#luke patterson songfic
aliasimagines · 4 years
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luke patterson x fem!reader
a/n: saw this post by @deadpoolgirl23​ and felt like i had to write this.this is set a few years after they played the orpheum and ‘ened up being huge’ so it’s set in the late 90s. disclaimer; this pretty much shows the boys(alex, reggie, bobby) in a negative light to match the song’s theme.
warnings: negativity from loved ones/not getting support from them. angsty fuff?
word count:1k
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Everyone. All their friends, all their family said it was wrong. 
You shouldn't date a rock star. They aren't loyal. I mean, do you really know what he is doing every night when he is on tour? Don't you wanna have a normal relationship? you could hear your parents' voice as if they were right beside you. 
Are you sure you need a girlfriend, right now? Why not focus on touring and making more albums? I don't think the female fans would like that you have someone. Luke could hear his manager's voice as if he was right beside him. 
Luke grabbed his notebook and scribbled the lyrics that came to him a few seconds ago. 
People say we shouldn't be together, too young to know about forever 
But I say they don't know what they're talk, talk, talkin' about
You move next to your boyfriend's side and put a cup of coffee next to his notebook but didn't look at what he was writing. You don't like looking at his lyrics without his permission. 
"You were up early." you stated, sitting next to him at the kitchen table. "You couldn't sleep?" 
As he only noticed you right now he smiles at you. 
"I had this idea for a song in my head. It’s about us." he grabs the mug and lifts it to his lips. "Thank you, baby." 
Your lips curl into a smile and you nod instead of saying ‘you are welcome’.
Luke has been sleeping at your place for about two weeks now. He had some sort of argument with the boys and he decided to temporarily move away from their shared home. You know he is hurt. His friends don't disapprove of you. You know how the boys mean everything to him, you can only imagine how it hurts for him to know that his family is not supporting him. After Reggie’s fiasco with an obsessed fangirl-girlfriend they didn’t think it was a great idea for Luke to date you. You don’t see how you liking their music is a bad thing, and Luke doesn’t see it either. He knows you wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. But his friends don’t know it. No matter how close they are, how they think of each other as brothers, as family, they just think Luke is being stubborn and stupid. 
But Luke knows that you are his end game. His soulmate if you will. He never met such a genuine person in his entire life. As soon as he landed his eyes on you he felt this indescribable connection. Why would he let go of you just because you were a fan? Is it such a huge problem that you love and support his passion for music? 
Cause this love is only getting stronger
So I don't wanna wait any longer
I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl
Luke didn’t even notice his hand picking up the pen and writing again. His other hand put down his coffee and started drumming a melody. 
You got up before he could say or do anything. You didn’t need words. You never felt like you needed them. Both of you could understand each other from day one without them. It kept surprising both of you but by now, as 3 months has passed since the beginning of your relationship, you were kind of used to it. So when you got up to get Luke his acoustic he wasn’t surprised at all to find it next to him when he tried to get up and grab it.
They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the "I love yous"
But I bet you if they only knew
They would just be jealous of us,
Your family keeps going on that you should date someone with a normal life, a normal job. No matter how many times you explained how much you love Luke they just wouldn't believe you. Thinking you are too young and naive to know what real love is. Your friends think Luke is only using you to pass time and when he gets bored with you he will just simply throw you away. You never doubted Luke. You know, you feel, he loves you. Just like him, you felt that way since the very beginning. And that feeling only got stronger since then. You were both hurt by the people that were supposed to believe in you, to love you unconditionally but that only made your connection to each other stronger.
In these three months you felt like you lived more than you did in your whole life. You did crazy, spontaneous and adventurous things that you normally would never have but you have no regrets. Every second you spend together is better than the last one, even if you feel like nothing can top Luke’s crazy date ideas. 
The first time you said I Love You to each other was when he took you up to the Hollywood sign in the middle of the night just so you could watch the sunrise later together. He climbed up on the letter H and shouted “Y/N Y/L/N I am so in love with you,I didn’t think it was possible to feel this much love” into the night. He didn’t need to say it. You felt the same way. But you copied his action and climbed up next to him before reassuring him that you very much feel the exact same way.
You thought this kind of love only exists in romantic novels and movies. Yet here you were in this dream-like relationship.
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right
Luke started to play a soft tune on his guitar and you hummed along. He met your gaze and grinned at you. He doesn’t know how he got this lucky. What are the chances that he met you that day? You two could have easily avoided each other in the crowd. But you didn’t, proving the invisible connection you two had. 
Just one touch and I was a believer
Every kiss it gets a little sweeter
It's getting better
Keeps getting better all the time girl
After your first date he walked you home. The two of you were in a heated conversation when you arrived to your home. Neither one of you wanted the night to end so you kept talking outside your front door. But you can only stand there talking about Nirvana for so long. You stood there in silence until you  went and grabbed his hand. You ran a finger up his bare arm. He looked at you, speechless, suddenly forgetting how to breath too. You look at him, questioningly pulling up an eyebrow. He leaned and kissed you.It was like a lightning, the electricity striking both of you as your lips connected for the first time. 
Thinking back to that day Luke puts down the guitar now to pull you in for a kiss. Every kiss is better than the last one. Every damn one and he does not get how it’s possible.He reaches to cup your face to pull you closer, to deepen the kiss. Your hands find their way to his hair, which he decided to grow out and you start to play with a few stray locks. He lets out a quiet moan which is muted by the kiss. You only stop when you need to catch your breath. With foreheads pressed together you look into his deep green eyes. And you say I love you, wordlessly, without opening your mouth and in his eyes you can see as he says the words right back. 
They don't know how special you are
They don't know what you've done to my heart
They can say anything they want 'cause they don't know about us
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blush-and-books · 3 years
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call me babe for the weekend | part one | 8.27
Julie Molina, Grammy-winning popstar and reluctant Seattle native, returns home to her family and old friends for Christmas - and also to escape rumors and drama back in Los Angeles.
Old friends include Luke Patterson: The ex-boyfriend she left behind for LA and the promise of a blossoming music career. Only, the music career is not what she wanted it to be, and Los Angeles has turned from a welcome escape to an unlikely prison, and the only place she wants to run to is the place (and the person) that knows her best.
At the end of the day, she'll just run back to LA and forget about Seattle all over again.
But the city, and Luke, have more of a grip on her than she expected.
"There's just been a lot going on, and... The road not taken is looking pretty good right now. At least where I'm sitting."
"And you want this... Just for the weekend?"
"It's all I need."
tagging: @bluefirewrites @lydias--stiles @willexx @unsaid-emily @pink-flame @echocharm17618 @babydagger28 @helookedupgrinninglikeadevil @sylphrenas @wlwcarries @ruzek-halstead @phantomsandsunsets @sirena-de-lunas @thedeathdeelers @thatsmyverb @constantly-singing
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heliads · 4 years
Still Into You
Based on the request “Luke x reader based on the song Still Into You by Paramore?”
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Luke is leaning up against the wall, legs stretched out idly in front of him. His girlfriend is curled up on the bed next to him, lips pursed in thought as she considers the lines of music in front of her. They have the same habit of writing songs in worn and torn notebooks, of writing over and tearing out pages until the books themselves are reduced to nothing then reanimated with the sheer frenzy of their music. Luke likes that they have this shared trait, like it’s a sign that they were meant to be together ever since the start.
Y/N feels Luke’s eyes resting on her and looks up, blushing slightly. “I’m not very interesting company, am I? Sorry about that.” Luke just grins. “Don’t worry about it. You writing songs makes me think about songs, and that’s one of my favorite things to do.” Y/N smiles at that, leaning up to kiss him gently on the cheek before settling down again in front of her notebook. She squints at a line, then rubs it away with her eraser.
Luke glances down at the lines of music, but his head’s at an angle and he can’t read a single note. “What’s the song about?” Y/N flashes him a teasing grin. “It’s a surprise. You’ll find out soon enough.” She considers the main melody, adding a few notes as she goes. “I’m not quite sure if it’s happy or sad, not yet. It’s fast, and it’s fun to sing, but that’s all I’ve got right now.” Luke nods, leaning his head back against the wall and letting the faint sounds of scratching pencils and Y/N’s occasional humming take him back to the time he first met her.
Y/N was Julie’s friend, and had been her best friend long before Luke showed up. Luke smiles in spite of himself, remembering the first time he had caught a glimpse of the girl. Julie had been talking with Y/N in her room, and Luke had made a point of walking by so that Julie would be forced to introduce him. From the second Y/N had locked eyes with him, Luke knew he was head over heels for her. Even the way she said her name sounded like a melody, a pure and beautiful sound that Luke couldn’t write even if he tried for the rest of his life (or death).
Every moment spent with her was better than the last, every inside joke and casual conversation inspired him. It hadn’t taken Luke long to realize he loved her, and an even shorter time to ask her out. Luke laughs inwardly, remembering how nervous he’d been to first ask Y/N on a date. If ghosts had heartbeats, Luke’s would have been pounding so loud the entire town could have heard it. Luckily, she had said yes, and the rest was history.
There had been hard times, sure, but the good easily made up for the bad. When the business with Caleb and his club had finally come to an end, with Luke, Alex, and Reggie being able to finally touch people, Luke had practically sprinted over to Y/N’s house. She had looked up at him through tear-glazed eyes, having thought him dead, but her gaze quickly changed to happy shock when he had gathered her up in his arms, picking her up and turning in a lazy circle.
Then there were late nights with the two of them cuddled up close together, and early mornings with kisses pressed to cheeks, and date afternoons with hands entwined for all the world could see. If, you know, they could see Luke at all. It didn’t matter, though. Not with her. Not for anything as long as Luke had Y/N.
Luke is snapped back to reality when Y/N gently shuts her notebook cover, yawning. “It’s getting late. I think I’m going to go to bed.” Luke glances out the window, surprised to see that night had fallen and the stars were already shining through the dim patches of cloud. Luke stands up, stretching, then leans back down to kiss Y/N one last time. He says his goodnights and turns to go, pausing only once to look back at the girl he loves before disappearing back to Julie’s studio.
Luke is frustrated. He’s not sure why, but his blood is practically boiling. Maybe it’s because it’s been a long, stressful week, where he’s convinced himself that things have been good for too long. Caleb wouldn’t just give up, not like this. Something’s coming. It has to be.
Then there was the problem of Luke’s obvious ghosthood. It’s amazing to perform with his friends as a guitarist of Julie and the Phantoms. To play music again, in front of a crowd that can see him and cheer along as if he were just another lifer? It means everything to him. But for every stellar performance, there’s always that one moment when it ends. When the last chord is played and the drumbeats fade away to silence, when Luke finally disappears to the crowd. It just feels like a constant thorn in his side, a reminder that no matter how hard Luke works he will always just be a ghost, unnoticed by anyone except the rare exceptions.
Luke can’t stand to go inside the studio, at least not yet. He doesn’t want to be stuck inside again, in those same four walls with the same few people. So he heads out down the streets, walking casually down the sidewalk as if he were just another ordinary teenager heading home from school. He’s so lost in his surroundings that he almost doesn’t hear someone calling his name, and even then, it takes the person’s running footsteps that stop just behind him to convince Luke that they’re not just calling out to someone else on the street.
When Luke turns around, his frown turns into a smile when he realizes it’s Y/N. She looks amazing today, eyes shining with the bright light of the afternoon sun. She beams at him. “Look who’s out and about! I didn’t expect to see you here.” Luke chuckles, scratching the back of his head absentmindedly. “I figured it would be nice to get out of that studio every once in a while.” Y/N nods, then her happy gaze turns into one of slight guilt, as if she’d just realized something.
“Actually, about that. You remember how we had that date planned in a few days?” Luke nods. He’d been really looking forward to that. The two of them had decided to visit the boardwalk again, and stroll up and down while taking in the wind and the waves and all of the shops that dotted the faded horizon. Y/N winces. “Something came up unexpectedly, and I think I’m going to need a rain check. This honor society at school just announced that they’re meeting at that time, and I can’t skip it. I’m really sorry.”
This should just be a normal occurrence, something that Luke can brush off with a smile and an understanding nod. Yet for some reason, he feels his previous anger start to bubble up again inside of him. “Really? At that exact time?” Y/N nods, looking to all the world like a girl utterly distraught at the news. “It was supposed to be later, but they changed it. I didn’t have a say in it, but I can’t miss the meeting.”
Luke frowns. “But we agreed on that date. I mean, we’ve been talking about it for a while now.” Y/N glances back at him, evidently surprised at his tone. “I don’t have a choice about this, Luke. I can’t change the meeting.” Luke looks back at her. “And what, we can definitely change this?” Y/N raises her eyebrows. “I thought so, yes. It would be super easy to just move it to be the next day.”
Luke shakes his head. “Can’t do it then. I’m spending time with Alex and Reggie.” Y/N furrows her brow. “You spend time with them literally every day. Can we not have our date then?” Luke stops walking, suddenly exasperated. “Your meeting is important and so is this.” Y/N turns to face him. “Why are you making such a big deal out of this? I’m literally just asking if you can put off talking to your friends for a couple hours. I don’t think that’s very hard to do.”
Luke folds his arms across his chest. “Of course it wouldn’t be hard. I’m a ghost, after all. Everyone knows that ghost problems aren’t nearly as important as your problems.” Y/N looks taken aback. “That’s not what I’m saying at all! What’s up with you?” Luke stares at her pointedly. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m just tired of feeling unimportant.” Y/N holds up her hands in front of her. “I never said you were unimportant. I’m just confused as to why you think me not being able to make it to one date is equal to an entire argument.”
Luke feels himself getting irritated, and tries to put on a calm face, but all hopes of salvaging this are out the window. “Well, we wouldn’t want you to get too upset about this. How about we just cancel the date? All future ones too, for that matter. It would be too bad if I interfered with your schedule.” Y/N looks horrified, but Luke’s already poofed away, leaving her standing alone and in shock on the sidewalk.
It’s barely been a few hours, and Luke already feels bad about everything. Did he really just say all that to Y/N. And over what, a schedule change? But if Luke knows one thing about himself, it’s that his pride is too big of a stumbling block to overcome. He can’t bring himself to go back and admit that he was wrong, even though he knows that he very much was. So he waits, and waits. A day passes, and then another, and then another. Y/N avoids him the entire time.
After a week, Luke feels crushed by guilt. He’s made a terrible mistake, and he knows it. Why did he have to be so rude just because he felt bad about himself? The other boys have picked up on his bad mood, and try to be extra nice to him. That just makes Luke feel even worse, like he’s upset them too.
Luke’s lying on the sofa in the studio when Julie appears in the door. She knocks twice on the door, alerting him to her presence, then walks in. She comes to a stop in front of Luke, handing him a flyer for a band performance at her school. Luke takes it, frowning. “What’s this about? You think we should do something like this?”
Julie shakes her head. “No, I think we should go. It’s for Y/N’s band. She’s performing, and we should be there to support her.” Luke sits up, looking at his friend. “Y/N doesn’t want me there. Trust me. I messed up things with her big time, and the last thing she wants is to see me in that crowd.” Julie sighs, perching next to Luke on the arm of the sofa. “I would disagree. I think this is the perfect time to get up the courage and see her again.”
Luke is more than hesitant at first, but Julie talks him into it through a combination of calm advice and emotional blackmail. What would you do without friends? So, Luke drags himself out of Julie’s studio and towards Los Feliz High School, regretting his decision the entire time. What if Y/N’s already moved on? What if she really doesn’t want to see him there, and his presence will just make things worse?
Luke wants to turn and leave a dozen times over, but Julie and the boys are there with him, forcing him to stay. Luke follows them into the crowded gymnasium, where he can see a stage is prepared and ready for the upcoming performance. Just as Luke is seconds away from talking himself out of the entire thing, the lights dim and a voice comes over the speakers, announcing Y/N’s band. So this is it- no backing out now.
Y/N and a few of her friends walk on stage, waving to a cheering audience. Y/N is the lead singer, and grabs a guitar from a stand before taking her place in front of the mic. She flashes an easy grin to the crowd, then starts playing.
Instantly, Luke recognizes the song. It’s the one she had been writing all those nights ago, when the two of them had been at her house and everything had been perfect. It’s just like she described- fast, certainly. He still can’t decide if it’s happy or sad, maybe reminiscent or hopeful, even. Then she gets to the chorus, and Luke feels himself lean forward involuntarily as Y/N grabs the mic, singing directly into it as if she were speaking to him herself.
‘Cause after all this time
I’m still into you
I should be over all the butterflies, but I’m into you, I’m into you
And baby, even on our worst nights
I’m into you, I’m into you
For the first time all night, Y/N turns to look directly at him. There’s a twisting feeling in his heart as Luke realizes exactly what the song is about. Him, and her, and everything that went wrong. It’s funny- even as the full extent of the hurt Luke has caused Y/N hits him, he still feels his heart swell with relief. She still loves him, even after all this time and all this heartbreak.
Some things, some things just make sense 
And one of those is you and I
Some things, some things just make sense
And even after all this time
I’m into you
Luke’s heard Y/N sing before, in quiet rooms and empty streets. He’s seen her on stage too, felt goosebumps as she performs with that same captivating electricity every time. But he’s never felt anything quite like what he feels right now, this combination of relief and guilt and love, sheer love, that rocks him to his core.
Before he knows it, the song is over. Y/N and her band perform a few more songs, all excellent, and then he realizes that they’re starting to step off stage. Instantly, Luke poofs away to the hallway just backstage. He opens a door that leads outside, making sure Y/N sees him go, and stands there in the slight chill of the night.
He doesn’t have to wait long. Luke’s barely been there a minute when the door swings open again, revealing Y/N walking towards him. The door has barely closed behind her when Luke moves towards her, crashing his lips onto hers. She looks up at him with this startled smile, reflecting his own teasing grin when he pulls away. “Y/N, I’ve been such an idiot. I messed up. I don’t know what I was thinking that afternoon, but I regret it all. Of course it’s not a big deal to move the date time, and I don’t know why I thought it was.”
Y/N considers him for a moment, a light smile playing on her lips, then speaks. “It’s okay, Luke. Julie tells me you’ve been miserable this whole time, so I knew you didn’t mean it.” Luke frowns. “Julie said what?” Y/N laughs. “She made sure to tell me so I didn’t feel bad.” Luke’s about to say something about how he’s sure Julie has no idea what she’s talking about and he’ll be speaking to her later, but Y/N grabs his hands, pulling him close. “Don’t say anything to her. It was what I needed to hear.”
Luke stares at her for a second, weighing her words, then breaks into a grin. “If you insist. Oh, and by the way, you killed it out there. You were amazing.” Y/N smiles up at him. “You think?” Luke kisses her cheek. “I don’t just think, I know. Loved the first song especially.” Y/N laughs, the quiet sound somehow making the darkness of the night brighter, like the sunrise came a few hours early. “I’m glad to hear it. I’ve been working on it for a while and it just felt right.”
Luke grins, kissing her again. Of course it felt right- it was the truth, the unspoken truth that both of them had been dancing around this entire time. No matter what, the highs and the lows and the worst of the nights, they still loved each other. That’s the way it would always be.
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curvesomesunsets · 3 years
don’t you ever leave me alone
the one where Willie stands at the bottom of a hole he's made, and the others come to save him.
The sound of several pairs of feet pounding on the tarmac and a rapidly beating heart fills Julie’s ears. Her own feet carry her with more speed than she thought possible this morning, then still full of bone-deep weariness and the aches of yesterday’s battle. 
But now, none of that matters. None of it matters because the Hollywood Ghost Club exploded, and Alex didn’t even wait for the news reporter to finish her sentence before he flew out of the door of their apartment. None of it matters because Willie went back to the club last night, and nobody has heard from him.
my day four (angst and home) entry for @jatpsongficweek, link in the reblogs!
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nicknellie · 3 years
Anonymous requested: a Juke one shot based on the song 'Lets fall in love for the night' by Finneas
I’d never heard this song before, but I was seriously excited to write from it when I listened. And Juke is absolutely perfect for it too! This is the first time I’ve written Juke in a while and I’m so happy with how it turned out, thank you for your request!
I Know Better
You need a pick me up?
I’ll be there in twenty-five,
I like to push my luck,
So take my hand, let’s take a drive.
I’ve been living in the future,
Hopin’ I might see you sooner,
I want you, riding shotgun,
I knew when I got one right.
It was a lazy late night when Luke got the text through from Julie. He hadn’t been up to much, just picking at his guitar, trying to figure out a new melody but coming up blank. Bored out of his mind, he had been desperate for something to do, somewhere to go, someone to talk to. Perhaps he had been hoping for something just like this, a message from the girl who made his heart soar very much against his will, asking to see him.
She had asked to be picked up from work – apparently she’d had a very long day and just needed someone to talk to about something that wasn’t work. This happened a lot, Luke thought with a grin as he put his guitar away and headed to his car. Julie would ask him to see her after work, say she didn’t want to talk about it, and then talk about it for at least an hour before they even thought about mentioning anything else.
He didn’t mind. He would have listened to anything as long as Julie was the one saying it.
He clambered into his car and set off, muscle memory guiding him to the office block Julie worked at. It was supposed to be a half-hour-long drive at least, and even that was only in good traffic, but Luke was determined to get there quickly. He couldn’t have denied that Julie had been on his mind all day – like she always was – and for that reason he couldn’t wait to see her.
So maybe he ran a red light or two. Maybe he cut a few corners. Maybe he did some not-so-sensible things that were maybe not-so-safe, but it was just to get to Julie as fast as he could. The thought of her made him reckless, clouded his judgement, gave him the ability to do anything.
It was lucky it was such a late hour and there was hardly anyone else on the roads, otherwise Luke was certain he wouldn’t have got to Julie as quickly as he did.
As it happened, he managed to shave five minutes off the journey, arriving outside the building in about twenty minutes. He could see Julie sat on the front steps of the building, all the lights turned off inside so she was only lit by a nearby streetlamp and the light from her phone. She was wrapped up in a thick coat, her hair spilling out over her shoulders in that way Luke thought was more beautiful than anything else. In his head, he knew he could have just texted her to say he was there, or waited for her to notice him herself seeing as his was the only car around, but instead he opened the door and climbed out, heading straight for her.
Julie only looked up from her phone when Luke was just a few paces away. The way she smiled at him – small, sweet, soft, breathtakingly beautiful – melted Luke’s heart right then and there. It was almost difficult to maintain his appearance of cool and casual when she looked at him like that, but he forced himself to keep it up.
“Hey,” he said, grinning down at her.
“Hi,” she returned, still smiling that cute little smile. “Thanks for coming to pick me up.”
“Anytime,” Luke said, waving a dismissive hand. “You know that.”
He extended a hand to her, holding it out like a gift, an offering. A prayer.
Take my hand, Julie, take it and never let go.
“Do you want to come back to my place?” he asked. There was an unspoken ‘or I could take you straight home’ but Luke didn’t want to put the idea of leaving him in her head.
But that worry was silenced as soon as it reared its ugly head because Julie slipped her hand into his and hoisted herself up. Her fingers were much smaller than his, long and delicate, a pianist’s hands. A small part of him wanted to do nothing more than just stand here with Julie, hand in hand, nothing else between them but the silence of the late hour.
He tore himself away from the thought, but not from Julie. Hands still linked between them, they headed back to Luke’s car, charged silence drifting over them.
There were times that Julie didn’t feel real to Luke. The whole concept of a person like her was too perfect to ever truly exist. What were the chances that one person could have so much talent, charm, intelligence, wit, care, love, humour, beauty, sense of adventure, trust, loyalty, and the thousands of other qualities that Julie possessed? What were the chances a person could so easily embody everything good in the world?
At times like that, he was glad he got to hold her hand. Prove that she was really here.
He had been thinking of her all day. Wanting to see her, wanting to hold her, to sing with her, to talk to her, just to be in her presence. He had briefly entertained the thought of actually doing something with Julie, going somewhere together or doing something – anything – more than just talking like they usually did. But he’d soon realised that just talking to Julie was as good as anything could ever get.
His wandering mind hadn’t stopped there thought. Regretfully, he had thought about the future. Whether he and Julie had any chance of one. Luke didn’t often think further ahead than twenty-four hours, but when it came to Julie he wanted to plan his entire life around her. He wanted to be with her forever, and when he thought about it that was all he wanted. Just to be with Julie.
When he thought about the future, she was all he saw.
Together, they got back in Luke’s car, Luke behind the steering wheel and Julie riding shotgun next to him. They had let go of each other’s hands, but Luke reached across of gently squeezed her hand one last time before resting his hands on the wheel and starting the car. His heart was beating faster than he’d ever thought possible, thrumming with some thrilled and exhilarated energy which he was sure was the only thing keeping him alive at that moment.
Whatever it was, it was coming from Julie, and he knew then that he needed her to survive. Right by her side was exactly where he belonged.
I love it when you talk that nerdy shit,
We’re in our twenties talking thirties shit,
We’re making money but we’re saving it,
‘Cause talking shit is cheap and we talk a lot of it.
You won’t stay with me, I know,
But you can have your way with me until you go,
And before your kisses turn into bruises, I’m a warning.
Like normal, they ended up in Luke’s apartment. It had been their same old routine – consider going out for a drink (coffee, at Julie’s insistence, because she had work in the morning and didn’t want to get drunk), realise there was nowhere open that wasn’t a bar, so head back to Luke’s place and use his coffee machine before inevitably ending up like this: sprawled across each other on Luke’s bed, too close to be friendly.
Luke was lying on his back, one leg arched, one hand underneath his head. Julie lay across him, her head rested on his abdomen, her hair tickling his bare skin where his top had ridden up an inch or so. One of her legs was hanging off the bed, the other tucked under it in a way that looked uncomfortable but must have worked for Julie. Luke had her hand in his, toying with her dainty little fingers, running his fingertips across the palm of her hand every now and then and delighting at the way it made her shiver. Both were staring up at the ceiling, not at each other.
As he had predicted, Julie was talking about work although she had said she didn’t want to. Truthfully, Luke didn’t really know what Julie did for a living, only that it involved ‘algorithms and science stuff’ and it seemed dreadfully boring. She clearly loved her job, as much as she complained about the hours, but Luke knew it wasn’t what she wanted to do forever. Still, listening to her talk about whatever equation she’d used that day or whatever machine she was helping create brought a smile to Luke’s face that nothing else could have summoned.
Because Julie was a girl made of passion and talent and beauty and love. And right that moment, her passion was burning like the brightest star in the sky, and Luke couldn’t make himself look away.
“It’s only temporary though,” Julie said eventually. “I won’t be there forever. It pays well enough for me to save for a bigger apartment – maybe a house if I’m lucky, or if I stay there long enough. When I’ve got the time and the space and the money, I’m going to do music. Properly, I mean, not just open mic night down at Eats and Beats. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do, it’s my only real goal. Get a house, get a record deal, get my dream life. However long it takes, whatever I have to do to get there.”
“You’ll find that happiness,” Luke assured her. “If anyone can do it, you can.”
Julie hummed a laugh and instinctively curled her fingers around Luke’s where they were still rested on his palm. If Luke stopped breathing for a moment, did nothing but gaze and smile in awe at the way Julie so naturally held on to him, Julie either didn’t notice or didn’t mention it.
“What about you?” she asked quietly.
“Music,” Luke said, not missing a beat. “Same as you. I might only be busking and doing open mic nights now, but if I save all the money I make from that eventually I’ll have enough to buy some really good equipment, hopefully hire a manager, really get myself started. I know it’s not gonna be easy, but…”
“But it’s all you’ve ever dreamed of,” Julie finished for him. He felt her nod. “It’s the same for me.”
Teasingly, Luke said, “Hey, if we have the same dream why not follow it together? We could start a band.”
Julie laughed – Luke felt his heart flutter at the sound. She rolled her head to the side to face him, so Luke lifted his head a little so he could actually look her in the eye.
“You and me?” Julie said. “Starting a band?”
“It could be fun,” Luke chuckled with a shrug. He was only half-joking; if he got to chase his music dream with Julie then it would basically be like chasing two dreams at once. “We’re both talented. We could make something really special.”
She laughed again, quieter this time, something solemn about it. Luke wondered if maybe she was really considering it too.
But there was a little voice in the back of his head, something bitter that he thought might have resembled brutal honesty. Julie was too perfect to ever stay with him, in any sense of the word. She deserved someone better, someone who matched her untouchable flawlessness, someone who could really give her everything she needed. Luke didn’t think for a moment that could be him. Besides, someone like Julie would never settle for him.
And yet, when she looked at him like that, brown eyes wide and deep and sparkling, full of their own private universes, seeing Luke at that moment and nothing else, it was hard for him to convince himself that they weren’t made for each other.
It could never last, he reminded himself. He would never be able to keep something he wanted so desperately.
Instead of replying to him, Julie shifted her weight, rolling over so that her arms were crossed over Luke’s chest and her body was half on top of his. Still he looked her in the eye – he never wanted to look anywhere else.
But when she leaned down to kiss him in a way that felt forbidden but mind-blowingly right, he couldn’t help but close his eyes and melt.
It wasn’t every day that Julie Molina would kiss him. He wouldn’t pass up the opportunity.
Let’s fall in love for the night,
And forget in the mornin’.
Play me a song that you like,
You can bet I’ll know every line.
I’m the boy that your boy hoped that you would avoid,
Don’t waste your eyes on jealous guys, fuck that noise.
I know better than to call you mine.
The sun was rising, an amber glow mingled with red and peach and the tiniest tint of blue, peeking through Luke’s thin curtains, but he and Julie hadn’t even slept. They were awake, but admittedly tired, running only on the adrenaline that came from being in one another’s company.
They were still sat on his bed, cross-legged across from each other, Luke with his acoustic guitar in hand. Julie had asked if he had been working on any new songs recently, and who was he to refuse the most gorgeous girl in the world a solo performance? He was picking out a melody he had thought up a few days ago, one that he could get out of his head for some unknown reason. It was only notes so far – he hadn’t had the time to pull any lyrics to it – but it was still a slow, soft melody that made him feel so relaxed that he almost felt as if he’d left reality behind.
All that was pulling him back down to Earth was Julie because she was proving yet again that she was some sort of miracle. When Luke started playing, she had nodded her head, swayed a little, just enjoyed the music. But a few bars in, she had started humming along.
When Luke hit the chorus, Julie sang.
It should have been impossible. Julie had never heard the song before, and even if she had it wasn’t like there were lyrics she could have followed. But somehow she was doing it, pulling the perfect words from nowhere and fitting them to Luke’s melody with ease, like she’d sung this very song a thousand times before. Somehow, she pre-empted every rhythm, every note, every ascending pattern and every dropping dynamic and matched him effortlessly. When Luke instinctively began humming a harmony to her voice, she took it in her stride and reached for notes Luke hadn’t known anyone was capable of hitting.
When Luke hit the last chord, Julie sang a breath-taking, elegant descending run, her eyes closed, a gentle smile playing about her lips.
Not for the first time, he wondered how Julie was even real.
But then a wholly unwelcome thought came to his mind. Julie had a guy. Kind of. Not really. There was someone very interested in Julie (someone other than Luke) who she told him about sometimes. From what Luke knew, he brought her flowers sometimes, he paid her compliments, he texted her almost as much as Luke did. Julie refused to say she was dating him and Luke believed her, but the problem was that this guy clearly wanted to date Julie.
Luke wasn’t jealous. He and Julie weren’t dating and he just wanted to her be happy, so if it turned out that this guy made her happier than Luke did, he would go with it. For Julie, he would go with it.
But he also knew, since Julie had told him herself, that this guy had something against Luke.
Luke had to wonder whether he saw him as a threat.
This guy, it seemed, was jealous. He wanted Julie to himself, which really wasn’t fair on the rest of the world. Julie didn’t deserve to be kept in a box, locked away for just one guy to look at, especially a guy who would get mad when anyone else tried to look at her.
Luke didn’t want that for her.
“Julie,” he said quietly. “You deserve someone amazing. Someone as incredible as you are. They’ll love you no matter what, they’ll trust you, they’ll… they’ll really care about you. That’s what you deserve in life. Along with everything else you could ever want. And I hope you get it.”
She was silent for a moment, an unreadable expression on her face which would have been totally blank if it weren’t for the twitch of her lips and the light in her eyes. Luke wondered, suddenly panicked, if he’d been too obvious about how he felt about her. But thankfully, she just smiled that sweet smile and said, “Thank you, Luke.”
He thought his heart might explode just from those three words.
He thought it even more so when Julie leaned forward and their lips brushed yet again and he realised he was going to get to kiss her again so maybe, just maybe–
The alarm on his phone went off and snapped their moment in two.
Julie sighed heavily and pulled away. Luke immediately missed her warmth.
“This was fun, Luke,” she said, already standing up and stretching. “Really. I love being here with you. But I have work. I need to get going.”
Luke swallowed the lump in his throat. He couldn’t think of anything worse than Julie leaving right then. But he didn’t tell her that. He told her, “It’s fine, you go. You’ve got to chase those dreams of yours somehow.”
Neither of them said goodbye. They just shared a bittersweet smile and Julie left his apartment.
Luke let her, watching out of his bedroom window as she walked further and further away from him down the street. He wanted to chase her, his dream, but he didn’t.
After all, he knew better than to ever call her his.
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angelofarts · 3 years
Greetings! I am contemplating trying to do an event HOWEVER I am currently just looking for feedback. If you could fill out this form for me I would be eternally grateful:
signal boosting appreciated!
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echocharm17618 · 4 years
First Lines
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
Thank you @bluefirewrites & @ruzek-halstead for the tags. I've waited all daay to do this, it looks like fun!!
I don't have 20 fics yet but lets do thiiiiis!
From newest to oldest
1. Live it like it's now or never Jukebox Rivals/ememies to friends to lovers High school AU (oneshot, Complete)
Luke and Julie didn’t hate each other, per se.
2. Merry Valentine's Day Julie and Luke throughout the years (oneshot, Complete)
It was the first day of Kindergarten, Luke was in the school yard with his mom looking around for Reggie, Alex and Bobby when he noticed a girl walking up to the group of kids and adults.
3. My Heart is Yours Jukebox songfic, Song fieatured The Boat Song by JJ Heller (oneshot, Complete)
There were moments when Julie was reminded that Luke was not always the outgoing confident guy he was on stage.
4. A Baker's Dozen Jukebox Bakery AU(Multi Chapter, incomplete)
It was 1:30 AM and his alarm was going off.
5. Come here often? A cute guy trys to hit on Julie at the mall. (oneshot, Complete)
Julie was at the mall window shopping the afternoon away.
6. Are you dying? Luke has trouble using his words to explain his feelings (oneshot, Complete)
Luke was acting weird.
7. One Love Jukebox Songfic, song featured One Love by Marianas Trench (oneshot, Complete)
There was a white microphone centre stage.
Did this fic make everyone cry? Yes. Is that one of my proudest moments? Also yes
8. Your Ghost Jukebox Songfic, Song Featured Your Ghost by Marianas Trench (oneshot, Complete)
Everyone assumed it was a breakup song.
9. How Sunset Curve was born Carlos wants Julie to read him a classic christmas story (oneshot, Complete)
Christmas music was floating through the air.
10. Someone like You Jukebox Songfic, Song featured Someone like You by Paolo Nutini (oneshot, Complete)
The early morning sunlight filtered through the delicate curtains.
11. The Five Times Luke Patterson was sick 5+1 sickfic (oneshot, Complete)
Julie walked up to the teacher, Mrs Baker, because Luke was making grumbly noises and wanted to lie down.
12. What are you doing here? Julie is sick and Luke checks in on her (oneshot, Complete)
Jules<3: im sick not going to school today don’t wait up for me
13. Hallmark movies and tea Another sickfic (oneshot, Complete)
Her head felt fuzzy.
14. So that's how it happens Jukebox Soulmate AU(Multi Chapter, Complete)
The class was held in a large auditorium with desks that had those tiny little tables attached to the arm that were way too small to actually be useful.
15. Grief is a five letter word Julie mourns the death of her mom (oneshot, Complete)
All the buzzing sounds had stopped.
16. To cry and eat ice cream Jukebox fluff where Julie gets her period (oneshot, Complete)
11:45. 15 minutes.
I'm tagging @serendipitee @knitsessed @theolivekiddo @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @calamitykaty
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oldsmobile-hotdogs · 4 years
Hey I just posted another JATP oneshot on AO3! Below are some details:
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Mercer/Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Julie Molina/Luke Patterson Characters: Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms), Julie Molina Additional Tags: Songfic, Song: All I've Ever Known, the love language is touch ladies and germs, Just soulmate shit, eurydice's verse from willie's pov re: alex, orpheus' verse from luke's pov re: julie, it just makes sense, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon Compliant
A songfic exploring Willie's thoughts about his relationship with Alex and Luke's thoughts about his relationship with Julie, all set to "All I've Ever Known" from Hadestown.
I hope you give it a read and enjoy! <3
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pros-r · 3 years
“Be good to her. Else, I’m gonna call the Ghostbusters.”
Author’s note: An excerpt from the short, sweet in-progress Julie x Luke fic I’m working on. I post longer excerpts on my AO3 account, link in bio.
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“Why are you still here, Luke?” Julie groaned.
He didn’t meet her gaze as he strummed his unplugged guitar.
“‘Cause that transition from the bridge to the chorus is still crap,” he grumbled.
“Come on. You know what I mean,” she said.
Luke furrowed his brow. He plugged the PRS into the amp and hammered a few power chords.
The door to the producer’s booth flew open. Flynn poked her head out.
“Everything good here?”
“Yeah. Just practicing this bridge,” Julie answered, forcing a smile. “You should go home. I’ll lock up.”
Flynn cast a wary glance around the studio and tugged at the silver cross dangling around her neck.
“Okayyyy,” she grumbled, feigning annoyance. She announced loudly: “Luke, be good to her. Else, I’m gonna call the Ghostbusters.”
She caught Julie’s eye and flashed her a wink. Luke chuckled as Flynn ducked out of the studio.
Since the band’s manager learned that ghosts were, indeed, real, Flynn had accepted the phantoms’ existence without missing a beat. That didn’t stop her from joking about exorcising Casper, though. In a weird way he appreciated that.
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americanhoney913 · 3 years
WIP Day 3- Songfic in Progress
“Hey,” Julie says, a slight rasp in her voice as he slides behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist. She leans back with a sigh, resting her head on his shoulder. Luke lifts her hand to his lips and takes a puff of the cigarette. He can taste Julie’s strawberry flavored lip gloss and he pulls her hand away and kisses her fingers. She shivers at the touch and breathes out a puff of white. This time, it’s not cigarette smoke but her breath.
“Here.” Luke slips off his orange, black, and grey flannel and covers her shoulders with it. She buries her nose in it and turns to smile at him before turning back to the skyline. He wraps his arms around her from behind, watching as she smushes the cigarette out on the ground. It wasn’t even halfway done, but she abandons it in favor of snuggling into Luke’s arms. He presses kisses to her cheeks and forehead and hair as he drapes his arms over her shoulders and crosses his arms over her chest, resting his head on her shoulder.
This fic was supposed to be for Jukebox Week, but I was also working on JatP TROPED, so I couldn't finish it on time. It follows the idea of the song, takes place in the 90s but is removed from the show because they live in a small single stoplight town instead of Hollywood.
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between-two-fandoms · 4 years
Whatever you do dont listen to this song and think of Julie and her boys:
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angela-feelstoomuch · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Julie Molina/Luke Patterson Characters: Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms) Additional Tags: Angst, Hopeful Ending, Maybe - Freeform, Luke is just mentioned - Freeform, Songfic, I'm Sorry, crossing over Series: Part 6 of JATP Ficlets Summary:
Songfic. Luke crossed over and Julie is devastated.
Basically just angst. I’m sorry.
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While you're out there living your life I've been spending most of mine Tryna be a part of yours Three minutes at a time I've been laying tracks down Tryna find my way To be the background sound To your glory days This is a Luke Patterson song and no one can tell me otherwise.
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nicknellie · 3 years
Wow, it’s so crazy that Noel Gallagher released a song about Sunset Curve and Julie and the Phantoms! Title and lyrics from We’re On Our Way Now by Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds.
Good Luck In The Afterlife
Remember what might have been,
Had I walked you home,
And said, “I’ll see you later,”
You were living the dream,
But when the morning come,
You’d gone to meet your maker.
Bobby couldn’t count the hours he spent wondering what might have happened if he had stopped to think for just one second. If he had reminded himself that the boys were pretty much clueless if he wasn’t there to knock the occasional bit of common sense into them. If he had thought, just for a moment, that maybe they should have all gone to get the food together.
In every scenario that came to his mind, his boys were still alive. Because if he had gone with them that night instead of staying at the Orpheum, he would have noticed that the street-dogs tasted strange. He would have told them it was a bad idea, made them stop eating them, taken them somewhere else to get food. Maybe he would have had to put up with Luke’s grumbling (“They would have been fine, Bobby, it’s not like we’ve ever got sick from street-dogs before.”) but at least his boys would have been safe. Maybe the pizza they ended up getting, or the burgers, or the cheap takeout wouldn’t have been as familiar as a pre-show ritual, but at least they would have still performed together that night. At least Bobby wouldn’t have had to cancel the show, had to identify his best friends’ bodies, had to go through that painful shift to realise that now he was going it alone.
He couldn’t stop thinking about it. If he had been there things would have been so different. If he had simply walked them there at the very least and said goodbye to them properly. Maybe then he wouldn’t be feeling so guilty, so struck with this devastating grief. At least that way their last memory of him wouldn’t have been him flirting with some girl instead of hanging out with them on the biggest night of their lives.
It had been stuck in his head for days. All those different what-ifs, those wasted potentials, the moments that could have been the best of their lives. It was so unfair – that night had been setting them up for greatness, possibly the most important night of their careers, and it had come crashing down along with Bobby’s entire world. It was all he could think of. They had been so ready, so excited, so full of life, and in a few short hours it had been snuffed out like a candle burning too brightly.
He remembered waking up the morning after, absently wondering if it was some cruel nightmare, but knowing it wasn’t. That night he had slept in the studio, wanting to be close to his boys in any way he could. Waking up there without them wasn’t the same – if anything it just made the loss hurt more. No matter how brightly the sun was streaking through the windows or how happily the birds outside were singing, Bobby couldn’t make himself believe that it would be a happy day. That any day, from then on, could truly be happy.
He kept thinking about it, everything they could have had, to the point where it felt as if he was remembering a past life or an alternate reality. It was like he was drawing memories from another Bobby’s brain, feeling the fame and freedom they would have held together. It was at that moment that he decided he needed to carry on. He needed to do whatever he could to achieve their dreams alone, to make his boys proud. He was sure that they were out there somewhere, watching over him, cheering him on. They could have had everything, and Bobby was determined to get it for them.
Good luck in the afterlife,
I hear the morning sun doesn’t cast no shadow,
You chose to drift away,
But look at you now.
It was Trevor Wilson who left his mansion that day. It was Trevor Wilson who got in his car and gave his chauffeur the directions of where to go. It was Trevor Wilson who climbed out at the destination, head hooded and bowed to avoid recognition. But it was Bobby who sat in the grass in front of the graves of his three best friends, the boys he had loved and never forgotten, and felt tears pricking at his eyes in the bitter breeze.
He knew he didn’t visit their graves as much as he should have. It always hurt, seeing the three of them together when he couldn’t join them himself, knowing that they were completely unreachable. It was the closest he could get but it just made him feel far away. But when he did visit, he spoke to Luke, Alex, and Reggie. He told them about his music career and how he wished they were building it with him, he talked about his new-born daughter Carrie and how she was the best thing that had ever happened to him, he talked about his memories of them and laughed over stories they wouldn’t hear.
But it was alright. If he imagined it hard enough, Bobby could almost hear them laughing along. Like they were listening to him and keeping him company even from far away.
He wondered what they were doing at that moment, if anything. Ever since they had died Bobby had been curious about the afterlife. Was there one at all? Were his boys all together or had they been separated? Was there a heaven and a hell, or just one place where all departed spirits went? Most importantly, were they alright? He didn’t think he could bear it if he ever found out, somehow, that the boys were unhappy. If they couldn’t have their lives then all he wanted for them was happiness.
He found himself wishing them luck sometimes. Good luck for whatever would come their way. He wished that good things would happen to them, that they would all find their happiness, something that made their souls sing the way they had when they were alive. Something that made Alex’s heart beat like his drums, Reggie’s thud like his bass, Luke’s riff like his guitar.
Over time, Bobby had come to terms with their deaths. It had taken years of therapy, learning to accept that he wasn’t to blame, realising that they would never come back and working out how to be okay with that. Now, he saw it less like they had been ripped away from him and more like they had simply flown the nest, their time up, ready to move on. It wasn’t necessarily true, he knew, not when they’d had so much ahead of them, but thinking about it that way helped.
When he spoke to the gravestones, he would imagine how the boys would reply. Whenever he told them about a new song he had released he heard Luke’s enthusiasm as he told him he’d done a great job, Reggie’s excitement and desperation to hear it and jam along on his bass, Alex’s quiet appreciation of the music and the way he would have hummed the tune under his breath for weeks afterwards. When he had first told them about Carrie he imagined the jokes about him getting old because he was the first to have a kid, and each of them holding her with varying levels of terror and adoration on their faces.
Most of all, he imagined them being proud of him. Proud that he had carried on and persevered this long. Proud that he had built a family from the wreckage he’d been left in and got his confidence back. Proud that even if he was Trevor Wilson now, he was still Bobby at heart.
We’re on our way now,
The truth can be so hard to swallow,
Hey now, ‘cos you’ve got the love, you’ve got the love, lady,
I’m worn out, ‘cos with every little trick they try to drag you down,
You don’t know why.
Luke hadn’t slept since the night they had played the Orpheum. Ghosts didn’t necessarily need sleep, but it was possible – Luke hadn’t even bothered trying. He simply couldn’t believe their luck. They’d struck gold and none of it seemed possible. The whole thing, this entire journey they had been on with Julie in the past few weeks felt like a dream and a nightmare, but he never wanted to wake up.
It had been difficult to begin with. It wasn’t the easiest thing, getting to grips with death and being a ghost, especially when he had apparently missed twenty-five whole years of life on Earth, everything moving on without him and his friends. It had put into perspective how much each individual life really meant – the world didn’t stop when a person died, and there was so much that could be missed in such a short time. There had been the empty space he was greeted with whenever he turned to tell Bobby something, the hollow feeling in his heart whenever he thought of his parents, the conflicted feelings he got whenever he thought about the people he had met in death. The whole thing, this monumental transition, had been harder than anything he’d ever done.
But then there was Julie. Julie, who was light a ray of sunshine to light up his darkest days. Julie, who had talent beyond measure and a heart the size of a planet. Julie, who brought him back to life. She had made it so much easier with her love and her reassurance and her strength. The way she made him feel was like nothing he’d ever felt before, and he couldn’t attribute all of it to her power when she made him, Alex, and Reggie visible. His soul sang for her, a leaping melody of rich highs and gentle lows, composed for her by him. Without her, he wouldn’t have been nearly as happy as he was.
Although he missed Bobby and performing as Sunset Curve, he was glad he got this second chance as part of Julie and the Phantoms. This really felt like their big break, like they were finally on their way to achieving their greatness. In a way, everything would start to feel complete once they put themselves out there and rose to great heights. Bobby had made a name for himself, and it was time for the rest of Sunset Curve to join him, along with one incredibly talented girl who Luke would risk it all for.
But all that didn’t mean he wasn’t frightened. If anything he was even more scared. Now they had so much more to lose – each other and their second chance. He wasn’t sure they’d get a third.
There was only one person that really had a chance of ruining it all again, getting in their way. Caleb. Luke hadn’t seen him since that night and he was glad of it, but also wary. They had no idea where Caleb was, what he was planning, how he was going to get back at them this time. Caleb Covington didn’t seem like the type of ghost who knew when to leave an issue alone. Luke was sure that he would be back.
All that confused him was the fact that Caleb had never really explained why he wanted the boys as part of his band. It seemed like very extreme lengths to go to just because they were good musicians. It made him wonder if he, Alex, Reggie, and Julie had some untapped well of power deep inside each of them. If they did, and if they could harness that strength before Caleb could get to them then Luke was certain that their futures as legends would be cemented. As they deserved.
Good luck in the afterlife,
I hear the morning sun doesn’t cast no shadow,
You chose to drift away,
But look at you now.
Julie thought about her mother a lot. She knew that Rose was looking down on her, that much was certain. If she hadn’t been, then Julie would still be locked away, trapped by her grief, struggling to face each day as it came. She wouldn’t have had the boys, she wouldn’t have been playing music, she would have been quiet and empty still like she had been for so long.
It was Rose she had to thank. When she was alive, Rose would always build Julie up, tell her how much she was worth, that she was loved unconditionally and forever. Julie had thought that would all go away when she passed, but Rose – in her wisdom – had found a way to Julie still. She had carried on sending those messages and signs, showing Julie she loved her rather than telling her, urging her to carry on and be the star she was meant to be.
In return, Julie tried to find ways to thank Rose. She would talk to her because she was certain that she could hear. She would sing for her because Rose had always adored Julie’s voice. She would wear Rose’s old clothes, decorate rooms with dahlias and butterflies, sing along to the songs they had loved to duet while leaving Rose’s part free as if she would sing along too. It wasn’t a lot, but Julie knew that her mother would see it as enough. Julie’s private, quiet ways of honouring her mother would always be worth more than anything.
Sometimes, when she felt pensive, Julie would let herself think about how far she had come. She would stop being modest, just for a minute or two, and admit that she was strong, she was powerful, she was talented, and she deserved every good thing she had got. Julie hated thinking about the darkness she had been stuck in for so long, but when she thought about how she had created her own light and pulled herself out she felt nothing but pride. When she thought about what she was creating with the boys, she felt joy. When she thought about Rose, she felt a pleasant contentedness, knowing she was still there, rather than that damned hollow feeling she’d held for so long.
She could imagine how Rose would have reacted if she had still been there. After the performance at the Orpheum, Rose would have rushed backstage even if she wasn’t allowed, swept Julie up in her arms, twirled her around with a delighted laugh and told her that she was magnificent. She would have been so proud, Julie knew, so Julie felt that pride for herself.
“Look at you,” Rose would have said, straightening Julie’s jacket or running a gentle thumb across her cheek. “You’ve done so well, my little butterfly. You’re a star.”
She would have worked on songs with Julie, sang with her, prepared and supported her for her next gigs with the band. Just thinking of it made Julie realise that she had to do that herself, but it was alright. She could be her own cheerleader – her mother had taught her well and she could see that she had come a long way and deserved to be recognised for it. Besides, she had her dad, brother, and aunt there to remind her of it, as well as Flynn, Luke, Reggie, and Alex.
It wasn’t the same as having Rose, not really. Nothing ever would be. But the feelings Rose gave her would never go away – the confidence, the giddy joy, the focus, the feeling that everything would be alright eventually. Rose and her signs made sure Julie knew that. Julie schooled herself, made sure that she knew it no matter what. She always knew how far she had come and she was nothing less than proud.
Taglist (if you want to be added or removed just let me know): @ace-bookworm @williexmercer @willex-owns-my-heart @itstiger720 @the-reckless-and-the-brave @that-one-newsie @bluedarkness @lookingthroughmirrors @tmp-jatp @salty-star @julieandthequeers @lmaohuh @sunnysbright 
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angelofarts · 3 years
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story-courty · 3 years
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Every Moment, Just for This Moment
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Julie Molina/Luke Patterson Characters: Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Caleb Covington, Carrie Wilson, Mrs. Harrison (Julie and the Phantoms) Additional Tags: Romance, Alternate Universe - Wicked Fusion, Songfic
All her life, Julie Molina's one dream was to be just like everyone else. But bright green skin and a powerful affinity for magic has kept that dream far out of her reach. She was, however, given the opportunity to make good with the help of the Wizard of Oz himself. Too bad that didn't work out either. It wasn't supposed to go like this. She wasn't supposed to become wicked. And she definitely wasn't supposed to fall in love with him.
This little fic is the product of a long and arduous thought process that mostly entailed the ever-patient @stickie-noted (aka itsthebooks) dealing with me flip-flopping what I wanted to write for our the Discord Buddy Challenge a million times. When I finally decided what I wanted to do, she KILLED it with the mood boards! Y'all give her some love, because I'm LOVING them!
Anyway, I REALLY hope you enjoy this little story!
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