#catholic mariage
empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Napoléon V: Dear godfather, as agreed, I'm soon to be married Pope Gregorius: I'm delighted, my child, and may I say, congratulations. Your resolutions are appreciated in Rome, I can assure you
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Napoléon V: Thank you. What about the coronation? Pope: Your father, god rest his soul, imposed on me at his coronation what every Napoléon imposes
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Napoléon V: What are you referring to, Your Holiness? Pope: I will simply attend your ceremony. Isn't that what was agreed upon with your advisors?
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Napoléon V: Yes, of course. Only, I want His Holiness to work with me, for the greatness of Francesim Pope: I see… My son, the only condition for attending your coronation was this religious marriage. But once you're crowned, I'm asking you to defend the interests of the Catholic people. You are the eldest and spiritual son of the Church, my godson. You must never lose sight of that
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Napoléon V: Yes, Your Holiness. I give my heart to God
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Pope: You must cherish this steadfast love, my son. Love for the Crown, love for your people, love for your future wife and children-
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Napoléon V: You know, these days all my prayers are with my father. I miss him so much… What does the coronation mean if God didn't help him that night?
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Pope Gregorius: Louis…your father may have departed this world on that tragic evening, but though he is gone, the Emperor remains. He is a symbol, an eternal entity, just like our Heavenly Father. Yesterday he was incarnate in Napoléon IV, today in Napoléon V, and tomorrow it will be your son, Napoléon VI, who will be God's mediator has as you and your father were before him
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Palais des Tuileries, 19 Prairial An 230
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Napoléon V confided his concerns to his godfather, Pope Gregorius XIX. Pope thanked him for his diligence and reminded him of his duties as a Christian sovereign.
⚜ Traduction française
Napoléon V confie ses inquiétudes à son parrain, le Pape Gregorius XIX. Le pape le remercie pour son application, et lui rappelle ses devoirs en tant que souverain chrétien.
Napoléon V : Cher parrain, comme convenu, me voilà bientôt marié Pape : Je m’en réjouis, mon enfant. Vos résolutions sont appréciées à Rome Napoléon V : Merci. Qu’en est-il du sacre ? Pape : Votre père, paix à son âme, m’a imposé à son couronnement ce que tous les Napoléon imposent Napoléon V : A quoi faites-vous référence, Votre Sainteté ? Pape : Je ne ferai qu’assister à votre cérémonie. N’est-ce pas ce qui est convenu avec vos conseillers ? Napoléon V : Si, oui, bien sûr. Seulement, je souhaite que Sa Sainteté travaille avec moi, pour la grandeur de la Francesim Pape : Ma seule condition pour assister à votre sacre, mon fils, était ce mariage religieux. Une fois sacré, n’oubliez jamais de défendre les intérêts du peuple catholique. Vous êtes le fils aîné et spirituel de l’Eglise, mon filleul. Napoléon V : Oui, Votre Sainteté. Je donne mon cœur à Dieu Pape : Chérissez cet amour, mon fils, aimez. Aimez votre Couronne, aimez votre peuple, aimez votre femme et vos enfants Napoléon V : Vous savez, ces temps-ci, toutes mes prières se tournent vers mon père. Il me manque tellement… Que signifie le sacre, si Dieu ne lui a pas porté secours cette nuit-là ? Pape :  Louis… Cette nuit-là, votre regretté père nous a quitté, mais l’Empereur lui demeure. Il vit éternellement, tout comme Dieu. Hier, il s’incarnait en Napoléon IV, aujourd’hui en Napoléon V, et demain ce sera votre fils qui sera le médiateur de Dieu
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Fun fact about me: I was born at Saint Anthony's day. Now the thing that makes it a fun fact is that Saint Anthony is the patroun saint of mariage. That means my aro ass was both born on pride month (it checks out) and on romantic love catholic day. And I think there are a random accidental connection about me not fiting the expectations of my catholic upbringing.
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kuyavancreations · 3 months
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Gave thanks to God for it... Do this to remember me.
1 Corinthians 11:24
ஸ்தோத்திரம்பண்ணி,.. என்னை நினைவுகூரும்படி இதைச் செய்யுங்கள். 1 கொரிந்தியர் 11:24
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bagdyernoke · 3 months
Léon Blum - Wikipedia
Between 1905 and 1907 he wrote Du Mariage a highly controversial (for the period) and much talked about critical essay about the problems with traditional marriage as envisioned in the late 19th century, with its religious and economic background and strong stress on women remaining virgins until their marriage day.
Blum stated that both men and women should enjoy a period of "polygamic" free sex life in order to experience a more mature and stable relationship during later married life: “For both men and women, the life of adventure must precede the life of marriage, the life of instinct must precede the life of reason” 
Unsurprisingly he was targeted by the then-powerful Catholic Church in France, in the wake of the turmoil caused by the separation between church and state implemented by Emile Combes in 1905. Far right and royalist politicians and agitators, and most preeminently Charles Maurras, were incensed, and pelted mostly anti-semitic insults and public outrage at Blum, famously dubbing him "le pornographe du Conseil d'état" as Blum was by then a counsellor of this institution. Although Blum's views are nowadays accepted and mostly mainstream in many developed countries, the book remained an object of scandal long after WWI and the shift to the emancipation of women.
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sorcadh · 10 months
Annette Messager - Mes vœux, 1988
"My Vows brings together hundreds of photographs of human body parts: mouths, ears, feet, noses, genitals, hands, breasts, and so on. Each hangs from a string, with some of the photos partly obscured by others. Together they form a dense circle whose diameter is roughly equivalent to the armspan of an adult person. The diverse body parts pictured—male and female, old and young, aroused and at rest—combine in a variety of unpredictable relationships, reflecting the elastic nature of identity."
"This work brings together hundreds of photographs, each of which presents a small part of a human body: mouths, ears, feet, noses, genitals, hands, breasts, and so on. Each hangs from a string, joining and partly obscuring others. Together they make a dense circle whose diameter is barely greater than the height of a person or the span of his or her arms. The individual elements—male and female, old and young, seductive and repellent—form a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Their physical, psychological, and sexual identities co-mingle in an inexhaustible variety of unpredictable relationships, which, together, overwhelm the stable patterns of our familiar arrangements.
Messager's Vows might be the passionate devotions of sexual love, or they might be the votive offerings of an old religion, hung in a chapel to ask for the healing of an ailing eye or limb. These divergent allusions are fused in this hybrid work—part photography and part sculpture".
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"My Vows, a series begun in 1988, hovers between photography and sculpture. The works consist of numerous small black-and-white photographs of the human anatomy, often clustered in dense groupings, each print hung tenuously from the wall by a single, simple string. The body parts depicted in the photographs—from a calloused toe to an ankle to the close-up image of a breast—belong to men and women of all ages and types. Together the photographs form an inclusive representation of humanity that is equally old and young, masculine and feminine, sensual and base, and often simultaneously humorous and poignant. Ultimately, they reflect an understanding of humanity that is not categorized by physical difference. My Vows may also be understood in relation to Messager’s Catholic heritage; the work resembles the assembled votive offerings left at pilgrimage sites by the faithful, which often include accumulations of handwritten notes or miniatures of ailing limbs for which cures are being sought. The work’s solemn reference is characteristic of the tension between lyricism and gravity that often informs Messager’s art".
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She created 56 scrapbook albums from the perspective of various adopted personalities: the starry-eyed girl, in Le Mariage de Mlle Annette Messager, 1971 (The Marriage of Miss Annette Messager), the practical woman in Mes travaux d’aiguille, musée de Grenoble, 1973 (My needlework). By engaging in a form of blatant auto-fiction, she deconstructs both the idea of “woman” and “artist.” In her work, the act of artistic creation is often limited to obsessive recopying or ironic embroidery, as in Ma collection de proverbes, 1974 (My collection of proverbs), an anthology of common beliefs about women.
In the 1980s, the artist makes greater use of space in her work and deepens her inquiry into linguistic symbols, while making use of the two-dimensional structure of the painting. The artworks are based on photographs of body parts, enlarged then cut up, before being touched up with acrylic and oil paints for some, enhanced with charcoal, acrylic, and watercolours for others. The delicate appearance of the drawing hides the violence of this “dissection” of the human body. 
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poetsnaps · 11 months
im at marrying age
my coworker revealed to me he had an arranged mariage that failed almost 2 years ago.
being open always has its perks as people know so much about me they're more comfortable to open up to me.
honestly, it was sad and interesting to hear - especially because hes catholic like my current boyfriend.
hearing him reassure me about marriage and meeting my boyfriends mom (whenever that may be), i do want him to be sure of me before i introduce him to my family. before i bring him home, i want to know he wont stop liking me because she doest. now if his siblings dont like me, thats a bigger issue. im somehow less nervous about them becuase i do think we'll get along. they seem to like me already but his mom not having an opinion and possibly even being jealous of me as i am the girl whos with her first born son... it's crazy
both me and my boyfriend have this habit of saying how crazy it is that we're together and how long we've been together considering we're long distance and are now having arguments about money. it's just crazy that we're still together after what he did this summer.
i do think he loves me. i think its scary. hearing him talk about marriage with me and having kids IS crazy because it seemed like he didnt want those things when we got together. it seemed like he was too scared to indulge in wanting those things he once thought were a given. having him lose faith in love and having me revilaitize that - literally give him my love and affection until his flame for love came back... incredible to see.
with how bad things were the last time we saw each other, i think it was also an amazing time. im scared he'll do it again and again and again.
im seeing him thursday when i land in the same city he's in. we're having our spontanious trip for a friends birthday... we'll see how that goes. we'll see if i'm allowed to get drunk and have him not be that drunk.. im scared it wont be possible. im scared he trying to self sabotage because being with me is changing him and change if scary. maybe he's scared because he doesnt want these things... idk. im scared. i love him, i do. im just scared it'll end badly. or that i'll have to end it.
im scared if we do and scared if we dont.
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subiysu-chan · 11 months
I feel like your drow would fit in the Innocent verse since they also have this pain worshipping culture, but for moral and spiritual reasons instead of practical ones
True...If Innocent was fantasy. But cutesy Drow girl would probably fit right with the Sanson family, although, marriying her off might be complicated since they are not the same species. (So, my Drows cannot produce viable offsprings with humans. Half-elves can exist, but they are sterile.)
Although, if she's on the surface and able to access berries, she wouldn't need to consume rané, nor would have access to it. So that would probably be quite beneficial to her mental health. Although, trying to force her into a dinurnal lifestyle, would probably make her depressive and covered in sun-burns. Not great for her physical health, nor body image.
The Sanson are roman catholics, but roman catholics who don't really care about the incest taboo, and stuff with step-sibblings probably won't bother them beyond paper work. Lol. So, in that optic, she might be more willing to convert to catholicism, although, she comes from a culture were marriying your siblings-in-law is not only normal, but expected, and failing to do so would be seen as selfish. I can't imagine someone from such a culture wanting to worship a god which forbids such mariages.
So religious conflicts between her and the rest of the cast would be expected, exept with Marie. But Marie is a crazy psycho, so here is that.
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sweethomesimplelife · 4 years
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"A hand supports him, it's hers; a mouth touches her forehead, it's hers; hear a breath close by, it's her. To have everything that comes from her (...) to count on that sweet weakness that helps him, to rely on that unshakable delicacy..."
- Victor Hugo.
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mr---cringe · 7 years
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Someone: Kristina, you can't change religion just not to get married! Kristina:
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Tombe d’un couple don't madame est catholique et de son mari protestant. Après 38 ans de mariage, ne pouvant être enterrés ensemble, Jan van Gorcum est enterré dans la partie protestante du cimetière et son épouse dans la partie catholique. 2 mains relient les tombes. Grave of a couple whose Madame is Catholic and her Protestant husband. After 38 years of marriage, not being able to be buried together, Jan van Gorcum is buried in the Protestant part of the cemetery and his wife in the Catholic part. 2 hands connect the graves
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kramersoup · 4 years
imagine you gettin jumped by some french catholics and one of them says “emmène leur cul au mariage de Henri de Navarre”
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kingdomcarrots · 5 years
It must be hard for Xehanort and Eraqus during the prohibition time. Not only are they (totally not) dating someone on the complete opposite side, they're also gay and POC. They'd have to worry about being caught a lot more for that, because they wouldn't just be risking jail. Sure there would be a chance Yen Sid may possibly bail Eraqus out if they're close enough, but Xehanort? They'd need to run far and fast.
Of course they risk their lives, they end up in France, what do you think? 8’)
Let’s make some History/story points! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
Since Illinois repealed the anti-miscegenation law in 1870s, Eraqus’ family is not illegal (is not well thought of, of course, but legal). Eraqus' dad is a wealthy white American with an important job, a big name in the business ; her japanese mother was well born too. It’s an arranged mariage between two big fortunes. I just wanted to stay close to the "blue-blood" thing about Eraqus.
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He always feels lonely since childhood and every day is quite hard even with his name as a shield. And so, he decides that he wants to do « the right things » and starts work at a police office. Big Dad Disapproval. Plus, he has an inclination towards homosexuality. In fact, he’s bi, he can fool people but he surely prefers men.
So, we have a bingo.
Even if homo can live in various special societies in this period, they have to stay in the closet to be calm. Particulary for a cop. And that’s what he does. Only Yen Sid knows (thus worrying himself sick for him when Xehanort arrives).
Xehanort’s situation is worse. He’s a Mexican emigrant, adopted by the Italian mafia. Sure he can be pretty safe thanks to them (kind of) but here’s the big deal : Italian Mafia. They’re proud, they’re Catholic, they’re patriarchy. And he’s gay. Let’s say he likes living dangerously. He has to pull the wool over their eyes every day « Yeah I’m a manly Italian dude, you know? », thanks for him, he’s pretty good at it.
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Despite the pride and the shiny life, Xehanort is a lonely person just as Eraqus. And when he nails it, he will have to choose.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I have a lot of Oswald headcannons involving catholicism and he are some:
- He read the bible pretty young and he loved the old testament the most. He was fascinated with the tales of revenge and just retribution and really wanted god to send a bear or a plague against his bullers.
- He started to get disapointed with god at twelve after realizing god was not doing much to help his family even tho they were faithfull followers. He ploted his own revenge against his bullers (he pushed one of them down stairs and sucefully blamed the other) and promissed to not be tricked or subjegated by no one not even god. It was when his hate for all authorities except his mother started.
- He went to a catholic school and the opnion of the nuns on him were very divided some though he was a perfect little angel and others (specially the ones that saw he playing with animal corpses) though he was possed by the devil. Gertrude only heard the first ones.
- At first Gertrude wanted him to be a priest and considered his lack of romantic or sexual interest as a teenager as a sing of god that this was truly his path. A part of her still hopes he becames a priest one of this days but the other is glad she didn't lost him to the congregation.
- Sixteen year old Ozzy was very annoyed over the fact he had to knee in front of the bishop during his confirmation but he still did the ceremony because it would make his mother happy. He also growled at the bishop when he puted a hand in his shoulder to start the jurament.
- Deep down he is still afraid of his certain destiny in hell (If hell existis he is going there). He tries to bring up the subject with Edward but gives up because Ed would think his though funny and just say that hell isn't a thing.
- Since Falcone was not only raised catholic but was still religous even though he was a criminal Oswald though a lot about asking to him about hell but never felt confortable enough.
- He sometimes absent mind prays in hungarian when stressed.
- Depending on how young he started working for Fish I can imagine he asking her to be his goodmother for the confirmation since he doesn't really know people. (I can't decided if she accepted it or not)
- He always lied in his confessions because he was afraid the priest would tell the things he said to his mother. Except once they went to a church founded trip with school and since the priest was of a different congregation he felt free to confess. The priest was deeply disturbed and took sabatical days to reflect on life after it.
- He still has Gertrude cross and bibble and Mary statues preserved in a room in the masion. He actually made the room one day when he had forgotten she was dead and decided she would be happy if he made a prayer room to show he didn't gave up on religion even tho they weren't going to mass together anymore. When he realized she was dead and he just spend a hour doing a shrine for a god he doesn't really belive he was devastated.
- He used to lie to his mother about being the perfect catholic boy. He went to mass to her (not regurlaly - a thing she complained about) during important celebrations and was very polite with the passive agressive chuch ladies asking about his lack of mariage and the rumors of his criminal activities. (He did ruin their lifes later).
- He is afraid of elevators and part of it is because his fear of hell. The idea of it is enough to make him afraid of anything that goes down quickly.
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kuyavancreations · 5 months
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Praise the LORD. Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in his commands. Psalms 112:1
அல்லேலூயா, கர்த்தருக்குப் பயந்து, அவருடைய கட்டளைகளில் மிகவும் பிரியமாயிருக்கிற மனுஷன் பாக்கியவான். சங்கீதம் 112 : 1
#communion #baptism #christening #holycommunion #firstcommunion #wedding #church #jesus #love #babyshower #birthday #firstholycommunion #communiondress #confirmation #prayer #christeningday #worship #holy #personalised #mariage #party #bible #handmade #cake #christeningcandle #catholic #faith #photography #bapteme #god
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aj521z · 4 years
Ya know what's funny? I wasn't raised in a religious household but embraced Catholicism all on my own at 13 and one year later all Catholics in my country were on the street to scream about gay mariage... Fun time 🙃🙃🙃 People in my parish like me just fine cause I'm all proper (genuinely, it's sad sometimes 😔) but I bet they wouldn't like me as much if they knew... I think some would have a problem with me and other wouldn't
There is 100% room to be both LGBT+ and be religious. Unfortunately, most religions do not see it that way theologically. But not all religious people are like that(: there are safe religious communities out there that are actually “come as you are” and don’t judge you. Pretty sure most religions the person is judged by a deity and not other humans, but what do I know. Right, Karen?
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ahistorylover18 · 4 years
Elizabeth 1
Mary Tudor :
King Edward VI died on July 6, 1553 at the age of 15. The letter he wrote before his death was recognized as an act of treason, according to the Law of Treason of 1547. In full violation of the Third Act of Succession, it excluded Mary and Elizabeth from the estate and designated as successor to the throne Jane Grey , granddaughter of Mary Tudor duchess of Suffolk, sister of Henry VIII. Jane Grey was proclaimed queen by the majority Protestant Privy Council, but her supporters weakened as the Lords joined Mary, the legitimate queen. She was overthrown after nine days. Mary triumphantly entered London on horseback with her half-sister Elizabeth by her side.
This testimony of solidarity between the two sisters did not last long. Mary Ire, a fervent Catholic ( of Spanish mother ), was determined to crush the Protestant faith in which Elizabeth had been educated and ordered that all her subjects attend Catholic Mass ; Elizabeth was forced to comply apparently. The initial popularity of Mary I erased in 1554 when she married Prince Philip II of Spain, Catholic and son of the emperor ( and king of Spain ) Charles V. The discontent quickly spread throughout the country and many turned to Elizabeth.
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In January and February 1554, Thomas Wyatt led a revolt against the religious policies of the intransigent Mary I but it was quickly crushed. Elizabeth was summoned to court to be questioned on her role; she vehemently declared that she was innocent but was imprisoned on March 18 at the Tower of London. Although it is unlikely that she plotted with the rebels, it is known that some of them had approached her. Charles V's ambassador, Mary I’s closest adviser, Simon Renard, stated that her throne would never be secure as long as Elizabeth was alive, and Lord Chancellor Etienne Gardiner worked to organize her trial. Elizabeth's supporters in government, including William Paget, nevertheless convinced the Queen to spare her half-sister in the absence of solid evidence against her. On May 22, Elizabeth left the Tower of London prison and was taken to Woodstock Palace where she spent almost a year under house arrest under the supervision of Henry Bedingfeld. Crowds cheered her all the way. Released in 1555, Elisabeth won Hatfield Palace, her new guarded residence under the responsibility of Sir Thomas Pope until the end of Mary's reign.
On April 17, 1555, Elizabeth was called to court to attend the final stages of Mary's apparent pregnancy, but when it became clear that she was not pregnant, no one believed that she could have a child. King Philippe, son of Charles V, who ascended the Spanish throne in 1556, recognized the new political reality and approached his sister-in-law. Queen Mary of Scots, cousin of Elizabeth, could also claim the crown of England. Now she was engaged to the Dauphin of France with whom Spain was at war; Elizabeth therefore represented a preferable alternative. When his wife fell ill in 1558, King Philippe sent the Duke of Feria to consult Elizabeth. In October, Elizabeth was already preparing her government, and, on November 6, was recognized as her heiress by Mary 1. The latter died on November 17, 1558, and Elizabeth ascended the throne.
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During the triumphal procession in London on January 14, 1559, Elizabeth was cheered by the crowd, and her open and cheerful attitude excited the spectators. The next day, she was crowned in Westminster Abbey.
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Religious reform :
The religious convictions of Elizabeth I have been the subject of many debates. She was Protestant but kept Catholic symbols like the crucifix and downplayed the importance of sermons despite their vital importance in the Protestant faith. Compared to her uncompromising Catholic half-sister Mary, she was rather tolerant. In general, she favored pragmatism for religious questions. Elizabeth I and her advisers feared a possible Catholic crusade against heretical England. The queen then sought a Protestant solution which would not irritate the Catholics too much while satisfying the wishes of the English Protestants. However, it no longer tolerated the radical Puritans who demanded far-reaching reforms. The Parliament then began in 1559 to legislate on a new Church based on the reforms of Edward VI but with many Catholic elements such as priestly vestments.
The new act of supremacy was adopted on May 8, 1559, and all the civil servants had to take an oath of loyalty to the monarch under penalty of losing their position; the laws of heresy were annulled to avoid a repetition of the persecutions practiced by Mary. A new Law of Uniformity was adopted at the same time to make church attendance and the use of the 1552 version of the book of common prayer compulsory; however, the penalties for recusants or failure to comply with the law were not excessive.
Mariage :
From the start of her reign, Elizabeth I was expected to marry, and the question was who. Despite the many requests, she never married, however, for reasons that remain unclear. Historians assume that Thomas Seymour discouraged her from having sex, or that she knew she was sterile. Some historians believe that the beheading of her mother and Katherine Howard disgusted young Elizabeth of marriage. She considered several contenders until the age of 50, and the last was Duke François d'Anjou, 22 years younger. Even if, like her sister who was manipulated by King Philip II of Spain, she risked losing her power, a marriage opened the possibility of an heir. The choice of a spouse could also cause political instability or even an insurrection.
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