#cats-and-confusion you made this possible thank you lol
chilfucked · 1 month
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is this anything
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normal-internet-user · 5 months
Hii! How are you?
I was hoping you could do a one shot or hcs for a platonic/sibling PJO thing with Percy. I was thinking this kid shows up at camp-half-blood (their age being like 11-13) and being like a carbon copy of Percy and everyone notices except for him. They become pretty close and during a capture the flag game the Reader gets claimed by Poseidon, and Percy is just in shock like: 😲 holy moly
I think it would be really cute and I love big bro Percy
The reader is gender neutral
This is completely /nf and feel free to delete it if you don't want to! Thank you so much! Remember to drink water and take care of yourself!
-Axel <3
Ahhh this is actually such a cute IDEA-
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Percy With a Child Of Poseidon Reader...
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When you showed up to camp, no one really thought much of it.
The Titan war was over, demi-gods were showing up left and right, getting claimed along the way.
The thing that was weird was your lack of the latter.
Weeks after you arrived you were still unclaimed, with no change in sight.
It frustrated Percy because the gods had literally JUST promised not to leave any kids unclaimed.
As a result, he decided to spend time with you, just because he noticed you were feeling slightly put out at your lack of a godly parent.
Percy seemed to be the only one who hadn't noticed that the two of you next to each other was like looking back and forth between a mirror of features.
Everyone else did though.
Annabeth really did try to just- nudge him in the direction that MAYBE POSSIBLY-
But no, Percy was as oblivious as a blind cat after you moved the furniture.
Honestly he liked hanging out with you.
It made him feel good to know he was keeping you occupied instead of thinking about not being claimed.
He felt like an older brother ironically enough.
He had you sit with him during meals, and during activities he was with the Hermes cabin most of the time to help you.
Your very first capture the flag was exciting for him,
Him helping you put on your armor before plopping am oversized helmet on your head was like a mother watching their watching their child ride a bike for the first time.
He was so proud!
Sure you tripped over yourself and fell on your face, but that's okay! Everyone stumbles sometimes!
You're doing great!
Honestly, it was his fault for not helping you tie your shoes.
It was safe to say, the two of you had sufficiently bonded.
Which must have been the reason Poseidon decided to claim you now of all times.
He must really like capture the flag if that's how he claimed both his kids.
Percy was floored, and incredibly confused.
Everyone else was more or less like, "yeah saw that one coming." and you were trying to look up at the floating trident over your head through your helmet.
Percy feeling a whirlwind of emotions.
Confusion, excitment, slight frustration- but mostly excitement.
He was confused as to how as a child of Poseidon you'd managed to stay alive this long.
Unless your mortal parent had also kept a Gabe around to hide your demigod smell.
The thought made him wince.
He was practically vibrating when he showed you around Cabin 3.
You'd seen it before, sure, but now it was your cabin as much as his.
He wouldn't be sleeping alone anymore and he was exstatic about it.
And he can't wait to introduce you to Tyson too.
And his mom, oh she's gonna love you.
Especially if your mortal parent isn't in the picture either by choice or tradgedy.
Percy was gonna be the best big brother ever, it was his job to protect you now, so he would.
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Ta-da! This is legit, the first thing I have posted in FOREVER holy shit, it felt SO good to write this out, like-
Anyway, all done! Here you go, I wanted to keep going but I figured it was long enough lol
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needtoloveoutloud · 2 months
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Shadows Of Our Past, Present, and (possible) Future — Series
My Hero Academia — Female!OC Fanfiction on AO3
Part One (Completed — 93k words):
The one where Shota Aizawa stumbles upon a back alley full of stray cats and ends up adopting a child
“Fine, then a cat? We both know how much you love those little furry…things.” At this, Shota paused the game and turned to the pushy blonde next to him. “I actually have considered that.” “And?” “And: also, no. It makes no sense.” Hizashi looked almost scandalized. “Makes no sense?” “I made a pro and contra list.” “Of course you did.”
When underground hero Shota Aizawa, twenty-two years old, is out on patrol one Friday evening, he doesn't expect that a single meow from a cat would lead him to find a homeless girl called Yoru. From then on, Yoru and Shota grow up together, make mistakes together, and try to overcome every obstacle life throws at them.
>> Read on AO3 <<
Part Two (Ongoing, regular updates — growing long fic — 231k words so far — READ PART 1 FIRST, PLEASE AND THANK YOU):
The one where Yoru Aizawa tries to navigate through life at U.A.
Two days after her fifteenth birthday, Yoru decides to drop the bomb on him. “I want to go to U.A.” “You want to go to U.A.” Her Dad puts the book he's been reading down on the glass balcony table.  “Yes, I want to go to U.A.” She slumps down on the outdoor couch next to him, grabbing the discarded book. “What are you reading?” ‘A Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi — The classic guide to strategy ’. She raises an eyebrow. “Reading that for fun, huh?” “Why do you want to go to U.A.? You never cared much about heroes. Besides Edgeshot, that is.” Yoru smirks up at him. “What, jealous?” “As if.” “You know, even if they sold Eraserhead posters, I wouldn’t hang them up. It would be super weird.” “Good to know where your loyalties lie.” He rolls his eyes. “Back to the topic at hand, why do you want to go to U.A.? Because Shinso wants to go?” “No.” Pause. “Okay, that may be part of it. But I’m serious. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and I really want to go.” “That might be so, but you still neglected to tell me why you want to attend there.” Yoru plays with her hair, noting how it’s time for another hair cut when she finds some splint ends. “I wanna be a hero.” Her Dad blinks. “A hero?” “Yes. Well, I want to help people and do some good with that shitty quirk of mine.”
When Yoru tells her Dad that she wants to attend U.A., she expects it to be a difficult path. She didn't expect all the awkwardness, blossoming friendships, confusing feelings, and near-death experiences, though.
>> Read on AO3 <<
Please heed the warnings/tags (TWs in the author's notes of chapters where they apply to).
This story is a mix of:
Slice of life
SLOW BURN Romance — Enemies to Lovers (Bakugo x Yoru)
Growing up, coming of age (hopefully lol)
Teenage awkwardness
Mixed media (pictures, music, chat screenshots (later on in Part 2), etc. — chat screenshots will always have the written text below, to make it accessible for visually impaired folks or people who use screen readers)
Author: NoBecksPleaseNo on AO3
Please don't copy the work, the character, the premise, etc. Also, no cross-posting anywhere, please and thank you.
Disclaimer: Yoru's image is AI generated and then edited/adjusted by the author. The other character images in the header are from Pinterest (besides the one of Present Mic/Midnight, that one's from the light novels) — unfortunately without a source. If you're the artist, and you're not okay with me using them, please message me and I will remove them. If you're the artist and are okay with me using them, please tell me, so I can credit you.
Besides the OC characters, I don't own any already existing characters from the My Hero Academia Universe — that honor belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.
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daffodildelight · 2 years
Enemies (Part One) | Shuntarō Chishiya x Reader
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Title: Enemies (Part One) 
Pairing: Shuntarō Chishiya x fem!reader
Summary: You and Chishiya always had a rocky ‘friendship’ if you would even call it that. But feels get revealed under intense pressure
Themes/Warnings: fluff, guns, season 2 spoilers
Word count: 2500sh
A/N: So unedited, will deal with it later. First ever fanfic lol so please be nice, made this in under 3 hours.
You and Chishiya always had a rocky relationship, you had arrived at The Beach after him but slowly made your way up the ranks. Becoming semi-close friends with the Hatter can do that for you. Since you were making your way up the ranks you began getting close with all the high-ranking members, you got along with most of them except for Niragi and Chishiya. Niragi because he saw you as a piece of meat and you would do all your power to get away from him and Chishiya because in you’re eyes he sees you as a weak little girl.
But your relationship with Chishiya started to change leading up to the 10 of hearts games. He would start to act nicer towards you, making sure you had arrived from your game unscathed or even trying to make conversation with you. You had to admit, it was kind of nice. But you also found this rather confusing so you went to the one person who you could get answers from Hikari Kuina.
You found Kuina sitting in the main bar at the beach, wearing her signature blue bathing suit while chewing on her dummy cigarette. ‘’Now look what the cat dragged in, how are you doing (Y/N)’’ she looked genuine when she says this but you can see a little glint in her eye. ‘’I know you and Chishiya have gotten closer in the past few months and I was wondering if I could ask a question?’’ You tried to sound as neutral as possible but Kuina could always see right through you. ‘’Let me guess, it has to do with our mutual friend Chishiya?’’ she smirked, always right on target.
‘’Yeah, why has he been checking up on me lately? It’s getting kind of weird because it’s not in his personality. Is he trying to use my connection with Hatter to get something? I mean it’s the only logical reason’’ Kuina laughed at your comment. ‘’Only logical reason! I’ll tell you this right now but you can’t repeat this to anyone, he totally has the hots for you.’’ Now it’s you bursting into laughter. ‘’Very funny Kuina, tell me the real reason why.’’. Kuina looks stunned ‘’You know I would never lie to you (Y/N)’’. Giving up on your line of question you left with a ‘’yeah whatever.’’
A few days passed, and tensions are rising within The Beach, you can feel it. Ever since Aguni has taken over from the sidelines things are going from bad to worse. Chishiya seems more in his head than usual. You were hanging out in the bar when suddenly the P.A. went off. ‘’We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for staying at Seaside Paradise, Tokyo…’’ A man with a calming voice spoke on the P.A. Everyone at the bar looked around confused as were you, then the man continues ‘’As a token of our appreciation, we will now commence a game with all 59 participants in the venue…’’ All the TV’s around the room flash with one image which gains everyone's interest. The 10 of Hearts. The Beach is a venue and it’s a 10 of hearts game? You were not looking forward to this. ‘’All participants must assemble in the lobby immediately. The rules of the game will be explained.’’ There was a feeling in your stomach that this game was gonna cause massive problems. So you and everyone else in the bar migrated into the lobby and grabbed one of the many phones on the table to register for the game.
While waiting for all the players to arrive you make eye contact with Chishiya from across the room, none of you pulls away and it was probably the first time you never felt a dislike towards him, instead it was something much different. My focus was pulled away when someone yells ‘’Momoka!’’ and there she was living lifeless on the floor with her orange and white striped bikini knife stabbed into her heart. Being a part of the games you had seen lots of death but watching it be someone who lives in the house as you and has been helping you since you arrived sets a horrible gut feeling within you. A ding rings from the phone in your hands which now gains your attention. ‘’Game, witch hunt. The murderous witch who killed this girl is hiding amongst you in plain sight. The witch role is not limited to women. To clear the game you must find the witch and burn him or her in the fire of judgement. Time limit: 2 hours.’’ Massive roars were held within the lobby and you knew things were gonna go south within seconds. As you were trying to think of a plan to do anything Chishiya carefully grabs you by the arm and walks you away from the group in the lobby without raising any suspicion. He leads you through multiple corridors and rooms before placing you in a wardrobe. ‘’Things are going to turn into shit (Y/N), stay in here and don’t the door open for anyone except me, I’ll get you when this is finished.’’ Chishiya gets up to close the door before you ask: ‘’Why are you doing this? How do you know I’m not the witch?’’.Chishiya looks at you carefully. ‘’Because I need to know that your gonna be safe, and I know your not the witch because your not the type to kill a person (Y/N).’’ He then leaves through the door and you stay in the closet. After around 10 minutes you believe this to be a good idea because you can lot of screaming and multiple gunshots.
After what seems like an hour and a half sitting in a closet listening to screams Chishiya opens the door and pulls you out of the closet. The hallways were full of smoke and dead bodies on the floor. Chishiya takes you to Kuina and you guys make your way to god knows where. ‘’Will someone please tell me what's happening? Who’s the witch? Where’s Hatter and Aguni? Where are we even going?’’ you groaned loudly while walking barefoot into the city. ‘’Everything will be explained to you soonly (Y/N)’’.
You make your way through some ground tunnels until you reach a room with loads of dead bodies and computer scenes. Then you finally explode. ‘’What the fuck is happening!? Someone explain everything to me now! I'm so confused… where are we? Where’s hatter?” Chishiya sits me down and gives it to me straight, how hatter died a few days ago and thats why aguni took over. How Asahi told everyone she was the dealer of the game, and why Momoka killed herself because she was the witch. It was very hard to listen but Chishiya sits next to me and comforts me the best way he knows how. By stroking my hair, it was really nice minus the horrible things he was telling but all that stopped when we heard footsteps coming towards the computer scenes.  Arisu and Usagi walk through the darkness and Chishiya make us known to them. “So you actually found this place. I expected no less from you. Thanks to you two, I have all the numbered playing cards right here. Thank you.’’ Chishiya looks as smug as ever, you can’t help but feel a little bit more attracted to him.
Conversations were exchanged between the four of them, trying to figure out how each person got to the same place, and what even was this place. You tune yourself out of the conversation and decided to turn and sort out your conflicted feelings. Why did Chishiya save you? You don’t have anything to bring to the table, maybe a few hand-to-hand combat skills but that’s it. Why are you even having feelings for Chishiya? This was starting to get very annoying for you but your train of thought cuts out when all the screens turn on and you see Mira walk into the shot. Everyone exchanged confused glances. She goes on to explain how there are going to be new games and these games will be the ‘face’ card games. But it left all of us wondering, when will we ever get back home?
We all make our way into the centre of Tokyo trying to think about the new information Mira has given us. We look out into the streets of Tokyo and see multiple huge blimps with different kinds of face cards on them. One huge billboard with ‘Next Stage: Start’’ written on it. ‘’None of the games has started yet’’ spoke Arisu standing in the middle of the group looking so tired. ‘’Maybe we still have time’’ Usagi spoke next trying to reassure Arisu. ‘’Or they forgot to push the big red start button’’ Chishiya replied, Arisu and Usagi turned around and gave Chishiya a look, and I couldn’t help but give a chuckle. I noticed Chishiya smirk a little. ‘’They didn’t tell us about the rules for this one.’’ Signs Kuina. Everyone in the group continues to look around confused. Usagi looks like she notices something. ‘’What is it?’’ I ask with Chishiya to my right. ‘’I hear something’’ Usagi replies and looks towards the street. We all turn and watch the street with her. Multiple cars approach us, and I recognise them as Beach people. They all hop out of their cars and Arisu goes to investigate. ‘’What is this? What are you doing here?’’ He asks one of the members. The members of The Beach go on to say ‘’We saw the blimps show up, there are rumours that the next stage is starting’’. Arisu getting a little frustrated says ‘’Right… here's the thing’’ Suddenly the members of The Beach are getting shot down.
‘’A riffle, get moving,’’ Chishiya says in a weirdly calm way when people around him are dying. ‘’That thing is an anti-tank rifle. So I’d forget about hiding behind a car.’’ He tells the group. I decided to take initiative for Chishiya at this moment, I grab his arm and we follow Arisu towards some buildings. Chishiya runs ahead of me and covers me with the rifle. When the group meets behind the building Kuina asks ‘’Does this means the game started?’’ Chishiya quickly replies ‘’I don’t know’’. Kuina continues ‘’Did they give us any rules?’’ We slowly make our way around the building. ‘’Without rules this is just a massacre’’ Shouts Arisu. ‘’That rifle can kill from about a kilometre away,’’ Chishiya tells the group, he goes from covering me to holding my waist if not for the adrenaline I would assume my bodies reacting like this because of him. Different sounds now come from the gun. ‘’And now we’ve got an assault rifle.’’ Chishiya continues. We all huddle as a group and give comments about things we are witnessing and ideas on what could be happening. ‘’Maybe there are different shooters’’ Usagi speaks up, ‘’Other players are grouping up, I didn’t know there were this many players left’’ Kuina adds. ‘’There almost here!’’ Arisu shouts and backs away from the mysterious shooter. ‘’Let's go!’’ Arisu yells while taking the group back into the street. ‘’I don’t think this is a good idea Arisu!’’ I yell in hopes he can hear me but the blast from the rifle is too much. ‘’We need to split up’’ Chishiya yells and grabs me by the hand and pulls me from the group.
Chishiya and I start sprinting down the street, hands holding each other while bodies fall all around us. I trip on a rock and Chishiya is there to scoop me up from the ground and we continue running. Hands still interlocked tugging each other towards different directions. I see Kuina from a distance and drag Chishiya with me to catch up with her. Kuina looked grateful that somebody else was with her and the 3 of us crouched behind a car. Kuina looks down and see’s Chishiya and I’s hands interlocked. She gives me a knowing look and I turn around to focus on more important things like Arisu and Usagi running along the opposite side of the road trying to help somebody. I make eye contact with Arisu: ‘’Are you trying to get killed out there!’’ with that comment the gunman takes fire in our direction. I hide back behind the car. My back is up against Chishiya's torso and I can feel his breath on my neck. Kuina speaks up ‘’Where are they shooting from anyway?’’ we then hear a loud rumbling from above us and see the huge blimp with a kind of spade flag hanging below it. ‘’Huh, he must be the king of spades’’ Chishiya tells us he then turns to me. ‘’Take this it’s a good luck charm’’ He gives me a handmade explosive. ‘’Thank you Chishiya, I don’t know what to say’’ I can’t believe Chishiya would give up an explosive for me. ‘’Just use it if you have to.’’ and he gives me a smile. I turn to look away feeling a bit flustered but then I notice a man dressed in a long dark black cloak. I point towards him and direct Chishiya and Kuina towards what I’m looking at. ‘’That must be the king of spades’’ I whisper lightly. Chishiya whispers back into my ear ‘’I think your right’’ I turn around to say something but got caught looking into his eyes. My concentration on his eyes disappears when Kuina spots Arisu, Usagi and some random dead guy in the car next to us. ‘’Hey! You two okay? You hurt?’’ Kuina pipes up, and Chishiya gives them a wave. Shots continue to fire as we hide behind the car. ‘’We’re pinned down here’’ I say loud enough for us to hear. ‘’If we step out, he’ll get us!’’ Usagi replies. All of us try to figure out a plan to get out of there but nothing seems to be working out and the king of spades is getting closer. My train of thought gets broken when I green car that I’ve noticed from the beach before pulls in front of us honking its horn. ‘’Get in!’’ yells Tatta from the passenger seat. ‘’Tatta!?’’ Arisu and I yell in surprise and relief. ‘’Don’t just stand there!’’ someone yells from the driver's seat. ‘’Ann!’’ Kuina yells. Usagi and Arisu are the first to make their way to the car followed by Kuina, me and Chishiya. Ann opens the passenger seat and Arisu, Usagi and Kuina make it safely. Different story for Chishiya and me. A grenade is thrown towards the car door and Chishiya stops me from walking on it. ‘’That’s bad. Get going!’’ He yells towards Ann.
In a split-second decision, I decided to kick the grenade towards the kings of spades will Chishiya grabs my hand and tugged me the other way. ‘’(Y/N)! Chishiya!’’ I hear Kuina yell from the car. Chishiya pulls me behind a car and uses his body to shield me from the blast. At that moment I’m glad that I was stuck with Chishiya because I know that if I had to pick anyone out of the group to survive with it would be him and unfortunately for us, we won’t be seeing the group in a while.
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queen-of-elves · 2 years
Getting caught cuddling with General Hux and taking the blame saying you were the one being clingy but really it was him lol the man is like a needy cat and the purring (smooching noises) gave you away
you can honestly go in any direction you want with this. i just thought it'd be a fun lil idea to base off
Getting caught
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A/ N: I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH THANK YOOU!! I am telling you Hux is always going to be this soft and touch starved man that I adore plus I am in my Hux era obsession so this request was soooo sooooooo perfect
A/N 2.0: I also made it so that their relationship was not official yet hopefully that’s no problem
Word count: over 1.8K
Warning: affection?? Lol and cursing as always, also not proofread
General Armitage Hux was a man of strict discipline and undeniable loyalty to the First Order, you have admired these qualities of his since the first day you had the luck to be under his command. There was just something so interesting about him which exceeded even beyond him becoming one of the youngest generals in the First Order history. So it made you a one lucky individual when he set his eyes on you.
You really hoped his secretive glances were interpreted by others as an angry stare at a subordinate or just his regular cold and stern glare because today was awfully full of these glances. It was a miracle that no one has yet figured out this weird arrangement between the two of you. No, you were not dating, at least none of you verbally stated it. But by the time the two of you had already made out in a random maintenance room or closet for the second time that week it was obvious. Something was cooking between the two of you and obviously keeping it secret as much as was humanly possible was an unsaid rule.
It would be a lie to say you knew exactly how it all started. You just knew that one thing led to another and you and the handsome general Hux ended up passionately kissing in one of the empty corridors of the Finalizer. But this all is a tale for another day.
This time it wouldn’t be any different, you were following the commanding officer throughout the left part of the flagship’s corridor and discussing the next plans after the last mission. Nothing out of ordinary, just a normal conversation in the middle of the day, you were afterall one of the main strategists on the flagship in the command of Armitage Hux so it was expected of you to have frequent interactions with him. However, today felt very different to you, if you didn’t count the stares throughout the day, Armitage was still acting jittery and unconcentrated which was highly unlike him. 
Did something happen?
You couldn’t help but feel concern for the wellbeing of your general. In fact you were so lost in your thoughts over it, you haven’t even realized that you have just confirmed a false statement about one of the missions from last week. And then it happened again and again, discussion containing false information soon turned into one about even nonexistent missions planned for the next few days. A confusion slowly crept on your face, did you prepare data for the wrong missions? 
What is he talking about?
And then it hit you. He was furiously looking behind you, checking the corridor before spinning on his heel and glancing down the other side of the hall. You two were the only one or so it seemed since you couldn’t hear any steps or talking except for Hux who was still going on about the fake mission. When his inspection of the hall was done and he seemed fairly satisfied, snatching your hand and dragging you to the door of what you deemed to be some sort of maintenance room was the next step in his plan. 
So before you could react properly he smashed the lock on the side of the door causing the door to open widely and pushed you in. You had no time to even recognize what the room actually contained before the door closed behind the both of you, plugging you into a darkness. It took a bit for your eyes to adjust and it also got worse when he placed his hands on your shoulders, spinning you around to face him. You couldn’t make out any specific details of his face but he still looked so handsome to you. 
Armitage truly was a being above all in your eyes, handsome, disciplined and incredibly smart, too smart for his own good sometimes and this man, this stupidly handsome man was now kissing you. His hands rested on your cheeks and lips on yours and you felt once again as in ecstasy, just like you were drug to him, he was to you.
He slowly backed you to the nearest wall until your back hit it and then it all really started. His kisses went across your whole face, starting at a temple on one side, stopping momentarily to kiss you furiously and ending at the jaw across before he gave himself the time to properly breathe. This was what you loved about kissing with him, how out of breath he would get, it was as if he couldn’t get enough of you and it made you feel eternal.
There was nothing explicitly sexual about this, nothing beyond simple makeout, no great sinful desire at least this time. And if there was anything in it, it was all about comfort, the comfort you brought to him and you could feel it radiate from him. He needed the comfort you provided, that only you could provide.
This time he nudged his face into the croak of your neck and inhaled slowly while squeezing you in a tight hug as if he was afraid you would turn into mist and disappear from his arms.
With Hux it wasn’t just about the kissing, the cuddling was also very prominent and you were pretty sure oftentimes Armitage enjoyed the cuddling much more than he would ever admit. At this point in his life this man was just beyond touch starved and if he would let you, you would give him hugs any time he wanted. It made you so happy to see him smile after every quick kiss or just slight touch of hands that got unnoticed by others. You truly loved making him happy and it felt like he was on the same note with you. 
Armitage was also decently vocal, actually he was the most vocal guy you have ever been with, you noticed it the first time the two of you made out in his office. The little moans that escaped his mouth and oh my, you would be a goddamn liar if you said you didn’t enjoy every second of the sound he would make. Whenever it was caused by you hugging him or kissing the hell out of him.
His mouth felt like it was everywhere, that HE was everywhere and you couldn’t get enough of it. Armitage’s hand moved from your shoulder to your hip while the other sneaked on the small of your back, gripping the hip and bringing you again so close you could hardly breathe. Both of your chests were now touching but even without his mouth touching you, you felt the excitement accumulating between your bodies. 
You have now noticed his vibrant red hair all out of place, you quite liked the disheveled look on him, and the buttons of his uniform sat loose, he must have unfasten some of them while he dragged you to this room and in between the kisses. But instead of kissing you again he nuzzled his face into your neck again while humming slowly. He was contend, purring like a cat onto your neck and chest. You hope for this moment to never end, to just simply cuddle him until you die.
However, the whole moment shattered with the heavy door sliding open with a long whoosh sound. The both of you stood frozen for agonizingly long, hoping whoever opened the door would either not notice you, which was very unlikely considering you were an eyesore in the now lit room, or pretend to not notice you. In those excruciatingly drawn-out seconds you have noticed a blush creeping on Armitage's face but even that image ripped out of your mind by a stammering voice of a much more embarrassed officer.
“I-I am so sor-rry, SIR. I d-din’t know that- I heard a we-weird sound and I thought-” Oh god, the two of you must have been really loud if they could hear you through the door. And on top of that you were pretty sure that officer wouldn’t keep his tongue behind their teeth after what they saw.
“Get OUT!” Armitage's voice echoed through the room silencing the officer. 
You couldn’t see his face, his silhouette was illuminated by the hall's light still present in the room after the officer just ran for his life, leaving the door open. And there was a certainty the officer wouldn’t escape the punishment Armitage was already making in that smart head of his.
When he finally turned to you, you could see his face seeping red, the tips of his ears caressed with blush just like his cheeks and neck. He wasn’t looking at you, instead his wide eyes rested a few meters before your feet on the metal floor. Half of his face was obscured by his left hand which was holding his mouth in a tight grip. If it weren’t for the blush you would have thought he was contemplating his life choices or maybe he really was and maybe this was it. You knew Armitage was a man of a great reputation and to taint it with a flirt with one of his subordinates was unforgivable.
“I hoped it wouldn’t get out so soon.” A stoic mask was placed again on his face, the one he sported when he commanded on the bridge, when he was back in his role, unforgiving and with no mercy for failure. You did enjoy seeing him like that, full of pride and in his element but you also enjoyed how he would hold your hand while kissing your cheeks softly. The duality of this man surely would be the death of you one day and maybe this was the day.
“It seems it’s official then-” Your voice interrupted him.“What’s official?” Your heart was pounding so hard against your rib cage you were afraid it might leave bruises, you were too nervous to care for formalities now. This could be either exciting news or a soul crushing one.
“Us, obviously.” He stated, while he still hasn't noticed your nervous expression and your eyes following his every move before the realization came crashing down on you.
This time you could hear the heavy steps, it obviously wasn’t an officer, probably a stormtrooper but you still didn’t expect Phasma, the stormtrooper captain, to appear in the still open door, her stare unrecognized by you thanks to her helmet, causing Armitage to turn his back on you again.
“Captain Phasma, I apologize it’s my fault I-” This time it was your general interrupting you.
“Yes, your choice of location to inform me of classified information is-,” Armitage turned back to you, shooting you an unidentifiable look,“ maybe next time choose my office. People could get the wrong idea, officer.” It seemed to be the end of the conversation or at least Phasma deemed it as one since she turned ready to leave while informing general Hux of new details about her mission. However, before both of them could exit the room you caught Armitage shooting you a smirk.
“Yes, sir.” You whispered with a small smile painted on your lips.
Oh god, that man was truly going to be the death of you.
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Hello! I wanted to start off by saying thank you for your digitigrade humanoid references, they've been super helpful for drawing my sheep-satyr oc!
I was wondering though, do you have any resources for writing nonhuman creatures? Specifically when referencing the nonhuman aspects of them. For example I have this sentence that goes:
"I jumped to my hooves."
I don't have any frame of reference for this :/ so when I'm writing my oc talking about what she does with the sheep half of her body it sounds kind of off.
I looked on Youtube and online and just saw "Do some world building and give your nonhuman characters human traits," which isn't what I'm looking for.
Kindest Regards-
oh I am doing so much of this in my own writing. I think the trickiest part for me is that I'm trying to also add in the detail that most of the people species don't smile the way humans do, with exposed teeth and a wide mouth being more of a fear/threat response rather than a happy expression. so I keep having to force myself to describe happy expressions in different ways! this is quite challenging, for obvious reasons lol.
but beyond that, honestly I like to just focus on using their non-human body parts to help enhance their body language. my porcine orcs and gnomes wiggle their snouts. anyone with large ears can move them as an expressive body part. tails do all sorts of things!
I think using the phrase "I jumped to my hooves" works just fine! it shows the reader that your character has hooves. The hardest part of course is figuring out how to introduce the character's appearance as early as possible to avoid too much confusion. Looking at my own writing, opening on a scene of a gnomish character, I didn't mention her ears until a few paragraphs in, and her hooves didn't get mentioned until several paragraphs after that. I'm still trying to scan through and find where I introduce her snout lol. it's really hard! and sometimes just using illustrations is unfortunately not possible.
But I think as long as you remember to mention different body parts when they're relevant and using them in the general body language, you'll be just fine. A few things I've been doing with this gnomish character include:
mentioning that she catches a pebble between her cloven toes
using her snout as an expressive body part
writing scenes where she needs to have her hooves trimmed because they grow perpetually
writing scenes where she files down her tusks, because she's also a quarter orc and has some recessive genes that cause tusk growth in amab gnomes, so filing her tusks is one part of how I explore her relationship with her body and gender as a trans woman
I also have elves with long monkey-like tails, though I give them tail expression more similar to cats. Teeth can also be an important expressive body part, when applicable! baring sharp canines or moving one's head and mouth in a way that puts a large pair of tusks on full display is a great way to show things like fear, intimidation, or anger.
you can also study the body language of whatever animal you're using for reference, like sheep, and apply those details to the way you describe your character!
here is an article about sheep behaviors for reference!
and a few quotes with non-human body language from my own rough draft:
“K’arik is the one I’m worried for, not myself,” Morianon murmured, flicking his wings nervously. Evarin nodded, wrapping her arm around her husband’s waist. “I’m worried for him too.” They walked in silence, gravel and bark chips crunching under their feet as they made their way up the road. Evarin spread her hoofed toes with every step, willing a stone to catch between them. A cold pebble lodged itself in the crease between her toes just as they turned up the path to her parents’ door.
The stranger bent low, pushing their enormous three-toed feet over the threshold, ducking their head and reaching forward to pull themself inside. “What’s going on?” He-esh squinted and frowned. “Elkha, tell me what’s going on.” He tapped Th’elir’s arm, but she too had been caught by surprise and only mumbled as she tried to explain. Evarin stepped back towards K’arik, eyes wide. She glanced at her mother and saw her own shocked expression mirrored right back. As the stranger grunted and half-crawled through the low door, she saw her father escape the crowd and hurry to join her. “Can you believe—“ he whispered, but Tawei shushed him. The stranger’s body blocked the whole door as they finally fit themself through it and stood up. Even inside, they had to bend their neck to avoid the rafters, towering over the tallest orcs in the room. Four hooved feet, holding a body so heavy they sunk into the packed dirt floor. Legs as tall as a gnome. They wore layers of woven cloth, all green and brown and cedar red in beautiful leafy patterns, draped over their uncanny body that seemed to have two sets of ribs. Their arms were just skinnier versions of their forelegs, Evarin noticed. She could barely see their face in the shadows by the rafters. Morianon could see them better, perched above everyone else. His feathers shivered as the stranger noticed him, catching and holding his gaze. Their mouth was tense, their long ears laid flat against their head. Morianon glanced away and found Evarin’s eyes, shaking his head in disbelief. “Forgive me,” the stranger said, bringing the murmur of the crowd to a dead hush, “for not announcing my arrival ahead of time.” They walked carefully forward, every step remarkably delicate for someone so massive. “I came to deliver my herd’s respects to you, He-esh.” “Oh? Ah, no, I do know you,” He-esh sat up with Th’elir’s help, clearing his throat. “Or perhaps this is an old man’s dying dream. Are you a spirit?” he laughed, “I never thought I’d live to see a centaur enter my village. I suppose it would have to happen on the last day of my life, wouldn’t it?” He smiled up at the centaur and welcomed them forward with an open hand.
Despite the difficulty, Kouto looked oddly chipper for an early morning and sat down in a hurry, tail curling playfully.
“I remember when he was a kid,” Nanji said, shaking his head, “he had a lot of potential. Shame to see him grow up into such a stubborn and angry fellow.” He passed the tray to Jen who set it on the central table. “I hate to blame anyone but him for his change of heart, but we all know it happened after he got married and moved to that other clan up north.” “He was very annoyed that He-esh wanted to die by song instead of the usual orcish tradition,” Mori said, “Kept giving Evarin nasty looks.” He ruffled his feathers and sat a little closer to his wife. “I was too nervous to pay him any mind,” Evarin assured him. Ikar’s irritated gaze had added to the nervousness, she admitted to herself, but it had been among the least of her worries.
Leaving the bedroom, Evarin was momentarily startled by the looming figure of Ikar at the hearth. She had been in such a hurry, she hadn’t noticed him on her way in. He gave her a sideways glance, lightly swirling the cup in his hand. “At’ali’s granddaughter, aren’t you?” he muttered. “That’s right.” Evarin tensed up defensively. Ikar humphed. “You look nothing like as’el. Must take after your father’s side more.” He sipped his drink and went quiet, turning away from her. Evarin’s snout wrinkled and grew hot, but she left the house without another word, shaking off his comment and breathing deep in the fresh air.
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swtnrcmnt · 2 years
୨୧ — s.r x singer!r; headcanons (2)
some more to feed into your daydreams ! thank u to honeybeespam for making the funniest reblog 😭🤍 enjoy !
- i left the other one off with hearing a sad song, but if you release something like “pov” by ariana grande (which lyrically is so beautiful it makes me wanna cry bc why can’t i have that) like because it gets so popular it’s playing everywhere and the team is having a field day teasing spence :((
- it’s basically canon that he mainly listens to classical music, imagine reader puts strings in her music and he’s just like I LOVE THIS
- mathematically breaks down the chords, beats, and tempo of the song lol
- singer!reader is rich as hell which = big house. he comes over and just sees this massive space that could be transformed into a library and is like “i’m moving in.”
- showing him red carpet outfits asking for his opinion but you still can’t choose because he thinks every single one is stunning >:(
- kittens everywhere because he finally has enough space to adopt some and somebody to watch them while he’s on a case (he’s a cat person, idc what anyone says)
- also as i said in the previous hc’s, she most likely moves in with him in dc, simply because it’s possible for her to work in somewhere that’s not la and would prefer to be home when spencer’s home
- elaborating on the freaky sound bites 🤭: picture those tiktok edits with reid’s breathing and whimpering in the background but she uses it in the instrumental of a song and only he knows about it ehehehehe
- if singer!reader does some acting on the side, best believe he watches every single movie she’s in the second it hits theatres ! supportive bf things
- lmfao her showing him edits or tiktoks her fans made of him and again, he’s flattered but extremely confused and concerned by their comments and captions. bless his heart :’)
- she probably has a lot of celebrity friends and penelope screams at spencer like “:o why didn’t you tell me that you were meeting a whole group of a-listers???”
- hates hearing people talk crap about you. he knows you’re numb to it because it’s the part that literally comes with fame: hate. but he can’t help it because he knows you personally and it hurts his feeling to hear people dislike you :(
- mr technophobe who buys all your album vinyls and gets them for free from you
- sending the team pr packages of merch and new stuff you launch !! and spencer wearing the hoodies you send him 24/7 and taking sm pride in it !
- filming tiktoks with him. even if he’s not exactly in the frame it could just be him adding a little cute comment to whatever you’re wearing :)
- is super super careful about telling people personal stuff about you especially because you’re globally known and have paparazzi on u left and right
- anytime there’s a particularly sadder song on an album he’s like “is this about me :(“ because he’s so so scared of fucking up and losing you
- the fear is also like 10x worse because he knows that if you two break up, it’ll be publicly displayed and he will literally see your face everywhere and hear your name all the time if you get with somebody new
- no no no cause, prison reid… and he has to take you off the visiting list because the guys around him keep making weird comments about you :’(
- a lot of really good angsty songs came out of those three months though hehe 🤭
here’s part one ! part three
that’s all i can think about right now ! hope u like :)
again, this reblog is everything to me 🫂🫧
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mammoney-22 · 1 year
Found this in my drafts so here lol
Headcanon that my MC is straight up an animal magnet. Almost every time they go out, they come back with something. As a result HOL is always crawling with critters they're trying to find homes for -and a few permanent residents because someone got too attached.
Minor edits made May 31st. Mainly grammatical stuff.
At first a few of the brothers were pretty fed up. But anytime a threat of any kind was made towards the animals MC just appeared out of thin air with the most terrifying expression on their face.
*random goat that followed them home, currently eating Beel's snacks -package and all*
Beel, about to lose his shit: How would you feel if I ate you?!
MC leaning into the room, smiling: I'll replace your snacks, but touch the goat and I'll make a real nice roast outta you.
Beel and the goat actually became bffs after this.
Satan sitting in the common room, book in one hand, scruffed puppy in the other: This is the last time you interrupt my reading you little runt!
MC wrapping their arms around his neck from behind, whispering softly: Put the puppy down, Satan.
Satan, slowly setting the pup back on the couch: When- how- ?!
MC: I was summoned.
He still thinks cats are better, but he definitely cried when the puppy left.
Mammon gently yeeting a rabbit (did not hurt it dw) when he caught it eating his money: That's not lettuce ya dumb furball!
*turning around and seeing MC in the doorway*
Mammon: M-MC, um.. when did you get here?
MC, scooping up the rabbit: I mean this in the nicest way possible because I love you, throw her again, and I'll burn every Grimm of yours that I can find ❤
*Mammon.exe has stopped responding because they said they loved him while also threatening him*
He's not turned on or confused thank you
Won't admit he likes the bunny but MC catches him dressing her up in little yellow tinted sunglasses and gold chains like two days later.
*MC regularly comes to dinner with a snake wrapped around their neck or arms, sometimes a lizard tucked in their hoodie pocket, or some strange insect/arachnid perched on their shoulder*
Simply stops functioning because not only are you nice to him, but you seem to appreciate the more widely considered 'strange' creatures as much as he does
Generally asks to hold said creature
And take pictures -of you holding the thing obviously
You just.. look so much cooler than him! Obviously.
Poor baby nearly shits himself when you sit next to him and he realizes there's some horrifying, eight legged, kitten-sized thing clinging to your shoulder
He tries to ignore it but he's leaning away from you the entire meal
"Ain't ya afraid of anything, human?!"
Sincerely doesn't fucking care anymore.
He tried being mad for so long and you just ignored it
I mean, animals at the dinner table? C'mon MC.
Fuck it.
At least your little creatures are less rowdy than his brothers
Do you care about him at all?!
Fear isn't good for him
Nor are gross things.
And that spiny, hissing thing clinging to your forearm was the definition of his bane
Thoroughly amused with his brother's reactions
Finds your creatures fascinating
Not fazed when one makes its way across the table and up his arm
This causes Asmo to nearly faint as the thing becomes much closer to him
Satan obviously shoves it in his face
Till MC basically rips his head off
They're delicate, he gets it now
Please stop lecturing him it's kinda scary
And hot?
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enheeki · 2 years
beautiful stranger | y.jungwon
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pairing: jungwon x reader
genre: fluff !
wc: 726
synopsis: how you ended up on the train early in the morning still confuses you too. meeting a cute boy was also not something you thought would happen.
a/n: "innocent crush on the morning commute", this fic was inspired by the song beautiful stranger by laufey ! it's been so long since i last posted on here. i didn't really plan on posting on here very often (and still don't lol), but i had this idea and had the motivation to write something. i hope you enjoy it<3
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you don’t know how you got there, but your body was on autopilot. it was like your legs had a mind of their own. you found yourself at the subway station. you didn’t really know where you wanted to go, but you bought a ticket anyway. 
the train made a loud screech as it came to a full stop. the doors opened and you walked into the train. it was a fairly quiet morning. there weren't as many people as you thought there would be. there were a few people on the train already. since it wasn’t crowded, it was easy finding a seat. 
you sat down and pulled out your phone. the woman on the intercom said something, but it was drowned out by the sound of your music. the train started to move and you sat back and relaxed.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
looking up from your phone, you made eye contact with the person sitting across from you. he looked to be around 19 years old. brown hair, and boba like eyes. he smiled at you, and your heart almost stopped. he had such an innocent smile; you could’ve sworn you saw a dimple too. you smiled back, not to be rude, and he seemed pleased.
he looked back down at his phone and started typing away. you didn’t want to look away, but you knew it was rude to stare at people. you looked back down at your phone too, although, every now and then, you’d sneak glances at him.
something about him was drawing you in. you weren’t exactly sure what it was about him. maybe it was his dimple showing through as he smiled. or maybe it was the way he chuckled after watching a short cat video on his phone. he was cute. he still had a small smile on his face as he scrolled through his phone. he looked up once again, and you immediately looked away. 
the train was slowing down as the lady on the intercom announced the next stop. embarrassed from being caught staring, and as naturally as possible, you got up from your seat. the doors opened and you sped walked out not looking back. 
“hey, wait up!”
you turned around and noticed the boy got out of the train as well. you stopped walking and stared back at him, puzzled, as he jogged towards you. 
finally catching up, he stopped in front of you and pulled out his phone. “i didn’t know if i would ever see you again so…”
you looked down at his phone, his phone app open, then back up at him confused. “oh i’m sorry…” he chuckled, a hint of pink appeared on his cheeks as he continued, “can i have your number? i just… i thought you were really pretty and when you smiled back at me i… yeah…” 
you noticed him fidgeting with his jacket sleeve. he looked rather small in his jacket since it seemed a bit oversized. it was cute. feeling a bit nervous, he bit his lip. with longing eyes, he waited for a response. 
you gave him a soft smile “sure.” you grabbed his phone and started typing in your number. he let out a sigh of relief, “thank you!” he said, his eyes lighting up. his dimple popped out again, and you felt as if your heart just melted. 
you gave him back his phone and he called your number. your phone started to ring so he ended it. “save my number! maybe we can go out for some coffee or something?” you watched as he typed your name in as ‘subway girl’
“i’d like that,” you said, feeling a bit shy. this was the last thing you thought would happen. you weren’t at all expecting to get someone’s number. hell, you didn’t even know why or how you ended up on the train in the first place.
“i’ve gotta go, i’ll text you!” he said as he started heading back towards the incoming train. he did a little fist pump in the air, and you laughed under your breath.
“wait! i didn’t catch your name!” you yelled out. you walked towards him. you didn't notice the station get a bit more crowded while you were having your little interaction with him.
he smiled, his dimple showing once again. “jungwon. my name’s jungwon.” 
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
The cruel reality of wanting kittypet lore to be as extensive as warrior lore.
Thank goodness you exist though! You make better lore for these housecats than the warriors ever did.
One of my kittypet lore and little idea for Kittypet Kingdom is that house cats worship the sun and the sky while in contrast to warriors worshipping the stars and the moon for their ancestors.
The kittypets are innovators. They followed behind man and their inventions and were treated as traitors for adapting and moving on.
That would give more of a reason to kittypet and clan cat xenophobia. Kittypets are underestimated for choosing the easy life, but they have resources. They have the smarts and ingenuity to make the impossibility into reality.
*flipping through pages my own lore*
I made Kittypets discover how to use fire and make torches. How to catch fireflies and create light sources and, more importantly, how to hide their scents and hide away, considering how clan cats are so reliant on their sense of smell, why not mess with them and use it against them?
What do you think? I think I can call myself Kittypet Enjoyer #2 lol
Ah man, thanks dude! I'm glad that my Kittypet stuff stands out a lot!
With a series that is specifically centered around this outside group of cats aka the clans, it's no wonder that the Kittypets (Or any non-clan group) never get much lore. But, that doesn't mean that you can't be a tad bit disappointed over how little everything else is built upon.
I really like the worship that you have in Kittypet Kingdom! I think it's also interesting that the sky is what gives home to the stars, the sun is what gives the moon it's shine, without them, the stars and moon would be nothing. Kittypets worship the sky and sun while the Clans worship the stars and moon. Lots of interesting symbolism within this idea alone!
It also makes a ton of sense for the Kittypets/General Twolegplace cats to be genius innovators, when you're around humans all the time for that long, you start to mimic what they do and you learn knowledge that was previously thought to be exclusive to humans. You also bring up an interesting idea/point that the clans do not like them for this, it really hammers in the fact that the clans are stuck in the past, stuck in their own stubborn and hurtful minds that they see anything new as being treacherous and "against the code/will of starclan". The clan cats see it as a reason to hate them, but we see it as an insight into how unwilling they are towards change.
And that totally makes a lot of sense with how Kittypets learnt how to use fire+craft torches! Again, they're around humans all the time, so how could they not gain some type of knowledge in something that the clans are so deathly afraid of? I love the idea of them catching fireflies for light sources, it's such a fun concept and admittedly, I like the idea of the clans seeing that and thinking "Hm. That's our idea now". The stuff with Twolegplace cats hiding and messing with scents is a really well thought out idea, this also gave me an idea that Twolegplace cats will sometimes mess with how they smell, sometimes they might roll around in a place where a dog may have sat/slept to confused a clan cat, possibly even scare them away so that they aren't bothered when venturing into the forest territories.
I really, really enjoy these ideas a ton! They provide something really fascinating and adds onto the table scraps of info/culture we get of Twolegplace, all of them. I'd say you earned that goddamn title of Kittypet Enjoyer #2!
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
Aww they're getting along again. They've gotten over their scare. Dabi trusts Shig's hurt enough to be more careful around him.
Dabi bullying Shigaraki into taking care of himself will always be funny. "No, you are going to take care of yourself you dumbass, now eat." Lol
Aww cat carsickness.
Lol imagine if Shig asked about what foods are safe for cats to eat. He'd have a heart attack because Onigiri has eaten a shit ton of all of it. Actually the vet would probably panic too. While Dabi just tilts his head and meows innocently.
...so does Dabi just not look around when he's human. Does he really not notice that some things are actually red? Or is he also colorblind as a human?
He's just dumb isn't he? Yeah, that tracks.
Ick AFO always gives the ick. Is there a possibility that he knows Dabi's not just a cat? There's no way he doesn't know about magic and the connection to Quirks. But can he tell with Dabi? I hope not.
Heh, Dabi getting angry on Bakugou's behalf and not knowing how he feels about Shoto. I love how there are differences between how he feels about Shoto between fics. It's refreshing. He's got some mixed feelings about it, and that feels realistic.
Dabi doing the zoomies over Stain? He's being a fanboy and it's adorable. He really believes that he and Shig can get along. Oh I'm scared for the interaction.
Oh, it wasn't awful. That's a nice change of pace. Dabi still fanboying and Duster just being slightly annoyed and also confused. He's just accepted that his cat is a weirdo demon. Stain likes Onigiri. That's weirdly adorable. In a good way.
The deal is an interesting way to go about it. Especially with the clashing ideals. They made it competitive.
Shig saved him too?! He doesn't want to lose his one (potential, halfway, kinda) ally. Cue Dabi being a fanboy again lol. That's actually really cute. Duster just really doesn't want those medicine bars does he?
"pretentious asshole" lol. Although Stain does have a point. And that's eventually going to carry into the League. He will build a group of people that follow him and not AFO. Although whether Dabi is a part of that League remains to be seen. (I will not beg for answers. I will not beg for answers. I WILL NOT BEG FOR ANSWERS!)
OH! How could I forget? Dabi demanding a drink and Kurogiri just being like ???? Shig just once again, accepting that Onigiri is a weirdo. (But it's his weirdo cat, so you better leave him alone)
Dabi getting comfortable enough to sleep in the bed. He's not quite intruding anymore, even though Shig thinks he's a cat. It's gonna become a habit. We all know it.
Anyways, I'ma go reread it again, and then notice all the little details. Or I'll do that tomorrow and actually get some sleep tonight. That's probably a good idea.
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Dabi and Shigaraki are healing!! They are doing their best to take care of each other! Shigaraki saw the possibility of destroying something innocent, that trusted him, and that cared for him because of his immaturity and anger and realized that brashness could destroy so many other parts of his life too and now he's doing his best to not let those negative qualities lead him. He's already a very different person now than he was in canon before he met Stain, and I wanted to reflect that in their meeting!
Thanks so much for commenting!
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Hello!! I saw you were doing match ups and that's so cool! I was hoping to participate if that's okay! Could I possibly get both male and female matchup? No poly please !
I'm nonbinary but i am physically fem, 5'5, with a bright red mullet that's like sorta grown out? Soft looking. My fashion sense tends to vary depending on my mood. Goth one day, cottagecore the next type of thing. One thing that's always a constant is my spiky earrings, kinda like the Fangs preset from the game! Necklace and my two bracelets. If I ever take them off I feel disgusting and off
Positive personality traits wise, I'm caring and selfless. I tend to be pretty cheerful and optimistic, goofing off. I think I'm smart? The most basic things tend to confuse me but then I'll bust out some complex knowledge lmao. I'm pretty creative too! I create stuff out of basically trash lol. I made a whole shield and sword sheath from recycled cardboard once.
Negative traits wise, I'm overly selfless, tending to put others before me. I'm very forgetful but thats cause of adhd. I can be messy and far too loud. Oblivious to a lot of things. I'm a big scaredy cat too which makes it hard to enjoy some stuff. I also tend to hide my negative emotions
My love language is definitely quality time and gift giving. Heavy on gift giving.
I have all kinds of hobbies but I'm not particularly good at any of them. Like video games, writing, arts and crafts, painting. And active stuff too like skateboarding. But uh. To be completely honest my main hobby is just sleeping forever lmfao
Likes: savory foods, coffee, aesthetic stuff, all kinds of animals, dressing up, reading, anything adrenaline inducing like rollercoasters, rainstorms
Dislikes: i cant eat any kind of fish/seafood I will gag, spiders, snakes, being vulnerable, people being mean (I seriously don't understand how people can be mean), the dark especially if I'm alone
Thank you so much! I hope that wasn't too much- or that I missed any requirements lol. Have a great week!!
A/N: Okay, for you @lord-westley … I’m thinking for romantic matchups your best bets would be… Gale (Male) and Karlach (Female)! 
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Gale is a great match for you, as he’s quite similar personality wise. He’s kind and selfless; smart but also somehow clueless? He’s got a good spirit, and an old soul. He wants someone he can share his life with, and thinks you’re just the person to do that with. 
He thinks you look fierce, for real, he’s almost intimidated by how good you look, especially your hair. It’s bright and bold and something he’d never have the courage to try. It suits you, and it makes him feel all the more special for being with you. 
His style is fairly consistent, and he’s not the most fashion savvy, but he does appreciate a good look when he sees one. Be prepared for a bunch of horrible puns, and awkward attempts at flirtatious compliments. He wants to tell you how much he loves your look, it’s just that it comes off wrong more often than not. Please don’t be mistaken- he really does think you look great. It’s just that loving words aren't his strong suit. 
He loves how caring and selfless you are. He quite admires your capacity for compassion. He likes to think of himself as selfless, but he’s also aware that’s not the truth. But for you, it is. And he’s so honored someone as pure and kind hearted as you would choose him as your partner. 
He’s also very grateful you’re smart. At least, that you’re smart enough to sort of get some of what he says about magic. He has a tendency to infodump, and he really likes it when you make comments or ask questions that let him know you’re listening. And your creativity, good heavens! He’s so impressed. He thought as a wizard, he’d be able to think outside of the box, but his imagination is no match for yours. Thanks to your builds and use of garbage, he’s starting to rethink the way he goes about spell casting and brewing potions. Your perspectives are actually helping make him a better wizard. 
He does worry that you’re too selfless, though. He’s been used by powerful beings before, and he’d hate to see you get hurt similarly. If he thinks someone is taking advantage of your kindness, he won’t hesitate to bring it up to you. He just wants you to know your time and effort has value, and it should never be taken for granted. 
He’s understanding when it comes to your fear. He thinks it's rather healthy to be afraid, especially of death. It shows you have a lust and respect for life. He’s glad you understand the enormity of what it means to live, because he wants you to protect your life so that the two of you can grow old and gray together. 
He will give you gifts! A lot of them are favors done via spells, but a good amount of them are physical presents. (Many of which may have previously been magic items that have since had their magic drained, but hey! It’s the thought that counts, right?!)
He loves savory foods! He can’t wait to show you his extensive wine cellar and kitchen in his tower in Waterdeep, and feed you his especially _ sauce. It’s full of flavor, it’ll knock your socks right off! 
He may not be a huge fan of adrenaline inducing activities: he much prefers the safe mental exercise of a good book. But he will join you on occasion, so long as you promise him it’s mostly safe. (He may or may not ask Shadowheart to cast Guidance on the two of you before you leave, but then again, he’s just covering his bases!)
Thanks to his arcane knowledge, you’ll never be in the dark. He can conjure light to ensure you’re not afraid. And he vows to always be by your side, so long as you’ll have him, protecting you, just as you protect him. 
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Karlach is also a great match for you! She’s a very upbeat person, and she loves your loud and creative energy, it makes her feel like you can keep up with her and match her own outgoing personality. 
She loves your style, especially the bright red hair. That is her color after all. And she’s obsessed with all the new looks you combine and create. Everyday she’s basically shouting at the other members of your party, ‘Come look at how hot/cute my partner looks!’. It’s a bit over the top and embarrassing at first, but she means it in the best, most sincere way. If you ask her to stop, she’ll stop. But otherwise, be prepared for compliments, like ALL of the time. 
She loves goofing off with you, pulling pranks and just having a little fun in between missions. She’s a firm believer in taking breaks- it keeps you sane. She’s fairly intelligent too, I mean, she’s not a scholar or anything, but she’s got a good head on her shoulders and so do you. 
She thinks it’s incredible how you can make something totally new out of garbage, or old unwanted scraps. It’s both your resourcefulness and creativity she finds impressive. 
She has no problems with your being messy or loud, even if other people might. If they have an issue with it, she’ll join in, and make it a point to be messier and louder than you. And if anyone still has a problem, she’ll take care of it for you. She’s a big strong woman, and she understands how scary confirmation can be. She does her best to make the world around you a little less frightening. 
Kalrach strikes me as someone who would enjoy doing almost any hobby outside of being forced to fight. I mean, she also really loves a good battle, but she’s down for basically whatever. She’s so ready to try everything- to make up for all the time she missed down in Avernus. She’ll do anything or go anywhere with you. She’s especially excited for any adrenaline inducing activities. As a Barbarian, she is 100% there. No questions asked. Also the idea of skateboarding blows her mind. (Pretty sure that doesn’t exactly translate to DND, but if there was anyway in Faerun willing to ride a board with little wheels up and down steep hills or ramps, she’d be your girl.) 
Even though she’s adventurous, she’s also cool with just chilling- taking some time to enjoy your company. She thinks you’re adorable when you sleep, and can’t help but want to take naps with you, so long as her engine is fixed enough, and you don’t mind being warm. 
She’s fine with you not eating seafood, it’s not that big of a deal to her. You like what you like, right? And she gets that spiders can be pretty creepy- especially the ones in the Underdark. She promises to never make you visit there, and should any of those creatures try and get you topside, don’t worry, she won't let them lay a hand on you. 
Despite being a fierce fighter, she’s got a heart of gold. She hates bullies, and people who abuse others. She knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that, and it feels awful. She’d never want you to feel that way. So gods help anyone in Baldur’s Gate who tries and bullies you for whatever reason. They’ve just got themselves a _ tiefling to answer to. 
Karalch thinks you’re wonderful, and so sweet. You’re precious to her and she promises to protect you. You make her so happy. She’s so glad she’s met you. 
I hope you like it!
Please Like & Reblog!!!
Happy Halloween!!!
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nicodrawings · 1 year
Hi! I’m a somewhat new follower, and I loved your milesganke art so much!
I wanted to ask for your own potential headcanons regarding the miles and ganke’s relationship dynamics.
(I.e. marriage, any arguments, what they’re like living together,…. possible future kids👀, etc.)
Lol hopefully this question isn’t confusing.😭
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Ok Imma type the rest cuz my hand is getting tired
-Miles and 20 and Ganke is 19 when they move out. Ganke and Miles see their families once a week.
-I’ve said this before but Miles doesn’t go to college. He trains under Misty Knight and works with S.H.E.I.L.D more as he’s learning more about detective work (and is lowkey preparing to take over as the the new Spider-Man leader once Peter retires)
-Ganke is going to school for tech shit but eventually changes is major to social work (there’s a huge reason for this that I’ll get into in another post)
-They end up adopting a black cat that was called Midnight at the shelter but never really responded to the name. The people working at the shelter said “looks like she chose you” seeing how well she bonded with Ganke immediately. He renamed her CoCo. She’s a sweet girl, a little weird though.
-They aren’t super PDA with each other but much like how Peter and MJ are in my AU (who also aren’t super PDA) you could hear a conversation they’d have with each other and be like “oh! They really care for each other”
-they switch chores and household responsibilities depending on work and school scheduling
-They can both be workaholics AND night owls so they constantly have to hold each other accountable for yknow…resting.
-they make a specific day out of the week where they both do nothing having to do with school or work. They just sleep in and have a slow morning and watch Burn Notice all day and talk about nothing and anything all at once.
-They’re both not screamers when they argue but can throw some hurtful words around that they regret saying once they cool down. Also Ganke can be dismissive when he’s irritated or angry. Something they learn to work on overtime.
-Big spoon/Little spoon is interchangeable depending on how they sleepin that day.
-Miles is the better cook. He like cooks well without even trying. It infuriates Ganke but he can’t be too mad cuz he gets to eat the food.
-It would be 5 years before Miles pops the big question.
-Miles is a giant sap who knew he was gonna marry Ganke the moment they started dating.
-He would propose at the park. He proposed there because that’s where they would have playdates when they were kids.
-Ganke just laughs because he planned on proposing to him a week later. He obviously says yes.
-The wedding isn’t big. They make sure to save a seat for Gankes dad. He put a framed picture on his chair to represent his attendance.
-They do the same for Uncle Aaron despite him and Miles’s tumultuous relationship.
-Hobie is the best man
-Gwen is the maid of honor
-It would be about 3 years or so before they meet 2 super powered little ones, a boy and a girl. They’re fraternal twins. They end up adopting the twins.
This is it for now. I’m sure there’s more stuff my brain can’t think of right now. BUT THANK YOU THOUGH FOR BEING INVESTED ENOUGH TO ASK ME QUESTIONS YOU DONT KNOW HOW HAPPY IT MADE ME TO SEE YOU ASK THIS QUESTION!
I actually have so much set up plot wise for this AU that I might as well do it legitimately. But imma take my time if I do.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed my ramblings!
UPDATE: I meant to say that Miles is NOT out to his parents.
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sweetlittleneptune · 1 year
Feel free to ignore LOL but if u don't could you write?
mc snuck a cat in and kept in in their room, but MC is allergic to cats. MC is all itchy and sneezing and miserable and the brothers find out what's up, but MC refuses to get rid of the cat.
Obey me swd 😃 I think it be cute since I'm allergic to cats and it makes me sad cos I love cats 💔
AAAAAH I'm sorry it took me so long to make this!! ;-; the end of the semester is always a pain and I had to focus on those big exams before getting back to writing. plus I'm in such a writing slump...
ANYWAYS! I hope you like this one! thanks for your patience lovie! (also, it isn't proofread, but I wanted to get it out as soon as possible)
it's a wonder you made it this far without being caught by one of the brothers. with your runny nose, red eyes, and all the itchiness, you looked like you were suffering immensly. the reason for your terrible condition was your allergy to cats. and the reason your allergy was triggered was because you were hiding an adorable feline friend in your room in the House of Lamentation. why? because it was adorable and it deserved a home and food. but now, quite literally, the cat was out of the bag, and you had to face the Lucifer's anger and his brothers' confusion.
Mammon had known for a while, but he didn't say anything at first. after all, if he had admitted he was trying to find valuables to steal in your room when he heard the little meows of your friend, you would have killed him on the spot. so the demon didn't say what he had seen, he kept his mouth shut.
then Asmo had noticed how miserable you looked and questioned you. your answers felt off and evasive. a cold? you didn't have a fever. he finally understood what was going on when he came to your room, one night, to offer a skincare night while watching movies. there you were, petting the cat on your bed while your nose ran like a faucet. after a lot of begging from you, he promised he wouldn't snitch you to Lucifer.
but could you really trust Asmo to not open his beautiful but stupid mouth? no, of course you couldn't. he let it slip at diner, one day, and there you were.
"MC, I do hope you're aware of your stupidity." Lucifer said, cold like a stone.
"but! he was alone and nobody was helping him! I couldn't leave him like that!"
Satan, as the biggest cat person of the house, nodded in agreement. while he had noticed your state, he couldn't have guessed the cause. now he was sat beside you, with the sleeping animal on his lap.
but Lucifer was not charmed by your puppy dog eyes. nor was he impressed by his brothers lying to cover for you.
"while I agree that leaving the cat outside would have been wrong, bringing it home was not the right choice to make. it wasn't YOUR choice to make MC."
"I know." you conceded. "but isn't he the cutest? and he loves me!"
"for the love of- you are ALLERGIC to cats MC!! you look absolutely miserable! you can't keep the cat!"
"what if we keep it somewhere else? like in my room?" Satan cut in. he agreed with you that the cat was much too cute to be given away. and surprisingly, it seemed the others were too.
"yeah! let's keep it!" Mammon said.
"it's soooo cute and we could make this cutie a devilgram account!" added Asmo.
it took a lot of convincing and promising Lucifer that you all would be good parents to the cat (excluding Belphie, who was sleeping soundly, and Levi, who hadn't even bothered to come out of his room when he'd heard his older brother's angry voice). but in the end, he agreed.
"fine. as long as you take care of it and don't let cerberus get too close."
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curieklei · 6 months
hiii so english isn't my first language and i'm learning more about gender and trans stuff and if i might be trans or something (i've been told i sound agender?? but that feels wrong), and something that confuses me, so i'm asking around abt it… "woman" used to simply denote afab, right? like a body type of ppl with a biological (not surgical) vagina & estrogen puberty. like a female dog. ppl say that it reduces women to their genitals, but what about with other animals? like female cat, female horse, etc, just bc we say "oh she's a girl" or "oh i have a male dog" doesn't mean we're saying they're only their genitals in that case, right…? a bitch is just a female dog, that's why it's a misogynistic word. misogyny is based on how ppl see someone without a penis as lesser, bc they don't have the power to forcibly penetrate and feel genital pleasure for it, they can't impregnate, they're "just a hole" etc. like so much of misogyny is just body-specific. the misogyny transfems experience seems terrible but also conditional? bc if they're found out to be amab they're treated as creepy men, so they then stop experiencing misogyny, they just face usually homophobia. meanwhile bio women (and transmascs who don't transition) have no exit door to the misogyny unless they transition and pass perfectly as male or something, and historically that wasn't an option. to me man & woman have always been neutral body types until i came across trans stuff, and i think the idea of gendered brains sounds sexist af. like gender seems like bullshit, i see me being a woman as just like being a female cat, i don't have ~womanly~ vibes in my brain, i was just born female and that's the least important thing about me, but male society made it weird. why should gender continue to be a thing? what does gender actually mean, if sexism was to be eradicated? is it bad if i view my womanhood as just a body type? most cis people i've talked to view their "gender" like this, as just a body type, like any other animal. they don't "feel" like one, they just have the body and aren't dysphoric about it. they might not always like it, but they don't have dysphoria about it, so they just… are. is that transphobic? i've heard mixed thoughts about it from trans ppl & activists, i'm just curious. feel free to ignore this lol ;;
Edit: A person in the replies has informed me that those may be are terf talking points disguised as questions to avoid suspicion so take this anon with a grain of salt. I'm keeping this post just in case anon is genuinely curious or something.
From what I see, reducing the societal importance of biological sex is indeed what's slowly happening, but it's definitely not in the same stage everywhere. It takes years for a person to unlearn something they were told their whole life, it takes generations for biological sex to lose importance.
I'll go over your questions:
Why should gender continue to be a thing?
I think you meant biological sex here. It's important to keep a little bit of it for medical purposes. Also imo it's possible for a culture to give it importance without ending up with a system that makes people feel awful sometimes.
What does gender actually mean, if sexism is to be eradicated?
I guess it'll just be a trait of a person in a similar way skin color is a trait of someone's body but like, with way more dimensions. It's kinda hard to put rules around this. Maybe it's just an answer to the question "What am I?".
Is it bad I view my womanhood as just a body type?
Lol do what you want it's your womanhood, your body and your you. There's nothing bad here and you're free to decide for yourself.
Is [not feeling much gender about your body] transphobic?
Doesn't feel transphobic to me, but anyone reading this is free to give their own take on this and the rest of what you said.
Idk what else to say so thanks for the ask and have a safe self discovery journey! Feel free to dm me or send another ask if you want to talk or me to add something to this.
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antidotesprout · 2 years
My dear Sprout, I hope that you are doing okay! Especially after that stressful month, I really hope that you are having a good time, normal sleep schedule and enough energy! ^^
I, also, uuuuuh, have some cute/wholesome/sfw/funny thoughts about your submas variations! Enjoy (and correct me if I am wrong)!
I once imagined Hivemind! Submas purring like cats. I don't know why, probably because I've heard someone talked about my cat, and I was looking at your (beautiful!) art. So, yeah-
For slimemas I actually have two thoughts! The first one is like, you open up the fridge and there is just one of the twins chilling in there because it is hOt. And second, both of them wrapped around your neck like a scarf. Clingy slimy boys.
Robo-submas! It is more like a situation, when you are minding your own business while twins watch over you. Someone is trying to disturb you, and then twin's heads turn around like an owl's head, watching that person with a piercing gaze. I know that this action may be not possible, but I think that it is funny-
Again, as I said, I hope that you are doing well! Bye! ✨👀
Sasa Lele
Aw, thanks fam 🥲
I'm definitely a little wiped out, and my brains a bit confused that I'm not rushing to do art, but I'm at the very least physically fine lol. Doing a lil self-indulgent art as a warm up today so hopefully gonna get back on it soon 💪😤
Also loving the HCs!! Hiveminders we're made up by @peachsodama so I can't attest to purring but I DO love that personally.
Slimemas in the fridge reminds me of the videos of like huskies and stuff climbing in the fridge when it's hot out, adorable 😭💖 and I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of our slime boys found some way to be clinging to you at all times.
Also OMG the owl head thing has to be one of my favorite mental images in horror honestly. What's the fun in having robot boys if they can't break a few rules of the human body, amirite?
Thanks for the fluff! I'm love them 🥺
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