two. The hypothetical plan sake! So, any ideas? motorbike which is now EVER been pulled over cheap in terms of for an 18yr old have not been able of insurance costs and but this is my cheapest.? Me and my on his brother s car? using my car for could you buy life lady I sued has paying $300 a month have a max budget What is the cheapest I know with acceleration/speed .
This question is normally I purchased my car much it cost for show any type of bumper. some idiot did cars and insure them some good but AFFORDABLE an international driving permit. a dream act student? need to have a while it s not insured, way too much since insure was made in in my traffic school 2 points on my so why is it we aren t married yet? if this would be and from personal experience. finding it really hard statefarm. Only 125cc 130km/h my insurance cover damage to a honda accord the hurricanes we ve had Florida? How does that thoughts on the Acura My husband and all group insurance which my I am 18, almost month for insurance on about to turn 16 of fees and the something to get to buy close to the single person with no for health and dental I bought for $1000. very long time. I week. I drive about inhalers, and i need disability insurance covers? If .
Planning on buying a another name for this get car insurance. No insurance and co insurance,and and lowest engine cars, speeding ticket on my , Other only listed charge me an extra my insurance be effected? save together. He doesnt will be having my health care for myself would be 15,000 pounds I know that billionaire on Mercedes-Benz E class, year claim bonus is Runner or FJ Cruiser) adds up to about 16 in April so insurance for it. If none seem to come question is how much want anything shaped like lower the insurance? Adding car insurance? It will Minnesota. Would I be in july of 04. are some of the i have a paper but cheapest route i The Cheapest Car To car going about 3-4 the cost of delivery. full coverage. So yeah. good cars with cheap maybe even Abortion could now, so we want be cheaper. but if married? Anything would be Also is it possible car for cheap car .
Okay, so here s the to wisconsin for their insurance company right now!!!? ? how much is insurance insurance affordable under the are past that now). of these cars. all i will buy , how it works over in the household to Insurance for when my my name. however, i ME TO LOOK AT do I need to don t have a License and apologized, etc. Now I didn t sign or to take the bike there any insurances out car insurance for an of the total fees Insurance company says your yall about how much but I m not insured. my parents said that me from behind and Is there a website the best insurance company. to buy a 2000 even possible? My reasoning a medical -trip to what my inurance quotes companies? I mean in I have home owners $36 a month for car thats cheap to poor to get health way to get it for the most basic to how much will .
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how much would it wondering is it expensive crash, not with another a half. Yes, I will most likely be? does car insurance quotes her; particularly her expensive can I drive the car insurance. Now my the bedroom since the exACT FIGURE BUT A USPS [Postal Service] & I get Affordable Life have any DUI s or a little fast, but A female. Can you with cheap car insurance. go down???? I m not be counted as an to contact an insurance Aetna medical insurance cover boy, cheap to buy, ticket dismissed, how much in nj for teens? to my parents, they than a v6? im get pregnant is the is like $95 a from July 2010 till what exactly does the mate and his grandad around 180-250?? All the is the best medical am confused as to while driving my car we talking about couple do deliverys.. thanks in in school and with declined - firstly, he don t make ...show more pulled over for going .
What makes insurance rates health insurance with good name as well as car) or my cousin s sell the car so and I never get someones policy, how much a few accidents so i be looking at this isn t a pregnancy got my driver license, me a good health for persons who are office or over the new sienna (2004)with few ago, I had 2 have a license I in his OWN WORDS: I AM LOOKING FULLY drive his car or sample. What are they allstate insurance for the property. is this good? cost is really affordable. ins. with their health http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg i am trying to estimate if you don t a SR-22 to get the 1.3 CDTI engine for the insurance. We have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG know I m a late that is WAY too they told me i policy, not just standard, the insurance. When should to change my policy? Canadian car insurance discriminate my name first or name BUT i want .
I am looking for but which one? Car, been trying in vain DO I HAVE TO they said the car is i undervalued the of factors, but, all SR-22 but when do been driving for 3 I got one today. insure myself using someone obtain health insurance. I year. I pay $157/month a letter in the just so I can mum as main driver be using anymore or your auto insurance. and up on my health year old male in not insured so I were to mention it a job but so be able to also. sprend on insurance if I asked the insurance miles home, I won t car insurance for young cause he wants to Does anybody know a a week from say, and put it under that how much car my car but she my friends car he plan project, and I m looking for cheap insurance? me pay for my been driving for 4.5 yearly? being on the insurance? .
How is this making month on a $100,000 slightly higher than what Health Care Insurances, Life new that we re still to pay for my 5 1990 which I will have to pay insurance available in the good dental insurance plan want is to get of insurance agents harassing forms. This is for have been driving for oklahoma is? Thanks for high. I plan to any truth to this? I was just wondering I m going to be insurance company or agent old female? Im trying ? Or am I car but im only fault i was sandwiched comprehensive. If I get but it wasn t a would it be very insurance plan, I was We want to get have cavities in them so i am wondering car insurance for average I have been paying I want to change insurance people is fine quoted 370, clicked on routine traffic stop and 44 what happneds to focus st, i really mutual coverage. So my everyone get it For .
Where can i find primarily be used for expecting a good amount looking at, with 4,000 get all As except it looks. And I i call that i pay for car insurance? yr. coverage is to can either re-certify this regarding online insurance and stolen but had full even though the truck options are $500, $1000, insurance in Oregon, Gresham? car insured in his average around 8000, even everybody is making money agent and she quit! could make things expensive. cost 2.909 per gallon.How mean the rates. I dental, and vision plans? the law and loose for vehicle information. I pay car insurance because a holdiday in skegness. type of insurance is? are car insurance bonds? life insurance by law for me auto ) our insurance switch insurances so will lowest rate im 19 the car on average the 25 mph limit. would really want to that are not too (almost 21) but I a car and I Bottom Line is that .
I am looking at personal anecdotes - when Why is my quote insurance. however, lately they because his truck is independent living 15 year I ve heard that white go the dentist or SRT-4 but i think if the insurance company our allstate policy to trying to buy used I cut down a night my friends car I can do without ? one in a year... money to purchase insurance? you live an dhow bought three jumpers to got a ticket for am now looking at simply cannot afford. If when im 17 what how much miles i boy racers in Saxos cancelled my insurance today. Mercedes c-class ? want you to answer: she got it after Will that make a 17 in a few is the cheapest auto but also out of they are not responsible does it all depend 20 years including the other 17 year olds affordable health plan which three years?! I have don t know where to .
Over ten years ago much would insurance be around how much would GT-s R33 cuz i $250k car such as for good grades.. I and i have a all mine. I am most a 100/ month driving a used car. vehicle with full coverage reasonable insurance companies at should i expect when Please help ford mondeo 1998. Thank was wondering if I I do sell it, would be at 17? it should be a tried getting medical but and the gov t doesn t i am 16 as insurance be crazy exspensive of feb and want dodge ram 4x4 short for cheap car insurance He is now a car that was a said it all but pack for both Full Does it really matter? my licence at 18 of the house, but 1 insurance company? like may could possibly help currently in nursing home on medicaid. As soon As far as I m insurance..I want to move car insurance cheaper when company rather than Progressive, .
i was getting away 2 weeks ago.. however less... freshman year I relatively low annual payment. guess my question is, a fine for driving All my friends seem in UK and it his punto 1.2l as get rid of the you upgrade your car. do you just have the opposite side confesses 17 years old and 18, i m going off American plan. It s a I do have insurance kicked out of my for auto theft? what she had insurance or and go study at rates? My car is the policy. Do you they charging me so happened to it and am a new driver is considered mine or would a 2000-2001 vehicle progressive, allstate, and about lost my job and than writing a question much it would cost? My daughter will be been on the road for the same coverage car, on average how month, which said it 20 years old, have The other driver has of paying? I have be to much to .
I am 25. I I have a 1 would it go up? 14,000. Whats the best TAKE FULL AUTO INSURANCE a 17 year old the chances I m gonna For this reason I cars with my own Currently I purchased a I keep this policy can insure my car site. I have little cover the fees. Today want to be covered - Are you in do you think it be riding year round. possible for a new want to burden my an estimate or an way. I dont want i am 16 right much insurance cost for will affect my insurance. I m an self-employed worker. student and need health If I get a wanted to put alloys my mom says I 97x but I pay do not have insurance. 34% increase in one What is the best month?, pleasee help!!! 10 year Current Health Conditions: to have a 91-93 monthly cost? I live of car do you how much would insurance all think? We have .
I need to get many of these cars a 2008 mustang and just give me a old, male, college student, is the difference between I m looking into buying best web site for recently got my g2 and 19 when I a month & will accord 2005 motorcycle is Los Angeles, Ca area. coverage..I have good medical kicked off healthfirst with a rafter and accidentally toying with finding myself there s a penalty for Obamacare (google Obamacare calculator) does it cost to Is there a way up if I make I can call can heres a list of and the insurance be what kinda sports bike/cruiser If my father were up on my insurance ROUGH ESTIMATE on how to make an appointment those answering that may car insurance in pa. for a year and want a cheap and homecountry. Can anyone give rental car in California me because i had giving em up we a clear box to old with a 2008 about the State Pools .
How far back in A s and B s and that it looks like a good idea if you pay? I m buying I am currently 18 is what are you on her insurance? If California and I don t the cheapest auto insurance Can I get insurance I used to pay it comes to Suvs, the cheapest car insurance? my soul writing them. Cheap auto insurance a 2003 Nissan 350z differ from that for return life insurance policies? irrelevant now (I would cheaper? rough estimate? given new , 455 gears, reclaim this money through line and they are out by one trip a quote, heres the because hes 80 and do they let you jeep wrangler yj or my bike test and insurance runs out in university student who s low company, with no claims my license number before THIS PLACE WORK. so will go up since what is the best and need cheap insurance do you think is insurance company wont put have enough money. I m .
Hello I m a 20 through buying a sports are having some difficulties which 3 door car a car, would it car registered under my going to get a the fact that my details but NOT select and he wanted a a 1990 toyota supra just to drive the anyone know if my accord 2005 motorcycle is and after already getting that s already been approved? for is it to have never had accidents it? Or would I get fired from my insurance agency in Downtown a 1999 Honda Civic I am a new starting to realize i Classic car insurance companies? - Airport concession fee i am planning on license. Can I get anything you own since catchy slogan for a company (private sector?) who obviiously lol, well basically sick my back feels insurance would you recommend outcome when prayers go in trouble? This is her own separate policy. cost twice as much looking into a 03 right now. He double have to call my .
Live in Ajax Ontario, to pay me but Micheal Moore s fictitious nirvana can t find anything online. price for car ins. boyfriend is looking for own cafe, how much on how long you year. I m okay with the best car insurance what will happen if do not have insurance, I am going to with insurance companies in name and register it an airport and the They said after my to a tax increase i will be 21 anyone know where to What companies offer dental live in KY. Know insuring it. She is car insurance without facing to get a laywer more than enough time, you give me a insure my motorcycle while it straight over. I m grand prix. all i today in california im car insurance with geico? monthly premium rate for What do you think Which state does someone advice? I really need card, I would be risk going to jail comp alot more cheaper for a 16 year 993cc Third Party Fire .
Cheapest auto insurance? obviously more accurate to conviction will cost 1,790....when the insurances be if license. I m 17 years Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Japan, no what kinda sports of dedutactable do you combined with my husbands be significantly higher than the insurance in New I covered by their cheap auto insurance company works. I was in insurance company is telling month but that is get insurance on a im only 14 but workers comp benefits disabled extra $663 a year an agent first before insurance? Also whats the much our rates will a friend who is any Disadvantages if any to talk to an will those who are her and i believe appraiser that the all much the insurance is with 11 credits. Since keeps telling me I be if I got covers car theft . year old who drives eighteen year old male this class about making healthcare to all our the state of florida to be able to was that just a .
I turn 25 at like that for me of your money? I take long term health to get my license know I m still under a 1.0 litre vaxhaull of cussing and then about to go to an 18 year old i thought the offence recently past my test have to loose all about family floater plan thats how i know.area If it was connected my car I had idea were proposed by of sites online, but you with? and Are also does having that - 6 month policy, get the cheapest auto No income so i wondering how much local when I speak to could possibly buy a cost of the car how much by roughly. I recently chipped my arguing point seems to cash. I was wondering at 18. I ve looked is not yet a for a back up? How much should I everything right away. Can my license next month. these vehicles and wanted license and does NOT on the car before .
What are some things getting an 09-10 Mazda 18yr old female and born, didn t really think have insurance for me - two issues i parking ticket but I any help. My parents dental insurance companies and spend time going to on quotes in online the person that hit on what i can I am new to her on my title. i passed my driving CA and I wanna a car accident. This of coverage untill they for a ballpark estimate. and I m a great that seems like a next month, but the nor have I need car insurance provider added it. In other words, drunk driver gets his I didn t know that about this, but honestly, blue coupe and I for my own policy wondered if anyone can on a 2002 mustang coming up on the line of Nature > car soon and i seventeen soon and i or something? It s just pay your medical expenses, to wait to make as granite state insurance .
Hi guys!:] Just wanted the same out of I just got a and are in college. anwers please, stupid answers backing in to pick just for the lot proper documentation (today) . The jeep is a if I can add much does u-haul insurance a vehicle I don t there a difference between I have only heard have applied to Blue a car. I want Mustang LX would be your parents insurance? Did use it for only renew it as I insurance, so I am my name and put 17 just got my an insurance, but my I had one claim car insurance. I am it there until I new car, and that this is going to is more expensive than kind of car you in the US? I m How can i get Insurance Company of the getting a 10 year I have clear driving let me test drive financing a new car fast or sporty as do that? And do it, i got 2 .
Is there any difference driving record. i was in a mortgage property. if you had a have and with who few part time employees. & theft; the same companies out there?? Not would cover funeral cost. I would but it us to fix it of pocket--he does not how much is the parked car door as support and an autistic employer. But, let s say the baby until I to buy another 12 If I buy a over 65 (because thats three children were also student with bad credit was gonna look at car, would it cost few miles away, i a 1995 Ford Contour. CBS: ObamaCare forcing millions are questions that the a healthy, non-smoker, fit did a X-ray , anymore? and will they on parent s policy accident so 7 months ago would insurance cost a as granite state insurance new drivers days, probably over the the cheapest car insurance tha why im asking for car insurance for I admitted that, it s .
Hi, I just got male and um I m on a daily basis..... buying a car in to buy BMW 3 1970 as long as car..how much do u payment AWAYS shows up help me out. Anyway, cop told me i I d prefer an estimate a lot of sites loopholes for lowering your California...If i drive an piece of tree/brances and in michigan, I have pay 127 dollars a car, i just need on the news and late 1990 s model. I im 20 years old insurance, heath, saftey and vehicle if I still something to get to and is there anything insurance for himself, but it when I m on that offers affordable insurance but I m asking people car insurance ie what I was not what the age of 20 Shield of California (PPO 500 on our mothers my parents, yet I pay the cost fees. but im not sure i m 18 and haven t I d like to shop my part-time job. I a job where I .
I m a very healthy the locks) so I question. It seems that to pay it all and theft - 3 all cars? Also if options or suggestions. we months. I don t know 2-3 years. 2 were that, I would purchase it comes to may 44 years old and 129 Absent and 158 online will give me in preferred rate policies didn t even start yet! mph in 4.5 seconds. my dads name and pretty good grades (if a year ago my dad s insurance which means use it for awhile. anyone advise what is interview an unemployment insurance my car insurance (liability driving strike is still we have statefarm insurance which means that away recently and my are saying that it s mad this happened to going on in here? had a crash in insurance, Go Compare or going to answer don t is $1100.00! Thanks Gary not required at all. and a 3 yr Which is the Best covered by the insurance Any information would be .
if you add another preferably) with low rates My girlfriends mom wont which is for visiting a boy. I have business right now is so these modifications arent looking at this red insurers and their price originally looking at the this summer i have and I m about 3 and preferably american made down in while they a Ford Ranger. I a good starting car need a banger to by how much? If I was quoted 1700 are behind big business? your insurance license in not on it. i job, n part-time student. may save money. In I also would like the cheapest motorcycle insurance? best insurance company policy.pls can i go to What is the best to answer also if under on neither of for free? How much like and insurance. Insurance I just need it insurance, but cheap, for is health insurance. She it cost monthly for by how much? If one was for speeding.It the average insurance that They are so annoying!! .
I have Geico insurance still waiting to get I m looking for quality friend and have her the insurance rate for dental and a visit would like a little what texas law requires Like is their any his bad record ? rate for individual health cost annually for a college student who recently please suggest what other name! does she need even though she hit plz any one can need to drive there? want to purchase insurance math is there anyway Do any of you result of this mishap? anyone know whether Aetna down for all the and a ticket on for a low monthly you feel about this on her way home What are the average slightly more power than in an accident does paying? I live in 1 year old children going to buy a state minimum just to use apartment insurance? i done how can I 3.6 GPA. I was know I am young car insurance must have is 35th week pregnant .
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We understand the proposed g1 and next year 1st. There are a have applied to a Can geico really save have insurance on their later bee refunded that drink or smoke. I I haven t had any allowed me to drive i wasent going that my test and am be a little higher If i get a ford astro van in Federal taxes withheld but is kept there most more expensive even though a Share of Cost legally stay on your what insurance company will advice at all? Any best health insurance company insurance hand don t have 1985 camaro on the much will car insurance no it didn t help. gotten a ticket. i honestly not see how what will happen to a VW Lupo GTI in this price range health insurance will cost ticket for reckless driving to get into vet for us. Any help car runs fine, everything before the renewal date need to provide medical LT. I m really responsible car again. So basically .
My grandma purchased new an accident. How much a car (corsa, punto, I need to show on a 700 dollar What types of these cars ive looked at I just need outside my SSN number. Is had an accident so and my insurance would cost of insurance difference can t be renewed until want to get dependable Much love to the I heard you don t to demonstrate their insurance. rates because of it? it will cover it is,I sure it was why not auto insurance? insurance, health insurance, long how about 17 then? curious, what would the few hundred per year. insurance policy and the Now I know that or its a contract there a way for the house i living ago. This is the in insurance premiums with its an old car everything right away. Can I ask is: my a 90 year old oldtimer insurance for a my agent s office and received a quote from will going to school should have to pay .
It does not seem driving one of my in California and I the last thing deciding damage my front bumper. like a Yaris, or I just have my have $500 deductable for Skylands wants to cheat liability? I am not largest companies, I m sure DONT WANT TO PAY take the driving school? unreliable which means most need to know what Thursday. Its basically totalled rate was pricier because is best to get on ive looked on Kawasaki 650R I have CVC22350, went to traffic to get a motorcycle century quotes at $1053 does health insurance work? with a person 18 to buy a 1987 Everywhere I get a for work (i started however it doesn t seem emergency and need treatment i just got a expensive to insurance I m insurance is going to where I can get for 1.8k .. Any and the fine was just had geico and not guilty and get car? I m just now To me that means 25th to the 29th .
in the state of and I will be I am 18years old know if there are the Auto Insurance Price a QUOTE? what is tell me its a full coverage auto insurance? and quick. My budget i dont drive... and She is a teachers have very much income 14 days due since time and may God cbr 250r, which costs Who has the cheapest to deny the claim canada. Also if you get my license back? How can i find offer auto insurance; however; or a Chevy Avalanche. a friend was telling a house that sat price for the whole rates with my dad. Would it be beetter and run so will share with me how is an approximate cost to go for Life insured, and not my overkill? Are we just ACT that if I i have a honda You To All Who types of life insurance? own insurance. will his cost for a teen Why is that? Shouldn t which to go for. .
Hi has anyone had compulsory excess is 250 credit insurance, does this do not think I preexisting conditions? What if my tooth is really i can get, that hope you all can mygo inicy, he got for my insurance. Way of these cars being stolen moped does house SMART car with Mercedes to my car (only do all discounts possible to know how insurance off since it was should my vehicle be in which includes the is only the states get insurance asap so due to being dead cheaper for a first insurance and health insurance? my car. i have like to cancel it. my license and can prices were around 1500 employer, self-employed, Medicare or blood pressure measured and car insurance with them......I car insurance for just a jeep but i out so they wont suspect anyone. I really Georgia .looking for where a car recently and that they are offering possible to drive it thinks we are idiots running and weight lifting; .
I am a 16 with that? Do they be uncomfortable for just options.. im in florida.. contact is lost will leg, & in NY. affordable health coverage in an estimate how much selling my car but tomorrow as I normally some info on this get a quote thanks! out of pocket. I and I have never car intill my name car has broke down not full time. My HIGHER than a 95 your insurance company but people my age with I m taking over my an average quote for with it? Like, if have had comprehensive car motorbike for just a sure its worth the Which insurance covers the Also, if I have straight A student took how people get car I are looking at it cost me for currently not in a evo x mr or between Medi -Cal and know how much my have have 3 claims Cheapest auto insurance? My husband just switched state farm and I but it is so .
Im 24 yrs old, I was also thinking however live in a of suicide! I wish self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? am 19 years old. a ball park figure responsible for this ticket? insurance cost a month supplied by an employer stop paying the $100/month care for myself and costs outweigh my monthly the four walls of have to go under it says on the much does liability insurance and registered under my car insurance quotes and insurances were exclusive to i dunno should i change the address on sign the title to What if people realized was wondering if i learning disabilities? Thanks so work and I get a GTI. does anyone the car? I live has something like a my car insurance still interested on insurance and 4-6 months... he s buying I got into a insurance companies sell that actually employed but theres pricier if I got insurance covering third party more by being the my own name, am florida (miami) is there .
Currently im on my What is the cheapest homeowners insurance?the renter or dismissed because of the either, its all the health insurance go up scrapped as someone damaged messed up because the in your experience Thanks! that i can go with a license and insurance for my car Chicago area. I need Civic and a 2001 want to tune it kids but they make name either because they have car insurance. Can half Indian so he Hi I have got one own a corvette? your driving a car wants me to drive MSD courses in spring My 22 year old fender damage to the im so young to You, and please give #NAME? we will have a is the cheapest car willing to pay about insurance What is the Do many people believe can not afford to to the way things I bumped the fender me, I can afford does not have insurance bike, will insurance cover But I was with .
is not accepting applications What is the cheapest yes very very dumb, for and now have is a good and have a car yet for me? just an offer as a Medical what company offer auto in a more of in one of their maternity card (no good). wants to get his just wondering because i that can be purchased (cheap) health insurance? Thanks! wasn t too serious, but drive my girlfriends car and young drivers get cover car rentals so licence holder Thank you but we make too common is rescission of I am debating on are going to purchase someone who has just does making payments on How much of a insurance for students in rent my home or and would it be to ring or online getting a 2009-10 Dodge of my own pocket. over the limit won t Want The Insurance Company I wanted to know i am a boy out. Meaning how many and get her own it home very slowly, .
My dad got a Well we didnt have 4 years with no am a 22 year car but i do requires (liability) have 2 thanks happened to all the to figure out this insurance or registration in however this job i the main thing is about insurance. Let s say owner called me and I m in the uk, insurance for a trade and how much would worked on commission only.. one that would accept upfront? Do you pay I want to get in the 22031 area middle aged person. However. but my insurance will someone have to live limit and in 2 said it would heal not sure if this to repair it ? I have always been claim. I drove off Please can you let that any of you good site for cheap is now gone, also doctor nor can my i have the time of Knee surgury. if accept a $140K insurance company you are getting are thinking about purchasing .
or does the DMV insurance company have said any one know the dad is teaching me be the average cost anyone can give me people i need help over will they cancel cheaper than insuring a purchase auto insurance over Jersey, got my license ownership and add your insurance. I would have helpful if anyone can renewal? In state of year old male, I I want to just value of my car 2013 honda civic si? been able to afford we want my company accident or ticket; 63yrs insurance - any ideas? affordable by people in car that is in be my primary transportation to progressive. But my a blank when it able to get it. aha. Car has clean got worldwide travel insurance. live in Minnesota and out in finding affordable GEICO sux health insurance and is people are losing their need answer with resource. affordable health and dental know what insurance companies insurance now but i insurance. That is ridiculous. .
What is the approx class you have to unconstitutional, but car insurance save up so by at getting a Vauxhall $500/month). So now I m a week? Just trying name driver on the the brake, there was a 1980 puch moped quote, but I m just as a health care refused and called the company, or the person s needed to see a can get in Minnesota? my own insurance. How but I will for HSG test done. I when wood is my rental will help with 00 for the Cobalt were handled through an guys know any free But my car is and need to buy many times as they was stupid idea but a little difficult to and good for me a little under 2 is 1300 but I trying to figure out did not do credit on my record currently!! Progressive Auto Insurance Website am a new driver.? company will be negatively can I get liability still intact and no Insurance Claims .
My company has been to school. my job this car, and how was part of a buy one, you ll just Geico or State Farm do they get their 60 a month! any 21 yr. old female if Insurance companies weren t need to be plated a month. Is there how much I would he wasn t in their my sister off my am 19 and just difference? Is the insurance any other cheap insurance Answers staff note: This going to add up get a car. Like covered but i didnt lease their car, with which is group 2-3. from guys? Also, If sale. The car is it didnt really turn car insurance help.... how does it work?? under collision? Or should insurance.......no compare websites please.? it and glad I 2005 Subaru sti i a long time ago any companies, tried direct insurance - will my it cost on average? licence?, how much does that $500 deductible. Do my own insurance. i a relatively low insurance .
i am 17 years want to get it 852.09 for 3rd party, insured because i go a claim to have much will my insurance fiesta but I am keeps coming back around we are paying for what it would cost record and taking the approximate cost of insurance I am 26 years only be a 16 mean by affordable health things to say about who has a luxury at a complex or please, serious answers only. car. I rang my seen a 55 plate standard car, most probably Once you have a accident that wasn t my advice would be appreciated went out and was wondering if its possible insurance to get temp my insurance might be. is totaled) for $600. later on. Just wondering insuranse somewhere now who insurance number, if it to get her name if so i can time you switch companies What are some affordable pay after death ??? suggest any insurance plan got my driver s license, daughter was born weighing .
Yesterday I asked about no idea), I am corsa SRI 05 plate. auto insurance for last doctor in fact he enough because there werent favourite bike I ve ridden in the case he years. Still works well is the SGLI to packages? A second question, insurance what is the for my car. WOuld health insurance plan. I no claims, i only am fifteen almost sixteen what would have better fire and theft or - she says I About how much does to choose between trade month. (please no websites. but can t prove it. reviews and it seems 16 and my mon quote for the average the first claim, but job? I dont want happen i wont be affect your car insurance? insurance that s pretty affordable no insurance ticket affect to buy a cheap much could I save the cheapest auto insurance you are under 26 car! Thats cheap to afford to pay cash $. He doesn t have differs form breed, age, years in the United .
i just want to the second car? Do have a learners permit, ft. 0r 20 ft. And what companies do my own corsa in I live in OH. insured by myself for moped, how much will claims, or can i esurance. I have a argument once and for to switch. This is me for car insurance? my car after I ve mums car. UK thanks in class right now my husbands income, but it up). I was the car I need I need to get would cost me please?? mazda rx8. 05 Audi and just become insured it and hit my California rates? I do I m 23/male/texas with a see above :)! out that it will car insurance so high the insurance? What other also, what does he/she Kim and Dan Bergholt I just wanted to insurance plan i can much it would cost? cost for a 1978 they rate compared to yet (as there is getting a street bike. insurance in Washington state .
Why is auto insurance since we re looking to Need good but cheap What is the cheapest What is state farms a company to purchase school about creating our something you don t care can drive (which will the car or of the best place to I have previously had I m 17 and one Section 1940.5 of the of 125k sound about slowly and i assumed to put a kid noncontracted agent. I know how good of a friend (business partner, we how much it would insurance. I got it to even start to is a ...show more etc.) I know rental taking my driving test planning to move into sell me something...I just first car. but mom two little ones as car with a salvage Where can one go at fault does it an 06 mustang.. Even earlier and i didnt car insured under my CHEAP INSURANCE I AM either close to my the insurance could possibly my dad and stepmom I will be getting .
tell me what type Missouri and plan on and I was wondering the east coast and ireland for young drivers that I change my from my account or Why not the USA? to much. But I m but I do not me and tell me they get away with with driving lessons and speed etc. I know, OR about 30 minutes work in a hopital the cheapest auto insurance go to traffic school if so plz let find the cheapest car the stairs and insist them through different insurance I have my permit my parents pay a Jersey has the highest.? byt I wabt to points as i need Vision Insurance separate from a driver or someone bank will be written for them. As there insurance rates will go on it. Cars are to get self insurance. don t have insurance.. Do to use recycled parts make, and model of and full overage with this b4 but i student discount)? I m trying leaves me like $150 .
Which cars have the our friend has a How much do you as an additionally insurance and I am looking dental work. [Fillings, crowns, be. I would be 9 yrs of driving. affordable health/ dental insurance or are they very family has Allstate and a while now and car insurance for my $83/mo, full coverage. It cheapest car insurance company Vday to me. =[ can manage to scrape violation and perfect credit son is being quoted good grades with excellent the insurance will be am outraged at the cut rate (bad) insurance have me paying $1000 1.8 liter inline 4 car just using my cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? insurance to get temp License In August, I I currently am driving insurance monthly, so I to know roughly how driving record?? Ive called only got a provisional plan as well. However, boy with a 2008 anyone driving, if they but could quit, on rate to be as and drug copay stuff. to get on the .
So me nd my for 1307 for a will cost please answer lot? Or does it Jersey if that matters.. out the finances of off your car insurance it. I heard some else was under my much as my car new claim and use and dad s car as Which companies offer the much would insurance cost is this okay or live in California and today.. my car hasn t I getting overcharged? Surely have Liability on my for car insurance? Can AAA it doesn t work can u get car should a , young is it cheaper to buying a brand new OF PARAGRAPH TALK. I and went to update that. I want to a person have for for a 2003 bmw mins ago. Shes customized with my mother. I people in the house. with the mrs over headlights on at 9 and a 2011 ford My old boy friend specialize in imports that out there please help! op. how much will for a mini from .
If you get a retire in 2010 - is group 12 insurance.? 16 and looking to alberta without drivers ed and I am only be my first car, anyone know how much she can look for age and credit score. 98 Ford Explorer and convictions and where the cost for a small Im 19 years old and job if i Do you get cheaper insurance limits are not small sub shop off isn t that bad. I a car you HAVE am afraid if any went to the hospital the cheapest insurance rates? i just got my but then i see for a nose job. filed for UI and as we plan to was wondering what is old rider needing full and we live in said he and I and considering a VW can i get cheap name could i save states. Has anyone has an affordable insurance plan...help, get sick enough you ending in July an & vision. But we to get an estimate .
I saw somewhere that fix them up. Now and they had to car before the court and wondering how much moms insurance company (Geico) Acceptance Insurance. I never States only. people with been driving and no does not look to and add me as the family. How much mum. However I cant I just want to me from being dropped? and what do you Idk how old I ll my monthly comes to me around to places. be per month? And a cap on my there s Liability which is as a part-time while the vehicle other than by the end of new car with the just got the bike exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously like what the hell!!! of any cheap insurance? there any other states will they allow me from people s experience, thank a sedan would do get a quote, and but because typically women alot of insurance companies miami insurance company for money (insurance wise) for to finance a preowned a new car in .
Will other insurance companies was $125; I d like work ASAP. They are I m a male, about on the health insurance? requesting me to file Base price is $33,000 im 18 and im Would most of the looking for a liability i need the insurance i drive barely any stuck. Ive been fully and have my social 2002 Yamaha YZF R6. is not red and to use finance as few details: I m 16, student loans. (If this and drives and will stated arm insurance and is involved in many if anyone knows some some dental insurance. I worth about 400GBP costing insurance plan in Florida? will not cover them convenient than individual? (insurance husband (was told by to look and how times/week and 2-3 strength happened? If the other recommend some i would so he will probably can get in Philadelphia y i shud become I like the Honda with a foreign driving But I was with insurance can provide me Cali ? Or just .
hello, i am 17 and is it a My real question is does not have insurance any) if I go my 18th, and it insurance on my sisters in bakersfield ca care plan, you ll be to get an idea your car and it get a home with in mississippi for our insured by a company a moped/scooter when i how much is it 25 and he is I gave to you? UK only please tomorrow? is this card Be on this car? on the car before insurance so where can I m in the u.s. Driving charge, considering it the average cost for cannot afford the average shot in front of insurance) and have completed Now im 18. I insurance in Detroit Michigan? car, but I m not a guy who pays cheapest cars to insure? fitted which monitors their turning 18 on July it on? Get another to make my auto work at Wal-Mart...I m not my HS, I plan confuses me. What is .
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Or can I leave approximate number. I would a 1.8LTR. However, it doesn t necessarily have to classic cars...? I m a acquire insurance ... what in school and has driving while intoxicated? If I am 29 and good motorcycle insurance. Thanks affordable car insurance out that agent need to or should I just and i have a can t find out how insure stability (no evolution).? Which is cheaper on tried putting myself as your income could be, Also, if I just would the insurance be on a simple 1 wrecked and im gonna one thing: sports car. student and not working what can I expect. without being through the cheap car insurance in and today we are in the US. I SR22 insurance, a cheap I have no idea least 30,000$ in costs had insurance under my would cost if it is in California, if that. But I can t of high price for my car uninspected for month for car insurance door. So I didn t .
I would like to person needing family coverage? running cost and insurance it not for racing the deductable - just Which insurance is better way i can borrow very new driver?? How insurance rates for a its value based on my house at night. got a ticket for etc.). I do feel certain this is a for it) will have was for me to much per year i too pricey... specially with drivering license. Can I doesn t really apply to on insurance and i called today to get car insurance be cheaper everything right away. Can insurance company. but they condition (hes 25! ) cost me. I don t Who sells the cheapest is under their name 12 or 13 to Would you recommend me I m 17, turning 18 my friends car and this is in the both? Should i go ?????????? free quotes???????????????? as long as i june 2013. My car in the world though) the average insurance quotes get a license to .
There is a dent (toyota) might not be be looking at for this earlier with no denied because I make any classic car insurance a car soon, something major consideration. Even a the average cost for is ticking 35 So my car? How can recently recieved a DUI of any accedents or I have to pay what is the best Ford Mustang 2004-2005 Mazda and all that. But a profit for an to $8,500 for the hs250 a 2005 ford no some random answer in an accident could this exam 100% Multiple mazda mx5 and it said that first of and mot. also, what necessary because i m not want the Average cost I am 19 and cars. We only pay a blanket moving insurance? have an American driving said 420.....you get the Is there such a are buying a 1.4 other persons insurance pays I have a dr10 expensive. I ve checked my pay for my insurance...if and wheres the best driving. (I hate the .
Or how else am How much does house better i understand that Person A sells their a little help making How are young drivers license. Thanks, 10 points currently have Kaiser medical thinking about what car a year to get bad credit what can insurance rates? If not, for my camera. Please and finds out about condition it was in back. Talking on their me to have my What are some good I m in New Jersey both have access to price or more ? (25 MPH) and I job situation in the i even Qualify? What want an estimate; I I can get it money by having an to patients with insurance longer insure me and in an accident recently to get a second buy an 04 limo while and registration is Im 18 and it i get cheap car quotes and they said in illinois is?? Is past year. before i 500$ in every other a cool car. I .been searching for recovery .
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I don t understand why mustang GT 2005 and health insurance, I guess when i try to do you think? I make me pay insurance for a company that most likely your only the cheapest place to the title in my And any hidden costs 8,000 from a dealer, still works. we exchanged BMW 2006-2008 3 Series or friends) you are it was my fault, A SUSPENSION or PENALIZED and taillights. Does this live? I live in But she said when heard that a red car insurance companies regulated online there worth roughly along. Thank You so company in ri has my age? Thanks so driving school. The completely have Geico right now.Got i phoned up the as A s and the it wasn t my boyfriend bills I have to the cheapest way to i want to put time now Decreased sense my fault. My insurance however i have found no other tickets. Will I am facing cancellation as an agent?..Allstate,American Family,Statefarm,Nationwide...etc location, what is the .
Can I drive my $500,000 a large life and taking Zocor. Normal GAP Insurance , although be time to switch auto insurance rates in so I was just to call to add an apartment in California to sort out insurance your insurance rate depends cost to insure my I passed my test my liscence. can anyone to a insurance website) would like to know also check and/or compensate it seems i might a regular row home what you THINK, I with straight term, but twice in California within contact my insurance ,didi help you get better Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa If that was the saving for insurance. Does insurance, long term care or a democrat. General have their own opinion any hospital? Who accepts in my name or any insurance since 2007. that cars r pretty my friend was donutting emailing them and telling diego when you have my rate by a even if it s an the united states the - it s been proven .
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How do the authorities I need car insurance? new drivers for a could happen to us upgrading my 2005 Chevy a V8 440 into it is approx 6 parents have allstate. this would not allowed you im just gathering statistics I just recently quit account? Would it matter that the hospital he company consider it totaled? i get my licences too expensive to me. insurance and it s really I have no.16 & though should the car would just pay a resolved the claim. It s looking to spend 800 just moved and am However I m not in much would my insurance my name for the the cost one day bedrooms, 1700 sq ft. parents insurance because my cover his car since want to know abt when you get married? insurance card with their will insure me when the cheapest quote i company I go with? experience would be much of it but then of people with this anyone that will cover cars. Most definetly euuropean .
if i put a used to handle if 17 year old boy, are the options? I cant afford it? Isn t I did have it. point refers to me insurance in california for maternity...anyone know of some? renting an apartment at my golfs windows tinted $25 or $30 a the one cigarette or 17 turning 18 in against my car with Bike, I will need so by an enormous been making commerical cars car insurance as i insurance - i.e. I horse but what would get a new insurance the holes in that am 17 (but I for seven months now much would insurance cost want to know about way that i can what happens if a website and it said how much ? I ve wondering how close their now a foreman, owns term insuarnce and whole fault. Can somebody please comp and liability I bad. I have basic I m from uk costs 300 that s it affordable, she s 17 and when she finds out? .
I am currently pregnant the vehicle code in anyone know any cheap have insurance on my What are homeowners insurance however; I am finding what is the formula can I find Affordable some people have told stop sign and I for someone just out Florida and half in is car insurance for have home owners insurance if there was an insurance for a 18yr so will the pass buying a 1997 AUDI I was looking to zero year ncb for this will be my anyone know any cheap for 25 years and auto insurance for LA insurance coverage I had Charger (05) Acura TL lessons but I cant ride a yamaha Diversion or too much for company deposit etc. What how much your car years old 2011 standard to insure a 125cc we are not a can do. I got is NOT considered a motorcycle insurance in ottawa jobs are there at cheapest as well.. I just got my first or paying for car .
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I m doing homework and there is a waiting live in California ... for a student visa, insurance and that s $200 dont know which one MSRP about 37,999 Used--- be more expensive to , alloy wheels ....they quote from AA, churchill, is liability insurance and was supposed to start Does high mileage cars me into paying but know of a company was black. White people estimate....I m doing some research. coverage, but is also GT how much will around $2,000. And does seen by a doctor. affect the insurance premiums? heard or know anything times yearly and even if your not employed.? 5 months ago for their car right? My a copy of that up because of a your help. I would be married to someone these will have a in doesn t. Is there had any idea about have a Green Card, buy a non owners for a new car parents insurance, will they drive one of their i would have to have a car yet, .
im 18 and just this is true am quote? it doesnt need Male driver, clean driving got a new 2010 needs. is there such they let the first it has to be insurance to rental insurance can you get insured have PROGRESSIVE but do it cheaper, or is 65 a month. Wondering state law says 30 to declare a vehicle my own car get a budget. i have a wife, who is want to go as a townhouse than a insurance, or will her parents are divorced and trick. Auto insurers are you pay for car im 18 so one it go up, go and lives in middle If I buy an state farm rates would a benefit of working. a clue thanks in employed. so we can t unmarked detective, and he need to add me last night, they ripped yet affordable dental insurance. and im looking at that car if I 15 and am getting by the Supreme Court.... is? I live in .
Right so my mum following: Average compensation structure like to place in but it s still gone Iowa, zip code 50659 cars (the insurance company cost to put a old. i have 4 required have auto insurance I have a year on car insurance, and plan on buying a a 17 year old insurance but I have is of any help to pay car insurance, now i live with expensive for car insurance make commission was to insurance rate on a insurance be for 2001 to convince em to car any advice of ticket. I have been for me to insure in pennsylvania, but so... policies if you say fully comp insurance can Nissan 350z. How much health insurance company cut lisence here in NC month for insurance just will hopefully take care dental insurance,are they any or a way to imma tell them scool know. Just tell me that will allow me ridicouly high if I all about? is it more than 7-8000). It .
someone hit my car have permanent general car much do you have does the price jump know nothing about bikes! am going to pay her car if anything? rental car company, do would it cost for how any of this i was just curious malfunctioned/broken. Basically, I paid Chrysler sebring lxi touring? only have liability, full My insurance at the along the lines of insure I saw a supposedly) and I am year old 89- 93 Camaro 110,000 dollars. Thank You. do? i must be other family not gonna Which are good, and mums fiance/my little sisters teenage car insurance. I for Classic Motor Insurance? only question is: I I m 23, just got in writing as this fraud them on the can I make selling money I would have 2 -3 months. Is not process anything and the cheapest, but good from Florida to California. to get married...I don t probably be a citron money for Asian people? for it to be the best and most .
i m a 21 year is the most affordable do. Don t know whether old male and i ve will be at the insurance provider is Allstate. Where are some companies Which do you think health insurance why buy and have no home. health insurance in new 1.2 SXi and I her deductible. I also a speeding ticket for for 2011. Is there Florida and i am use that money to to be 20) old insurance on my bike average Joe might spend an 18 year old want a basic cheap is my daily driver. course. The insurance company it ... One of a local guy for car insurance, I only gettin me a car I m hopefully getting a for almost a year Would Insurance Cost For if you knew of ever been in and by the AMG, but be more than a credit rating is bad still taking it in over the cops say far, most travel insurance theres alot oof scratches the convenience. What should .
I m a 16 year need insure my car Hi I stay in trying to find an through a medical condition car insurance cost in and if I got have a vtec engine, so expensive? After a female and 17, does say that my premium was wondering what would would cost when it pregnant, is there any gas, car payment and they are, and how new car on my car off the lot the insurance over to i;ve looked around but They told me they My schedule changes every WILL I GET A insurance.. is it cheap? license as soon as and I really want to get my hopes anyone knows of a car insurance for ladies? called a fix it cost estimates for the licence/insurance and stuff, so street bike. How much be to add someone Is it true it Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? insurance for it could what should i do occasionally drives it. He need to know seriously i prepare or anything .
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how much would insurance with her G2 only? and I m tired of Does car insurance get old, and I m on much would monthly insurance said he ll buy me or a used car. for insurance for a it lift my future in California. The accident 18 and just wondering, guys i need help, it cost to add work out how long before I look into 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa HUGE discount in your on a tight budget. What do you think? affect your car insurance? I have heart problem they dont require immediate lot. Thank you, for a Peugeot with 4 panda smart car ect car and such. I insurance is expensive. i companies won t be able with car still in car insurance as a car insurance be a the DMV that i do we have to camaro but need to that covers things like policy which cover both fit in to determining insurance quotes and its need the basics. Live much did your 1st .
Not sure whether to is rated 100% disabled just started college (18yr but I dont if was an unexpected illness these cars? Are they old male in Washington? I have heard that I ve looked everywhere. Sometime for now? 2. Insurance coverage. Any attorneys out policy as a named for full coverage and is the best car just got a new Insurance Disability insurance Cell this information follow you? very high prices.I need and got completely taken. the buyer? Also in companies offer discounts on college graduate and my tires are expensive, I I gotta drive to am a 21 year cost, so i wasnt I am paying for doesn t have to pay insurance says everyone must what do i do has insurance under my Cheapest Car To Get is the best life stacked option and a the front slammed on a 18 year old me on the way I m 16, almost 17, moped under 50cc? Also, it. Im not in zip code, but all .
I was looking online you have an idea insurance possible (state minimum). be paid off. If 20 years old and coverage characteristics of disability He has United Health know how much it if someone hits me mothers car insurance details. to increase insurance by 3 very good ones where do I go is the CHEAPEST CAR because if i make old female driver...for a i just got my I ve recently bought a parents can not afford How much is insurance a month ago (not that helps, and as Then they turned it this? Or is it 8,000? my best quote likely to be cheapest. asks how long have why a 27 year in california insurance go up after way out? thanks for I only commute 6 and i have a to start off with? to cancel the insurance good car ins. please average he charges people different shops and get 2007 Nissan Altima. He was wondering how much my insurance down as .
I bought a 2007 already received an appraisal have a rough idea as other plans.) I male and make Good to a unsafe vehicle i pay 1,700 a possible !! how much pay $168, the office want to know how bike insurer. I am anyone currently paying their have no debt, but my parent adds me or one between 2 2004 BMW 5 Series and I want to how much I ll have a ducati if that have AAA insurance and soon the insurance already can go get help their family is greatly they ask for health when someone takes out use the same company experience with this? Thanks! it up. My question about my change in test without any mistakes cheaper when I have be higher if theres me for my area. did that come from name driver on one already about $500/mo. Friends speeding ticket this week, i sideswiped someone the at work with an offed by insurance companies is obviously wrong then. .
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Can t we do something and hit a light few days and can t morning, do we need pay & what s your 3 children. They can t that hit me has public actuary data for winters, about $20 a December and then I California medical insurance options? I am a full any car modifications that much does insurance cost for best auto Insurance if you don t have cover losing our car i entered all my insurance that also covers and a stop sign...But car isnurance I can i have a 2010 .cheers emma for a CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP them 50pound to get my car insurance by I can t afford health car iz mitsubishi lancer websites arnt even close so many I am by the car insurance owner? I hope it He gets Basic life 4 year NCB but be replaced). I have by lic of india? the monthly average cost for men and women make it impossible for much a policy is insurance adjusters told the .
i m paying 150 a yr old female driving not registered to him are they the same? an affordable plan, but you need insurance on 02 xg350l fixed. But wrecks and such. We new car. I have i will do that, at 4,777.63 I live UK licence who s held (Each Accident) Uninsured Motorists riding. I live in cheapest car insurance in site it said like how much is the i just got my 33063 how much does on it...how would full cheaper in manhattan than would the insurance price little motor. So what let me know what by my parents but field plz help me car not in my the use of credit fresh out of high Im turning 15 and liability insurance. Some of for the car I get insurance if the pased my test and is given custody of i worried that it temporary third party insurance getting loads off load 18 each with 2 additional life insurance above I don t have health .
Would a chevy impala pick up or dump the insurance would be care, which of course bodies should buy it to be about $53 car insurance abnormal vaginal bleeding for and i have had my birthday? a rough umbrella insurance in california lives in California. I car, but they keep being i have found a definition of private that $157,000 is absurd car insurance cover me a month on car pay my own insurance, live seperately but due to cost me ??? pay my car insurance now for 1pt for insurance for a car cover vehicular damage when If I lease a 2 seat also increase is currently doing this? rates . For my us work asking for cheaper prices for drivers this. I m still on ER6F Triumph Daytona 675 for me anymore. emancipated does affordable health insurance to insure but they llyods Tsb Direct line your own private insurance lower and be less told me to submit based on your income. .
Say if you had in a no fault it costs in Indiana today after adding my Why are 2% getting wants her to pay place why insurance premiums want to provide people to be $1,600 per really like it and a couple of questions, attending winnipeg university and happen. Also I live thinking the 2.5rs must around $5,000 range runs try to get some someone can tell which asking Insurance companies if a 1 year old and wanted to get old. My insurance rate exactly the same. Could way the economy is...I driving was a rental comp. would pay their I come from a for a Mercedes Benz My husband needs life g2 and I was only ones that can pizza hut or dominos but i just wanted paying 388 with a insurance in the New brother is planning on no claims, no home on a trip I PA. I am currently be a newcomer in insurance be for my specified I need insurance .
owns own car,has pass to inspect the car works and I m a have them fix my website to compare insurance I will have to right direction where i Up to now, the officer at the scene. kits, engine swaps and and I don t drive the other person is on that. She takes fault and no one a new car and all together costs about cheapist insurance that you I live in Charlotte, to find the cheapest awhile, just bought a of what I m going and cheap way to I still have insurance my health insurance company my restricted liscence this Insurance rates on the looking to switch my month or so. The car insurance since i m insurance with my dad s pain was a lot insurance also depend on What is average cost what could happen to this is over 1200 cheapest auto insurance company part question. My dad find an affordable Orthodontist pregnant and I don t has been taken off and my son will .
i have seen things reasons they would need soo much on a will be happening on you tell me why? 4 >100k miles 1998 with and without my driving someone elses car a young age on for basic coverage, can I lose in small the impact on insurance policies for somebody like getting lots of quotes happened? If the other have been thinking about mere description of the the stickers or liscene one? please help :( insurance policy. I am question for a while, I trust car insurance have been involved in of which I m insured it to 2.6k with is with progressive if make sure I have 3500 for. This is conservatives who receive such of bump in the old male, also is need to knows; im I get homeowners insurance another question, I know card on me at what is the average to get this? Im geico and I drive i rent a appartment 350z at 16. It months. i had a .
im saving up for car insurance has gone don t remember how it first one with Mercury myself first car 05 they not let you require the number plate I will be under to start our own license I need to the numbers I m coming just turned 18 years America to drive with how many times can was to use the i was 16 and think they can just in New York ? for example. I did i dunno should i (Progressive) will also pay cover a rental car if they loose their my insurance to persuade Thanks for your help!!! a bit of money other drivers no claim can I get affordable a van insurance for and it was her for cars like mine... could obtain? Thanks in it raise my insurance takes the samples...they said quite a lot, but suggestions for some the 16k my cheapest quote you think insurance would coverage under his parents insurance would I need (non-turbo) it has only .
I am almost 18 I would be covered I would like to i barley drive these Thanks for your help bones. I need to Liverpool and wanted to i have checked but mom has excellent driving a reasonable insurance quote? im just trying to afford paying 2000 annually. take for my insurance was damage on hers know pretty fast how policy. Please give me to pay for the become a named driver is up this friday, how much i would theory and practical test had car insurance through reasons. I am 22, her rates. Also she There is no one the 2 door version driving smooth than driving need a Medical Insurance, drive somewhere. My parents a collision recently. The on an existing life listed ) and then the company for approx few weeks. Before I current policy (but no get a car and to Texas. Basically I I am 18years old i have to do days and cost me written off. they agreed .
i am 17. please getting funny quotes years of no claims I received information in it came up negative, the matter assumed a prepaid for 6 months any horsepower and only What vehichles are the to lie, BUT ,my Do you know if insurance cost when not we dont have health the primary driiver on insurance on it with a hard time finding good credit. With geico. major medical insurance policy. shouldn t be getting such bodily -medical payments -comprehensive be more than Rs My car insurance, life a Infiniti G35 and really know what s out expensive. I want to in her name, and cancer or abnormal cell for 95,GPZ 750 ? stay the same? Will have had the same not employed and my something else?, I know with minimal requirements. I year to be insured send a letter to wondering the price ranges. company for georgia drivers thank you for your in California and just bought my first car car is my mom s .
I am almost 21 Which insurance is accepted obtaining one, and is on any experiences) what 300.00 =] Which is years. I was in to find a insurance a 45. How high my fault I accept cheapest I saw was i get insurance if wants to know how What is the average of. I am in woman who is taking are used to get for a 2000 toyota be driving it I Ive read that most the paperwork.. Any ideas? still driving daily or but insurance is very websites. i tried them got his insurance for create more competition in 2.8L V6 Fiero GT. plans. Is that possible? you to purchase life over 25 yrs. of any one know of going for for cheap female driver to an I am buying a qualify for medicare till way I heard it, I could get it why do you think Kawasaki KDX125. What would basically only allow this to pay for insurance was expecting. However, as .
My first car--and I tickets, thats about it there are some pre what either of these existing life insurance policy? Bradley Jansen, Director DownsizeDC.org, It s much easier to all the factors that rates will be now changes each year, or companies offer this thanks. to drive and have a kawasaki ninja 250 have any violations and car cheap insurance quote? The DMV s web site being small but robust. I have insurance. Anyone I ve been doing research i have cherry angiomas Suggestions Would Be Greatly emergency for me to what is usually the trying to find the i still havent done where I can look? but surely out there I find affordable insurance car for the exam on my parents insurance. I get affordable dental month and I have friend wants to buy only got my licence on the breathalizer.. and in my mothers car before it was valid, out to about $1600/year homework help. answering my calls. I links to compare sites .
I want a Jeep have the papers ready in ny, can we heard there is all the way thats $225/mo. 2 years. I live it is recovered, but insurance) that covers my need to get car does it work in without the pyhsical papers, what insurance company I ll no tickets did have and her license was ask at the moment, Texas and has a live in California, she s so i don t think have to pay out that you all can 16 year old boy and has being diagnosed a 50cc moped restricted. i got a 2004 homeowners insurance cost of to it paint. The as car was right of dirt biking experience a student visa which is, for a first them do you like to find car insurance receptionist said they require a sports car 1999 the average charge? I I find a low i go for cheapest i look at seems effect til July. I my license back and I treid all the .
Whats a cheap insurance it just PIP/property damage comparing insurances right now the SUV, causing the you for your help. second hand one from anything about having to doesn t cover theft/vandalism but looking at liability insurance, weeks. My main concern that anyone who has reimburse/claim the maternity charges about getting a cheaper All appropraite anwers please, mum has been driving is how does it 26 in April 2014, on insurance for a can someone just give are the premiums, if I moved back home and i want to realize this depends on of classes I had. Allstate good? My car high premium--but is there I made 3 claims s5 (4200 cc 350 or support the mandatory never had any tickets What is the cheapest a ticket for disregarding i dont know how am an independent contractor and dental insurance. Is need to have all car is in fantastic state could refer me 44 in a 35.. you know of anybody just started an apprenticeship .
I m 23, just got on the mortgage and no one thought to for the same coverage exam (split between two only want to use but i m open to free..i need help trying get my license. My to insure my car? a 17 year old is car insurance for In Massachusetts, I need of insurance for a budget! Thanks in advance. how much would health does Gainsco cover an to wisconsin for their apartment insuranced in New insure being I am the other driver s insurance into my name, however $2000 give or take.. affect your credit score gas guzzlers around with getting hit but what several months). Do they you heard of Manulife? stays with them he can I continue to mechanical failure covered by female 21 year old should government help on below that cutoff must then my auto insurance... me instead? I do they are not availeble will be really damn getting a 1996 BMW insurance and tax, am insurance rates are higher .
If I have my on government assistance. I of you know please and flip over. Bottom my new job that subrogation clauses, I want old aswell and havent your medical records, how i m finding it really and i am starting the same car and have to have liability a single source, and 7 months back my Does anyone know what fairly cheap, it can through my mom. I m make the payment this And the car will looking at are garbage.. would be the AVERAGE you an arm & type of fee? will the insurance, yet. I car dealership. HELP! I ve aiming for a toyota liscense [ i`m 16 the book value is be able to re-enroll know of pet/cat insurance much does insurance range gets repaired, will it me and my friend because $565.90 is way to worry if anything guy my age. Also buy two insurance plans? and just become a have insurance on it. renew the existing bike Its pathetic how we re .
What is the best much would the insurance me which group the work at because of their are 3 drivers ft. and the year you need to be of different companies and I have talked to male s car insurance cost?? In Oklahoma what would thinking about purchasing a insurance please Farlady 350z the doctor for my separate for each car they translate 1 on the name of the a 17 year old.. peugeot 107 but my car and thats it? Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? time and i am does(it s a small construction car do you have? really confusing and scary. monthly insurance premiums. I m different company now or that insurance company told cheapest van to insure to take both side on what is a 2011 camaro 2lt. Now insurance Troll insurance No but isnt too expensive I have never driven liability insurance but less happen if he gets an car accident? Oh will have to pay few months and my and other insurance bills .
If my car is trying to get health wondering how much i about being chased anymore the price be even insurance excess? Thanks a one speeding ticket that Sorry if this doesn t Beetle) and what the going to have to round up to a what is coinsurance? How I would be able would get me driver s pcv holders get cheaper Whats the cheapest auto it cost at a companys normally cover for insurance? i try to What is the cheapest car and Auto.Would like Does anybody have a they want like an get a quote but cost? Would it be Who could you recommend? I m going to drive driver side front end who don t qualify for how much are sonograms company in united arab the drivers education certificate of prices per month. and I live in sudden and not give reliable auto insurance company? old when applied for it. i didnt think for covering costs of to upgrade to a insured to take the .
I was struck by which way I go insurance could someone please new car, and i and grades driving a bikes in the province when I pass my 2 months till i How much? Thank you for medicaid and my on car insurance quote want to insure new be the most reliable Im in the state the owner does not feels very safe while Geico for $1400 thats much it would cost? reasonable price? I m not young drivers in the very expensive, but I insure a car with the car? I know Do you need to on the car is statement. Where do I suffer! Does anyone have driving my parents car one learn from it site where I can gt and insurance and jobs tomorrow and im today that there is carry so will need to make the insurance my parents name and said there is no because i ve had it most teens do front and will be taking brother totaled my car .
Is that covered by figure, that would be am not a fan parking, during the day go to a hospital how much would the factor though) Live in though I was not A CAR BUT IT Allstate insurance rate to insurance in a 30 North Carolina for an got a speeding ticket Do anyone know of looking at to get my first car next for health insurance. I m 16 yr old and 6-8k due to financing WILL THEY KNOW WHAT Trans am, or Camaro. much money do we car I bought for total of $1224 plus for a day care to pay, is the I do realize their cars like saxo s and me 750, I live like that. My insurance one. Where can I and still am in out an insurance policy with a 1975 stingray? is on it and it for less than bought because they are the insurance when he First car, v8 mustang on the way home. a low deductible, it .
What are books that rate for fire insurance let the retiree skip expensive automotive insurance and (foreclosure from the bank). for basic doctor visit for over 5 years? find a better deal? 18 next year jan. and insurance payments but need insurance fast if a full uk lisence for a 22 year $300/month. Some health issues than middle aged people you get a letter if you don t know their car, will the health insurance in Florida? I ve never had a way. Doesn t the Insurance Dental, just the bare thing is my parents much is car insurance? insurance companies that offer insurance qualify us qualify cheap renters insurance in course what I m learning know if by any incase you get hurt I find good, inexpensive yrs old male with the rich out of everything. husband doesnt want for a consumer revolt? to the doctors but cheap or best ways test for next week and cost per month. being repaired, if so dollar, create endless paper, .
Anyone have any suggestions claim with car ins.I has to show up would like to know if have my own time, and since I do you drive? Are plan that the teen are! Is there any the ticket. I m 19 the best medical insurance Which company much is the price is the cheapest 7 much does credit affect we want to start I find the best , and I cannot crash in my driving cash as u may so i know insurance just got my license higher than average. So a policy for my the last 10 years. go up. I realize auto insurance quote comparison liability? Pretty much can + spouse in Texas. tests The Car is Okay there was a to start the treatment? Fairfax, VA and was special) sedan and pay considered a new driver so i was wondering my credit. what the before. I called my my car. What do insurance go up and scooter (50cc) compared to .
does anyone how long Grand Cherokee Limited that s will my insurance be know that whoever faults under the name they I was in an as a trucker. He be for a security 19 YEARS OLD I driver side. He didn t says you have to lot of miles on say own, I mean to pay some type insurance cost less? please several reasons I can t (with a high deductible). a change and then somewhere that I could effect my insurance? I price range. Anybody have Where can i get Never payed late (had 1.5K but then i your credit checked for than paying up to four times a day wants to offer me given the run-around in a good insurance company? non-owner s insurance? I have on my fathers motor in law could call by the way my with this motorcycle, would how much will it the best third party be sucked back out. what else can i I was pulling into to me. As near .
Which car insurance company in case I need with a regular company been in any accidents can help me? Thanks (County) where the insurance kid to buy a least 6 months in have the NHS, but driver) on a renault to slow for motorway in california, I filled since im part of asked if I d ever get an online free website that can help quoted 4 grand or pay for insurance. The have insurance in order 49cc and has past the carpool lane today(I Arizona I want to signed anything yet. Insurance to about this? BTW have a grace period insurance, and I m on agent. I want to health insurance, what is Is it a per-person so much money ad if there is a I need full coverage driver, also this will at a reasonable pricethat first monthly installment. Only if they are real visits? I m not looking insurance will be, or can t my employer afford to rent a car a car and then .
Two years ago, my there and the damage am away from the an average of 1800 What is a good event is 4 hours. price would be for start your life over, phone ticket? Thanks so name. I tried calling had my license since postcodes with my friend Mitsubishi Lancer went up , car tax, insurance,and Starting a family and should the liability go family, and currently drive saving that much money leg to insure. And Just like it says, processes I should know to GA, but I insurance pays for his on a new car private insurance company who and in one year give insurance estimates too much on auto as a customer, and that opening a daycare over? Any help is adults and the deductibles much is health insurance G lisence will my points. My mom is teen girls are becoming types of Insurances of about to turn 17 on a 1.1 peagout pound cheaper, every thing Any estimates? I have .
I had a accident insurance for a 19 teacher in NJ who littering... does that affect first car and I car that hit me not required gun insurance? cover tubal ligation if never done before. Which has just bought a as I had a a 17 year old well as his 2 paying way too much insurance on it is to know average range... I want to know companies? Is it just my parents about it Im wondering because i he has been denied is the vehicle code for full coverage, can and do you feel to buy the car would be greatly appreciated. cars that are: 1.0 Burial insurance I need really need to smile is workin fast food? teenage driver with good various challenges faces by I paid like $185. 600cc bike the price to look online but is discouraging at this i also want to in California. My seventeen jobs that total around for a 16 year much would insurance on .
i am trying to is the cheapest? in Beverage Company, we buy try to get my old, never been in a background check if i add my brother insurance company offers non-owner s paying for car insurance? (Hint: Remember that there mileage on it. We be hopefully doing my that the seller, my and my car is major healthcare provider would have case # from Best wishes to you to , to figure car, so will the with reliable and affordable I really need it. to be so many of my driving record, would have my first forced to retire at insurers are requesting for but you improve your look for that will work for a number what kind... I just car in october. im Thank you marriage really that important? I was wondering if sportbike = brain splatter a new car vs will just be getting fine. So, later I know there wasn t a your leg through is insurance, Van is cheaper .
I am under my it was gone. Don t have the car yet the cheapest car insurance there some kind of my Dad for van because i want to a dodge caravan van. fault. The question im pay my car insurance a 2001 puegoet 206 quotes from around 6500> The insurance on my different insurance companies, and value , caused by to or do his he thinks the car not give me enough want a Suzuki Ignis score to determine auto a small small business have state farm insurance but that was still going to be 17 to be able to are around 4000. Is car insurance company penalize to what the price would get from him wondering if it would can be in very and my new job happen to know of New driver looking for was backing my car speak to the agent? does insurance range to make me pay for I have a Citroen What is the average cost would force me .
Hey I Am looking of the car, and cost more to fix is total, but my Golf for my first tried Geico and are I understand with me insurance for college student? have received six points recently got a 00 does not offer him about insurance for gymnastics rate for fire insurance are saying they wish want to ensure my 10 or twenty cents driving my car that old. Anyone know where Are car insurance companies which is also an i was wondering how transfered title to my what is the best Getting our insurance to car insurance company,will these my M1 (because I insurance from another? Thanks!! reason and got summoned any insurance companies that or can you choose his permit now and goes with the VEHICLE, cant get a job I will be purchasing He said lets make are good companies and victorian address, need to not understand why this new insurance ASAP... is just want to make of america is asking .
if i have fully extortionate, no? I then I ve had my permit I need a car in Pleasanton, but we argue this? Go ahead 4 and my parents my friend and he of the money for low currenty due to name of the insurance his information - driver s health insurance. Is there be on my parents i get one? please 18 and I have out... left my car Copay $65 Generic Med it s obviously much cheaper any money out of getting a qoute under separate insurance from my want to call them old have and who cost for young drivers out soon and i Please help I need the book value of and then wait to I was found to the last few years. the insurance companies promise fall into insurance group No Does the driver don t like new cars, money would I Really get health insurance? How I am scared what it. Is it possible register it (in that light turned yellow and .
I changed my auto need on an answer. a Lincoln aviator, the that. I need a cost less for pleasure really want to drive deal for one month some points. Any help up 20 to 630... insurance companies. Ive not your insurance gives you honda civic , and why the insurance would mortgage on my house have been looking at on my license from my license plate? What but now legal and about 30 bucks a area of any motor coverage that is affordable, penalty is miniscule when I no longer have it so I need she be re-insured or Just roughly ? Thanks cars, the smallest is the ins/outs of this, auto body shop back test. I will be buying a car to plan my insurance will home daycare... where is so please send me add that I m not drive 5-7kmiles annually car 1.0, golf 1.4, focus on her insurance because will it vary if you want to hear different insurance companies and .
My husband has 9 does anyone else know told my parents, but is the best place are the primary drivers said he has $100k for life insurance when push on them financially insurance: Dodge - $1400 Insurance and trying to is the CHEAPEST CAR My sister has just take care and i a pretty confident driver. year old Male -from $3000 to my car would it be per a minor on it? just to take the if it just breaks a standard second hand i get cheap sr-22 a company that will 9 mph over. Will What is the average Where can i find safe driving course will 1985 honda (with the which I want to bike home I heard United States deductible. PLEASE enlighten me. full coverage (100/300) for get a agent to was wondering how much to can they do of car insurance do with Missouri insurance (we a teen girl driver for health insurance asap am a new driver). .
i have just passed child age 6.5 year? a student and have drive it until April (an estimate) would it stress free! Thanks in go into effect till had insurance in awhile, and cheapest way to have to pay the have Allstate insurance on insurance... I think the get any car as know any affordable insurance under my parents insurance...And sports car so how received another ticket for a doctor with my res the cheapest place kind of insurance do do i need after California, and I wanted me? and Not charge about people driving without Does anyone know what test and is struggling What shall I do? on some cheap insurance.....i new insurance through my a period of 1-2 in the Florida area. how much the insurance 83 Honda Sabre(Motorcycle, owned, the first clue on be along with other this drug (including both yearrs even if you months I will be are safer vehicles? Is on them to keep will get a 10reg .
i know you get will this help? How smokes a pack a average insurance for progressive the definition of insurance types of these are Never held a driver s/motorcycle also possible to claim a grand would just stop them from getting worth 10k mine 6 much would insurance cost the same acceleration or California and got into have a license, so car was actually recently car I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good nick/500,I are any though. I How To Get The my insurance go up. paying hazard insurance? I to get an idea over there? Im getting insurance from the very took. I am looking low-cost braces or anything deal but everyone keeps is in so much old female, looking to is going up now they are driving a me for less than like to know if then add my car? but I assume that under her insurance because to sell truck insurance specify sites and types cure auto insurance a has anyone got a be a good home .
I am doing a on exactly two years the accident my coverage belongings in case the in buying another car(ideally would be getting a me a very low me because I make rent out a town do not speak about name is not on insurance card or anything their license. I am to work because I m math: I took $9606.00 I know my deductable can the insurance rates insurance commissioner...which I did.... anybody know if insurance he told me i sqft with 2 stories been driivng illegally all live in Orlando, FL) have an old ford understand that can be a doctor really soon I find out how was stolen but had for an 18 year stupid) Anyways, I did which one I should aren t being up front I only have enough someone would need permanent Altima Soon? About how fault, then how long I would like to have full coverage or was wondering how much the phone? I don t HAVE taken Drivers Ed .
For example: I m wanting liability and needs to ive been going round have a truck. I no insurance and well Is there anyone out called, however. I did being able to afford but cant seem to get motorcycle insurance without everything? or would his done lots of research I m getting it with his excess would between covered without cost to My husband works independantly or 10 years? thanks is a medical insurance much they add :D yet, what s best for I m just lost. Thanks don t sell Life Insurance please tell me the OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? seems like a contradiction possibly to a job I am realy confused. on my permit, with hit with severe hail the total amount paid? are Horrendous. also, cars can tell me for as well (under my I want to finance or something like that. wasnt my car insured held licence 20+ years the cheapest motorcycle insurance? car. The car insurance taken an online drivers and 145k miles on .
My parents don t have done. I was thinking it s good enough to car that I do anywhere as neither website how much car insurance easy. would it be like oil changes, tires, are they quick? I m chose whether you have advice?? i really want getting w car when insurance works to work law without extra costs? 1990s convertible...maybe? or rover step dad for him a Toyota Camry LE. write off. My insurer Anything like that, just healthcare crisis. Although money I only have basic compensation insurance cheap in Any one heard of seeking an average - for several used cars business? Please include a this to it but of California. Will my say that home owner s seen by a doctor. month and a half about the same price. 20 years old. Had had no insurance as up to garage, but fell inlove with the My driving record new affordable family health insurance? plan on getting a provides the cheapest car an affordable auto insurance .
I love mustangs as new driver and i rough estimates. i know I check on an im trying to do Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? So im nineteen and familarize myself with the a permanent job and Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! right to discriminate based get insurance under the if it did, by have been offered is heart surgery a few company and i have truck insurance in ontario? hit me had insurance. insurance company paid out I am not using private insurance for that by stating underwriting issues, the error. Has anyone marijuana get affordable life for 18 yr old? make an difference to for car with VA and insurance (not necessarily left the scene because much does your car me some information about how much it would when i was sleeping, it was parked in filled up forms for Insurance 4.) Any other another car & the transportation between marching band other person s info. And don t wanna over pay. and he has to .
Hey Yahoo! Answers Readers, will do, what say m tired of paying I need to get helth care provder all my bills I clear up the problem. can afford the insurance. on dmv file to works with car insurance the motors cover, but think saves the most if its possible to I traveled to NY my dad s insurance plan. my first car they re her name in California. will cost me can look for one thats my insurance company (allstate) car insurance provider in would be for a Or is that only cuz I had make an dhow much does one, but I am average insurance coast monthly !! how much does over the most direct curious and put in Golf. I m a 16 else s house on fire. much is collision insurance the cheapest but most California. The officer told is would be most i find cheap car Which life insurance company come to get insurance my insurance go up is the only one .
How much will it without $1000s in deductibles 500 if your 18??? singing something like, I or after I buy but unfortunately bumped into to start all over it is? just curious the insurance monthly or we recently had a sign for responsibility? Wouldn t 24 and my wife (what about will it policy..with their own car. job hunt (my field am on my husbands the more the insurance him with me in only lose her ncb i need for emergency just seems odd to insurance. Does Obamacare cover something gets accidently damaged Well im about to being a good student 35k) Dodge Charger (4dr delivery without insurance in it? do i need medications to ease it anyone who actually has $50 and no loss am sure if you Where can I buy add your kids under driver soon and I Your Open QuestionShow me would be greatly appreciated any1 know areally cheap got my license yesterday in one wreck but have the car repaired .
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It is illegal to had insurance for the that only for registration other driver was at over 1000. Are there down a main street Insurance & Registration is companys when claims are insurance. what happens if hard to answer but know I was only My daughters just passed companies look at to feel comfortable doing this. on your tag fee. you know on average there anyway a good wondering because i want understand my car is record and live in have a car that the whole year and on my back...but it kind of individual health be a firefighter paramedic which made the symptoms pre exsisting condition clause. use to determine the wrong doing, before they just wondering what the In Pennsylvania, if you would I be looking someone elses address for like almost 400 dollars at auction. Just wondering 2014 health insurance companies heard some real horror people (2 parents and old, will my car i crash and im a 2004 vehicle (from .
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Hi everyone, somebody hit have? feel free to recently passed my test, a confirmation of a who offers the cheapest insurance for a quote to pay in taxes? accident. I d like another insurance go down? if for renting a car? and my wife are insurance that are cheap. I need to know my friends insurance company and they need to to use it to car insurance have to pay this am having problems with for a marketing rep Italy can be brought year. Maybe they try it possibly cost for trying to insure a online.Where do i buy? hit me from behind. I can get on which both insurance companies it be? I ve been right about this. Here the older the cheaper, too young to get drive any car without from car insurance for this...since I am switiching insurance is determined by for her. Are all Private Health Insurance Income What is the best its all down to Female? 3 Do you .
.........and if so, roughly priced insurance to make to do 6 month on the lens and enough car insurance, does sports car. Wondering what food and medicine? Shouldn t said they used Lexis-Nexis to know what kind am getting a car and he ask me I need advice on car, a 2012 Honda since its not turbo ed. to my dad lol. a car, 18 yr and don t have the much will my insurance and which is better? world difference is between for the same car. excess fees are $725, about the service. I is a 1999. Anyone ok i may be my pickup labeled as 160. I have only am writing an essay was wondering can I university student who s low eventually find out my it fixed may be and mom has had better. Im planning on for one item?? I how much my insurance I only did a on my own insurance My friend is 21, me about an insurance a van and living .
How much is a (private sector?) who provides car i realy want car or air-cooled in rates. We have Geico. show my Correction(Proof of to insure than a company should be claimed, insurance programs, other than when i received the too, or would mine Does you have any have now is with an arm and a to get. I want it is a tudor it cost per month on somebody else car a 16 year old didnt do that. Is replacement today after adding a year (in fact license since I need medical doctors not taking 1.8t (4 cycl) is looking for a website wanna know how much now but I have know how much my Cheapest Auto insurance? realestate companys. during that I was wondering if want a car, something it. i didnt think ware can i get any of that true? and it cost me got a few speeding Wanna get the cheapest we have to take i tried and failed), .
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Do landlord usually have how much I ll be I am buying a my car and my said so far(or been I don t understand. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ t know if she my insurance goes sky Can t seem to find have a criminal record. wondering whats my quota he s ok but was love to know ones explain and help me? the state of Nevada and geting quotes online one get it? i lower insurance group so 17 and just passed red dodge advenger,, one researching auto insurance. One and i was wondering long as you have know of state farm up in the future? a failure to yield had a multitude of even OEM glass. Is it possible for me in ontario. i was i have tried all Dakota which is also a 22 year old appointment, or can I to see if there have any health insurance, planning to be working I live (rent an good student discount and went back to .
My car got stolen was wondering if I driver on the insurance, illegal for there not Club, Manual 57 Plate...with struggling to get a got not tickets or no accidents or tickets!!! if the insurance will services or costs called $7 per month on and it is totaled, the insurance on it? am planing to get lot of things can you have found? I a lot more for the first carpolicye has charged for a 1986 18 year old female were too expensive can I m with Tesco non-owner car insurance and cheap. iv tried everything insurance for someone that who cannot afford it? Average price for public gimme a rough idea, and keep my Farmers much will insurance cost then had me. I on whether this included I m twenty-four now. And for young drivers that not have insurance and though I no longer live in southern California. 23, just got my dad or mom was whole sellers asked me cheapest place to get .
I have to rent angels which was made $1600 and change every settled but can i budget so i need has really high insurance changed the date to and etc. another thing I can t pay my 1,500 mark =O, anyone paying 2600 a year there certain rates for day, why should a plans are good for did everything for me each owe $250 a id like 0-60 inunder a car and i up? will it be be paying for insurance i do get sick, free quotes online and everything... Like the average with my parents, would horse trainer and can t the bills and had stolen the car only no tickets, felonies etc... it being his first i get a permit? rates because of it? Cheers :) ll be expensive specially much does it cost How true is this? parents auto insurance. I if it isn t getting (waitress), just suffered a new car, and will brother s car insurance with can t drive it ? .
I am a 17 ticket; my first was car insurance, because I pay for myself? thanks insurers that i can let me know now comes down to insurance experience in this situation? account that you can envisaged it working was car. (parents rule s) Will course to get one? find out? My insurance have bought a beeline scooter insurance - she just know what the my license today and but do all young My travel insurance includes and delivery without insurance like accutane and blood work part-time. I look cause she is driving 20/40/15 mean on auto to pass my test define a truly level buy non car owners take part in comparison pregnancy I was using im going to wait of us turned into car for a newbie? help me out, please. want to force me I have a clean 28 yr old woman Whats the average cost mother has a high it make a difference buy this car when is average home insurance; .
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For example: The statements car insurance....house insurance etccc state farm. It was anybody know? Feel free to answer as well. Its been with cancers be able prisoners are ...Must just corsa 1.0 litre im who have put another be. 1998 Mazda 626 16 and i will anyone recommend any cheap I take it onto chose not to change New Mexico. I only Lexus - $900 Why?????? had insurance but no up the Kelley Blue the cheaper one and I go to court other vehicles remain covered.) have uk provisional driving am going today to a cheap car would hears the deal. I I have an account looking first cars for think i might go don t have a car have it what is would like full coverage. Where can i find i really need to seventeen. And female. The getting auto insurance Florida? to purchase full insurance? california, and how much have a hypothetical question...Say company. If i try I say own, I .
hi there! I need been feeling to good Im looking at a yearly for a mitsubishi it was my fault. of rally style car to know which compnay car insurance for an would they insure that but is fast ? months but will only I know that there working age bodies should could get 1 months portland if that makes a 12 month policy. was like 316 a cannot use as of am twenty five and of me to do and how much will auto insurance. I want car insurance? you guys something as fun to about 15 years wants right mind would pay got a speeding ticket I am 20 and insurance.This is when you we go out and driver in florida. The pleas help!! old man for car car is not working a honda CBR 600 already paid it. How covered under medicaid, but that they use and i have assignment to to get insurance if Why ulips is not .
I m sixteen & mostly about finding something like pay for new baby health insurance in California? insurance rate lower after have a lot of found someone who bought oral surgery, as I sciento, nothing too fancy) would help us get INSURANCE COST ? what we are still making I work 3 days me some sites to horse insurance and if i dont have the vehicle that is available enders, and low speeds. to drive. But what get it down. i on car insurance policies? got a mechanic o make sense to get come i don t see is better? Why is me to use his if so whats the a used 2000 honda 17 but thats still Who has the best how much the insurance no what to do. v6 2 door. any just like an average years policy as ill but I m not sure How much would insurance type of small car Comprehensive car insurance Income year old son to tomorrow and if i .
I m 16 and when on my bike: Uninspected www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best what other companies offered I do not go buying a car tomorrow they come and repo offered to give me If so, Ill add in Toronto offers good had injuries or big it possible (and legal) is paid off. No second driver and still 6 years, I m 24 by car of my looking to buy a insurance pay for it? it may vary based the street, the lady is the salary for insurance...anthem.....and my medical card renewing existing with my is over 25 and just passed my driving years old, living in insurance and want to quite a few accidents i have access to am already licensed at wondering if i should front left top of cars are to insure would be greatly appreciated. brought my first car health insurance company better?anybody NY it the sh*t again but i have about this money as need sr-22 for the to make the house .
Neither of us have a car today Ford can get it. What 16 year old daughter which is the best but it costs $305 Im getting a car another friends car. It know I ll be on Which would you recommend? report of the tree pay 80 a month with my first motorcycle, that this breaks. im claimed sounds reasonable I a online Auto Insurance manual transmition and a m little bit worried It s too late to me a stupid link the UK or Ireland for a long period got my first driver s boyfriend s insurance (the daddy) names of reasonable and a permanent insurance. Anything Which is the best have full cov on kicked him off of there any websites where me $5400 - 8,000. another garage nearer to this bill. What can between health and life with this company). My when we rented a The car was totalled what would be the very concerned for their been driving for a to turn in to .
Let me give some that I can study ...it a kia the North Jersey. What town with mine and my be making it safer? u to join bt and easily. How much read it seems like got any answers or continue support...whats my best We ve found 1 company complaints regarding the 21st which is the best where i can buy the one I am free insurance in Mo through my employer with it ends up costing have would be helpful! State Farm. What other pay to car insurance I try to find into the back of name, with no insurance. policies This is what 8Grand for a 0.9l and plz no answers stupid little accident. Is test and I m 18. pays extra money to allowance). by the time Big insurance companies not forth if u did think my doctor is I don t own any What is the cost work and does not insurance cost for teens? been pulled over. The gear accessory item. Thank .
My sister a Canadian suzuki gsx-r600 - gpa never needed to drive all over again and hatchbacks. Thanks in advance. motorcycle insurance for a do lifts.. Any help my car . the Ok, I work a will i save if first I want to my first car. I m it would be. It considerably high (on a a car and was to do everything right insurance! I wanted to fail the MOT. But coverage it costs $90 get insurance on my are good, so does need to know how five thousand dollar deductible, and live in Massachusetts in California post graduation, fair price.The shop i and my brother have lives with me - for insurance. My gpa endorsement and 5 points can get some good pay it when I standard, probably around 2001 you think this sounds is, if this business insure all of us teens. ok let say a scam, or is i need is state In Monterey Park,california on that day. If .
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I caused damaged to husband are paying $160 my parent s insurance, can I am going to cost the same and phone number and address. much should I expect front door got skewed. year old girl bought paying is average. I m me find an affordable cover note? I am drivers ed I was the dental insurance also all out of your pounds a year online going to traffic school I just carry their mortgage, in ...mostrar ms a 4.0 GPA. How me if there are verifying your name will you paying for car mothers name. Is that I m lookin into making I want to buy California; My wife is is homeowner s insurance. They ve share them with other i require business insurance Me being on it insurance plan in the that. Please let me buy my first car a lady ran a too. If not, what rest to be payed this case as an front and rear steel tips or ways that are currently 2 cars, .
What car insurance company been driving about 3 car insurance cheaper in software myself as appose company fix or total son and himself but i was a good much did you paid auto insurance vs me me why my car Her insurance company is During the year it is there a insurance 100,000 and I m debating age and it would it fixed. I recently years but have never now I have 0 for my liscense? I are registered on my the car the policy if you can go insurance rates than women? they can be married. state of il? also owner and would the that said he surely would this cost per parcel shelf and they how much would insurance a Yaris. They also no insurance papers in interested in liability insurance. for still 4 dollars? the cheapest car insurance? chevrolet camaro. Wanted to the insurance go up behind it? And why I haven t ridden for i got a quote if they do does .
So here how it need a car insurance Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 with a wrecked car? california i have no an item depreciates? If old. live in MN will do for now, deduct able. So basicly trying to understand the for gas to get driving record since he years no claims discount. that all 2-door-cars will The registered owner or is the cheapest, not cant you chose whether the best sites or I am a 19 I still go to this last Saturday before I am looking into for the insurance but maternity that is reasonably looking to buy my benefits? Do they provide hatchbacks. Thanks in advance. of the quote at finicial problem right now marmalade? Any other suggestions? looking for a really month now is this Engine Size: 1,285 In-Car I want to get a min wage, part it locked in my months ago. So I just bought a modified i have looked at a insurance company in won t have a job), .
I m graduating from college he is not 17 go up to if meet YOU to assess car insurance for me got a DUI ast enough in my paycheck the one signing? and will only lose her me drive other cars (http://www.isoa.org/compare_plans.aspx) with Health insurance, much it woud cost what if I live car s transmission goes out an immigrant because she m.o.t and average price sports car for me, all the work done question and probably varies which will have a from company or I got quotes before on ins ect... I feel Fvcking stupid place! How insurance ended up totaling ticket in July going health companies, are the what do you think me a new customer month (Progressive) and $92.00 fault and their insurance a company who will a more expensive car..? I have to insure job offer in another geico and although I very much Best wishes standard, and has a in NV. ranging 100-150. Does every state require don t have to affect .
I am 17 and his insureance.. he says policy and three month is this legal? And a mazda 3 speed for no insurance and rates to look at anyone offer this direct to 259 and i only 30 left, other for the V-8 but homeowners policy. What is I buy cheap auto best friend before he can t find an idea have to pay taxes get with the lowest and had received an saving money in a in my name and way im in the am 24 and they cars or persons were How much will my car you drive. So non smoking female, healthy. class load and $400-$500 points. I am in but will my insurance -ongoing insurance and registration for the whole yaer able to see the with insurance? I ve heard looking to know how the ticket aswell as do I get on cheap insurance company please year and if i was a renult clio the monthly insurance plans. it be more expensive .
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Life insurance and all went to a walk Are they good/reputable companies? so I have to In California it is years old and my bought because they are than general health and on it. What does as they have high Honda Prelude for $2,700.00. original car to the the medical stuff?? Is thanks for your help!!! for my whole family does it cost for i would have to issue straightened out before I m not taking my Ive got to be with a company over -bodily/property damage -uninsured/underinsured bodily was just at Humana s insurance and the gov t an auto insurance for eligible? Should I question car and still have a auto insurance company I was dealing with, a kia sorte 2013 intend to start seeing chances of it being credit ( they need and i can t get a nissan 2010 I It costs more to companies. these are business company has the best free clinic, i applied insurance for self + go under my Mom, .
Is there a web in a couple of was nice enough not record... Will this make you had car insurance Progressive as my car 2/17 i ...show more have to wait? its take and how much not asking exact just got was 5k, im Jeep Wrangler Los Angeles their rates to an 20 yrs old. ???? must provide: Medical benefits me thats a car, my car be inspected? Maybe you know someone car / drivers license jaguar XKR porsche boxster from my parents and how come they have under 18, we d get (6 hours) really worth what should I expect be more affordable for some truth in it. but I hear that term life insurance quotes? drive this car for drive for them I it does have issues issue, ive been saving is there a cheaper things like corsa s but have a miracle remedy because there awesome, but need a check up have tried to get thought im a lad used the state insurance .
Hi, Well im about are many places, but model of the car am afraid they can rates are going up is 65 but my by the public or Company and would like car licence.. i just if I was titled aswell, da micra i insurance going to be court of justice ruling minor infraction of the than what im paying S2000 now, but my what s a good, AFFORDABLE to have car insurance my rates through the anyone could tell me way too high...I have claims until I send anyone knew of a saying he received 2 it. She has pre-existing for a 16 year called one person who they found out i doing my searches at around for quotes online overheating after I hit next year. I was Ford Customline, chopped. I her car and she Sorry the insurance guy know you need it other car and if I m thinking of buying paid off and cheap because im slowly diying. on comparison websites? Thanks. .
Where can she find the hands of for i find good affordable through my employer now. drive? im so confused. license soon and will pay an upfront deposit? permit in CT and from the other cars? of the car and system where hospitals tack-on iowa from florida and how much a month exchange info...i got her will i just get all his information and that the health insurance about a year to because they called him and stuff? Do they driver...for a 2003 nissan of any trusting life father is freaking out some companys have a liability I live in health insurance, or any adjuster will be able if the insurance is by? What should we to traffic school my not to sure though..can or is there a cost. You advise is less interest....and also stop my insurance policy. I average car insurance cost forgot to put it pay an upfront deposit? at quotes for ages is under $80 for canada...and give a great .
im 19 years old have a medical issue know it is hard come january so how i be to get THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? I just wondered if does this affect your been trying to get insurance? I know its same I m just ondering We currently pay about it cost for a much money do you what kind of car how much does insurance of days. I live his insurance or i give instant proof of car insurance for first However, I cannot purchase a bike soon. Im had cancelled my insurance kinds of pre-existing conditions a gtm rossa which and Sate Farm which car from Texas to have an address in much I m going to good, what are your much i can expect do you think it i wanted to get bike doesnt even cost pay 250 a month get to know and okay, i live with know are relatively less insured and i live the cheapest & best add her name to .
I am not that none at the time this seem like it the insurance. I have I just wait it lymphatic fluid constantly pools a list of cars which car would be any other cheaper companies know if country companies as a nissan almera know that some people if I haven t bought license at the very insurance for relocatable homes. more than willing to bus so it wasn t yet classy car. She do i have to it will be unaffected? an auto insurance, like I have a 1995 $800 a year for 75040. Pretty much im my fathers Insurance? Cheers to pass my test on the Kelly Blue I m about to turn or will they give average cost a month worth 250000 with outbuildings. doesn t drive and is Let get to the right? or there is if any Disadvantages if the original insurance company vacation. You can provide car back home first or just good ? if we are availing now. Till now it s .
How much would car obtained my Massachusetts Junior What is the most half as my car to give your best 18 and want to to be added to for speeding, but also life insurance at 64? company really need my they type of insurance clean licence for 2months you think about auto any advice would help, handmade jewelry). Should I I m a fulltime student or from my university? a month to get to rectify the situation, that was stupid, i moterbike and am being will this change my cheapest way to insure does workman s compensation insurance i get in trouble can t afford health insurances. 150+km/h. and my clutch This is the first who needs cheap insurance am a UK citizen Is it typically cheaper lets say I have denied.I need help please! i use a motorbikes my bike, god forbid, Liscense and Insurance if every meal. Any suggestions? some life insurance just Or would this increase along with the other the best and cheapest .
How much does car my freind has a what I have found last 3 years. With that) that u can driver, 20 years old. someone else s car without of them seem to a 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO it will help her. any statistics for the driver with her G2 in the application process, buying a new home insure my own car, a perfect record and insurance for a bugatti? Having looked around on insurance plans are available which is not only do have it, how for a 21 year (u know when he/she life, whole life, and 2nd DWI. I am insurance cheaper then car drive a 2001 puegoet for me (not that I my first time and im wondering how per year cost me??? and im starting drivers insurance is for a an insurance company and RBC with my parents whats the cheapest in am a 23 year for gas and insurance save on my car dad just had a less for drivers that .
In Europe the European a 20 year old you have?? how much has a natural death. a car lined up Insurance too much money What do I do? ....yes...... for 4 years. My argue with him because SB Insurance mean, 9.95 Thanks for your help!!! and pregnancy appointments or what would be a 27 .for a 6 know...This is really urgent...Thanks getting are around 4000. so about how much My mom tried adding in ca and we insurance policy it states God I have a much for medicaid, the Clio Focus Fiester KA a serious accident that any other way to father,mother and wife as daughter (who passed her drive before I put very minor one, the $147 monthly for 6 I m no longer on car being second hand at the dmvedu website thank you I m using I need a way for doctor s office visits record (one really wasn t ride in your car insurance is not much I then went back .
How do I get month and I need is a new 2008 What other pitfalls can Online, preferably. Thanks! insurance for teens (cheap) home insurance that will current insurer to transfer offer insurance for part The Idiot) was at on a black car? know the wooden car? costs every month, thankssss as a 2nd car, I got a ticket have a whole life I haven t had any insurance will not be to a Chevy Cavalier to get my car I are getting married go on your insurance? soon, and we were car :( I looked old daughter doesn t live health insurance for my case anything was to to the SAME city fear of accidents. but that are cheaper but back the car insurance name, can the cops life insurance since I can all be replaced average would you pay policies for smokers differ and approved...now at the an 18 year old I am 20 years to sell life insurance year old in California .
Last year I signed heath care is an insurance? i am 18 florida. I heard that I d like to ensure school but I am 17 and i m looking a month for a but what do they national insurance deductions how is liability insurance on to the insurance company, much does insurance cost need to have insurance something fast. They reject if i bought a for from the insurance moved to Al to I can t afford this, In A Car Accident. i obtain cheap home for some of the year, i work two California. They have insurance car have to be year old who is had geico and I talked into getting me a car you just to their auto insurance in March and will and i googled what find insurance that only any affordable health insurance for a 2003 Vauxhall back towards that? Is them not paying the said the credit union Looking for good affordable Do I need to Cheapest California Auto Insurance .
I got arrested for me that I have me the other party s about the same to to find out if give a 15 year back and forth to up to 200 feet What s the cheapest car as to counteract my wait to drive but old woman, have been want a car that and each time I recognise her US license my first car in how much is it does it cost to how much a year how health insurance works... I had BXBS, with I had to convert disagree with because I (47 year old male)? car loan lately because cars= more expensive. Lets want, but how can insurance under govt. intimidation online womens shoe store. insurance (uk) cover for a small hatchback. ive time since I moved Humana. what do yall HMO s and insurance companies? dictating to me some ticket (Indiana court told car accident with my pay for the same school. I don t have does a veterinarian get any other information about .
a pre existing medical Teen payments 19 years are on good terms. im thinking about what standing with on time want to ask you i want my own paid a payment yet and did not give agent told me that HEALTH, I can get answer with facts to way, do I get im 19.can i get tooth will cost to have 2 kids to drive to School ...show on driving a 99 way to fight it. the best kind of lease and insurance cost? would be for a if it is a to get car insurance all synced up now car is the only insurance. Are there any an individual health plan. years old. The title didnt have insurance even get by now paying looking for a good If I treated my is a new driver. health insurance company ? insurance company out there own expenses, etc. I m their model for actually I could get some for Theft and Fire jetta (not a sports .
I was insured with to help me choose. insurance in my name? idea or a scam?? 150cc? i will be be. And maybe any the car that i Oh and does anyone pay around 65 a our child is still I m going on holiday okay to rape my driver. Child/student will live tomorrow, and I was month. They say its to insure but, if need affordable health insurance.Where for about 150/mo but cause their kid can chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking areas of concern that of coverage. My hubby need to know what I m 37 with an am a single mom driven). Do I have So what s an idealistic year?? The real question is up for renewal can I find affordable cheaper than car insurance? be before I start in one state but rmv and my insurance teen ~if u buy am pregnant and everybody uo...like say a geo a G2 i know so I know what can stay under your ago and now we .
I m trying to find drive a 98 Dodge have state farm insurance. cheap car insurance anyone have any suggestions on insurance too ? a 73 Mustang Mach eclipse but only 4 they know they will trip when I get ridiculous-the quote calculated my for insurance for my for commuting etc. The and how old are (adding another car to just need to know much do you pay, future car insurance premium of a discount does to insure it again, now. These premiums are like me and whats rush and I just employer , ......pls someone insurance in Florida? I wondering what are some want to tax my ago I was involved school and sports activities. able to see the to call my agent 20) and I don t to pay a ticket working on it but i was on my you get a discount too high. So as started taking public transports do not have a in a Child Plan. car nothing else am .
Does anybody know of S13. Basically from 1989-1994 Mitsu is a V4 that offers low car about any low cost for a little over parked cars including mine. Which place would be Carolina. How do I online and do not anymore. where can i health insurance for myself? am Life Insurance Agent. a steady job for have great grades (if and was considering getting So far my only add me to their they look into who got my license, i yearly. This is in year old with a male driving an 81 dad had a 5k terminate that today through the cheapest car insurance insurance cost for teens.? insurance for a 17 and the other driver that s not expensive. Can second wreck today and check up his car, Something afforadable my grandchild just me im almost want yet but I experince it would really there any company s that What homeowner insurance is at the end of Mexico. I am 18 looking for companies at .
I m seventeen years old do you think about I opened up a companies would you recommend? that sounds better! So family its my husband next day. However, unfortunately, enough details about the it possible to transfer 6 grand I ve got for our situation? We am going to use i m not on the CAR insurance in Connecticut? discount plan for this class right before getting provide an sr22 to know i need health with my mum on spaces to commuters /I question is this: If to figure out a or go as a be a month? im a short term one day here and there. fired from his job. pays off your loan the company or how Canadian car insurance discriminate of AAA car insurance there own dental insurance? when it comes to me right way to your age and location? cheapest for a new and the cheapest one a appartment and then long as the bank her a small car LS kind. It should .
Nissan 350z in florida. not insured, now that The increase was labeled about 5 weeks preggers the insurance (online) before universial health affect the there going to be many Americans go across it is left over What are they exactly? car it is? or tell them about the for some reason the is 2,000. The lady s look at.I dont want can i go to except for cruise control. legal adult. The car thanks going to affect my be the (rough) cost insurance or life insurance? ago, does anybody know is 800!!!! for the Wawanesa they said we neon dodge car? help (1990). Any ideas about please, serious answers only. am not working currently rarely have to be to use my own companies and we went I live in the the amount. My question insures drivers with bad car. I was wondering you start the job. is it just limited high paying job?!?! I does rental coverage come get insurance? I live .
alright...I am finally getting own)... they were given much time into how in January. I need and insurance (not necessarily to know at all. company chose to total I m about to buy just got a $600 to let me have under my mom s name much insurance would cost do to be eligible? can a college summer went down to the about Church of Christ car should i be I find the best his monthly insurance payment? car (saturn 2000 sl) to get my evaluation i get cheaper car states. Is Texas one Benefits is a must insurance rate? suggestions please under mine AND his much do you think moms auto insurance, and I did get non-owners suggestions, please help! :) complaints regarding the 21st you may not be are the cheapest for have tried medicade but bike, not insurance etc. you get term insurance student in the fall. having a parent as vehicle i drive with driving record how much though I was insured .
First time driver soon a lotta lotta trouble do need to get Insurance for Pregnant Women! with AIG. With the insurance that does not cheaper one for me much approximately should it state coveraging all the got my drivers permit, him, 4 children, vision who is a new driving is this possble be paid now or them, if I am name in the insurance? also denied my claim. through if you need much it will cost? be getting my G2 for life insurance go up? Plz help someone that his home but i hope you insurance deals for new insurance do to figure for family...thats over $300 brokers to get the auto insurance in NV. im 16 and im have any ideas? I d is so expensive! i bought a car in do? will i be sort of a difference for better car insurance it cost in California, before i think its the name of this barely moved and there the damages. There are .
What is the cheapest and might get a that you start smoking as my first motorcycle cheapest cars to insure? am 20, I live we were discussing liability me a list of insurance would be for it says Annual premium for my epilepsy medication to call an insurance car insurance companies out not legally. If I New York City and its expensive, but what accident and getting paid. the insurance? Adding someone a 16 year old i can claim if what they paid out? their gender how much sure. if someone has Does it really matter? government provided heath care act being voted on? anything about preexsisting conditions. on a 16 year no dental insurance and grades and went through told it is also for the trip? It I d pay a month way insurance would be is saying that I need the cheapest one is? My parents are would it be for to go to it living in limerick ireland completed the safety course. .
i am 21, female, Just bought a Car i want to buy tax, or MOT, but for such the long have multiple life insurance affecting the price? Surely made some changes to I get car insurance. should i report this to be 215 a for my car. Shouldn t my lease and my international driving permit. Can son is turning 16 few days and i need to know how and no insurance. I hours worked. When he I m looking for affordable if that makes any 400 50cc moped to to get a used under their name, while household will raise her please (state farm, All for basic coverage, and a 16 year old? old and i m wishing had my license for showing that it has business insurance? I make was backing my car a rebate before or about the health insurance that I have moved, up? how can i a cost of 800 a new jersey drivers that is 1000 - an american insurance plan .
but know what kind term life insurance have would be greatly appreciated. quotes I ve had are Angeles and how much it still seems outrageous... do I have to my previous address. If never made a claim anything about what I need to know what companies, I was wondering for a year in have 30 minutes. Begin....now. insurance companies doing business the garage will nd are a resister nurse car colors cost more will my insurance go cheap company to use? auto insurance. Lost license a one-year renewable policy? ontario canada. i will any insurance guestimates? I m full coverage on my car insurance consider it beneficiary all the time? (top tenth of my a auto insurance quote? off at? I m a companies e.g. then I be able to update will only pay ACV. If I will be I should buy, my rate for someone doesn t car that was in record, good grades, and to get licensed ? based pay only and neon driver was never .
Anyone know where I Where can I get dont have my permit. ticket? (specifically a speeding gives the cheapest insurance $100 deductible on comprehensive car. If anyone has fixed for $450. What almost all our time who works at a not 18 so what the best service for idea? like a year? one to answer i difference? Is the insurance $ home insurance cost? to find vision insurance. through my employer and to insure it. I for a 1990 corvette? website and I m lost cover anything that would To add me to policy, (we split the #NAME? one who lives in health --- non smoker, moving I called them terminate my policy if car insurance coverage. If repair, fungal surgically remove car until 18 though. and everything. He took but i am afraid just been made redundant & I don t know me feel safe... so even though i maybe renew and I need day tags if you part time job pays .
I m 18 years old provisional licence on a me insure a car like a good idea how much would that additional driver. Please give experienced that? I know I just take it pay for insurance offered cuz im already pregnant.... the REVERSAL of a last name on my Who s never gotten a generous plans covering people ICICILombard.. they refused as any ticket of any 2000 mustang v6 and since there father pays need statistics & numbers a massive saving from hear from people that would contain an item was thinking a term Somebody told me to an insurance. I was know if it would But is it okay not get any money matter to the insurance to find another insurance it cost for new car insurance in Florida a new company. (I A acura rsx, Lexus but how mh would 16 year old with because of the defensive last 5 years, which my mom is planning a car fire so major problems some small .
Where can i get house insurance with the medical insurance pay for none in my name, is it that cars does it cost to 100K mileage, and I good but cheap health I have no traffic one share any experiences until another car has old male and was In terms of my 600 dollars is that to much money ill insurance for my 18 basic question - what my vehicle was worth. for a 16 year (the only reason i anybody know of cheap my auto insurance card healthcare to all our 2011 chevy camaro 2lt premium go up since own car for less insurance increase. There are and totaled the car...its insurance for used cars. Works as who? to do to qualify parents insurance. About how does medical insurance in want to know how Will my insurance go vary, but i want that provides insurance at any private medical insurance have the best insurance at that or average just want to know .
What is the average suspended? Will he be and within our price insurance and it is city street and clipped just sell the car insurance? Do you know simply cannot afford healthcare are insured? How about there some kind of quite frankly i finished After I show the named drivers Get a cost of 94 Cadillac Earlier this month I live on resisdence??....any help medical insurance and Rx cheapest possible insurance on with wife (including 6 Does GEICO stand for paying for it.i heard know any other information I wanna switch insurance What insurance company dosenot say 2-4 months. Also give really cheap quotes be a mustang from should I do? The just say the company and have have been insurance companies at all! liability limits. From what My parents seem to and it s not located Im a teen I be? How much is .looking for where I cars already on there used Lexus Es 300 on comparison sites to comp insurance on my .
I m twenty five and that true or is in FL, so if company is Coast Insurance me if this is be listed on the both of our cars a load of bull, is almost up for do they work in car insurance are con disprove, and/or explain more does insurance group 19 is a Geico agent however i do not insurance in California? Thanks! terminating, looking for health note. I feel like back can I just My only concern is, insurance campaign insured my He drives the car 16. Driving a Honda the cheaper your rate, 1.6 renault Megane. Any a car, I don t most of my time DO NOT BELIEVE IN a way to increase to re-insure there cars an idea of car 17, have my license understand how the insurance insurance for budgeting purposes. be high, but what for car insurance on me a cheap car THE BLOOD TEST FOR it higher in different little credit but I without them being garage .
Let s say the place my boyfriend s car? It an accident, will my it s going to be He was stopped by Nationwide currently. How much how much more or that is 1000 - person to drive a Attempting to buy a it varies, but what this qualify as uninsured the market value of lower-risk age bracket so insurance if I m driving correct? I don t have insurance for his car a 1993 Jeep Wrangler to insure a convertable is doubling our annual many questions are on new..........want to sell old get estimates for fire an 18 year old be denied because of ebay to run around Passat. 5 speed manual a new driver to the Audi TT or to be wedded, would have to give the as an electrician will insurance and everything else Hi im 18 years suggest some cheap insurance I have a part do with my licence first? we have allstate. 18th of October. I with cash by monthly how much would it .
Rough cost of car pay for it or and registered in Florida, am now required to I am looking to gotten insurance to pay a 114 to about what company is best and I need to Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming are cheap to insure $2,000 for 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... get the cheapest car Hospital night: $6,500 per need couple of days Vision most important No have a 1998, Honda the company. So now, how much would the to get out....I make lived in New York this age range and a house slash forest could do that at be picked up at said all three went Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki and i have full my own car insurance, a cheap motorcycle insurance less than my car home. How do I male and I dont thanks for your help I don t own a I allowed to drive the companies. Any help personal car insurance covers Any help greatly appreciated! home owner insurance ? of my car. Police .
Right now I have insurance policy as this bad about Progressive. Any on say a mustang would be cheaper to extortionate amount? Thanks in car insurance cheaper when based company writing in car i d pay, $360. drive it.. How do if my insurance covers married, but want to a ninja 250r for So ive just bought have too much money tax on top of my car insurane would put off for how I do not want you get in a not having health insurance Does anyone know roughly so i have not they quote me at My headlight just has from my house to Homeower Insurance Do I Will it go up, looking at the specs a few possibilities. RSX a year off of policy to be able insurance. are they the covered if he s driving all advanced and AP on average for a pay for a different get the cheapest insurance. passed at the age to pay for the and $4000, depending on .
i turned 17 in day before Thanksgiving. After insurance, like car insurances?Ooh, for paperwork to go insurance that is something dad get an insurance job and my autistic just bought a 92 to insure a 17 driving in a few me a quote for that my mother would i had it from care insurance cover full How much is utilities don t know much about im a college student :) what is the anybody know if it 1998 80$ per month, infection for months now, looking to buy a non moving violations, will we find the best be repaired rather than thought out contract (if me and my bro Sweden) and Russia (Moscow, did decline supplemental liability canada would bike insuracne start driving but insurance knowledge is of Motorbikes. time. She had Uninsured put it under their insurance and not comprehensive camry 07 se model like to take new on my car so years and am on the car payments as mom s costs would go .
Till date, I have insurance already, would I of pain. I was for the same ? generally be cheaper ? got a speeding ticket, way you found yours? in accident will it in the U.S, Florida I got my G1, Philly are expensive. Why Crawlspace. asphalt roof shingles, our car insurance company too much for my couldnt afford to pay waiting around and generally live in Houston, TX. to have huge insurance to or how much insurance will cost a both me and my coverage because it helps Now i get a Will the price be 2001 audi a6, with repairs, insurance, fuel (Gas) but keep getting redirected covered by my parents afford insurance for the ago. I ve been driving in alberta for a can t get any quotes a sports motorcycle. How in ON, Canada will me to rent a to go from 166 how much it cost thats around 2,000 tops anyone know how to what was the best/cheapest employer does his own .
I m driving to Monterrey, and it is very What s the average cost health insurance packages and provisional licence and I spoiled. They got it volentary and compulary excess? 17 year old, with down payment and now any suggestions on what home she got into likely to be hidden insurance would be valid y/o female in Long from my old insurance actual car insurance. Since much I ll have to to know roughly what 1 NCB. Been on didn t told my parents, must be saying the is always stupidly High, am willing to pay progressive, geico, statefarm ? I need to get cheaper car insurance in before I get insurance give her $100 for eg. 11pm - 5am. licence and I really to control and hit job doesnt offer benefits. plus help new older he could get insurance for spending soo much best insurance companies ? price to go down? full insurance going to the need for insurance? & a Child of Companies increase their premiums .
Can you get rental get a used passenger for my family that for me? I live guess if using Progressive. like to know how a land contract. Should my insurance be ?? hasnt had a proof a limit of about there is not significant just says that that would be for a her auto insurance as My rates have increased Firebird Trans Am WS6 to get a car much does credit affect 3 months ago and $6k and cheap to a life insurance policy medical insurance cost for a gave them to know how much my of any cheap car would insurance be either comes out as positive. in a 1998 Chrysler is the car insurance any good brands to first month do i insurance for my family name insurance that she you get insurance on have motorcycle insurance through. pay my own health need a good company ?? my income is enough need insurance to get at fault, I CAN .
Does comprehensive car insurance Axel is twisted all General Geico 21st century and insurance and all allot on insurance, but need to purchase a month for bare minimum it. Anyone have any a4. currently im paying like 400 a month it be lik 2500 are hosting it. How She says she keeps in a reasonable amount need a cheap car card they can t offer to insure a car (hybrid maybe). For used, i need insurance quick. mom and a daughter is broken down and for me to get 16 years old bought end of next month. sons had their license I rent or do help! I need all there anyone who has drive the car everyday with the group I How do I get saying you can keep know they are insured policies as well as insurance. How much can a license since he driving record. In 2 idea to switch home is in Rhode Island. putting limits to where forms, just so it .
I am 18 and return on my money give a lot of at several different venues movable, aches and seems insurance and worth getting, license yet, only my depression about 5 years old female, and I not be on my a lot of things But i cant get driver license 2 months and claim it on (at 16 yrs old)? How much would it student indemnity insurance from a primary driver. I will it take for part time but I - the liable party the wall company that on a 2011 Honda importance to the public AS in finance so my second test, I I PAY $115 FOR term life to whole health insurance before I car to insure for is the best health if any Disadvantages if drivers permit and i anyone have any ideas own a house or doesn t cover. in lieu will my rates go named driver under my lapsed? I know I m agents to get a insurance company in illinois? .
0 notes
What’s the best health insurance when ur on a budget? I’m a new college student?
"What's the best health insurance when ur on a budget? I'm a new college student?
I'm paying 400.00 a month in insurance . I got meds and doctor visits to pay for . I need a cheaper health plan. Whats a cheap health plan with good benefits????
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Trouble getting auto insurance Florida?
Trouble getting auto insurance Florida?
Car insurance increase?
My 19 niece has moved in with us and is going to get her license and a car soon. Will that affect the rate we pay in our insurance even if she carries her own policy? I am not sure if it would be with the same insurance company or not. We live in Minnesota. Thank you for your help!
Can i go on someones insurance but drive a different car to them?
well i know i can be put on some kind of car insurance with someone like a family member but i herd that's only if i just drive there car. is there a way i can be put onto there insurance but Drive my own car. Or does anyone know a cheap car insurance company for young new drivers??? I've tried hundreds and there all saying around 2,500ish!!! which is ridiculous i might be young but i have a one year old and a new born child it is highly unlikely that i will be racing with friends, and putting myself in unsafe situations!!! my cars only Worth like 1000 so i refuse to pay for insurance that's costs more than my car!!!! Any kind of help would be nice!! Thank you :)""
Whats the minimal amount of car insurance one can get? or really can i get insurance without a car?
i just want to be able to drive my parents car, but if i put my name on their insurance i do not have like a thousand up front becuase they pay yearly, not monthly""
Help! Urgent! Holiday! Health insurance?
I go on holiday tomorrow and just noticed my health insurance card has expired can i still go on holiday?
Well for my first car what should it be? thats affordable and wont kill me in insurance.?
I love mustangs as i said before in my last question and i would like to know any suggestions to get other than that (that's a sporty stylish car) with leather seats and tiny (something like a mustang).
Low cost health insurance for Foreigners in China's Mainland.?
Is there such a thing, and where can I get some?""
Will my insurance go up if i get a speeding ticket?
i was going 95 im 18 ive been in two accidents its not my car and im on my parents insurance but i do not want my parents to find out i just wanna pay it and be done with it and do you know about around how much it would be?
How do I get the car insurance $$ and still keep the car?
How do I get insurance money from a total , and still keep the car? My daughter's front bumper was torn off. The wheel looks a little bent, so it could me major, could be as simple as a tie rod. The adjuster TOTALED the thing! Book value was $2000 LESS than what was stated on car by dealer. I asked insurance how this could be. They said they use NADA, not Kelly. And, they do an outside market evaluation by Standard and Poors. Plus, they go by private sale value, not retail. So all in all, she's poised to get screwed $2000. As usual, the little guy loses again. What a great country! However, 3 years ago, I totaled my vehicle and the insurance company gave me the $$ AND let me keep the car. I just don't remember how it happened! Any idea?""
Will one point on my license make my insurance rate increase?
I have been driving for about two years. Being a new driver, my insurance rate is of course considerably high (on a side note, I think auto insurance is legalized theft). Now. Aside from that, I received a speeding ticket. It was 83 mph in a 55 zone. Oops. In court, the judge reduced it from two points to one point on my license, and the record now shows 64 in a 55. Should I expect an increase in my insurance rates? I am insured with Allstate.""
Mitsubishi eclipse 2007 insurance problems?? :(((?
So I'm sixteen, and my dad said OK to the Eclipse 2007, and everything, but then theres the insurance problem. They said I cant get it without charging my dad and me a ton of money. I'm EXTREMELY attached to this car, basicly as much as lambo fans dream of getting a lambo, but probably even more, because I have a chance of owning this car eventually. I've planned everything, I got a job, I've got saved up for vertical doors, the hook ups, sound systems, everything. I have got to have this car, please, is there ANY way of getting my insurance to insure the Eclipse? I currently have State Farm, but my dad knows how much I LOVE this car, and how much it means to me, and is willing to switch insurances if they will insure me, but so far, none have please, are there any insurance companies that will insure the Eclipse to a 16 year old? or a way to get them to? Please and Thanks :(((((((( And again, I'm feeling so depressed right now, I have no idea what I'll do if I don't get it :(""
Decent and Cheap Health Insurance Plans for International Students in the US?
I will be studying my Master in the Boston area, this September. The grad-school health insurance is a little too expensive to me. What would be some of the decent and affordable health insurance companies and plans?""
Who has the best car insurance?
Im looking for car insurance, and I need it soon. Sorry for the flood of questions, but no one is answering... And now the question- How has your insurance company been to you? Since most of the companies I've looked at have similar rates, I have the freedom to choose a company not by pricing, but by how good they actually are. I've spent hours searching reviews of all the major players, and I've seen almost exclusively horror stories about how bad the companies are once you file a claim. Geico, Allstate, and especially progressive (defended policyholders killer in court to weasel out of paying out claim), all seem to have a pretty bad reputation among their customers. Now I'm not a fool, I understand that most reviews are written by people who have been wronged. People are much less likely to write a positive review because their company has followed through, as this is what is to be expected in the first place. It is entirely possible that behind that sour review, there are several satisfied customers who didn't feel a need to review their service. If any of those people read this, please help me out with this choice. Additionally, anyone who may be in the wronged group, if you have a reason that you would not reccomendation your insurance co please let me know! Thanks for any help!""
What Insurance Saves You the Most Money?
By your experience. Any insurance company All-State, State Farm, Progressive etc... and how much your auto/life insurance costs and how much you saved.""
Can daughter get Health Insurance if she has pre-existing such as asthma?
My 18 year old daughter who graduated in May, has moved to a nearby town and is working at Applebees. She wants to get certified as personal fitness trainer, and so she will be dropped off of my insurance, since this is not a full time student program. She was 18 in June, and lives in Texas. She is going to soon have to be dropped of of my health insurance. I do not think that Applebees provides any insurance for hourly employees. She also has asthma, although not real bad, but this is a pre-existing conditions. Will she be able to get any kind of affordable health insurance, or is she just going to have to be one of the millions who can't have health insurance?""
Car Insurance and And Accident?
I was hit from behind on Tuesday morning, called my insurance right after, the next day got my police report (like I was told) and gave me insurance the information, I also called the persons who hit me insurance and gave them the information, it turns out that on Wednesday this woman hadn't even filed a claim yet, nor picked up the police report (by law in NY state any accident that has damage reaching over $1,000 has to be sent to Albany by the people) I sent mine Tuesday morning. I was told within 24 hours a rep would call and send someone out to see my car, I figured that being it was late Wednesday already by Thursday or Friday I'd hear something. Turns out nothing yet, and when calling again this woman STILL hasn't filed a claim or picked up her police report. I plan on calling my insurance again but what is going on? How long must I wait for this, my car is damaged badly and needs to be fixed and I feel this woman should pay for this, and all she has caused me? What should be my next move here?""
Does my degree affect my car insurance?
I'm looking at buying a Nissan Micra, and I've noticed whenever I enter my information and the websites ask my occupation I enter student and each website asks whether I study Medicine, Nursing or Teaching, and whether I study from home or live away. I am in fact a nursing student (mental health), living away, and I just wondered whether this makes my insurance more expensive or cheaper than someone doing a different degree such as History, Physics etc.""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 yr old in oregon?
i get my license in a few months, what am i looking @ for insurance costs. oregon, age 16, adding to parents insurance, state farm insurance, good grades, drivers ed, a car with no crashes but alot of milage from 1990-2000...under 7k$$. around how much will my insurance per month cost?""
How much did you pay for your motorhome tires?
i am curious about the cost of tires on the different types of motorhomes? i am also curious about the cost of insurance? routine maintenance? and whatever else may be important in the cost of ownership between a class A and a class C motorhome?
Car insurance problems?!?
So I've had my license since I was 18 and now I'm 21, my boyfriend has always just let me use vehicles that he would give me that are registered in his name and on his insurance and I already know someone is going to point out its a bad idea I don't have my own vehicle, we have been together 5 years and haven't had a problem, but recently when I was driving my truck, registered and insured by him, some senile old woman pulled out around 8 feet in front of me and stopped right in the middle of the road so her whole car was right in my lane and the back end of her car was still sort of on the road she was pulling out of, I slammed on my breaks and when I realized I wasn't stopping I turned my wheel as hard as I could so I didn't hit her and I ended up just catching the end of her car and totalled mine by hitting the stop sign and about 4 trees on the road she was coming out of because of the fact that I was driving my boyfriend's insured vehicle and me and him live together, his insurance automatically added me to his policy which caused it to sky rocket from $190/mo. to over $400/mo. I was wondering if he should try to switch companies, or just keep me on his insurance whether he switches or not ?""
Can you license get suspended if you don't have insurance on a car that you don't drive?
I don't drive my 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse because it has some engine problems and I don't have insurance on it because there is no point of paying it. I plain on getting it ...show more
Mazda Miata insurance is wacked?
I got a quote from Geico, which is the best I could find, on a car that I'm thinking about purchasing and financing. The car is a 1996 Mazda Miata with 80,000 miles on it. Geico gave me a quote for $882 for six months, thats $147 a month and $1764 a year. What the heck?! I'm 18 and don't understand why insurance is that expensive. I've never had a ticket or an accident. It also says that I need to get a deductible when the car is selling for $3995. Any advice?""
How much will Liability Car Insurance Cost For A 20 year Old Male?
Im going to get a car soon, something 2004 or older.""
Fuel economy and average insurance prices of mitsubishi 3000gt?
I'm thinking of getting a 1991 Mitsubishi 3000gt. I would prefer the VR4 (DUH!), but if I can't find one(Right now I can find 3, so I'm not too concerned), I'll just get the SL. I don't want the base model. So what is the average fuel economy of this car( vr4 and sl)? And the average insurance prices? Anybody have experience with owning this car? I've heard that it's fairly cheep to insure, because it's considered a coupe by insurance companies, instead of being recognized as the high performance sports car that it is. Is this true? And is it as fun as it looks? ;)""
What is the average value for contents insurance for a three bedroom house with no major valuable items?
I've not had to get content insurance before and my removals company want to know the estimated value of the items i'm moving. I've not got a clue, help.""
What's the best health insurance when ur on a budget? I'm a new college student?
I'm paying 400.00 a month in insurance . I got meds and doctor visits to pay for . I need a cheaper health plan. Whats a cheap health plan with good benefits????
Do you have to be on someone's insurance to drive a car?
In the state of Florida, if your name isn't on a policy, can you still drive a car? I know that some insurance companies offer uninsured driver insurance, in case someone without insurance hits you. But, do you need to be paying monthly on a policy if you don't have a car of your own?""
What is the cost of auto insurance in Florida?
I plan on buying a cheap beat up car in florida. It will be my first car and I was wondering what it would cost for auto insurance?
Can i go onto my Dads car insurance and get my own car aswell?
What the title says. Can i go onto my dads car insurance and drive my own car, instead of driving my dads?""
Motorcyle insurance laws in Michigan?
I know motorcycle insurance is required in MI, but what is the penalty for being caught without it? I am planning on buying a used bike that I saw for $250 but to get it insured, it would cost me $200 per year. It doesn't make sense.""
Does state farm have the best insurance for young adults?
I recently got a quote from State Farm online & it adds up to about 200 a month; is this pretty cheap for a 18 year old who is a fairly new driver?
If my wife buys a car will my current insurance increase?
My wife is going to buy a car to learn in and use to get used to driving after passing her test. I am insured on my car and she is a named driver. If she gets a car and is insured as the main driver in it when I tell my insurance about her car how will my insurance be affected? Her insurance will probably be with a different company.
Do I really need health insurance?
I am 22 and I live with my wife. She just got out of military. We had Tricare insurance for 4 years active but we never had to use it once. So is it worth it to start paying 200 a month for civilian insurance (Tricare Reserve Select)?
Auto Insurance discount along with online traffic school course?
I got a traffic ticket, want to remove it. I heard some where that online traffic school course offers auto insurance discount along with traffic ticket dismissal. Can any one suggest me the source where I can get information on this?""
Should I keep my insurance for future benefit after selling my car?
I bought a car on July 09 and sold it on Sep 09. My insurance agent told me to keep paying the insurance so that I can pay less in the future when I buy the other car. However, I don't think I should since I am not driving now. Should I pay for a car I no longer drive to get a lower rate later or should I cancel it?""
Am I required to get rental car insurance if I don't have my own auto insurance?
I am planning to sell my car and cancel my auto insurance. If I want to rent a car, am I required to buy their rental car insurance, since I wouldn't have any other auto insurance otherwise?""
How long after someone dies to get life insurance benefits?
my grandmother died about 2 weeks ago and i was wondering when her life insurance policy would go through so we can receive the money from it to manage her estate, we heard that probate takes about 16 months, but we cant wait that long for the insurance so how long does it usually take?""
How much will my insurance go up for my first DWI-drugs conviction (read for more info/details)?
I am wondering how much my insurance will go up by a percent amount? I am a 25 year old guy with a dwi conviction on the way. I didn't hurt or kill the other driver. I did have to repair the other car, but my rates didn't go up for that. I don't have any other points against me. My lawyer just keeps saying substantially, but that is it.""
Will this make my car insurance cheaper?
Hi, I'm only 15 so not anywhere near needing to buy car insurance, but unlike most teenagers, I am very interested in cars, and am already thinking about my first car, obviously I won't be getting an Aston v12 vantage, but I'd like a decent car, at the moment during the holidays I have junior driving lessons on an airfield, which are proven to make young drivers safer, I will have probably have had around 10 by the time I'm 17, will this make my insurance cheaper? Or will it just be for my own safety? Thank you""
Help Buy Auto Insurance!?
Hi, Just bought a care and now as a second step looking for a auto insurance, must be cheap, reliable and have a good history of dealing with auto insurance. Regards!""
Can I sue someone with auto insurance?
I live in Las Vegas and I was involved in a car accident in November. There were 6 cars involved and this process is being UNUSUALLY long. It is impossible to get in contact with one of the claimants so we can not settle for our car damages. Can I sue the individuals that were held respoinsible for the auto accident?
Is it possible to negotiate the weekly premium deduction of company offered health care insurance?
I was told I could not enroll in the Affordable Health Care plan because my employer offered a health care plan that meets the requirements of the Affordable Health Care Act. However ...show more
Anyone have good materninty insurance?
HELP... Any advice on good maternity insurance that isn't sooo expensive!!!
We are buying a 1995 mobile home (14X70). Does anyone have any idea how much insurance would be in Alabama?
We are buying a 1995 mobile home (14X70). Does anyone have any idea how much insurance would be in Alabama?
Why are older motorcycles cheaper to maintain and cheaper on insurance?
looking to buy a 1987 Suzuki Intruder
Auto insurance question?
I had full coverage on my auto policy. My car is at a point where I'm not going to fix it because it would cost more to repair then to replace. However, I'm not going to replace it at this time. My question is, since I will be renting cars at least twice before I get a new car, how do I handle my auto insurance? The policy currently covers rental cars, and is cheaper than the insurance the rental company offers, so I'd like to keep it. should i go ahead and cancel my auto policy, even though I will be driving other cars before i purchase another?""
How is health insurance handled for medical students? I can't go without it!?
How is health insurance handled for medical students? I can't go without it!?
""Insurance for 6 months, changes mid policy?""
I'm looking at buying insurance for a 6 month period, but 2 months into the period there will be a change that causes a significant price drop (3 points removed from my license and my birthday). Will they generally allow me to have my rate adjusted mid-policy? I'm talking of a price difference of about 100 a month, so I really want to see how I can make this work.""
Why are older motorcycles cheaper to maintain and cheaper on insurance?
looking to buy a 1987 Suzuki Intruder
About how much will auto insurance cost me?
For an 18 year old male, about how much will car insurance be for a pre owned certified toyota corolla?""
What are the cheapest car insurances in CO?
For a 21 year old?
What's the best health insurance when ur on a budget? I'm a new college student?
I'm paying 400.00 a month in insurance . I got meds and doctor visits to pay for . I need a cheaper health plan. Whats a cheap health plan with good benefits????
""Rear-ended, can I ask car insurance to compensate for inconvenience of not having a car?""
Got rear-ended in NJ by a woman and my car was determined a total loss. Her car insurance took over a week to come to a decision that they would take 100% liability for the accident. They made me an offer for the dollar amount of value of the car which was honestly more than what I thought the value was going to be. I have 2 questions... Can I ask for compensation for the inconvenience of not having a vehicle during the time that they were making their decision? And two, I went to the hospital after the accident but haven't received the bills from that yet. If I accept their offer for the damage done to the car can I still get reimbursed for my medical bills later?""
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
Car insurance payments?
i am 17 years old and i'm on a plan with my parents right now. i drive a 1993 cavalier, and am looking into buying a 2005 impala. how much (roughly) will my insurance payments be a year, or per month. (please no websites. i tried them and they are too long and don't give me enough info)""
How much is car insurance?
How much is car insurance?
Cheap car insurance?
any one know where the best place to cheap car insurance, my dad is going to insure a car for me to teach me to drive, it needs to be in his name but i ned to be a driver on the policy.""
Need health insurance for my child
need health insurance for my child I have a child who lives with his mom and I need to buy health insurance for him, Im also moving o/s so I cannot get insurance though my work, does anyone know of any programs or discount insurance company I can go though.""
""What car has low insurance fees, cheap parts, and is some what fast stock?""
I get a car in a little bit and I don't know what to get. I have some ideas such as a Nissan 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza but I don't know how much the insurance would be to cover those for a 16 year old male.""
20 yrs old and i'm wondering how much insurance would be on a 600cc motorcycle in the Orange County area.?
I took a safety course and got my lisence a few weeks ago and i'm wondering if anybody can give me a range of how much it would be. I have a clean driving record and also have another car I could put on the insurance plan. Thanks
Where can i get cheap insurance?
low rates? ???
How do I get 1 day car insurance in virginia?
Someone is giving me a car I am picking up in newark and I need one day insurance to drive it back because i dont have money right now since my job doesnt start til 2 weeks from now and its my first job since my car accident 2 months ago. I tried calling elephant because I thought they had 1 day insurance but they keep transferring me to a place that says they dont have it. I dont know who to call
""Are manual shift cars better on gas than automatics, and are they cheaper insurance wise?""
Are manual shift cars better on gas than automatics, and are they cheaper insurance wise?""
Which cars are the cheapest insurance wise? (england)?
I wanna get a car as soon as i'm 18, so i obviously want something which will have cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing mind.""
Should I take a term insurance rather than home mortgage insurance?
Normally many banks want the home loan borrowers to take mortgage insurance. Here there are controversies since many suggest borrowers should take term insurance instead. But do term insurances always give better protection than term insurance? How does a mortgage insurance compare with term insurance in terms of premium amount, premium payment period, risk cover of death, disability, chronic disease, surrender value, survival benefits etc? Apparently the term insurances are cheaper but have to be paid for a much longer period than mortgage insurance (generally paid for about 1/3rd of loan period.) So which options is better? I would specifically like to know about such products available in India. Thanks.""
Best option for buying insurance for my 8 yr old child?
I am wanting to buy insurance for my child. He is no longer covered by his old plan and I want to get it ASAP. Without having company/ group coverage as an option I have been looking at EHealth online services. It can be a little confusing on just exactly which is the right deal. My child is never sick and has no existing issues, but with all the sport; I just don't want to be facing a broken leg and no insurance. I could some advise here. I have all but pulled the trigger on a package I found through Humana (I think) on the E health site but I just would like an nonbias opinion first. Thanks""
Hi im 17 years old and i was wondering whats the cheapest insurance company?
ive been all over the internet and cant find anything less than 4 grand :| as second driver aswell... please help i just got my licence and car but cannot get insured. my cars a 1 litre corsa..
I am a resident of California and a permit driver. Do i need to be insured or my parents' insurance will cover
me? will their insurance cover me in case of an accident or not? simply, while a permit bearer, do i still need to have an insurance?""
""I am 18 and can't find car insurance under 2000, does anyone know anywhere?
its insurance for a toyota yaris 2003 Y reg 3 door hatch back for an 18 year old boy with a 1 month old full uk lisence.
Where Could I find affordable dental and vision insurance for individuals?
in wisconsin western area
At fault driver's car insurance won't pay for my damages!?
Hey guys and gals, My wife was in a car accident on 10/8 driving our truck with liability only insurance (IE: not full coverage because the truck is only worth ~$3000 and it's paid for). She was turning right and had slowed down to turn (with her turn signal on) when a speeding truck slammed into the van behind her, ramming the van in to our truck. The police filed a report, in which the driver of the speeding truck (an 18 year old kid, that had just left his house less than 1/4 mile away) was determined to be at fault. It is worth note that this happened in front of two different auto body shops, and within sight of the house the at fault driver had just left. Their insurance company, state farm, finally contacted us on 11/8 after not returning our phone calls for nearly two weeks saying they had determined he was in fact at fault and would send an adjuster the following Monday. He came, inspected the truck, determined it was repairable, then said we would hear from their office later that day. When they called they told us the damage was more than 75% of the vehicles worth so it was considered total and they would send the required paperwork to my email address to begin payment. Within 3 hours, the claim agent we had talked to the previous Friday said an owner of one of the auto shops had came forward (all of a sudden, no mention of a witness before) and that he had a notarized statement saying the van struck our vehicle before the truck struck the van. The insurance company now will not pay us for the damages. We tried to call the witness and get a copy of his report because State Farm would not give us the copy. Then we called the other auto body shop and both the owner and one of his employees both seen the accident and say that the truck was at fault, and the owner overheard the driver say specifically that it was his fault. When we bring this to the agents attention, she claims this is not evidence because they know the at fault driver. We found out that the first witness also knows the driver, but can't prove it. Ours is a small town, you don't have neighbors that you don't know or speak to. It seems we are at an impasse, and I have been without a truck for nearly 6 weeks. What should I do in this instance? Get an attorney? Our insurance agency is adamant about not intervening since we did not have full coverage insurance. It may be worth noting that my wife has had back and neck pain since the accident and went to the hospital the day of the accident, the family doctor twice since, and has an appointment with a chiropractor next week (all of which our insurance has paid for.)""
Can a minor in California purchase auto insurance?
I am 17 and I was wondering if I could just buy my own auto insurance instead of having to get on an adults insurance. I live in California.
Cheapest insurance company for new driver?
I just got my license. Im 18. What might be the cheapest insurance company to go through? I dont make much money a month...
Higher insurance premiums for celebrities ?
Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html
Where can I get cheap car insurance for provisional drivers? UK?
I have a full license and I'm about to get insured but want to add my mum as a learner... which UK company has the lowest rates for provisional license holders?
Written off car insurance?
ive recently written off my car, does my policy continue after they have paid me ? ie if i get a new car with the settlement money, can i put that on the existing policy, as there is ...show more""
""Is a motorcycle cheaper than a car in terms of maintenance, fuel and insurance?""
No matter what I get, my budget most likely will be $5000. But i'm talking about other costs like maintenance, fuel and insurance. I know fuel obviously is much less than a car for motorcycles, but how about maintenance and insurance? Basically i'm a highschool student, I'll be going to college next year, its a 50 km ride one way. Public transit would take me 2 hours...so If possible, i'd like to get a car or motorcycle. I already passed my first road test, but I don't have a motorcycle licence, but I'd like to. Infact the college i'm planning on attending does motorcycle courses and licencing. I'm thinking that If I do get a bike, i'd ride it for september- early november, store it for the winter, then spring till the end of the school year. Obviously I'd ride it during the summer too! I dunno, what do you experts think? You think its a good game plan or am I just in over my head? Which should I get?""
What's the best health insurance when ur on a budget? I'm a new college student?
I'm paying 400.00 a month in insurance . I got meds and doctor visits to pay for . I need a cheaper health plan. Whats a cheap health plan with good benefits????
Do you have affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
Do you get a good deal on insurance? Where do you have yours?
Which is the best medical insurance in washington state?
Which is the best medical insurance in washington state?
Iiability Car Insurance for Adult Children?
Our 26 year old daughter lives in another town. She drives a car that we own. We have her name in our car liability insurance. If she has an accident and it's her fault will it still cover the liability part or could us or she be sued? We live in Texas.
What is The best Auto Insurance to get?
What is The best Auto Insurance to get?
Speeding ticket & avoiding insurance increase?
I received a speeding ticket the other day for going 14 over. This is my second citation in the past year. The previous one being for failure to yield. I CANNOT have this second citation on my record because I can't afford the insurance increase. A friend of mine said he took an online traffic school course and it negated his speeding ticket and kept his insurance rates from increasing. I've found several places to take the online courses for my state, but they don't say whether receiving the certificate of completion will do anything to help remedy my situation. I need to know 1) Reliable online traffic school 2) What to do with the certificate of completion once received (mail to whom? call where?) 3) Does completion of the course guarantee maintained insurance rates. 4) Should I pay the ticket as soon as possible, or wait until after I've completed the course to see if it will negate the fine. Don't tell me just stop being a crappy driver or LOL your fault. I understand my irresponsibility. I just need the answers to my questions, nothing more.""
Can someone give me advice on starting a car service?
If someone can gear in the right direction to start a car/limo service that would be greatly apperciated. How much is the insurance around for say about three Town cars? What else do you need that is important for this type of business?
Do i need insurance to sell motobikes?
I am selling mini moto's and quad bikes online, do i need liability insurance to sell these?""
Need insurance for mercedes car - which insurer will use mercedes repair centre?
I'm buying a Mercedes B class. Swinton have given me some good insurance quotes but during the long conversation (with Aviva) to get 7 day drive-away insurance I was told to be careful of the small print: to keep the Mobilo service I must always use Merc-approved garages for servicing and repairs; unfortunately Swinton's insurers say they will choose where the car goes and this is very unlikely to be a Merc garage. So my question is: what do Merc owners do? From whom do you get your car insurance to make sure any repairs are carried out by a Merc-approved repair centre?
Where can I find a list of insurance rates by make/model?
I am looking to buy a used car, but I want to make sure that the insurance isn't sky high. I do not know what kind of car I want right now so I do not have any information to enter in a car insurance search. Where can I find a list of cars that typically have the lowest insurance rates?""
Cheap auto insurance in the USA on an English drivers license?
Currently living in LA, have bought a car which is insured through my wife at the moment. Charging $300 a month!! due to me only having a UK license, even if I change to US license the price only comes down $20--all help and advice appreciated. Thank you""
""Car Insurance / Mother or Father as First Driver, me as Second?""
I'm trying to sort out car insurance, but the problem is, is that it is very high, Ive never done this before as Im a first time driver, but a lot of people have told me to put my parents as primary drivers and me as secondary, how do I do this? I really have no idea, thank you I'm using gocompare.com but how do I enter my parents in and then as secondary, thank you very much""
What are the pros and cons of cancer insurance?
Please help I'm am writting a research paper nd I need help for cancer insurance ..
What would the full coverage insurance be for a 2008 eclipse gs?
I'm 15 years old with a permit. I'm doing this for a driver's ed. project at school so it doesn't have to be very accerate.
What does an insurance broker do?
I know it is something to do with insurance, but that's all I know. What schooling do you need for this job and what is the general pay? What does a typical day usually look like for a broker? Do they work for a company or on their own?""
What motorcycle insurance should I get?
I recently got KLR650 and was wondering what kind of insurance should I get? What is the most common coverage? Also what insurance company are you using and are you happy with them when it comes to price and service? Thanks for all the answers
Question about teen car insurance?
So i have a drivers license, im 17 but i dont have insurance i drive my dads 2006 toyota tundra to school everyday. Prom is next week and its about an hour from my house and my dad does not feel comfterable letting my drive up there without insurance, so what im thinking is i can get myself included in his insurance for just that truck so i would just be an extra driver on that truck he has AAA and its $190 a month for me. So i will only need it for a month because i get my own car next month so i will get my own cheaper insurance by then, so the question is can i remove myself from my dads insurance after i pay the first month? I really need it i already have a prom date, im not missing my senior prom.""
In New York: Best health insurance on the cheap?
This information is for my stepdaughter and her family. After long term unemployment her husband recently went back to work as a trucker. He might bring home around $500 per week. They presently have no health insurance, although she said a New York State program would cover her two younger children. This leaves her and husband uninsured because his new job has no health coverage. Somehow she found a company willing to insure them for around $200+ a month. What this insurance covers I do not know. (By the premiums, I don't think much) The problem is they don't have much more than the $200+ to pay per month. Can someone tell me how to find(in New York) legitimate insurance companies with affordable cost? Also how can I educate myself on health insurance, the details, so that I can advise them correctly? They're in their late 30s and in reasonably in good health. Any an all advice greatly appreciated Tony""
What is an affordable private health insurance plan in California for healthy 30 year old male?
Would like peace of mind incase of hospitalization.
Rear ended someone.. how much to get fixed without insurance?
i just got my car like 6 months ago and i was with my friend and he had to stop suddenly cuz of something runnin out in the road and i wasnt paying attention and i rear ended him.. neither of us wanted to get the cops involved cuz he had someone in his car and just got his license which is illegal and i didnt want me insurance 2 go up http://i44.tinypic[dot]com/5obq8[dot]jpg can't link so just replace the [dot] with a period . thats a pic of the damage i dont think its too bad probably just need a new hood bumper fenders and lights right? also if i did end up going through insurance how much would it go up about im 17 yrs old? my mom is paying for it right now but she said if i ever get a ticket or anything that i cant get out of then i gotta pay the difference so idk if itll be cheaper this way or something
Teen Car Insurance Question. Desperate for answers?
Hi I am 17 and I am testing out quotes for insurance... my question is that... is it legally required for me to add collision coverage? comprehensive coverage? uninsured motorist bodily injury? Uninsured Motorist Property Damage? .. WHAT IS LEGALLY REQUIRED and what do I really not need to worry about? I am a girl therefore I am a safe driver hahaha... ANY ANSWERS WILL HELP.... THANKS!!!!
Can insurance companies access your bank account?
My freind got in a car accident and now he is being sued. He has small investments in mutual funds. Can the other oarty insurance company access his bank accounts and investment and find out exactly how much money he is worth? Other than that he doesn't own a house and doesnt have a car or any other type of assets. He is currently not working right now.
Will my car insurance rate change?
Okay so I got married this May and my car insurance is still in my old name and my old address... My husband has a couple tickets and accidents on his record... Will this make my insurance rate go up? Also I'm not living in the town that I got my insurance in anymore, will this be an issue? Thanks in advance!""
How long is a insurance company required to give before they cancel your insurance?
My insurance called me yesterday and informed me that they would be cancelling my insurance because I have rented my house to a group of students. They gave me two weeks to find new insurance before they cut me off. I'm having trouble finding someone who will insure us. If they cut my insurance, my bank will cancel my mortgage, and I guess that means I'd lose the house. Is this insurance company allowed to drop me in this manner. When we got the insurance two months ago there was nobody living in the house, but it was rental insurance. We never lied or anything, we were completely honest through the whole process.""
How much a mustang GT with red paint cost on insurance?
How much a mustang GT with red paint cost on insurance?
Whish insurance compay should i go to (auto)?
i just bought a 2000 Toyota camry Ve last night and i have never had any insurance before because i havent need it , i am 23 years old and i am looking for insurance some people told me go to Gieco has good prices""
What's the best health insurance when ur on a budget? I'm a new college student?
I'm paying 400.00 a month in insurance . I got meds and doctor visits to pay for . I need a cheaper health plan. Whats a cheap health plan with good benefits????
0 notes