#cause I needed fuff
giggly-squiggily · 8 months
I highly feel that Geto is way too stressed and Gojo senses that. I feel that Gojo would totally wreck him to relieve some of that stress. To just slow down and laugh freely.
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KERKJER Thank you so much, anon! And AHH! Lee!Geto!!! I need fluff after these past few episodes of JJK, lemme tell you! I've gotcha covered, y'all!
CW: Swearing, Panic Attacks
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
@thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @gladdygirl18 @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart @riisada
Midterms are coming up, I need to study-
My new technique has too many quirks to use-
Why are we doing this? What’s the point of it all-
Did I turn off the stove this morning? Oh god- Gojo couldn’t hear these thoughts, but he knew Geto long enough to read the dread on his friend’s face like a paperback novel. Staring at his friend spiraling, he reached out and flicked him in the forehead.
“Ow! The hell’s wrong with you, Satoru?” Geto flailed, shocked out of his reverie as he glared daggers at him. “What is it?”
“You’re doing it again.”
Geto froze over, eyes going blank and jaw slightly slacked. Then he flushed, ears red as he averted his gaze, slumping. “How bad was it?”
“Like you were witnessing a murder. Or Shoko stealing your rice balls.” Gojo grinned as he reached out, shaking Geto’s shoulder. “Come on, Suguru- breathe! Whatever’s got you freaking out will work itself out. It always does!”
“It’s not that easy. Sure, logically I know things are gonna be fine, but my brain won’t accept that! I can’t get it to shut down and I just-” Caught in a whirlwind of sudden emotion, Geto bowed his head in defeat, slumping forward like a slacked marionette. “I just…”
“Hey, hey- breathe. Seriously.” Dropping his teasing tone, Gojo rested his hand on Geto’s back, rubbing small circles. “Just breathe right now. Nice and slow…”
Geto did so, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes as he gasped around shaky breaths. He barely heard Gojo’s voice anymore, but that was fine. The hand on his back was more than reassuring. Slowly, he was brought out of his near-panic attack. “Sorry.”
“Pfft- you’re such a sap.” Relieved his friend sounded better, Gojo did what he did best. He began poking Geto. “Next you’re gonna tell me how grateful and appreciative you are of me! Just like a shoujo manga! Come on, confess your love!”
“Ah! Aheahaha, screhehehw yoohohohohu! Sahhahatohohoru!” Geto shot back at the sudden tickle, trying and failing to block out Gojo’s hands. “Cuuhuhuhut it ohohohohut! Aheahhaha, dohohohon’t!”
“Don’t what? Don’t hold back your feelings? It’s okay- let them out! Tell me how much you looooove me!” Gojo sang, bringing one hand to Suguru’s neck as the other wormed beneath his arm. They weren’t nearly his most ticklish spots, but damn if they didn’t get Geto giggling like nobody’s business! “Tell me you think I’m the prettiest boy in the world!”
“Aheahhahaha, lihihihihike hehehheell yoohohohohu ahahahahre! Aheahhahaha, Sahhahatou!” Geto tried to lean away from the other, but Gojo simply followed, climbing on top of him as he pressed into his armpits. “Gehhehhet ohohohoohohohoff!”
“Never! I’m attached to you forever and ever!” Gojo sang, deciding to be bold and going straight for Geto’s hips. “Suguru~ Tell me you love meeeee~”
“AHAHA!” The green haired teen let out a scream, nearly sending the other off with how hard he jerked at the feeling. “SAHHAHTORU!”
“Suguru!” Gojo yelled back, laughing like a hyena as Geto howled and cackled beneath him, feet kicking and torso arching upward in vain attempts to grab the hands massaging his hips. “Look at you, you’re so giggly now! Tickle tickle tickle! A tickle tickle tickle! A tickle tickle tickle, Suguru!”
If he could, Geto would verbally rip his white haired menace of a friend a new one. Alas, Gojo had effectively silenced him- no really; he was going for the dips of his hips that never failed to have him tea-kettle wheezing in place of booming laughter.
With the little strength he had left, he reached out and grabbed Gojo’s sides, squeezing right along the spot he knew his friend was ticklish in. Gojo yelped and jerked, hands coming away from Geto’s hips to grab his wrists. That was the opportunity he needed.
“Whoa!” The world twisted, the ground was suddenly the sky, and above him- a flushed face, heavy breathing Geto glared down at him. “Hey there, gorgeous- how you’ve been?”
“You…huhuhush.” Geto growled without any malice, suddenly too tired to tickle back. Below him, Gojo got comfortable, tucking his arms behind his head and wagging his brows with a small smirk. When Geto met his eye once more, he blew a kiss.
“I hate you.” He groaned as Gojo laughed, falling onto his side and off the other. “You’re so annoying- why are we friends again?”
“Cause we’re the only ones who can stand each other's company.” Gojo winked, earning a light shove. “I don’t mind it if we were the last two on earth; though I bet you’d get bored of me after a while.”
“Never.” The words came automatically and swiftly. Geto blinked- even Gojo seemed taken aback by them. “I’d never get bored of you.” The more he said it, the more real it felt. “I’d be bored to tears without you if I’m being honest.”
“Ehe..you know, I was kidding earlier- about the whole confession thing.” Gojo tried to laugh it off, his cheeks starting to turn pink. “You don’t have to get all sappy with me.”
“No, I mean it. Really.” Geto turned so he was on his side, facing the other. “You’re a real pain in the ass, and half the time I want to strangle you, but you’re also my best friend and one of the coolest guys I’ve ever known. You’re there to keep me from spiraling whenever my headspace gets bad, and you always make me laugh. You find these ridiculous things for us to try whenever you travel, and you always send me pictures of you posing in ridiculous places. You’re important to me. Really, you might be one of the only reasons I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth right about now, so…thanks for that.”
Gojo was quiet as he listened, staring up at the sky as he took in every word. His lips were flat, and he was blinking rather rapidly. “You really are a sap, you know that?” He grinned, his voice somewhat wobbly.
“Oak or maple?” Geto grinned, making Gojo cackle.
“Now kiss me you fool!” Gojo threw himself on top of him, making kissy noises and messing up his hair as Geto laughed beneath him. Soon they were wrestling once more, throwing grass in eachother’s faces and jabbing at tickle spots. It was utterly ridiculous yet special at the same time.
It was just as Gojo said; all of it worked out in the end somehow.
Thanks for reading!
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poeticpascal · 1 year
White Lies (Joel Miller x Reader)
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Masterlist | Request here!
Summary: Joel would do anything for you. He does anything for you. And he makes sure you don't know a thing.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: violence, Joel kills 3 dudes (what murdaaah?), descriptions of blood and wounds, stitches, Joel feels guilt and shame but is also very soppy and very in love, fuff and angst all tangled up, descriptions of chronic pain
A/n: I have had a bloody nightmare the last few weeks with suspected endometriosis, which is what inspired me to write this. In my head, reader has endo and the medicine is some sort of contraception or strong painkillers to help her manage it. But it isn't explicitly mentioned so you can imagine whatever you most relate to. Please do let me know what you think, and as always, requests are open!
It’s a harsh winter, even by Boston’s standards.
The QZ is coated in a veil of thick snow, the blizzard that took hold weeks ago now bruising the streets with an icy fist.
Joel pulls his coat tighter around himself, grateful at least for the cover the snowstorm offered, the skies foggy and grey. He can slip through the alleyways much quicker, much quieter beneath the frost. His footsteps are erased almost as soon as he leaves them, and when things get messy, he can soothe his wounds in the freeze.
Which is good, because things get messy a lot.
Not that he’d tell you that. You were too pure, too gentle; not unlike the snow that paints your doorframe now.
No, Joel keeps those things from you. The world has been unkind enough, and if he has one purpose now, it’s to protect that sweetness of yours. To collect it, each golden ray of sunshine that so easily radiates from you, to give it back and let you bask in the warmth of your own soul. 
No one deserves it more than you do. Least not him, and yet you’d given him more love, more sweetness, than he could ever dream of.
That’s why he told you he was working a late shift today - sewage, he thinks he said - rather than where he actually is at 3am, catching his death in an old littered alleyway.
He occasionally shifts to avoid the silver moonlight dripping from the gaps in the fire-escape stairs above him. Tonight’s meeting should be a simple one, free from FEDRA’s strict patrols; he’d done this long enough now to know when, and where, was safest for these things.
He stays on high alert, though. Just in case.
Marco’s late. He isn’t known for being the most competent of dealers, but Joel was getting desperate now, and he was the only crook in the QZ who could get what he needed. He was a small man, a bit pathetic looking, really. But he was smart, and he had connections that even Joel couldn’t make for all his smuggling and dealing.
So when Joel’s supplier told him he couldn’t help him anymore, he didn’t have a choice. That’s what he tells himself, anyway.
“Miller, there ya’ are.” Joel’s snapped out of his thoughts, his looming regret of this whole situation, as Marco strolls down the alley. He grins, in the same cocky way he always did, the sort of grin a man who couldn’t win a fight but has enough men who could wrapped around his finger, doing the dirty work for him.
Joel insisted he come alone. Not because he couldn’t handle his goons; he knew he could. Maybe. But it would cause a scene, and draw attention, to something he very much wanted to keep under wraps.
He’s semi-surprised to see the two men walking behind Marco. Deep down, he’d had some faith that the dealer would stick to his word.
“Quiet the fuck down,” Joel warns, seething through his teeth as his eyes search the alley behind them, making sure they hadn’t been heard. “Who are your friends?”
Marco follows Joel’s gaze towards his companions. “They’re just here to observe.”
The men are the same height as Joel, maybe a little taller. He recognises both from the sleazy speakeasies that lie beneath the floors of the QZ. Where the bad guys go. 
One is bald, with a jagged scar carved across his cheek and over his eye. He’s scowling, unlike Marco and the other man, who looks somewhat softer with thick hair grown to his shoulders and brown eyes that stayed on Joel like bedrock.
“That’s not what we agreed,’ Joel growls.
There’s tension in the air, thick, and they must feel it too because Marco’s henchmen each have a hand hovering near their sides, where silver blades reflect the white of the snow.
“I recall us also agreeing that you’d get your meds in return for the money. But we’re doing things a little differently today.” Joel remains stoic, though his eyes turn dark and angry, the moon’s light no longer illuminating his features. Marco tiptoes slowly towards him, getting so close that Joel can feel his breath and raising a hand to pick a piece of lint from his flannel shirt. “I want my money. But you might have to wait a little longer for your meds.”
Joel reacts then, squaring up to him, stepping forward and clenching his fists. The other men wrap their hands around their blades, anticipating a fight. Marco just laughs.
“‘Scuse me?” Joel asks, though they all know he understood what was going on.
“You’re gonna give me the amount we agreed. And then, you’re gonna speak to one of your guard friends, and cut me a deal. Then you might get your meds.”
Joel’s anger swells inside him like a beast, his previous care to stay hidden long gone as he imagines driving his fist into Marco’s smug, son of a bitch face again and again and again. 
He has to think this through, though. He needs those meds. Marco can see the cogs turning. “Just give me the money, Miller. Don’t make this difficult. You can’t take three of us.”
“No?” Joel retorts, already decided in what he’d do next. “I don’t think it’s worth findin’ out. Give me the meds.”
Marco sighs, dropping his head and stepping away from Joel, leaving him to face his men. “Shame, Joel. You really coulda helped us.”
He nods to his men, who immediately draw their blades and attack. The first lands a punch on his face, the weight of it surprising him as he falls back into the railing. Before he can recover, the other has already plunged a blade through his stomach, right below his ribcage. He controls himself, swallows the yell that claws its way up his throat, tries to think. The cold steel of the rail stabs into his back, and when another fist collides with his cheek and sends him to the floor, he uses it to haul himself up and tackle one of the men - the softer one - to the ground with him.
Marco only stands and watches as Joel throws his weight onto the man and smashes his head into the stone floor. The other grabs his shoulder, spinning him round but Joel’s prepared this time and he dodges the swat of his knife. Instead he throws a punch into his stomach, making him double over which gives Joel the opportunity to grab the knife strapped to his calf and drive it through the bald man’s throat. He stumbles, collapsing to the floor with a choked cry, and Joel turns back just in time to see the other man trying to stand, though the injury to his head makes him dizzy. Joel stands first, easily pushing the man to the ground, and stomping on his head with as much force as his steel-toed boots would let him. Both men stay down.
Marco has regressed into the darkness of the alley, and he looks somehow smaller than usual. He’s pathetic, and if this was any other job, he’d laugh. But this wasn’t a laughing matter, and there was only one target for him; the medication.
The smaller man reaches into his pocket, searching for his gun, but Joel anticipates the move and has already reached him and thrown him against the wall before he can find it. His movements strain the wound in his abdomen, but he doesn’t care. Doesn’t feel it.
Joel’s fist pins Marco to the wall by his throat, making him splutter and flail like a fish out of water.
“Where are the fuckin’ pills, Marco?” He just continues to flail, trying to pull Joel’s hand off of him with both of his own, to no effect. Joel scoffs, throwing him to the floor and dragging his knife out of the now dead henchman’s neck. “If you won’t tell me, I guess I’ve got no use for ya.” He uses his shirt to clean the blade, the flannel already soaked in blood, his own.
“For fuck sake, Marco whines, slightly out of breath. “They’re at my place.”
“There anyone else there?” Joel asks, so nonchalantly that it almost sounds like a passing thought.
“No, no one there. But you’ll need me to get you in.”
Joel looks up again, the now-clean knife held in his fist with a vice-like grip. He stalks towards Marco, ignoring his desperate pleas. 
“Shouldn’t be a problem-” 
With that, he stabs him in the chest, letting him choke and gasp on the floor and searching his pockets for a key. He finds it, and does a quick, final survey of the alleyway. The once perfectly settled snow is disturbed, kicked up in the fight, and deeply stained with blood.
Joel curses, but leaves, only now noticing the burning pain from his torso. He leans against the wall, now stood out in the street, open; but there are no guards. He doesn’t think he’d care. Instead he grabs a fistful of the snow around his feet, packs it into the wound, hissing at the sharp pain of the ice but quickly feeling relief as it numbs him.
This was going to be a long night.
It’s another couple of hours or so before he returns. There were, in fact, people at Marco’s place - but Joel knew that would be the case anyway. They weren’t a problem.
He’d showered in Marco’s flat, after taking out the men hanging out in there. Protecting it, he assumed. And he’d found a med pack that let him stitch up the wound to some degree; it was a hack job, but it should do the trick. He’d had worse.
The most important thing was that he found the meds.
The old door of your place creaks as he steps inside, quickly closing it behind him before the cold could enter. It’s futile, really; the wooden pillars are rotten, decaying so badly that the wind sweeps through the cracks with ease, and he can see dustings of snow on the floor around your windows. But he tries anyway.
There you are.
It’s scary, honestly, what your voice does to him. Even so quiet, so distant from the bedroom upstairs, it lifts the weight from his shoulders that he thought he’d carry forever.
“I’m here, baby. I’m comin’.” He pulls off his shoes, placing them neatly beside the door just how you like, and heads upstairs. His bloodied shirt is long gone, buried in some forgotten corner of the QZ, where he has a collection of discarded items by now.
You don’t reply, he doesn’t expect you to. He reaches your bedroom, gently opening the door and sighing at the sight of you lying there, curled up between mountains of sheets and pillows.
He’d almost think you look peaceful if he didn’t know how much pain you’re in.
“Oh, honey,” he laments, crossing the distance from the door to you and kneeling down beside your head. You open your eyes, though they’re weighed down by exhaustion, and a small smile creeps onto your lips at the sight of the man before you.
“Hi,” you whisper, letting a gentle hand poke out from the duvet and brush his jaw. He can’t help but grin back at you, the total mess that took place just hours ago wiped from his mind completely, and he leans into your touch.
The both of you just stay like that for a moment, your thumb sweeping across his cheek, his eyes never leaving yours. Then you wince, and no matter how much you try to hide it, he can see the wave of pain inflict your body.
“I’ve got your tablets, sweetheart.” He reaches into his pocket, a desperation to his actions now; he hates seeing you like this. You just nod, pushing a meek but honest “thank you” past your lips, so quiet that he almost doesn’t hear it. His heart swells.
Joel presses out one tablet and hands it to you, then picks up the glass of water that stands on your side table, making a mental note to replace it later. You take the pill, grabbing hold of his hand before he can pull it away, and give it a gentle squeeze. He follows your lead and tips the water to your lips once you’ve placed the tablet on your tongue, gently helping you swallow and squeezing your hand right back.
A look of relief washes over your face, and he finally lets himself relax. He stands, letting go of your hand and leaning over to kiss your forehead, before pulling off the clothes he’d taken from Marco’s wardrobe and climbing in beside you.
He only knew heaven in these moments with you, late at night, when your hands reach for him beneath the sheets and your head nuzzles into his neck. It’s no different tonight; he’s quiet, unsure if you’d fallen asleep in those few seconds, and as much as he wishes you’d rest, he can’t deny the way his lips curl when he feels your gentle touch wrap around him.
“How was today? Doing the sewage?”
Joel swallows. “Yeah, yeah. It was fine. Don’t you worry about it, sweetheart.” His arms envelop you, holding you tight against him, one hand drawing gentle circles on your back. He’s lost in the bliss for a moment, letting it wash over him in waves, when your hand brushes his haphazard and you freeze. So does he.
“Joel,” you say; it’s still a whisper, but not the tired kind you’d given him earlier. It’s like you’re too scared to ask. “What’s that?”
He panics, holding you tighter, trying to think. He can’t believe himself for not remembering to cover it, to make sure you didn’t see. 
“There was an accident today. I did some building work before I went to sewage, a pipe fell. Nicked me real bad-” you gasp, forcing yourself to sit up with shaky arms. Joel immediately pulls you back down, his hands grasping your face, staring into your eyes like they held the world inside them. It’s dark, but they glimmer, and he just hopes you can’t see his fear.
“No no. It’s fine, baby. I’m fine. Got seen by the doc, got a couple ‘a stitches. Says i’ll be all good by tomorrow.”
“By tomorrow? Joel that doesn’t sound right-”
He interrupts you. He hates this. “I promise, baby. That’s what she said. I promise.” He wipes a thumb across your cheek, and the way you seem to settle, to believe him, makes him ache. He hates this.
You nuzzle back into his side, placated. You trust him, endlessly, and he hates that he abuses that trust just as much as he needs to protect you. A means to an end, he thinks.
The two of you are silent for a few moments, your hand lay gentle over his wound. Like you’re trying to heal it. He thinks it’s working.
“Thank you for picking up my medicine,” you say.
“It’s okay.” His words are quiet, muffled; he’s got his face buried in your hair now, revelling in your scent, and really, he doesn’t want to talk about this with you. He doesn’t want to lie anymore than he already has.
You’re still oblivious, though. Still sweet.
“I’m so glad you can make my rations cover it. I don’t know what I’d do if they made them more expensive.”
Oh, babygirl, he thinks.
Because your rations don’t cover your medicine. Neither did his. Even combined, they’d hardly cover a drink in the bar these days. He’d seen you work and work and work, in spite of the pain that bloomed in your abdomen and tortured your bones until you could hardly stand up anymore, and he saw the way they laughed in your face and turned you away when you tried to get the help you needed. When you tried to trade your labour for medicine. You were nothing to them.
So he told you he could barter the price down. That it was best if he goes from now on, to make sure you’re not taken advantage of. He takes your rations, stuffs them right back in the savings pot you keep above the shelves in your kitchen, and leaves to make whatever underground deals he needs to in order to get those meds. And you didn’t know a thing.
He must’ve been quiet for a while, because you continue. “And I’m glad you don’t do those scary things anymore.”
That gets his attention. “Scary things?”
“Yeah. Like, the smuggling and stuff.” You take a breath, tighten your arms around his waist. “I mean, I know why you did it. I’m glad you were able to look after yourself.”
Joel curses to himself, unable to wipe the tears that brimmed in his eyes as you spoke, because that would mean letting go of you.
“But I’m also glad you don’t do that anymore. You go out, and you work, even the horrible sewage shifts like tonight.” You giggle, but Joel can’t even force himself to smile. Shame consumes him.
“I’m proud of you, Joel.”
He’s silent. He doesn’t know what to say. He feels like shit.
If you notice his stillness, you don’t mention it. That alone makes his heart ache; you’d always been so understanding, so careful to make sure he’s okay while knowing exactly how to handle his feelings.
It’s odd, really, how fiercely you protect one another. He doesn’t let the darkness of the world so much as touch you, and you extract the horrors from his veins like a vacuum, making him forget the damage was ever even there.
His eyes flitter down, watching you drift asleep, finally at peace and free from pain. He exhales.
He’d never feel good about lying to you. But some things, he thinks, are worth it.
You are worth it.
And so he brushes away the hair that’s fallen over your eyes, trying to fight the droopiness of his own so he can keep them on you for just a second longer. But sleep overtakes him, and the only reason he lets himself fall into dreamland, is because he knows he’ll find you there, too.
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Okay hear me out
Yautja with an s/o who has adhd
Yautja Vs ADHD
Yautja x GN! ADHD! Reader
Word count: 838
Warnings: Fuff, depictions of ADHD, depictions of social rejection
Summary: Your lover thinks you are strange for your species, but loves you regardless. 
A/N: OMG! I have ADHD too! Why did I not think of this!?
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When your lover started dating you they had a lot of biases about ooman that they had to unlearn. They had been taught that oomans were fragile yet intelligent creatures, they knew that oomans were primitive but creative, and that they were highly social and very dangerous in groups. But after spending time with you a lot of their preconceived notions were challenged.
You were not fragile. You would regularly trip, fall, and bump into just about everything. Your lover was very concerned about this at first, but whenever it happened you would just walk it off like it was nothing. You would even laugh about it. Much to their unending confusion. Occasionally they would find cuts, scrapes, and bruises in random places on your body and ask how that happened. All you could do was shrug.
Your lover had hunted oomans before, so they knew just how intelligent they could be. So when you repeatedly forgot important items, or tasks they began to question if you were just one of the less intelligent ones. Every species has them. But as time went on and they grew to understand you more, they came to know that you were not stupid, you just struggled with some things. You seemed to have a brilliant mind for problem solving, even exceeding other examples of your species. Not to mention how long you could go on talking about your favorite topics. They adore the way you lit up as you talked. They do still often need to remind you about items and tasks, but they understand that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Every day they understand yours more and more.
Your lover did tend to look down on ooman technology. To you, your phone was the most advanced device in the universe. It helps you keep track of important things, such as events and chores, and it can access the sum of all ooman knowledge in just seconds. But to your lover it was nothing more than a light up brick. But they did admire the creativity with which you used your primitive tools. Such as throwing on some music and suddenly being able to conjure the ability to do the dishes. You also used your creativity in other fascinating ways. Any and all artistic pursuits are revered by your lover. Art is not common in yautja culture, the art they do have though is highly symbolic and ceremonial. They love listening to you talk about the choices you made while making any given piece and find the concept of art for art's sake fascinating . 
One of the things that confused your lover the most was how you socialized. You seemed to really struggle talking to other oomans. You would start with your usual high energy, but the other ooman would quickly show their disinterest, causing you to get very discouraged and end the conversation very quickly. You also had a tendency to do, what you called, ‘overshare’. Your lover treasured any time when you would tell them everything on a given topic, whether that was how your day was or about the documentary you had just watched. The ooman on the receiving end of the oversharing however, would usually make their ‘discomfort’ known. Your lover would quickly get angry at whoever was icing you out, because they knew that you were just sociable and wanted to talk. Sometimes though you would avoid talking to people all together for all the above reasons. But in other, seemingly similar interactions, you could easily talk to another person like they were already your best friend. For some reason they would match your energy perfectly and the two of you would create a tight bond, only to go your separate ways and never talk again. 
There was one simple explanation for all of this that your lover was completely unaware of. Unaware of, until one day. The two of you were having dinner and having a conversation when they said something that caught you a little bit off guard. 
“You are a strange example of your species.”
“What do you mean by that?” You asked. 
“Well…” They thought for a moment, choosing their next words carefully. “You are constantly getting injured, but somehow end up fine. You are fiercely intelligent, but still manage to forget small things. You are incredibly creative, and industrious, but struggle with interpersonal communication, until you do not? It is just… you act strange for a ooman.” You blinked a few times, trying to figure out if you should be offended or not. Then you laughed.
“Have I not told you I have ADHD?”
“ADHD, it stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, although it's really more of an attention regulation disorder rather than a deficit. Basically it affects how my brain works and, yeah it affects everything you mentioned.”
“So you are not a normal ooman!”
“No,” you giggled again. 
“That is all right though,” they said before you could continue. “I like the way you are, strange ooman.”
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redheadspark · 1 year
Heeeeey! Hope u r having a wonderful day
From your prompt list, can I have Azriel from ACOTAR with prompt #12? Cuz I can totally see Azriel keeping his partner from getting up no matter if the other playfully struggles and I'm melting rn bc of that thought HAJSBDK
Do as you please I love ur writing, sorry for any disturbance I could cause w this, tysm take care🙏
A/N - I think this is beyond cute for Azriel! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Stay In
Summary - Azriel will make sure you two enjoy your morning together
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Warnings - Just some fuff :)
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“Az..Az I need to get up today,”
“Says who?”
“Says our High Lord since I have a meeting with him in 30 minutes, as do you,” 
The body next to you grumbled a bit, sheets shifting under and over you while the softer breeze from the early morning seeped into the master bedroom.  Even the softer sounds of the leaves rustling in the tree right outside along the cobblestone street.  You could breathe in the softness of the leaves and the cool air, along with the scent that your mate had along his skin and against the pillow that you were sharing together.  If it was up to him, he would only have one pillow for your entire king-sized bed since he knew you would end up in his arms anyway with your head on his chest and arms around him.
The ever-brooding Spymaster of Night Court was nothing but mush when it came to you.
“No, come on. Let’s get up—“ You were starting to say as you were attempting to get up from the bed, but Azriel’s arms around your waist were keeping you in bed still.  Of course, he would barely use any of your own strength when It came to you, you’ve seen him in heated battles and at the helm of wars.  Yet he treated you like a dainty flower, never gentle with his scarred fingers and the lingering touches of his lips along your skin.  You never had to be afraid of him, not when you knew deep down he would rather hurt himself than you.  
“Rhysand doesn’t need us this morning, it’s only a formality meeting,” Azriel said along your backside as he drew you back into the bed once again, you chuckling as his lips were kissing the back of your neck over and over, “It’ll probably be no more than an hour long before they rattle on about something unimportant,”
“Yet you thrive at these meetings,” You retorted as you turned around and stared at him.  His hair was disheveled and against the satin pillow, wings sprawled out behind him with a small lick of his shadows against his backside, the sheet pooled along his lower waist to show his tan skin and muscular chest.  He merely grinned, making his eyes that were already bright even brighter from the small amount of sun pouring into the room now.
“I do, but I think today we should have a day off from meetings,” he commented, moving his arms from around your waist to rub your hip with his fingers, “I’m sure both the High Lord and High Lady would understand two less people at the House of Wind,”
You had to smirk at him, seeing him being all pliant was something that seemed more common in later days.  There was no real threat in Night Court, the Battle against King Hybern was now the stuff of legend, nothing that was fresh and new.  The people were safe again, only remembering that gruesome time as a mere story and cautionary tale.  The rest of the Courts felt the same, and peace came over like a rolling fog.  With peace came new chapters in our lives. 
Especially for you and Azriel, who finally got married under the falling stars of Winter Solstice. 
“Come on, we need a day to stay in bed,” He urged you as his fingers were still tracing your hips with a singular finger, “The weather is perfect for sleeping in, don’t you think?”
You paused, looking over to the window and seeing the rolling clouds that came from the direction of the mountains.  Azriel watched you with his usual smirk, seeing that you were thinking it over before sighing in defeat.
“Victory!” He hummed as you laid back down in bed with him.  You chuckled and slapped his chest, hearing him laugh as he tucked you in his arms again, “Honestly, this meeting is not going to be important anyway.  Just some formalities on budgeting and the upcoming trip to Summer Court to talk negotiations.”
Glaring at him, you spoke, “How do you know?”
“High Lady Feyre,” He replied in a shrug, you looking at him in shock as he grinned widely, “I may or may not have asked her what was going to be discussed, and I may or may not have asked you and me to skip the meeting since we’re not involved,”
You had to give him credit for this, without you knowing anything about it.  He would surprise you every once in a while, and it was not like him being the Spymaster of Night Court and someone who was always on his toes and ready to fight and defend.  But these rare flickers of surprise and love that came from him, made you love him ten times more.  
Leaning back to halfway lay on top of him, seeing his gaze stay on yours as you kissed his nose playfully, “Thank you, Az,”
“Anything for you,” He replied in a murmur, leaning in to kiss you softly over and over as another chill came into the room.  You shivered, feeling Azriel move some of the sheets up to cover you both as you were still kissing one another and letting the morning roll on.  With no meeting to go to, nothing to worry about or rush to, it all seemed too good to be true.  
There was nothing better than doing nothing, with the love of your life. 
The End. 
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September Prompt Session
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thegeeksideofsr · 2 years
Blood Stains
So I wrote something that's not fuff.
Warnings: blood, gunshot wound, shootout, me winging it on the medical stuff
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Eliot and I had been paired to cover the exits, while Parker got into the vault that had our mark's ledger on men he'd payed off. It has been going smoothly, which for us should have put me on edge, but it didn't. I was too confident in Nate's distraction and didn't see the security men coming for us.
The sound of a gun shot rang through the air, causing Eliot to flinch as he was hit in the side. We both duck for cover, Parker still trying to get the safe open. I look to where it came from. One of the men had his gun aimed in our direction, while another was a few steps behind him.
"Get Parker clear. I'll handle them," Eliot says.
"No. I'm not leaving you here."
"Go. I'll catch up."
I look up the hall to see three more men join the first two, slowly coming closer to us, still firing at us occasionally to keep us pinned. I look back at Eliot
"You're out numbered, and you're hurt."
" I'll be fine," he grinds out, a hand wrapping across his body, holding his left side. "It's just a graze."
"Eliot-" I start.
"Got it. Let's get out of here." Parker says as she stand to my right.
Eliot nods towards us.
"Go. I'll meet you at the van."
" No, El. You won't make it."
"Go," he growls before turning and heading towards the security men.
The sounds is guns shots and punches landing fills the hall way. As much as I want to go help him, I need to get Parker and the ledger out. Parker and I share a look of mutual worry, then head down the hall taking the long way to the exit.
It takes a good ten minutes to get to Lucille where Hardison is waiting in the driver's seat.
"Where's Eliot? I heard gun shots." He says turning to us.
"He told us to go. That he'd meet us here. He's not here?" I respond.
"No, I haven't heard from him."
I turn and look back at the building. There is no sound coming over the comms. It's dead silent and it's terrifying.
"Eliot. Eliot can you hear me?" I say into the comms.
A soft groan comes through, but nothing else.
I turn to Hardison and Parker who have a similar look of dread on their faces. Hardison moves to the back to track Eliot's comm, while Parker takes his place in the driver's seat.
"Where is he , Alec?"
"He's at the end of that hall. I can lead you there."
I nod, then run back into the building, following Hardison's directions. I turn the last corner and find him. He's laying on the floor, motionless and quiet. The security men on the ground unconscious, bullet holes in the walls, one of the men is right next to Eliot.
I make my way to Eliot, a blood stain covers most of his left side, his chest moves slowly. I hold his face and try to wake him up, he groans so softly I barely hear him. His eyes crack open, giving me a little hope.
"I told you to go." He whispers.
"You did. I came back for you. You can yell at me later, I'm getting you out of here."
I don't wait for him to respond, before I pull him up and try to get him on his feet. I press my self in to his side, putting his arm over my shoulder. He trys to walk, but the blood loss makes nearly impossible.
"Hardison, I've got him, but I need help."
"I'm coming."
I retrace my steps from before, going as quickly as I can. I can feel the warmth of Eliot's blood seeping into my shirt. Hardison meets me halfway, he stops for a split second at the sight of Eliot. He snaps out of is when I say his name, moving to Eliot's right, helping me get him out.
The walk to the van feels like an eternity. I can tell from the amount of blood loss and how quickly Eliot was fading his wound was far worse then a graze. Damn him for playing it off.
We finally manage to get him in to the back of the van. Hardison runs to his spot at his computer to find the closest hospital, while Parker starts to drive.
I get the extensive first aid kit from under the bench, opening it and dig through for scissors. I cut his shirt away to get a good look at the wound. It's far worse then I expected. There was no exit wound, but I couldn't tell how bad it was through the blood still seeping out. I grab a wad of bandages and press it into the hole in his side, hoping to slow the bleeding.
"Hardison, he needs a hospital."
"We are two minutes out. Already let them know we were on the way."
A small wave of relive falls over me, but it's soon over shadowed by the feeling of the bandage needing to be changed. I glance at his face, he pale, head rolled to the side. I take his hand in mine, it's limp and when I feel for a pulse, it's slow but it's there.
The van comes to a sudden stop, causing me to brace my self against the side of the van.
The back door of the van opens revealing a doctor and nurses with a gurney.
"He been shot in the left side of the abdomen. Significant blood loss. I tried to stop it but it's passed my abilities." I say to the doctor as he climbs in next to me.
"Got it. Let's get him on the gurney and get him inside."
Once on the gurney, I tag along with them as far as I could before the stopped me, at the door to the trauma room.
I stand at the door, the rest of the world fading away as I watch through the window at the movement of doctors and nurses crowding around Eliot.
A hand on my shoulder jolts me out of my trance. I turn to see Hardison standing to my left, Parker not far behind.
"Here. I brought you a change of clothes." He says, holding a backpack out to me.
I look at it, then down myself. My clothes are soaked with blood, my hands too. I grab the bag and head to find a bathroom.
Finally finding one, I lock the door behind me, dropping the backpack to the floor and head to the sink to wash the blood off. The water turns pink as I scrub and wash. I keep going after the water goes clear. I stop when the hot water and scrubbing starts to hurt.
I dry off, then dig through the backpack to change my clothes. The pants fit fine, but the shirt is Eliot's. It must have gotten mixed in at some point.
I slip it over my head, then roll my bloody clothes up and tuck them into the bag, then leve the bathroom.
I make my way back to where I left Hardison and Parker, finding them sitting out side the doors. Hardison is leaning over his knees, bouncing his right, while Parker is just starring off at eh wall.
I sit down next to them, noticing they have police badges around their necks.
" Badges?" I whisper.
Hardison looks at me with wide eyes, then reached into his pocket, pulling out another badge and hanging it to me.
"It was the only why I could think I've so they wouldn't ask to many questions and they'd see him faster. I called Nate and Sophie. They should be here soon."
I nod as I put the chain of the badge over my head. I lean back in the chair, resting my head on the wall, letting my eyes slip closed, the sounds of the hospital fading into white noise as we wait for news.
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girlwithacrown · 4 years
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My fav idiots getting ready for James' and Lily's wedding.
For #blissember2020 collab with @fleursowl ❤️ Formal Attire def was one of my most anticipated prompts and her fic is just BLISS.
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Poly relationship with the haitani brothers
Tw: cussing, mentions of fighting, fuff
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- You're most likely their childhood friend. You could have lived in the same area as them or had gone to the same school. If you aren't then you probably caught their eye somehow. You low key freak out when you just catch them staring at you during class.
- At the beginning of the relationship rin was standoff-ish if you could call it that. Ran was more affectionate. Using you as a arm rest, randomly yelling your name in the halls, making you blush ect. Once you're more comfortable with them you'll start to tease Ran back, making him surprisingly flustered.
- If you live in a toxic/bad house they'll let you stay over for as long as you need. Need to stay over for the night cause of a fight you hand with your parents? Ran will force Rin to give you a spare set of clothes to wear. Need to stay for a whole ass week? Pack your essentials, they'll pick you up in ten minutes. If you have a fine family expect them to be knocking at your window wanting to hang out.
- You and Ran stay up pretty late while Rin hides in his room most of the time. But sometimes he comes out and hangs out with the both of you. The more time he spends with you, the less awkward he gets. He's not particularly cold to you, he just doesn't know what to say.
- Rin may seem strong, but he's scared shitless of horror movies. One time while you stayed over the three of you had a movie night, and it was your turn to pick the movie. Ran on your left Rin on your right you guys started the movie(it was Paranormal Activity and Insidious). The first half hour Rin was gripping your arm as if his life depended on it. When you all decided to go to bed he asked(more like demanded smh) that you cuddled with him that night.
- Ran is really good at taking care of you when you're sick. As soon as you tell him you're not feeling well he'll go into a 'mother hen' roll like he did with Rin. He has you laying in bed, not getting up to do anything. YOU CAN'T TELL ME HE DON'T MAKE BOMB ASS SOUP IT'S CANON BECAUSE I SAID SO. He'll stick with you the whole time, getting you whatever you want and force you to take your meds. He roped Rin into watching over you while he was gone(not that Rin minded, Ran always hogged your attention.)
- They both confessed at the same time to you unintentionally. You just stood there frozen, like you short circuited. They both started arguing about who you liked, that's when you suggested a poly relationship in which they both agreed to. Ran gave you a kiss on the forehead while Rin gave you a kiss on the check, and they both were smirking.
- Cuddle pile. You'll either be sleeping squished in between both of them on the couch, crashed after a movie marathon. Normally Ran would be the one on the bottom since he's so tall and was on your right while Rin on top of you. When you get ready for bed they'll lay there waiting for you then cling to you once you're under the covers. Good luck getting up in the morning if you're an early bird, they'll just telepathically agree and keep you pinned down for another hour.
- The only person that can braid Rans hair is you or himself. It became a part of your morning routine to braid it once you were done with getting dressed. He would be sitting on the couch watching tv while Rin was getting ready. His eyes would also light up before he turns to the side, letting you run your hands through his hair before brushing and braiding it.
- Rin is bullied so much by Ran it makes you feel bad. Normally he can tolerate the teasing but sometimes he wants to punch Ran in the face. Repeatedly. The most common way is drawing on him since he's a heavy sleepier. One time he drew a mustache along with cat whiskers and a pp with permanent sharpie marker when they had a meeting to attend as the brothers. Cue you and Rin frantically rubbing his face while Ran cackles maniacally in the background at the chaos.
- Rin knows that Ran hogs all your attention, so sometimes he'll just plop his head down on your lap while you're doing something. It's also a sign that he had a not so good day and just needs of affection. Of course you don't mind giving it to him, your hands playing with his blonde and blue hair as you do whatever you were doing. If you weren't doing anything you'll just coo at him more until he's red in the face.
- They both love it when you wear their clothes, whether you ask or not. Rin's clothes fit more than Ran, your prattically drown in his hoodies and shirts. They'll ask if you wanna get the exact same clothes as them, but you'll say no cause it smells like them(not in a weird way!). I hc that they wear really expensive smelling cologne so after this they spray a little extra on their clothes. They'll also just kiss you then tell you that you look cute while wearing their clothes.
- If you wear glasses, you and Rin sometimes trade glasses just to see how blind the other is. He's also asks if your glasses are leaving any marks or if they feel a little tight. He'll sometimes massage your face if it's feeling sore from wearing them often. He finds you cute if you do or don't wear glasses. One time the both of you swapped glasses for the day, and Ran didn't notice till the three of you got back from having take out.
- If you have allergies then they'll try to either do two things. The first one is that they would make at home dates more fun since you couldn't be outside a whole lot. One time when you came back from school they had a pillow fort built in the living room with Youtube pulled up on the tv and you literally started crying tears of joy witch panicked them. Once you told them they were tears of happiness they both cooed over you calling you cute.
- The second option is to up your dosage of your medicine your taking. Of course they would sit you down and have a talk with you about it first before taking you to the doctor. When they do they'll be with you 100% of the way and will be with you when you take the new medicine just in case it made you feel weird.
A/n: Low key having Haitani brothers brain rot-
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yoonpobs · 3 years
back-burner | 09
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how much would you let yourself go?
PAIRING. min yoongi x reader
GENRE. sister's best friend!au, best friend to lovers!au, frenemies2lovers!au, angst, *slow burn*, eventual smut, eventual fuff
WARNINGS. mentions of poor health, implications of under-eating, mentions of fainting, jk is a little harsh but it's justified, hospitals, sexual tension and the presence of a banana (it's exactly how it sounds like), more softness gets unveiled?, slight fluff towards the end :#
WORDS. 4.2k
back-burner masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
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“Jungkook, for the last time, I can walk fine on my own!” you hiss, attempting to shove his stupidly strong arms off of you.
“You passed out from a five-minute walk to our favourite bar. Do you think I’m stupid?” he snaps, “Get your ass back here right now before I cause a scene!”
You grimace, fully knowing that Jungkook would most definitely cause a scene at a hospital despite it being nearly midnight. Doctors and nurses were fatigue with their day, and you don’t even know half the battles they fought within the hour itself.
Frankly, you felt a little dumb here. More so than the fact that biology was your most hated science and subject in school, but the fact that Jungkook’s overwhelming presence only draws more attention to the two of you when it usually wouldn’t.
You think he’s overreacting, but he says he isn’t. You were a little woozy earlier, which resulted in you passing out.
(Sure, you were pulling all-nighters back-to-back like nobody’s business and weren’t eating as much as you should—but you were so close in wrapping up the proposals for an educational institution for women in lower-income groups that you couldn’t pass the opportunity up!)
Really, it was nothing to be worried about. But despite Jungkook being an annoying brat ninety-nine per cent of the time, he had a big heart. He cared and he worried a lot. So when you nearly face-planted onto the concrete pavement, you knew that he was bound to freak out.
“I told you. I’m fine. I just need to sleep—”
“Exactly. You need to sleep and you need to eat. I don’t want to comment on your appearance but I’m worried. Nothing about passing minute after a five-minute walk is normal,” he frowns.
You sigh. “I promise I’ll take care of myself.”
He shoots you a dry look.
“Will you, though?” he says blandly. You stick your tongue against your cheek as you huff. “You overwork yourself all the time and for what? If I didn’t call you out for drinks tonight then you would’ve cooped yourself up in your apartment for the next month.”
“I was almost done!” you exasperate defensively.
“At what cost?” he whispers, “Your health? Is that something rational that you do?”
“I don’t need you micromanaging me either, Jungkook,” you scowl.
Jungkook knew how much you hated being told what to do. It was a byproduct of the fact that your parents had attempted to mould you into a person you could never become and only shoved you aside when they came to that realisation on their own. He always did his best to allow you autonomy over your decisions and you appreciated that.
“This is not me micromanaging you and you know it,” he snaps. “No one’s asking you to burn yourself out, ___.”
It’s an odd conversation to be having in the middle of the hospital, but his words wash you over like cold water.
No one’s asking you to, but when you had the world to live up to—a lifetime to prove yourself?—this was your only option.
You could never be Haerin, or do the things that she did. But this was something you wanted to do. The one place that you felt was as close as it could be to your calling. Activism and social work was emotionally taxing but it was rewarding. It was a selfish aspect of the job that you allowed yourself to indulge in every once in a while.
So no, no one ever asks you to burn yourself out, not now at least—because they never thought you could do anything to amount to much.
“I appreciate you looking out for me, but I promise. It’s a one-time thing,” you reason.
A one-time thing is something that Jungkook knows is a lie. His face tells you everything and his clenched jaw indicates that there are words he’s attempting to swallow to not progress your conversation into one less appropriate for a hospital setting. So, he sighs, looking away before levelling you with a serious gaze.
“You know I’m always here for you, right? Even if I’m busy?” he asks, eyeing you as he holds onto your shoulders.
“I know, Kook,” you sigh, squeezing his hand. “I really appreciate it but I don’t need you looking out for me all the time. I can take care of myself.”
“Do you? Is pulling all-nighters and neglecting your health called taking care of yourself?” he snaps as you wince. “I don’t want to do this either—I don’t like seeing you like this. And it’s literally against my conscience to just let you do this to yourself.”
“A few nights won’t kill me—”
“You can always talk to me, you know?” he says softly, “I understand it must be difficult—”
“Do you, Jungkook?” you whisper, eyes lifting upwards to meet his own. “Do you understand?”
His jaw hardens.
“This is the one thing that I can truly call my own. My project. My calling,” you say quietly. “I don’t think you understand how it finally feels like I’m proving something.”
“I’m not just talking about your pitch. I’m proud of you, I really am. I’m always rooting for you, and I always want you to win,” he tells you seriously. “I’m talking about your heart. Whatever you have in there, whatever you’re feeling—don’t keep it to yourself. I’m here.”
He was. Jungkook was always there for you. In-between his exams and the stress of a med student, Jungkook was always there. But you couldn’t find the courage to burden him with more of your own thoughts that could barely be contained in your mind. If it suffocated you, it was bound to tire him out, too.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Jungkook,” you mumble. “I just don’t want to. Okay?”
Jungkook purses his lips, opening his mouth to say something before he stops himself.
Maybe you were being difficult. But this feeling was itself, a difficult one to comprehend. How could you verbalise the innate need for you to work on hours till no end? To achieve something you never thought you could—by yourself and the people around you? Would Jungkook understand?
Maybe he would. Just as much as a best friend could understand the turmoil of their best friend. But he would never understand your heart. Not at its core, at least.
“We’re going to get you on IV drips and admitted for a day or two, okay?”
Your jaw slackens.
“Jungkook, there’s no way I can do that,” you deadpan, frustrated. “I need to finish the last—”
“You’re in no condition to be working anymore,” he hisses, “So, please. For the love of God, listen to me, your best friend’s who’s slaving away to his medical degree instead of your stubborn brain cell.”
You scowl at him. “Can’t I just get some prescription and—?”
“Jungkook? ____?”
Your body jumps at the new voice, especially since you and Jungkook were tucked in a relatively secluded corner to ensure that you didn’t get told off for whispering harshly at each other at a hospital.
“Hyung,” Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief, too quick to abandon your side for someone who was insistent on having you admitted into a hospital for passing out. Instead, he slides right next to your new guest, and you already feel the hair on your neck. “Thank God you’re here. You’re the only one that’ll convince her.”
Yoongi’s in a pair of scrubs, dark circles relatively prominent as he tucks his clipboard under his armpit and looks between you and Jungkook with a raised brow.
“What’s wrong? Why are the two of you here?” He steps forward, expression frowning as worry lines paint his face.
You open your mouth to interject before Jungkook can say anything because you know if he told Yoongi the truth, there was no way you’d be leaving the hospital tonight.
“She passed out while we were walking to the bar next to Marco’s cafe,” Jungkook explains, beating you to it as you scowl. “She’s been pulling all-nighters and I don’t think she’s in the best state—mentally and physically.”
“I’m right here you asshole,” you snap.
Jungkook ignores you to give Yoongi a pointed look.
But Yoongi has a tight expression on his face, his eyebrows scrunching together as he stares at you. He observes you so closely that you look away, ignoring the fact that his eyes scrutinise you from your head to your toes.
“You—” he begins as you await the berated tone he’d adapt with you. But Yoongi only sighs before he clips his mouth back shut.
He drags his gaze from your face to your neck, then all over your body as if you were meant to be inspected. You feel your cheeks inevitably heat, as you duck your head down to shield the instantaneous effect he had on you.
“Let me get you checked up,” he finally says, and you see Jungkook visibly relax.
“Let me know,” Jungkook says softly, squeezing Yoongi’s shoulders. “Force her if you have to, okay?”
You gape at the two men. “I’m still here, asshole!”
Jungkook rolls his eyes before giving your hair a ruffle as you attempt to dodge his gesture.
“Listen to Yoongi, okay?” he says softly.
“I told you, I’m fine—!”
Before you can finish your sentence, Jungkook envelopes you into a tight hug that has your eyes widening. It’s brief and quick, but when he pulls away you can see the worry behind his eyes.
“Just accept the help.”
Jungkook leaves, not allowing you to get another word in as you stare helplessly at his back as he dashes out the doors of the hospital.
You sigh to yourself, fully aware that you succumbed to the only option you had.
Listening to Yoongi.
“Come,” he demands, turning on his heel before speed walking down a hallway.
Maybe you could run when he wasn’t looking—
“Don’t even think of running because I’ll haul your ass over my shoulder myself,” he warns.
You grumble before begrudgingly trailing behind him, head still relatively light.
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“You know my government name, Yoongi,” you say dryly.
“It’s a standard operating procedure,” he scolds before tapping you on your knee. “Name.”
You repeat your full name with a grumble, looking away as he jots it down.
Yoongi continues acting like a professional, treating you like you were his patient rather than someone he knew for over a decade. You answer as if you were berated and you were a petulant child, but he doesn’t get annoyed or irritated with you as you expected, so you don’t bother prolonging this either.
He checks your vitals, does his usual procedures and even attaches an IV drip to you before he leaves the room for a few moments, leaving you in complete silence with your own thoughts.
Now that you were alone, you felt the exhaustion creep up on you. Your eyelids felt heavy as you threaten to keep them open so you wouldn’t look like a goddamn idiot when Yoongi returned. But your body fights against your instincts to stay away from when you feel the hospital bed call for you.
You’re just about to surrender to sleep when the door swings open, and you see Yoongi return with some things you can barely make out in your groggy state—and what you think are some dates and a banana.
“Hey,” he says quietly, sitting on the edge of your bed as you blink. “You okay?”
“Mmm,” you mumble, cradling your head in your palm as you feel your eyelids grow heavier.
But you feel Yoongi’s hand rest on your back, slowly guiding you to properly lay back on the bed as your hand reaches out to wrap around his wrist, startled at the gesture.
“Don’t,” he says softly, “Lay back for me, please?”
He sounds so nice. Or maybe you were hearing things, but he almost sounds desperate.
You comply, only because you were too tired to fight.
“I’m okay,” you slur, covering your eyes with your forearm as you feel the bed dip further next to you. “Good. M’ good.”
“No you’re not,” he sighs, “Your blood sugar levels are ridiculously low.”
“Your stats are wrong,” you mumble as you peek through one open eye. You see Yoongi shoot you a pointed look. “I’m okay.”
“___, you’re not,” he deadpans. “I’m the doctor here.”
“So? Doctors are assholes,” you grumble, “You’re an asshole.”
“Because I’m trying to tell you the truth?”
“Because you’re a know it all,” you say petulantly.
“I know you don’t like this. Trust me, seeing you here isn’t something I like either,” he frowns, “But you need to start taking better care of yourself. What if Jungkook wasn’t with you and you were alone?”
His tone is familiar, and you vaguely trace it back to the night as the bar. Yoongi’s stance is almost protective when he leans towards you as he speaks, and it’s one that you recall. It’s almost as if the relative softness on his face was an indication of the lesson learnt that night, with his cross features and silence that perturbed you—it was as if he was treading lightly, carefully.
“It's just all-nighters,” you mumble pathetically.
“And not eating well?” he points out tightly, brows scrunched.
“I just—” you begin to insist as you deflate after catching the unimpressed look on his face. “I didn’t feel hungry.”
You didn’t. Because you were far too distracted by work and the desire to prove yourself that hunger wasn’t something you considered. Or, maybe you were. You were starving, and rather for food it was for something else—something less tangible than a meal, and more daunting.
“I don’t want to see you here,” Yoongi deadpans as your eyes widen, almost flinching at his snapped tone. “It kills me to see you like this. But I understand.”
Your eyes widen.
“Y-You do?” You’re shell-shocked because you expected a lecture, some snappish words from him while you retort with every fibre of your being that was left.
But Yoongi still looks frustrated. It was almost as if he was convincing himself than he was to you. You don’t know if it’s your groggy state that tricks you, but you think that Yoongi’s holding back—something.
“I don’t like it, but I understand,” he says softly, “But I don’t want you to do this to yourself anymore. If you want to work, work. But eat. Sleep when you have to. Don’t neglect your health just to prove something.”
Your breath hitches.
“I …”
“Please,” he pleads, almost desperate when his eyes bore into your own. “I don’t want to fight. And I don’t want to force you but I don’t want to see you like this even more.”
You purse your lips as your eyes drop to your lap.
He sighs when you don’t say anything, shaking his head before reaching over to where he placed the things he brought with him to grab a banana.
He peels one open and hands it to you.
You blink groggily at him.
Yoongi glares at you.
“God. Can’t you sound less demanding?” you mutter.
He rolls his eyes. “Eat it or I’ll shove it down your throat.”
You gape.
“I’ll just take it, then.”
A beat.
“I don’t have a gag reflex, anyway.”
Yoongi freezes, and you freeze as well. You don’t know what demon possessed you to say that, but you did. You definitely just told Yoongi, the person that makes your heart race, the person that looks frozen, that you didn’t have a gag reflex.
You know damn well what that implied, and he does too with the way he clears his throat, schooling his face before he shoots you a stern stare you know only comes out when he’s about to get his way.
“I’ll feed it to you.”
“Yoongi—” you begin with a whine.
But then he brings the banana to your lips and pulls the bottom of your lip open with his thumb.
Your eyes widen, and your brain short-circuits at the gesture despite your mouth parting with his guidance. He slips the banana past your lips, and you feel yourself reel back into reality a little—
And you look up.
That was the first mistake.
Yoongi’s eyes are dark, and they’re staring at your face so intently from where he sits above you. You’ve yet to take a bite of the banana so your mouth is still enclosed around the tip. Your eyes are wide and doe-eyed when they stare back up at him like you’re lost.
It’s unintentionally erotic and your mind can’t help but trail into dangerous territory. Especially when Yoongi’s gaze is fixated on your lips, his thumb still pressed against the plush of your bottom lip.
You swallow, and you’re unsure if you heard it correctly—but you swear Yoongi’s breath hitches. His thumb presses a little harder, and your mouth parts a little wider on command.
It’s only when the door slam opens again, that you bite down on the banana, along with his thumb as he yelps.
You hear another voice, and your face is burning. You’re still exhausted but your mind is working overtime when you recall the past few seconds with mortification.
What the fuck. Did you really give him fuck-me eyes while he was feeding you a banana?
“Namjoon,” Yoongi says as he clears his throat. “You need anything?”
“Um—well, I just wanted to pass her some medications for the night—”
“You can leave it on the table,” Yoongi says gruffly. “I’ll handle it.”
You swallow, and your eyes briefly land on the doctor who had just entered. He’s tall and handsome, and large. He’s larger than Jungkook, which says a lot. He has ashy blonde hair with shaved sides that you’d normally swoon over if you were more aware of your surroundings. But he’s eyeing you and Yoongi—and you have the feeling he may have seen what had just happened.
“Okay …” he says sceptically, “I’m Dr Kim,” he introduces himself with a slight bow. “If Yoongi’s not free then you can get the nurses to page me, or do it yourself.”
You nod your head mutely before he excuses himself with a bow, smiling over to you and Yoongi—his grin lingering a beat longer on Yoongi.
It’s quiet again, and you’re about to apologise for whatever the fuck happened before Yoongi returns his gaze onto you.
“You need to start taking better of yourself.”
“I’m fine—”
“You know, I can’t help but worry about you—or think about you, all the time,” Yoongi says, suddenly shifting in his position so that he’s facing your direction.
His confession leaves your jaw slackened and your eyes widened.
“I really want you to take care of yourself, ____,” he says softly, boring a serious gaze into your eyes. “This isn’t healthy. And it’s happening too frequently.”
He’s referring to the night at the bar. You know the wonders why you were there in the first place, yet he’s never asked. Even if he did, would you have told him the truth? Would you have told him that the implicit reminder that he chose Haerin after all this while was what pushed you there? Would he understand—that being second to her, even after telling yourself that was where you belonged, was what made you want to forget? Would he acknowledge that you were working, just so you could dissipate the obvious ache in your heart?
“I …”
“I know you don’t like me doing this,” he sighs, grabbing a hold of your hand as you nearly flinch at the sudden contact. “But I really do care about you, and I don’t like seeing you like this. It makes me feel—“
Yoongi pauses, squeezing your hand before he sighs.
“It makes me feel like a horrible friend.”
And there it was, that word that you hated—but was set upon you as a default reminder.
“I’m okay, Yoongi,” you tell him, and even you call yourself out for the blatant lie in your voice.
He frowns. “It’s okay not to be. But I meant what I said that night.”
You still.
“If you called me, I’d drop everything to be there, you know that right?”
“You’re a doctor,” you mutter, “I don’t think it’s that easy.”
“If I wanted to, I will,” he says.
You sigh. You can’t find yourself to believe him, to—want him.
“Thank you, Yoongi. I’ll … I’ll take care of myself, okay? You don’t need to worry about me,” you smile tightly, and it feels forced.
Yoongi takes one hard look at you before he exhales, nodding his head tightly.
“Come on,” he says levelly, unlike the man who looked disgruntled earlier. “Finish this up and you can go to sleep.”
You open your mouth to say something but decide against it when Yoongi looks—normal. As if you hadn’t almost laid your heart out on the table, told him the truth and the weight of your emotions. As if you hadn’t suggestively followed his directions and stared up at him with the tip of a banana in-between your lips. You wondered if it was just you, or your sleep-deprived mind—but you don’t wonder for long before he’s waving the fruit in front of you.
You take it from him, mumbling a soft thank you before you’re munching on it. Yoongi stares for another second as if something plagues his mind before he turns away, busying himself with your records while you eat in silence.
You finish it quickly. You underestimated your hunger and how much that banana managed to revitalise your energy within a short period of time. Yoongi helps you discard the skin before he sits back onto your bed, gesturing for you to lie back again.
“I’m okay, Yoongi. I swear. You can go attend to other patients,” you mumble.
“I’m on ____ duty tonight,” he informs you.
You raise a brow. “Says who?”
“Says me,” he returns easily, right before he gently helps you fluff the pillows, his palm caging the back of your head to lift you up as he adjusts your head into a more comfortable position.
He’s so close, and the gesture is so domestic that your heart slams against your ribcage. You have to suck in your breath because you didn’t know what you’d do if you released it, especially when he remains so tender with his actions.
“Do you still need something to hold when you sleep?”
You flush. “Don’t say it like that …”
A small smile quirks on his lips.
“So you do?”
You grumble as you nod, bringing the blanket up to your chin as he shakes his head softly in amusement.
“Here,” he says, and extends his arm out.
You blink owlishly at him.
“My arm,” he shrugs, “You can hold onto it to fall asleep.”
“Yoongi, that’s going to be uncomfortable,” you say with a frown.
And weird. You’re trying the dating thing with my sister—and you’re offering me your arm like it was a bolster.
“If that helps you fall asleep,” he says like it’s obvious. “Hurry.”
You know there’s no room for argument because you knew that Yoongi wouldn’t leave you until you did.
So you do. You grab onto his arm, and it’s warm. It’s thick in your grasp and it feels comfortable. You don’t think it is for him, but Yoongi just offers you a neutral expression that you can barely pick up on. You snuggle into your pillow, eyes fluttering shut as you try to sleep.
But when you’re hyperaware of Yoongi’s presence, that makes it a little difficult.
“I can’t sleep if you’re staring at me.”
Yoongi snorts.
“Do you want me to massage you?”
You splutter. “W-What?”
“You used to like it when we stroked your hair.”
You did. When you were younger, Haerin used to stroke your head to help you fall asleep—and somehow Yoongi picked up on that too. You remember times where you’d fallen asleep on his couch, near his lap as his fingers traced your scalp.
But it’s been years. It was when things were—less complicated. When your feelings didn’t eat you whole and threaten you to stay away while you craved him every day.
“I mean …”
“Sleep,” he urges, and then his fingers from his free hand finds their way to your scalp, immediately rubbing soothing circles as your eyes flutter shut at the sensation.
“But it’s gonna be tiring—”
“Shh,” he whispers, lulling you as you feel your eyelids grow heavier when his fingers trace down your scalp and to the nape of your neck. His fingers are so gentle, featherlight as if he was barely putting any weight into the action. “Sleep.”
You’re still clinging onto his hand, but you feel your own grip getting lighter—and the last thing you hear before you drift into peaceful slumber is:
“I’m here.”
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forever-rogue · 4 years
It's a bit angsty but could also have fuff, what about if Javi and f!reader (who are fuck buddies) were both present when Carillo shot that kid and reader is more visibly angry/upset than Javi shows and he tries to comfort her instead of going to Gabi? And he recognizes that he has feelings for her beyond their arrangement?
Pairing: Javier x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: language, mentions of death
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Javier paced around his apartment as he tried to make sense of everything that happened. It all seemed like a blur; it happened so quickly that at first he almost hadn't been sure it happened at all. But the bloody aftermath that was at his feet had reminded him that it had all been very real.
Your visceral reaction hadn't helped either. The look on your face, one of pure terror and agony, along with pain and upset and had been forever burned into his mind. You had yelled and screamed at Carillo, lashing out in shock and outrage, although you all knew that it wouldn't change anything. What was done was done. 
Javier had been much calmer; in the moment anyway. Currently, he felt like he was slowly going out of his mind as he walked back and forth and tried to ground himself. If you were there he was sure that you would have made a joke about him wearing a hole into the floor. That was if things had been utterly different. But...they weren’t. 
“Fuck,” he hissed under his breath, reaching for the whiskey he’d poured himself. It had been sat on the counter, neglected and abandoned for some time; for once he didn’t have the heart to just down the alcohol. As he clutched the glass to his lips, which were trembling along with his hand, he decided against and set it back down. 
He knew what he wanted to do, even though that might not have been the best idea: see you. You were...in a weird sense, everything to him. You were more than his partner, more than his part-time-no-strings-attached lover, more than his friend...you’d come into his life when you were the last thing he wanted or needed. But you’d quickly become everything he ever wanted and needed.
But you were both stubborn headed and foolish, some would say to a fault, and remained at the stage where you were definitely-only-maybe-just-friends. The harsh truth was that both of you definitely wanted and craved more than the increasingly common just fucks, but neither of you had admitted it just yet. Maybe one day, maybe when life was different, maybe...but for now, this was enough. It had to be...right?
Javier ran his hands over his exhausted face and let out a heavy sigh. He was going to find you, whether or not you wanted him there. He shouldn’t have left you alone in the first place, he should have offered you his support then and there. The normally indifferent and collected man had been rendered speechless and shell shocked earlier.
He stuffed his keys into his pocket and quickly left his apartment, climbing the few flights of stairs to yours with hurried ease.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
He paused in front of your door, unsure of whether or not he should use his spare key and come in or knock. After a few moments of silent deliberation, he heard some shuffling inside, followed by what he knew to be sounds of muffled cries. He’d heard that sound countless times over the years, becoming an expert in them, learning to become immune to them. Yours, however, he was not able to just tune out. 
Without a moment of hesitation, he slipped his key into the lock and came inside, finding you on the couch with tears rolling down your cheeks as you stared blankly at the television screen. The sound of his sudden entrance caught you off guard, and you turned to him with a frown.
“What are you doing here?” your voice was dry and cracking as you looked at him, hastily rubbing at your tear stained cheeks, “you really think I’m in the mood to fuck after today?”
“You really think that’s the only reason I’m here, cariño?” he closed the door and locked it, making his way over to you, despite the small scoff you afforded him. Javier sat down on the coffee table, not even caring that it was precariously rickety under his weight, “if that’s what you think, then you’re even more oblivious than I thought.”
“Javier,” something in how sweetly he looked at you, how tenderly he touched you with his calloused hand but still managed to be delicate on your cheek caused you to snap. You barely managed to choke back a sob before he got on his knees and wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him, “Javi.”
“It’s okay,” he promised as you melted into him, tears already staining the fabric of his shirt as he held, “I’ve got you. You’re safe.”
“I’m sorry,” it was a broken whisper that managed to shatter his heart as you clung onto him, “it’s my fault - today is all my fault.”
“It’s not your fault, cariño,” he kissed the top of your head while stroking your back, “none of this is your fault. Please...don’t carry this burden too. Let me carry it. I...I’ll protect you.”
“I feel so…” you paused for a moment and breathed him in, letting his familiar scent ground and calm you, “I feel like nothing I do is right, and it keeps getting worse.”
“I know,” he reassured, “I feel the same way a lot - so does Steve - but it’s okay. It’ll get worse before it gets better, but it’ll get better. I swear it. You’ve got me, okay? However you need me...I love you, okay?”
His words caused a chill to run down your spine as you stiffened in his arms. A panic rose inside of him immediately as he wondered if he had overstepped his boundaries, and said the wrong thing. Pulling back, you looked at him with wide eyes, a confused expression clouding your features. 
Javier remained silent as he touched the side of your face, prompting you to keen into his touch like a flower to the sun. Without saying a word, you leaned into him, your lips brushing against his, just not quite there. When neither of you pulled away, you closed the gap and kissed him; unlike your usual escapades, this wasn’t hurried or rushed, or searing - this was soft, and loving, needy in every sense of the word.
Only when rendered breathless did you separate, resting your forehead against his and studying his honeyed eyes. You weren’t sure what to quite say….but then again, you didn’t really need to say anything at all. You both knew. You’d always known.
“I’ve got you,” he whispered after a long bit of peaceful silence, “I’ve got you, cariño.”
“I know,” it was a promise of this and so much more, “I know.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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itsany62 · 3 years
SteveTony - Getting Together
Here are some Getting Together fics that I adore. Don't forget to leave kudos and nice comments in every fic!
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Lovesick, by royal_chandler, 3 k >, fluff.
The depth of the flu aisle in the pharmacy is substantial, overwhelmingly so, and Steve is half-convinced he needs to return to the front and trade his basket for a full-on cart.
There's a Party Going on Right Here, by Annie D (scaramouche), Post-Endgame.
After the Battle of Earth, Tony hosts a party.
Open Tab , by machi_kun , 5k> words, Post-Avengers 2012.
Tony has a lot of money. Really. More money he could possibly ever spend by himself. So what if he spends some of it buying gifts for his friends? People like gifts! And Steve is his friend. His best friend, actually, inside the Avengers, and he’s glad it turned out this way - so it’s also a way of saying 'thanks for putting up with me', he thinks. He just wants Steve to be happy. If Tony can make him happy, then why wouldn’t he? Tony buying Steve gifts is no big deal. Shut up, Rhodey.
(Pretty) Odd, by machi_kun, 5 k> words, Developing Relationship, Fluff.
In his file, Tony Stark had been described as eccentric. He had also been described as a narcissist, as a self-destructive liability, as not-recommended, and all sort of fancy words that are used to disguise the fact that they were calling him an all-around asshole; And that’s a very long list of bad adjectives, for a guy Steve saw carry a nuke behind his back to save the city, gave them a place to stay, and is slowly showing himself to be one of the most curious people Steve has ever met. Maybe Tony Stark is eccentric – and maybe he is a bit of an asshole. But maybe he’s also more than that.
Six Times DUM-E Made It Worse (and One Time He Fixed It) by FestiveFerret, 4 k > words, Outsider POV.
DUM-E has a lot of Very Important jobs to do, and he does his best to do them right. Sometimes, though, things don't work out very well.
All he wants is for his humans to be happy.
Sweet Child O' Mine by starspangledsprocket, 9 k > words, Age Regression/De-Aging, Fluff.
After just their second outing as the Avengers, everyone except for Steve and Tony are turned into toddlers. Madness ensues.
'Cause Everytime We Touch by Perlmutt, 5 k > words, Touch-Starved.
Steve noticed it the first time they were officially introduced at Fury’s office after the battle of New York.
He extended his hand for a handshake, a silent peace offer after their horrible first meeting at the helicarrier almost a week ago. Stark looked at it like it would bite him any second. Steve could see how his hands twitched where he’d buried them in his pockets. But instead of taking his hand, he stared into his eyes for a moment and nodded before turning back to Fury.
Only later would Steve learn that it wasn’t hatred or aversion.
how the thought of you does things to me by Finduilas, 6 k > words, Mutual Pining, Domestic Avengers.
Steve has a thing for Tony's butt. Tony has a thing for Steve's beard. They're both very obvious about it (just ask any of their friends!), but somehow they manage to also be completely oblivious.
Right here waiting by gottalovev, 19 k > words, Cat Dads.
Steve has been missing Tony like crazy since he left the compound. One day, Steve drops in unannounced at the tower, and when on a walk for coffee they rescue newborn kittens.
Or: A yearning Steve, an oblivious Tony, and co-parenting kittens. (= fuff!)
picture perfect (picture us) by starklystar, 18 k > words, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Photo Shoots.
Tony has a habit of being handsy during photoshoots.
Steve has a habit of being flustered whenever Tony touches him.
Misunderstandings happen.
Or, five times Steve and Tony went to a photoshoot
+ the one time they had better things to do.
++ the one time they take their photoshoot online.
take me out (to the ball game) by muItifandomjess, 1 k > words, Fluff.
“Take me out to the ball game, take me out with the crowd,” Steve sings, his shoulder bumping into Tony’s as he sways back and forth. “Come on, Tony, sing!”
“I am a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist,” Tony protests around a mouthful of hot dog. “I do not sing.”
Or, Steve and Tony go to a ball game. It all kind of snowballs from there.
Drifting Further Everyday by GotTheSilver, 8 k > words, Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Steve’s quiet a lot of the time, it’s almost like living with a ghost, and Tony kind of hates it; he lives with more than enough actual ghosts every day. The longer time goes on, the more Tony recognises what’s going on, sees the jumpiness, the haunted look on his face, and he gets it. Realises they’re both trying to bury things they don’t want to talk about. More often than not, Tony turns around in the workshop to see Steve sitting there, patiently working on something in his sketchbook or reading an actual book, usually something he missed during the years he was frozen.
Somehow Steve is filling all the gaps in his life Tony didn’t realise he needed filling.
Goop, Or Five Times Steve Rogers Was Covered In... Something, And One Time Tony Was by Bill_Longbow, 7 k > words, Mutual Pining.
There were a lot of things Steve had expected about the future; sleek buildings, sleeker electronics, and all the food you can eat. Being covered in alien goop wasn't one of them.
How Steve being covered in... stuff, brings Tony and Steve closer.
The art of longing by itsallAvengers, 63 k > words, Oblivious Tony, Not Actually Unrequited Love.
Steve's used to missing his shot. To being too late, too scared, and losing everything. But he really did think that this time, with Tony, something could work.
Then Tony meets Mark. He's cool and charming, he's a scientist and he's perfect for a man like Tony Stark.
And suddenly Steve...
Well. Steve just doesn't have a place anymore
earth laughs in flowers by starksnack, 3 k > words, Love Confessions, Secret Admirer.
A secret admirer has been sending Tony flowers and confessions of love.
Crash Into You by FestiveFerret, 15 K > words, Post-Avengers (2012), Stranded.
Tony was pretty used to crashing.
It seemed like these days more often than not his return to earth in the Iron Man suit was at least somewhat out of control. He couldn't count the number of times he'd used a helpfully situated building, a local landmark, or, hey, even a teammate to slow a wild descent. And he'd be damned if he'd admit it to Pepper, but on more than one occasion he hadn't even been conscious when he'd hit the ground.
So crashing wasn't really a new experience. He would get banged up a bit, maybe put a scratch in the suit somewhere, but bruised ribs healed and there was no better way to work off the post-battle high than smoothing dents out of his most prized possession.
He had a feeling crashing in the Quinjet, without his armour, was going to be a bit different..
I like me better (when I'm with you) by I_write_things_sometimes, 79 k > words, Domestic Avengers, Friends to Lovers.
If you ask either of them how they got together, they'd go back to an unremarkable night filled with expensive food, rich donors, and lots of schmoozing. And, of course, the anxiety attack that started it all.
"Not recognizing someone was strange enough, but the longer the two men spoke with — or, more accurately at — Tony, the more convinced Steve was that the conversation was unwanted, at least on Tony’s part.
The first clue was that Tony was actively leaning away from the men he was talking to. Steve had learned firsthand that Tony was an incredibly tactile person. When he wanted to talk to you, Tony engaged completely; he’d sling his arm around your shoulders, squeeze your arm, or drag you around as he talked, walked and usually did at least two other things. Even when he argued, Tony was often immediate and in his opponent's space; Steve knew that from experience.
Right now? Tony was scanning the outskirts of the room rather than making eye contact with the men near him. If Steve had to guess, Tony was looking for the nearest exit."
Or, the way Steve Rogers and Tony Stark became friends and then more.
Mission SteveTony by itsallAvengers, 7 k > words, Mutual Pining, Oblivious Steve Rogers.
If the entire team of Avengers could please stop trying to get it on with Tony when Steve is right there, he would really appreciate that, thank you
you'll wait a long time by nanasekei, 16 k > words, Pining, Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie).
Steve and Tony share a moment during a wedding. Things escalate from there.
Alternatively: Four weddings, a funeral, and one very emotionally stunted idiot.
The Game by FestiveFerret, 5 k > words, Gay Chicken.
The game starts when Tony walks into the garage to find Steve sitting astride the R1200RS, staring down at his phone, and he maybe, just a little bit, walks into a car.
Talking Bodies by itsallAvengers, 13 k > words, Misunderstandings, Insecure Steve Rogers.
Coincidentally, the physical effects of romantic and sexual desire match up very closely with the physical effects of fear. But it's not a problem-- it's not like anyone is going to be able to hear the way your heart speeds up, or see the minute dilation of your pupils, are they? They'd have to be some sort of Superhuman to do that.
And what's worse than a Superhuman hearing that quick pulse and seeing those dilated eyes and concluding that you're in love with them?
A Superhuman hearing that quick pulse and seeing those dilated eyes and thinking you're terrified of them.
more than just a dream. by frostfall, 10 k > words, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Parent Tony Stark.
Tony: Fine.
Tony: I think I might.
Tony: Just might.
Tony: Have a teensy-weensy crush.
Peter: ;)
Peter: Is it who I think it is?
Tony: Unfortunately, yes.
Tony: You happy now?
(Peter thinks he's found the perfect partner for his dad. Tony thinks his son has officially lost his mind. Steve's just oblivious to the fact that he's out of Tony's league.)
don’t want you to get it on (with nobody else but me). by frostfall, 4 k > words, Jealous Steve Rogers, The Pocky Game.
There are a lot of things that Steve doesn’t get about the future. But it’s fine. He will, eventually. He has time.
But one thing he knows is that he’ll never, ever be able to wrap his head around is the fanfare surrounding Pocky.
(Or Steve’s jealous of biscuit sticks.)
check yes (if the feeling isn't new) by cvptains, 12 k > words, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Meddling.
After the battle with Thanos, both Tony and Steve struggle with reconnecting in certain aspects of their lives. Sam Wilson and Peter Parker are totally over it.
Where both Steve and Tony's respective friends make accounts for them on the renowned dating app, FlickLove, and the results come out a bit... surprising. Cue unadvisable meddling that really — honestly — comes from good intentions.
take my heart clean apart by mistymountainking, 13 k > words, Tony Stark Has Self-Esteem Issues.
He’s tired, so tired of waiting, tired of touches with no meaning, tired of holding his breath when Steve’s in the room, tired of keeping this love to himself.
“I can’t—I can’t, if you don’t mean it.”
Tony comes home exhausted after an SI event. Steve acts as welcoming committee. It's an old, careworn routine they've perfected over the years, but tonight ends up going in a very different direction.
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pemfrost · 3 years
AHHH I love everything you been writing for Spideydevil and Spiderfist but please no more agnst my heart just can't take it!!! I really loved broken with spideydevil it was so cute! But the angst I just can't why is everyone writing spideydevil angst I just want to see them happy! So if your not busy and want to do it can you do a spideydevil anything with them. Fuff prompt 17.
♡♡♡ Thank you!
Glad you like my drabbles :D Heh, sorry about the angst. It's my default setting lol. I think I found the prompt list you meant, but either way it's fluffy ♡
There were few times in Peter's life which left him truly speechless; so few, in fact, he could easily count them on one hand and still have a finger left over to salute the villain of the week. However, this was not one of those times. 
"No! Absolutely not!" Peter stood in the doorway, blocking his friends from entering with his body, while waving his arms over his head in an attempt to emphasize the words. It didn't help, because, of course, his friends were quite immune to his theatrics at this point. He glanced to where Matt stood to his right, being far too quiet. "Well? Tell them."
Matt only sighed and pushed their apartment door open further as an invitation before taking a seat on the couch. He didn't so much as flinch at the glare Peter was boring into the back of his head, though Peter knew he was aware of it. Apparently, Matt was also immune to his theatrics, which normally would have Peter over the moon at the reminder of all the years they've spent together. Right now, that familiarity only served to sour Peter's mood. How dare anyone ignore him!
Misty wasted no time shouldering her way past Peter first, and was quickly followed by Danny, Jess, and Luke, who carried a box covered with a blue towel. Were they that codependent, they all had to come? Peter bit back the retort, opting to slam the door and stalk to stand behind Matt with crossed arms. 
He pointedly ignored the box in Luke's lap. 
Peter glared. Jess glared back. And Matt leaned towards the box. 
Because, their friends were assholes, and Misty, Jess, and Danny took the chair and loveseat- leaving Luke and the damn box the couch. It was calculated, of that Peter was sure. 
Jess kicked her feet onto the coffee table casually, like this was just another hangout and she was waiting for Peter or Matt to retrieve a board game or throw a movie on. Except, this was anything but a casual social call and she was focused on Matt- her eyes refusing to meet Peter's. 
It was a lost cause, Peter was well aware of it; it was over the moment Matt showed any interest. How could he say no to Matt?
"No." Okay, it was easy to say. While standing behind Matt. "There is no way we-"
Matt turned to look up at Peter, something he only did when he wanted to use his face as a weapon, because how could anyone say no to /that/ face. The day Matt learned Peter was weak when his bottom lip jutted out ever so slightly tipped arguments to his favor by an unfair ratio. 
Peter couldn't say no to Matt. So, he looked across the room, when he found no one willing to meet his indignant glare he threw his arms up again, this time in defeat. It didn't mean he was going to give any of them the pleasure of saying yes. 
Misty snorted, breaking the tension. "I thought Matt would be the one putting up a fight."
Matt shrugged, too enthralled by the contents of the box to respond. When he reached into the box, there was a sudden flurry of movement and a distinct, but tiny, meow. 
Luke's grip tightened on the box, pulling it ever so slightly closer to his chest. "Maybe we could-" He was cut off by a look from his wife. 
Okay, that just wasn't fair. And Peter was about to say just that when Matt gently pulled two kittens from the box and shoved one towards him. And THAT wasn't fair. 
Taking the offered kitten was as good as saying yes, but Peter took it anyway, because Matt’s damn lip jutted out and the kitten looked at him and mewed. Not fair. But, he held the tiny thing against his chest and rubbed tiny circles along soft fur. 
"So," Jess said as she stood, "there are five of them. The vet said they're about four weeks old and-"
Peter tuned her out as she rattled off information about feeding and meds, too entranced by the tiny kitten in his arms. Matt was in a similar state, but nodded along with what Jess said even if he wasn't actually listening. 
Maybe it wouldn't be terrible fostering a litter of kittens. 
"Thanks, guys," Danny spoke up, remaining seated despite Misty standing to join Jess. 
Misty fixed him with a tired stare, "Hopefully my wonderful husband won't bring home any strays for a while. I'm just glad Lucy was sleeping, could you imagine having to take them away from her?"
Luke, suddenly looking very sheepish, pushed the box off his lap an onto the couch between him and Matt. "Yea…"
Matt returned his kitten to its siblings and reached in to pet the others. "I don't mind, it's only for a few weeks anyway."
"If we can find them homes," Peter reminded him. 
Jess rolled her eyes. "We're going to probably take one. Someone," she glared between Danny and Luke, "thought I would be swayed to foster them if Danielle asked me. I had to bribe her with the promise of a kitten once they were ready to be away from their siblings."
"Sorry," Both Danny and Luke said at the same time. 
Peter would ask them the details later, but for now he resigned himself to several weeks of kittens invading his life. Thankfully, new, younger, heroes were starting to alleviate their burden, which let their friends have the time and stability to have children. Get married. Foster a litter of kittens when their friends with children were too busy to do so.
Peter looked down at Matt, watched him play with the two kittens who were awake. This would be a big step for them, bigger, perhaps, than moving in together had been. They'd never had a pet. Or talked about it. Because the future was an uncertainty, something to ignore until you got to it, because life was unfair and cruel, and they both were all too familiar with loss.
Yet... watching Matt light up, smiling without a care, relaxed- It all hit Peter at once. There was no reason to fear the future, to not want to plan. No reason to ignore what his heart kept telling him he wanted. Needed. 
Silly, how a pile of tiny kittens could put the world in perspective. 
Later, once their friends left, and the kittens were locked safely in the bathroom, they went out to buy supplies. Jess brought the basics she picked up at the vet, but they still needed litter and more food- and toys. And a kennel for when they weren't home. 
They walked down a row of shops on their way home, loaded with bags full of kitten supplies. Shops they walked past a million times before. This time, however, Peter's eyes lingered on the window display of a jewelry store, for once letting himself think of the future.
Thank you for reading!
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aliasimagines · 4 years
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luke patterson x fem!reader
a/n: saw this post by @deadpoolgirl23​ and felt like i had to write this.this is set a few years after they played the orpheum and ‘ened up being huge’ so it’s set in the late 90s. disclaimer; this pretty much shows the boys(alex, reggie, bobby) in a negative light to match the song’s theme.
warnings: negativity from loved ones/not getting support from them. angsty fuff?
word count:1k
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Everyone. All their friends, all their family said it was wrong. 
You shouldn't date a rock star. They aren't loyal. I mean, do you really know what he is doing every night when he is on tour? Don't you wanna have a normal relationship? you could hear your parents' voice as if they were right beside you. 
Are you sure you need a girlfriend, right now? Why not focus on touring and making more albums? I don't think the female fans would like that you have someone. Luke could hear his manager's voice as if he was right beside him. 
Luke grabbed his notebook and scribbled the lyrics that came to him a few seconds ago. 
People say we shouldn't be together, too young to know about forever 
But I say they don't know what they're talk, talk, talkin' about
You move next to your boyfriend's side and put a cup of coffee next to his notebook but didn't look at what he was writing. You don't like looking at his lyrics without his permission. 
"You were up early." you stated, sitting next to him at the kitchen table. "You couldn't sleep?" 
As he only noticed you right now he smiles at you. 
"I had this idea for a song in my head. It’s about us." he grabs the mug and lifts it to his lips. "Thank you, baby." 
Your lips curl into a smile and you nod instead of saying ‘you are welcome’.
Luke has been sleeping at your place for about two weeks now. He had some sort of argument with the boys and he decided to temporarily move away from their shared home. You know he is hurt. His friends don't disapprove of you. You know how the boys mean everything to him, you can only imagine how it hurts for him to know that his family is not supporting him. After Reggie’s fiasco with an obsessed fangirl-girlfriend they didn’t think it was a great idea for Luke to date you. You don’t see how you liking their music is a bad thing, and Luke doesn’t see it either. He knows you wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. But his friends don’t know it. No matter how close they are, how they think of each other as brothers, as family, they just think Luke is being stubborn and stupid. 
But Luke knows that you are his end game. His soulmate if you will. He never met such a genuine person in his entire life. As soon as he landed his eyes on you he felt this indescribable connection. Why would he let go of you just because you were a fan? Is it such a huge problem that you love and support his passion for music? 
Cause this love is only getting stronger
So I don't wanna wait any longer
I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl
Luke didn’t even notice his hand picking up the pen and writing again. His other hand put down his coffee and started drumming a melody. 
You got up before he could say or do anything. You didn’t need words. You never felt like you needed them. Both of you could understand each other from day one without them. It kept surprising both of you but by now, as 3 months has passed since the beginning of your relationship, you were kind of used to it. So when you got up to get Luke his acoustic he wasn’t surprised at all to find it next to him when he tried to get up and grab it.
They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the "I love yous"
But I bet you if they only knew
They would just be jealous of us,
Your family keeps going on that you should date someone with a normal life, a normal job. No matter how many times you explained how much you love Luke they just wouldn't believe you. Thinking you are too young and naive to know what real love is. Your friends think Luke is only using you to pass time and when he gets bored with you he will just simply throw you away. You never doubted Luke. You know, you feel, he loves you. Just like him, you felt that way since the very beginning. And that feeling only got stronger since then. You were both hurt by the people that were supposed to believe in you, to love you unconditionally but that only made your connection to each other stronger.
In these three months you felt like you lived more than you did in your whole life. You did crazy, spontaneous and adventurous things that you normally would never have but you have no regrets. Every second you spend together is better than the last one, even if you feel like nothing can top Luke’s crazy date ideas. 
The first time you said I Love You to each other was when he took you up to the Hollywood sign in the middle of the night just so you could watch the sunrise later together. He climbed up on the letter H and shouted “Y/N Y/L/N I am so in love with you,I didn’t think it was possible to feel this much love” into the night. He didn’t need to say it. You felt the same way. But you copied his action and climbed up next to him before reassuring him that you very much feel the exact same way.
You thought this kind of love only exists in romantic novels and movies. Yet here you were in this dream-like relationship.
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right
Luke started to play a soft tune on his guitar and you hummed along. He met your gaze and grinned at you. He doesn’t know how he got this lucky. What are the chances that he met you that day? You two could have easily avoided each other in the crowd. But you didn’t, proving the invisible connection you two had. 
Just one touch and I was a believer
Every kiss it gets a little sweeter
It's getting better
Keeps getting better all the time girl
After your first date he walked you home. The two of you were in a heated conversation when you arrived to your home. Neither one of you wanted the night to end so you kept talking outside your front door. But you can only stand there talking about Nirvana for so long. You stood there in silence until you  went and grabbed his hand. You ran a finger up his bare arm. He looked at you, speechless, suddenly forgetting how to breath too. You look at him, questioningly pulling up an eyebrow. He leaned and kissed you.It was like a lightning, the electricity striking both of you as your lips connected for the first time. 
Thinking back to that day Luke puts down the guitar now to pull you in for a kiss. Every kiss is better than the last one. Every damn one and he does not get how it’s possible.He reaches to cup your face to pull you closer, to deepen the kiss. Your hands find their way to his hair, which he decided to grow out and you start to play with a few stray locks. He lets out a quiet moan which is muted by the kiss. You only stop when you need to catch your breath. With foreheads pressed together you look into his deep green eyes. And you say I love you, wordlessly, without opening your mouth and in his eyes you can see as he says the words right back. 
They don't know how special you are
They don't know what you've done to my heart
They can say anything they want 'cause they don't know about us
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quietepics · 3 years
                                      ♡ ·  INTRO.  * .  IV / ?.
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           oh lawd she comin.           hi gang !  i’d like to introduce my new kiddo ,  layla blanco .  she’s a granddaughter of tyche and eris ,  and she’s a bit chaotic but in a different way from theo .  i’d say her chaos is calculated heheh .  also this is a very quick and short intro but i just wanna get it out and done with bc im gonna be busy tomorrow rip anyway ,  hope you enjoy !
name:  layla cornelia blanco nickname(s):  lay ,  lays .  somebody pls call her lucky charm she’ll be so annoyed . birthday:  april 13th, 1996 ethnicity:  white latina ( argentine - british ) birthplace:  california , usa gender identity:  cis female sexuality:  pansexual / panromantic powers:  disruption ( eris )  /  probability manipulation ( tyche ) mixtape:  she’s my colllar ( slowed ) / gorillaz ,  people i don’t like / upsahl ,  daisy / ashnikko ,  walk you home / sir chloe ,  talk show host / radiohead  character inspiration:  nanno ( girl from nowhere ) ,  beth harmon ( the queen’s gambit ) ,  layla by derek & the dominos ,  veronica sawyer ( heathers ) ,  yumeko jabami ( kakegurui )
layla’s parents met in nemean lion years before her birth ;  a daughter of tyche and a son of eris ,  the two fell in love during their time at nl and though it’s been long since their last visit ,  the campus has been a second home to layla ever since she was little  ---  for safety reasons ,  of course .
from a very young age ,  layla knew that she was special .  her parents made a conscious effort to make sure the girl never lost sight of who she was and what she could do ,  and to always use her abilities for good .  her father was particularly cautious of that ,  seeing as his daughter had the same capabilities for discord as he did ,  and knowing how much trouble he caused during his first few years at nl .  because of that ,  layla has never felt out of control when it came to her abilities ;  in fact ,  it was quite the opposite .
while her father’s side of the family was a bit more troublesome ,  her mother’s side was incredibly fun !  ever since she was a child ,  layla found herself interested in everything that had to do with luck ,  probability and chance ,  which eventually led to her fascination with one subject in particular: gambling .
around the age of twelve ,  she began gambling around nl .  at first ,  the bets were little and simple:  a pack of gum ,  a snack from just dough it or a meal at jake’s diner ,  things of the sort .  at worst ,  she’d use her disruption power to make the loser unable to control their gifts for hours ,  which might have led to a little trouble a few times . however ,  as layla got older ,  the bets started becoming a little more extreme ,  often including large quantities of money .  naturally ,  people lost interest in the games ,  especially since they were going against a granddaughter of tyche ,  and layla decided it was time for a change  ---  so she left nl for a while .
during her time away from campus ,  layla made money .  a lot of money .  poker and any other form of gambling had quickly become her favorite pastime ,  mainly because of the thrill of betting and risking it all ,  except she never lost to anyone .  not because she used her powers to win ,  as the mere thought of rigging the games angered and disgusted her ,  but because it simply never happened .  it could be frustrating at times ,  especially after people in the business started digging up information of her .
years after making a name for herself in casinos around the world and in the public poker scene ,  people started learning more and more about layla ,  who’d kept her godly heritage a secret until now .  eventually ,  information leaked about the girl and on how one of her grandmothers was the goddess of fortune ,  which resulted in people calling layla a scammer ,  removing all sponsorships and opening multiple lawsuits against the girl ( which didn’t end up terribly for her ,  but that didn’t help fix her reputation either ) .  
half a year ago ,  after her little scandal and as means of keeping herself out of trouble ,  layla returned to nl for the first time in a long while .  she’s been keeping herself busy by working in the business department ,  striking big deals that bring in money and “playing” with the stock market .  she swears she’s never cheated or rigged any game in her life ,  but until someone or something is able to prove her innocence ,  you won’t be finding her gambling anytime soon  ---  at least not in the public eye .
she is so ,  so smart .  above average IQ ,  definitely one of the best students in nl history besides the athena kids lmao .  oh ,  and she definitely loves to remind people of just how smart she is .  kind of a snob tbh .
knows a lot and has dirt on lots of people .  she’s literally one of those people who just ends up eavesdropping on accident and then laughs about it .
s t o n kS.
she can play any card game ,  and most classics like chess ,  checkers ,  even eastern ones like shogi or majong .  on the other hand ,  she hates most “modern games”,  except for monopoly and clue / cluedo.
she legit never rigged any of her games ,  not even when she was tired and bored from winning so much .  in fact ,  there was a time she purposefully indebted herself so that the games would become more exciting  ---  after all ,  she needed money .
kind of a hard person to befriend ?  she won’t approach you unless you’re doing something she judges weird or a waste of time ,  but she will engage into conversation if you seem “smart enough” .  again ,  she’s a bit of a snob .
kinda self destructive but shhh lets not go there just yet 
will prank people by messing with their powers without them knowing .  homegirl’s been bored okay this is how she keeps herself entertained besides stonks .
GIVE ME ALL THE PLOTS !  i’d like for her to have an actual friend who cares about her well being and wants her to get her shit together ( and she obvious cares about them in return ),  someone she simply Does Not Give a Fuff about and has no problem saying it, an ex lover / ex fling ( could be super interesting considering she was gone for a bit ig ) ,  some sort of frenemy ,  some “ healthy competition “  of sorts ,  anything and everything !
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bts-trash-blog · 5 years
Rainy Day- Jungkook
Summary: You had a bad habit that you just couldn’t break and it only happened on rainy days like this.
Parings: Jungkook X Reader
Warning: Nothing really, just a whole lot of fuff and a slice of life. 
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It started at a young age, where you would crawl back into bed after your mother called out of school as 'sick' and just honesty slept the rest of the day away. The days where dark grey, sometimes black clouds would loom over the sky creating a melancholy beauty. The day where the pitter-patter and drips of the raindrops falling against your rooftops sang the sadder songs that helped you sleep.
You truly blame your mother for this, for the need to sleep the rainy days away, to enjoy them in a cocoon of blankets on top of your bed as you listen to the rain hitting the earth around you. You blame her for the tendency to ignore the world, including your phone for once, and just enjoy the cold feeling of the walls, and the softness of your blankets.
So in hindsight, it was your mother's fault for your boyfriend's panic.
You see Jungkook and you had only started dating three months ago, the relationship still new and fresh. Still, so many things to learn about one another, so many flaws and tendencies undiscovered, pet peeves and habits unknown or have yet to be spoken.
So when he reached out to you today on one of his rare days off, his hope's of cuddling on your couch while you show him your favorite childhood movies as he watched your eyes light up as you recite every line. Oh, how he wanted to see that spark in you like the time he had randomly put on Mulan and you just belted out your heart during every song. He wanted to see your nose scrunch up when you got excited, or how you would mindlessly play with his hands or the hair on the nape of his neck.
He honestly just wanted to be in your presence.
Yet you still hadn't answered and it was nearing two in the afternoon. So he called you.
And you didn't answer.
So he called you again.
Still no answer.
Jungkook grew slightly agitated, primarily worried, but still agitated, and just wanted to give up and ignore you back. He wanted to make you feel the way he was at that very moment, but he knew, oh how he knew, that you would just send a picture of yourself and make his heart melt in a second. So he stood up from his bed, grabbed one of his hoodies and stormed out of his room and dorm and drove to yours.
Once he arrived at your door, hoddie slightly damp and hair slowly fluffing up from the humidity he looked for your spare key on his keychain. He had been gifted it when he had agreed to watch your place a month ago when you went to Japan for a work trip and he had yet to give it back, though you had yet to even ask for it back.
Once inside, he noticed how cold it was inside, and how dark. As if it was still shut down from the night before, kicking off his slightly muddy shoes he walks further in, no lingering smell of your morning coffee or afternoon lunch. No buzz of a freshly turned of T.V, not even the sound of the heater running.
Turning to your doorway, a smile being fought off as he saw one of his drawings he had gifted you had been taped up onto it next to a few of your own. When he froze as he heard the slight creak of your bed and the shuffling of covers with a slight huff of breath from your lips, making his head tilt to the side.
Where you still asleep?
He slowly opened your bedroom door, there he saw a pile of blankets on top of your bed, bunched up against a wall. He saw the wild strains of your hair waving out from the top of the blankets onto a pillow, your phone still charging on your desk, and when he touched it to unplug it was cold to the touch. Almost like ice.
You really have been asleep this whole time.
He smiled at the thought as he grew closer to the bed, the sound of his shuffling into your room must've woken you up. Cause as he was about to climb onto the bed and slowly cuddle you awake you yawned and peak out from the cocoon on blankets you had built around yourself.
"Who...kook?" Your question, your eyebrows squinting together as you smack your cotton dry mouth. Jungkook takes a note on your raspy voice, the way it was much deeper then he thought it would be, and how your voice even cracked towards the end of his name. God, I would love to wake up to that voice every morning. His ears started to burn at that thought, as he chuckled rubbing a hand behind his head as you motioned for him to join you into the bed. The creaking of his weight made you flip around the best you could to face where he would end up laying, making sure to cover your mouth, knowing damn well how bad your morning breath would be.
"Yeah...have you been sleeping all day? Do you not feel good baby?" He asked, concern filtering through his voice as he laid next to you, a hand placing itself on your forehead making a chuckle escape you.
"I'm fine..just a rainy day." You mumbled making him look you, lips parted as his eyebrows slowly scrunch up.
"What? Why would that take into account of you being asleep till almost three?" He asks with confusion laced in his voice, making your eyes widen as you fight your way out of your blankets. He couldn't help but laugh as you fall splat onto his chest, legs on either side of his thighs as you look up at him. Wide eyes and mouth slightly parted, a loose-fitting shirt and shorts as your attire and your hair was the definition of an absolute mess.
"My streaks!" You squeal pushing yourself off of him and thrown yourself somewhat into your desk. Phone in hand as you point it to the ceiling and take a picture, and in seconds his phone was buzzing from a Snapchat notification making him let out a laugh as he sees it was from you.
"Really?" He chuckles as you shrug and swipe through notification, smiling brightly when you opened the snap he had sent you that morning. He was still half asleep, shirtless in bed, hair falling in his face as he gave the camera a tight-lipped smile. The caption, 'Morning baby💕', making your hands move faster than your brain as you screenshotted it. Another notification ding. "Y/n!" Looking up you see him sitting up with a small playful glare making you giggle as you quickly rush out of your room to the bathroom. "Bush your teeth while you're in there."
"Hey!" You gasped making him laugh as you grumble under your breath, grabbing your toothbrush and toothpaste and getting to work. Once you were done, hair as fixed as it could be, teeth cleaned and your bathroom needs had been attended to you left the small dimly lit room and back into your bedroom to see Jungkook had ditched his sweater and was sitting in your bed in a loose tank top and joggers.
"Teeth cleaned?" He asked looking up from his phone as you walked over to him with a nod of your head. Pushing your way between his legs you smile at him, showing your teeth making him smile as you started to make faces, him slowly mimicking you back.
"Kiss?" You mumble making his cheek turn slightly pink as he nodded, pushing forward to the two of you met, with a soft, warm kiss. It didn't last long but it was enough to make him, and you, almost grasping for air. His hands wrapped around your shoulders as yours went to his waist as he stared down at you.
"Back to rainy day..why do you sleep?"
"I honestly don't know, and sometimes I'm not even asleep just drifting in and out of daydreams while I listen to the storm outside. When I'm not off of work, I'll just start randomly daydreaming, and thinking what it would feel like to be wrapped in my blankets half asleep half awake." Your words, spoken softly, and slightly full of embarrassment, make his heart flutter. His eyes stare at the top of your head, as you had nuzzled your way into his chest, with nothing but fondness. "I know it's a bit weird...may be seen as lazy...but my mom told me that a rainy day is a perfect day off. A perfect day to relax, and kinda..reboot..it a bad habit I know. But I don't think I'll ever be able to break it."
"No..no it's not a bad habit baby. It's actually...pretty dang adorable if you ask me." He said with a shake of his head, you push yourself back slightly, making you look up at him. Your cheeks were flushed as your teeth grip your slightly dry lower lip. "So it's okay if you don't ever break it..just..I just got worried that you were ignoring me that's all." His words made you frown as you shake your head and move one hand to cup his cheek.
"Trust me, if I was ignoring you I would opening all of your messages and stuff and not reply. I'd make sure you'd know I'm ignoring you." Your words made him toss his head back in laughter, but it broke when the rumble of your stomach caught his attention. "Please tell me that in this habit, you at least eat and drink something."
"Well, you see..funny story."
"Baby you gotta take care of yourself."
"I legit just brushed my teeth and went to the bathroom for the first time all day just five minutes ago. So what makes you think I would make myself food." Your words made him scoff as he pushed you away from him, his warm hand grabbing your arms as he dragged you to your small kitchen. “All I have is ramen.”
“Then we’re eating ramen.” He stated bluntly making you hold your hands out with a small smirk on your face at his dramatic tone. He sighs as he pecks you on the lips and gets to work. “After we eat, we can lay back down and enjoy the rainy day how you like to.”
“So..are you sleeping over then?” Your question made his movements freeze, as he looks at you over his shoulder and gulps. “Cause if you do, I hope you know I am a total blanket hog, you can have as much space as you want on the bed, I sleep against the wall, but you will not have any blanket by the time you wake up.”
“We’ll see about that, baby.” He teases making you huff with a sarcastic laugh biting at him.
“You’re on.” 
Let's just say Jungkook had woke up with a shiver.
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lilmissbeanie · 4 years
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Navigation Haikyuu Masterlist
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Tobio Kageyama x F!reader Word count ~ 1977 Genre ~ Fuff - SFW Happy birthday @sunkissedautumn​ sorry that it’s a few days late!  This my first time writing Kags so we shall see how it goes!
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Kageyama stood in the hall way stiff as a board with nerves, a light  blush covering his cheeks as he stared at the beautiful petit girl in front of him, he rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from her, thrusting his other hand out to her that held a teal, her favourite colour, bag, “happy birthday,” he mumbled  to her. 
The h/c girl, allowed her own blush to cover her cheeks as she gently took the bag from his finger, “thank you,” her own voice quiet and shy, the pair both liked one another but neither of them acted on their feelings. They had been friends since the first day of high school, he had bumped into her on his way to class, if he hadn’t caught her, she would have fallen to the floor. Kageyama apologised profusely to her and since they have been friends.  
She opened the bag and squealed, inside was the cutest plushie of a penguin, a keychain also a little penguin, she pulled out the card from within the bag, opening the envelope, she smiled at the card, there were two hand drawn little penguins hugging each with Happy Birthday written in bubble writing, she opened the card to find two tickets to aquarium. Looking up at threw her eyelash to meet Kageyama dark eyes, she bit her lip.  
“You, umm, you can take anyone you like, it doesn’t have to be me-” 
“I want to go with you,” She quickly cut him off, her blush spreading across her cheeks to her ears and down her neck as her words spilled from her lips, his own blush grew deeper as Kageyama nodded giving her a small smile. “So, umm, Saturday? At ten?”  
“I’ll pick you up from yours,” He replied, nodding placing a hand on her head giving it a gentle pat, making sure to not mess up her hair that was half tied back in a braid.  
Reaching up on her tiptoes, the girl, placed a quick gentle peck on his left cheek “Thank you for my presents, I'll see you later.” She quickly turned on her heels and headed to her classroom, hopping he didn’t see how deep red her blush had become.  
“So, did she like them?” The ball of energy known as Karasuno’s middle blocker suddenly appeared next to Kageyama after the girl had rushed off towards her classroom, his fingers were pressed against the spot where her lips lingered for a second. “Oi? Kageyama?” 
“Huh? What did you say Hinata?” The shorter ginger boy’s eyes widen at the fact that Kageyama didn’t snap at him, he knew why, smirking he replied, “She like the presents then.”  
Whipping his sweaty hands on the fabric of his black jeans before he knocked on the door to Y/n house. He had been here loads of times, for movie days to studying together but for some reason it felt different this time. This time he was picking her up and it was just going to be the pair of them, no one else, usually when they went out it would be with the rest of their friends such as Yachi, Hinata, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. He stood there waiting for the door to open, it felt like eternity, but she finally opened the door, there she stood in a doorway, wearing a boat neckline baby blue jumper, that was tucked into a black skater skirt, little tanned ballet pumps. She looked beautiful with her gently curled, she had put on a light layer of make up only marasca and a little eye shadow that matched her jumper.  
Y/n gently twirled her toes against the floor of the entry way pf her house. “Hi Kags,” She mumbled, y/n hands were gentle clasped behind her back. “Hi, S/n, ready to go?” The h/c girl smiled, grabbing a jacket and her purse.  The pair walked along toward the station, the two nervously both walked silently next to one another, both wondering what they should talk about, they had often spent time together alone, but both of them felt like it was so different this time, they weren’t even sure if you could class it as a date but it felt like it was a date the pair had taken forever to choose their outfits, to the point Y/n had called Kiyoko, even though she had graduated two years prior she was still close to the ex-Karasuno manager.  
Kageyama had done just the same, he had begun with Hinata who wasn’t much help, he also tried Tsukki and Yamaguchi, Yams being a little more helpful but Tsukki’s constant comments just made the matter more complicated. In the end he called Suga, who happened to be with Daichi and Asahi, of course Asahi jumped at the chance to help the boy dress appropriately. 
It was their seniors that put the idea in their heads that this was a date.   
“No, Kageyama! You can’t wear that on a date! Haven't you been crushing on this girl for the past three years.” Asahi grumbled, Kageyama could hear the former setter and captain laughing in the background. “Your nice black jeans you got last time you were in Tokyo with us, and the blue shirt I made buy. Yes, wear them, oh and do no wear trainers, you need to wear something comfy but not trainers.”  
“Y/n! You have to wear that black skater skirt; it hugs the curves of your waist nicely and pair it with your baby blue boat neck jumper.” Kiyoko smiled through the phone at the third-year manager who she recruited all those years ago, Tanaka appeared behind his girlfriend, planting a kiss on her cheek before saying; “Kiyoko is right that will suit you perfectly and make that boy drool for ya! Have fun on ya date!” Those final words cause the blush to explode over her cheeks and her eyes widen, before she could stutter out it wasn’t a date Tanaka had already hung up. 
The pair kept taking sly glances at one another, sometimes their eyes meeting, causing them both to look away quickly. Biting her lip, Y/n sighed though her nose, her lips parting to speak, but Kageyama words slipped out first, “So I was thinking we could look around the mall first, get some lunch before going to the aquarium?” 
“Sure!” Cringing at the sound of her own enthusiastic voice, thinking it was maybe to enthusiastic. Kageyama eyes widen at how cute she looked when she cringed. “Cute,” He mumbled chewing at the inside of his cheek.  
Y/n head flicked towards him, swearing she heard him say cute, yet it was so quiet and with the buzz of the people and the traffic of the street she barely heard him, so she couldn’t be sure, “Did you say something?” peering up at him, eyes burning with curiosity.  
“N-no,” he stuttered out, praying she didn’t actually hear him. They finally arrived at the mall, Y/n spotted the cute little stationary store, squealing she grabbed his hand dragging him in the direction of said store. It wasn’t until Y/n lift her hand to pick up one of the notebooks did she notice they were still holding hands. “O-oh I’m sorry.” She quickly let go, blushing.  
“It’s okay, I, umm, liked it.” He replied as he bit his lip, this may not be a date but Kageyama would be damn if he left today without telling her how he felt. “You did?” He nodded giving a small smile.  
Fuck it she thought, it’s been three years I should tell him how I feel, she peered up at him “Me too, so, um, want to, um,”  
“Y-yea I w-would.” He strutted out reaching his hand out to take her hand, Y/n thinking the same causing their hands to bump into one another's rather harshly. Both turning their heads away bashfully before laughing slightly. Kageyama reached out for her hand again, slipping his fingers between her, the blush on his face seeming to never disappear since the day started it. “So, s-shall we continue?”  
Y/n smiled up at him, giving him a nod, the pair left the stationary shop and continued to wander around the substantial shopping centre window shopping ever now and again either one of them would want to go into a shop, Y/n did laugh when Kageyama dragged her into the sports shop and was fussing over the latest range of volleyball shoes. She found his passion for volleyball admirable and quite adorable.  
Midday rolled around and the pair made there way to the food court, Y/n somehow managed to talk Kageyama into dropping his heathy diet for today and convinced him it was a burger and fries' time. They pair squabbled over who was paying, “No, S/n, this is your birthday treat you are not paying for a thing.” He nudged her shoulder while his smiling down at her. “So, what do you want? Tell me then go find us a table yea?” 
Grumbling under breath, “Fine, I’ll have a double cheeseburger meal with chocolate milkshake, thank you.” She gave his hand a squeeze before slipping her fingers out from between his. He nodded with a smile and gave her a gentle push towards the seating area. Pulling out her phone for the first time that day she had seen the third year volleyballers group chat had exploded with constant question of how hers and Kageyama’s day was going.  
From: Y/n   To: The boys and Yachi  12:16pm  Sorry guys, we just stopped for food we are having fun so far. 
She replied quickly before slipping her phone back into her pocket looking up to see where Kageyama was at, noticing that we was walking her way with a tray containing the food in his hands. He placed the tray down on the table before taking a seat opposite her. Thanking him she grabbed her burger and fries before the pair started to munch happily on the food, she couldn’t help the small giggle to slip past her lips as she saw the look of pure happiness spread over his face as he took his first bite of his burger. “When was the last time you had a burger?”  
“To be honest I cannot remember the last time I got a burger.” He shrugged continuing to scoff it down.  
They made their way to the aquarium, their hands slipping into one another naturally. Showing the tickets at the front desk they entered the first hallway which was filled with different types of corral and sea anemones, Y/n’s hand slipped from Kageyama’s as she giddily walked to the windows to peer in as Kageyama followed after her. He loved how happy she was looking at the different creatures.  
When they finally made it to the penguins, Y/n was struggling to contain her excited, “Kageyama! Look they are so cute!” Her voice filled with pure excitement as she wrapped her arms around one of his as she giggled.  
“Hey, um, Y/n?” Y/n head moved so quickly to look at him, Kageyama was sure she would have whiplash, she looked like a fish out of water with the way she was gaping at him.  
“You... You called me by my first name” She gasped at him, 
“Well it is your name.” He smirked at her, “I wanted to ask you something.” She nodded motioning him to continue. Kageyama bit his lip taking a deep breath. “Will you be my penguin? 
Her eyes widen at his words, before a face splitting smile crossed her face. “I would love to be your penguin, if you will be mine, Tobio?”  
Wrapping his around her shoulders pulling her into his side, he buried his nose in Y/n’s h/c hair with a gentle smile on his face. “There’s no one else I would allow to call me a penguin.”
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kellyxo1 · 5 years
Our world - Ben Hardy Imagine
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Requested: No
Warnings: Fuff!
Word Count: 1366
''No babe, really it's fine'' I assured my fiance Ben on the phone. I was 8,5 months pregnant, and Ben was shooting 6 Underground. He didn't want to leave for the last month of my pregnancy, but I assured him that he could go. I still have a half month left, and Lucy is here with me to look out for me. Lucy is my best friend since we were 5, and we were inseperable. ''But I want to be there when he is gonna be born'' He said sadly. I sighed smiling, rubbing my belly as I thought of the day I told Ben I was pregnant. It was almost at the end of Bohemian Rhapsody, and he was estatic to tell the whole cast. I mean, the boys are our family now. ''I know hun, you will I know it'' I assured. I heard people calling in the background, and I heard Ben yell back. ''I have to go babe, I will call you later tonight. I love you'' He said. I smiled. ''Okay babe, I love you too'' I hung up and looked at Lucy, who was too deep in the movie we were watching. I chuckled and sat beside her.
We were on our 3rd movie, and I suddenly felt this sharp pain go through my stomach. I winched and clutched my belly. ''What's wrong love?'' Lucy asked as she sprung up from the couch. I was about to answer, until I felt a wet spot on my leg. Lucy's eye's widened, and she hurridly helped me off the couch. She helped me to her car, and quickly grabbed the bag with my clothes and the baby's clothes. ''Lucy, I have to call Ben'' I said in between heavy breaths. She helped me put my seatbelt on, and hurried to the driver's seat. ''I am gonna do that when we are in the hospital love, take deep breaths in'' She said and drove off to the hospital.
When we got there, and I was checked in, I was already 5 centimeters. I had strong constractions every 4 minutes, so it was going fast. Lucy walked in the room, and she looked stressed. ''I called Ben and he is taking the first plane home'' I nodded and took in deep breaths in and out. Lucy sat next to me and grabbed my hand for support, rubbing it soothingly. ''Do you think he is gonna be here on time?'' I asked. ''I don't know love, I hope so. I really do'' She told me, stroking my hand. I nodded and when I did so, there was another contraction. And on cue, a nurse walked in, and she was gonna check on me. ''Well it's going really fast hun. You're 8 centimeters already. I am gonna check in half an hour again. When she walked out, I begin to panick. ''Lucy, he needs to be here, I can't do this without him, he needs to see his first child to be born'' I cried as she carefully grabbed me in a hug. ''It's gonna be alright, I am here'' I felt the urge to push, so Lucy called the nurse. She checked on me, before looking up at me. ''It looks like you're ready to push'' I panicked again, and Lucy placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. ''No I want to wait for Ben please'' I pleaded. The nurse smiled weakly. ''I know honey but the baby can't wait'' I nodded through my tears, and begin pushing.
After an hour of pushing, our beautiful baby boy was here. When they layed him  on my chest, I knew I wouldn't trait this for anything else in the world. Lucy took a picture, and she sent it to Joe, Gwilym and Rami. They promised to visit later or tomorrow. ''He's so beautiful'' Lucy said as she stroked his chubby little cheek. ''Well I think you and Rami need to make a baby too then'' I winked and she blushed. I carefully layed him down next to me in the hospital bed, and stroked his face. ''I'm gonna call Ben and see where he is'' I nodded, and Lucy left the room. ''I love you so much, baby boy'' I whispered as he curled his fist around my index finger.
Ben rushed out of the taxi and into the hospital. A women at the desk saw him freaking out. ''Can I help you sir'' She asked. Ben shot his face to her, and nodded. ''Yeah, do you know where  (Y/N) Jones lies. She just had a baby'' He muttered sadly, knowing he missed the birth of his first child. The lady saw the look in his eyes, and smiled softly. ''She is in room 44b, floor 2'' She said. Ben nodded and hurridly went to the elevator. He heard his phone ring, and saw it was Lucy. ''Hello?'' ''Ben! Thank god where are you?'' Lucy asked. ''I am in the elevator right now. Where are you?'' He asked. ''I am in the hallway. I'll wait for you'' Lucy said. ''Okay, I'll see you in a minute'' Ben hung up, and he quickly stepped out of the elevator. When he turned the corner, he saw Lucy looking on her phone. He walked over to her, and she looked at him, smiling. ''Ben hey'' She said and pulled him in a hug. He hugged her back. ''Is he born?'' He asked, somewhere hoping she wasn't. Lucy nodded, and layed a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder. ''She did so good Ben. She even told the nurse to wait pushing for you'' Ben smiled and they walked in the hospital room. What he saw, was the most beautiful thing. His girl, with his baby boy, laying in bed. He smiled and felt the tears well in his eyes.
I heard the door close, and I saw Lucy and Ben. I smiled as Lucy walked over to me. ''I'm gonna go home. I will call you tomorrow love'' I nodded, and thanked her. She kissed my cheek, stroked the baby's cheek, walking to Ben, kissing his cheek in congratulation, and softly closing the door. Ben turned to me, and saw the little bundle of love we made, laying in bed with me, wrapped in a blue blanket. I smiled through the tiredness. ''Babe, come here'' I mentioned and he slowly moved towards the hospital bed, before sitting in the chair Lucy previously sat in. I saw the tears in his eyes, and I reached out my hand to him. He didn't hesitate to grab it, and stroking my hand softly. ''I'm sorry for not being here'' He said, breaking the comfortable silence. I glanced at him, and saw happines and guilt in his eyes. ''Ben, there was nothing you could do. I know you tried your best. And you're here now, that's what matters'' I spoke as he nodded through his tears. The baby made a noise, and we I saw he was getting uncomfortable in his blanket. I carefully unwrapped the top, so it was rested just under his belly. He yawned and fell peacefully back in his slumber. Ben smiled and knew this was the best moment of his life. ''Do you wanna hold him?'' Ben nodded, and I carefully picked him up, so Ben could lay in the bed next to me. When he was settled, I carefully placed him on his chest, and he immidiatly curled his little fist around Ben's finger. Ben kissed his little forehead, and looked at me. ''I am so happy. You made me the happiest man in the entire world'' I smiled through my own tears, and he leaned down, placing his lips on mine. He pulled away, cause the baby was making a gurgling noise. We giggled and he opened his eyes. ''Hey there buddy. I am you're daddy, and this is you're beautiful mommy'' Ben said and stroked his cheek. It was insane of how much he looked like Ben already. ''What are we going to name him'' I said. I saw Ben think, before he turned to me. ''Elijah Roger Jones'' I smiled and nodded. ''It's perfect'' I said, laying my head on his shoulder. We admired out beautiful baby, and I knew this couldn't get any better.
We had our world
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