thornybubbles · 2 years
Guess who paid me a visit on Fanfiction.net
So today I went to check up on my stories on Fanfiction.net to see if I got any comments, messages, etc. I saw I had a review on My "Jealous Yandere Jo-Foes" story. This is what it says:
"catspats31chapter 1 . Dec 18, 2022
The writing quality is good in terms of your spelling and grammar, but the following part of the Content Guidelines is broken for being a second person or you-based story:
Entries not allowed: 5. Any form of interactive entry: choose your adventure, second person/you based, Q&As, and etc.
Please remove all elements related to the reader and replace them with a canon character or original character. Switch to first person or third person point of view. You can always put it on another site where it is allowed such as Archive Of Our Own."
Now let me clarify something for those of you that are not in the know (I only found this out myself today)... this person is part of a group that goes around dropping into people's reviews to tell them that they are violating the rules of Fanfiction.net. These people actively flag stories they say are in violation of the rules. These people are not affiliated with Fanfiction.net. They are not admins or moderators and they have no agency or authority to be doing what they are doing. I'm not the only one that this has happened to and I'm not the only one talking about it. This has apparently been going on for a while.
I do not appreciate someone who is not in charge, acting as a rules lawyer for a site that they do not own or work for.
Something else to take into consideration is the fact that if you go to the "reviewer's" profile, they wrote this:
"Second person/you based stories or reader inserts. Sometimes, the reader would feel traumatized when the story puts them in it. I feel that stories like that show a sign of laziness when authors put things like "(name)" or "(h/c)". Can't you use another character from the fandom or an original character instead of putting the reader in the story?"
The whole "traumatizing the reader" is an incredibly weak mindset, but this mostly shows that this person simply doesn't like reader inserts. I feel that this is the REAL reason that catspats31 decided to warn me about my "violation". That seems to be the case with a lot of people in this group as well. They go after both writers of reader inserts and people who write smut. Now, I know that Fanfiction.net has some rules against NSFW stuff, but I don't know nor care much about it because I don't write smut anyway.
I don't feel that my stories violate the rules because the rules state that interactive stories are not allowed. It mentions "you based" stories or stories written in second person which can be a reference to reader inserts. However, most reader inserts, my stories included, are not interactive. The reader is inserted into the story as the main character but does not control what they do or what happens to them in the story. Therefore, by my reasoning, they are NOT interactive. When I tried to argue this point, I was called "disingenuous" for interpreting the rules how I want. Funny, coming from people who are merely interpreting the rules how THEY want (when they didn't even have a hand in creating said rules) but whatever.
I have made a post to Fanfiction.net's help desk forum asking if someone who is an actual moderator or admin can tell me if reader inserts are allowed on the site or not. Only one person said that reader inserts are technically violating the rules, but this person is not a mod or admin, so I take what they say with a grain of salt. I also suspect that this person is either part of this group or a sympathizer. (There are a lot of people who sympathize with them. It's really weird and cultish.)
I sent two emails to Fanfiction.net's support email to inform them of the confusion over their rules. I asked that they please clarify in their rules if they consider reader inserts to be interactive or not and if they actually violate the rules. Who knows how long it will take for them to get back to me or if they ever will.
Another thing to note is that there is a community created by these people that adds stories to a list of stories THEY say violate the rules. There, they "review" and actively report stories for rules violation. My story is on that list. I can do nothing that I know of to get it removed.
I do not plan to bend the knee to these people but I also do not plan to upload anything else to Fanfiction.net until I get word back from someone of actual authority. However I will also not be removing or changing my stories to cater to these people.
If it turns out that my stories are indeed in violation and reader inserts are not allowed then I will happily remove them from Fanfiction.net. I have been seriously thinking about just leaving the site long before this happened today anyway. I have no attachment to Fanfiction.net and I get a lot more readers for my JoJo stories on other sites anyway. Archive of Our Own is a much better site for a lot of reasons. Better tagging for one thing. Tagging on Fanfiction.net is practically non-existent.
I will update this if anything new happens.
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khepiari · 10 months
LawLu Nation If You Are Still publishing on FFN read this:
Okay I am not a person who calls out or likes pointing fingers. But I received this an hour back on a fic published on Fanfiction dot net recently which is clearly marked “M”.
As far as I remember MA tag was long removed from ffn years back when the great purged happened. And I have been active on ffn for more than a decade now.
In all fairness, I was going to ignore this, but these words irked me a lot: "Please note FanFiction does not accept explicit content, Fiction Rating: MA, and the rating is only presented for reference.”
What is this behaviour? Why are you commenting on a fic that’s not even that explicit?
Barging into a fandom you don’t belong to, and typing something so confidently as if you hold authority is extremely entitled and nosy behaviour. We fic writers are hounded day and right for things we enjoy to write because a quarter of you have no basic understanding of “don’t like it, don’t interact with it.” It seems you all fancops make it personal mission to bother people who literally have nothing to do with you or don’t care about your existence.
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Everything said here is nothing but written on fumes. So if you are a fic writer like me, who is still writing mature fics on ffn and marking the stories properly. Please do yourself a favour and block these two accounts and save yourself from headaches called fancop.
catspats31: https://m.fanfiction.net/u/2266852/catspats31
finallyexploded: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4223091/finallyexploded
Seriously, good job at ruining my jolly mood. Dumbasses.
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fallingvvstyle · 5 years
Say ‘Goodbye’ to ‘When I Make A Promise’
...at least on FFN, as of tomorrow. This in response to one admin wannabe tightass telling me to clean up my stories or face...whatever. I suddenly don’t care anymore. You can find me on AO3.
It’s cool; I’m done with that site anyway; and the story is and always will be (I hope!) on AO3. I’m saving all the reviews this got as well; and on the one hand I’ll miss reviews like
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but at least I saved those. What I won’t get to see is this ever again, aside from static screenshots I’ve kept for myself:
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I have screenshots of when that story hit 10K, 20K, and 30K views, and I’ll never know if it would have ever hit 40K or not. I always hoped it would, but I guess I’ll never know.
Guess I should tag a few people, so @ao3commentoftheday @brightstarblogs @dorkonthenork (thank you!!! for the fanart you made for this story, they will live on elsewhere on AO3) @tconilhilm and someone who once told me “let’s write porn together!” on LiveJournal who I’m pretty sure deleted their tumblr @julads (and since they’re gone, maybe one of their friends @blame-canada  @mad-tuna @hollyhark ) will pass this along: This idiot may come for your work next. 
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thefoldedbird · 4 years
A user by the pen name catspats31 is going around FFN telling people to take down\alter their stories for “violating the rules”. Things such as:
No lemons
No xReaders
No announcing contests
No commentaries
It’s kinda dumb and not their job. They’re just a user, not an administrator from what I can tell. They aren’t being paid to do this. Just a fair warning to writers. Just block them. They don’t seem like they’re worth it.
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kendochick-moor · 5 years
FFN - Shutdown
I am shutting down my FF.net account. I’ll still read fics and comment from it, but I’m not going to update it anymore. (Please check my AO3 for further updates!)
In the meantime, if anyone wants to borrow my ‘ban’ list from FFN, here it is! 100+ names and IDs to help you block out the negativity. ^_^Y
If you see your name on this list and believe it’s an error (mistakes happen, I am very human), kindly reach out to me via PM on Tumblr.
PenName     UserID     A Big Fan of Most Things 2425083 Aeyra 2613432 AlarictheCat 9909198 AliceTheBloodyRabbit 4149733 Annabelle01 3184725 anonymous123456xxx 2377987 Arbitrary Ravens 3340374 ArcticPuppet 211015 AvrilSays 1763844 BarasLB 3763544 BeachWriter 291381 CaDeYbOi 3290582 catspats31 2266852 Cerulean City 1433025 Cha's Aegis 252436 Chemotherapy 4095355 Chocolate Pencil 2901058 Coqui's Song 2555018 Corner Of A Paradise 4100469 Creatively Commonplace 4245033 CU Administration 2098970 Daastan Go 9641605 Dr Facer 79668 Eliminator Forum 3726052 Elodie the Scribe 1621224 Ever Heard of a Dictionary 1935085 Falseface 2813270 finallyexploded 4223091 From Out of the Blue 3140628 FueledByChocolate 2583739 Gaaras1Girl 1821929 Georgasaurus 1600268 hashimito 5785070 Hennigan 2288834 Hime-koi 962882 Indigo Halfmoon Dauntless 4211358 IronLad 2839102 Karma's Destiny 2758750 Ky-lassassin 1109637 L3ftHRyd3r 2828995 La Chica del Oceano Silente 3139989 lantern of hope 2139401 Legend of Derpy 3934752 Lifequasher 4592707 LoveGinyLove1 1856757 madara2 4419743 Make FFN Sensible Again 2875867 Marie Nomad 3304 marvin30 8254483 MewJounouchi 1414300 Mishafer 6282330 Mr Hanzo of Salamander 3744537 Mr Who-Cares 4151124 Mr. Perfectionist 4172971 MrGoodyTwoShoes 2107552 Mrs. Flamer 3074931 MsAlwaysDistracted 3913599 MTunit05953234 1275756 N. Harmonik 632668 PercyandKatnisFan 4241127 Pink Fantasies 2500808 Princess of Prussia 3598392 Question42 2628780 Ramenluver 1250252 RarityRoyale 3286464 Red Soul Eater 4123118 ringleader31 4154183 Rome Beauty 1495065 Ruining Hopes and Dreams 2955884 Runic Healer 1501327 Saneko 407690 Sarifs servant 4058598 Sextuple Covalent Mo2 Bond 2182524 Sideshow27 3241670 Spirit of Paladin 1977471 Sunny Yellow 3482317 TaiyouChan 2110775 Tallz Is De Langste Ster 1768878 Ten ways to spoil dinner 1503167 That Dastard Cerberus 3643402 The Critic Of Doom 4232047 The Imprisoned of Hell 4258762 The knockerman 4254900 The Sage of Toads 1854667 The Sky Above 3496084 the universe is ours 3024247 The-Doll-on-the-Shelf 4117359 ThePolicyOfTruth 8303490 Thranduil Oropherion Redux 1225130 Total Justice 733684 Trash Bean 1544230 Tyger Hyuga 2691497 user-deactivated3339 1480899 Veni0Vidi0Vici 2987978 Vintage and Pink 1517754 Whambulance 4289199 Whimsical Symphony 3583375 WishingDreamer5 1726816 xXKeepYourEnemiesCloseXx 3091727 Y. Honey 1264484
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Are you fucking kidding me?!
First of all, let me explain, this is a review on some OLD fanfic. This is a review on my fanfic Beautiful which is a Hiccup/Astrid one shot I wrote forever ago back when THE FIRST How to Train Your Dragon movie came out. It's a LEMON back when they were called freaking lemons and before this nonsense was enacted. It's about Hiccup and Astrid enjoying some MARRIED pregger sex. It's labeled and rated correctly.
What kind of sad, pitiful life do you lead catspats31? That you have to dig through Older than dirt fic to just leave this kind of "review"? Which this isn't a proper review, this is you clearly demonstrating your pettiness. Get a real fucking life and if this wasn't your cup of tea, THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE BELIEVED AND UNDERSTOOD THE RATING SYSTEM AND NOT READ IT. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU BEING OFFENDED.
And that back handed first line? That's not constructive criticism, that's just you being a bitchy douchebag.
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