#causalitylinked || ryuto
strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@causalitylinked asked : ❛ some relationships, like warts, can be handled with the tactful application of liquid nitrogen. ❜ [ from ryuto to dyn'lo! ]
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The young master’s remark does not come unprompted , nor does it go unheeded.  The Dustling cannot help the l a u g h t e r which resounds out of him , welling up from those long-starved depths now eased by the grace of such similar humor to his own.  It does him GOOD , he thinks , to be lightened in such a way ; to be RESTORED .  It might not seem funny to anyone else , but Dyn’lo finds it quite a r i o t ( a testament to the fact he’s been overdue for proper company ) .  How rare ( & how mortifying ) it is to have someone understand how he thinks !
“Master Ryuto,” Dyn’lo announces , vim and vigor r e n e w e d ( he must have sensed it , the dustling’s faltering morale , why else make such a comment ? ) , “I fear we may be more alike than I initially bargained for !”  Spoken amid continued snickering , maw preened into sharp-toothed , be-charmed grin.  Like any rational , skeptical creature , Dyn’lo was the f i r s t to question the bond ( though not to ryuto’s fault , instead he is spurned by a great grief that makes him hesitant to endure another wretched loss ) ; the first to ponder after the innumerable outcomes of his fate with Ryuto.  And if there remained any lingering doubts , he should thus consider them EXTINGUISHED as his new master continues to thwart them at every turn ( even now ) .  For this , Dyn’lo is incredibly grateful , put at ease for the first time in what seems like a g e s .
“You raise a good point,” He speaks up again , following his formerly appointed quest to fetch the other his requested texts for studying.  It did not take long for the Dustling to m e m o r i z e the place of things , thus it does not take long for him to sniff out the books and return with them in hand ( still smiling to himself ) .  After leaning up to place them ‘pon the desk in front of Ryuto , he shifts to recline back onto his haunches.  “If they be a pest , or merely UNWORTHY of your time , simply do away with them !”  Head tosses , an affirming chirrup given for the words , fur and plume alike both r u f f l i n g .  “It’s rather illogical to keep around any extraneous variables , after all , hm ?”  There is an easily missable devilry to his tone , a hidden serpent that slicks his words ; the damning light in those obsidian orbs suggests – only momentarily – that he has once upon a time gone to g r e a t lengths to get rid of such factors if it should mean yielding RESULTS .
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mugunghwc · 1 year
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unprompted ask / always accepting
@causalitylinked​​ said: Honestly, even with Koji gone, it truly shouldn't be any of his concern whether or not a man that wasn't Kobato happened to be harassing Hana... but upon not being able to ignore how this menace clearly couldn't take 'no' for an answer, Ryuto would soon saunter forward with a dazzling smile normally not found on his impassive features.
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 "Ah, there you are, nee-san!" Sure enough, he then proceeds to gently tug Hana by the arm. "You have my apologies for arriving at our meeting spot much earlier than usual! I was just so excited you had agreed to tutor me, I couldn't help myself from rushing over to see you as soon as possible," Ryuto then beams, and from how fondly he seemingly regards her, one would think she was an older sister he happened to adore rather than a woman he truly detested.
Regardless, it doesn't take long for the man to soon grow visibly uncomfortable upon being confronted with such a pure, angelic looking boy who appeared to be blissfully unaware of the fact he had accosted Hana mere moments earlier... and upon giving her one last subtle look that said, 'You better play along', he'll soon turn his attention towards him. "Oh, hello, sir! Are you friends with my sister by any chance?" Ryuto then questions, causing the nervous looking man to immediately shake his head.
"N-No... I only, uh... asked her for directions. Isn't that right, Hana-chan?" he then glances back towards Hana, as if pleading for her to somehow agree.
     dealing with creeps was nothing new to her. especially after starting modelling, when she soon realized that some of them could be found behind the cameras, or working as managers. there was a reason why koji was assigned to looking after her upon her return to japan, but hana being hana didn’t like to make things easy for the guy, or anyone around her, really. she didn’t like feeling as if she depended on him or her father as a whole—wanting to prove herself through her own merits. in her attempts of doing so, however, she was bound to make mistakes. one of them being venturing into shinjuku by herself, unsupervised. despite tasting her independence while staying for a little while being in the states, hana was still very much sheltered from the life within her home country.
     it wasn’t naivety as much as ignorance & some stupidity from her part when she found for ways to get rid of koji & roam the streets on her own. her appearance drew quite some stares, but despite being described as ‘ cute ‘, her tongue was sharp & her attitude wasn’t the best either. one bad look at someone, & she could be in danger, but alas, hana acted as if she didn’t care—mostly because she didn’t know any better.
     the moment that she was approached by the stranger who claimed to be a fan of hers, she shot the man a look of disgust. a rather childish reaction, perhaps—resorting to calling him names when he persisted on being ‘ helped ‘ , despite hana already stating that she had no clue what he was talking about. her annoyance soon turned into fear when he seriously dared to grab onto her wrist to stop her from leaving, which she pulled away immediately. her shoulders were tense, & all she wanted was to flee, but her feet were glued to the ground. it almost didn’t register when a familiar voice called her name. too taken aback by the stranger to notice ryuto approaching until she was pulled to the side. all she could do was blink repeatedly in her confusion, before finally snapping out of her trance. who could’ve thought that his presence would bring her some relief? hana stammered in her sentences, unsure at first.
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    “ah... it’s fine...i wasn’t waiting for long.” she managed to force a smile upon her lips. although, it remained strained. her eyes darting towards the stranger once ryuto decided to acknowledge him. “sorry but i cannot help you.” a hand was waved off dismissively. her other hand, reaching out for ryuto’s to hold & squeeze it hard, letting him know that she was anything but relieved. “gotta go. can’t keep him waiting, you know?” faux laughter came from her lips, which was more-so out of nervousness than anything else. she’d end up tugging at ryuto, using him as her shield. it should tell him just how distressed she was, if she was willing to play along & be nice to him.
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xamassed · 1 year
⟬ @causalitylinked / s.c ⟭
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"I don't mean to hover. I've just never understood how to play." She tried not to stoop and invade his personal space, but her curiosity may have gotten the better of her as she had inched closer and closer to the blond and the shogi board. "My father's been playing it more, and I want to play with him, but I've never wrapped my head around it. Would it be alright to watch?"
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Continued from here for @causalitylinked​ !
It had all happened so fast: the fluttering bird flying out into traffic, Mr. Kobato hitting the brakes and launching both Sonia and Ryuto forward, the sickening sound of feather and bone hitting glass as the bird let out a final, ear-splitting screech before it passed on. But clearly, it was nothing compared to Sonia's cries. It was irrational and she knew it, to do something for a bird already so injured when neither of them were experts in the matter (and the friend she could call would've never made it in time), and yet she'd panicked. It was only until she'd realized what had unfolded, and what she'd done, did she come to regret it. Scrambling after Ryuto, Sonia could only watch helplessly as he tried to do something, anything, that gave the bird a chance.
Unfortunately, to their mutual shock (frankly, she hadn't paid much attention to if Mr. Kobato had gotten out to join them too), it had been all for naught. Already injured...she wondered if Gundham might have told her they simply hastened the inevitable. But Sonia trembled just behind him: it was better, it seemed, if he couldn't see her falter. Raised to provide a sense of leadership, guidance, and comfort, an outpouring of emotion was undignified for her. So was failure, something that was neither in her family's lexicon nor, it appeared, in his family's as well. Or even if it was just Ryuto's creed, they shared that sentiment.
For a moment, Sonia didn't know what to say to him. Only to follow his steps as she blinked back her tears, desperate for some return to decorum. Normally in the presence of a friend, she wouldn't hesitate to wear her feelings on her sleeve but...Ryuto was different. He'd snapped at her, out of annoyance. At her. At himself, possibly. She couldn't be entirely sure, but she could do something now. Even if it meant nothing to him. Even if it wasn't enough, she could still say she tried. Tried and failed, and she'd have to face that later, but for now she could attempt to assist him. In something.
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"Tsukishima-san," She began, with gentle words and an equally gentle, warm touch of her hand upon his shoulder. He'd carried the tiny bird off, presumably to bury it, but Sonia would not let him do it alone. She refused to let him do it alone. "I should not have reacted the way I did, I'm sorry. But you've done everything you could, and I'll help you now."
She'd only let her hand rest on him for a moment before drifting off to the side. Kneeling, Sonia reached to pull a few bunches of wildflowers from their roots. Surely picking flowers from the side of the road was inappropriate behavior, but they couldn't not mark the little bird's grave. And without a headstone, her best solution was flowers. Righting herself again, she approached him, the small bouquet clutched in her left hand.
"I wonder if Kazamatsuri-san might have something in the car that could serve as a shovel," She suggested, mostly so neither of them would try to dig with their bare hands. Ryuto had sacrificed enough of himself today, Sonia noticed, as she looked over his torn sleeve. "And you'll need a new shirt after your thoughtful efforts. If your parents are anything like mine, they'll have a million questions if they see you in such a state. How else can I help?"
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strywoven · 2 years
closed. // @causalitylinked ( ft. ryuto + dyn'lo )
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❝ — So you could very well say , Dustling are FOREVER BOUND to their respective humans , ❞ says this with a tone of grief , however minor to detect , ❝ Hm , I believe I have been speaking long enough , ❞ several minutes , in fact , ❝ And I do not want to bore you with a lecture on the ways of my kind more than I have. ❞ There’s no need to see it as an offense , is there ? After all , Rytuo was the one who a s k e d Dyn’lo to elucidate the topic during his study break.
After a moment considering his words , Dyn’lo speaks up once more , ❝ There is more I meant to say. Traditionally , Dustling and their companion create something to mark their bond. A matching stone , usually , that both would wear. ❞ In example , he pulls the cord ‘round his neck , showing the younger the carefully transmuted crystal hung from the length , letting it twirl and catch the light ( a remnant of his old bond , one he cannot part with ) . Opposite paw motions to the gem , maw pulling into a rare smile which softens his hardened furless features. ❝ I never thought I would again find the day I would ask such a thing , but if you should will it , I would like to forge us these stones as well. ❞
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badheart · 1 year
"You look as though the moon and the sun had a baby together..." After a while of staring dreamily into her eyes, Kobato would murmur this to Fang as if absolutely love-stricken. Considering he previously hadn't consumed any alcohol whatsoever, however, one could simply conclude he was merely reacting in the moment and saying the first thing that came to his head without really thinking... yet at this moment, it didn't exactly change the fact she might as well be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
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Cheesy lines like this usually went completely past her, whereas her friend Futaba would probably be head over heels now. Fang required some more nuance, some more uniqueness, or simply a picture of a fat raccoon with another animal, that would show their love or whatever far better.
"Planets fucking, interesting take," she snorted. "You look like the most insane car crash, a dash-cam can only dream about." Fang smiled at him, while having no issues whatsoever when she reached out for his face and squished his cheeks together. "A cute one on top." Moving further, past his ears to his hair. "If only you had cat ears..." she sighed and let go.
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angelxblossoms · 1 year
[ LINGER ] [ for setsuka from ryuto in his post tce2 verse, because he was taught that hand kissing is a respectful way to greet a lady and i can actually imagine him doing so to keep up appearances in a high society setting -- ] @causalitylinked
Social events are often so drab and tend to bore her to death. Greeting everyone and watching them trying to kiss her family's ass while having those fake smiles on their faces made her want to roll her eyes. Alas, Setsuka wouldn't dare to speak those types of thoughts out loud, but it won't stop her from thinking about how painful it can be at times.
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At least, the greeting is over for now. She definitely felt parched after that so here she was about to sip on a glass of champagne until her father called her over. A small sigh elicited from her painted lips as she places her glass back down before joining him once more.
Another greeting...
Only this time, it appears to be a handsome young man who is around her age. Politely lowering her head, she starts her introduction.
"Good evening, I'm Fujisaki Setsuka. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She greeted. To her pleasant surprise, the gentleman took her hand and kissed the back of it, lingering a bit longer before letting go. The gesture made her cheeks flush as she wasn't quite expecting that since so far it was mostly handshakes and bowing their heads.
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odiamors · 2 years
@causalitylinked​  /  sc.
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            “  well  ,  this is certainly unpleasant  ,  ”  the heiress comments  ,  displeasure written clearly across her visage  .  hibari’s had her fair share of group work  ,  but right now  ,  this hardly seemed like a GROUP  ;  namely  ,  there was only one person that showed up  .  RYUTO TSUKISHIMA  ,  was it  ??  it seems as if the rest of their peers were taking this to be some kind of joke . . .             “  tsukishima-san . . . pray tell  ,  are we being pranked right now or have our classmates decided to play hooky  ??  ”  she asks  ,  eyes turning to the only person present in the study room  .
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Continued from here for @causalitylinked!
"If by grating personalities, you mean with a particular proclivity to decline all manner of obedience in favor of independence, cleverness, and tenacity?" She'd replied just before the elevator had opened, flashing him a brilliant smile. "Then yes, those are the manner of friends, particularly female friends, I choose to keep."
She had a feeling that Ishida herself would not rank highly in Ryuto's list of favorite people. Not that he had much of one to begin with, or so she guessed, but as she settled on the sofa and leafed through some of the latest offerings from Dior and Prada, Sonia knew this had been the right decision. A stylist who loved to be at the forefront of gossip was a much better choice than a crowded store or a boutique with pushy salespeople, always trying to bolster the amount of sales they could make off any given client. She wasn't as experienced in shopping alone, most of what she owned was selected for her, sent to her, and adjusted as needed. But in the moments she'd been able to bond with her mother as a little girl in the private rooms of luxury boutiques, Sonia had been able to pick up a little in how to purchase with intent, intelligence, and care.
Not that Ryuto seemed to enjoy being a beneficiary of such things. Her phone vibrated, Sonia setting down the glass of water she'd been sipping in order to read and reply to his WIRE message.
Sonia Nevermind: You can order a pot of every tea the café sells if that pleases you, but yes, they'll have chamomile milk tea. I thought you'd enjoy the privacy here, but if you'd like to experience a department store properly we can do that next time. Maybe try the plum-colored shirt they gave you? I think it would look nice with all the Earthen tones you usually wear.
"He should try the deep green, the burgundy, the navy, and the plum shirts, with all that brown and tan he has in his current outfit," Ms. Ishida quipped, sitting herself at a chair across the low table from Sonia. In return, Sonia smiled: she'd just given him the same advice, she just hadn't been permitted to hear. "He's got Tom Ford, Ralph Lauren, and Ermenegildo Zegna in there: surely your Tsukishima-san can find something in that. It would be far more fun to set him up with a full wardrobe, though: you've kept a potential model away from me!"
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"I shall reiterate: he is not my Tsukishima-san," Sonia repeated with a smile. The problem wasn't Ms. Ishida's persistence, it was the fact that because she was so persistent and had an eye for society couples in general, she couldn't imagine what her parents would do if they got wind of the fact she had a friend in Ryuto Tsukishima. Probably start planning their Makango Catch as soon as they graduated university. "And not a word to my family, Ms. Ishida. You promised."
She reached for her phone again, to type out a message to Ryuto.
Sonia Nevermind: Both the deep chocolate and British tan trousers should look nice on you, along with the blazer they sent in with the shirts. They're tidy and not flashy. Though if you're interested in something more attention-grabbing, I'm sure Ms. Ishida would be all too pleased to comply: she's planning your runway debut here in the sitting room, though I'm talking her out of such plans.
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“My sleep schedule isn’t that terrible, and I’m not that stubborn!”
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“It’s simply that I must help others when I am able, and most of my favorite films are best enjoyed after midnight. Sometimes that’s the only available time I have in the day to myself, after all. How can I sleep if I’m in the middle of a Friday the 13th marathon?”
Surely someone can’t expect her to not include Jason Takes Manhattan or Jason X simply due to something as trivial as her clock.
Do not get her started about how Jason X is simultaneously amusing and a masterpiece of cinema
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strywoven · 1 year
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@causalitylinked has requested a story : [ CARE ] [ for dyn'lo from ryuto! ]
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It has been … QUITE SOME TIME since last Dyn’lo himself has taken ill ( at least , long enough for him to not remember ) ; indeed , most Dustling boast of r a r e l y getting sick to begin with , which oft’ means that when they happen to be so , it tends to be BAD .  Bedridden and feverish , the Dustling all but c o w e r s beneath a mass of blankets.  Despite his wealth of fur , he still shivers the more his body attempts to expel whatever has taken hold of him.  He groans softly , opening his eyes momentarily as his young master enters the room and greets him , asks him how he’s faring ; not well at all , by the looks of things.  Fleetingly he wonders if Ryuto’s father’s research of his kind extended so far as Dustling ailments , or if – by some stroke of luck – Ryuto’s own mastery in the subject could help absolve him of his incessant s u f f e r i n g .  And how ASHAMED he is to be sick at all !  How utterly USELESS he feels !  Condemned to a writhing , wheezing mess , forced to stay put for his own good— Dyn’lo is more restless and agitated than ever ( as if any of this can be helped ) .
When the curtains are drawn open , attempting to allow some light into the room , Dyn’lo turns away from it ( it just won’t do , the light makes his head ache all the worse ! ) , tucking his face back under his wing beneath the blankets.  Feeling the bed shift under the other’s weight as he sits down , Dyn’lo slowly uncoils , poking his head out again and squinting d a z e d l y at Ryuto.  ❝ No better … I fear. ❞  The Dustling rasps , answering the question from earlier , his normally velveteen voice gone rough and harsh from coughing and heaving so much through the night.  ❝ This is very much … Comparable … To a human flu. ❞  He explains , hoping the extra insight might guide ( or perhaps expedite ) his process of recovery.  Shuffling a little forward , Dyn’lo rests his head in the younger’s lap , eyes again closing as he wheezes a heavy sigh.
There’s something else Ryuto’s brought along with him – Dyn’lo can s m e l l it – but he’s no energy to acknowledge it.  Soup , perhaps , something brothy and light enough for his unruly stomach to tolerate.  There’s a shuffling of bowl and spoon , the steam and scent of chicken stock wafting pleasantly against his furless face.  ❝ Must I … ? ❞  Dyn’lo grumbles , prying his eyes open to blink tiredly at the soup.  Sensing no way to argue out of it , he huffs ,  ❝ Alright. ❞  With e f f o r t , the forger pushes himself upright and – with Ryuto’s careful assistance – gingerly takes the bowl in his weak grasp , spooning a few mouthfuls for himself.  ❝ Thank you , Master Ryuto. ❞  It’s a wonder how much good some simple broth can do for you ; a familiar , lifelike s p a r k is returning to his gaze the more he manages to eat.  ❝ But you do not … Have to be the one … Doing this. Though it means ... A lot ... That you are. ❞
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“Please hold one moment, Sonia-san. There’s something I would like to give you before your inevitable return to Novoselic.” As soon as he manages to capture her attention, Ryuto proceeds to extend a rectangular box adorned with grey wrapping paper and red ribbons towards her. Inside, she’ll find the complete volume of the Monstrumologost series by Rick Yancey, along with a tin of his favourite white peach oolong tea. “I recall hearing you say you had yet to read a certain author’s works and that you are also partial to tea, so I combined both into my gift for you. Hopefully, one of these would serve as a suitable distraction on your plane ride back home.”
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Sonia's Birthday 2022 - Accepting birthday asks/posts from mutuals!
She hadn't had much time that day: just long enough to indulge in a cup of milk tea (sans sweets, to her regret) at a café with Ryuto before she needed to go to the airport. Even princesses with private planes kept to a schedule (as best they could), but she'd been firm on spending some time with him before she was thrust back into her royal life with little room to breathe. And if anyone knew what those expectations were like, it was him: royal in everything but title, it seemed. She could be candid with him about the week and a half of ceremonies, of official appearances, of festivals, and finally a ball that would last until sunrise, after which the younger revelers would hop a plane for the unofficial afterparty: 48 hours in Ibiza, before Sonia was mercifully allowed to return home. Some of it she was eager to experience, other bits she dreaded, but it was pertinent to him, or so Sonia thought, as some of the social circles his parents kept were making the journey to the annual Masquerade Ball after wrangling invitations from the Royal Family.
But just as she'd finished paying the bill and prepared to leave, he'd stopped her. Thank goodness, she thought, as she eased back into her seat with a smile. She would've much rather spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in his company, instead of alone on a private plane en route to her old life, but she'd take every minute she could get. "Yes?" She asked, setting her handbag aside on an empty chair. "Oh, Tsukishima-san, you did not have to but I am so pleased you have thought of me! May I open it here?"
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His follow-up explanation was indication enough that he meant for it to be enjoyed on the trip home, so she grinned and carefully opened the paper where it had been taped and sealed: ripping right into it was seen as crude and hardly appropriate for a princess. Once she'd unwrapped it fully though, Sonia gasped in delight, holding up the book and the tea in both hands. "Ooh!" She exclaimed, "I've heard of this one! It's supposed to be super cool and super scary, with vivid descriptions of gore! This is exactly the sort of thing I've been wanting to read, fo' sho'! And the tea sounds lovely: the kettle on the plane has multiple settings for brewing tea, so preparing an oolong at the correct temperature should be of no issue. Thank you, Tsukishima-san! These will be a more than suitable distraction, indeed!"
Tucking both items safely into her leather tote, she exhaled a content, yet tired, sigh. She hadn't even gotten on the plane yet and she was already exhausted by what faced her: rigid schedules, rigid diet, people with rigid senses of humor and a hearty appetite for gossip, particularly where her family was concerned. "I feel rather confident you'd detest all of this, but would you mind terribly if I texted you throughout the duration of the trip? Just with things I think you might enjoy, or when it all gets to be too much. I have my limits, with socializing and all: usually when people become too petty and spiteful, I think. And I can't really say what's on my mind most of the time, like I can with you."
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mugunghwc · 1 year
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unprompted ask / always accepting
@causalitylinked​​ said:  "Could you cease your incessant wailing already?" Ryuto sighs while finally taking a seat next to her. "It's pathetic. Why are you so hung up on a man that would never reciprocate your affection in the first place?" Perhaps he could stand to phrase his question less insensitively, but considering he never knew what it was like to actually be in love, Hana's behaviour was pretty much unfathomable to him. Seriously, for the life of him, Ryuto could not understand why she couldn't simply find another man who might potentially love her back because that seemed like a much more efficient way to spend her time than pining after someone unattainable. [ for hana, from ryuto! ]
      there were two immediate thoughts that came to mind upon hearing such a thing. one being, ‘ could you mind your own business?’. while the other was less snarky, & more self-aware as she wondered if she was really that obvious—staring at her phone with a pout on her lips. her reaction was no different from that she gave to others when they dared to give her unsolicited advice. even her mother had fallen victim to her attitude, becoming irritated & lashing out. hana would quickly pull her phone away & cross her arms over her chest, while trying to ignore his presence altogether.
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     “what do you know? he’s just a busy man. that’s all.” purposely ignoring the point of what he was saying. she was in full denial ; clinging to the hope that one day he’d realize his mistake & finally look at her the way she does to him. hana would huff all indignant about his comment, or the fact that he thought she wanted to hear that from some kid. “what’s pathetic is getting all up on my business because you don’t have a life on your own, let alone a romantic interest.” her assumption. “he’s just trying to build up his career before settling down. then, i will definite be his wife.”
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badheart · 1 year
cont: @causalitylinked
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"That's up for debate," she giggled and looked down at Junior. Plushies were naturally cute, so in theory no guy should have any chance, but if she was honest, Kobato was very cute due to his long bangs and stupid smiles. It was not fair how cute he truly could be. If only he got some of Ryuto's brains.
"How much consent do you still need?" Believing, she already gave him her okay. "I just hope, you find a nice hotel," she grinned as she looked up at him. The family he worked for should not pay too bad, right? While she was not demanding a palace, at least a clean and nicely decorated place.
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mugunghwc · 1 year
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unprompted ask / always accepting
@causalitylinked said: "Man, that Maimi is such a bombshell babe! Don't you think so too, Kojira?"Kobato states as soon as Mai left their line of sight. Needless to say, it hadn't exactly occurred to him it might have been inappropriate to bring up how hot he thinks his employer is, but with Kobato being Kobato, one cannot expect conversations with him to somehow not revolve around women.
koji was a man of very few words. the type to mostly speak when he was spoken to, or comment only if it was necessary. in kobato's case, that was rare, as he rarely ever acknowledged his existence. in his eyes, he was nothing more than ryuto's driver, & someone that had once looked out for hana. however, that didn't mean he trusted him.
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had it been his usual rambling, he'd have been met with silence from his part. his biggest mistake was speaking about the miss in such a way that prompted the man to peer in his direction with one eye open. a look of displeasure was present on his features, before an arm wrapped around kobato's neck to put him in a chokehold. "you better watch out with how you address mai-san." his hold was no joke ; adding some pressure before ultimately letting go. his intention wasn't to hurt him, but to warn him. he'd not stand for any kind of disrespect to their family.
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badheart · 1 year
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favorite fruit(s) :   coconut
favorite activity(ies) :   collecting like merch, or plush animals and basically anything that’s cute. Drawing, from more serious stuff to hentai. Taking photos and messing with filters a lot. Gossip. Daydreaming. Sex. Gaming, reading, watching stuff. Cosplay, or simply wearing lolita dresses albeit more rarely. 
favorite flower(s) :   plastic plants (easy to take care of), chrysanthemum
favorite season(s) :  autumn
favorite insect(s) :    bee (And she still insists to mention spiders & centipedes, even if they aren’t considered insects, also just for the aesthetic/looks, she would not touch any of them) 
favorite animal(s) :  panda, octopus, orca, penguins, bats, cats
favorite gem(s) :  has no gem knowledge, so she just goes with jade. 
favorite time of day : evening
tagged by: @distopea ♥ thank u!      tagging: @causalitylinked​ (Ryuto & Kobato) , @soulxfragments​ ,  @starrkc​ , @tsckcyomi (anna) , @keikakudori , @tigermcth​ , ✨
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