#cathédrale saint-jean-baptiste
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onlandandonsea · 10 months ago
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Mural in Calvi, Corsica, France
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philoursmars · 1 year ago
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Fin Juillet, je suis allé faire mon tour habituel chez mon amie Christine à Pau (Béarn) .  On visite Aire-sur-l'Adour, à la limite des Landes. La Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste, à l'intérieur très coloré.
Et oui, c'est bien un hippocampe sur une des fresques !
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jeanfrancoisrey · 7 months ago
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La Cathédrale Saint Jean-Baptiste de la citadelle de Calvi…
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wgm-beautiful-world · 1 year ago
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La Cathédrale et la Fountaine Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, FRANCE
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your-dandy-king · 8 months ago
Something Old, Something New
Previously: The Prince and the Hunter (1, 2, 3, 4)
Here, in the domain of the King of Naples, except for one day of the year, the sun never sets. Except for one day of the year, the weather is reminiscent of the last days of spring, before the heat of summer rises.
Like time captured in a bottle, the domain of the King of Naples is the village of Cahors as he had known it in his youth, when he'd been sent there to attend school. There is the ancient bridge over the River Lot called the Pont Valentre where he and the young Bessières would spend long hours dangling fishing lines off of on those days they were free to roam. And the Cathédrale Saint-Etienne, already nearly a millennium old before either of them had been born. The town jail known as the Château de Roi, and the Église Saint-Barthélemy, and the old watermill, the Moulin St-James.
The Cahors of Murat's memory hugs the eastern side of the U-shaped bend of the River Lot. And if one takes time to watch, an observer may see the intrusions. For the Domain of Murat is but a layer, a separate dimension, if one will. It is the land of the dead, the past, and ghosts, separated by a porous boundary from the world of the living.
The land of the living intrudes upon the land of the dead. Like bright afterimages, the immaterial shapes of artifacts and people from the present Age of Man glimmer briefly and vanish. One of those self-propelled carriages called a car, or a moped, or perhaps a lost pair of tourists leave behind luminous impressions upon the land of the dead. Stop to stare through a glassmakers' shop window from Murat's time, and one might find it suddenly replaced by the large windows of a shop hawking mysterious and arcane artifacts from the Present Age. And then, just as quickly, the shop front will revert once more.
Some artifacts from the Present Age, and the ages before, will find their way into the domain of the King of Naples, slipping through the cracks in reality between worlds. People are as ever forgetful, and they forget where they leave their wallets, their passports, their keys, their precious jewelry. They forget them, they lose them, and these artifacts turn up in Murat's domain. The crypt beneath the Cathédrale Saint-Etienne is well-stocked and open to any of his fellow dead who might think they might have something there they may need or want.
So too locations and buildings that may not have been built during Murat's time as a living man also find their way into the land of the dead. Here is a central plaza, where the living hold festivals and gatherings. And at one end of the plaza is a tranquil fountain, where a bronze statue of Neptune presides over a natural spring. Squint, and you might see the living world, shimmering like mirages in the desert, two statues flanking the spring's entrance: a statue of Joachim Murat, and a statue of Jean-Baptiste Bessières.
( @rapports-de-combat, @le-fils)
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Mardi 19 décembre 2023
Par ce beau mardi ensoleillé, mais froid, nous avons pu explorer plus en détails le quartier français de la Nouvelle-Orléans, cœur historique de la ville. Le tout à commencé par les fameux beignets du Café du Monde, généreusement saupoudrés de sucre en poudre (nous en avions partout sur nos vêtements après les avoir mangés, et avons remarqué que nous pouvions suivre à la trace ceux et celles qui avaient fait de même uniquement par les traces de sucre laissées au sol dans les environs).
Nous avons ensuite visité Jackson Square et la Cathédrale Saint-Louis (photo 1). Nous avons arpenté les rues du quartier en admirant les innombrables maisons si caractéristiques de la ville, que ce soit par leurs couleurs vives, leurs influences tant françaises qu’espagnoles, et surtout leurs magnifiques balcons de fer forgé, que plusieurs ornent de plantes suspendues (photo 2, 3 et 4).
Après un lunch rapide à la Maison Napoléon (qui devait servir à héberger Napoléon Bonaparte suite à son hypothétique fuite de Sainte-Hélène) où nous avons eu droit au sandwich Muffaletta (spécialité de la Nouvelle-Orléans), nous avons fait un saut du côté du Louis Armonstrong Park (photo 5) où nous avons vu plusieurs monuments dédiés aux pionniers du jazz issus de la ville, dont celui illustrant les musiciens d’un second line (photo 6).
Plus au sud, nous avons également vu le monument représentant Jean-Baptiste le Moyne de Bienville (1680-1767), le fier montréalais ayant fondé la Nouvelle-Orléans en 1718 (photo 7).
En milieu d’après-midi, nous avons visité le Cimetière Saint-Louis no1 (photo 8), le plus ancien de la ville, où l’on peut notamment voir le monument contenant le corps de Marie Laveau (1801-1881), la reine du vaudou. Ici, toutes les sépultures sont laissées au-dessus du sol, comme dans les cimetières parisiens. On distingue immédiatement les monuments de ceux et celles ayant payé pour un entretien à perpétuité (peinture fraîche et monument en ordre) de ceux ne l’ayant pas fait (monument souvent en ruines).
En soirée, nous sommes allés au Spotted Cat, l’un des meilleurs club de jazz de la ville, sur Frenchmen street (fresque murale de l’immeuble, photo 9). Les musiciens nous ont offert une splendide performance, dont j’ai capté quelques moments (video en guise de photo 10). Nous avons terminé la journée par un excellent repas au resto GW Fin’s.
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gilblog-nomade · 2 years ago
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Malte avril 2023. La foule s'assemble dans la co-cathédrale Saint-Jean à La Valette devant La Décollation de saint Jean-Baptiste, un tableau du Caravage peint en 1608 à Malte.
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jeanaugustebrutails · 15 days ago
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Monument funéraire porte sud.
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Chapelle du Dévôt-Christ.
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Campo Santo.
Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste.
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tresorssacres · 23 days ago
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Le Christ assis montrant ses plaies.
Jacques de Faveran (actif à Narbonne dans la 1ère moitié du XIVe siècle).
1300 - 1320 Bois de peuplier, traces de polychromie.
Perpignan Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste
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andreiamatiasddb · 30 days ago
Projeto KERNEL³_Fête des Lumières Lyon 23_Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste
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O projeto KERNEL³ constitui uma proposta artística verdadeiramente inspiradora, não apenas pela sua abordagem inovadora, mas também pelo impacto estético, pela profundidade da mensagem que transmite e pela utilização de tecnologias de vanguarda. Esta obra destaca-se, de forma notável, como uma síntese da convergência entre Arte, tecnologia e património histórico, criando uma experiência sensorial única que ressoa com o público de diversas formas.
1. Temática
O tema central de KERNEL³ é a exploração das dimensões do tempo e do espaço, uma proposta que evoca questões filosóficas profundas sobre a nossa relação com o passado, o presente e o futuro. A escolha da Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste, um edifício histórico imponente e emblemático, como o cenário principal do espetáculo, reforça a ideia de um “testemunho do tempo”. A catedral, enquanto elemento arquitetónico e cultural, não só contribui para a narrativa, mas também se torna um ponto de reflexão sobre a continuidade e transformação da história. A fusão entre a arquitetura secular e as tecnologias contemporâneas abre um campo fértil para o questionamento da preservação cultural e da reinvenção de tradições artísticas num mundo digital.
2. Impacto Estético
Esteticamente, o espetáculo é uma proposta visual de grande magnitude, marcada pela harmonia entre as projeções de luz, o vídeo mapping e as imagens geradas por inteligência artificial (IA). A utilização de lasers como “condutores” da experiência visual, ao mesmo tempo que conferem uma profundidade de campo à composição, cria um impacto imersivo no espectador. Este jogo entre luz e sombra, entre a materialidade da catedral e a etérealidade da luz projetada, estabelece uma estética de contraste e integração, que não só atrai o olhar, mas também provoca a reflexão sobre a transitoriedade da imagem e da memória.
3. Mensagem
A mensagem transmitida por KERNEL³ vai além da mera experiência sensorial. A obra torna-se uma meditação sobre a natureza efémera do tempo, com o uso da luz como metáfora para a transitoriedade e a perenidade das coisas. Ao combinar um espaço secular com tecnologias futuristas, o espetáculo questiona as formas de comunicação e representação do tempo, criando uma tensão entre o que é tangível e o que é digital. Esta tensão está também presente na própria relação entre as projeções e o edifício histórico, sugerindo uma reflexão sobre a fragilidade da memória e da história, ao mesmo tempo que celebra o poder transformador da Arte na sua capacidade de recontextualizar e dar novos significados ao legado cultural.
KERNEL³ é um projeto que consegue unir de forma magistral várias camadas de significados, utilizando as mais recentes tecnologias para criar uma experiência artística de grande profundidade e impacto. A sua temática, que explora o tempo e o espaço, ganha um caráter filosófico e introspetivo, enquanto a utilização de lasers e IA desafia as convenções da arte tradicional, permitindo um diálogo entre o passado e o futuro. O espetáculo não só celebra a beleza da catedral como monumento, mas também revigora o seu significado através da interatividade da luz e da digitalização, tornando-se assim um exemplo paradigmático de como a Arte Contemporânea pode transformar espaços e histórias, oferecendo novas perspetivas sobre a realidade que habitamos.
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yes-bernie-stuff · 4 months ago
Marc 6:17-29
La décapitation de Jean-Baptiste
La Décollation de Saint Jean Baptiste,
Exécuté par Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610),
Huile sur toile
Exécuté en 1608,
© Co-cathédrale Saint-Jean, La Valette, Malte
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philoursmars · 1 year ago
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Fin Juillet, je suis allé faire mon tour habituel chez mon amie Christine à Pau (Béarn) .  On visite Aire-sur-l'Adour, à la limite des Landes. La Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste, à l'intérieur très coloré.
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tournures · 1 year ago
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Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Lyon, France
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antigonegone · 1 year ago
Sauts de puce (sans ailes) - Passage par la capitale européenne (Strasbourg) : arrêt dans l'église Saint Thomas
Orgue du facteur Silbermann en état de conservation proche de l’original sur lequel joua Mozart en 1778 Dans ce lieu de culte protestant Albert Schweitzer a créé un festival de musique dédié à Bach Le mausolée du Maréchal de Saxe par le sculpteur Jean-Baptiste Pigalle Façade de l’église protestante Saint Thomas dont les cloches sonnent 5 min avant celles de la cathédrale pour éviter le risque…
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your-dandy-king · 8 months ago
The letter is signed with the seal of the Duke of Istria. It is slightly burned at the edges, but is still very much readable in its elegant script.
To the Duke of Istria,
It is my hope that this letter will find you and your daughter in the best of health and spirits. Our conversation the other day, while unexpected, was truly delightful and I have found myself resolved to meet you again, as well as to meet your daughter and your family. While the absence of Monsieur Duroc and Monsieur Murat must truly be painful, I will pray for their safe return and for your reunion to be a joyous one.
I do write to you with the rather forward intention of inquiring if I may meet with you, perhaps in your domain or one of the domains of your family. I do apologise for the forwardness and abruptness of this request, as well as the imposition it would place upon you. Currently, I am being hosted by Marshal Lannes as I recuperate, and you know very well of his temperament and his suitability as a host.
More importantly, I am also asking not for myself, but on the behalf of one Eugène de Beauharnais. I have had the pleasure of reuniting with him, and he has currently joined me in the headquarters of Marshal Lannes. His reception here was not as warm as I had wished, and I am hoping that you would give him a more pleasant welcome than I was able to.
Pray, do let me know a day and hour that might be convenient for you and your household. Marshal Lannes has informed me that he has received a missive from you from Joachim's address; I am sending a copy of this to both that address as well as to Monsieur Duroc.
Awaiting your reply, I remain your most devoted and humble servant,
Jean-Baptiste Bessières, at @armagnac-army 's headquarters
To the Duke of Istria,
It pleases me to hear from you and that you are recuperating from your travels. I hope that your current living arrangements with Montebello are not an undue burden. If I may be so bold, I may have an alternative arrangement to propose to you, if you will meet me and Helene in the square in front of the Cathédrale Saint-Étienne in the King of Naples' realm.
It also pleases me greatly to hear that Eugene is now among us, and I look forward to speaking to him and hearing of what has happened since we last parted. I am, however, distressed to learn that Montebello has not been as welcoming to Eugene as expected. That is both unfortunate and curious. To that end, I may also be able to arrange alternate accommodations for him if he so desires.
Helene has not been informed of your presence as of this time. As her father, I find myself anticipating what her reaction shall be.
I remain your most devoted and humble servant,
M. J-B Bessières
Maréchal d'Empire (retr.)
(@rapports-de-combat, @le-fils)
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dana666bk · 2 years ago
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Ce n'est pas tous les jours que je suis sur le podium avec les championnes du monde de trail 🎉 Blandine Lhirondel 🥇et Marion Delespierre 🥈 Lyon Urban Trail 37 km D+1400m - 3ème femme / 43ème au scratch - 3.29,26 ☺️ Même si ce n'était pas facile pour moi avec tant d'escaliers, j'ai apprécié chaque minute de la course 😍 Super ambiance et organisation, merci @lyonurbantrail 😻 Bravo à mon coach Pierre Bonbonny avec sa belle 5ème place au scratch et à @machab1989 avec sa course de 14km 🏃‍♀️🌸 Merci @team_macsport et @macsport_hauteville01 pour le soutien ���� Et bien sûr merci @maxhjelmeset 😘 * It’s not every day that I’m on the podium with the trailrunning world champions 🎉 Blandine Lhirondel 🥇and Marion Delespierre 🥈 Lyon Urban Trail 37 km D+1400m - 3rd woman / 43th in general - 3.29,26 ☺️ Although it wasn’t easy for me with so many stairs, I enjoyed every minute of the race 😍 Great ambiance and organisation, thank you @lyonurbantrail 😻 Bravo to my coach Pierre Bonbonny with his beautiful 5th place and to @machab1989 with her 14km race 🔥 Thank you @team_macsport and @macsport_hauteville01 for the support 🫶 And of course thank you @maxhjelmeset 😘 (à Cathédrale saint Jean-Baptiste de Lyon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQRHf1MUgZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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