#catformers optimus prime
lothkittyyt · 1 year
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violetaquadelight · 3 months
After missing for weeks, Optimus Purrime suddenly appears outside a worried Ratchet's home (His owner) with two kittens named Rodimeow and Bumblemeow. What do y'all recon happened?
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theoceanoasis · 2 months
Soundrod Catformers? I wanna see Optimus' reaction to Soundwave being a good dad to the kittens he and Hot Rod had haha.
He sat on his kitchen table glaring at Soundwave. He loved Megatron but he hated his cat who'd somehow managed to get his own pregnant.
He didn't know what Hot Rod saw in him. He thought Soundwave would have used his poor little kitty once and then abandoned him afterwards. Because that was the kind of cat he was. Only to be surprised when he stuck around instead of being the dead beat father he thought he'd be.
He thought part of the reason Soundwave stuck around. Was so he could watch him all smug with his litter of kittens. He could already imagine him teaching his kittens to make his life miserable.
At the moment Soundwave was taking care of his kittens while Hot Rod slept. He looked tired which he deserved for getting his cat pregnant. He should be miserable.
It was well deserved. Megatron came over and noticed his staring contest with Soundwave.
"He's such a good father don't you think?"
"I think he's planning something. He's probably trying to create an army to take over the world or something. His kittens may look cute but soon they'll be tiny fluff balls of destruction."
Megatron side eyed him.
"I think you're exhausted. Soundwave isn't doing anything except being a father to his kittens. Which is sweet of him especially because a lot of father's will just leave and try to find someone else."
He shook his head.
"I know he's planning something and I'm on to him."
Megatron shook his head.
"Come on Optimus let's get you to bed."
"No! I need to stop his nefarious plans!"
"Come on Optimus he's just a cat. He's not planning anything."
Megatron took him away and Soundwave watched amused. Optimus was a fool in many ways but he was right about one thing he was planning something. Soon his kittens will join him in his attempts to defeat the stupid human and all his enemies.
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dragonskulls · 2 years
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ok but what if instead of being a bobots they were a kitty cats 🤯
ok so um. yeah. basically tfp warrior cats au of an au (im changing events too here fuck canon; as well as some characterizations). i'll designing the other characters too and maybe give bits of the story im giving it. giggles. Also i haven't read warriors in years i only got to half of the second arc lmao
but anyways this is still on early construction but what i have is that there was this massive as shit colony of cats living in a huge ass territory and idk there was something like the inequality in canon (i haven't read the Aligned books so im making this up on the fly) and yadda yadda war happens tons of cats leave even more die and the territories get ravaged, probably there was a wildfire that was the final nail on the coffin for the old territories (cybertron). The main story would take place in a run down abandoned city where resources are very scarce (which would be earth, also humans sorta disappear here lol) where the brightsparks (autobots) are hiding from the shatterclaws (decepticons) while looking for ways to restore the old territories as well as a stronger connection with Goldenspark (primus) and instead of tech maybe its like,,, starclan magic or something lmao. the humans are mini rats here and are in danger from the shatterclaws just like, killing them or something idk (also also the humans here are NOT up to scale they'd be a bit smaller compared to the drawings here). so some quick stuff:
-shriekingsky is starscream (i wouldve kept the original name but it wouldve ended up being Starstar) who's the traitorous deputy of the shatteredclaws
-shatteredstar is megatron. no one likes him. he made a pact with the devil (unicron for whom i have yet to come up with a name) in an attempt to use the dead souls in the dark forest as pawns for his faction or something and also to get the nine lives (but evil and fucked up)
-crimsonstrike is knockout. medic of the shatteredclaws and while being on their side isn't particularly loyal to shatteredstar. he and shriekingsky were the equivalent of highschool mean girls as apprentices bc i thought that would be funny
-brokenstone is breakdown. originally part of the brightsparks, but something something happened that made him not really trust them anymore, that plus probably crimsonstrike accidentally helping him out caused him to switch sides
-owlglare is ratchet. goofy ass eyebrows. really REALLY wants to restore the old territories, which causes some slight conflict with the others who also want to protect the city (bc of the mice as well as other rogue cats i dont know yet)
-sparkstar is optimus. god damn i struggled so bad with his design. you know him.
-bumblepaw is bumblebee i couldnt bring myself to change his name. he's a baby sparkstar found in the trash. like in canon he wants to get his warrior name back home so hes keeping the apprentice one for now
-the rats the humans. most of the population dont know about the cats and if they did they'd probably panic a whole lot. these had me looking up rat color morphs
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What if Sentinel prime just straight up turn into a little kitten one day just out of nowhere while on earth. How would the elite guard and Optimus's crew react to this.
Sentinel-Kitty retains his bot mind but has a hard time controlling his new cat instincts. One second he's screeching because he stepped in a puddle and now his fur is wet and the next he's chasing laser pointers. He straight up considered walking into traffic after he coughed up a hairball for the first time.
-Remember how Optimus laughed when Sentinel was just a head? Yeah, he's laughing his aft off, especially when Sentinel-Kitty makes the most unhappy expression his little cat face can manage. Still, once he's calmed down, he's going to do what he can to help turn Sentinel back to normal. Until then he'll try and take care of his former friend. Feed him, house him, all that jazz. Of course, Optimus' going to have some fun in the meantime as well. So many cat-puns, cutesy nicknames.
-Ratchet straight up sticks Sentinel-Kitty into a cat carrier the moment he starts acting up. Makes fun of Sentinel for now being one of the organics that he so despise and jokes that maybe this will serve as a life lesson. Hah! Fat chance, Sentinel will never learn. Part of Ratchet honestly wishes that Sentinel will stay a cat forever since he's way easier to handle this way. At least like this he can't say anything stupid.
-Bumblebee laughs and points of a long, long time. He bends over, slaps his knee, coughs due to how hard he's laughing. A lot of cat jokes, most of them absolutely trash. Keeps trying to poke Sentinel-Kitty, provoking him, only to earn some scratches and bites in retaliation. Quickly grows bored of pestering Sentinel-Kitty and moves on to more entertaining stuff.
-Now Bulkhead, while he can see the humor in the situation, is mainly kinda jealous of Sentinel-Kitty's whole situation. Being a cat looks like a lot of fun! Lazing around all day, laying in the sun, chasing birds and all that. Thinks Sentinel-Kitty is super cute and says that a lot, which makes Sentinel super mad. Tries to feed him cat food but accidentally gives him enough food to feed at least 20 cats.
-Prowl, like Bulkhead, is also jealous of Sentinel's sudden transformation. What an opportunity, to see the world from the point of view of a cat. How different would it be? What knowledge would he gain? Such an experience is wasted on someone like Sentinel. But at the same time, Prowl also finds the situation hilarious. That's some serious karma right there. Does not spend a lot of time with Sentinel-Kitty but whenever they cross paths he makes a snarky comment about his situation.
-While Ultra Magnus does not particularly like Sentinel, he does value him as a subordinate. Reversing Sentinel's sudden transformation is in the autobot's best interest. Until then, however, he is off duty. He is a liability like this and should be kept out of way least he get accidentally trampled.
-As much as he tries to keep it in, Jazz can't hide his amusement. A small smirk and a quiet snort of laughter escapes him. Makes a couple of jokes but honestly does his best to calm Sentinel down and assure him that this whole thing is only temporary. Sneaks pets from Sentinel-Kitty whenever he can.
-The jettwins, Jetfire and Jetstorm, are completely unhelpful. First, they laugh. Then, they make light of the situation. Similar to Bumblebee, they poke and prod at him, pull at his tail and pet him too harshly. They don't mean to be cruel, they just have no clue on how to take care of cats.
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
I think I found the embodiment of Cat!Megatron high off his aft on expired catnip but don't know who's the victim for this spectacle. Definitely not the victorious ceiling fan.
I do hear the horrified scream of 'MAXIPAD!' from the pincushion to this alien warlord turned cat.
There are two victims here.
Megatron's dignity because he crashed into the wall and Optimus/Cinnamon/Cinnabuns was laughing so hard that Prime fell off the couch and still wheezing for air.
And Kevin's safety because he has a talent of taking perfectly timed photos and videos, and Megatron will never forgive him.
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majachee · 2 years
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im giving middle school me food.
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snowcl · 1 year
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wolfasketch · 2 years
Catformers Part 1 - Team Prime
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koznerstripes · 1 year
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lothkittyyt · 1 year
Five Stages of Grief (or what if Bumblebee died)
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violetaquadelight · 2 months
The Kitty Jar
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Rodimeow has been sent into the kitty Jar for having no sense of privacy.
- Ratchet(+Drift)
We lost WIFI for 4 days...Pure torture.
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theoceanoasis · 3 months
The Catformers AU is so cute!! Can I ask for Hot Rod and Soundwave's first meeting? I wonder how Hot Rod charmed Soundwave so much.
"Are you sure about this?"
Optimus gave Megatron a worried look as he held Hot Rod in his arms, who was wiggling around trying to escape.
"Of course I'm sure it will be fine."
Megatron dismissed. Wanting to know his hot neighbor more and not worrying about his cat. Optimus carefully set Hot Rod down who ran around exploring.
Soundwave who'd been laying on a shelf looked down. Eyes narrowed when he saw an unfamiliar cat. Immediately he was mad and glared at Megatron for betraying him.
Hot Rod also noticing him gave him an excited look and began climbing the shelves to meet him.
He glared down at him and as soon as Hot Rod got close it was like a scene out of the lion king.
He scratched at him causing Hot Rod to loose his grip. As he begged him for help. He stared down at him and tried to push the cat off. When he was suddenly saved by Optimus who he realized was the cats owner. In that moment he swore vengeance upon the human for bringing his ugly cat into his home. He'd never like the stupid human and wanted him away from his own human who was making a mistake.
He was hoping after attacking Hot Rod the first time,.he'd learn his lesson and leave him alone. However only a few days later and he was back in his apartment.
He hissed and swiped at him. Wanting to attack him. The cat ran away and hid by the humans like a coward. He glared before going back to his favorite spot. Waiting for Hot Rod to come closer so he could finally end him.
The next time he saw the stupid cat it was because his owner was kidnapping him against his will and forcing him into the other humans apartment.
Now in another cats territory he needed to show dominance and make sure that cat knows his place. Of course he seemed oblivious to his attempts. Which wasn't surprising because he was dumb.
The cat tried offering him gifts which he either ignored, ate or tore up depending on his mood. He loved watching how the other cat would get sad. Which served him right for being in his presence.
He also wanted to punish the stupid human and pooped in his bed. He scratched his couch up and knocked things over trashing his apartment. Hot Rod tried to stop him and he used that opportunity to blame him.
The cat gave him a hurt look which he ignored. His tail flicking with amusement as he was punished.
He thought that was the end of it and that Megatron would have realized he was making a mistake, after coming to his dumpy apartment. Of course it seemed his human was also being an idiot and decided to come back. Forcing him to interact with Hot Rod who'd finally seemed to get the message that he hated him and wanted nothing to do with him.
He'd been laying in a sun spot minding his business when something horrible happened. All of a sudden a beast was awoken. He jumped looking around confused when he heard it roar.
Then it was suddenly coming towards him being controlled by that stupid human. He prepared to defend himself. But before it could attack much to his shock. Hot Rod jumped in front and began attacking the beast.
He joined him not wanting to be seen as weak and the two fought off the evil machine known as a vacuum.
When the beast had been defeated Hot Rod turned to him in excitement. He'd ignored him going back to his sun spot although he started watching him when he wasn't looking.
The two of them were around each other more often and even though he didn't interact with the other cat,.he was no longer hostile. Instead he was curious about the other cat. Maybe he'd misjudged him.
His human for some reason thought he should socialize with other cats which was horrible and he didn't want to do it. Despite his many complaints his human trapped him in a cage and took him somewhere unfamiliar.
He viciously attacked the cage. Shouting and trying to free himself. When he was finally released. He stepped out looking around at all the other cats running around. He immediately hated it and wanted to go home.
If anyone came near him he'd hiss, bite and, scratch them. Showing off his displeasure and hatred towards them all.
Looking around he noticed a familiar firey kitty who was socializing with some other cats. He huffed turning away because he didn't care. Hot Rod could do what he wanted.
Even though he said that he still found himself watching him. He tried to tell himself it was because he was curious and wanted to know more about the other cat.
He tensed when he noticed another cat flirting with him. Trying to get Hot Rod to mate with him even though he wasn't interested.
He found himself getting angry because Hot Rod was his. He jumped down from his perch and marched over. Getting into a fight with the other cat he easily won because he was superior. Hot Rod seemed shocked as he turned towards him looking smug.
"Thank you."
"Shut up."
He began grooming him. Wanting the other cats scent off of him and wanting everyone to know Hot Rod was his.
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blazingkaistars · 11 months
Reposting my old pieces
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My furry/animal designs for Earthspark <3
(I Haven't drawn all of them yet tho)
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phoenixisobsessed · 4 months
100 cat transformers checklist:
Just so we can keep track and I don't end up getting requests for the same things after having done them xD I think I should be able to edit the post and just gradually update when I post, so I shall do that.
(Original post about the catformers: here)
1: Deadlock (IDW)
2: Cyclonus (Armada)
3: Cosmos (Gen1)
4: Astrotrain (Cyberverse)
5: Riptide (Mtmte)
6: Nautica (IDW)
7: The Pet (IDW)
8: Optimus Prime (TFP)
9: Megatron (TFP)
11: Tailgate (Mtmte)
12: Starscream (IDW)
13 Bumblebee (Cyberverse)
14: Red Alert (Armada)
15: Skywarp (Gen1)
16: Arcee and Airachnid (TFP)
17: Sideswipe (Gen1)
18: Sixshot (Energon)
19: Kaon (IDW)
20: Roadbuster (IDW)
21: Prowl (IDW)
22: Downshift (Gen1)
23: Sunder and Froid (Mtmte)
24: Browning (Super God Masterforce)
25: Barricade (WFC)
26: Senator Shockwave (IDW)
27: Honk (IDW)
28: Rodimus (IDW)
29: Broadside (Dreamwave)
30: Optimus Prime and Megatron (Earthspark)
31: Breakdown (TFP)
32: Nightshade (Earthspark)
33: Swindle (IDW)
34: Hound (Gen1)
35: Starscream (Bayverse)
36: Wreck Gar (Animated)
37: Windblade and Superion (Combiner wars)
38: Smokescreen (TFP)
39: Shadow Striker (Cyberverse)
40: Soundwave (TFP)
41: Hotshot (Armada)
42: Minimus Ambus (Mtmte)
43: Scavenger (Armada)
44: Whirl (Mtmte)
45: Spinister (IDW)
46: Ravage and Soundwave (Gen1)
47: Waspinator (IDW)
48: Drift (Mtmte)
49: Slipstream (Cyberverse)
50: Quickshadow (Rescue bots)
51: Ratchet (Gen1)
52: Twitch (Earthspark)
53: Jazz (Bayverse)
54: Grimlock (IDW)
55: Starscream (Gen1)
56: Blurr (Animated)
57: Skywarp (My original design)
58: Blurr (Gen1)
59: Knock Out (TFP)
60: Ratchet (TFP)
61: Rodimus and Optimus Prime (Gen1)
62: Trepan and Overlord (Mtmte)
63: Misfire (IDW)
64: Thrash (Earthspark)
65: Brainstorm (IDW)
66: Jazz (Gen1)
67: Sideways (Cybertron)
68: Rung (Mtmte)
69: Optimus Prime (Animated)
70: Heatwave (Rescue bots)
71: Skyquake (TFP)
72: Mirage (RoTB)
73: Blueberry Rodimus (IDW)
74: Bluestreak (IDW)
75: Javelin (IDW)
76: Starscream (Armada)
77: Nickel (Mtmte)
78: Blades (Rescue bots)
79: Starscream and BB (BWII)
80: Pharma (IDW)
81: Swerve (IDW)
82: Rumble (Gen1)
83: Dead End (Cyberverse)
84: Spitfire (Earthspark)
85: Ultra Magnus (Mtmte)
86: Megatron (Gen1)
87: Bumblebee (Animated)
88: Bumblebee (Earthspark)
89: Fulcrum (IDW)
90: Roadbuster (Marvel)
91: Bluestreak (Gen1)
92: Tarn (Mtmte)
93: Cheetor (Cyberverse)
94: Lightbright (IDW)
95: Jetfire (Armada)
96: Metroplex (Fall of Cybertron)
97: Jawbreaker (Earthspark)
98: Starscream (Shattered glass)
99: Whirl (Cyberverse)
100: Starscream (TFP)
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primroseprime2019 · 1 year
The teens stared with wide eyes at the scene before them. “Umm… are you guys okay?” Raf asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
Optimus looked at him, his tail twitching.
“Yes, Rafael. We are fine,” he said. Ratchet hissed, his fur standing up.
“We are not fine! This is embarrassing!” He yowled. Demetrius, Natalia and Charlotte started laughing. It was hard to take them seriously when they were in that state.
“You’re all… cats,” Leslie said, blinking a few times before she rubbed her eyes. Arcee grumbled, her tail lashing sideways.
“How did this happen?” Gregory asked.
“We don’t know,” Firestar said, tilting her head. She paused for a moment before she licked her paw and wiped it across her face.
“Fire…,” Chromia grumbled and she glanced down, “why do I have a short tail?!”
“You’re a Japanese Bobtail!” Miko squealed and she picked Chromia up who squeaked in surprise. Leslie blinked a few times before she looked at Harry.
“Do you think it was because of Eris?” She asked.
“Most likely. But I’ll have to ask a few others if they can investigate,” he said and he looked at the Cats.
“For now… we gotta take care of this and help them,” he said.
Raf sat down and Bumblebee climbed into his lap.
“This feels so weird,” Jazz said, rolling onto his back and pawing at the air. Paige chuckled, “welcome to my world, Jazzy.”
“You’ve been in this situation?” Ultra Magnus asked, looking at her. “Bastet turned me into a cat,” she replied.
Smokescreen and Cliffjumper both snickered and Joanna crossed her arms.
“How are you going to fight the Cons like this?” She asked, looking at Optimus.
“Oh Primus, we’re gonna be a laughingstock!” Ratchet yowled, face-planting into the floor.
“Not unless they were in the same situation,” Ivan said and the Auto-Cats looked at him.
Gregory looked at Harry who looked at Optimus.
“Should we call them?” The Dosyria Transcendant asked the Prime.
“We may as well,” Optimus sighed. Charlotte transformed into her dragon form and she typed into the keyboard before she looked at the screen.
After a few minutes, Soundwave sent a message.
Charlotte’s eyebrows raised and she chuckled, “yep. They’re cats too.”
“We can’t reveal the location of their base though,” Jack said. “Who said anything about the location?” Demetrius asked before he snapped his fingers.
A shadowy void appeared under everyone and they fell through.
Only to go up and end up inside of a large room. “Is this a mansion?!” Leslie exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock.
“Technically, it’s a mansion Albert created,” Demetrius said with a smirk, “he made it a safe haven for Earthbound Transcendants who were homeless. People don’t really use it anymore.”
“It’s still clean?” Miko gasped. The Dolrion nodded, looking proud.
There was a yowl and the Auto-Cats whipped their heads up to see a large fluffy gray tabby glaring at them.
“Megatron?” Jack squeaked and Miko and Leslie started laughing.
Paige raised an eyebrow as Megatron hissed. A slender black cat padded up beside him and Charlotte recognized him as Soundwave.
“This is hilarious,” Prowl said with a smirk and Elita and Chromia giggled.
Megatron grumbled and he glared at Gregory, “was this your doing?!”
“First off, no,” the Irilia Transcendant huffed, “secondly, it was the work of either another Transcendant or the Goddess of Chaos, Eris.”
“How do we change back?” A silver and black tabby yowled and everyone knew it was Starscream.
“We’ll figure that out,” Harry said, “for now, let’s get ourselves settled in.”
Everyone nodded.
“But first,” Miko said with a smirk, “we gotta get collars.”
Upon hearing that, all hell broke loose.
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